
Methyluracil tablets instructions for use. Instructions for use of methyluracil tablets - composition, indications for admission, side effects, analogues and price

Pharmaceutical companies constantly developing new drugs for various diseases. Today they have created drugs not only to combat various infections, inflammation, as well as immunomodulating agents and others. Drugs for the prevention and treatment of radiation sickness are in great demand. Polluted ecology, wrong and poor quality food gave rise to new diseases. And with their emergence, pharmacists are developing new methods and methods for treatment. This can be attributed to the drug "Methyluracil". Tablets can be purchased with a doctor's prescription.

Basic information about medicine

This drug refers to anti-inflammatory, stimulating and healing agents. Often it is prescribed for the treatment of radiation sickness. The substance methyluracil itself belongs to the pyrimidines. the main task of this medicine - to stimulate cellular enzymes, enhance division, help cell growth. In addition, the drug "Methyluracil" (tablets) has an anti-catabolic and anabolic effect. They increase the stimulation of the production of red blood cells and white blood cells. When they are used, the healing of cells is accelerated, and not only cellular, but also humoral immunity is launched. Pharmacists noted that this drug has a moderate anti-inflammatory effect, increased resistance to oxygen deficiency and blood loss. In its composition, the drug has substances such as dioxo-methyl and tetrahydropyrimidine, as well as auxiliary components. Usually in normal form it looks like a white crystalline powder, it has a bitter taste, it is almost insoluble in water.

About release forms

The drug "Methyluracil" is produced in various forms. It can be tablets, suppositories and ointments. Patients are prescribed them depending on the disease. Application is possible both externally and internally. Properties and actions for all forms this drug are the same. Usually tablets are issued on 0,5 gr. They are packaged in carton boxes, where there are five packs of 10 pieces in a tablet.


The drug "Methyluracil" (tablets) is prescribed for patients with chronic and acute radiation diseases. It should also be used for leukopenia, which occurs in mild form(usually if it is caused by radio- or x-ray chemotherapy) or to patients with alimentary-toxic aleukia. This medication is also prescribed for chronic benzene poisoning, for agranulocytic tonsillitis, pancreatitis, and blood loss. These may be cases when they heal very poorly various wounds, trophic ulcers, bone fractures, burns. Those patients who used the drug "Methyluracil" (tablets) in the treatment leave only positive reviews. Very often, doctors recommend this medication if the patient has gastrointestinal ulcers, chronic gastritis. Moreover, it is a good prophylactic for radiation injuries, inflammation of the female genital organs, cystitis.


Like any other drug, the drug "Methyluracil" (tablets) has contraindications. It cannot be used if there are neoplasms in the gastrointestinal tract (especially if they are malignant), and also if the patient has lymphogranulomatosis, chronic or sharp forms leukemia and hypersensitivity.


It is recommended to always take these tablets either with or after meals. For adults, the drug is prescribed for 0.5 g. four times a day. At the discretion of doctors daily rate can be increased up to six times a day. For children from 3 to 8 years old, 0.25 g is prescribed. three times a day. And for patients older than eight years, a single dose can be increased to 0.5 g. The duration of the treatment course depends on the diagnosis and the degree of its complexity. For patients with diseases associated with the gastrointestinal tract, treatment lasts from a month to 40 days. For other diseases, the terms are much shorter. It is not recommended to use the drug "Methyluracil" (tablets) on its own. There is always an instruction in the package, but in some cases the doctor determines the dose and the period himself.

The use of tablets by pregnant women and children

This drug is not recommended for use in infants. With existing diseases, pediatricians in some cases can prescribe it from the age of three. Women during pregnancy and lactation this medicine contraindicated. There are rare cases when these pills are prescribed during pregnancy, but doctors take into account the fact that this is done only for the benefit of the patient (that is, the mother), and the fetus is at great risk. Nursing women, doctors, prescribing this drug, strongly recommend to abandon breastfeeding.

Side effects

AT medical practice it is noted that these tablets are well tolerated by the body. In rare cases, there are either headache or dizziness. This usually happens in the first days of taking the medicine, and then the body adapts, and such symptoms disappear. Sometimes there are skin rashes in the form of a rash, but this is more often caused allergic reaction on some components of the drug.

Rules and terms of storage

Like many others medications, it is preferable to store Methyluracil tablets in home first aid kit. It is desirable that it be a dark and cool place. The shelf life of this drug is only four years. Tablets whose expiration date is about to expire should not be used.

Methyluracil is a drug designed to treat a variety of conditions. Its main properties are assistance in recovery after a person has suffered serious illness. In the form of tablets or other forms, the drug methyluracil is used to help treat wounds, in gynecology, to normalize the state of the body after radiation therapy.

The composition of the drug

drug tablets

Methyluracil composition is simple - it has only one active ingredient called dioxomethyltetrahydropyrimidine. It has a stimulating effect on leukocytes, helping to produce them. Other properties of the substance can take away inflammatory process starting in affected areas.

When the drug is released in the form of tablets, the dosage is 500 mg. The composition is supplemented by auxiliary elements:

  • Talc;
  • calcium stearate;
  • Starch;
  • Povidone k30.


Many are interested in what is the mechanism of this drug, for example, the question is quite popular, is methyluracil an antibiotic or not. The active substance of the drug is referred to as a stimulant of erythropoiesis, leukopoiesis. In addition, methyluracil stimulates metabolic processes in tissues, their recovery is faster.

The work of the substance is to activate the synthesis nucleic acids. The result is the production of RNA, DNA, which restore the number of leukocytes and improve the restoration of damaged areas. Methyluracil application has the following: activation of leukocyte recovery, growth acceleration muscle tissue, restoration of cellular and humoral factors of immunity.

Despite the fact that methyluracil reviews are different, its effect on the body cannot be overestimated. It is successfully used by athletes for the purpose of building muscle and tissue repair. Methyluracil is considered effective for prostatitis. Dioxomethyltetrahydropyrimidine will help cure leukopenia and stomach ulcers, lesions skin, difficult to heal, hepatitis and agranulocytic angina.

Methyluracil - instructions for use

How to use the tool

Each package of the drug is completed with an instruction that describes in detail the properties, courses of treatment, doses of administration in accordance with the age of the patient. The pills are taken according to the scheme:

  1. Children 3-8 years old - 4 doses per day, 0.25 g each;
  2. Over 8 years - 4 times a day, 0.25-0.5 g per dose;
  3. Adults - 0.5 g four times a day.

To avoid irritation gastrointestinal tract take the medicine during meals or immediately after a meal.

Starting to take methyluracil, the method of application must be agreed with your doctor. For the treatment of prostatitis, it is convenient to use methyluracil suppositories. Self-medication is dangerous, especially if the drug is used to treat patients childhood(for example, for stomach problems or for wound healing). In the treatment of prostatitis, the process of taking the medication should be carried out under the supervision of a physician. The minimum period of taking the drug is 10 days. The duration of treatment is determined by a specialist.

Methyluracil side effects may cause the following: skin irritation, heartburn, headache and dizziness, digestive problems.

Methyluracil contraindications:

  • Hypersensitivity to the substance that is the main drug in the drug;
  • Lekoz;
  • Hemoblastoses;
  • Malignant formations;
  • Lymphogranulomatosis.

The drug methyluracil is extremely rarely used as part of a medical complex. The most effective treatment will be with a separate use of the drug. If the indications for methyluracil are serious, when taking it as part of a complex, report all side effects.

Methyluracil analogues

Analogue of the drug

The drug perfectly copes with the therapeutic function when taken in accordance with the prescription of the attending physician. The price for methyluracil is considered quite democratic - the medicine is available to patients with any income level. There are also preparations containing substances similar to dioxomethyltetrahydropyrimidine in terms of effects on the body. But treatment with them may not have the expected effect. It is not recommended to use analogue drugs without the approval of the attending physician. Taking methyluracil rectal suppositories for the treatment of prostatitis, it is impossible to change the drug to a similar one in the middle of the course.

If while taking methyluracil side effects seem intolerable to you, a decision may be made to change the medicine. The choice is made depending on the diagnosis and the patient's condition. But it is worth taking into account that methyluracil has a low cost, while analogues often cost a little more. As for the action, it is unlikely that it will be possible to choose a drug that is completely similar in action.

Why is methyluracil prescribed? One of the diseases that are successfully treated with this drug is prostatitis. Methyluracil mechanism of action is calm but effective. It does not always act as the main way to fight the disease, but it can be prescribed as part of a medical complex. It is expected that the action of the drug will prevent complications and help the prostate tissues to return to normal.

When using methyluracil, the description of the action and especially the side effects of the drug should be read in advance. In the treatment of prostatitis, it is better to use rectal suppositories. So it will be possible to avoid one of the main side effects, which is drowsiness, which reduces the reaction rate. If the patient spends a lot of time driving, it is methyluracil supp. rect. he should choose for treatment. This form of medicine has a sedative effect on a person, due to which therapeutic effect increases.

There is an annotation for methyluracil in each package - to study the effect on the body, do not be too lazy to read it. In the treatment of prostatitis, the effectiveness of suppositories is ensured by the proximity of the affected organ. Active substance enters the prostate tissue and fully saturates it. With this method, there is no strong loading of the liver, so it is more often used.

Why is methyluracil used for exacerbation of prostatitis? The main goal is to obtain an immunomodulatory and anti-inflammatory effect. At correct use Methyluracil helps reduce swelling and suppress inflammation while increasing the gland's ability to resist disease. The effect of the candle is exerted both on the tissue of the glandular organ and on the mucous membrane of the rectum. In the presence of rectal fissures, hemorrhoids they are treated at the same time.

Comparison of drugs with a similar effect

Some drugs are similar in action to methyluracil, so the question arises - what is better to use in treatment? For example, there is little difference between Levomekol and Methyluracil ointments. But Levomekol is used more often if it is necessary to use antimicrobial agent for speedy wound healing. When asked whether it is better to keep levomekol or methyluracil in a first-aid kit, we can advise you to purchase both products.

You can compare methyluracil or solcoseryl - which is better and more effective? By universal recognition, the actions of the drugs are almost similar, except for the fact that solcoseryl is more expensive. Comparing which is better - natalside or methyluracil, we can say that the first of the drugs will stop the blood faster. Other than that, they work the same way.

Levomekol Solcoseryl

"Methyluracil" is a drug belonging to the group of regeneration stimulants used to shorten the period of rehabilitation after illnesses, as well as in the composition combined treatment other diseases.

What is the composition and form of release of the drug Methyluracil?

The active substance of the drug Methyluracil is represented by the so-called dioxomethyltetrahydropyrimidine, the content of which depends on dosage form and is 500 milligrams in tablets and suppositories, as well as 10 percent per unit volume of ointment.

Excipients of tablets: povidone K, potato starch, added calcium stearate, talc. In candles, in addition to the active component, there are the following chemical compounds: alcohol, paraffin and macrogol, and in the ointment - petroleum jelly, lanolin, purified water.

The drug Methyluracil is produced in tablets flat shape and white color supplied in packs of 10 pieces. Candles are sold in packs of 5. Ointment - in tubes of 25 grams. The medicine is dispensed by prescription.

What is the effect of Methyluracil tablets / suppositories / ointments?

The drug has anabolic activity. In addition, it should be noted the presence of anti-inflammatory, immunostimulating and hematopoietic (hemopoietic stimulator) action.

The mechanism of action of the drug is based on the normalization of many metabolic processes, in particular the stimulation of protein biosynthesis, the activation of the formation of nucleic acids, as well as the regulation of the metabolism of fats and carbohydrates.

Stimulation of nucleic metabolism leads to the launch of tissue regenerative processes, which contributes to speedy healing wound surfaces and rapid epithelialization of damaged skin.

The drug is able to increase the protective properties immune system, activating both cellular and humoral immunity, which prevents the occurrence of infectious and other pathologies.

The drug Methyluracil, as mentioned earlier, is able to stimulate hematopoietic reactions, while eliminating anemic conditions and contributing to better oxygen saturation of the blood.

What are the indications for the use of the drug Methyluracil?

The use of the drug Methyluracil (tablets, suppositories, ointment) instructions for use allows in the following cases:

The period of recovery after injuries or serious illnesses;

Ulcerative lesions of the stomach;

Ulcer duodenum;

Leukopenia as a consequence of chemotherapy;

Burn lesions;

pancreatitis or hepatitis;

Slow healing wounds;

Agranulocytic angina;

anemic conditions;

Intoxication of various etiologies;

Trophic ulcers and bedsores (ointment);

Ulcerative colitis (candles).

Before use, you should visit a specialist, and make sure there are no contraindications. In addition, you need to choose the right effective dosage for safe treatment.

What are the contraindications for the use of Methyluracil?

The use of any dosage forms of the drug Methyluracil instructions for use does not allow in the following cases:


Malignant pathology of the hematopoietic organs;

Oncological diseases of the nervous system;

Age less than 3 years (tablets);

Excessive granulation of the wound surface (ointment);

Individual intolerance.

During the lactation period or during pregnancy, the use of the drug is possible, but only after prior consultation with a specialist.

What is the use and dosage of the medicine Methyluracil?

The dosage of the drug Methyluracil depends on the dosage form and the diagnosis. The tablet form should be taken with or without food, up to half a gram, 4 to 6 times a day. The duration of therapeutic measures depends on the dynamics of the patient's state of health and can vary from 30 to 40 days.

The use of the ointment consists in applying it to the affected areas of the skin. The amount of the drug used in this case should be minimal, but sufficient for 100% coverage of the pathological focus. The duration of treatment should be agreed with a specialist.

Suppositories should be used rectally, 1 piece up to 4 times a day. Treatment can be long-term and sometimes reaches 3 or more months.

Overdose from Methyluracil

There are no data on drug overdose. However, it should be borne in mind that an increase in the amount of medication used does not lead to an increase in the effectiveness of the drug, but may be a factor stimulating the appearance of side effects.

What are the side effects of Methyluracil?

The drug Methyluracil, which we continue to talk about on this page, in the vast majority of cases, is very well tolerated by patients of all age groups. Negative manifestations in most cases, are directly related to an increase in dosage.

Taking tablet forms of the drug can cause the following: negative consequences: heartburn, vomiting, nausea, constipation or diarrhea, dizziness, allergic skin reactions.

The use of ointment can cause the appearance skin itching, peeling, swelling, redness, rashes and so on.

How to replace Methyluracil, what analogs to use?

Meturacol, Dioxomethyltetrahydropyrimidine, as well as Kolartek, Stizamet, Methyluracil-AKOS.


Effective stimulation of recovery processes cannot be imagined without a comprehensive approach consisting of the following activities: the use of medicines, the full and balanced diet, medical and protective regimen, vitamin therapy, periodic monitoring by an appropriate specialist.


Wounds and erosion accompany a person throughout life. Often the damage goes away on its own, but sometimes it becomes the beginning. pathological processes. In the medical arsenal of doctors, there has long been a reliable remedy that will help prevent the onset of dangerous consequences. The drug Methyluracil enhances the regeneration processes in the tissues of the body and activates the metabolism. Diverse forms of medicine can eliminate damage not only on the surface of the body, but also in delicate places. Read the instructions for using the product.

Composition and form of release

For ease of use, Methyluracil (Methyluracil) is produced in the form of several forms intended for oral, external and rectal use:

  1. Tablets are white, round, flat-cylindrical, with a chamfer and a notch. Packed in 10 pieces in contour packs, which are placed in cardboard boxes.
  2. Ointment 10% in aluminum tubes 30 and 25 g or jars of 15, 25, 30, 50, 75 g, for external and local use.
  3. Rectal suppositories. Packed in 5 pieces in blisters, which are placed one or two in cardboard boxes.

The active substance for all forms is. Composition of tablets, ointments and rectal suppositories:

Weight, mg




calcium stearate

Potato starch

Povidone K30



Ointment base (medical vaseline, aqueous lanolin, paraffin)

Rectal suppository



Special basis for suppositories

Pharmacological properties

Instructions for use Methyluracil informs that the drug has anabolic activity, leukopoietic, hematopoietic, anti-inflammatory, immunostimulating effects. The drug normalizes nucleic acid metabolism, accelerates tissue regeneration, growth and its granulation maturation, epithelialization.

The active component of the drug effectively affects the rapidly proliferating cells of the gastric mucosa, stimulates leukopoiesis, erythropoiesis, humoral and cellular immunity factors. The active substance dioxomethyltetrahydropyrimidine in the ointment exhibits a photoprotective effect. A sponge impregnated with Methiuracil and oil is applied to the wound surface, absorbs the exudate discharged from the wound, swells and lyses, releasing the active ingredient.

Indications for use of Methyluracil

Features of the use of each form of the drug are due to the form of release of Methyluracil. Tablets are used for systemic treatment serious illnesses when it is required to support the process of regeneration of tissue structures of the affected organ, increase the activity of neutrophils, erythrocytes and eosinophils. Direct indications for their use according to the instructions:

  • radiation sickness;
  • agranulocytic angina;
  • thrombocytopenia;
  • pancreatitis;
  • burns;
  • alimentary-toxic aleukia;
  • benzene intoxication;
  • bone fractures;
  • hepatitis;
  • anemia;
  • long-healing wounds, cuts;
  • leukopenia (mild form, including cases when the disease appeared as a result of tumor chemotherapy or radiotherapy and radiotherapy);
  • enteritis;
  • peptic ulcer duodenum and stomach (in complex therapy with other drugs)
  • convalescence (after recovery from severe infections).

Ointment Methyluracil is intended for external and local application in order to accelerate the processes of regeneration of traumatic defects, the activation of leukocytes on the surface of the mucous membranes and skin. According to the instructions, as an epithelizing agent, it is used to treat the following conditions:

  • burns;
  • dermatitis;
  • abscesses;
  • wounds;
  • microcracks;
  • photodermatitis;
  • bedsores;
  • boils;
  • diaper rash.

Candles (suppositories) are intended for topical use to treat and support the process of tissue repair of the vagina, rectum, anal sphincter, pelvic organs in women and men. Indications for prescribing Methyluracil suppositories according to the instructions:

  • anal fissures, polyps;
  • proctosigmoiditis;
  • rehabilitation after radiation cystitis;
  • treatment and prevention of colpitis;
  • damage to the female genital organs, ovaries;
  • radiation damage to the sigmoid and colon;
  • erosive and ulcerative colitis.

Method of application and dosage

To achieve a reliable result, it is important when using the drug that it is very important to follow the duration of the course of therapy regulated by the instructions, as well as recommendations regarding dosages. The method of application is determined by the form of the drug. There is a need to follow certain rules, which reduces the risk of side effects.

A drug thin layer applied to damaged areas. For one procedure, take 5-20 g. In case of damage to the vagina and with radioepithelitis, the agent is applied using loose swabs. According to the instructions, during therapy acute manifestations radiation bullous dermatitis, ulcers, burns and wounds, the drug is used only within the localization of the lesion. If necessary, it is permissible to use antiseptic and antibiotic preparations, external applications of sulfonamides.

Before applying the ointment to the wound, the area around it, you need to treat the entire surface antiseptic solution(chlorhexidine, potassium permanganate, furatsilin). During the treatment, it is necessary to wash out all necrotic and purulent accumulations from the wound. After applying the ointment, it is recommended to cover the treated surface with sterile gauze. The duration of treatment depends on the condition of the wound, the postoperative suture heals in 4-5 days. The frequency of treatment depends on the wound:

  • the festering surface must be treated every 4 hours;
  • clean wound - once a day.

Tablets Methyluracil

The drug in tablet form is taken orally. The preferred time for taking is at the same time as a meal or immediately after it. Dosages:

  • Adult patients are prescribed 500 mg four times a day. At the same time, it is permissible to increase the frequency of administration up to 6 times a day, the maximum total daily dose– 3000 mg per day.
  • For children 8–14 years old, the drug is prescribed three times a day, 250–500 mg each. The maximum children's distributed dosage is 1500 mg per day.
  • Children from 3 to 8 years old Methyluracil is prescribed three times a day for 250 mg. Maximum total daily dose- 750 mg.

Candles with methyluracil

The duration of therapy with suppositories depends on the indications for the use of the medication. The introduction of the suppository into the rectum should be carried out after defecation and washing the anus. The dosage depends on the age of the patient and is indicated in the instructions:

  1. Adults are prescribed 1-2 suppositories 1-4 times a day.
  2. Children 8-15 years old are prescribed one suppository per day;
  3. For children 3-8 years old, the daily allowable dosage is 0.5 suppositories.

To support the regeneration of the epithelium of the vagina, cervix, suppositories are administered vaginally in the morning and evening (twice a day). The instruction indicates the duration of therapy 10-14 days. Treatment of vulvitis and colpitis takes 10 days with a double injection during the day. The maximum course of using Methyluracil suppositories can last 30 days, but in agreement with the attending physician, who evaluates the healing process.

special instructions

Methyluracil is available in the form of a sponge impregnated with the active substance. Before using it, you need to remove the product from the package and apply it to the wound so that it fits as tightly as possible to the surface walls, and the edges go 1.5 cm further than the wound. A tight fixing bandage is applied on top. Previously, the wound is cleaned of necrotic masses, treated with an antiseptic. If there is pus, dysbiosis on the surface, the sponge is wetted in a solution of furacilin or dioxidine. Rules:

  • The dressing changes depending on the area and depth of the lesion.
  • The sponge lyses on average in 2-3 days. If it has not resolved, but there is no pain, allergy, pus or burning, then it is left alone until it is completely lysed.

Another popular format of Methyluracil is the topical aerosol. According to the instructions, the container with the agent is shaken, the cap is removed from it and the nozzle is put on, and then the agent is sprayed. In a second, a balloon under hydrogen pressure delivers 7 ml of foam. Recommendations:

  • For the treatment of gynecological problems, the agent is applied for 1-2 seconds.
  • With erosion of the cervix and after its diathermocoagulation, the aerosol is applied twice a day.
  • With colpitis and vulvitis, the procedure is prescribed 1-2 times a day for a course of 8-30 days.
  • With proctosigmoiditis and proctitis, before applying the remedy, a cleansing enema is made with a decoction of chamomile or calendula.
  • In periodontitis, the affected area oral cavity it is processed with an aerosol 3-5 times, the foam is aged for 10-15 minutes, the course lasts 7-14 days.
  • If the wounds are small, aerosol with Methylurail can be applied to sterile wipes, and then apply them to the affected area.
  • The cylinder head is changed after each treatment, it is sterilized by boiling.
  • Doctors advise using the medication only for the treatment of mild forms of leukopenia.

According to the instructions, you can actively use Methyluracil in gynecology. Rectal suppositories can also be administered intravaginally. In the treatment of gynecological problems, it is important to observe sexual rest. Dosages and recommendations:

  • Candles are inserted into the vagina twice a day (in the morning and in the evening) to treat cervical erosion or after an operation to cauterize it. The course of therapy lasts 10-14 days.
  • With colpitis, vulvitis, after removal of the uterus or operations in gynecology, candles are used 1-2 times a day for a course of 10-30 days.
  • Before using suppositories, you need to remove mucus from the vagina by douching with solutions of soda, nitrofural, chlorhexidine, decoctions of string or chamomile.

After caesarean section or abortion, and you can apply ointment to the stitches to prevent the formation of thick, pronounced scars. The cream effectively helps, if necessary, to heal perineal tears, and is used to restore the vaginal mucosa after radiation therapy.

Methyluracil can be used for hemorrhoids to reduce the severity of nodes and relieve pain. Candles heal tissues after operations to remove hemorrhoidal cones. Similarly, an ointment is used - it is injected deep into the rectum directly from the finger, it can be used to lubricate the external bumps of hemorrhoids. The course of treatment of the disease lasts 1-2 weeks.

Before introducing suppositories or applying ointment to the rectal area, you need to empty the intestines, and after removing feces, wash your hands, wash the perineum and skin of the anus, and dry with a clean soft cloth. The candle is inserted deep into the intestine, after which the patient should lie down for about half an hour. During this time, the contents of the suppository will melt under the influence of body temperature, some will flow out and may stain the laundry.

Methyluracil during pregnancy

According to the instructions, Methyluracil can also be used to prevent ruptures during childbirth. To do this, the ointment is applied to the skin and mucous membranes of the perineum 10 days before the expected birth twice a day. It is possible to prescribe drugs based on dioxomethyltetrahydropyrimidine only if the benefit to the mother outweighs the risk to the child. Methyluracil with Miramistin is used with caution during childbearing and breastfeeding. After childbirth, you can apply ointment to the seams.

In childhood

The use of any form of the drug Methyluracil is contraindicated for use in patients under three years of age. This is due to the fact that the safety and effectiveness of the remedy for such age group. According to the instructions, you should consult a doctor before starting therapy for a child. During treatment, you need to constantly monitor the health of the baby.

drug interaction

Tablets, ointment and suppositories Methyluracil should be carefully used with other medicines. So, active substance enhances the anti-radiation properties of cystamine, has a synergistic effect in simultaneous use with systemic antibacterial drugs. Do not combine the application of the ointment with products containing surfactants.- they weaken the effect of the drug.

Side effects and contraindications

When contracting and drying the sponge with active ingredient you need to moisten it with a solution of procaine or furacillin. If a patient uses Methyluracil for cystitis, prostatitis or other diseases, side effects may occur. Instructions for use highlights such as:

  • allergic reactions, skin rashes, hyperemia, urticaria, burning, itching, skin irritation;
  • dizziness, headache;
  • heartburn.

To date, not a single case of drug overdose has been registered. Contraindications to its use are:

  • hypersensitivity to the components of the composition, allergy to the constituent agents;
  • leukemia, leukemic, myeloid forms;
  • lymphogranulomatosis;
  • hemoblastosis;
  • age up to three years;
  • excessive granulation in the wound;
  • malignant tumors of the bone marrow.

Terms of sale and storage

Methyluracil is prescription drug for tablets. Candles and ointment are sold freely. All forms of release of the product are stored at a temperature not exceeding 25 degrees for five years.


Doctors identify a number of analogues of Methyluracil, similar to it in action and approximate component composition. These are the drugs:

  • Anaferon - homeopathic pills, drops containing purified antibodies to human interferon gamma;
  • Imudon - tablets for strengthening immunity based on a mixture of bacterial lysates;
  • Engystol - a homeopathic immunomodulator in the form of tablets;
  • Immunex - vegetable syrup containing echinacea extract;
  • Isofon - immunostimulating capsules containing methyldioxotetrahydropyrimidine sulfonisonicotinoyl hydrazide;
  • Turbosan - capsules based on cristafon to increase immunity;
  • Galavit - suppositories, powder for solution preparation, tablets with immunomodulatory and anti-inflammatory action, containing sodium aminodihydrophthalazinedione;
  • Erbisol - injection solution based on non-protein non-hormonal organic compounds;
  • Echinocor is an oral elixir containing extracts of echinacea, wild rose, birch, licorice;
  • Deoxynate is an immunomodulatory solution based on sodium deoxyribonucleate.

Price of Methyluracil

The drug Methyluracil is sold in pharmacies or on the Internet. Its cost is influenced by the pricing policy of the enterprise, the form of release, the cost of the manufacturer's raw materials. In Moscow, approximate prices will be:


Methyluracil is a drug that improves tissue trophism and stimulates the regeneration process.

This drug promotes the formation of leukocytes, the growth of tissues and epithelium, stimulates cellular and humoral recovery. Methyluracil has an anti-inflammatory and photoprojective effect on the affected areas. Used for diseases internal organs, contributing to the stimulation of nucleic metabolism in soft mucous membranes.

It is able to synthesize new muscle and tissue cells, which are formed under the action of hormones. Since the drug is produced in different forms, this causes it wide range applications.

Clinical and pharmacological group

Immunostimulant, dioxomethyltetrahydropyrimidine.

Terms of dispensing from pharmacies

Released by prescription.


How much do Methyluracil suppositories cost? average price in pharmacies is at the level of 50 rubles.

Release form and composition

  • Candles (suppositories) Methyluracil. In one suppository of methyluracil 500 mg. Available in packs of 10 pieces.
  • Methyluracil tablets. One tablet contains methyluracil in an amount of 500 mg. The tablets are packaged in convolutes and sold in packs of 50 or 100.
  • Ointment Methyluracil. The ointment contains methyluracil in the amount of 100 mg per 1 g (10%). Produced in aluminum tubes of 25 g.

Auxiliary components: ointment and suppositories contain alcohols, paraffins and macrogol; tablets - potato starch.

Pharmacological effect

The main active substance of methyluracil tablets is classified as a stimulant of leukopoiesis and erythropoiesis, but in addition, Methyluracil is able to stimulate metabolic processes in tissues, promotes their regeneration.

How does methyluracil work? As a precursor of purines, methyluracil promotes the activation of nucleic acid synthesis. The resulting DNA and RNA work to restore the number of leukocytes, activate the processes of regeneration of damaged tissues.

By starting the process of leukocyte recovery, the drug accelerates:

  • regeneration of muscle tissue;
  • growth and granulation maturation of tissues;
  • restoration of humoral and cellular factors of immunity.

Indications for use

Methyluracil tablets are prescribed in the presence of mild forms of leukopenia in history, which appeared due to the progression of acute radiation sickness, with frequent x-rays or after chemotherapy, also in the presence of malignant oncology. The medication is also prescribed malignant forms anemia, thrombocytopenia, various intoxications and poisonings. As a means to restore the body, tablets can be prescribed after protracted inflammatory diseases.

Methyluracil suppositories treat ulcerative, proctitis. Also, the medication will help well to eliminate burns, diaper rash, accelerate the recovery of bone tissue after fractures, the wound heals faster when using external forms of release. Candles in gynecology, which must be inserted into the vagina, although they are rectal, are prescribed for the healing of erosions, colpitis, vulvitis.

The use of the ointment is indicated in the treatment of cracks, for the healing of wounds and cuts. Methyluracil is also used externally for acne, as it helps to heal inflamed formations.

uses methyluracil for acne externally, as it helps to heal inflamed formations.


Methyluracil is contraindicated in patients with lymphogranulomatosis, as well as chronic and acute leukemic forms of leukemia. The drug should not be used when malignant neoplasms in the gastrointestinal tract, hypersensitivity patient to one or more components that make up the product.

Use during pregnancy and lactation

During pregnancy, the drug in the form of tablets should be used in exceptional cases: when the risk to the fetus is much lower than the benefit to the mother.

Ointment and suppositories have no contraindications for use during pregnancy. During the feeding period, it is better if it is impossible to exclude tablets, it is better to replace breast milk mixtures.

Dosage and method of application

The instructions for use indicate that the tablets are taken orally, the ointment is used externally, and the suppositories are prescribed for rectal use.


Methyluracil in the form of an ointment should be applied daily in a thin layer to the damaged areas.

The doctor sets the dosage regimen individually. The frequency of dressing changes is determined by the depth and area of ​​the wound surface, the intensity of exudation and the presence of necrotic masses. In the treatment of radioepitheliitis and late radiation injuries of the vagina, the ointment is used in loose tampons.

In the treatment of acute bullous radiation dermatitis, ulcers, wounds and burns, methyluracil can be used simultaneously with external applications of sulfonamides, antiseptic and antibiotic agents.


Methyluracil suppositories are prescribed in the following dosages:

  • 500 - 1000 mg (1 - 2 suppositories), 3 - 4 times a day for adults;
  • 250 mg (half a candle) per day for children from 3 to 8 years old;
  • 500 mg (1 suppository) per day for children from 8 to 14 years old.

The optimal course of treatment with the drug is determined by the attending physician. It usually lasts 10 to 14 days. In especially severe cases, the course of treatment can be continued up to 120 days.

For rectal use, must be cleaned anus from stool. To do this, it is recommended to do oil enemas, which allow you to clean the rectum without damaging the mucous membrane.

After defecation, you need to rinse the anus warm water and then administer the suppository.

At vaginal use candles, women are advised to pre-douche. Wash the vagina with a decoction of chamomile or warm water with a small amount of soda dissolved in it. The candle is inserted in the supine position.

So that after the introduction the contents of the candle do not leak out, after its use it is recommended to lie down for at least 30 minutes.


Tablets are drunk after or during a meal. Dosage depends on age:

  • Adults and adolescents from the age of 14 take Methyluracil 1 tablet (500 mg), 4 to 6 times a day.
  • Children from 3 to 8 years old take half a tablet (250 mg), 3 times a day.
  • Children from 8 to 14 years old take half or a whole tablet (250 mg or 500 mg), 3 times a day.

At the same time, adults can take a maximum of 3 g per day (6 pieces) of Methyluracil in tablets, children 3-8 years old - 750 mg (1.5 pieces), and children 8-14 years old - 1.5 g (3 pieces).

The duration of the course of therapy for organ damage digestive system(peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, hepatitis, pancreatitis, ulcerative colitis, enteritis, etc.) is 30 - 40 days. Therapy of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract is the longest. Therefore, in the treatment of other pathologies, Methyluracil tablets are used in shorter courses, the duration of which is determined by the rate of recovery and the normalization of a person's well-being.

Side effects

When using Methyluracil, the development of allergic reactions is possible.

Also during therapy may occur:

  • Dizziness, headache, heartburn (when taken orally);
  • Short-term slight burning sensation (when applied externally).


To date, cases of significant excess of the recommended therapeutic dosage of Methyluracil tablets have not been reported.

special instructions

Dosage forms of methyluracil should be used strictly according to the relevant indications.

drug interaction

Enhances the anti-radiation effect of cystamine.