
How long does it take for inflamed lymph nodes to heal? Why does inflammation of the lymph nodes persist for a long time and where to go?

If the lymph nodes are enlarged and painful, you should consult a doctor to determine the cause of this deviation. In most cases, enlarged lymph nodes signal the development of some disease that requires diagnosis and treatment. Typically, enlarged lymph nodes are caused by an inflammatory process occurring in the human body.

Causes of inflammation of the lymph nodes

Inflammation of the lymph nodes is a natural, objective process, because the lymph nodes filter all components that enter the circulatory system. As soon as pathogenic microorganisms enter the lymph node, which is a kind of barrier, lymphocytes begin to work in it, killing harmful viruses and bacteria. But in some cases, the mass of foreign elements in the blood increases so much that the normal number of white blood cells can no longer cope with their function. In response, lymphocytes actively multiply to eliminate the infection. And now the lymph nodes grow, become inflamed, redness of the skin and pain appear - inflammation of the lymph nodes is diagnosed.

Good afternoon Please tell me where the cervical lymph nodes are located and how to find out if they are inflamed. Is their enlargement usually visible, or can it only be detected by touch? What can cause inflammation, and who should I contact for advice? Thanks for the answer.

With a non-purulent inflammatory process, the patient usually feels relatively normal. Enlarged nodes become dense, pain appears when pressed, they are mobile, the skin over the affected area does not change.

Adenophlegmon is characterized by redness of the skin over the affected area, a dense tumor appears, without clear boundaries, softened in places. The pain is throbbing and severe. Temperatures rise to very high levels. The purulent form of lymphadenitis can spread into deeper tissues and cells, resulting in blood poisoning.

The chronic form of lymphadenitis is practically painless, and only enlargement of the lymph nodes is felt.

Consequences of inflammation of the lymph nodes

Inflammation of the lymph nodes is a natural reaction of our body to various harmful microorganisms that have entered the circulatory system. Diseases that caused the pathological process must be treated in a timely manner; in this case, after recovery, the lymph nodes independently return to normal. In case of severe infections, when an acute or purulent inflammatory process begins, together with treatment of the underlying disease, the patient’s condition can be alleviated. In case of acute, purulent or chronic inflammation in the lymph nodes, the process of replacing lymphoid tissue with connective tissue begins, which leads to disruption of their work, and they are no longer able to fully perform their functions.

What to do if the lymph nodes are swollen?

If an inflamed lymph node is detected, you should first consult a doctor. If the inflammatory process is accompanied by a high temperature, you can take an antipyretic; if you feel unwell, dizzy or have a headache, you need to stay in bed and invite a doctor to your home.

It must be remembered that inflamed lymph nodes should never be heated or warm compresses applied to the affected area. You can apply a cool compress to relieve pain. If the skin over the pathological area begins to turn red and a throbbing pain appears, this indicates that a purulent process has begun. In this case, you need to immediately call an ambulance, since pus can break out not only outside, but also into adjacent tissues or organs, which threatens to spread the infection throughout the body. In case of a purulent form, surgical treatment is necessary, in which the affected lymph node is opened and cleared of accumulated pus.

If you find that you have inflammation of the lymph nodes, first of all, you need to consult a therapist. The doctor will conduct a visual examination and palpate them. If the inflammatory process occurs against the background of a cold, the doctor will prescribe appropriate treatment for the underlying disease, the field of which the lymph nodes should return to normal size. If the cause cannot be determined, the therapist will prescribe an additional examination, the results of which may lead to a referral to other specialists (endocrinologist, surgeon, oncologist).

You, of course, really want to know how you can get rid of inflammation without visiting a doctor? Here are some methods that can help you:

If inflammation of the lymph nodes in the neck occurs due to a cold, try using homeopathic drops "Lymphomyosot".

If you have any infection in your body, buy Ampicillin tablets. Take them every day three times a day.

For the treatment of inflamed lymph nodes in the neck folk remedies You can use the following tips:

Inflammation of the cervical lymph nodes is a sign of the presence of infection in the body, weakening of its protective functions, and therefore requires contact with a specialist. The same applies to inflammation of the inguinal lymph nodes.

Inflammation of the lymph nodes in the neck

Reactive lymphadenitis is not a separate form of it, as many people think, but just the name of a rapid process of enlargement of inflamed nodes.

Video: purulent forms of infectious inflammation - why are they dangerous?

Causes of lymphadenitis, taking into account localization


The most common type of lymphadenitis is cervical lymphadenitis. The cause of its appearance is the influenza virus, pneumonia, tonsillitis, purulent sore throat, acute respiratory infections and others infectious diseases. Also, certain diseases can cause lymphadenopathy of the cervical nodes oral cavity, proceeding slowly - gingivitis, periodontal disease, caries.


If the changes are minor and do not cause any inconvenience, then you don’t have to worry. And if they are accompanied by pain, poor health, deterioration in general condition or fever, then it is important to consult a doctor as soon as possible. The exact cause of changes in the condition of the lymph nodes can only be determined by the results of a comprehensive examination.

Traditional medicine and its effectiveness

Folk remedies can both contribute to drug treatment, accelerating the healing process, and harm.

Taking various tinctures and decoctions, of course, will not help you heal completely, but it can significantly alleviate the condition. Here are a few proven recipes that have repeatedly proven their effectiveness:

  1. Echinacea tincture. This excellent antiseptic is considered one of the most effective means with inflammation of the lymph nodes. Add 10 drops of tincture to 50 ml of boiled water. Take 4 times daily;
  2. Green jadeite. This miracle stone is famous for its ability to cleanse the body. It should be approximately the same size as a swollen lymph node. You just need to apply it to the inflamed area for 10 minutes several times a day;
  3. Dried Canadian goldenseal powder. One tsp. dilute powder in 1 tbsp. water. Drink 1 tbsp every day, additionally including fermented milk products in your diet to avoid stomach upset;
  4. Mint, calendula, chamomile. Brew the decoction, cool and gargle 3-4 times a day;
  5. Soda and salt. Dissolve in 1 tbsp. hot water 0.5 tsp each soda and salt. Cool to room temperature. Use to rinse 3-4 times a day;
  6. Aloe juice. Every day take 1 tbsp. l. freshly squeezed juice;
  7. Massage with essential oils. It helps reduce discomfort and speed up recovery. Dissolve 1 part each of lavender, eucalyptus and tea tree oil in 20 parts of almond or olive oil. Massage movements should be gentle, directed along the neck from top to bottom. If painful sensations occur, slightly release the finger pressure.

Remember that the use of any of these remedies should be carried out only after the doctor's permission!

If you have swollen lymph nodes in your neck, then under no circumstances trust advice related to:

To treat enlarged lymph nodes in the armpits, you can use the methods listed above. But it should be remembered that it is this group of lymph nodes that is responsible for the presence of tumors in our body. Therefore, if you experience any discomfort, you should not delay your visit to the doctor.

By the way, in children with some primary forms of immunodeficiency, the lymph nodes and tonsils are small, which reflects an immune defect.

Children with many lymph nodes and enlarged tonsils are prone to tonsillitis and catarrh respiratory tract, allergic reactions. They should not be protected, but trained, to develop the ability to adequately respond to stress. Good workout immunological system - conducting preventive vaccinations. With age, the size of the tonsils and lymph nodes decreases. During adolescence, not without the participation of sex hormones, the lymphatic system acquires features characteristic of adults.

When is surgical intervention required for inflammation of the lymph nodes? In cases where conservative treatment does not help, or it was started at the wrong time, and the process has entered the purulent stage, then surgical intervention cannot be avoided. The lymph nodes are opened and then treated as open purulent wounds.

Symptoms of inflammation of the lymph nodes

How to determine inflammation of the lymph nodes?

First of all, the working lymph nodes begin to increase in size so that they can be externally palpated. Inflamed lymph nodes can reach the size of a bean and even larger, for example, enlarge to the size of a quail egg. For symptoms of enlarged lymph nodes only initial stages inflammation, the general condition of the body may not change. This means that the lymphatic system is coping with the infection, but is working more actively than usual. Further, the symptoms of progressive inflammation of the lymph nodes are identified by the already appearing symptoms: pain in the location of the lymph nodes, general malaise, weakness, fever, headache, severe night sweats. For symptoms purulent inflammation lymph node, the skin begins to turn red, and the lymph node itself becomes motionless and very painful.

Causes of inflammation of nodes lymphatic system

The main cause of symptoms of inflammation of the lymph nodes is a cold or flu, accompanied by a runny nose and fever. The cause of symptoms of inflammation of the lymph nodes may also be tuberculosis or another acute form of infection. Inflamed lymph nodes throughout the body can indicate infection with such serious illnesses as HIV, lupus erythematosus, mononucleosis, etc. Rapidly enlarging nodes that are hard to the touch indicate the onset of cancer.

In any case, if you feel unwell and have identified by touch the symptoms of inflammation of the lymph nodes and have begun to cause discomfort, you must immediately consult an infectious disease specialist or oncologist. You now know how to determine inflammation of the lymph nodes and will be able to diagnose the problem in time and consult a doctor.

How many days does it take for inflammation of the lymph nodes to go away?

Lymph nodes

Hello, I had a sore throat with a high fever at the beginning of January, then at the beginning of February I caught the virus again, but the second time the temperature was not high and I seemed to recover quickly. A week later I noticed an enlargement of the lymph nodes on the left side of the neck, and then in the groin. At first I didn’t feel it after examination by a doctor, which I will describe further, he began to twist the roofing felts or he really started to get sick. He was very scared and quickly flew to the doctor, first to the therapist who said that there was nothing wrong - these were post-viral residues and this could happen. Then he donated blood, they said all the indicators were normal, on the way to the hospital I accidentally ended up in the maxillofacial department, where a doctor examined me, felt all the lymph nodes and sent me for an ultrasound. The ultrasound determined: On the left in the submandibular region, along the lateral and posterior surfaces of the neck, a fairly large number of enlarged lymph nodes are determined, the size of the largest of which 20X9mm. Their contours are smooth, the structure is homogeneous, the echogenicity is reduced. At the same time, the doctor sent me to an ENT specialist who said my throat was inflamed (plus a wisdom tooth) and suggested surgery to remove the tonsils, then I went to an allergist. And the doctor who sent me prescribed an ultrasound treatment with Augmentin 875 (I’ve been taking it for the 5th day) + l cet as an antihistamine + compress gentamicin and demixid. I did the compresses 2 times and I can’t say that the lymph node in the neck went away, but it seems better. They also sent me for a UHF, and the ENT doctor said to treat the throat with tonsillitis and rinsing. Please tell me how long this lymph node can last if the doctor wrote a diagnosis of acute lymphadenitis (I’m 19 years old). I’m very afraid, I don’t know. what, from different I hear different things on both sides, that it could be a venereological disease or anything, so for a week now I have been walking around in anxiety, always feeling the lymph node and driving away bad thoughts. Thanks in advance P.S results of a general blood test hemoglobin 161 Red blood cells 480 Color index 1 White blood cells 5 COE 3 Nuclear rod 4 Segmented 56 Eosinophils -5 Lymphocytes 25 Monocytes 10 translated from Ukrainian, maybe I translated something incorrectly

Hello. Soon the lymph nodes should completely disappear or shrink significantly as soon as the underlying disease (tonsils, throat, or whatever else you found there) has completely passed. Stop fiddling with the lymph node. Observe them for two to four weeks. If by that time they do not go away, or even increase in size, then you must definitely take a blood test again (in detail), repeat the ultrasound and go with them to a general practitioner, let him think about whether you now have some kind of disease already in lymph nodes.

Consultation is provided exclusively in for reference purposes. Based on the results of the consultation received, please consult a doctor.

It’s been three weeks now that I’ve had lymphadenitis on my neck on only one side. The lump grew approximately at the corner of the jaw. First I took Vilprofen Salutab, the lump has shrunk, but not completely now. approximately like a hazelnut, it has been this size for a long time and is no longer shrinking. Three days ago I drank sumamed. So far everything is in place. I have a question, who has suffered from lymphadenitis, how long does it take for the lymph node to go away? How much longer to wait? The surgeon said it won't work. need to cut:010:.

Did the surgeon tell you that lymphadenitis?

and sent me home for a walk:010: where are these guys?

before. how to send prescribed antibiotics.

And what. Are you really scaring me?

Lymphadenitis can go away for a long time - weeks and months, but it is much more important to understand what is causing such a noticeable enlargement of the lymph node. How quickly did this happen? Were there any related problems- ear pain, seriously untreated teeth (minor caries does not count), any other problems in the neck and ear area?

Lymphadenitis happened like this: I woke up in the morning with a huge knot on my neck. about the size of a small tangerine. Painful. The temperature rose to 37. Nothing more. Two weeks before, my throat hurt for 4-5 days, I actually gargled it. Laura looked carefully, everything was clean, both ear and throat at that moment. Teeth are fine.

Blood donated: Leukocytes - 9, 46 (with the norm being 4-9) and ESR 18 (with the norm being 2-15)

Sharply rising lymph nodes usually indicate an inflammatory process. If the doctor has not prescribed otherwise, observe for 3-5 days and see the doctor again if there is no obvious progress. I would still advise you to find the reason - together with a doctor, of course.

I don’t want to scare you, but it’s better to be examined very carefully.

In my life, a sharp enlargement of the lymph node turned out to be metastases ((

If there was something terrible, there would probably be some visible changes in the blood.

What if I apply Vishnevsky ointment or ichthyol ointment?

No, it is a myth that cancer always causes changes in the blood. In fact, changes occur quite rarely and not immediately. In your case, I repeat, there is no reason to suspect anything serious yet, but of course you need careful medical supervision.

Even a local inflammatory process can cause a lot of trouble if treated carelessly. Keep me posted.

Ointment - if the doctor has not prescribed it, then it is not worth it.

Well, for mts to appear in one morning is still arch-exotic.

This is reality. And that's exactly how it was with my dad.

You know, I would still risk suggesting that they just suddenly noticed it. It's common for men to not focus too much on themselves. Even the most aggressive and incurable tumor - anaplastic thyroid carcinoma - doubles in size in 3-5 days, not in hours. But it is also not characterized by metastasis to the lymph nodes of this group, and it is impossible to confuse it with simple lymphadenitis when examining the neck. Therefore, with all my sincere empathy, I would not scare the author unless there are grounds for this.

I don’t want to scare you in any way, but it won’t hurt anyone to check their health once again. My dad’s lymph node actually popped out instantly, albeit a subclavian one; most likely it grew gradually, and when it no longer fit under the collarbone, it suddenly appeared.

I probably shouldn't have gotten involved with oncology. Excuse me, author, please.

Inflammation of the lymph nodes - when infection comes - Treatment

In most cases, the cause of inflammation of the lymph nodes is a viral or other infection. At standard treatment Medicines such as ibuprofen and acetaminophen, as well as antibiotics or antiviral drugs to fight the virus.

If the patient has an abscess, it is opened and drained. If the lymph node becomes inflamed due to malignant tumor, surgery, radiotherapy or chemotherapy is required. In the event of an allergic reaction, you may need to not only eliminate the allergy trigger, but also take anti-allergy medications for several weeks.

Typically, swollen lymph nodes do not indicate serious or life-threatening illness and resolve within a few weeks, even without treatment. However, to make sure that your health is not at risk, it is strongly recommended that you consult a doctor if this symptom appears.

Acute inflammation of the lymph nodes

Acute inflammation of the lymph nodes begins with pain and enlargement of the lymph nodes, headaches, weakness, malaise, and increased body temperature. Often, inflammation of the lymph nodes occurs with inflammation of the lymphatic vessels.

The severity of signs of inflammation directly depends on the inflammation in the place where the infection came from. But sometimes, when inflammation in the primary site subsides, inflammation in the lymph nodes continues.

Acute inflammation of the lymph nodes can be catarrhal (inflammation without pus), hemorrhagic (there is an admixture of blood in the inflammatory fluid) and purulent.

With catarrhal inflammation in the lymph nodes, the general condition suffers little, regional (located in the area primary focus infections) the lymph nodes are enlarged and painful, they are not fused with the surrounding tissues, and the skin over them is not changed. When pus appears, the pain becomes intense, the skin over the lymph nodes turns red and inflamed, the lymph nodes become immobile, and general signs of inflammation appear - high fever, headaches.

The prognosis for initial forms of lymphadenitis and timely treatment is favorable in most cases.

The purulent process can lead to the death of the lymph node, followed by their replacement with connective tissue and impaired lymph drainage (edema) in this area.

Acute inflammation of the lymph nodes can be complicated by thrombophlebitis (inflammation of the veins), spread purulent process on surrounding tissues, blood poisoning (sepsis). The acute form of the disease can also become chronic.

Chronic inflammation of the lymph nodes

Chronic inflammation of the lymph nodes can occur chronically from the very beginning with sluggish inflammatory diseases (for example, with chronic tonsillitis) or occur after an acute process. A chronic inflammatory process in the lymph nodes is most often accompanied by tissue proliferation and is very rarely accompanied by suppuration.

With chronic lymphadenitis, there is an increase and thickening of the lymph nodes, which are dense to the touch, painless, and not fused with the surrounding tissues. In this case, the lymph nodes remain enlarged for a long time, but then still decrease due to growth in them connective tissue and wrinkling. In some cases, pronounced proliferation of connective tissue in the lymph nodes can lead to lymph circulation disorders and swelling.

If the cause of inflammation of the lymph nodes is an infection, the following complications may occur if left untreated:

  • Abscess formation. An abscess is a collection of pus in one area caused by an infection. In addition to liquid, pus contains white blood cells, particles of dead tissue, bacteria or other microorganisms. An abscess may need drainage and antibiotics to heal. If the abscess affects vital organs, it can cause serious harm to health
  • Blood infection (bacteremia). A bacterial infection in any part of the body can develop into sepsis - blood poisoning. Sepsis if left untreated leads to failure of life important organs, and death. Requires hospitalization and treatment with intravenous antibiotics.

To determine the cause of inflammation of the lymph nodes, the following methods are used:

  • Study of anamnesis. The doctor finds out what the patient was sick with before and asks him in detail about the development of the disease.
  • Medical checkup. The location of the inflamed lymph nodes, their size, softness or hardness, help make preliminary assumptions about the cause of their appearance.
  • Blood analysis
  • Medical imaging: X-rays or CT scans can help detect potential sources of infection or tumor
  • Lymph node biopsy. If the above methods do not help make an accurate diagnosis, a biopsy may be needed - during this procedure, a small sample of lymph node tissue is taken for analysis.

In the initial stages of acute inflammation of the lymph nodes, rest for the affected organ, anti-inflammatory treatment (antibiotics, physiotherapeutic procedures), treatment of the main source of infection (timely opening of abscesses) are prescribed. Antibiotics are prescribed only after laboratory research separated from the main focus of infection and determining the sensitivity of infectious agents to antibiotics. If the process becomes purulent, then surgical treatment: ulcers are opened and open purulent wounds are treated.

Treatment of chronic inflammation of the lymph nodes is carried out in a similar way, but special attention is paid to identifying and treating primary foci of infection.

The choice of treatment method depends on what caused the inflammation of the lymph nodes.

  • Infection. The most common treatment for swollen lymph nodes caused by a bacterial infection is antibiotics. Over-the-counter medications such as aspirin, ibuprofen, and acetaminophen are used to relieve pain and fever.
  • Immune disorder. If the lymph nodes are swollen due to disorders such as lupus or rheumatoid arthritis, specific treatment for these conditions is prescribed.
  • Cancer. Depending on the type and stage of cancer, you may need surgical intervention, radiotherapy or chemotherapy.

Prevention of inflammation of the lymph nodes

Prevention of acute inflammation is the prevention of microtraumas (for example, abrasions of the feet), which can later become a source of infection, and timely treatment all purulent-inflammatory processes.

Measures to prevent chronic lymphadenitis: timely correct treatment of acute lymphadenitis and increasing immunity.

Cervical lymphadenitis in children, adults

Cervical lymphadenitis is inflammation of the lymph nodes in the neck. It occurs extremely rarely as an independent disease. Basically it is a secondary manifestation of the spread of inflammatory processes in the body. The infection enters the cervical lymph nodes through the bloodstream or through open wound surfaces.

The main signs of cervical lymphadenitis:

What are lymph nodes? Their purpose?

A lymph node is an organ of the lymphatic system that performs the function of a kind of biological filter. Lymph flows through this “filter”, which comes from organs and parts of the body. The filter filters out microorganisms and other particles that have entered the baby's body. Lymph nodes can be safely called “customs”; here the meeting and recognition of foreign agents that are trying to penetrate the baby’s body takes place. This is where the formation of an immune response to the penetration of harmful agents occurs. In addition, active proliferation of lymphocytes occurs in the lymph nodes - immune cells. Lymph nodes throughout the body are located in groups or individually, their size is no larger than a pea or bean, and they are interconnected by a network of lymphatic vessels through which a special fluid flows - lymph. The maximum number of lymph nodes is formed by the age of ten.

Lymphatic vessels perform certain functions in the human body. The most main function this is, of course, a barrier, remembering about “customs”, an illegal emigrant enters the territory, he must be stopped and neutralized, it is during this neutralization that the lymph nodes enlarge. The filtering function is no less important, since microbes and viruses, particles of the body’s own tissues and various substances settle in the lymph nodes.

Any doctor conducts a number of studies during an examination, including palpating the lymph nodes. First of all, the doctor will feel the submandibular, axillary and inguinal lymph nodes - these are the nodes that should be palpated normally. In this case, it is necessary to assess the size of the lymph nodes. In a normal state, the lymph nodes have their own characteristics, based on them, we can talk about an enlarged lymph node or its normal state.

The size of a lymph node in normal condition should not exceed a pea of ​​soft consistency. On palpation, the lymph nodes move slightly to the side, this property is called mobility, and indicates that everything is in order. If the picture is the opposite, then the lymph node is connected to the surrounding tissues and doctors call it all a smart word - “fused.” Under no circumstances should a lymph node hurt upon palpation, especially without apparent reason. Not all lymph nodes can be palpated; this is primarily due to their location in the body, that is, they are located deeper. Normally, the mental, supraclavicular, subclavian, thoracic, ulnar and patellar group of lymph nodes should not be palpated.

If enlarged lymph nodes are detected, it is necessary to find out the reason for their enlargement. Most often, the cause of lymphadenitis is an infectious disease, and careful questioning and examination is sometimes enough to find out. First of all, you need to find out about the presence of complaints from the ENT organs, the oral cavity, whether there have been insect bites, or travel to other regions or countries. Availability is important common symptoms– increased fatigue, night sweats, increased body temperature, weight loss, etc. Based on the answers, one or another disease can be assumed and prescribed additional methods research.

If you realize that you have lymphadenitis, you should immediately consult a doctor. Use different traditional methods such as rubbing, massage or heating is strictly prohibited in this case

First of all, the doctor will palpate the affected neck. This way he can determine the degree of increase in nodes and the size of the disaster. Then, based on the results of the examination, other tests are usually prescribed to obtain an accurate diagnosis.

Since the lymph nodes in the neck are in close proximity to the oral cavity, their inflammation is often associated with many diseases of the nasopharynx and mouth - caries, sinusitis, sinusitis, sore throat, tonsillitis, etc. This is due to the fact that in this situation the infection is as close as possible to the lymphatic system of the neck.

Very often, inflammation of the lymph nodes can indicate chronic illness. Moreover, it is not necessary that the lymph nodes be greatly enlarged. They may be small in size, but remain in this state for quite a long time (after a mild infection, the lymph nodes usually return to normal). Diseases indicated by enlarged cervical lymph nodes include: - diabetes mellitus; - human immunodeficiency virus (HIV); - diseases affecting the lymphatic system of the human body; - oncology.

Hello! A week and a half ago I had a safenectomy operation. They removed a vein in my right leg, from the ankle to the groin, I am taking Detrolex and Vessel do ef. The seams are clean and dry, but I am concerned about the large compaction with inside hips, above the knee above the seam. When you touch it, it feels like a very dense vein, the skin is slightly swollen and feels hot in that area. The temperature stays at 37.3. We don’t have vascular surgeons, an ordinary surgeon says to apply troxevasin ointment, so I’m worried.

Hello. I really need your professional answer. I am 39 years old. Three years ago I had vein surgery on my legs. I am now pregnant and want to give birth. Is this not dangerous for the child or for me?

Tanya, if you touch them WELL, you can find them everywhere because, in principle, every person has them. If they are palpable, this does not mean that they are enlarged. There may be underarms from trivial shaving

alinka23 but you don’t need to push yourself, this happens extremely rarely, and even with lymphoma, the blood test is appropriate, leukocytes, ESR, lymphocytes are sky high.

If you really have Barra virus, a normal, competent doctor should have explained and told you everything.

You might think that having this virus, you’ve never read anything on the Internet and this is the first time you’ve heard this

It should also be taken into account that the test for the virus is carried out 2 times, and what are the numbers in your test for Epstein-Barr?

Yes, my nerves are gone, I'm freaking out

The analysis showed the presence of the virus in the blood, but it is in an inactive form

Can it really be completely cured or does it remain forever?

alinka23 don't worry, you're most likely just a carrier, like many people.

As I understand you on this thread. Since childhood, I was very suspicious and the lymph nodes on the right also enlarged in childhood. But I didn’t pay attention to them and lived. I didn’t know about diseases such as lymphoma, blood diseases, etc. But when the damned heaviness in my head began and the vegetative system began to act up, I began to worry terribly about the sores. I read about lympho this what’s-his-name. And that the nodes on the right become inflamed. After some time, my neck on the right started to hurt! I began to read reports in newspapers about sick children, adults, etc. So after a while I became so confused. I was literally lying there dying. My face was burning. My neck hurt and burned wildly. The symptoms immediately intensified, ******. I started looking for bruises and found them. This was 2.5 years ago. I did blood tests and thought about everything. I went to the hospital for therapy and there just happened to be a patient, a guy with lymphoma. I can't say how I screwed up. I thought, well, what you think about is in front of your eyes. I even ran home from the hospital; the house was shaking wildly.

And you know what’s worst, everything went so casually. Horror inside me and calm faces all around who joke (not about this, but in general) or are generally indifferent.

In general, several years have passed since then. It seems like I’m living somehow. Did some tests. Sometimes it feels creepy right side, as if everything was hot in there, the bones had melted or something. The pain doesn’t go away, it’s aching, apparently I’ll never get rid of it.

And people think that I have already been re-examined and am faking it. This is my life, damn it. I do some work and look at people with envy, they make plans and I. They don't understand me, oh they don't understand. And I myself don’t understand whether it’s mental or somatic.

alinka23 Well, it’s like herpes, herpes is incurable (and almost everyone has herpes) and once you get infected, you will never get rid of it, but this does not mean that you will constantly have a rash, the same with Barr, you once had mononucleosis and the immune system has developed protection, well, almost like a vaccination

In rare cases, when the immune system is faulty at the DNA level, then lymphoma can develop, like mine.

Well, my blood test corresponds to only leukocytes, only 29x14, I’m generally silent about the other components

Tttt2 yes exactly

How long have you been sick? Do you mean you feel bad?

Tttt2 I honestly have no idea

but approximately the problems began from the age of 10, but they were about breathing, and officially from March 31st.

That is, you have been sick for so long, but you were only just diagnosed.

Sadly. Sorry for being so tragic, I hope everything goes well for you. It’s a shame that for so long you were not diagnosed with anything, considering you a malingerer.

Tttt2 it’s okay, it’s like I didn’t complain, I only complained about shortness of breath for which they kicked me to a neurologist

I couldn’t even think about this.

It’s just that the doctor at the hospital turned out to be very competent and quickly figured out what was what.

What prognosis do they give you for recovery? Have there been any deviations in analyzes at all over the years?

alinka23 but you don’t need to push yourself, this happens extremely rarely, and even with lymphoma, the blood test is appropriate, leukocytes, ESR, lymphocytes are sky high.

If you really have Barra virus, a normal, competent doctor should have explained and told you everything.

You might think that having this virus, you’ve never read anything on the Internet and this is the first time you’ve heard this

It should also be taken into account that the test for the virus is carried out 2 times, and what are the numbers in your test for Epstein-Barr?

I didn't give up, no one guided me

Tttt2 regarding the forecast, I’m not ready to answer your question yet, sorry

and in 12, I completely gave up on doctors because I was tired of having the door closed in front of you and sent to a psychologist or neurologist who did not help.

there were deviations, but everyone said that I was probably sick not long ago and everything was ok, they are doctors, they know better what and how

No one looked at my lymph nodes then.

From my practice I have learned one thing - no two patients are alike. Must watch.

Can a child become infected with pulmonary tuberculosis if his lymph node ruptures?

No, of course not.

Neither a child nor an adult.

Mononucleosis is the same ARVI as all the others; long-term medical treatment is not needed. Depending on the child’s condition, vaccination is performed either immediately after recovery or after 2 weeks.

Our condition has worsened. In the evening, the temperature rose to 38. She began to cough heavily in her sleep, slept very restlessly, moaned and trembled. I lit a Viburkol candle. My daughter started crying, the cough got worse, and it seemed to me that she was wheezing. I called an ambulance.

The doctor said that my throat was red. Lungs are clean. I looked at the analysis and also thought about mononucleosis. She said that we have him all the time now. At the moment of examination, the temp was 38. The doctor suggested giving an injection (noshpa, suprastin, analgin). I refused, but the doctor insisted on suprastin and noshpa. Apparently to prevent swelling from coughing.

I wanted to clarify the appointments. Flemoxin, Ascoril, Acipol were prescribed. I take it that none of this is given? Or you can drink Ascoril at our age; my daughter knows how to clear her throat. Only now he doesn’t want to, the cough hurts his throat.

How to prevent inflammation of the lymph nodes under the arm?

Inflammation of the lymph nodes under the armpit develops, as already mentioned, as a result of infection entering the body. Inflammation, enlargement, and soreness of the lymph nodes are all a reaction of our immune system to the invasion of the virus. Lymph nodes in a healthy body are almost imperceptible. That is why preventive actions should be aimed at maintaining health.

If you have a tendency to catch colds, it means your immune system is weakened. A cold is a very common cause of swollen lymph nodes under the arm, so in order to increase the body's resistance, you need to strengthen the immune system.

Healthy food (vegetables, fruits, boiled or stewed meat), walks in the fresh air, and you can also drink tincture of rose hips, lemongrass, and echinacea, which will help the immune system in difficult times, contribute to increasing the body’s defenses.

In addition to the immune system, you need to pay special attention to abrasions, wounds, cuts, etc. Bacteria can penetrate through damaged skin, so they need to be treated immediately antiseptic solutions. In case of a deep cut, you need to apply a bandage and change it promptly.

2. Nield LS, Kamat D. Lymphadenopathy in children: when and how to evaluate. Clin Pediatr (Phila). Jan-Feb 2004;43(1):25-33.

At the first signs of illness, many people seek to cure an incomprehensible sore on their own. Many people begin to apply compresses and warm up the sore areas. In this case, doing this is strictly prohibited! With sufficiently strong heating, the infection enters the lymph, and with it into all other organs and the brain. And this is already fraught with serious complications. Various tinctures should also not be taken unless prescribed by your doctor.

Long-term enlargement of lymph nodes

Asked by: Olga, Vologda region, Cherepovets city

Female gender

Age: 29

Chronic diseases: Not revealed yet.

Hello, I have noticed rolling balls under my jaw on both sides for a long time, probably 3-4 years. They are painless. I went to see a doctor a long time ago when my supraclavicular lymph nodes were also enlarged, but then I had a fever, I took blood tests, took antibiotics, and the supraclavicular lymph nodes eventually went away. I have a question, I read that if the lymph nodes are painless, then this is oncology, right? I saw an ENT specialist during pregnancy, this was almost 2 years ago, he touched them and told me not to worry, that it was nothing serious. But how can you understand just by feeling that it’s nothing serious? Now I am breastfeeding, my child is 1.4. Then I decided to feel myself and found a small bump on my neck, mobile, elastic and also painless. What should I do? Should lymph nodes be palpated at all? I can’t get tested now because I’m breastfeeding? I also forgot to say that there is caries and two roots in the gum that need to be removed.

41 answers

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Hello! Not entirely true, during cancer they can be very painful or vice versa, it is also worth noting that they increase to the size of a chicken egg or more. Upon palpation, normal lymph nodes should be mobile and elastic in consistency, small sizes, not soldered to the skin. Cervical lymph nodes can be palpated both normally and during inflammation in the oral cavity (acute or chronic tonsillitis, pulpitis, growth of wisdom teeth, sinusitis, etc.). They can also increase with hidden infections. At the moment, you shouldn’t do anything while you are feeding your baby; if nothing else bothers you except the lymph nodes, then everything is fine. After completing GV, you can undergo an ultrasound of the cervical lymph nodes, have a puncture of one of them, and also consult with an ENT doctor and an infectious disease specialist again.

Olga 2016-09-21 18:26

Unfortunately, today I decided to take my temperature because I had a headache, and it turned out to be 37.4. I was sick a week ago, with a sore throat and runny nose, but everything seemed to go away, then the child got sick too. I don’t understand where the temperature is coming from now. And it feels like the skin on my neck is burning.

Hello again! I still decided to go for an ultrasound of the cervical lymph nodes (Thank God this procedure is allowed during guardianship). Those nodes that I wrote about that have been enlarged under my jaw for many years are indeed enlarged, but the doctor said that he sees no point in further examination, the nodes are not much enlarged, and that now almost everyone has it, caries, throat, etc. Well, at the same time I passed the OAC, because the temperature remained stable. The analysis is also normal. And he didn’t say anything at all about the small bump on his neck. My question is, should nodes in the body be palpated at all or not? I just started feeling myself every day now and it feels like they are small everywhere. I'm already afraid to touch myself. And another question is that they can be touched at all, just the one that I have on my neck last time I found it, I constantly touch it, it doesn’t give me any peace.

Hello! You have cancerophobia, as I see it, and no matter what I say, it will seem to you that I am hiding something from you or telling you something that is not what you would like to hear. But so be it, I’ll try to explain. In fact, lymph nodes can normally be palpated, with a diameter of up to 1.0 cm. This is mainly typical for the inguinal, axillary, intra-abdominal, intrathoracic, etc. Enlarged cervical lymph nodes mainly indicate an inflammatory process in the oral cavity (tonsillitis, sore throat, etc.). All these diseases can be asymptomatic, that is, in an erased form, even blood counts can be normal. In any case, I think that you should have no reason to panic. Over time, they will decrease on their own; you don’t need to do anything. Yes, and there is no need to touch them on purpose, it once again brings on thoughts and fear.

Sorry! And thank you very much! I'll try to calm down.

Be healthy!

Hello, Alexey Alexandrovich? Sorry, but I come to you again with a question. Do you think I could have LGM? The symptoms agree. It just starts with moving, painless lymph nodes in the neck; it can progress slowly. I just have movable little balls on both sides of my neck. After all, my oak and ultrasound would not have shown this disease, right? Below, just in case, is my test, which I took as soon as I felt the ball on one side of my neck.
White blood cell count (WBC) *10*9/l 7 4 - 9
Red blood cell count (RBC) *10*12/l 4.55 3.9 - 4.7
Hemoglobin concentration (HGB) g/l 138 120 - 150
Hematocrit (HCT) l/l 0.415 0.35 - 0.5
Platelet count (PLT) *10*9/l 273 180 - 390
Thrombocrit (PCT) l/l 0.31 0.1 - 0.5

Average hemoglobin content in erythrocytes (MCH) pg 30.3 27 - 31
Average erythrocyte hemoglobin concentration (MCHC) g/l 332 315 - 350

Mean platelet volume (MPV) fl 11.4 6.5 - 11
Platelet distribution width by volume (PDW) % 12.9 10 - 18
Band neutrophils % 1 1 - 6
Segmented neutrophils % 63 47 - 72
Eosinophils % 0 0 - 5
Basophils % 0 0 - 2
Monocytes % 5 1 - 11
Lymphocytes % 31 19 - 37
Erythrocyte sedimentation rate (Westergren) mm/hour 8 2 - 15

Hello Olga! No, you don’t have LGM and it doesn’t even look close. A blood test would have long ago shown that you have some abnormalities, even with progressive LGM. Please try to calm down and stop finding everything in your place.

Aleksey Aleksandrovich! I took another blood test because I can’t calm down. What do you say to this? Lymphocytes increased.
White blood cell count (WBC) *10*9/l 4.8 4 - 9
Red blood cell count (RBC) *10*12/l 4.45 3.9 - 4.7
Hemoglobin concentration (HGB) g/l 129 120 - 150
Hematocrit (HCT) l/l 0.405 0.35 - 0.5
Platelet count (PLT) *10*9/l 221 180 - 390
Thrombocrit (PCT) l/l 0.263 0.1 - 0.5
Mean erythrocyte volume (MCV) fl, µl 91 80 - 100
Average hemoglobin content in erythrocytes (MCH) pg 29.1 27 - 31
Average erythrocyte hemoglobin concentration (MCHC) g/l 319 315 - 350
Heterogeneity index of erythrocytes by volume (RDW) % 12.9 10 - 15
Mean platelet volume (MPV) fl 11.9 6.5 - 11
Platelet distribution width by volume (PDW) % 13.3 10 - 18
Band neutrophils % 0 1 - 6
Segmented neutrophils % 51 47 - 72
Eosinophils % 0 0 - 5
Basophils % 0 0 - 2
Monocytes % 6 1 - 11
Lymphocytes % 43 19 - 37
Erythrocyte sedimentation rate (Westergren) mm/hour 4 2 - 15

You have relative lymphocytosis, since other blood parameters are normal. This may be due to the body's reaction to drugs, infectious and inflammatory diseases, especially problems with the stomach and intestines, as well as acute respiratory infections and ARVI (flu). There’s no way you can convince me otherwise, you don’t have any blood diseases and you don’t have any oncology!

Hello, Alexey Alexandrovich! I would really like it to be like this. But my problem got worse, I made an appointment with an oncologist in a week, but in the meantime I want to hear your opinion. On October 10, this time I became seriously ill, the temperature was 39, it hurt to swallow, a couple of days later a runny nose with greenish discharge appeared, and a little later a slight cough. The problem is that I can now feel the nodes on both sides of my neck and several at a time, painless. I saw a therapist, had urine and fluorography done, but didn’t order me to donate blood, because 4 days before my illness I took it and came to him with the results. I asked to feel the lymph nodes, he told me that their localization was nonspecific for serious illnesses. Well, he also said that you can watch them. How to observe? I feel them every day anyway. Tell me, in your opinion, do I have a chance that this is not oncology and hematology? It would be nice if there were one or two of them, but now there are several of them on both sides.

Hello! Have you currently visited an ENT doctor? The lymph nodes could have enlarged due to worsening tonsillitis. It is always necessary to exclude pathology from the respiratory system before talking about oncology. Yes, and take a fresh blood test, it’s obvious that you have an infection, since you have a fever, runny nose and cough. The symptoms are not characteristic of either oncology or hematological disease.

Hello! Yes, I went to the ENT specialist recently. He didn’t say anything about chronic tonsillitis, but prescribed tonsilotren to take, which means I understand that there is something (I forgot to check with him myself, because all my questions related only to lymph nodes). He touched the LU and said that they were not for puncturing. I haven’t donated blood again yet. And I asked you about oncology and hematology because lymph nodes began to appear almost a month before the illness, but when I got sick, their number increased, and the one that appeared a month earlier became larger. I wanted to go to the oncologist, but the ENT specialist said that there was no need. Now I’ve stopped touching them altogether, I don’t know how right I’m doing.

Hello! If you doubt the doctors’ answers about lymphoma and oncology, then please go for a face-to-face consultation with an oncologist and have him perform a puncture of any large lymph node. Provide the doctor with all ultrasound scans that you require. Lately managed to do it and let him puncture the lymph node and send it for cytological examination. He must do this. If nothing is revealed, then maybe just go to a consultation with a psychologist or psychiatrist about cancerophobia to let off some steam.

Mayor 2019-02-01 14:58

Hello, I have a question. I will be looking forward to your answers. I have two lymph nodes on the right side of my neck. They don't hurt. They don't stick out. But they can be felt well. Sometimes my neck hurts. Where are these lymph nodes located? But I have osteochondrosis of the cervical spine. Maybe this is why it hurts in the neck area, but the lymph nodes themselves do not hurt. Exactly the same ones on my groin. They don’t hurt either, but you can see it a little from the skin. I have had them on both my neck and groin for as long as I can remember. I am still very worried and afraid that I have an oncological disease (and this does not give me peace. I read that in normal form the lymph nodes are not palpable. So I was worried. Please help me with a consultation and please decipher my ultrasound image I will be very grateful to you!

Good afternoon, help me please. I am 30 years old. I have been taking Jess Plus for 7 years now. Functional cyst ovary, grows up to 4 cm. It ruptured once, there was a laparoscopy. The doctor put me on hormones. Periodically I have a temperature of 37.1 at feeling good. For many years. Recently, for about a year, the submandibular lymph nodes have often become enlarged. Most often painful. I have chronic. Tonsillitis. About a month ago it worsened. They washed the tonsils. The smear is clean. Immediately after this, the larynx began to hurt very much, you couldn’t touch it, and there was a feeling of a lump in the throat. The ENT examined the larynx and lymph nodes and said that everything was calm. He referred me to a neurologist. I have cervical osteochondrosis. And my back has been aching lately, here and there. The neurologist prescribed Movalis and Mydocalm. The pain has passed, but the feeling of a coma appears periodically. About a week ago, the submandibular nodes increased again. I feel swelling when I bend my neck. Not noticeable from the outside. The left one is painless. The right side hurt a little. And it hurts a little in the armpits, but the nodes don’t seem to be palpable. Weakness appeared. Temperature 37.1, in the evening 37.3. Once it was 37.5. A small bubble popped up on my lip, aching in my body. I’ve been taking amoxiclav 1000 and ingavirin for the third day. AS and biochemistry took place about 3 weeks ago (about 3 weeks after the tonsillitis worsened) ESR21 with a normal value of up to 20, lymphocytes 43 with a normal value of up to 37 (I’ve had them for many years around 39.40) segmented neutrophils 40 with a normal value from 46, the average hemoglobin content in erythrocytes is 315 with a norm of 320. C reactive protein 0.88 (a year ago it was 0.62) bilirubin 3.7 with a norm of 5 (a year ago it was 4.9). Urine is normal. Cholesterol is elevated 6.38. About 1.5 months ago I had an ultrasound of the mammary glands and breasts. Cavities. The lymph nodes there are normal. I am also worried about pain in the joints of my hands. The rheumatologist sent me for tests. ACCP is normal. I am very worried that this is oncology. I don’t like lymph nodes, subfibrility and reactive protein throughout the year. Help me please.

Natalia 2017-04-13 16:22

Good afternoon, please tell me, my mother had a cold or some kind of virus two weeks ago. There was a temperature of 38, it lasted a week, it was difficult to break down, and in the evening it rose. Coughing was (still is residual effects), nasal discharge, had a sore throat. It seemed like the cold had gone away, after 10 days all my gums were swollen (full), I went to the dentist and was prescribed 7 days of Amoxil 3 times a day + Trichopolum 2 times a day (I took it on drink for 3 days so far), rinsing. It starts to subside a little, but the temperature every day (no in the morning, no in the afternoon, but by four o’clock it’s 37.3). The dentist said that there would be no other appointment, because there was an operation 10 years ago thyroid gland. The lymph nodes have enlarged (they hurt when you touch them, but not much) under the chin. The symptoms are scary elevated temperature and lymph nodes. Thank you.

Hello! It could be a bacterial infection (pharyngitis or tonsillitis). It is necessary to consult with an ENT doctor and take general analysis blood and throat swabs for flora, after which the doctor will prescribe an adequate antibiotic.

Natalia 2017-04-14 08:12

Thank you very much for your consultation.

Oksana 2307 2017-06-30 05:37

Hello! I am writing to you with a question about LU. I don’t know what to think anymore. My submandibular lymph nodes are enlarged. I noticed this about 3 months ago. I gave birth 4.5 months ago. On GW. I went for an ultrasound and they said that the structure was homogeneous, but the lymph nodes were enlarged to 2.1 cm. I took a blood test. The indicators are normal. Tell me what to think in general? And the lymph nodes are not painful at all. And is the cervical lymph node visible on MRI? Thank you in advance

Tell me what to think in general?- you don’t need to think anything, this is quite understandable, especially since you didn’t pay attention to it for 3 months, but only now began to sound the alarm. If there was oncology, then within 3 months without treatment you would no longer exist. You don’t have oncology, it’s just a matter of course.
And is the cervical lymph node visible on MRI?- it’s obvious, but the question is, what will it give you? The doctor will see enlarged lymph nodes, but then what? The doctor saw the same thing on the ultrasound.
Oksana, you started your search in the wrong place. You had to go to an ENT doctor to have smears done on the flora, as well as a dentist to look at and sanitize the oral cavity if you have problems with your teeth + consult an endocrinologist who will check thyroid gland(problem number 1 for all women in labor and reason number 1 for enlarged cervical lymph nodes).

Thank you very much for the quick response. I wrote that I noticed it 3 months ago, and then I found the previous ultrasound, it was on June 16th. That means 1.5 months. After giving birth, I had an ultrasound of the thyroid gland, everything was fine. I am very worried that they are enlarged symmetrically and are not painful. Well, I’ll take a smear test from an ENT specialist as you advised. In the mouth after childbirth on the left discomfort under the tongue and on the tongue the papillae are also inflamed on the left. They became so rough. The periodontist says that the mucous membrane is normal. Plus, my neck hurts on the left side, but an MRI diagnosed cervical osteochondrosis. I hope it's him. It’s not the lymph nodes that “give away.” thank you very much for helping people!

And biochemistry

I wrote that I noticed it 3 months ago, and then I found the previous ultrasound, it was on June 16th. So 1.5 months- your arithmetic is strange, but oh well. :)
In the mouth after childbirth, there is an unpleasant sensation under the tongue on the left side and the papillae on the tongue are also inflamed on the left. Such rough spots are signs of stomatitis, which also causes enlargement of the lymph nodes. It's strange that the dentist didn't notice this.
Plus my neck hurts on the left side, but an MRI diagnosed cervical osteochondrosis- if the lymph nodes hurt, you immediately notice it when you touch them, but if not, then no. Cervical chondrosis in 99% always gives nagging pain.
An ultrasound of the thyroid may be normal; it is advisable to check the level of thyroid hormones. UAC is perfect. But your level in the LHC is elevated uric acid, triglycerides and atherogenic index, you should follow a low-carbohydrate, low-fat, low-salt diet.

thank you very much

Hello, I have a question. I will be looking forward to your answers. I have two lymph nodes on the right side of my neck. They don't hurt. They don't stick out. But they can be felt well. Sometimes my neck hurts. Where are these lymph nodes located? But I have osteochondrosis of the cervical spine. Maybe this is why it hurts in the neck area, but the lymph nodes themselves do not hurt. Exactly the same ones on my groin. They don’t hurt either, but you can see it a little from the skin. I have had them on both my neck and groin for as long as I can remember. I went to the oncologist. They did an ultrasound on my neck and groin. They said that no pathology had been identified, but I am still very worried and afraid that I have an oncological disease (and this does not give me peace. I read that in normal form the lymph nodes are not palpable. So I am worried. Please help me with a consultation.


Hello Elena Sergeevna! I have had enlarged submandibular lymph nodes for 1.5 months now, it all started with 1 lymph node enlarging, then a couple of days later I had a sore throat, acute laryngopharyngitis was diagnosed, treated for a week, it did not disappear, and 2 more nodules also came out on the right. As a result, I have 2 submandibular lymph nodes 14*5 mm, one anterior cervical, on the border of the head and neck. All tests are normal, I have already checked the blood twice, biochemistry is normal, fluorography is normal. Dentist is normal. Ultrasound of PD - no pathology, HIV, syphilis, hepatitis - all negative, E-Barr PCR method blood too. A swab from the throat revealed verdant staphylococcus in the active growth stage, moderate growth Staphylococcus aureus and Haemophilus influenzae. But the throat, as the ENT says, is not calm. These lymph nodes bother me, they ache or tug, but they don’t hurt when palpated. I visited an oncologist from the oncology center (a practicing doctor for the treatment of lymphomas), he just ran over my neck and said, “It’s not ours.” And I’m very worried about how it’s possible to say for sure without a biopsy... Lately I’ve also been pulling at the back of my neck, but there are some balls there solid size with match head, maybe less.. I’m really looking forward to your answer. Please tell me, will a lymph node puncture be informative in my case? Surely no one will do a biopsy without a referral. And can the lymph nodes react to those bacteria in the oropharynx that I described? Lately, the back of the neck has been pulling, but there are some hard balls there the size of a match. head, maybe less.. And can the lymph nodes not pass through, due to the fact that I constantly probe them? I’m really looking forward to your answer.

Good day. Sorry for the late reply. Regarding the lymph nodes, there is no need to worry too much, especially since you have visited all of them the necessary specialists and passed necessary tests and examinations. Lymph nodes are “traps” for infection, i.e. the infective agent accumulates in them (i.e. the infectious object is caught cell - macrophage , which lives in the lymph node and is destroyed there. they will not clarify, especially since this is an invasive research method, i.e. surgical manipulation.

You described a smear of the Gord flora, so it is quite aggressive, there is Staphylococcus aureus - very aggressive, only in moderate dosage. In general, staphylococcal flora is typical for the oral cavity, because the mouth is not the most sterile place in the human body; it’s easier to say not sterile at all.

Some prescribe antibacterial therapy, that is, antibiotics that penetrate the lymphatic barrier. , immunomodulators, but still they will take a very long time.

If you are very afraid, then you need to perform the soft tissue of the neck and lymph nodes, and then repeat it periodically. All the best. Sincerely, Elena Sergeevna anonymously

You described a smear of the Gord flora, so it is quite aggressive, there is Staphylococcus aureus - very aggressive, only in moderate dosage. In general, staphylococcal flora is typical for the oral cavity, because the mouth is not the most sterile place in the human body; it’s easier to say not sterile at all.

Elena Sergeevna! Thank you so much for not ignoring my questions...I am very grateful to you! May God bless you! I went for a neck ultrasound today and, to be honest, I was terribly upset. We looked at it in a large center, the manager looked at it. department of ultrasound diagnostics, the results are as follows: supraclavicular and subclavian are not located, along the sternocleidomastoid muscle on the right there are single structurally unchanged lymph nodes 5.1 by 1.7 mm, 7.8 by 2.5 mm, in the submandibular region a lymph node 14.4 by 6 is structurally unchanged, in the DCC, the blood flow is not increased; the nearby lymph node 24 to 8.6 is structurally unchanged. On the left along the sternocleidomastoid muscle there are structurally unchanged lymph nodes 4 by 2.3 mm and 11 by 2.9 mm. In the submandibular region on the left, a group of lymph nodes of moderately reduced echogenicity measuring 24.4 by 7.5, 9.2 by 6.9, 10.2 by 6.6 mm in the DCC, the blood flow is not changed, differentiation into layers is preserved. On both sides, structurally unchanged lymph nodes in the area of ​​the vascular bundle up to 11 by 4 mm, B armpits on the right the lymph node is 24.2 by 7.3 mm and on the left 11.7 by 9.2, 3.8 by 5.7 mm. Conclusion Benign lymphadenopathy of the lymph nodes. I don’t even know what to do next with all this, the uzist advised me to donate blood to the UAC and if everything is fine there, come for a check-up for 3 months. What do you think, Elena Sergeevna, should I do this or sound the alarm and run to a hematologist and have a chest x-ray? I'm really looking forward to your answer.

Hello. You were probably examined by a competent specialist using a fairly good machine with Doppler examination.

In the human body there are as many lymphatic vessels and nodes as there are blood vessels.... It’s just that not all doctors describe lymph nodes less than 1 cm (everyone has them) Because a person is constantly in a non-sterile environment, receives vaccinations, etc. The main thing. that in your situation the lymph nodes are not structurally changed, the differentiation into the cortex and medulla is preserved, i.e. these are healthy lymph nodes.

Lymph node size in millimeters based on two diameters

Is there pain (in your case, a negative reaction from the child) when touched or pressed?

What is the skin over the lymph node like: red and hot or unchanged (these symptoms indicate inflammation of the lymph node)

Does it move freely or is it fused to the skin?

Carefully examine the scalp: any scratch or pustule can cause such a reaction.

Is there a cat in the house?

Well, be sure to examine the oral cavity for damage/changes in the mucous membrane

2. No reaction to touch, sits calmly, continues to do his business

3. the skin is normal, ordinary, not hot, not red, no scratches, no wounds

4. The skin moves freely over it, but the node itself feels like it’s stuck to the skull and doesn’t move. At first I mistook it for a lump, and the pediatrician said it was a lymph node.

5. There are no pimples, no scratches, no pustules, no wounds of any kind

7. What to look for in the oral cavity? Raid? Red throat? Sores in the mouth?

In one of the topics I recently talked to you about the child’s fever. Well, we were sick here. For three days the temperature has risen to 39. At the same time, the throat is bright red and there are no other symptoms. then the temperature subsided and the same day the rash appeared. In a couple of days it went away.

The child's health is much better. I don’t know about the neck; we didn’t set out to look at it. Now it’s not very easy, through shouting and tears.

But in general, in the occipital region, almost on the border with the neck, symmetrically, on the right and left, such nucleoli are felt. We don’t feel it too much, but my wife says that there are even two of them on each side.

They roll. The child has no pronounced pain, but when you touch those places, he begins to remove my hands with his hand. Every now and then he raises his hand and touches himself from behind, just behind his ear. Naturally we are worried.

Blood and urine were donated in the first days of fever. The doctor said that the tests were good, only some monocytes were slightly elevated. 11 units like

What to do? The doctors were detained. And every reception or visit there is no certainty regarding any of our concerns

Tell me, in your paragraphs it is written about a cat in the house, what does this mean and what to be afraid of? We have a cat.

All people have a lymph node in this area and it’s normal, it’s just not palpable. if, nevertheless, it has increased to a size at which it can be felt or seen by the eye, then this should not cause any particular concern for the mother. The formation of immune cells occurs in the lymph nodes. They are stored there for some time, as if maturing (this process is similar to studying at a university - the university is full of students, it swells during the session, if the exams are passed - there is no trace of students). Sometimes this process drags on (there are many retakes and students keep going and going, passing and passing), then the lymph nodes remain accessible to palpation for up to six months. This is also within the normal range.

There is only one connection: how closely does the cat communicate with the child? Does the child have cat scratches? If not, then forget about it

I went to the pediatrician for a test, they said that the lymph was inflamed, since lymphocytes 74, they prescribed lymphamitrogen, drank it for 2 weeks, until they took a blood test, but the lymph nodes were still visible without changes. the doctor said that she would prescribe us Augmentin (an antibiotic wide range actions) and dimexide lugal (this means applying compresses to the lymph nodes. I doubt it; I wouldn’t want to give an antibiotic, especially since 2 months ago we were in the hospital, at first we were treated with ARVI with antibiotics (cefotaxime was injected for 5 days), a week later we were again hospitalized with acute bronchitis (cefuraxime for 8 days injected). so, as a mother, I logically think that the DNA test should be taken from a vein. Please tell me, the lymph nodes don’t bother her, they don’t hurt when I touch her (it’s ticklish, she says, I can’t even touch my neck), they don’t look red, they’re just visible under a lump on the skin, like a small bean. It’s been two months now. I called Koinikom, it turns out that the clinic has not existed for a year. Maybe there are doctors with whom you can contact by phone, consult over the phone, top up your phone bill as payment, or something has already been agreed upon. Help me please. my phone: 4 Dina Thanks in advance!

antibodies to capsid and nuclear antigens of EBV (M, G); antibodies to cytomegalovirus and herpes virus type 6. No DNA is needed, this test simply shows the presence of EBV in the body (and almost everyone has it), but does not give an idea of ​​​​its activity

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Doctor Komarovsky about enlarged lymph nodes in a child’s neck

Round lumps have appeared on the child’s neck, which are easily identified by touch and sometimes visually noticeable. Parents, as usual, immediately panic, because everyone knows from biology lessons in school that lymph nodes are no joke. However, enlarged cervical nodules in childhood are more common than in adults, and are not always a cause for parental worry and worry. The famous children's doctor and author of books for adults about children's health, Evgeniy Komarovsky, tells what enlarged nodes in the neck can indicate, and how caring and loving parents should treat this.

About the problem

In medicine, this unpleasant phenomenon has a very specific name - cervical lymphadenitis. It is generally accepted that lymph nodes enlarge in response to pathogens (viruses or bacteria) entering the lymphatic system.

  • Sometimes the disease is independent, but it is usually preceded by infected wounds, abscesses, and boils. This disease is called specific.
  • Quite often, cervical lymphadenitis is not an independent disease, but one of the accompanying symptoms of some infectious and other diseases. Their list is incredibly large - from tonsillitis and influenza to tuberculosis and oncological problems. This disease is called nonspecific.

Lymph nodes are an integral part of the body's defense system - the immune system. It is not surprising that for any pathological process in the body, small nodules react as part of the vanguard of immunity - among the first. This especially applies to children, whose immune system as a whole is not mature, perfect and strong. It is for this completely physiologically explainable reason that lymphadenitis in children is much more severe than in adults.

The symptoms are quite easy to recognize at home, without any prior medical preparation. The child’s submandibular and cervical nodes, as well as nodes located between lower jaw and ear, occipital. The increase can be either significant or small, barely noticeable to the touch.

In some cases, the child’s body temperature rises, appetite disappears, and severe lethargy is observed. Upon palpation, he feels noticeable discomfort (and even pain).

Acute lymphadenitis with severely reduced immunity and improper treatment in children it can become purulent. Chronic lymphadenitis is almost never purulent. We can speak of a chronic form of the disease if the child’s cervical lymph nodes enlarge with each cold.

Often, a child's lymph nodes may become inflamed in response to a special infection - Bartonella - entering the body. Its carriers are dogs and cats. It is clear that Bartonella enters the bloodstream through cat scratches on the skin, which is why it is called cat scratch disease.

You can often notice enlarged lymph nodes in a baby during teething. This is due to the increased work of nodules as part of the entire immune system during this difficult time for the child.

About cervical lymphadenitis

Parents often turn to a well-known pediatrician with complaints about enlarged lymph nodes in their child’s neck. Before answering the question of how to treat this unpleasant illness, Evgeniy Olegovich advises to carefully understand the possible true reasons enlargement of nodules. Determining this is not as difficult as it seems. It all depends on the location of the enlarged node:

  1. According to the pediatrician, an increase in the so-called retropharyngeal nodes (located at the junction of the lower jaw and the edge auricle) is most often caused by pathogenic microbes that live in the pharynx.
  2. If the lymph nodes under the lower jaw are inflamed, infections of the mouth and face are most likely to blame. If there is no inflammation in the indicated areas, then Komarovsky advises considering the option of infection with atypical mycobacteria.
  3. Nodules on the neck (side or back) may indicate the presence of a source of infection in the immediate vicinity (inflammation of the respiratory tract, larynx, skin infections).

Komarovsky considers enlargement of the occipital nodes a sign of successful functioning of the immune system in the process of the body’s fight against various viral pathogens. If a child has suffered from ARVI, influenza, or adenovirus, then such an increase cannot be considered an independent illness. This increase does not require treatment and usually goes away on its own within 2-3 weeks.

Bilateral inflammation is an alarming symptom that can accompany infectious mononucleosis, toxoplasmosis, secondary syphilis and others. serious illnesses. If the nodule is inflamed on one side, there is no need to worry. According to Komarovsky, this may indicate that this particular node works as part of the immune system a little more actively than its other counterparts, taking on an additional “load.” Its increase cannot be considered a sign of disease.

Most common reasons The occurrence of cervical lymphadenitis, according to Evgeniy Komarovsky, lies in numerous lymphotropic viral infections, which even include the familiar herpes, adenoviral infection and others.

In any case, the doctor says, parents should not panic and immediately drag their poor child to a variety of medical specialists. In most cases, urgent and urgent treatment is not required, and often the inflamed lymph node returns to normal on its own, without any effort on the part of doctors, mothers, fathers and grandmothers. You should not immediately go to the pharmacy for antibiotics. But you definitely need to visit a pediatrician and get a referral for tests.

Treatment according to Komarovsky

Before prescribing treatment, Evgeniy Olegovich recommends that parents find the opportunity to get tested in a good virology laboratory. It is its specialists and modern high-precision laboratory equipment that will help to most accurately determine which virus is causing the enlarged lymph nodes.

In most cases, the usual is sufficient clinical analysis blood, in which the leukocyte formula is determined.

If lymphadenitis is recurrent and comes back again and again, then Komarovsky considers it sufficient to do such a blood test 2-3 times a year. This, he said, is quite enough to control the situation.

If the viral etiology of cervical lymphadenitis is confirmed, treatment makes no sense at all, emphasizes Evgeny Komarovsky. The illness will pass independently - as the immune system completely copes with the foreign agent. If the culture gives positive result for staphylococcus or streptococcus, the doctor will definitely prescribe antibiotic therapy.

In 90% of cases, enlarged cervical lymph nodes do not bother the child himself, but his overly caring and worried parents. In most cases, says Evgeny Komarovsky, it is better to leave the child alone (especially if the pediatricians are not alarmed by anything and the child’s blood tests are within the normal range).

If the inflamed lymph node turns red, this may indicate suppuration. In this case, the temperature rises and the baby’s condition worsens significantly. This disease is fraught with a breakthrough of purulent contents into the internal tissues. At the first sign of redness, Komarovsky advises immediately contacting pediatric surgeon, because purulent lymphadenitis often has to be treated surgically.

Why are lymph nodes enlarged, what is it? swollen lymph nodes, whether this is serious and what to do about it - Dr. Komarovsky will tell you in the video below.

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What to do if a child has enlarged lymph nodes in the neck: causes of inflammation and treatment at home

Have you noticed or felt round lumps on your child’s neck? It's probably swollen lymph nodes. This disease is called lymphadenitis. It is believed to be dangerous, but in childhood such inflammation occurs more often than in adults, and is not always a cause for concern. Let's look at why lymph nodes become enlarged in children, what you need to pay attention to, and how to properly treat this pathology.

The role of cervical lymph nodes in the body

Lymph node is an element of the lymphatic system, which is a pinkish-gray bean-shaped or round formation measuring from 0.5 mm to 2 cm. It transports lymph - a colorless liquid involved in metabolism, serving as a filter for cleaning tissues and cells and moving lymphocytes and phagocytes during infectious diseases. Lymph nodes permeate the entire body - from the popliteal areas to the head. The following groups are located in the neck area:

  • submandibular, located on the right and left under the jaw;
  • chin;
  • anterior and posterior cervical;
  • anterior and posterior ear;
  • occipital;
  • retropharyngeal;
  • subclavian and supraclavicular.

The cervical lymph nodes are responsible for fighting diseases of the ENT organs (otitis, sinusitis, tonsillitis, sinusitis, ARVI, influenza) and infections of the teeth and oral cavity (stomatitis, gingivitis, caries, pulpitis).

Causes of enlarged lymph nodes in a child’s neck

Lymph nodes are closely related to the human immune system. If they increase, this indicates the development of pathology in the body. When a signal is received that an infection has occurred, a large number of lymphocytes and phagocytes begin to be produced. They move to the lymph node, which causes it to enlarge. Causes of cervical lymphadenitis:

  • Teething in infants. It is not easy for the child’s body during this period; the nodules, together with the immune system, work hard. There is no reason to panic; over time they will return to normal.
  • Previous occurrence of infected wounds, abscesses or boils. If located in the neck area, they can seriously affect the functioning of the lymphatic system. If the immune system is strong, the body will cope on its own, otherwise, without therapy, pus begins to accumulate in the nodes, spreading along with the lymph throughout the body. This complication requires urgent medical attention.
  • Pathogenic microbes that live in the throat. In this case, the retropharyngeal nodes become inflamed. They are located at the junction of the edge of the auricle and the lower jaw.
  • Infections of the face and mouth, atypical mycobacteria. Most often they cause inflammation of the nodes under the jaw on one side - left or right.
  • Inflammation of the larynx, respiratory tract, skin infectious diseases. Their sign is enlarged nodules on the sides or back of the neck.
  • Colds (adenovirus infection, influenza, ARVI) provoke an increase in the occipital nodes. This type of lymphadenitis is a sign of good immune function. As a rule, it goes away within 3 weeks, so it does not require treatment.

There are many reasons for inflammation of the lymph nodes, so their increase during a cold is a sign of the “working” of the immune system

  • Mononucleosis, secondary syphilis, toxoplasmosis, and other acute viral infectious diseases cause bilateral inflammation of the supraclavicular lymph nodes. If you find this in your child, this is alarm signal, requiring prompt medical attention.
  • Felinosis, or cat scratch disease. Often found among owners of cats and dogs. The causative agent is the bacterium Bartonella. It enters the bloodstream through scratches left by the animal's claws. The wound does not heal for a long time, and redness forms around it. The disease is not dangerous and often goes away on its own without treatment.

If the lymph node is enlarged from birth, and there are no complaints, there is no need to worry. This symptom disappears within 1-2 years.

Associated symptoms of inflammation of the lymph nodes

Lymphadenitis in children can develop in acute or chronic form. In addition to enlarged lymph nodes, which can be easily felt when touched, the child may experience the following symptoms:

  1. Acute form - typical serious condition patient. The inflamed lymph node is clearly visible. There is intense heat, sometimes fever, it becomes difficult to move the head, the enlarged node hurts when touched. Nausea and vomiting are possible. If suppuration occurs, the lesion turns red, loses mobility and softens in the center. After some time, the pus breaks through and flows out.
  2. Chronic form - associated symptoms are less pronounced. When touching a swollen lymph node, no pain is felt. The child experiences apathy, lethargy, lack of appetite, and restless sleep. The temperature rises, and sometimes a headache occurs. If the nodes are inflamed in the submandibular group, pain in the ears and redness of the oral mucosa may occur.

Purulent submandibular lymphadenitis The child has

Diagnostic methods

If you find that your child's lymph nodes are inflamed, contact your doctor for advice as soon as possible. To identify the cause of a symptom, the therapist uses the following diagnostic methods:

  • interviews parents about past illnesses - how they progressed, how they were treated;
  • examines the child, palpates his lymph nodes, records their size and hardness, which helps develop a plan for further action;
  • prescribes the necessary tests;
  • gives a referral for computed tomography, ultrasound or x-ray;
  • If it is not possible to establish an accurate diagnosis using the above methods, a biopsy is prescribed, during which samples of lymph node tissue are taken for analysis.

Based on the diagnostic results, a referral is given to one of the specialized specialists: hematologist, phthisiatrician, oncologist, surgeon, ENT doctor or dentist. Based on the data obtained, appropriate treatment will be prescribed.

Features of treatment

The doctor prescribes therapy for the nodes if recovery does not occur. The main methods are UHF therapy, taking medications (including antibiotics), and surgery.

Antibiotics and other medications

Drug therapy is carried out for at least 14 days:

  • The doctor prescribes antibiotics of the tetracycline group, such as Ceftriaxone, Amoxiclav, Oracillin, Ampicillin, Flemoxin and Amoxicillin. These drugs are sold with a prescription. They have proven themselves to be effective remedies for lymphadenitis.
  • Auxiliary medications are prescribed depending on the patient’s condition; they are designed to enhance the effect of taking the main drug. These may be means to improve immunity, for example, Interferon, Eleutherococcus, Arbidol, tincture of ginseng or echinacea, Immunal, Amiksin and Viferon. They are perfectly complemented by vitamin complexes with a high content of vitamin C.
  • To reduce the risk of allergies, Tavegil, Cetrin, Diazolin, Suprastin or Cetirizine are used.
  • Sometimes the patient is prescribed antifungal drugs - Ketoconazole, Clotrimazole or Diflucan.

For the treatment of children under 12 years of age, medications in the form of a suspension are most often used.

UHF therapy

Ultrahigh frequency therapy is a physiotherapeutic treatment method. Operating principle: the patient’s body is exposed to a high-frequency magnetic field with a wavelength from 1 to 10 meters. The procedure produces a thermal effect, the vessels dilate and leukocytes begin to actively migrate to the enlarged lymph nodes. The local anti-infective immunity of tissues is strengthened, and inflammation goes away much faster.

UHF therapy is prescribed for acute form disease during the period of weakening of accompanying symptoms. Contraindications – specific tuberculous lymphadenitis, feverish conditions, muscle pain, rapid heartbeat, suspicion of oncology. It is not recommended to use the method if there is benign tumors, hyperthyroidism.

Surgical intervention

The operation is performed under anesthesia - the purulent focus is opened, the degree of damage to the tissues surrounding the lymph node is determined, their destroyed parts and accumulated pus are removed. Then the affected area is washed with an antiseptic and sutured.

A special tube (drainage) is inserted into the resulting cavity. Through it there is an outflow of residual pus. If necessary, an antiseptic solution is subsequently injected into it.

Folk remedies

In cases where the lymph nodes are swollen due to bacterial infection, for example, a cold or flu, then the use of traditional medicine (compresses and decoctions) as a treatment is quite effective. Remember that self-medication at home can be harmful, so be sure to consult your doctor first. Some recipes:

  1. Buy dried echinacea and peppermint at the pharmacy. Boil 1.5 cups of water, add 4 tbsp. spoons of echinacea and continue to boil for 20 minutes. Remove from heat, add a quarter cup of mint to the broth and let steep for 5 minutes. Strain and add honey to taste. For children under 3 years old, give ¼ tsp. 3 times a day, older children – 1 tsp.
  2. For cooking herbal compress take 1 tsp. chopped nuts, mistletoe, St. John's wort and yarrow, pour them into a glass cold water and place on the stove. When the broth boils, reduce the heat and simmer for 5 minutes, then let cool. The compress should be done before bedtime. The duration of therapy is up to 3 weeks.
  3. For gargling, take 1 tbsp. l. dried chamomile flowers, add to a small saucepan with 200 ml of hot water, place on low heat and bring to a boil. Let the resulting broth cool and brew. On the first day, rinsing should be done every hour, from the second day - every 3 hours.

A decoction of dried chamomile flowers is used if swollen lymph nodes are caused by a cold.

Possible complications of cervical lymphadenitis

Lymphadenitis can cause the following complications:

  • further weakening of the body and the development of fever, septicemia (if the pathology is not treated for a long time);
  • purulent inflammation (adenophlegmon), spreading to surrounding skin and muscles;
  • spread of the tumor around the lymph nodes to the back of the face and neck;
  • a sharp increase in lymph nodes, the appearance of intense fever;
  • an increase in the content of neutrophilic granulocytes in the blood, causing neutrophilia.

Disease prevention

Constantly monitor your child’s health, visit a therapist, dentist, and otolaryngologist for preventive care. If the doctor recommends conducting a detailed diagnosis, you should not shy away from it. A good preventative measure is oral sanitation. Avoid drafts and hypothermia - the main causes of colds.

Strengthen your baby's immunity. Provide him good nutrition, including many vegetables and fruits. Walk with him every day for at least 2 hours, do hardening and exercise. Maintain personal hygiene and ensure that wounds do not get infected. These measures will reduce the risk of diseases that provoke lymphadenitis.

My child has had an enlarged lymph node in his neck since birth. For 5 years, nothing really bothered me; during the examination, the doctor said that everything was normal. Now I’m worried, because it hasn’t gone away for so long. Should I contact another specialist and do an ultrasound?

So you’ve been sitting all these 5 years and wondering whether to go to another doctor and visit an ultrasound room? I would already have sparkling heels if the child had an enlarged lymph node. There is nothing more terrible than diseases of the lymphatic system - I know firsthand from the experience of relatives and friends.

Attention! All information on the site is provided for informational purposes only and is for informational purposes only. For all questions regarding the diagnosis and treatment of diseases, you must consult a doctor for an in-person consultation.

Enlarged lymph nodes in a child’s neck: normal or pathological?

From birth, lymph nodes are present in the human body. In babies they are very small and soft, so they are difficult to find. But in some cases, enlarged lymph nodes in the child’s neck may indicate a child’s illness.

Let's talk about what to do if you notice an enlarged lymph node in your child.


For any parents, there is nothing less pleasant than the illness of their child.

There are various viral infections that do not pose any particular danger to the child.

But there are diseases that need special attention, because they can lead to complications for the baby’s health.

Lymphadenitis is a disease in which the lymph nodes become inflamed. This happens when the human body is weakened by infection, and the lymphatic system acts as a protective barrier. So lymphadenitis, as a rule, does not occur without an underlying viral disease.

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For example, with inflammation of the lymph nodes in the neck, the causes may be tonsillitis or laryngitis. When a baby gets mumps, the cervical lymph nodes always become inflamed.

The process of inflammation of the lymph nodes occurs as follows: at the moment when bacteria penetrate the lymphatic channels, the lymph nodes begin the process of producing cells that fight the infection. It is at this moment that these nodes increase.

If they are unable to cope with the load, then inflammation of the lymph nodes in the neck occurs, the symptoms of which we will describe below.


There are several reasons for enlarged lymph nodes in the neck, groin and back of the head in a child:

  • viral diseases. Children who get sick often colds, are subject to constant enlargement of lymph nodes. Most often, the lymph nodes become inflamed on the baby’s neck;

Lymph node size: normal or pathological

Almost all parents know where the lymph nodes are located in the baby’s neck.

However, not everyone knows what size they should be.

Sometimes the lymph nodes protrude slightly above the surface of the skin and may appear enlarged.

But for young children, whose body is just getting acquainted with the microflora of the environment, a certain enlargement of the lymph nodes is quite acceptable.

As a rule, only a competent doctor will be able to diagnose the cause of painful swollen lymph nodes.

The younger the child, the easier it is to palpate his lymph nodes in the cervical, inguinal and axillary areas.

They begin to increase due to the proliferation of lymphocytes, which is a response to irritation by their antigens.

Enlarged lymph nodes resulting from various diseases

As we have already said, lymph nodes can become enlarged due to a variety of diseases of the internal organs or infections.

For example, the occipital lymph nodes most often become enlarged due to damage to the body by infection with toxoplasmosis, mononucleosis, measles or rubella.

In this case, the size of the lymph nodes can exceed a hazelnut.

However, if they are soft and without suppuration, they will soon return to normal.

With mononucleosis, almost all the child’s lymph nodes become enlarged, but most of all those located at the back of the head.

In addition to this symptom, there is also severe swelling of the face and pronounced pain.

Almost the same thing happens when a baby is sick with rubella. In this case, suppuration of the lymph nodes occurs extremely rarely.

The inguinal lymph nodes become inflamed when the skin of the legs is damaged. Inflammation usually begins a few weeks after the skin is damaged.

The thing is that after the infection has entered the lymph node, it remains dormant for some time.

After some time, the lymph node begins to swell. If the body is not weakened, then it can cope with the infection on its own, and if not, then sometimes surgical intervention is required to cleanse the festering lymph node.

Enlarged lymph nodes on a child’s head occur as a result of inflammation of the middle or outer ear, allergic dermatitis, scalp furunculosis, streptococcal tonsillitis or diphtheria. And in the chin area - due to stomatitis or abscess.

If you notice that your child's lymph nodes are enlarged, the first thing to do is show him to the pediatrician.

The doctor will be able to tell you for sure whether there is actually inflammation of the lymph nodes in the neck or whether everything is within normal limits. If there is inflammation, then the doctor must determine what caused this process.

To do this you will need to undergo the following examination:

If all these studies have not helped to establish the cause of the enlarged lymph nodes, then it is necessary for the surgeon to perform a puncture or biopsy. Treatment depends on the final diagnosis.

Such actions can only aggravate the pathological process or spread the infection throughout the body.


Any treatment for inflammation of the lymph nodes in a child will be ineffective.

The thing is that processes in the lymph nodes are associated with certain diseases that need to be diagnosed and treated.

Why the lymph nodes in the baby’s neck become inflamed, only a doctor can say for sure.

To prescribe treatment that will relieve inflammation of the lymph nodes, it is necessary to find out the cause of their inflammation.

Once this cause is eliminated, the lymph nodes will return to their normal position. normal condition and the inflammation will go away.

You must understand that such an enlarged lymph node is not always a cause for concern, but only indicates that they are working intensively.

Only in cases where the nodes have become very large and there is discomfort when pressing on them, it is necessary to see a pediatrician.

You should not make a diagnosis yourself just based on your assumptions.

A visit to the doctor should be mandatory at the slightest suspicion of inflammation of the lymph nodes.

See how to give Hilak Forte to newborns here.

Parents should always monitor the condition of their child's lymph nodes so as not to miss the inflammatory process.

There is no need to panic or be scared if you notice an increase in nodes in your child. The reason may be very simple and easily remedied.

However, parents are not always able to independently find out the cause of enlarged lymph nodes, so if pain or severe enlargement occurs, consult a specialist.

Lymph nodes in the neck: video

Watch the story where they talk in detail about lymph nodes in the neck in children:

Attention, TODAY only!

I also felt a lymph node in my daughter’s neck. Of course we went to the doctor. He prescribed Lymphomiazot for us. We’ve been drinking for a month now, and there are no changes yet.))) We’re waiting...

My daughter, after another acute respiratory viral infection, and even against the background of chronic adenoiditis, had inflamed lymph nodes in her neck. The ENT doctor prescribed us a compress with dimexide 1:4. "Lymphomiazot" was being re-registered at that time and we were taking other homeopathic drops - "Lymphomin". The inflammation has passed. After 1.5 months, the adenoids were removed, and things got even better.

After another cold in the child, the husband felt enlarged lymph nodes on the neck, three of them, two small and one 1.5 cm. We were very scared. We immediately went to the doctor and took all the tests and did an ultrasound. All tests were normal and so was the ultrasound. The doctor said that this is the body’s reaction to a past illness. He prescribed us drops of Lymphomiazot, after which the lymph nodes shrank significantly. But they didn’t go away completely. Now after each cold they increase, and after recovery they slightly decrease and become denser. Now we are constantly being monitored in the hospital because of this, otherwise God forbid we miss something.

There was such a bad story with my child. After suffering from acute respiratory infections several times in the winter, my daughter complained of painful lumps on her neck behind her ear. The lymph nodes protruded about a centimeter and a half from the surface of the skin. They took tests and performed an ultrasound. Nothing bad was found. The doctor decided that such large bumps were due to the girl’s thinness. The lymph nodes did not shrink for almost 3 months. This was alarming, since a year earlier my daughter’s brother died 3 weeks after an enlarged lymph node in the groin. The diagnosis is acute leukemia. Thoughts of bad things entered my head. I also insisted on an ultrasound and the doctor prescribed Vishnevsky ointment and an insulating bandage on the neck for a week. The bumps stuck out for a while, then disappeared. I live in fear of a repetition and bad development of the situation.

My children are 1.5 years apart; they suffered from mononucleosis almost simultaneously. Another name is Epstein-Barr virus. My son had very noticeable lymph nodes on his neck; from the back they looked just like cheek pouches on a hamster. I asked the doctors if it was mumps, and they answered that it didn’t look like it. The illness passed quickly, we were treated only with antipyretic and warm drinks, vitamin teas. We were not diagnosed for a long time; we donated blood twice until we identified this disease. My daughter’s lymph nodes were slightly enlarged, seemingly imperceptibly, and my son walked around with such a swollen neck for at least three weeks. We were 4 and 5 years old at the time.

Evgeniya, please tell me what exactly your son took (what medications he was prescribed), and whether the child had any other symptoms besides enlarged lymph nodes? And what happened according to the results of the blood test. Thank you very much for your answer, we are currently undergoing tests and waiting for the test results (my son has enlarged lymph nodes, liver and spleen, and there are no other symptoms).

The lymph node in the child’s neck does not go away

Very often, when visiting a doctor, patients, hearing the diagnosis, are frightened by incomprehensible terms, because they do not know what such a disease can mean, especially if they have not encountered it before. Behind the frightening word “lymphadenitis” actually lies a common inflammation of the nodes of the lymphatic system. Such a disease is not a death sentence, but in any case it should not be left to chance, since untimely treatment of lymphadenitis can lead to unpleasant consequences . But before starting treatment, it is necessary to understand why lymphadenitis occurs, what its symptoms are and what form this disease can take.

What is lymphadenitis?

Lymphadenitis is an inflammatory process that occurs in the nodes of the lymphatic system, that is, in the lymph nodes. These nodes are peripheral organs that contain very important cells responsible for protecting the body. These cells have a close relationship with circulatory system. You can imagine the lymph nodes as a kind of filters that do not allow harmful substances into the body and prevent them from spreading.

Lymph nodes become inflamed most often due to infection, i.e. infection of the body by microorganisms, causing disease. Bacteria are carried throughout the body by blood and lymph, and settle in the lymph nodes, causing their inflammation. Depending on the type of infection, lymph nodes in different parts of the body may become inflamed. Thus, lymphadenitis in most cases is a consequence of some infectious process occurring in the body.

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