
Is it possible to alternate between Nurofen and Ibuklin? What is better for a child's temperature - ibuklin or nurofen? What analogues of Ibuklin are there?

Ibuklin is a synthetic combination drug that has an effective and rapid analgesic, antipyretic, and anti-inflammatory effect.

Its main active medicinal substances are paracetamol and ibuprofen. The instructions indicate that this medicine intended for rapid elimination of the inflammatory process in the lesions. It quickly and effectively eliminates the symptoms of the disease and helps eliminate inflammation.

On this page you will find all the information about Ibuklin Junior: full instructions on application to this drug, average prices in pharmacies, complete and incomplete analogues of the drug, as well as reviews of people who have already used Ibuklin Junior. Would you like to leave your opinion? Please write in the comments.

Clinical and pharmacological group

Combined medicine, containing ibuprofen (NSAID) and paracetamol (analgesic-antipyretic).

Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies

Dispensed with a doctor's prescription.


How much does Ibuklin junior cost? average price in pharmacies it is at the level of 100 rubles.

Release form and composition

Flat-cylindrical tablets, Pink colour interspersed, with a chamfer and a notch on one side and a fruity-mint smell.

Each dispersible tablet [for children] contains:

  • active ingredients: ibuprofen 100 mg, paracetamol 125 mg;
  • Excipients: microcrystalline cellulose 20 mg, corn starch 59.04 mg, lactose 5 mg, sodium carboxymethyl starch (type A) 30 mg, crimson dye (Ponceau 4R) (E124) 0.2 mg, glycerol 2 mg, colloidal silicon dioxide 5 mg, orange flavor DC 100 PH 1.6 mg, pineapple flavor DC 106 PH 2.5 mg, peppermint leaf oil 0.66 mg, aspartame 10 mg, magnesium stearate 1 mg, talc 3 mg.

Pharmacological effect

A combined drug whose effect is determined by its constituent components.

  1. Ibuprofen. It has an anti-inflammatory effect and does not belong to the steroid group. It has the ability to inhibit cyclooxygenase, which is responsible for the metabolism of arachidonic acid, a precursor to prostaglandin. In the body, these enzymes act as mediators of pain, inflammation and fever due to their ability to excite pain receptors, dilate blood vessels, increase cell permeability, which leads to tissue damage and inflammation. If the synthesis of prostaglandins is disrupted under the influence of the active substance, an anti-inflammatory, antipyretic and analgesic effect is achieved.
  2. Paracetamol. Indiscriminately blocks COX, mainly in the central nervous system, weakly affects water-salt metabolism and mucous membrane gastrointestinal tract(Gastrointestinal tract). Has an analgesic and antipyretic effect. In inflamed tissues, peroxidases neutralize the effect of paracetamol on COX 1 and 2, which explains the low anti-inflammatory effect.

The effectiveness of the combined drug is many times higher than that of the individual components present in it.

Indications for use

Indications for use of the drug (for which Ibuklin tablets are used for symptomatic treatment):

  • attacks of neuralgia;
  • myalgia;
  • toothache;
  • painful menstruation;
  • painful sensations different intensity in back;
  • pain resulting from dislocations, sprains, fractures, severe bruises;
  • joint pain, pain resulting from diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
  • febrile conditions, including those arising from colds or flu;
  • pain syndrome postoperative or post-traumatic nature.

The pediatrician will explain in more detail why Ibuklin is used in the treatment of children. You should know exactly what the drug is used for and how it helps, because it can only reduce pain and inflammation during the period of use. Its use does not affect the progress of the disease as a whole.


A sane person would never take medicine without reading the list of contraindications. Mothers need to be a hundred times more careful when choosing medications for their babies. Let’s see what the instructions for Ibuklin say about contraindications, how many “pitfalls” there are in it and for how many years it has been approved.

  • children under 3 years of age, pregnant and breastfeeding women;
  • with disease of the optic nerve;
  • for bronchial asthma;
  • in the presence of ulcerative and inflammatory processes in the digestive system, gastric and intestinal bleeding;
  • with renal and liver failure;
  • in case of individual intolerance to any component of the product.

Use during pregnancy and lactation

In the first and second trimesters of pregnancy, use is possible only as prescribed by a doctor in cases where the potential benefit exceeds possible risk for mother and potential risk for the fetus. The use of this combination in the third trimester of pregnancy is contraindicated.

If necessary, use during lactation should stop breastfeeding.

Instructions for use

The instructions for use indicate that Ibuklin Junior is taken orally, after dissolving the tablet in 5 ml (teaspoon) of water. The interval between taking tablets should be at least 4 hours, and in case of impaired renal or liver function - at least 8 hours. It is recommended to divide the daily dose into 2-3 doses.

  • 3–6 years with body weight 13–20 kg: 3 tablets;
  • 6–12 years old with a body weight of 20–40 kg: up to 6 tablets.

The drug should not be taken for more than 5 days as an analgesic and for more than 3 days as an antipyretic without medical supervision.

Side effects

Possible side effects problems that you may encounter when taking Ibuklina Junior:

  1. From the side of the central nervous system: more often - insomnia, increased excitability, dizziness and headache; less often – visual impairment.
  2. From the outside digestive system : more often – nausea and vomiting, bitterness and metallic taste in the company; less often – mucosal lesions digestive organs erosive-ulcerative nature.
  3. From the outside immune system : more often allergic reactions, such as hives, skin rash; less often - Quincke's edema.
  4. urinary system– with prolonged use it becomes impaired normal operation kidneys and other organs of the urinary system.

In therapeutic doses, the drug is generally well tolerated. When side effects you should stop taking the drug and consult a doctor.


Symptoms of an overdose of Ibuklin Junior: abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, anorexia, pain in the epigastric region, lethargy, drowsiness, depression, headache, tinnitus, metabolic acidosis, acute renal failure, coma, decreased blood pressure(BP), bradycardia, tachycardia, atrial fibrillation, respiratory arrest.

Recommended treatment: gastric lavage (within the first hour after administration), taking activated carbon, forced diuresis, alkaline drinking, symptomatic therapy aimed at correcting blood pressure and general condition sick. Other treatment methods are determined individually by the attending physician and depend on the concentration of ibuprofen and paracetamol in the body.

special instructions

  1. Ibuprofen may mask objective signs of infectious diseases, so therapy with ibuprofen in patients with infectious diseases should be prescribed with caution.
  2. The advisability of using the drug as an antipyretic is decided on a case-by-case basis, depending on the severity, nature and tolerability of the febrile syndrome.
  3. With simultaneous use of anticoagulants indirect action it is necessary to monitor blood coagulation parameters.
  4. Co-administration of Ibuklin Junior with other NSAIDs should be avoided.
  5. To reduce the risk of developing adverse events from the gastrointestinal tract, the minimum effective dose should be used for the shortest possible short course.
  6. The drug may distort the results laboratory research for quantitative determination of glucose, uric acid in blood serum, 17-ketosteroids (the drug must be discontinued 48 hours before the study).
  7. With long-term (more than 5 days) use of the drug, monitoring of peripheral blood and functional state liver.

Drug interactions

  1. Caffeine enhances the analgesic effect of ibuprofen.
  2. Antacids and cholestyramine reduce the absorption of the ibuprofen + paracetamol combination.
  3. Combination with ethanol and GCS increases the risk of erosive and ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract.
  4. Increases the blood concentration of digoxin, lithium and methotrexate.
  5. When this combination is used simultaneously with cyclosporine and gold preparations, nephrotoxicity increases.
  6. This combination enhances the hypoglycemic effect of insulin and oral hypoglycemic drugs.
  7. Weakens the effects of antihypertensive drugs and diuretics (by inhibiting the synthesis of renal prostaglandins).
  8. Myelotoxic drugs contribute to the hematotoxicity of the ibuprofen + paracetamol combination.
  9. With simultaneous use of this combination with cefamandole, cefoperazone, cefotetan, valproic acid, plicamycin, the incidence of hypoprothrombinemia increases.
  10. Ibuprofen enhances the effect of direct (heparin) and indirect (coumarin and indanedione derivatives) anticoagulants, thrombolytic agents (alteplase, anistreplase, streptokinase, urokinase), antiplatelet agents, colchicine - the risk of developing hemorrhagic complications increases.
  11. When used simultaneously with acetylsalicylic acid, ibuprofen reduces its anti-inflammatory and antiplatelet effect (it is possible to increase the incidence of acute coronary insufficiency in patients receiving small doses of acetylsalicylic acid as an antiplatelet agent after starting treatment).

When fever and pain overtake a person, the first thing he does is run to the pharmacy for medicine. But how to choose the right drug when there are a huge number of them in the assortment? Which is better Nurofen or Ibuklin? This article will answer this question.


Ibuklin is a medicine that contains two active substances: paracetamol and ibuprofen.

  • Paracetamol is an analgesic and antipyretic. It weakens the excitability of the thermoregulation center, resulting in a decrease in temperature;
  • Ibuprofen is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug that inhibits the synthesis of prostaglandins, which cause inflammation and pain. In addition, ibuprofen stimulates the production of interferon, which helps the body cope with viruses.

Ibuklin is released in 2 forms:

  • Coated tablets for adults. Contains paracetamol 325 mg, ibuprofen 400 mg.
  • Ibuklin junior. Tablets, easily soluble in water, for children from 3 years of age. Contains 125 mg paracetamol and 100 mg ibuprofen.

The medicine reduces temperature, eliminates fever and pain.

What is the difference between Ibuklin and Nurofen? The difference is actually in the composition, if the first drug contains 2 substances at once, then Nurofen consists of only one, namely ibuprofen. But there is a type of drug called Nurofen Long containing the same substances as Ibuklin. It contains paracetamol 500 mg and ibuprofen 200 mg. And also Nurofen plus, consisting of ibuprofen and codeine, which is a strong pain reliever. But this is only an exception; basically all Nurofens contain only one substance.

The difference also lies in the release form; Nurofen has many more of them:

  • Film-coated and effervescent tablets with a concentration of 200 to 400 mg of ibuprofen;
  • Gel 5% for external use, with a concentration of 50 mg/1g of product;
  • Special forms for children: suspension and rectal suppositories. Candles are prescribed from 3 months to 2 years. And suspension from 6 months to 12 years.

Ibuprofen is safer as it is prescribed with 3 one month old. Ibuklin is allowed only for children over 3 years of age, because it consists of 2 substances at once, each of which can give its own adverse reaction. But at the same time, it is a more effective drug.

If we compare the price, then Ibuprofen wins here, because it costs much less.

Therefore, the difference between the drugs consists of the following points:

  • Compound;
  • Ibuklin's efficiency is higher;
  • Safety. Nurofen is a safer remedy;
  • Release form, Nurofen has more of them, including gel for external use;
  • Nurofen's price is lower.

Drug compatibility

In my own way chemical composition drugs are compatible. But under no circumstances should Ibuklin and Nurofen be taken together at one time. This can result in an overdose of ibuprofen and also increase the risk of side effects:

  • From the gastrointestinal tract: nausea, vomiting, epigastric pain, ulcers and bleeding;
  • Violation of the blood picture: the level of hemoglobin, platelets, and leukocytes decreases;
  • Allergic reactions manifest themselves in the form of skin hyperemia and an itchy rash. Less commonly, symptoms of anaphylactic shock may occur;
  • Heart failure, arrhythmia, increased heart rate, hypertension;
  • Labored breathing.

Therefore, taking the drugs at the same time is not recommended. You can take Nurofen after Ibuklin if at least 6 hours have passed. In other words, the drugs can be taken alternating.

From all of the above, we can conclude that the choice of drug depends on age, form of release, and purpose of its use. If you want to get a good one healing effect, it is better to use Ibuklin. If treatment is planned small child, then it is preferable to buy Nurofen.

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Tell me what I can alternate with ibuclin. My son is 4.5 years old. Yesterday at 22.30 the temperature rose to 39.2. For the first time I gave ibuklin junior 1 tablet. The temperature dropped to 37.5 within 30 minutes, then 36.7. At 4.30 in the morning he began to shiver, his hands, feet, and nose were cold. She covered half of the bag with a blanket. The temperature was 39.2. She gave Nurofen syrup at a dose of 7.5. After 5 minutes he vomited. She gave me ibuclin again. An hour later the temperature dropped to 37.8. If the temperature rises again, what should I give now? Nurofen syrup makes him sick. Is it possible to give a paracetamol tablet or a children's Nurofen tablet. But I don’t know what dosage. The child's weight is approximately 20 kg. We are currently on vacation, so there is no trusted doctor right now.

Tell me what I can alternate with ibuclin. My son is 4.5 years old.
Yesterday at 22.30 the temperature rose to 39.2. For the first time I gave ibuklin junior 1 tablet. The temperature dropped to 37.5 within 30 minutes, then 36.7.
At 4.30 in the morning he began to shiver, his hands, feet, and nose were cold. She covered half of the bag with a blanket. The temperature was 39.2. She gave Nurofen syrup at a dose of 7.5. After 5 minutes he vomited. She gave me ibuclin again. An hour later the temperature dropped to 37.8.
If the temperature rises again, what should I give now? Nurofen syrup makes him sick. Previously, I alternated Nurofen syrup and Efferalgan and gave Noshpa and Suprastin at a temperature of 39 and above. But now my son can no longer drink syrup in a dosage by weight. I immediately feel sick. What can I replace the syrups with, except for ibuklin tablets.
Is it possible to give a paracetamol tablet or a children's nurofen tablet. But I don’t know what dosage. The child's weight is approximately 20 kg. And how many noshpas can you give per day?
We are currently on vacation, so there is no trusted doctor right now.

This page contains the most popular posts and comments from our users on the topic “Ibuklin and Nurofen”. This will help you quickly get an answer to your question, and you can also take part in the discussion.

I almost always give my child Nurofen when he has a fever. Paracetamol-containing drugs very rarely help us. For some reason, Cefikon never lowered the temperature at all, it has been checked more than once. Today we bought some ibuclin just in case. Now the child’s temperature is 37.5 (this is our maximum, because there were fibril spasms). An antipyretic should be given. Nurofen on the first day of illness as...

Can I give Ibuclin Junior to a child with a temperature of 1.7? Nurofen does not knock down well.

How do you lower your kids' temperature?

Girls, my daughter’s pace was 38.9. I gave her ibuclin. Previously, I gave paracetamol and nurofen in turn, but now I see that Ibuklin can be given, especially since it has been lying around for a long time and my sister praised it. I gave it somewhere at 18.30, or maybe a little earlier. And the temperature dropped. Now my daughter has fallen asleep (she has been sleeping since half 10), it’s 23.12 - the pace is rising again, already 37.8. I gave her something to drink, she was shivering. Doesn't come out from under the blanket. Sleeping...

Girls, I have Ibuclin Junior tablets lying around. It is written that he has been since he was 3 years old. My sister says that it helps Her sons a lot with fever. So she advised me, I bought it and it turned out to be from three years old... we are 2.4. Weight 15.5 kg. Can I take them? If so, what part of the tablet? I ask because Nurofen and Cefekon are lying around, I don’t want to insert suppositories, because I insert Viferon 2 times a day. What about Nurofen...

Girls, tell me, is it possible to give IBUCLIN to a one and a half year old child? The instructions say that only from 3 years. Maybe just make the dosage smaller, for example half a tablet? It’s just that Nurofen somehow doesn’t lower our temperature very well. I heard about ibuklin that it is very effective. Maybe someone gave it to their children?

Girls, tell me who gave children ibuklin up to a year? Re's temperature is 39.2, nurofen doesn't knock down, cefekon suppositories knock down 38 and then for three hours... The doctor said to give ibuclin, and the instructions say children are aged from three years... Has anyone given it up to a year, how did you react? Baby is 6 months old..

Has anyone given ibuclin to children aged 1 year? Our temperature rose, I called the doctor, she said to give Ibuklin, the instructions say for children over 3 years old! How so? We have such a problem, syrups cause vomiting, suppositories cause diarrhea! What tablets can be given for fever? The pharmacy said only syrups or suppositories! I usually give Nurofen, but I’m already tired of it ((

girls, tell me. My daughter had fever, gave her Nurofen, the temperature dropped, but I’m afraid it will rise again at night. Is it possible to give Ibuclin Junior the following lowering temperature??? The fact is that we just turned 2 years old, and this book does not say anything about age in the contraindications. and in the application it is written that “for children from 3 years old, a single dose of 1 tablet.” well, older in age. tell,…

The doctor said today that this drug collects fever better than ibuprofen and paracetamol separately. Today, instead of them, I gave my son ibuklin junior 2 times at a temperature of 38.5, it really dropped in 40 minutes, and to 36.9, the son began to sweat after 25 minutes and the temperature began to subside. Why am I all this, I’m wondering if it’s too powerful? It seems harmful to the liver, but on the other hand...

Nurofen suppositories and syrup do not help. The temperature remains stable. The doctor said to give Ibuclin Junior. but it is very strong. I’m worried. Who gave it?

Girls, please advise if we can give the child Ibuclin, we are 2 years old, but since he was 3 years old, the syrup does not help, no ibuprofen, no Nurofen

Girls. I've been sick for 2 days. Today the syrups are churned disgustingly, I give them once every 4 hours. In the evening, Nurofen brought me down from 38.8 only to 38.5. After 2.5 hours I gave ibuclin. It seems my daughter has become cooler. 2 hours passed. 38…. What should I do?

The child is 1.5, last night the temperature rose to 38.4, he is losing his temperature very badly. Nurofen began to reduce the temperature only 3 hours after administration. Today a doctor came, listened, looked at my throat, said that everything was fine, and suggested that it was a fever in my teeth. We had never had anything like this before, 15 teeth came out absolutely painlessly. The doctor said to bring down the temperature with ibuclin, but the instructions...

To give or not? On the fourth day the temperature reached 39. Panadol suppositories, Nurofen syrup and cefekon d do not knock down. They say ibuklin knocks down well. Should I try or not?

They forgot Nurofen at grandma's, has anyone used Ibuklin Junior for a child's fever?

Who uses it to bring down the temperature? At 5 p.m. I gave her Nurofen, but the temperature was already rising. I read in the reviews that ibuclin is prohibited in all countries

Ibuklin Junior, as many write, brings down the high temperature in 15 minutes. It only brought my daughter down to 38.5 and eliminated her fever. Panpdol nurofen syrups are enough for 30 minutes and again under 40 Girls, should we rush to the hospital? ((damn sore throat

does it help??? I gave her nurofen two hours ago, it didn’t do anything for her, cefekon doesn’t help us much either. Right now I gave ibuclin after nurofen

Girls, Good night. Today my son’s temperature dropped to 39.5, as the doctor wrote, Nurofen syrup and Cefekon suppositories, the temperature drops for a very long time, but the point is that after 4 hours it has now risen again, previously it helped for 6 hours. Well, here’s a question, a friend also has a child, she says give Ibuklin for children, it helps well. But I haven’t given it to you before, and I won’t give it to you without a doctor. Just tell me, you...

Has anyone given the girls ibuklin at one year old? On the third day, the child’s temperature is 38’7, I put cefekon, Nurofen is possible on the last day and for some reason it doesn’t bring down the temperature.

Nurofen kills the temperature, but for about 4 hours. Doesn’t let me put on paracetamol suppositories. Or maybe at all Ibuklin is better for children???

Separately, ibuprofen and paracetamol do not lower my son’s temperature; on the doctor’s advice, we bring down Nurofen 5 ml + cefekon 1 suppository. But the cefekon has run out, I have panadol syrup. In principle, it contains the same paracetamol as in cefekon. Can I give you 2 syrups? And in what better dosage? Or is it better to run to the pharmacy for cefekon? The temperature begins to rise (ps. I know that these 2 drugs can be replaced...

How do you like this drug? How long does it bring down the temperature? Prescribed for my daughter. Nurofen, cefekon, panadol do not churn well.

Contraindications up to 3 years. I read the reviews, it seems to lower the temperature, but there are side effects and it damages the kidneys. I would like to hear who gave it to their children. I have had a fever for 2 days now. Nurofen, Panadol, Cefekon stopped helping

Is it only in tablets? Is it possible for a one year old? Contraindications include age up to 3 years, but the same paracetamol and ibuprofen included in its composition are found in Panadol and Nurofen, and they are given to children.

How often did you give it? How's the reaction?? Simply, neither paracetamol nor nurofen are helping us today, and the child has a purulent herpes sore throat..((

Girls, who are allergic to these drugs. How do you bring down a child’s high temperature? If Panadol and Cefekon don’t cope. I called the doctor, he said Ibuclin, I also read the instructions and there they write that it contains ibuprofen, FUCK!!! we have good doctors😣. I read about nimulid - maybe it’s possible?

My son has a fever for the second day. Ibuprofen daily dose 300 mg, last night they gave me Nurofen for the first time, then Ibuklin at night, Nurofen during the day, and in between there was also paracetamol. In general, I won’t go into too much detail. The point is that the day is formally loaded at 9.30 pm on ibuprofen, but my son has been holding 39 since 4 pm, the cefikon has been knocked down by a couple of tenths, and that’s it again. At 7 o’clock it was already 39.5,…

The girls encountered this for the first time in 4 years. The child got sick, the rate before bed yesterday was 37. At night 37.9. In the afternoon I gave her a teaspoon of Nurofen and went to the doctor. The doctor is stupid, honestly. We have two pediatricians, one is normal, the other came across to us today. So, our throats are red, the temp rises to 39. The voice disappears and the cough is wet. She prescribed arbidol, mucaltin and ingalipt. How…

29.07.2011, 15:19

The first time I became acquainted with this drug was from an emergency room doctor, when the child was about a year old and had a fever of 39. Nurofen syrup brought it down slightly, and half a tablet of Ibuklin was reduced to 37 in just a few minutes...
Since then, whenever the temperature rises, I give it - the result is always quick. I tried candles and syrups and rubdowns - better action What Ibuklin was not - it was a combination drug - paracetamol + ibuprofen. What can you say about it, why is it not widespread?

29.07.2011, 16:09

There was no Ibuklin - it’s a combination drug - paracetamol + ibuprofen. What can you say about it, why is it not widespread?

If you had used the search, you would have found out that the combination of paracetamol and ibuprofen in one drug, or taking them together, is prohibited! Due to a significant increase in the frequency and severity of side effects from them.

A scheme for alternative administration of paracetamol and ibuprofen is described, the effectiveness of which is slightly higher than when using a single drug. However, this regimen should not be used as it may cause acute renal failure(accumulation of paracetamol oxidation products in the renal tissue under conditions of ischemia under the influence of ibuprofen), and also increase the risk of prolonged hypothermia and streptococcal infection in patients with chickenpox.
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29.07.2011, 16:27

Thank you! Is it possible to alternate between taking ibuprofen and paracetamol or should you take one drug?

29.07.2011, 16:30

29.07.2011, 16:30

It is undesirable, but in case of extremely high fever numbers and/or short-term effect of paracetamol, ibuprofen may be administered in intervals. Remember the total dose (!)
The risk of side effects increases slightly, but it is still much lower than that of analgin with diphenhydramine.

Another question: in what form is it better to give paracetamol to a child - baby syrup, rectally in suppositories, or divided adult tablet(it’s clear that 15 mg per kg of child’s weight is the calculation)?

29.07.2011, 17:26

syrup - optimal
suppositories are not completely absorbed; according to various sources, inflated doses need to be administered rectally so that the therapeutic dose is ultimately absorbed (up to 20-25 mg/kg according to some sources, even more according to others)
a tablet is a bad option because
1. It is allowed to crush tablets only along the notches. If there is only one notch - in half, if there is a cross - then in 4
2. paracetamol is tasteless, the child will spit it out, or next time he will flatly refuse to drink it
syrup - optimal if there is no allergy to syrup components

29.07.2011, 17:28

and there are also children's paracetamol tablets (sometimes found in pharmacies) 200 mg, cut in half. It is very convenient to dose, cheap and optimal for allergies to syrup.
...It seems there is nothing more to say about antipyretics;)

29.07.2011, 17:38

Thanks a lot! I was really sure that Ibuklin - the best remedy! Moreover, the pediatrician did not refute my belief...
Do you think maybe I just need to wait longer for paracetamol to take effect? Not like I do for half an hour and then panic because the temperature doesn’t subside, but an hour? Surely she can still crawl up for a while after taking the syrup?

29.07.2011, 17:57

You can start to panic no earlier than after 45 minutes. In general, read the FAQ about fever in children. It describes different ways to reduce it, not just medications. With a combination of all these methods, a noticeable drop in temperature should be achieved within 30 minutes.

Non-hormonal drugs for children " Children's Ibuklin" and "Ibuklin Junior" when taken have the following effects on the body:

As stated in the instructions in Latin, this substance quickly reduces high temperature when taken, without affecting it at normal levels.

Each Ibuclina tablet contains two components - paracetamol and ibuprofen, which have an analgesic effect.

As stated in the description in Latin, the main effect of this medicine is to reduce the intensity of inflammatory processes in the child’s body, for example, with the flu.

The release form of this medicine, as can be seen from the photo: tablets and syrup (soluble tablets).

Indications for use, instructions for use

What can Ibuklin tablets help with? This medicine is in a leading position among the countless number of anti-inflammatory drugs offered today in pharmacies in Minsk and other cities.

When and why does a doctor prescribe Ibuklin for children? For children, the medicine is indicated to relieve pain of any kind. Indications for the use of the drug "Ibuklin for children" are headaches, sore throats, injuries, bruises and sprains.

In addition, the annotation for the drug states that it can be used by children during toothache, sore throat, chickenpox, and also during teething. It can be given to children of any age, even if they are still breastfed.

Medicines "Ibuklin Children" and "Ibuklin Junior" are drugs for acute viral diseases and colds, providing symptomatic therapy, relieve the intensity of inflammation and reduce pathological symptoms. At what age can you take it? this medicine? From the age of three months, even for nursing mothers or women in the last trimester of pregnancy.

"Ibuklin" is also prescribed to children for certain ENT diseases, such as otitis, sinusitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, laryngitis.
Adults can also take the medicine "Ibuklin". The annotation in the picture for adults says that the medicine should be taken with the same pathological conditions, that is, during an acute respiratory viral infection, inflammatory processes in the respiratory organs of any kind, painful menstruation, migraines and other conditions that are accompanied by unbearable pain or high temperature. Pregnant women and during breastfeeding should take the medicine with caution, i.e. lactation. You should avoid taking the medicine completely if the adult drinks alcohol that day. In this case, it is better to use it as a substitute for a candle or ointment. Although the effect is different.

Is the medicine “Ibuklin Children” an antibiotic?

Due to the fact that this medicine is prescribed for colds and ARVI, some are concerned about the following question: “Is the medicine Ibuklin an antibiotic?” This drug contains two components:

Paracetamol, which has antipyretic and anti-inflammatory effects, as well as a pronounced analgesic effect.

Ibuprofen, which is a non-hormonal anti-inflammatory drug that relieves pain symptoms, lowering the temperature during fever, menstruation and reducing the intensity of inflammatory processes.

The high effectiveness of the drug "Ibuklin Children" can be explained to the mother by the combination of these two different drugs, which belong to one drug group. On the packaging there is an opinion of experts that the use of ibuprofen and paracetamol separately is not able to demonstrate such pronounced results. Wikipedia also notes the compatibility of these drugs and their remarkable properties.

The manufacturer answered the question: “Is Ibuprofen for Children an antibiotic?” clearly gives a negative answer: “No!” The drug does not have the slightest effect on pathogenic microorganisms. Indications for use are exclusively symptomatic therapy, which helps alleviate the well-being of patients with various diseases. Can be used in complex therapy with antiviral and antibacterial drugs, and also together with the load.

The dosage is written in the recipe. How much to take the medicine, how long it takes for it to start working, these questions will be answered by the attending physician when writing a prescription. After taking it, the patient already looks much better after ten minutes than before.

Which is better - Ibuprofen or Ibuclin?

Ibuklin is considered the most popular drug for symptomatic treatment for both adults and children. The drug is most effective, has a minimum number of contraindications and is well tolerated by the child’s body. But the opinion of experts is clear: “Ibuklin for children” is much better.” And no others medicinal analogues, which are glorified by advertising, such as “Kagocel”, “Nurofen”, “Amoxilav”, “Ingaverin”, “Amoxilav”, “Ibufen” (the list can be very long) are not capable of replacing it. Plus it's cheaper. The cost of promotional tablets, capsules and suspensions is higher. It turns out the difference is noticeable.

Antipyretics are currently widely available on the market. Advertising promises us a miraculous cure for the flu and other colds; just take a pill or dissolve a beautiful bag of powder in water and the next day you will be provided with health and vigor. Let's figure out if this is really so and what is behind symptomatic medications for flu and colds.

First, let’s immediately outline the temperature range at which it is necessary to take antipyretic drugs:

  1. For an adult who has caught a cold or flu, this is 38.5 degrees Celsius or higher
  2. For a child, pregnant women or people who cannot tolerate high temperatures, this bar can be reduced to 38 degrees or above this value
Now we have some framework from which we can build. At temperatures below those indicated, you may feel ill, the suffering seems prohibitive, but think about it, is it really that bad? It may be better to tear yourself away from the monitor and just lie down, which will already improve your overall well-being when you are sick.

In fact, to reduce the temperature in children (and adults too) you can use a couple of simple tricks which I call by physical means temperature reduction. They do not imply the use of drugs or other chemicals - pure physics, when a heated body, when moisturized, begins to give off heat well to the external environment.

So, the first thing is to wipe the patient’s body with water (not cold or ice-cold, but just cool), the water can first be diluted in half with vodka or ordinary 6% vinegar can be added in the proportion of a tablespoon of vinegar per liter of water. Using a sponge, you can wipe the body of a feverish child or adult with these solutions. The effect, I assure you, will be stunning - minus 0.5-1 degrees on the thermometer will be recorded immediately. Although it will not be too long, who is stopping you from repeating the procedure after a while.

Secondly, at a temperature like this, the brain simply boils. Here, too, you can resort to cooling, which will lower the temperature and provide an outlet for your sore head. You can place a cloth or napkin soaked in cool water on your forehead. You don’t have to add vinegar or vodka and keep it on your head for a long time, wetting it periodically.

The above procedures must be performed not in a draft. It is better to close the balcony or window for a while, calmly dry the patient, wait until he dries a little and put him for ventilation, having first covered him well with a blanket, or move with the patient to another room.

Third, there is no need to dress warmly or cover the patient with duvets or rugs. On the contrary, clothes should be light, easily absorb sweat, made from natural materials, and should fit loosely. The blanket should also be a standard thin one. Let normal heat exchange with the environment take place; do not “cook” the sick person under a layer of blankets and feather beds.

From the same opera, the fourth axiom is that if you have a high temperature, you should not give a person raspberries (usually they give tea with raspberry jam or a decoction of it), the body, when consuming hot food, warms up even more and the condition and well-being of the person with a fever can only worsen. Also, you should not steam your feet in mustard (mustard foot baths) as this also warms up your already heated body.

As a practitioner, I only advocate these methods of reducing temperature; they are very effective and only help to relieve excess temperature. Indeed, at high temperatures, a whole cascade is launched in the human body cellular reactions, which leads to the formation of human interferon, a very valuable protector that helps destroy viruses. This is not some artificial drug supposedly containing interferon, but its real one and therefore especially valuable. For this reason, you can endure the symptoms in mandatory accompanying a cold or flu.

But there are times when the temperature reaction becomes pathological, plus individual intolerance requires third-party intervention and the use of antipyretic drugs. Below we will talk about the most popular of them.

Paracetamol. This is a drug that has analgesic, antipyretic and weak anti-inflammatory effects. It acts indirectly through the centers of thermoregulation and pain. In my experience, it is a very effective medicine, it does not contain additional chemical dyes and preservatives, which is the problem with branded temperature powders, the main component of which is paracetamol - this is both, and, and. In this case, you overpay for additional components in the medicine that are not needed at all, active substance still paracetamol.

It is better to use the one in tablets (suppositories are preferable for children) in dosage - for adults and children over 12 years old - 500 mg once, daily dose up to 4 grams (from experience I will say do not bring it to such figures, paracetamol has a very narrow therapeutic window and toxic disorders in the liver may develop, any medicine should be taken on the recommendation and under the supervision of a doctor). Children 6-12 years old are prescribed in a dosage of 250-500 mg, 1-5 years old 120-250 mg, from 3 months. up to 1 year – 60-120 mg up to 4 times a day.


  • expressed
  • chronic alcoholism
  • hypersensitivity to paracetamol
Now let's look at paracetamol derivatives.

Ibuklin. A combination drug containing +. Due to its good tolerance by most patients and decent therapeutic effect In terms of reducing fever and getting rid of fever, I recommend this drug to patients myself. Available in tablets.

The dosage used in adults is 1 tablet 3 times a day.

Do not use for ulcers and gastritis of the gastrointestinal tract, pregnancy and breastfeeding, liver and kidney diseases, chronic alcoholism.


Panadol. A very popular drug in the past, which still produces good sales today. It comes in the usual form of film-coated tablets. Mothers are very fond of children's Panadol, which has convenient forms of release in the form of a suspension for oral administration. Although, if it’s the same paracetamol, then why pay more?


Coldrex. I found two forms of release: Coldrex in tablets and Kodrex HotRem - powder for preparing a solution.

The drug serves to reduce temperature, reduce pain, and also relieve nasal congestion. The chemical compounds found in its composition allow this to be done.

Children over 12 years of age are allowed to take no more than 3 sachets per day. Do not use in adults and children for more than 5 days.

It has a large number of contraindications for use:

  • liver and kidney dysfunction
  • thyrotoxicosis
  • diabetes
  • arterial hypertension
  • angle-closure glaucoma
  • chronic alcoholism
  • children under 12 years old
Should be used with caution during pregnancy and breastfeeding. It is better to consult a doctor.


Coldact. Extended release capsules. Refers to symptomatic drugs for the treatment of colds, flu and acute respiratory viral infections. Eliminates pain, fever and rhinorrhea.

Used in dosage for adults and children over 12 years of age - 1 capsule every 12 hours for 3-5 days.


There are also many contraindications:

  • severe atherosclerosis of the coronary arteries
  • arterial hypertension
  • liver and kidney dysfunction
  • diabetes
  • thyrotoxicosis
  • angle-closure glaucoma
  • severe diseases of the liver, kidneys, heart, bladder
  • peptic ulcer stomach and duodenum
  • pancreatic diseases
  • difficulty urinating with prostate adenoma
  • blood system diseases
  • chronic alcoholism
  • children under 12 years old
Not recommended for use during pregnancy and breastfeeding.


Tylenol. There is nothing to say here - this is a regular one, with the same effects, indications and contraindications, in a variety of branded packaging:
  • capsules
  • syrup
  • effervescent powder for the preparation of oral solution (for children)
  • rectal suppositories (for children)
Efferalgan. Also the usual plus excipients. Available in:
  • syrup for children
  • suppository for rectal use(candles)
  • effervescent tablets for preparing a solution


Theraflu. Often confused with, but it is absolutely different medicines. Used as a symptomatic drug for colds. Helps in the fight against high fever, chills, headaches and muscle pain, coughing, sneezing, .


Available in powder form for dissolution in water. It is necessary to dissolve the contents of the package in a glass of boiled water hot water and drink it hot. May be taken every 4 hours if necessary, but not more than 3 doses per day.

Contraindications for the drug Theraflu are composed of the addition of contraindications for the active substances this drug and include:

  • liver and kidney dysfunction
  • thyrotoxicosis
  • diabetes
  • heart disease (myocardial infarction, tachyarrhythmias)
  • arterial hypertension
  • angle-closure glaucoma
  • prostatic hypertrophy
  • chronic alcoholism
  • glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency
  • children under 12 years old
  • pregnancy and lactation


Rinza And Rinzasip. The differences between both drugs are in the form of release and, to a lesser extent, in the composition of the active ingredients.

Rinza is a tablet for oral administration that eliminates the symptoms of a cold or flu (fever, pain, rhinorrhea), which includes:

Dosage – 1 tablet 3-4 times a day. Maximum dose– 4 tablets. The course of treatment is no more than 5 days.

Rinzasip is a powder for preparing a solution and then taking it orally, it also eliminates cold symptoms(fever, pain, rhinorrhea), contains:

Dosage: adults and children over 15 years old, 1 sachet 3-4 times a day, but not more than 4 sachets per day. The course of treatment, as for tablets, is no more than 5 days.

Like any compound drugs Rinza and Rinzasip have a large number of different contraindications, which are obtained by summing up the contraindications of each chemical substance, which these medicines consist of:

  • liver and kidney dysfunction
  • thyrotoxicosis
  • diabetes
  • heart disease (myocardial infarction, tachyarrhythmias)
  • arterial hypertension
  • angle-closure glaucoma
  • prostatic hypertrophy
  • chronic alcoholism
  • glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency
  • children under 15 years old
  • pregnancy and lactation
Aspirin. Acetylsalicylic acid or aspirin is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug. It has anti-inflammatory, antipyretic and analgesic effects, and also inhibits platelet aggregation, that is, it reduces blood clotting.

NOT to be taken as a symptomatic remedy for. Due to the increased permeability of the vascular wall in this disease, combined with taking aspirin, bleeding can be caused. Both adults and children should NOT take aspirin for influenza. In children, in addition, taking salicylates can cause dangerous complication accompanied by encephalopathy and fatty infiltration of the liver.

Contraindications to taking aspirin are:

  • erosive and ulcerative diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (ulcers, gastritis, erosion of the stomach and intestines)
  • hemophilia
  • hemorrhagic diathesis
  • dissecting aortic aneurysm
  • portal hypertension
  • vitamin K deficiency
  • liver and/or kidney failure
  • I and III trimesters pregnancy
  • lactation period
  • increased sensitivity to acetylsalicylic acid and other salicylates
The dosage is individual. For adults, a single dose varies from 40 mg to 1 g, daily - from 150 mg to 8 g; frequency of use - 2-6 times a day.


Nurofen. The main active ingredient of Nurofen tablets for oral administration is 200 mg and excipients for weight. Also produced effervescent tablets to dissolve in water.

It is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug. It has analgesic, antipyretic and anti-inflammatory effects.

For adults and children over 12 years of age, it is used in a dosage of 200 mg 3-4 times a day, the maximum initial dose is up to 400 mg 3-4 times a day. The maximum daily dose is 1200 mg.
Children from 6 to 12 years old – 200 mg 4 times a day. The child's weight must be more than 20 kg to allow the use of Nurofen.


  • erosive and ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract in the acute phase, incl. peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, ulcerative colitis, peptic ulcer, Crohn's disease
  • severe heart failure
  • severe arterial hypertension
  • glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency
  • hemophilia, hypocoagulable states
  • leukopenia
  • hemorrhagic diathesis
  • severe liver and/or kidney dysfunction
  • hearing loss, pathology of the vestibular apparatus
  • III trimester of pregnancy, lactation
  • lactation period (breastfeeding)
  • children up to 6 years old
  • hypersensitivity to ibuprofen or to the components of the drug.
Analgin. The active substance is a pyrazolone derivative. It has an antipyretic, analgesic and weak anti-inflammatory agent. Used for pain of various origins, as well as fever caused by infectious and inflammatory diseases.

May be found under the names: Baralgin and Trialgin. The main active ingredient in these tablets is the same sodium metamizole.

Dosage regimen. Adults are prescribed 250-500 mg orally or rectally 2-3 times a day. The maximum single dose is 1 g, daily dose is 3 g. Single doses for children aged 2-3 years are 50-100 mg; 4-5 years - 100-200 mg; 6-7 years - 200 mg; 8-14 years - 250-300 mg; frequency of administration - 2-3 times a day.
IM or IV slowly for adults - 250-500 mg 2-3 times a day. The maximum single dose is 1 g, the daily dose is 2 g. In children, it is used parenterally at a dose of 50-100 mg per 10 kg of body weight.


  • kidney and liver dysfunction
  • glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency
  • blood diseases
  • hypersensitivity to pyrazolone derivatives
In my practice, I do not use it in any form, since the production of analgin that currently exists on the planet (mainly in India) is aimed at our market. In some countries of Europe, the USA, Japan and Australia, this drug is not used or is prohibited due to the development of a serious complication - agranulocytosis (a blood disease accompanied by a decrease in the level of neutrophils (neutropenia)), which can be fatal. So forget about the usual analgin tablet, there is a wide list of drugs that are less harmful and freely available.

The thoughtless use of packaged and tasty symptomatic remedies for colds and flu is already leading to negative consequences, which can include sudden bleeding, poisoning, and all because people forget that behind the beautiful bag there is a medicine that can also be overdosed. For example, the above combination drugs have a maximum daily dose - usually 3-4 sachets per day. Not 10 bags, as careless comrades like to put in themselves and their loved ones; as soon as the temperature rises, they immediately reach for the bag. Where is the body’s fight against the disease? If he gets lazy, then it’s a lost cause and some terrible complication may arise. And when, due to a complication that has arisen, an ambulance arrives on call, the “self-healers” cannot even associate these manifestations with taking the miraculous fever packs, which significantly worsens the situation of the sick person.

It is also worth remembering that when taking a multicomponent drug, you cannot take other drugs in parallel. medications, containing in their composition the same as this drug. For example, you should not take pure and multicomponent drugs containing paracetamol together.

My opinion as a doctor is this: it is better to use monocomponent (one active ingredient) medications. Then, in the event of the development of pathological reactions, you can always understand what caused this reaction and adequately deal with the complication that has arisen. Also, if you take one drug, the body will need much less effort to break down and absorb it than symptomatic powders and tablets overloaded with preservatives, dyes and other useless substances. Energy will be useful to him in the fight against flu and colds. You should especially not use multicomponent antipyretic and symptomatic drugs in therapy in children; they can be especially harmful to their body.