
Menstruation during pregnancy and corpus luteum cyst. Should I worry if a pregnant woman has a corpus luteum cyst - treatment and preventive measures

Almost all women experience an ovarian cyst at least once. Usually this functional neoplasms, which disappear on their own over time. There is a trend towards an increase in the incidence of ovarian cysts. This is due to the impact external factors, massive intake of hormonal drugs and with the development of methods for identifying pathology. Sometimes perceived as a cyst corpus luteum as a sign of pregnancy, but this is not really the case. There are several types of formations that an expectant mother may encounter. Some of them require urgent medical intervention.

An ovarian cyst is a cavity formation filled with fluid, blood, and other contents. Its size can be only a few centimeters. But growth of up to 20 cm also occurs. Sometimes the pathology is confused with polycystic disease. But these are different neoplasms with different trigger mechanisms.

There are several types of cysts:

  • Follicular (functional) appears even before the moment of conception. The egg matures in the ovary. Next, the follicle from which it emerges bursts, and a corpus luteum is formed in its place. For a number of reasons, a break may not occur. Fluid will accumulate in the follicle, leading to the formation of a cyst. Ovulation will not occur this month. A follicular cyst usually does not grow more than 6-8 cm and disappears on its own. It does not require treatment, so it has another name – functional.
  • Dermoid may appear regardless of age. The cause of the pathology must be sought at the girl’s stage of development. The neoplasm is filled with fat mixed with nails, hair, and sometimes teeth. It can reach 30 cm. But a dermoid cyst does not prevent conception in any way. It is better to remove it before pregnancy.
  • Cystadenoma filled with mucinous or serous fluid. It is constantly growing, and there is a high probability of its degeneration into malignant tumor. Therefore, cystadenoma is removed regardless of size. It is better to do this before conception.
  • Endometrioid the cyst is a consequence of endometriosis. It is filled with dark bloody fluid. With the onset of each menstruation, the tumor increases in size. The consequence of its development may be. But during pregnancy it does not pose any danger.
  • Luteal (corpus luteum cyst)common occurrence in pregnant women. Its appearance can be affected by stress, endocrine disorders, disruptions of lymph and blood flow in the corpus luteum. A neoplasm is formed, which is rarely larger than 8 cm. Corpus luteum cyst on early stages There is no risk of pregnancy. By 14-17 weeks it disappears on its own. This is due to the end of the formation of the placenta, which begins to produce progesterone and replaces the corpus luteum.

Does the appearance of a cyst affect pregnancy planning?

The presence of a follicular cyst will prevent conception. Until it resolves, the growth of other follicles is impossible. Such neoplasms disappear on their own within 2 months. After this it resumes. The woman has the opportunity to become pregnant again.

Other types of cystic formations do not directly affect conception. Their size and location matter. Pathology can interfere mechanically, put pressure on the follicles, and adversely affect the hormonal background. The problem is individual. For some women, neoplasms in the ovaries will not affect conception, while for others they will become a barrier to ovulation.

If several attempts are made to get pregnant in the absence of potential causes of infertility, but there is no result, removal of the cyst may be prescribed. It is also worth considering the lack of a tendency for self-destruction in most types of formations. During pregnancy, they can carry constant risks, sometimes requiring surgical intervention. Therefore, the process of planning a child should include treatment of identified tumors in the ovaries.

Reasons for the development of cystic pathologies

The reasons for the appearance of cysts during early pregnancy are not fully understood. There are only a number of factors that predispose to its development:

  • hormonal imbalances, dysfunction of the secretory glands;
  • stress, lack of psycho-emotional balance;
  • poor nutrition leading to hormonal imbalance;
  • early puberty;
  • cycle disorders;
  • predisposition of the body;
  • long-term use of contraceptives;
  • obesity/underweight;
  • lack of sex life;
  • frequent;
  • organ inflammation reproductive system;
  • infections in the body;
  • early completion of lactation;
  • unhealthy lifestyle.

If you are having trouble getting pregnant or are worried about possible pathologies fetus, we recommend reading the article. From it you will learn why and to whom doctors will recommend diagnostics, how exactly it is carried out, and what the result of the examination of the couple will show.

How do neoplasms appear in the ovaries?

Uncomplicated pathologies are mostly asymptomatic. They are identified during the passage. Symptoms and signs of neoplasms depend on the size, location and nature of the appearance.

Main symptoms by type of pathology

With a follicular cyst, a woman experiences a feeling of heaviness and pressure in the area where the ovary is protected. As it grows, pain appears, intensifying with physical activity, bending, and sexual intercourse. The aggravation is observed in the second part menstrual cycle. An indirect symptom of this type of cystic formation is a decrease in the period after ovulation. It does not even reach 36.8°C.

An endometriotic cyst is manifested by cycle disruptions, pain in the lower abdomen, prolonged unsuccessful attempts to conceive, and disturbances in bowel function (constipation may alternate). They appear often. If the size is small, there may be no symptoms at all. Growth does not have a pronounced character. It may occur slowly, quickly or not at all long time. A complication of the pathology can be ovarian rupture, causing peritonitis. In this case you will need emergency surgery.

The symptoms of cystadenoma directly depend on its size. The growth of education is accompanied nagging pain lower back, lower abdomen or side of the cyst. Large size can give a sense of presence foreign body. Sometimes accompanied by an enlarged abdomen.

Symptoms of a cyst may not appear during pregnancy. It usually does not exceed 8 cm and does not pose a threat. If the tumor reaches a large size, complications such as twisting of the cyst stalk are possible. This is a critical condition for a woman, characterized by the appearance acute pain in the area of ​​education. The symptoms are very similar to those of appendicitis.

Dermoid cyst on initial stage is asymptomatic. When its size reaches 15 cm, abdominal pain, weakness, and fever appear. There are no hormonal or cycle disturbances observed.

Pathology of the right ovary usually has symptoms similar to an attack of appendicitis, inflammation of the ileum or colon. Consultation with a gynecologist and surgeon is required. A neoplasm of the left ovary may be asymptomatic or resemble disorders of the colon or sigmoid colon.

Critical signs requiring emergency care

A pregnant woman or girl planning to conceive should immediately seek help if the following symptoms occur:

  • above 38°C;
  • deviation from the norm (increase/decrease);
  • uncontrolled;
  • palpable compaction of the abdominal cavity, significant enlargement of the abdomen;
  • heavy menstruation;
  • frequent urination, constant thirst;
  • weakness, dizziness;
  • intensive growth of facial hair.

Such signs are not typical for all types of cysts. But their presence may indicate in serious condition which requires surgical treatment. You should consult a doctor immediately.

Possible consequences of a cyst during pregnancy

If the presence of a cystic formation in the ovary does not prevent you from getting pregnant, you must monitor it: visit regularly, undergo an ultrasound. Danger may arise as the pathology increases. This is due to a violation of the normal location of the ovary and pressure on the uterus. The result may be premature birth.

Pressure also provokes necrosis (volvulus) of the cyst. An inflammatory process may develop, which will require mandatory surgical intervention even despite pregnancy.

Happens extremely rarely rapid growth and degeneration of pathology into a malignant tumor. The risks of complications increase during the process labor activity. The intensity of contractions and tension in the abdominal muscles can provoke rupture of the cyst. An emergency operation will be required, as there is a great threat to the life of the pregnant woman.

Smooth course of pathology ( small size, lack of intensive growth and discomfort for the expectant mother) requires simple observation. Treatment is prescribed after birth.

Signs and dangers of twisting the cyst stalk

Such a disorder can occur under the influence of a continuously growing uterus. She moves the cyst from its usual place. Twisting leads to disruption of the blood supply to the neoplasm and its death. A woman experiences sharp pain in the lower abdomen. To relieve them, a forced position is adopted: lying on your side, legs bent at the knees. Twisting of the stem is almost always accompanied by an increase in temperature.

Examination and palpation of the abdomen usually causes severe pain, the muscles of the anterior wall are tense. The cystic formation is located in front, in the center of the abdominal cavity. It is impossible to move it. The expectant mother will need mandatory surgery.

Rupture of a neoplasm: signs, possible risks

The rapid growth of pathology poses threats to the body. Increased pressure in the cyst often leads to its rupture. The first signs appear in acute pain in the lower abdomen. There is nausea, vomiting, a sharp increase in temperature, and an acceleration of the pulse. The number of leukocytes and ESR in the blood increases. Maximum pain observed when examining the surface of the uterus.

Main symptoms:

  • sudden sharp pain in the abdomen;
  • weakness;
  • nausea;
  • the appearance of other vaginal discharge;
  • decreased blood pressure;
  • is possible .

When a cyst ruptures, the fluid filling it penetrates into the abdominal cavity. Peritonitis begins, causing severe inflammation. The woman must be urgently hospitalized. Surgery takes place in mandatory. Peritonitis can be fatal.

Methods for diagnosing cystic pathologies

An ovarian cyst during early pregnancy is extremely difficult to detect, since it grows mostly asymptomatically. Signs can only appear when complications arise with the development of the inflammatory process.

The main diagnostic methods include:

  • Ultrasound (transvaginal view is used);
  • computed tomography;

Additionally, other studies may be prescribed: general tests blood, tests for tumor markers, culture, puncture biopsy. Diagnostics during laparoscopy can be combined with cyst removal. This keeps damage to a minimum and improves final forecasts.

Before you panic, we recommend reading the article. From it you will understand when pain is a completely natural phenomenon in the first trimester, and when it indicates the presence of a disease, what methods are used to diagnose the problem, as well as what advice to follow in order to alleviate the condition and seek medical help in a timely manner.

Conservative treatment method

Follicular pathology and corpus luteum cyst during early pregnancy do not require surgery. They are monitored and their growth is monitored by ultrasound. Such neoplasms tend to disappear on their own.

Other types of ovarian pathologies may require conservative treatment. The main ones include:

  • laser therapy;
  • douching with special solutions;
  • medicinal baths;
  • ultraphonophoresis;
  • magnetic therapy;
  • mud treatment.

Medicines include anti-inflammatory, hormonal, painkillers and immunomodulators. It is preferable to use hormonal treatment. With its help you can do without surgery.

Laparoscopy and other types of surgery

Surgery is required for pathological cysts or those that do not resolve on their own within three cycles. Fast-growing, large, twisted and ruptured formations are also removed. During the period of bearing a child, surgical intervention is resorted to only if absolutely necessary. In rare cases, laparotomy is used.

Laparascopic surgery is usually prescribed before 12-16 weeks. They carry it under the inner one. 3 punctures are made: in the navel area and the projection areas of the ovaries. The equipment used allows not only to control the course of the operation, but also to examine all organs of the reproductive system and identify hidden pathologies. The entire procedure can last from 30 minutes to 2 hours.

2-3 days after the operation, in the absence of complications, the expectant mother is discharged. Then it can be put on storage to prevent possible consequences interventions.

Contraindications to laparoscopy:

  • infectious diseases;
  • obesity;
  • hypertension;
  • asthma;
  • disturbances in cardiac activity;
  • anemia.

Using laparoscopy, a cyst up to 6 cm in size can be eliminated. Large tumors are removed by laparotomy. In this case, the anterior wall of the uterus is dissected, exfoliating the pathology. Usually limited to healthy tissues. The ovaries themselves are not damaged, but fallopian tubes are restored over time.

IN postoperative period The risks of miscarriage or premature birth are small. Special therapy is usually prescribed to maintain pregnancy.

Preventive measures

In the process of planning a child, you must go through comprehensive examination, including ultrasound for cystic neoplasms. They need to be eliminated before conception. If pregnancy has occurred, be sure to undergo regular examinations and monitor the growth of pathology. The absence of discomfort and complications gives a good prognosis for pregnancy without treatment or surgery.


Sometimes during pregnancy, fluid begins to accumulate in a woman's ovary - in this case, they say that a corpus luteum has formed in the ovary during pregnancy. This hormonal temporary organ is often formed even before the onset of pregnancy, when during ovulation a mature egg begins to emerge from the opened follicle.

What is a corpus luteum cyst?

Retention functional benign education or cysticity of the corpus luteum received its name because of the lipochromic pigment that can form in its cells and give them a yellow color. The disease may look harmless and be practically asymptomatic; it is rarely accompanied by menstrual irregularities and slight abdominal pain. The stage of maturation of the corpus luteum is called the luteal phase. Normal size temporary organ varies from 20 to 30 mm. An excess indicates the presence of a disease.

Ovarian pathology during pregnancy is rare, but it can occur in both mature women and young girls. The main biological function of the corpus luteum is considered to be the production of progesterone, which promotes prolongation of gestation and is responsible for the formation of the reproductive centers of the fetus. As a rule, the cystic body does not pose a serious danger to the woman and directly to the child, but only when there is no rupture.

Reasons for the occurrence of education

Ovarian pathology during pregnancy occurs when the follicles stop growing after ovulation and are filled with serous fluid. As a rule, a luteal cyst can affect only one of the ovaries (right or left). More often it can be found in multiple pregnancies. Experts have not yet been able to determine the exact causes of the formation process. Although many of them confidently point to a number of main factors. Ovarian cysts during pregnancy can occur due to:

  • presence of hormonal imbalance;
  • inflammation of the pelvic organs;
  • disturbances in the flow of lymph and blood;
  • severe stress, which provokes an excess of catecholamines;
  • drugs intended to stimulate the ovaries;
  • abortion;
  • emergency contraception;
  • poor nutrition (using an extreme diet during pregnancy dramatically weakens female body);
  • hazardous production conditions;
  • some infectious diseases.

How does a corpus luteum cyst manifest during pregnancy - symptoms

Against the backdrop of a regular influx arterial blood, the formation can increase in size. If you do not start treating the cyst in a timely manner, then if present for a long time, it can cause peritonitis. Although very often the corpus luteum cystus is generally able to exist asymptomatically. If a rupture or torsion of the formation suddenly occurs, then pronounced symptoms appear:

  • Intense nagging pain occurs in the lower abdomen;
  • the nature of the discharge changes;
  • absence of menstruation;
  • when there is a rupture in the resulting cavity, bleeding begins;
  • Nausea, stool retention, and vomiting may occur;
  • unpleasant uterine contractions;
  • rapid pulse;
  • elevated temperature;
  • pallor skin.

Diagnostic methods

To diagnose pathology in a pregnant woman, they resort to a gynecological examination of the right or left ovary. Using this method, you can find compactions that have formed in the appendage area. A cyst during early pregnancy can be detected during examination using a vaginal sensor. This study will not require special training, you just need to empty it to the maximum bladder. In addition, diagnosis of cystic formations may include:

  • Abdominal examination (ultrasound). Allows you to see a volumetric echogenic neoplasm and find out its size. As a rule, the corpus luteum may not be visualized on ultrasound during pregnancy due to its small size, then appropriate treatment will be required.
  • Laparoscopic functional method. The most informative method can be used to diagnose the disease, and in case positive results– to remove a tumor.
  • Special test. With its help, human chorionic gonadotropin is detected.
  • Hormonal studies. Testing may reveal hormonal imbalance.
  • Laboratory research. Aimed at finding the infection that provoked the inflammatory process.

Is a cyst dangerous for mother and baby?

Cystic formation is observed during pregnancy only in the first trimester and often resolves on its own by the fourth month. Such education poses no threat to the health of the pregnant woman or the fetus. Although during sexual intercourse or large physical activity the cyst may burst, then this will lead to bleeding and deterioration of the patient’s condition. Ovarian disease can also cause premature birth or miscarriage. In this case, it is necessary to get rid of education.

Cysts growing on a stalk are considered especially dangerous, since there is a real risk of torsion, which will further lead to disruption of the blood supply and tissue death, in which case urgent surgical intervention will be required. In other cases, if a pregnant woman has a cyst, the gynecologist’s tactics in relation to it will be purely observational. The doctor should only note the dynamics of changes in cyst size. Specialists begin to take active measures when the tumor shows a negative trend.

What to do if an ovarian cyst is detected during pregnancy

If we take into account the location of the cyst, the cyst develops equally in both the left and right ovaries, while being characterized by the same symptoms. If insufficient size of the corpus luteum is detected in a timely manner, then curative therapy is produced using progesterone analogue drugs - Duphaston and Utrozhestan, which artificially increase the level of hormones. They will support the normal development of the fetus until the placenta begins to independently produce the required number of hormones.

When treating cysts, contraindications include any exertion and sex. After a few months, under the supervision of a gynecologist, a decision is made based on the diagnostic results. Based on the data obtained in the laboratory, changes associated with the cyst are determined. If it has resolved, then the treatment is interrupted; if not, then the issue of surgery is considered in a specialized clinic.


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The corpus luteum of the ovary is the gland in a woman’s body that produces the hormone progesterone. It is formed after the eggs ready for fertilization leave the follicles and disappears in the form of menstruation if fertilization does not occur.

When pregnancy occurs, the corpus luteum persists during the first two trimesters, allowing the embryo to take root in the body of the uterus and preventing the formation of new eggs. If in the corpus luteum there are pathological changes, we can state various gynecological diseases, the most dangerous of which is a cyst. Let's consider why this disease is dangerous, and whether pregnancy is possible with a corpus luteum cyst. According to medical statistics, it ranks first among gynecological diseases leading to infertility.

Pregnancy with corpus luteum cyst

As mentioned above, during pregnancy it plays huge role: releases progesterone, necessary for normal development embryo in the first 2 trimesters, loosens the epithelial cover of the uterus for the introduction of a fertilized egg into it, prevents the formation of new follicles and the result of their work - menstruation. If changes are detected, pregnancy with a corpus luteum cyst may spontaneously terminate.

This may occur because the luteal gland cannot secrete enough of the hormone progesterone, which is necessary for the development of the placenta. A cyst is diagnosed by ultrasound, and if it is detected, the doctor must observe changes in the woman’s body for 3-4 months, since there is a chance that the tumor may disappear, so pregnancy with a corpus luteum cyst will not lead to sad results. If favorable outcome is not expected, modern ones can come to the rescue medical supplies or mini-operations that will not cause any harm to either the woman or her unborn child.

Thus, we can safely say that pregnancy with a corpus luteum cyst is possible, but only under the constant supervision of the attending physician, since lack of control can lead to serious consequences.

The ovaries are a paired organ of the female body, their main task is to prepare for fertilization. Every month, a follicle is formed inside the ovary, from which an egg should be released in the middle of the cycle. Then ovulation occurs, and when favorable conditions- subsequent conception. To support an early pregnancy, the corpus luteum develops until the placenta forms. Sometimes this physiological process is complicated by a corpus luteum cyst during pregnancy.

This is a benign cystic formation in the ovary, the symptoms of which are often observed in women, but just as often go away on their own without any intervention. A complication of the cyst may be damage to the ovarian tissue and the development of an acute inflammatory process in the abdominal cavity, which requires surgery and sometimes removal of the organ.

The corpus luteum is a formation whose task is to maintain normal level progesterone and estrogen - sex hormones. The formation of the corpus luteum occurs in the second half of the cycle, at which time it begins to prepare the uterus for a possible pregnancy.

If fertilization has occurred, then with the help of hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin), the corpus luteum maintains the optimal amount of progesterone in the blood so that new follicles do not develop and ovulation does not occur again.

Thanks to progesterone, the uterine mucosa acquires a loose structure, this is important so that the fertilized egg can gain a foothold in it and continue its development. In the absence of fertilization, the corpus luteum undergoes reverse development and, by the time of menstruation, it turns into a microscopic whitish area of ​​​​tissue on the ovary.

What is a corpus luteum cyst and why does it form during pregnancy?

An ovarian corpus luteum cyst during pregnancy is a benign formation that cannot undergo degeneration of its tissue into a malignant tumor. The cyst has thick walls and is filled with yellow liquid from the inside.

During pregnancy, a cystic corpus luteum forms on the ovary, the place where the follicle burst. Such a cyst develops in expectant mother due to impaired blood circulation and lymph circulation in the corpus luteum. But it is quite difficult to determine what causes this during pregnancy.

The female body can be simultaneously influenced by many negative factors, which result in the formation of a corpus luteum cyst. Let's list them:

  • hormonal disorders, including those that occurred while taking COCs and emergency contraception;
  • pathologies of the thyroid gland;
  • surgical interventions on the pelvic organs, for example, medical abortion, diagnostic curettage, etc.;
  • drug stimulation of ovulation during infertility treatment;
  • sexual infections;
  • inflammatory diseases of the intimate area;
  • fasting and strict diets;
  • hard physical work;
  • chronic stress;
  • harmful working conditions.

Scientists also claim that the development of a corpus luteum cyst is associated with low level fertility. Nowadays, many women give birth to only one child, or at most two. As a result, the ovaries of our contemporaries work continuously, and the number of menstruation increases accordingly. This explains various pathologies from the genital organs.


In most cases, corpus luteum cysts are asymptomatic, even during pregnancy. But some women may celebrate following signs, indicating its presence:

  • pain during sexual intercourse and during physical activity;
  • a feeling of heaviness on the side of the body where the formation is located;
  • meager spotting, less bleeding.


Diagnosis of a corpus luteum cyst is carried out by collecting anamnesis and analyzing the results gynecological examination, ultrasound, and sometimes laparoscopy. With a vaginal examination, your doctor may find an elastic mass on the side or behind the uterus. During palpation it will have limited sensitivity and mobility.

An ultrasound examination diagnoses a corpus luteum cyst in the form of an anechoic, homogeneous, round-shaped neoplasm measuring from 4 to 8 cm. There may be a fine suspension inside the cyst. Color Doppler sonography (CDC) will help distinguish a corpus luteum cyst from true ovarian tumors. When identifying any cysts and tumors in the pelvic organs, it is recommended to conduct a study for CA-125 tumor markers.

Sometimes a corpus luteum cyst is difficult to distinguish from other neoplasms (hydatidiform mole, cystoma, chorionepithelioma) and ectopic pregnancy, therefore, if there is pain syndrome and others anxiety symptoms, the doctor may prescribe an urgent laparoscopy for the patient.

How dangerous is a corpus luteum cyst for pregnancy?

If the tumor reaches a large size, it is possible that the following complications will occur during pregnancy:

  • rupture of the cyst membranes with the release of its contents into the abdominal cavity;
  • necrosis as a result of torsion of the cyst stalk;
  • internal hemorrhage into the ovary.

All these conditions cause the expectant mother severe pain, dizziness, weakness and nausea. Urgent surgery is necessary to prevent the development of unwanted complications, such as inflammation in the abdominal cavity, peritonitis, sepsis and possible death.

Treatment methods

If a cyst is detected during pregnancy, many doctors choose expectant observation for 3 months. Usually the cyst does not threaten either the unborn child or the woman herself. In other words, it does not have a pathological effect on the gestation process.

At the same time, many women themselves are confident that a corpus luteum cyst is a sign of pregnancy and there is nothing dangerous about it. But this is not true, although it is often diagnosed in expectant mothers, but the formation is not a physiological sign of pregnancy.

Answer to the question: is pregnancy possible with a corpus luteum cyst? - positive. But in order to prevent complications during pregnancy, the formation must be monitored, monitoring its development and growth using ultrasound. If the cyst continues to grow actively, there will likely be a need for surgery to prevent future abnormalities.

As a rule, surgery can be avoided, since in most women the cysts resolve on their own in the second trimester of pregnancy. Most often this occurs between the 14th and 20th week.

The process of resorption is influenced by the maturation and active functioning of the placenta, which completely removes the task of maintaining pregnancy from the corpus luteum and begins to produce progesterone itself. A cyst of the corpus luteum of the left ovary during pregnancy (or the right), in most cases disappears on its own by the time the placenta is fully formed.

If there is no involution of the cyst, surgical intervention is necessary. It is also used in case of rupture or twisting of the stem of the formation.

Laparoscopy is the most gentle surgical approach used during pregnancy. During this procedure, the corpus luteum cyst of the right ovary during pregnancy (or the left) is removed using three punctures in the woman’s abdominal wall, not exceeding 1.5 cm in diameter.

The patient receives general anesthesia, but the trauma of this intervention is minimal and after a few days the woman can leave the hospital. Expectant mothers usually go away after removal of a corpus luteum cyst. additional treatment, the purpose of which is to maintain pregnancy.


Prevent formation functional cyst ovary can be achieved with timely and adequate treatment inflammatory processes in the organs of the reproductive system. It is also important to support hormonal background in optimal condition, adjusting it if necessary.

For every woman, pregnancy is a long-awaited and happy event, which is often accompanied by fears for the child. And this is quite natural, because every woman dreams of carrying and giving birth. healthy baby, whom she will envelop with her love and care. Such fear is instilled by the discovery of pathologies in the expectant mother that could jeopardize all her plans regarding motherhood. And among them is a cystic transformation of the corpus luteum on the ovary, which, as a rule, is detected already at the first appointment with a gynecologist. What are the dangers during early pregnancy? And does it require specific therapy? Let's try to figure this out.

Development mechanism

Before we talk about how pregnancy proceeds during pregnancy, we should talk a little about what this formation is and how it is formed.

Cystic corpus luteum appearance resembles a small vesicle that has a dense shell and contains a pathological fluid that has red-yellow color. The process of its formation is not complicated. When the follicle ruptures, the growth of granulosa cells is activated. They begin to grow, forming the so-called corpus luteum, which acts as a temporary gland. It is responsible for the production of progesterone, which is required to maintain pregnancy. And as soon as the placenta is fully formed, the corpus luteum dissolves on its own, leaving no trace behind.

The size of such a formation indirectly indicates its functionality. For example, when the corpus luteum is 18-22 mm in diameter, this indicates its ability to conceive. At the moment when pregnancy has already begun, hormonal functions The corpus luteum intensifies, and therefore it begins to increase in size and reaches 30 mm. However, exceeding the value already indicates the presence pathological processes, that is, the formation of a corpus luteum cyst. It disrupts the production of hormones and can lead to negative consequences.

What is the danger?

In 90% of cases, a corpus luteum cyst of the right or left ovary does not affect the woman’s condition or the development of the fetus. As a rule, such formations disappear on their own after the 12th week of pregnancy. However, in some cases, under the influence of hormones, resorption does not occur and the tumor persists. At the same time, it suppresses the synthesis of progesterone, which ensures the maintenance of pregnancy. Its deficiency jeopardizes further development fetus and can lead to spontaneous miscarriage.

If the formation is small and persists during the first 3-4 months of pregnancy, then this may indicate a deficiency of chorionic gonadotropin in the woman’s body, which is required for the normal formation of the fetus, and may indicate the presence of abnormalities in mental or physical development.

Important! In a woman, a small corpus luteum on the ovary can be observed during a frozen pregnancy! And to exclude it, patients urgently need to undergo ultrasound examination and do a Doppler ultrasound.

The greatest danger to women is cystic formations large sizes, since they have the ability to and can provoke the occurrence. In the first case, the pathological contents of the cyst spill into the abdominal cavity, which causes the development of peritonitis, which poses a serious threat to the woman’s life.

When it occurs, the blood supply to the appendage stops, tissue necrosis occurs, the amount of toxins in the body increases sharply and the infection enters the blood (sepsis develops). This condition is also dangerous for the patient’s life and requires urgent surgical intervention. And in this case, doctors, first of all, direct all their efforts to save the woman’s life, and not to preserve the pregnancy.

But it should be noted that these complications are isolated cases. Most women who were diagnosed with a corpus luteum cyst of the ovary carried and gave birth to children without problems naturally. However, the possibility of such complications does exist, and therefore those who have been diagnosed with a cyst must be constantly monitored by a doctor and strictly follow all his recommendations.


It is difficult to name exactly the reasons why there is a failure in the process of resorption of the corpus luteum, since there are a lot of them. More often this is facilitated by impaired lymphatic drainage in the corpus luteum. However, there are other factors that increase the risk of pathology. This:

  • Infectious diseases of the reproductive system.
  • Artificial ovarian stimulation.
  • Long-term use hormonal contraceptives before pregnancy.
  • Poor nutrition, frequent hunger strikes.
  • Thyroid pathologies.
  • Previous medical and surgical abortions.
  • Psycho-emotional stress (stress).

Clinical picture

More often, a corpus luteum cyst does not manifest itself in any way during pregnancy in the first trimester. Only as the uterus enlarges and its pressure on nearby organs and tissues increases, can discomfort in the lower abdomen on the left or right side(depending on where exactly the pathological process is localized).

Discomfort in the lower abdomen may be accompanied by a feeling of fullness and pressure on the groin. These unpleasant symptoms often worsen during sexual intercourse or physical activity.

Important! If a woman at any stage of pregnancy experiences intense pain in the lower abdomen, accompanied by vaginal bleeding and pale skin, she must be urgently hospitalized, since all these symptoms indicate.


The following methods are used to make a diagnosis:

  • G inecological examination.
  • U Ultrasound examination.
  • Blood and urine tests (necessary to identify infectious and inflammatory processes in the body that may cause the formation of teratoma).


Small cysts are not treated, as they can resolve on their own by the 12th week. If this does not happen, using conservative or surgical treatment They are also not in a hurry. In this case, the so-called wait-and-see tactics are used. Conservative therapy often carried out after childbirth.

If during pregnancy there is a progressive growth of the cyst, then hormonal drugs containing progesterone. If there is a risk of developing serious complications (or), then surgical intervention is already performed, during which the pathological fluid is pumped out from the formation.

Corpus luteum cyst is relatively safe for a pregnant woman. But you shouldn’t let it take its course. Only constant medical monitoring and adherence to recommendations will allow you to avoid complications and give birth to a healthy child.