
Cold fever child what to do. Children's health

An increase in body temperature is known to be the body's protective response to an infection or virus.

But when the mark on the thermometer goes beyond 39, the benefit of such protection is significantly reduced. The state of hyperthermia becomes dangerous in itself, especially when it comes to young children. We will talk about white fever in a child in the article.

Concept and features

In medicine, fever is usually divided into white and pink, depending on the color of the skin during a temperature jump.

We can talk about white fever if the so-called white mark is noticeable.

This means that when you press on the skin, for a long time saved white spot . This phenomenon is due to the fact that blood circulation is disrupted due to severe spasm.

Fever itself is not a disease; it indicates some kind of disease - and it is necessary to fight it. Susceptible to white fever in to a greater extent kids are considered early age, from 0 to 3 months.

This condition requires immediate qualified medical care, since failure to take action in a timely manner can cause dire consequences.


Why does white fever occur in children? In most cases, this is due to an infection in the baby’s body, often this is the result of ARVI. But sometimes it is a reaction to injury, burn, swelling, hemorrhage, tumor.

Neurological and emotional stress can cause fever. Strong pain syndrome can also cause this condition.

5 main reasons white fever in children:

Fever in babies very dangerous— a convulsive syndrome is possible as a reaction to the still imperfect mechanisms of heat exchange processes in the baby’s body.

Therefore, children in this condition are urgently hospitalized, and treated and observed in the hospital.

What diseases does it accompany?

As already mentioned, this can respiratory infections VDP(upper respiratory tract). Any external attack on the baby’s body can be accompanied by white fever - be it microbial infection, burn or mechanical injury.

Babies cannot yet complain on their own, so if they have a fever, you need to immediately call a doctor - this may also be a harbinger of pneumonia.

The child is not taken to the doctor, but the local pediatrician is called, and maybe ambulance . The younger the baby, the faster complications develop, so you can’t hesitate.


It is impossible to completely exclude the occurrence of fever. But if you take simple, understandable actions, stick to elementary rules, the risks of such conditions are significantly reduced.

Fever Prevention:

  • child hygiene - always monitor and teach the baby himself;
  • exclude hypothermia and overheating;
  • during the cold season, do not take children to crowded places;
  • temper and strengthen the child’s immunity;
  • the house should be clean, fresh, and the air humid.

Do not listen to grandmothers and other relatives who suggest wiping your child with vodka or vinegar.

Exactly the same You can’t wrap up a child and force-feed him.

If you force a child to eat in this state, the body will spend a lot of energy digesting food instead of fighting the disease.

When it comes to babies, don’t wait for everything to go away on its own.

Fever is close critical conditions, therefore, urgently call a doctor and do everything that the specialist prescribes.

Tips for parents on using medications for fever in a child in this video:

We kindly ask you not to self-medicate. Make an appointment with a doctor!

Fever in a child: what to do?

It is difficult to remain calm and sober in thought when your baby’s mercury thermometer goes beyond 38. High fever is much more difficult for children than for adults, and if not treated promptly, it can lead to tragic consequences.

A pediatrician told our magazine about how to properly help a child with a fever.

An increase in temperature in a child is probably one of the most frequent occasions visiting a doctor. The term fever refers to an increase in temperature in armpit above 37.1 °C or rectal temperature above 38 °C.

Normal in both adults and children body temperature equal to 36.5 °C. It is usually measured in the armpit. Hold the thermometer under your armpit infant it can be difficult, so you can measure the temperature in the mouth or rectum, but keep in mind that it will be about 0.5-0.8 °C higher.

How to measure temperature correctly?

When measuring temperature, you can use either a mercury or an electronic thermometer. Although instant temperature thermometers are generally not very accurate.

Under normal conditions, body temperature fluctuates during the day within 0.5 °C. In the morning it is minimal, in the evening it increases.

Very warm clothes, yes, high temperature environment, hot bath, physical exercise increase body temperature by 1-1.5 °C.

Hot food or drinks can increase the temperature in the mouth, so temperature measurement should be done before meals or an hour after it.

A slight increase in temperature is possible in cases where the child is acting restless, crying.

Causes of high temperature in children

The most common causes of fever are infectious diseases. Changes in weather, long trips, overstimulation weaken children's body, and any infection may cause an increase in temperature.

In young children the temperature may rise due to simple overheating. Very caring parents, having wrapped the child in a warm room, they create a “micro-steamhouse” for him, effectively

Children in the first two months of life do not yet know how to “give off” heat.

Another reason for a rise in body temperature may be teething , but it should be remembered that in this case the temperature is usually does not rise above 38.4 °C.

What kind of fever is there?

An increase in body temperature is a natural protective process, aimed at mobilization own strength the body, increasing immunity, since microbes do not tolerate high temperatures well, stop their development and even die. This is why the temperature does not always need to be lowered.

Fever (high temperature) may be low-grade fever (up to 38 °C) and febrile (more than 38 °C). Also emit fever "white" and "red" types.

  • "Red" fever
  • With “red” fever, the skin is pink, moist, hot to the touch, the child’s behavior practically does not change. This fever is easier to deal with.

  • "White" fever
  • With “white” fever, the skin is pale with a “marble” pattern, the tint of the lips and fingertips may be bluish, and the baby’s arms and legs are cold to the touch. Characterized by a feeling of cold and chills. Increased heart rate and shortness of breath are observed, and convulsions may occur.

How to reduce the temperature?

It is necessary to reduce the temperature if it is more than 38.5 °C. Exceptions are situations if the child does not tolerate an increase in temperature or his age is less than 3 months; in these cases, it must be reduced already at 38 ° C. The most important thing is don’t panic! It’s better to calm down and think about how to help the baby.

More liquid!

With a fever, as a rule, appetite decreases sharply, and you need to come to terms with this. The main thing is that the child has enough breast milk, and at high temperatures - additional drinks. A child with a fever should drink more than a healthy child. An increase in body temperature causes increased evaporation of fluid from the skin and mucous membranes of the respiratory tract.

You need to drink more!
For every degree of increase in body temperature, the child should receive fluids 20% more than the daily norm.

If the baby is on breastfeeding, then in case of temperature increase, use medicines, appears the need to supplement it with water, even if you haven't done it before. Children over 6 months old can be given warm (slightly warmer than room temperature) tea, cranberry and lingonberry juice, linden blossom infusion, as well as fennel and chamomile infusion.

Little ones should be put to the breast more often and given water or chamomile tea. Even if the child is capricious and dissatisfied, be persistent. Only Do not give too much liquid at once so as not to provoke vomiting.

Fresh air

Try to maintain the air temperature in the room no higher than 22-23 ° C, ventilate the room more often. Do not wrap your child up with a cotton blanket.

From the home medicine cabinet

Of the drugs recommended, mainly those where active substance is paracetamol . These are “Paracetamol”, “Panadol”, “Efferalgan”, “Tylenol”, “Cefekon D”, etc. They are produced in the form of syrup, rectal suppositories, tablets. A single dose of paracetamol is 10-15 mg/kg (up to 1 year from 50 to 120 mg at a time), can be repeated up to 4 times a day.

If paracetamol does not help, children from 6 months can be given Nurofen syrup (Ibuprofen) ( daily dose- 5-10 mg/kg, divided into 4 doses). It is possible to take the drug from 3 months, but only as prescribed and under the supervision of a doctor.

It should be remembered that aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid) is contraindicated for children under 15 years of age! Analgin is prescribed only by the attending physician according to strict indications.

When the temperature rises, especially in infants, do not self-medicate, call a doctor. A specialist will help to correctly assess the severity of the child’s condition and prescribe adequate treatment.

Folk remedies for fever

Physical cooling methods are used: the child must be undressed, a cold compress should be placed on the forehead and changed periodically, the body must be wiped with a mixture of water and vodka in equal quantities (wipe, but do not rub the baby, otherwise it will cause the opposite effect). The procedure can be repeated several times until the temperature drops to 38 °C.

You can do an enema (always reduces body temperature by 1 °C). The enema is given with water at room temperature. For children 1-6 months - 30-60 ml, from 6 to 12 months - 120 ml. But this method should not be abused.

Attention: special occasion!

With “white” type fever, the temperature does not drop well due to spasm of the blood vessels in the extremities, which is why the child’s feet are cold. In this case, you can additionally, in addition to the antipyretic, give the child Papaverine or No-shpu (¼-½ tablet), and at the same time antihistamine(Suprastin, Fenistil, Zyrtec) and give the child hot tea.

You can apply a cold compress to your forehead, but You cannot wipe the child. You need to put woolen socks on your baby and wait until your feet become warm and skin turn pink.

See a doctor urgently!

If the temperature has not decreased 30 minutes after taking paracetamol or even rises, loose stool or seizures, you should consult a doctor immediately.

Be attentive to your baby. Even if the child’s condition is apparently good, you need to remember the likelihood of unfavorable dynamics and be on alert.

When a child is sick with an acute respiratory infection or the flu, he describes his first complaint as a feeling of cold. His body trembles, and his skin appears goose bumps». This condition is a protective reaction of the body, which tries to speed up blood circulation and perform a warming function. Chills in a child signal the beginning of the fight against the disease, but parents are always worried and try to do everything to speed up recovery.

Why does a child get severe chills?

Usually, a child develops chills at elevated temperatures. In this way, the body fights viruses and bacteria, removes toxins and warms the insides and tissues during prolonged hypothermia. If the baby says that he is “freezing”, you cannot lower the temperature. It is necessary to provide the immune system with the opportunity to resist the pathogen, and then the risk of developing pathology will be significantly reduced.

Chills and temperature are related deviations. When they appear, the process of heat formation in the child’s body doubles. At first, heat exchange occurs as usual, and fever develops later.

The functional causes of the described condition are not limited to colds and viral-bacterial diseases. Chills with fever are among the early signs the following pathologies:

  • measles;
  • malaria;
  • stress, shock;
  • pneumonia;
  • viral gastroenteritis;
  • dysfunction of the genitourinary system.

During the newborn period and until the child reaches one year of age, chills and fever are observed during teething, in case of overheating and after vaccinations. A baby's hyperactivity can also trigger a fever.

Symptoms of chills

Chills hitting the child when high temperature, occurs without change blood pressure.The condition is explained by a sharp spasm of the peripheral blood vessels of the skin. The baby’s health is deteriorating, and he complains of three main symptoms.

  1. Feeling cold. The baby freezes even in warm clothes and in environmental conditions where the air temperature rises above 20°C.
  2. "Running goosebumps." When there is a fever, small pimples form on the skin. The phenomenon is caused by contraction of the smooth muscles surrounding the hair follicles.
  3. Trembling in the body. This sign associated with muscles, reflex contractions of which occur frequently during fever.

Pediatrician Komarovsky warns: chills and high fever can be combined with a nagging headache and a feeling of aching throughout the body. The combination of deviations indicates intoxication of the body.

How to help a child?

If a child has a fever, parents should provide first aid. Let's look at what you can do at home.

  1. Providing bed rest. Deterioration in health causes weakness, so the patient needs rest. To avoid physical and mental stress, put your baby to bed.
  2. Organization drinking regime. In order for the baby to warm up and the body to replenish the increased need for fluid, the mother is recommended to prepare a warm, pleasant drink. You can give your child berry compotes, lingonberry juice, tea with a slice of lemon. Let the patient drink little by little, but often.
  3. Call a doctor at home. If your baby is shivering without signs of a cold, he may be overtired, or his health has worsened due to illness. thyroid gland. Consulting a doctor in such cases will not hurt. IN mandatory Parents of infants need to discuss the condition.

Also, mothers and fathers should know what not to do if their child has a fever with chills. Doctors prohibit any warming procedures. Hot compresses and steam inhalations contribute to an increase in temperature. Hyperthermia, in turn, causes heat stroke.

The second prohibited event is lowering the temperature using physical methods. When a child is shaking with chills and the temperature rises, alcohol, vinegar and water wraps should not be used. Giving the patient enemas with cool water and taking cool baths is also prohibited, since spasms of peripheral vessels will intensify, and internal organs- will overheat.

Reason to see a doctor

If the baby has been feverish for an hour, and his condition cannot be alleviated in any way, parents should urgently call a doctor at home.
Other reasons to concern a specialist are:

  • fever with chattering teeth;
  • a sharp deterioration in health;
  • recent holiday in an exotic country;
  • the child is lethargic, nervous, capricious;
  • the condition developed in a baby with a heart defect or a severe chronic disease.

Before your doctor arrives, you can try treating your fever with an antipyretic drug. Rinzasip, Ibuprofen, Ibustar, Nurofen, Panadol are suitable for children.

Pediatric experts say that an increase in body temperature in a baby is main reason visiting a doctor. In the autumn-winter period, 90% of young patients who have a fever come to the pediatrician. The main task of the doctor is to assess the condition of a child with a fever. Fever in children has characteristic features and treatment methods. Doctors often resort to antipyretic therapy.

What is fever?

In some cases, correction of fever in a small patient with the help of medications is required, in others, hospitalization is indicated. Experts say that fever is a nonspecific reaction of the child’s body in response to exposure to “bad” stimuli, which is characterized by an increase in body temperature.

Increased body temperature reduces the viability of many pathogenic microorganisms and strengthens the components of the immune system. This means that a fever of less than 38.5 degrees does not require drug correction. This rule applies only when the child’s health is good. The parents of a small patient should monitor him and monitor his condition. With a high probability of development critical situations needed urgent Care doctors

Types of fever in children

Fever in children can manifest itself and proceed in different ways, much depends on the type of disease. In clinical practice, pale and pink fever are distinguished. Each of them has its own clinical picture. For example, pink fever is characterized by a feeling of heat, persistent normal color skin.

Table 1: Types of fever.

Symptoms Fever accompanied by the presence pink color skin or slight hyperemia (so-called pink) Fever not accompanied by hyperemia (so-called pale fever)
General condition Moderate or severe, caused by an underlying disease Very severe, severe intoxication
Complaints Feeling hot Feeling cold, chills
Increased body temperature Gradual Swift
Mucous membranes Pink Pale, cyanotic
Skin Pink, warm Pale, cyanotic, cold
Nail beds Pink cyanotic
Consciousness Preserved, rarely excited Stunning, stupor, convulsive readiness
Pulse Accelerated, tense Severe tachycardia, thready pulse
Blood pressure Within normal limits Reduction to shock levels
Breath Rapid Superficial, often forced

With this type of fever, the child’s condition will be moderate, and the body temperature rises gradually. The baby's mucous membranes and skin remain pink, the pulse may be accelerated and tense. Blood pressure at pink fever does not exceed normal limits, and the child’s breathing is slightly rapid. The so-called pink fever is considered more favorable and safe. This variant of the disease is physiological.

Pale fever is severe in children. Cold extremities, severe intoxication, blue discoloration of the nail plates, thread-like pulse - these are just some of the symptoms of the disease. Pale fever is characterized by other symptoms, such as:

  • decline blood pressure to shock indicators;
  • pale skin;
  • feeling of cold throughout the body, chills;
  • changes in the child's behavior;
  • shallow, often forced breathing;
  • convulsive state of the baby.

Pale fever is accompanied by metabolic disorders, microcirculation disorders and heat transfer, which does not correspond to heat production. If the temperature is not brought down in a timely manner, the occurrence of seizures in the child will be inevitable. During development convulsive syndrome requires close attention from a specialist.

The risk group for developing pale fever is children different ages. It includes babies under two months of age, patients with epilepsy, and children with a history of febrile seizures. Children with central nervous system pathology, hereditary metabolic diseases, and heart defects can develop pale fever. For young patients at risk, antipyretic therapy is indicated at a body temperature of 38 degrees.

Main signs of fever in children

Fever in a child is accompanied not only by elevated temperature. When clinically examining a small patient with a fever, the doctor pays attention to other symptoms. They, according to the “traffic light rule,” indicate the presence serious condition when a child is ill. The following clinical manifestations deserve special attention:

  • cyanosis of the mucous membranes and skin;
  • there is no response to social signals;
  • the child is sleepy, he does not want to wake up;
  • continuous crying of the baby;
  • there is breathing with wheezing, groaning;
  • tissue labor decreases;
  • moderate, pronounced retraction of the chest;
  • swelling of the fontanel.

To objectively assess the severity of a sick child’s condition, specialists can use the Yale Observation Scale. Using this scale, doctors will be able to make the right decision regarding further treatment tactics for a small patient. The following factors are taken into account:

  1. symptoms (pattern of crying, behavior, skin color, hydration status, etc.);
  2. norm and deviations;
  3. moderate disorder;
  4. significant disorder.

Table 2: Yale Assessment Criteria.

Symptoms Normal (1 point) Moderate frustration (3 points) Significant distress (5 points)
Character of crying Loud or absent Sniffling or whimpering Moan, a high-pitched loud cry, does not change when trying to calm the child
Reaction to parents Little or no crying, baby appears happy The crying stops and starts again Prolonged crying despite attempts to calm the child
Behavior Doesn't sleep, wakes up quickly if he falls asleep Closes eyes quickly if awake or wakes up after prolonged stimulation Difficult to wake up, sleep disorder
Skin color Pink Pale limbs or acrocyanosis Pale, cyanotic spotted, ashy
Hydration status Skin and mucous membranes are moist The skin and mucous membranes are moist, but the oral mucosa is dry The skin is dry and flabby, the mucous membranes are dry, the eyes are “sunken”
Communication Smiling or wary A quickly fading smile or wariness No smile, lethargy, lack of response to the actions of others
Interpretation of results
Grade Risk of complications Treatment tactics
< 11 3% Outpatient treatment
11 — 15 26% Consultation with a pediatrician
> 15 92% Hospitalization

After interpreting the results obtained on the Yale scoring scale, the pediatrician chooses further treatment tactics. The symptoms of fever in a child, his behavior and general condition are of great importance. The risk of developing serious complications is always assessed. The local doctor may prescribe outpatient treatment, recommend consultation with the head of the department, hospitalize the small patient.

When is antipyretic therapy required?

Fever is one of the signs of most infectious diseases. It can be observed during acute respiratory viral infections in children, influenza and other ailments. It is not always necessary to reduce the temperature to normal indicators. Experts from the American Academy of Pediatrics report that an increase in body temperature in a child cannot be considered an absolute indicator for prescribing antipyretic therapy. Parents must learn to observe general condition beloved child, identify the main alarming symptoms.

In children at risk of developing fever, body temperature should not be allowed to increase to >38°C. You need to know what is not necessary for everyone possible ways strive to normalize the temperature. Enough to reduce high performance at least by 1-1.5°C. The main criteria for prescribing antipyretic therapy are the type of fever and the presence of risk factors. For pink fever this type therapy is indicated if:

  1. a baby without risk factors has a temperature ≥38.5°C;
  2. a child with risk factors has a temperature equal to or higher than 38°C.

At pale fever these indicators are slightly different. If the child is not at risk, antipyretic therapy is prescribed at a temperature ≥38.0 degrees C. If a small patient is at risk, antipyretics are indicated at a temperature ≥37.5 degrees C.

What medications are used for fever?

If a child has a fever, the pediatrician must choose the right drug. Patients from 2 years of age are allowed to take metamizole sodium, from 5 years of age - mefenamic acid. Assign acetylsalicylic acid Only allowed to patients over 18 years of age.

WHO also recommends the use of paracetamol and ibuprofen in pediatric practice when treating fever in children. The last antipyretic is allowed for children whose age has reached 3 months. Paracetamol is approved for use in infants over 1 month of age. There is no point in prescribing two antipyretics at the same time. Alternating paracetamol with ibuprofen is permitted in cases where the young patient continues to feel unsatisfactory after taking the drug.

If ibuprofen and paracetamol are ineffective, doctors use metamizole sodium. Ibuprofen has more pronounced analgesic and antipyretic effects compared to paracetamol. After taking any of the drugs, their effect is observed within 15 minutes. True, the duration of action of ibuprofen on the child’s body is 8-12 hours, and paracetamol - only 4 hours. As a result, you can limit your ibuprofen intake to 2-3 doses per day.

Dosage, features of the use of drugs for fever in a child

A study by experienced professionals showed the rapid onset of the antipyretic effect of ibuprofen, and its long-lasting antipyretic effect. When deciding how to treat fever in children, doctors must take into account the age of the patients. Regardless of the level of fever, ibuprofen is prescribed at a dose of 5-10 mg/kg.

The standard dose of paracetamol is 10-15 mg/kg; sick children should take it every 4-6 hours. Ibuprofen is used in a dose of 5-10 mg/kg, sick patients take it every 6-8 hours. We can say that there is an obvious difference in the convenience of taking such drugs and in their medicinal load.

In pediatric practice, only effective and safe medications should be used to eliminate fever in young patients. In a number of cases, the occurrence of different side effects when using ibuprofen. General indicator is less than 0.1 percent of the total unwanted effects registered while taking medications.

In 1995, experts conducted a randomized multicenter study, according to the results of which they were able to compare the frequency of manifestations adverse reactions against the background of short-term use of paracetamol, ibuprofen. It was revealed that the risk of developing Reye's syndrome renal failure and other complications when using these medicines was comparable.

    MamaNaya 05/26/2010 at 11:15:18

    "White" fever. What to save yourself with?

    We recently experienced this phenomenon. This is creepy.
    I will say that previously our fever was accompanied by sweating and went away quite easily. We had water as an antipyretic - it helped. And then there’s a sudden jump to 39.6, my arms and legs are icy, my lips turn blue. The child is semi-conscious. This was my first time encountering this. As soon as I managed to put a suppository with paracetamol, I called an ambulance, they refused: “If the child is breathing, then call the children’s emergency room. And anyway, what did you think before? We should have prevented such an increase!” Fortunately, the child felt a little better. They opened the window and hot water, rubbed their limbs. The ambulance did not arrive immediately. The doctor quite calmly said that it was ARVI. He said to give no-shpa, vinegar wraps, cool enemas with paracetamol and ibuprofen...
    For 2 days we still struggled with the temperature rising to 39.5. And cold extremities all the time. No-shpa made me vomit, the enema didn’t help, and I didn’t do vinegar wraps because... many people say that vinegar (even diluted) does more harm than good. But somehow we survived this crisis.
    Then it turned out that we did not have ARVI. A rash appeared, but there was no snot or cough. Is it roseola or something else? viral infection.
    Anyone who has encountered white fever, please share your experience. Why does it arise? What to do if no-spa is not suitable? I read that papaverine suppositories are effective. Has anyone used them?
    This kind of fever is very scary. I wouldn't wish this on anyone. But if suddenly this happens, you must be prepared to quickly save the child, without counting on an ambulance.

    • katskin 05/29/2010 at 14:27:32

      We survived

      only our version is cooler - the temperature is 40.6, my daughter was chattering her teeth and screaming that she was cold, all the other symptoms were the same, although she was completely adequate. The ambulance arrived 20 minutes later, I clearly described the situation. Moreover, it was a repeated call, and they did not leave us a referral to the hospital. They gave an injection (but spa + diphenhydramine + analgin) - it didn’t help my daughter, they took us to the hospital, they repeated the injection, added ceftriaxone and dexamethozone, it didn’t help either - 40.2 was eventually wiped with vinegar, brought down to 39.9 - they did it right away an enema with cool water - this was the only thing that helped and the temperature was 38.5. The diagnosis was made only on the third day by X-ray - pneumonia (there was no cough, the doctors did not hear wheezing), they said that it was viral in nature
      All these procedures cannot be done at home - there is a risk of convulsions, even from rubbing, not to mention an enema - by the way, at 40 it is categorically contraindicated.
      Conclusion - in case of white fever, we call an ambulance and rush to the hospital.
      At home you need to have an ambulance injection (see above) and be ready to inject if anything happens, as well as money for a private ambulance - it’s faster.
      You can try papaverine if you are not allergic, but it is less effective.
      One thing you need to remember is that suppositories act more slowly than injections, and in such a situation, minutes count. If you put a suppository, then you can no longer inject your child with this drug for some time.

      geny 05/26/2010 at 22:49:51

      I once used no-shpa in candles, but I think it was called-khsha +

      I can’t say more precisely, this was a couple of years ago, I think the pharmacy should know. Mefenamic acid helps us a lot with “unbreakable” temperatures, it’s really better than any other drugs.

      • kaktus1 05/27/2010 at 09:28:25


        and we had roseola at 1.5 years old... gave paracetamol, but only when the temperature exceeded 39, the emergency doctor said to rub cold feet with vodka and put on woolen socks, and when the socks get hot, take them off. In addition, for small child At high temperatures, it is advisable to abandon diapers.

    • Shooter 05/26/2010 at 12:46:16

      But you can inject it, you can light all sorts of candles. Get well!(-)

      I am not some!
      (c) Kolyan, 4g.

      Fantasy 05/27/2010 at 18:17:19

      It seems to me that the child was vomiting not from no-spa, but from a high fever.+

      My son always vomits when his temperature is above 39. Our temperature is very low. Paracetamol and Analdim suppositories practically do not reduce it.
      We measure the temperature every 30 minutes, as soon as the temperature creeps above 38.5 I give an antipyretic in syrup (if you have eaten anything, of course). I did rubdowns a couple of times warm water without vodka/alcohol/vinegar. The water should be warm.

      JULIA_29 05/26/2010 at 11:43:31

      yes, we survived roseola