
Diflucan dosage for children. Instructions for use of the suspension "Diflucan" with fluconazole for newborns and children older than a year


Any mother can easily identify inflammatory process on the tongue, palate and gums of the baby for small white spots - thrush. When trying to remove white coating napkin on the tongue remain inflamed erythema. If at the same time the child lost his appetite or sleep was disturbed, there are signs of development fungal disease- candidiasis. The undeveloped microflora of the newborn is not able to resist fungi, they use safe drug- fluconazole.

fluconazole for children

The lack of immunity in a newborn can cause fungal infections of the esophagus and intestines. Newborn girls without treatment develop symptoms of vaginal thrush - vaginal candidiasis. Therapy of fungal infections in children includes ointments and creams, with the ineffectiveness of external agents, fluconazole for children is prescribed - antifungal agent belonging to the class of triazoles. Capsules are indicated for children from 5 years of age who are able to swallow a hard gelatin shell. Babies are prescribed pills, syrup, suppositories.

Composition and form of release

The drug is produced in the form of capsules, oral and vaginal tablets, solution for intravenous administration, syrup, powder for suspensions. The active substance of any form of antibiotic is fluconazole. The composition of drugs of different forms of release is given in the table:

Release form

The amount of active substance, mg



Hard gelatin capsules

Lactose monohydrate, povidone K-17, sodium lauryl sulfate, magnesium stearate, potato starch

Capsule: gelatin, methyl parahydroxybenzoate E218, titanium dioxide 171, propyl parahydroxybenzoate E216

Tablets for oral administration

Microcrystalline cellulose (avicel), sodium starch glycolate, dibasic calcium phosphate, povidone, magnesium stearate, red dye (E-124)

Round, flat tablets, odorless, scored on one side and chamfered on both sides

Solution for infusion

Sodium chloride, water for injections

Clear, colorless or slightly yellowish solution

Powder for suspension for oral administration

10 mg/ml, 40 mg/ml

Anhydrous citric acid, sodium benzoate, xanthan gum, titanium dioxide, sucrose, anhydrous colloidal silicon dioxide, sodium citrate dihydrate, orange flavor

Powder white or almost white color free from visible contaminants

Liquid sorbitol, glycerol, carmellose sodium, citric acid monohydrate, sodium benzoate, sodium saccharinate, cherry flavor, purified water

Clear colorless syrup

How the drug works

Fluconazole destroys the fungus from the inside, blocking the work of enzymes and disrupting the synthesis of ergosterol, a building component of the cell membrane. With a lack of ergosterol, the growth and replication of the membrane stops, fungal cells stop multiplying and die. It has a high permeability, has a detrimental effect only on the cells of the fungus, without affecting the beneficial microflora. Does not cause dysbacteriosis. After oral administration of a dose of 150 mg once every week after 14 days, it concentrates in the subcutaneous layers, after 4 months - in the nails.

Indications for use

The drug is used for the prevention of fungal infections in adults and children, the treatment of systemic and localized lesions. Shown as normal condition immune system, as well as different forms immunosuppression. Children from infancy, is prescribed to prevent cryptococcal meningitis, prevent candidiasis, treat the following diseases:

  • stomatitis;
  • oral candidiasis;
  • candidiasis of the mucous membranes of the esophagus;
  • fungal meningitis;
  • invasive candidiasis;
  • nail and skin fungus.

Fluconazole - instructions for use for children

The drug is prescribed to the child depending on body weight. With a weight of more than 50 kg, fluconazole for children, as well as adults, is indicated in an amount of 150 mg per day. If the baby weighs less than 50 kg, use tablets with a dose of 50 mg, additionally apply creams, ointments, suppositories. Infants are shown the same amount 1 time in 3 days. A baby from the age of a month can be used every 2 days. Dosage for mucosal mycoses is presented in the table:

Dosage per day / frequency of administration

Duration of treatment

weight 15-20 kg

weight 20-30 kg

weight 30-40 kg

weight 40-50 kg

Candidiasis of the mucous membranes of the esophagus

50 mg/1 time in 2 days

50-100 mg / 1 time in 2 days

100 mg/1 time in 2 days

100-150 mg / 1 time per day

Candidiasis of the mucous membranes of the mouth

150 mg for the first day, 50 mg on subsequent days

150 mg for the first day, 100 mg on subsequent days

250 mg for the first day, 100 mg on subsequent days

300 mg for the first day, 150 mg on subsequent days

With cryptococcal meningitis, fluconazole capsules are prescribed to children at the rate of 24 mg per 1 kg of body weight, maximum 400 mg / day.

drug interaction

Undesirable reactions when taking fluconazole with other drugs are possible in the form of arrhythmias, allergies, psychomotor effects, diabetic manifestations, intoxication of the body. Cases of acquisition of blindness are known. Monitoring is required with the possibility of dose adjustments in the treatment of fluconazole in combination with the following drugs:

  • chlorpropamide, glipizide, glibenclamide, tolbutamide;
  • phenytoin;
  • cyclosporine;
  • warfarin;
  • rifampicin, rifabutin;
  • erythromycin;
  • zidovudine.

Side effects

Digestive system may react with nausea, flatulence, symptoms of jaundice and hepatitis. Against the background of taking the drug, taste sensations change - the child may refuse the dishes that he loves. The reaction of the nervous system is expressed by excessive excitement, nervousness, headaches, inappropriate behavior. There may be a decrease in hemoglobin in the blood, arrhythmia, allergic and skin manifestations: rash, itching, swelling.


The clearance of the drug depends on the work of the kidneys. The appointment of fluconazole to children with kidney disease can lead to the accumulation of residues in the body and intoxication. It is prescribed with caution in combination with other medicines due to the possibility of a resonant increase in the negative effect on the functioning of the heart and liver. Fluconazole therapy is prohibited in the following cases:

  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • simultaneous use of terfenadine or astemizole;
  • ischemic disease heart, myocardial infarction;
  • dysfunction of the kidneys.

Terms of sale and storage

The drug has a shelf life of 36 months, in pharmacies it is dispensed by prescription. Use after the expiration date is prohibited. It is necessary to store the medicine in a dark place, out of the reach of children.


Other antifungal agents are commercially available. medicines, close in pharmacological properties fluconazole and safe in the treatment of fungal infections in children. They are based on different active substances - miconazole, bifonazole, nystatin, natamycin, etc. Effective in the treatment of manifestations of childhood fungal infections are:

  • Nystatin - a detrimental effect on the Candida fungus. Available in the form of tablets, ointments, suppositories. Not recommended for liver diseases, stomach ulcers, pregnancy, lactation.
  • Ketaconazole is effective for mycoses of nails, hands, feet, various types of candidiasis, histoplasmosis, and similar infections. It is administered orally, quickly absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract and excreted from the body.
  • Pimafucin is a fungicidal antibiotic. Effective against yeast fungi Candida albicans, other pathogenic infections. Not absorbed into the blood from the gastrointestinal tract, effective in intestinal candidiasis.
  • VERTEX, Russia

    Capsules, 150 mg, 1 unit


    Solution for injection, 100 ml, 2 mg/ml

    VMG, India

    Gel, tube 30 g, 5 mg/g

    Kusum Pharm, Ukraine

    Syrup, bottle 100 ml

    ZENTIVA, Czech Republic

    Mycosis is an extensive group of fungal infections affecting all types of skin and mucous membranes of the body. Widespread in society - from newborns to the elderly - occurs due to the resistance of fungi to factors external environment, high degree human susceptibility to this infection. With all the variety of antifungal agents, choose a medicine for small child extremely difficult. Diflucan - suspension for children is one of the modern drugs successfully applied in pediatric practice.

    Composition and forms of release

    Diflucan is the brand name for an antifungal drug made in France. Its fungicidal action is due to the active substance fluconazole.. The drug is available in various dosage forms:

    • capsules containing 50, 100, 150 mg of the active ingredient;
    • solution for parenteral administration - bottles of 25, 50,100, 200 ml, where the content of fluconazole is 2 mg per 1 ml of liquid.
    • the pediatric dosage form is a powder in plastic bottles for suspension preparation: 5 ml of the ready-to-dose preparation may contain 50 mg or 200 mg of the active ingredient.

    Additional substances include ingredients that help maintain the microbiological safety of the drug, provide good digestibility. The sweet taste is determined by the presence of sucrose in the syrup, and the citrus aroma is determined by the presence of orange essential oil.

    pharmachologic effect

    Basic active ingredient, fluconazole, belongs to the antifungal agents of the azole group. The fungicidal effect is due to the suppression of the activity of enzymes involved in the synthesis of the cell membrane of the fungus.

    Bioavailability (90%) when administered orally does not depend on food intake and reaches a maximum after 1.5 hours. The concentration in all biological fluids (cerebrospinal fluid, saliva, peritoneal fluid) corresponds to the content in blood plasma. In the nail plates, in the stratum corneum of the epidermis, there is a selective accumulation of the active substance.

    Most of the drug (up to 80%) is excreted from the body unchanged by the kidneys, the rest - as part of inactive metabolites.

    Indications for use

    Diflucan syrup refers to medicines systemic action: when using it active ingredient spreads with blood throughout the body. Prescribed by a doctor for treatment a wide range diseases, including candidiasis of the mucous membranes oral cavity and genitals, which include:

    • stomatitis of infants;
    • thrush in girls (vulvovaginitis);
    • balanoposthitis in boys.

    The drug is used to treat visceral candidiasis with lesions internal organs :

    Diflucan is also used in the following cases:

    • fungal skin lesions;
    • onychomycosis;
    • multi-colored lichen;
    • prevention of candidiasis secondary immunodeficiencies(AIDS, organ transplant);
    • chronic generalized forms;
    • rarely - with endemic mycoses: coccidioidomycosis, blastomycosis, sporotrichosis.

    Features of the appointment for children

    Instructions for the use of Diflucan do not contain information about the age limit from which the use of the drug is allowed.

    In the first months of life, treatment with the drug is allowed only on prescription.

    In the neonatal period, some categories of newborns are at risk for the development of candidiasis, namely:

    • children born to women with vaginal candidiasis;
    • premature infants on parenteral nutrition;
    • babies with intravascular catheters, after operations, receiving large doses of antibiotics and steroid hormones.

    All of them are shown the use of Diflucan for the prevention of fungal infection.


    The drug is not prescribed in case of increased sensitivity of the patient to the components of the drug, in the presence of allergic diseases (atopic dermatitis, bronchial asthma, allergic rhinitis, conjunctivitis).

    Particular care is necessary when prescribing the drug to children with functional or organic lesions of the heart muscle and liver, with impaired water and electrolyte balance.

    Adverse reactions

    The negative effect of Diflucan on the gastrointestinal tract can be manifested by dyspeptic symptoms:

    • stomach ache;
    • nausea;
    • regurgitation;
    • poor appetite;
    • intestinal colic;
    • diarrhea.

    The drug crosses the blood-brain barrier, acts on the brain, causing:

    • headaches;
    • dizziness;
    • seizures (rare).

    Perhaps a violation of the normal functioning of the liver cells, provoking jaundice or hepatitis.

    Among the allergic reactions caused by Diflucan are:

    • urticaria;
    • angioedema;
    • anaphylaxis.

    The inhibitory effect of the drug on the hematopoietic organs causes a decrease in the production of shaped elements blood, causing leukopenia, thrombocytopenia. The toxic effect on the heart muscle is reflected in the conduction system of the heart in the form of arrhythmias.

    Methods of application and dosage

    According to the instructions, the suspension is prepared in portions before each use: 24 ml of boiled water, cooled to room temperature, is poured into the bottle, after adding the powder, the mixture is vigorously shaken to evenly distribute the particles. The kit includes a measuring spoon with divisions of 1.25, 2.5, 5 ml, which ensures accuracy in observing the amount prescribed by the doctor. The drug is taken by mouth once a day.

    The dosage is calculated individually for each child, taking into account the age, severity of the disease and the nature of the symptoms.

    Calculation of the dose for the newborn. First you need to find out how many mg of fluconazole is in 1 ml of suspension: there are vials containing 10 mg / 1 ml or 40 mg / 1 ml. To a small child, especially for infants, a suspension with a dosage of 10 mg / 1 ml is suitable.

    The standard weight of an infant at birth is 3.5 kg. The usual therapeutic dose of fluconazole per 1 kg of body weight is 3 mg. When this amount is multiplied by the weight of the newborn, 10.5 mg is obtained. This is how much medicine is contained in 1 ml of suspension. The bottle is thoroughly shaken, the resulting syrup is poured into a measuring spoon until 1.25 ml is divided.

    In case of kidney pathology, the dose is adjusted, since the drug is excreted more slowly in newborns, there is a risk of overdose. The interval between doses is increased to 2-3 days.

    In severe generalized fungal infections with damage to the visceral organs or the development of meningitis, the dose of Diflucan in infants is increased to 6-12 mg per 1 kg of the child's weight. But in such cases health care is in the hospital, and the antimycotic is administered intravenously in the form of a solution.

    The course treatment of local fungal infections lasts 3-4 weeks, with common forms for more than 3 months.


    An overdose of the suspension in a child is dangerous with a possible toxic effect on the cardiovascular and nervous system. At the first signs, immediate hospitalization is required with emergency measures to detoxify the body.

    Interaction with other drugs

    There are several restrictions on the combination of drugs with other drugs:

    1. When using Diflucan simultaneously with coumarin anticoagulants, monitoring of blood coagulation parameters is necessary.
    2. Cyclosporine delays the withdrawal of fluconazole.
    3. It is impossible to combine treatment with Diflucan with other antimycotic agents based on terfenadine.


    Medicines that have similar action with Diflucan and containing fluconazole as an active substance, there is a sufficient amount on the pharmaceutical market. But they are mainly produced in dosage forms that are of little use for use in early childhood - tablets, capsules, solutions:

    • Flucorus;
    • Diflazon;
    • Maiconil;
    • Mycomax.

    Ease of use, efficiency, good tolerance, willing use by babies due to its pleasant taste - all this puts Diflucan suspension in one of the first places among all antifungal agents for children.

    The child's body has not yet fully matured, including his the immune system, therefore, it is susceptible to various kinds of diseases of an infectious and fungal nature. Pediatricians note that fungus is often found in newborns. How to treat the baby in this case? Shown "Diflucan" for children. Among all antifungal drugs it is less toxic but effective.


    "Diflucan" belongs to the group of triazoles. It is an antifungal agent based on active substance- fluconazole. The drug is notable for the fact that it inhibits the cells of the fungus, prevents its growth and reproduction. The medicine also destroys fungal cell membranes. "Diflucan" kills yeast-like fungi (Candida, Cryptococcus), Blastomycetes, Ascomycetes, Dermatomycetes.

    What is the advantage of the drug? He does not provide toxic action on the child's liver, has a high bioavailability, is well absorbed into gastrointestinal tract. Does not affect the synthesis of cortisol and testosterone.

    Release form

    "Diflucan" for children is produced in three dosage forms:

    • powder for suspension preparation;
    • injection;
    • gelatin capsules.

    The suspension is sold in vials of 50 and 100 mg, which must be diluted with water. It is also available ready-made with orange flavor. It is convenient to use for children younger age. Capsules contain 50, 100 and 150 mg of medication, prescribed for children from 5-6 years old. The solution for injection contains 2 mg of the drug, administered intravenously.


    The composition of the suspension "Diflucan" for children includes the active substance and auxiliary components. The current one includes fluconazole (10-40 mg) and additional substances. Among them:

    • sodium benzoate;
    • citric anhydrous acid;
    • xanthan gum;
    • titanium dioxide;
    • sucrose;
    • colloidal anhydrous silica;
    • sodium citrate dioxide;
    • orange flavor;
    • essential oil.

    Powder for oral suspension, white, free of impurities.


    The use of "Diflucan" in children is due to the severity of the disease. The drug is remarkable in that it has a wide range of indications for use.

    1. Candidiasis of mucous membranes, skin.
    2. Candidiasis respiratory tract and gastrointestinal tract.
    3. Generalized forms of candidiasis with damage to internal organs.
    4. Mycosis of the skin.
    5. Nail fungus.
    6. Cryptococcosis.
    7. Prevention of fungal diseases against the background of reduced immunity.

    Besides, this remedy actively prescribed for adult patients. Pediatricians point out that recent times increased cases of fungal diseases in children. Often, newborns also suffer from them. In this case, Diflucan is often advised to fight the disease.

    How does it happen that a baby who has just been born is already suffering from a fungus? In most cases, infection occurs during childbirth, when the baby passes through birth canal. In such children, the fungus appears on the mucous membranes, skin, causes inflammation meninges. The disease causes nausea, vomiting, diarrhea. In children older than 1.5 years, viral, herpetic diseases are observed, which are accompanied by the appearance of a fungal infection in the body.

    If you know what type of fungus struck the child, you can deal with the lesion quickly, efficiently and without consequences. The most effective and less harmful for the child's body, according to doctors, is Diflucan. Despite the fact that it is an antibiotic, it eliminates a candidal infection quickly, without harm to health.


    "Diflucan" for children is contraindicated if there is hypersensitivity to the active substance and auxiliary components. With caution, the drug is prescribed if:

    • impaired liver function;
    • a rash appeared on the skin in children with fungal infections while taking it;
    • have cardiovascular disease.

    The pediatrician prescribes the medicine taking into account the condition of the child.

    Side effects

    Diflucan is well tolerated by children, but unwanted reactions may still occur. Among them:

    • headaches;
    • dizziness;
    • convulsions;
    • rarely - hallucinations;
    • loss of appetite;
    • nausea;
    • vomit;
    • violation heart rate;
    • bleeding;
    • skin rash;
    • tissue swelling.

    To prevent their occurrence, you need to follow the instructions, as well as the recommendations of the pediatrician.

    Instructions for use

    "Diflucan" for children is prescribed according to a strict scheme. Up to five years, a liquid suspension is usually given. Add 25 ml of boiled, pre-chilled water to the vial with the powder. Shaken. The required amount is given to the child with a special spoon or syringe once a day, regardless of the meal. The solution is given in severe cases, for example, with a generalized fungal infection, damage to internal organs in stationary conditions intravenously. The dosage for children is calculated by weight.

    If fungal infections are limited, then a suspension of 3 ml per day per kilogram of the child's weight is prescribed. If severe generalized lesions occur, then the agent is administered intravenously from six to twelve mg per kilogram of weight. Children weighing fifty kilograms are prescribed adult dosage, and this is from 150 to 400 mg per day. It all depends on the pathology.

    The treatment regimen is as follows: first, a large dose is administered, which exceeds 1 daily twice, then the average daily dose. The course of treatment ranges from two weeks to several months, all this taking into account the underlying disease. After the symptoms disappear, treatment continues for another two weeks. The dosage of the Diflucan suspension is prescribed to the child individually, taking into account the history, age and body weight.

    special instructions

    In the reviews of "Diflucan" for children, it is said that they should be treated carefully, following the doctor's recommendations and instructions for use. Very rarely, the use of fluconazole leads to intoxication of the body, ending in the death of the patient. This happens if there are severe accompanying illnesses. After administration, a hepatotoxic effect may occur, which disappears after the end of the medication. It all depends on the patient's age, daily dose, duration of treatment.

    Patients who experience impaired renal function during Diflucan therapy should be kept under control so that serious liver damage does not occur. Rarely, the drug causes anaphylactic reactions. Simultaneous reception terfenadine and fluconazole are carried out under the supervision of a specialist. The drug can cause changes in the ECG. For patients with cardiovascular diseases, the drug is prescribed with caution.

    Let's combine "Diflucan" with a 20% glucose solution, Ringer's, Hart-Mann's solutions, potassium chloride in glucose, sodium bicarbonate, aminofusine, isotonic, physiological.


    "Diflucan" is not the only remedy that has the above actions. Among the group of triazoles and other drugs that do not affect children's body toxic effect.

    1. "Fluconazole". This medicine is available in the form of a suspension, capsules, injection solution. Recommended for children from the age of four. It is a highly specific antifungal agent. The indications are the same as those of Diflucan. Not recommended for children under four years of age, with individual intolerance active substance and additional components, while taking terfenadine, during the period of breastfeeding. "Fluconazole" is usually not prescribed to pregnant women, in rare cases, if the potential benefit to the mother outweighs the harm to the fetus. They take the medicine taking into account the disease according to a certain scheme.
    2. Flucostat. Release form - solution and capsules, used from the age of three. An antifungal agent that is prescribed for generalized candidiasis, mucous membranes, candidal infections different types, genital candidiasis, prevention of fungal infections, skin mycoses. Contraindications include hypersensitivity to the components of the drug. Available in the form of capsules and solution for intravenous administration. Common side effects: nausea, vomiting, pain in the abdomen, in the head, convulsions, allergic reactions, rarely - anaphylactic shock.
    3. "Mycomax". Produced in the form of syrup, capsules, solution, used for newborns. Also refers to antifungal agents, is a powerful selective inhibitor. It manifests itself most effectively in mycoses. The indications are the same as those of Diflucan. Not recommended for use in children under three years of age.
    4. "Medoflucon". These are antifungal capsules that are prescribed to children from the age of three. Effectively fights candidiasis. The drug is well absorbed, used to prevent fungal infections. Side effects and contraindications are no different from those indicated in the instructions for Diflucan. In case of an overdose, paranoid behavior, hallucinations may occur. Treatment in this case is symptomatic - gastric lavage and diuresis.

    There are other analogues of "Diflucan" for children, before using which you should consult a pediatrician.

    How to use for newborns?

    The instructions for use of Diflucan indicate that the drug is given to newborns with extreme caution. This is due to the fact that in infants the urinary system is imperfect, that is, the medicine lingers in the body for up to two to three days. If you give new doses daily, then an overdose will occur. How to give children "Diflucan"? Used in newborns up to two weeks once every 72 hours. At 3-4 weeks of life - every 48 hours. From the fifth week, apply once a day.

    A child's body with a still weak immune system is very susceptible to fungal diseases, and in recent years they have become more common. The fungus does not spare even newborns. How and how to treat a baby so as not to harm a fragile child's body?

    Among all the antifungal drugs known for their toxicity, and its analogues are the safest for children and at the same time very effective.

    In the article you will see detailed instructions for the use of Diflucan for children and newborns in the form of a suspension, capsules and solution, leave feedback about the drug in the comments.

    Diflucan release forms

    There are 3 dosage forms of Diflucan for children:

    • Suspension and powder for suspension preparation;
    • Gelatin capsules;
    • Injection.

    Suspension: Vials of 50 mg and 100 mg of the drug in 5 ml of water, or a ready-made suspension with the same dose with orange flavor. Convenient for young children. More about this form of release -.

    Capsules: Contain 50 mg, 100 mg and 150 mg of the drug, can be used in children from 5-6 years of age.

    Injection: Vials with a sterile solution containing 2 mg of the drug in 1 ml. It is entered only intravenously.

    The mechanism of action of the drug

    Diflucan belongs to the group of triazoles - antifungal agents based on the active substance fluconazole. The mechanism of action lies in the powerful inhibition in the cells of the fungus of the synthesis of styrenes - substances that are necessary for their growth and reproduction. In addition, the drug destroys the cell membranes of fungi.

    This also explains a wide range of fungicidal action on many types of fungus:

    • Yeast-like - candida, cryptococcus;
    • Blastomycetes (molds) - microsporum;
    • Ascomycetes - coccidioid;
    • Dermatomycetes - trichophyton.

    Indications for use

    Diflucan has a wide range of indications for use:

    • Candidiasis of the skin and mucous membranes (, genital tract).
    • Candidiasis of internal organs - respiratory tract,.
    • Generalized forms of candidiasis with the presence of a fungus in the blood (candidemia) and damage to all organs, including the heart, kidneys and urinary tract, liver, organ of vision.
    • Mycoses of the skin of various localization, including trichophytosis.
    • Cryptococcosis, including with lesions of the meninges, internal organs.
    • Fungal nail infection ().
    • For against the background of reduced immunity in patients after radiation therapy, chemotherapy.

    How to use the suspension or solution

    In young children up to 4-5 years old, it is difficult to count on taking Diflucan in capsules, so a liquid suspension is the best option. Add 24 ml of chilled boiled water to the powder bottle, shake thoroughly. The required measured amount is given to children with a special plastic spoon or with a plastic syringe 1 time per day, regardless of food.

    The solution is used in severe cases with a generalized fungal infection, damage to internal organs in a hospital, intravenously by drip once a day.

    The dosage is calculated strictly according to the body weight of the child:

    • With limited fungal infections, a suspension is prescribed at the rate of 3 mg per 1 kg of body weight per day;
    • In severe extensive and generalized lesions, cryptococcosis, the drug is administered intravenously at a daily dose of 6 to 12 mg per 1 kg of body weight, depending on the severity of the disease.

    Children weighing 50 kg or more are prescribed an adult dose, that is, 150-400 mg per day, depending on the severity of the pathology.

    The principle of the treatment regimen: for the first time, a loading dose is introduced that exceeds the daily dose by 1.5-2 times, and subsequently - the average daily dose. The course of treatment ranges from 2-3 weeks to several months, depending on the nature of the pathology. After the disappearance of clinical symptoms, treatment is continued for another 2 weeks.

    This article is often read:

    Method of application of capsules and treatment regimen

    For the treatment of children, diflucan is available in capsules of 50 mg. The scheme of its treatment, depending on the nature of the pathology and body weight, for children from 4 years old is presented in the table:

    The nature of the disease 15-20 kg 21-30 kg 31-40 kg 41-50 kg
    Candidiasis of the pharynx, esophagus 1 capsule 1-2 k. 2 k. 2-3 k.
    oral candidiasis 3 k. on the 1st day, then 1 capsule 3 k. on the 1st day, then 2 capsules 5 k. on the 1st day, then 5 capsules 6 k. on the 1st day, then 3 capsules
    Severe and generalized forms of fungal infection 2-5 k. 3-6 k. 4-7 k. 5-8 k.
    With a preventive purpose 1-5 k. 2-6 k. 2-7 k. 2-8 k.

    The duration of the course of treatment for limited lesions is from 3 weeks to complete recovery., with generalized - from 3 months.

    Side effects

    Diflucan in most cases is well tolerated by children, but sometimes there are side effects:

    • From the nervous system: headache, dizziness, sometimes convulsive syndrome and hallucinations - at high doses of the drug.
    • From the digestive system: loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, frequent stools.
    • From the side of the heart: sometimes there may be rhythm disturbances.
    • On the part of the blood: a decrease in the level of leukocytes and platelets, a tendency to bleed.
    • Allergic manifestations- more often in the form of a rash, extremely rarely develops a severe allergy - anaphylaxis with swelling of the tissues.