
What to do if your child has a high fever. White fever in a child: causes, symptoms, treatment

    MamaNaya 05/26/2010 at 11:15:18

    "White" fever. What to save yourself with?

    We recently experienced this phenomenon. This is creepy.
    I will say that previously our fever was accompanied by sweating and went away quite easily. We had water as an antipyretic - it helped. And then there’s a sudden jump to 39.6, my arms and legs are icy, my lips turn blue. The child is semi-conscious. This was my first time encountering this. As soon as I managed to put a suppository with paracetamol, I called an ambulance, they refused: “If the child is breathing, then call the children’s emergency room. And anyway, what did you think before? We should have prevented such an increase!” Fortunately, the child felt a little better. They opened the window and hot water, rubbed their limbs. The ambulance did not arrive immediately. The doctor quite calmly said that it was ARVI. He said to give no-shpa, vinegar wraps, cool enemas with paracetamol and ibuprofen...
    For 2 days we still struggled with the temperature rising to 39.5. And cold extremities all the time. No-shpa made me vomit, the enema didn’t help, and I didn’t do vinegar wraps because... many people say that vinegar (even diluted) does more harm than good. But somehow we survived this crisis.
    Then it turned out that we did not have ARVI. A rash appeared, but there was no snot or cough. Is it roseola or something else? viral infection.
    Anyone who has encountered white fever, please share your experience. Why does it arise? What to do if no-spa is not suitable? I read that papaverine suppositories are effective. Has anyone used them?
    This kind of fever is very scary. I wouldn't wish this on anyone. But if suddenly this happens, you must be prepared to quickly save the child, without counting on an ambulance.

    • katskin 05/29/2010 at 14:27:32

      We survived

      only our version is cooler - the temperature is 40.6, my daughter was chattering her teeth and screaming that she was cold, all the other symptoms were the same, although she was completely adequate. The ambulance arrived 20 minutes later, I clearly described the situation. Moreover, it was a repeated call, and they did not leave us a referral to the hospital. They gave an injection (but spa + diphenhydramine + analgin) - it didn’t help my daughter, they took us to the hospital, they repeated the injection, added ceftriaxone and dexamethozone, it didn’t help either - 40.2 was eventually wiped with vinegar, brought down to 39.9 - they did it right away an enema with cool water - this was the only thing that helped and the temperature was 38.5. The diagnosis was made only on the third day by X-ray - pneumonia (there was no cough, the doctors did not hear wheezing), they said that it was viral in nature
      All these procedures cannot be done at home - there is a risk of convulsions, even from rubbing, not to mention an enema - by the way, at 40 it is categorically contraindicated.
      Conclusion - in case of white fever, we call an ambulance and rush to the hospital.
      At home you need to have an ambulance injection (see above) and be ready to inject if anything happens, as well as money for a private ambulance - it’s faster.
      You can try papaverine if you are not allergic, but it is less effective.
      One thing you need to remember is that suppositories act more slowly than injections, and in such a situation, minutes count. If you put a suppository, then you can no longer inject your child with this drug for some time.

      geny 05/26/2010 at 22:49:51

      I once used no-shpa in candles, but I think it was called-khsha +

      I can’t say more precisely, this was a couple of years ago, I think the pharmacy should know. Mefenamic acid helps us a lot with “unbreakable” temperatures, it’s really better than any other drugs.

      • kaktus1 05/27/2010 at 09:28:25


        and we had roseola at 1.5 years old... gave paracetamol, but only when the temperature exceeded 39, the emergency doctor said to rub cold feet with vodka and put on woolen socks, and when the socks get hot, take them off. In addition, for small child At high temperatures, it is advisable to abandon diapers.

    • Shooter 05/26/2010 at 12:46:16

      But you can inject it, you can light all sorts of candles. Get well!(-)

      I am not some!
      (c) Kolyan, 4g.

      Fantasy 05/27/2010 at 18:17:19

      It seems to me that the child was vomiting not from no-spa, but from a high fever.+

      My son always vomits when his temperature is above 39. Our temperature is very low. Paracetamol and Analdim suppositories practically do not reduce it.
      We measure the temperature every 30 minutes, as soon as the temperature creeps above 38.5 I give an antipyretic in syrup (if you have eaten anything, of course). I did rubdowns a couple of times warm water without vodka/alcohol/vinegar. The water should be warm.

      JULIA_29 05/26/2010 at 11:43:31

      yes, we survived roseola

The result is often not at all what was expected. And all because not all parents know: fever is “white” and “red” and each of them needs to be affected differently.

With “red” fever, the child’s face and skin are red, and the whole body is hot to the touch. This means that the baby has good heat transfer. And therefore main task parents - do not wrap the child, but provide air access to his skin, through which the heat escapes. At the same time, it is necessary to measure the child’s temperature every 30-40 minutes so as not to miss its rise above 38.5 °C, when it is no longer possible to do without antipyretic drugs.

If the child is pale, lethargic, wrapped in a blanket, if he has cool arms and legs, chills, then he has “white fever,” which requires completely different measures. First of all, such a child needs to be warmed up by applying a heating pad wrapped in a towel to his feet, or plastic bottle, filled hot water, wrap in a blanket, drink hot, freshly brewed (but not strong) loose leaf tea. You can put a wet, cold towel on your head. And only then can the child be given an antipyretic. However, in any case, consult a doctor immediately!

Drugs for the treatment of ARVI

Peculiarities: the use of broad-spectrum drugs and homeopathic remedies for the treatment of acute respiratory viral infections to one degree or another enhances the body’s overall resistance. Due to this feature of their action, the improvement in well-being can be both significant and almost imperceptible. However, practice shows that in many cases, when using them, there is a reduction in the duration of colds and a decrease in their severity.

Patient Information

  • It is advisable to start taking all medications for the treatment of ARVI as early as possible, at the first symptoms of the disease.
  • ARVI in children is recommended to be treated under the supervision of a doctor, since antibiotics may be required if complications develop.

Antipyretic drugs

Main indications

  • Increased body temperature.
  • Headache, sore throat and other types of pain.

Peculiarities: all the drugs in this group have a similar mechanism of action and cause three main effects: antipyretic, analgesic and anti-inflammatory. The strength of these effects depends on the specific drug. For example, paracetamol has a very weak anti-inflammatory effect.

Patient Information

Antipyretic medications should not be prescribed in a “course” in order to prevent a rise in temperature. You need to fight a fever when the temperature has already risen.

Do not use antipyretics without consulting a doctor for more than 3 days.

The main antipyretic drugs in children are paracetamol and ibuprofen. If necessary, they can be combined with each other. To reduce fever in children, it is not recommended to use acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin). She can call severe complications. Other antipyretics (including analgin and combination drugs) can be used in children only on the recommendation of a doctor and under his supervision.

Most Frequent side effects : allergic reactions, nausea, abdominal pain, erosions and ulcers of the gastrointestinal mucosa.

Main contraindications: individual intolerance, exacerbation peptic ulcer stomach and duodenum.

Fever is a protective-adaptive reaction of the body that occurs in response to exposure to pathogenic stimuli and is characterized by a thermoregulatory increase in body temperature. Depending on the degree of increase in body temperature in a child, subfebrile fever 37.2-37.9°C, febrile 38.0-39.0°C, hyperthermic fever 39.1-41.0°C are distinguished. In our article we will talk about the symptoms of fever and how to properly provide emergency care for fever.

Fever - signs and symptoms

In children, it is important to distinguish between “red” and “white” hyperthermia.

"Red" or "warm" hyperthermia:

  • skin moderately hyperemic,
  • the skin feels hot to the touch, may be damp (increased sweating),
  • limbs are warm,
  • The child’s behavior remains virtually unchanged
  • heat production corresponds to heat transfer,
  • there are no signs of centralization of blood circulation,
  • increased heart rate and respiration correspond to an increase in temperature (for every degree above 37°C, shortness of breath increases by 4 breaths per minute, and tachycardia by 20 beats per minute). This variant of fever has a favorable prognosis.

"White" or "cold" fever:

  • accompanied by pronounced signs of centralization of blood circulation,
  • pale skin with a “marble” pattern,
  • the tint of the lips and fingertips is cyanotic,
  • cold limbs,
  • excessive tachycardia, shortness of breath,
  • characterized by a feeling of cold, chills,
  • behavioral disorders - lethargy, lethargy, possible agitation, convulsions and delirium,
  • there is no effect from antipyretics.

When choosing an emergency doctor’s tactics, it is necessary to take into account the severity, duration and clinical picture of the fever, the age of the child, the degree of effectiveness of the measures taken. therapeutic measures, history of perinatal pathology nervous system, convulsive syndrome (especially febrile convulsions), congenital defect heart disease, hypertension and hydrocephalic syndromes and other prognostically unfavorable risk factors.

Emergency care for fever (high temperature)

When is emergency care necessary for a patient with fever?

  • in all cases of high fever (39 °C), regardless of the patient’s age;
  • with moderate fever (38 °C) in children with epilepsy, convulsive syndrome (febrile seizures), severe hypertension syndrome, with perinatal encephalopathy and its consequences, with other unfavorable risk factors;
  • in all cases of "pale" fever;
  • with moderate fever in children of the first three years of life.

Emergency care for “red” hyperthermia:

  • uncover the patient, provide access fresh air;
  • drinking plenty of fluids(0.5-1 l more than the age norm of fluid per day);
  • prescribe paracetamol (Panadol, Calpol, Tylinol, Efferalgan) orally or rectally in a single dose of 10-15 mg/kg,
  • for children over 1 year of age, ibuprofen (ibufen) is recommended as initial therapy in a single dose of 5-10 mg/kg;
  • use physical cooling methods for no more than 30-40 minutes:
    • wiping with water at room temperature,
    • cold on the area of ​​large vessels,
    • cool wet bandage on the forehead,
    • an ice pack approximately 4 cm above the head area,
    • for fever, you can use vodka-vinegar rubdowns: vodka, 9% table vinegar, mix water in equal volumes (1:1:1), repeat the rubdown 2-3 times;
  • if the body temperature does not decrease, then antipyretic drugs for fever are administered intramuscularly in the form of a lytic mixture: 50% analgin solution for children under one year old - at the rate of 0.01 ml/kg, over one year - 0.1 ml/year of life in combination with 2, 5% solution of pipolfen for children under one year of age at a dose of 0.01 ml/kg, over 1 year - 0.1-0.15 ml/year of life, but not more than 1 ml (solutions of tavegil or suprastin can be used) at a rate of 10 mg/ kg body weight;
  • if there is no effect, the administration of the lytic mixture can be repeated after 30-60 minutes.

Emergency care for “pale” hyperthermia:

  • for fever intramuscular injection: 50% analgin solution at the rate of 0.1 ml/year or aspizol at the rate of 10 mg/kg, 2% papaverine solution for children under one year - 0.1-0.2 ml, over 1 year - 0.1-0.2 ml/year or no-shpa solution at a dose of 0.1 ml/year of life (for school-age children - 1% dibazol solution at a dose of 0.1 ml/year of life) in combination with a 2.5% solution of pipolfen at the rate of 0. 1 ml/year of life, instead of pipolfen it is possible to use solutions of tavegil or suprastin in the same doses;
  • intramuscular administration of analgin (aspizol) (doses indicated above) and 1% solution nicotinic acid at a rate of 0.05 ml/kg is more suitable for older children;
  • with increasing and pronounced signs centralization of blood circulation (the difference between axillary and rectal temperatures is more than 1 0 C) a 0.25% solution of droperidol is prescribed at the rate of 0.1-0.2 ml/kg (0.05-0.25 mg/kg) intramuscularly in combination with antipyretics.

Emergency assistance for “convulsive readiness”:

Emergency care if the patient has signs of “convulsive readiness”: tremor, positive symptoms Lyusta, Trousseau, Khvostek, Maslova or convulsive syndrome, treatment of fever, regardless of its type, begins with:

  • administration of a 0.5% solution of diazepam (Seduxen, Relanium, Sibazon, Valium) at the rate of: 0.1 ml/kg body weight, but not more than 2.0 ml once;
  • in more severe cases of epileptic manifestations, a solution of analgin and droperidol is used;
  • oxygen therapy.

How to evaluate effectiveness emergency care with a fever?

For “red” fever, emergency care is considered effective if axillary body temperature decreases by 0.5 °C in 30 minutes.

A positive effect in case of “pale” fever is considered to be its transition to “red” and a decrease in the child’s axillary body temperature by 0.5°C in 30 minutes.

After emergency care, children with hyperthermic syndrome and intractable “pale” fever should be hospitalized.

By various reasons young children often get sick. These can be diseases of a viral or infectious nature, a cold. Parents strive to alleviate the baby’s condition as quickly as possible, because fever accompanied by high temperature raises fears for the lives of children. However, adults should note that at elevated temperatures, it is dangerous to prescribe antipyretics on your own, since the child may develop serious problems with health. The fight against fever should not become an end in itself; it is important to eliminate the causes that caused it.

What is a fever

High temperatures in everyday life are often called fever or fever; medicine defines this condition as hyperthermia. This is one of the types of protective reactions of the body exposed to pathogenic factors, which leads to a restructuring of thermoregulation. The result is an increase in the body's production of special substances (including its own interferons) to combat bacterial and viral agents.

However high values Thermometers themselves are not life-threatening if the fever does not last too long and the temperature does not exceed 41.6 C using the rectal method of measurement. A risk factor is the child's age under two years, as well as the duration of a feverish state of more than one week. Therefore, parents need to know what indicators are considered normal depending on the age of the child:

  • 37.5 C is the norm for children under 3 months of age;
  • 37.1 C – physiological indicator for a child under 5 years old;
  • 36.6-36.8 C – normal temperature bodies in children over 6 years of age.

It is important to take into account that the higher the body temperature, the more intense the fight against microbes, which heat deprives of the ability to reproduce.

A fever in a child may indicate serious illness, but in most cases, a temperature jump is a consequence of a general infection of the body. The brain's response to this condition is an increase in body temperature, which is controlled by the hypothalamus.

Types of fever in children

Hyperthermia in children can develop according to different scenarios, since symptoms of elevated temperature accompany not only infectious irritants.

  1. Pink fever is accompanied by an adequate course against the background of normal health, the balance of heat transfer and heat production is not disturbed. The skin is pink or moderately hyperemic, moist and warm to the touch.
  2. White fever is characterized by increased heat production with inadequate heat transfer against the background of impaired blood circulation. The condition is accompanied by severe chills with pale skin, cold extremities, increased blood pressure, and tachycardia.

It is important to consider that the cause of hyperthermia in children is not always associated with infection. This may be the result of overheating, a psycho-emotional outburst, an allergic response, or other nonspecific factors to which the child’s body reacts violently.

Features of the course of white fever

This type of febrile state with a significant increase in temperature is considered the most dangerous, in contrast to pink fever, since temperature fluctuations and the duration of the fever are difficult to predict. The reasons causing symptoms dangerous condition, the following factors may become:

  • inflammatory processes, as a consequence infectious diseases respiratory organs, skin, intestines;
  • viral diseases (flu, ARVI);
  • reaction to teething, as well as dehydration or overheating;
  • allergic or tumor process;
  • problems with the hypothalamus (failure of the thermoregulation mechanism), nervous system.

With white fever, the temperature rises rapidly due to an imbalance between heat production and heat release. When infected, the child's body reacts to a high fever with symptoms of lethargy and weakness, as well as signs indicating the cause of the fever.

  1. The appearance of a rash along with a high temperature indicates rubella, scarlet fever or meningococcemia. It could also be an allergy to taking an antipyretic drug.
  2. Fever with catarrhal syndrome indicates diseases of the upper respiratory tract. It can also be a sign of incipient otitis media, the development of sinusitis; with pneumonia, breathing becomes rapid and wheezing appears.
  3. If at high fever breathing is difficult, the condition becomes a sign of laryngitis, croup, and the development of obstructive bronchitis. The appearance of expiratory shortness of breath during ARVI warns of an asthma attack, and heavy breathing with groans and pain indicates complicated pneumonia.
  4. Symptoms of acute tonsillitis against the background of fever indicate its viral nature, about infectious mononucleosis, at which the temperature lasts for a long time. Perhaps this is the beginning of scarlet fever or streptococcal tonsillitis.
  5. Symptoms brain disorders accompanied by fever indicate the development of meningitis (headaches with vomiting and increased tone occipital muscles). Confusion during focal symptoms is a sign of encephalitis.
  6. A febrile state with high fever and diarrhea may accompany intestinal disorders, with diuretic phenomena - urolithiasis. Fever against a background of drowsiness, irritability, and disturbances of consciousness can become a sign of severe toxic and septic conditions.

The main signs of white fever in children, in addition to high temperature, are considered to be blue borders of the lips and nail beds, coldness of the extremities against the background of a hot body. If you press forcefully on the baby’s skin, it becomes pale at the point of pressure, and the mark white spot does not fade for a long time. A difference of one degree or more between the rectal temperature and the axillary value becomes a sign of danger for a child, since daily fluctuations do not exceed half a degree.

Rules for measuring temperature

To measure temperature, you should use an electronic or mercury thermometer and hold it for 5-10 minutes. In which zone can you measure, what indicators are considered normal for each area:

  • groin area and armpit– 36.6°С;
  • when measured in the mouth, a value of up to 37.1°C is considered normal;
  • rectum – 37.4°C.

When the temperature is high, it is important not to reduce it sharply by using antipyretic drugs. The main rule for treating fever with tablets is not to give the patient a remedy with the same active substance when the thermometer readings jump again.

Is there any benefit to having a fever?

For young children, an increase in temperature indicates activation of the immune system in the fight against germs. The development of fever, as a protective function, indicates following processes, occurring in the child’s body:

  • activation and strengthening of the work of all organs and systems;
  • acceleration of metabolic and immune processes;
  • increased antibody production, increased bactericidal properties of blood;
  • stopping the proliferation of harmful microorganisms:
  • accelerating the evacuation of harmful substances and toxins from the body.

Despite the protective properties of fever, it should be taken into account that approaching the temperature to 40.0 ° C deprives the febrile state of its protective qualities. At the same time, metabolism and oxygen consumption accelerate, and rapid fluid loss leads to additional stress on the lungs and heart.

What parents can do

Sometimes it happens for no apparent reason. This type of fever can cause hidden infection, as well as other problems dangerous to the baby. If the condition does not improve after a few days, a child with a high fever may need to be hospitalized for further evaluation.

What to do when the thermometer frightens you with significant changes in readings, accompanied by convulsions or fainting. Then parents need to do the following before the doctor arrives:

  • to avoid overheating, free the baby from excess clothing, since the skin should breathe freely;
  • to prevent dehydration, give the child more warm drinks - water with lemon, cranberry juice;
  • access to fresh air should be provided to the room where the patient is in a feverish state;
  • frequently measure the temperature, if it does not drop, moisturize the baby’s skin with a damp sponge or compresses;
  • at stable high rates Using a thermometer, you can give the patient a Paracetamol tablet in an age-appropriate dosage.

Important! Further use of antipyretics should be prescribed by a doctor, guided by general condition child, accompanying symptoms, and interviewing parents. Self-medication is unacceptable, especially when seizures occur, as well as when the child is under six months of age.

What medications can reduce fever in children?

The very fact of fever is not considered an absolutely dangerous indicator for children older than three months, if it does not drag on and the temperature does not exceed the threshold of 39.5 ° C. It is not at all necessary to reduce the indicator to normal level, usually a decrease of 1-2 degrees is enough to alleviate the condition. Which antipyretic drugs are safer to choose if the child’s temperature has increased?

Name of active substanceUsual dosageFeatures of the action
ParacetamolThe dosage is set at the rate of 10-15 mg of the substance per kilogram of the child’s weight, taken 3-4 times a dayThe active substance does not cause platelet dysfunction and does not increase bleeding. Paracetamol-based drugs do not interfere with diuresis and demonstrate an analgesic effect without having an anti-inflammatory effect
IbuprofenThe daily dose is chosen at the rate of 25-30 mg per kg of body weight, taken several times a dayThe drug is considered one of the best options antipyretic drugs against inflammation, providing an analgesic effect with normal tolerance

Paracetamol and drugs based on it are considered the drugs of choice for children, in contrast to Ibuprofen, which belongs to the line of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). For oral administration, children are prescribed Paracetamol in regular and effervescent tablets, syrups, powders. The effect of the drug in the form of suppositories occurs much later.

Rare prescription of Ibuprofen explained wide range side effects, therefore, drugs based on it are classified as second-choice antipyretics (syrup). An overdose of any medication and treatment for more than three days with antipyretic drugs are unacceptable.

What products should not be given to children?

AspirinTaking pills acetylsalicylic acid children under 15 years of age are prohibited due to the risk of liver failure and the high probability of mortality (50%) in children
AnalginThe main danger of metamizole is the threat of anaphylactic shock, as well as agranulocytosis. In addition, the possibility of developing hypothermia cannot be excluded ( low temperature body)
NimesulideIn addition to belonging to the NSAID line, Nimesulide is part of the group of COX-2 inhibitors - enzymes that control the synthesis of prostaglandins. In many countries around the world the drug is prohibited for the treatment of children

How to reduce fever using folk remedies

The correct use of antipyretic drugs and methods of physical cooling of the body surface allows parents to relieve the condition of a child suffering from high temperature and fever before the doctor arrives. If the patient’s condition is not critical, you can use folk recipes that reduce fever:

  • a decoction of periwinkle will help dilate blood vessels;
  • infusion of black elderberry flowers has antipyretic properties;
  • steamed raspberry fruits, stems or leaves are a well-known diaphoretic;
  • thanks to cranberry extract, it will be possible not only to reduce fever and inflammation, but also to get rid of germs;
  • An indispensable remedy for fever in a child is lemon and its juice.

It is important for parents to know that the past method of wiping the body with vinegar or alcohol solution is considered dangerous due to the threatening consequences for the child. Also, doctors do not advise wrapping children with fever or immersing them in cool water, since temperature changes can lead to complications.

The correct reaction of parents to a febrile state in a child would be to call doctors, and not to use self-medication methods. Application folk recipes and antipyretic drugs can only alleviate the effect of high temperature on the patient’s body until the doctor arrives.

In most cases, children normally tolerate the high temperature that rises during ARVI, and colds. However, there are exceptions to the rules. A high temperature in a child and cold extremities (cold hands and feet) are the first symptoms of “white fever”. Why does white fever occur and why is it dangerous?

This type of fever is very dangerous because it is difficult to predict the increase in temperature and the duration of this condition.

« White fever"is a sharp and rapid increase in body temperature, in which the balance between the body's production of thermal energy and heat transfer is disrupted.

Main symptoms:

  1. Lethargy, weakness throughout the body;
  2. At a temperature of 37.5 and above, the child has cold hands, pale skin, lips and nails may turn blue. Pale skin during heat occurs due to spasms of peripheral vessels;
  3. Arrhythmia, tachycardia occurs;
  4. The baby has a headache, chills, and increased blood pressure;
  5. Delusions, hallucinations, and convulsions occur (at a temperature of 39 and above).

If the baby has cold feet and hands, and a temperature of 38, these are the first symptoms of “white” or, as it is called, “pale” fever. Parents should immediately provide first aid, and if the child’s temperature is 39 and above, call a doctor.

Methods of treating "white fever"

Under no circumstances should an increase in body temperature in a baby be ignored. If a child complains of feeling unwell, his body temperature rises, and his limbs become cold, this indicates a violation of blood circulation in the vessels.

If the above symptoms are present, the small patient must be warmed up urgently to quickly relieve spasms.

If children's legs and arms become cold, do not use mechanical methods relieving fever. It is strictly prohibited:

  1. Wipe the body with vinegar or alcohol solution;
  2. Wrap in a cold sheet;
  3. To normalize blood supply, the patient's limbs need to be warmed.

For symptoms of white fever, it is necessary to give the patient large number liquids. Warm teas, decoctions, and infusions are suitable for drinking.

Important! If a child has white fever, taking antipyretic drugs should be combined with rubbing the child's limbs to reduce vasospasm.

Medicines for young children

The spasm that leads to icy extremities is relieved with antispasmodic drugs. You can give your baby No-Shpa in an age-appropriate dosage. The drug is prescribed to children from 1 year of age. The medicine relieves spasm for about 5-8 hours.

Suitable for a six-month-old baby to relieve spasms. The product is available in the form of tablets, injection liquid or suppositories.

Important! When diagnosing white fever, it is better to give the child antipyretics in the form of syrup, since antipyretics in the form of suppositories may not work due to the peripheral vascular spasms mentioned above.

When to lower the temperature:

  1. Children under 3 months of age inclusive, as well as children with a history of seizures, severe lung and heart disease, can be prescribed antipyretic drugs at temperatures below 38 degrees.
  2. When the temperature rises to 38.5 degrees, a child who feels unwell is prescribed (Ibuprofen, Panadol, Paracetamol, Nurofen, etc.). Medications to reduce fever should not be used for more than 3 days without consulting a pediatrician.
  3. If a child’s temperature rises to 39 degrees, it is recommended to reduce it by 1-1.5 degrees by giving the baby an antipyretic. Temperatures above 39 degrees can cause febrile seizures.

Important! If the temperature does not exceed 38.5°C and the child’s condition does not worsen, there is no need to reduce it (except for children under 3 months of age). Fever is not a disease, but a response of the body’s immune system to the invasion of the virus.

  1. Amidopyrine;
  2. Phenacetin;
  3. Antipyrine;
  4. Nimesulide. The medication should not be given to children due to its hepatotoxicity;
  5. Metamizole (analgin). The drug may cause anaphylactic shock. Its use provokes agranulocytosis, which is often fatal;
  6. Acetylsalicylic acid at viral diseases, chickenpox, and influenza can lead to Reye's Syndrome. This severe cephalopathy is accompanied by liver failure. The fatal outcome is 50%.

Main signs and symptoms of pink fever.

Pink (or red) fever is much easier for children to tolerate and has a more beneficial effect on the entire body as a whole. With such an increase in temperature, the skin pink color, hot and humid. Fever is characterized by increased heat transfer, which reduces the risk of overheating of the child's body.

The main symptoms of “pink” fever in a baby:

  • Warm and moist skin;
  • Hot legs and arms;
  • General health is satisfactory.

First aid for pink fever:

  1. Rubbing the body with water. An excellent effect is obtained by using a solution with the addition of mint. Menthol has a cooling effect and eases the baby's condition;
  2. Drink plenty of fluids. At a high mark on the thermometer, a large amount of liquid evaporates. To restore water balance, the patient must be given warm drinks frequently. When refusing food, a small patient should be given a pharmaceutical solution of glucose, previously diluted in warm boiled water.
  3. If the temperature rises significantly, it must be brought down. The safest medications for babies are those containing paracetamol or ibuprofen. Candles are suitable for newborns and infants; older children will like syrup.

Important! Pink fever- a favorable sign of struggle immune system with infection.

Why does the body need fever?

Why do young children develop a large number of diseases? elevated temperature bodies? Their immunity fights germs in this way. Fever is protective function the body to infection, viruses and inflammatory processes. During fever in children:

  • The work and activity of organs is activated;
  • Metabolism accelerates;
  • Immunity works effectively;
  • Antibodies are intensively produced;
  • The proliferation of dangerous microbes and bacteria practically stops;
  • The bactericidal property of blood increases;
  • Toxins and harmful substances are removed from the body.

Fever in young children is a very important symptom that indicates the immune system is fighting the disease.

Remember what to put correct diagnosis Only a doctor can, do not self-medicate without consultation and diagnosis by a qualified doctor.