
What is the reason for the increase in body temperature? Increased body temperature

Raising temperatures to low values ​​is quite common. This can be a manifestation of various diseases, or it can be considered the norm. What to do if a person has a temperature of 37 degrees?

A body temperature of 37 degrees can last for several days or even a week. But why does it remain at such values?

It is customary to identify several causes of an infectious nature in the form of:

  • acute viral or bacterial infections;
  • inflammatory process chronic;
  • development of tuberculosis or HIV infection;
  • the occurrence of viral hepatitis.

If a temperature of 37 lasts for a week, the reasons may be:

  • the appearance of tumor-like formations;
  • illnesses thyroid gland;
  • blood disease in the form of anemia;
  • Crohn's disease;
  • ulcerative colitis of nonspecific form;
  • Bekhterev's disease;
  • rheumatism.

The causes may also be psychogenic in nature or act as a tail after a previous illness.

Causes of infectious type

Most often, temperature readings increase with a cold. In this case, other symptoms arise in the form of:

  • nasal congestion;
  • difficulty breathing;
  • runny nose;
  • dry cough or with sputum discharge;
  • rashes on the skin.

Some childhood diseases are not severe. This may include chickenpox or measles.

With the presence of a focal infection for a long time, the symptoms gradually disappear and become familiar. Therefore, the only sign of an unfavorable state is low-grade fever. In such a situation, it is quite difficult to find the cause on your own, so the help of a specialist is required.

A long rise in temperature can be observed with:

  1. ENT diseases in the form of tonsillitis, sinusitis, otitis, pharyngitis;
  2. dental diseases in the form of the presence of carious formations;
  3. diseases digestive system in the form of gastritis, colitis or pancreatitis;
  4. inflammatory diseases of the urinary system;
  5. inflammatory processes in female and male genital organs;
  6. abscess at injection sites;
  7. long-term non-healing ulcers in elderly patients and patients with diabetes.

If a person’s temperature rises to 37 degrees constantly, the doctor will ask you to undergo an examination, which includes:

  • general blood and urine analysis;
  • consultation with specialized specialists such as an otolaryngologist, gastroenterologist, dentist, gynecologist;
  • performing computed tomography or magnetic tomography;
  • performing ultrasound diagnostics;
  • carrying out an x-ray examination.

A constant temperature may indicate other pathologies. But they are diagnosed much less frequently.

  • Brucellosis. If the temperature lasts a week or even more, then this particular illness may be observed. It is most often found in people who work on farms and veterinarians.

    Symptoms manifest themselves in the form of periodic fever, pain in the joints and muscle tissue, decreased hearing and visual function, confusion.

    To check for the presence of worms, you need to undergo an examination, which consists of taking general analysis blood on ESR indicators and eosinophils, analysis feces There are worm eggs present. If an infection is detected, the doctor will prescribe anthelmintic medications.

  • Tuberculosis. Many patients believe that this disease is quite rare nowadays. But if long time The temperature stays at 37, then perhaps the reason lies precisely in this. Most often, this disease affects medical workers, young children, students and soldiers.

    Tuberculosis is bacterial infection, which affects the human lungs. To diagnose the disease, a Mantoux test and fluorography are given annually.
    The main symptoms include increased fatigue, weakness, decreased or lack of appetite, a sharp decline body weight, high blood pressure, painful feeling in the lumbar region, blood in the urine, cough and shortness of breath.

  • Endocrine system diseases

    Some patients wonder why the temperature stays at 37 without symptoms? Often the cause is a disorder in thyroid gland. When the thyroid gland begins to work hard, everything metabolic processes accelerate, which affects the thermoregulation of the body.

    If the temperature remains at 37 without symptoms, then you need to take a blood test for hormones. At long term Other symptoms of the disease may include:

    • increased irritability;
    • increased heart rate and high blood pressure;
    • loose stools;
    • sudden decrease in body weight;
    • excessive hair loss.

    Once the diagnosis is confirmed, the patient is prescribed hormonal therapy.

    Development of anemia

    Anemia is a disease that is associated with a decrease in the level of hemoglobin in the blood. This condition can occur for a variety of reasons. But most often the disease is observed in women, since it is she who regularly experiences minor blood loss.

    In some situations, the hemoglobin level may be normal, but the amount of iron in the blood may be low. This process is commonly called latent anemia.
    Signs of this disease hiding in:

    • cold hands and feet;
    • loss of strength and decreased ability to work;
    • regular headaches and dizziness;
    • bad hair and nails;
    • increased sleepiness during the day;
    • skin itching and dry skin;
    • regular occurrence of stomatitis or glossitis;
    • poor tolerance to stuffy rooms;
    • stool instability and urinary incontinence.

    If a patient has a temperature of 37 for a month, then you need to undergo an examination, which includes:

    • blood donation for hemoglobin;
    • donating blood to check ferritin levels;
    • examination of the digestive system.

    If the patient’s diagnosis is confirmed, then treatment consists of taking ferrous iron in the form of Sorbifer and Ferretab. In addition to this, it is necessary to use ascorbic acid. Duration therapeutic therapy is three to four months.

    Autoimmune diseases

    If the indicators regularly remain at around 37 degrees, the temperature is observed without symptoms for a long time, then perhaps the reason lies in an autoimmune disease.

    The most common of them are:

    • rheumatoid arthritis;
    • damage to the thyroid gland;
    • systemic lupus erythematosus;
    • Crohn's disease;
    • toxic goiter;
    • Sjögren's syndrome.

    If the body temperature has been maintained at 37 degrees for two weeks, the doctor will prescribe an examination, which includes:

    • donating blood for erythrocyte sedimentation rate analysis;
    • donating blood for the presence of protein;
    • test for rheumatoid factor;
    • examination for cells that indicate the presence of systemic lupus.

    After diagnosing the disease, treatment will consist of the use of immunosuppressants, anti-inflammatory and hormonal medications.

    Temperature tail

    If the temperature rises in the evening, without signs of a cold, then the patient may have developed a fever tail. It occurs after a cold or flu infection.

    The duration of this condition usually does not exceed seven days. Therefore, it does not require treatment and goes away on its own.
    But after suffering illnesses, the patient needs to pay attention to strengthening immune function. To do this you need to take vitamins, eat a lot of fruits and vegetables, exercise exercise and harden.

    Reasons of a psycho-emotional nature

    Often, after a working day, a person feels weakened both physically and mentally. As a result, the temperature rises above 37 degrees. This phenomenon is often observed in young children, women during pregnancy and breastfeeding, and adolescents. All this is connected with stressful situations and emotional overload.

    If no other signs are observed, then it is generally accepted that the state of health is normal. It does not require treatment. It is enough to follow a few rules:

    • provide good sleep at least eight hours a day;
    • walk in the fresh air more often;
    • worry less.

    If the patient is mentally unstable and experiences panic attacks, then you should seek help from a psychotherapist. Such people are usually in a long-term state of depression and have a delicate mental organization.

    Low-grade drug fever

    If the temperature lasts for a week, then you should pay attention to what the patient took before. This phenomenon is often observed when using:

    • adrenaline, ephedrine, norepinephrine;
    • atropine, some groups of antidepressants, antihistamines and anti-inflammatory medications;
    • neuroleptics;
    • antibacterial agents;
    • chemotherapy for tumor formations;
    • narcotic painkillers;
    • thyroxine preparations.

    If canceled in a timely manner, the temperature indicators return to normal.

    If a patient has a temperature of 37 degrees for a long time, then there is no need to treat this symptom on your own. It is better to seek help from a specialist. He will listen to complaints and, based on this, prescribe an examination. Once the cause is determined, appropriate treatment will be prescribed.

    The standard 36.6 C symbolizes “oxen” health. If a person is not in pain, his mood is at a high positive level, then life is good. The situation is clouded by an unexpected, asymptomatic illness. In some cases, this is the beginning of serious changes in the body. In order to improve your health in time, let’s pay attention to the consequences of the leap.

    When is there nothing to worry about?

    Several situations where the temperature rises are not associated with serious problems. Usually this happens due to incredible stress on the body, which responds to its “owner” who is not used to listening with such a reaction. Note when hyperthermia is not dangerous. Please note that such a situation is a rare “guest”. If it appears with enviable frequency, then it is worth thinking about it and getting examined.

    Due to infections and inflammation

    The temperature rises when there is no flu or cold for a number of reasons related to the activity of other pathogenic bacteria. Pay attention to the characteristic symptoms so you can quickly take action and avoid unpleasant consequences. In addition to the rise in “degrees”, associated diseases signs - pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea. It all depends on the specific case. Please note that self-medication in this case is not the best way out out of position. To avoid serious consequences, including death, do not neglect help medical worker who will take the right measures.

    Increased temperature due to injury

    Harmless things in the form of splinters and abrasions are sometimes accompanied by an increase in temperature. This is how the body fights tissue damage. Don’t let things take their course, thinking that they will go away on their own. It’s dangerous when something like this doesn’t go away for several days. Contact your doctor immediately to make your life easier and save yourself from dire consequences.

    Tumors and blood diseases

    Fever, which usually rises in the evening, signals oncology and benign neoplasms. To confirm your hypothesis about your own health, get tested. The doctor will prescribe ultrasonography, blood tests. Do not neglect the recommendations of a specialist, referring to wellness and occasionally rising temperature. The disease is easier to treat in the initial stages.

    Accompanying an allergic reaction

    The temperature rises when a person is allergic to items in their environment. “Increased degree” is often accompanied by watery eyes and a runny nose. In advanced cases, it’s not far from anaphylactic shock. If you suspect that the symptoms of ill health are associated with a reaction to nearby plants, animals and products, take measures that will alleviate the condition and protect you from unpleasant consequences.

    What to do if the temperature rises?

    If you feel unwell and have a fever without symptoms of illness, take measures to help you feel better. But this does not mean that you should let the situation take its course. Be sure to visit your local physician in the near future, who will prescribe tests, ultrasound, and x-rays. In the meantime, try simple methods that will help you maintain your strength.

    1. Be sure to lie down. Body aches and sweating are symptoms that cause a lot of unpleasant impressions of what is happening. In a state of rest, it is easier for you to stabilize and restore strength;
    2. Drink tea with raspberry jam or honey. More fluid so that the body can better fight infection;
    3. As an option, wipe your body with a napkin soaked in vinegar water. A few drops of acid per small glass of liquid is enough;
    4. If the condition does not improve, call a doctor at home.

    In this situation, the main thing is to diagnose it in time. Depending on the results of the examination, doctors will prescribe treatment that will eliminate the cause of the fever “out of nowhere.” The sooner you visit the doctor, the better the outcome.

    Video about the basic principles of how the body works

    In this video you will learn about fever without characteristic symptoms:

    Heat transfer is a fairly individual indicator for each person. And the temperature, which is normal for one, will be too high for another. Everyone knows that normal indicator body temperature is 36.6 degrees, but values ​​ranging from 35.9 to 37.2 degrees can be considered normal.

    Often a temperature of 37 without symptoms, which lasts for a long time, begins to worry a person. We will look at the reasons why this happens and what to do in such cases.

    Why does the temperature stay at 37: natural and external reasons

    A temperature above 37 degrees is called in medical practice low-grade fever. This means a slight increase in thermal indicators, which were provoked by the following reasons:

    • external factors;
    • infections;
    • inflammatory process.

    If a person without symptoms suddenly rises to 37 degrees and persists for a long time, even for weeks, then you need to carefully study the reasons for this phenomenon.

    Natural reasons for maintaining a temperature of 37

    What to do when such a relative heat lasts for weeks without any reason? You need to understand that this may be due to hereditary factors . They can be transmitted from parents to children at the genetic level and this does not in any way affect a person’s well-being.

    At an elevated temperature of 37 and above, a person usually feels such clinical manifestations:

    • increased fatigue;
    • weakness;
    • drowsiness;
    • dizziness;
    • headache;
    • hearing and vision disorders.

    If a temperature of 37 degrees and above lasts for weeks without reason and is not accompanied by the listed symptoms, then most likely the reasons are natural and the indicator itself in this case is for a person the norm.

    If the temperature stays at 37 for a week: external reasons

    At high rates Symptoms without those characteristic of colds and other diseases can be caused by the following factors:

    Remember that a slight increase in body temperature due to such factors is natural reaction. Heat output varies throughout the day and with metabolism. Changes in indicators do not threaten health in any way; they do not last too long and return to normal after elimination external reasons such fluctuations.

    In some cases, such factors not only provoke hyperthermia, but also a protracted problem when hyperthermia lasts for weeks. In severe cases, it can last even for a month, then it is recommended to consult a doctor.

    To improve your condition and put your thermometer in order, you need to follow these recommendations:

    There are other reasons why a thermal reading of 37 can last for weeks without visible symptoms. So, in women this can be caused by ovulation; thermal indicators can reach up to 37.4 degrees. Women also need to pay attention that if the temperature is around 37 degrees without visible symptoms for 2 or more weeks, then this may indicate pregnancy. Here you need to do a test and find out if this is so.

    Causes of fever due to illness

    Even without visible symptoms, a temperature of 37 in an adult that lasts for weeks can indicate a particular disease. So, it could be:

    The most common cause of fever in people of different ages are infections. Often against the background of colds and viral diseases without other symptoms, a temperature of 37 can last for 5 days, which is quite normal. If this indicator does not drop for 2 weeks or longer, then this may indicate that a person has diseases such as:

    • pneumonia;
    • tuberculosis and other bacterial diseases.

    All of them can be treated, but it is better to start treatment as early as possible, so if you have suspicious temperature manifestations and symptoms, contact a specialist as quickly as possible.

    Temperature associated with different types of diseases

    High temperature at allergies– this is not a typical symptom, but often it accompanies the disease without other symptoms. An allergy in this case is called atypical. Characteristic symptom diseases - temperature 37 for 3 days, which rises due to inflammatory processes in the body. Treatment consists of taking antihistamines and measures to eliminate the inflammatory focus. It is very important to distinguish allergic diseases from the common cold by symptoms.

    Often the temperature is 37 without additional symptoms is a sign of the presence autoimmune or systemic diseases , for example, non-specific ulcerative colitis or Crohn's disease. The thermal index at 37 can remain for a month. Diagnosing the cause often takes a long time, since it requires full examination The patient's gastrointestinal tract. After clarifying the diagnosis, treatment involves the need to reduce symptoms to a state of remission, but it is almost impossible to completely cure such pathologies in our time.

    Also, prolonged maintenance of a temperature of 37 (six months or longer) may indicate neoplasms. This condition can occur completely without symptoms. Mild hyperthermia may regularly occur in the evenings or persist throughout the day. Benign and malignant formations may be accompanied by fever for months or weeks. IN similar cases It is very important to diagnose the disease in time and save the patient from the threat to life.

    If the temperature remains at 37 degrees for a month, this may indicate illness. endocrine system. Fever is a consequence of a disturbance in the level of human hormones; the temperature can also remain at this level for 2 weeks. Hormonal imbalance in this case, it is more often provoked by dysfunction of the thyroid gland. The problem should be detected early to prevent the development of diabetes or hearing loss.

    Hyperthermia may be a consequence traumatic brain injuries. Thus, a temperature of 37 degrees can persist for 3 weeks after a concussion; often symptoms appear a long time after the injury. This is due to damage brain section, which is responsible for thermoregulation. The symptom disappears after the body recovers.

    What to do with prolonged hyperthermia?

    If the temperature remains below 38 degrees, then there is no need to take antipyretic drugs. Through heat, the body itself fights viruses and bacteria; nothing additional needs to be done.

    If the symptom causes one or another discomfort, then it can be reduced by the following methods:

    • Apply cooling compresses to your forehead, wrists, or calves;
    • wipe the body with water, a weak vodka or vinegar solution;
    • remove excess clothing and put away the blanket.

    You cannot put mustard plasters and cups, or do inhalations. All this accelerates blood flow, which leads to pulmonary edema. It is recommended to drink plenty of water and rehydration solutions. It is impossible to increase the volume of food consumed, since in hot weather energy is consumed very sparingly.

    If, against the background of a fever, you are worried about pain in the abdomen, and also feel signs of dehydration, then you urgently need call a specialist.

    If you know that a high temperature without symptoms is normal for you, then you don’t have to worry, but if it lasts for weeks without any reason and in the absence of symptoms, then it’s better to visit a doctor to rule out the presence of hidden ailments.

    In adults, body temperature is a sensitive indicator of many natural and pathological conditions. The thermoreceptors located in the different parts body. They are under the general control of the cerebral cortex.

    As soon as they transmit signals to the center about changes in the properties of the internal or external environment, it responds by changing the temperature regime. They are provided with the best different reactions, for which the immune, circulatory, vascular, endocrine, nervous and other systems are responsible.

    Therefore, a fibrous temperature of 38.4 and higher can pass quite quickly when the mechanisms of regulation of the body’s activity are turned on or when a pathogenic agent is destroyed.

    An elevated temperature does not necessarily mean the occurrence of a serious illness. Therefore, if an adult feels well, and hyperthermia passes quickly enough, there is no reason for special concern in this case.

    Changes in temperature can be the result of many factors. They are wearing defense mechanism in order to maintain a constant metabolism in the body.

    This is primarily due to the fact that the majority pathogenic viruses and bacteria die very quickly under the influence of high temperatures.

    In addition, fever is a signal for increased production of a substance called interferon, which actively affects foreign protein. Thus, when allergic reactions An increase in temperature can also have a positive effect.

    It must be remembered that human body It is very complexly structured and nature contains many tools for self-adjustment. Therefore, high fever often passes without any consequences for him. It helps systems recover and promotes the regeneration of damaged cells and tissues.

    At the same time, pathogenic microorganisms that have penetrated into internal environment organism are destroyed without having time to cause a pathogenic process.

    Most people are accustomed to the fact that high fever most often accompanies respiratory infections. Therefore, people experience anxiety when its change occurs without symptoms, and is associated with something else.
    The person understands that some kind of failure has occurred. Some see a doctor, others wait or try home remedies.

    Natural and external causes

    The temperature may rise as a result of changes in the external environment or for other reasons natural character. In the presence of unfavorable conditions The body makes every effort to return metabolism to the most comfortable state for it. Therefore, in order to quickly establish metabolic processes, he sometimes turns on the hyperthermia mode.

    A temperature of 38 - 38.5 without symptoms may jump due to the fact that a person:

    • Overheated in the sun;
    • dressed too warmly;
    • drank too much alcohol;
    • intensively engaged in physical education;
    • put on synthetic clothes;
    • experienced severe nervous tension;
    • is in the period of ovulation;
    • suffers from vegetative-vascular dystonia;
    • took a steam bath;
    • experiencing menstruation;
    • takes certain medications;
    • drank hot tea or ate an overheated dish, etc.
    If no pathological symptoms, then such a situation does not pose the slightest danger and will soon pass by itself.

    But it also happens that an increase in temperature above 38.1 - 38.5 degrees is not accompanied by pronounced painful signs, but at the same time, if you carefully observe the person, you can notice a certain unwellness. Do not forget that there may be more unpleasant reasons heat.

    These include:

    1. infection entering the body;
    2. food poisoning;
    3. cold.

    The temperature may rise if you are injured or impaired skin, severe bruise.

    The following can cause its increase:

    1. autoimmune diseases;
    2. avitaminosis;
    3. disorders of vascular activity.

    Most often, fever occurs in the presence of local inflammatory processes, metabolic disorders, allergic reactions

    A temporary jump in temperature may be due to the release of hormones, contact with irritant, vitamin deficiency, stomatitis.

    In this case, the fever is associated with the body's fight against a harmful agent. If it does not go away on its own or the symptoms of the disease do not become generalized, it is still recommended to consult a doctor.

    Must be passed clinical analysis blood and urine, take a swab from the nose and throat, examine a panel of allergens, determine the level of thyroid hormones, and also check the discharge of the urethra and genital organs.

    It will be useful to go ultrasound scanning, fluorography, do X-ray. If any pathology is detected, treatment will be prescribed.

    If the specialist considers the patient completely healthy, then the fever was temporary and was associated with activation of the immune system.

    Causes associated with diseases

    There is an increase in temperature associated with the development of dangerous and serious illnesses. It in itself is already their symptom, sometimes one of the main ones.

    If the numbers on the thermometer have so far increased slightly, this does not mean that in the future they will not increase, eventually reaching threatening values.

    Therefore, in any case, this should attract attention so as not to miss the onset of the disease.

    The danger is that a temperature of 38.5 without symptoms in an adult can be observed with:

    • Malignant neoplasm;
    • blood diseases;
    • helminthiasis;
    • pathologies of the thyroid gland;
    • organ cysts;
    • tuberculosis;
    • hepatitis;
    • sepsis;
    • thrombosis;
    • typhoid fever;
    • syphilis;
    • malaria;
    • Charcot's disease;
    • pathologies of the adrenal glands;
    • organic brain lesions;
    • pyelonephritis;
    • nephrosis;
    • heart attack;
    • stroke;
    • rheumatism;
    • endocarditis;
    • meningitis;
    • mental illness;
    • disturbances in the functioning of the hypothalamus;
    • dermatological diseases, etc.

    In these cases, an increase in temperature is one of the main symptoms of a malfunction of the body. It lasts quite a long time. It may be caused by severe infection, active cell death, multiple destruction shaped elements blood.

    In these cases, you should not try to bring down the temperature, but you should undergo an examination of the body as soon as possible. You should get tested, have an electrocardiogram or Echo-CG, and be sure to visit an infectious disease specialist. As soon as the disease is diagnosed, treatment must begin.

    Temperature 38.2 -38.9 in this case is the first indicator of the development of a serious illness and early manifestation pathology. It should be understood that its increase is always associated with a sharp violation of the body’s defenses.

    Therefore, even in the absence of pronounced symptoms, the disease can develop gradually. This is especially true for internal sluggish inflammatory or infectious processes. They often begin asymptomatically, then quickly take a chronic course, then suddenly they can manifest as a severe exacerbation or the development of severe complications.

    First aid at home

    In the presence of respiratory diseases, it is advisable to give the patient the opportunity to sweat well, starting the natural process of thermoregulation. To do this, it is better for him to drink tea with raspberry jam, honey or lemon.

    In this case, black currants, rowan berries or cranberries mashed with sugar have a good effect. You can prepare a decoction of linden or St. John's wort.

    Increased sweating will reduce the temperature, remove toxins from the body, and relieve general state. If the patient feels satisfactory, then it is better to wash off the sweat with a warm shower.

    To reduce the heat, you need to put a cool compress on your forehead, and moisten your palms and feet generously with a solution of vinegar essence or soda.

    If the patient experiences severe malaise when the temperature rises, then to relieve the symptoms, he needs help until the ambulance arrives or the doctor arrives.

    If its numbers are not very high, then it is not recommended to take any medications. It is advisable to use antipyretics only after an accurate diagnosis has been established and a specialist has been prescribed.

    You can help the patient feel better by:

    1. Provide him with plenty of fluids;
    2. Ventilate the room;
    3. Apply cold to forehead;
    4. Give him the opportunity to freely get rid of intoxication products (do not interfere with vomiting, diarrhea, frequent urination, profuse sweating) etc.

    These measures will cleanse the body, help it fight infection, and activate thermoregulation mechanisms.

    It is necessary to carefully monitor how the patient’s general well-being develops, and also observe whether the measures taken to reduce the temperature help him.

    If it goes down, then, apparently, we're talking about about the infection and the body has already begun an active fight against it. In any case, you should be prepared to list all manifestations to visiting doctors. painful condition person.

    When urgent medical attention is needed

    Call Ambulance may be necessary if there is an increase in temperature above 38.6 and is accompanied by:

    • Severe cough;
    • pain behind the sternum or in the side;
    • bleeding;
    • confusion;
    • blue extremities;
    • pronounced dyspeptic symptoms;
    • rash;
    • changes in skin color;
    • stopping the flow of urine;
    • suffocation;

    In these cases, we can talk about very dangerous diseases, including myocardial infarction, pneumonia, thromboembolism, botulism, anuria, cancer, sepsis, etc. Then delay can cost the patient his life.

    If the temperature is 38.3-38.8, what should the relatives of the sick person do before the team of specialists arrive, they need to know very clearly.
    It should be understood that very dangerous things are now happening in his body. pathological processes, which necessarily imply them urgent treatment and their main symptom is fever.

    Fever is a typical manifestation of endocarditis and thyroid diseases. If no other symptoms are observed, then suspicion primarily falls on these diseases.

    If there are pronounced respiratory symptoms It is better to give the patient expectorants and, as well. When the inflammatory process develops, it is better to apply a cold compress to the sore spot. The patient requires strict bed rest and a large number of fresh air.

    If a limb turns blue, it should be immobilized, covered with ice and raised above the bed. In this case, the person should be given aspirin.

    If he feels severe pain behind the sternum or in the heart area, vasodilator drugs are required.

    If allergies have been diagnosed before, it is better to take antihistamines.

    You should not ignore an increase in temperature of more than 38.5-38.9 degrees, even if it is not accompanied by severe symptoms.

    In any case, we are talking about a certain disadvantage and whether it is associated with natural causes or with manifestations of the disease, time will tell.

    Of course, if the patient feels satisfactory or does not experience any signs of illness at all, then it is better to first observe his condition.

    In cases where there is no fever without symptoms pathological nature, but caused by the characteristics of the body, it is desirable:

    In contact with