
The enormous benefits of one-day weekly fasting. Fasting once a week: features of the method

One-day fasting is a method of cleansing the body by refusing to drink liquids for a period of 24 hours. The practice is used everywhere today, medical research show what it is good way reducing biological age, combating high blood pressure, overweight. The procedure must be carried out strictly according to the rules so that the body does not experience severe stress.

Every day a person consumes junk food, breathes dirty air, and drinks drinks containing sugar. Preservatives, fat, fried foods, nutritional supplements poison, disrupt work internal organs, systems. The result is poor health and overweight. The practice of fasting for a day helps improve health and lose weight.

What are the benefits of one-day short-term fasting:

  • metabolism accelerates;
  • the digestive system takes a break from stress;
  • fat burning is enhanced;
  • increasing the defenses of the immune system;
  • getting rid of food addiction;
  • activation of the excretory system to remove waste, salts, and toxins.

Periodic refusal of food and cleansing - improvement of body, spirit, longevity.

A daily break from eating has significant disadvantages. The system causes harm when principles are not followed and rules are violated. After the end of unloading, weight loss is observed, but this is not lost mass, but the contents of the intestines, water. An increased feeling of hunger is a dangerous factor. People underestimate the right way out and begin to eat away at the discomfort. If you fill your stomach with food in the following days, its functioning will be disrupted. It is dangerous to fast every other day; your rhythm may become disrupted.

Rules for a 24-hour water fast

Numerous studies and the experience of practitioners show that it is not enough to give up food one day once a week. The system has certain principles and nuances.

Strict adherence to the recommendations will help to minimize risks, increase the effect of fasting, and lose weight:

  • It is advisable to spend the fasting day on the first day off. The second is a favorable time to safely exit the program. The human psyche more easily perceives restrictions in comfortable conditions, in solitude, and everyday work is poorly suited for the cleansing process.
  • 3 days before the start, change your diet: limit or refuse fish, meat, drinking alcoholic drinks. Avoid legumes and nuts. Drink juice, porridge with water, vegetables, fruits per day.
  • Start the diet with a cleansing enema the night before.
  • Spend a fast day completely abstaining from forbidden foods; water is allowed.
  • It is prohibited to drink tea, kefir, juice and other drinks.

Active cleansing dangerous products decay and waste is carried out through consumption large quantity water. It helps rejuvenate the body, fills every cell with moisture, accelerates metabolic processes, eliminates dryness skin, enhances weight loss and reduces intoxication.

A newcomer to the system may feel unwell, headache. To eliminate unpleasant symptoms, use the following recipe: 200 ml. add 1 tsp water lemon juice or natural honey. The drink reduces the load on the kidneys.

If hunger is painful, your stomach hurts badly, and your general health deteriorates, medicine advises leaving the system without waiting for dangerous consequences to develop.

Rules for dry 24-hour fasting

A dry one-day break from eating and drinking water is the hardest. If this is your first experience, choose the water option. There are few differences in the menu, only the lack of drink, but being without water for a long time is psychologically more difficult; you want to deceive your stomach, fill it.

Dry daily fasting is easier to endure if you adhere to the following rules:

  • Spend time on fresh air, walk for better health results and weight loss. Rest in bed is recommended if you feel unwell or lose strength.
  • Devote time to thoughts and solitude. Reduce communication with loved ones and friends. Any bad advice or doubt can lead you astray from your goal and shake your confidence in your intentions.
  • Preparation for fasting takes several days. It consists of giving up meat, fish and eating plant foods.

When planning to unload, prepare in advance rough plan interesting things to do. Take up every free hour with household chores and work so as not to think about food. Don't turn on the TV and radio, there are a lot of advertisements for delicious burgers, convenience foods, etc.

Weekly dry fasting is useful for the full recovery of the body and helps to lose weight. When water and nutrients stop entering the body, fat begins to be burned. But liquid is also contained in other structures. Against the background of dry hunger, muscle volume decreases; to maintain strength, the nutrient glycogen is used, which affects the overall mass.

Bodybuilding practices this version of hunger. It helps you lose weight and look sculpted by splitting subcutaneous fat. A long period abstinence is dangerous. The practitioner of the system is supervised by a doctor.

When side effects it is necessary to exit correctly one-day fasting.

How to go out correctly

A healthy 24-hour fast lasts a minimum of time, but it is harmful to break it with large meals. The output goes as long as the diet itself. This will help to gently run the intestines and digestive system without causing discomfort.

How to bring your body out of a one-day fast on water:

  • In the morning, cleanse: dilute 1 tsp in 1 liter of water. salt and soda. After drinking liquid, induce vomiting.
  • After cleansing, work is done on the taste buds: put a few pieces of apple in your mouth, chew slowly and spit out.
  • After 30-40 minutes, drink herbal tea, juice from fresh fruits or vegetables. Store-bought drinks are prohibited; they contain a large number of chemical components that are immediately absorbed into the blood and intestines.
  • The first day you should not eat heavy food. Help your body gain strength by eating a salad with cabbage and carrots. At strong feeling hunger, porridge, kefir or yogurt are allowed. On the second day, slowly return to your normal diet, introducing a new food with each subsequent meal.

By violating the safe exit rule, you can cause an exacerbation of gastrointestinal diseases.

How to properly exit dry fasting for 1 day:

  • Start your exit with a drink. In 500 ml. Dilute a small amount of lemon juice with water. Drink slowly.
  • After 5 minutes the banana is eaten. The fruit coats the walls of the stomach and neutralizes pancreatic juice.
  • After half an hour or an hour, a light breakfast of vegetables is allowed.

The process should occur without sudden disruptions. Entry and exit into a 1-day fast without water and food lasts for 1 day each.

Expert opinions

WITH medical point In terms of vision, short-term fasting on water for 1 or 2 days does not harm health. Research by the Academy of Medical Sciences, numerous scientific experiments carried out by scientists in different countries the world have proven that irreversible changes in the process of metabolism and undesirable consequences develop only with prolonged abstinence from food.

Periodic daily fasting uses up carbohydrate reserves, helps speed up fat burning, and has a healing effect for a number of diseases. Not a single doctor will allow his patient to delay the process for more than 2 days, then the body begins to eat itself from the inside - acidity increases, it is destroyed circulatory system, liver cells degrade.

Doctors' review of weekly short-term fasting: “If you practice fasting once a week for a year, this will get rid of diseases and improve a person’s constitution. Daily breaks relieve fatigue from internal organs and help rejuvenate the body for three months.”

Hello reader! Especially for you, lover healthy image life, today we’ll talk about fasting on water - 1 day a week. It’s a little strange for this blog that I’m writing about this here, but in the end, this is my site, and I write here what I want :)

Yes, and the topic of health, healthy weight loss and, as usual, is relevant and interesting to everyone, so I consider it necessary and correct to tell a little about my view of fasting as a method of cleansing the body.

So, Nastya from Boston, today she wrote me a short letter in contact, in which she asked a number of questions regarding one-day fasting, recalling the fact that I once wrote about my experiences with cleansing the body in contact. Now I have to be responsible for the market :))

Fasting on water 1 day a week is

the so-called food break. You don't eat anything. If you really can’t bear it, you can add a spoonful of honey. Everything else can be done without restrictions. Time: 24 hours, once a week.

Below I will describe my experience of fasting. Fasting on water 1 day a week is a so-called one-day fast, when I drink water and that’s it. Held once a week. Dry fasting, three- and seven-day experiments are not for me yet.
This is quite enough for me.

If you are interested in the topic of health, I also recommend paying attention to Health and longevity club of Alexey Mamatov. I know Alexey personally, and I really like what he does and the topics he raises in his courses and webinars. Sign up for one of the free webinars and listen - I assure you that the benefits will be much greater than wandering aimlessly on the Internet in search of scattered information.

By the way, after re-reading this article before publication, I realized that I did not write, what are the benefits of fasting. So here it is. With regular one-day fasting, your body feels light and feels like you have lost at least ten years of your life. The body is very light and healthy. The feeling is simply amazing.

Just don’t elevate these practices into a cult, it’s wrong.

And don’t forget that a hungry man is an angry man :)

I present the letter as it is, the highlighted text is Nastya’s text, and my answers are given in regular font.

I know that you practiced (practice?) fasting once a week

I used to practice, but now I took a short break due to some events in my life. I didn’t want anything at all, but fortunately, I feel that this stage is coming to an end, and perhaps soon I will continue my inhuman experiments on myself. When I fasted, I did it once a week and it was a water only fast. Nothing more.

Should we prepare for this? If you just wake up tomorrow and don’t eat, won’t it be harmful?

There is no need to specially prepare for what is natural. You just get up in the morning and don't eat anything. The only point I would like to note is that according to the classics, it is recommended to eat some light food the night before: fruits and vegetables, for example. Fasting in moderation cannot be harmful in any way. It’s harmful to drink on Fridays with friends and then say that you are an athlete. It’s harmful to the soul, first of all.

Nastya, who loves to ask questions)

How much water do you drink this day? Did you allow yourself green tea, if my memory serves me correctly?

At first I drank green tea on the day of his fast, but then refused. The reason is very simple - I wanted to check whether you would want to eat less if you drink only water. Based on the results of such an experiment, I can say that only water and nothing else. This is my choice. About the quantity - about 3-4 liters accumulate per day, and I don’t force myself to drink. The body wants to drink, and I give it to it.

I get really bad headaches if I don't eat for a long time. Have you encountered this and how did you solve this problem? Taking pills when you are trying to help the body cleanse itself is somehow stupid, in my opinion

You know, I had exactly the same problem when I first started fasting. In the evening my head began to hurt terribly, and it felt as if lead had been poured into it. As a result, I fell asleep with a headache. The most interesting thing began after 3-4 days of fasting on water - I stopped feeling this pain, it simply disappeared.

There is an opinion that on a “hunger day” all the dirt and toxins from our organs are released into the bloodstream, and it is this mess that causes headaches. Most likely, it is this regular cleaning that leads to the body becoming healthier and the pain going away. At least for me.

Does it matter what day of the week you fast?

I believe that it does not. Although yogis advise choosing an environment for this. Don't ask me why Wednesday.

How to break fasting correctly? I read somewhere that the next day you can only drink juices. So that's two days without food?

I break out of fasting in the following way: the next morning, the first thing I do is eat an apple and grate carrots. And I eat that too :) After this, 2-3 hours pass and you can again eat regular foods like hamburgers, fries and diet cola. This concludes my cleaning. Why start with carrots and apples? Because they help start digestion and cleanse the digestive system completely. And under no circumstances start your day with meat! I am not a vegan or a raw foodist, but after eating meat in the morning, I felt very bad. Therefore, start your day with fruits and vegetables, it will be more beneficial.

Psychological factor in fasting

And although I haven’t started yet, I’m sure that I will be present psychological factor.
Why haven’t I chewed anything for a day?
Don’t think about it, I don’t eat all day long, I even refuse dinner more and more often.
It will just be unusual. Did anything help you with this? Just satisfy yourself with things to do?

Will definitely be there! Human flesh is weak, and only the strength of the spirit can make us human! This is a very interesting phenomenon. All our new beginnings, especially when there are no people nearby who share them with you, can “die” due to our own weakness of spirit.

At first, I was constantly hungry and thought about food. But over time I realized that if you switch to active work: physical exercise(exercise, yoga, dancing, walking or something else), creativity, communication with other people - then everything will be simple and easy.

Just shift the vector of your attention on this day from what you want to eat to something else that incredibly attracts and pleases you. Yes, in the end, people besieged Leningrad You haven’t eaten anything for weeks, and you can’t wait one day for the sake of your own health?

I'm not eating anything again((

Review about fasting

Well, at the end of our interview, I wanted to add a few more words from myself. You might want to read something about the benefits of daily water fasting. In my opinion, the definite must-read on this topic is the book by the American scientist Paul Breg, “The Miracle of Fasting.” I read it at one time, and it really helped me figure out whether or not I should try fasting.

Of the Russian books, I definitely recommend the work “Fasting for Health.” The author is Yuri Sergeevich Nikolaev, who was involved in the research medicinal properties famine and carried out RDT throughout the country. RDT - fasting-dietary therapy. The book contains a lot useful tips, and also collected important evidence base the benefits of intermittent fasting for a variety of diseases.

Just for fun: I recently calculated that if you regularly fast once a week, then in a year you will get 1.5 months without eating at all. This is one trip, somewhere interesting)))) Well, where do you want to go, slender girls?

Well, if you enjoy the topic of a healthy lifestyle, and you want to go even deeper into the topic of cleansing the body, pay attention to the ancient practice of yoga called “shank prakshalana”. If with a one-day fast you get the effect of “minus 10 years” from the age of the body, then the shank gives you the opportunity to make your digestive tract hard reset and find yourself in a state of infancy. I once visited this practice and felt all its charm. This is something indescribable and is a separate topic for a separate article. I would gladly repeat it again.

One-day fasting for men's weight loss

If you are trying to lose weight and lose extra pounds through fasting, then maybe you shouldn’t torture yourself so radically?

There are proven methods, one of which is healthy weight loss from Galina Grossman’s project. Try it if you can’t bring yourself to last one day without food. I'm sure you'll like it!

Good luck and health to you, friends!

Text- hungry, but kind (c)

In contact with

Our distant ancestors were not always able to get enough food for every day, so in the process of evolution they developed mechanisms that not only helped protect the body from negative consequences hunger, but also turn it into good. Of course, this only applies for a limited period of time. If the body long time does not receive the nutrients and vitamins he needs, this affects his health in the most detrimental way, however, short-term fasting, subject to certain rules and the correct way out of this state, does not cause harm healthy body.

Daily fasting once a week is considered optimal, but in order to notice the positive effects it must be done regularly for at least several months.

Contraindications to therapeutic fasting

Even daily fasting is strictly contraindicated for women during pregnancy, people with diabetes, people with stomach or duodenal ulcers, those who have been diagnosed with cancer, tuberculosis, stones and purulent inflammation internal organs.

People suffering from ischemic or hypertension diseases heart disease, arrhythmia and other cardiovascular diseases.

Carrying out fasting

Choose one day when you will only consume pure drinking water, for example boiled or distilled. You can also drink mineral water without gas in such quantities that your daily intake is 1.5 - 2 liters.
At first, when you are not yet accustomed to this regime, you can add a little honey to the water and lemon juice, this cocktail is tastier and more nutritious.

The first time will be especially difficult. By the end of the day, weakness appears and begins, so try to avoid any physical and psychological stress, refuse massage, visit the sauna and swimming pool. A hungry person is prone to excessive irritability; meditation and relaxation can help avoid this.

Breaking out of fasting

The next day, it is recommended to drink a glass of kefir or freshly squeezed juice in the morning. After one and a half to two hours you can eat a small amount oatmeal, fresh vegetable salad or yogurt.

Throughout the day, it is advisable to eat light, healthy foods, such as cottage cheese, steamed meat and fish, soups, jelly, porridge, and salads.

Fasting 1 day a week is a simple method of abstaining from food, which can rid a person of waste and toxins, cure existing diseases and lose excess weight. The method cannot greatly affect the human body, but it will not cause harm.

According to biologists and nutritionists, one-day fasting with medicinal purposes will not give the results of long food breaks. With a short cycle, the body will not switch from external to internal nutrition. Systems and organs will not have time to cleanse themselves of old and diseased cells. Daily hunger helps introduce a regular system of food refusal into your lifestyle, allows you to develop willpower, reduce the amount of fat mass, and maintain slimness without radical diets.

A one-day abstinence from food restores systems and organs, improves metabolism, and helps lower blood pressure. One day of fasting reduces a person's biological age by three months. It doesn't so much heal as it strengthens immune system, cleanses the intestines and large vessels, reduces the risk of tumor formation.

Pros and cons of therapy

Daily fasting once a week (lasting from a day to a day and a half) can be considered a fasting technique and a way to rest the gastrointestinal tract from digestive work. The body receives great benefit than from diets and other methods of eating, in which food enters the stomach and intestines from the outside, preventing “general cleaning” - cleansing from toxins and remnants of undigested food.

The gastrointestinal tract in the daily diet does not accumulate resources for cleaning and does not have time to remove toxins; it “packs” unprocessed nutrients into fat cells. People gain excess weight in a short time and are unable to lose weight despite following various diets.

During the optimal period of 24-36 hours, when food stops entering the cells, the body receives many “benefits”.

Advantages of one-day fasting:

  • processing of undigested, “packed” surplus begins;
  • toxins accumulated after consumption are removed harmful products;
  • optimal stress is created to strengthen the body;
  • the efficiency of the endocrine glands increases;
  • Digestion improves, diseases (pancreatitis, disorders) are treated;
  • increases the sensitivity of taste buds and pleasure from food;
  • viral diseases go away;
  • a lot of strength appears, the person becomes active;
  • safe unloading method;
  • beautiful photos after a month or two of regular practice.

The occurrence of diseases and early aging is prevented, a reserve, an internal bank of the body’s strength, is accumulated.

A person receives many additional benefits:

  • easily controls your appetite;
  • develops will;
  • changes the attitude towards food, ceases to depend on it;
  • consciously manages eating habits.

Disadvantages of a daily food pause:

Animals instinctively resort to short-term fasting. They deliberately deprive themselves of food if they feel weak and unwell. By refusing to eat for a while, they recover and become strong and resilient again. The technique is also relevant for humans.

Daily refusal to eat (especially dry fasting 1 day a week) is a turning point in changing your lifestyle to a healthy, fulfilling one. During a single session, a person is able to lose from 1 to 3 kilograms excess weight. At first it will be excess liquid. If you take food breaks regularly, the body will begin to break down fat cells and work with unprocessed foods, glucose and toxins. This practice is regularly used for “drying” by bodybuilding athletes.

Fasting on water at least 1 day a week will allow you to increase the cycle in a month to an average (three days) and longer (in six months to a year) pause, and will teach you to feel the body, its “voice”, and needs. Correctly enter and exit fasting, choose and eat healthy foods, do not depend on meat, spicy, sweet foods in a natural diet.

And by extending the periods of food pause, you can better understand the needs of the body, turn it from a slave into a friend and helper. According to reviews of people who practice one-day fasting, it has become the beginning of self-knowledge, the door to self-development, growth, professional, personal and social self-realization.

How to fast properly

Hunger is a stressful factor for the body; it requires careful preparation and the implementation of simple but mandatory rules so as not to cause harm to health. It is important to learn how to enter a food break, fast and exit this state in an environmentally friendly manner.


Entering into food refusal is the key to its effectiveness and ease of implementation. To help the body during a lack of food, before starting the pause you will need:

  • come to an agreement with yourself, adjust to observing a food break for a day and a half;
  • the day before the start of fasting, limit the consumption of heavy, meat foods. Eat more vegetables, fruits, drink natural juices, plenty of water;
  • Do not drink alcoholic beverages or spicy foods;
  • in the evening before the planned day, cleanse the body. Some experts recommend doing an enema (about 2 liters warm water with the addition of a minimal amount of potassium permanganate). Others believe that for a short food break it is enough to use a mild laxative (for example, senna);
  • The last meal should be light, no later than 20-21 hours. You can skip it and drink vegetable juice or herbal infusion.


Take a food break better at home. This way you can calmly monitor the condition.

  1. At first, out of habit, you may be overcome by the feeling severe hunger. It is recommended to add a little honey to the water or eat it with a drink.
  2. A one-day fast involves drinking large amounts of liquid for better cleansing. At first you can drink water, unsweetened herbal infusions or green tea. They dull hunger.
  3. It is useful to do breathing exercises when you feel hungry: take a deep breath – suck in your stomach – hold your breath – exhale – relax your stomach – pause. This exercise almost instantly relieves a hunger attack.
  4. Go without eating all day until the next morning.
  5. You definitely need to praise yourself for your endurance. This is an excellent incentive for systematic daily fasting (once a week).

If you manage to fast for 36 hours, it is better to drink herbal tea or vegetable juice, and after 15-20 minutes, eat a light vegetable salad or just vegetables or fruits. Let the portion be minimal, up to a size that fits in two palms closed in a “bucket”.

The foods that begin to break out of fasting should not contain a lot of acid or sugars. Examples of lunch: carrots, a small portion of Chinese cabbage, celery, pumpkin, lettuce or ripe tomato. To adapt the gastrointestinal tract, products with increased acidity on this day, exclude it completely.


Even a one-day fast can be harmful. It won't the best way recovery:

  • for older people;
  • in case of general exhaustion of the body (after a protracted illness);
  • women who are breastfeeding or on early stages pregnancy;
  • sick oncological diseases in later stages;
  • at diabetes mellitus;
  • with serious lesions of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • for mental disorders;
  • at renal failure, problems of the cardiovascular system.

In other cases, short cycles of daily fasting once a week are good for health (subject to safety rules) and will become the weekly basis for recovery, increasing reserves, and maintaining a healthy lifestyle for each person.

Periodically limiting yourself to your usual joys can bring enormous benefits to the body. So, giving up all sorts of tasty, but at the same time harmful foods helps to improve the functioning of organs and systems, prevent and even cure some diseases, and also prolong life. But many people are not limited exclusively healthy nutrition, and from time to time they turn to the practice of fasting. So, complete refusal of food for a day is considered very popular, and experts advise doing such a fasting day once a week. Will daily fasting once a week be beneficial or can it harm the body?

How will daily fasting help us? Benefit

Adherents of one-day fasting claim that such restrictions are an excellent method of cleansing the body of waste and toxins. In addition, giving up food also helps to get rid of excess weight. But is everything really that smooth?

Dietitians say that daily fasting is an excellent method of unloading digestive system. This way, the gastrointestinal tract organs do not waste energy on processing food, and accordingly, they have the opportunity to heal themselves. Just one day of fasting does not interfere with the body's activity.

During fasting, our adrenal glands synthesize significant amount glucocorticoids, which are anti-inflammatory and immunostimulating hormones.

That is why refusing food can help to quickly cope with various ailments, spurring the body's defenses and activating regenerative processes. As practice shows, bruises, cuts, and inflammations heal quite quickly in a fasting person.

Our ancestors also claimed that fasting can treat various things, including quite serious illnesses. Modern scientists have come to the conclusion that in certain cases, refusing food can help eliminate cardiovascular diseases, stomach diseases, problems with the kidneys, liver, and bones. In addition, such one-day fasting helps well with diabetes, allergic diseases, defined hormonal disorders and neuroses. Doctors have discovered that a rare refusal to eat can somewhat slow down the formation of tumors and can even reduce the size of tumors.

Why is daily fasting dangerous? Harm

If we talk about the benefits of one-day fasting for weight loss, then this question is not very clear. As practice shows, the human body is quite reluctant to part with fat deposits. Thus, rapid weight loss with a daily refusal of food is explained by the loss of water by cells and the removal of food debris from the body. After a person returns to the previous rhythm of life, his body again consumes a sufficient amount of water, as a result of which the lost kilograms will return back.

Since fat is the most valuable energy fuel, the body prefers to use it only in extreme cases. After the cells have processed all the glucose reserves, the destruction of proteins, in other words, muscles, begins. But most often, on the day of refusal to eat before muscle mass it doesn’t work out, the most important thing is not to delay fasting for too long.

As practice shows, almost every fasting person faces the problem of increased appetite after breaking fast. The body, just faced with a lack of food, tries to quickly and even more than return the spent energy. That is why even setting the brain up for a smooth exit from fasting often does not give the desired effect. A strong appetite, in turn, often becomes the cause of weight gain after a daily fast.

Scientists claim that fasting has no effect on the removal of toxins from the body, since possible breakdown products leave the body through urine and feces, as well as sweat and exhaled air. Refusal of food cannot improve these processes in any way.

To ensure that daily fasting once a week does not harm your health in any way, you should follow several recommendations from nutritionists.

So three days before the expected refusal of food, it is worth limiting the consumption of meat, fish, and alcoholic beverages. In a couple of days, you should also exclude nuts and legumes from your diet, and within a day, switch only to vegetables and fruits, as well as freshly squeezed juices and dairy-free cereals.

Daily fasting is usually started in the evening; therefore, before going to bed, it is recommended to cleanse the intestines using a regular cleansing enema.

If you are planning to fast for the first time, it is better not to go outside; it is quite possible that your body will react to unusual sensations with dizziness, headache and severe weakness.

When fasting, you need to consume more than usual clean water, at least two liters for the whole day. This will really help your body cleanse itself. To ensure that the liquid is retained a little in the body and not immediately filtered by the kidneys, it is recommended to place a couple of salt crystals under the tongue each time you take it.

You should not drink juices or tea, but if you are experiencing a severe headache, add a tablespoon of lemon juice or high-quality honey to a glass of water. This liquid can only be drunk once.

When breaking a one-day fast, on the first day you only need to eat fruits and vegetables and drink juices. From the second day you can gradually expand your diet dairy-free cereals, and from the third - gradually return to the usual diet.