
Sea buckthorn suppositories side effects. Sea buckthorn suppositories: treatment of gynecological diseases and instructions for use

The pharmaceutical industry borrows from nature the best medicines that bring relief to people. Sea buckthorn has incorporated into its composition healing properties vitamins and minerals. Sea buckthorn oil has been known since people learned to heal diseases by making medicinal fees from herbs and leaves, apply compresses and use berries and plants for treatment.

Sea buckthorn oil used by healers different countries. Avicenna touched upon its ability to help with various diseases in his descriptions.

Sea buckthorn candles contain natural, environmentally friendly ingredients that do not cause side effects due to their natural origin. The main effect among them belongs to sea buckthorn oil, which itself contains a real pharmacy:

  • Vitamins B, C, E, K, PP;
  • Microelements;
  • Flavonoids;
  • Amino acids;
  • Polyunsaturated fatty acids;
  • Phospholipids;
  • Phytoncides;
  • Organic acids;
  • Tannins.

All these beautiful natural ingredients, collected together, have therapeutic effect:

Candles with sea buckthorn oil can be purchased in pharmacies in two varieties:

  1. Rectal use - for insertion into anus for hemorrhoids.
  2. Vaginal use – for intravaginal administration for gynecological diseases.

Vaginal suppositories are used in gynecological practice to treat cervical erosions and inflammatory processes in the vagina. Under the influence of the therapeutic effect of suppositories, the intensity of inflammation decreases, swelling decreases, painful sensations, and tissue restoration occurs.

Suppositories with sea buckthorn oil in a rectal modification are used for use in diseases of the rectum: inflammation, ulcers, fissures, proctitis, colitis, excessive sphincter tone.

The most common treatment used with such suppositories is in the case of hemorrhoids.

The best properties of sea buckthorn here help restore the mucous membrane, complete tissue regeneration, and eliminate itching. Hemorrhoids shrink and bleeding stops.

Sea buckthorn candles for hemorrhoids, they reduce pain, soothe burning sensations and, in the absence of individual reactions to one or another component in the composition of the product, are completely hypoallergenic.

Safety and harmlessness of use allows the use of sea buckthorn suppositories for women expecting a child and children.


The effectiveness of treatment depends only on the timing of the patient’s visit to the doctor - the disease should not be advanced. IN mild form and at the initial stage, hemorrhoids can be cured with the help of sea buckthorn suppositories, without resorting to any other medications. The mucous membrane quickly begins to regenerate, inflammation calms down, swelling and itching disappear, immune cells become more active and cope with the recovery process. Bacteria that provoke the development of staphylococcus die under the influence of antiseptic properties sea ​​buckthorn oil.

The appearance of salmonellosis and E. coli in tissues exposed to the inflammatory process is prevented. Damages and scratches, cracks and wounds heal. All this occurs due to the absorption of the active substances contained in sea buckthorn oil into the mucous membrane, causing the tissues to literally be enveloped in a natural balm that relieves pain, burning and irritation.

By following a diet prescribed by a doctor, which excludes substances that irritate the walls of the rectum (spicy, fried and fatty foods, alcohol and marinades), and using sea buckthorn suppositories, the patient’s condition improves within a week, relieving him of pain and reversing the progression of the disease.

As an additional recommendation, doctors prescribe eating fiber - vegetables and oatmeal with fruits.

If the patient consults a proctologist at a stage more severe than the first three, sea buckthorn suppositories are not prescribed due to their uselessness in a situation where the patient needs to be urgently hospitalized on the surgical table. When large bleeding nodes fall out, surgery is necessary as the only means of relief.

Read also:

: instructions for use and features of the drug.

– review of the best.


The natural origin of the main ingredients of sea buckthorn suppositories allows us to talk about contraindications for this remedy only due to individual and rare intolerance to one of the components by any of the patients.

Diarrhea also complicates the use of suppositories, if it is present at the time the suppository is inserted into the anus - the medicine cannot be fully absorbed by the walls of the rectum, and in addition, the irritated mucous membrane may react more sensitively to the components present in the medicine.

Side effects

Adverse reactions include minor burning sensations in the area where the sea buckthorn suppository was used; in rare cases, allergic manifestations of the body's reaction are possible; Diarrhea may sometimes occur.


Candles with sea buckthorn oil contain only wax to preserve the torpedo-shaped shape of the candle, and sea buckthorn oil. Once inside the body, the wax melts at body temperature, and the candles immediately begin to work.

Sea buckthorn oil-based candles are sold freely without a prescription. But it is better to get a doctor’s prescription, since the different dosages of sea buckthorn suppositories offered by pharmacies are selected individually, and a speedy recovery depends on it.

Release form: up to 20 pieces per box, each candle is in a separate plastic, easy-to-open package. It is recommended to use suppositories after bowel movements (preferably using an enema), twice a day. The course of treatment is designed for 2 weeks, after which you should take a break and repeat the use of the drug after a month and a half.

The injection is performed rectally, in a lying position, to the greatest possible depth. After administration you need to remain in horizontal position 30 minutes. The price of sea buckthorn candles ranges from 80 to 120 rubles.

Features of use

The peculiarity of the composition of suppositories causes some inconvenience in using them - as the orange mass softens, it can get on clothes and underwear when flowing out of the anus. This difficulty is easily solved by using gaskets.

Candles must be stored in a cool place at temperatures up to 15 degrees Celsius. A refrigerator is ideal for this purpose, because... Even when the temperature is slightly exceeded 15 degrees, low-melting candles begin the process of softening and fluidity. Severe freezing should also not be allowed. This negatively affects medicinal properties drug. The candle removed from the packaging is used immediately, avoiding storage without packaging.

The effectiveness of sea buckthorn suppositories for the treatment of hemorrhoids has been proven by research and gives quick results unless more serious treatment is required. In this regard, there is a rational grain in visiting a doctor to get correct diagnosis. Treatment started in a timely manner saves the patient from complications of the disease and the need for surgery.

The doctor will assess the patient’s condition and the form of the disease and, based on this, determine the duration of the course of treatment with sea buckthorn suppositories and their dosage. The need may be considered complex therapy. The doctor will also determine how complete the recovery has been.

Sea buckthorn suppositories for hemorrhoids, reviews

Elena L. Petrozavodsk: I didn’t have hemorrhoids after giving birth, but they appeared while carrying a child. I had constipation. This lasted for several days, and all the walls of my rectum were cracked. Sometimes there was even blood coming from there. When I started using sea buckthorn candles, I saw that this was a real salvation. It got a lot better.

Alexander B. Tambov region: During construction work on facing monuments, I sometimes have to lift heavy slabs, and now I began to feel pain inside after visiting the toilet. And then it became uncomfortable to sit for a long time. I won’t say that walking was comfortable. A friend advised me to try making candles with sea buckthorn. They are inexpensive and without strict sales rules. And I’m already a big lover of the gifts of nature, so I took the advice with pleasure. I don’t regret it and recommend it to everyone. But there is one drawback - at first I had to wash the soiled linen often until I figured out how to make a gauze lining. The pain went away within a week.

Liliya N. Ufa: When I gave birth, it turned out that I had hemorrhoids. I went to the pharmacy and bought candles with sea buckthorn oil. I went on a diet that is recommended for hemorrhoids, and began using candles according to the instructions for them. Improvement began very quickly, and the disease passed to such a state that I do not feel it. And now, whenever signs appear, I carry out a course of treatment with sea buckthorn oil.

Sea buckthorn suppositories are a medicine based on sea buckthorn oil, which is widely used to treat hemorrhoids and various gynecological diseases. They are distinguished by their natural and safe composition, ease of use and accessibility. They have no contraindications, except for individual sensitivity to individual components, including they can be used during pregnancy.

Sea buckthorn suppositories - natural pharmaceutical product for the treatment of hemorrhoids and gynecological diseases.

Scope of application of candles based on sea buckthorn

Suppositories with sea buckthorn oil are sold in pharmacies in two forms: for rectal and vaginal use. In the first case, they are effective for the treatment of hemorrhoids, in the second they are used for various gynecological diseases. Regardless of the method of administration, suppositories have a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect and stimulate tissue regeneration.

For the treatment of hemorrhoids

Sea buckthorn suppositories for hemorrhoids are indicated in the first stages of this disease. They are mainly used for inflammation of internal hemorrhoids. Active Ingredients the products relieve pain and inflammation, stimulate blood circulation in the affected area, accelerate tissue regeneration and strengthen vascular walls. As a result of regular use, you can get rid of the manifestations internal hemorrhoids on initial stages.

Indications for the use of rectal sea buckthorn suppositories may include:

Sea buckthorn candles are easy to use. Unlike analogues in the form of an ointment or cream, this drug can act directly on inflamed hemorrhoids. It is prescribed not only for hemorrhoids, but also for the treatment of cracks or ulcers of the rectal mucosa. The duration of its use for hemorrhoids, as well as the number of procedures per day, is prescribed individually.

Sea buckthorn oil, which is included in the candles, has a complex therapeutic effect for many diseases.

Treatment for hemorrhoids may include various drugs, including candles based on sea buckthorn. However, not at every stage of this disease suppositories will be able to provide the necessary therapeutic effect. In the first stages, when blood circulation in hemorrhoids possible, and their loss does not occur, the drug may well be prescribed as the only way treatment. At stages 3 and 4, advanced hemorrhoids can only be cured surgically. In this case, sea buckthorn suppositories will be useful during the rehabilitation period after removal of nodes and for prevention re-development pathology.

In gynecology

Sea buckthorn suppositories in gynecology can be the main or additional means treatment various pathologies. They have a gentle effect on the mucous membrane of the genital tract, relieve pain and inflammation, accelerate the healing of wounds, cracks and erosions.

Among the main indications for the use of sea buckthorn-based suppositories are:

  • cervical erosion;
  • inflammatory changes in the mucous membrane of the genital tract (non-contagious or infectious);
  • endocervicitis;
  • colpitis

Sea buckthorn suppositories in gynecology are included in the treatment of most diseases. They are prescribed as a means conservative therapy or during the rehabilitation period after operations.

Candles melt quickly based on body temperature, so each of them is individually packaged.

Candles during pregnancy

During the period of bearing a child, many medications are prohibited because they either have a teratogenic effect (cause abnormalities in fetal development) or their effect on the fetus has not been sufficiently studied. Sea buckthorn suppositories during pregnancy are one of the few drugs that can be used without contraindications. The fact is that its components do not penetrate into the general bloodstream, but have an effect directly at the injection site.

The period of pregnancy and the process of childbirth is common reasons manifestations of hemorrhoids in women. Under fetal pressure, the location of the pelvic cavity organs changes, which negatively affects blood circulation. Stagnation of blood in hemorrhoidal veins leads to inflammation and enlargement of nodes, and it is important for a woman to find suitable remedy, which will not harm the fetus. Suppositories based on them are safe both during pregnancy and during breastfeeding- their active ingredients do not penetrate into breast milk and cannot harm the child.

If desired, you can make suppositories yourself based on sea buckthorn and butter.

Composition and mechanism of action of candles

The main active ingredient of suppositories is natural oil sea ​​buckthorn. His chemical composition presented with vitamins, essential fatty acids and other biologically active components.

When in contact with mucous membranes, the drug has a therapeutic effect in several different directions:

  • relieves inflammation by inhibiting the action cellular immunity and reducing the production of histamine in the blood;
  • considered a natural antioxidant - protects cells from harmful effects free radicals and pathological oxidation reactions, prevents premature aging and cell death;
  • produces a pronounced antibacterial effect - sea buckthorn in its pure form and products based on it destroy many varieties pathogenic microflora(including Escherichia coli, staphylococcus, streptococcus, salmonellosis pathogen);
  • stimulates the regeneration processes of the mucous membrane at the injection site - new healthy cellular elements are formed instead of damaged inflamed tissue;
  • normalizes blood clotting, which is important in the treatment of hemorrhoids.

Sea buckthorn oil is also used in its pure form. It can be purchased at a pharmacy and prepared natural candles based on it at home.

Instructions for use

Instructions for sea buckthorn suppositories depend on the indications for their use. They are released in cardboard boxes, which contain contour cells with 1 candle in each of them. The peculiarity of the drug is that it has low temperature melts and upon contact with skin turns into an oily liquid.

  • Before the procedure, you should clean the surface of your hands and the area where the product is administered;
  • after opening a separate cell, the candle is inserted immediately, without waiting for it to melt;
  • It is better to carry out the procedure with gloves;
  • After inserting the suppository, it is recommended to remain in a horizontal position for another 5-10 minutes so that the liquid does not leak out.

If the doctor prescribes 1 procedure per day, it is best to do it at night, just before bed. Absorption of the active components of the drug will take at least half an hour, and during this time the oily liquid may flow out and remain on the laundry. In addition, the effectiveness of treatment will be significantly reduced. If you need to use 2 suppositories per day, the first procedure is carried out in the morning. In this case, you should take into account the characteristics of the drug and not use it immediately before going out.

Using rectal suppositories

Rectal suppositories from sea buckthorn are injected into the anus 1 or 2 times a day. It is recommended to have a bowel movement before the procedure. naturally or do an enema. The dosage of the drug depends on the age of the patient and the degree of hemorrhoids. Patients over 14 years old can be prescribed 2 suppositories per day (morning and evening), from 6 to 14 years old - 1 suppository per day. The duration of the course of treatment may vary, but generally it is 10-15 days.

The use of vaginal suppositories

Vaginal sea buckthorn suppositories are often used in gynecology. The principle of their use is no different from rectal suppositories, and treatment may last 1-3 weeks or longer. If necessary, you can repeat the course after a week's break. Before the procedure, it is recommended to douche with warm water.

Unlike many analogues, preparations based on sea buckthorn are safe and can be used without contraindications at any age.

Contraindications and possible side effects

The instructions for use of sea buckthorn suppositories indicate that they can be used at any age without contraindications. The product contains only natural, safe ingredients that are not absorbed into the bloodstream and exert their therapeutic effect only at the injection site. For this reason, sea buckthorn suppositories for hemorrhoids during pregnancy are one of the few medicines that can be used without fear. They are also prescribed after childbirth, and there is no need to stop breastfeeding during the course of therapy.

The only condition under which the drug may be contraindicated is individual sensitivity to its individual components and a tendency to develop allergies. In this case, the course of treatment must be stopped and the suppositories replaced with one of the analogues with a different composition.

Sea buckthorn candles are a complex natural preparation, which is used separately or as part of complex therapy for many diseases. Its main active ingredient is, a source of anti-inflammatory elements, as well as useful vitamins and minerals. In its pure form, this substance is useful for the treatment of inflammatory pathologies of the skin and visible mucous membranes, and is used in dermatology and cosmetology. The oil in the suppositories turns out to be no less effective, and this form makes it convenient for use for hemorrhoids and gynecological diseases.

Video: sea buckthorn suppositories for hemorrhoids

Sea buckthorn is unpretentious plant with bright sunny berries. The fruits ripen in the fall, they are used to make jam, compotes, and make medicinal oil.

Sea buckthorn oil is valued for its medicinal qualities. It has wound-healing and anti-inflammatory properties, and has an antioxidant effect.

In official medicine, sea buckthorn seed oil and pulp, and preparations based on it, are used. Sea buckthorn oil is used to lubricate wounds and burns. Suppositories with sea buckthorn extract have found their use in the treatment of gynecological and proctological diseases, problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

Candles with sea buckthorn - general description

Pharmaceutical companies produce 2 types of sea buckthorn suppositories. Some are intended for vaginal use, the second – rectal.

The dose of the main active ingredient in them is the same and is 500 mg. The package contains 10 suppositories and instructions for the drug.

Candles should be stored in the refrigerator. At temperatures above +20 degrees, the oil base of the suppository begins to melt, and the consumer qualities of the drug are lost.

Sea buckthorn protects women's health

Sea buckthorn suppositories are prescribed in gynecology for the treatment of cervical erosion, dysbacteriosis, injuries to the mucous membranes of the genital organs, and various inflammatory processes.

The instructions state that there are no age restrictions for prescribing this drug. Pregnancy and lactation are not a contraindication to treatment. Sea buckthorn suppositories are well tolerated.

This drug has only one contraindication - individual sensitivity to active ingredients medicinal product. The only side effect is a burning sensation in the area where the suppository was inserted.

The dosage is prescribed by the attending physician based on the diagnosis. The recommended dose is 1–2 suppositories per day.

After administration, you should lie down for 20–30 minutes. The course of treatment lasts 10 days.

Rectal suppositories with sea buckthorn

The use of suppositories with sea buckthorn extract is indicated for hemorrhoids. This disease most often affects people after 40 years of age, but it often occurs in pregnant women or new mothers.

Any woman who has given birth is at risk. The more births in the anamnesis, the higher the likelihood of inflammatory processes in the rectum.

In addition to hemorrhoids, the drug is indicated for the following conditions:

  • anal fissures;
  • erosive-ulcerative sphincteritis;
  • inflammation of the rectal mucosa - proctitis;
  • after irradiation of the lower intestine.

Sea buckthorn is rich in vitamins, minerals and polyunsaturated acids. They promote tissue regeneration, improve the tone and elasticity of the intestinal mucosa.

The dose and duration of taking the drug are prescribed by the attending physician. Before administering the suppository, you should empty your intestines.

  • children under 6 years old – 1 candle per day;
  • children from 6 to 14 are prescribed 2 suppositories per day - morning and evening;
  • adults – 2 suppositories per day.

The standard course lasts 10–14 days. If necessary, it is repeated after 1–2 months.

An absolute contraindication for the use of rectal suppositories is diarrhea and individual intolerance to the drug.

Sea buckthorn is one of the most popular medicinal plants, which is used in almost all areas of traditional and traditional medicine. Based on this berry, many products are made medicines, intended to combat purulent-inflammatory diseases, malignant tumors, vascular pathology. Suppositories with sea buckthorn for hemorrhoids and suppositories intended for the treatment of gynecological diseases have become widespread.

Due to its good regenerating properties, sea buckthorn-based suppositories are used for the following pathological processes:

  • rectal fissures;
  • anal fissures;
  • inflammation of the anus;
  • ulcerations;
  • erosion;
  • long-term non-healing traumatic defects;
  • inflammatory diseases of the external genitalia in women.

All of the above applies to the field of proctology and gynecology. In other cases, treatment using suppositories is not justified. They should be replaced with sea buckthorn oil or others that are most suitable for the treatment of each specific disease, dosage forms.

Types and composition of candles

The composition of sea buckthorn candles includes:

  • sunflower oil;
  • concentrated sea buckthorn oil;
  • fatty base (vitepsol);
  • glycerin or glycerol monohydrate.

There are vaginal and rectal varieties of this dosage form. Rectal suppositories with sea buckthorn have the shape of a smooth cone. Vaginal suppositories can be made in the form of a sphere, be flat or egg-shaped. The composition of the drug does not differ depending on the scope of application of the dosage form. Rectal suppositories can be replaced with vaginal ones and vice versa.

It is worth noting that differences in the shape of rectal and vaginal forms have functional significance. Therefore, when replacing one type of suppository with another, the patient may experience some discomfort until the medicine melts completely.

Note: vitepsol, which serves as the fatty base of suppositories, melts quickly under the influence of heat human body and starts to leak. Therefore, when using both types of candles, it is recommended to use a sanitary pad.


In both gynecology and proctology, suppositories with sea buckthorn are prescribed for the treatment of specialized diseases.

In proctology

In proctology, sea buckthorn suppositories are prescribed for:

  • inflammatory diseases of the lower intestines;
  • inflammation of hemorrhoidal veins;
  • fissures of the rectum and anus;
  • catarrhal and trophic proctitis;
  • sphincteritis;
  • injuries of the anus and rectum.

The use of suppositories allows not only to speed up healing through the local use of sea buckthorn oil, but also to saturate the patient’s body with vitamins due to the systemic absorption of the components of the suppository through the system of hemorrhoidal vessels. This moment helps to activate the patient’s immune resources. Thus, suppositories indirectly affect the rate of healing of inflammatory processes.

In gynecology

Vaginal suppositories with sea buckthorn are used in the presence of the following diseases:

  • colpitis;
  • cervicitis;
  • vulvovaginitis;
  • erosion of the cervix and vagina;
  • inflammatory diseases of the mucous membrane of the external genitalia;
  • postpartum injuries.

An important feature of preparations based on sea buckthorn is the possibility of their administration to pregnant women. Sea buckthorn suppositories are often used as an alternative during pregnancy. chemicals which can negatively affect the development of the fetus.

It is worth noting that gynecological sea buckthorn suppositories sometimes contain an anti-inflammatory component (methyluracil). Such suppositories are indicated for diffuse inflammation of the vagina. If necessary, they can also be used as a contraceptive, but the risk of unwanted pregnancy will remain at a fairly high level.

Instructions for using sea buckthorn suppositories

Instructions for using suppositories with sea buckthorn in the treatment of gynecological and proctological diseases are somewhat different.

In proctology

In proctology, suppositories are used to treat hemorrhoids and other diseases associated with disruption of the integrity of the mucous membrane of the intestine and anus. Suppositories are inserted deep into the lower intestine, after emptying it with an enema or naturally.

After administering the suppository, it is recommended to take a lying position to reduce the leakage of the drug. The candle is completely melted and absorbed within one hour. After this you should carry out hygiene procedures, removing the elements of the medicine that got on it from the skin.

For children from 6 to 14 years old, suppositories are administered once a day. Adult dosage, which is used for patients over 14 years of age, is 2 suppositories per day. The duration of treatment depends on the severity of the disease and usually does not exceed 10-15 days. Suppositories can be re-prescribed no earlier than after 4-6 weeks.

In gynecology

Before administering the suppository, a woman should wash herself and wash her hands thoroughly with soap. If the doctor prescribed douching antiseptic solutions, you should do this before using the candle. The candle itself must be removed from the package and inserted deep into the vagina. This can be done with your finger or a special applicator.

After the medicine is inside, it is recommended to lie down for 30-60 minutes. This will prevent the product from leaking out. To avoid staining clothes and bedding, use a sanitary pad.

The average course of treatment with suppositories is 2 weeks. Use 2 candles per day, morning and evening. Sea buckthorn suppositories can be used in gynecology as independent remedy treatment only in the initial stages of the disease. In severe cases, sea buckthorn is aid, which is used as part of complex therapy.


According to official instructions, the item “contraindications” for sea buckthorn suppositories includes only individual intolerance to the components of the product and allergic reactions on him in the past. As a rule, sea buckthorn does not cause serious allergies ( anaphylactic shock, angioedema respiratory tract). However, after its use, urticaria, local swelling of the rectal mucosa, and itching may occur.

Note: after the administration of suppositories, the patient may experience a slight burning sensation. It is caused by the drug getting into microcracks in the mucous membrane and is not a contraindication for use. The introduction of suppositories should be abandoned only if the burning is of high intensity and causes significant discomfort to the patient.

Sea buckthorn suppositories are an excellent wound-healing, regenerating and anti-inflammatory agent. plant origin. Its effectiveness is evidenced by the fact that sea buckthorn is recognized official medicine and is part of routine therapy for many diseases. It should be borne in mind that monotherapy with sea buckthorn and its derivatives is possible only in the initial stages of the disease. Launched processes cannot be treated herbal remedies and require the use of more effective drugs.

IN modern medicine Sea buckthorn candles are very often used. Reviews from doctors and patients indicate that this medicine can solve a lot of unpleasant problems, ranging from hemorrhoids to endocervicitis and other gynecological ailments.

This is why patients are interested additional information. What are candles with sea buckthorn oil? Price, indications, contraindications, therapeutic properties - all these are very important points that you should definitely pay attention to.

Sea buckthorn candles: composition and release form

This drug is produced in the form of torpedo-shaped suppositories, orange color, with a characteristic herbal odor. The modern pharmaceutical market offers suppositories for vaginal and rectal use.

Main medicinal component is sea buckthorn oil, which has a lot of valuable properties. Each suppository contains 500 mg of this active substance. Wax is used as the base of the suppository.

What properties does the medicine have?

Sea buckthorn oil has a mass beneficial properties. This substance of plant origin has the ability to penetrate into the epicenter inflammatory process. It reduces the level of histamines, which, accordingly, provides inhibition inflammatory reaction. Thus, suppositories relieve swelling, relieve burning and pain.

Besides, this drug stimulates local immune system. It also has antibacterial properties and has a detrimental effect on E. coli and salmonella. Active against some strains of staphylococcus. Sea buckthorn oil also activates tissue regeneration processes and protects cells from the harmful effects of free radicals.

Indications for the use of rectal suppositories

This procedure is best performed at night, before bedtime. Long stay in a horizontal position will allow the suppository to completely dissolve. If you need to walk or sit after administering the drug, there is a high chance that most of the medication will simply leak out.

The duration of therapy is determined by the doctor. In most cases, patients are recommended to use sea buckthorn suppositories for hemorrhoids and other intestinal diseases for two weeks. If necessary, the course can be repeated after 4 weeks.

How to properly use suppositories vaginally?

Sea buckthorn suppositories are used quite often in gynecology. The rules for their use are quite simple. Before the procedure, you need to clean the vagina with a cotton swab or douche (can be used as decoctions medicinal herbs, and plain boiled water).

After hygienic manipulations, you need to lie down and insert the suppository as deep as possible into the vagina. The duration of therapy is usually 10 days, although if necessary, the doctor can extend the treatment.

Are there any contraindications to the use of the medicine?

Can all patients use sea buckthorn suppositories? The instructions for use indicate that in this case there are contraindications, although their number is minimal. In particular, the drug is not prescribed for liver failure. It should also not be used in patients with hypersensitivity to any of the components. do not use in the presence of diarrhea.

In other cases, suppositories can be used, but, of course, following the recommendations of the attending physician. By the way, the drug is often prescribed even to pregnant women and nursing mothers, as it is considered safe.

Are there any possible side effects?

Are there any complications that sea buckthorn suppositories can cause? Feedback from patients and statistical surveys indicate that adverse reactions are recorded extremely rarely. Nevertheless, the possibility of their occurrence should not be excluded.

In most cases, suppositories cause local reactions. Some patients complain of burning and itching after inserting the suppository. Sometimes redness of the skin and swelling of the mucous membranes of the vagina or rectum are possible. When used rectally, a bitter taste may appear in the mouth. Allergic reactions are also possible, which are accompanied by hives and skin rashes.

To date, there is no information about the systemic effects of the drug or about overdose.

Sea buckthorn candles: price

In addition to other information, for many patients the cost of the drug prescribed by their doctor is also important. So how much will sea buckthorn candles cost? The price, of course, will depend on many factors, so it is difficult to determine it exactly. Here you need to take into account the manufacturer, the pricing policy of the pharmacy where you buy the drug, as well as the city of residence, etc.

Pack of ten suppositories with dose active component 500 mg will cost approximately 65-90 rubles. This is exactly how much they cost in most pharmacies. The price, you see, is not that big, especially considering the fact that one package is often enough for full course treatment.

Rules for storing the drug

Suppositories should be stored in a cool, dry place. At room temperature (especially if we're talking about about the hot season) the candles will quickly begin to melt, so it is advisable to store them in the refrigerator. Immediately after opening the shell, the suppository must be used - otherwise it is not suitable for further use.

Sea buckthorn suppositories: reviews from patients and doctors

Before starting to use a particular medicine, many people are interested in the opinion of specialists, as well as patients who have completed at least one course of treatment. So what do the experts say? Are sea buckthorn suppositories really that effective?