
Why does earwax smell? Unpleasant odor from the ear: treatment

Ears, like any part of the body, require attention. Most people rarely think about their own health, but when something happens, they understand the fallacy of this approach. For example, a person may suddenly develop an unpleasant odor from the ear. What this is connected with and how to get rid of it are the main questions that require consideration.

Normally, there is no smell coming from the ears. The only thing that can smell is the wax in the external auditory canal. But this is only possible when it softens (for example, after swimming). And then, the smell will be subtle, neutral, and not at all offensive. Otherwise, you have to look for another reason.

It should be noted that the smell human body is largely determined by volatile substances that are part of natural skin secretions. And they can change under the influence of dietary preferences or hormonal changes. Use large quantity sweet, spicy or meaty foods affect how your ears smell. Hormonal changes in female body during pregnancy or during menopause - another physiological reason appearance of a different smell. We must not forget about such factors as insufficient ear hygiene or taking certain medications.

Along with this, the source of the unpleasant aroma in adults may be in pathological processes. More often we're talking about about the inflammatory process caused by microbes. They provoke the appearance of such a symptom. Sometimes the problem is a violation of the discharge earwax when it stagnates, becoming a breeding ground for the development of the same bacteria. Therefore, the probability of the following conditions must be considered:

  • Otitis (external and middle).
  • Myringitis.
  • Otomycosis.
  • Sulfur plug.

Factors contributing to the emergence pathological process in the ears, also become chronic inflammatory processes in neighboring areas: tonsillitis, pharyngitis, sinusitis. It is worth thinking about violations of local or general immunity, metabolic and endocrine disorders in the body, a tendency to allergic reactions. Therefore the spectrum possible factors quite wide and requires high-quality diagnostics.

Reasons unpleasant odor, coming from the ears, can become both physiological and pathological conditions.


Each condition that is pathological in nature has a certain clinical picture. Therefore, finding out the source of disorders in the body begins with an assessment of the symptoms. The doctor analyzes the patient’s complaints and conducts an examination, which allows him to make an initial conclusion.


The most common cause of unpleasant odor from the ears in humans is purulent otitis media - external and medial. The first is characterized by damage to the ear canal, and with the second, an infectious-inflammatory process develops in the tympanic cavity. At the same time, there is a smell of pathological exudate (pus) that is released from the affected tissues. Otitis externa characterized by redness and swelling of the ear canal, pain when pressing on the tragus, and itching. In the depths you can see a mushy mass consisting of desquamated epidermis and pus with a putrefactive odor.

With otitis media, exudate is released only in the second phase acute inflammation– perforative – when a rupture occurs eardrum. Before this, patients feel:

  • Ear pain.
  • Congestion and noise.
  • Hearing loss.
  • Fever.

Then, under pressure, the pus breaks into the outer ear canal. This is accompanied by the appearance of a foul odor. But general state after perforation it improves - pain decreases and temperature drops. Perforation with adequate treatment heals independently and without hearing loss.


Very often, when the outer or middle ear becomes inflamed, the eardrum is also affected. An infectious process caused by a virus or bacteria leads to the development of myringitis. Subjectively, it is manifested by discomfort in the ear or sharp pain, noise, and the discharge of pathological exudate. On examination, the membrane is reddened, swollen, with injected vessels. Elements with serous or purulent contents often form on its surface, which can merge into one bubble (phlycten). When myringitis passes into chronic form The eardrum appears thickened, covered with desquamated epithelium and granulations. A purulent discharge with an unpleasant odor is formed.


The inflammatory process in the ear can also be caused by fungi: candida, aspergillus, penicillium. Then we are talking about otomycosis. Patients suffering from fungal infection, complain of a feeling of fullness and congestion in the ear, itching and soreness, noise, and discharge from their ear canal. The nature of the latter is determined by the type of pathogen: whitish curdled, black-brown, greenish-yellow. The skin is covered with films that are easily removed. Their ears may smell sour or musty.

Sulfur plug

If a person develops earwax in larger quantities, has increased viscosity and is poorly excreted from the narrow and winding ear canal, then there is a possibility of it stagnating and forming a plug. For a long time it does not manifest itself in any way, and only when the lumen is completely obstructed do they appear characteristic symptoms in the form of congestion and hearing loss. In this case, one’s own voice is felt on the affected side, and sometimes a reflex cough occurs. If the plug puts pressure on the eardrum, additional symptoms appear:

  • Dizziness.
  • Headache.
  • Nausea.

And the development of bacteria leads to the appearance of an unpleasant odor and the risk of developing external otitis or myringitis. During the examination, the doctor notices sulfur deposits blocking the lumen of the auditory canal. Their color can vary from yellow to brown.

Ear wax is not as harmless as it seems. Sometimes it can also become a source of unpleasant odor from the ears.

Additional diagnostics

To clarify the diagnosis and find out the origin of the problem, the patient is referred to additional research. Along with the clinical examination, the doctor will need the results of the following methods:

  • Analysis of ear discharge (microscopy, culture).
  • Determination of sensitivity to antimicrobial drugs.
  • Serological tests (antibodies to infections).
  • Blood biochemistry (immunogram, glucose, hormonal spectrum, etc.).
  • Otoscopy.

Based on the data obtained, a final conclusion is made about the essence of the pathological process in the ear that caused the unpleasant odor. This is the starting point for starting therapeutic activities.


It is not the unpleasant smell from the ears itself that needs to be treated, but its cause. And the best results can be obtained when integrated approach to the problem. The doctor will prescribe the most effective means, helping to get rid of not only the symptoms, but also to overcome the causative agents of the disease.

Therapy is not complete without optimizing lifestyle and eliminating factors external environment, contributing to ear pathology. And those who notice an unpleasant odor should pay attention to the general recommendations:

  • In your diet, limit sweets, spicy foods, and foods with allergenic properties.
  • Enrich your diet with fresh vegetables, fruits, and herbs.
  • Proper hygiene of the ear canal.

The last point is especially important, because not all people know how to clean wax from their ears. This manipulation should be carried out no more than once a week. If you intervene too often, sulfur will accumulate more and more. Do not go deep with a cotton swab, as there is a risk of damaging the eardrum. In general, only cotton pads can be used for children.



Any treatment is not complete without medications. Medicines are used in local form (drops, rinsing solution, ointment) or as systemic therapy. Based on the diagnostic results, doctors may prescribe the following medications:

  • Antiseptic (furacillin, salicylic alcohol, Otinum).
  • Antibacterial (Augmentin, Cefuroxime).
  • Antifungal (Futsis, Nizoral).
  • Anti-inflammatory (Ortofen, Polydexa, Beloderm).
  • Antihistamines (Claritin, Tavegil).
  • Immunostimulants (Polyoxidonium, Immunal).
  • Vitamins and microelements.

As a complement to medicines Physiotherapy procedures are used: UHF, UV irradiation, laser therapy. For otitis media, catheterization and blowing of the auditory tubes are performed.

If an unpleasant odor suddenly appears from your ears, you do not need to wait for other symptoms to appear. You must immediately contact an ENT doctor. After appropriate diagnostics, it will become clear what is the cause of the changes and what to do to eliminate them.

Unpleasant smell from the ears signals the presence of an imbalance or some disease in the body. It should not be in a state of complete health. A subtle sulfuric odor is permissible only under certain conditions. As a rule, the causes of this condition are endocrinological in nature or associated with sulfur stagnation. But what is the reason to see a doctor? In what case is it necessary to urgently start treatment to avoid possible irreversible consequences?

Violation of secretion and stagnation of sulfur are the most probable cause appearance of odor. This is explained as follows: the exocrine gland, located in the cartilaginous part of the ear canal, when functioning intensively, causes a slight sulfuric odor.

But there are other factors that can cause the appearance of a faint odor:

  • Metabolic disorder.
  • Puberty.
  • Pregnancy.
  • Menopause.
  • Taking hormonal drugs.
  • Nutritional features.

Thus, the bulk of factors are associated with hormonal changes. But often the cause is non-compliance with hygiene rules. In this case, the smell will be localized behind the ears.

What should be done to resolve this issue? If the reason is nutrition, then it is recommended to reconsider eating habits, diversify the diet and improve the quality of food consumed. If the provoking factor is taking oral contraceptives, then you need to contact a specialist to select a different drug. When normalizing hormonal levels body, the problem disappears without additional action.

Fungus as a cause of odor

Yeast-like and mold fungi are always present on the surface of the skin, but their activation occurs only when the immune system is weakened.

Therefore, it is very important not to miss the moment when the smell from the ears suddenly intensifies, becomes sharply foul, and new symptoms appear. Signs of concern include:

  • Painful sensations.
  • Severe itching.
  • Noise and congestion.
  • High temperature and intoxication.
  • Hearing loss.
  • Peeling of the skin inside ears.
  • Sharp pain when pressing on the tragus of the ear.
  • Specific discharge from the ear canal, plaque on it.
  • Edema or slight swelling.

These symptoms indicate that pathogenic microorganisms have become active in the hearing organs. For example, staphylococcus is characterized by a fishy “smell,” and a severe putrefactive smell indicates a fungal infection. It is necessary to pay attention to such signals in order to avoid necrotic processes in soft tissues and hearing loss.

The most dangerous ENT diseases that may be accompanied by a putrid odor:

  • Otomycosis.
  • Inflammation of the eardrum - myringitis, which is accompanied by deterioration of hearing due to impaired mobility of the eardrum.
  • A purulent inflammatory process of the tympanic cavity in its upper part or empanitis.
  • An inflammatory process of the mucous membrane of the tympanic cavity, localized in its central part - mesotympanitis.

Causes and pathogens of infection

The causative agents of ENT infections are fungal flora: staphylococcus, streptococcus, Proteus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa. In young children, candidiasis lesions are most common, in older age – mold fungi.

The cause of the disease may be injuries to the hearing organs, postoperative period, dysbacteriosis of ear microflora, itchy dermatitis, namely scratching of the ears, foreign bodies And heavy sweating. Getting water or other liquid into the ear canal or wearing headphones with heavily soiled surfaces can also cause unpleasant symptoms.

Among other reasons, the following phenomena can be identified: diabetes, allergic reactions, decreased body defenses, hypovitaminosis, taking systemic antibiotics, inaccurate rinsing of the middle ear and ear canal.

Fungal disease - otomycosis

One of the most common fungal infections is otomycosis. This disease affects the tissue of both the outer and middle ear. A child aged 1 to 5 years, a swimmer or a person wearing hearing aid– the main representatives of the risk group for this disease. The likelihood of developing otomycosis also increases in people living in hot and humid climates. As a rule, the inflammatory process develops on one side; cases of bilateral damage are quite rare.

The localization of the disease allows otomycosis to be divided into fungal external and otitis media. The beginning of the external form is the disappearance of the protective fatty film lining the ear canal. An adult patient begins to experience discomfort from swelling of the ear canal, and he has a desire to clean it. These attempts lead to microtrauma of the skin and the development of a fungal infection. An exacerbation of the foul odor is caused by the opening of boils located deep in the ear canal. Otitis media develops against the background of an already existing inflammatory process of the eardrum.

This fungal disease has three stages: precursor, acute and chronic stage. It is the problems of untimely diagnosis and difficulties in accurately identifying the pathogen that lead to the disease moving into the chronic stage.

Diagnosis and treatment

The main methods for diagnosing this disease are microscopic examination of secretion from the ear canal, bacterial culture, clinical analysis blood and visual examination by an otolaryngologist. The results of cultural inoculations are ready in 8-10 days. In some cases, this diagnosis can be confirmed or refuted by trial use of antifungal drugs. If the disease is localized in the middle ear, significant hearing loss may occur. And this phenomenon will be irreversible. Therefore, audiometry, study of the patency of the auditory tube, and otoacoustic emissions are used for diagnosis.

Treatment of otomycosis, like other similar diseases, is a simple but lengthy process. During treatment, periods of deterioration are possible due to the cyclical development of the fungus. It is important to select an effective antifungal drug as quickly as possible, for example, nystatin, clotrimazole, quinozole or Castelanni liquid. If the causative agents are mold fungi, nitrofungin, canesten or fungifen should be used.

It is also necessary to rinse the middle ear area, ear canal or cavity after mastoid surgery. Washing should be preceded by ear hygiene - thorough cleansing of fungal mycelium, dead epidermis, and gland secretion products. For this stage It is recommended to use hydrogen peroxide.

In the most advanced cases, a fungal disease can cause damage internal organs, tissues and bones of the skull. Therefore, it is advisable to combine local treatment with common. It is important to strictly adhere to the treatment regimen prescribed by the otolaryngologist. Often patients stop taking medications prematurely when their condition improves, thereby provoking a new round of the disease.

Before starting treatment, you must consult a doctor. As practice shows, in 75% of cases the cause of an unpleasant odor is dermatitis - it is easy to identify by the characteristic rash, but the odor can also be caused by lymphadenitis, atheroma, otomycosis, hyperhidrosis and other inflammatory and fungal diseases, so self-medication can not only be ineffective, but it will also make the situation worse. If a fungus is to blame, the doctor prescribes drug treatment, in the case of atheroma, an attempt to squeeze out the abscess on your own can generally lead to fungal infection. So you should act in accordance with the diagnosis and prescribed treatment.

We recommend that you take a look at
In particular, if the most common hyperhidrosis is diagnosed, then the patient is prescribed drugs such as Foramgel, Bellaspon - they have a depressing effect on the work of the sweat glands, so that their activity decreases and the smell disappears.

If the cause of the odor is otomycosis, seborrheic dermatitis or any other skin disease caused by fungi, then you can use one of the following remedies: 1. Application antifungal drug like Pimafucin or Miconazole, which suppress life cycle

2. The use of antiseptics, be it “Xeroform” or “Amukin” - such drugs are thoroughly cleaned skin from pathogenic microflora.

3. Creams and ointments (“Nafthalan” or “Losterin”) - they prevent the development of mold and yeast, relieving a person of fungus.

4. Surgery– prescribed for atheroma, because medicinal methods are only an auxiliary element in treatment, while the inflamed pore affected by the fungus must be operated on.

5. Antibiotics complete with antihistamine, antiviral, antifungal and anti-inflammatory components are prescribed when, for example, lymphadenitis, etc. is detected.

Obviously, ignoring such a problem as an unpleasant odor behind the ears can lead to unpleasant consequences. We recommend that you read

Traditional methods

If the cause of the smell is a hormonal surge that is natural to the body at the moment (pregnancy, age-related changes, menopause, etc.), then in such situations it is quite possible to resort to recipes traditional medicine to get rid of the smell.

1. Thoroughly wash the area behind the ears with soap every time you wash your face.

2. Often the source of odor and bacteria are the temples of glasses, which also need to be periodically cleaned of residual sebum and other contaminants - for this they use disinfectants

3. If the skin behind the ear suffers from excessive sweating, then it makes sense to use essential oils– this product is applied to clean skin mixed with a small amount of neutral vegetable oil (ratio 1:2). In this case, essential oil must be purchased medical quality- at the pharmacy. Because inexpensive synthetic essential oils for aroma lamps can cause burns.

4. Often the cause of an unpleasant odor is a piercing - it is the non-healing puncture wound that emits an unpleasant aroma - in this case it is worth paying close attention to hygiene and, perhaps, changing the earring. Non-medical alloys often contain irritating allergenic components, which prevents the healing of the puncture and causes an unpleasant odor.

5. As for food, a person’s diet can cause a change in the smell of sweat gland secretions, this applies not only to the ears - so it is worth reducing the amount of fast food, spices and animal products consumed. We recommend that you read

6. In order for the body to actively resist fungi, infections and other causes of odor, it is important to maintain your immunity - treatment must be comprehensive and include a healthy Lifestyle, good nutrition, vitamin therapy, etc.

7. It is important to monitor the cleanliness of objects and things that the scalp comes into contact with every day - these are scarves and hats, collars, pillowcases, towels, etc.

Itching and unpleasant odor from the ear may indicate the onset of an infectious disease. Normally healthy person A slight odor may be observed, which is associated with natural processes occurring in the body.

What to do if unbearable itching significantly worsens a person’s quality of life, and how to properly treat such an unpleasant pathology? Particularly relevant this question then when it comes to children.

Please note that human body odor is to a greater extent depends on volatile substances that are part of skin secretions. In turn, this composition may change depending on hormonal changes or dietary preferences.

In the majority of the healthy population, specific foul-smelling discharge and itching are observed for a short time due to the accumulation and stagnation of earwax. Also, an unpleasant smell from a person’s ears can be due to the following factors:

  • dermatological pathologies such as psoriasis, dermatitis, eczema;
  • allergic reaction;
  • adolescence;
  • metabolic disease;
  • fungal infections;
  • impaired secretion of earwax.

Most often, increased specific stench is observed during hormonal changes in the body. After normalization of this process, the situation generally improves.

A strong odor from the ear, accompanied by unbearable itching, may be associated with poor hygiene. In more rare cases, this condition indicates the presence of pustular wounds inside the auricle, as well as the beginning of the development of a fungal infection.

More Special attention attention should be paid to situations where, along with a specific odor, a person experiences the following symptoms:

  • a “gurgling” sensation inside the ear;
  • pain on palpation;
  • foreign secretions;
  • increased body temperature;
  • noise and whistling in the ears;
  • general intoxication of the body;
  • swelling of the ear canal.

The type of odor may also indicate the cause of the problem. So, with a fishy smell, we can talk about the presence of staphylococcus. If a person feels putrefactive discharge, then there is a possibility of pustular wounds.

Of course, such symptoms cannot be left without due attention, since advanced purulent processes can lead to the destruction of soft and bone tissue, as well as to the transition of the inflammatory process to the cranial area.

What other pathologies may be accompanied by itching and odor:

  • otomycosis;
  • inflammation;
  • purulent otitis;
  • mesotympanitis (purulent-inflammatory disease central department tympanic cavity).

The smell implies the activity of pathogenic microorganisms. This sensation can be enhanced by the breakdown products of soft/bone tissues.


To determine the source of the problem, the doctor evaluates the symptoms. On initial examination the specialist analyzes the patient’s complaints, assesses his condition and makes an initial conclusion.

So let's consider possible pathologies, assessing symptoms.


One of the common causes of itching and unpleasant odor is purulent otitis media. First, the external auditory canal becomes inflamed, then the infectious-inflammatory process can spread to the tympanic cavity. In this case, a person may feel exudative (purulent) stench.

External purulent otitis is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • redness of the ear canal;
  • swelling;
  • pain when pressing on the tragus;
  • the presence of a purulent, mushy, foul-smelling mass.

Otitis media involves the release of exudate (pus) during an acute inflammatory process, during which perforation (rupture) of the eardrum occurs. Before this phase begins, the patient feels:

  • earache;
  • increased body temperature;
  • ear congestion;
  • feverish condition.

Further, under the influence of purulent masses, the eardrum ruptures, and exudative masses break into the area of ​​the external auditory canal. During this period, a foul odor appears. However, after perforation of the eardrum, the patient’s general condition improves significantly – body temperature decreases and pain decreases.

Very often, the inflammatory process, accompanied by itching and an unpleasant odor, is caused by fungi, such as candida, penicillium, etc. In this case, the doctor diagnoses “otomycosis”. The patient suffers from itching and discomfort in the ear, pain, noise, and congestion are also observed.

Various discharges appear:

  • cheesy consistency of a whitish hue;
  • greenish;
  • black-brown shade.

Sulfur plug

With the accumulation of a large amount of sulfur, which, among other things, has a thick and viscous consistency, the likelihood of the formation of a sulfur plug increases. She may not show herself for quite a long time. And only after the ear canal is completely closed can a person feel congestion, pain and hearing loss.

In rare cases, the following signs may be added to the main symptoms:

  • dizziness;
  • nausea;
  • headache.

Such symptoms are observed when accumulated sulfur masses begin to put pressure on the eardrum.

If sulfur plug long time located in the ear canal, it can become a source of bacteria accumulation and unpleasant odor.

Why does my ear smell bad?

There are many reasons why an unpleasant odor may come from the ear. First of all, you should evaluate the lifestyle of the person who is faced with such an unpleasant problem. You also need to take it into account chronic pathologies and recent illnesses.

Not always a visual examination can give a complete picture of the disease. Various studies are often used to determine provoking factors.

In children

If you notice an unpleasant “aroma” coming from your child’s ear canal, seek help from a specialist. The doctor will conduct a diagnosis, determine the cause and prescribe proper treatment.

Let's consider what provoking factors can cause discomfort:

  1. Age-related characteristics - the child’s body is constantly developing and at a certain stage, malfunctions in the functioning of the secretion glands may occur. Violations of this plan are a kind of “provocateurs” of abundant formation and release of sulfur. This is where the unpleasant smell comes from.
  2. The ear is blown - during a cold, the risk of developing an inflammatory process, the formation of pustules and boils, which burst during the process of maturation, pouring out purulent masses, increases.
  3. Poor hygiene – quite often, due to poor hygiene, there is an accumulation of sulfur masses, which, if not removed in a timely manner, smell very unpleasant.
  4. Infection – absolutely every infectious pathology is a source of microbial growth, inflammation and tissue decay. This is where the stench comes from.

Treatment of ear odor in newborns should be approached with particular seriousness. The entire therapy process can last quite a long time, since the baby cannot yet explain what is bothering him. This is why most mothers and fathers discover the problem in the later stages.

In an adult

In the absence of any disease in the ear cavity, it should not smell bad. In most cases, an unpleasant “aroma” in an adult appears for the usual explainable reasons, which are caused by natural physiological processes, such as:

  1. Hormonal changes in the body - this condition often occurs in women during menopause or during pregnancy. There is a slight sulfur aroma and slight itching. This condition is explained by the increased functioning of the secretory glands, which provoke the production of large amounts of sulfur masses.
  2. Inflammation - the inflammatory process develops as a result of laryngitis, tonsillitis, otitis, rhinitis, etc.

The nature of the odor may vary depending on the following factors:

  • smells like sulfur - possible violations in the functioning of the glands;
  • the smell of rot – indicates the presence of pus in the organ of hearing;
  • rotten odor - may indicate poor hygiene of the ear cavity, which results in the accumulation of wax.

To avoid the development of complications and other pathologies, you should promptly seek help from a specialist.

How to approach treatment correctly

Treatment of unpleasant odor and itching in the ear cavity should begin with identifying the cause. The best results can only be shown by complex therapy. Having determined the cause of these symptoms, the doctor will prescribe effective drugs, which will relieve the pathogen and unpleasant consequences.

Undoubtedly, the patient should reconsider his lifestyle, change and eliminate those factors that contributed to the development of pathology. We draw your attention to general recommendations:

  • Limit the consumption of sweet, salty, smoked and those foods that have allergic properties.
  • Enrich your diet with fresh vegetables and fruits, increase your consumption of greens.
  • Carry out ear hygiene correctly and in a timely manner.

Any therapy includes a number of specific medications. Please note that only a doctor prescribes a course of treatment based on the results of the examination. What medications can the doctor prescribe:

  • antiseptic (Otinum, furacillin);
  • antifungal (Nizoral);
  • antihistamines (Tavegil);
  • antibacterial (Augmentin);
  • vitamin complex.

As a rule, the doctor prescribes ear drops, which have anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effect, as well as local anesthetic drugs.

In addition to the main treatment, various physiotherapy procedures are used:

  • laser therapy;
  • blowing the auditory tubes;
  • UV irradiation.

If your ear hurts

Many dog ​​owners are faced with the problem of otitis media. To be more precise, this name often characterizes a wide range of diseases that are characterized by the same symptoms. This is from the ears of dogs, as well as obvious anxiety of the pet. If you observe these symptoms, then do not put it off, but immediately go to the veterinarian. At first, treatment can be quite easy and simple, but if the disease gets worse, you will have to deal with complications. This means that the therapeutic process will become longer and more expensive.

How to determine

I would like to note once again that it is the smell from the ears of dogs that often becomes the reason for contacting a specialist. This is easy to explain; it causes considerable discomfort to the owner himself. Even if the animal lives with you for the first time, it will not be difficult to distinguish the norm from the pathology. Even if the pet's health is excellent, the smell from the ears of dogs rarely resembles the scent of flowers. But if it causes outright nausea, then this is 100% a sign of a disease of the auditory system.

Main symptoms

What else should a loving and attentive owner focus on? If there is a smell from it, then in addition to this, there must be other symptoms. Many pets scratch and scratch a lot until it hurts. Take the trouble to turn the ear out and examine it thoroughly. Most often in this case, swelling, redness and constant leakage of exudate are observed.

The animal's behavior also changes. The dog walks with its head tilted to one side and also rubs its sore ear on the floor. Even slight palpation of the auricle causes severe pain. The animal breaks free, runs away, and whines. The dog becomes irritable, stops playing, and is especially bothered by pain at night.

And what's the reason

If you have a dog with floppy ears, then the development of diseases accompanied by similar symptoms is most likely. This happens because in a constantly closed ear canal, where it is warm and humid, any bacteria that enters will grow very quickly. For example, at German Shepherd, in which the ears are completely open and freely ventilated, is much less common than in the Basset Hound or Dachshund.

But that is not all. A dog with floppy ears is more likely to have allergic reactions, including atopic dermatitis skin. To prevent such violations, you need to monitor the quality of your pet’s diet. It is best to pay attention to specialized, ready-made food.

Additionally, advanced cases occur in veterinary practice ear mite, yeast and bacterial infections. Any injuries to the ears, getting into the ear canals foreign objects may lead to the development of acute or purulent otitis. Can play a role hormonal pathologies, for example, hypothyroidism, hereditary or autoimmune diseases and tumors.

What do doctors deal with most often?

Most often, unpleasant odor from a dog's ears is associated with poor nutrition And food allergies. Moreover, the frequency of these cases is growing every year. The reason is simple: food products contain more and more additives to which the animal’s delicate body reacts. How are smell and allergies related? The reason is very simple, the reactions that occur in the body seriously disrupt normal microflora As a result, fungi and bacteria receive excellent conditions for growth and development. In this case, the dog’s ears itch, the surface of the shell turns red and exudate begins to secrete. And ordinary people help antihistamines and proper diet.

Finally, the third large group, which veterinarians often deal with is otitis media, or inflammatory processes. They usually begin as a result of water getting into the ear while swimming or foreign objects. You need to carefully examine your pet after walking and bathing, and consult a doctor at the first signs. In this case, special antibiotics are prescribed.


Of course, this is the best thing you can do for your pet. Regular ear cleaning allows you to constantly keep the condition of the ear under control and remove excess dirt from it, which can cause the development of one or another infection. Today we will talk about how to clean your dog's ears at home. There is nothing complicated about it. You just need to take some sticks, as well as hydrogen peroxide or a special ear cleaning liquid from a veterinary pharmacy.

Step by step guide

First, lightly moisten a cotton swab with a special liquid or boiled water and wipe the inside of the ear. Make sure that liquid does not drip from it or flow into the sink. Now let your pet shake his ears and proceed with the main procedure. Now you need to use cotton swab go through all folds and bends and remove dirt from them. Just don't try to insert the stick deep into the ear canal. By doing this you will only achieve that the sulfur will cover it even more firmly. Your goal is to clear what is within sight.

There is no point in overusing special lotions, especially if the dog is not bothered by anything. But when you smell a strong odor and see discharge, you cannot do without treatment, but only after a specialist determines what the reason is. Moreover, you should not pour anything into the ear canal, be it boric acid or alcohol. This will only cause a burn. And in place of the destroyed beneficial microflora, pathogenic microflora will develop. Normally, you need to perform the ear cleaning procedure once every one to two weeks, and if you see alarming symptoms, then go straight to the doctor. Now you know how to clean your dog's ears at home, and you can successfully use this technique for prevention.

Instead of a conclusion

As you can see, the key is making a diagnosis. And for this it is extremely important that the animal is examined by a professional. You can't tell by eye what it's called. given Treatment, prescribed for one of your friends’ pets, may be ineffective, and moreover, will significantly worsen the situation. Therefore, all that is required of you is preventive ear cleaning, as well as contacting a doctor if alarming signals appear.