
Pimafucin in suppositories and tablets for thrush during early and late pregnancy. Features of the use of pimafucin during pregnancy Course of treatment with pimafucin during pregnancy

Thrush or vulvovaginal candidiasis in pregnant women, as before, remains one of the most common pathologies. Therefore, treatment for this insidious disease safe drugs at all stages of pregnancy are topical issue V modern life women. Majority medicinal drugs or are prohibited during pregnancy, or simply have not been clinically tested in pregnant women. One of the most harmless and effective means is Pimafucin during pregnancy. Is Pimafucin possible during pregnancy and all the details of its use according to official instructions and will be discussed in this article.

Main culprit painful condition- pathogenic fungus Candida albicans. Every person has it in small quantities. During pregnancy, immunity decreases and pathogenic microflora begins to actively reproduce, thereby causing a number of unwanted diseases. The first thing in line is candidiasis or, as we all used to call it, thrush.

Symptoms that may indicate thrush:

  • lumpy white discharge similar to cottage cheese;
  • severe and unbearable itching;
  • characteristic sour smell;
  • inflammation of the vaginal mucosa: soreness, redness and sensitivity;
  • burning sensation and pain when urinating;
  • discomfort during sexual intercourse.

Did you know...
Every second woman had thrush even before the wonderful moment of pregnancy. Therefore, it is important to undergo a gynecological examination and undergo smear tests. hidden infections until the moment of conception.

The occurrence of thrush is caused by a whole set of factors. The impetus for increased proliferation of the fungus can be both mechanical factors and factors of the health status of a pregnant woman. This infection can travel through the body for years without causing any harm. But, the body of the expectant mother works in an enhanced mode, and is more susceptible to all sorts of diseases. Weakened immunity fails, and this is precisely the main cause of candidiasis. Lactobacilli die under the influence of pathogenic flora growing at an accelerated rate. As a result, they begin to “reign” in the vagina pathogens followed by vaginitis, candidiasis and other “sores”. This outcome is considered normal during pregnancy, but this does not mean that there is no need for treatment. Women just need more mild treatment using the proven and acceptable drug Pimafucin both during pregnancy and lactation.

What causes thrush during pregnancy:

  • synthetic underwear;
  • microtrauma of the vagina;
  • taking medications: antibiotics, corticosteroids;
  • various diseases that lower immunity. These include: cancer, inflammatory processes, tuberculosis various forms, hormonal dysfunctions, diabetes mellitus, hypothyroidism, etc.;
  • contamination of the gastrointestinal tract with Candida fungus;
  • vitamin deficiency and poor nutrition.

A huge misconception is the opinion that thrush is not dangerous for mother and baby. Firstly, fungal contamination of the vagina significantly complicates the already troublesome life of the expectant mother, and secondly, candidiasis can infect amniotic fluid or transmitted to the child during childbirth.

Pimafucin: active substance and its effect on the body of a pregnant woman

Pimafucin is acceptable for use at all stages of pregnancy, including the first trimester. Today there is not a single case where Pimafucin had even the slightest effect on the fetus and the development of its organs and vital systems. At the same time, it perfectly eliminates inflammation of the pelvic organs and completely neutralizes yeast fungi.

The active component of Pimafucin is natamycin, an antifungal antibiotic that blocks the synthesis cell membranes fungus due to the binding of styrenes. This stops the reproduction of spores and destroys the entire colony of harmful microorganisms. With local absorption, the substance does not penetrate the bloodstream and does not reach the placental barrier. Pimafucin during pregnancy according to the instructions is absolutely safe for the fetus.

If the thrush does not go away after a second course of treatment, it is possible that the woman’s body is insensitive to the medicine. In this case, you need to conduct a laboratory test for possible types antibiotics that can stop the proliferation of fungi.

Interesting! Pimafucin contains a broad-spectrum antifungal agent. Therefore, this drug is used not only to eliminate the causative agent of thrush, but also in the treatment fungal otitis and stomatitis.

Dosage forms of Pimafucin and their dosage regimen

Pimafucin is produced in three pharmaceutical forms - suppositories, cream and tablets. The purpose of this or another type of drug depends on the location and degree of contamination with fungal spores. Pimafucin suppositories are mainly prescribed for the treatment of thrush during pregnancy. If the inflammatory process is more severe, oral administration of the tablet form of Pimafucin is allowed.

Candles. One piece contains 100 mg of natamycin. As additional funds there is solid fat, cetyl alcohol, sodium bicarbonate. Pimafucin suppositories are used during pregnancy for 3-6 days according to the instructions. The vaginal suppository should be inserted immediately before bedtime, placing it as deep as possible. After dissolving the suppository, a foamy mass appears that completely covers the vaginal mucosa and has a fungicidal (disinfecting) effect on fungi and their spores. In case of persistent thrush, treatment is repeated. Also held compulsory treatment sexual partner using cream.

Pills. Active substance - natamycin (100 mg each), auxiliary agents - starch, talc, lactose, beeswax, acacia, magnesium stearate, kaolin. The tablet shell quickly dissolves in the stomach and disinfects the mucous membrane, while the remaining active substance is not concentrated in the blood plasma. Pimafucin tablets during pregnancy are prescribed for obvious contamination of the intestines and rectum with Candida fungi. The optimal course of therapy is 4 tablets per day for 7 days.

Cream. The composition contains 20 mg of antibiotic per gram of cream. The base used is sodium lauryl sulfate, alcohol, oleate, wax, and water. Pimafucin cream is prescribed externally during pregnancy for skin lesions. The cream is rubbed into the inflamed areas up to 4 times daily for 14-21 days.

Treatment with Pimafucin is carried out only after bacteriological research vaginal discharge. Based on the culture results, fungal vaginosis caused by the genus Candida should be confirmed. If the causative agent of the disease is a different infection, then a different treatment is selected.

Indications: when the drug is used during pregnancy

Diseases caused by fungi of the genus Candida, which women in pregnancy encounter:

  1. Vaginitis.
  2. Vulvitis.
  3. Vulvovaginitis.
  4. Dermatomycoses.
  5. Fungal infections internal organs(intestinal candidiasis).

You need to know this!

  • During the treatment of candidiasis, you should abstain from sexual intercourse.
  • Before treatment, a woman must maintain strict hygiene with by individual means toilet.
  • Treatment is carried out on both partners at once.

Contraindications, side effects and possible risks of Pimafucin during pregnancy

Therapy with Pimafucin during pregnancy for thrush is well tolerated and has virtually no contraindications. Only individual intolerance to natamycin and additional substances in the composition of the drug is taken into account. Particular care should be taken when treating women with lactose intolerance and allergic reactions to bee products.

During treatment with Pimafucin, some side effects may occur, but they are observed only in the first days of using the drug and soon disappear. Such phenomena include:

  • nausea;
  • gag reflex;
  • headache;
  • bowel dysfunction;
  • burning and itching in the genital area;
  • hyperemia and swelling of the labia.

Pimafucin on early stages During pregnancy, it is better to use it in the form of suppositories, since tablets can intensify the symptoms of toxicosis. And starting from the second trimester it is already allowed complex treatment thrush.

Note! If, when using Pimafucin vaginal suppositories before pregnancy, there were discomfort, then you need to immediately warn the gynecologist about this before starting treatment.

It is better to get ahead of the disease than to look for treatments. The most effective prevention of thrush is healthy sleep, excellent nutrition, absence of untreated infections and favorable atmosphere Houses. An established regime during pregnancy will serve not only to prevent thrush, but also all complications in an “interesting” situation. If thrush “persistently” bothers women, this can be easily corrected with the help of Pimafucin during pregnancy, the use of which will definitely not harm the baby.

Video: “Thrush during pregnancy”

Pimafucin is one of the new, powerful means for combating fungal infections, thanks to the main active remedy, which is part of it - natamycin. Natamycin is a macrolide antibiotic of the polyene series.


Powerful remedy Purpose Treatment
Cream clothes charging
pain discomfort during pregnancy

Distinctive feature This drug is that it has a broad spectrum of action. Pimafucin can be used even during pregnancy. Pimafucin is often prescribed during pregnancy to treat thrush.

The drug localizes sterols in the membranes of fungal infections, causing their death. A special effect was noticed for this type of mushroom, such as Candida spp. It is an order of magnitude less effective in the fight against dermatophytes. At clinical studies, in practice, resistance to natamycin has not been identified. The drug does not cause an allergic reaction.

A powerful remedy to fight fungal infections


  • in enteric-coated tablets, 100 mg per tablet, 20 pieces per package;
  • in the form of candles ( vaginal suppositories, 100 mg in one suppository, package consists of 3 suppositories;
  • Pimafucin is allowed to be used by pregnant and lactating women);
  • cream 2% in a 30 g tube.

What is the product used for?

Pimafucin during pregnancy and not only, is prescribed in the following cases:

  • infectious diseases caused by fungal microorganisms are sensitive to natamycin;
  • fungal diseases V gastrointestinal tract, which were not caused enough strong immunity as a result of exhaustion, taking a cytostatic, antibiotic, glucocorticoid;
  • candidiasis, intestinal candidiasis;
  • treatment of mycosis of the external auditory canal;
  • for chronic fungal diseases, for fungal diseases of the skin, skin appendages (for example, nails);
  • candidiasis vulvovaginitis (fungal disease of the genital mucosa).

Prescription of the drug during pregnancy

Since fungal diseases often appear in women during pregnancy. Thrush appears especially often (in almost half of pregnant women) during the process of restructuring the body. The doctor prescribes Pimafucin suppositories.

Consultation with a doctor

Often, in order to prescribe treatment, the form in which candidiasis occurs is first determined.

  1. Carrier. There are no symptoms, but during a smear, when the doctor conducts tests, a fungal infection is detected. Treatment is prescribed during pregnancy, even if the disease has not yet occurred. If this is not done, the infection can be transmitted to the baby during childbirth.
  2. Progressive disease. Women experience frequent itching and burning in the vagina. If a pregnant woman wears synthetic underwear, the symptoms intensify, as well as after a warm bath, sexual intercourse, or during urination. Doctors prescribe the drug Pimafucin (tablets or suppositories) in order to relieve unpleasant symptoms and get rid of the disease. In addition to burning, white, thick, odorless discharge, swelling, and redness of the vaginal mucosa are observed.
  3. Chronic disease.

When an infection is detected in the 1st or 2nd trimester, this indicates that the disease existed before pregnancy. And, perhaps, the symptoms will pass in the second trimester, but the disease will not completely disappear, and by the third trimester it may make itself felt again.

Pimafucin during pregnancy is prescribed after the ninth week, closer to the 2nd trimester. Often the effect is already observed after several days of use, but this does not mean that you need to stop taking (suppositories or tablets). You must complete the course.

Methods of using the medicine

Pimafucin and instructions for the use of tablets, suppositories and cream during pregnancy.

  1. For developing vulvovaginal candidiasis, you need to take one suppository.
  2. Once a day before bed, regardless of the period (1st, 2nd or 3rd trimester), the suppositories must be inserted deep into the vagina, in a lying position.

Under the influence of body heat, the candle quickly dissolves and covers inner part genitals with the resulting foam. The duration of the course is usually determined by the treating gynecologist. Average rate from three to six days. After the symptoms disappear, you need to use the product for a few more days in order to consolidate the results.

The most convenient form

The cream is used for dermatomycosis, which includes candidiasis of the nails and skin.

  1. It is necessary to cleanse the skin in advance using a tonic or other lotion.
  2. And only then the cream is applied to the affected areas of the body.
  3. The course of treatment usually lasts from two to three weeks. The cream must be applied up to four times a day. Used in addition to tablets.

Used for dermatomycosis

If during pregnancy candidiasis appears again and a relapse occurs, then the specialist prescribes along with local treatment(suppositories) also taking Pimafucin tablets.

Taking medications orally is necessary in order to completely get rid of the fungus that is present in the intestines. Since the infection enters from the intestines directly into the vagina onto its mucous membrane, the infection occurs repeatedly.

In the first and second trimester, the tablets are prescribed by doctors - one tablet four times a day, the course lasts up to three weeks, but for each pregnant woman the prescriptions are made individually.

Side effects and contraindications

The contraindication indicated in the instructions itself is sensitivity to its components. If an allergic reaction, burning or redness of the mucous membrane develops, it is necessary to immediately stop using it.

Pimafucin may slightly increase the feeling of toxicosis if you have it. When initially used, cause diarrhea; these symptoms resolve on their own and do not require additional treatment.

If the doctor prescribes this medicine to you and you have no contraindications, then no reaction will follow. Take together with other medications only after prescription by a specialist.

One of the few drugs approved for the treatment of thrush during pregnancy is Pimafucin. After all, the drugs prescribed to the expectant mother must not only be effective, but also safe for the fetus. This tool is exactly that. Let's look at the instructions for using Pimafucin during pregnancy, indications, contraindications, analogues and reviews from patients.

General information about the drug

The main active ingredient of Pimafucin is natamycin. This substance belongs to macrolide antibiotics and is effective against many pathogenic fungi. The causative agents of candidiasis are most sensitive to its effects.

Different forms of the drug additionally contain auxiliary components. They will be discussed in more detail below.

The main advantage of Pimafucin during pregnancy is that the drug, even in tablet form, is practically not absorbed into the blood. This means that it is completely safe for the fetus and does not affect its development.

Forms of release of the drug

There are three main forms of release of the drug:

  1. Pills. They are covered with a white shell, which protects the product from the effects of stomach enzymes and dissolves only after entering the intestines. Thanks to this, the drug can be used for fungal infections of the lower parts of the body. digestive system. In addition to the main active component, Pimafucin tablets contain additional substances such as beeswax, potato starch, lactose, sucrose, talc, gelatin, kaolin and others.
  2. Cream. It has a white or slightly yellowish tint. Designed for local application. The composition of the cream "Pimafucin" includes natamycin and auxiliary components: wax, water, cetyl stearyl alcohol, ester of oleic acid and decyl alcohol and others.
  3. Vaginal suppositories. During pregnancy, Pimafucin suppositories are most often prescribed. They have white with a yellow or brown tint. In addition to the active substance, suppositories include sorbitol, solid fat and others.

Indications for use of the drug

The use of Pimafucin during pregnancy may be necessary in case of the development of diseases caused by the proliferation of fungi. It is usually prescribed for:

  • vaginal candidiasis;
  • vaginitis;
  • vulvovaginitis;
  • fungal infections of the mucous membranes, skin, outer and middle ears.

These pathologies cause itching, burning, discomfort and adversely affect the course of pregnancy. In especially severe cases, candidiasis (thrush) can lead to thinning of the membranes of the fetus, resulting in their premature rupture.

In addition, the use of Pimafucin suppositories during pregnancy can protect the child from contracting thrush during childbirth. Therefore, in recent weeks it is often prescribed in for preventive purposes.

Contraindications to the use of the drug

Despite the fact that natamycin is an antibiotic wide range actions, the use of Pimafucin during pregnancy is contraindicated only in the presence of individual intolerance to the components of the drug. In other cases, there is no reason to abandon this product and replace it with analogues.

Side effects

In the instructions for use of Pimafucin suppositories during pregnancy, as well as other forms of the drug, the manufacturer warns about possible emergence some side effects:

  • irritation of mucous membranes;
  • itching;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • burning;
  • digestive disorders (diarrhea, constipation);
  • swelling.

As a rule, unpleasant symptoms disappear when you stop taking the medication. If this does not happen, you need to seek help from specialists. You will also need to choose another remedy and complete the course of therapy prescribed by the gynecologist.

Use of the drug in the first trimester of pregnancy

Unfortunately, for infections without pharmacological drugs it won't work out. The same applies to thrush. For full recovery Douching or taking decoctions will not be enough medicinal plants. After all, the main goal that needs to be achieved is getting rid of the pathogen.

The use of Pimafucin during pregnancy in the 1st trimester is not prohibited. Even taking into account the fact that active substances in small quantities they are absorbed into the mother’s blood and penetrate to the child; this will in no way affect its development. During this period, it is best to give up pills and use suppositories or Pimafucin cream.

Use of the drug in the second trimester of pregnancy

In the second trimester, the list of permitted medications quite large, and “Pimafucin” is also one of them. From 14 to 26 weeks, the drug can be used in any convenient form, including tablets.

During this period of pregnancy, the placenta is already fully formed, which reliably protects the baby. If there is no effect from using Pimafucin, the doctor can replace it with others, more with potent drugs.

Use of the drug in the third trimester

According to the instructions, Pimafucin is also not prohibited for use during pregnancy in the third trimester. It is usually prescribed for mild to moderate thrush. Severe forms illness will require the use of others, more strong drugs(“Terzhinan”, “Viferon”, “Gino-Pevaril” and so on).

In the third trimester, the doctor may prescribe the use of Pimafucin for preventive purposes. This is especially true in cases where a pregnant woman has already encountered thrush at an earlier stage. In this way it will be possible to protect expectant mother from the recurrence of the pathology, and her baby from infection during passage through birth canal.

Doses and duration of therapy

The required number of uses of Pimafucin during pregnancy depends on the severity of the disease. Therefore, we will consider only standard dosages, which can be changed by the doctor on an individual basis.

  1. Instructions for the use of Pimafucin tablets during pregnancy. Typically, this form of the drug is used to treat chronic candidiasis of the mucous membranes and skin, as well as for fungal infections in the intestines. In this case, the course of treatment will last about a week, and the patient will have to take 1 tablet 4 times a day.
  2. Instructions for Pimafucin suppositories during pregnancy. Suppositories are used to treat thrush, vulvovaginitis and vulvitis. Only 1 candle per day is needed. The duration of the course will be within 5-7 days. At the same time, there are some features of the use of Pimafucin suppositories. They need to be inserted into the vagina while lying down, done at night before bed. Do not be alarmed if, after using this form of the drug, the next day a pregnant woman discovers unusual discharge. This is a candle that has dissolved in the vagina and gradually comes out.
  3. Instructions for using Pimafucin cream during pregnancy. It is most convenient to use it to treat fungal diseases of the nails and skin. Ointment thin layer applied to affected areas up to 4 times a day. The duration of treatment will depend on how quickly the symptoms of the disease disappear. In this case, the affected area will need to be smeared with cream for several more days after the signs of the disease have disappeared.

Despite the fact that "Pimafucin" is considered safe drug, it can only be used as prescribed by a doctor. The specialist will first have to assess the severity of the disease, calculate the required dosage and duration of therapy. It is very important to follow all his recommendations!

Cost of the drug

The cost of Pimafucin may vary slightly depending on the pharmacy and region of residence. Average prices for the product are:

  1. Candles (3 pieces per package) - 250-300 rubles.
  2. Candles (6 pieces per package) - 500-700 rubles.
  3. Tablets - 410-490 rubles.
  4. Cream - 270-300 rubles.

As you can see, the drug has a relatively low cost. What about its effectiveness? Reviews of patients who have undergone treatment with Pimafucin will tell you about this.

Pimafucin suppositories are convenient and practical vaginal suppositories that are effective antifungal agent groups of antimycotics, which have been included in the Russian list of vital and necessary drugs since the early 90s.

The medicine is based on the polyene antibiotic Natamycin, which is effective against thrush and other infectious diseases of a fungal nature.

Description of the drug and active substance

Pimafucin, which belongs to the group of 2nd generation tetraene polyenes, has a pronounced fungicidal effect on pathogenic fungi of the genus Candida, Fusarium, Microsporum, Torulopsis, Trichophyton, Trichomonas, etc., but does not manifest itself in any way against gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria.

Its principle therapeutic action – disruption of the permeability of the above-described microflora by damaging their membranes, as a result of which both growing and dividing organisms quickly accumulate substances harmful to themselves and are destroyed.

Pimafucin acts locally without being absorbed from skin and mucous membranes into the bloodstream, which provides high level safety for the patient and the minimum possible side effects. Vaginal suppositories, getting into the inner part of the genital organ, under the influence of body temperature they disintegrate to form a thick foamy mass and completely envelop the mucous membranes, evenly distributed over the surface.

In the composition of candles, In addition to the active ingredient Natamycin, there are auxiliary components: tallow, cetyl alcohol, polysorbate, adipic acid, sorbitan trioleate and sodium bicarbonate. The elements described above are the basis of the suppository, which delivers the drug itself to the internal mucous membranes of the female genital organ.

Indications for use

During pregnancy, Pimafucin in the form of suppositories is usually prescribed by a doctor for the following diseases:

  • Vaginitisinflammatory process mucous membranes of the vagina, the causative agent of which is a number of fungi. The most common pathogens are staphylococcus, chlamydia, trichomonas, mycoplasma and streptococcus;
  • Vulvitis– inflammatory process of the external female genital organs due to pathologically abundant vaginal discharge caused by a fungal infection.
  • Vulvovaginitis– combined inflammation of the vulva and vagina, most often diagnosed in girls and older women. In the vast majority of cases, the cause of the disease is Candida fungi;
  • System fungal infections . Pimafucin is used here as part of complex therapy as an antiseptic of mucous membranes. It is not effective as a single method of therapy because it is not absorbed by the mucous membranes and acts only superficially.

Directions for use during pregnancy

Pimafucin suppositories, unlike numerous analogues (polyene antibiotics), are completely safe during pregnancy. The active substance does not enter the bloodstream, it has no adsorbing properties, and accordingly, the drug works exclusively locally.

1st trimester of pregnancy

In the first trimester of pregnancy, Natamycin-based suppositories can be used without any restrictions.

The standard daily dosage is 1 suppository of 200 mg. The course of treatment is prescribed individually, usually lasting from 4 to 7 days.

After symptoms disappear fungal infection it is necessary to continue treatment for another 3-5 days.

2nd trimester of pregnancy

The fetus is actively growing and increasing in size, therefore, when administered intravaginally, it is necessary to observe basic rules security.

Suppositories should be administered exclusively in a lying position, after administration, it is advisable to lie on the couch for another 15-20 minutes so that the candle has time to dissolve and distribute evenly active substance along the internal mucous membranes of the genital organs.

The dosage and duration of treatment corresponds to the parameters of the first trimester.

This article is often read with:

3rd trimester of pregnancy

The baby is almost completely formed, and birth is expected in the coming months. In the third trimester of pregnancy, Pimafucin is still safe, but in some women, against the background of a significant weakening of the immune system and radical hormonal changes, local irritations and allergic reactions on the active substance of the drug.

It is advisable to start using a suppository with half the standard dosage(use a 100 mg suppository) and in case of absence adverse reactions go to basic course treatment described in point 1.

Duration of treatment with Pimafucin during pregnancy

As mentioned above, the average duration of treatment with Pimafucin usually does not exceed 1 week. However, these periods can vary within very wide limits and depend on the type of fungal infection, its neglect and a number of other factors.

Classic vulvitis and vaginitis usually disappear in 5-6 days, vulvovaginitis - in 7-10 days.

If the drug is used as an element of complex therapy for systemic fungal infection, then the exact timing of use can only be determined by the attending physician. In some cases, therapy lasts up to 1 month.

Side effects of the drug

Despite the fact that Pimafucin is a 2nd generation polyene antibiotic, due to the peculiarity of its surface activity it has virtually no side effects.

A direct contraindication to the use of the drug is hypersensitivity to any of the constituent elements of the suppository. In rare cases, itching and burning may occur in places of fungal infection, as well as slight redness of the mucous membranes.

Pimafucin suppositories when feeding a child

Preparations based on Natamycin in any dosage form have long been used in medicine. Numerous studies have shown that Pimafucin is completely safe for both the nursing mother and the baby.

The active substance in the suppository does not penetrate into breast milk, therefore, when treating local bacterial infection Candles can be used without any restrictions.