
When a girl's periods return to normal. Red day in the calendar: girls' first periods

First for a girl menstrual bleeding accompanied by panic and fear. But if you carefully observe the child’s growth, you can predict the onset of critical days. Maternal vigilance will not only allow you to painlessly overcome this stage of growing up: further reproductive health depends on how the cycle is established.

For the first menstruation to begin, the process of puberty must begin in the body. It is long-lasting; the prerequisites appear in utero. A girl is born with a full set of reproductive cells. Their number decreases throughout life.

Stages of growth of the female body

The formation of female genital organs begins in the sixth to seventh week of intrauterine development. Gradually, the girl’s ovaries form, in which several million eggs are formed by the 40th week. They have not gone through all stages of division. And after the birth of the baby, some of them die, and by the time of puberty there are 250-300 thousand of them left. These eggs will form the ovarian reserve of the female body and will be released during each ovulation.

Normal sexual development starts at the age of nine. By this time, mechanisms are launched that lead to changes in the genitals and mammary glands. There is an order to growing up.

  • Pubarhe. The beginning of pubic hair growth. In more than 50% of girls, this sign appears first.
  • Telarche. Usually appears after pubarche, but sometimes it can be the other way around. On average, one to two years pass between the onset of pubic hair and breast growth.
  • Menarche. This is the time when the first menstruation arrives. Most often they begin two years after breast growth begins.

If signs of puberty appear earlier than age nine, you should consult a doctor. This is often how pathologies of the adrenal glands and hormonal tumors manifest themselves.

Effect of hormones

IN childhood concentrations of sex hormones are minimal. But by the time of puberty, the first changes appear precisely at the hormonal level. Two years before the increased secretion of female hormones in the blood, the level of androgens gradually increases. They provide sharp jump the girl's height. Only after this do the concentrations of luteinizing (LH) and follicle-stimulating (FSH) hormones increase, which lead to the activation of estrogen synthesis. Further changes step by step begin to correspond to an adult female body, occur in strict order.

  • Follicle maturation. The pituitary gland increases the secretion of FSH and a little LH. Under the influence of FSH, several follicles are released in the ovaries, of which only one will reach the stage of final maturation. Cells in the follicle increase the synthesis of estrogens, which lead to an increase in the thickness of the endometrium. On the 12th day, the amount of estrogen reaches its maximum, this stimulates a peak release of LH from the pituitary gland.
  • Ovulation. Ovulation occurs 12-24 hours after the estrogen peak. The follicle bursts and the egg is released into the abdominal cavity.
  • Education corpus luteum. Under the influence of LH, the corpus luteum forms at the site of the remnants of the follicle. Its cells begin to synthesize progesterone. It leads to an increase in the number of vessels and glands in the endometrium. The egg descends fallopian tube into the uterine cavity, but does not attach there.
  • Regression of the corpus luteum. Organs that are capable of supporting the functioning of the corpus luteum are not created. It is gradually regressing.
  • Menstruation. The endometrium does not receive the necessary hormonal supply and also atrophies. The shedding of the uterine lining by blood leads to menstrual bleeding.

The approach of menstruation is indicated by the appearance of leucorrhoea. They are observed approximately one year before menarche. Mucous, sometimes translucent, but non-liquid. This is the result of increased estrogen concentrations.

Norms of menarche

The day before, discharge appears, which usually intensifies adult woman on the days of ovulation (about 10-14 days before menstruation). Symptoms resembling premenstrual syndrome (PMS) may appear:

  • tearfulness;
  • irritability;
  • aggression;
  • headache;
  • weakness;
  • fatigue.

Then the first ones will appear on the linen spotting. It could be a spot or just a few drops of blood. The intensity of bleeding varies from person to person. Sometimes they are immediately abundant. Color variable:

  • dark red;
  • brown;
  • dark brown.

This is not pure blood, but the remains of the endometrium mixed with blood and vaginal discharge. The duration of such bleeding may vary, but most often the period is no more than three to five days, occasionally a week.

A normal sign of menstruation is pain in the lower abdomen, which appears in the first days and gradually decreases. Some girls feel weak and dizzy. Signs of irritability, tearfulness with the appearance of bleeding should disappear.

After the first bleeding, your cycle may be irregular. Sometimes it takes about a year to develop.

At the stage of cycle formation, there is no need to be afraid of delays. One-time increases in the interval between menstruation up to 40 days are allowed. But if you haven’t had your period for more than 60 days, you need to see a doctor.

Warning signs

Sometimes girls aged 15-16 years old have warning signs of imminent menstruation. The stomach hurts, the mood changes, but bleeding does not occur. If this repeats for several months, then you need to contact a pediatric gynecologist. There are cases of abnormal development of the genital organs:

  • complete fusion of the hymen;
  • vaginal atresia;
  • fusion of the cervix.

In such cases, with a normally formed uterus and ovaries, cyclic changes occur in them, but the blood does not have an outlet. It collects first in the uterine cavity, and then, with a large volume, can be released into abdominal cavity and simulate the symptoms of acute surgical pathology. This condition requires surgical treatment.

You should also look for reasons for deviations in the following situations.

  • Volume . Heavy first discharge, when you need to change the pad every two hours. This is usually a sign of bleeding. Scanty menstruation, which are repeated monthly in the form of a daub, should also alert you.
  • Duration. If bleeding continues for more than a week, you should immediately consult a doctor. This may be associated with pathology reproductive organs, and the blood coagulation system.
  • Feelings. Menstruation should not be accompanied acute pain in the abdomen, with a pronounced increase in temperature. Fever is a sign of an infectious process.
  • Frequency. If your periods constantly change in duration over the course of a year, and equal periods of time are not established between them, then you need to consult a doctor. It is considered incorrect if the cycle lasts less than 21 days or more than 35 days.
  • PMS. This is a consequence of the influence of progesterone. The syndrome should not be pronounced and disrupt the girl’s rhythm of life. But sometimes it can take critical forms, accompanied by pressure surges, vegetative symptoms, and depression. In such cases, correction with hormonal drugs is necessary.

Often the causes of cycle disruption lie in hormonal imbalance. Therefore it is necessary correct diagnosis and correct treatment.

Rules of conduct

Some people associate their first period with illness. But that's not true. Menstruation should not affect the rhythm of life. You just need to follow certain recommendations.

  • Hygiene. The underwear should be breathable and made of cotton. It needs to be selected according to size. Menstrual blood is an excellent breeding ground for microorganisms. If you neglect the shower, not only will it appear bad smell- metabolic products of bacteria are toxic to the human body.
  • Gaskets. You need to use ones that correspond to the amount of bleeding. Change when full, but at least once every four hours.
  • Tampons. Special tampons have been developed for teenagers. They are not capable of damaging the hymen. During menstruation, under the influence of estrogen, it becomes elastic and folded, so it is not an obstacle. It is impossible to use tampons only when anatomical features development of the genital organs. In the first days of bleeding, changing the tampon should be done every four hours. In subsequent days - less often, up to eight to ten hours. If you change it very often, the vaginal mucosa will become dry and will not allow you to insert a new one, or irritation will occur.
  • Physical training . Playing sports and attending physical education classes is not prohibited. Only if you feel very unwell in the first days, you can refuse physical activity. In other cases, exercise will be beneficial. They help reduce unpleasant symptoms, abdominal pain, and keep the body in good shape. But you should avoid lifting weights and working on your abs so as not to increase bleeding.
  • Sex. After the appearance of menstruation, some girls begin sexual relations. If you follow the rules of contraception and hygiene, they will not cause harm. But you should not use the days of menstruation for unprotected intercourse to avoid pregnancy. At this time, the risk of contracting a sexually transmitted infection increases because the cervix opens slightly and there is no acidic environment in the vagina to protect against bacteria.

Sometimes during menstruation a girl experiences severe pain in the lower abdomen. In this case, you can use painkillers from the group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. For example, Ibuprofen, Paracetamol. They will help not only get rid of pain, but also reduce the intensity of bleeding.

Girls' first menstruation, scientifically called menarche, is an exciting period. At this point, the lack of knowledge in this area is alarming. arise simple questions, and they need answers. How to understand that “guests will arrive in a red car”, what are the symptoms, what should you be able to do before and during menstruation, what is the duration, and so on. Now we will try to answer these questions.

As a rule, they occur in adolescents between 11 and 14 years of age. But each organism is individual. Processes take place in different organisms not the same. This leads to the fact that for some people it starts at 10 or 11 years old, and for others later, at 15. A lot of things influence this. Weight, activity, lifestyle, nutrition, climate, etc. This event shows that the reproductive function of the body is ready for reproduction. Don't worry, everything has its time. But no one can stop you from talking about this with your mother or seeing a doctor - a pediatric gynecologist.

How to understand that you are about to have your first period?

The maturation process occurs gradually. 2-2.5 years before the onset of critical days, signs appear. The body takes on more feminine features. The mammary glands become engorged and enlarged. They become sensitive. At this time, girls are afraid to catch them, to touch them awkwardly, as this leads to pain.
Hair begins to appear on the pubic area and armpits.
Begin to work more actively sebaceous glands. The hair quickly becomes greasy, the skin becomes oily, and anke may develop (an inflammatory skin disease, usually on the face in the form of large pimples).
Six months before menstruation, leucorrhoea begins to appear - discharge that does not lead to itching or discomfort. They are either milky or light mucous.
At this time, the girl becomes very emotional, whiny, reacts sharply to emerging situations, quickly gets offended, and becomes irritable. This is all due to hormonal changes.
One to two weeks before the start of menstruation, symptoms appear nagging pain in the lower abdomen. These pains occur without any signs of inflammatory processes. For some they do not appear.
It may appear in a few days loose stool, dizziness, nausea, headaches, increased appetite, etc. - the so-called PMS (premenstrual syndrome)
You will be notified of the onset of menstruation by brown or red spots on your underwear.

It is necessary to prepare yourself psychologically for this event. There is no need to be afraid of him. All women go through this.
Prepare and carry a spare set of panties and a pad. The onset often occurs at the most unexpected moment. You will not be able to control it, delay it or speed it up. But you can be prepared. When you notice or feel that everything has begun, do not panic. Go to the ladies' room and change your underwear if necessary. Glue the pad to clean panties.
If you don't have a pad on hand, use a roll of toilet paper or a napkin. That is, take any available means that absorb moisture. Also, do not hesitate to contact the nurse at your school.
If you notice that your clothes are dirty, you can tie a sweater, shirt or something else around your waist.
If pain overcomes you, then you can use a heating pad with cold water. But do not overdo it, do not overcool the internal organs.
You can also use medications to calm the pain. But they must be used strictly according to the doctor’s recommendation.

How many days does a girl's first period last?

The duration of the presence of “friends in a red car” is also individual. The norm is 3-7 days. These numbers change from month to month. The menstrual cycle ideally lasts from 21 to 35 days. In 30% of girls, the second most often begin after 28-30. It is usually irregular for a couple of years. This is fine. The body is adjusting. In the future everything will level out. To control and track regularity, we recommend creating a calendar. It will help you better navigate and understand your body.

Sometimes, there may be a situation where the second “these days” do not come for several months. This does not indicate pregnancy. Most often this is due to emotional, psychological or physical activity which fell on the teenager. Changing your diet may also have an effect. Maybe she overdid it in physical education, or was nervous about a grade or her first love. Everything should return to normal. But in case of such a failure, you need to contact a doctor so that he can perform an examination. Most likely he won’t find anything, but it won’t be superfluous.

What do girls' first periods look like?

We can say that everything related to menstruation is individual. This also applies to appearance. The process is characterized by the removal of blood from the vagina. But not only blood comes out, but also the mucous membrane of the uterus and vaginal discharge.

The color of the discharge may be red, brown or dark brown. This can be affected by hormonal levels and hereditary characteristics.

The volume may also vary. It can reach 150 ml. If such blood loss leads to a deterioration in health, it would be better to consult with specialists. It will never be superfluous.

The standard for teenagers is that menstruation begins with a small amount brown discharge. On the second and third days bleeding begins, and then decreases. On the sixth day, some ichor or a little bit of daub remains. But this is not a panacea.

What should you be wary of?

You should consult a gynecologist if a girl’s first menstruation:
Lasts a very long time, more than 7 days or more
Lasts one day or two, i.e. less than 3
Appeared before 11 or after 16 years
Very abundant. That is, you need to change the gaskets more often than every 2 hours.
They are very acute. The girl loses consciousness from pain.

In any case, if you begin to notice any deviations from the norm, do not hesitate to consult a doctor. He will check whether the processes occurring in you correspond to your physiology. He will recommend the best options for you and advise on any pressing issue you may have.

The onset of menstruation indicates the maturation of a girl’s body and the possibility of conceiving a child. Most adolescents experience menarche between 11 and 14 years of age. Too early or late menstruation can be caused by impaired physical development, congenital pathologies, concomitant chronic diseases.

Menarche - what is it when girls get their first period, what precedes it? 2–3 years before the onset of menstruation, under the influence of the hormone estrogen, the uterus and mammary glands begin to grow, the pelvis becomes wider, and a waist appears. Secondary sexual characteristics also include hair growth in the pubic and armpit areas, and white vaginal discharge. The sebaceous glands begin to work more actively, which causes acne, seborrhea. These are harbingers of menarche in girls.

Gradually, the uterus enlarges, and the blood supply to its inner surface (endometrium) improves. Hormonal effects cause monthly cyclic transformations of the mucous membrane. There is a rejection of functional cells that come out along with the blood, and new ones are formed in their place. After this, the restoration and growth of a new layer of the endometrium begins.

Beginning of menstruation

When do girls start menstruating, at what age does it happen? Menarche appears after the development of secondary sexual characteristics, most often this occurs at 12–14 years, but there may be deviations up or down.

When menstruation begins depends on hereditary predisposition, concomitant diseases, hormonal levels, degree of physical development, nutrition, body fat mass. In adolescents of asthenic physique, with developmental delays, suffering congenital diseases, menstruation occurs at 14–16 years of age.

The main signs of the first menstruation in girls:

  • aching pain in the lower abdomen;
  • frequent mood swings, tearfulness, irritability;
  • poor appetite;
  • slight swelling of the abdomen;
  • swelling of the mammary glands;
  • headache;
  • bloody discharge from the vagina.

Before menstruation begins, the mother tells the girl about the first symptoms and what should happen, teaches her to use sanitary pads, and explains the peculiarities of personal hygiene during this period. Watching the teen YouTube channel “The Story of My First Period” may help.

Features of menstruation in girls

How do girls’ first periods go, how long do they last? Menarche most often lasts 3–5 days, but blood loss is allowed for up to 7 days. The first time menstruation is usually heavy, the next month there may be delays or premature discharge, this is normal. The menstrual cycle normalizes a year or two after menarche, puberty completely ends by the age of 15–17 years. On the first and second days, menstruation is the most intense, then the intensity of the discharge gradually decreases.

What does menstruation look like and how do you know when it starts? Characteristic symptom- This is the appearance of blood on underwear. The color of the discharge may be dark red or brownish. The first time your period comes is heavy, but in adolescents this process can occur individually. On average, up to 150 ml of blood is released during the entire period of critical days.

If the signs of menstruation in girls are too intense pain, general deterioration health, delays occur for more than 3 months, blood loss lasts longer than 7 days or less than three, an unpleasant odor appears, you need to consult a doctor. Such symptoms indicate disruption of the ovaries, hormonal levels, the presence inflammatory diseases reproductive organs.

Early menarche

What time do girls' periods begin, and why does menarche occur at ten years of age? In some cases, spotting appears much earlier than expected and can begin at 8–10 years of age. Such girls have early development secondary sexual characteristics, they are significantly ahead of their peers.

Menstruation at 10 years of age and earlier can be caused by the following reasons:

  • thyroid diseases;
  • excessive estrogen production;
  • dysfunction of the adrenal glands, ovaries;
  • diseases of the pituitary gland: tumor, injury, infection;
  • obesity;
  • heat in the summer months;
  • unfavorable social living conditions.

If girls' first periods begin at age 10 or earlier, you should consult a pediatric gynecologist. In some cases, the cause may be a hereditary predisposition, and this does not apply to pathology. But to accurately determine the diagnosis, it is necessary to conduct an examination with a doctor.

Late menstruation

At what age do menstruation begin, why do girls over 14 years old not menstruate? Delayed menarche causes previous diseases, chronic illnesses, hormonal imbalance, insufficient volume of fatty tissue, ovarian dysfunction. Adolescents who do not have periods at 14 years of age usually lag behind their peers in development, have a thin physique, and secondary sexual characteristics are absent or appear delayed. The girl is similar in build to a boy, her breasts do not grow, and her pelvis does not expand.

Teenagers often ask the question: why don’t I have my period? Reasons why girls' first menstruation may be too late:

  • heart defects;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • hypothyroidism, thyrotoxicosis;
  • congenital pathologies of the thyroid gland;
  • genetic predisposition;

  • chronic diseases of the lungs and liver;
  • Schweer syndrome;
  • Ullrich-Turner syndrome;
  • gonadotropin deficiency;
  • congenital anomalies of the genital organs;
  • treatment with hormonal drugs.

A girl’s late periods can be triggered by stress, changes climatic conditions, unbalanced diet. The main signs of delayed maturation include the absence of secondary sexual characteristics up to 12 years and menstruation - up to 15 years.

Period test

When the first period begins, how can this be determined? To find out what time menarche should appear, you need to take a period test.

Questions to answer:

  • How old?
  • Is there hair in the armpits and pubic area?
  • When did the mammary glands begin to grow?
  • How tall is the girl?
  • How much does a teenager weigh?
  • Is there white vaginal discharge?

If most of the answers are positive, the girl’s age is eleven to fourteen years old, her body weight is 40–45 kg, then her period should come soon. If your breasts began to grow more than 2 years ago, hair has appeared on your genitals for a long time and menstruation has not begun, you should consult a doctor. Periods at 11 years old are normal indicator girl development.

Hygiene products for girls

At what age does the first period begin and what does the first period look like at the age of 13, mother explains to the girls, find out useful information You can also do it on the Internet (channel “The Story of My First Period”), many medical sites cover this topic. During the period when spotting begins to appear, it is necessary to strictly observe the rules of personal hygiene.

When menstruation arrives, girls are advised to use special pads for teenagers. These products have a convenient shape, good absorption, and, most often, bright packaging. Aloe vera extract is added to the materials, this prevents skin irritation and eliminates allergic reaction. Such famous brands like Kotex, Always, Naturella release a special series for girls.

Pads should be selected taking into account the intensity of bleeding, and should be changed at least every 3-4 hours. It is recommended to use at night special means night series, which have greater absorbency.

Real stories of first periods

There is a YouTube channel on the Internet called “The Story of My First Period.” There are girls on this portal of different ages they tell how they started menstruation, share their experiences and give advice to those who are faced with a problem and do not know what to do.

The teenage channel “The Story of My First Period” has many subscribers and millions of views. Discussed here possible violations menstrual cycle in girls, causes of early or late periods, possible delays etc. The channel “The Story of My First Period” tells real events from life.

What is menarche, what time should it start and what symptoms do it present? Such questions arise in every girl during adolescence. To start menstrual cycle did not come as a surprise and did not cause fear in the child, mothers should explain in advance what happens during menstruation and how to perform hygiene procedures.

The first period (menarche) is an important stage in a girl’s life, not only on a physical, but also on a psychological level. You need to prepare for this event in advance so that it does not become stressful.

It is advisable to start conversations on this topic a year before the start of menstruation in a teenager - at the age of about 11 years. By this time, girls already have slight discharge white from the vagina, indicating activation of sex hormones.

The first menstruation most often appears between the ages of 11 and 16 years. With later sexual development, menarche in girls appears closer to adulthood. Cases when menstruation occurs at the age of eight are also not uncommon. Deviations from the normal onset of menstruation are considered an abnormal phenomenon. In case of excessively early or late menstruation, you should consult a doctor.

The age at which menstruation begins is influenced by a number of factors:

  • transferred to enough early age diseases (chronic tonsillitis, meningitis, encephalitis);
  • features of physical development (body weight and height);
  • heredity;
  • rhythm of life;
  • diet;
  • psycho-emotional state;
  • territory of residence;
  • nationality.

It was noted that the transferred serious illnesses are reflected in the timing of puberty. In this case, girls begin menstruation much later than their peers.

If the mother experienced menarche at a fairly young age, then it is normal for her daughter to start her period at 10 years old. In addition, puberty begins later if there are not enough vitamins and minerals. In order for a child to fully develop, a sufficient amount of nutrients and beneficial substances must enter the body from an early age.

As a rule, southern women get their periods much earlier than adolescents of Western and Eastern nationalities.

It is considered normal for girls to start menstruation at the age of 12. Deviation up or down is allowed. Starting your period at 11 or 16 years old should not cause concern. If menarche occurs too early or late, you should consult a doctor.

How is the first menstruation and how to prepare the child

The main signs of menstruation are bleeding. They are scanty and moderate. On the first day there is a slight volume, and on the second it increases. After this the quantity discharge is coming on the decline The first period lasts from three to seven days.

This does not exclude the appearance of such sensations as weakness and discomfort in the lower abdomen. These symptoms are often observed during subsequent menstruation.

Bloody discharge accompanied by pain can cause panic in a teenager. The mother needs to immediately explain to the girl that menstruation is a natural process that occurs every month in women of reproductive age.

  1. What is menstruation? Discharges appear monthly and last approximately the same period of time, but minor disruptions in the schedule are possible during the first two years.
  2. Maintaining hygiene rules. Various microorganisms can develop in the blood that can cause inflammatory process in the organs of the genitourinary system.
  3. Risk of intimacy. The onset of menstruation is a signal that a girl has entered reproductive age - and her body is ready for fertilization. When engaging in sexual intercourse, there is a risk of becoming pregnant, and this is undesirable at an early age. Both mother and baby can be harmed during the birth process. A teenager must be aware of the dangers of promiscuous relationships and unprotected intimacy.

It is important to explain to the girl how to recognize. You can read more about this in our separate article on the website.

Features of the menstrual cycle

The duration of the cycle in adolescents ranges from 21 to 35 days, but it is not always immediately established. This often takes up to two years. during this period are considered the norm.

The intervals between the first two menstruation can reach six months. There is no need to panic about this. At this age, the reproductive function is not yet fully formed. For this reason, there are long breaks. If the interval becomes excessively large, you need to consult a gynecologist. Such long intervals between periods may indicate problems in the body.

As soon as the first menstruation appears, the girl needs to be taught to keep a calendar in which the days of the beginning and end of menstruation will be marked. In the first years, when the cycle has not yet been established, such data will not be particularly useful, but in the future it will be difficult to do without it. With the help of this information, it is much easier for the doctor to make a diagnosis if any problems arise.

The first period lasts no more than a week. Only in rare cases are they abundant, and often they are meager. After a while, the cycle is completely established, and the discharge increases in volume.

Hygiene and diet during menstruation

Girls during their period must follow the rules intimate hygiene. need at least once every three hours. With longer use of the product, bacteria begin to multiply intensively, causing significant harm to the body.

When girls start menstruating, mom should tell them how to use pads:

  • Before each change, wash your hands with soap;
  • avoid using expired products;
  • do not purchase sanitary pads with aromatic fragrances;
  • give preference to more expensive products;
  • Do not store products in the bathroom.

As soon as girls start menstruating, they need to immediately choose suitable underwear. It is recommended to give preference to panties made from natural materials and avoid thongs.

It is not recommended to take a bath during menstruation. Best option– shower twice a day. In addition, you need to wash yourself at least three times a day and do not use regular soap, which destroys microflora, and intimate hygiene products that contain lactic acid.

On critical days, you need to follow a diet, but do not limit yourself in food. You should review your diet and exclude spicy foods from it. Such foods can cause increased bleeding from the uterus.

Do I need to visit a gynecologist?

When your teen starts menstruating, there is no need to visit regularly. pediatric gynecologist. Only when signs such as foul-smelling discharge appear, pain syndrome and menstrual irregularities in girls, you should not postpone a visit to the doctor.

If everything is normal, then the examination is carried out at the age of 15–16 years. The gynecologist evaluates intimate health and determines how well the development is progressing. After the start intimate life You already need to see a doctor annually.

Consultation with a pediatric gynecologist is required for the following disorders:

  • the duration of menstruation is less than three days or more than seven;
  • excessively copious discharge;
  • after the first menstruation appears, menstruation is not observed for more than six months;
  • cycle failures after its full installation;
  • presence of blood clots.

If excessive pain, severe dizziness, hyperthermia, nausea, as well as vomiting and diarrhea appear during menstruation medical assistance must be contacted without delay.

What is menstruation

Menstruation is blood discharge from the uterus that occurs at regular intervals. Their appearance is caused by the rejection of the uterine membrane if the egg has not been fertilized.

If we talk about the term “menarche” and what it is, then the explanation is quite simple. When you get your period for the first time, this definition applies. In the future, bleeding is called menstruation.

From a scientific point of view, discharge is a rhythmic process that repeats itself after a certain period of time. During this period, the old layer of the endometrium is rejected, and menstrual fluid begins to flow from the uterine cavity, most of which is blood.

Many girls are interested in what menstruation is for. In simple words, menstruation is a way of renewing the layer of the uterus, which systematically changes, is rejected and restored. The main goal of this process is the possibility of conception. Essentially, the functioning reproductive system pursues only one goal - fertilization of the egg and gestation of the fetus.

Cycle phases

The menstrual cycle is divided into several phases:

  1. Endometrial rejection. Lasts from one to several days. Immediately after this it begins rapid growth layer of the uterus.
  2. Proliferation phase. Lasts from the fifth to the fourteenth day of the cycle. At the end of this period, the endometrial layer becomes maximum.
  3. Secretion phase. It begins on the 15th day and continues until the 28th. The growth of the endometrium stops during this period, and preparation begins for the rejection of the egg or its acceptance.

Menstruation in a girl is a sign of serious changes in the body that affect not only the reproductive organ, but also other systems.

Changes in the body

With the onset of puberty, adolescents experience changes that are visible to the naked eye:

  • shapes become rounded and feminine;
  • hips expand;
  • breasts increase in size;
  • development of the genital organs is observed, their increase in size and acquisition of a dark shade;
  • pubic and armpit hair begins to grow;
  • noticeable acne on the face and back, arising due to hormonal changes in the body;
  • abundant white discharge appears;
  • the hair at the roots becomes oily.

The first signs of menstruation in girls are not only external, but also internal. The following sensations may indicate that menstruation is approaching:

  • discomfort in the lower abdomen;
  • headache;
  • mood swings and increased tearfulness.

Symptoms of the first menstruation

Symptoms before menstruation are not always observed in girls. Often the appearance bleeding do not precede characteristic features. A teenager learns that his first period has begun only by noticing dark spots on underwear.

The most frequent symptoms, signaling the onset of menstruation:

  • causeless mood swings;
  • increased fatigue;
  • weakness;
  • apathy or excessive excitability;
  • dizziness and headaches;
  • pulling painful sensations in the lower abdomen;
  • lack of appetite and nausea.

How to choose hygiene products

You need to choose intimate hygiene products wisely and responsibly. If this is your first menstruation, then using tampons is not recommended. The uterine layer of the endometrium must come out, and these products interfere with this process. For a girl experiencing her period for the first time, pads are more suitable.

It is not recommended to use products with menarche high degree protection. It will be difficult for a teenager to understand when the gaskets need to be changed. It's also not worth saving. The more often hygiene items are replaced, the less risk penetration of bacteria into the body.

Gaskets with an excessively low degree of protection are not recommended during this period. The girl is not yet experienced enough to avoid leakage, and may simply forget to replace the product at the right time.

How long does it take to have a regular menstrual cycle?

Girls' periods are irregular at first. Only in rare cases does the menstrual cycle become established immediately. Most often, discharge appears at large intervals and varies in duration. This cycle in girls can last up to two years.

After this time, the schedule returns to normal, menstruation begins at regular intervals. If the cycle has not established itself two years after the appearance of the first menstruation, then you need to undergo an examination by a gynecologist and find out the cause of such disorders.

Learning to keep a menstrual calendar

Teenage girls need to be taught to keep a special calendar, because cycle disorders indicate not only possible pregnancy, but also on developing diseases. As soon as your first period appears, you should begin to mark the start and end dates of your periods. Using this data, it is possible to determine when menarche will begin and prepare for it.

There are two ways to maintain a calendar:

  1. Buy a calendar small size and mark the days of menstruation on it. The first day of the cycle is considered to be the date when menstruation began. The cycle ends when the next discharge appears. This way the girl will always know when her period is due.
  2. The second method involves a more in-depth analysis. The symptoms of discharge are already described here. Due to this, if a disease is present, it is possible to find out its full picture after three months of observation. Based on calendar data, the doctor draws the correct conclusions and prescribes adequate therapy.

Keeping a menstrual calendar is necessary not only to find out in advance that your period will begin soon. With its help, it is possible to plan conception or prevent it. In the process of diagnosing pathologies, this data can also be useful.

The appearance of the first menstruation is an exciting moment for every girl. The main thing is that she is mentally prepared for this. It is extremely important that the mother has a conversation with her growing daughter in advance and talks about everything related to such changes in the body.

The female body, unlike the male one, has its own characteristics. Nature arranges it in such a way that a woman bears and gives birth to a child. In her body, starting from adolescence, complex biological processes associated with puberty and the onset of menstruation occur. You should know at what age girls start menstruating.

In the ovaries, the female gonads, complex substances are synthesized and released into the blood. chemicals– hormones called progesterone and estrogen. They affect metabolic processes in the body, causing secondary sexual characteristics, the onset of menstruation.

The eggs mature in the follicles. Regular maturation of eggs capable of fertilization is observed from the onset of puberty. If the egg is not fertilized, menstruation begins. The maturation of the follicle and the release of the egg in women corresponds to certain days between two menstruation, which is called ovulation.

The first menstruation indicates the beginning of puberty, which occurs gradually. Menstruation is external manifestation important and complex process of turning a girl into a girl. Girls should know that intimacy, regardless of young age, can lead to pregnancy.

Girls' first periods

According to statistics, girls used to get their periods when they reached 17-18 years of age. At what age do girls start menstruating nowadays? Nowadays the first menstruation is celebrated at more than early dates than a hundred years ago. For some, critical days begin at 12-13 years old, and for eastern representatives even 10-11 years old.

If menstruation appears very early, before the age of 9, this indicates precocious puberty.

At what age do they start?

If critical days occur at the age of 11-16 years, this is considered normal from a medical point of view.

If menstruation begins before the age of 11, then parents need to know that the reason for this may be:

  • physical activity that is excessive for a given age;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • unbalanced diet.

Late onset of puberty at 16-20 years of age is associated with:

  • hormonal imbalance;
  • neuropsychiatric disorders;
  • insufficient development of the ovaries;
  • dysfunction of the pituitary gland.


About 2 years before the onset of their critical days, girls begin to change noticeably:

  • They become more feminine, their emotional mood changes, their body shapes become rounded, and their breasts noticeably enlarge.
  • Dark hairs appear in the armpits and pubic area, and the external genitalia increase slightly in size.
  • Hormonal changes occur in the body; due to the increased work of the sebaceous and sweat glands on the face and back, girls also develop acne.
  • The roots of the hair on your head quickly become oily.
  • 2-3 months before the onset of menstruation, whitish or yellowish vaginal discharge is observed.

At the next stage, 3-4 months before the start of the first days of menstruation, girls begin to feel causeless apathy or aggression, they are bothered by minor headaches, they become whiny and touchy.

All these signs should not be ignored by adults; they should psychologically prepare the girl for the onset of a new stage of development - puberty.

What should menstruation be like?

It is known that the body loses from 50 to 100 ml, sometimes more, of blood during menstruation. They cause nagging or cramping pain, general weakness, fatigue, dizziness, headaches, and some may experience nausea and vomiting.

Important points

Do you need a visit to the gynecologist?

If there are no obvious reasons, it is not necessary to regularly visit the gynecologist’s office after the first menstruation. Mothers should register their girls with a gynecologist for examination at the age of 14-15 to make sure there are no health problems and their proper development.

There are reasons to visit a gynecologist after the start of menstruation:

  • Observed several times in a row too short period menstruation in 1-2 days or menstruation lasting more than a week. In the first case, this indicates that hormones are not produced enough and the functions of the ovaries are impaired. In the second case, this indicates weak contractility of the uterus.
  • The bloody discharge is too abundant, you have to change tampons and pads often.
  • After the first menstruation, menstruation was interrupted; the pause was about 6 months.
  • After establishing a normal menstrual cycle, the cycles began to be disrupted (longer than 5 weeks or shorter than 3 weeks).
  • The presence of large ones is observed in the discharge.
  • If there is heavy discharge with blood clots, the girl has a stomach ache and dizziness, the body temperature is elevated, intestinal disorders accompanied by vomiting and nausea.

All these symptoms indicate problems in the girl’s health.
From all of the above, it follows that when the onset of the first menstruation approaches, the mother should talk in advance about possible changes in her daughter’s body.

Video about first menstruation