
What does hormonal ointment for the mammary glands mean. Creams, ointments and gels: we treat mastopathy in women with external means

Mastopathy is an unpleasant ailment that occurs against the background of a sharp hormonal imbalance.

It is necessary to treat the disease in a complex, correctly combining medications in the form of tablets and injections with external agents: ointments, creams, gels for the treatment of mastopathy.

They include hormonal extracts or plant extracts that have analgesic, soothing, anti-inflammatory properties.

Creams and ointments for mastopathy in women can be purchased at pharmacies or prepared with your own hands using effective recipes folk medicine.

Rules for the use of ointments for mastopathy

The principle of applying external agents is simple. A small portion of the ointment is distributed over the skin of the breast, the drug is not applied to the nipple area.

Some preparations are absorbed quickly, others remain on the surface of the skin for some time.

You can combine the distribution of the cream with a light massage, excluding squeezing and trauma to the mammary gland.

Spread the ointments with soft stroking movements from the bottom up and from the center to the periphery.

Nourishing homemade ointments based on propolis, honey, vegetable juices are best applied at night.

Fast absorbing gels can be used twice a day, morning and evening. In between applications, you need to thoroughly cleanse the skin, this will help to avoid irritation.

Properly selected external means can:

  • remove pain and a feeling of heaviness;
  • remove swelling;
  • prevent further development existing tumors and prevent the formation of new ones;
  • supplement hormonal treatment, contributing to the gradual resorption of cysts and fibroids.

With mastopathy, the breast cream acts gently and has practically no contraindications. The only problem there may be an individual intolerance to one or another component.

Due to their texture, the preparations penetrate deep into the skin, having a local effect on tumors and without changing hormonal background.

Pharmacy funds

How to smear the chest with mastopathy? Let's take a look in detail.

Among the most effective means- drugs based on hormones.

Their task is to reduce the amount of estrogen, progesterone is used as the active substance.

Ointments and gels gently correct the hormonal background of the patient, contribute to the gradual resorption of tumors and the removal of edema. Particularly good results of the ointment are shown with diffuse mastopathy with many small nodules.

The active substance does not change the overall hormonal background, acting only on the area of ​​​​the mammary gland. For a single application, 2.5 g of gel is sufficient. It is rubbed until completely absorbed 1-2 times a day. A spatula is included with the tube for easy application.

Gel for mammary glands with mastopathy, apply for at least 14 days.

Connoisseurs of herbal therapy will love it. The product is based on palm oil and beeswax, contains extracts of calendula, pink soflora, string and sage, as well as panthenol and vitamin E oil solution.

The ointment is suitable for the prevention of mastopathy and the initial forms of the disease, it copes with minor swelling and softens discomfort.

Consider ointments, creams for mastopathy - names:

home remedies

You can make at home an ointment for breasts with mastopathy:

External agents go well with injections and tablets. For example, the application of hormonal ointments is often combined with a course of steroids. The drug acts locally, without getting into the bloodstream and without disturbing the hormonal background.

At the same time, ointments and gels quickly bring relief, cooling the chest, reducing pain, allowing you to feel more comfortable.

Means are well combined with similar active substances that are applied externally and taken orally.

For example, taking 3 times a day diluted alcohol tincture propolis, complete the course with a massage with homemade ointment based on propolis and honey.

Industrial and homemade creams and gels can be alternated with burdock, beet, cabbage juice compresses.

An excellent addition to the course of treatment will be a general strengthening vitamin tea made from mint, valerian, chamomile, rose hips, hawthorn and sea buckthorn.

Should be included in the diet nutritional supplements with iodine, complexes with vitamins E, C, B and A.

External agents are indispensable for relieving swelling, pain and heaviness that accompany mastopathy. Means are well included in any treatment regimen, have a minimum of contraindications, act quickly, and are suitable for treatment and prevention.

Before use, it is better to consult with your doctor, he will help you choose the most suitable option.

You will be able to find Additional information on this topic in the section.

- this is an inflammation of the mammary gland, which is accompanied by reddening of the skin, the formation of pain in the chest, the appearance of seals in it, and even an increase in body temperature.

Most often, this disease is typical for nursing mothers in the postpartum period.

In contact with

Main reasons

Causes of mastitis include:

  • infections, such as streptococcal or staphylococcal bacteria;
  • stagnation of milk, which occurs after its abundant appearance;
  • any violations of the outflow of milk and more.

Mastitis can flow into acute and chronic forms, so it timely treatment will allow you to avoid many problems. There are various tablets, capsules, ointments and gels that allow you to provide comprehensive therapeutic care for the treatment of mastitis. We will consider the most popular options for external use below.

Vishnevsky ointment

Vishnevsky's liniment is characterized antiseptic properties and is used to heal wounds, ulcers, including effectively helps with inflammatory processes.

Vishnevsky liniment compresses are made as follows: a little ointment must be applied to the skin and covered with a waterproof bandage on top. This is medicine considered the most popular for the following reasons:

  • it is inexpensive;
  • widely known;
  • has excellent anti-inflammatory properties.
  1. You should not use the ointment in the treatment of mastopathy if you have an allergic reaction to one of its components. To do this, it is necessary to perform an allergy test before using the drug: inside forearms apply a little ointment. If after 10-15 minutes there is no itching, pain or redness of the skin, you can use the remedy.
  2. Particular attention should be paid to the stage of development of the disease. You should never use Vishnevsky's ointment when pus appears deep in the tissues of the mammary gland. After all, this will only aggravate inflammation and can even lead to death. Whereas with infiltration and abscess lying at a shallow depth under the skin, the ointment will only stimulate the release of pus.
  3. You should not use the ointment for nursing mothers, as it has a very pungent odor and the baby can simply refuse to breastfeed, which will bring additional problems.

Only a doctor has the right to prescribe Vishnevsky's liniment in the treatment of mastopathy. After all, its spontaneous use, especially in advanced stages of mastitis, can lead to irreparable consequences.

Ichthyol ointment

Ichthyol ointment has a disinfectant, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect.

It helps to soothe soft tissues and reduce pain including itching. If we talk about the treatment of mastitis, then this drug most likely refers to traditional medicine. After all, its action is targeted, excluding saturation of the whole organism.

Restrictions on the use of ichthyol ointment:

  1. Do not use the medicine for the treatment of children under the age of 12 years.
  2. AT without fail it is recommended to make an allergy test for intolerance to the individual components of the drug before using it.
  3. When treatment is carried out in nursing mothers, they should definitely be warned about the following: before breastfeeding the baby needs to thoroughly wipe the areola and nipple area warm water to completely wash off the ointment from the skin of the chest.


Traumeel has a strong anti-inflammatory and analgesic (in other words, analgesic), anti-exudative, regenerating and hemostatic effect.

This medicinal product can be used not only for initial stages treatment of mastopathy, but also in the postoperative period. Traumeel is produced in the form of tablets, ointment, gel or solution.

Moreover, various variations of the drug can be used to treat mastopathy.

Note: anti-exudative action is aimed at preventing high vascular permeability and the release of fluid (exudate) into the tissue.

A contraindication to the use of the drug is individual sensitivity (intolerance) to the plants included in the drug.


Levomekol - medication, characterized by anti-inflammatory and strong antimicrobial action.

It should be used locally, directly on the site of inflammation. This is a real "thunderstorm" of staphylococci, streptococci and other groups of microbes and bacteria. That is why Levomekol is perfect in the fight against mastitis.

Due to its regenerating effect, this drug is often prescribed in postoperative time. The regenerative effect is aimed at improving blood flow in tissues, including stimulating metabolic processes in them.

Heparin ointment

Heparin ointment prevents the appearance of various breast seals and active resorption of existing formations.

It is worth noting that due to the deterioration of blood clotting, this ointment is not often prescribed. Although, on the other hand, in this case there is no danger of involving the whole organism in this process. Only hemophilia can be a contraindication.


The action of this drug is based on the ability to block estrogen receptors. As a result, the absorption of fluid in the tissue increases, edema and the level of capillary permeability decrease.

in the form of a gel is perfect for external use in complex therapy. The product must be applied using a special applicator. It is highly undesirable to rub and massage the chest.

Side effects after using these drugs were extremely rare. Possible appearance of lungs allergic reactions at the site of application of ointments and gels: redness of the skin or itching. Basically, the reviews of women speak of the rather easy tolerance of the above funds.

In the case of diagnosing mastopathy for women, it is very important to proceed promptly to the surgical and effective treatment. To date, in addition to medications, experts actively use local funds, which include therapeutic ointments, creams and gels. They are pretty easy to use. All that is required is simply to apply the drug to the sore breast. As a result, it is possible to achieve a decrease in pain, swelling of the glands and discomfort that women worry about throughout the disease.

Physiological features of the disease

In order for the treatment to be effective and safe, first of all, it is necessary to understand what factors could provoke the development of mastopathy. In most cases, scholars agree that main reason causing the course of the disease is a change in the process of hormone production in women. That is, there is a change in the hormonal background.

During the period of illness, severe inflammation of the mammary glands occurs. This process is preceded by the formed nodules and seals in the breast tissues. Naturally, the breast is subjected to a strong negative impact - not only is the flow of all essential substances and oxygen, but also as a result there is a very strong damage to the outer soft tissues of the breast.

The best choice is ointment

Today, for the treatment of mastopathy, they are increasingly resorting to the use of medicinal ointments which have a special hormonal component. Penetrating through the epithelial layer of the breast tissue, they receive the necessary hormone to stabilize the process of their functioning.

Since most of similar drugs is made exclusively from herbal products, their use is considered absolutely safe for health. By the way, some types of drugs allow you to use them even during breastfeeding.

Ointments used for mastopathy have the following effects:

  • Reduces inflammation of the mammary glands.
  • The swelling of the glands decreases (they acquire their usual size and appearance).
  • The pain syndrome becomes not so strong.
  • Breast tissues become resistant to tumor and pathological processes having a negative character.
  • The mammary gland takes on a healthy appearance, and soft tissues become elastic and soft.

As for Vishnevsky's ointment, every woman who has experienced mastopathy should understand that the use of Vishnevsky's ointment can only aggravate the course of the disease and worsen general well-being. After all, the purpose of Vishnevsky's preparation is to accelerate the processes of suppuration of soft tissue areas, which leads to the outflow of pus.

And since at various forms diseases, purulent formations are absent, then the use of this remedy for treatment will not always be appropriate.


An inflamed gland is quite easily amenable to a local type of treatment in the initial stages of the course of the disease. For this purpose, experts advise using the Progestogel gel.

"Progestogel" is made from natural ingredients and, in most cases, does not have adverse reactions. Its use is external application to the skin of the chest. "Progestogel" includes in its composition a special hormone - progesterone. It is he who has the ability to block the process of estrogen production, which reduces its accumulation in the body of a woman.

"Progestogel" quite simply penetrates deep into the mammary glands, which allows you to accelerate the production of enzymes, the main task of which is to reduce the amount of estrogen. As a result of the use of Progestogel, it allows you to achieve the transition of estrogen into a safer hormone - estrol. It has been proven that Progestogel cannot be absorbed into the blood, so its use is effective and safe for women at any age.

"Progestogel" in its composition has a special component that contributes to the fact that the liquid does not linger in the chest tissues. Due to this action, the mammary gland does not swell and hurt so intensively.

"Progestogel" is recommended to be used for at least 3 months. Throughout this time, the gland is lubricated with ointment and gently rubbed into the skin. The best thing this procedure to carry out before going to bed and in the morning.

You can use the remedy even with the onset of menstruation. In no case is it recommended to stop the course of treatment. Otherwise, positive results will not be achieved.

The Endau ointment also has a similar effect. However, before using it, it is recommended to consult a doctor first.


In the treatment of mastopathy just before the onset of menstruation, experts recommend using a remedy called "Healer".

"Lekar" is made on the basis of red palm oil. Exactly Palm oil helps to restore the process of blood circulation in the tissues, activates metabolic processes and allows the lymph to circulate normally.

In addition, "Lekar" is used as a natural antioxidant, which in turn has a beneficial effect on soft tissues and contributes to their healthy appearance. Also, the “Lekar” remedy contains vitamins of groups A and E in its composition. correct use in the period of mastopathy, they help maintain the firmness and elasticity of breast tissue.

Ointment "Healer" also includes such components as string, marigolds, exotic Japanese sophora, beeswax, sage-based oil, D-panthenol. All components in unity help to reduce pain, relieve inflammation, reduce swelling and slow down the growth of formations.

To achieve a positive result, treatment with these ointments should be used only in the second phase. monthly cycle. The duration of use of the drug can be up to 30 days.


Means "Healthy" belongs to the category of those drugs that can be used by both pregnant women and nursing mothers.

"Healthy" includes only natural ingredients in its composition, therefore, in this case, the possibility of developing any allergic reactions is excluded.

"Healthy" is suitable for women of any age. It is effective to use both in the initial stages of the disease, and in more later dates mastopathy. The agent is applied directly to the skin of the mammary glands, so there can be no question of any overdose of the drug.

The tool "Healthy" is used quite simply. All that is required is to apply it on the chest and rub it in with gentle movements. The duration of treatment with this remedy is determined by the doctor. Each situation requires an individual approach and various ways treatment.

Only regular application of the Zdorov gel will help get rid of the unpleasant symptoms of the disease in a relatively short period of time.

An excellent analogue this tool can become "Mastofit".

Remember that the treatment of mastopathy is not only the application of therapeutic creams and ointments. At the same time, it is very important to follow diets, exercise light physical activity and avoid nervous tension.

It is necessary to treat mastopathy in a complex way: drugs and external agents. The latter are excellent complements. drug therapy soothing pain and relieving inflammation. In this article we will talk about oils and ointment for mastopathy, which help well. In addition, when rubbing these funds, the chest is massaged, due to which congestion resolves.

Purchased ointments, creams and gels

Pharmacies are the easiest way to get a cure for mastitis. In any one you can find about a dozen ointments, gels and creams for mastopathy in various price categories. Some of them are based on one component, others are based on several.

It has a resolving effect, relieves inflammation, heals micro-wounds and sores. From 250 rubles.

Propolis ointment

Homeopathic external remedy. Starts the process of tissue regeneration, restores damaged skin, has antipruritic properties. From 200 rubles.

Gel Progestogel

A special remedy for mastopathy based on natural micronized progesterone - the most important female hormone. Improves moisture absorption by the skin, cleanses and expands the milk ducts. From 700 rubles.

Apilac cream

An effective non-hormonal external remedy for mastopathy that soothes aching pain and improves the appearance of the mammary glands. Additionally stimulates cellular metabolism, improving tissue trophism. The price is only 150 rubles. Apilac is considered the best cream of its kind for mastopathy in terms of price and quality.

Cream Mastofit

Eliminates puffiness, discomfort; relieves pain. It refers to dietary supplements, therefore it is used more often for prevention, rather than treatment. From 280 rubles.

Cream-wax "Healthy"

Popular in recent times means. Approved for use in pregnant women, because it has an absolutely natural composition. The consistency of the cream-wax is very delicate, so the product is easily absorbed. The cost is from 990 rubles.

Oils from mastopathy

Adherents natural remedies oils can be used. They definitely do not have any chemistry, and the oil structure allows you to gently massage mammary glands giving the effect of resorption.

It is most often used for mastopathy. This is an effective proven tool. used camphor oil So:

Black cumin oil

Purchased is used more often. Black cumin oil is rich in vitamins that are beneficial for women's health. You need to apply it in the morning and evening: a few drops are rubbed over the mammary glands. The excess is then removed with a paper towel.

Burr oil

Helps with fibrous and diffuse mastopathy. Used cold, so store it in the refrigerator. Burdock oil is absolutely safe, does not cause allergies even in women with very sensitive skin.

Linseed oil

It is also used to lubricate the chest. It has a wound healing effect, rich in vitamin E, has anti-inflammatory properties.

Folk outdoor remedies

In the absence of the opportunity to buy a ready-made ointment, cream, wax or gel against mastopathy in a pharmacy, you can use traditional medicine recipes.

burdock leaves

You will need fresh burdock leaves, which must be beaten off for the appearance of juice. The leaves are applied to the chest at night. In the morning they are thrown out, and the chest is immediately lubricated burdock oil.

Alternative: grate burdock, pour over pork fat and stir. You will get an ointment, which can also be used for mastopathy.

Grate medium-sized raw beets along with the peel. Squeeze out excess juice, and apply the cake on the chest in the form of a compress. Keep the night. If a woman sleeps on her stomach, it is not recommended to use this recipe, otherwise you can stain the laundry. By the way, the chest after such lotions will be reddish.

Mixture of medicinal herbs

We mix 50 g of coltsfoot, 30 g of celandine, 30 g of wormwood, 2 cups of rye flour. We fill with whey so that a steep dough is obtained. Cakes from it are superimposed on the mammary glands in the form of night compresses. In the morning, lubricate the chest with propolis ointment or black cumin oil.

Salt compress

Dissolve 100 g of table salt in a liter of boiled warm water. Moisten a cotton cloth in the resulting solution and apply to the mammary glands for 30-40 minutes a day. The compress relieves pain and resolves stagnation. After the procedure, we lubricate the breast with any gel or oil.

Rules for the use of ointments from mastopathy

All external remedies used for mastopathy should be used only after consulting a doctor. Self-medication is very dangerous, because the breast can react in different ways.

Apply any ointment, gel, compress or oil to clean, dry breasts. If it is not possible to take a shower, then it is better to skip the procedure. Otherwise, along with the remedy, sweat and salt can penetrate into the milk ducts, which is highly undesirable for mastopathy.

It is known that mastopathy refers to diseases associated with an imbalance of hormones in female body, which arises from different reasons. These can be diseases of the hypothalamus, pituitary gland, adrenal glands, ovaries, thyroid gland. Bad habits and poor nutrition also often lead to hormonal imbalance.

If mastopathy occurs, it is necessary to check the condition of the organs of the endocrine system

Fundamentals of Therapy

A woman who has been diagnosed with mastopathy is most often prescribed medications containing synthetic hormones. If changes in the mammary glands are minor, patients are prescribed herbal remedies and creams or ointments. In some cases, when a woman has contraindications to taking medication, the doctor prescribes local therapy, since the ointment for the mammary glands with mastopathy does not adversely affect organs and systems.

The maximum effect in diseases of the mammary glands gives complex treatment, including both topical and oral preparations.

Treatment only with creams and ointments is used only in the initial stages of the disease, in the future it is required complex therapy


One of the most common local funds prescribed by mammologists for diffuse or fibrous cystic mastopathy, is Progestogel, which contains the active substance progesterone. Its deficiency very often causes breast engorgement and soreness. The use of this ointment for mastopathy in women helps prevent excessive accumulation of fluid in the glands, which can significantly reduce discomfort.

The active substances of Progestogel help to reduce capillary permeability, which leads to the elimination of signs of mastodynia.

Progestogel relieves swelling of the mammary glands and makes them less painful

Local application of the agent to the chest area with mastopathy does not adversely affect the liver and other organs, while the agent acts a long period and does not cause a violation of the ratio of hormones in the blood. The maximum concentration of progesterone is created in the mammary gland relatively quickly, and the positive effect persists even with a decrease in dosage.

Progestogel is prescribed for women with mastodynia, fibroadenomas. It's important to know that nodular mastopathy is a contraindication for the use of the gel. In addition, it is contraindicated in the presence of neoplasms, the nature of which has not been established, and in pregnant women.

Ointment for mastopathy practically does not cause negative reactions. Rarely can increase pain in the mammary glands, skin irritation occurs.

Bronchial asthma is a relative contraindication to the use of the gel

The manufacturer recommends caution in the presence of problems with the liver and kidneys, diseases such as asthma, acute phlebitis, epilepsy. No cases of overdose have been identified, since systemic absorption active substances low enough.

Cream Wax Zdorov

Wax Zdorov is a remedy used for mastopathy and mastitis. The advantage of the drug is a natural composition, which includes the following components:

  • beeswax - promotes the regeneration of breast tissues;
  • propolis - prevents engorgement and fluid stagnation, improves the resorption of blood clots;

The active ingredients of the Zdorov cream are beekeeping products known for their healing properties

  • dead bee - has an anti-inflammatory effect;
  • horse chestnut - restores microcirculation, relieves inflammation;
  • cedar resin - improves the condition of blood vessels;
  • olive oil - softens the skin;
  • bee moth - helps to increase the tone of the venous walls.

The combination of natural substances in the Zdorov wax cream helps to reduce the manifestations of mastalgia and remove swelling of the mammary glands.

Wax can remove cystic formations. It can be used to prevent the development of tumors, the occurrence inflammatory processes in the lymph nodes.

The use of the cream not only improves the appearance of the breast skin, but also has therapeutic effect on the tissue of the mammary glands and adjacent areas

Wax Zdorov prevents nipple discharge and also improves the condition of the skin in this sensitive area. The course use of the product helps to restore the shape of the breast, tighten the skin and improve its quality. Wax should not be used by those women who have a high sensitivity to the components that make up the composition.


Non-hormonal cream for mastopathy Mastofit promotes normalization metabolic processes in the breasts. As a rule, this remedy is used in the complex therapy of the disease. The cream helps to reduce soreness and prevent stagnation of fluid in the tissues.

The substance synthesized from broccoli is a strong antioxidant, oncoprotector and detoxifier. Fucus extract contained in the cream saturates tissues with iodine and other essential microelements, helps to dissolve formations and prevents swelling.

Cream Mastofit effectively relieves the symptoms of mastopathy and reduces discomfort in the mammary glands during PMS

Mastofit can be used not only for mastopathy and the presence of seals in the chest, but also for engorgement associated with premenstrual syndrome. The remedy is indicated for women who have signs of mastitis. It is usually caused by the penetration of bacteria into milk duct glands. With inflammation of the breast, treatment should be comprehensive.

Mastofit does not cause negative impact on the body, usually well tolerated. Skin irritation is very rare.


If a woman has mastopathy, you can apply courses of Lekar ointment, which is indicated both for nodular formations and for soreness, discharge from the chest.

Cream Lekar can be used for cosmetic and therapeutic purposes.

The product is safe and contains only natural substances: chaga, bodyaga, mustard, cinquefoil, aloe extract, gingko biloba. The combination of healing components helps to improve the condition of breast tissues, as well as the appearance and condition of the skin. The composition of the ointment includes palm oil, rich in carotene and coenzymes, which have antioxidant effects.

All components of the Lekar are safe, so it can be used for a long time. After a course of using the cream, there is an improvement in the breast contour and skin structure. The panthenol included in the composition improves tissue regeneration. The tool should be carefully used for existing pustular rash, irritation and scratches.


Means Apilak is multifunctional. It is used for various problems: neurodermatitis, dryness and skin irritation.

The benefits of Apilak ointment are due to the healing properties of the royal jelly included in its composition.

It can also be used for mastalgia, as the components of the ointment help improve microcirculation in the breast tissues. The drug relieves discomfort associated with swelling of the mammary glands.

The large amount of nutrients and amino acids contained in royal jelly significantly improves breast shape and skin condition.

In the presence of neoplasms, it is better to refrain from using this remedy, since royal jelly can stimulate their growth. The cream should not be used for Addison's disease and allergies to bee products. By-effect can manifest itself in some cases in the form of insomnia.

Occasionally, the use of Apilac can cause sleep disturbances.

Since Vishnevsky's ointment is designed to relieve inflammation and remove purulent masses through skin, with mastopathy, doctors do not recommend using it. No data on effective action with diseases of the mammary glands and a drug such as heparin ointment. However, there is information about positive results liniment according to Vishnevsky in some forms of the disease. There are such recipes using this tool:

  1. The healing cream is prepared independently using Vishnevsky ointment (3 parts), fir oil(7 parts) and baby cream. The agent must be applied to gauze and fixed on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe diseased chest, wrapping it with a film. Gauze should be changed three times a day.
  2. A compress, for which a cabbage leaf is taken, can be applied to the affected chest. Previously, Vishnevsky's ointment must be applied to the sheet.

Ointment Vishnevsky is best used in combination with other components

Celandine ointment

If symptoms of a disease of the mammary glands appear, you can prepare a remedy yourself, at home. Ointment for mastopathy is prepared from celandine, collected during flowering. The plant should be crushed and squeezed out of the resulting mass of juice, which should be stored in the refrigerator.

Celandine ointment should always be prepared immediately before use. To do this, melt the interior fat using a water bath, and then mix it in equal proportions with celandine juice. The resulting composition should be applied to the sore chest, covered with a film, fixed with a scarf and kept for about three hours, then washed off.

For the manufacture of ointments, fresh raw materials should be used.

Propolis ointment

Propolis is known for its powerful anti-inflammatory and regenerative properties. Means based on this product can be used for various problems, including diseases of the mammary glands.

A cream prepared independently or purchased at a pharmacy can be used as a local anesthetic.

There are several ways to make propolis ointment at home:

When using various ointments and other remedies for mastopathy, it should be remembered that the maximum effect in the treatment of the disease is provided by complex therapy prescribed by a mammologist after complete examination and identify the causes of illness.

Propolis can be used in combination with sea ​​buckthorn oil. enhancing the regenerative capacity of tissues

It is important to remember that many creams are contraindicated in pregnancy, liver and kidney pathologies, malignant processes and purulent inflammations. If when using remedy irritation, rash, swelling of the tissues appeared, you should stop using it and consult a doctor.

You will learn about the benefits of royal jelly, which is part of Apilak ointment, from the video: