
Painful lymph node in the groin in women. Causes and treatment of inflammation of the lymph node in the groin in women

Enlarged lymph nodes in the groin are most often caused by an infectious or inflammatory process. Quite often, this symptom is a sign of a disease that is sexually transmitted. Inguinal lymphadenitis requires careful medical examination and treatment only under the supervision of a physician. Unauthorized use of medications or drugs traditional medicine unacceptable, as this can provoke the development of serious complications.


Enlarged lymph nodes in the groin can be caused by both pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic factors. Inflammation and, as a consequence, enlargement of the lymph nodes never occurs on their own. As a rule, this process is a consequence of the development of the underlying disease. The formation of such a process includes the following:

It should also be noted that the inguinal lymph nodes may enlarge due to a pathological process that may be more common in men or women. Thus, enlarged lymph nodes in the groin in women can be a symptom of the clinical picture of the following pathological processes:

Increase inguinal lymph nodes in men may be due to the following etiological factors:

  • tumors;
  • on the buttocks.

In addition, it should be noted that the development of such a pathological process is quite possible due to or if a person’s immune system is too weakened.


On initial stage development of lymphadenitis, symptoms are almost completely absent. A person may only notice a slight enlargement of the lymph nodes in the groin. This may not cause concern or any discomfort. As the underlying pathological process develops, the lymph nodes will enlarge, which will complicate the person’s movement. On at this stage clinical picture may be accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • feeling of discomfort in the groin;
  • movement provokes discomfort;
  • feeling of heat and tension in the groin;
  • reduction or complete absence sexual desire;
  • redness of the skin is observed in the affected areas;
  • local increase in body temperature.

If a purulent process begins in the enlarged lymph nodes, then the clinical picture is supplemented by the following symptoms:

  • in places where the lymph nodes are enlarged, fistulas form on the skin, through which green pus comes out;
  • , perhaps with ;
  • almost complete lack of appetite;
  • pronounced tissue swelling;
  • sharp pain on palpation;
  • the lymph node is motionless.

This condition of the patient indicates an organism. You should urgently apply for medical care.

If the cause of the development of such a pathological process is an STD, then the clinical picture may be supplemented by the following symptoms:

  • rashes in groin area which may be accompanied by itching and;
  • that do not bring relief;
  • feeling of discomfort or pain during sexual intercourse;
  • decreased sexual desire or its complete absence.

In this case, you should urgently contact and not self-medicate. Unauthorized use of medications can lead not only to complications, but also to a blurred clinical picture, which complicates further diagnosis and treatment.


Initially, in mandatory, a physical examination is performed, with palpation of enlarged inguinal lymph nodes and clarification of the general history. If before the examination the patient took any medications to eliminate symptoms, you should definitely tell the doctor about this and show the packaging of the drug.

To accurately diagnose and identify the etiology of enlarged inguinal lymph nodes, the doctor prescribes laboratory tests. instrumental methods examinations. A standard program may include the following:

  • general and biochemical analysis blood;
  • general urinalysis;
  • blood sampling for analysis of specific antibodies to pathogens;
  • bacteriological culture of the contents of the lymph node;
  • biopsy of the inguinal lymph node;
  • PET - prescribed in cases where there is a suspicion of the development of an oncological process;
  • STD test;
  • immunological studies;
  • Ultrasound examination of the abdominal organs.

The doctor can prescribe treatment only after identifying the etiology of the disease and making an accurate diagnosis.


Enlarged lymph nodes in the groin in women or men require, in any case, timely and complex treatment. In general, separate therapy for lymphadenitis is not carried out, since this symptom resolves itself with complete cure the root cause factor. Therefore, basic therapy will depend on the underlying disease.

Separately, it should be said about the purulent process in the enlarged lymph nodes. In this case, the main drug therapy will necessarily include the following drugs:

  • antibacterial;
  • antihistamines;
  • anti-inflammatory.

In more severe cases there is surgery. In this case, the doctor opens the lesion, cleans it of pus, and washes the wound. antiseptic solution and places loose stitches. They should be applied loosely so that the remaining purulent exudate comes out. At the final stage of treatment, the procedure for treating the wound with an antiseptic is repeated and the wound is finally sutured.

Enlarged lymph nodes- this is not a separate disease, so you cannot eliminate the symptoms on your own. Such measures can improve the patient’s condition, but only for a certain time. Therefore, at the first signs of a clinical picture, you should seek medical help and not self-medicate.

Inflamed lymph nodes in the groin in women are observed in various reasons. In medical terms, this condition is called peripheral lymphadenopathy. The disease is characterized by the growth of one or more lymph nodes. Doctors classify enlarged inguinal, thoracic, abdominal and retroperitoneal lymph nodes into separate groups. Inguinal lymphadenopathy can lead to various diseases, therefore, enlargement of nodes is not a specific sign.

In the presence of peripheral lymphadenitis and lesions of at least one group of individual localizations, a diagnosis of generalized lymphadenopathy is made. Dividing pathology into peripheral and generalized allows doctors to correctly diagnose the disease. In children, inflammation of the lymph nodes is observed against the background of body growth.

Lymph nodes in the groin - when do they enlarge?

We can talk about the growth of a node when the size of the formation is more than 2 cm, while physiologically the value does not exceed 1 cm. With pathological changes, the lymphoid tissue loses its elasticity, becomes dense and hard. Normally, such lesions cannot be felt, but when inflamed they are painful.

Qualified doctor by nature pathological changes can determine what disease is observed reactive inflammation lymphoid tissue (lymphadenopathy). For example, with a fungal infection in women (candidiasis), the inguinal lymph nodes are dense, over time they become painful and less mobile. This nature of the pathology indicates a benign course.

With lymphogranulomatosis, several lymphoid formations combine into a conglomerate. On palpation, the nodes become hard and rocky. Such compactions are clearly visible on an x-ray.

For bacterial and viral infections Local lymphadenopathy is observed on the right or left. After taking the prescribed medications, the nodes return to normal condition. The danger is represented by generalized lymphadenopathy, which develops in serious diseases: infectious mononucleosis, Epstein-Barr virus, autoimmune pathologies, lymphosarcoma (cancer lymphatic system).

Thus, inflamed lymph nodes are observed against the background of infections genitourinary system, autoimmune, allergic and a number of other diseases internal organs. Short-term lymphadenitis is not always a sign of pathology, since in children it can occur during intensive growth of the body.

Why do lymph nodes become inflamed in women?

The condition can be not only a manifestation of infection; there are many reasons:

  • pathology of the reproductive sphere;
  • venereal diseases;
  • skin diseases and furunculosis.

Human body - complex mechanism, consisting of different systems, each of which performs its own specific function, while at the same time being an important element of a single whole.

One such system is the lymphatic system. It performs drainage, hematopoietic, and protective functions. The lymphatic system includes capillaries, vessels, ducts, trunks and nodes.

Lymph nodes are involved in protective functions and perform barrier and reservoir functions. It is in them that lymphocytes are produced, which play an irreplaceable role in the processes of resistance.

Inguinal lymphadenitis is a very serious disease

Enlarged lymph nodes are considered important indicator the fact that in the entire “mechanism” there is a focus of inflammation that can significantly harm health. Manifested by lymphadenitis.

When talking about inflammation of the lymph nodes in the groin area, experts mean 3 local formations of nodes:

  1. Upper- localize lymph from the lower part of the abdomen, lateral areas, and buttocks.
  2. Average- collect lymph in the genital area external organs, perineum, rectum, anus.
  3. Lower- collect lymph from the lower extremities.

Having determined the localization of lesions of the lymph nodes in the groin - inguinal lymphadenitis, the doctor will determine the initial cause, limiting the area of ​​progression of the inflammatory process.

Symptoms of enlarged lymph nodes in the groin in women

In addition to other symptoms, it is quite difficult not to notice enlarged lymph nodes in the groin in women. First of all, hard swellings appear in this area. This is exactly what an inflamed lymph node is.

It can be very painful and cause discomfort when pressed. Besides, redness may appear in the area of ​​the enlarged lymph node causing burning, Often the patient is bothered by severe itching.

Very often, women who have enlarged lymph nodes in the groin experience headache, rapid fatigue and increased body temperature are observed.

Enlarged lymph nodes should not be scratched, especially if they are located in the groin of women. The point is that the integrity can be violated skin, causing the infection to enter the blood. Infection can cause the lymph node to become even more enlarged, which will cause pain while walking.

Causes of enlarged lymph nodes in the groin

Enlarged lymph nodes in the groin area in women are not uncommon. Lesions occur where there are inflammatory foci. In the groin area in women, the lymph nodes are responsible for the pelvis and lower extremities.

Usually, when experts discover enlarged lymph nodes in the groin of women, they say that the body has fungal infection, which may be caused by the following reasons:

  • infectious lesions of the groin folds;
  • fungal diseases of the feet;
  • post cold complications;
  • as a result of sexually transmitted diseases;
  • mechanical injuries of the groin area.

Even a slight enlargement of the lymph nodes should be a reason for a visit to a specialist. It is necessary to undergo special tests and laboratory tests.

Ignoring inflammation can lead to such serious illnesses, How:

  • venereal diseases;
  • purulent inflammation of the skin, subcutaneous tissues;
  • disruption of the reproductive system;
  • oncological diseases; blood diseases.

Important to remember!
Timely contact with specialists and correct diagnosis will help avoid serious consequences that can arise as a result of inflammation of the lymph nodes.

When diagnosing a disease, biochemical, clinical tests

In order for a doctor to establish the cause of enlarged lymph nodes in the groin of a woman who has sought help, he needs to comprehensively analyze the patient’s complaints.

After this, he will prescribe the following mandatory tests:

  1. Laboratory tests: biochemical, clinical.
  2. Blood culture to determine the bacteria that caused the inflammation.
  3. puncture inflamed lymph node.
  4. Histology analysis.
  5. Ultrasound diagnostics of organs located near the affected lymph node.
  6. Hardware examination, if necessary.

Treatment of enlarged lymph nodes in the groin

Enlarged lymph nodes in the groin in women are often advised to be treated folk remedies. This method is only good if the doctor has made a diagnosis and made recommendations. Traditional medicine should not be used for internal use and external separately.

Treatment must be comprehensive.

The appropriate decoctions, infusions and ointments will be combined by the attending physician.

Pay attention!
The patient must warn the doctor if she has an individual intolerance to one or another component. herbal collection or ointment components.

Otherwise, an allergy may occur, which will cause additional health problems.

Traditional methods and remedies

Let's look at the most popular:

  1. A compress of celandine leaves, which is placed on the affected lymph nodes. For such a compress, take fresh leaves of the plant. They should be taken as much as needed to cover the area of ​​inflammation. Pre-dry the leaves hot water. Then you should apply them to the lymph nodes 40 minutes. The procedure must be repeated three times a day, one week, or until the doctor cancels the treatment.
  2. Dandelion root for internal use. Grind well-dried dandelion roots in a coffee grinder. Take the prepared dry mixture before meals. 1 tsp.
  3. Mint leaves against inflammation of the lymph nodes. Crush the mint leaves until the juice appears. The resulting mixture should be applied to the affected lymph nodes, fixed, and held 2 hours. Apply the compress twice a day for a week.
  4. Cranberry infusion for oral administration. Crush marsh cranberries in a container and add water at room temperature, leave 2 hours, add a little honey. Delicious drink need to drink 1 liter per day. In addition to the fact that it helps flush out all harmful substances from the blood, the drink is good remedy to boost immunity.
  5. Freshly squeezed beet juice. From home beets dark colors Squeeze out the juice using a juicer and let it sit in the refrigerator. Drink half a glass for a month.
  6. Herbal collection against inflammatory processes. It is necessary to brew equal parts of currant, calendula, elderberry, and raspberry leaves in a thermos. Withstand 1 hour. The drink is prepared so that you can drink it within one day at the rate of 1⁄2 cup 3 times a day. Must be accepted 10 days. It is better to prepare a fresh infusion every day.

During inflammatory processes that provoke enlargement of the lymph nodes in the groin, it is necessary to drink a lot of fluid. It is better if these are infusions, decoctions and teas with components that help strengthen the immune system.

Cranberry infusion for oral administration is delicious and effective way treatment

The patient should be given compotes of fresh or frozen raspberries, currants, viburnum, rose hips with the addition of honey.

It's good if there is always lemon in the house.

At acute inflammations The patient should be given fresh tea with lemon.

During this period it is useful to make fruit and berry puree of viburnum, cranberries, currants. These are excellent sources of healthy vitamins.

Use of medications

Treatment medicines may occur as an adjunct to drug therapy.

But a specialist must combine the two types of treatment.

Depending on the etiology of the enlarged lymph nodes in the groin, the doctor will prescribe medical supplies.

Vishnevsky ointment can quickly relieve inflammation and itching

More often inflammatory processes are treated with injections and antibiotic droppers, according to bacteriological cultures. In addition, movement and stress should be limited.

Besides, use ointments and creams that can relieve inflammation. They also come with antiseptic agents and antibiotics. For severe itching, medications are prescribed to reduce this unpleasant sensation. These can be ointments or tablets.

Undergoing physiotherapeutic procedures

Very often, doctors recommend physiotherapy to sick women diagnosed with inguinal lymphadenitis. They are aimed at eliminating inflammation in the affected area, reducing pain, and destroying harmful microorganisms.

Effective hardware treatment methods still remain:

  1. UHF can eliminate inflammation in a short time.
  2. Ultrasound treatment – ​​promotes resorption of the inflammatory infiltrate.
  3. Irradiation with ultraviolet rays eliminates inflammation.

All procedures in the physiotherapy room should be carried out regularly, exactly as prescribed by the doctor. If the amount that was prescribed is not enough, the doctor will increase the treatment process.

Surgical intervention

There are cases when purulent processes occur in the lymph nodes. This causes particular discomfort in women suffering from inguinal lymphadenitis: difficulty walking, severe itching and pain.

This phenomenon is dangerous because pus can begin to penetrate the blood into adjacent organs, and if the process is started, then to many others, causing sepsis. That is why in these situations the doctor uses a last resort - surgery.

Depending on the complexity of the procedure, it may take place under general or local anesthesia. The surgeon opens the damaged node, examines it comprehensively and produces results about its condition.

Surgery is the last resort for treating inflamed lymph nodes in the groin

If necessary, removes dead tissue and pus deep in the wound. Afterwards it is treated with antiseptic drugs and antibiotics. The patient has to change dressings several times a week until the postoperative wound is completely healed.

Inflamed lymph nodes in the groin are not only discomfort and pain.

This is a very serious disease.

Modern women, due to their busy lives, have lost the habit of taking care of their health. As a result, they get a whole “bouquet” of chronic diseases, provoked by late diagnosis of the initial illness.

To prevent this from happening, you need to know your body, listen to its “voice” - it will always tell you when it’s time to see a doctor in order to identify and treat emerging diseases.

In the video you can learn about what causes inflammation of the lymph nodes:

In this video you can learn about the causes of inflammation of the lymph nodes:

In the video you can learn everything about enlarged lymph nodes in women:

Lymph nodes act as an indicator of a person’s health status. If a malfunction occurs in the functioning of the body, they can increase in size and become painful. Inflammation of the lymph nodes in the groin in women requires immediate diagnosis and determination of the root cause of the phenomenon.

Now let's look at this in more detail.

What are lymph nodes?

Lymph nodes are organs of the lymphatic system that act as a natural filter. Lymph passes through them, which is cleansed of harmful substances and pathogenic microorganisms. Because of this, the system reacts faster than others to the emergence of an infection.

Lymph nodes in the groin of women are responsible for cleansing the fluids of the pelvis and lower extremities. If infection occurs, this can lead to an increase in the size of the lymph node. Normally its size is 1.5-2 cm.

The inguinal nodes are located in the area femoral triangle. Their increases are called . The disease can occur in acute or chronic form. It affects one or more nodes. This phenomenon is typical when systemic diseases. Enlarged lymph nodes in the groin can indicate a whole list of diseases.

Causes of inflammation of the lymph nodes in the groin in women

Most often, lymph nodes become inflamed due to bacteria entering the human body. Typically, such a reaction is provoked by staphylococci. However, infection alone is not enough. The body must contain factors that, upon admission, fight the disease. The prerequisites for the development of pathology are a whole list of factors, the list of which includes:

  1. Presence of sexually transmitted diseases.
  2. There is an acute infection with staphylococcus or tuberculosis bacillus. Once in a favorable environment, microorganisms begin to actively multiply.
  3. There were injuries or damage to the genital and urinary organs. This also includes microcracks.
  4. The patient was diagnosed with cancer. What if cancer cells ended up in the human blood, the lymphatic system tries to fight them. However, nothing can be opposed. As a result, inflammation of the lymph nodes occurs.
  5. Infectious diseases are present. They can be acute or chronic. This includes measles and a number of other diseases.
  6. Fungal diseases of the genitourinary system. Most often it leads to inflammation of the lymph nodes.
  7. An unsuccessful surgical operation was performed.

Inflammation can be specific or nonspecific. In the first case, the lesion is localized in the pelvic organs. If the disease is nonspecific, the entire human lymphatic system is affected.

Types of disease

Experts identify several forms of treatment for pathology. First of all, the disease is divided into acute and chronic. Depending on the nature of the inflammation, serous and purulent are distinguished. Each of the subtypes of pathology has its own characteristics and signs. This leads to differences in treatments.

The most benign form of pathology is serous. During development, a person practically does not feel unwell. The size of the enlarged node is small. It is soft to the touch. In pathology, inflammation affects only inner part lymph node Does not apply to nearby tissues. If a patient is diagnosed with this form of the disease, the prognosis is always favorable. Treatment usually does not take long.

Chronic may not be accompanied by special symptoms. There is a slight increase in lymph nodes. In this case, there are no symptoms of general malaise. The complexity of the pathology lies in the fact that it is difficult to treat. It must be remembered that, regardless of the absence of unpleasant sensations, the inflammatory process in the tissues continues. As a result, the patient may face a number of complications. So, one of them is lymphosarcoma.

Symptoms of pathology

It is quite easy to suspect development in the groin. The main symptom is swelling and enlargement of the lymph node in size. It can protrude greatly above the skin. The formation is hard and hot to the touch. An increase in local temperature occurs due to the course of the inflammatory process. Upon palpation, a person feels unwell. Its character can vary from a slight tingling sensation to acute pain. The skin around the inflamed lymph node turns red.

The disease also has a number of other signs, the list of which includes:

  • there is an increase in drowsiness;
  • a person loses appetite;
  • at physical activity may arise painful sensations;
  • there is a general increase in body temperature;
  • the patient may experience chills;
  • a woman experiences rapid fatigue;
  • the patient feels weak.

If the pathology arose as a result of complications of other diseases, the clinical picture may be supplemented by other symptoms.

Additional Features

Depending on the type of infection, it can provoke enlargement of the lymph nodes in the groin; diseases may accompany different signs. Soreness, mobility of the lymph nodes and their density changes. So, if a similar phenomenon occurs during pregnancy, it is most often provoked by chronic diseases, the list of which includes:

  • colpitis;

In the process of bearing a child, a woman’s immunity is greatly weakened. Even as a result of banal hypothermia of the legs, inflammation of the lymph nodes can develop.

If a woman is diagnosed with syphilis, the size of the lymph nodes may increase 5-10 times. At the same time, their palpation does not cause discomfort. There is also no redness of the skin. At the initial stage, syphilis is characterized by the appearance of chancre. This is the name given to painless non-healing ulcers.

Gonorrhea in women usually occurs in an erased form. However, the pathology also provokes enlargement of the lymph nodes. Their size can increase up to 2 cm. With pathology, the formation is dense. They are not fused to tissues and move easily under the skin. However, touching them causes severe pain. Inflammation can also affect nearby lymphatic vessels. In the inguinal folds they can be felt like painful dense cords.

If infectious mononucleosis occurs, other groups of lymph nodes become inflamed along with the inguinal ones. When the disease occurs, their volume increases to 2-3 cm. They create a kind of chain. Lymph nodes are not fused to the skin. They are dense, but do not cause pain on palpation. No redness of the skin is observed. However, there may be some swelling over the group of lymph nodes.

If a woman develops genital herpes, watery blisters appear on the genitals. They are painful. However, this rule does not apply to lymph nodes. When they are palpated, minor pain occurs. The skin over the lymph nodes is practically unchanged. They are soft to the touch and have a dough-like consistency. The lymph nodes are not fused with the surrounding tissues.

Diagnosis and treatment

If a woman encounters a pathology, she should consult a gynecologist or dermatovenerologist. After the risk of disease arising as a result of nonspecific inflammation of the vagina or uterus, as well as genital infections, has been eliminated, the specialist will redirect the patient to a therapist. If necessary, you may need to visit an infectious disease specialist, surgeon and oncologist.

First of all, the patient is interviewed. The doctor studies the general picture of the disease, then conducts an external examination and palpation. Then the woman may be referred for the following studies:

  • X-ray;
  • tomography;
  • Ultrasound of the pelvic organs.

Allows you to suspect the reasons that provoked the occurrence of the phenomenon. In most cases, the prognosis for inflammation of the lymph nodes is favorable. However, you should not delay treatment.

Therapy for inflammation of the lymph nodes consists of using medicines, physical therapy or surgery. Conventional methods are applied comprehensively. If the process is accompanied by other diseases, their treatment is also carried out. This will eliminate the likelihood of relapse and increase the effectiveness of the treatment methods used.


Most often used conservative methods treatment. Therapy consists of taking tablets and using local treatments. Usually the patient is prescribed hormonal antibiotics. One of the most common medications is penicillin. The dosage is determined individually. Local treatment consists of the use of antiseptics. High efficiency Proved ointment, salicylic and tetracycline. Local treatment is performed carefully if the disease is purulent in nature. The use of ointments is advisable only in the composition complex therapy. They must be supplemented with systemic antibiotics. Otherwise, the therapy will not give results.

Physiotherapy and surgery

In addition to antibiotics, physical therapy may be prescribed. UHF and electrophoresis are most often used. The methods have an anti-inflammatory effect. However, in the case of a purulent type of the disease, physiotherapeutic procedures are not used. The fact is that during their execution the tissues are heated. This in turn leads to the release of pus.

Sometimes surgery is performed. The method is used if there is accumulation in the lymph node large number pus. The operation is not very complicated. The doctor will open the lymph node and install drainage. This is a special silicone tube that is required to drain the pus.

The speed of treatment depends on the stage and form of the disease, correctly selected therapy and the woman’s immunity. For serous pathology, the duration of treatment is 5 days. Chronic or purulent form diseases require longer treatment. In some cases, therapy may take several months.

Prevention of disease

It should be borne in mind that not all nodes in the groin area respond well to treatment. Therefore, it is better to avoid inflammation. To do this, it is recommended to perform a series of preventive measures. A woman should:

  • maintain personal hygiene;
  • produce timely treatment any infectious diseases that appear in the body;
  • support immunity by taking vitamin complexes;
  • Add to daily diet fresh vegetables and fruits;
  • give yourself moderate physical activity;
  • refuse unprotected sex.

Birth healthy child largely depends on the health of the mother. Widespread gynecological diseases reduces the birth rate, so timely diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the genitourinary system is necessary. One of early signs pathological processes in the pelvis is inflammation of the inguinal lymph nodes in women. Emergence this symptom- a reason to consult a doctor, since there is a risk of gynecological, oncological and surgical diseases.

Lymph nodes of the groin area

Lymph nodes are an organ of the lymphatic system that performs a number of functions related to the protection of the human body:

  • Drainage is the removal of accumulated fluid from tissues, which prevents swelling.
  • Barrier - lymph nodes filter foreign particles in the lymph, preventing them from entering the systemic bloodstream.
  • Protective (immune function) - in the lymphoid tissue, maturation of cells occurs that specialize in the destruction of pathogens and atypical cells.

Lymphatic vessels are located next to blood vessels, and nodes are peculiar collectors scattered in different areas of the body, collecting tissue fluid from certain areas.

A woman's inguinal lymph nodes are located on the left and right in the area of ​​the inguinal fold, closer to the pubis. The nodes are round formations, the number of which varies from 4 to 10. Normally, they have a soft-elastic consistency, are mobile, not fused to each other and neighboring tissues; in most women, they are palpated only when they become inflamed.

There are two groups of lymph nodes in the groin area:

  • Superficial, which ensure the drainage of lymph from lower limb, area of ​​the perineum, buttocks and lower part of the side wall of the abdomen. An increase in this group of nodes is a sign of inflammation in the superficial structures of soft tissues.
  • The deep lymph nodes are a collector of lymph for the pelvic organs. Diseases of the vagina, uterus, tubes and testicles, as well as bladder cause inguinal lymphadenitis in women.

Important! There are no lymph nodes in the labia and pubic area, so the appearance of a painful round-shaped formation is a sign of another pathology. Most often, folliculitis or bartholinitis (inflammation hair follicle or Bartholin gland).

Causes of enlargement and inflammation of lymph nodes in the groin in women

The appearance of pathological processes in the lower limb, buttocks or pelvic organs is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • Pain caused by direct exposure to a damaging factor and secondary irritation nerve fibers inflammatory mediators.
  • Edema, which occurs due to increased permeability of the vascular wall and the release of the plasma part of the blood into the tissue.
  • Hyperemia (redness) due to increased blood flow.
  • Impaired organ functions due to the combined effects of previous factors.

The ongoing processes are accompanied by a violation of cellular metabolism with the release of breakdown products into the tissue fluid, which enters the lymphatic capillaries. With the lymph flow, these substances enter the lymph nodes, where they accumulate and cause secondary inflammation.

The most common causes of damage to the lymph nodes in the groin in women:

  • Reactive changes according to phase menstrual cycle. Some women note an enlargement of the inguinal lymph nodes before menstruation, most often on one side, which disappear without a trace within a few days.
  • Inflammatory processes in the organs of the reproductive or genitourinary system.
  • Infectious lesions of the lower limb.
  • Impaired lymphatic drainage from the inguinal lymph nodes due to compression of the upstream vessels.
  • Metastatic lesion from the primary tumor site of the groin area in women.
  • Generalized enlargement of lymph nodes throughout the body.
  • Hirudotherapy - many women note changes in the groin area and tissue swelling after leeches.
  • Inadequate treatment of the primary disease.

In addition, enlarged lymph nodes in the groin in women without pain syndrome may be a sign of a previous or indolent disease.

Clinical symptoms of inflammation of the inguinal lymph nodes

Enlarged lymph nodes in the groin can be of inflammatory or non-inflammatory origin. Inflammation of the lymph nodes is called lymphadenitis and is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • Pain in the area of ​​the affected lymph node at rest and upon palpation. Causes significant discomfort, which increases when wearing underwear and trousers.
  • Swelling of the surrounding tissues, in a woman this is the suprapubic area and labia.
  • Lymph nodes (mainly from the location of the primary pathological process) increase in size and swell.
  • Change in the consistency of lymphoid tissue: the node becomes hard, fused with the subcutaneous tissue and other nodes.
  • Redness of the skin in the groin area.

In addition, there are symptoms characteristic of a disease that caused inflammation of the lymph nodes in the groin: pain in the lower abdomen, pathological discharge, the presence of an infectious process in the lower limb.

Important! If the lymph node is enlarged without signs of inflammation, they speak of lymphadenopathy

Diseases that cause lymphadenitis and lymphadenopathy in women

An abscess in the gluteal region is one of the reasons why the lymph nodes in the groin in women become inflamed (photo:

There are several mechanisms by which inflammation of the lymph nodes develops: an isolated lesion due to a traumatic or wound lesion, or a reaction to a distant process.

Most common reasons inflammation are the following diseases:

  • Abscess of the gluteal region - limited purulent inflammation soft tissue in the buttock area. The skin over the abscess looks tense, red, and when pressed, softening is noted in the center. Most often it occurs due to incorrect tactics of intramuscular injections.
  • Panaritium or paronychia (inflammation of the soft tissues of the terminal phalanges of the toes). The process moves upward through the lymphatic vessels and causes inflammation of the lymph nodes in the groin in women.
  • Endometritis - defeat inner shell uterus, which most often develops after childbirth or as a result of abortion without following the rules of antiseptics.
  • Adnexitis is an inflammation of the uterine appendages (tubes and ovaries), which is accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen. The affected organs increase in size and are palpable during a bimanual gynecological examination.
  • Tumor diseases of the pelvic organs (cancer of the body and cervix, ovaries), which have metastasized to regional (inguinal) lymph nodes.
  • Candidiasis (thrush) is a fungal pathology that most often occurs in women with dysbacteriosis and frequent use of antibiotics.
  • Bacterial vaginosis - infectious disease caused by the proliferation of Gardnerella bacteria in the vagina. In this case, it is necessary to treat inflammation with antibacterial drugs.
  • Sexually transmitted infections (STIs): gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, chlamydia.
  • Syphilis - bacterial disease, which is transmitted predominantly sexually, but is accompanied by systemic disorders. Most characteristic feature- presence of “hard chancre” in the perineal area.

In addition, the appearance of an inflamed lymph node in the groin in women against the background of a generalized proliferation of lymphoid tissue throughout the body may be a sign infectious mononucleosis or lymphogranulomatosis ( tumor disease, affecting lymphocytes).

List of studies that are carried out for enlarged inguinal lymph nodes

The source of an inflamed lymph node in the groin in women is a variety of pathological processes in different areas bodies. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct a series of studies to determine the causes and treatment of this condition.

The following laboratory and instrumental diagnostic methods are used:

  • Examination by a gynecologist using a speculum and taking a smear from the cervical canal for microscopic examination. Availability pathological discharge in the vagina, redness of the walls, pain on palpation may be the reason that the lymph nodes in the groin are inflamed.
  • Laboratory analysis A vaginal smear is used to determine the causative agent of the infection and select an effective antibiotic.
  • Blood test for tumor markers ( biological substances, which are determined in cancer).
  • Ultrasound examination pelvic organs to determine pathological processes in the uterus, ovaries and bladder.
  • Ultrasound examination of enlarged lymph nodes to determine changes in consistency.
  • Biopsy (puncture or excisional) - removal of part of an organ for laboratory research. If a lymph node becomes inflamed, the entire organ is most often removed.
  • Computed tomography(CT) of the pelvic organs and lower limbs, which evaluates the condition of internal organs, soft tissues and deep lymph nodes.

In addition, in case of inflammation of the lymph nodes of unknown origin, an oncologist is consulted to exclude a malignant process. Important role the history of the disease plays a role: whether the lymph nodes were inflamed in the past and associated symptoms.

Which doctors treat inguinal lymphadenitis and the basic principles of therapy

Depending on additional signs and characteristics of the course of the disease, consultation with the following specialists is necessary:

  • An obstetrician-gynecologist diagnoses pathologies of the reproductive system, in which the lymph nodes in the groin become inflamed.
  • The oncologist assesses the presence of signs of a malignant process in the lower limb, lateral abdominal wall, as well as the likelihood of developing lymphogranulomatosis.
  • The urologist excludes diseases of the bladder, in which the inguinal lymph nodes can become inflamed.
  • A surgeon is a specialist who is contacted if there is purulent processes in the area of ​​the lower limb, buttocks or perineum.
  • A dermatovenerologist determines how to treat sexually transmitted infections with changes in the skin or mucous membrane.

Apply different ways treatment of enlarged lymph nodes in the groin in women, depending on the underlying pathology.

Important! Inflamed lymph nodes can be cured by eliminating primary focus, therefore therapy should be prescribed by the attending physician after diagnosis has been established