
Are there vitamins in tangerines? Bright and tasty vitamin tangerines - why do children love the New Year so much? Is it harmful to eat tangerines at night?

Do you remember not so long ago when we received fragrant tangerines only in New Year's gifts, a few pieces at a time? Apparently, this is why the association has firmly taken hold: Christmas tree, citrus fruits, holiday. Today, there are no problems with the choice of overseas fruits on the market: with the beginning of autumn, stores are replete with aromatic sunny fruits. Today we will talk in more detail about tangerine: how it is good for health, what substances it contains, etc. Well, let's figure it out.

Varieties of sunny fruits

Composition of tangerines

The benefits of these sunny beauties are undeniable. The bright fruits contain a huge amount of vitamins and antioxidants and are a real storehouse of health. Mandarin is tasty and always welcome on our table. What are the benefits of this fruit? First of all complete absence nitrates Citric acid, which is part of it, neutralizes harmful compounds, being a natural “antidote”. By the way, not only the pulp is useful, but also the peel, as well as the white mesh. The peel is rich in essential oils, as well as organic acids and flavonoids.

And yet the most delicious is the pulp. What's especially nice is her beneficial properties completely preserved during transportation. The tangerine pulp consists of 87% water, another 7% is sugar (no wonder the fruit is so sweet), the rest is acids, pectin substances, mineral salts, glycosides, essential oils and vitamins. It contains a particularly large amount of ascorbic acid, which is typical for citrus fruits. Tangerines are rich in vitamins B, P, K, D. The juice of the sunny fruit contains minerals, calcium, magnesium and potassium. Now it’s clear how mandarin is beneficial for the body? That’s why you should try to eat as many of these fruits as possible during the season.

Tangerines and oranges

Surely you have seen confusion near the store counter when customers did not know what to choose. Let's try to figure out which is healthier: an orange or a tangerine. Children usually prefer small tangerines; they are easy to peel and sweeter. Adults more often choose large, sweet and sour and refreshing oranges. Let's look at the composition of both fruits. In terms of the content of B1, B2, B5, B9 and ascorbic acid, orange is the leader, and only in terms of the amount of B3 and B6 is mandarin ahead. There is more calcium and potassium in the former, and iron, calcium, sodium and magnesium in the latter. The energy value of tangerine is slightly higher. In general, as you can see, it is quite difficult to conclude which is healthier: an orange or a tangerine. The differences are not so radical. If you are on strict diet, it is better to choose a fruit with lower energy value; in other cases there is not much difference.

What are the benefits of tangerine for the body?

First of all, it is necessary to note the replenishment of vitamin reserves. Tangerines appear on the market in large quantities in the autumn-winter period, which means they are a necessary source of vitamin C and other microelements. For colds and viral diseases these fruits provide a good immune response. Like all other citruses, it has phytoncidal properties, which means it helps fight microbes. Decoctions from the peel relieve cough.

It is necessary to mention the anti-edematous property. In addition, tangerine has a beneficial effect on the bronchi, having a pronounced anti-mucus effect. It has not yet been officially proven, but doctors are inclined to believe that regular consumption of tangerines reduces the risk of heart disease and the formation of cholesterol plaques on the walls of blood vessels.

There is no doubt whether tangerines are healthy. Among other things, it is an excellent antidepressant. Not only the taste, but also the color, smell and association with the holiday can lift your spirits and cure the blues, so in the autumn, don’t forget to bring a piece of sunshine to the table.

Tangerine oil

Mandarin in folk medicine

Beneficial properties of tangerine and contraindications

Obviously, if the body is healthy, then the sunny fruit can bring nothing but benefits. However, this is a strong allergen, so you need to be careful if you are prone to such reactions. In addition, you need to use this fruit with caution or completely exclude it from your diet if you have inflammatory conditions. intestinal diseases, gastric ulcer and duodenum. It is also contraindicated for people suffering from gastritis with high acidity. If you have serious illnesses kidneys and liver, then you should greatly limit your intake of tangerines. And in case of nephritis, cholecystitis, pancreatitis, you should completely abandon them.

This point applies mostly to women who want to lose weight. Tangerine contains a lot of sugar, so it can stop weight loss. Excessive consumption of them is undesirable for people suffering from diabetes. Let's say that you are an absolutely healthy person, and all of the above does not concern you. This is great, but still don’t rush to eat all the purchased vitamins at once. There is such a thing as hypervitaminosis, that is, an overdose of a certain vitamin. Most often, this happens when taking synthetic complexes, because it is very difficult to overeat tangerines, but we must warn you. And finally, it is not advisable to eat tangerine seeds. The beneficial properties of the fruit do not apply to them; in addition, although in small quantities, they contain hydrocyanic acid.

How to select and store tangerines

Tangerines. Calorie content, beneficial properties. Can tangerines make you fat?

Mandarin is the brightest representative of the citrus family. As you know, the birthplace of this fruit is India, but the name comes from Chinese. In China, mandarins were the name given to rich and noble people who could get the best of everything. As the legend says, it was the tangerine that was one of the healthy, delicious, but inaccessible to everyone fruits.

Currently, there is no shortage of these fruits. Tangerines grow in the southern regions of China, Japan, Brazil, Greece, Morocco, Turkey, Italy, Algeria, Abkhazia, Azerbaijan, Georgia and other Central Asian republics. However, tangerines from Turkey are in great demand. The small, orange, sweet and flavorful fruit becomes the most popular item in grocery stores as winter approaches. But the best are tangerines from Abkhazia, as they are the most tender and sweet.

For Russian people, tangerine is, first of all, a symbol of the New Year, because it is during this period that orange fruits appear on store shelves. Eating tangerines in the winter season is not only pleasant and tasty, but also healthy. Tangerines contain many vitamins, acids, minerals, fiber, essential oils, etc. Mandarin is an excellent preventative against colds and flu. Many girls love tangerines. Their calorie content directly depends on the sugar level. Tangerines, which have about 30 calories, are usually sour. On average, tangerines, whose calorie content is from 30 to 40, contain 1.8 fats and 7.5 carbohydrates per 100 g. It is simply stupid to discuss how tangerines, whose calorie content does not exceed 45 kcal per 100 g, are harmful to the figure, because in this fruit there are many vitamins and useful to the body acids And if you still doubt when buying tangerines whether they are high in calories, we assure you that they are not! If you are seriously afraid of gaining weight, this does not depend on the kcal of tangerine. Look at the sugar and fructose content, the content of which, compared to an apple, for example, is significantly higher.

Tangerines retain their beneficial properties for a long time. Also, a huge advantage of the fruit is that nitrates do not accumulate in it, since tangerines contain citric acid, which destroys them. Absolutely everything in a tangerine is beneficial, from the skin to the seeds. The oil of this fruit is actively used in cosmetology and medicine, the perfume industry and cooking.

Unfortunately, tangerines are not as ideal as they may seem at first glance. The fruits are classified as highly allergenic citrus fruits. Even if a person has never had a allergic reaction, it can occur from overeating these fruits. People with increased allergic sensitivity often should not even touch tangerine fruits. In order for a child to develop immunity to this product from childhood, it is necessary to give the baby a drop of tangerine juice from childhood.

Tangerine essential oil is especially valued. It is produced industrially without adding impurities and chemicals. Tangerine peel oil calms the body, relieves fatigue and tension. Oils also have a positive effect on the digestive and circulatory system, improve liver function, fight excess weight, ridding the body of waste toxins. In cosmetology, oils are used in procedures for getting rid of cellulite and in aromatic baths. In medicine, mandarin essential oils are used for inhalation. In cooking, oils are necessary for baking, also as a sauce or dressing for salads and meat products. Some housewives have a special love for bittersweet tangerine jam.

Wherever tangerines are used, they serve a very useful function. The complex of vitamins that our body is enriched with when consuming these fruits is necessary for everyone during the period of winter and spring vitamin deficiency.

Vitamins in tangerines: list, beneficial properties, nutritional value and contraindications

It is difficult to overestimate the benefits of such a product as tangerine. Sweet fruits are given good mood and good spirits. Thanks to breeding experiments, humanity can taste tangerines with different flavors. Are these fruits good for the body? What vitamins are contained in tangerine? This is exactly what will be discussed in the article.

Vitamin bomb

Nutritional value

Useful properties

Women's secrets

Types of tangerines

Tangerines for weight loss

Mandarin is the sweetest of all citrus fruits and a favorite fruit of many, which contains high level vitamins and fructose. It is not surprising that many girls who watch their figure are interested in the question of whether it is possible to eat tangerines on a diet. You can definitely answer that you can eat tangerines while on a diet, the main thing is to know a few rules and strictly follow them.

Aspects of the Tangerine Diet

Tangerines for weight loss only work in combination with physical exercise. After fitness classes, Pilates or yoga, muscles recover better if the body has plenty of carotene and vitamin C, which tangerines are rich in. Therefore, after an active workout, you can treat yourself to these fruits.

When losing weight, it is not enough to eat tangerines alone. Due to their high glycemic index, tangerines are broken down very quickly in the body, and therefore can cause hunger pangs. Therefore, the tangerine diet should be diluted with protein foods such as:

  • lean meat;
  • low-fat varieties of fish;
  • fermented milk products - kefir and cottage cheese.

When losing weight, tangerines are useful only if they are not abused. A kilogram of tangerine eaten in a day can only cause allergies, but not rapid fat burning. While on a diet, you can eat 400–500 g of tangerine per day, then the effect will be positive.

Be sure to make proper diet nutrition: tangerines will not give any results in a diet if you only eat them and proteins. More precisely, a couple extra pounds, of course, it will be possible to reset, but only for a short period of time. The thing is that the seven-day tangerine does not saturate the body with salt, as a result of which swelling decreases, and with it a couple of extra pounds go away. The effect lasts no more than 15 days.

With all the benefits of tangerines for weight loss, it is a mistake to consider them such a fat-burning product that you eat white bread, canned food, food concentrates and expect that this will not affect your figure in any way. The issue needs to be taken seriously diet, only then tangerines will help you achieve results.

Another important advantage of eating tangerines on a diet is their sweet taste. Now lovers of sweets and flour can replace unhealthy candies and cookies with a few slices healthy tangerine. A charge of sweetness and positivity without harm to the body is guaranteed!

Despite all the advantages of the tangerine diet, remember: if you have diabetes mellitus, pre-diabetic condition or allergy to citrus fruits, do not test your body for resistance, it is better to immediately stop eating these fruits.

Tangerines are already a kind of symbol of the approaching New Year. Like all citrus fruits, tangerines contain vitamins, including vitamin C. However, it is worth remembering that it also contains many others, no less useful substances, which the body really needs not only in winter.

A little about tangerines

China is considered to be the homeland of tangerines. They are low trees with bright orange fruits. Now they can be found in many regions with mild climates. Many varieties have also been bred, there are tangerines with and without seeds, with thin or thick skin, as well as special frost-resistant varieties.

One of the most common varieties is clementines. They are small and have thin skin. In addition to the fact that their taste is sweet, they last the longest, at least a month. It is also worth noting that tangerines can be selected by weight. If the fruit is heavy, then most likely it is sweet.

Vitamin C: why is it needed?

It’s worth starting with vitamin C, which is so often remembered when consuming citrus fruits. So, why is it needed and why is it drunk for a cold or flu? Its second name is ascorbic acid. It was these tablets with a pleasant sour taste that everyone loved so much in childhood. It is noteworthy that this vitamin does not accumulate in the body, that is, it must be consumed regularly, and not occasionally.

It’s worth noting right away that there is no evidence that this vitamin cures colds. However, it reduces its symptoms, that is, it helps get rid of nasal congestion, relieves muscle and headache. This alone is worth buying tangerines.

Those who care about their skin should also pay attention to ascorbic acid. Ascorbic acid has a rejuvenating effect, prevents early development wrinkles Another plus is the beneficial effect on blood vessels. Therefore, it is recommended to drink it for those who have so-called spider veins.

Also, those who have heart problems should pay attention to this vitamin. For this important muscle, ascorbic acid is also very important. It stimulates the proper functioning of the heart, prevents the formation of blood clots, and strengthens the walls of blood vessels.

What are the consequences of a lack of vitamin C?

The vitamins in tangerines help the body, there is no doubt about it. However, what threatens, for example, a lack of ascorbic acid? First of all, it is a feeling of fatigue, rapid fatigue. Many people blame their condition on weather conditions, but this is most often the expression of vitamin C deficiency.

Rapid appearance of bruises on the body. If a slight contact with some surface causes a bruise or it is clear that a capillary has burst, then this is a sign that the body does not have enough vitamin C. Therefore, you need to urgently go to the pharmacy or eat citrus fruits. The vitamins in tangerines, for example, help combat this problem. But that's not all.

How much vitamin C is in tangerines?

It is generally accepted that acidic vegetables and fruits contain ascorbic acid. That is, according to this logic, a lemon should contain the most of it. But this is not entirely true. For example, rosehip is the record holder for the content of this vitamin, but it does not have a pronounced sour taste.

So you shouldn’t choose tangerines according to the principle: the more sour, the better. How many mg of vitamin C are in tangerines? There are about 38 mg of this substance per hundred grams of fruit. This is a pretty good amount.

Vitamin A. Tangerines and beauty

The vitamins contained in tangerines are very useful for women. Take vitamin A, for example. Everyone knows that it helps preserve vision. However, not everyone knows that it is very good at helping to rejuvenate the skin. Its regular use allows you to get rid of small wrinkles and avoid the appearance of new ones. If sebaceous secretions form on the skin or, on the contrary, it peels off, then this is a sign of a lack of this vitamin. The fact is that retinol, as this element is also called, accelerates the process of skin cell renewal. And the faster this process occurs, the better and younger the skin looks.

It is also interesting that among lemon, orange and tangerine, the latter wins in terms of the content of this vitamin. This can be understood by its bright orange color. Therefore, the vitamins in tangerines are useful for those who take care of themselves.

Helpers for the female body

It is worth noting that tangerines should be present in the diet of girls. What vitamins in tangerines indicate this? Vitamins B and K. The former have a beneficial effect on the nervous system. However, not everyone knows that they also affect hair growth and nail strength. Also, without this group of vitamins it is difficult to imagine the proper functioning of the female genital organs. Often shot down monthly cycle is associated with a lack of precisely these elements. It is noteworthy that regularly consumed vitamins of this group help relieve anxiety, get rid of the notorious PMS, and also maintain health.

As for vitamin K, it is also associated with the monthly cycle. Many people know that when heavy bleeding It is worth using a decoction of nettles, which also contains this substance. However, you can limit yourself to eating tangerines. It also helps blood clot faster, which is important when there are wounds.

Little sun

Reminds me of a tangerine little sun, probably by its shape and color. However, not everyone knows that the vitamins in tangerines also fit this comparison. We are talking about vitamin D. It accumulates in the body in the summer, under the influence sun rays. In winter, when daylight hours are short, the body uses old reserves.

What are the consequences of a lack of this element? First of all, this is detrimental to child's body, as it leads to bone deformation. Adults feel melancholy, weakness, cannot think calmly, and are distracted. Therefore, it is worth leaning on tangerines in winter.

Delicious salad with tangerines

Sometimes just eating this fruit is boring. Therefore, experiments have to be carried out. The result can be a simple fruit and vegetable salad. It requires several tangerines, one green apple, a sprig of mint, and a little white cabbage.

The apple and cabbage are chopped, preferably finely, the tangerine is disassembled into slices. You can cut them into two parts. You can dress this salad with plain yogurt. Mint should be used to decorate the finished dish. It is better to serve the salad in portions, immediately after preparation.

Who shouldn't eat tangerines?

It should be remembered that, like most products, tangerines also have contraindications. It is worth considering that this is a strong allergen, so you need to limit their use by children.

Tangerines also have an unfavorable effect on the stomach, especially if there are already problems with it. Therefore, people with gastritis or, especially, ulcers should not eat tangerines. It is also worth avoiding them for those who have problems with the intestinal tract.

Tangerines are a source of many vitamins. Vitamin C, which is known to many, must be regularly supplied to the body, so you should pay attention to these beautiful and tasty fruits. Also, do not forget about the large number of other beneficial substances that can be found in them. Thus, a considerable amount of retinol helps restore vision and also take care of the beauty of the skin. And B vitamins will be a salvation for those whose work involves stress. And vitamin D, which is so lacking in winter, can also be obtained from these citrus fruits. So tangerines are a source of benefits for the whole body.

Kira Stoletova

Mandarin is a citrus with an orange peel and sweet pulp inside. It is most popular among consumers. The minerals and vitamins in tangerines have a beneficial effect on the body, so this fruit helps get rid of many ailments and prevent their development.

What does the pulp consist of?

Tangerines contain B vitamins (B1, B2, B3, B6). Citrus is also rich in vitamins A and E. Thanks high content Vitamin C in tangerine increases its antiviral and immunomodulatory properties. In terms of the content of this vitamin, tangerine is a record holder.

Not only vitamins are included in tangerine, but also minerals that are beneficial for the body. Of the microelements in 100 g of pulp are:

  • calcium - 35 mg;
  • magnesium - 11 mg;
  • sodium1 - 12 mg;
  • phosphorus - 17 mg;
  • potassium - 155 mg;
  • iron - 23 mg.

Nutritional value

A low-calorie product (38 kcal per 100 g of pulp) can be consumed during a diet, and the amount of consumption has no restrictions, provided there is no allergy to citrus fruits.

One peeled fruit contains from 12 to 38 kcal. Per 100 g of product there are 88 g of water, 1.9 g dietary fiber.

Chemical content:

  • proteins - 11.4%;
  • carbohydrates - 80.4%;
  • fats - 8.3%.

The glycemic index of citrus is 49 units.

Useful properties

Mandarin contains: organic acids, irritating to the gastrointestinal mucosa. This is the reason why this fruit should not be eaten if:

The vitamins in tangerine especially help during pregnancy and breastfeeding. But citrus fruits should be consumed with extreme caution if you are allergic to this product. The fruits should be eaten in small portions, monitoring the body’s reaction.

Use for weight loss

Due to the high content of fiber and dietary fiber in the pulp, tangerines are suitable for those losing weight. When consumed regularly, these substances release the body of toxic substances, which affects weight loss. The vitamins in tangerines help those losing weight compensate for the lack of nutrients.

This product is consumed both processed and fresh.

Useful properties of the peel

Healing properties are inherent not only in the pulp, but also in the citrus peel. IN folk medicine Alcohol tincture is very popular. This homemade preparation helps get rid of many diseases of the upper respiratory tract. Also alcohol tincture on the peel it is used as an antiemetic and antipyretic. It also helps with diarrhea.

It is useful to spread the skin on any surface - a windowsill or table. It emits a pleasant aroma and purifies the air from viruses and bacteria.

By inhaling the healing aroma of the peel, a person with bronchial problems will recover faster.

For indigestion

For indigestion, brew tea from dried pieces of zest. Place 1 tsp per glass of boiling water. raw materials. This drink disinfects the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines and normalizes the digestion process. Anyone who wants to lose weight should drink the same drink. Citrus tea is drunk without sugar.

For bloating, flatulence and dysbacteriosis, add powdered raw materials (1 tsp each) to kefir or yogurt.

When coughing

Infusion of dried pieces of tangerine peel helps to get rid of a wet cough and sore throat.

For a dry cough, it is recommended to use an alcohol tincture on the peel. For 200 ml of vodka, 30 g of crushed dried raw materials are required. A week after the tincture is soaked in a dark place, it is filtered and drunk 15 drops diluted with water three times a day before meals.

For a cold

Inhalations based on citrus peels help well. Pour the dried and crushed peel into a container with a narrow neck, pour boiling water over it, and wait until the water cools to a temperature of 40°C-45°C. Then they breathe over it for 15-20 minutes. Inhalations are carried out 2 times a day, morning and evening.


Vitamins in tangerines bring great benefit to our body. They saturate with energy, increase immunity and help fight many diseases. Therefore, you should include them in your daily diet nutrition.

Mandarin is a must-have and beloved New Year's fruit for millions of people in our country. In China, the homeland of this wonderful fruit, it is considered a symbol of wealth and success, and in Japan - happiness, family and longevity. However beautiful appearance, bewitching smell and wonderful taste are not the only advantages of tangerines: thanks to their composition, they are also wonderful remedy from many diseases.

There are several versions of the origin modern name mandarin. It is known that in the Indian Ocean there was an island called Mandarin, now Mauritius. It is believed that it was from the name of the island on which these fruits grew that its name came. According to another version, the highest dignitaries in feudal China were called mandarins. Perhaps Europeans, appreciating the excellent taste of tangerines, transferred the name of the class to the citrus fruit, thereby elevating it above other fruits.

Composition of mandarin

Mandarins contain many vitamins and nutrients. In terms of vitamin C content, they are almost on par with an orange. They also contain a lot of B vitamins. The fruit pulp is rich in minerals, organic acids and phytoncides. The peel contains medicinal tangerine oil, consisting of a mixture of esters and other odorous substances that give tangerines an incomparable aroma.

100 g of tangerine pulp contains the following substances:


Vitamin B9

Vitamin PP 0.376 mg 2.5%
Vitamin B5 0.216 mg 4%
Vitamin B6 0.078 mg 6%
Vitamin B2 0.036 mg 3%
Vitamin B1 0.058 mg 5%
Vitamin C 26.7 mg 44%
Vitamin A 681 mcg 23%
Vitamin E 0.20 mg 1%
Vitamin K 0 mcg 0%

11 beneficial properties of tangerine

  1. Healthy nervous system

    Several components that make up tangerine pulp, such as potassium, folic acid, as well as various antioxidants What are antioxidants and what are their beneficial properties for the body? Content of antioxidants in food products. Should you take antioxidants? pharmaceutical drugs? are known to provide normal work nervous system. Folic acid reduces the risks of Alzheimer's disease and cognitive impairment. The function of potassium is to increase blood flow to the brain and thereby improve the concentration and activity of neurons. Tangerines are also excellent antidepressants, energizing the body and relieving fatigue and anxiety.

  2. Tangerines are a good source of B vitamins, including folic acid, which is involved in the formation of the neural tube and red blood cells in the unborn baby. Folic acid deficiency in pregnant women can lead to low birth weight newborns, as well as the development of neural tube defects in newborns. Tangerines and infusion from tangerine peels also help reduce toxicosis in pregnant women.

  3. Healthy heart and blood vessels

    Tangerines are rich in potassium and low in sodium. This ratio helps blood vessels relax and maintains normal blood pressure. Dietary fiber, vitamins C and B6, and the mineral potassium help improve heart health in general, reducing the risks of developing diseases such as ischemia, hypertension, heart attack, stroke, atherosclerosis. Interestingly, the white film on tangerine slices contains greatest number glycosides beneficial for the heart and blood vessels.

  4. Boosting immunity

    Tangerines speed up metabolism, saturate the body with minerals and vitamins, especially so necessary in winter. Vitamin C, found in tangerines, is a powerful natural water-soluble antioxidant that helps the body develop resistance to infectious agents, viruses and bacteria, and also eliminates causing cancer free radicals. Therefore, tangerines and the juice from them have a general strengthening, antibacterial and antiviral effect. The phytoncidal activity of tangerine pulp and juice is so high that by consuming this fruit you can get rid of some skin diseases, having a fungal nature.

  5. Healthy skin and hair

    Moderate intake of vitamin C not only improves immune system, is also involved in the creation and maintenance of collagen, which is an important protein found in hair and skin. Vitamin B12 reduces hair loss, promotes hair growth and slows down the graying process. In addition, tangerines contain vitamin A, which increases sebum production and gives hair healthy shine and strength. It is also worth noting that tangerines have long been used in the treatment of skin diseases such as acne, acne, as well as cuts and wounds, since the vitamin A they contain promotes tissue repair.

  6. Healthy Digestion

    Tangerines are an excellent source of fiber. A daily intake of 38g and 25g of dietary fiber for men and women respectively will help prevent constipation and improve intestinal motility and digestion. Drinking tangerine juice will get rid of helminths.

  7. Healthy breathing

    Tangerines, due to the increased content of phenolic acid in their composition, which has decongestant and decongestant properties, are used in the treatment of asthma and bronchitis. A glass of tangerine juice taken daily will help clear the lungs of mucus. A decoction of dried tangerine peel will soften cough and have an expectorant effect.

  8. Women's health

    Tangerine juice, applied externally, will help in the fight against thrush. Tangerines will have a hemostatic effect in case of heavy menopausal bleeding.

  9. Healthy eyes

  10. Tangerine juice helps treat kidney stones and bladder, as well as cystitis.

  11. Prevention of cancer

    Due to the high concentration of substances exhibiting antioxidant properties, consumption of tangerine will be effective prevention education malignant tumors. And the symbiosis of vitamins B6 and B9 creates favorable conditions for faster absorption of useful nutrients and nutrients while maintaining their anti-cancer properties.

Contraindications to the use of tangerines

Tangerines do not have many contraindications, and there are no absolute prohibitions on their use at all. They should be included with caution in the diet of people suffering from the following diseases:

Do not forget that tangerine, as a citrus fruit, is quite allergenic, therefore, in order to avoid the development of allergies and diathesis in children, it is necessary to take into account the individual tolerance of the fruit.

Not everything that is offered on store shelves under the guise of a tangerine can be called such. In fact, only medium-sized fruits with a peel color ranging from yellow to light orange should be classified as tangerines. Everything else is just relatives of real tangerines.
Tangerines are a unique fruit that has many hybrids that are not inferior in taste to the prototype. Tangerine is a hybrid of mandarin and grapefruit and is a smaller fruit compared to an orange with an easy-to-peel skin. Tangora is a sweet, bright orange hybrid of tangerine and orange that has a flattened shape. Calamondin is a very small hybrid of mandarin and kumwat.
It is better not to eat tangerine seeds; they contain hydrocyanic acid, which is a toxic substance. In addition, they are tasteless and bitter, they have neither benefit nor taste.

Ripe, fragrant, juicy tangerines. What a pity that we remember about their existence only on New Year’s Eve and just as quickly forget until the next Christmas tree.

But in terms of its nutritional qualities and presence it is vitally important vitamins This citrus fruit is in no way inferior to, for example, oranges.

If you are not allergic to tangerines, but have a problem excess weight or acne, read below about the new discovery of scientists. Nobiletin is something!

  1. Fresh tangerines have high levels of vitamin A. According to the Ministry Agriculture USA, just one piece contains 572 international units (IU) of this vitamin. It is very important for healthy vision and protecting cells from premature aging.
  2. In case of iron deficiency, the American Dietetic Association advises combining tangerines with foods rich in this mineral. For example, a completely edible tandem is formed by tangerine slices and spinach leaves, which are especially generous with iron mineral compounds. The vitamin C in their citrus pulp helps with the absorption of many micronutrients, including this one. As a result, we get a good preventive dish against anemia.
  3. And during pregnancy, tangerines can become almost the main source of folic acid, the importance of which for development and birth healthy child difficult to overestimate. The main thing is that the woman is not allergic to citrus fruits in general and tangerines in particular.


Just 3-5 tangerines a day, and powerful protection against intestinal infections, indigestion and food poisoning guaranteed for you! Other beneficial properties of tangerines are based on the content of a unique substance - nobiletin.

Scientists have proven that fruits and vegetables with high concentrations of nobiletin are extremely beneficial for the heart. Nobiletin also has anti-inflammatory properties, including fighting inflammation caused by radiation. It has shown good results in the treatment of asthma in rats. Another interesting study conducted on hamsters suggested to the medical community that nobiletin inhibits sebum production by preventing rapid growth cells that form sebaceous glands. Increasing the proportion of tangerines in your diet will help with acne.

There is no such thing as iron deficiency

Tangerines are an excellent product to combat iron deficiency. Despite the fact that compared to an orange, these fruits contain significantly less iron - only 0.3 mg. However, the complex of fruit acids not only improves iron absorption, but also prevents the development of anemia. The last task falls entirely on the shoulders of ascorbic and folic acids.

For weight loss

Nutritionists are confident that this is one of the lowest-calorie foods on the entire globe. 100 g of pulp contains only 42 kcal, which is comparable to the calorie content of the dietary favorite - fresh cucumber. The vitamins and minerals in this fruit improve metabolism, remove excess fluid, and burn fats unnecessary for the body. The presence of pectins stimulates intestinal function. Plant polysaccharides found in the younger brother of the orange bind and successfully remove ions from the body heavy metals and radiation.

Doctors from Canada, more carefully than their colleagues, decided to study the effect on the body of these orange fruits, or rather a bioflavonoid under the pretentious name of nobiletin, which is responsible for the color of tangerines and other goodies. Nobiletin is a polyethoxylated flavonoid (PMF) found primarily in citrus fruits. It is especially abundant in the peel and pulp of sweet oranges, ordinary tangerines and clementines. Unfortunately, lemons and grapefruits contain very little nobiletin. Two other health-promoting citrus peel flavonoids with similar chemical structure are called tangeritine and sinensetin. Nobiletin prevents the deposition of fat in the liver, stimulates genetic mechanisms, aimed at burning fat and reducing its deposition.

The experiment was carried out on ordinary laboratory mice. The head of the research group, Murray Huff, spoke about the results to journalists: animals that received a daily dose of nobiletin did not suffer from obesity, but long-term use orange bioflavonoid simultaneously decreased the risk of developing atherosclerosis.

Tangerine peel for cancer

Scientists conducted an experiment at the Leicester College of Pharmacy, which proved the presence of a special anti-cancer compound in tangerine peel, called salvestrol Q40. It turns out that this substance reduces the risk of developing by 9% oncological diseases. Therefore, feel free to add tangerine zest to your diet, especially if we're talking about about baking or citrus jam.

Possible harm

Please note that rumors about the allergenicity of tangerines are greatly exaggerated. Shrimp and peanuts, as food allergy triggers, are much more dangerous in this sense. Although in some cases you should still refrain from eating sweet citrus slices.

  • Tangerines should not be given to children under 1.5 years of age, and if your baby is allergic, then up to 3 years of age. You should not indulge in these fruits during pregnancy. Most often, it is hybrid varieties that cause allergies (see below).
  • The consumption of tangerines should be limited to people suffering from high acidity. gastric juice, pancreatitis in acute stage, diabetes mellitus.
  • Some time ago, patients with biliary dyskinesia were prohibited from eating tangerines. cholelithiasis and cholecystitis. Until it was discovered that these citrus fruits, on the contrary, improve the flow of bile.


Considering the wide range of fruit stalls available today, you may well confuse real tangerines with a product of modern selection. In general, this red fruit was crossed with other fruits quite often. The most famous:

  • (orange and tangerine),
  • calamondin (and mandarin),
  • citrandarine (wild lemon and mandarin),
  • tangerine or mineola (grapefruit and mandarin),
  • (pomelo and tangerine).

In terms of shelf life, clementines are the most attractive (up to 1 month). Their creation is attributed to the French priest Clément around 1902.

The smallest in this group of tangerine derivatives are calamondins, the average diameter of which is only 4 cm. They taste like ordinary lemons, quite sour, but the color of the peel is much closer to oranges. If desired, a tree with calamondins can be grown at home.

Tangerines are especially popular with Americans, who cannot imagine celebrating Christmas without these citrus fruits with dark reddish zest and sweet and sour pulp.