
Children's homeopaths. Children's homeopaths What diseases are treated by a homeopath at the Markushka clinic?

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For the first time, doctors resorted to homeopathic methods of treatment hundreds of years ago, when such wide range medications. Today, this method remains not only relevant, but also one of the most effective, especially for children.

Homeopathy, unlike traditional methods treatment, allows you to avoid introducing into the body chemicals, but is based on the use exclusively of products of plant or animal origin, which are used in very small dosages. Wherein medicinal products are aimed not at eliminating the disease, but at activating the body’s own defenses. Which is especially important for children, since reactivity young body much higher.

Children's homeopath in Moscow

To come to an appointment with a pediatric homeopath today is mainly decided by those parents with children who have already visited the doctor, but were unable to pass effective treatment. At the same time, the use of homeopathic remedies often gives quick and impressive results, so it is often advisable to immediately contact a homeopath in order to quickly get rid of symptoms and forget about various types of allergies, chronic tonsillitis and otitis media, problems with the gastrointestinal tract and other diseases that often occur in children and can be treated with homeopathic remedies.

The children's homeopath in our clinic LOC-10 uses the most modern methods, including Voll testing, which involves determining the electrical resistance of tissues at certain points to make a diagnosis. Let us note that the diagnostic methods used in homeopathy allow diagnosing diseases based on early stage and in the latent phase, as well as select the appropriate drug for treatment.

Please note that you do not have to come to an appointment with a pediatric homeopath, since a doctor can always be called to your home; a diagnosis can be made at home and treatment can begin. The specialist will regularly monitor your child, making adjustments to the treatment if necessary.

Call a pediatric homeopath at home It is especially advisable in cases of, for example, allergies to fluff or pollen, as well as other conditions where it may be difficult to get to the doctor's office.

A highly qualified and experienced pediatric homeopath working in our clinic will conduct a course of effective and harmless treatment for your child, thanks to which it will be possible to activate the body’s own defenses and avoid the use of various chemical medications that have a lot of side effects.

You also have the opportunity to call a homeopathic doctor to your child’s home for consultation and treatment.

Cost of pediatric homeopathic services

  • Comprehensive pediatric medical care program “Karapuz” for children aged 0 to 1 year
  • Comprehensive pediatric medical care program “Karapuz” for children aged 0 to 1 year “Universal”
  • Comprehensive pediatric medical care program “Our Baby” for children aged 1 to 3 years

Allergy. Have you encountered it yet? We sympathize with you and are ready to help. Skilled allergist-homeopath will best cope with any type of allergy. This scourge of civilization did not arise today, but slowly and surely gained its strength with the development of mankind. Hundreds, maybe thousands of years, our the immune system adapted to the surrounding world, its changes and only in Lately started to malfunction. This is due to the appearance in the air, water and food of new substances that are completely foreign to a living organism.

The body’s defense system does not have time to identify the enemy in a timely manner and give a worthy rebuff. An allergic reaction may occur quickly or may drag on for several days or weeks. Allergies manifest themselves in various parts of the body. Upper lesions are common respiratory tract, presented allergic rhinitis, asthmatic bronchitis or asthma. Skin damage manifests itself in urticaria, eczema, dermatitis, and allergic disorders of the stomach and intestines are common.

Homeopathy has accumulated extensive experience in accelerating the recovery process without compromising health. A homeopathic allergist will help you choose a constitutional remedy that will solve the problems of a particular patient.

Individual consultation is the key to successful treatment

You can use remedies from your homeopathic medicine cabinet. The homeopathic allergist will tell you which medications are best to use during your consultation.

  • Calcarea carbonica (calcium carbonate) is often given to children with milk allergies and hives.
  • Allium sulfur (onion) is used for vasomotor rhinitis of allergic origin.
  • Euphrasia officinalis (eyebright) is used in the treatment of hay fever with conjunctivitis.
  • Urtica urens (stinging nettle) is prescribed for allergic urticaria, Quincke's edema, swelling of the external genitalia.
  • Apis mellifica (honey bee) - decongestant for skin allergic syndromes; It is advisable to prescribe alternately with Urtica.
  • Rhus toxicodendron (poison sumac) is used for urticaria.
  • Natrium muriaticum (table salt). It is used for a variety of allergic syndromes, which are not uncommon in this constitutional type.

Diet is also important. Any experienced person will confirm this. allergist-homeopath. As the founder of homeopathy, S. Hahnemann, pointed out, “the diet should, as far as possible, be simple, nutritious and devoid of spices.” He also recommended “avoiding any overstrain of mind and body, all distracting and interfering passions.” In addition to the remedies that the homeopathic allergist prescribes, in the fight against allergic reactions a complex is needed healthy image life as a necessary background for rational therapy.


A pediatric homeopath is a specialist who works using the method of classical homeopathy, which allows:

  • carry out treatment according to individual plan, taking into account the characteristics of the child’s health and development (including personal ones);
  • provide prevention and treatment of many diseases without the use of chemically synthesized medications (or in optimal combination with them);
  • prevent the development of diseases to which the child has a hereditary predisposition;
  • slow down the progression and prevent the development of complications in existing diseases;
  • avoided in some cases surgical treatment(for example, with enlarged adenoids and tonsils);
  • reduce treatment costs due to low prices for homeopathic medicines.

Homeopathic therapy helps solve health problems:

  • children with consequences of birth trauma;
  • long-term and frequently ill children;
  • hyperactive and anxious children, including those with stuttering and behavioral problems;
  • children with increased emotionality, suffering from sleep disorders and tics;
  • patients with complaints of health problems, but whose examination results do not reveal obvious pathology (or there are minimal changes);
  • children who cannot tolerate conventional medications due to allergic reactions.

Homeopathy has been successfully used in complex treatment various diseases:

  • frequent and recurrent acute respiratory viral infections, including those with a complicated course;
  • enlarged adenoids and pharyngeal tonsils, chronic rhinitis (including vasomotor);
  • atopic dermatitis and diathesis;
  • childhood eczema and neurodermatitis;
  • hay fever and bronchial asthma;
  • rickets and its consequences;
  • biliary dyskinesia, gastroduodenitis, reactive pancreatitis;
  • chronic constipation, dysbiosis and other intestinal disorders;
  • aphthous stomatitis;
  • nutritional anemia, blood thickening syndrome;
  • headaches (including migraines), syndrome vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • hyperactivity syndrome, tics and stuttering;
  • urolithiasis disease, chronic infection urinary tract, enuresis;
  • conjunctivitis, recurrent styes, chalazion;
  • diabetes Type 2 and other diseases endocrine system;
  • and many other diseases of children from the neonatal period to adolescence.

In homeopathy, the fundamental principle of medicine is fully realized - “Treat the patient, not the disease.”

If you have made an appointment with a homeopathic doctor who practices classical homeopathy, please read the following information.

The duration of the consultation with a homeopathic doctor is about 1.5 hours, and in order not to delay you longer, we ask you to prepare for the conversation in advance. Each patient’s disease has its own characteristics, and in order to more accurately prescribe medications, the homeopathic doctor needs to know them - therefore, it is advisable to systematize information about your child’s condition in advance.

We offer a “Patient Questionnaire” that will help you prepare and at the appointment tell the doctor in detail everything that worries you about your child’s health.


What complaints did you have and why did you consult a homeopathic doctor?

What pregnancy is the child from? Was IVF used?

Features of the course of pregnancy (mother’s illnesses, medications taken, etc.).

If the pregnancy is repeated, how did the previous ones end?

The child from what kind of birth (natural, by caesarean section, on time, ahead of schedule), was anesthesia used?

Did the mother and baby have any problems during childbirth? During the first month after giving birth?

Baby's weight and length, head circumference at birth

Child's current weight and height

What age was it? breast-feeding?

Features of development in the 1st year of life: regurgitation, sleep, eruption of the first teeth, physical activity etc.

Are there any known cases of severe allergies, rheumatism, tuberculosis, neuroses (or other diseases that you know about) in the family?

What is your child's appetite? What foods does he prefer and what does he hate or dislike?

What foods can cause painful disorders in him?

Does the child get thirsty? How much liquid do you drink per day?

What drinks does your child prefer? What do you like more – milk or fermented milk products?

Have you had any vaccinations and if so, how did your child tolerate them?

Did this affect his overall health?

What time does your child go to bed and wake up? What time does he get up in the morning?

Does the child sleep during the day? At what hours does it require motion sickness?

In what position does a child sleep most often?

Are there any peculiarities of sleep: talking or crying, waking up from fear, sleeping restlessly, grinding teeth, sleeping with with open eyes or with open mouth– or something else?

How does your child cope with moving? Does he get motion sickness in transport?

Does changing weather affect a child’s well-being, and if so, how?

How do cold, heat, dry and humid weather affect a child?

What is a child sensitive to? to a greater extent- to the cold or to the heat? Or do temperature conditions not affect his well-being?

Is the child sensitive to drafts?

Does he like warmth (warmth of bed, warmth of room, etc.)?

How does a child react to extreme temperatures (very cold or very hot)?

How does your baby cope with bathing in cold, hot water, in the sea? What does he like better - a shower or a bath?

How often does your child catch colds or catch viruses and at what time of year does this usually happen?

How quickly does your baby's bruises go away and wounds heal? How long do they bleed?

Does he have nosebleeds? If so, under what conditions and for how long?

What can make your child angry, irritated, or cry?

Does your child have fears? If so, any of the above or others?

  • fear of animals, insects, snakes, etc.
  • fear of a thunderstorm, during a thunderstorm
  • fear of the dark, closed spaces
  • fear of communicating with strangers/children

And one more thing: please prepare to describe in detail:

  • what your child eats and drinks during the day;
  • the child’s daily routine, features of active pastime and his preferences in entertainment.

Think about it - maybe there are other problems that you would like to talk about?


Petrova Irina Evgenievna - homeopath.
In 1987 she graduated with honors from the 2nd Moscow University medical school specializing in pediatrics,
in 1989, residency in child neurology.
In 1991 she completed her primary specialization in classical and clinical homeopathy. Treatment of chronic diseases of the nasopharynx (adenoids, rhinitis, sinusitis).
In 2004 she received her second higher education in psychology, trained in psychotherapy and child neuropsychology (diagnosis and correction of children with learning difficulties at school).

Homeopathy is a medical discipline with more than 200 years of history. Its peculiarity is that it considers the body as a single whole. And, if something is “broken” in it, treatment will not be aimed at eliminating one problem, but at normalizing the functioning of the entire system that has failed. For example, if your child suffers from a runny nose, then after therapy not only will his mucous discharge stop, but his headache attacks will also go away. And since a homeopath prescribes only medicines that are safe for the child’s health, consult with him pediatrician we recommend to everyone who various reasons I became disillusioned with traditional medicine. Perhaps this is exactly what will benefit the little patient!

Prices for pediatric homeopathic services

What diseases can be treated with homeopathy?

  • ENT diseases,
  • irregularities in work gastrointestinal tract,
  • neurological disorders,
  • hormonal imbalances,
  • diseases urinary system,
  • pathologies of the heart and blood vessels,
  • consequences of injuries, sprains,
  • skin diseases,
  • complications after vaccinations,
  • allergy,
  • bronchial asthma,
  • frequent colds,
  • infectious diseases,
  • general weakening of health (due to prematurity or cesarean section, decreased immunity).

Benefits of therapy

A homeopath is an indispensable assistant for combating the most common diseases in children, since he treats not the disease, but the child, considering his body as a whole. This is very effective approach to therapy, especially when chronic diseases.

Homeopathy has proven itself excellent in the prevention of diseases caused by suppressed immunity: influenza, acute respiratory infections, etc. The drugs that the doctor suggests are absolutely safe. No chemistry! At the same time, their cost is lower than that of “traditional” drugs, and they are much more pleasant to use. This is especially important if the patient is Small child. And most importantly, they can be taken from birth!

This healing method allows you to use medications prescribed by representatives traditional medicine: gastroenterologist, etc. Moreover, it is thanks to homeopathy that the patient manages to minimize side effects potent drugs and reduce their dosage as soon as possible.

Composition of medications prescribed by a homeopath for children

Form. Homeopathic remedies most often come in the form of sweetish grains or small tablets that need to be sucked or, for small children, dissolved in a spoon of water. Despite their “undignified” appearance, such drugs are prepared very carefully and for a long time, and their production technology is even more complex than that of conventional pharmaceutical products.

Regularity of drug use. As a rule, it is enough to consume them once a day. Some products need to be taken even once a week! The main thing is to observe the dosage and strictly follow the treatment regimen proposed by the doctor. You should not skip it, as these drugs have a cumulative effect. Wherein acute infection will subside, as a rule, within 2-3 days from the start of treatment, and a relapse of a chronic disease will occur within 2-3 weeks.

How is a doctor's appointment?

Its duration reaches 2 hours, but time will fly by for you and your child. While the adults are talking, the little patient can play. The doctor will carefully monitor his behavior.

Homeopathy is not quackery or “herbal treatment”, as some people think, but a mathematically precise, strictly verified medical discipline with a 200-year history. But sometimes it gives truly wonderful results...

What does a pediatric homeopath treat?

Traditional - allopathic - medicine treats a disease, and by suppressing it, that is, by counteracting it. Homeopathy treats not the disease, but the patient himself, and acts on the principle of “like is like.” The homeopathic doctor is not interested in where exactly the work is disrupted, for example, in the blood vessels - in the head, eyes, heart or legs. He will prescribe a drug that normalizes all vascular system, throughout the body. So don’t be surprised if you turn to a homeopath to cure a runny nose, and your child’s headaches will go away along with the snot. Due to the fact that homeopathy views the body as a whole, homeopathy treatment is very effective in combating chronic diseases.

Homeopathy treatment is suitable for solving a wide range of children's health problems:

  • ENT diseases (adenoids; ; chronic pharyngitis, sinusitis, tonsillitis, laryngitis; vasomotor rhinitis and etc.);
  • neurological disorders (fatigue, absent-mindedness, hyperexcitability, etc.);
  • hormonal imbalances;
  • diseases of the urinary system;
  • cardiovascular pathologies;
  • sprains, consequences of injuries;
  • skin diseases;
  • , bronchial asthma;
  • frequent colds and weakened immunity;
  • complications after vaccinations;
  • intolerance traditional medicines.

Benefits of Homeopathy

  1. A homeopath treats not a disease, but a child.
  2. Treatment with homeopathy improves the health of the entire body; it is an excellent remedy for the prevention of various diseases: influenza, acute respiratory infections, rickets and others.
  3. A good pediatric homeopath can cope with many chronic diseases.
  4. An individual consultation is scheduled for each little patient.
  5. Homeopathy treatment allows for the use of other medicines. Thanks to homeopathy, you can reduce the dose of conventional medications and soften them negative impact and remove side effects.
  6. Homeopathic medicines are affordable and easy to use. As a rule, children accept them with pleasure.

What are homeopathic medicines and how to take them?

Do not confuse homeopathy with herbal medicine. Homeopathy is not a herbal treatment, although plant components are also present in it, along with minerals and substances of animal origin. Only all these components are in negligible quantities. How less dosage(that is, the greater the dilution - 1:10 or even 1:100), the more intense the drug. But even in this case, the effect will still be very soft and gentle.

Most often, homeopathy preparations are produced in the form of small sweetish grains or tablets that need to be dissolved under the tongue. For small child they are dissolved in a spoon of water. Sometimes they meet alcohol solutions, they are taken either with a small amount of water or on a piece of sugar. Many people think that all these “balls” and “droplets” look undignified, and therefore there is no benefit from them. In fact, homeopathic medicines They are prepared for a long time, carefully and using very complex technology.

It is generally accepted that homeopathy treatment is a tedious task that requires repeated doses of medicines strictly according to the clock. In fact, a homeopathic doctor will always be able to choose a dosage for you such that one dose a day, or even a week, will be enough. You will only need to observe an interval of 30 minutes before eating/drinking or an hour after.

How does a consultation with a pediatric homeopath work?

Getting to know a pediatric homeopathic doctor takes at least 1.5–2 hours, sometimes more. Don't let these numbers scare you. During the reception, a small child will be able to sit in his mother’s arms, read or play with toys, crawl on the carpet, run and jump - in general, do whatever he wants. And the doctor will monitor him closely. And ask you a lot of questions: how the pregnancy and childbirth proceeded, what heredity the child has, what he likes to eat, how he behaves in certain situations. The questions can be quite unexpected: “Is the baby afraid of snakes?” or “Does he stomp one shoe harder than the other?” The doctor will also examine the baby’s nails and examine the whites of his eyes. All this is very unusual, unusual and incomprehensible. But it works, and that's the main thing! By the way, if your child is already able to answer the homeopath’s questions himself, listen to his answers - you will learn a lot of interesting things about your son or daughter.

Based on the results of a 2-hour consultation, the doctor will most likely prescribe you a single drug. And this will be exactly what your child needs right now. In the future, the homeopath can change the drug - everything here is strictly individual.

After your appointment, the pediatric homeopath will remain in touch with you. You can always call him and get free additional recommendations on the issue you have addressed.

Does your child need a pediatric homeopath?

Children are still small " achievement list» use of conventional medications, so their body responds faster and more willingly to homeopathy treatment. If you want your child to experience less “chemistry” and receive maximum natural and safe therapy, show him to a homeopath as early as possible so that the child grows up under the supervision of his regular doctor.

Also, a pediatric homeopath is indicated for:

  • severe form of allergy, when any chemically synthesized drugs are dangerous;
  • chronic diseases;
  • general poor health (due to prematurity or cesarean section, decreased immunity);
  • visiting kindergartens and schools (for the treatment and prevention of infectious diseases).

Homeopaths at our center have extensive experience – over 20 years.

You can make an appointment with a doctor at the Center through: