
White fever in children help. Child with fever

Fever is the body’s original protective reaction to the penetration of infection or viruses. It is accompanied by a restructuring of thermoregulatory processes, in other words, elevated temperature bodies. As a result, the proliferation of most bacteria and harmful microscopic organisms is suppressed.

Causes of this condition

The most common causes of white or red fever:

  • Infectious diseases in the acute period;
  • Non-infectious diseases of an inflammatory nature;
  • Dehydration, salt imbalance and other disorders of natural metabolism;
  • Overheating;
  • Endocrine system disorders;
  • Allergies and the like.

Types of baby fever

More often than not, young creatures are diagnosed with redness, or as it is also commonly called, pink fever.

It is considered more favorable than white, and can be distinguished by the following signs:

  • reddish and moist skin;
  • a hot body, “bursting” with heat;
  • warm extremities;
  • increased heart rate and rapid breathing.

In this case, the child’s behavior remains unshakable, there is no room for seizures and other unpleasant phenomena. Antipyretics give rapid but short-lived results.

White fever that begins in a child is more dangerous, and its course is noticeably more severe for him. In essence, there is a large-scale overheating of all internal organs, including the brain.

Symptoms of the onset of white fever in a child are as follows:

  • “Marbled” and unclear skin curtain, through which a bluish vascular network appears;
  • Lips and nail beds also take on a bluish tint;
  • Cold extremities;
  • There is a “sign” white spot“when, after pressing on the skin, a white spot does not go away for a long time;
  • The baby changes his behavior, becomes apathetic, lifeless and indifferent. He may experience convulsions accompanied by delirium.

Antipyretic medications do not give a full result, while antihistamines are completely prohibited.

Is it necessary to lower the temperature?

Having noticed the first signs of the disease, parents immediately begin to take out an antipyretic and vigorously stuff their child with it. But is this really necessary? Ideally, initially healthy children It is not recommended to give any medicine until their body temperature exceeds 38.5°C.

Again, this statement may vary depending on the characteristics of each individual. For example, if a baby’s skin begins to turn pale, he is tormented by chills or muscle pain, and his overall condition becomes worse, then the temperature should be lowered urgently.

In situations where the child is at risk and important complications arise against the background of fever, antipyretic treatment begins at 38.0°C (if we're talking about about red fever), and at subfertile temperature (when white fever begins).

The risk of complications is present in children with chronic pathologies mental muscle and respiratory system, successively impaired metabolism, abnormal functioning of the central nervous system.

What to do with red hyperthermia?

Treatment of adults and children occurs according to the following algorithm:

  • Cool and drinking plenty of fluids with little antipyretic result. These can be berry fruit drinks and compotes, rosehip decoction, lingonberry or cranberry juices, tea with lemon and more;
  • For redness skin You should not wrap your child in rugs and blankets, even if he stings from the cold;
  • The processes of evaporation and release of excess heat can be accelerated by wiping with vinegar diluted with water in a ratio of 3:1;
  • Among the physical methods of cooling, it is recommended to apply a cloth napkin soaked in water to the forehead. cold water. It should be changed as often as possible. Bottles filled with cold water should be applied to the location of large vessels, that is, to the neck and groin area;
  • If the temperature rises to 39°C, you can start giving an antipyretic, adhering to the age-specific dosage.

The absence of a visible reaction to all actions taken becomes a signal to call an ambulance. They are required to make a lytic mixture themselves, consisting of an antihistamine and an antipyretic drug. After such an injection, a strong increase in temperature is excluded.

What to do if you have hyperthermia?

Now let's figure out what needs to be done if white fever began in an adult or in a child:

  • Warm drink in the form of herbal infusions, rosehip decoction or tea;
  • White fever requires warming the limbs and rubbing each body until the skin turns pink;
  • Classic traditional methods also give their results. It is recommended to prepare a linden decoction, or a drink from warm water and raspberry jam.

In both cases, independently unresolved white and red (pink) fever requires the presence of physicians. In this situation, the lytic mixture they prepared will also contain an antispasmodic, one that will open the blood vessels and eliminate their spasm.

Other types of hyperthermia

A person can be diagnosed with more than one type of fever, although white and red are considered the most common.

Among the others it is worth highlighting:

  • Rheumatic, surprising mental muscle of children whose age ranges from 3 to 5 years;
  • Hemorrhagic, accompanied by toxicosis, weakness, internal and subcutaneous hemorrhages, general weakness and muscle pain; The main reasons for this condition are manifestations of the effects of the virus;
  • Muscular, also of viral origin, and provoking renal failure. It is identified by bleeding from the nose and gums, chills, migraines, nausea and vomiting.

White fever in children and adults is not the worst thing. The situation is much more difficult with a high temperature that lasts for several weeks in a row and has an unknown origin. It is absolutely possible that the patient will have to undergo a comprehensive medical examination, pass all sorts of reviews and everything like that.

A high or high temperature is a signal that your child’s body is fighting an upcoming illness. Give him a chance to deal with it independently, but do not make the situation skeptical. Study all supportive measures, and do not rush into medications.

Most childhood illnesses are accompanied by high body temperature. Often, inexperienced parents fall into a state of panic and resort to self-medication. Uncontrolled use of antipyretic drugs can worsen the child’s well-being and delay the healing process. Therefore, it is necessary to understand what fever in children is, learn to distinguish between its types and be able to provide timely assistance.

Fever is a protective reaction of the body, characterized by an increase in temperature. It occurs as a result of the action of foreign stimuli on thermoregulation centers.

At high temperatures, the natural production of your own interferons increases. They stimulate the immune system, reduce the viability and suppress the proliferation of many pathogenic microorganisms.

Before determining a fever, parents should know the age-specific temperature range. U infants up to 3 months it is unstable, permissible fluctuations up to 37.5 0 C are observed. For older children, the norm is 36.6 - 36.8 0 C.

Before measuring, it is important that the child is in calm state. You should not give hot drinks and food - this accelerates physiological processes in the body, and the indicators may be inaccurate.


The reasons are conventionally divided into two groups.

Chills are one of the symptoms of acute fever


Fever in a child manifests itself in different ways, the symptoms depend on the disease. Classification takes into account clinical picture, duration and temperature fluctuations per day.

According to the degree of increase, four stages are distinguished:

  • subfebrile ─ from 37 0 C to 38 0 C;
  • febrile (moderate) ─ from 38 0 C to 39 0 C;
  • pyretic (high) ─ from 39 0 C to 41 0 C;
  • hyperpyretic (very high) ─ more than 41 0 C.

The duration is divided into three periods:

  • acute ─ up to 2 weeks;
  • subacute ─ up to 1.5 months;
  • chronic ─ over 1.5 months.

Depending on changes in the temperature curve, several types are distinguished:

  • constant ─ for a long time the temperature remains high, fluctuations per day are 1 0 C ( erysipelas, typhus, lobar pneumonia);
  • intermittent ─ observed short-term increase to high levels, alternating with periods (1-2 days) normal temperature(pleurisy, malaria, pyelonephritis);
  • laxative ─ daily fluctuations within 1-2 0 C, temperature does not drop to normal (tuberculosis, focal pneumonia, purulent diseases);
  • debilitating ─ characterized by a sharp rise and fall in temperature, during the day the fluctuations reach more than 3 0 C (sepsis, purulent inflammation);
  • wavy ─ long time observe a gradual increase and the same decrease in temperature (lymphogranulomatosis, brucellosis);
  • relapsing ─ high temperature up to 39 - 40 0 ​​C alternating with fever-free manifestations, each period lasts several days (relapsing fever);
  • incorrect ─ is characterized by its uncertainty, the indicators are different every day (rheumatism, cancer, flu);
  • perverted ─ in the morning the body temperature is higher than in the evening (septic condition, viral diseases).

By external signs There are pale (white) and pink (red) fever, each of them has its own characteristics.


Pink is characterized by a strong feeling of heat, general condition not violated and is considered satisfactory. The temperature increases gradually, increased heart rate is allowed, blood pressure remains normal, frequent breathing is possible. Feet and hands are warm. Leather pink color, sometimes there is slight redness, feels warm and moist to the touch.

If you are convinced that the child has red fever, then start antipyretic measures at 38.5 0 C. In children with cardiovascular diseases and neurological disorders, you should prevent a deterioration in health and take the medicine already at 38 0 C.


Pale fever is distinguished by its severe course. Peripheral blood circulation is disrupted, as a result of which the process of heat transfer does not correspond to heat production. Parents should pay attention to the readings of 37.5 - 38 0 C.

The child's condition sharply worsens, chills appear, the skin becomes pale, and cyanosis sometimes develops in the mouth and nose. Extremities are cold to the touch. Heart rhythms increase, tachycardia appears, accompanied by shortness of breath. The baby’s general behavior is disrupted: he becomes lethargic and does not show interest in others. In some cases, agitation, delirium and convulsions are observed.

A high temperature without symptoms of any disease can be a sign of illness, although many mothers believe that it is harmless.

Heavy sweating is one of the symptoms of relapsing fever

What to do at the first symptoms

When providing first aid, it is necessary to take into account the types of fevers. The tactics for each are individual, so we will consider them separately.

  • Remove excess clothing from the child; do not cover him with several blankets. Many people believe that a child should sweat a lot, but this opinion is wrong. Excessive wrapping further contributes to an increase in temperature and entails disruption of the heat transfer process.
  • You can do rubdowns warm water. Even the youngest patients are allowed, but full bathing in the shower is not allowed. Apply a cool, damp towel to the forehead and temples. It is allowed to apply a cold compress to large vessels ─ on the neck, in the armpit and groin area, but with caution so as not to cause hypothermia.
  • Vinegar rubdowns and compresses are indicated for children over 8 years of age; they are used no more than 2-3 times a day. Vinegar is toxic to child's body, therefore it is important to properly prepare its solution in a 1:1 ratio (mix one part of 9% table vinegar with an equal amount of water).
  • Alcohol rubdowns have restrictions; they are allowed only for children after 10 years. Pediatricians do not recommend this method, explaining that when rubbing the skin, the blood vessels dilate and alcohol enters the blood, causing general intoxication.
  • If your child has a fever, you need plenty of warm fluids. Linden tea has a good antipyretic effect. It has diaphoretic properties, but be sure to drink water before drinking it to avoid dehydration. Please your ill baby with a tasty and healthy drink - brew him some raspberries. It contains a large amount of vitamin C and will be an excellent addition to general treatment.
  • Ventilate the room regularly, avoid drafts, and carry out wet cleaning 2 times a day.
  • Provide the child with constant rest. Can't study active games, it is better to offer more relaxed entertainment.
  • observe strict bed rest;
  • in this situation, on the contrary, the baby needs to be warmed up, put on warm socks, covered with a blanket;
  • make warming tea with lemon;
  • Monitor body temperature every 30 - 60 minutes. If it is below 37.5 0 C, hypothermic measures are suspended. Then the temperature can drop without additional interventions;
  • Be sure to call a doctor at home; for this type of fever, antipyretic drugs alone are not enough; treatment may include antispasmodic drugs. In severe cases, hospitalization will be required.

At mouse fever Children have low blood pressure

Diagnostics and examination

If you have even the slightest doubt that you yourself cannot cope with a high temperature, it is better not to take risks and not put the life of your child at risk. Call immediately pediatrician or an ambulance team.

Already on initial examination The attending doctor establishes a preliminary diagnosis, but in some situations it will be necessary additional consultations narrow specialists. The list of examinations depends on the type of fever, its symptoms and the general well-being of the baby.

Mandatory examinations in the laboratory are a detailed blood test and a general urine test, X-ray studies according to indications. Follow-up diagnostics include ultrasound abdominal cavity and other organs, more in-depth bacteriological, serological studies, cardiogram.


Treatment of fever in children is aimed at eliminating the cause that caused it. It may be impossible to do without antiviral or antibacterial drugs. The antipyretic has an analgesic effect, but has no effect on the course of the disease itself. Therefore, in order to avoid improper use of medications, all recommendations are indicated by the attending physician.

Children with a history of neurological disorders chronic diseases heart and lungs, febrile convulsions, drug allergies, genetic predisposition, as well as newborn babies are at risk. Approaches to their treatment are individual, preventing all complications.

A sharp rise in temperature can provoke febrile convulsions. They are observed in children under 5 years of age and do not pose a particular health hazard. The main thing in this situation is to remain calm and provide assistance correctly. It is necessary to place the child on a hard surface and free the chest from clothing. Remove all dangerous objects to avoid injury. During a seizure, there is a risk of saliva entering the respiratory tract, so your head and body must be turned to the side. If the attack is accompanied by respiratory arrest, urgently call " ambulance».

Dengue fever causes diarrhea in a child

Taking antipyretic medications

Parents, remember that fever is an integral part of the body's fight against infection. Unreasonable use of antipyretic drugs can disrupt its natural resistance.

When buying medications in pharmacies, you should take into account the child’s age, drug tolerance, everything side effects, their ease of use and cost. Pediatricians usually prescribe Paracetamol and Ibuprofen.

  • “Paracetamol” is considered safer for the child’s body; it is allowed for children from the age of 1 month. Daily dose calculated depending on weight and equal to 10 - 15 mg/kg, taken at intervals of 4 - 6 hours.
  • Ibuprofen is prescribed from 3 months at a dose of 5 - 10 mg/kg every 6 - 8 hours. It has a number of contraindications from gastrointestinal tract and respiratory system. Before taking it, you should definitely consult your doctor.

It is impossible to bring down the temperature with Aspirin and Analgin, they pose a danger to children's health! The first causes a severe complication - Reye's syndrome (irreversible damage to the liver and brain). The second has a negative effect on the hematopoietic system. After taking it, the temperature drops sharply, and there is a risk of shock.

  • consume according to instructions no more than 3-4 times a day;
  • Duration of treatment is no more than 3 days;
  • Do not use for fever prevention purposes;
  • During the day, it is allowed to alternately take an antipyretic medication, which includes another active substance. Be sure to coordinate these points with your doctor;
  • Young children sometimes have difficulty taking medicine in the form of syrup or tablets. In these cases it is recommended rectal suppositories, their action is no different;
  • 30-45 minutes have passed since taking the medicine, but the child’s fever continues to progress. Then you will need intramuscular injection injection with antipyretic medications by a health worker;
  • use proven medications in treatment and purchase them only in pharmacies.


It is impossible to predict or prevent fever. The goal of prevention is to reduce the risk of getting sick. Comply with sanitary and hygienic standards, strengthen immune system child, avoid hypothermia and overheating of the body. During epidemics of influenza and other infections, be careful and do not attend mass events.

In conclusion, I would like to remind parents: any febrile manifestations are one of the first symptoms of the disease, which should be taken seriously. High temperature should not last longer than 3 days; if it worsens, contact a specialist to make a diagnosis.

Do not resort to self-medication, learn how to properly treat a fever. Don’t listen to outsiders’ advice “from the street”; they can leave irreparable complications. After all, the most important thing in our lives is healthy and happy children!

It is not a disease, it acts as a protective reaction against large quantities acute infectious and inflammatory diseases. High temperatures increase the production and release of interferon, an antiviral protein.

Viruses lose their ability to attack and reproduce. But elevated temperature does not always have a positive effect on the human body.

Therapist: Azalia Solntseva ✓ Article checked by doctor

Characteristics of the disease

Not many parents know what white fever is, how it manifests itself and why it is dangerous. White fever is a significant increase in body temperature, reaching 39 or even higher degrees. White fever is accompanied by an outflow of blood from the skin. It is as a result of the drainage and pallor of the skin that the fever got its name.

In this situation, an increase in temperature is not a protective function, but rather is harmful to health. Fever carries with it the preconditions serious illnesses. At the first symptoms, children need treatment, which should be aimed at eliminating the cause of the disease, and not the obvious symptoms (fever).


First of all, when the temperature is elevated, parents begin to bring it down with various antipyretic drugs, but in this case the problem should be approached with all seriousness. It is necessary to determine the baby’s condition, how poorly he feels, and take into account the accompanying symptoms.

What to do in case of high temperature ( urgent Care in the heat):

  1. It is important to provide the baby with complete rest and bed rest.
  2. You should refrain from eating; do not force your baby to eat, this can further aggravate the situation.
  3. If the baby still wants to eat, you should exclude everything fatty, salty, sour, and fried from his diet.
  4. When eating, give preference to light broths, mashed potatoes or porridge (without oil).
  5. Regularly give children warm drinks (tea, uzvar, compote, jelly); the liquid should enter the body in small portions, regularly, to replenish its loss through sweat or urine.
  6. At high rates temperature, children should not be bathed, even in warm water; they can only be wiped with a towel soaked in warm water.
  7. If the temperature is high, you should monitor the temperature in the room in which sick children are located; for infants, 25-27 degrees is considered optimal, for older children 22-24 degrees.

You can reduce your fever with warm compresses or rubbing the whole body, but only slightly and not for long. It is strictly forbidden to apply cold compresses or ice; they can cause vascular spasms in a child or an adult.

The well-known rubbing with vinegar or alcohol can have a negative effect on the body. Such substances, penetrating through the skin into the child’s body, can cause severe poisoning.

It is worth taking antipyretic drugs only when the body temperature begins to rise rapidly, the thermometer shows above 38 degrees and the child’s general well-being deteriorates greatly, he is chilly, his skin turns pale.=

Not all parents know which better drug Give it to your baby for fever, so you should first consult with your pediatrician about this.

Doctors refuse to prescribe for children different ages antipyretics, which include aspirin, analgin. They prefer syrups, suspensions, tablets, which contain ibuprofen and paracetamol.

Upon admission medicine You should follow the dosage according to the child’s age or body weight. If the fever does not subside, the baby remains pale, and convulsions occur, then parents should immediately call an ambulance.

How it manifests itself

Symptomatic manifestations of white fever in a child can be different, occurring individually or in combination. It depends on the cause of the fever.

The symptoms are:

  • shortness of breath, as after running;
  • high body temperature, intense fever;
  • apathetic state, constant drowsiness, weakness and lethargy;
  • reluctance to eat food or drink water;
  • arrhythmia;
  • loss of fluid in the body;
  • change in skin tone, becomes pale, and lips begin to turn blue;
  • arms and legs go numb;
  • young children become restless, capricious, and cry regularly.

Doctors identify the main stages of white fever in children:

  1. First stage. Body temperature rises sharply.
  2. Second stage. Severe fever lasts for a long time (several days); antipyretic drugs do not help.
  3. Third stage. Body temperature begins to drop sharply and rapidly.

High temperature prevents reproduction viral cells, harmful microorganisms located in the baby’s body. Due to this, after some time, the symptoms caused by the inflammatory process spontaneously subside.

White and red uniforms

Each parent is concerned with the question of what is the difference between red and white fever. We have analyzed white fever; it is characterized by high body temperature and a light shade of the skin.

Red fever manifests itself in the opposite way - a red tint to the skin. The child’s cheeks, whole face and even body turn red. It feels hot to the touch. Warm body indicates good heat exchange in the child.

Parents should not wrap their baby up and cover him; his skin needs nourishment. fresh air For natural thermoregulation, excessive wrapping increases sweating. During red fever, your child's body temperature should be measured every half hour. If the readings exceed 38.5 degrees, then you should take a fever-reducing medicine.

Why does it occur

Doctors consider infection of the body to be the most common cause of white fever. Occurs due to fungal or viral infections entering the body. White fever indicates the progression of ARVI, bronchitis, rhinitis, otitis or inflammatory process in lung and respiratory diseases.

In tropical countries, fever is often caused by intestinal infections, poisoning. Pathogens enter the body through food, as well as by airborne droplets.

White fever often develops against the background of vaccination (flu, measles, rubella vaccination). Fever is not uncommon when the body is poisoned, allergic reactions, and also malignant formations or diseases of a rheumatic nature.

In adults

In an adult, hyperthermia manifests itself in the same way as in a child. Only the readings on the thermometer can be much higher.

Hyperthermia is a protective reaction of the body to the introduction of various viruses. When they enter the body pathogens, then protective cells - leukocytes - are sent to the place of their localization.

Pathogenic microorganisms release endogenous pyrogens into the blood - these are substances that are stimulants of leukocytes and macrophages, which provide protective function body.

Pathogens provoke an increase in temperature, and their presence increases the activity of the immune response. If in children the fever during hyperthermia increases to 38-39 degrees, then in adults such indicators can be 40-41 degrees.

If the temperature stays at 40 degrees for a long time, then you should:

  • immediately call an ambulance;
  • if in home medicine cabinet If you have antipyretics, you can try to reduce the fever with medications;
  • In extreme heat, you should drink plenty of fluids;
  • do not force food;
  • observe bed rest.

Elevated temperature for a long time causes convulsions, not only in children, but also in adults. Therefore, you should not hesitate; you can reduce the heat at home in several ways, including alternative medicine, if there are no antipyretic drugs in the first aid kit.

How to help

To treat hyperthermia, anti-inflammatory and antipyretic drugs should be prescribed. But often they turn out to be ineffective. Phenothiazines are often prescribed to children of different ages; their principle of action is aimed at dilating blood vessels, thinning the blood, and normalizing the functioning of the sweat glands. Such drugs have a sedative effect.

Pediatricians for white fever prescribe vasodilators ( nicotinic acid 1 mg per 10 kg of baby’s weight). Vitamin PP is recommended for use with drugs containing paracetamol. Nurofen is considered an effective antipyretic drug; it is available in the form of suppositories, syrup or tablets.

When treating hyperthermia, you should not focus your attention and direct all treatment to reduce the temperature and take strong medications. Do not forget that the faster a high fever goes down medical drug child, the stronger it has negative impact on his body.

First aid for spasms is antispasmodic drugs that affect blood vessels (Papaverine, Dibazol). And No-shpa, considered the most famous antispasmodic, will be useless, its action is aimed at internal organs.

Fever-reducing medications will begin to act only after the spasms are eliminated. If the blood vessels are narrowed, you should thoroughly rub the arms and legs of the baby, this will improve blood circulation.

Children need to stay in bed and move less. Parents can dry him with a warm towel, but not a cold one. And do not forget that white fever is a symptom, not a disease.

For sore throat

Sore throat is an infectious disease, which in 9 out of 10 cases is accompanied by elevated body temperature.

Doctors distinguish the following types of fever:

  • 37-38 degrees – low-grade fever;
  • 38-39 degrees – febrile fever;
  • 39-40 degrees – pyretic fever;
  • 40-41 degrees – hyperperetic fever, there is a threat to the patient’s life.

With angina, the first two types of fever occur. They do not last long and disappear completely after 3-4 days. The fever persists during a sore throat as long as purulent follicles are observed on the tonsils. As soon as the pus disappears, the body temperature returns to normal, and with it the patient’s general well-being.

If a sore throat is not diagnosed in time, the body temperature will last up to 10 days, which will subsequently cause serious complications in human health.

Consequences and complications

If the parents reacted in time and managed to bring down the temperature, then the prognosis will be favorable. Complications do occur, but rarely, this happens as a result of ignoring characteristic symptoms, slowness in providing first aid.

With white fever, antipyretics can help, no earlier than after 2-3 hours. If the temperature has dropped even by half a degree, this is a good indicator. If the temperature drops from 39 degrees to 38, you should not give the child medicine again; it is better to wait a while.

To prevent hyperthermia, doctors recommend adhering to the following rules:

  • maintain personal hygiene; the baby should be taught this from early childhood;
  • avoid hypothermia and overheating of the body;
  • during epidemic periods, avoid places with large crowds of people;
  • temper the child from childhood, but gradually;
  • At home, ventilate rooms daily, do wet cleaning at least 2-3 times a week.

You should also not dress your children inappropriately for the weather; you should dress the same as yourself. When a baby has a fever, you should not expect everything to go away by itself or “sin” your teeth. Call an ambulance or call your local doctor, who will help you understand the cause and prescribe the correct treatment.

Fever is caused by the action of exogenous (microbial, viral) pyrogens, which, acting on tissue or blood macrophages, stimulate their release of secondary (endogenous) pyrogens. The main endogenous pyrogens are believed to be interleukin-1 (IL-1) and tumor necrosis factor (TNF). Leukocyte interferon (a) is of less importance.

Fever has 3 stages: incrementi (increase), fastigii (plateau) and incrementi (decrease). A decrease in temperature can be critical and lytic. With a rapid drop in high body temperature (minutes, hours), collapse is possible.

Body temperature can be subfebrile (up to 37.5 °C), febrile (high - 37.5-38.5 °C), hyperthermic (hyperpyrexia - above 38.5 °C).

Fever can be classified according to the duration and severity of individual attacks of fever:

  1. feverish reaction
  2. hyperthermic syndrome (Ombredanna),
  3. malignant hyperthermia.

A febrile reaction involves the presence of a relatively short-term episode of increased body temperature (from several minutes to 1-2 hours) and is not accompanied by a significant deterioration in the well-being of the comb. The skin is usually pink and moist. The temperature in some cases (can be high 39-40 ° C), but, as a rule, easily responds to antipyretic drugs. This reaction is called “pink” or “red” hyperthermia. Its genesis is dominated by heat production.

Hyperthermic syndrome is characterized by persistent fever, torpid to treatment with antipyretic drugs, pale skin (or pallor with the presence of acrocyanosis), deterioration of health, and sometimes disturbances of consciousness and behavior (lethargy, agitation).

Causes of fever in children

Most often, acute fever occurs in a child of the first year of life and early age is infectious in nature, mainly acute respiratory viral infections(ARVI) or gastrointestinal infections. Bacterial infections, usually otitis media, pneumonia, infections urinary tract, are less common, but can sometimes be very severe (eg, meningitis). Newborns are susceptible to infections caused by group B Streptococcus, Escherichia coli, Lysteria monocytogenes, and herpes simplex virus, which are acquired perinatally.

Children under 2 years of age (especially under 3 months) are at risk for developing cryptogenic bacteremia, that is, the presence of pathogenic bacteria in the blood of a febrile child without signs of local damage. The most commonly causative microorganisms are Streptococcus pneumoniae and Haemophylus influenzae; Haemophilus influenzae vaccination is now widespread in the United States and Europe, resulting in less frequent occurrence septicemia.

Rare among non-infectious causes Acute fevers include heat stroke and poisoning (eg, anticholinergics). Some vaccines (for example, the whooping cough vaccine) can cause fever within a day or even 1-2 weeks, or cause vaccine-related illness (for example, measles) after vaccination. This fever in children usually lasts from several hours to one day. Teething does not cause an increase in temperature.

Chronic fever in children may indicate various reasons from autoimmune diseases(for example, juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, nonspecific inflammatory diseases intestines) to cancer (for example, leukemia, lymphoma), as well as chronic infections(osteomyelitis, IMS).

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What to do if your child has a fever?

The examination differs depending on age group and focuses on identifying the source of infection or the causes of non-communicable diseases. Acute fever in a child less than 3 months of age requires careful evaluation, regardless of other signs and symptoms, because severe infections (eg, sepsis, meningitis) may occur without other clinical manifestations.


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It is extremely important to assess the general condition and appearance child. A febrile febrile child with signs of intoxication, especially when the temperature has already dropped, requires careful examination and further observation. All febrile children special attention should be given inspection eardrums, pharynx, chest, abdomen, lymph nodes, skin, checking meningeal signs. Petechiae or purpura often indicate severe infection.

Laboratory and instrumental examination

All febrile children should undergo a blood test to determine the number of leukocytes and leukocyte formula, blood culture, urinalysis and urine culture. A spinal tap is mandatory for children under 2 months of age; There are different opinions regarding the need for this procedure in children aged 2-3 months. It is advisable to conduct a chest x-ray, determine the number of leukocytes in the stool, stool culture, and determine acute-phase indicators (for example, ESR, C-reactive protein, procalcitonin).

Febrile febrile children aged 3 to 24 months with feeling good Close observation may be sufficient; laboratory testing is not necessary. If there are symptoms of a specific infection, appropriate investigations should be ordered (eg, chest x-ray if hypoxemia, dyspnea, or wheezing is present; urine test and culture if urine with unpleasant smell). If the child has symptoms of intoxication, but does not local symptoms, a complete blood count, blood culture, and urine and cerebrospinal fluid examinations should be ordered.

Examination of children over 2 years of age is determined by medical history and examination results; monitoring of blood cultures and leukocyte counts is not indicated.

Many young parents learn that their child may have white fever only after directly confronting the problem face to face. And before that about existing varieties No one had ever heard of hyperthermia.

Causes of white fever

The body usually reacts with a fever to infection by pathogenic microbes and bacteria. It is the high temperature that allows you to stimulate everything defense mechanisms and promotes the rapid destruction of irritants.

The main feature of white fever in children is the so-called white trail effect. It's simple: if after pressing on the skin of a sick baby a light spot remains for a long time, he has white fever. This happens due to the fact that with a strong spasm, blood circulation in the vessels slows down.

The main causes of white fever in a child are considered to be infectious and respiratory diseases. Besides this, this type hyperthermia can develop against the background of:

  • injuries;
  • poisoning;
  • acute allergic reactions;
  • vaccinations;
  • fungal infection;
  • swelling;
  • burns;
  • hemorrhages;
  • neuralgic tensions.

All babies are susceptible to white fever, but doctors often diagnose such hyperthermia in the youngest patients - infants.

Caring for children with fever

Immediately after symptoms of white fever are noticed, you need to call specialists. Until the ambulance arrives, parents are allowed to give the child water in small quantities. Under no circumstances should you try to reduce it using well-known methods of physical cooling. Rubdowns and cold compresses for white fever can only do harm!