
How to get rid of onion smell. How to get rid of onion smell

Onion is a useful and valuable product. And the more vitamins it contains, the higher its odor. If you cook and taste a dish with onions or make a healing mask, then an unpleasant smell will haunt you for a very long time. In order not to shock households, friends and work colleagues, try a few proven folk methods getting rid of the obsessive onion "flavor".

How to get rid of onion smell from the mouth

If you love recipes where onions are present, then you probably had to think more than once about what it is like for others to communicate with you. To prevent this from happening in the future, there are several ways out of this situation:

  1. Eat fruit. The acids found in apples, pears, pineapples, lemons, and tangerines break down compounds that cause bad breath.
  2. Chew greens. Cilantro, parsley, dill and celery will not only eliminate bad smell, but also clean the oral cavity from bacteria.
  3. Have some coffee. It will be even more effective if you just chew the grains in your mouth. In perfume shops, there are always cups with coffee beans near the shelves with bottles. They serve to cleanse the smelling receptors of bored aromas. Why not use this property to get rid of our problem.
  4. After eating, drink a glass of any dairy product(milk, kefir, fermented baked milk, yogurt). They will break down the compounds that cause bad breath.
  5. Cinnamon. This spice has antibacterial properties, which explains its effectiveness.

Remember, if you just brush your teeth or try chewing gum, the smell will not go away. He will just disguise himself for a while, and later he will definitely make himself felt.

How to get rid of onion smell on hands

If you like to cook yourself, then you know how difficult it is to get rid of the onion smell coming from your hands, even with the help of detergents. But there are natural effective methods, which will not harm the skin and relieve it of the "aroma":

  1. Make a homemade scrub. It will not only help to say goodbye to the smell, but also take care of your hands. To prepare the scrub, use ground coffee or coarse sea salt. Just dilute them with warm water and rub them into the skin for a while, then rinse off.
  2. Take advantage of a lemon. Cut it into 2 halves and rub your palms thoroughly, back side and fingers. Then wash your hands with soap. Lemon juice will get rid of the smell, whiten the skin and nails.
  3. Table vinegar is also effective in combating "aroma". Dampen a cotton pad with it and wipe your hands thoroughly.
  4. Steel soap is the most controversial method of dealing with unpleasant odors, but, judging by the reviews, it is very effective. In order not to waste money on a pacifier, you can find stainless steel kitchen utensils at home (a sink will do) and carefully rub your hands under running water on a metal surface.
  5. Get rid of the "aroma" of onions potatoes. Cut two circles from it and rub your hands with them for 2 minutes, and then wash.

All these methods will suit you if there are no open wounds or redness on the skin. Otherwise, put on plastic gloves before cutting the onion.

How to remove onion smell from hair

All girls have heard about the magical properties of onions that can make hair silky and manageable. But few people dare to use folk recipes. And for good reason, because the hair quickly absorbs any odors and is reluctant to get rid of them. In order not to become a victim of beauty, try a few proven methods:

  1. Colorless henna mask. Dilute 2 tablespoons of powder hot water mix well and let cool slightly. Apply the mixture to your hair and leave for 1 hour. Such a mask will not only get rid of the onion smell, but also strengthen the hair.
  2. Kefir will help to cope with the problem. Warm it up slightly, smear thickly on your hair and put on a plastic cap. After 1 hour, remove and wash your hair with shampoo.
  3. Some essential oils well eliminate the "aroma" after onion masks. In particular, containing extracts of citrus, bay, eucalyptus and tea tree. Do the aroma combing procedure or add a few drops to a balm or hair mask and after 2-3 days the smell will disappear.
  4. Try the mask with lemon juice. Take 1 tablespoon of this ingredient and add 1 teaspoon of melted honey. Apply the mixture on your hair, and after half an hour wash off with shampoo.
  5. A mask with cognac and yolk also helps to remove an unpleasant odor. Add honey to them to thicken the mass, and apply. Hold for half an hour and rinse.

These recipes are essentially nourishing masks, so don't be afraid to use them on your hair. You will not only say goodbye to an unpleasant aroma, but also gain thick and strong curls.

How to Remove Onion Smell from Kitchen Appliances

After cutting onions, the smell remains on the knife, cutting board and other kitchen utensils, especially if they are made of wood or plastic. To quickly get rid of this problem, housewives use several proven methods:

  1. Take a lemon peel and generously rub it on any utensils that smell of onions. Then rinse them in cool water with laundry soap. The zest can also be put in a kitchen cabinet - it also copes with other odors (fish, mold, dampness).
  2. Help to deal with the problem vegetable oil. Rub it on washed knives and boards, leave for a while, and then wash again.
  3. Lower the cutlery into a saucepan with strong coffee or tea. Keep them there until the smell has passed.
  4. Wipe the knives and boards with vinegar. Do this several times, let the instruments “rest” for 10 minutes and rinse them with water.
  5. Use sea salt or mustard powder. Dissolve them in a small amount of water and generously rub the utensils and dishes in which the onion was located. After half an hour, wash them as usual.

Now you know how, without giving up your favorite dishes with onions, to stay fresh and fragrant. And your kitchen will smell only the aroma of cleanliness. Also, the folk recipes presented in the article will help to cope with other equally intrusive "aromas".

Onions give a fragrant, special taste to dishes, the use of which leaves a very unpleasant odor. This is especially true when it is necessary for a person to be in society. But there is absolutely nothing terrible if you know how to eliminate it, if it is caused only after eating food. But there are situations when a person who has not eaten onions may complain about his smell in certain diseases.

Milk is one of the best remedies for fighting onion breath.

There are many folk ways, as well as special preparations facilitating the removal of any bad smell in the oral cavity, including onions. But first of all, it is important to observe oral hygiene, in particular, rinse your mouth after each meal, brush your teeth regularly with hygiene products. So, how and how to quickly remove the smell of onions from the mouth?

The following methods will help here:

  • milk - the best remedy to combat odor. It is enough to drink a glass of milk and everything will disappear quickly enough;
  • lemon zest will help to effectively get rid of the smell of onions and garlic in a short time, if you eat a piece of the product;
  • use nuts immediately after meals;
  • rinse your mouth with plain water after eating;
  • chewing parsley;
  • in a short time, cleaning the tongue and teeth with hygienic pastes eliminates the smell in the mouth after taking onions;
  • chewing gum can dull the unpleasant incense;
  • Cardamom grains are an excellent onion smell fighter. One grain is enough to chew and you can immediately feel fresh breath.

If the house does not have cardamom, it can be easily replaced with coffee beans. And there are also a number of ways to get rid of the smell, such as black tea, spicy seasonings that should be chewed for 15 minutes (cinnamon, cloves, coriander and others).

Ways to help eliminate the smell of onions from the mouth, allow you to use this valuable product at any time, anywhere. It has many useful properties, and it is not for nothing that there has long been such a saying as an onion from seven ailments.

Beneficial features

Bulb onions are a source of vitamins B, C, minerals, and essential oils valuable for the body. The special richness of onions is in a sufficient amount of iron for the human body, which is contained in any kind of valuable vegetable (raw, fried, boiled).

Onion is a great antiseptic

Onions go well with liver. Also, the sufficient content of potassium in the product has a beneficial effect on the heart and its system. Elements such as carotene, folic acid, biotin is contained in the juice of green feathers. Onions are also rich in sugar found in spicy varieties.

The main beneficial properties of onions include:

  • increased appetite, tone;
  • improves digestion;
  • onion is an excellent antiseptic;
  • bactericidal, anti-inflammatory properties;
  • the product is effective in combating low blood pressure;
  • hinders education cancer cells due to the content of flavonoids;
  • has an anti-sclerotic, anti-diabetic effect.

Due to the large number of useful properties of the product, it must be consumed in almost any form every day.

Some people apply pieces to their heels during a cold for a quick recovery. A raw vegetable contains many useful components, but during processing, it does not lose its properties. It is eaten in salads, sandwiches, or added to soups, meat, stews. Currently, not a single culinary specialist in the world can do without onions, which, in addition to healing properties It gives dishes a special taste. Useful in cooking are the bulbs themselves and green leaves, which are used for seasoning salads, canned food, various dishes of meat, vegetables, sauces, gravies. It also goes well with cheeses, cottage cheese, and simply with salted bread.

Pharmaceutical products in the fight against onion smell


The main reason for the appearance of an unpleasant onion smell in the mouth after consumption of the product is the interaction of oral bacteria with sulfur compounds that are released from onions.

An unpleasant factor affecting the smell is caries. Too unpleasant can intensify with the onion particles entering the cavities affected by caries, where they interact with bacteria and begin to rot. Accordingly, it is not always possible to get rid of an unpleasant odor effectively in a short time. folk remedies or simple hygiene. Hygiene is essential in the first place with careful care of the entire oral cavity. You should also consult a doctor for treatment of the disease.

Can help eliminate odors pharmaceutical preparations, as:

Why does onion smell stay in my mouth for a long time?

Many people often do not want to eat dishes containing onions, because they do not know how and with what to kill the smell of onions from the mouth, which persists for a long time. But first you need to figure out where in the oral cavity this problem remains for so long.

The smell of onion persists after it is consumed on the tongue, which has gustatory, rough, villi.

It is very unpleasant, can irritate the surrounding people. Micro particles, getting into the oral cavity, get stuck in them and decompose under the action of saliva, which is called aftertaste. For this reason, the smell from the mouth from onions and a number of other products, such as garlic, persists for a long time.

Except listed ways To combat odor, you can use the following recommendations:

Onions, like garlic, strengthen the health of the whole body and teeth in particular.

The listed methods, how and with what to kill the smell of onions from the mouth, using various products, components, medicinal solutions, drugs, rinses will help everyone feel comfortable in any environment. And also allow you to use your favorite vegetable in any dishes and in any form. In the case when the smell is retained for a long time and the means used do not cope with its elimination, it is necessary to contact a specialist for advice and carry out comprehensive examination for the presence of diseases.

It is difficult to overestimate the beneficial properties of onions, and the thing is in its unique substances that can destroy the development of pathogenic microbes. However, it is very difficult to get rid of its persistent unpleasant odor in the mouth using a regular toothbrush and floss. The relevance of the question of how to remove the smell of onions from the mouth is growing every day, today there are enough ways and methods to help get rid of bad breath without much difficulty.

Adsorbent preparations

To eliminate the smell of onions will help a few pharmaceutical products containing extracts of fragrant plants and having adsorption properties. These drugs include:

In this article, for every onion lover, there is a way to get rid of the smell quickly and reliably. Since such simple tips, differ not only in efficiency, but also in the availability of certain means and products for the implementation of the above tips.

O useful properties onions have been known for a long time. homeopaths and traditional healers claim that the bow takes its healing energy from the bowels of the earth. Due to the content of vitamins and phytoncides, onion is effective in treating colds, improves immunity and strengthens the body.

Once it was this vegetable that saved long-distance sailors from scurvy. In addition, onions are recommended for skin fungus and dermatitis, hypertension and kidney stones. The use of this product significantly reduces the risk of diseases of cardio-vascular system. But many try not to eat it, because after eating it, an unpleasant aftertaste appears in the mouth, which can last for several hours.

What causes bad odor?

During chewing onions, sulfur compounds are released, to which the bacterial environment of the oral cavity begins to react. It is thanks to this contact that an unpleasant odor repels people.

The following little tricks will help to avoid the smell:

  • before eating, finely chop the onion, so it is easier to chew and swallow it;
  • before adding the onion to the salad, scald it with boiling water, it will wash off the substances that give bitterness and smell;
  • at a feast, do not choose dishes with onions last, so that subsequent food displaces its aftertaste.

If, nevertheless, an unpleasant aftertaste appears, there are a few simple and effective ways helping to remove it.

How to get rid of onion smell in your mouth

Onion amber and taste in the mouth can be easily eliminated with the help of tools and products that can be found in any home.

  1. mint toothpaste- A great breath freshener. While brushing your teeth, work your tongue well with the rubber pad on the reverse side brushes.
  2. AT warm water drop a little lemon or tea tree oil, rinse your mouth with this product.
  3. Spices with pronounced taste qualities also eliminate unpleasant odors well. For several minutes, you need to chew cardamom grains or coffee (you can ground it), covering the entire surface of the mouth with gruel.
  4. Activated charcoal is not only a good absorbent, it also perfectly masks unpleasant odors. Simply hold one tablet in your mouth for 3-4 minutes. True, this remedy has a significant disadvantage - the teeth and tongue will become black, but this disadvantage is easily eliminated by rinsing the mouth with warm water and lemon juice.
  5. Well eliminate unwanted amber and nuts (almond, walnut or pine). You need to eat them immediately after the onion, the unwanted smell will either disappear or become weaker.
  6. Fresh parsley can also cope with the onion aroma. Just a few chewed twigs will freshen your breath.
  7. Some fruits such as apple, lemon, pineapple, tangerine greatly reduce the unpleasant odor. However, it is not completely eliminated.
  8. Mouthwash is an effective remedy. But you can only use them at home.
  9. Black tea without sugar with natural chocolate and freshly brewed natural coffee will also help to cope with the problem.
  10. A chewing gum with a strong flavor also dulls the onion taste in the mouth.

Helpful advice! You can minimize the smell of onions with the help of dairy products. If you drink a glass of milk or eat yogurt, the unpleasant odor will gradually become less noticeable.

How to get rid of the smell of onions from the mouth with the help of folk recipes

In addition to the above methods, there are several folk recipes helping to eliminate bad taste and smell.

Green tea

Green tea with honey will help eliminate unwanted odor, it contains antioxidants that destroy sulfur compounds. Add a pinch of green tea to a cup of hot water. Cover the cup and leave for 5 minutes. Strain the tea and add a little honey. For the smell to completely disappear, you need to drink this tea several times.

Mint infusion

Mint is great for freshening breath and eliminating the smell of onion, thanks to its antiseptic properties. Grind a small bunch of mint, pour hot water. Cover for 10 minutes, strain the infusion, add honey. If making a drink is not possible, you can simply chew on fresh mint leaves.

Vegetable oil

Prepare a mixture of 2 tbsp. spoons of sunflower or olive oil and 1 teaspoon of salt. Rinse your mouth with this mixture. After a while, the unpleasant odor will disappear.

Onions are a healthy vegetable that is part of every second dish. And not in vain, because he is the source a large number vitamins. Most of us are familiar with the medicinal properties of onions. It is used not only in cooking, but also in medicine and cosmetology. Eating this vegetable in food will support in strengthening the immune system, relieve colds, flu and many other diseases.

The only drawback of this healing vegetable is an unpleasant pungent smell, which is not so easy to remove after eating. The fact is that at the time of chewing onions, sulfur compounds are released that interact with bacteria in the oral cavity. This is the main reason. The problem for many onion lovers is that it is inconvenient to appear in public with this aroma, especially in front of important people. How to solve this problem? In fact, there are many ways in which it is easy and simple to get rid of the smell of onions. Let's consider each of them.

How to remove the smell of onion from the mouth? Products that eliminate the smell of onions

You can easily get rid of the harsh onion aroma with the help of products. This is a fairly simple and effective way.

  • Fresh greens. Parsley, cilantro, celery help a lot. Just chew on a couple of sprigs of greens after dinner. For greater effect, you can cook fresh. To do this, grind the greens in a blender and add a little water. There will be no trace of onion aroma.
  • Fruits. Apples and citrus fruits can quickly cope with a pungent odor. The zest of an orange or lemon is especially good in this regard. Chew the zest after dinner for a few minutes and you will appreciate its effectiveness against onions.
  • Nuts. Help quickly walnuts and almonds, but pistachios and peanuts will not do any good. Just a few pieces of nuts are guaranteed to get rid of the smell for the whole day. You can also use seeds, but it is worth considering that they simply interrupt the aroma, that is, freshness of breath is not guaranteed.
  • Dairy products. A glass of kefir drunk after dinner will not only eliminate the onion aroma, but also speed up the digestion process.
  • Cinnamon. Chew on a pinch of ground cinnamon, or if you're allergic, simply add it to your coffee to taste. Cinnamon contains essential oils.
  • Vegetables. Eat onions with vegetables. The smell will become less noticeable, if not completely gone.
  • White bread or other products with high content carbohydrates, because the smell can be caused by a lack of this trace element in the body.

Drinks that eliminate the smell of onions

Destroy the nasty onion smell you can drink the following drinks after a meal:

  • Green tea. Contains a substance that neutralizes pungent odor - polyphenol. So mug green tea after eating, it can eliminate odor and freshen breath.
  • Coffee. Drink a cup of strong coffee or chew a couple of coffee beans.
  • Acidic juices, such as grapefruit or lime. Acid quickly fights unpleasant odors.
  • Milk or milkshake. Milk significantly reduces the amount of sulfur compounds, neutralizing unpleasant odors.

Reduce bad breath before and after meals

In order to reduce the flavor of the vegetable, scald the onion with boiling water before eating. In general, it is better to avoid eating raw onions before important meetings. Give preference to dishes in which the onion is subjected to heat treatment.

If you cannot imagine your life without salads with fresh onions, replace it with pickled ones. Or soak in cold water 2-3 hours, the onion will not lose its beneficial properties, and the smell after eating will be less noticeable.

Chewing gum will help reduce the onion smell a little.

Give preference to natural chewing gum flavored with mint or cinnamon.

Pharmacy funds

How to remove the smell of onion from the mouth urgently?

  • Chlorophyllipt. This alcohol solution quickly and efficiently copes with the problem of acrid breath. It contains eucalyptus extract. Simply add 5 ml of the solution to a glass of water and rinse your mouth thoroughly.
  • Hydrogen peroxide is excellent at fighting viruses, but few people know about the other beneficial properties of this penny remedy. Hydrogen peroxide can easily freshen your breath and eliminate odor. To do this, you just need to dissolve 10 drops of peroxide in 1 tbsp. l. water, then rinse the mouth with the resulting solution.
  • Special mouthwashes. When choosing a conditioner, carefully study its composition. Rinsing agents containing chlorhexidine do the best job, but it is better not to take alcohol rinses, they are ineffective, besides, the smell from them can even become even stronger.
  • Parsley capsules - effective remedy. Only in capsules natural products: vitamin E, parsley seeds and vegetable oils.
  • Anti-policeman. The essential oils included in the preparation can not only drown out the aroma, but completely eliminate it. Available in two versions - spray and lollipops, both products are equally effective.
  • Activated charcoal. Charcoal fights toxins, thereby getting rid of unwanted odor. Just hold the tablet in your mouth for a few minutes. Oral cavity will be painted in dark color, but this problem is easily solved by rinsing the mouth with plain water.

How to remove the smell of onions from the mouth quickly? Consider hygiene procedures

Hygiene procedures will not help you completely eliminate the smell, but in combination with other methods, they will have a positive effect on breath freshness.

  • Teeth cleaning. Brush your teeth as often as possible Special attention giving language. The fact is that the remnants of food remain on the tongue, which further enhance the flavor. Well, if you have a special tongue scraper at hand, you can effectively get rid of food particles and bacteria with it. Food debris can also build up in cavities, so if you suffer from cavities, onion smell can be more difficult to get rid of. In this case, you need to visit the dentist as soon as possible.
  • Dental floss. Dentists recommend using dental floss every time after eating, she cleans the mouth from food debris.
  • Rinsing the mouth. Properly selected rinse should be used daily after meals.

All of the above methods are effective in combating onion odor. Choose the method that suits you best, and remember that the smell is not a reason to refuse such a vitamin and healing vegetable as onions.

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