
Why do babies need folic acid? Folic acid for children: can it be given and instructions for use?

The child's immune, nervous system and bone marrow require a regular supply of folate. Folic acid deficiency in children is compensated with the help of drugs, prescribed in dosage according to the age of the child.

Until the age of 3 years, a child’s brain is actively developing and improving specific immunity and musculoskeletal system. Rapid child development active formation its organs require a constant supply of nutrients and vitamins to the body.

In total, up to 6 months, a baby needs 25 mcg of folate daily. At breastfeeding the newborn receives the required dosage of folates, everything essential vitamins and minerals from mother's milk.

Vitamin B9 is definitely recommended for women during lactation. For the first 4 months, folic acid, which he receives from his mother, is sufficient for a newborn. From 4 months the baby begins to be fed, giving baby food, enriched with beneficial nutrients.

Premature babies have a high need for vitamins and microelements, since they were born without reserves of these nutrients, the accumulation of which occurs in the last weeks of pregnancy. Such children must be prescribed additional vitamin B9.

Full-term infants who are breastfed are not prescribed additional B9.

  • poor weight gain;
  • the appearance of ulcers in the mouth, diaper rash on the skin;
  • frequent intestinal disorders;
  • low hemoglobin;
  • delays in physical development.

To give a baby vitamin B9 in tablets, take a single drug Folic acid, unless, of course, the pediatrician prescribes a comprehensive vitamin remedy. A pure drug that does not include other vitamins and minerals is most often produced in dosages of 1 and 5 mg.

This is a very large dose for a baby who requires 25 mcg of B9 for up to six months. The required dosage obtained by dividing the tablet into parts.

How to give folic acid to a baby:

  • to obtain a daily dose of 25 mcg, divide the 1 mg tablet into 4 parts;
  • separate the quarter;
  • crush it in a spoon, pressing with another spoon;
  • dissolve in 25 ml of water;
  • the resulting solution is injected into a bottle of water;
  • Give the baby something to drink along with drinking water.

You can take the vitamin solution regardless of meals. The daily dosage of folic acid for infants can be divided into 2-3 doses per day, each time preparing a new portion.

In diluted form, the vitamin will not cause any harm to the mucous membranes. digestive tract. The solution tastes good and is easy to drink.

From 6 months, the need for folic acid increases and reaches 35 mcg per day.

The daily dosage of folic acid increases, and to prepare a solution of the medicine, children will need to take a quarter of a 1 mg tablet and add half of another quarter to it.

The need for folic acid in children under 3 years of age is 50 mcg per day.

At this age, it is better to give vitamin tablets in dissolved form. Vitamin B9 can be given in tablet form after 6 years. The pediatrician can prescribe taking vitamin tablets from 2 weeks to 1 month, and extend them if necessary.

The need for folate increases in brain cells, in which active processes are taking place, new connections are formed between chains of neurons, and mental abilities are developing.

With a deficiency of vitamin B9, the process of formation of mature red blood cells is disrupted, which is why the brain does not receive enough oxygen. Oxygen starvation negatively affects the functioning of the brain and the whole nervous system generally.

From 6 to 10 years of age, the need for folate increases and reaches 100 mcg daily. Adolescents from 10 to 14 years old need 150 mcg per day. After 14 years of age, a person should receive 200 mcg per day.

The dosage of B9 should not be exceeded. Exceeding the dose can cause unwanted side effects such as skin rashes, fever, bronchospasm. In children, sleep may be disturbed and digestion may be upset.

To avoid deficiency, it is advisable to constantly add fresh parsley, dill, and lettuce to your food. Give fresh fruits, vegetables, and nuts more often. We described in detail which foods contain the most folic acid on a separate page, Folic Acid in Foods.

Folic acid for children - vitamin B9, necessary for growth and proper development. Ensures the functioning of the hematopoietic system, is involved in DNA synthesis, and is useful for brain function. It is important for children under three years of age to get the required amount of folic acid. Without vitamin B9, cell division and growth are impossible. Older children need vitamin B9 to maintain immunity.

Even at the stage of intrauterine growth, the fetus needs a sufficient amount of vitamins and minerals. Doctors recommend starting to take folic acid before conception and continuing during pregnancy. A lack of vitamin B9 leads to developmental pathologies, in particular to neural tube defects of the fetus. Every expectant mother takes vitamins recommended by doctors, which makes a significant contribution to the birth of a healthy baby.

For children under one year of age, vitamin B9 is necessary for the proper functioning of the hematopoietic system. Its deficiency during this period of life affects the bone marrow, the processes of creating blood cells slow down, which can lead to anemia. A baby up to six months receives all the necessary vitamins from breast milk, so doctors recommend additional folic acid for nursing mothers.

If breastfeeding is not possible, your pediatrician will recommend formula fortified with vitamin B9.

After a year, intensive growth of the body continues. During this period of life, vitamin B9 ensures the division and growth of new cells, affects the speed of thinking, absorption new information. In kindergarten and school, children learn the world around us Therefore, under the age of 14 years, it is necessary to include in the diet foods rich in B vitamins (citrus fruits, legumes, chicken meat, cereals, dairy and fermented milk products).

With a lack of vitamin B9 occurs serious illness– macrocytic anemia. Pediatricians pay close attention to the treatment of anemia in premature infants. If the baby is born ahead of schedule, some of its systems must mature, and for this the body needs oxygen. When there is not enough oxygen in the blood, physical and mental development is delayed.

In premature babies, especially those with low body weight, hemoglobin levels in the blood are often below normal. Doctors explain this by the immaturity of the hematopoietic system. Special treatment Anemia in premature babies is not carried out. Provided that the hemoglobin level is not significantly reduced and all other tests are normal, the body copes with this pathology on its own.

Sometimes a severe form of anemia develops due to a lack of vitamin B9 and iron. Depending on the characteristics of the disease, the doctor may recommend separate appointment folic acid for premature babies. It is important to know the symptoms of anemia and pay attention to them in time so that the baby grows up healthy. Premature babies and children under one year old exhibit the following symptoms of anemia:

  • Paleness of the skin;
  • Sluggish breastfeeding;
  • Loss of appetite;
  • Fatigue;
  • Low weight gain;
  • Excessive tearfulness, irritability;
  • Apathy, lack of interest in exploring the world;
  • With severe and prolonged vitamin deficiency, mouth ulcers can form.
  • Read also: concussion in a child

Sometimes doctors prescribe vitamin B9 in combination with therapy to treat intestinal dysbiosis. The fact is that children under one year old have microflora gastrointestinal tract is just being formed, with some external influences(severe stress, taking antibiotics) the fragile mechanism can be disrupted. Folic acid for children has a positive effect on the growth of beneficial microorganisms in the intestines.

If the diagnosis of dysbiosis is confirmed by tests, B vitamins are prescribed in combination with prebiotics.

For the treatment and prevention of anemia, vitamin B9 is available in tablet form. One tablet contains 1 mg of folic acid. For children under one year old, the tablet should be crushed, the resulting powder should be diluted with a few drops of water and given using a pipette or syringe without a needle immediately before feeding. Older children take the tablet with water on their own.

The dosage of the drug depends on the baby’s age, dietary habits, course of the disease and other factors. The instructions for the drug contain information on doses, but on average the recommendations are as follows (the amount of folic acid per day is indicated):

  • For premature babies and infants up to one year old daily dose is 10-40 mcg;
  • Children from one to three years old are prescribed a dosage of 40 to 60 mcg;
  • For children from three to six years old, the dosage is up to 75 mcg;
  • Children from six to ten years old will need from 75 to 100 mcg;
  • For children from ten to fourteen years old, the dosage is up to 150 mcg.

Remember that only a doctor can prescribe the drug and dose! The doctor will also indicate the duration of the course. Despite the relative safety of the drug, it is not recommended to take it for more than 30 days.

Vitamin B9 is contained in almost all vitamin complexes for children. Among the most popular preparations, it is worth highlighting Alphabet vitamins, Vita Mishki chewing marmalade, and Multi Tabs vitamin complex. However, parents should not choose a drug for their child on their own; only a doctor can give recommendations for use.

Sometimes the stated dosage of folic acid in vitamin complex higher than recommended. The synthetic form of vitamin B9 is difficult to absorb. Excessive amounts of the substance are excreted unchanged from the body by the kidneys. Overdose is extremely rare. But it is not recommended to exceed the prescribed dose. Please note that the instructions for use of the drug contain information about side effects, if these occur, you should stop taking vitamins.

Folic acid (also called vitamin B9) is necessary for absolutely every living organism. Its deficiency can greatly affect human health. It is very important to monitor its content in the body. This is especially true for young children.

Before we talk about methods of use and dosage, it is important to understand why children need folic acid. There are several advantages in total:

1. After using the drug, blood begins to circulate several times better. This prevents the risk of developing anemia at an early age.

2. Beneficial microflora is created in the intestines, which protects this organ from various diseases.

3. Improves bone marrow function.

Children need folic acid to strengthen the body, restore immunity and protect against the penetration of bacteria. Therefore, it is very important to start taking it the sooner the better. Doctors talk about this.

Fortunately, most women take a responsible approach to such issues as family planning. Before conception, a conscious patient registers at the clinic, undergoes an examination and passes all necessary tests. Doctors strongly recommend that every expectant parent (both mother and father) take two tablets of folic acid (400 mcg) twice a day three months before the expected pregnancy.

First of all, the drug is necessary to maintain normal level hemoglobin in the blood. Many couples cannot conceive a child long time due to its insufficiency. Folic acid contains an important derivative - tetrahydrofolate. When it enters the body of a man or woman, it begins to secrete biochemical enzymes. As a result, the partner’s body is better prepared for the process of conception. The expectant father's sperm become faster and of better quality, and the expectant mother's ovulation process is more efficient. Thus, couples planning a pregnancy need to consume folic acid. Firstly, for the successful conception of a baby. Secondly, for the full development of the fetus.

If conception and implantation of the embryo in the uterine cavity has occurred successfully, then medical experts also recommend consuming vitamin B9 throughout the first trimester. It is necessary in the body expectant mother in order to prevent the development of various neural tube defects, namely spina bifida, hydrops and brain herniation. Due to a lack of folic acid, various unpleasant moments: placental abruption, disruption of its formation and other defects that can lead to miscarriage and premature birth. Be sure to remember this.

Children under 12 months do not need folic acid. It is prescribed by a pediatrician only for the following symptoms:

  • If the child was born prematurely, that is, before the 37th week of pregnancy. This drug allows him to quickly catch up with his peers.
  • If your baby is not gaining weight well. According to experts, in the first 12 months of life it should grow more than 2 times compared to its original parameters.
  • If your baby has problems with bowel function. For example, when he often experiences constipation or diarrhea.

In rare cases, vitamin B9 is prescribed as an additional vitamin. This applies to newborns on artificial nutrition. Babies being fed breast milk As a rule, all necessary vitamins are sufficient.

Children also need folic acid during the period when they begin to attend kindergarten. Being in a large team often leads to development viral diseases. This drug produces immune bodies in the body that do not perceive childhood infections. In some cases, this vitamin is prescribed by a psychologist if the child does not adapt well to the environment.

Vitamin B9 must also be taken by schoolchildren. American scientists have proven that it improves intellectual activity several times and allows you to concentrate. In addition, this drug prevents the development of fatigue, which can arise from an unusual training load.

Lack of folic acid provokes a huge number of diseases. However, its excess will not lead to anything good. Therefore, it is very important to follow the dosage of folic acid for children:

  • The minimum amount of the drug is 25 mcg. This is the amount of vitamin that is enough for babies in the first six months of life.
  • From 6 months, its amount can be increased to 35 mcg.
  • Children over 1 year old – no more than 50 mcg.

That's not all. Further, the daily requirement of folic acid increases by 25 units every three years. That is, if a child is 3 years old, then he needs 75 mcg of the vitamin, 6 years old - 100 mcg, 9 years old - 125 mcg. The maximum daily intake is 200 mcg. This is exactly what is enough for children aged 14 years and older.

Fortunately, there are enough simple instructions on the use of folic acid for children:

  1. First of all, you should pay attention to the dosage of one tablet. It can be equal to 400 mcg or 1 mg.
  2. The required amount must be separated from it, depending on the age of the child.
  3. Then you should carefully crush this particle so that you get a fine powder.
  4. All that remains is to dilute it with water and give it to the child to drink.

It is worth considering that taking this vitamin does not depend on the consumption of food and other medications. It has a neutral taste. Therefore, there is no need to drink it with water.

Still, some people may have difficulty with the instructions for folic acid for children. For example, if it is necessary to separate a particle equal to 25 mcg from 1 mg (for a newborn baby). To achieve this result, you need to do the following:

  1. Divide the tablet into 4 equal parts.
  2. One of them should be crushed into powder and diluted with 5 teaspoons of boiled water.
  3. 2.5 ml of this solution (half a teaspoon) will contain 25 mcg of folic acid.

The medicine is given to older children in the same way. One teaspoon equals 50 mcg, and 2 teaspoons equals 100 mcg.

The course of treatment with this drug should range from two weeks to 30 days. Daily norm If desired, you can divide it into 2-3 times.

Folic acid can be given to children not only in the form of medicine, but also through regular food. For example, it is found in chicken, cabbage, cottage cheese, cheese, and almost all types of nuts and greens. It is advisable that they be preferred by pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers. This will reduce the risk of serious illness.

Vitamin B9 mandatory necessary for every citizen from the very beginning early age. Its deficiency can negatively affect human health and appearance(hair often begins to fall out, nails break, and acne appears). Therefore, experts recommend the use of folic acid for children and adults for prevention, at least once every three years. It is worth noting that medicinal product can be purchased at affordable price. One package containing 30 tablets costs about 100 rubles.

We are 3 months old, low hemoglobin. Have you been prescribed folic acid to drink for a month? Has anyone taken it?

She prescribed it for us, but I don’t remember at what age - it was with my son. I remember that it was before I was a year old. folic acid increases the production of red blood cells and is often prescribed for anemia

We drank, but also ferum lek!

Well, it’s useful, are you afraid to give it?

I just think the dosage is too high

An overdose in the case of taking folic acid occurs only if the daily norm is exceeded 20 times! I read this somewhere recently, but it doesn’t do any harm

no problem))) I recently found out that I was taking much more than I should, so I rushed to the Internet to look for information, it turned out everything was fine))

Drank, helped.

Tatyana, how much did they give the child? and at what age was it?

I gave it to my middle son when he was 3 months old, but I don’t remember the dosage.

yes, the pediatrician prescribed Folka to my daughter specifically because of low hemoglobin, only after six months

what was the result? We were prescribed 1/2 2 times a day.

We also drink because of low hemoglobin, 1/4 x 2 times a day, but we were also prescribed maltofer!

within a month?

how much do you weigh?

For now we were told to drink for 2 weeks, and then benchmark analysis blood. We weigh 7 kg!

The fact is that our doctor is on vacation, so I was somewhat wary of this recommendation.

Maybe it's better to consult another doctor? Or should you still drink 1/4, you just have some kind of high dose... our hemoglobin is 104, but we were recommended to drink this way!

Svetlana, are you on IV or GW?

that's why your dose is different. You have all the vitamins in mixtures. and we are on GW.

Tell me, how did you give it to your baby?

1/2 2 times a day. crushed it in a spoon and mixed it with some water

Did you dilute it in the spoon itself? Before eating? My husband just went to the doctor and didn’t ask anything about how to give it.

I took a spoon, crushed half a tablet with another spoon, and added a couple of drops of water. I gave it in the morning when we woke up, and then at 4 o’clock. Before meals or not, it’s not so important

Tell me, at what age was folic acid prescribed?

and today we are only 6 weeks old and were prescribed to take folic acid, but I can’t understand why at this age!

Why didn’t you ask the doctor?

they told everyone they'd prescribe

she’s strange... you can clarify why. why just stuff it like that, especially for such a little one?

girls, please tell me, the child is 3 months old, low hemoglobin, folic acid was prescribed. After pregnancy, I only have pills left, they are called folic acid 9 months, is there a difference between folic acid and folic acid 9 months?

call the pharmacy and find out

I already figured it out, it’s different, the dosage is different

They prescribed it to us too, but they didn’t indicate the dosage. There is 5 mg, there is 1.

Folic acid (vitamin B9) is vital important vitamin. It is involved in metabolic processes, including...

It’s crazy, I knew of course so superficially...

ALL ABOUT FOLIC ACID It is involved in metabolic processes, in DNA synthesis, and is responsible for the formation of blood...

and I thought it was nonsense

Acid is an essential component for regulating fat and carbohydrate metabolism, as well as hematopoiesis in the body. The vitamin supports vital functions and synthesizes new cells. For children, folic acid is needed to avoid anemia - a deficiency of red blood cells. If there is a lack of vitamin B9 in the body, the bone marrow, which is responsible for cell division, begins to suffer.

In the first weeks of intrauterine development, if there is a lack of folic acid, the child’s body may experience pathological processes in the central nervous system, such as underdevelopment of the brain, cerebral hernias, etc. Folic acid is necessary for the development of the placenta, which provides the fetus with oxygen and nutrients. After the birth of a child, intensive growth of the body occurs. During the first year of life, the baby gains three times more weight than at birth. All his organs and systems are growing. Such active growth requires a considerable amount of folic acid.

Uses of folic acid

For children, it is recommended to take folic acid for megaloblastic and nutritional macrocytic anemia. The drug is prescribed for the treatment of sprue syndrome, when the function of food absorption in the intestines is impaired. An indication for taking folic acid for children is also a decrease in white blood cell counts after ionizing radiation, radiotherapy and taking medications.

The dosage of the vitamin is determined by the attending physician depending on the age of the child and the severity of the disease. The recommended daily dose of folic acid for babies up to 6 months is 25 mcg, from 6 months to 1 year - 35 mcg, 1 - 3 years - 50 mcg, from 3 to 6 years - 75 mcg, from 6 to 1 years - 100 mcg , 10 - 14 years old - 150 mcg and from 14 years old - 200 mcg.

It should be remembered that some part of folic acid children's body received along with food. The vitamin is found in mother's breast milk, cereals, nuts, bananas, apricots, green vegetables, buckwheat and oatmeal, as well as in meat, dairy products, salmon and tuna. Heat processing of foods destroys folic acid.

If the child has normal balanced diet and the intestinal microflora is in order, the body independently produces acid and accumulates it in the liver. In other cases, it is necessary to take folic acid separately or as part of a vitamin-mineral complex.

One of the most necessary for the body compounds - included in group B at number 9. This substance takes part in many processes occurring in the body. Children especially need folic acid.

Vitamin B9 was discovered in the first half of the twentieth century during a period of rapid study and development of vitamin science. The first to suggest its existence was the Russian scientist Efremov, who examined pregnant women and discovered a new form of anemia in some of them. It was called megaloblastic, since during its course the red blood cells in the bone marrow partially did not mature at all, and partially turned into megaloblasts - the precursors of erythrocytes, in which the ratio of ribonucleic and desonucleic acids is disturbed, differ irregular shape and abnormally large sizes. The scientist found that consuming products made from liver improved the condition of patients.

A little later, the Briton Wills, who worked for a long time as a doctor in India, discovered that the purity of the liver extract was inversely proportional to its benefits for megaloblastic anemia. A few more years later it turned out that this substance is found in large quantities in greens. From Latin word“folium” (leaf) is where the established name of the compound and its derivatives (folates) came from.

Vitamin B9 is needed by the human body at any age, but its lack has a particularly fatal effect on children. The fact is that this compound is involved in those processes that are most active in childhood and adolescence.

Roles performed by vitamin B9:

  • Folic acid is an obligatory participant in the copying of genetic information. This means that a deficiency of this compound is critical for unborn children, newborns and adolescents, in whose bodies there are processes of active cell division and growth. Disruption of the process of correct DNA reproduction can stimulate the development of cancer cells.
  • B9 performs a function similar to that of estrogen, the female sex hormone. Accordingly, the body of girls really needs it during puberty.
  • Folates play important role in production bone marrow erythrocytes, which, in turn, supply all cells of the body with oxygen. Children under one year of age especially need folic acid.
  • Babies born prematurely need B9 the most. Many of their organs must have time to develop to normal levels in order to be able to function independently, and this requires even more active cell division. Often these infants develop anemia.
  • Folic acid for children 3 years and older It is needed primarily as a substance that actively participates in the functioning of the brain and promotes the production of neurotransmitters - adrenaline and serotonin. Since the latter is responsible for positive emotions, B9 is often called the “vitamin of joy.”
  • B9 is also useful for young girls. This substance is responsible for the beauty and health of the skin, for combating acne and irritation.

Hypovitaminosis and vitamin deficiency

In what dosages do children need folic acid?

It all depends on age:

  • A healthy infant under 1 year of age should receive at least 50 mcg of folate daily. This can occur during breastfeeding, if the mother eats properly and does not suffer from B9 deficiency herself, or when feeding with special milk formulas.
  • A child from one to three years old needs 70 mcg of vitamin.
  • From 4 to 6 years old give 100 mcg.
  • Up to 10 years - 150.
  • For children adolescence Before adulthood you need 200 mcg.

If there is a lack of vitamin B9 in the body of a newborn (up to one year), symptoms of anemia appear:

  • pallor;
  • loss of appetite;
  • apathy and causeless crying;
  • sluggish breastfeeding;
  • lack of weight gain;
  • in advanced cases, ulcers may appear in the mouth.

In children of school and kindergarten age, symptoms of B9 deficiency manifest themselves in the same way as in adults:

  • disorders of the digestive system;
  • apathetic state;
  • gum disease;
  • forgetfulness, irritability;
  • weight loss.

Folic acid hypervitaminosis is not a common phenomenon. Firstly, excess vitamin accumulates in the liver, which allows the body to survive for some time without additional supplies. Secondly, excess B9 is well excreted by the kidneys. But in recent years, studies have been conducted that have found that an excess of folate can worsen the body's resistance to viruses and tumors. To prevent this effect, it is enough to give folic acid to the child within the daily norm.

Please note: when taking anticonvulsants and antimalarials, the absorption of folic acid is significantly reduced. And if there are problems with the gastrointestinal tract, the body’s production of its own folates decreases.

Methods of obtaining

B9 is found in various foods:

  • Wheat sprouts - 350 mcg/100 g.
  • Liver - 246 mcg/100g.
  • Spinach - 204.
  • Soy and egg white - 154.
  • Chicory - 142.

In order for eating food prepared from these products to give the expected effect, several aspects of B9 absorption must be taken into account. Firstly, this vitamin is sensitive to heat treatment. Heating can destroy up to 90% of the substances in food. Therefore, everything that can be eaten raw from foods rich in folic acid must be eaten raw.

Secondly, B9 obtained from food is absorbed into best case scenario 50%, more often - about 30%. Thirdly, after a long stay under sun rays, active physical activity and stress, a person’s (and especially a child’s) need for folate increases. And finally, this compound is best absorbed in combination with vitamins C and B12.

Despite the absence of serious consequences of folic acid hypervitaminosis, it is still better to consult a doctor and get instructions on the use of B9 drugs, especially if we're talking about O small child up to a year. Before use, the vitamin tablet should be crushed, a few drops of water should be added and given to the child before feeding, using a pipette or syringe without a needle. But supplemental intake of folic acid is not always advisable. There are many natural sources of it. Feed your children healthy and proper foods.

Getting to know biological role B9 and the consequences of its deficiency is a fairly serious reason to thoughtfully and carefully prepare a child’s diet, avoiding a lack of this useful compound.

Essential for absolutely every living organism. Its deficiency can greatly affect human health. It is very important to monitor its content in the body. This is especially true for young children.

General information

Before we talk about methods of use and dosage, it is important to understand why children need folic acid. There are several advantages in total:

1. After using the drug, blood begins to circulate several times better. This prevents the risk of developing anemia at an early age.

2. Beneficial microflora is created in the intestines, which protects this organ from various diseases.

3. Improves bone marrow function.

Children need it to strengthen the body, restore immunity and protect against the penetration of bacteria. Therefore, it is very important to start taking it the sooner the better. Doctors talk about this.

Taking folic acid when planning pregnancy

Fortunately, most women take a responsible approach to such issues as family planning. Before conception, a conscious patient registers at the clinic, undergoes an examination and takes all the necessary tests. Doctors strongly recommend that every expectant parent (both mother and father) take two tablets of folic acid (400 mcg) twice a day three months before the expected pregnancy.

First of all, the drug is necessary to maintain normal hemoglobin levels in the blood. Many couples cannot conceive a child for a long time due to insufficiency. Folic acid contains an important derivative - tetrahydrofolate. When it enters the body of a man or woman, it begins to secrete biochemical enzymes. As a result, the partner’s body is better prepared for the process of conception. The expectant father's sperm become faster and of better quality, and the expectant mother's ovulation process is more efficient. Thus, couples planning a pregnancy need to consume folic acid. Firstly, for the successful conception of a baby. Secondly, for the full development of the fetus.

Taking folic acid during pregnancy

If conception and implantation of the embryo in the uterine cavity has occurred successfully, then medical experts also recommend consuming vitamin B9 throughout the first trimester. It is necessary in the body of the expectant mother in order to prevent the development of various neural tube defects, namely spina bifida, dropsy and brain hernia. This can cause a variety of unpleasant moments: placental abruption, disruption of its formation and other defects that can lead to miscarriage and premature birth. Be sure to remember this.

B9 for children under 1 year

Children under 12 months do not need folic acid. It is prescribed by a pediatrician only for the following symptoms:

  • If the child was born prematurely, that is, before the 37th week of pregnancy. This drug allows him to quickly catch up with his peers.
  • If your baby is not gaining weight well. According to experts, in the first 12 months of life it should grow more than 2 times compared to its original parameters.
  • If your baby has problems with bowel function. For example, when he often experiences constipation or diarrhea.

In rare cases, vitamin B9 is prescribed as an additional vitamin. This applies to newborns on artificial nutrition. Babies who are fed breast milk usually have enough of all the necessary vitamins.

The value of vitamin B9 for boys and girls aged 1.5 to 7 years

Children also need folic acid during the period when they begin to attend kindergarten. Being in a large group often leads to the development of viral diseases. This drug produces immune bodies in the body that do not perceive childhood infections. In some cases, this vitamin is prescribed by a psychologist if the child does not adapt well to the environment.

The value of vitamin B9 for children over 7 years old

Vitamin B9 must also be taken by schoolchildren. American scientists have proven that it improves intellectual activity several times and allows you to concentrate. In addition, this drug prevents the development of fatigue, which can arise from an unusual training load.

Dosage for small children

Lack of folic acid provokes a huge number of diseases. However, its excess will not lead to anything good. Therefore, it is very important to follow the dosage of folic acid for children:

  • The minimum amount of the drug is 25 mcg. This is the amount of vitamin that is enough for babies in the first six months of life.
  • From 6 months, its amount can be increased to 35 mcg.
  • Children over 1 year old - no more than 50 mcg.

That's not all. Further, the daily requirement of folic acid increases by 25 units every three years. That is, if a child is 3 years old, then he needs 75 mcg of the vitamin, 6 years old - 100 mcg, 9 years old - 125 mcg. The maximum daily intake is 200 mcg. This is exactly what is enough for children aged 14 years and older.

How to take it correctly?

Fortunately, there are fairly simple instructions for using folic acid for children:

  1. First of all, you should pay attention to the dosage of one tablet. It can be equal to 400 mcg or 1 mg.
  2. The required amount must be separated from it, depending on the age of the child.
  3. Then you should carefully crush this particle so that you get a fine powder.
  4. All that remains is to dilute it with water and give it to the child to drink.

It is worth considering that taking this vitamin does not depend on the consumption of food and other medications. It has a neutral taste. Therefore, there is no need to drink it with water.

How to take the smallest dosages correctly?

Still, some people may have difficulty with the instructions for folic acid for children. For example, if it is necessary to separate a particle equal to 25 mcg from 1 mg (for a newborn baby). To achieve this result, you need to do the following:

  1. Divide the tablet into 4 equal parts.
  2. One of them should be crushed into powder and diluted with 5 teaspoons of boiled water.
  3. 2.5 ml of this solution (half a teaspoon) will contain 25 mcg of folic acid.

The medicine is given to older children in the same way. One teaspoon equals 50 mcg, and 2 teaspoons equals 100 mcg.

The course of treatment with this drug should range from two weeks to 30 days. The daily norm can be divided into 2-3 times if desired.


Folic acid can be given to children not only in the form of medicine, but also through regular food. For example, it is found in chicken, cabbage, cottage cheese, cheese, and almost all types of nuts and greens. It is advisable that they be preferred by pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers. This will reduce the risk of serious illness.

In conclusion

Vitamin B9 is mandatory for every citizen from a very early age. Its deficiency can negatively affect a person’s health and appearance (hair often begins to fall out, nails break, and acne appears). Therefore, experts recommend the use of folic acid for children and adults for prevention, at least once every three years. It is worth noting that the drug can be purchased at an affordable price. One package containing 30 tablets costs about 100 rubles.

Folic acid (vitamin B9) is one of the main components for the synthesis of RNA, DNA and proteins, which act as “building blocks” for growing tissues. Tissues grow due to cell division, for which they need large reserves of these elements. Therefore, folic acid is extremely important for children.

Can children be given folic acid?

Folic acid is needed already at the beginning of the first trimester of intrauterine development. With its deficiency, various types of anemia, malnutrition, and nervous system disorders can develop. All this can lead to the development of enteritis and developmental delays. Thanks to folic acid, the placenta develops normally, which is vital for the fetus. If vitamin B9 deficiency occurs during this period, the development of the placenta is interrupted and it ceases to properly perform its functions. This can lead to miscarriages and premature birth.

So why do children need folic acid? As already stated, folic acid deficiency causes pathologies in the child, in particular, anemia of various etiologies. Most often this iron deficiency anemia, in which it is observed in the blood high content hemoglobin with insufficient number of red blood cells. There are folate deficiency anemias. In these cases, the child is prescribed folic acid in a strict dosage, which is determined by the doctor.

Folic acid for children under one year old

If the baby is fed breast milk and the mother eats a balanced diet containing folic acid, it should not be taken. This may result in an overdose, which leads to rashes, itching, asthma attacks, etc. But if infant has difficulty gaining weight, often gets sick, and lags behind his peers in development, then the pediatrician will prescribe an additional course of vitamins.

Folic acid for children 1-3 years old

For children aged 1-3 years, folic acid is vital. This is explained by the fact that during this period the formation and rapid growth of the musculoskeletal system occurs. Children begin to remember and learn new things, due to which the volume of the brain increases in a short time.

Folic acid dosage for children

The need for folic acid depends on individual characteristics the child, his level of physical development and, especially, his age. The recommended dose of vitamin B9 for a child under 1 year of age varies from 10 to 40 mcg per day. Exact dosage should be checked with the attending pediatrician. Subsequently, the need for the vitamin increases significantly, as the child’s body begins to grow and develop rapidly, and the norm increases. Therefore, the recommended doses will be as follows: from 3 to 6 years - 75 mcg; children school age from 6 to 10 years - 100 mcg; from 10 to 14 years - 150 mcg.

How to give your child folic acid

B9 is quite difficult to absorb in the body, so it should be used in conjunction with other vitamins. Most often B6 and B12 are used for this. This complex improves blood supply to the eyes, has positive impact(as antioxidants). Folic acid is included in most modern multivitamin complexes.

But you should know that painkillers and anticonvulsants, antibiotics, cytostatics and some other types of drugs significantly reduce the effectiveness of these complexes, as they accelerate the excretion of folic acid from the body.