
Causes and treatment of white fever in a child. High temperature in a child and cold extremities: what to do? The child has a fever from the temperature what to do

Fever is called a protective reaction of the body in response to exposure to pathogenic stimuli. Its task is to stimulate the immune system to fight bacteria and viruses. An increase in temperature is considered an indicator that the body is trying to defeat the disease itself. The fever may be red or white. The difference lies in the symptoms and first aid rules. Any rise in temperature is bad, but white fever in children is very dangerous and requires special attention from parents when their child is sick.

Why does body temperature rise?

Body temperature rises when a pathogenic bacterium or virus enters the body. Fever allows you to stimulate all defenses child's body thereby speeding up the healing process.

White fever in children most often occurs due to respiratory viral infections that every child suffers from. In such cases, it is called "fever of infectious origin." But there are also non-infectious causes increase in body temperature in a child:

  • trauma, swelling, hemorrhage;
  • problems of a psychological nature (neurosis, emotional overstrain, etc.);
  • reception medicines;
  • pain syndrome of any origin;
  • failure in the endocrine system;
  • allergic reaction;
  • urolithiasis (calculi that pass through urinary tract, injure the mucous membrane, as a result of which the body temperature rises).

The above factors that can provoke a fever are considered the main ones. But there are others.

How to identify white fever?

Red and white fever in children proceed in different ways, of course, the symptoms will also be different. But, as mentioned above, the latter type is considered more dangerous for the child's body. Therefore, it is so important to be able to determine what kind of condition is currently observed in the baby. After all, it depends on which method of struggle should be chosen.

If the child's skin is pink and moist, and the body is hot, then in this case we can talk about red fever. The limbs will be warm - it is worth paying attention to Special attention. Rapid breathing and pulse are observed.

White fever in children is more severe. The child is put pale, you can even see vascular network. Sometimes this condition of the skin is called "marble".

The lips become blue, blue can be observed in the nail beds. Cold extremities, when the whole body is hot, is the main symptom of white fever. If you press on the skin, then the body remains White spot, which long time does not pass.

In white fever, the difference between rectal and axillary temperature is 1 ° C or more.

Dangerous symptoms!

This type of fever can be very dangerous symptoms that every parent should be aware of. It's about about seizures. If you do not react in time to the condition of the child, do not bring down the temperature, then the occurrence of seizures in most cases is inevitable.

The child changes behavior. He is lethargic, does not want anything, refuses to eat. Against the background of a convulsive state, the baby may begin to rave.

When to bring down the temperature?

Many parents, having discovered the slightest increase in body temperature in their child, begin to panic, get all kinds of antipyretics and give them to their child. But when is it necessary to do this, and when is it not?

As a general rule, children need to bring down the temperature only in cases where the thermometer shows 38.5 ° C or more. But does this apply to every child and every case? The answer is no! White fever in children requires immediate intervention, even if the body temperature has not reached 38.5 °C. Especially it concerns:

  • newborns under three months of age;
  • children who have previously had a convulsive state;
  • children with CNS disorders;
  • patients who have chronic diseases heart muscle or lungs;
  • those who have metabolic problems.

Parental responses to white fever

Everyone should know what to do if white fever occurs in children. Urgent care is as follows:

  • call an ambulance - the first thing to do if you have symptoms of white fever;
  • apply dry heat to the limbs (this can be a heating pad or a bottle of warm water);
  • cover the child if he refuses to get dressed (but do not overdo it, the main thing is that the body is warm, and not even warmer);
  • give more warm tea, compote or water to drink;
  • it is forbidden to wipe the child with alcohol and acetic solutions, because this can lead to spasm.


Which of the medicines can be used if white fever occurs in children? Treatment consists in the use of such drugs:

  1. "Paracetamol". It is recommended to use no more than 3-4 times a day. General course treatment is 3 days.
  2. "Ibuprofen". Reception frequency - every 8 hours.
  3. "No-shpa." Medicine, which helps to remove vasospasm, which is very important in this condition.
  4. group of phenothiazines. These include the drugs "Propazin", "Pipolfen", "Diprazin". The dosage should be prescribed only by a doctor.
  5. Rectal suppositories with analgin and diphenhydramine, for example, Analdim.

If an ambulance was called, then, as a rule, the child will be given an injection based on one of the following drugs: Analgin, No-shpa, Dimedrol. The dosage depends on the age of the child.

Before using each drug, you need to read the instructions attached to it in detail.

What is the danger?

An increase in body temperature to high performance sometimes causes dangerous consequences. The internal organs overheat very much, the brain suffers. Therefore, it is so important to bring down the temperature of children.

Why is white fever dangerous in a child? Main danger is the development of febrile convulsions. This happens in 3% of all cases. Seizures adversely affect the central nervous system and its development.

Dehydration is another factor to pay attention to. With any increase in body temperature, you need to give the child a drink to prevent dehydration.

It is forbidden!

When white fever is prohibited:

  • wrap the child in a warm blanket, put on warm clothes;
  • excessively humidify the air in the room;
  • wipe the body with vinegar and alcohol solutions(threatens with the development of dangerous consequences);
  • put the child in a bath with cool water;
  • self-medicate if the child's condition is critical;
  • neglect medical attention.

Now you know how to bring down the temperature in white fever in a child. It is important to take into account all the nuances of assistance, because if something is done wrong or contrary to the rules, then the harm done to the child's body can be irreparable. It's better to call right away ambulance". The doctor will give an injection to the child and give recommendations about further actions.

Dry nose in a child is a fairly common symptom. Many parents do not pay due attention to this problem. And completely in vain. After all, dryness of the nasal mucosa is the first "bell" of a malfunction in your baby's body. Read on to learn more about what can cause this unpleasant symptom...

4. If the child has epilepsy, intracranial pressure or a heart defect.

5. All children with "white" fever.

Stages of fever

1. Period of body temperature increase. In this period the immune system the child turns on the infection control mechanism - hyperthermia. The body of the child during this period produces heat, but does not give it away. The child has a reduced function of sweating, chills and goosebumps may appear.

2. The period of standing temperature. At this point, the body temperature reaches its peak and will remain at this level for some time. In the event of a "failure" in thermoregulation, the development of hyperthermic reactions and the appearance of "red" and "white" fever are possible. Depending on the characteristics of the disease, body temperature can be increased from several hours to several days.

3. The period of decrease in body temperature. During this period, the work of the thermoregulation center is normalized. The child's body begins to actively give off heat on its own. Most feature this period is increased sweating. After active "sweating" of the child, the body temperature drops to normal indicators or subfebrile figures. The decrease in body temperature can be rapid and gradual. Both processes are physiological.

First aid should be provided based on the type of fever and the stage of hyperthermia. It does not make sense to provide assistance during a period of increased body temperature. It is necessary to wait for the stage of "standing" temperature, to recognize the type of fever and start the right help.

To provide a child with first aid, it is necessary to know exactly the readings of the thermometer and the reaction of the baby's body. It is important for parents to recognize the "red" and "white" fever in a child and provide timely assistance.

"Red" fever

The behavior of the child does not change much. The baby calmly tolerates an increase in body temperature.

The baby's limbs are warm.

The skin is warm, sweating is possible.

The skin is of normal color or slightly reddish.

Breathing and heart rate increase in accordance with the increase in temperature (for each degree increase, shortness of breath increases by 4 respiratory movements, and pulse at 20 beats per minute)

The child complains of a fever!

"White" fever

The child is lethargic, lethargic, confusion is possible.

Baby's hands and feet are cold and dry.

Head and forehead are hot.

The skin is pale, acquires a "marble" hue.

Severe dyspnea and tachycardia.

The child is cold, he is shivering, despite the high body temperature.

There is no effect from taking antipyretics.

Red fever has a more favorable prognosis, as it is more physiological.

    MamaNaya 05/26/2010 at 11:15:18

    "White" fever. What to be saved?

    Recently experienced this phenomenon. This is horror.
    I will say that before we had an increase in temperature with sweating and passed quite easily. We had water as an antipyretic - it helped. And then a sudden jump to 39.6, the arms and legs are icy, the lips turn blue. The child is semi-conscious. Faced this for the first time. I just managed to put a candle with paracetamol, I call an ambulance, they refuse: "If the child is breathing, then call the children's ambulance. And in general, what did you think before? It was necessary to prevent such an increase!". The child, fortunately, got a little better. Opened the window hot water rubbing limbs. The ambulance did not arrive immediately. The doctor quite calmly said that SARS. He said with paracetamol and ibuprofen to give no-shpu, vinegar wraps, cool enemas ...
    For 2 days we still struggled with an increase in temperature to 39.5. And cold extremities all the time. I vomited from no-shpy, the enema did not help, and I did not do vinegar wraps, because. very many say that the harm from vinegar (even diluted) is more than good. But somehow we survived this crisis.
    Then it turned out that we did not have SARS. There was a rash, but there was no snot or cough. Is it roseola or something else? viral infection.
    Who faced with "white" fever, share experience. Why does it arise? What to do if no-shpa does not fit? I read that papaverine suppositories are effective. Has anyone used them?
    This fever is very scary. I don't wish this on anyone. But if this suddenly happened, you must be ready to quickly save the child, not counting on an ambulance.

    • 05/29/2010 at 02:27:32 PM

      We've been through

      only our version is cooler - the temperature is 40.6, the daughter chattered her teeth and yelled that she was cold, all the other symptoms were the same, though she was completely adequate. The ambulance came 20 minutes later, I clearly described the situation. especially since it was a repeated call, and they did not leave us a referral to the hospital. They gave an injection (but shpa + diphenhydramine + analgin), - it didn’t help my daughter, we were taken to the hospital, the injection was repeated, ceftriaxone and dexamethasone were added, it didn’t help either - 40.2 was eventually wiped with vinegar, knocked down to 39.9 - immediately done an enema with cool water - only this helped and the temperature was 38.5. The diagnosis of nm was made only on the third day by x-ray - pneumonia (there was no cough, the doctors did not hear wheezing), they said that the viral nature
      All these procedures cannot be done at home - there is a risk of convulsions, even from wiping, not to mention an enema - by the way, at 40 it is categorically contraindicated.
      Conclusion - with white fever, we call an ambulance and a bullet to the hospital.
      At home, you need to have an ambulance injection (see above) and be ready to inject if anything, as well as money for a private ambulance - it's faster.
      Papaverine can be tried - if there is no allergy, but it is less effective.
      One thing must be remembered - candles act more slowly than an injection, and in such a situation - the count goes on for minutes, if you put a candle, then it is no longer possible to inject this drug for a child for some time.

      geny 05/26/2010 at 10:49:51 PM

      once I used no-shpa in candles, but I think it was called +

      I won’t say for sure, it was a couple of years ago, I think the pharmacy should know. Mefenamic acid helps us a lot with an “unbreakable” temperature, it’s really better than any other drugs.

      • kaktus1 05/27/2010 at 09:28:25


        and we had roseola at 1.5 years old ... she gave paracetamol, but only when the temperature exceeded 39, the emergency doctor said to rub cold legs with vodka and put on woolen socks, and when they become hot, take off the socks. In addition, for small child at high temperatures, it is advisable to abandon diapers.

    • Shooter 05/26/2010 at 12:46:16 pm

      But-shpu can be pricked, you can put all kinds of candles. Get well!(-)

      I am not some!
      (c) Kolyan, 4g.

      Fantasy 05/27/2010 at 18:17:19

      It seems to me that the child was vomiting not from no-shpa, but from a high temperature. +

      My son always vomits at a temperature above 39. Our temperature is very bad. Candles "paracetamol", "analdim" practically do not reduce it.
      We measure the temperature every 30 minutes, as soon as the temperature creeps over 38.5 I give an antipyretic in syrup (if I ate at least something, of course). A couple of times I did rubdowns with warm water without vodka / alcohol / vinegar. The water must be warm.

      JULIA_29 05/26/2010 at 11:43:31 AM

      yes we survived the roseola

Usually, white fever in a child develops as a response of the body to an infectious infection. Doctors separate the red and white forms of fever. With the development of the latter, a spasm of blood vessels occurs, which leads to severe chills. It is quite difficult for children to carry it, so it is necessary to transfer it to the red form as quickly as possible. The second stage of fever is characterized by high heat transfer, minimizing the risk of overheating. rose fever easier to carry.

The most common cause of hyperthermia is infection, bacterial, viral, fungal or other lesions. In a continental climate, it is usually acute respiratory infections, bronchitis, pneumonia, otitis media. in hot areas common cause are also intestinal infections. Pathogens enter the body with food, in the process of breathing or during an injection.

provoke white fever maybe a flu, measles, or whooping cough vaccine.

The development of fever for other, non-infectious reasons is not excluded. Chills can be observed due to allergic reactions, rheumatic phenomena, poisoning and malignant tumors.

Symptomatic picture

The name of the fever speaks for itself: the child becomes very pale, marbling of the skin is observed. Lips turn blue, hands and feet get cold. The pulse and respiration rate increase sharply, the pressure rises. The child is cold, he complains of chills. General state varies: the patient can be either completely lethargic or very excited. Convulsions and delirium are possible.

The fever progresses in three stages.

  1. The body temperature rises rapidly, as heat loss becomes much less than heat production.
  2. The temperature stabilizes, but remains elevated.
  3. Hyperthermia abruptly disappears or gradually decreases to normal levels.

White fever causes loss of appetite

As a rule, the doctor notes:

  • apathy;
  • pale skin;
  • lack of appetite;
  • uneven breathing.

Symptoms characterize the immunity of the baby with better side: this is typical for healthy body reaction. Defense mechanisms contribute to the denaturation of foreign proteins inside the body, which speeds up recovery.

Hyperthermia stops the reproduction of viruses, bacteria or fungi. After that, uncontrolled suppression and destruction of inflammation begins in the body.


The disease of scarlet fever or allergy to antipyretic drugs, in addition to the main symptoms, is manifested by a rash. Inflammation of the mucous membranes is characteristic of fever due to pharyngitis, otitis media, bronchitis or pneumonia.

Mononucleosis and tonsillitis, caused by streptococci or viruses, cause white fever, passing against the background of a sore throat. Bronchitis or bronchiolitis, asthma, laryngitis cause difficulty in breathing, its rigidity, unevenness. Activity disorders nervous system possible with meningitis or encephalitis. AT last case often need urgent medical attention.

Scarlet fever or an allergy to antipyretics causes a rash

Intestinal infections are often diagnosed due to the development of white fever, accompanied by diarrhea. With the appearance of vomiting and pain in the abdomen, most likely, we have to talk about inflammation of the appendix or organs genitourinary system. Fever with arthritis or rheumatism occurs along with damage to large joints.

If the cause of white fever is any serious disease, the child is too irritable and sleepy, he practically does not drink and breathes heavily, then he needs urgent hospitalization.

Parenting first steps

When the first symptoms of a fever appear, the baby should not experience fear and panic. Need to distract and calm him down interesting history or a fairy tale.

Before being examined by a pediatrician, it is important for the child to provide plentiful drink. It is better if it is natural juices and fruit drinks, herbal decoctions.

It is also important proper nutrition: the disease should not lead the baby's body to exhaustion. Food is needed not only healthy, quickly digestible, but also tasty. You need to do something that will definitely please the child.

Medical treatment

Treatment of the main symptoms is not limited to anti-inflammatory and antipyretic drugs. Often such treatment is ineffective and even pointless. As a rule, children are prescribed phenothiazines, for example, "Diprazin". With the help of these funds, blood vessels expand, blood circulation stabilizes, the work of the sweat glands, and they also have a sedative effect.

Pediatricians recommend giving a child with white fever drugs to dilate blood vessels. Perfect for this a nicotinic acid- 1 mg per 10 kg of body weight. Vitamin PP is used in combination with Paracetamol or medicines containing it - Panadol or Calpol. As an effective antipyretic, Nurofen is used in the form of suppositories or syrup. But you should not focus on lowering the temperature, using strong drugs. The more effective the antipyretic, the more harmful it is for the child's body.

Nurofen syrup is used as an effective antipyretic

Spasm is relieved with the help of antispasmodics - Dibazol or Papaverine. But "No-shpa" will not help much here, since its action is mainly aimed at internal organs. Antipyretics will not work until the spasm of the body is gone, so this is very important in the treatment of fever. Vasoconstriction - the main symptom of fever - can be reduced by rubbing the child's limbs and completely eliminating the cooling of the body.


A number of drugs for fever are prohibited. So, the list of contraindications includes:

  • "Aspirin", which can cause encephalopathy;
  • "Analgin" (due to the risks anaphylactic shock);
  • "Nimesulide", which is a highly toxic agent.

Urgent care

Children with fever may need first aid. First of all, you need to block hyperthermia with the help of antipyretic drugs described above. Together with paracetamol, an antispasmodic that dilates blood vessels is used.

Within an hour, the temperature should drop at least a degree. Otherwise, you should immediately call a doctor.

In this case, you should not do everything possible to bring the body temperature closer to normal. Sudden changes are difficult to tolerate, especially by the children's body. The exception is infants and children with heart and central nervous system problems. For them, a temperature above 38 degrees is contraindicated.


Each of us was sick in childhood and, probably, remembers the means proven by generations in the fight against high fever and chills with fever.

  1. If we talk about tea with raspberries, then with a fever there is no difference what to drink. The released moisture in any case will increase the heat transfer of the body. As for jam, its effectiveness is not so great. The most beneficial effect on the body is a decoction of leaves, and not berries. It is better to add a few raspberry and strawberry leaves to the teapot, some linden flowers. So the effect will increase many times over.
  2. Another famous folk way- milk and honey. The combination is very tasty, although not many children like it. Honey will undoubtedly bring benefits: it not only heals, but also soothes, strengthens sleep. In turn, milk soothes the throat, reduces coughing.

So the treatment pale fever reduced to a complex drug therapy in conjunction with right mode nutrition and sleep.

White fever - an increase in body temperature, accompanied by an outflow of blood from external skin. The characteristic pallor is the name this species fever. Although it is a protective reaction of the body, however, the benefit of fever decreases as it rises beyond 39 C.

A severe infection can cause white fever in a child between 0 and 3 months of age. In this case, hospitalization and inpatient observation is advisable.

Likely causes:

  • Acute period of infection.
  • Infection with viruses, the first day of the onset of acute respiratory diseases of the upper respiratory tract.
  • Insufficient, inadequate treatment of bacterial or microbial contamination of the body systems of children.
  • White Classic Po medical indicators fever is a harbinger of rhinitis, pharyngitis, pneumonia, bacterial diseases such as otitis media, inflammation of the middle ear, adenoiditis.
  • Somatic acute and chronic diseases of the child.


Three stages are defined, which proceed with a strictly defined symptom complex. Treatment is necessarily prescribed by the pediatrician in accordance with the febrile manifestations in the baby. A fever of this type in a child is characterized by three stages of the course:

  1. The rapid rise in temperature in a child for reasons of physics of the ratio of heat production and heat transfer.
  2. Stabilization of the level of heat indicators.
  3. A sharp drop in temperature or a gradual decrease to normal numbers.

The child is diagnosed with:

  • synchronous vasodilation;
  • signs of apathy;
  • pale skin;
  • lack of appetite;
  • lips with a hint of cyanosis;
  • dehydration and arrhythmia;
  • labored breathing;
  • cold hands and feet.

Fever in a child is not a disease, it is a symptom of a disease that needs treatment.

The identified symptoms show the activation of the immune defense of the baby's body, typical of a healthy body. Thanks to these mechanisms, early treatment through the effect of folding a foreign protein.

At elevated body temperature, preventing the reproduction of all foreign viruses and pathogenic microorganisms begins quickly and successfully. Then comes spontaneous inhibition of their vital activity and attenuation of the activity of foci of inflammation.


  • With rubella, scarlet fever, meningococcemia, allergies to antipyretics, fever and rash may occur.
  • Causes of fever with catarrhal syndrome - pharyngitis, rhinitis, bacterial inflammation middle ear, bronchitis, sinusitis, severe forms pneumonia.
  • From viral and streptococcal tonsillitis, scarlet fever occurs fever with tonsillitis.
  • with laryngitis, obstructive bronchitis, bronchiolitis, inspiratory dyspnea, asthma attacks, fever manifests itself along with shortness of breath.
  • Also, these symptoms are accompanied by manifestations of brain disorders in: encephalitis, febrile convulsions, meningitis.
  • Acute intestinal infections are easy to diagnose if there is fever and diarrhea.
  • If the child has a fever, vomiting, you may need to look for a urinary tract infection either.
  • In rheumatism, arthritis and urticaria, along with fever, joint damage occurs.

If the cause of the fever is a serious illness, the child is sleepy, irritable, does not want to take fluids, you observe impaired consciousness, hypo-hyperventilation of the lungs - such symptoms require immediate hospitalization in the intensive care unit.


When your child has fever, fever, he should not be afraid, feel fear and a sense of panic. Tell the kid a fairy tale about the strong men who help him not to get sick further, expelling all the monsters. This is exactly what the process of activation of the protective reactions of the body, arising as a result of the influence of pathogenic pathological stimuli, looks like.

Before your baby is examined by a doctor, give him plenty of drink, fruit drinks, juices, herbal decoctions. An effective method of wiping the body with a damp sponge.

Wiping and fanning perfectly conditions the surface of the skin, after which it should be covered with a thin linen diaper. Special meaning is nourished, fever should not exhaust the child. The food should be pleasant to the baby and quickly digested.

If during the diagnostic process it turned out that the fever appeared due to bacterial infection In this case, an antibiotic is prescribed. And antipyretics are not used, as they tend to mask the lack of results of antibacterial treatment.


When choosing antipyretic drugs, prefer harmlessness to the child's body, and not the effectiveness of the impact. After all, the stronger the effect of the remedy, the more toxic it is.

Pay attention to how convenient it is to use (the presence of dispensers, dosage forms preparation, palatability acceptable for a child).

The most used antipyretics in home medicine cabinets are: paracetamol ("", "Efferalgan", paracetamol suppositories); ibuprofen (Nurofen). Be sure to read the instructions. As a rule, a measuring spoon or cup with a gradation scale is attached to the medicine in the form of a syrup, which allows you to calculate the dose quickly and accurately.

Indications for admission:

  • child from 0, he prolonged temperature above 38°;
  • the child is 3 months old or more, he has a headache, his joints and muscles ache;
  • diagnosed with a disease of the lungs or heart, prolonged temperature above 38.5 °.


  • , which causes Reye's syndrome - this is the most severe form of encephalopathy, accompanied by liver failure.
  • Metamizole ()- provokes a state of anaphylactic shock, sometimes with a fatal outcome. A very unpleasant effect from this drug is also possible - a drop in temperature to 34.5-35.0 °.
  • Nimesulide- NSAIDs, belongs to COX-2 inhibitors. Of all similar drugs the most toxic.