
Viferon ointment in the nose for pregnant women prevention. Viferon during pregnancy is a safe antiviral agent

During pregnancy, a woman's body undergoes a global restructuring. And it becomes no exception the immune system, the state of which plays a significant role in the successful bearing of the fetus. The risk of catching the virus is very high, especially in the first months. Then the expectant mother has a question how to protect herself from viruses or, in case of infection, she will quickly recover and at the same time not harm the child. It is in such cases that doctors prescribe antiviral drugs, such as Viferon.

Its action is aimed at the speedy identification and destruction pathogens. Viferon during pregnancy is prescribed by many doctors, because it is one of the safest means to fight viruses.

Viferon is a medicine that has an immunostimulating and antiviral action. Available in the form of ointments and suppositories (candles). The main active ingredient is: human interferon alpha-2b.

Additional components needed for making candles:

  • vitamin C;
  • tocopherol acetate (vitamin E, prevents oxidation processes);
  • sodium ascorbate (salt of ascorbic acid);
  • disodium edetate dihydrate (powerful antioxidant);
  • cocoa butter (has anti-inflammatory and healing effect).

Additional components of the ointment:

  • medical vaseline (a mixture of refined carbohydrates);
  • tocopherol acetate (biologically active vitamin E);
  • purified water;
  • anhydrous panolin (purified fat-like substance, ointment base);
  • peach oil (has an anti-inflammatory effect).

Mechanism of action and indications for use

Human interferon, which is the main component of Viferon, promotes the activation of cells that are aimed at eliminating a foreign agent in the body.

Additional substances, such as ascorbic acid and tocopherol, enhance the immunostimulating effect of the drug, help reduce inflammation and are active antioxidants.

This improves the body's ability to independently respond to the attack of viruses. The use of Viferon allows to reduce toxic effect antibacterial and hormonal agents.

Doctors prescribe viferon during pregnancy as one of the components complex therapy in the following cases:

  • Treatment inflammatory diseases infectious origin: pneumonia caused by bacteria and viruses, SARS, influenza, inflammation of the meninges (meningitis), blood poisoning (sepsis), intrauterine infection, diseases caused by enterovirus.
  • Treatment of viral hepatitis.
  • Treatment of sexually transmitted infections (chlamydia, uraplasmosis, candidiasis, vaginosis,).

Release form and price

The drug is produced in the form:

  • Gel. It is a translucent yellowish mass. The amount of active ingredient in the tube is 36,000 IU.
  • Ointments. thick mass white-yellow color. Contains 40,000 IU human interferon.
  • Suppositories. This form release has the shape of a bullet, white.

Candles are produced with different concentrations of the active substance. In this regard, the following forms of medication can be found on the pharmaceutical market: Viferon 1 (150,000 IU), Viferon 2 (500,000 IU), Viferon 3 (1,000,000 IU), Viferon 4 (3,000,000 IU).

This dosage depends on the age of the patient and the severity of viral infections. The rest of the composition of the candles is identical.

The difference between the forms of release lies in the method of penetration into the body and in the dosage of interferon. The price of the drug varies from 170 to 900 rubles.

Use in pregnant women and dosage of the drug

“Can Viferon be used during pregnancy?” - this question is asked by every woman who has encountered diseases of an infectious genesis during gestation. Without a doubt, drugs are not the best friend in such a crucial period of life.

But if a threat to health has already arisen, then it is necessary to choose the safest possible drug. Viferon is one of the safest means and is popular among doctors. The main component is independently produced by the body, this determines the safety of the drug.

Depending on the severity and nature of the disease are prescribed different forms drug.

Ointment Viferon during pregnancy is used to treat lesions of the skin and mucous membranes. Viferon in the form of suppositories is used to treat infections that affect internal organs and female genital tract. The use of suppositories after the 35th week of pregnancy is not recommended.

Candles Viferon are applied 2 times a day. The interval between doses should not be less than 12 hours. The duration of treatment and the dosage of suppositories is determined by the doctor. Basically, the therapeutic course does not exceed 14 days, in the future, the drug is taken under the strict supervision of a specialist.

The therapeutic effect of the administration of suppositories occurs quickly, this is due to the rapid absorption of the constituent components and distribution throughout the body.

Viferon during pregnancy: is it possible to use, instruction /

During pregnancy, a woman's body undergoes a global restructuring. The immune system is no exception, the state of which plays a significant role in the successful bearing of the fetus.

The risk of catching the virus is very high, especially in the first months. Then the expectant mother has a question how to protect herself from viruses or, in case of infection, she will quickly recover and at the same time not harm the child.

It is in such cases that doctors prescribe antiviral drugs, such as Viferon.

Its action is aimed at the early detection and destruction of pathogens. Viferon during pregnancy is prescribed by many doctors, because it is one of the safest means to fight viruses.

Characteristics of the drug and composition

Viferon is a medicine that has an immunostimulating and antiviral effect. Available in the form of ointments and suppositories (candles). The main active ingredient is: human interferon alpha-2b.

Additional components needed for making candles:

  • vitamin C;
  • tocopherol acetate (vitamin E, prevents oxidation processes);
  • sodium ascorbate (salt of ascorbic acid);
  • disodium edetate dihydrate (powerful antioxidant);
  • cocoa butter (has anti-inflammatory and healing effect).

Additional components of the ointment:

  • medical vaseline (a mixture of refined carbohydrates);
  • tocopherol acetate (biologically active vitamin E);
  • purified water;
  • anhydrous panolin (purified fat-like substance, ointment base);
  • peach oil (has an anti-inflammatory effect).

Mechanism of action and indications for use

Human interferon, which is the main component of Viferon, promotes the activation of cells that are aimed at eliminating a foreign agent in the body. Additional substances, such as ascorbic acid and tocopherol, enhance the immunostimulating effect of the drug, help reduce inflammation and are active antioxidants.

This improves the body's ability to independently respond to the attack of viruses. The use of Viferon reduces the toxic effect of antibacterial and hormonal agents.

Doctors prescribe viferon during pregnancy as one of the components of complex therapy in the following cases:

  • Treatment of inflammatory diseases of infectious origin: pneumonia caused by bacteria and viruses, SARS, influenza, inflammation of the meninges (meningitis), blood poisoning (sepsis), intrauterine infection, diseases caused by enterovirus.
  • Treatment of viral hepatitis.
  • Treatment of sexually transmitted infections (chlamydia, uraplasmosis, trichomoniasis, candidiasis, vaginosis, mycoplasmosis).

Release form and price

The drug is produced in the form:

  • Gel. It is a translucent yellowish mass. The amount of active ingredient in the tube is 36,000 IU.
  • Ointments. Dense mass of white-yellow color. Contains 40,000 IU of human interferon.
  • Suppositories. This form of release has the form of a bullet, white.

Candles are produced with different concentrations of the active substance. In this regard, the following forms of medication can be found on the pharmaceutical market: Viferon 1 (150,000 IU), Viferon 2 (500,000 IU), Viferon 3 (1,000,000 IU), Viferon 4 (3,000,000 IU).

This dosage depends on the age of the patient and the severity of viral infections. The rest of the composition of the candles is identical.

The difference between the forms of release lies in the method of penetration into the body and in the dosage of interferon. The price of the drug varies from 170 to 900 rubles.

Use in pregnant women and dosage of the drug

“Can Viferon be used during pregnancy?” - this question is asked by every woman who has encountered diseases of an infectious genesis during gestation. Without a doubt, drugs are not the best friend in such a crucial period of life.

But if a threat to health has already arisen, then it is necessary to choose the safest possible drug. Viferon is one of the safest means and is popular among doctors. The main component is independently produced by the body, this determines the safety of the drug.

Depending on the severity and nature of the disease, different forms of the drug are prescribed.

Ointment Viferon during pregnancy is used to treat lesions of the skin and mucous membranes. Viferon in the form of suppositories is used to treat infections that affect the internal organs and genital tract of a woman. The use of suppositories after the 35th week of pregnancy is not recommended.

Candles Viferon are applied 2 times a day. The interval between doses should not be less than 12 hours. The duration of treatment and the dosage of suppositories is determined by the doctor. Basically, the therapeutic course does not exceed 14 days, in the future, the drug is taken under the strict supervision of a specialist.

The therapeutic effect of the administration of suppositories occurs quickly, this is due to the rapid absorption of the constituent components and distribution throughout the body.

Ointment and gel Viferon according to the instructions thin layer gently rubbed into the affected area of ​​the body. The number of procedures can reach 3 per day. The therapeutic course is 7 days.

Contraindications and side effects

The drug is relatively safe for both mother and child. Contraindications to the use of the drug are allergic reactions. With extreme caution, the drug is prescribed in the 1st trimester of pregnancy.

Adverse reactions occur very rarely in the form of allergic rashes, which disappear on their own after three days.

Despite all positive reviews about the drug, in no case should you self-medicate. Before using any medicines, it is necessary to consult a gynecologist, because the life and health of the baby depends on it.

Tatyana Sergeeva, doctor,
especially for

about SARS during pregnancy

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Viferon during pregnancy | Viferon®

Pregnancy is a very important and responsible period in a woman's life. It lasts 9 calendar or 10 obstetric months, and its average duration is 280 days from the first day of the last menstruation to childbirth.

During this time, a complex process of transformation of a fertilized egg into a mature fetus, capable of independent existence outside the mother's womb, takes place. It is almost impossible to overestimate the role of any period of intrauterine life of the fetus.

Unfortunately, interfere with the formation of organs, tissues of the fetus and maturation functional systems can various diseases.

What infections are dangerous for pregnant women

Pregnancy is accompanied by a state of physiological immunosuppression - suppression of immunity. This condition can lead to a decrease in protective, i.e.

the body's defenses, contributing to primary infection, exacerbation of chronic infectious and inflammatory diseases and the development of pregnancy complications.

Especially dangerous are TORCH infections - a group of diseases that can be transmitted in utero from mother to child and cause various birth defects and diseases of the fetus.

The group of TORCH infections includes the following diseases:

  • T– toxoplasmosis (toxoplasmosis);
  • ABOUT– other infections (others): syphilis (treponema pallidum), HIV, chickenpox, chlamydia, hepatitis B and C;
  • R– rubella (rubella);
  • FROMcytomegalovirus infection or CMV (cytomegalovirus);
  • H- herpes (herpes simplex virus).

In the presence of at least one such infection in the mother and in the absence of adequate therapy during the period of bearing a child, up to 50% of newborns are born with various disorders:

  • IUI (intrauterine infections);
  • intrauterine growth retardation (IUGR);
  • hypotrophy ( chronic disorder food), etc.

With a mixed infection (in the presence of two or more infections), the incidence reaches 50-100%1. For future mother very dangerous acute respiratory viral infections, including influenza, which, due to a decrease in immunity, are fraught with the development bacterial complications(pneumonia, otitis, sinusitis).

What to do if you get sick during pregnancy

Consult with a specialist

Infectious diseases in the expectant mother require integrated approach to the selection of effective and safe drugs with the obligatory participation of a therapist, an infectious disease specialist and a gynecologist. This is especially true for antiviral and antimicrobial agents. Most often, antiviral drugs containing interferons are used, but not all of them are suitable for the treatment of pregnant women.

What interferons can be taken

Decades of use of drugs containing interferons have shown them high activity for many viruses. However, many parenteral (injectable) interferons are not recommended for use during gestation due to high risk development of side effects.

What is still allowed for expectant mothers

In case of illness, only reliable, time-tested drugs that are approved for pregnant women can be used, which must be indicated in the instructions. One of these antiviral drugs is VIFERON. This drug is available in the form of suppositories, ointment or gel. He carefully takes care of the health of women, and also contributes to the birth of a healthy baby.3

Is it possible to take VIFERON gel, ointment and suppositories in the first trimester of pregnancy?

Since with external and topical application the drug in the form of a gel / ointment has an effect only in the lesion, it is possible to use them in the dosages recommended in the instructions in the early stages of pregnancy, starting from the first week.

This course is used to treat acute respiratory viral infections and influenza, for the treatment of urogenital infections, supportive courses are prescribed according to the instructions for medical use.

Viferon in the second trimester of pregnancy

VIFERON Ointment, Gel and Suppositories in the second trimester of pregnancy are used to improve the course and outcomes of pregnancy in ARVI and various urogenital infections.

Viferon in the third trimester of pregnancy

The use of VIFERON Suppositories, Gel and Ointment in the third trimester in pregnant women with ARVI and various urogenital infections also helps to reduce the development pathological conditions in mother and child.

Instructions for use of the gel, ointment and suppositories Viferon during pregnancy

The scheme of application of the drug VIFERON Gel

The scheme of application of the drug VIFERON Ointment

Scheme of application of the drug VIFERON® Suppositories (rectal suppositories)

For influenza and SARS, the drug VIFERON Suppositories 500,000 IU is used for 5 days.

At herpetic infection and urogenital infections in pregnant women, including papillomavirus infection, pregnant women from the second trimester of pregnancy (starting from the 14th week of gestation) are recommended VIFERON® 500,000 IU 1 suppository 2 times a day every 12 hours daily for 10 days, then 1 suppository 2 times a day after 12 hours every fourth day for 10 days. Then every 4 weeks until delivery VIFERON® 150,000 IU 1 suppository 2 times a day after 12 hours daily for 5 days. If necessary, it is indicated before delivery (from the 38th week of gestation) VIFERON® 500,000 IU 1 suppository 2 times a day after 12 hours daily for 10 days.

VIFERON gel - instruction

VIFERON ointment - instruction

VIFERON candles - instructions

When using the drug in the form of suppositories, the stomach does not experience additional stress, which is very important for pregnant women suffering from gastrointestinal diseases, including gastritis.

The active ingredient of the drug does not exert additional load on the liver, which avoids many side effects.

Ointment and gel act locally, penetrating the body only at the site of application.

Advantages of VIFERON:

  • has a wide spectrum of antiviral activity and does not cause the formation of resistant variants of viruses 5;
  • blocks the reproduction of viruses, and also restores the protective properties of the immune system, preventing intrauterine infection of the fetus and reducing the intensity possible complications pregnancy 3;
  • optimal for combination therapy; well combined between its forms and with drugs used in the treatment of various infectious and inflammatory diseases (antibiotics, chemotherapy drugs, glucocorticosteroids)

The use of VIFERON® in the treatment of urogenital infections in order to improve the course and outcome of pregnancy contributes to:

  • helps to reduce the number of pathological conditions of a pregnant woman2;
  • reduces the incidence of polyhydramnios by 1.9 times1;
  • reduces the antigenic load on the body of the expectant mother and fetus1;
  • reduces the risk of threatened miscarriage by 3.5 and 2.6 times, respectively3;
  • reduces the number of patients with positive test for HPV DNA by 2.6 times4;

The use of VIFERON® in pregnant women with urogenital infections in order to reduce the development of pathological conditions in a child contributes to:

  • reduces the risk of developing severe forms IUI by 1.7 times, and moderate IUI by 1.9 times2;
  • reduces the number of children with intrauterine growth retardation by 1.7 times2;
  • reduces the incidence of asphyxia ( oxygen starvation organism) by 1.9 times2;
  • reduces the number of newborns with lesions of the central nervous system 2.3 times2;

Immunomodulatory action

In addition to interferon, VIFERON suppositories are enriched with antioxidants - vitamins E and C, which enhances the antiviral and immunomodulatory activity of the drug.

Due to immunomodulatory properties, such as increased phagocytic activity of macrophages and specific immunotoxicity of lymphocytes, the drug has an indirect antibacterial effect, i.e.

helps to block the vital activity of not only viruses, but also bacteria.

Side effect

In rare cases, it is possible to develop individual reactions to the use of the drug: allergic reactions in the form of skin rashes, burning of the mucous membrane, sneezing, itching and rhinorrhea (increased amount of mucus). Side effects disappear immediately after discontinuation of the drug.

Prevention of infections in pregnant women

Having identified cytomegalovirus, herpetic, chlamydial or mycoplasmal infections before pregnancy, each woman, in agreement with the attending physician, can undergo a course of complex therapy, which includes VIFERON, to reduce the risk of recurrence of the disease during the period of bearing a child, as mentioned above. And for the prevention of SARS in the cold season, expectant mothers can use VIFERON Gel.

Belyaev Dmitry Alexandrovich

General doctor

  1. Budanov P.V., Strizhakov A.N. "Etiology, pathogenesis, diagnosis and treatment intrauterine infection”, Issues of gynecology, obstetrics and perinatology, 2010.
  2. Bocharova I.I., Malinovskaya V.V., Aksenov A.N., Bashakin N.F., Guseva T.S., Parshina O.V. "The influence of viferon therapy in mothers in the complex therapy of urogenital infections during pregnancy on the immunity and health status of their newborns", 2009.
  3. P.V.Budanov, A.N.Strizhakov, V.V.Malinovskaya, Yu.V.Kazarova, “Discoordination of systemic inflammation in intrauterine infection”, Issues of gynecology, obstetrics and perinatology, 2009.
  4. Klimanova R.R., Malinovskaya V.V., Parshina O.V., Guseva T.S., Novikova S.V., Torshina Z.V., Zarochentseva N.V. "The effect of viral infections on the cytokine profile in pregnant women with a burdened obstetric history and immunocorrective therapy with human interferon alfa-2b", 2013.
  5. Maksimov V.A., Chernyshev A.L., Zelentsov S.N., Neronov V.A., Vyzhlova E.N., Guseva T.S., Parshina O.V. « Viferon therapy through a prism evidence-based medicine» , collection of materials of the scientific and practical conference " Modern features diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the digestive system from the standpoint of evidence-based medicine”, Pp. 148-158, 2011


9 months of pregnancy is a joyful and responsible time in a woman's life. In the first trimester, the fetus is formed and the immune forces of the woman's body are divided in half. One part is still fighting external and internal infections, and the second part is dealing with a foreign body that has begun to develop in the woman's body.

The immune system perceives the fetus in such an inhospitable way because 50% of it is still foreign male cells. Even by the end of the first trimester, immunity will not protect a woman 100%, part of her strength will be devoted to caring for the fetus.

And the threat of infection, meanwhile, will not go anywhere, and Viferon suppositories during pregnancy will become a reliable friend and protector of a woman.

Viferon is taken in strict accordance with the recommendations of the attending physician. Most expectant mothers behave this way, not taking, without consulting a doctor, even harmless vitamins. Now such a reinsurance is absolutely justified, and the word of a doctor is more important and valuable than an instruction re-read a hundred times.

Indications for use

By therapeutic effect on the body Viferon is a drug of immunomodulatory and antiviral action.

The main component of the drug is the so-called human interferon alpha 2-b, an analogue of a group of natural proteins that are designed to resist the virus in the human body.

Thanks to this component, Viferon compensates and replenishes the strength of a weakened immune system, helping the body fight viruses and infections during pregnancy.

The composition of the drug contains ascorbic acid and alpha-tocopherol. They enhance the action of interferon and increase the rate of the body's immune response to the pathogenic presence of microbes and viruses. Cocoa butter contributes rapid healing and relieve inflammation.

The reason for the widespread use of Viferon is long list diseases in the treatment of which the drug is effective:

  • chronic and venereal diseases genitourinary system(vaginal candidiasis, trichomoniasis, bacterial vaginosis, ureaplasmosis, chlamydia);
  • influenza, SARS, rubella, chicken pox;
  • serious inflammation (as part of complex therapy) - pneumonia, meningitis;
  • viral hepatitis B and C;
  • cytomegalovirus infection;
  • warts;
  • genital warts.

Viferon during pregnancy is a recommended drug in the treatment of these diseases due to its safety for the health of the expectant mother. Unlike many medications the drug does not pose a threat to the full development of the baby.

And themselves listed diseases serious enough. Chlamydia and mycoplasmas are dangerous because of their ability to hide inside the cell. That is why they easily hide from attacks. immune cells and penetrate into organs and tissues, including the developing fetus.

Cytomegalovirus infection, better known to us as herpes, is dangerous for the development of the baby. Especially if it enters the body of a woman in the early stages of pregnancy.

If the infection is not fought, then in some cases the baby may develop severe malformations and damage to a number of vital organs.

Even more serious consequences can be infectious diseases: rubella, influenza and chickenpox.

All of the above diseases during pregnancy must be feared and appropriate preventive measures: do not get cold and avoid contact with people who are already sick. If the disease has occurred and the doctor prescribes Viferon, then before taking it, you can and should definitely read the annotation - the instructions for the drug are very detailed and will give answers to many questions.

Form and dosage

Depending on the nature of the disease, the doctor will prescribe Viferon in one of the pharmacological forms: in the form of a gel and ointment externally or suppositories (suppositories) rectally.

The ointment has a milder effect on the body, but in the end it all depends on the recommendation of the doctor, of course. The gel is used in the treatment of diseases of an infectious nature with external manifestations such as herpes.

Externally, Viferon is rubbed up to 3 times a day on the affected area.

Candles during pregnancy are a doctor-recommended treatment option for viral, intravaginal infections and hepatitis. Important: on early stages pregnancy Viferon is not recommended for admission in any form. And after the 14th week, you can take the drug in therapeutic doses and under the supervision of a doctor.

Candles thanking them fast dissolution and absorption, have healing effect quickly enough and allow excluding some other similar drugs with a worse composition from the treatment card.

Candles are administered twice a day - in the morning and in the evening, respectively, immediately after waking up and half an hour before bedtime. In this mode, the body can easily absorb the drug. Viferon is taken for five days, after which it is better to take a week break and consult a doctor, adjust the course of treatment.

Expectant mothers should know that Viferon candles differ in marking: No. 1, No. 2, No. 3, No. 4 - depending on the dosage of the effect on the body. During pregnancy, Viferon is prescribed in the form of candle No. 2 - effectively and safely: the directed effect of the drug relieves the liver of the load and provides assistance exactly where it is needed.

benefit - no harm

Candles Viferon proved their safety both by research and by a long practical application. The only contraindication allergic reaction, but it is extremely rare.

During pregnancy, it is important to monitor the body's response to the drug, and in no case exceed the therapeutic dose.

And the rest of the medicine is reliable, effective and safe!

It's important to know! Side effects are found in any drug, each organism reacts in its own way to a particular component.

This applies to many drugs when a woman is preparing to become a mother, for example, Viferon candles are prohibited from 35 weeks and in the first trimester. And the point here is not in the components, but in the risk to the child.

But still rectal suppositories rarely cause allergic reactions, and even more rarely gel and ointment.

The ointment is most often used to treat herpes. The opinion that herpes occurs only in the form of rashes on the lips common misconception. Genital herpes is also common, and otitis externa sometimes has a herpes nature.

Ointment Viferon is used in these cases. The advantage of the ointment is the removal pain symptoms, including temperature during otitis externa, if the infection is located in the auricle.

The gel is also used, since it is more effective, but the ointment has a milder effect.


During pregnancy, a woman's immunity naturally decreases. And a cold can take you by surprise at any moment. Any disease, including a viral one, can not only disrupt the course of pregnancy, but also negatively affect the condition of the baby.

Therefore, the fight against a cold should begin when the first symptoms appear. Viferon during pregnancy is one of the most common drugs that a doctor can prescribe during this period. Is it really that effective?

Why appoint Viferon

According to the instructions for the drug, Viferon suppositories during pregnancy are prescribed as part of complex therapy for:

  1. treatment of colds and viral diseases, including influenza;
  2. ureaplasmosis;
  3. trichomoniasis;
  4. chlamydia;
  5. mycoplasmosis;
  6. vaginal candidiasis (or, in other words, thrush. Read more in the article Thrush during pregnancy>>>);
  7. cytomegalovirus infection;
  8. viral hepatitis.

The use of Viferon during pregnancy in the form of an ointment is indicated in the treatment of the herpes virus, genital warts and warts.

The composition of the drug includes interferon and vitamin C, which effectively fight viruses. Interferon is able to be produced by the human body, however, during an illness, the patient needs more of it than the immune system can produce.

Acting from the outside, interferon instantly starts the process of phagocytosis and stimulates the formation of its own antibodies, which help to identify foreign microorganisms and quickly deal with them.

When and how to use the drug

  • In the instructions for the use of Viferon suppositories during pregnancy, it is allowed to use them only after 14 weeks;

Therefore, faced with a cold in the 1st trimester of pregnancy, Viferon cannot be used. IN given period the best treatment- bed rest and plenty of fluids.

  • The duration of use and dosage of Viferon during pregnancy should be determined by the doctor after the diagnosis. Usually, for the treatment of colds, suppositories are administered rectally for 10 days twice a day. For the prevention of the disease, they are administered 1 time per day for 5 days;
  • Any side effects drug at correct use was not identified. Only in isolated cases is it possible skin rashes, which pass on their own within 2 days after discontinuation of the medication;
  • Starting from the 2nd trimester of pregnancy, Viferon can be prescribed as part of complex therapy. The drug goes well with any other types of medicines, increasing their effectiveness and reducing the duration of the disease;
  • Also, the use of Viferon allows you to reduce the amount of medications used for therapy, which is also very important for the expectant mother.

Important! But, despite all the harmlessness of Viferon, it is impossible to use it without a doctor's prescription during this period!

IN III trimester pregnancy Viferon is taken in the same way as in the second.

Restrictions on the use of the drug

Until the second trimester, the expectant mother is prohibited from using any medications, including Viferon. This is due to the fact that until the 14th week the placenta is not yet fully formed and cannot protect the fetus from negative impact medicines.

Attention! Before you start using Viferon for medicinal purposes, you need to pay attention to the fact that it contains vitamin E (tocopherol acetate) in large quantities. Therefore, if a woman additionally takes vitamin E in capsules, then for the period of treatment of a cold, it must be canceled.

Also, with caution, Viferon should be treated with those who suffer from any kind of allergy or have previously had sensitivity to the components of the drug. This is due to the fact that in pregnant women, any diseases that have happened before can worsen.

Should pregnant women use the drug for treatment

Usage question medicines containing interferon, Lately increasingly raised by doctors. But there is still no clear answer about its effectiveness.

  1. After the virus enters the body, interferon begins to be produced in it on its own. Taking any immunostimulants, we help our immune system to defeat the disease faster;
  2. However, there is an opinion that thus accelerating our recovery, we ourselves suppress the work of immunity;

Therefore, it is fair to note that pregnant women should use Viferon only as a last resort, when for one reason or another their body cannot cope with the disease on its own. In addition, a cold is not such a complex disease in which there is a need for additional stimulation of the body.

  • According to recent studies, alpha interferons, which are also contained in Viferon, do not affect the course of a cold in any way and cannot affect a speedy recovery;
  • Moreover, such drugs have a negative effect on the functioning of the thyroid gland, which becomes overly sensitive during pregnancy. During this period, the synthesis of hormones thyroid gland decreases, so women are often diagnosed with hypothyroidism. And against the background of the use of Viferon, the pathology can be aggravated even more.

Today, more and more doctors are inclined to believe that during pregnancy it is better to refuse immunostimulants altogether. Instead, it is recommended to increase the body's defenses by alternative methods:

The body of a pregnant woman undergoes tremendous changes during this period, so it is not always possible to guess how it will react to taking synthetic interferon. In addition, studies have shown that interferon is practically not absorbed when used rectally, and therefore does not enter the body.


Answering the question: “Can Viferon be used during pregnancy?”, It is worth paying attention to the fact that:

  • The drug is not able to cure any of those diseases that are indicated in the instructions for its use, it only stimulates the body to fight the virus on its own;
  • The drug will be effective only if its use was started from the first day of illness and was carried out under medical supervision;
  • Only a doctor can prescribe Viferon, since uncontrolled reception such drugs can lead to negative consequences on the part of the immune system.

During pregnancy, the immune system of a young woman weakens, so various acute and chronic inflammatory processes pose a certain threat to the health of her and the child. Interferon group preparations, in particular, viferon in early pregnancy, can come to the aid of the expectant mother.

This medicine has enough a wide range action, and its use after 12 weeks of pregnancy practically does not cause pathological reactions in women and the fetus. However, with the use of the drug in question in the 1st trimester, not everything is so simple. What are the features of treatment with Viferon for such a contingent of patients?

Read in this article

When the medicine is used

During the gestation of the fetus, any expectant mother should first of all think about the health of her child, so taking the usual medicines for a woman will be severely limited. Most anti-inflammatory drugs in the annotation have a ban on use during pregnancy.

One of the few drugs that do not have such restrictions is viferon.

This tool not only enhances the work of the patient's immune system, but is also successfully used together with other drugs for the complex therapy of the following diseases:

  • The medicine perfectly copes with various inflammatory pathologies of the genital organs of a woman, among which chlamydia and papillomas caused by a virus can be distinguished.
  • The drug is used to treat liver diseases, in particular, chronic hepatitis.
  • Various skin manifestations caused by viral infection. With such a pathology, it is most often recommended to use viferon ointment in the early stages of pregnancy.
  • Among the main diseases for the treatment of which this drug is prescribed, there are undoubtedly viral ones.

Since most experts consider it possible to use viferon during pregnancy, this drug is widely prescribed for the treatment of expectant mothers.

Features of the composition of the drug and the main forms of release

Given antiviral agent created on the basis of an analogue of human interferon and contains, in addition to this substance, a large number of. Thanks to his pharmacological action this combination medicinal substances, among other things, is a powerful stimulant of the woman's immune system.

For a more complete participation in the treatment process and minimizing side effects, the pharmacological industry produces this drug in several forms.

What you need to know about the ointment form of the drug

The ointment is widely used in modern gynecology and dermatology for the treatment of warts and genital warts in pregnant women. In addition, this drug is used for any pathology of the skin or mucous membrane of a future mother caused by a virus.

Therapists include a remedy for quick help a woman if during pregnancy she caught ARVI. Experts say that rubbing this ointment into the nasal mucosa 2-3 times a day, you can achieve a quick positive result.

The composition of this medicine, in addition to tocopherol and interferon, includes absolutely harmless lanolin and petroleum jelly, therefore this remedy is also approved for use in pediatrics from the first days after childbirth. If a woman asks a specialist a question about whether viferon is possible in early pregnancy, then she should indicate that only this dosage form the drug is used in the first trimester.

Such recommendations are based on the fact that the ointment or gel produces mainly local effects on female body almost never enter the bloodstream. At similar application medicines, the pathological effect on the fetus is reduced to a minimum.

Viferon ointment is usually applied to the provoked area of ​​the body several times a day for a week. It is recommended to start treatment when the first signs of pathology appear.

This practice will help the fair sex to recover as soon as possible. However, before using this medication, a doctor's consultation is mandatory for the expectant mother.

Watch the video about the drug:

How Candles Are Used

This form of the drug has an extended spectrum of action than an ointment or gel. The thing is that when the drug is injected into the rectum, the drug is absorbed into the bloodstream and has a more pronounced therapeutic effect.

But in this and at the same time there are limitations to the possible use of the drug in the early stages of fetal development. There is no reliable data on the effect of the drug on the primary formation and growth of the baby's organs and systems.

Given the lack of relevant research, many pharmaceutical companies it is advised not to use Viferon suppositories in the early stages of pregnancy. If a woman was undergoing treatment and became pregnant, experts advise to temporarily interrupt the course of therapy.

After an ultrasound scan and a statement of the absence of deviations in the development of the baby, the treatment of inflammatory and viral diseases of the genital organs or the gastrointestinal tract in the patient can be continued. However, control by doctors with this drug intake should be constant.

Candles are prescribed for expectant mothers almost before the due date. Most often, treatment is stopped at 34-35 weeks of gestation. However, some obstetricians and gynecologists believe that therapy can be carried out at a later date.

Usually viferon in the form of suppositories is injected into the rectum twice a day. Such a treatment schedule is due to the period of absorption of the drug into the patient's blood. It is recommended to be in a horizontal position for 30-40 minutes after taking the medicine.

The permitted course of treatment should not exceed 5 days. After a week break, therapy is continued, however, the number of such sessions should be limited to 10 cycles and constantly monitored by the antenatal clinic doctor.

Most often, experts recommend during pregnancy to their patients the dosage of the drug. Since candles of different quantitative content of human interferon are used in medicine, expectant mothers usually choose the most sparing option.

In suppositories, in addition to medicinal substances, cocoa butter is also included. It is used to enhance the absorption of the drug in the rectum of the patient.

What a pregnant woman should know before using

Most modern anti-inflammatory and antiviral drugs usually contraindicated during pregnancy. Almost all of them affect the tone of the uterus and can lead to the threat of early termination of pregnancy.

Viferon does not have such negative qualities, but, like any other medicine, the expectant mother should take it with caution. Although in medical literature the clinic of drug overdose is not described, some symptoms of pathological reactions to such therapy still exist.

Most often, a woman may be disturbed by various local manifestations. Usually it is irritation and itching, redness skin or mucous membranes, various dermatitis. If the drug has been used to treat a cold, there may be a temporary increase in nasal discharge.

These symptoms are not pronounced, do not require special treatment and in 95% of cases pass within 2 to 3 days. It is difficult to call such a picture even an allergic reaction, since viferon itself has a weak antihistamine effect, therefore, it is a cure for allergies.

In the list of contraindications, pharmaceutical companies indicate only individual intolerance to cocoa butter. Since this component is found exclusively in suppositories, in the early stages of pregnancy, this property of the drug can not be considered.

It should be noted that the treatment medicine- pleasure is far from cheap. Ointment viferon production Russian Federation sold in pharmacy network Ukraine from 150 to 200 hryvnia for a tube with a capacity of 12 grams. Rectal suppositories, depending on the dosage, cost from 120 to 700 hryvnia.

The pricing policy for Viferon in Moscow and the regions is approximately at the same level. Ointment can be purchased for 500 - 600 rubles, and the cost of suppositories directly depends on the dosage.

Treatment at the time of bearing a child requires the future mother to be careful and scrupulous medical advice. Even viferon, with its zero toxicity and the virtual absence of side effects, can become a direct threat to the unborn baby. Especially if you use the drug in question in the early stages of pregnancy.

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Candles Viferon is prescribed during pregnancy to strengthen the immune system and cope with various viral, colds. After all, in the first place, a woman’s immune system suffers and the body is prone to diseases.

Candle treatment with a doctor
watch outdoors woman
Before use this drug the doctor will help

The main advantage of this drug is that it does not carry any negative consequences for the fetus. Viferon during pregnancy makes it possible to significantly reduce the use of antibiotics.

  • the main thing active substance– interferon α-2b;
  • excipients: Tocopherol Acetate, Sodium Ascorbate, Ascorbic Acid;
  • the basis of the medicine is cocoa butter, fat.

Treatment for various viral diseases

This drug is in the form of a white-yellow bullet. The diameter is 1 cm. Due to this diameter, they are easy to enter into the intestine.

Important properties of the drug

What are these candles used for? They are used for such diseases:

  • SARS;
  • flu;
  • candidiasis;
  • vaginal ureaplasmosis;
  • bacterial vaginosis;
  • chlamydia;
  • trichomoniasis;
  • hepatitis of groups B, C;
  • cytomegalovirus infection.

Also, Viferon suppositories during pregnancy are used for prevention and to maintain immunity. The main active substance is interferon, with properties similar to substances produced by the body. They fight infections, viruses, quickly reduce the temperature and act antibacterially.

Features of using candles

The drug is approved for use only from the fourteenth week of pregnancy, in the second trimester. This is due to the fact that studies were conducted only from 14 weeks. When breastfeeding, the drug can be used.

In this table, you can see when you can take this drug, for which diseases, and also contraindications.

Gestational ageReason for appointmentContraindications
1 trimesterThe drug cannot be taken. Clinical researches not carried out. There is no data on its effect on the body of a woman and a fetus. There may be a miscarriage.Do not use!
2 trimester
  1. Hepatitis.
  2. Vaginal ureaplasmosis.
  3. Candidiasis in the vagina.
  4. Chlamydia.
  5. Vaginosis.
3rd trimester
  1. Viral diseases (influenza, SARS).
  2. Hepatitis.
  3. Vaginal ureaplasmosis.
  4. Candidiasis in the vagina.
  5. Chlamydia.
  6. Vaginosis.
High sensitivity to the components of this drug.

Can only be taken from 14 weeks pregnant

Before using Viferon during pregnancy, a mandatory consultation with a doctor is necessary. Any medicine must be taken under the supervision of a doctor so as not to harm yourself and the unborn child.

Proper use of the medicine

Candles are administered rectally, into the rectum. They melt in your hands, so you can put them in the refrigerator for a few minutes before using.

Instructions for use.

  1. Carefully open the package.
  2. Then lubricate the tip with a water-soluble ointment that does not contain petroleum jelly. If not, then just moisten the tip with a little water.
  3. It should be administered no more than twice a day in the rectum, no more than 10 days.

Candles Viferon should be used during pregnancy as additional drug to main therapy. Before use, consultation with your doctor (gynecologist, therapist, immunologist) is necessary.

Need to consult a doctor

Candles can be used no less than twelve hours later. Consider correct application with diseases.

  1. herpetic infection. The dosage should be 1,000,000 IU. We introduce 2 times a day, one candle for 10 days.
  2. Viral hepatitis. The dosage is 500,000 IU. We also introduce 2 times a day, 1 candle for 10 days.
  3. Colds and viruses. A minimum dosage of 150,000 IU is required. Enter 2 times a day, 1 candle for 5 days.

You may get a herpes infection during pregnancy. It can be cured with Viferon ointment, applying a thin layer to the affected area. After that, gently rub in. The action of this ointment goes immediately to the affected area. The drug is used two or three times a day for a week.

The duration of the medication depends on how complex the disease is. You need to consult a doctor.

Possible side effects

There are practically no side effects. Viferon does not affect the liver and internal organs in any way, thereby pathological manifestations impossible. Very rarely there may be itching, rash, allergic reaction, discomfort near the rectum. But it passes a couple of days after the end of the drug.

The drug is well combined with any other drugs. If during the use of Viferon you have constipation, you should consult a doctor and do an enema.

Store the medicine should be in a place inaccessible to sunlight, at a temperature of 3 to 9 degrees. Avoid contact with children. Shelf life - two years. After use is prohibited. When buying medicine, a prescription from a doctor is not needed.

Here's how they talk about Viferon during pregnancy.

Oksana Lipovenko:

I recommend using these suppositories for colds and for the treatment of herpes. I used in the second trimester, went to the doctor. Since my immune system was completely weakened, I got the flu. The gynecologist prescribed this medicine for me. Used it twice for ten days. It helped me a lot, I recovered quickly. A healthy baby was born.

Maria Glushnikova:

I heard about this drug, but did not pay attention to it until I became pregnant. I started colds. My salvation turned out to be Viferon 2 suppositories, which are used during pregnancy. It can be used both for the prevention and treatment of colds. There were 10 candles in the package. I got them for 5 days. I don't know how, but my condition has improved a lot. Of course, it only works in combination with other drugs. Candles alone cannot cure a cold. I gargled my throat, puffed my nose and so on. Within 4 days, my immunity increased and I began to feel much better. So if someone is wondering if Viferon can be used during pregnancy, I say yes.

Ekaterina Stepanova:

I'm glad I didn't have any complications during my pregnancy. The only thing I picked up somewhere is SARS. My doctor also prescribed this medicine for me. It is very easy to use and I didn't have any side effects. And the child was born without defects. And so I was very worried, you never know what would happen. I am glad that the shelf life is long, you can long time Keep refrigerated. One thing, they act in about half an hour ... you have to lie down for a long time ... it's not very pleasant. And so, quite good remedy. Well, the price of Viferon is not very big, but I would say not small either.

Anyone can get sick and, unfortunately, expectant mothers are no exception. The state of pregnancy is a greenhouse period, when you need to carefully decide on any intervention from the outside, including medicinal ones. The attending physician always makes a decision based on many factors: the condition of the pregnant woman, tests, possible risks for the fetus and mother when choosing a medicine.

Always chosen best option, which will improve the condition of the pregnant woman and will not harm the development of the fetus. The goal of the doctor is not to harm and normalize the condition of the expectant mother, and also to prevent the pathogen from penetrating the fetus.

In what cases are candles prescribed for pregnant women: dosages and methods of application

Quite often when viral diseases pregnant women are prescribed Viferon suppositories. The medical name for suppositories is suppositories, they differ in the concentration of the active substance. The dosage of the drug varies from 150,000 IU to 3,000,000 IU, it is selected by the attending physician, depending on the type and degree diseases.

  • SARS, influenza and pneumonia (pneumonia).

Dosage: 500,000 IU. Treatment: one candle twice a day with an interval of 12 hours (for example, at 9 am and 9 pm). The treatment lasts 5 days, but according to the doctor's indications, it can be extended.

  • Viral hepatitis B, C, D (chronic).

Dosage: 3,000,000 IU. Treatment: one suppository twice a day (once every 12 hours). The duration of the medication: 10 days. After that, the interval of admission changes: three times a week for six months to a year. The doctor may extend the treatment.

Dosage: 500,000 IU. Treatment: one suppository twice a day. The course lasts 10 days. After that, for every fourth day, a candle twice a day for 9 days. Then every 4 weeks before delivery, suppositories are used at a dosage of 150,000 IU. One suppository twice a day for 5 days.

  • Herpes skin and mucous membranes, including the urogenital form.

How to take: one suppository (500,000 IU) twice a day. The course of treatment is 10 days. Then every fourth day, one suppository is administered twice a day for 9 days. After that, every 4 weeks until delivery, one suppository (150,000 IU) twice a day for 5 days. Before childbirth (from 38 weeks) one suppository (500,000 IU) 2 times a day for 10 days.


    Side effects effects from the use of the drug "Viferon".

In rare cases, an allergic reaction (rash, itching) is possible with individual intolerance. This reaction stops three days after discontinuation of the drug.

    How to use the suppository right?

    Why is a suppository prescribed?

Through the intestinal mucosa active substance get into the blood faster. Thus, the drug will restore and increase the production of antibodies that are necessary to protect the immune system, especially the immunity of a pregnant woman. But, the mechanism of the gel or ointment is local, they are used to fight infections on the mucous membranes. Accordingly, with serious health risks, doctors often prescribe suppositories.

    Which deadline can i put candles?

This drug is allowed to be taken from the 14th week of pregnancy, which corresponds to the second trimester. However, in cases of increased risk to the mother, more early application medicines (under the strict supervision of a doctor). The drug in the form of an ointment or gel can be used at any stage of pregnancy.

    Why Candles unwanted for use up to 14 weeks?

Studies of the drug were carried out only on animals. During the studies, it was found that in the early stages of pregnancy, the active substance (interferon) in high concentration can slow down the development of the fetus, and with an overdose of the drug, there is a risk of miscarriage. Appointment in the early stages is used with a great threat to the health of the pregnant woman. It should also be noted that in any case and at any time, pregnant women are prescribed reduced doses of the drug.

    Which composition at the candles?

The active substance is human interferon. This is a protein that cells secrete in response to attacks by viral bodies. And the body of the drug itself is made from cocoa butter and confectionery fat. They melt at room temperature, which makes it easier to inject.

    Why do you need vitamins E and C as part of Viferon?

Reduce the side effects of the drug and fatigue. Increase immunity and cell regeneration. They improve blood circulation and favorably affect the walls of blood vessels, strengthening them.

    What happens if refuse from taking "Viferon" during pregnancy (diagnosis: bacterial vaginosis)?

If you refuse the prescribed medication, you may experience severe consequences because bacteria from the vagina can infect the membranes and the placenta. This can provoke premature birth, and in the early stages - miscarriage or miscarriage.


Without fear and doubt, you can use the candles "Viferon" during pregnancy, if they are prescribed by the attending doctor. They are mainly used in the second and third trimester, but special indications may be assigned to more early term. In this case, the pregnant woman is under the close supervision of a doctor, including the option of being "on preservation" in the department. Experts strongly do not recommend self-medication, especially for pregnant women. It is impossible to independently assess the full range of risks to one's health, and even more so - to the health of the fetus. It is always possible to discuss with the doctor the concerns about the prescribed drug and ask for a more detailed explanation of the reasons for prescribing it.