
What does a sodium chloride dropper do? Why is a Sodium Chloride drip prescribed? What is sodium chloride prescribed for?

The site provides background information for informational purposes only. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases must be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. Consultation with a specialist is required!


Basics active substance: sodium chloride(NaCl) - white crystals with a salty taste, easily soluble in water, but poorly soluble in ethanol.

IN medical purposes apply:
1. Isotonic (physiological) 0.9% solution containing sodium chloride – 9 g, distilled water – up to 1 liter.
2. Hypertonic 10% solution containing sodium chloride - 100 g, distilled water - up to 1 liter.

Release form

  • To dissolve medicinal substances for intramuscular and subcutaneous injections, a 0.9% sodium chloride solution is produced in ampoules of 5, 10, 20 ml.
  • For dissolving medications, intravenous drips, enemas and external use: 0.9% sodium chloride solution in bottles of 100, 200, 400 and 1000 ml.
  • For intravenous injection and external use: 10% sodium chloride solution in bottles of 200 and 400 ml.
  • For oral (inside) administration: tablets 0.9 g. To use, the tablet must be dissolved in 100 ml of boiled warm water.
  • For treating the nasal cavity: nasal spray – 10 ml.

Pharmacological action

Sodium chloride is responsible in the body for maintaining constant pressure in the blood plasma and extracellular fluid. Its required amount enters the body with food.

Various pathological conditions (for example, diarrhea, vomiting, extensive burns), accompanied by increased secretion of sodium chloride, provoke a deficiency of sodium and chlorine ions. This leads to thickening of the blood, convulsive muscle contractions, spasms of smooth muscles, and dysfunction may develop. nervous system and blood circulation. Timely introduction of an isotonic solution into the body replenishes the lack of fluid in the body and temporarily restores the water-salt balance. However, due to the same osmotic pressure as blood plasma, the solution is not retained in the vascular bed. After 1 hour, no more than half of the administered amount of the substance remains in the vessels. This explains the insufficient effectiveness of isotonic solution in such severe conditions like blood loss. It has detoxification and plasma-substituting properties.

Hypertonic sodium chloride solution, when administered intravenously, enhances diuresis and replenishes the deficiency of sodium and chlorine ions.

Indications for use

Saline solution is used for:
  • Restoring water balance in case of dehydration caused by various reasons.
  • Maintaining plasma volume during surgery and after.
  • Detoxification of the body (food poisoning, dysentery, cholera, etc.).
  • Maintaining plasma volume in case of extensive burns, diarrhea, blood loss, diabetic coma.
  • Eye rinsing for inflammatory and allergic irritations of the cornea.
  • Washing the nasal mucosa for allergic rhinitis, nasopharyngitis, prevention of sinusitis, acute respiratory infections, after removal of polyps and adenoids.
  • Inhalations respiratory tract(using special devices - inhalers).
It is used to treat wounds, moisturize bandages and fabric dressings. The neutral medium of saline solution is well suited for dissolution medicines and joint intravenous infusion with other agents.

Hypertonic solution is used for:
1. Deficiency of the elements sodium and chlorine.
2. Dehydration effect various reasons: pulmonary, gastric and intestinal bleeding, burns, vomiting, diarrhea.
3. Silver nitrate poisoning.

Used as aid when increased diuresis (increased urine volume) is necessary. It is used externally for antimicrobial treatment of wounds, rectally for enemas for constipation.

Sodium chloride - instructions for use

Isotonic (physiological) sodium chloride solution is administered intravenously and subcutaneously. More often - intravenously. Before use, it is recommended to warm the solution to 36-38 o C. The administered volume depends on the patient’s condition and the amount of fluid lost by the body. The patient's age and body weight are taken into account. The average daily dose is 500 ml (it completely covers the daily need for sodium chloride), the average rate of administration is 540 ml/h. The maximum daily volume of 3000 ml is administered in cases of severe intoxication and dehydration. If necessary, a drip infusion of 500 ml is carried out at a fairly high speed- 70 drops/minute.

The dose of the solution for children depends on body weight and age. On average, it ranges from 20 to 100 ml per day per 1 kg of body weight.
At long-term use large doses of sodium chloride, it is necessary to analyze the content of electrolytes in plasma and urine.

For breeding medicines administered by drop method, 50 to 250 ml of sodium chloride solution is used per dose of the drug. To determine the rate of administration and dose, they are guided by the recommendations for the main therapeutic drug.

A hypertonic sodium chloride solution is administered intravenously in a stream (slowly), on average 10-30 ml. A 2-5% solution is used for gastric lavage in case of poisoning with silver nitrate, which turns into non-toxic silver chloride. In cases requiring immediate replenishment of sodium and chlorine ions in the body (food poisoning, vomiting), 100 ml of solution is administered dropwise.

For rectal enemas to induce defecation, 100 ml of a 5% solution or 3000 ml/day of an isotonic solution is sufficient. Hypertensive enema is also used for cardiac and renal edema, hypertension and intracranial pressure. Contraindications to it are inflammation and erosion of the lower colon.

Processing purulent wounds carried out in accordance with the treatment regimen. A compress moistened with a solution is applied to a festering wound, abscesses, boils and phlegmons. This causes the death of microorganisms and the separation of pus from the problem area.

To treat the nasal mucosa, you can use a nasal spray, a ready-made isotonic solution, or a solution obtained by dissolving a tablet.

The solution is instilled after clearing the nasal cavity of mucus. When instilling into the left nostril, the head should be tilted to the right and slightly tilted back. In the case of the right nostril, it’s the opposite. Adult dose– 2 drops in the right and left nostril, children from one year old – 1-2 drops, up to one year – 1 drop 3-4 times a day, with medicinal or for preventive purposes. Average rate therapy – 21 days.

Rinsing the nasal cavity is carried out in a lying position. Adults can use a syringe for this procedure. After the procedure, you need to stand up to clear your nose of thin mucus and restore breathing.

To effectively inject the spray, you need to take a shallow breath through your nose, and then lie down for a few minutes with your head thrown back. Adults are prescribed 2 doses, children over 2 years old - 1-2 doses 3-4 times a day.

For treatment colds inhalations with sodium chloride are used. To do this, mix equal amounts of an isotonic solution with bronchodilators (Lazolvan, Ambroxol, Tussamag, Gedelix). The duration of the procedure for adults is 10 minutes, for children – 5-7 minutes 3 times a day.

To relieve attacks of allergic cough and bronchial asthma, an isotonic solution is added to drugs that dilate the bronchi (Berodual, Berotek, Ventolin).

Sodium chloride 10 - instructions for use

Hypertonic sodium chloride solution is a clear, colorless, odorless liquid with a very salty taste. The solution for intravenous administration must be sterile, securely packaged, free from foreign impurities, sediment, crystals and turbidity.

For self-cooking solution 4 tablespoons (without slides) of salt are dissolved in 1 liter of boiled warm water. The solution is used for enemas.

Sodium chloride 9 - instructions for use

Isotonic sodium chloride solution is a clear, colorless, odorless liquid with a slightly salty taste. Ampoules and bottles must be free of cracks and breaks. The solution is sterile, without foreign impurities, sediment, crystals and turbidity.

Instructions for preparing saline solution at home: A teaspoon (heaped) of ordinary table salt is stirred in 1 liter of boiled warm water. Since the prepared solution is not sterilized, its shelf life is one day. This solution is suitable for inhalations, enemas, rinses and local application. Strictly contraindicated for intravenous or intramuscular administration, eye treatment and open wounds. Before each use, the required amount of solution is warmed to room temperature. Home cooking saline solution is justified only in extreme cases, when it is impossible to visit the pharmacy.


Isotonic (physiological) sodium chloride solution is contraindicated in the following cases:
  • increased content of sodium ions in the body;
  • increased content of chlorine ions in the body;
  • lack of potassium;
  • circulatory fluid disorders, with the possibility of cerebral and pulmonary edema;
  • acute heart failure;
  • intracellular dehydration;
  • extracellular excess fluid;
  • treatment with significant doses of corticosteroids.
Use with great caution in patients with changes in excretory function kidneys, as well as in children and the elderly.

Contraindications for hypertonic solution: injection under the skin or into muscles is strictly prohibited. When the solution comes into contact with tissues, fluid passes from the cells into the solution. Cells, losing water, shrink and die from dehydration. This is how necrosis (death) of tissue occurs.

Side effects

When the solution is administered intravenously, symptoms may appear: local reactions: burning sensation and hyperemia at the site of application.

At long-term use The drug may cause symptoms of intoxication of the body:

  • discomfort in organs digestive system: nausea, vomiting, stomach cramps, diarrhea;
  • disorders of the nervous system: lacrimation, constant thirst, anxiety, sweating, dizziness, headache, weakness;
  • arterial hypertension, rapid heartbeat and pulse;
  • menstrual irregularities;
  • excess fluid content in the body or its parts (edema), which indicates a pathological shift in water-salt metabolism;
  • acidosis – a shift in the body’s acid-base balance towards increased acidity;
  • hypokalemia – a decrease in potassium content in the body’s blood.
If side effects occur, the drug should be stopped. It is necessary to assess the patient’s well-being, provide adequate assistance and save the bottle with the remaining solution for analysis.

Sodium chloride during pregnancy

It is believed that the body's daily sodium requirement is about 4-5 grams. However, during pregnancy this value must be reduced to a minimum. Excess sodium in the food consumed leads to fluid retention in the body, resulting in increased blood density and blood pressure. This further leads to severe swelling (preeclampsia). Constantly monitoring the sodium chloride content in food will help avoid edema.

It is impossible to do without this important microelement, since it is necessary for the normal functioning of all intracellular and intercellular processes, maintaining a constant salt balance and osmotic pressure not only for the mother, but also for the child.

The main source of sodium chloride for a pregnant woman is ordinary table salt, which consists of 99.85 of this important element. To reduce your sodium chloride intake, you can use low-sodium salt. This salt additionally contains potassium and magnesium salts.

Consumption of iodized salt will provide the necessary dose of iodine, a microelement that affects the stability of pregnancy.

Physiological solution of sodium chloride is used intravenously in pregnant women under the following conditions:
1. Preeclampsia (increased concentration of sodium in the blood plasma) with severe swelling.
2. Medium and severe stages of toxicosis.

Interaction with other drugs

Sodium chloride is compatible with almost all medications. This determines its use for dissolving and diluting drugs. During the process, visual control of their compatibility is necessary (absence of sediment, flakes, crystal formation and color change).

The drug norepinephrine, which is stable in an acidic environment, is poorly compatible with the neutral environment of sodium chloride.

Simultaneous administration with corticosteroids requires constant monitoring of the level of electrolytes in the blood.

The hypotensive effect of the drugs Enalapril and Spirapril is reduced when taking sodium chloride drugs.

The leukopoiesis stimulator Filgrastim and sodium chloride are incompatible.


Sodium chloride


Has a detoxifying and rehydrating effect.
Replenishes sodium deficiency in various pathological conditions body and temporarily increases the volume of fluid circulating in the vessels.
Pharmacodynamic properties of the solution due to the presence of sodium and chloride ions. A number of ions, including sodium ions, penetrate through cell membrane using various transport mechanisms, among which the sodium-potassium pump (Na-K-ATPase) is of great importance.
Sodium plays important role in signal transmission in neurons, electrophysiological processes of the heart, as well as in metabolic processes in the kidneys.
Sodium excreted primarily by the kidneys however, a large amount of sodium is reabsorbed (renal reabsorption). A small amount of sodium is excreted in feces and through sweating.

Indications for

Isotonic extracellular dehydration;
- hyponatremia;
- dilution and dissolution of parenterally administered medicinal substances (as a base solution).

Directions for use:

Intravenously(usually by drip).
Necessary dose can be calculated in mEq or mmol of sodium, mass of sodium ions or mass of sodium chloride (1 g NaCl = 394 mg, 17.1 mEq or 17.1 mmol Na and Cl).

The dose is determined depending on the patient’s condition, loss of body fluid, Na+ and Cl-, age, and body weight of the patient. Serum plasma and urine electrolyte concentrations should be carefully monitored.
Dose of sodium chloride solution for adults ranges from 500 ml to 3 liters per day.
Dose of sodium chloride solution for children ranges from 20 ml to 100 ml per day per kg of body weight (depending on age and total body weight).

Injection ratedepends on the patient's condition.
Recommended dose when used for dilution and dissolution of parenterally administered drugs (as a base solution-solvent) is in the range from 50 ml to 250 ml per dose of the administered drug.
In this case, the dose and rate of administration of the solution are determined by the recommendations for the use of the administered drug.

During any infusion it is necessary to monitor the patient's condition For clinical and biological indicators, it is especially important to evaluate plasma electrolytes.
In children's bodies Due to immature renal function, sodium excretion may slow down. Therefore, in such patients, repeated infusions should be carried out only after determining the plasma sodium concentration.

Use only clear solution, without visible inclusions, if the packaging is not damaged.
Enter immediately after connecting to the infusion system.
Do not connect plastic containers in series. This may result in an air embolism due to the ingestion of air remaining in the first container, which may occur before the solution from the next container is released.
The solution should be administered using sterile equipment in compliance with the rules of asepsis and antisepsis.
To prevent air from entering the infusion system, it should be filled with solution, releasing any remaining air from the container completely.
Other drugs can be added to the solution before or during the infusion by injection into a specially designated area of ​​the container.

As with all parenteral solutions, the compatibility of added substances with the solution must be determined before reconstitution.
Should not be used with sodium chloride solution 0.9% drugs known to be incompatible with it.
A doctor should determine the compatibility of added medicinal substances with a 0.9% sodium chloride solution by checking for possible changes in color and/or the appearance of sediment, insoluble complexes or crystals.
Before adding, it is necessary to determine whether the substance being added is soluble and stable in water at the pH level of a 0.9% sodium chloride solution.

When adding the drug it is necessary determine the isotonicity of the resulting solution before infusion.
Before adding drugs to the solution, they must be thoroughly mixed in compliance with aseptic rules.
The prepared solution should be administered immediately after preparation, do not store!

Addition of other drugs or violation of administration technique may cause fever due to the possible entry of pyrogens into the body.
In case of development of undesirable reactions, you must immediately stop administering the solution.
Before using the solution, you should not remove the container from the outer protective polypropylene/polyamide bag in which it is placed, as it maintains the sterility of the drug.

Side effects:

- hyperhydration;
- hypokalemia.
At correct use unwanted effects are unlikely.

When using sodium chloride solution 0.9% as a base solution (solvent) for other drugs, the likelihood of side effects is determined by the properties of these drugs.
In this case, when adverse reactions the solution should be suspended, the patient's condition assessed, appropriate measures taken, and the remaining solution retained for analysis, if necessary.
If any of the side effects indicated in the instructions get worse, or you notice any other side effects not listed in the instructions, tell your doctor.


Hypernatremia, acidosis, hyperchloremia, hypokalemia, extracellular hyperhydration;
- circulatory disorders that threaten cerebral and pulmonary edema;
- cerebral edema, pulmonary edema, acute left ventricular failure, concomitant administration of corticosteroids in large doses.

When adding other drugs to the solution Contraindications to these drugs must be taken into account.
With caution: decompensated chronic heart failure, arterial hypertension, peripheral edema, preeclampsia, chronic renal failure (oligo-, anuria), aldosteronism and other conditions associated with sodium retention in the body.

In the body of children due to the immaturity of kidney function sodium excretion may slow down. Therefore, in such patients, repeated infusions should be carried out only after determining the plasma sodium concentration.

Impact on the ability to drive vehicles and operate machinery
Not described.

Interaction with
other medicinal
by other means:

The drug is compatible with most drugs, so it is used to dissolve various drugs.
Simultaneous administration with corticosteroids or corticotropin requires constant monitoring of blood electrolyte levels.
It is also necessary to take into account the instructions for use of the added drugs.

Pathological processes (poisoning, burns, infections) and many diseases cause intoxication of the body or large losses of fluid. To remove toxins from tissues and restore the required volume of circulating fluid, it is necessary effective means. Such a remedy is sodium chloride.

What does sodium chloride deficiency lead to in the body?

Human blood and tissue fluids contain sodium and chlorine ions in the required quantities. They take part in the formation of hydrochloric acid. Sodium chloride is an important component that provides the required osmotic pressure of blood plasma and lymph. In the required quantities, sodium chloride enters the human body along with food.

In various pathological conditions, such as indomitable, extensive, dysfunction of the adrenal cortex, there is a loss of sodium and chloride ions, which leads to sodium chloride deficiency. A decrease in the concentration of sodium chloride in the blood plasma leads to the fact that water from the vascular bed passes into the interstitial fluid, forming a thickening of the blood. A significant lack of sodium chloride in the body can cause dysfunction of the nervous and cardiovascular systems and spasm of smooth muscles, leading to convulsive contractions of skeletal muscles.

Medical uses of sodium chloride

Sodium chloride is widely used in medicine in the form of saline solutions. Depending on the concentration, sodium chloride solutions are isotonic (0.9%) and hypertonic (3-5-10%).

Isotonic solution

Isotonic sodium chloride solution is produced as a colorless liquid with a salty taste. It has an osmotic pressure similar to the osmotic pressure of blood plasma and is used in the following cases:

  • to regulate the state of body systems during dehydration, when a large loss of fluid occurs and blood circulation is impaired;
  • in case of intoxication of the body, which is caused by diseases such as acute form dysentery, food poisoning;
  • for dissolving drugs;
  • to remove harmful substances from the body;
  • for washing contact lenses;
  • in case of large blood losses during operations to restore the required level of blood concentration.

An isotonic solution is administered intravenously, subcutaneously and in enemas. The dosage regimen for each patient is set individually depending on clinical picture And general condition. When using the solution for injection, important requirements must be observed: the solution must be absolutely sterile and not cause an increase in body temperature upon administration.

When administering an isotonic solution in excess doses, problems may occur. side effects: chloride acidosis (excessive chlorine ions in the blood, causing acidification), hyperhydration (increased fluid content) and excretion from the body large quantity potassium

An isotonic solution only temporarily increases the volume of fluid, since it is removed from the body without delay. vascular system. This property of the solution does not allow it to be used for severe blood loss. In this case, it is necessary to simultaneously carry out a transfusion of blood or plasma-substituting fluids.

Hypertonic solution

A hypertonic sodium chloride solution has an osmotic pressure that exceeds the osmotic pressure of blood plasma. Acts reflexively, stimulating receptors of the heart, lungs and abdominal cavity, activates the immunobiological functions of the body. Used as pathogenetic and replacement therapy.

Used intravenously or externally:

  • as additional means(osmotic diuretic) in the treatment of brain diseases accompanied by;
  • to increase blood pressure during intestinal, gastric and pulmonary bleeding;
  • for gastric lavage in case of poisoning with silver nitrates;
  • in the form of applications for inflammation of the mucous membranes (applied externally);
  • in ophthalmology as a decongestant;
  • for disinfection of purulent wounds in skin diseases (used externally);
  • as a nasal spray for rinsing and cleansing the nasal cavity and restoring nasal breathing;
  • with a deficiency of chlorine and sodium ions.

When administered intravenously, it spreads through the bloodstream and has a selective effect on internal organs and tissues, centers of water-salt metabolism.

It is impossible to administer a hypertonic solution subcutaneously or intramuscularly, as it can cause tissue necrosis.

With long-term use, plasma electrolyte concentrations and daily diuresis should be closely monitored. Sodium chloride solutions should be used with caution to treat patients with insufficient renal function, high blood pressure and heart failure.

Sodium chloride is a drug included in the category of drugs intended for detoxification and rehydration therapy.

What is the composition and release form of the drug Sodium chloride?

The active component of the drug Sodium chloride is represented by the same name chemical, the content of which is 0.9 percent. Excipient- water for injections.

The drug is produced in the form of a colorless, transparent, isotonic solution. Supplied in bottles of 1 liter, 500, 250, 100 and 50 milliliters. Regardless of the volume, the medication is sold by pharmacies without a prescription.

What is the effect of Sodium Chloride?

Sodium chloride solution is used to treat significant amount diseases, primarily as a detoxification drug. Its introduction into the body helps eliminate fluid deficiency, and is also a source of extremely valuable minerals for humans - sodium and chlorine.

Sodium, which is part of the drug, penetrates into cells using a special mechanism called the sodium-potassium pump, after which this element is integrated into many biochemical reactions, some of which are vital.

For example, the process of forming and transporting an electrical impulse in the nervous system without sodium ions will be impossible, since it is involved in depolarization and repolarization reactions.

Sodium is absolutely necessary to maintain normal blood pressure. It is used as an element that can change the tone of smooth muscle fibers in the walls of blood vessels, in particular arterioles, thereby regulating blood pressure.

The chlorine contained in the preparation is extremely important for normal intestinal function and for maintaining homeostasis. This element is used in the reactions of biological synthesis of hydrochloric acid, without which it is impossible to imagine normal work stomach and intestines.

Replenishing the deficiency of circulating blood with the help of sodium chloride is temporary, since the solution is isotonic, therefore, quickly removed from the bloodstream. Because of this, the effectiveness of the drug during blood loss, as well as during shock states small.

Sodium chloride is removed from the body in different ways. Most of this substance leaves the body in urine, in addition to sweat.

What are the indications for use of the medicine Sodium chloride?

The instructions for use permit the use of the drug Sodium chloride in the presence of the following conditions:

As a solvent for administration various drugs;
Intestinal obstruction;
Reduced sodium content in the blood;
Massive loss of chlorine, for example through vomiting;
Intoxication of various etiologies;
Burn disease;

In addition, the drug is used to wash the wound surface.

What are the contraindications for use of Sodium Chloride?

The use of sodium chloride solution is contraindicated in the presence of any of the following conditions:

Brain swelling;
Pulmonary edema;
Increased sodium or chlorine levels in the blood;
Left ventricular failure;
The need to use glucocorticosteroids.

In addition, when severe forms renal and heart failure.

What are the uses and dosage of Sodium Chloride?

The choice of the amount of the drug, as well as the method of administration, is determined by a specialist, based on the indications for use. Most often, the drug is administered intravenously. In order to correct the water balance for an adult patient, from 500 milliliters of the drug to 3 liters per day can be used. The rate of administration can exceed 500 milliliters per hour.

The child should be prescribed from 20 to 100 milliliters of the drug per kilogram of body weight. The rate of administration depends on the degree of dehydration of the patient.

From 10 to 250 milliliters of the drug can be used as a solvent. The speed and method of administration is determined by the administered drug.

Overdose from Sodium chloride

Abdominal pain, nausea, thirst, loose stool, increased body temperature, headache, increased sweating, swelling, dizziness, anxiety, convulsions, loss of consciousness. No events emergency therapy Coma and death cannot be ruled out. Treatment: administration of diuretics, correction of electrolyte disturbances and symptomatic therapy.

What are the side effects of Sodium Chloride?

Undesirable consequences from the administration of Sodium chloride are manifested by symptoms of dehydration and acidosis. When used as a solvent, side effects specific to the administered drug may develop.

Special instructions

Sodium chloride is one of the few drugs that can be frozen. Further use of this medicine is possible provided that the bottle is intact.

How to replace Sodium chloride, what analogues?

Sodium chloride solution can be replaced with the following medications: Physiodoza, Rizosin, Salin, Sodium chloride-Senderesis, Sodium chloride-Vial, Aqua-Rinosol, in addition, Sodium chloride bufus, Sodium chloride Bieffe, Sodium chloride Brown, Nazol Aqua, and also AquaMaster.


Despite the apparent harmlessness of the solution, the consequences of inept use of this medicine can be fatal. Because of this, any use of a pharmaceutical product must be approved by a qualified specialist. Self-medication can be extremely dangerous, not only for health, but also for life.

The patient must independently study the instructions for use of the prescribed drug. Be healthy!

Sodium chloride is not only the well-known table salt dissolved in distilled water, but also a universal remedy, known as saline solution or simply saline solution. In medicine, saline solution is used as a 0.9% NaCl solution (sodium chloride for infusion).

What is sodium chloride?

A solution of common table salt (NaCl) is an electrolyte that conducts electricity well. This simple medical saline solution helps regulate alkaline and water-electrolyte balance in the cells of the human body.

To make a saline solution, purified salt is gradually dissolved in distilled water in portions to the desired concentration. It is important to observe the portion size of salt input, since complete dissolution of the crystals of the component is very important; sediment in the saline solution is unacceptable.

In the industrial production of sodium chloride, strictly regulated technology is used: first, the salt is dissolved in stages, and to eliminate the appearance of sediment, it is saturated carbon dioxide, then add glucose. Pour the solution only into glass containers.

Pharmacological action of saline solution (sodium chloride)

Sodium chloride is the most important component of human tissues and blood plasma. This substance ensures normal osmotic pressure in the fluid contained in the cells human body.

Sodium chloride or table salt enters the human body in sufficient quantities with food.

In some cases, a deficiency of this substance may occur in the human body, caused by increased pathological discharge liquids and a deficiency in the absorption of salt consumed with food.

Pathologies leading to sodium chloride deficiency:

  • uncontrollable vomiting;
  • large surface burn;
  • large losses of fluid in the body;
  • dyspepsia, diarrhea caused by gastrointestinal infection or food poisoning;
  • cholera;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • hyponatremia;
  • hypochloremia.

Sodium chloride is an isotonic solution. This means that the concentration of salts in the solution and in the blood cell of the plasma of the human body is the same and amounts to 0.9%. Molecules of the solution pass freely through the cell membrane into different directions and do not disturb the balance in the pressure of cellular and intercellular fluid. Sodium chloride is the most important component in blood plasma and muscle tissue.

With a lack of sodium chloride in the human body, the amount of chlorine and sodium ions in the intercellular fluid and blood plasma decreases, which provokes blood thickening. A person experiences muscle cramps and spasms, pathological changes in the nervous system, disorders of the circulatory system are noted.

To temporarily restore the water-salt balance and increase the amount of sodium chloride, a saline solution is injected into the patient’s body, which briefly improves the condition and buys time to prepare the main treatment for severe pathologies and large blood losses in the patient. Saline solution is used as a temporary plasma substitute. It is also used as a detoxification drug.

Unfortunately, the effectiveness of sodium chloride is limited by time; already an hour after administration of the drug, the amount of injected active substance is halved.

When is saline solution used?

Saline solution (sodium chloride solution) has been successfully used:

  • to maintain plasma volume during surgical operations and in postoperative period;
  • with severe dehydration caused by various pathologies, to restore water-salt balance;
  • to preserve plasma volume in case of large blood losses, severe burns, diabetic coma, dyspepsia;
  • to reduce intoxication of the patient's body with such infectious diseases like cholera, dysentery;
  • for washing the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx during acute respiratory viral infections and acute respiratory infections;
  • for washing the cornea of ​​the eye during inflammation, various infections, injuries and allergic manifestations;
  • for moisturizing dressings when treating ulcers, bedsores, postoperative abscesses and other skin lesions;
  • for inhalation for pathologies of the upper respiratory tract;
  • for dissolving various medications at joint use For intravenous administration into the patient's body.

Methods of using sodium chloride (saline)

Intravenous and subcutaneous use.

In modern medical practice It is impossible to do without a sodium chloride solution when administering any medications by drip and some subcutaneous injections, since all powdered and concentrated medicinal substances are dissolved in saline before use.

In order to maintain plasma volume, restore water-salt balance, in case of severe intoxication, swelling, and to eliminate blood thickness, patients are given injections containing saline solution.

A sodium chloride solution is injected into the patient's body intravenously (usually through an IV) or subcutaneously. Before the procedure, the saline solution for injection is heated to thirty-six or thirty-eight degrees Celsius.

When administering the solution, the physiological parameters of the patient (age, weight), as well as the amount of fluid lost and the amount of deficiency of the elements chlorine and sodium are taken into account.

The average person needs five hundred milliliters of sodium chloride per day, so, as a rule, this volume of saline solution is administered to the patient per day at a rate of five hundred and forty milliliters per hour. Sometimes, if necessary, it is allowed to administer a saline solution with a volume of five hundred milliliters at a rate of seventy drops per minute. At big loss liquids and high degree If the patient is intoxicated, a maximum of three thousand milliliters of solution per day can be administered.

The children's dose of sodium chloride per day is 20 - 100 milliliters per kilogram of the child's weight.

If sodium chloride is used for dilution medications before drip administration, take from fifty to two hundred and fifty milliliters of solution per dose of the drug, the rate of administration and quantity depends on the drug that is being diluted.

Only sterile saline solution is used for internal administration.

Using saline solution to cleanse the intestines and stomach.

Sodium chloride is used for rectal enemas for persistent constipation to stimulate bowel movements. In this case, use three liters per day of a nine percent solution or one hundred milliliters of a five percent solution once. Before use, the drug should be warmed to body temperature so as not to irritate the intestines. For enemas, you can use unsterilized saline solution.

Sodium chloride is used for gastric lavage when food poisoning. In this case, they drink it in small sips to avoid spasms, then artificially induce vomiting. Only sterile preparation should be used.

Using saline solution to rinse the nasopharynx.

Saline solution is an effective and affordable means for rinsing the nasopharynx with a runny nose or inflammatory processes during the period of acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections.

Even a single rinse of the nasal passages with saline helps to quickly clear the nose of mucus and stop a runny nose. This procedure is indicated for allergic rhinitis, with the threat of developing sinusitis, for the prevention of acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections. The drug is approved for use by nursing mothers, pregnant women, and children from the first days of life, when taking complex medications is harmful.

The good thing about the drug is that after rinsing the nasopharynx, the mucous membrane does not dry out and is not injured. The procedure can be repeated many times; there are no contraindications for the duration of local use.

For rinsing the nose It’s easy to prepare the solution at home using the following recipe:

  • table salt - one teaspoon (approximately nine grams),
  • boiled water - one liter.

Dissolve salt in water and strain through cheesecloth.

The prepared solution is not sterile, but it can be used by children aged three years and older and adults.

For newborn children with nasal congestion and runny nose, drop one or two drops into each nostril only sterile saline solution.

Sodium chloride has been successfully used for gargling a sore throat with sore throat. This drug relieves swelling of the mucous membrane and kills pathogenic bacteria in the nasopharynx.

Use of saline solution for inhalation

Sodium chloride successfully used for inhalation in the treatment of acute respiratory viral infections and acute respiratory infections. Usually for this procedure it is convenient to use a special device for inhalation - a nebulizer, in which saline solution and necessary medicine. Saline solution moisturizes mucous membranes, and the medicine that the patient inhales will have a therapeutic effect.

To stop attacks bronchial asthma, cough caused by allergies, for inhalation, saline solution is mixed with medications that promote bronchial dilation (Berotek, Berodual, Ventolin).

To treat cough caused by acute respiratory infections or acute respiratory viral infections, add bronchodilators(Ambroxol, Gedelix, Lazolvan).

Contraindications to the use of saline solution

Unfortunately, sodium chloride has contraindications for use, which should be taken into account when prescribing treatment with saline solution.

It cannot be used:

  • at pulmonary edema,
  • at cerebral edema,
  • in acute heart failure,
  • at renal failure,
  • at high content in the body sodium ions and chlorine ions,
  • with a lack of potassium in the body,
  • when dehydrated inside the cell,
  • with excess fluid outside the cell,
  • when taking large doses of corticosteroids.

Side effects when using saline solution

Typically, saline solution is very well tolerated by patients.

However, when using sodium chloride in a treatment regimen in large doses or for a long time, there may be complications. Some patients have:

  • dysfunction of the nervous system, which can be expressed in anxiety, weakness, severe headache with dizziness, increased sweating, feeling of constant thirst;
  • disturbances in the functioning of the digestive system, which provoke nausea, diarrhea, stomach cramps, vomiting;
  • violations in menstrual cycle in women;
  • skin changes (dermatitis);
  • dysfunction cardiovascular system(rapid pulse, arrhythmia, arterial hypertension);
  • anemia;
  • a sharp decrease in potassium in the blood;
  • increased acidity in the body;
  • swelling.

When unwanted effects the administration of saline is stopped. The doctor must assess the patient's condition and provide necessary help to eliminate side complications.


Before using any drug containing sodium chloride, you must consult a doctor.

The use of saline solution (sodium chloride) should be carried out under the supervision of the attending physician and accompanied by blood and urine tests.