
Staphylococcal infection in infants during breastfeeding. Staphylococcus in breast milk, prevention and treatment of staph infection

Staphylococcus in breast milk found frequently. Mothers usually panic during such analyzes. What to do if you find staphylococcus aureus? Do I need to heal myself? Will the baby become infected if breast-fed? Not having the right information, mom can make mistakes. For example, stop breastfeeding when it is completely unnecessary. Or, on the contrary, do not pay attention to severe symptoms and bring the breast to surgery.

What is staphylococcus

Cocci are spherical bacteria. Staphylococci also always gather in bunches that look like grapes. There are many such bacteria, but only three are dangerous for the human body: aureus, saprophytic and epidermal staphylococci. The most dangerous of them is Staphylococcus aureus. It is usually found in the analysis of milk.

Properties Staphylococcus aureus:

  1. Resistant to most common damaging factors, does not die under direct sunbeams, tolerates drying, withstands temperatures of 150 degrees for 10 minutes, is able to live in pure alcohol, and hydrogen peroxide destroys.
  2. The only microbe capable of producing coagulase, the enzyme that causes Staphylococcus aureus to surround itself with clotted blood. Being inside this microthrombus, together with the blood flow, it can enter any organ and cause purulent inflammation. It is Staphylococcus aureus that causes purulent mastitis.
  3. Produces the strongest poisons that cause serious illnesses. In particular, skin lesions in infants, when the child is covered with blisters that look like burns.
  4. Develops resistance to antibiotics very quickly.
  5. The most dangerous are nosocomial infections because these strains are the most difficult to treat. It is very difficult to get rid of them.
  6. Staphylococcus aureus is spread by contact and by airborne droplets. A child can also become infected in utero.
  7. But healthy human body copes well with Staphylococcus aureus. Normally, it is worn on the skin up to 80% healthy people. But for weakened, recently recovered, premature babies, this microbe is very dangerous. Susceptibility to infection also increases fasting and lack of sleep. This must be taken into account by mothers of young children who often do not get enough sleep and are trying to get back in shape as soon as possible.

Analysis of breast milk for staphylococcus aureus

If both mother and child are healthy, there are no signs of infection, then there is no reason to take this analysis either. First, it is impossible to collect the analysis correctly. Hand washing does not kill this microbe.

If milk is collected by a breast pump, then it is impossible to sterilize it at home so as to completely destroy Staphylococcus aureus. But even if we assume that the mother somehow managed to do this, then there remains the contact of milk with the skin of the nipple, which cannot be ruled out in any way. And staphylococcus usually lives on the skin, from there it enters the milk. So that positive result testing milk for staphylococcus does not mean that microbes live inside the breast. And you don't have to give it up just like that.

Staphylococcus and HB

The decision on the need for treatment, as well as whether it will be possible to breastfeed the child during it, is made individually. But in most cases, no treatment is required. If the child does not have any symptoms of staphylococcus aureus infection, then the mother can breastfeed him, even if the analysis revealed the presence of Staphylococcus aureus. You should always focus on the condition of the baby.

It is practically impossible to obtain such a concentration of Staphylococcus aureus in milk that the child could not be breastfed. And there is no better nutrition for a baby than breast milk. No other feeding will give the baby the much-needed antibodies that protect against various diseases.

Prevention of allergies, gastrointestinal disorders and purulent-septic infections is HB from the first minutes of a baby's life. It must be done on demand. Supplementation with water and supplementary feeding with mixtures of healthy children should be excluded.

If a dysbacteriosis with a large amount of staphylococcus is found in a child during sowing, then it can be treated with all kinds of "phages" without depriving mother's milk.

And even if the mother needs treatment for her own health reasons, it is most often possible to drink drugs that are compatible with breastfeeding. In the most extreme case, if doctors insist on treatment with drugs that adversely affect the baby, it is advisable for the mother to express herself in order to return to breastfeeding at the end of treatment.

As Dr. Komarovsky says in his program, he has not seen cases of infection healthy child staphylococcus through mother's milk. Only an extremely weakened child can become infected in this way.

But on the other hand, a newborn may well become infected through the umbilical wound. Possible infection during childbirth. Infection can also enter the body with ordinary prickly heat.

How to treat breast diseases caused by staphylococcus aureus

Treatment is required if the mother or child, and sometimes both, have clinical manifestations diseases.

If a mother has an inflamed crack on her chest, then first of all it is necessary to treat the cracks. After all, their appearance is caused by improper attachment, and not by staphylococcus aureus. But the already formed cracks are an open gate for any infection. It is almost impossible for staphylococcus to get into a healthy breast without cracks.

If the mother has mastitis, then treatment is mandatory. First, it is necessary to sow the sensitivity of the pathogen to antibiotics in order to select the correct drug using the analysis. If it comes to an abscess, then it will be impossible to cure mastitis without interrupting breastfeeding.

Signs of mastitis:

  • temperature;
  • chest pain that gets worse during feeding;
  • enlargement and soreness lymph nodes in the armpits.

Treatment is most often carried out with monomycin, erythromycin, combining them with tetracycline and chloramphenicol. Bromkriptin and Parlodel should not be drunk for more than 4 days, as they suppress lactation. In any case, antibiotic treatment during lactation should be prescribed only by a doctor and only after seeding for sensitivity to antibiotics.

A good remedy is Chlorophyllipt. It is applied when various localizations infections. Chlorophyllipt is approved for use in nursing but on prescription. A mandatory test for the absence of an allergy to Chlorophyllipt is required.

Folk remedies

  1. From cracks in the nipples, apple gruel mixed with butter helps well.
  2. You can smear cracks with celandine juice. It also speeds up their healing well.
  3. A decoction of tangerine peel with licorice is used as an external lotion to the affected area of ​​the chest.

Difficulties are the treatment of hospital strains of Staphylococcus aureus. According to Dr. Komarovsky, these bacteria are the most resistant to both disinfectants and antibiotics. Not in vain, according to Komarovsky again, abroad they often allow relatives to freely go to the wards, with the exception of some departments with a special regime. Bacteria brought in from the street diluted sick-lists and made them less dangerous.

Staphylococcus in breast milk can appear at any time during feeding. If a woman found out about him, then you should not immediately panic. Self-treatment will also not give the desired result. Only a doctor qualified in this matter will be able to prescribe a further course of treatment and advise on all issues of interest. It is necessary to recognize the symptoms in time and begin to eliminate them.

Features of the disease

The group of cocci bacteria are spherical cells that are harmful to the body. When they reproduce, you can see the connection between themselves and the union in bunches. The following cocci can have a negative impact on the human body: golden, saprophytic and epidermal. The first of these is considered the most dangerous. Unfortunately, Staphylococcus aureus is found quite often in breast milk.

Features of Staphylococcus aureus bacteria:

  • This type of infection cannot be damaged by external factors. Bacteria continue to exist and multiply in the sun. Even drying out cannot lead to their death. It was scientifically possible to establish that staphylococcus dies only when the air temperature rises to 150 degrees. Even alcohol and hydrogen peroxide cannot destroy it.
  • The microbe dies only under the influence of coagulase. This enzyme acts on the bacterium and causes it to clot, along with the surrounding blood. Unfortunately, such a formation can move throughout the body and cause a purulent formation in any organ or a blood clot. Scientists managed to establish that it is under the influence of staphylococcus a woman begins purulent mastitis.
  • For a nursing mother, the situation is dangerous due to the appearance of a large amount of poison in the body. Subsequently, this can lead to skin diseases in the baby. It is covered with large blisters that look like burns.
  • The bacterium is difficult to destroy because it can develop resistance to antibiotics.
  • For a woman, the infection that was obtained in the hospital is considered the most dangerous. This option is difficult to treat, so you have to go through a long course.
  • The transmission of bacteria occurs not only by contact, but also by airborne droplets. For the baby, there is a risk of becoming infected while still in the womb.
  • The body of a healthy person can easily cope with Staphylococcus aureus on its own. It can be found on the skin of 80% of healthy people. The danger is a weakened immune system. The body of a woman is weakened after childbirth, so the microbe can easily begin to spread and multiply. The chance of spreading the infection is increased by malnutrition and poor sleep habits.

Staphylococcus aureus bacterium under the microscope

It is important for a woman to take care of herself. In this case, staphylococcus in breast milk will not be detected. That is why it is necessary to do everything in order to quickly get back in shape.

Research and diagnosis of staphylococcus aureus

If the child or mother has no complaints, then there are no reasons to take the test either. In order to correctly collect all the necessary information, it is necessary to take into account a large number of factors. It should be noted that even during hand washing, harmful bacteria cannot be completely destroyed.

Milk during feeding can also be collected using a breast pump. However, at home it is impossible to completely destroy the harmful bacteria even when boiled. The disease can also be transmitted to the baby through direct contact with the nipple. Staphylococcus constantly lives on the skin and can at any time penetrate the milk. It should be noted that if a bacterium was found in a lactation product, this does not mean at all that it lives inside the breast. For the delivery of analyzes, it is necessary to strictly adhere to a certain scheme.

Through cracks in the nipples, the bacterium can be transmitted to the baby

Staphylococcus during lactation

To date, there is no consensus on whether it is possible to breastfeed in the presence of Staphylococcus aureus. It all depends on the individual characteristics of the mother and child. Most often there is no need to special treatment. It is important to monitor the reaction of the baby. If no sign appears, then feeding can be safely continued. The condition of the baby is the main guideline.

Only in rare cases staphylococcal analysis shows high concentration. Breast milk is still considered the best food for a baby. No artificial composition can replace it. Lactation allows the baby to develop immunity to a large number of diseases. In the future, they will protect his body from external negative factors and diseases.

To prevent the development of allergies, problems in the digestive system and other diseases, it is necessary in the first minutes of life to attach the baby to the breast and feed it with milk. Breastfeeding experts advise minimizing supplementary feeding and supplementation in the first months of life. In this case, a healthy and strong baby is guaranteed to grow up, which will delight parents throughout their lives.

For the treatment of dysbacteriosis in infants, "phages" are used. While taking them, it is not necessary to refuse breast milk. Maternal treatment also consists of taking medicines that are fully compatible with lactation. Modern pharmacology offers wide range of funds that quickly restore health. Only in some cases it is necessary to perform pumping. In this case, it remains possible to continue feeding after the end of the treatment period.

In medical practice, cases have been recorded when a child was infected directly through milk. However, in such a situation, the baby was guaranteed to have a decrease in the level of immunity. A newborn can bring the infection into the body through the umbilical cord. Also, the situation may arise if the rules are not followed during the birth process. The chance of spreading an infection increases even with mild prickly heat.

Treatment of the disease

Not in all cases with an illness, obvious clinical manifestations can be recorded. An analysis of breast milk for staphylococcus aureus will reveal the concentration of bacteria and decide on the appropriateness of treatment.

If there are cracks on the chest, attention should be paid to their removal. In this case, children are guaranteed not to receive bacteria during feeding. Cracks contribute to the rapid penetration of staphylococcus into the body. If the breast is completely healthy, then the likelihood of infection is reduced to zero.

In the presence of mastitis, its treatment should be carried out in a timely manner. To select antibiotics, an antibiotic susceptibility test should be performed. In this case, it will be possible to choose the most effective drug. Only in the event of an abscess will it be necessary to stop breastfeeding for a while.

In a woman, mastitis goes away with the following symptoms:

  • increased body temperature;
  • strong pain in the chest area and during feeding;
  • there is an increase in the lymph nodes in the armpit.

For treatment, drugs are used that are selected depending on the individual characteristics of the woman's body. You should know in advance the basic rules of admission. For example, bromocriptine should not be consumed for more than four days. Otherwise, you will have to stop breastfeeding for a while. Antibiotics are prescribed only by a doctor. Pre-sowing is carried out on the sensitivity of the body to them.

achieve quick results Chlorophyllipt helps. It can be used in almost all possible localizations of the bacterium. It is allowed to drink only after a doctor's prescription. Before this in without fail testing for the presence of allergies to individual components of the drug.

Drugs, such as Bromocriptine, are used only as directed by a doctor.


The norm in the state of a woman can be achieved using the recipes of our grandmothers:

  • To eliminate cracks in the nipples, you can use gruel from apples and butter.
  • It is allowed to smear cracks with celandine. With it, healing will take place within just a few days.
  • You can also mix tangerine peel with licorice. This decoction is used for external lotions.

To date, there are a large number of stamps of Staphylococcus aureus. Bacteria are regularly modified and become resistant to antibiotics. That is why a woman is recommended to visit all relatives in the hospital. In this case, it will be possible to prepare the baby's body for discharge. Only in some departments it is not allowed to visit them. If the bacteria are introduced in a small amount, then the organisms of the baby and mother are gradually prepared with a meeting with an aggressive environment.

All surfaces in the hospital are regularly disinfected. This prevents the development of intrauterine infections. This process is called washing. That is why a woman is recommended to go to the department, which will soon be closed to complete the process.

Staphylococcus aureus is constantly present in human life. He cannot provide negative impact, if you lead the right way of life, follow all the requirements of hygiene and breastfeeding. In this case, the mother and child will not be in danger.

At first, mother and mother's milk for the baby is the only source of everything in the world. Therefore, a nursing woman should carefully monitor its quality and safety. Quality will be taken care of proper nutrition and daily routine, but safety is a matter of hygiene and health. If one of the components is violated, bacteria begin to develop in the body, the most “popular” of which is staphylococcus aureus. Normally, every person has it and in almost any “point” of the body. In recent years, staphylococcus is increasingly found in breast milk. Sometimes it is safe, sometimes it can harm both mother and baby.

The ubiquitous staphylococcus aureus can pass into breast milk through different reasons and in different ways. It multiplies quickly, especially if you create for it favorable conditions. It can live in general on any surfaces and tissues - on the ground, in the air, water, on the skin and mucous membranes of a person.

Therefore, even in the maternity hospital, with all the efforts of the medical staff, it is almost impossible to provide women in labor with ideally sterile conditions. Cause staph infection anything can happen to a mother - even the air in the ward, daily communication with the medical staff, food or medical instruments.

It is in breast milk that bacteria that enter the skin or into the body have two ways:

  • lymphatic system (if infected during pregnancy).

Microdamages on the nipples often occur in the first days, weeks or even months of breastfeeding. The reason is the wrong grip of the breast, the inexperience of the mother, the high sensitivity of the skin. Through these cracks, staphylococcus easily penetrates into milk and comfortably settles there.

Signs of infection in the baby and mother are different. In a woman, lactostasis often becomes the impetus for the active reproduction of staphylococcus - stagnation of milk and the inflammatory process create heavenly conditions for bacteria. This manifests itself in a deterioration in well-being and general intoxication of the body. The following symptoms occur:

  • seals in the chest;
  • redness of the skin in some of its areas;
  • pain and heaviness in the chest;
  • uneven pumping;
  • rise in temperature, but still insignificant.

If no measures are taken, the disease develops into infectious, then into purulent and even gangrenous (in extremely advanced cases) mastitis.

Weakened babies are also at risk - their immunity cannot cope with the attack of bacteria, and then they begin to affect his skin and internal organs. Signs of infection will be:

  • greenish liquid stool with mucus;
  • bloating;
  • vomit;
  • cough;
  • purulent runny nose (green);
  • temperature increase;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • rashes on the body (purulent and vesicular).

With such symptoms, medical assistance is required, because self-medication can drive bacteria inside and provoke the development of serious diseases.

By the way, including for protection against bacteria in the first time after childbirth, the intimate sphere of life is prohibited for women - birth canal and the uterus are damaged, so they are easily attacked by pathogenic and opportunistic microorganisms. And reduced immunity can not really resist them.

It is possible to identify for sure whether there is staphylococcus aureus in milk using a special analysis. It requires the mother to carefully prepare and follow the rules for collecting material. First, you need to donate milk from both breasts, expressing each into a separate container. To collect milk, you will need a sterile container - you can buy jars at a pharmacy, or you can boil your glass ones (10-40 minutes).

Before pumping, you need to thoroughly wash your hands and chest, wipe them with a paper towel from the remaining water. The first 10 ml of milk must be poured out, the breasts are rinsed again, and then drawn from each about 10-15 ml. You can use a sterilized breast pump if that's more convenient. Each jar must be signed so as not to get confused from which breast the milk is in it.

The collected milk must be immediately delivered to the laboratory - after three hours it will be unsuitable for analysis. It usually takes about a week for the results. Milk is not completely sterile. Staphylococcus bacteria can get there from the skin of the chest, from clothes, from laboratory air, etc. Therefore, most often the result is positive and attention is paid to the number of colonies and the type of bacteria (epidermal, golden, etc.).

Is it dangerous for mom and baby

As surprising as it may sound, even large colonies of the “most dangerous” of all, Staphylococcus aureus, in breast milk are not a reason to panic and stop breastfeeding. And even more so if the analysis found a much less dangerous epidermal staphylococcus aureus or its other varieties in small quantities.

Most doctors, including the famous Komarovsky, agree that the concentration of staphylococcus in breast milk cannot be so high that feeding becomes dangerous for the child.

In addition, a healthy baby with strong immunity is able to cope with bacteria by receiving antibodies from his mother. For a woman, they are dangerous only if stagnation develops or if it is suspected (if the temperature does not pass within 2-3 days, but, on the contrary, continues to rise).

During the analysis, the conditional norms of the content of bacteria on the skin, mucous membranes or objects are isolated. They depend on the growth in the number of staphylococcal colonies, the onset of the disease is considered to be growth from 10 to 100 colonies, and if the growth is more than 100, we can talk about severe pathology.

In general, most doctors tend to believe that there can be no such thing as “the norm of staphylococcus in breast milk”. And although it is determined during analyzes within 150-200 CFU / ml, the main thing that you should pay attention to is the well-being of the baby.

If the child’s symptoms cause anxiety in the mother, you can take a series of tests by getting a referral from a neonatologist:

  • sowing from the nasopharynx;
  • analysis of feces and mucus (bakposev);
  • skin scraping;
  • blood test.

A hazardous result is considered to be the content of staphylococcus in the feces at the level of 10 to the 4th degree. If the indicator is even higher, manifestations become noticeable purulent infection, and it is required emergency treatment. It is completely impossible to get rid of staphylococcus aureus, but it is quite possible to eliminate conditions favorable for its development, reduce the number of bacteria and eliminate the consequences of the infection.

Treatment of infections in breastfeeding mothers

Until the infection has become a purulent inflammation (mastitis), but is at the stage of lactostasis and non-infectious mastitis, a woman can easily get by with folk remedies without resorting to antibiotics. But if the problem turned out to be neglected and moved to a purulent stage, more serious treatment will be required under the supervision of a doctor.

Safe at breastfeeding folk remedies act in several directions at once:

  • heal cracks and abrasions on the nipples (gruel from grated apples and melted butter, dressings with Kalanchoe juice);
  • relieve inflammation, promote resorption of seals, have an antibacterial effect (cabbage leaf scalded with boiling water, honey cake from 1 part of honey and 2 parts of flour at night, salt compress - 1 tbsp. salt in a glass of warm water. Moisten the cloth, apply to the breast, avoiding the areola and nipple, wrap with a scarf, leave to cool).

In the case when folk remedies do not help, and the woman's health worsens, one has to turn to antibiotics. This is the easiest way to get rid of staph, but the difficulty lies in the fact that it is not so easy to choose drugs that are safe for a child.

There are only three groups of antibiotics recognized as relatively safe for hepatitis B:

  • based on penicillins;
  • cephalosporins;
  • macrolides.

All of them penetrate into milk, but in small quantities or not too toxic to the child. At the same time, antibiotics, killing the infection, do not treat lactostasis itself - a woman needs to deal with the stagnation of milk separately. In any case, the choice of the drug is a purely medical task and it is absolutely impossible to take them on the recommendations of friends or from your own experience.

Recently, a kind of alternative to antibiotics has appeared - bacteriophages. These are bacteria or viruses that feed on staphylococcus aureus. Their effectiveness has not yet been proven and many doctors doubt it, while others consider them the best option to replace harmful antibiotics.

Should we wean

More cautious doctors believe that staphylococcus in the milk of a nursing mother is not dangerous for the baby, but in advanced stages, as well as in the treatment of antibiotics incompatible with HB, feeding should be stopped.

It all depends on the specific situation. Staphylococcus, even aureus, is recognized as an opportunistic bacterium. And this means that it is not equal to the disease. Therefore, even a positive test result does not require a sharp cessation of HB. Mom should be guided by the well-being of the child and her own treatment prescribed by the doctor and his recommendations.

In any case, the presence of staphylococcus in milk is not yet a reason for panic, but only a signal to be more attentive to your health and breastfeeding hygiene.

The birth of a long-awaited baby brings not only great happiness, but also many difficulties. One of the problems that young mothers may face while still in the hospital ward of the maternity hospital is staphylococcus aureus in breast milk. If it is suddenly discovered, some doctors insist on immediately stopping breastfeeding and starting antibiotics. Others, on the contrary, require an increase in the number of feedings and do not prescribe any treatment. Which of them is right? Where did staphylococcus in milk come from? How to get rid of it? Why is it dangerous for the baby? Let's see what the experts think about this.

Meet Staphylococcus in all its glory

This microbe was named staphylococcus, starting from the Greek words “stafili”, which means “grapes”, and “cocci”, that is, “grains”. Staphylococci have the appearance of round grains, gathering in colonies, similar to bunches of grapes. There are 27 species in their family, but only four are pathogenic.

1. Staphylococcus aureus. It is found in breast milk more often than other species.

2. Epidermal (causes sepsis and epidermitis).

4. Hemolytic (provokes purulent inflammation skin, sepsis and a number of other ailments).

Staphylococcus aureus is the most dangerous because it can cause the greatest number of diseases and affect the skin, mucous membranes, lungs, head and Bone marrow, organs of the gastrointestinal tract. This type of microbe is also dangerous because it has managed to adapt in the best possible way to all measures to combat it. So, there is a group of Staphylococcus aureus called methicillin-resistant. Its representatives are immune to penicillins and cephalosporins, oxacillins, methicillins. Their harmfulness lies in the fact that they are unusually tenacious, do not die in the sun, are stored dry, can endure boiling temperatures up to 150 degrees for 10 minutes, do not mind “swimming” in medical alcohol, and hydrogen peroxide is converted into their food.

Where does staphylococcus come from in the maternity hospital

According to statistics, each of us has several million bacteria. They populated all the niches environment. Staphylococcus is also ubiquitous. It is in the air, in the water, in the earth, on the surfaces we touch. Moreover, he lives in us and on us. Therefore, it is impossible to completely get rid of it. Staphylococcus infection can occur anywhere. In the maternity hospital, it is found on poorly processed instruments, on the snow-white gowns of the medical staff, on any surface, just in the air. Of course, it is present on the body of women in labor and on their clothes. Nurses and nurses regularly sanitize, but no matter how thorough it may be, new staphylococci very quickly repopulate the room. They are brought in by attendants or the medical staff themselves, they arrive in the ward with food or with things brought for the mother or for the baby.
You can catch staphylococcus aureus in the following ways:

  • through the toolkit;
  • airborne;
  • contact;
  • with poorly processed food.

You should not panic about this, because these microbes do not always cause diseases.

How do staphylococci get into breast milk?

Many are perplexed: where can staphylococcus in breast milk come from if the woman in labor is absolutely healthy? As we have already described, this microbe is everywhere, even in those maternity hospitals where thorough sanitation is regularly carried out. On the body of mothers, he also breeds with pleasure. To avoid it at all, a woman in labor should change clothes several times a day, and wear only boiled and ironed ones, and in addition, bathe daily. In practice, this is difficult to implement. It is much easier to wash your breasts and hands thoroughly before each feeding. Previously, in maternity hospitals, they additionally required to wipe the nipples with a solution of furacilin before feeding. Especially carefully it is necessary to process the nipple, on which cracks have formed. In these cases, staphylococci sitting on the skin and clothes easily get into the wounds and immediately begin to multiply there. Without treatment, a woman can develop a dangerous disease - infectious mastitis. Staphylococcus in breast milk appears precisely from these wounds and milk ducts infected with a microbe. Another reason is the presence of this infection in the body of a pregnant woman left without treatment. In this case, the microbe enters the milk through the lymphatic vessels. Sometimes a woman does not even suspect that there is a staphylococcal infection in her body, it is so sluggish and asymptomatic.

Who is staphylococcus dangerous for?

Microorganisms present in breast milk first enter the baby's mouth, and then into his gastrointestinal tract, but pathological conditions however, they do not always occur. Mother's milk, being the richest source vitamins, among other things, supplies the child with important antibodies that successfully fight microbes, including staphylococcus aureus. Therefore, most children's organisms do not react in any way to the presence of these microbes. They can cause disease in such children:

  • premature;
  • born with pathologies;
  • very weak, low weight;
  • receiving complementary foods from the first days of life.

Staphylococcus in infants: symptoms of damage to internal organs and mucous membranes

A dangerous microbe can infect the baby's mucous membranes. In this case, the following signs appear:

  • temperature;
  • cough;
  • "lined" mouth;
  • coryza with purulent discharge.

If staphylococcus has penetrated the baby's digestive tract, enterocolitis begins in him. Its symptoms:

  • liquid frequent stools with mucus;
  • refusal to eat, capriciousness;
  • bloating;
  • vomit;
  • increased anxiety;
  • colic;
  • temperature.

Most often in infants infected with staphylococcus aureus, conjunctivitis is observed. Signs of the disease:

  • souring of the eyes (when waking up, the baby finds it difficult to open them);
  • redness and swelling of the eyelids;
  • temperature.

When such symptoms appear, you need to consult a doctor, and not engage in self-diagnosis and treatment folk methods in the form of eyewashes, because the staphylococcus aureus driven inside will develop further.

Signs of staphylococcal skin lesions

Various kinds of rashes can also indicate staphylococcus aureus in infants. Symptoms of skin lesions often indicate such ailments:

1. Phlegmon. At the same time, the baby has an elevated temperature, reddened swellings are observed on the skin, to the touch of which the child reacts very painfully.

2. Abscess. It is also accompanied by fever, capriciousness, refusal of food. Pustules spread throughout the body. The skin around them becomes inflamed. When pressed, yellow-green pus flows out of them.

3. Pemphigus. Starting with a few blisters that many parents take for a benign allergic reaction on diapers, this disease without proper treatment turns into sepsis. Signs of "dangerous" bubbles are common: the capriciousness of the child, fever, unwillingness to eat.

4. Sepsis. This terrible disease often causes not staphylococcus in breast milk, but infection of the umbilical wound by medical staff or mother. Also, other, milder diseases, already caused by staphylococcus in milk, can develop into sepsis.


If staphylococcus aureus is suspected, the following tests are taken from the baby:

  • sowing from the nasopharynx;
  • skin scraping;
  • blood test (from a finger);
  • stool culture;
  • mucus bakposev.

An analysis of breast milk for staphylococcus is also carried out, but its positive result is not decisive. The fact is that you need to take the analysis in a 100% sterile environment, which is almost impossible to achieve in our laboratories.

To quit or not to quit breastfeeding

A number of doctors insist that if staphylococcus is detected, breastfeeding should be stopped, the mother should be treated with antibiotics, and only when the titers are completely free of staphylococcus, continue to breastfeed the baby. Most doctors, including the famous pediatrician Komarovsky, do not share this opinion. Mother's milk contains antibodies that are not found in any infant formula. They protect the child not only from staphylococcus aureus, but also from other dangerous microbes. Therefore, it is necessary to continue breastfeeding the baby. Of course, a woman is obliged to carefully comply with all hygiene requirements. Doctors recommend switching to artificial feeding only in especially severe cases, when a woman is diagnosed with severe diseases caused by staphylococci.

Breastfeeding for infectious mastitis

This disease often affects women who have given birth for the first time, because they do not immediately know how to properly attach the baby to the breast and control the arrival of milk in the mammary gland. In the first case, wounds appear on the nipple, which are immediately populated by staphylococci. In the second case, milk stagnates, lactostasis begins, breast tissue becomes inflamed. If inflammation has begun, and at the same time staphylococcus aureus is found in breast milk, a woman needs not only not to stop feeding, but, on the contrary, to apply the baby to her breast more often than usual. In some cases, additional pumping is required after feeding. Sometimes, according to the testimony of a woman, an incision is made on her chest so that the pus gets out. At the same time, a course of therapy with antibiotics is carried out. It is necessary to interrupt breastfeeding only if pus is released from the nipple along with milk. Then the breast is emptied with a breast pump, and after the disappearance of pus, lactation is continued again.


Antibiotics against staphylococcus, especially aureus, are not easy to pick up. In order not to make a mistake with the choice, you need to do an antibiogram. Basically, doctors prescribe Clarithromycin, Lincomycin, Azithromycin, Roxithromycin, Vancomycin, but these drugs may not be suitable for getting rid of methicillin-resistant streptococci.

Good results are obtained with preparations of bacteriophages that "work" with all groups of bacteria.

In the complex, doctors can prescribe probiotics and immunostimulants.

Ordinary brilliant green kills staphylococcus ideally, so it is imperative to lubricate the nipples if they have wounds.

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Girls who donated milk for analysis, help me figure it out !!! Today they took the results, here's what it says: “right-staphylococcus epidermidis V / ml 130 CFU Not mass growth, left-staphylococcus epidermidis V / ml 160 CFU Not mass growth. In the laboratory they said that the milk is normal, but they didn’t explain anything naturally !!! (I took the test because my daughter found dysbacteriosis and staphylococcus aureus) How do I ...

It never ceases to amaze me how many people in different parts of the world have no idea about the animals that live side by side with them. J. Darrell Guys, let's live together! A. HaytKokki are oval or spherical bacteria (the Greek word kokkos is translated as “seed”). Hundreds of the most diverse cocci surround a person throughout his life, but no, ...

Staphylococcus It never ceases to amaze me how many people in different parts of the world have no idea about the animals that live side by side with them. J. Darrell Guys, let's live together! A. HaytKokki are oval or spherical bacteria (the Greek word kokkos is translated as "seed"). Hundreds of the most diverse cocci surround a person throughout his life, ...

Cocci are oval or spherical bacteria (the Greek word kokkos is translated as "seed"). Hundreds of the most diverse cocci surround a person throughout his life, but perhaps there is no microbe more famous than staphylococcus aureus. The microbiological term staphylococcus was introduced in medical practice way back in 1881. Under the microscope, you can see that cocci gather in groups, ...

Cocci are oval or spherical bacteria (the Greek word kokkos is translated as "seed"). Hundreds of the most diverse cocci surround a person throughout his life, but perhaps there is no microbe more famous than staphylococcus aureus. The microbiological term staphylococcus was introduced into medical practice back in 1881. Under the microscope, you can see that cocci gather in groups, ...

Breast milk is the ideal food for a newborn. Milk contains vitamins and elements necessary for the full growth and development of the baby. Therefore, it is important for a nursing mother to take care of the quality of milk and periodically take an analysis. After all, breast milk can contain various bacteria, from completely harmless to quite dangerous.

Staphylococci are common in humans. It tends to spread rapidly in the body with a weakened immune system and infect internal organs and tissues. The fungus can be found on the skin and mucous membranes, in the intestines and breast milk.

Characterization of bacteria

A medical analysis will tell you about the presence of bacteria in milk. At the same time, staphylococcus does not always cause health problems. At good immunity for a nursing mother, it is safe for the baby, since the antibodies in breast milk simply block the bactericidal substances.

But it should be borne in mind that the woman's body is depleted after childbirth, and immunity, most often, is weakened. Then staphylococcus begins to multiply and poison the body with toxins. As a result, the risk of skin inflammation, blood poisoning (sepsis), pneumonia, meningitis and other organ damage increases. In this case, it is necessary to start treatment.

Most often, staphylococci are harmless and do not manifest themselves in any way. However, with an unfavorable microflora, they multiply, infect and poison the body with harmful substances and cause dangerous diseases, including thrush and E. coli. The development and reproduction of bacteria is facilitated by weak immunity, injuries and operations, and intestinal dysbacteriosis.

Staphylococcus aureus - a danger to mom and baby!

Staphylococcus aureus is the most dangerous type of infection. Such bacteria have microcapsules and golden color. They quickly penetrate into tissues and organs, where they form toxic enzymes. Such substances destroy the internal structure of cells and cause a number of dangerous diseases.

The main reason for the occurrence of fungus in breast milk is cracks and sores on the nipples, through which bacteria penetrate.

The following symptoms will help determine the presence of staphylococcus aureus:

  • Painful cracks and abrasions on the nipples;
  • Inflammation of the mammary glands;
  • Intense throbbing chest pains;
  • Discharge of pus from the nipples;
  • Heat;
  • Rapid fatigue and malaise.

If you find these symptoms, immediately do an analysis and start treatment. Staphylococcus aureus in breast milk causes many ailments and diseases in mothers and babies.

Consequences of Staphylococcus aureus

To get rid of the infection, a long and carefully selected treatment is required. Staphylococcus aureus is very resistant and cannot be treated with alcohol or hydrogen peroxide. Only a doctor can prescribe treatment for staphylococcus aureus!

Epidermal staphylococcus aureus

Epidermal staphylococcus (staphylococcus epidermidis) lives on the skin. isolated dozens of varieties of these bacteria that do not harm humans. These bacteria are found on the skin and pass into the milk when expressed. A skin infection is not dangerous and does not lead to serious illness. And the presence of such bacteria in milk does not interfere with breastfeeding.


With stagnation of milk and seals, a nursing mother should definitely consult a doctor. If not properly treated, lactostasis will lead to serious illnesses one of which is mastitis.

How to determine the presence of bacteria in milk: we pass the analysis

If you have concerns about the presence of dangerous bacteria in breast milk, you need to get tested. Take and boil two jars for 40 minutes. Wash your hands and nipples thoroughly, wipe your breasts with a paper towel,

Start expressing milk. How to express milk with your hands, the recommendations from this article will tell you. Skip the first 10 ml and start collecting milk from the right breast into one jar, and from the left into another. It is necessary to hand over milk for analysis within three hours.

Also, if a staphylococcal infection is suspected, a stool sample is taken from the baby. For the reliability of the result, the procedure is repeated two or three times in two days.

If your fears are confirmed, don't panic! See your doctor for the right treatment. With such an infection, you can continue to breastfeed. Breastfeeding is stopped only if a woman has purulent mastitis.

Prevention and treatment

We remind you that only a doctor prescribes treatment! It is important that the drugs taken are compatible with lactation and do not harm the baby. Antibiotics, which are contraindicated during breastfeeding, often help with such infections.

To support microflora and destroy harmful bacteria a nursing mother is prescribed probiotics and antiseptics for plant-based. Popular drugs are rotokan and chlorophyllipt. Solutions are used to wipe the nipples for two to three weeks. Such funds are safe for babies and do not require cessation of breastfeeding.

To prevent contamination of milk, it is necessary to follow the recommendations for compliance with the rules of feeding and preventive measures:

  • It is necessary to establish proper breastfeeding. Feed your baby on demand, not on schedule. Apply the baby in the right position, make sure that it captures the nipple and areola;
  • Follow the hygiene of the nipples and breasts! Wash twice a day using only neutral liquid soap. Dry your breasts with paper towels or tissues. regular soap and towels irritate nipples;
  • If cracks or abrasions appear on the nipples, use special compresses, ointments and gels for the chest. What remedies for cracked nipples can be used during lactation, read here;
  • To prevent cracks, use solutions of vitamins A and E. They increase skin elasticity, prevent injuries and promote rapid recovery.
  • Use comfortable, soft underwear while breastfeeding that won't chafe or nip into your nipples.
  • Put special liners in your bra that absorb excess liquid. Be sure to change your pads when they get wet!
  • Regularly check the breast for lumps and milk stasis;
  • Food is often the cause of the infection. A breastfeeding mother should carefully plan her diet. Remove sweets and flour products from the menu, as they create a favorable area for the growth and reproduction of bacteria. Compose correct menu with lactation, advice from the article “Nutrition after childbirth” will help.

Proper organization of breastfeeding the baby and the nutrition of the nursing mother will prevent staphylococcus aureus in breast milk. Don't forget to take care of your baby!

Often during the study, staphylococcus aureus is found in the breast milk of a nursing mother. It turns out that mother's milk is not always beneficial. If you suspect any violation in the process of feeding, you should contact a specialist. The analysis of breast milk for sterility will bring clarity to the solution of the problem.

Description of the problem

Various types of staphylococcus live in breast milk - microorganisms that belong to the conditionally pathogenic sphere of man. Staphylococcus can be found everywhere - in the air, on the skin, in products, in the internal organs of a person.

At the same time, it does not make itself felt for a long time, but if favorable conditions have been created, the abundant spread of these microbes begins. This can lead to serious illness.

This microorganism begins to multiply in such cases as:

  • lowered immunity;
  • colds and any other infectious diseases;
  • coli;
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • transferred operations.

With the spread and increase in the number of microbes, intoxication of the body occurs. There are complications - pneumonia, meningitis, blood poisoning.

The most dangerous microbe found in breast milk is Staphylococcus aureus.

  1. It can release harmful toxic substances that destroy healthy cells in the body. Causes purulent diseases.
  2. Reduces the body's defenses.
  3. Develops rapid resistance to antibiotics.
  4. Pathogenic microbes can be spread by airborne droplets. Infection can also be in utero.
  5. The disease can start several times.

Staphylococcus aureus causes certain disorders in the body:

  • various purulent skin diseases (pustules, boils);
  • disorders of the digestive system (nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain);
  • inflammatory, infectious diseases of the nasopharynx (tonsillitis, otitis media, sinusitis);
  • eye diseases (conjunctivitis).

If epidermal staphylococcus aureus was found in the composition of milk, the analysis should be retaken. Before this, you need to follow all hygiene rules, since a similar type of bacteria could get from the upper layers of the skin. In addition, doctors allow a small amount of this type of staphylococcus aureus in breast milk.

How to recognize staphylococcus aureus

The hit comes from external environment. On the nipples, especially in the first weeks of feeding, many cracks form, through which bacteria penetrate into breast milk. Only a special analysis will help to accurately determine their presence.

The main symptoms of the presence of staphylococcus aureus in breast milk:

  • microcracks appear on the nipples, which cause pain and discomfort;
  • pulsating strong pain in the chest indicates the development of the inflammatory process;
  • purulent discharge from the nipples;
  • if Staphylococcus aureus is observed in breast milk, then fever, weakness and loss of appetite may be added to the symptoms.

The child also has loss of appetite, diarrhea, lack of weight gain.

Study of breast milk for sterility

To obtain correct result research needs to be prepared. Breast milk for analysis is delivered to the laboratory immediately after collection.

To collect breast milk, certain rules must be followed.

  1. Milk from the right and left breasts is collected in separate containers.
  2. The container must be sterile, for which it must be boiled for several minutes. Jars can be bought at a pharmacy.
  3. Hands and nipples should be thoroughly washed and dried with a clean towel.
  4. Discard the first few mg of milk. For analysis, 10 ml from each breast is enough.

A complete analysis of breast milk is ready a week after delivery. It is this time that is enough for sowing bacteria and their maturation. After staphylococcus aureus has been discovered, a study of their resistance to various antibiotics is being carried out. In parallel, you can analyze the feces for the presence of staphylococcus aureus in the child's body.

Treatment of the disease

Even if pathogenic microorganisms have been detected, breastfeeding of the child does not stop. When the analysis of breast milk is carried out, medications that are safe for the baby's body are prescribed. Doctors forbid feeding in the presence of purulent mastitis.

  1. If these bacteria are found, then the nipples should be treated with antiseptics (chlorophyllipt, bacteriophage). Chlorophyllipt can be administered to the mother and inside.
  2. When feeding a baby, you should use special nipple pads that will reduce pain and the likelihood of transferring germs to the baby.
  3. Antibiotics are prescribed. Your doctor may advise you to stop breastfeeding during treatment, but in most cases this is not required.
  4. Complex of vitamins and minerals.
  5. Drugs that increase immunity.
  6. Restoration of the hormonal background.

For the treatment of a child, probiotics are prescribed, which contribute to the restoration of the intestinal sphere. If staphylococcus is detected in a child, antibiotic therapy is performed.

If alarming symptoms appear, it is better to go to the hospital and donate milk for examination.


Cracks in the nipples can appear for various reasons - for example, improper attachment of the baby to the breast, or when he was taught to bottle feed from the first hours of life. To avoid sores on the nipples, you need to follow certain rules.

  1. Immediately after the birth of the child, it must be applied to the breast.
  2. Breastfeeding is on demand.
  3. It is necessary to breastfeed the child to the last - you should not grab a bottle for any problem.
  4. Not recommended to wash mammary glands soap - it dries the skin and can cause cracking.
  5. You should not eat fried, sweet and spicy foods, as they create a favorable environment for the growth of bacteria.
  6. You can treat the nipples with solutions that contain vitamins A and E, which prevent the appearance of cracks and wounds.

If the mother begins to feed with mixtures, then this is an additional burden on digestive system the body of the chest. There may be a violation of the stool, a rash may appear.

Do not give up breastfeeding, because it is the main source of increasing the immune forces of the child's body. Milk strengthens internal organs baby, the formation of the intestinal flora is faster. No other remedy can replace the nutrients and vitamins found in breast milk.

There are many varieties of staphylococcus bacteria. You can find them in the ground and air, and some species are freely located on the human body or in the fur of animals. Some staphylococci are conditionally pathogenic and do not pose a threat with a small accumulation of them, but become dangerous with a decrease in immunity. In this case, it is difficult for the body to resist the development of infections. There are epidermal staphylococcus aureus, saprophytic and golden. The latter is the most dangerous, but at the same time the most common.

Distinctive features of Staphylococcus aureus

Staphylococcus aureus is very common in breast milk. Why this species infection is the most dangerous? The fact is that these bacteria are quite resistant to external factors and only the enzyme coagulase can kill them. It causes the Staphylococcus aureus bacterium to curl up.

The viability of this infection helps it to spread almost everywhere in various ways. Most people constantly carry bacterial colonies on themselves, from where they can be transmitted to others, but only a person with weak immunity. Childbirth seriously hits the female immune system so moms in postpartum period are included in the risk group.

Some myths about staphylococci

What to do when a mother who is breastfeeding has found pathogenic bacteria. If the test of breast milk for staphylococcus aureus is positive, doctors often immediately prescribe treatment for both mother and baby.

Some experts advise temporarily suspending breastfeeding until the infection is completely eliminated from the milk. These methods are not always justified and are based on outdated data on staphylococcal infections:

  1. if staphylococcus is detected, it will certainly lead to the development of the disease. Considering the fact that these bacteria can be found anywhere, and it is impossible to create sterile conditions when taking samples, pathogens can get into the test material from the hands, skin of the chest, and even from the air;
  2. if staphylococcus bacteria are detected, treatment is necessary. This statement is true only in cases where, in addition to a positive laboratory test, a woman or child experiences additionally any discomfort. If the inflammatory processes in the mother's body do not develop and the baby feels great, there is no need to resort to medications and stop putting the baby to the breast. It must be remembered that breast milk is not sterilized, and, therefore, contains a number of bacteria that enter both from the woman's body and from her skin. Accordingly, the baby receives them in microdoses daily and staphylococci are no exception here.
  3. All types of infections are dangerous. Not always. A positive culture for staphylococcus does not mean that you need to urgently drink a course of antibiotics and other drugs. With normal health of the mother and child, you can do without drug therapy, even if Staphylococcus aureus bacteria are detected.
  4. The presence of bacteria in breast milk will definitely affect the baby negatively. Strong and healthy baby staphylococci found in breast milk cannot cause serious problems. Another thing is if the child's immunity is reduced and other infections are present in the body.

The presence of staphylococcus in breast milk is explained by its penetration into the mammary glands from the affected organs or from the skin. Milk is not a favorable breeding ground for bacteria, so they simply pour into its stream.

How does infection occur?

The ubiquitous presence of staphylococcal bacteria causes several options for infection.


This way of spreading infections is typical for hospitals and maternity hospitals. Viruses that live in medical institutions are very difficult to treat, some do not give up even before antibiotics. To combat such phenomena, hospital wards are quartzized daily and subjected to mandatory sanitization after patients are discharged. Such measures in most cases prevent the further spread of bacteria.

contact method

Initially, bacteria spread on the skin, where they get from the railing, furniture upholstery, or through a greeting handshake. A hygiene rule familiar from childhood will help to avoid serious problems: wash your hands regularly and with soap.

intrauterine infection

From the future mother-carrier, the infection can be transmitted to her fetus and the newborn will immediately have symptoms of the disease. Bacteria concentrate in carious cavities, intestines with chronic dysbacteriosis, affected mucous membranes of the throat (chronic tonsillitis).

When breastfeeding, staphylococcus enters milk most often from the skin. The cracks that form on the nipples are a comfortable and suitable place for bacteria to breed.. There are all conditions here: warm and humid. Self-monitoring of the condition of the breast and treatment of cracks will help prevent the development of infection during lactation.

If preventive measures are not taken in time, the number of bacteria will steadily increase, and their concentration in milk will increase. Such a development of events will undoubtedly lead to serious illnesses.

The risk of infection is increased in children:

  • not gaining weight;
  • born prematurely;
  • those with weakened immunity;
  • supplemented with formula milk.

Where is staphylococcus hiding?

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Staphylococcal bacteria are not formed in breast milk, so their presence in the body is caused by inflammatory processes in other organs. For proper treatment it is necessary to determine the focus of the disease by symptoms.

Inside the body

If the baby's stool changes, it becomes like gruel and in it, then this may be evidence of enterocolitis. There are pains in the tummy, giving the child discomfort and anxiety. Often there is an increase in body temperature and vomiting.


The defeat of staphylococci skin leads to the development of vesicles. Small blisters appear on the body of the baby, containing a cloudy liquid. Eruptions are localized mainly in the lower abdomen, on the back and neck folds. Lack of treatment threatens the development of sepsis. It is impossible to leave such manifestations unattended.

Purulent formations on the skin. Abscesses can be either single or multiple, covering any area of ​​the body. The abscess contains green or yellow color, and the skin around it has a purple-red tint.

The child has a fever and weakness. In a nursing woman, an abscess is localized in the chest, which is difficult to immediately recognize. It will manifest itself only after lactostasis, which later turned into mastitis. But with regular breastfeeding, the first stage of the disease is easily treated. It is enough to put the baby to the breast as often as possible.

Development inflammatory processes in the subcutaneous tissue is characterized elevated temperature, soreness and redness of the skin at the sites of pus formation. Phlegmon causes the child acute pain.


Bacteria that have fallen on the mucous membrane of the eyes are likely to lead to. With this disease, there is swelling of the eyelids, soreness of the eyes, tearing and purulent discharge. After sleep, it is difficult for the baby to open his eyes, as the eyelids stick together due to accumulated pus.


It is not in vain that so much attention is paid to the umbilical wound, bacteria that have penetrated through it lead to sepsis. Weak organism react violently to such interference. Initially, the site of the lesion becomes inflamed, and very quickly the infection spreads to all organs. Jaundice develops, the liver enlarges, purulent lesions appear on the skin, breathing becomes difficult and the work of the heart is disrupted.

Staphylococcus in milk may not be dangerous, but if symptoms of diseases are found, you should seek medical help. Patients with severe forms of infection are referred for inpatient treatment, because we can talk about a threat to the life of the baby. Therefore, you should not self-medicate and resort to recipes of traditional healers.

Infection Diagnosis

In the absence of health complaints, there is no need to undergo a study for the presence of infections, but what to do when they appear anxiety symptoms? A small amount of bacteria in breast milk is quite acceptable, but when this limit is significantly exceeded, this leads to problems.

Finds and determines the type of bacteria in milk. The main thing is that the milk for analysis is collected correctly:

  1. It is necessary to collect and donate milk in different containers, previously marked: “left”, “right”;
  2. It is better to use disposable containers, but if this is not possible, pre-boil glass jars;
  3. Before pumping, wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water;
  4. The first portion of milk is not suitable for analysis, it is expressed separately, after which the breast should be rinsed and wiped dry;
  5. After collecting the required amount of milk in jars, they are tightly closed;
  6. After collecting the material, the milk should be delivered to the laboratory as soon as possible.

Breastfeeding in the presence of an infection

Staphylococcus found in breast milk is not a cause for panic. Even when it is transmitted to the intestines of the baby, the likelihood of developing any diseases is far from 100%. In addition to nutrients, milk contains immunoglobulins and a number of other components, the action of which is aimed at strengthening protective functions small organism. Therefore, in most cases, the intestinal microflora independently copes with pathogenic bacteria without the additional use of medications.

When is treatment impossible?

If it was not possible to cope with lactostasis and it turned into infectious mastitis, then it will not be possible to do without therapy. At the same time, it is not necessary to interrupt breastfeeding, on the contrary, it is necessary to increase the number of attachments of the child to the breast. For treatment, antibiotics are used that are allowed for lactating women and do not harm the child.

Signs in a child of the development of a staphylococcal infection with a high concentration of bacteria in milk lead to refusal to breastfeed. Although this decision should be made only on an individual basis in consultation with the attending physician, most likely the body of the causes of the development of the disease lies in reduced immunity.

Dr. Komarovsky advises to be attentive to the condition of the baby. If staphylococcus aureus is found in the presence of cracks in the chest, but the child does not show any symptoms of infection, it is not worth interrupting breastfeeding. Mom is being treated.

Staphylococcus aureus can appear in milk different ways, and it is not possible to pass the analysis in sterile conditions. Decide how to treat the disease and whether feeding should be interrupted individually. Unequivocal indications for the appointment of therapy are cracks in the chest, which require treatment and obvious symptoms development of inflammatory processes in a child.