
Cream ointments for the treatment of mastopathy. Which ointments are most effective for external treatment of breast mastopathy

It has long become the life partner of most women, which experts often associate with the lifestyle of modern women.

Many refuse to give birth and pursue a career, some refuse to breastfeed their baby in fear of spoiled breast shapes, and still others regularly resort to abortions, getting rid of unwanted children.

All these factors lead to the emergence pathological processes in the chest associated with proliferation of mammary glandular tissue. As a result, mastopathy develops.

Symptoms of the disease

Characteristic signs of pathology are the following symptoms:

  • Indense areas in the mammary gland. If such seals have relatively large sizes, then we can talk about the development of mastopathy processes of a cystic nature;
  • Painful symptoms in the chest of a periodic or constant nature. Typically, this symptom worsens on the eve of menstruation, however, after its onset, the pain syndrome decreases significantly. Considering that ladies differ in different ways pain threshold, not everyone experiences pain during the development of mastopathy. During the experiments, it was proven that about 15% of patients note the absence pain syndrome, but other characteristic symptoms they have it. Sometimes the pain spreads to the axillary areas where the lymph node structures are located;
  • Numerous nodular formations. During self-examination, women can clearly feel small multiple nodular formations in the mammary glandular tissues, which indicates the development of a nodular mastopathy process. Palpation determines the size and outline of the formations, however, an additional biopsy is necessary to clarify the diagnosis, because breast cancer also has similar signs;
  • Sometimes women experience discharge from the breasts that resembles colostrum. Usually such a secret is released in postpartum period, before the onset of lactation. The mammary glandular secretion can be released spontaneously or after pressing on the nipple. In any case, this symptom characterizes the development of the mastopathy process.

Most patients with any mastopathy form experience a decrease in the severity of symptoms upon the onset of menstruation. After the end of menstruation, symptoms gradually begin to intensify, reaching a peak in the period before the next menstruation.

Treatment methods for fibrocystic mastopathy

Such growths are most often manifested by the presence in the chest of fairly large, painless formations with clear boundaries.

The danger of such a mastopathy form is its tendency to malignancy, because focal mastopathy is a precancerous condition.

The basis of therapy is the normalization of hormonal status and the elimination of concomitant infectious and other pathologies. Application local drugs in a similar clinical case is characterized by low efficiency, so ointments focal mastopathy usually not used.

It is considered the most optimal surgical removal formations, and if malignant cells are detected, axillary lymph node structures are additionally removed.

Many women over the age of 30 experience mastopathy. The main reason for its appearance is hormonal imbalance in the body. As a complex therapy, the doctor prescribes drugs internal use, injections, as well as external means. Mastopathy cream is an essential component of complex treatment. It contains hormonal extracts or extracts medicinal herbs, which have anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties that relieve swelling and redness.

Additional medications for mastopathy in the form of a cream, ointment or gel help get rid of the problem locally. Thanks to external means, it is possible to reduce the dosage of tablets, thereby minimizing the impact on internal organs and speeding up treatment.

The principle of using the cream is quite simple. A small portion is applied to the chest area along with inflammation, avoiding the nipple area. While rubbing the drug, you can do a light massage, without excessive pressure on reddened areas. Correctly distribute the cream using stroking movements from bottom to top and from the center to the periphery. It is recommended to use the products twice a day, morning and evening. This therapy helps stop the growth of existing foci of inflammation and prevent the formation of new ones.

Breast cream for mastopathy has virtually no contraindications, with the exception of intolerance to individual components in the composition. Unlike tablets, external preparations act only on the area of ​​neoplasms without affecting internal organs and without changing hormonal levels. The doctor will recommend which cream to use, based on the results of tests and diagnostics.

How to choose the right breast cream for mastopathy

Most effective drugs those that contain the hormone progesterone. Their main task is to reduce the amount of estrogen. They correct a woman’s hormonal levels, promote the gradual resorption of fibroids, and reduce swelling.

The selection of a particular cream should only be performed by a mammologist after complex diagnostics patients. Self-medication may not only not lead to the desired results, but also aggravate the situation. The rules for choosing a cream include:

  • All medicines can only be purchased with full certification from pharmacies. Never buy drugs in markets, from friends or through illegal Internet sites. The effectiveness of treatment depends on the quality and originality of the cream;
  • Each medicine contains components that are suitable for one woman, but cause persistent intolerance in another. To avoid occurrence allergic reactions, strictly adhere to the doctor’s recommendations, do not buy mastopathy cream on your own, the name of which you heard from a neighbor or friend;
  • It is especially important not to self-medicate hormonal drugs. Such drugs have contraindications, for example, pregnancy and concomitant diseases.

Properly selected creams, together with internal medications, can have a positive effect on the results of treatment within a short time and prevent further spread of the inflammatory process.

Review of the most effective creams and ointments for mastopathy

As external remedies, doctors prescribe ointments and creams of two groups: hormonal and herbal. The use of the former allows you to reduce the amount of hormones taken in tablet form and speed up treatment without complications. Creams based on herbal extracts are safer for women, their effect is milder, and they have virtually no contraindications.

The drug is available in the form of a gel or ointment. It contains 1% of the hormone progesterone and natural ingredients that do not cause side effects. Main task“Progestogel” - restore disrupted hormonal levels, reduce the inflammatory process, which is caused by excess estrogen production. The drug also has a general strengthening effect on the body.

After application, the drug is quickly absorbed into the tissue, providing therapeutic effect. At the same time, its components do not penetrate into the blood, which makes the cream absolutely safe for patients of any age. Treatment with Progestogel mastopathy cream lasts on average 12-14 days. Every morning and before bedtime, the drug is applied to the breast area and rubbed into the skin with soft stroking movements.

Cream-wax Healthy from mastopathy

The cream is produced in Russia pharmaceutical company for the treatment of diffuse and nodular mastopathy. It is highly effective at all stages of the disease. “Zdorov” cream-wax for mastopathy includes only natural ingredients:

  • bee venom reduces pain;
  • beeswax is involved in tissue regeneration;
  • propolis nourishes the skin useful substances, has an antibacterial effect;
  • Olive oil generally has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin of the breast;
  • extract horse chestnut stimulates the growth of healthy cells;
  • Siberian cedar resin relieves swelling and promotes healing.

Cream-wax “Zdorov” for mastopathy can be used to treat or prevent breast disease. The cream reduces swelling and pain in the chest area, and eliminates cystic formations.

The drug stops the appearance of discharge from the nipples and improves the condition of the skin. Using the drug in a course helps restore the shape of the breast and tighten the skin. Because The cream contains beekeeping products; it has contraindications for use for women with allergies to these components. The use of “Zdorov” cream-wax against mastopathy during pregnancy and lactation is allowed. The drug is applied twice a day for 14-30 days.

Cream MastofitEvalar

The drug belongs to the group of non-hormonal drugs and is used in complex therapy of the disease. Cream for mastopathy Evalar is often prescribed for diffuse and nodular forms for normalization metabolic processes, reducing painful manifestations and preventing stagnation of fluid in tissues. The cream contains the following components:

  • broccoli concentrate is an antioxidant, oncoprotector and detoxifier;
  • Fucus extract saturates tissues with iodine, helps resolve cysts and prevents swelling of breast tissue;
  • Vitex fruit extract nourishes the body essential oils and iridoids;
  • pork, badger, mink fats;
  • glycerol.

Mastofit cream can be used not only for the treatment of mastopathy. It is prescribed for mastitis, and also as a prophylactic against engorgement of the mammary glands during PMS (premenstrual syndrome).

Apply the cream 1-2 times a day to the inflamed areas, lightly massaging until completely absorbed. Treatment time is up to 2 months. Do not use the drug during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Breast cream is used for nodular forms of the disease, pain and discharge. The cream contains only natural ingredients:

  • lanolin;
  • vitamin E;
  • red palm oil;
  • beeswax;
  • D-panthenol;
  • coltsfoot extract, string;
  • marsh cinquefoil extract.

Together, all these components have an excellent therapeutic effect. Regular use of the “Lekar” cream for mastopathy can reduce swelling, eliminate pain, and restore damaged breast tissue. The drug is also used to prevent skin aging, restore blood circulation, and prevent tissue disorders.

“Lekar” is applied 2-3 times a day for 2 weeks. If necessary, the duration of the course can be increased.


Non-hormonal multifunctional remedy for the treatment of various external and internal breast diseases. When using Apilak cream for mastopathy, the painful sensations, improving appearance mammary glands. Additionally stimulates cellular metabolism, improving tissue trophism.

It is worth using the cream carefully in the presence of tumors, because the royal jelly contained in the composition can stimulate their growth.

Apilak is also used for neurodermatitis, dryness and irritation of the skin. The cream for mastopathy is inexpensive but effective. The product copes well with swelling of the mammary glands during PMS time. The drug is applied at least 2 times a day. The duration of treatment is determined by the doctor. Contraindications include intolerance to bee products.

Mastopathy cream Fitol

The drug is made from environmentally friendly herbs. It acts on the problem in a complex way:

  • reduces inflammation;
  • stimulates tone;
  • relieves pain;
  • prevents the formation of new cysts.

The composition includes glycerin, beeswax, ferula, sophora, aconite. Apply mastopathy cream “Fitol” 2-3 times a day, apply thin layer on the chest. The course lasts from 1 to 3 months twice a year.

Doctors do not prescribe the ointment in the form in which it is found in pharmacies because of its direct purpose - removing purulent masses through skin. The drug is used only in combination with other components. Limitants according to Vishnevsky have positive reviews from women suffering from mastopathy of the mammary glands.

To treat the mammary gland, recipes are used that contain a certain amount of Vishnevsky ointment:

  1. Three parts of ointment are mixed with 7 parts fir oil and baby cream. The mixture is applied to a piece of gauze, applied to the inflamed area and wrapped with film. The dressing is changed 3-4 times a day;
  2. A cabbage leaf is smeared with Vishnevsky ointment and applied to the chest. Secure it with a plaster or wrap it with a bandage, and wrap it with film on top. Apply lotions 2-3 times a day.

It is contraindicated to use ointments for mastopathy during pregnancy and lactation.

Celandine ointment

In addition to pharmacy names, drugs prepared independently at home are widely used. They are no less effective in comparison with pharmaceutical creams, and the cost is inexpensive and accessible to everyone.

To prepare celandine ointment, take 1 kg of fresh plant during its flowering period. The raw materials are sorted, washed and passed through a meat grinder. The resulting composition is filtered through a double layer of gauze, and the resulting juice is mixed with melted butter or lard until a homogeneous mass is obtained. The celandine ointment is transferred to a clean glass jar and stored in a cool, dark place. It is better to prepare the drug in a small amount, which will be enough for several uses.

The composition is applied to the diseased area, covered with a film and fixed. You need to walk with the ointment for at least 3 hours, then wash it off warm water. Apply 2 per day.

You can prepare an ointment from dry celandine. For this, 1 tsp. chopped herbs mixed with 2 tbsp. l. ghee and heat in a water bath. After cooling, the composition is rubbed into the chest, covered with a gauze bandage and secured with a scarf or bandage. Walk like this for 4 hours, then wash off with warm water. The course of treatment lasts 12 days.

Propolis ointment

Propolis has long been famous for its anti-inflammatory and restorative properties. That's why best cream for mastopathy - this is prepared using this component. The drug can be purchased at pharmacies or prepared yourself.

  1. In a ratio of 1:2, mix crushed propolis and deodorized oil. The well-pounded mixture is heated in a water bath until completely dissolved. The resulting composition is stored in the refrigerator. Apply at night by rubbing into the inflamed area for 2 weeks.
  2. Honey 1 tbsp. l., propolis oil 1 tbsp. l., yolk of one egg. All ingredients are mixed until smooth. The product is applied to the mammary gland, which is wrapped in a warm scarf.
  3. Sea buckthorn oil and propolis are taken in equal parts. Mix and heat in a water bath for 30 minutes. The strained and cooled product is applied to the mammary gland 1-2 times a day.

It should be remembered that the best therapeutic result can only be achieved with an integrated approach.


The use of this or that drug for mastopathy requires careful study of the instructions. In addition to the fact that mastopathy creams contain substances prohibited for use during pregnancy and lactation, some components are contraindicated for liver and kidney pathologies. Also, you cannot use the funds if you have malignant tumors, inflammatory processes in the body, especially purulent ones. The selection of a complex for the treatment of mastopathy can only be carried out by an experienced doctor after collecting a complete medical history of the patient.

Treatment of mastopathy is a complex process that includes the use different groups medicines. In addition to tablets and tinctures, complex therapy actively uses topical agents - lotions, compresses, ointments and gels. One such medicine is the homeopathic gel Traumeel.

Composition of Traumeel ointment

Traumeel is available in the form of ointment for external use, tablets for oral administration and injections for intravenous administration. The gel is used to treat mastopathy. The medicine belongs to homeopathic remedies and is produced by one of the most respected pharmacological companies in this direction - the German brand Heel.

Among those included in Traumeel active ingredients Most of them are components of plant origin:

  • Arnica.
  • Comfrey.
  • Chamomile.
  • St. John's wort.
  • Daisy.
  • Yarrow.
  • Aconite.
  • Belladonna.

Among auxiliary components– mercury, soluble according to Hahnemann, and liver sulfur in homeopathic doses. These minerals have an immunostimulating effect and enhance the effect of plant components.

When the drug is taken orally, it has systemic action on the body. The gel is prescribed for a local effect and relieves symptoms in a specific area of ​​the body.

Indications for use of Traumeel

The homeopathic remedy Traumeel is used as an analgesic, anti-inflammatory and immunostimulating medicine. Main indications for using the gel:

  • Joint pain of various etiologies.
  • Soft tissue injuries, including sports injuries.
  • Edema.
  • Local inflammation caused by open injuries (the gel can be applied to damaged areas of the skin, but do so with caution).
  • Feeling of heaviness in the legs, especially after a strong physical activity or in the evening after an active day.
  • Inflammatory skin lesions of an allergic nature.
  • Diseases of the musculoskeletal system (osteochondrosis, bursitis, arthritis).

Traumeel's composition promotes rapid resorption of hematomas, accelerates regeneration processes and removes excess liquid. In addition, due to the analgesic effect, the gel helps relieve pain and discomfort. All these qualities allow the medicine to be used for complex treatment mastopathy. Moreover, according to reviews from women, the gel helps with inflammatory processes of the mammary glands (including lactostasis during breastfeeding), relieves breast swelling during PMS, removes mastalgia.

Directions for use

Gel Traumeel for mastopathy is prescribed as aid. In this case, the medicine is included in complex therapy fibrous and cystic mastopathy, is used for heavily grown large tumors and even at the precancerous stage. If the tumor process is determined to be malignant (mastopathy has turned into cancer), the use of the ointment must be discussed with an oncologist. Since Traumeel accelerates metabolic processes, its use at this stage can accelerate the growth of tumor tissue.

For other diseases of the mammary glands, Traumeel is used without restrictions. Doctors prescribe ointment for symptomatic treatment, its use alleviates the condition of patients with mastopathy:

  • Relieves heaviness and pain.
  • Reduces inflammation.
  • Removes the feeling of discomfort and the sensation of “stone chest”.
  • Before menstruation, relieves pain and swelling.

At fibrocystic mastopathy application of the gel promotes the resorption of small cysts and stops the process of proliferation of connective and glandular tissue.

Apply the gel in a thin layer and rub it in with massage movements over the entire breast, with the exception of the nipple area. For mastopathy, Traumeel is used 2 times a day - morning and evening, just before bed. If the pain is severe, the number of rubbing should be increased to 4-5 times a day. The duration of the course is determined by the attending physician; most often it is recommended to use the ointment for 2-3 weeks. After this, you need to take a break for 7-14 days and, if necessary, repeat the course. When treating mastopathy, Traumeel must be combined with other medications, including oral medications, and in case of advanced disease - hormonal medications. Other topical agents are not prescribed for this therapy.

If Traumeel is prescribed for periodic mastalgia, PMS or temporary swelling, then the gel can be used exclusively to relieve symptoms. In this case, systematic use of the medicine is not required.

The homeopathic remedy Traumeel is used during pregnancy and lactation. The use of tablets and injections for treatment should be discussed with a doctor, since these drugs have a systemic effect and reach the circulatory system. The gel is a topical product, so there are no prohibitions on its use by pregnant and lactating women.

Reviews of Traumeel ointment

Traumeel is a fairly popular remedy among women suffering from mastopathy and chest pain of other etiologies. According to reviews, the gel acts quite quickly - with pain and swelling caused by PMS, it alleviates the condition after the first use. If it is used for the treatment of mastopathy, the effect appears later.

Swelling and hardening disappear in 3-7 days, but pain due to the natural analgesics included in the composition is completely relieved after the 2-4th rubbing.

The manufacturer indicates the following possible side effects of using the gel:

  • Dermatitis.
  • Skin itching.
  • Redness.
  • Hives.

Such reactions may be caused by intolerance to one or more components included in the ointment. Therefore, before full use of Traumeel, it is recommended to apply a small amount of the product to back side wrist or elbow bend. If a negative reaction does not appear on the skin, the gel can be used to treat mastopathy.

According to reviews from those who use Traumeel, allergies occur extremely rarely. Moreover, the gel can be applied to damaged areas of the skin (it does not penetrate into the blood and does not cause local inflammation), and, if necessary, used in combination with other creams or compresses. The ointment is recommended as suitable remedy for phonophoresis - a physiotherapeutic procedure using medications to enhance the therapeutic effect.

The main analogue of Traumeel is Progestogel ointment.

Among Traumeel's analogues, Progestogel ointment is considered the main one. This hormonal medicine(contains 1% progesterone), which is not absorbed into the blood, but has local action. Progester is used as full treatment, because in addition to relieving symptoms, it also promotes rapid resorption of tumors, prevents their growth and the formation of new nodes. The ointment is especially effective for diffuse mastopathy, when many small nodules are found in the tissues of the mammary glands. In terms of the effectiveness of treating mastopathy, Progestogel is valued by doctors more than Traumeel. At the same time, the homeopathic remedy differs from its analogue in a number of advantages:

  • No contraindications, including the ability to use during pregnancy and lactation.
  • Inert, does not react with other drugs.
  • Rare side effects.
  • Composition based on plant components.

The choice of a suitable gel for the treatment of mastopathy should be discussed with a mammologist. The doctor will prescribe the appropriate drug for a specific case, taking into account individual characteristics women.

Is it possible to treat mastopathy of the mammary glands with ointments? This question interests women who have encountered an unpleasant disease and are now making every effort to get rid of it. It cannot be said that the ointment is the best remedy for mastopathy, but it increases the effectiveness of treatment very well. The disease must be dealt with both internally and externally. outside. Doctors prescribe hormonal drugs, vitamins, and products for external use. Which ones are the best? This can be determined by the reviews of women who used ointments or creams. Ichthyol, heparin, and homemade ointments promote faster recovery.

Treatment of mastopathy can only be effective if it is used combination therapy, that is different techniques, aimed at normalizing hormonal levels and relieving symptoms of the disease. What are ointments needed for? Products for external use increase the effectiveness of treatment, allowing you to significantly reduce the dosage of medications. The latter can cause various side effects and negatively affect the urinary organs.

One of the most effective ointments, judging by the reviews of women, is “Progestogel”.

By the way, it is this drug that is most often prescribed by doctors, like heparin ointment. The product contains progesterone (1%), castor oil. As a result of regular use of this ointment, the condition of the mammary glands improves significantly.

The action of the product is as follows:

  • relieves swelling;
  • quenches painful sensations;
  • prevents further growth of mammary gland tissue;
  • strengthens blood vessels, reduces the permeability of their walls.

The main advantage of this remedy over other hormonal drugs is that the ointment has only a local effect.

"Progestogel" is available in the form of an ointment or gel. Their action is approximately the same, the method of application is also the same. As reviews say, a small amount of product should be squeezed out of the tube, applied to the mammary gland and gently massage the breasts, moving from the center. "Progestogel" is much more effective than regular heparin ointment, but it is also more expensive.


This drug can be bought at a pharmacy without a prescription. It has a very limited list of contraindications and does not cause the development side effects, allergies or irritations. “Zdorov” ointment can be used by pregnant and lactating women to treat mastopathy.

This product is absolutely safe for the body, as it is made on the basis of plant components. It helps to quickly cope with the signs of the disease, relieve pain and inflammation. Women leave only positive reviews about this ointment and buy it much more often than heparin.

Before using the product, you should definitely consult your doctor. Only he determines the duration of the course of treatment, and the specialist is also obliged to constantly monitor the condition of the woman’s mammary glands. Using the ointment is very simple. You just need to apply a little product to your chest and massage. Analogue this drug is the advertised Mastofit cream.


Ointment "Doctor" - effective remedy for external use, which doctors recommend using for mastopathy. Positive Feedback Both doctors and ordinary women talk about this ointment. Unlike heparin ointment, this product has a richer natural composition.

Ointment "Lekar" contains the following components:

  • calendula flower extract;
  • palm oil (red);
  • natural wax;
  • panthenol;
  • extracts medicinal plants(sage, string);
  • vitamin E.

A non-hormonal remedy can be used for mastopathy in patients regardless of age and health status. The ointment helps cope with the manifestations of the disease and improves the condition of the mammary glands. In addition, the product has a rejuvenating effect, making the breast skin firmer and more elastic.

Women who have always used heparin ointment are switching to Lekar. The product can simply be applied to the skin of the chest and rubbed or massaged.

Homemade ointments

Not only pharmacy products, but also remedies prepared at home can be effective for mastopathy. Some patients make their own ointments based on herbal ingredients. If you choose the right components and proportions, you will get an effective remedy.

Good reviews about cabbage compresses, and their effectiveness can be increased if you first apply ointment to the mammary glands.

Recipe 1

Grind dry celandine herb into powder, pour into a glass container, add a little olive oil. You should get a thick mass that is applied to the chest at night. You need to put a napkin on top.

Recipe 2

Mix two parts of natural, thick honey and one part of finely grated beets, apply to the chest, and place a cabbage leaf on top.

Recipe 3

Grate propolis and mix it with soft butter, place the mixture in a clay vessel. Place a brick on the stove, a container with future ointment on top, cook over low heat for about three hours, stirring. Ready product strain, wait until it cools down. Apply ointment to the affected breast.

For mastopathy, home remedies can be used, heparin, ichthyol ointment, various creams and gels. To choose the most effective product, you should read patient reviews of a particular product.

Mastopathy is an unpleasant disease that occurs against the background of a sharp hormonal imbalance.

The disease must be treated comprehensively, correctly combining medications in the form of tablets and injections with external agents: ointments, creams, gels for the treatment of mastopathy.

They contain hormonal extracts or plant extracts that have analgesic, soothing, and anti-inflammatory properties.

Creams and ointments for mastopathy in women can be purchased at pharmacies or prepared with your own hands using effective recipes traditional medicine.

Rules for using ointments for mastopathy

The principle of applying external agents is simple. A small portion of the ointment is distributed over the skin of the breast; the drug is not applied to the nipple area.

Some drugs are absorbed quickly, others remain on the surface of the skin for some time.

You can combine the distribution of the cream with a light massage, eliminating compression and injury to the mammary gland.

Distribute the ointments with soft stroking movements from bottom to top and from the center to the periphery.

Nourishing homemade ointments based on propolis, honey, and vegetable juices are best applied at night.

The fast-absorbing gels can be used twice a day, morning and evening. In between applications, you need to thoroughly cleanse the skin, this will help avoid irritation.

Properly selected external products can:

  • remove pain and feeling of heaviness;
  • relieve swelling;
  • prevent further development existing tumors and prevent the formation of new ones;
  • supplement hormonal treatment, promoting the gradual resorption of cysts and fibroids.

For mastopathy, breast cream acts gently and has virtually no contraindications. The only problem Individual intolerance to one or another component may occur.

Due to their texture, the drugs penetrate deep into the skin, having a local effect on tumors and without changing hormonal levels.

Pharmacy products

How to smear the breasts with mastopathy? Let's take a closer look.

Among the most effective means– drugs based on hormones.

Their task is to reduce the amount of estrogen; progesterone is used as the active substance.

Ointments and gels gently correct the patient’s hormonal levels, promote the gradual resorption of tumors and relieve swelling. The ointments show especially good results for diffuse mastopathy with a large number of small nodules.

The active substance does not change the general hormonal background, acting only on the mammary gland area. For a single application, 2.5 g of gel is sufficient. Rub it in until completely absorbed 1-2 times a day. For convenient application, a spatula is included with the tube.

Gel for mammary glands for mastopathy, use for at least 14 days.

Connoisseurs of plant therapy will like it. The tool is based on palm oil and beeswax, the composition includes extracts of calendula, rosea flora, string and sage, as well as panthenol and an oil solution of vitamin E.

The ointment is suitable for the prevention of mastopathy and initial forms of the disease; it copes with minor swelling and alleviates discomfort.

Let's look at ointments and creams for mastopathy - names:

Home Remedies

You can make breast ointment for mastopathy at home:

External agents combine well with injections and tablets. For example, applying hormonal ointments often combined with a course of steroids. The drug acts locally, without entering the bloodstream and without disrupting hormonal levels.

At the same time, ointments and gels quickly bring relief, cooling the chest, reducing pain, and making you feel more comfortable.

Products combine well with similar active substances, which are applied externally and taken internally.

For example, taking 3 times a day diluted alcohol tincture propolis, complete the course with a massage with homemade ointment based on propolis and honey.

Industrial and homemade creams and gels can be alternated with compresses from burdock, beet, and cabbage juice.

An excellent addition to the course of treatment will be a restorative vitamin tea made from mint, valerian, chamomile, rose hips, hawthorn and sea buckthorn.

Should be included in the diet food additives with iodine, complexes with vitamins E, C, B and A.

External remedies are indispensable for relieving swelling, pain and heaviness that accompany mastopathy. The drugs are well included in any treatment regimen, have a minimum of contraindications, act quickly, and are suitable for treatment and prevention.

Before use, it is better to consult with your doctor, he will help you choose the most suitable option.

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