
How to remove chubby cheeks and create beautiful cheekbones. How to remove cheeks - basic rules

In this article you will learn how to get rid of cheeks. Appearance is very important to us. Confidence and well-being depend on how well it corresponds to our ideas about ourselves. For some, plump cheeks are a sign of health and fullness of strength, but for others are a problem. A persistent idea has been created in society.

That a person with sunken cheeks looks more impressive and attractive.

Following this idea, many strive to do everything to change the shape of their face and remove their cheeks.

Why do some have sunken cheeks and others have round cheeks?

Each has its own unique personality. There is not a single person in the world that is exactly alike.

Meanwhile, many do not feel proud of this, but, on the contrary, suffer from the fact that they do not have the same appearance as their favorite movie hero or heroine.

As a rule, women suffer more often from this problem. The cause of girlish tears is often chubby cheeks.

In pursuit of new appearance some resort to the services of plastic surgeons. Meanwhile, there are completely harmless ways to visually reduce cheeks using cosmetics or facial gymnastics.

Problem risk group


This is genetic predisposition. If the parents have a round face, then there is a high probability that the child will also have a round face. As a rule, it is on a round face that chubby cheeks flaunt.

Excess weight

The problem may be overweight. As a rule, extra pounds are primarily visible on the face. Appearance does not change better side. The face looks a little swollen.

Lumps of Bisha

Plastic surgeons also say that round cheeks can be caused by accumulations of fatty tissue located in the capsule. They are located next to the parotid salivary gland between the masticatory muscles.

Their most important purpose– reduce friction of muscle fibers during chewing, protect facial muscles and nerve endings from injury and increase muscle tone. IN infancy these lumps are simply irreplaceable. They help the baby, including breastfeeding.

These accumulations of fatty tissue make the cheeks plump.

If a baby's chubby cheeks are painted, then in adulthood they become unnecessary, and for some they even sag.

Lack of water in the body

Experts say that lack of water in the body can also cause chubby cheeks. If a person does not drink enough water during the day, the body can store the moisture it needs. And this leads to swelling of the eyelids and cheeks.

How to get rid of the problem?

Makeup and hairstyle

First of all, it is necessary to understand the reasons. If we're talking about about the hereditary factor, then such cheeks can be dealt with using cosmetic tricks. Correctly done makeup and hairstyle will help hide chubby cheeks.

Cosmetologists advise girls or women to visually narrow their round faces. A foundation in dark shades or powder will help with this.

Before applying makeup, makeup artists advise assessing your skin type. For oily skin, it is better to use powder, and for dry skin, apply foundation. They will be needed to even out your complexion.

After this procedure is completed, you need to top part Apply blush to the cheekbones. They should be a light shade and then fade into a darker shade.

Blush should also be selected depending on skin color. It is necessary to remember that cosmetics should be matte shades. Otherwise, you will have the opposite effect - you will only emphasize what you wanted to hide.

After the blush is applied, use a brush to blend it out. On top of all this beauty you need to apply powder. Makeup artists claim that such simple techniques will allow you to change the shape of your face, making your cheeks a little smaller.

You can complete the look with the right hairstyle. For a round face, experts say, asymmetrical bangs, bobs, cascading haircuts or high styling are suitable.

Experts do not recommend combing your hair back. This will only emphasize the fullness of your cheeks.


If the problem is excess weight, you need to work on it. Go on a diet, balance your diet, getting rid of high-calorie foods and animal fats.

It is better to replace them with fruits and vegetables rich in fiber. Experts advise eating more products With high content calcium: cottage cheese, yogurt, fermented milk products.

Helps you lose extra pounds physical exercise. By the way, there are many options for exercises specifically for reducing cheeks. Some of them are quite interesting.

For example, you can throw back your head, open your mouth and try to reach your upper lip with your lower lip. You need to do this exercise several times. At the same time, the muscles of the cheeks tense. We tested it ourselves. It's actually quite effective.

Important. The right hairstyle will help hide your chubby cheeks. Girls with round face you need to wear bangs, cut your hair into a bob or do high styling.


Another option is to hold a pencil between your teeth and pronounce vowel sounds or words rich in the letters o, a, u, and at this time. Thus, the cheek muscles should also tighten and decrease.

Experts advise smiling more often. This, by the way, is the easiest and most pleasant way to change the shape of your face for the better.

You can also apply ice cubes with herbal infusion.


If the problem is a lack of fluid in the body, you need to drink enough water per day.

It must be kept in mind that we are talking about water. Tea, coffee, compotes, lemonades, etc. do not help the body replenish the lack of fluid.

In addition, experts advise avoiding consuming large amounts of salt. Especially at night. You also need to reduce the amount of sugar you consume. It is also advisable to stop drinking alcohol.


There are many recipes for masks that you can make at home. Suitable ingredients include eggs, honey, oatmeal, milk, cucumber, tomatoes, and so on.

All these maxis allow you to improve your facial tone, tighten your skin and thus slightly correct the shape of your cheeks. There are also many types of masks and lotions and types of massage for the problem area of ​​the face.

Plastic surgery

If these options are not suitable or do not produce results, you can seek the help of plastic surgeons.

Lumps of Bisha

For example, Bish's lumps are removed. This procedure lasts from half an hour to 40 minutes and is carried out under topical or general anesthesia. This operation is prescribed for people over 25 years of age and without excess body weight.

By the way, not only girls, but also men use this procedure. In some cases, the surgeon decides not to remove Bisha's lumps, but moves them a little higher, making the face harmonious. The effect after the operation is not immediately visible. The skin of the face needs time to recover after surgery.

Chin augmentation

Another option that cosmetologists use is chin augmentation. At the same time, the proportions of the face change a little and the cheeks no longer look as plump as with the previous chin.

Plastic surgeons offer their patients two options - temporary correction of the chin or installation of a permanent implant.

Before deciding to conduct plastic surgery You need to clearly decide for yourself whether you will be comfortable with a new chin and clear cheekbones.

Perhaps chubby cheeks are exactly the feature that “made” the face unique and beautiful.

Chubby cheeks are included only in the standard of children's beauty. When we leave this age, and they remain, this is already a problem. Therefore, it is not surprising that their owners try to get rid of them. And for this there are ways and methods of dealing with them that have been proven over the years. Let's look at them in more detail.

How to remove cheeks at home?

Before you start a righteous fight with chubby cheeks, you need to find out the reason for their appearance:

  1. Hereditary predisposition.
  2. Excessive and not proper nutrition.

If in the first case, it is unrealistic to overcome them at home, except when this factor is combined with excess body weight. Only a good plastic surgeon can help here.

But the second case can be easily corrected in the comfort of your home. Initially, we need to go on a diet (to get rid of excess weight), but our cheeks are very stubborn and don’t want to leave us even with a diet. But we won’t give up without a fight - massage, exercises and daily work. Let's begin!

  • First we do the exercises, and only after them we carry out massage movements.
  • It is better to do masks immediately before going to bed.
  • Salty food should be excluded from the diet - it will cause fluid retention in the body, and as a result, will affect your cheeks.
  • Expand your diet with foods high in calcium; it has a beneficial effect on the weight loss process.
  • Do not consume natural juices in their pure form, only diluted with water in a 50/50 ratio.
  • Switch to 5 meals a day and fractional meals.
  • The daily diet should contain either orange, grapefruit, or apples.
  • 30 minutes before any meal you need to drink a glass of clean water.
  • Alcohol should be present in your life on rare occasions and in small doses.
  • Start running in the mornings and cycling on the weekends.
  • It is preferable to sleep on your back.
  • In disguise of chubby cheeks best helpers dark powders and foundations.


  1. Let's puff out our cheeks as much as we can. We hold this position for 5-10 seconds and exhale sharply.
  2. Open your mouth as wide as possible, slightly pressing your head to your neck. Move your eyes up and begin to blink continuously for 1 minute. Do this at least 5 times a day.
  3. We inflate our cheeks and push the air out of them (10 times per 1 breath).
  4. Inflate your cheeks strongly and roll the air into them from left to right and vice versa.
  5. Press your palms to your cheeks and smile, you need to prevent the corners of your mouth from rising up.
  6. The pose is similar to the previous one, but you need to try to lower the corners of your mouth. In this case, the head is positioned evenly and straight.
  7. With pursed lips, you need to sing all the letters of the alphabet.
  8. We tilt our heads from one shoulder to the other.


The most effective in this case will be proper nutrition. The following foods should predominate in your diet:

  • vegetables (exclude starchy and high-calorie ones),
  • fruits (and grapes should be included in the diet only in exceptional and rare cases),
  • dairy and fermented milk products (low fat, but avoid low-fat products),
  • cereals (oatmeal, brown rice,),
  • dietary meat (rabbit, turkey, chicken).

The daily fluid intake should be at least 2 liters per day, this includes juices, herbal teas, and low-calorie drinks. Eat small meals and at least 5 times. The last meal should be taken no later than 18.00.


After completing the cheek reduction exercises, cleanse the skin. Now you need to apply a cream, preferably a thick one. And we carry out light pinching starting from the neck towards the temples.

When taking a shower, you need to rub a massage glove over your cheeks. Do not overdo it with pressure on the skin, otherwise it can be stretched, and these are the first wrinkles.

A massage with a strong stream of water of different temperatures (from very warm to very cold) gives a good result. And contrast washing should become your daily routine.

Honey will be a good massage assistant. Warm honey is applied to a steamed face (steam bath over chamomile infusion) until slightly reddened. Rinse off and complete the process with a piece of ice. All movement is only clockwise. And do the procedure no more than once a week.

How to remove cheeks for a man?

The reasons for chubby cheeks in men are no different from those in women. But they don’t always have enough patience for reusable and monotonous procedures.

Therefore, representatives of the stronger sex who want to get rid of them You can try one of the following methods:

Both procedures give lasting results and last a very long time. a long period, if you follow a proper diet.

Real reviews

Ekaterina, 24 years old, Yaroslavl.

For as long as I can remember, I have hated my chubby cheeks. Grandmother said angel's cheeks. And so, at the age of 17, I began a serious fight against them. Contrast washes, first strict diet, then switch to proper nutrition, massage. And here is the result in my wedding photos. No, I can’t boast of sharp cheekbones, but now they are ordinary, and most importantly, not chubby cheeks.

Yaroslav, 31 years old, Anapa.

At school I was a chubby boy, but sports and diet did their job - I became a fit and strong guy. But daddy’s cheeks, unfortunately, didn’t go anywhere. Therefore, at the age of 25, I went to the surgeon’s table. Everything went well, rehabilitation took no more than 10 days. I am pleased with the result, as is my beloved woman.

Svetlana, 42 years old, Moscow.

Now I am the mother of three beautiful kids. And each pregnancy brought me 20 kilograms of excess weight, which I stubbornly fought against. After my second son, I began to have the problem of chubby cheeks. I lost weight, but they didn’t. The strangest thing is that when I was 3 years old I was chubby-cheeked, and after that I never did. Nothing helped and I decided to have surgery. Everything went well. But six months later I became pregnant again, and again the excess weight and cheeks! The doctors said it was individual feature my body. After finishing breastfeeding my third son, I began to lose weight again. I have surgery scheduled in a month. The doctor said that now you need to clearly control your weight and it is advisable not to become pregnant again. I don't even want to anymore. That's it!

The face and neck are the main external indicators of a person's age. Saggy cheeks fat folds in the submandibular area - these are classic aesthetic defects. Often such problems arise in people who are overweight or as a result of sudden weight loss, as well as in the process of natural aging.

Some people decide to come to terms with the problem, others take radical measures and go under the knife of a plastic surgeon, while others improve appearance using simple techniques. Let's find out how to remove a double chin and sagging cheeks at home.


This problem is relevant for men and women, and not necessarily above average age. Causes of facial oval deformation:


    The problem arises due to physiological characteristics structures of the maxillofacial region.

    Natural aging of the body and aggressive impact environment also provoke deformation of the facial contour. It loses its elasticity, becomes less elastic, floats, jowls and fat folds appear.

    Weight fluctuations

    If a person begins to gain weight rapidly, then fat reserves are deposited on the lower part of the face. A a sharp decline body weight threatens loss of skin turgor.

    Hormonal balance is disrupted

    During menopause, when metabolism slows down, muscle hypotonia appears, which is reflected on the contour of the face and neck.

    Thyroid dysfunction

    This is dangerous medical problem, which requires timely consultation with a doctor.

Exercises for an ideal oval face

It is worth doing gymnastics for the face from the age of 25, until the facial muscles atrophy and deep wrinkles and sagging cheeks appear. Daily exercises will not take much time and will help keep your face looking youthful. for a long time. Moreover, the effect of such gymnastics lasts longer than from Botox injections.

Video effective exercises how to remove a double chin

With the help of exercise, the production of complex proteins such as collagen and elastin is activated, oxygen metabolism improves, the skin becomes elastic, young and fresh, and the oval of the face is tightened. To maintain results, perform a set of exercises daily.

Gymnastics to combat double chin:

Train daily for 30 days. After completing the full complex, you will notice results that subsequently need to be consolidated. To do this, it is recommended to perform the exercises twice in 7 days. This way, you will also improve your previous results.

Many are fighting for the ideal oval face with the help of face building. This is a system of exercises for the facial muscles, which is based on force resistance.

It is forbidden to pull or knead the skin with your hands during the exercise, so as not to stretch it.

Daily workouts take no more than 12 minutes. Best time for exercise - this is in the evening, after you have cleansed your face of makeup.

Cheek exercise video

A set of exercises to combat double chin and jowls:

    From the fat fold

    Make a fist with your hand and press it to your chin. Lower jaw apply pressure on your fist, but your head does not move. Stay in this position for at least 22 seconds. The number of repetitions is from 4 to 5 times.

    From sagging cheeks

    With the help of the nameless, middle and index finger right cheekbones, which lie on the right cheekbone, we provide resistance to the muscles involved during a smile. To do this, you need to forcefully smile with the right corner of your lips, overcoming the pressure of your fingers. Execution time - 15 seconds. After this, the muscles need to be completely relaxed and the exercise repeated on the left side. Number of repetitions - 4 times.

Self-lifting for an ideal oval face:

    Double chin

    Smile with closed lips and clenched teeth. Press the roof of your mouth with your tongue, increasing the tension to the maximum. Stay in this position for 3 seconds. The number of repetitions is from 6 to 18. If the fold on the neck has formed for a long time, perform the exercise 2 times a day.

    Saggy cheeks (jowls)

    Keep your lips closed, teeth clenched, smile without opening your mouth, and lower your lower lip as low as possible. Use your fingers to hold the corners of your lips so they don't droop. Continue to pull your lip down, tightening your chin more and more for 4 seconds. Repeat 6 to 18 times.

    To maintain cheek elasticity

    Pronounce the sound “A” loudly, but do not open your mouth too much. Tension is concentrated in the lower cheek area, bring it to maximum in 3 seconds. Repeat 6 to 16 times a day.

Additional measures

To achieve good results in a short period of time, it is necessary to solve the problem comprehensively. Therefore, you should adhere to these rules:

  • Do the exercises regularly.
  • Eat less salt and sugar, which cause facial puffiness.
  • Eat calcium-rich foods that help you lose weight.
  • Drink only nectars, they are lower in calories (especially vegetable ones).
  • Eat 5 times a day at the same time, portions should be small.
  • Eat oranges, grapefruits and sour apples.
  • Half an hour before meals you need to drink 150 ml of purified water without gas.
  • Do not abuse alcoholic beverages.
  • Sleep on your back and only on low pillows.
  • Don't slouch.
  • Straighten your head and shoulders while sitting.
  • Smile and laugh more often, throwing your head back, this strengthens your facial muscles and improves your well-being.
  • , swimming, or physical exercise- This required element healthy image life.
  • Watch the amount of calories, do not exceed the allowed maximum of 1200 kcal.

To visually reduce chubby cheeks, use dark shade powder or foundation.


Those with dry and sensitive skin types should perform exercises only after applying a skin care product ( nutritious cream, vegetable oil).

First you need to look in the mirror, and then, when the exercises are performed automatically, you can do without it.

Facial gymnastics is a safe procedure, but it also has contraindications. Similar exercises prohibited in such cases:

  • Facial nerve neuropathy.
  • Earlier than 2 years and 6 months after facial plastic surgery.
  • With a persistent increase blood pressure(from 150/90 and above).
  • An injured jaw, head or damaged spine are serious contraindications.
  • Couperosis on the face or acne.

People who inherit chubby cheeks or a double chin will have a much harder time dealing with them than those who have the same problem due to weight fluctuations.

How to maintain the elasticity of the oval face?

Face masks


Suitable for dry and combined type skin. Mix egg white, cucumber juice with pulp (but without seeds) and 10 g olive oil. Apply to face and neck and rinse after 15 minutes. Tightens, whitens dark spots. Frequency - 2 times a week for 90 days.


10 g of fresh dill juice is mixed with 25 g of ground oatmeal and 10 g of olive oil. Apply to the problem area, rinse after 20 minutes. Frequency - once every seven days.


Mix 10 g of wheat germ extract, 20 g of grape juice with 50 g of kaolin. Apply evenly onto the skin, rinse after 15 minutes.


Mix 25 g of ground oatmeal, 1 egg white (pre-beaten) with 20 g of warm honey. Massage the mask onto your skin, rinse off after 20 minutes.


Daily facial massage gives excellent results, which makes the skin tightened and youthful, and the facial contour gradually brings it closer to ideal.

Apply nourishing cream or vegetable oil to clean skin. This will make the massage easier and the skin will not be injured. Use the fingers of both hands to move 10 times from your nose to your temples. This will warm up the skin and improve blood flow in the area.

Then move to the forehead, it needs to be smoothed from bottom to top. All movements should be smooth and easy.

After this, you need to move to the chin, using your fingertips, move from its center to the ears. This way you will form a clear oval face.

And finally back side Using your palms, massage your neck and submandibular area from bottom to top.

Such The massage should be performed daily in the morning for 30 days.

Lubricate your face with ice cubes made from purified water or herbal infusions.

Chinese pinch massage is an excellent prevention of double chin and sagging cheeks. It requires daily execution for 6 - 12 minutes. Each exercise is performed 4 times. The pinches should be light and pleasant.

Basic exercises:

    Pinch your chin with both hands from its center and gradually move towards your ears. The pinches go one after another.

    Raise your head and throw it back. Start pinching with both hands first the center of the submandibular region (under the chin), gradually moving up to the ears.

    Using the index, middle and ring fingers of both hands, simultaneously smooth your chin from the middle to your ears.

    This exercise uses the same three fingers, but now each hand in turn. Smooth your neck from the ears to the bone. When moving your hand, turn your head in the other direction.

Only when integrated approach and daily training you can see the results and even get rid of a pronounced double chin or jowls. Active lifestyle, refusal bad habits and proper nutrition will do the trick. Extend your youth and beauty!

Those with round cheeks various reasons want to get rid of them. Some people don't like it general form persons second to follow fashion trends, still others consider round cheeks a sign of fullness. How to get rid of cheeks without resorting to plastic surgeons for help? First you need to identify real reasons their appearance, and then consider possible options solutions.

Causes of round cheeks

Heredity. You will have to work hard to get rid of chubby cheeks at home.

Wrong diet. A large number of Fatty and salty foods retain water in the body, so the face swells.

  1. Cosmetologists have developed a number of exercises that will help reduce the size of your cheeks through simple manipulations. The effectiveness of the method has been proven more than once; the skin is tightened and nasolabial folds are smoothed.
  2. Recommended for regular use cosmetical tools, capable of tightening facial skin in the problem area. Gels, creams and serums are aids, they will not completely rid you of large cheeks, but will help to quickly eliminate them, together with other procedures.
  3. Get into the habit of using cosmetic ice from medicinal herbs(sage, chamomile flowers, mint, celandine, linden flowers). In the morning, wash your face with cold water, then wipe your cheeks with ice.

Massage to reduce the roundness of the cheeks

Massage will give the best results if the procedure is done along with a set of exercises.

  1. Take 2 teaspoons of honey and heat it slightly in the microwave. Dip your fingertips into the jar, start tapping them on your cheeks, waiting until the honey begins to stick. Do a honey massage until your cheeks turn red. Wash your face with cold water and dry your skin with a hard towel.
  2. Wipe your face with lotion, then use a nourishing cream. Start pinching your cheeks, moving towards your cheekbones and chin. Carry out the procedure every other day.
  3. Accept hot bath, turn on the shower and run strong water pressure onto your cheeks. It is recommended to use a contrasting water massage; it will not only smooth out wrinkles and reduce cheeks, but also tighten the face. If possible, perform simple manipulations daily.
  4. Buy a facial massage glove at any cosmetics store. Massage the chin and cheeks, but do not stretch the skin. The permissible number of uses is 1 time every 5 days.
  5. An excellent effect is achieved using a hot and cold cycle alternately. Take two towels, soak one in cold water, dip the second one in hot (but not boiling water). Roll them into tubes and tap them on your cheeks one by one for 15 minutes, changing the temperature.

Exercises aimed at reducing cheeks

These methods will not only make your cheeks smaller, but will also help you get rid of the hated double chin. For best results, perform the complex every day 2 times for a month.

  1. Sit up straight and tilt your head back strongly. Pull your jaw out and stick out your bottom lip. Start moving your cheekbones and try to cover upper lip bottom. Perform the manipulations 25 times.
  2. Keep your head straight, tense your cheekbones, then relax. Do this 45 times.
  3. Lie on your back with your face relaxed. Now clench your teeth sharply to tighten your cheekbones. Try to stick out your lower lip as much as possible. Pull it forward first, then down. Repeat the exercise 30 times.
  4. Tilt your head up, turn to the left, rest your chin on your shoulder. Straighten your head, tilt it back again, but now lower your chin onto your right shoulder. Repeat the procedure 20 times on each side.
  5. Stand up straight so that your whole body and neck are tense. Extend your lower lip and open your mouth. Do the exercise 50 times.
  6. Hold a thin, long object between your teeth; a felt-tip pen or marker works well. Say A, E, E, I, O, Z in turn. Pronounce the letters for about 20 minutes without a break. Don't like the method? Use words that contain the most of these letters (milk, porridge, apple and others).
  7. Sit on the edge of a chair so that your neck, shoulders and back are tense. Lower your chin to chest, move it towards the left shoulder along the chest. Fix your head for 5 seconds, return to the starting point. Repeat the steps, pointing your chin towards your right shoulder. Do 20 times on each side.
  8. Laughter - best medicine from chubby cheeks! Smile with all 32 teeth, because when you laugh, most of all muscle groups on your face are activated, and their number sometimes reaches 80. In addition to reducing the volume of your cheeks, the skin is tightened, wrinkles are smoothed out, a double chin is eliminated, and the oval of the face acquires beautiful contours.

The masks have an excellent lifting effect, which helps tighten the cheeks and reduce their volume.

Egg mask
Beat 1 egg with a fork, apply to your cheeks and cover them with cling film. Leave for 30 minutes. Repeat the procedure every day.

Egg mask with honey

  • egg yolk - 1 pc.
  • olive oil - 20 ml.
  • honey - 30 gr.

Beat the yolk, pour in the oil and add honey. Bring the mixture to homogeneity, apply to the cheeks, neck, chin, leave for half an hour. Make a mask every other day.

Egg mask with cucumber

  • egg white - 1 pc.
  • cucumber - 1 pc.
  • olive oil - 20 ml.

Peel the cucumber, but do not remove the seeds. Rub it on a fine grater or grind it in a blender, add whipped egg white and butter. Apply to your cheeks and lie down to rest for 40 minutes. Repeat the procedure 5 times every 10 days.

Egg mask with corn flour

  • corn flour - 40 gr.
  • egg white - 1 pc.

Pour the flour into the pre-beaten egg white. Apply the mixture to your cheeks and leave for 1 hour. If possible, make a mask daily.

Oatmeal mask

  • oatmeal - 50 gr.
  • baby cream - optional
  • baked milk - 40 ml.

Mix the ingredients to a viscous consistency, apply the mixture only to the cheeks. Leave for 40-60 minutes, rinse with melt water. Carry out the procedure 3 times a week.

Oatmeal mask with dill

  • dill - 20 gr.
  • corn oil - 30 ml.
  • oatmeal - 30 gr.

Chop the dill and mix it with oil. Combine the mixture with oatmeal and apply to the skin of your cheeks. Leave for at least 1.5 hours, remove with a tissue and wash with cold water. The course of the procedure lasts 2 months and gives excellent results if used weekly.

Tomato mask

  • tomato - 1 pc.
  • olive oil - 25 ml.

Remove the skin from the tomato and mash it with a fork without removing the seeds. Pour in the oil, apply to your cheeks and leave for 20 minutes. Use daily or every other day.

Blue clay mask

  • blue clay - 50 gr.
  • natural grape juice - 30 ml.
  • corn oil - 20 ml.

Dilute the clay warm water According to the instructions, stir in the juice and oil. Cover your cheeks and wait 25 minutes. Repeat the procedure once a week.

Homemade lotions from medicinal herbs have a beneficial effect when used daily. Prepare the product yourself and replace your regular facial toner with it.

Chamomile lotion

  • chamomile flowers - 50 gr.
  • celandine - 10 gr.
  • calendula officinalis - 10 gr.

Pour 300 ml of hot water over the herbs and leave for 24 hours. Strain through cheesecloth or a kitchen sieve, pour into a dark container and store in a dark place. It is recommended to use the herbal lotion daily in the mornings and evenings.

Peppermint lotion

  • rosemary essential oil - 5 drops
  • grapefruit essential oil - 5 drops
  • rose essential oil - 5 drops
  • mint - 20 gr.

Steam the mint in boiling water and leave for 3 hours. Add oil to it and pour into a closed container.

Citrus fruit lotion

  • grapefruit juice (freshly squeezed) - 200 ml.
  • lemon juice (freshly squeezed) - 30 ml.
  • orange juice (freshly squeezed) - 10 ml.
  • vodka - 30 ml.

Mix the ingredients and pour into an opaque container. Leave for 5 days at room temperature.

Tired of struggling with round and big cheeks? You will soon get rid of them! Do not forget about the daily set of exercises, and then do a massage. Choose mask recipes and apply them according to the instructions. Replace your regular lotion with a homemade concoction that is very easy to make. Follow a daily routine and get rid of bad habits!

Video: how to get rid of sagging cheeks

With age, women begin to notice how the oval of their face changes. But young girls may also be unhappy with chubby cheeks. This phenomenon develops as a result of the skin losing elasticity when the muscles begin to gradually weaken.

Very often, due to sudden weight loss, the cheeks sag, so it is strictly forbidden to use harsh methods to combat overweight, because in the end you will have to face much more serious problems. Regardless of what reason caused this cosmetic defect, if you put in a little effort, the problem will be eliminated.

Some girls decide to take radical measures - surgical intervention. However, this method is not always suitable, because the end result can be unpredictable. Therefore, it is recommended to first use more available funds- for example, special cosmetic procedures or exercises to correct the shape of the face.

How to tighten your facial contour?

To quickly reduce the volume of the cheeks, correct the shape of the face, remove excess subcutaneous fat, RF technologies can be used. These are unique techniques of their kind, which are based on a direct effect on the subcutaneous tissue, as well as the dermis, using high-frequency electric fields. During this procedure, these layers are heated, as a result of which collagen begins to be produced much more actively. At the same time, wrinkles are smoothed out, the skin is tightened, and therefore, excess swelling of the cheeks goes away.

Facial lifting or myostimulation procedures, which are performed exclusively in beauty salons, can also help. With their help, the shape of the face is corrected in the shortest possible time. Quick results is achieved through the application of special collagen masks, so they can be applied immediately before an important event - the result will be almost instantaneous.

Home care

  • Cosmetical tools. To correct the shape of the face and restore elasticity to the skin, it is recommended to regularly use special gels, masks, serums and creams. However, it is worth considering that this is only additional funds who will not be able to remove the problem of chubby cheeks on their own. To achieve maximum benefits, you need to periodically change products from one series to others. The fact is that the skin has the ability to quickly get used to various substances, after which they will not have an effective effect.
  • Exercises. You can tighten your cheeks using specially designed exercises. However positive result will be noticeable only if they are performed daily. All exercises are aimed directly at tightening the skin.
  • Cosmetic ice. Every morning it is useful to wipe the entire skin of the face with ice cubes, Special attention focusing on the cheek area. It is recommended to use not plain water, but a frozen infusion of herbs - chamomile, celandine, mint, linden, St. John's wort.
  • Compresses. Simple iodized salt, which should be used for compresses, works real miracles. 3 tbsp dissolves in 400 g of water. l. salt, soak a clean napkin in this solution and apply it to your face for a couple of minutes. At the end of this procedure, you need to wash your face well, and then apply any moisturizer with a lifting effect. If you do this compress 2-3 times a week, a positive result will be noticeable very quickly.
  • Contrast procedures. This is one of the most effective ways. One by one, you must first apply a napkin soaked in hot water, then - in the cold. You can use plain filtered water or pre-prepared herbal infusions.
One of the best and most nice ways Getting rid of sagging cheeks is laughter, because at this time more than 80 muscle groups work. Consequently, the muscles are perfectly strengthened, wrinkles are smoothed out, the oval of the face is corrected and the double chin is eliminated. Facial massage also brings benefits, thanks to which not only the cheeks are tightened, but also a healthy complexion is restored.

Diet for losing weight

It is worth remembering that the presence of excess weight also affects the facial muscles, as a result of which the cheeks begin to quickly sink down. If you want to become the owner of an aristocratic face, you need to choose the right diet.

Facial contour massage

With the help of massage, the muscles quickly return to tone and blood circulation is restored to normal. Consequently, sagging cheeks are tightened, the oval of the face takes on a clearer shape, and the condition of the skin also improves.

Massage technique:

  1. First, a nourishing cream is applied to the skin, but you should not use products with a lifting effect.
  2. The massage begins with light stroking, then patting and pinching, but not too strong, so as not to leave bruises. The direction of movement should be from the nose to the temples, along the line of the cheekbones, from the middle of the chin and to the top of the cheekbones, from the space between the eyebrows to the temples.
  3. Lightly pat the cheeks, lightly pinch and rub the folds. It is important to remember that when performing this exercise you cannot stretch the skin too much, otherwise the completely opposite result will be obtained.

Gentle and almost imperceptible pinching will not give desired result, during the massage you should feel slight pain. However, you don’t need to try too hard, otherwise unsightly bruises will appear on your face, which will be difficult to get rid of.

How to remove cheeks in a week

If you put in a little effort and strictly follow all the recommendations, you can eliminate this cosmetic defect in just 7 days:

  • First, the cause that provoked this phenomenon is established. Even if it's hereditary factor, start working intensively, and a positive result will not take long to arrive.
  • If chubby cheeks turned out to be a bonus to excess weight, without adjusting the power supply it will not be possible to solve the problem. Must be observed strict diet, regularly perform special exercises, use masks, compresses, creams, etc.
  • You need to completely reconsider your diet and give up junk food. After all, all women know that first the face loses weight, and then all other parts of the body.
  • It is useful to diversify your menu with seafood, fresh vegetables and fruits. Food needs to be chewed thoroughly, due to which the facial muscles will work, and therefore the cheeks will begin to tighten.

Exercises for sagging cheeks

To quickly eliminate this cosmetic defect, it is recommended to perform the following set of exercises every day, with the help of which a double chin can be eliminated:
  1. Sit on a chair, while tilting your head back as much as possible. Move your chin, trying to capture your upper lip with your lower lip.
  2. Clench your teeth and hold your head straight, sticking out your lower lip as much as possible.
  3. Tilt your head slightly forward, then alternately reach your chin towards your left and right shoulder.
  4. Keep your head straight, lower the corners of your lips; Tighten the muscles of your cheeks and neck.
  5. Take a pencil or pen and hold it between your teeth, then start writing various words in the air.
  6. Stand straight, your back should be as straight as possible, cross your arms over your chest, try to grab yourself by the shoulders. Begin to stretch your neck upward. As soon as you stretch your neck as far as possible, take a deep breath. Now count to 10 and return to the starting position.
  7. Straighten your shoulders and stand straight, lower your head forward. The chin should be pressed to the body. Begin to slowly pull your chin towards your right shoulder, then return to the starting position. Slowly tilt your head back and return to the starting position. Repeat the exercises for the second side.
  8. Fold your lips into a tube shape and, standing straight, begin to sing the vowels.
On average, after about a month of daily training, the desired result begins to appear, so constant exercise is of great importance. As additional measures, you need to use creams, masks, contrast compresses and lotions.

Video on how to remove sagging cheeks: