
Boil on the genitals. Causes, symptoms and treatment of boils on the labia

Pathological condition accompanied by painful sensations and constant itching, an unpleasant and dangerous problem. An inflammatory process in the hair follicle and gland that occurs on any part of the body, including intimate areas, is called a boil. A boil on the labia is accompanied by hyperemia around the site of the lesion, with an increase in temperature and purulent discharge at the end of the ripening process.

It is advisable to treat a boil on the labia under the supervision of specialists, especially if there is an internal abscess located in the vagina.

Penetration of staphylococcal bacteria into the body is the root cause of purulent inflammatory process. During the process, inflammation occurs in the hair follicle itself and the surrounding dermis. Normally, staphylococcus is present on the surface of the skin in a latent state; its activation is provoked by a number of factors:

  • decrease in the overall level of the autoimmune system;
  • denial of personal hygiene standards;
  • local hypothermia;
  • increased level of sweating - the humid environment created is a place for active reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • lack of vitamins and minerals, turning into vitamin deficiency;
  • inflammation of the Bartholin gland;
  • depilation and shaving with non-compliance with antiseptic rules - refusal to treat with disinfectants.

A boil on the genitals in girls can occur due to microtraumas - when staphylococcus gets into abrasions and scratches.

Clinical signs

The appearance of an abscess on the genitals is not necessarily a sign of furunculosis. If a small abscess resolves and is not about to burst, then the labia are affected by another disease. This may be a local inflammatory process that does not affect the hair follicles. A boil on the labia goes through several stages of development, confirming the presence of the disease:

  1. Primary - manifested by the appearance of a slight swelling at the site of infection, accompanied by mild itching. After a certain period of time, it begins to thicken, accompanied by swelling of nearby tissues, and pulsation is noted at the epicenter. The size of the formation varies from less than a centimeter to three (large abscess).
  2. Secondary - indicated by the maturation of a purulent core, on the surface of which small bubbles form. In parallel with local symptoms, it is noted elevated temperature body, muscle and headaches, enlargement and soreness of nearby lymph nodes.
  3. Tertiary – is the final stage, during which the ripening of the boil and its opening are recorded, with the removal of accumulated pus. The recovery period takes 12 days; the speed of healing of injured tissue depends on personal hygiene and treatment of the affected area.

How to treat a boil on the genitals? Symptomatic treatment at all stages of the disease can be carried out independently, with the exception of multiple boils requiring surgical intervention. What to do if a formation appears near the vagina?

Treatment Options

Home therapy is recommended for single inflammations on female organs. If a problem occurs, it is necessary to wipe the affected skin salicylic alcohol. It will help relieve discomfort and disinfect surfaces. One of the effective means is Vishnevsky’s liniment. It will speed up the process of maturation of the abscess, ensure the removal of purulent discharge and clean the wound surface. Most patients refuse to use the ointment due to its unpleasant, pungent odor.

The best solution to the problem is to contact a dermatologist to prescribe medication.

Drug treatment

Conservative therapy consists of reducing the level of inflammation and resulting swelling using Ichthyol and Levomekol ointments. If necessary, a number of antibiotics are prescribed for a boil - Tetracycline, Erythromycin, Diclosalicin. The choice of antibiotics depends on the type of pathogen that caused the disease. Total time cure is no more than 14 days.

If complications occur, it is recommended symptomatic treatment, aimed at eliminating additional pathologies that have arisen during the course of the disease. Late access to a medical institution leads to the need for surgical manipulations.

You should not expect that a carbuncle on the genital organs in women will resolve on its own - this pathology requires consultation with a surgeon. A boil near the vagina, even a small one, can lead to serious processes and damage to a woman’s health.


A boil that does not go away for a long time creates additional problems for the patient. Ineffectiveness of the applied pharmacological agents leads to the need for surgical treatment. After passing necessary tests, a date for the intervention is set.

The technique is carried out under local anesthesia, without putting the patient under anesthesia. Pain sensations are completely relieved; slight discomfort may occur during the operation. The surgeon opens the boil, excises the rod and removes the affected tissue.

The cavity remaining after the intervention is thoroughly disinfected and drainage is installed. It is an additional measure to remove accumulated purulent contents. The time the drainage tube remains in the surgical field is about five days. Additionally, physiotherapeutic procedures may be prescribed - electrophoresis, UHF, etc.

How is it prohibited to treat pathology? At any stage of development pathological condition not recommended:

  • any sexual contact – it is possible to infect a partner with chiria (staphylococcus);
  • touching damaged skin with dirty hands;
  • independent attempts to squeeze out or open the abscess;
  • scratching or scratching the area of ​​inflammation;
  • ignore the use of antiseptics when opening a boil;
  • independently use medications, especially antibiotics.

Prevention measures

To avoid the occurrence of furunculosis, you should follow the following rules:

  • use underwear made from natural fabrics, do not purchase it from dubious places;
  • carry out daily hygiene procedures and wash the genital area at least twice a day;
  • carry out the removal of excess hair, avoiding the occurrence of microtraumas and subsequent treatment with antiseptic drugs;
  • monitor the state of the autoimmune system, conduct seasonal vitamin therapy;
  • normalize daily diet, with the inclusion of healthy foods containing sufficient amounts of vitamins and minerals;
  • be regularly examined in medical institutions.

The constant occurrence of boils indicates health problems; if they are present, the root cause of their occurrence should be identified and symptomatic treatment should be performed. A boil on the labia reduces the standard of living in females and interferes with normal life. sex life and causes a constant state of discomfort.

The main cause of this disease is considered to be a weak immune system. However, there are quite a lot of factors causing purulent inflammatory formation. These include:

  1. failure to maintain intimate hygiene;
  2. use of synthetic underwear;
  3. presence of microtraumas;
  4. weakening of the immune system due to chronic diseases;
  5. hypovitaminosis;
  6. increased sensitivity of the body to staphylococcal infection;
  7. mechanical irritations (rubbing, scratching);
  8. effects on skin chemical substances(soap, gel, shampoo, lotion);
  9. violation metabolic processes in organism;
  10. hypothermia or overheating;
  11. exhausting long-term physical activity;
  12. malfunction of the nervous system;
  13. blood poisoning as a result of transfusion;
  14. use of tobacco products;
  15. diabetes.

Important! The cause of the spread of staphylococcal infection can be a dusty room, dirty clothes, eating unwashed vegetables and fruits, and poor disinfection of cosmetic equipment.

Before I talk about why boils in intimate places are dangerous, what threat they pose, let’s get acquainted with the official name of such a disease as furunculosis.

The reasons for the appearance of boils can be very different. More often they are associated with infection of the body by pathogenic bacteria.

In most cases, the causative agent of intimate zone disease is staphylococcus.

To prevent the infection from entering the bloodstream and causing serious illnesses, you need to know what actions can contribute to infection:

  • squeezing or self-piercing of the formation;
  • overheating of the affected area;
  • lack of disinfection;
  • touching the genitals with unwashed hands (after each touch intimate area You should also wash your brushes with antibacterial soap).

The reasons for the appearance of a boil on a woman’s genitals may be the following predisposing factors:

  • The presence of damage to the integrity of the skin, that is, the entrance gate for infection;
  • Weakening of the immune system;
  • Allergic diseases accompanied by itching, irritation on the skin and mucous membranes;
  • Pregnancy;
  • Ignoring personal hygiene rules;
  • Hypothermia or elevated ambient temperature;
  • Wearing underwear made of synthetic material;
  • High humidity;
  • Endocrine disorders;
  • General diseases of the body (especially chronic, infectious);
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Long-term use of antibiotics;
  • Inflammation of the Bartholin glands.

Often boils, especially on the labia minora, are confused with hidradenitis.

The pathology is quite unpleasant and painful in itself, and in such an intimate place it generally causes great discomfort and torment. The symptoms of a boil on the labia are very clear. It cannot be ignored, tolerated or left unattended.

At each stage of boil maturation, a woman experiences different symptoms.

In the first 2-3 days, the manifestations of the inflammatory process are not very bright: there is redness, twitching at the site of boil ripening, there may be slight itching and irritation when in contact with clothing.

At the second stage of maturation, the intensity of symptoms increases significantly, because the process of suppuration is underway. A clear picture of inflammation is noted:

  1. On days 4-5 the temperature rises, sometimes more than 38 degrees;
  2. Sharp pain in the area of ​​boil formation and nearby tissues;
  3. Swelling of the labia mucosa;
  4. General weakness;
  5. Feeling of fullness in the vagina;
  6. Limited movement;
  7. IN general analysis there will be an increased number of leukocytes and neutrophils in the blood, toxic granularity is noted;
  8. The color of the boil becomes purple-red with a white dot in the middle.

This stage ends with the eruption of purulent contents with a necrotic core. The wound is cleaned and painful sensations subside.

The end of inflammation is considered to be 7-8 days, when the labia mucosa is regenerated. During this period, a woman may experience tingling and tingling during hygiene procedures or when treated with an antiseptic. IN there's blood coming out leukocytosis declines, toxic granularity disappears and ESR increases, which will last for another 10 days.

If there is peeling on the labia, look at this material.

A certain number of opportunistic staphylococci always live on the surface of the skin. Most of them are located around the opening of the follicle. They exhibit pathogenic properties only under certain conditions favorable for activation.

The degree of exposure to infection depends on the state of the patient’s body’s defenses. The activity of staphylococci is promoted by the influence of internal and external factors.

Usually the nature of the disease is calm, but sometimes there are serious complications. The disease is accompanied high temperature, chills, swelling.

Chiri can form on the face, armpits, back and buttocks, in the groin of women and on the labia. Most of them ripen and burst within a few days. They are usually treated at home. But in case of fever or other complications, it is better to consult a doctor.

Pimples on the labia are a very common phenomenon and indicate that something is wrong with the body, the functioning of its organs has gone wrong, and there has been a malfunction in the functioning of the female body.

To stop the infection and quickly heal, you should immediately consult a gynecologist. He will prescribe the required treatment. If surgical intervention is necessary, it should be performed in medical institution.

At self-treatment The infection can quickly spread and develop furunculosis and blood poisoning (sepsis). In addition, self-medication is fraught with serious consequences: phlegmon; phlebitis; erysipelas; abscess; phlegmon and d/r

If the case of treatment does not require an autopsy, then boils and pimples on the genitals in women are treated with antibiotics: tetracycline, erythromycin, minocycline. An antibiotic is prescribed not only from the long-acting group, but most often it is dicloxacillin, which belongs to the penicillin group.

Most often, a boil is one of the types of staphylococcal infection, although it can also be caused by streptococci, mycoplasma, and pathogens of sexually transmitted infections (gonorrhea, trichomoniasis).

Symptoms of bortolinitis are:

  • boil on the labia, at their very base
  • itching and redness of the inflamed gland
  • pain in the area of ​​inflammation
  • elevated body temperature
  • the appearance of purulent discharge from the gland

The main methods for diagnosing bartholinitis are:

  1. Examination of the genitals helps identify boils on the labia.

When treating bartholinitis, much depends on the stage of the disease. Unfortunately, most women turn to the doctor too late, trying to cure the boil on their own. As a result, the specialist has to deal with an advanced form of the disease. In this case, treatment will require surgical intervention.

  • Apply ice to the site of inflammation.
  • They use Levomekol, Vishnevsky ointment, Ichthyol and other means to relieve inflammation.
  • Antibiotics are prescribed by the doctor after receiving the test results and identifying the pathogen. General reception Treatment with medications usually lasts no more than one and a half weeks.

It should not be forgotten that the reception medicines It is recommended to combine it with taking multivitamins.

Local methods of treating a boil can give both positive and negative results. If the boil is accompanied by fever, headaches and general weakness, you should immediately seek help. medical assistance. Your boil may need to be opened surgically or inject with antibiotics.

A boil on the labia is most likely the result of a disease such as bartholinitis. It is characterized by inflammation of the large gland (Bartholin's gland) of the vestibule of the vagina.

There are acute and chronic bartholinitis. The disease itself develops as a result of blockage of the duct of the batroline gland, which is the result of swelling in the area of ​​the duct, thickening of the fluid accumulated in it and the transition of the inflammatory process to the adjacent tissue.

  1. Examination of the genitals helps to identify a boil on the labia.
  2. Laboratory examination of gland secretions helps to detect the bacteria that caused the disease.
  3. In addition to the main diagnostic methods, vaginal smears are examined for the presence of pathogenic microorganisms.

In medical practice, there are several methods for getting rid of boils.

The very first and most reliable treatment for a boil on the labia is surgical intervention. It is carried out when, at the second stage of the inflammatory process, the maturation of the boil has ended, and the pus has not yet come out.

With this manipulation, the entire contents of the boil will be carefully removed, the wound surface will be cleaned and treated with antiseptic solutions, thereby minimizing the risk of spreading the inflammatory process.

This mini-operation is performed under local anesthesia, therefore it is considered practically painless.

When an inflammatory process is detected at the stage of initial formation, physiotherapeutic procedures are prescribed. Dry heat is applied to the boil area to accelerate the maturation of the stem. For effective treatment boil on the labia, a woman is prescribed a course of antibacterial drugs penicillin series. This group is the most effective against staphylococcal infections.

From the very beginning of the disease you need to take a course vitamin preparations and immunomodulators that your doctor will prescribe for you.

This is necessary so that the body can defeat the infection. It depends on the state of immunity possible relapses furunculosis.

Much depends on our diet. When women repeatedly ask about how to treat a boil on the labia, the specialist will immediately recommend proper diet eating. How a woman should eat for a speedy recovery:

  • Food should be light;
  • Fatty, salty, fried, smoked foods are excluded;
  • Sweet and starchy foods are kept to a minimum;
  • Meals should be fractional;
  • Saturation of the body with fresh vegetables and fruits;
  • The intake of fermented milk products is very welcome;
  • You should eat cereals that contain a lot of B vitamins, which are very beneficial for a woman’s skin.

Compliance drinking regime It is of enormous importance in metabolism and proper digestion, and, accordingly, the body’s resistance to inflammatory processes.

During the period of regeneration of the wound surface, it is used antiseptic solutions for treating the crater formed after the expiration of purulent contents. The doctor prescribes physiotherapeutic procedures to resolve the infiltrate over the next 7-10 days.

A furuncle, or inflammation of the hair follicle, can form anywhere there is hair, including on the pubic area or labia in women. In men, boils can appear on the penis and also on the pubis.

Suppuration in intimate areas brings a lot of unpleasant sensations, complicates sexual life, and disrupts the patient’s usual way of life. In addition, boils can be complicated by more serious diseases - cellulitis, abscesses and even sepsis (blood poisoning).

Therefore, it is not recommended to leave boils without treatment, especially on the genitals.

Like any disease, a boil has several stages of development. At the very beginning, in the first stage, a woman notices the appearance of a red seal around a hair on the labia, groin or pubis. This formation begins to hurt when touched and itch. After 1–2 days, if appropriate measures are not taken, the lump will increase in size, begin to hurt more, and the tissue around it will begin to swell. The boil looks like a cone-shaped bulge with a shiny head; a black rod can be seen in the center. At this stage, a pulsation may be felt at the site of the boil. A woman may also experience increased body temperature, headache, weakness, and dizziness. Nearby lymph nodes (inguinal) become inflamed and painful. Then there are two possible scenarios:

  1. If the body tissues do not allow the infection to go deeper, the boil will open (or burst), its purulent contents will be extracted. At this stage, tissue swelling, pain and swelling will disappear, and the woman will immediately feel much better. An ulcer forms at the site of the rupture, which gradually heals and heals.
  2. If the pus does not break out, but inward, the infection will spread to deeper tissues, causing phlegmon or an abscess. Thus, a simple boil can lead to life-threatening diseases.

It is necessary to treat a boil in an intimate place with extreme caution. This problem can lead to infection of the blood and the whole body, and during pregnancy it is a disaster. Only a doctor should prescribe a method for effectively eliminating a boil, but among the current methods the following should be noted:

  1. The use of antibiotics and pharmaceutical ointments based on them.
  2. Laser therapy – only for initial stages development of the problem during the period of infiltration formation.
  3. Surgical treatment of the problem.
  4. Methods traditional medicine.

Most often, people treat problems in the intimate area with antibiotics and folk remedies, surgical intervention is less often required and laser correction is performed.

If a boil pops up on the scrotum or in the perineal area, it will be quite difficult to treat such an unpleasant phenomenon, but doctors will tell you how to find a way out of a situation of increased complexity.

What is furunculosis

At the maturation stage, unaffected areas near inflammation should be treated with antiseptic solutions:

  • iodine;
  • brilliant green;
  • fucorcin;
  • Miramistina.

Important! Before and after contact with a boil (with a wound or purulent head), you must wash your hands with antibacterial soap.

A bandage with a hypertonic solution (NaCl) is applied to the opened boil on the labia. It absorbs pus and pathogenic microbes. Instead of this composition, you can apply a tampon with Vishnevsky’s liniment or with ichthyol ointment. The smell of data medicines unpleasant and quite sharp, but the pus is drawn out quickly and painlessly.

After removing it, apply a bandage with an ointment that has an antibacterial effect. These include tetracycline, gentamicin, syntomycin. To speed up the regeneration of the skin and prevent the appearance of a dense scar, Solcoseryl is applied.

To prevent inflammation of adjacent areas of the skin of the labia, it is necessary to carry out daily rubbing of 2% alcohol solution salicylic acid or camphor alcohol.

Important! In case of purulent-inflammatory processes, it is strictly not recommended to apply warm compresses to the affected area, since elevated temperatures contribute to the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria and aggravation of the condition.

Besides local therapy, the doctor will prescribe antibiotic therapy. For effective treatment, the patient takes antibiotics wide range actions such as:

  • Doxycycline;
  • Azithromycin;
  • Ceftriaxone;
  • Penicillin;
  • Gentamicin.

Along with them, the specialist prescribes immunostimulating drugs, lactobacilli, bifidobacteria and vitamins.

Important! You cannot squeeze, scratch, or open a boil in an intimate place yourself, as this can spread the infection throughout the body.

By contacting medical care, a person, first of all, undergoes diagnostics. In addition to the examination, he is prescribed a blood test and bacterial culture. It is important to find out which pathogen caused the development of furunculosis and prescribe the appropriate drug treatment. Therapy largely depends on the stage of the disease; the earlier a person detects the disease, the easier it is to get rid of it. Experts know how to treat boils on early stage:

  • it is recommended to treat the affected area with an antibacterial agent, for example, salicylic alcohol (if you do this several times a day, you can get rid of unpleasant symptoms quite quickly)
  • if the treatments are not enough, then the doctor prescribes applying the external remedy Vishnevsky ointment, balsamic liniment (popular effective remedy having a specific odor; Castor oil, tar and bismuth salt included in the ointment provide complex action– analgesic, anti-inflammatory, disinfectant, antispasmodic)
  • ichthyol ointment (another remedy that promotes the maturation of suppuration and the subsequent release of inflammatory fluid to the outside; the ointment contains shale oil - ichthammol, natural antiseptic and active disinfectant)
  • In addition, Levomekol, Hydrocortisone, and erythromycin ointment are very popular among external agents.

The effect of antibiotics

In more advanced stages of the disease, a specialist prescribes antibiotics; their use is necessary for frequent relapses of furunculosis or the formation of carbuncles, when inflammation of the hair follicle takes on a dangerous, purulent-necrotic form.

The effect of antibacterial drugs is aimed not only at eliminating unpleasant symptoms, but also at ridding the body of the infectious pathogen. The following tablets are prescribed for Staphylococcus aureus:

  1. Lincomycin hydrochloride (Lincomycin, Neloren)
  2. Cephalexin (Solexin, Cefaclor)
  3. Amoxiclav (Amosin, Amoxicillin)

For furunculosis, staphylococcal bacteriophage is used.

It's pretty specific treatment, requiring compliance with a number of rules. Except medications You can treat boils using time-tested folk remedies.

It is better to treat a boil in the groin with special medications that are accessible and easy to use. After a lump appears in the intimate area, you need to consult a gynecologist.

On the spot, the doctor will examine the condition of the boil, and if the boil is already mature, it can be removed during the examination. If the pus is almost on the surface, the specialist will treat the skin around the boil and the pimple itself with an antiseptic, after which he will open the formation with his hands in sterile gloves.

Sometimes treating a boil with conservative therapy does not bring positive results, then the doctor prescribes removal of the boil through surgery. This operation is quite simple and is performed under local anesthesia.

During the procedure, the doctor uses a scalpel to cut the skin of the boil, remove the pus from there and lubricate it with an antiseptic. After surgery, physiotherapy is often prescribed, which is based on the use of electrophoresis.

If the procedure was carried out in compliance with all the rules, then only a barely noticeable spot or scar will remain at the site of the boil.

To prevent surgical removal of a boil, it is necessary to begin treatment at the first sign. As treatment, you can use the most accessible and effective remedy, which should be in the first aid kit of people who are faced with the appearance of boils on the skin.

This is a drug called Dimexide. It is available in the form of a gel, ointment and solution for external use.

It is the solution of the drug Dimexide that is suitable for the treatment of boils in the intimate area. It has antiseptic, analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties.

Dimexide must be applied directly to the boil in the form of lotions. Before use, the product must be diluted with water in a ratio of 1:4, then moisten a cotton pad in the solution and apply to the boil, securing it with a band-aid.

Such lotions should be done over several days until the boil opens and completely disappears. Dimexide allows you to carefully treat the boil and prevent infection of neighboring hair follicles.

Can also be used for boils in the intimate area:

  • Vishnevsky ointment;
  • hydrocortisone ointment;
  • salicylic acid;
  • ichthyol ointment;
  • erythromycin ointment;
  • Levomekol;
  • boric alcohol;
  • camphor alcohol.

Folk remedies for removing boils from the intimate area are very effective at the early stage of the appearance of a boil. The following remedies described below are suitable as treatment.

Infusion from medicinal herbs. For this, mint, birch buds, calendula and St. John's wort flowers, knotweed, and celandine are used.

All components must be taken equally, placed in a suitable container and poured with boiling water. It is necessary to infuse the product all night, wrapping it or placing it in a thermos.

After the infusion is ready, you need to make lotions from it for the boil. To do this, a piece of cotton wool is soaked in liquid and applied to the boil for a minute.

Aloe helps draw out pus from the boil and relieve inflammation from the skin.

To do this, take the stem of an old aloe, cut it in half and apply it to the boil. Such compresses from the plant must be changed constantly until there is not even a trace left of the boil.

If a boil appears on the pubic area or in other parts of the intimate area and a person immediately notices it, he should immediately consult a doctor for laser correction of the problem. On initial stages boil development, laser therapy has the ability to give the following results:

  • neutralization pathogenic organisms which caused the problem;
  • complete elimination of painful symptoms;
  • stopping opportunity further development and growth of the boil;
  • elimination of purulent formation without scars or any similar traces.

The only significant disadvantage of this procedure is that not every hospital will offer such treatment to the patient.

Often, silver nitride is used to carry out such a procedure, the result of its use is not long in coming.

Home therapy is not the main method of treating a boil on the pubis or other intimate area, but can be an excellent auxiliary addition. Before using any traditional medicine, a person should consult a doctor, and pregnant women should not be treated this way under any circumstances.

Among the popular folk methods of treating boils in intimate places it is worth noting:

  1. Ointment based on egg yolk.
  2. Potato dressing.
  3. Garlic compress.
  4. Dry compress made from flaxseed.

Each of these methods is popular among many people and that is why they are worth taking a closer look at.

Egg ointment

Many people claim that you can quickly get rid of a boil in an intimate place by mixing chicken yolk, vegetable oil, flour and honey. When this mixture reaches a homogeneous consistency, it must be applied to the affected area and fixed.

When the ointment is completely dry, it should be removed and a fresh layer applied. This remedy helps draw out pus faster and reduce pain.

Applying a potato dressing

Raw potatoes help draw out the pus from the boil and at the same time eliminate severe skin irritation. To treat a boil in an intimate place in this way, a person needs to cut the vegetable into thin slices or grate it.

A piece of potato and its pulp should be applied to the boil, and then fixed with a gauze bandage or bandage. This treatment must be carried out until the purulent contents come out on their own.

Effective garlic compress

Using garlic as a medicine if boils are on the pubis or perineum is not very pleasant, but many say that it helps. You can add a whole piece of garlic to the boil, but it is better to make a homogeneous paste out of it. Such a compress must be fixed well, and when it dries, replace it with another.


The beneficial properties of flax have been known to man for quite some time, but it is difficult to imagine that with its help it is easy to eliminate boils. To perform the treatment, a person must put whole flaxseeds in a natural cloth bag.

The bag can be heated in the oven or microwave, after which it should be applied to the sore spot and held until it cools completely. The procedure will need to be repeated several times.

Using available means to eliminate a boil, you should not think that this is the most effective panacea. Such methods, if approved by a doctor, may become additional funds general therapy.

If the doctor does not allow you to treat a boil in an intimate area with home remedies, you should listen to his advice and go to the pharmacy for an effective cream or other antiseptic.

How to solve skin problems forever?

A decrease in the protective functions of the skin provokes the occurrence of various diseases. The most common of them is pyoderma. These are purulent-inflammatory skin lesions caused by staphylococci, less commonly by streptococci and other bacteria. A frequently diagnosed deep staphyloderma is a boil (abscess, abscess, boil).

They occur on areas of the skin that have hairline, because pathogens penetrate the follicle and infect it. Therefore, a boil is often detected on the labia in women.

Mechanism of occurrence

A certain number of opportunistic staphylococci always live on the surface of the skin. Most of them are located around the opening of the follicle. They exhibit pathogenic properties only under certain conditions favorable for activation.

IN hair follicle microorganisms penetrate through wounds, cracks, abrasions, and diaper rash. They multiply and cause an inflammatory process with the formation of an infiltrate. Pus appears with dead tissue cells, which fills the follicle. This is the core of the boil.

Inflammation gradually affects adjacent tissues. Its distribution is limited. The infection typically penetrates deep into the skin. After the rod matures, the abscess is opened, the purulent-necrotic contents are released, the inflammation decreases and quickly disappears, and the wound heals. If the development of suppuration is unfavorable, complications may occur.

Why do boils appear?

The degree of exposure to infection depends on the state of the patient’s body’s defenses. The activity of staphylococci is promoted by the influence of internal and external factors.

The internal reasons are as follows:

  • primary immunodeficiency (congenital);
  • serious illnesses, operations, injuries;
  • HIV infection, AIDS;
  • oncological diseases;
  • endocrine diseases (diabetes mellitus, pathologies of the thyroid gland, adrenal glands);
  • increased amount of male sex hormone (testosterone) in a woman’s body;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating);
  • decreased immunity from long-term use some medications (cytostatics - antitumor drugs, immunosuppressants);
  • vitamin deficiency due to unbalanced, poor-quality nutrition.

External etiological factors such:

  • violation of the norms and rules of hygiene of the body, especially the skin and genitals;
  • promiscuity;
  • prolonged hypothermia or overheating;
  • chronic fatigue from physical overload, lack of sleep, lack of rest;
  • bad ecology;
  • professional activities associated with dust, dirt, lubricating oils, aggressive substances that reduce protective functions skin;
  • frequent nervous stress and tension;
  • using tight underwear made of synthetic fabrics in which the skin does not breathe;
  • poor quality depilation;
  • alcoholism, drug addiction, smoking.

Also, a boil on the labia, at the entrance to the vagina, can be a complication of other infectious and inflammatory skin lesions, bartholinitis, sexually transmitted diseases, genital herpes.

Staphylococcal bacteria can enter the hair follicle through the bloodstream from the internal source of infection and cause inflammation. Most often these are diseases of the genital organs, urinary system, rectum, since they are closely located. But infection is also possible from distant foci.

Treatment of boils

A boil on the genitals is treated in accordance with the stage of its development:

  • inflammatory infiltration;
  • formation and maturation of a purulent-necrotic core;
  • opening an abscess;
  • cleansing and healing of the wound.

Typically, all stages of the disease last 10 - 12 days. With single boils, signs of intoxication rarely appear. There are cases of fever, deterioration general condition, manifestations of headache and muscle pain.

The purulent core matures in a few days. Many patients speed up the opening of boils with the help of medications or folk remedies. Some are trying to squeeze him out. Doctors prohibit doing this on your own. Even a mature rod can only be opened correctly by a specialist. Also, boils on the labia minora can easily be confused with pustules of hidradenitis (inflammation of the apocrine glands). A non-professional will not determine the degree of ripening of the boil. It is important to know the rules for performing this medical procedure.

Important! Self-squeezing often leads to the development of furunculosis, phlegmon, abscess, carbuncle, inflammation of blood and lymphatic vessels, and sepsis. Complications of abscesses on the labia minora are especially dangerous.

After studying the medical history, the doctor will provide recommendations for eliminating external provoking factors that contribute to the occurrence of boils. He will prescribe proper nutrition, rich in vitamins and microelements. By internal medicine referred for consultation to appropriate specialists.

It is recommended to limit spicy, salty, smoked and pickled foods as much as possible in your diet. It is advisable to avoid fatty, fried foods, processed foods, and canned foods. It is important to significantly reduce the amount of food containing carbohydrates, which stimulate the development and proliferation of staphylococcal infections. At the same time, the content of protein foods, vegetables, fruits, and juices is increased. It is advisable to eat only low-fat varieties of meat and fish. The diet must be balanced, and it is also necessary to follow a routine.

Starting from the first stage of boil development, drug treatment is used:

  • The affected surface is disinfected with antiseptics to prevent the spread of infection. This can be 3% hydrogen peroxide, Chlorhexidine, Fukortsin. This is done with hands thoroughly washed with soap and treated with alcohol using a sterile swab or napkin.
  • The doctor may prescribe penicillin, tetracycline or macrolide antibiotics (Azithromycin, Erythromycin) for oral administration.
  • They accelerate the maturation and separation of the purulent core with pulling ointments with anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effects - Syntomycin, Ichthyol.
  • After opening the abscess on the labia majora and rejecting the rod, the wound is carefully treated with hydrogen peroxide and a sterile napkin soaked in saline solution, to clean it.
  • Healing ointments (Zinc, Vishnevsky) and antibacterial with anti-inflammatory properties (Levomekol, Bepanten, Tetracycline) are used. They are applied with clean hands onto a sterile napkin and applied to the treated surface. A clean wound becomes overgrown with granulation tissue and scars.
  • Complexes containing vitamins, microelements and minerals that strengthen the immune system are also prescribed.

The doctor makes the decision to open a boil on the genitals surgically in case of severe or complicated development of the disease. It is performed in a medical facility. Antibiotics are prescribed: Levofloxacin, Avelox, Vancomycin and others.

A boil is always an unpleasant and painful phenomenon, especially if a boil appears in an intimate and hard-to-reach place. A patient with such a problem is often embarrassed to go to the hospital and deliberately delays time, hoping for an independent cure.

Photo 1 – Furuncle on an intimate place

It is categorically not recommended to do this in any case, and under any circumstances, since the consequences of the committed act can be very sad. Furunculosis is an acute infectious disease caused by a pathogen such as Staphylococcus aureus.

Photo 2 – Do not treat boils in intimate places yourself

With it, boils can be localized in almost any area of ​​the body, including in the intimate area. A boil on the labia majora or on the mucous membrane of the labia can occur in every woman, regardless of age and lifestyle.

Photo 3 – Furuncle on the labia

This phenomenon is especially common during pregnancy, when women’s immunity decreases and the body becomes especially vulnerable.

Photo 4 – Furuncle on the mucous membrane of the labia

Also, the reasons that an internal boil has formed on the genitals may be:

  • allergic reactions to hygiene products used;
  • incorrectly selected underwear;
  • inaccurate shaving or depilation;
  • introduction of infection.

It is not excluded internal problems: liver dysfunction, body intoxication, bad job intestines and so on. It is important to distinguish where exactly the abscess is located: on the labia minora, in the area of ​​the mucous membranes or the external tissues of the external genitalia (labia majora, pubic part, etc.).

Photo 5 – There are many reasons for the appearance of a boil on the labia

If the abscess is located on the skin in the area of ​​the labia majora or pubis, then most likely it is an ordinary boil. Everyone knows what a boil looks like - it is a purulent abscess that forms around the hair follicle, directly adjacent to the sweat and sebaceous glands.

Photo 6 – Furuncle on the pubis

The cause of a primary abscess can be either an infection or a blockage. sebaceous gland with subsequent accumulation of secretions and the development of a pathogenic environment.

Photo 7 – The causative agent of the boil is staphylococcus

Treatment of furunculosis combines both medications and surgery. When visiting the hospital, the doctor will explain how to treat the boil and what to do to make it break out as quickly as possible. What to do if the prescribed medications do not work and the abscess does not break through? Solve the problem surgically.

Photo 8 – Boils are removed surgically

In this case, medicine has not yet come up with other ways to cure a boil other than by performing a simple operation to open the abscess and remove its contents.

Photo 9 – The main thing is to remove the contents of the abscess

Furuncle in the vagina

An abscess at the entrance to the vagina requires immediate appeal to the gynecologist.

Photo 10 – Abscess at the entrance to the vagina

It is important to determine that this is an abscess, and not other diseases, which may well include:

Attention! In addition, formations on the vaginal mucosa or in the perineum can be symptoms of some sexually transmitted diseases, especially at the initial stage.

Furuncle in an intimate place: features

A purulent formation in the intimate area causes especially a lot of unpleasant sensations. The first symptom may be discomfort and mild pain.

Photo 15 – The first sign of a boil in the intimate area is pain

The site of the abscess begins to turn red and swelling appears. Such a boil will definitely itch and cause pain when walking and even just when it comes into contact with underwear.

Photo 16 – Itching appears

The symptoms of the disease are largely similar, but may differ depending on the type of illness and the causes that cause it. You can see what an abscess near the intimate area looks like on the website.

Photo 17 – Abscess near the intimate area

Important: If you have a boil between your legs or in the bikini area, do not delay your visit to a specialist and do not try to get rid of the problem with folk remedies. Such formation may be a symptom of a very serious disease.

Furuncle in an intimate place and its treatment

A boil in the groin requires immediate contact with one of the following specialists: gynecologist, dermatologist, surgeon, venereologist. It is extremely important to determine the causes of inflammation and understand why new lesions appear, if present.

Photo 18 – It is important to determine the cause of inflammation

To know how to treat this state you need to know its nature. So, inflammation on the mucous membrane cannot in any way be a classic boil, because there are simply no hair follicles here.

Photo 19 – Inflammations on the mucous membrane are not a boil

The abscess is most likely an inflammation of the Bartholin gland or a cystic formation, and perhaps even an impending fistula (proctitis, paraproctitis).

Photo 20 – Fistula

Sometimes an abscess can form after surgery, childbirth, complicated by ruptures followed by suturing, episiotomy, etc. There may well be an infection and the development of inflammation in the area of ​​unhealed tissue.

Photo 21 – An abscess may develop after surgery

A specialist will tell you how to treat an internal abscess after diagnosis. You may have to resort to surgical intervention, because it is not possible to cure many of the listed pathologies using other methods.

Photo 22 – Contact a gynecologist

Furuncle on the penis: features, treatment

A boil on the penis or scrotum can arise due to:

Boils are treated using the same methods, including surgery. Special attention deserves an abscess on the penis where hair follicles are missing.

Photo 27 – Boils on eggs are removed surgically

Such an abscess may be a sign of balanitis or balanoposthitis - insidious disease characterized by inflammation foreskin. It is treated in a slightly different way than the usual boil on the genitals or on the eggs in men.

Photo 28 – Balanitis disease

The doctor prescribes antibiotics and special antiseptic solutions. Surgical intervention carried out only in case of emergency.

Photo 29 – The doctor will prescribe antibiotics

Furuncle on the pubic area

As you can see, a boil localized in the pubic area is not always exactly the disease it claims to be. Therefore, it should be treated based on what infection caused the disease and what its nature is.

Photo 30 – Furuncle on the pubis

For an abscess formed on the pubic part, the causes are different: from a primitive infection in a wound formed after shaving, to inflammation of the gland, cystic formation, etc.

Photo 31 – There are many reasons for the ripening of a boil

Therefore, a boil on the pubis should be immediately shown to a doctor, without hoping that it will go away on its own.

Photo 32 – The doctor will select effective treatment

Furuncle on the pubic part in women: treatment

On the pubis, treatment of an abscess localized in the area of ​​the hair follicle is carried out in several stages, in both men and women:

Attention! What you should never do is try to open the boil yourself. If you do not want to resort to surgical procedures, then it is better to wait until the abscess opens on its own. Otherwise, there is a very high probability of complications, infection, or, even worse, the entry of purulent mass into the bloodstream, under external pressure.

A furuncle or boil on the labia is a suppuration in the hair follicle caused by the introduction of pyogenic bacteria. More often the culprit of the disease is Staphylococcus aureus, less often - streptococci or other pathogenic microorganisms. The follicle itself, subcutaneous tissue and surrounding tissues are affected.

Increased activity of a pathogenic culture can be stimulated by:

  • insufficient self-care;
  • rubbing with clothes;
  • excessive sweating;
  • accidental injury - for example, when shaving.

A boil can only occur on the labia majora – in the hair growth area. If an abscess appears on the labia minora or at the entrance to the vagina, then the disease is called differently, even if it was provoked by the same reasons. The therapeutic measures that are necessary to treat suppuration also differ.

You can get rid of a boil on the labia majora with mild symptoms on your own, but bartholinitis - inflammation of the Bartholin gland - almost always requires surgical intervention.

It is very difficult to endure the pain that occurs when a boil appears on the genitals. But often women are afraid to see a doctor because they suspect they have venereal disease- most likely, absolutely without reason - and in every possible way they delay the unpleasant moment.

In most cases, a boil has nothing to do with sexually transmitted infections, but it can easily provoke an inflammatory process in the vagina by reducing local immunity in the surrounding tissues and open the “gate” for secondary infection.

That is why, in order to quickly get rid of pain and stop purulent process, as soon as symptoms of an inflammatory process in the genital area appear, you should immediately contact a gynecologist.

Furuncle on the genitals in women - stages and causes

A boil, unlike ordinary acne or syphilitic chancre, cannot develop immediately. First, the woman begins to feel discomfort in the genital area - nagging pain, which can radiate to the groin and even to the leg, heaviness in the lip, a feeling of fullness. At this stage, the temperature may also rise - sometimes up to 38 degrees or higher, increases inguinal lymph node- on the side from which the inflammatory process develops. Symptoms of intoxication may appear: weakness, lethargy, muscle pain and headache.

Then you can feel the lump on one of the labia. The compaction forms quite slowly - over 3 - 5 days, then under the skin - if you look in the mirror - you can already see a red dense formation (often convex) under the skin with a white or greenish spot on top - this is a purulent focus or core.

Suppuration continues, the compaction transforms into a cone with an abscess at the top. At this stage, it is advisable to consult a doctor.

A boil can break out on its own, but this is undesirable for the intimate area. Pathogenic bacteria from pus, once on surrounding tissues, can provoke the development of bartholinitis or disrupt the acidity of the vagina and cause vulvovaginitis.

After rejection (or removal) of the purulent contents, a crater remains at the site of inflammation - a small hole that gradually closes. In its place, a small bluish scar forms, which dissolves over time and matches the color with the surrounding tissues.

Predisposing factors for the development of a purulent-inflammatory process on the genitals:

  • violations of the integrity of the skin of any nature;
  • allergy;
  • pregnancy;
  • violation of personal hygiene rules or increased personal care (too close shaving and use of cosmetics);
  • poor quality or uncomfortable underwear;
  • neglect of climatic factors, that is, hypothermia or overheating;
  • long-term use medical supplies– especially antibiotics and hormonal agents;
  • chronic and infectious diseases general...

That is, everything that causes a weakening of local immunity can be the cause of increased activity of pyogenic bacteria, many types of which are opportunistic flora, that is, they are constantly on the surface of the skin. This type of microorganism includes Staphylococcus aureus, Staphylococcus epidermidis and Streptococcus.

How to treat a boil on the labia?

It is best to have a gynecologist treat a boil in the intimate area. In this case, at the first stage - maturation - the patient will be prescribed general painkillers or ointments with an anti-inflammatory and anesthetic effect. You should not purchase ointments on your own at this stage.

Correctly evaluate clinical picture It’s quite difficult, and self-selected medications can prolong the maturation stage for a long time, which will prolong severe pain. At the maturation stage, physical treatment, immunomodulators or a vitamin-mineral complex may be recommended.

Some doctors consider it advisable to prescribe to the patient at the stage of boil maturation antibacterial drugs to stop the activity of pyogenic bacteria. In this case, the abscess will not mature.

Self-use of antibiotics is dangerous to health!

Also, to speed up this process, bandages with ichthyol or tar ointment, Vishnevsky liniment-balm, syntomycin emulsion. But again, you need to consider how deep the purulent focus is under the skin, so as not to delay maturation.

Sometimes such drugs stop the development of the inflammatory process, and the boil does not mature, but a focus of inflammation remains inside the hair follicle - a woman may even feel a “cord” or compaction in the lip upon palpation. In this case, a relapse of the disease may develop under the influence of any factors favorable to it.

Most gynecologists treat a boil at the stage when it is mature, but has not yet broken out. The abscess is opened, the purulent secretion is carefully removed so that it does not get on the surrounding tissues, the wound is cleaned and treated. The mini-surgery is performed under local anesthesia, and rehabilitation process very short - after 2-3 days the wound heals.

If the abscess has opened on its own, it should be treated immediately antiseptics and apply a bandage with antibacterial ointments to completely stop the activity of pyogenic bacteria and prevent the inflammatory process from spreading to surrounding tissues. The clean wound is then treated with antiseptics and drugs that accelerate healing.

You should not think that a boil is an ordinary pimple that you can squeeze out yourself and it will dry out. More often, squeezing ends in complications, the easiest of which are furunculosis, the spread of the inflammatory process to the surrounding hair follicles and multiple formation of ulcers. The main danger of the condition is severe intoxication and the spread of infection to other organs through the bloodstream - most often to the kidneys.

There is a possibility of developing more dangerous complications:

  • phlegmon - a purulent-inflammatory process that spreads deep into the subcutaneous tissue and can affect muscles and all layers of the dermis;
  • sepsis is a blood poisoning in which the purulent-inflammatory process spreads to all organs and systems, and if the patient is not treated from the first signs, everything can end in death. It is dangerous when intoxication increases gradually, the patient gradually weakens, and it is impossible to find the source from which the infection is spreading - the site of the boil has healed.

It is especially dangerous when boils appear during pregnancy. In this case, only a doctor should treat the patient.