
Peppermint oil for use on the face. Peppermint essential oil

Peppermint oil is famous for its soothing and relaxing properties, tones and refreshes. It is used in the fields of medicine and cosmetology to solve various problems.


Properties of essential oil

Essential oil mint is produced from fresh peppermint leaves (almost the entire aerial part) by steam distillation. In appearance, the oil has a yellowish or greenish color, liquid consistency, and a bright, fresh and rich aroma. The product is often used in the perfumery and cosmetology industries and has a number of useful and medicinal properties:

  1. Gives a feeling of coolness and calms.
  2. Relieves pain and relieves tension (spasms) in muscles.
  3. Relieves headaches and toothaches, reduces abdominal pain.
  4. It has antiviral and bactericidal properties (fights bad breath).
  5. Has an anti-inflammatory effect.
  6. Relieves asthenic disorders (fights attacks of nausea, heartburn, dizziness, motion sickness).
  7. Increases attention and mental performance.
  8. Cleanses respiratory tract, mucous.
  9. Has an effective antiseptic, diaphoretic and antipyretic effect.
  10. It has absorbable, diuretic and choleretic properties.
  11. Relieves the condition painful menstruation in women.
  12. Relieves spasms during physical overload.
  13. Normalizes blood circulation and improves the condition of cerebral vessels.
  14. Increases energy and vitality.
  15. Struggling with emotional exhaustion.
  16. Relieves fatigue, nervousness, and the effects of lack of sleep.

Video: Properties of peppermint and ways to use peppermint oil.

Use in medicine

Peppermint oil is widely used in medical field. It is an effective analgesic and antispasmodic, relieving painful sensations and relieving muscle spasms. Often recommended in the treatment of fibromyalgia and myofascial pain syndrome. The oil effectively relieves headaches. To do this, you need to mix mint (2 drops) with any base oil (1 tbsp.) and in a circular motion Massage the resulting mixture into the temporal area.

Peppermint essential oil relieves colds and reduces fever. To relieve feverish conditions, mint oil is mixed with warm coconut oil (3 drops per 1 tablespoon of base oil), rub the mixture on the neck, legs and feet. A mixture of the same oils, but in equal proportions, helps reduce toothache and relieve gum inflammation. The mixture is rubbed directly into the gums.

Peppermint essential oil is great for colon spasms, eliminating the unpleasant symptoms of bloating and indigestion. To do this, add 1 drop of mint oil to a glass of water at room temperature and drink before meals. The same solution, only adding 3 drops of ether helps eliminate bad breath. Rinse your mouth with the solution in the morning and evening.

To reduce anxiety, fear, and nervousness, you can drop a drop of mint essential oil into an aroma pendant or on a handkerchief and slowly inhale this divine aroma.

Mint extract is very helpful in treating colds and viral diseases, as well as cough. The product is added to baths, compresses are made based on them, and inhalations are made.

For nausea, including during chemotherapy or surgical intervention, peppermint essential oil will also be beneficial. Simply add 2 drops of peppermint oil to a glass drinking water or rub a drop into the area behind the ear. This method quickly and effectively eliminates nausea.

Using mint oil in cosmetology

For the face.

In the field of cosmetology, mint is not as common as other essential oils. Often used to quickly relieve skin irritation after contact with traumatic factors or substances. In combination with lavender oil (1:1), mint fights inflammation and irritation on the skin, including soothing it and relieving severe itching due to allergies, insect bites or burns from poisonous plants. Also works well against acne and pimples, and local application This mixture is effective against psoriasis and eczema.

The main property of mint oil for facial skin is to increase protective functions skin. Its use in skin care stimulates blood circulation and makes the complexion more uniform (even).

This aromatic oil effectively copes with vascular patterns on the surface of the skin, fights acne, and is more effective in the early stages.

The oil does not clog pores, is useful for any skin type, especially oily and problem skin acne-prone.

Adding mint oil to a skin care product (1-2 drops per application is enough) will give the product antiseptic properties.

This remedy will relieve redness and inflammation: combine 1 tsp. jojoba oil and vitamin E, add 2 drops of mint oil. Apply the composition to problem areas overnight. The product is ideal for those who do not like tea tree oil.

For hair.

Peppermint oil helps in solving common hair problems (dry scalp, hair loss, slow growth, etc.). People with sensitive scalps should use this essential oil with caution. To do this, it must be mixed with any fatty oil (wheat germ, jojoba, almond, etc.). For 50 ml of base, it is enough to take 6 drops of the essential component and use it as a mask on slightly damp hair. The duration of the procedure is 30-40 minutes. Before application, be sure to do a skin sensitivity test. The mixture is also suitable for scalp massage for minor scalp problems.

For lips.

Peppermint oil is an excellent prevention of such an unpleasant disease as herpes. Combine almond oil with mint in the proportion of 1 tbsp. l. for 2 drops, apply the mixture to the skin of the lips half an hour before going outside.

Peppermint aromatic oil goes well with ylang-ylang, sweet orange, bergamot, geranium, jasmine, neroli, ginger, basil, lavender, mandarin, and nutmeg oils.

Video: How to use mint oil.

Use of mint in everyday life

Use in aromatherapy

The use of mint oil in aroma lamps or aroma medallions helps reduce appetite, allowing you to avoid unwanted snacks. A few drops of the product can also be applied to the wrists.

Mint aroma - effective help for allergies and during cold season. Inhaling the aroma (aroma lamp, aroma pendant) helps clear the sinuses, reduce a sore throat, relieve cough, as well as conditions for sinusitis, bronchitis and bronchial asthma.

Aromatherapy with mint oil relieves fatigue, relaxes, improves attention and concentration. For an aroma lamp, 4-5 drops of mint essential oil are enough. hot water, 1 drop is enough for the aroma pendant.

Relaxing and soothing aroma baths.

Add 7 drops of mint essential oil to sea salt, honey or milk and pour into a filled bath. It is better to start the first procedure by adding 3 drops, take 4 drops for the second, five drops for the third, and so on until 7. Subsequent baths should be carried out with seven drops of ether.

Compresses, massages, rubbing

Add 6 drops per procedure in combination with base oil. Ready cosmetics no more than 5 drops of ether are administered.

Contraindications for use

  1. Children under 6 years old.
  2. Patients undergoing homeopathic procedures (cannot be combined with herbal remedies).
  3. Individual intolerance.
  4. Allergic reactions.
  5. Long-term use without interruption and at night can cause insomnia and nervous excitement.

Hello, visitor!

Every person has a period when everything is enough and everything falls out of hand, why immediately take it out on loved ones, as we usually do, or take the blame.

It’s better to give yourself a bath with foam and a couple of drops of peppermint, but if you think that this is where its properties end, I will disappoint you, or, on the contrary, I will open your eyes to the many beneficial properties of peppermint essential oil, more on this later.

  1. Peppermint composition
  2. For illnesses
    1. A). spasmodic effect.
    2. b).U
    3. d). For pain in the heart
    4. e).If you lose your voice
  3. For tired legs
  4. For face
  5. For hair
  6. For lips
  7. For food
  8. When losing weight
  9. For insect bites.
  10. Contraindications to the use of mint oil
  11. Conclusions

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1.Ingredients of peppermint:

Peppermint is a unique plant not only for its medicinal properties, but also for its rich chemical composition. It is particularly popular due to the presence of menthol in essential oils.

It contains a lot of:

  • carbohydrates of the terpene group (limonene, terpene);
  • organic compounds;
  • aldehydes;
  • tannins;
  • organic acids;
  • glucose;
  • vitamins PP, group B, antioxidants group A, C;
  • micro- and macroelements of metals;
  • steroids ( plant origin) alcohols.

2. For illnesses

A). antispasmodic effect. During critical days, they recommend arranging these aroma sessions at home, it helps to cope with pain.

b).U improves the functions of the gastrointestinal tract.

If you have colic, bloating, diarrhea and you don’t want to be poisoned by yet another medication, it is recommended to drink water with a couple of drops of this oil; if you can’t brew a cup of mint tea, I suggest a simpler method of use.

V). Anti-inflammatory effect.

For injuries and inflammation in the mouth, gargle with 2-3 drops of mint oil.

d). Beneficial effects on the nervous system.

It calms stress, I prescribe it when girls reach menopause, and it is effective for migraines.

d). For pain in the heart

E If there are no pills nearby, and your heart hurts, drop a drop of sugar on a piece of sugar and let the patient dissolve.

It often happens that you shout at a concert or if you are simply sick, your voice shrinks or disappears altogether, so gargling with the addition of mint oil will help you get it back as quickly as possible.

e).For seasickness and motion sickness in cars.


3. For tired legs

It often happens that you stand on your feet all day, on the way, on the road, and if also in heels were, the only thought when coming home was to quickly take off my shoes. There are a lot of first creams for tired legs, so if in the most ordinary baby cream drop a few drops of mint, you will get cheap analogue or accept foot bath with mint oil , fatigue will go away much faster.


4.For the face

Proper self-care requires a lot of effort, but what if you can give yourself a fresh look with just oil? To make the skin uniform, add it to creams.

Fights acne if you have vascular network appears on the face and temporarily reduces the appearance.

Peppermint oil, unlike creams, does not cause allergies; it is indicated for oily skin, especially prone to allergic reactions, acne, and blackheads.


5.For hair

If your scalp is prone to allergies, dry scalp is observed especially after bleaching, dyeing your hair in a salon, or your hair begins to fall out after regular diets. I recommend making masks from base oil (coconut, olive) with the addition of peppermint oil, or adding a couple of drops of oil to shampoo and conditioner.

To make combing easier and prevent an allergic reaction: take a comb, preferably a wooden one, add a couple of drops of mint essential oil and comb your head.

Effect is visible immediately, stops peeling, prevents the appearance of dandruff and fights it, it’s not for nothing that Hedenshowers has been advertising its products with mint for so many years. Longer hair stay clean in addition.


6.For lips

If herpes is a constant guest in your life, There is a great way to prevent it. Mix with the same coconut oil, put it in a jar (I use lip cream, because it’s only 10 ml), add a couple drops of mint and moisturize my lips half an hour before going outside.

Do not dry out in the sun and you can take such a jar with you.


7.For food

  • Drip a couple of drops on dry tea leaves and let it stand in a closed package for at least an hour so that all the leaves are saturated with the smell.
  • add when marinating meat a couple of drops of mint and it will sound completely different, but did you know that you can marinate in mint? I didn’t, until my husband once fried it in a marinade with the addition of dry mint, it turned out to be very original and tasty.
  • If you're planning to make lemonade or mojito and don't have mint on hand, just add mint oil.


8.When losing weight

Previously I wrote a post about aroma diet, so one of the active oils is mint oil.


9. For insect bites.

Lubricate a cotton swab and apply it to the bite site or simply drop one drop onto the inflamed area of ​​the body.


Contraindications to the use of mint oil


CONCLUSION: One of the most useful drugs, which can be attributed to medicines because of such a wide range of useful applications.

It is used in many areas of human life: in cooking, medicine, cosmetology, perfumery. Thanks to its tonic and refreshing effects, it energizes and refreshes the human body.

Composition of mint oil

All these parts of the plant, such as the inflorescence, leaves, stem, contain mint oil. The composition of the essential oil, in addition to the main ingredient, is supplemented with additional components: menthol, pinene, limonene, thymol and terpinet. These substances are very active biological compounds that have many beneficial properties, due to which the oil has received a wide range of applications.

Useful properties

Combines many useful properties.

In addition to all of the above, oil is considered a good helper for people suffering from constant attacks of nausea or dizziness. It prevents the gag reflex and eliminates unpleasant symptoms, and has a good effect on stimulating work cardiovascular system, and also reduces heart pain. For headaches, mint oil is an indispensable remedy, as it helps improve cerebral circulation.

Oil occupies a special place in dentistry. It is used as a To prevent inflammation of the gums, caries, periodontal disease, mint leaves are used, which are brewed like tea, and this decoction must be rinsed oral cavity. After physical activity the oil can help relieve muscle pain. It fights by eliminating itching and burning. Healing properties on female body Peppermint oil also helps. Reviews from many women who suffer from pain during menstruation claim that after using the oil they feel better and the pain disappears.

Many people know that the herb mint has been used since ancient times as a sedative. It was used as a decoction or tincture, and also as an essential oil, which reduces stress on the nervous system. Using it, you can relieve overexcitement, get rid of irritability, and eliminate anxiety. The oil helps improve performance, helps concentrate attention and adds self-confidence.

Use of peppermint essential oil in home medicine

In home medicine, mint oil is often used, the use of which helps to get rid of many diseases:

  1. At colds use oil for inhalation, unless the patient has a fever. Recipe: take 7-8 drops of oil per liter of boiling water, after which, covered with a towel, you need to inhale the vapors. If you have an industrial inhaler, then the dose of ether should be reduced to five drops per glass of water at room temperature.
  2. Headaches will be eliminated by a light massage in the temple area using one drop of oil. It will act as a cooling and vasodilator.
  3. Tea with honey and two drops of oil will relieve menstrual pain. In an effective way Inhaling mint oil will help you calm down and relax. They first need to be sprayed on a handkerchief.
  4. If there are problems with the joints, then apply compresses to the problem areas; they should be kept for up to two hours. Six drops of ether are dripped onto the fabric, after which it is placed on the joint, followed by a film and a warm scarf.
  5. If you have vitamin deficiency, it is recommended to drink freshly squeezed water in the morning. Orange juice with two drops of oil. If it is not possible to drink juice, then you can use warm water with lemon juice.
  6. Itching after insect bites is eliminated by lubricating the problem area with one drop of oil.

Homemade cosmetics with mint oil

Peppermint oil is also often used to eliminate facial skin problems, as it has tonic and antibacterial properties. It can be used as an additive in masks or in making lotions.

To get rid of problems with blackheads on the face, a simple lotion is made. To prepare it, you need to take one glass of purified water, add 0.5 teaspoons of alcohol and three drops of oil. Problem areas of the skin are wiped morning and evening, replacing regular washing. This lotion can be used daily; it should be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 14 days. After two weeks, you will be pleasantly surprised by how ordinary mint (the photo shows the changes) changes the condition of your facial skin.

If the skin of the face begins to lose its color and has a fading appearance, then a mask with the addition of ether is used.

Recipe No. 1: One tablespoon oatmeal brew with boiling water and leave for 20 minutes, after which three drops of oil are added to it. The composition is applied to the face in a thick layer for 15-20 minutes. To prevent the mask from drying out, cover it with a towel.

Recipe No. 2: The base of the mask will be wheat flour, it also needs to be brewed with boiling water and brought to the consistency of thick sour cream. After 15 minutes, 3 drops of ether are added to it, the product is applied to the face in a thick layer. The mask should always be damp.

Mint will save damaged hair

To give your hair shine, eliminate dandruff and brittleness, you should use the oil as active supplement for shampoos or masks. In addition, it will be useful to use mint oil for hair when combing. You need to apply a few drops to a wooden comb, then comb your hair for 7-8 minutes.

To prepare the mask you need to take one tablespoon burdock oil and dilute five drops of mint ether in it. This mixture is rubbed into the hair roots with massaging movements. After the mask is distributed over the entire length of the hair, the head is covered with a plastic bag and wrapped in a towel; you need to stay in this form for about an hour. At regular washing head, you can add a few drops of ether to your shampoo. Peppermint oil for hair is also valuable in this case.


For the treatment of diseases, aromatherapy is not a panacea; it is used rather to change a person’s mood. The mint leaves themselves are very fragrant, and you can simply spread them around the room and inhale the scent, which works as a sedative.

A warm bath using ether leaves a pleasant impression. It is enough to add 10-15 drops of oil and lie in the bathtub for 20 minutes in a relaxed state. The well-known one can be replaced by an aroma lamp if you add mint oil to it at the rate of 6-7 drops per 10 square meters. premises. It can disinfect the air, which is especially useful during various cold epidemics.

Cooking goes well with mint

Many experienced chefs use mint in their culinary creations. The mint herb is mainly used as a decoration for various desserts or drinks.

People who love mint teas, but store-bought ones do not inspire confidence, can be offered to flavor their favorite tea themselves. To do this, you need to take a box and treat its walls with mint oil, and then pour tea into it. After the tea is saturated with aroma, it can be consumed.

Household use of mint

Besides the fact that mint has medicinal properties, it can also be used on the farm. People suffering can apply essential oils. And their properties will help get rid of the proliferation of fungi and insects and perform antibacterial treatment of the room. In addition, the house will acquire a natural aroma.

To wash floors, just add mint oil to the water at a rate of 35 drops per 5 liters of water. To save wooden furniture in the kitchen from unpleasant odors, just add 15 drops of ether to detergent and wash all surfaces with it. When washing, you can also add oil to the powder or water to rinse clothes. After this, the clothes will acquire a fresher scent. During ironing, ether is added to the steaming water, after which a wonderful smell appears in the closet, and the moth will disappear forever from your home. In order to refresh the carpets in the house, you should vacuum them with a washing vacuum cleaner with the addition of mint ether.

If mint is planted in a summer cottage (the photo is presented so as not to confuse it with other grass), then rodents will avoid the yard.

Combining peppermint oil with other essential oils

In order to achieve a better effect on psychological and emotional state person, it is recommended to combine several types of essential oils. However, you should follow some rules, since mixing oils can lead to unexpected results. It is important to note that the combination of them should bring satisfaction from the smell.

  • Not all oils can be mixed, since some have a detrimental effect on the human body (increasing or decreasing blood pressure).
  • There is no need to mix the entire volume of oil at once. In order to determine whether the aroma is suitable, it is enough to mix a few drops of each ester.
  • To achieve the desired aroma, you should give each of the aromas time to develop.
  • To achieve the expected effect, the proportions of oils must be observed.
  • It should be remembered that all essential oils are individual, so each one should be used with caution.

Peppermint oil goes well with orange, eucalyptus, ginger, bergamot, and nutmeg oil.

Before using the oil, it must be tested for an allergic reaction, a procedure similar to checking hair dye.

Contraindications for the use of mint oil

Despite the fact that mint has a number of beneficial properties, there are some contraindications to its use.

  • It is not recommended for use in children under 7 years of age, since the menthol contained in the oil can lead to bronchospasm.
  • The oil is contraindicated for use by men under 50 years of age.
  • Before use, check for individual tolerance.
  • During pregnancy and lactation you should not take the oil.
  • Do not apply pure oil to the skin, as this can cause burns.
  • If long time If you take ether, you may experience sleep disturbance.

As a result, we can say that mint essential oil has many positive properties that are used in many areas.

According to ancient Greek legend, a beautiful nymph named Mint was turned into a plant by the evil wife of the god Hades, who was fascinated by the beauty of the beautiful girl. The beneficial properties of mint were known back in the times of Hippocrates and Avicenna, and today mint essential oil for the face helps modern women maintain the beauty and freshness of their faces.

Characteristics and composition

Mint is a perennial plant common in our region with a pronounced freshness. tonic menthol smell. The leaves, stems and inflorescences of the plant are widely used in folk medicine thanks to numerous beneficial properties , high content of retinol, B vitamins, folic and ascorbic acid. The stems of the plant contain potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, manganese, zinc and other substances, as well as amino acids and fatty acids.

The maximum amount of esters can be obtained from the inflorescences and leaves of the plant. Air distillation is used to obtain essential oil. The finished substance contains over 50% menthol (in free form and in the state of esters). In smaller quantities, the substance contains acetic and isovaleric acids, limonene, cineole, pinene, aldehydes and some other substances.

Thanks to high content menthol mint and peppermint oil have properties antiseptic And antispasmodic, as well as the ability of local anesthesia.

Advantages and disadvantages

Pepper is especially highly valued precisely because of its ability have a beneficial effect on the condition nervous system : to invigorate, refresh, relieve depressive states and feelings of suffocation. Mixed with vegetable oil, peppermint oil can be used for rubbing against colds, allergic reactions, joint problems.

The substance has a pronounced choleretic And vasodilator property, can be used as an antiseptic, diaphoretic, bactericidal drug.

It is not recommended to use the product undiluted (if it comes into contact with the skin, the substance may cause a burn). For medical procedures Peppermint oil is used externally only.

What are the benefits for the skin? What skin problems will it help solve?

Peppermint oil for face can be used for skin of any type. Universal tonic and antiseptic characteristics, ability to regulate work sebaceous glands And prevent the appearance of wrinkles– thanks to all these properties, mint for the face can be a real godsend.

Especially effective application there will be products for care for oily skin acne and inflammation, which, thanks to competent care, can truly transform. Such remedies are also effective in eliminating age spots and rosacea.
Cosmetologists recommend using care products with mint for the face, where skin becomes noticeable. signs of aging. Thanks to the addition of a substance rich in esters, it is possible to activate blood circulation, slow down the aging process, make the skin more elastic and improve complexion.

Due to its pronounced bactericidal effect, peppermint oil is added to products care for normal and combination skin: nourishing and purifying masks to improve skin texture, tighten pores and get rid of blackheads.

Finally, using the same product you can soften the skin of your lips, eliminate herpes rashes and cracks.

Recipes for the face

IN cosmetic procedures mint ether can be added to any tonic, mask or cream in an amount of 1 to 3 drops.

In no case should you increase the dosage, as this can cause serious allergies or burns.

Masks for normal skin care

  • 1 tbsp. blue clay diluted warm water until thick sour cream. 1 tbsp is also added here. almond oil mixed with 2 drops of mint essential oil (EO). The product is applied to clean skin for 15 minutes, washed off with warm water.
  • 1 tbsp. peach oil, 1 tsp. honey, 1 drop of EM mint and 1 egg yolk are mixed and applied to the skin for 10 minutes. At the end of the procedure, the product is washed off with warm water.

Products for oily skin with a cleansing and refreshing effect

  • Film mask with peeling effect. Soak 1 tbsp in a small amount of water. edible gelatin, melt in a water bath and mix with a tablet crushed to a powder state activated carbon and 1 drop of peppermint oil. The mask is applied to the face in several layers, left until completely dry and removed entirely as a film.
  • Homemade cream. 30 mg of jojoba base oil is mixed with the EO composition (2 drops each of lavender, peppermint, orange oil). The product is applied to the skin once a day.
  • Refreshing tonic. For any glass mineral water adds 2 drops each of mint and lavender essential oils. We spray our face with the resulting solution from a spray bottle several times a day.

Care for dry and sensitive skin

  • As a night cream for dry, irritation-prone skin, you can use a composition of string or calendula oil with the addition of peppermint essential oil. For each tablespoon of base product, it is enough to take 1 drop of essential composition.
  • Nourishing mask. Mix 1 tbsp. honey and sour cream, add 1 drop of mint and lavender oil to the finished mixture. Keep the mixture on your face for no longer than 15 minutes.

Recipes for combination skin

  • Refreshing tonic. To 1 tbsp. grape seed oil, add 1-2 drops of mint essential oil. We wipe our face with the product during the day or use it at night. You can also use natural baby oil with medicinal herbs as a base.
  • Mask. 15 grams of blue clay diluted mineral water and add 1 drop each of essential oil, clary sage and mint to the mixture. Apply the mask to the entire face, except for the area around the eyes, and leave for no longer than 15 minutes.

Lip care

To get rid of initial stages herpes, cracks and wounds on the lips, they can be wiped with a mixture of 1 drop of peppermint oil and 1 tbsp. one of the following oils:

  • peach;

Getting rid of acne and post-acne

Due to its pronounced restorative effect, the ether has found use in healing ointments in an amount of 1-2 drops. The basis for such ointments can be sea ​​buckthorn oil or aloe juice.

Anti-acne products

  • Mint cream. Mix 2 tbsp. jojoba oil and 2 drops of mint oil. The product can be applied to problem areas 2 times a day.
  • Caring tonic. To 1 tbsp. calendula or string oil, add 2 drops of mint essential oil. Wipe acne areas with the resulting product.

Anti-wrinkle masks

Add 2 drops of mint essential oil to the following ingredients

  • 3 tbsp. boiled in water oatmeal. Apply the product to the face and neck twice a week. The effect will be given by a course of 10-12 procedures.
  • 1 tbsp. mix homemade sour cream with 1 egg white, 1 tsp. fresh berry or fruit juice.
  • Sea buckthorn oil and honey mixed in proportions 2:1.

Remedies for age spots

To lighten the skin, you can use formulations with the addition of lemon or grapefruit juice, chopped parsley leaves, and cucumber. Any of the proposed components is mixed with 1 tbsp. sour cream or olive oil, and a couple of drops of mint ether are added to the finished mixture.

The use of steam baths

Before peeling or applying masks, it is advisable to steam your face over a steam bath with the addition of a decoction of chamomile and calendula, as well as a couple of drops of essential oil.

Cosmetic ice

The following recipe provides an excellent refreshing and rejuvenating effect. Dissolve 1 tsp in 1 glass of warm water. honey and 2 drops of mint oil. Pour the resulting mixture into molds. Ready ice wipe your face twice a day.


Adding peppermint oil to aroma lamp or individual pendant allows you to cope with nervousness, get rid of depressive disorders, confusion, states of chronic fatigue.

Proven aroma composition for stress relief– lavender, mint and lemon oils mixed in equal proportions. To scent a room of 15 sq.m. You will need no more than 3 drops of essential components.

Due to its pronounced tonic effect, it is not recommended to use peppermint oil for sleep problems, or in the evening.

How to make butter at home:


The product cannot be used if:

  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • if you are allergic to any of the components of the oil;
  • accepting any homeopathic medicines(mint can neutralize their effects).
EO should not be taken orally or applied to the skin undiluted. Do not use the product for small children.

The beauties of ancient times had a secret of attractiveness associated with mint.

In those days, no one had any idea about the content of volatile esters in plants, but even then, for an anti-inflammatory or soothing mask, girls and women used fragrant mint leaves crushed to a pasty state.

In this article:

Thousands of years peppermint is known in medicine and cosmetology due to its pronounced anti-inflammatory effect. The raw materials for obtaining essential mint oil - flowers, shoots and leaves of the plant - are the best natural products. The method by which it is extracted is called air distillation and involves water vapor.

Like other essential extracts, peppermint is also used in medicinal purposes. Herpes on the lips, scabies and eczema, herpes zoster and bacterial dermatitis, fungal infections- She can handle all this.

Among other essential oils containing menthol, this is one of the lightest, whose smell cannot be confused with anything else. But in for cosmetic purposes mint oil is used not so much because of its unique aroma, but because of the beneficial properties of its components: it has a bactericidal, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory effect.

For what skin types and what problems is it suitable for?

The above-mentioned properties that peppermint oil has for the face are:

  • normalize the production of fatty secretions;
  • reduce inflammatory processes, often accompanying;
  • narrow the pores on such a face;
  • relieve acne;
  • are able to refresh and tone aging-prone, dull and tired facial skin, keep its moisture balanced, which prevents the appearance of wrinkles and does not allow aging to progress;
  • with their help, complexion improves;
  • it is possible to achieve discoloration of pigment spots;
  • the skin enhances its natural protective functions;
  • rosacea - small vascular networks - is weakened.

Application of essential oil

Peppermint essential oil for the face is practically no different from others in its application method.

Cosmetologists advise using them either in a vegetable base oil suitable for certain type skin, or enrich your usual cosmetics with them - creams, gels, homemade masks, etc. The main thing is not to overdo it: one or two drops per tablespoon of base is enough..

Peppermint facial oil, added to vegetable oil, can serve as a night nourishing cream or use as a restorative mask.

Those with oily or acne-prone skin can use pure peppermint oil. It is applied pointwise - directly to pimples.

The first three days this is done twice daily. Further treatment is carried out after a few days, and cauterization only needs to be done once. In the same way, herpes that breaks out on the lips can be treated with extreme care.


For oily skin

A special mask, which will also act as a nourishing mask, will help remove greasy shine, make pores more invisible, and even out the tone.

Oatmeal (in the amount of two to three large spoons) is steamed with boiling water and stirred until a thick consistency is obtained. Drop two drops of mint ether into the paste and apply not only to the face, but also to the neck and décolleté for about 10 minutes. Wash off with warm water. like this the procedure can be repeated a couple of times a week.

Pour blue clay (15 g) with one large spoon of mineral or distilled water, add various oils: mint - 3 drops, and sage, yarrow - drop by drop. Mix everything carefully until the cream becomes thick. Apply for a quarter of an hour, rinse with warm and then cold water.

For dry skin

This type of skin causes its owners no less trouble than oily skin due to its tendency to irritation and peeling.

Peppermint essential oil for the face (a couple of drops) is mixed with Hercules, grated cucumber (zucchini, pumpkin), sour cream, cream or white cosmetic clay. Get a mask for effective hydration and nutrition.


Mix yellow clay powder with water, one large spoon at a time. Add two teaspoons of oils, two drops of mint and one -. The mixture is applied for 15 minutes. Rinse off with cool water and use a moisturizer.


This mask can also include mint for the skin in the form of essential oil. Make a mask from two tablespoons of oatmeal cooked in milk (3 tablespoons), adding two drops of mint ether.

Before undertaking this procedure, you need to cleanse your face with a scrub or toner.

The ingredients for the mask are mixed in a glass or ceramic vessel. Apply the product easily and evenly, without rubbing or pressing too hard on the skin.

Cosmetic ice tonic

Cosmetic ice is very effective in improving skin tone. To prepare it you need the following ingredients: a teaspoon of liquid natural honey, a glass cold water, three drops of mint ether, which is added to the mixture after the honey has completely dissolved. The resulting drug is poured into ice molds and placed in the freezer. Rub ice cubes over cleansed face twice a day..

Are there any contraindications?

Like any other cosmetic product, mint oil should be used with great care. Before you start using it, read the accompanying instructions and do not exceed the specified standards. Despite the undoubted benefits of the drug, It is not recommended to use it for a long time: the opposite effect of a sedative may occur - insomnia.

We must remember that it cannot be used in concentrated form by everyone: irritation may appear on the skin. Also, areas of the face around the eyes should not be treated with this product.

Although mint essential oil is not a strong allergen, it should not be used by people prone to allergies to any of the components of the product. To establish this, testing is carried out. A little mint ether is applied to the delicate skin of the wrist for half an hour. During this time, no rash, redness, or burning sensation appeared? Oil can be used.

There are also taboos for expectant and nursing mothers, as well as for preschool children.