
Therapeutic starvation on water for weight loss and cleansing: the pros and cons. Pros and cons of dry fasting

Hello our dear readers! We are also glad to those who came to visit us for the first time, attracted interesting topic our conversation today. Some of you probably still remember the book by the American Paul Bragg about Therapeutic fasting on the water. At one time, it was very popular and there were people who were imbued with this idea and began to follow it.

The essence of the method and its brief history

As with any method of alternative medicine, it has its own positive sides, but the main danger of such ideas is not in their use, but in their application with a certain amount of fanaticism, which can lead to deeply negative consequences.

To understand that this method has its many positive aspects and start applying it at home, it is enough to remember that in every religion there is such a thing as a great post. Christians observe it for 40 days, not only refusing meat, eggs and fats, but also reducing the consumption of other foods, and reducing the number of meals per day.

Like any method of alternative medicine, it can be distorted and distorted by people who are used to doing everything in double volume. Negative results are obtained not from the judicious application of restrictions and purification of the body, but from a prolonged and complete refusal of food, or done correctly, but with no water.

A person is able to go without food for a long time, but without drinking water, he can easily fall into such dangerous state like dehydration, which can be fatal. Besides, in modern world absolutely rare healthy people(and among those who are looking for ways to get rid of excess weight, they are definitely not).

So Paul Bragg, as a new messiah, receives both positive and negative feedback about his theory and about the methods that are recommended for use in his book. If you read publications on this topic, you will notice that people who are starving for weight loss usually rarely speak about conservative medicine in a positive tone.

Contraindications for use

Fanaticism never leads to positive results especially when it comes to human health. Therefore, joining the ranks of supporters of refusal to eat, you need to decide in advance on the chosen direction, and apply it within reasonable limits.

Given its pros and cons, carefully read the intricacies of the process and the author's instructions. You do not need to rest only on the section describing what the chosen technique treats. It is imperative to see what the consequences may be, how to start correctly, and how to exit the process.

Important. It is imperative to consult with your doctor, who will be able to combine all this, having medical knowledge, and not just immoderate enthusiasm.

Any diseases of the digestive system and the hepatobiliary system can lead to seizures or hepatic colic, the movement of stones into gallbladder or hepatic pelvis, exacerbation of existing chronic processes.

The main prohibitions on fasting are:

  • heart failure and cardiac arrhythmias;
  • any diseases of the endocrine system;
  • diseases of the respiratory and gastrointestinal tract, which are inflammatory in nature;
  • children's and elderly age;
  • the presence of implants and donor organs in the body;
  • ascertained avitaminosis, anemia, low hemoglobin, pathological weight loss;
  • immune system disorders and autoimmune diseases.

Even if the doctor gives permission for short-term fasting, he must carefully monitor the patient's condition in order to avoid undesirable consequences.

Interesting. Therapeutic fasting for pancreatitis, for example, is carried out in a hospital, or at home, but for a certain time. It should be carried out in compliance with all the subtleties of the process, including a gradual exit from it, when negative processes are gradually on the decline. Otherwise, the attack may resume with renewed vigor.

Common Methods and How to Endure Hunger

Extreme seekers who do not want to engage in healing for a long period, gradually adjusting their own body and relieving it of numerous diseases, are sure that cleansing can be done by the shock method, and then everything will go on its own and the body will acquire desired view.

Often, such people do not visit a doctor and do not take into account contraindications, and half of the existing causes of excess weight refers to diseases of the endocrine system. They are in long list barriers to application alternative treatment.

Paul Bragg not only does not forbid, but insists on the abundant use of water. But his method includes daily weekly fasting, weekly - every 3 months and monthly - is carried out annually. During the period when you can eat, a special diet is observed.

It is forbidden to use synthetic ingredients and food cooked certain body. Before proceeding to the main method, a person goes through a preparatory period, and the exit from fasting is carried out according to strictly prescribed rules.

The Malakhov fasting method includes cleaning internal organs, physical exercise, moreover, quite significant, enemas with urine and physiotherapy procedures in stock. The only thing left for him from the classical method is the exit from the state without food, which provides for a certain sequence of actions.

Without observing the conditions described by Malakhov, the fasting process simply does not make sense. Professional doctors consider Malakhov's methods extreme, because he spends more than a long period, and are based, rather, not on water, but on urine (massage and enemas).

Treatment by hunger according to Nikolaev is carried out in the clinic, in the circle of doctors and the same adherents. It is based on a set of procedures (physiotherapy and gymnastics on the water, walking in the air, drinking rosehip broth, cleansing enemas, etc.).

This is a technique that is carried out after a thorough examination, and under the supervision of a specialist, taking into account the components of the process and requires the patient's voluntary decision to such self-denial.

Daily therapeutic fasting at home

Knowing how to do it correctly, and why a starvation diet is used, or a complete refusal of food, in the absence of contraindications to use, one can achieve amazing results, but not everyone succeeds. A positive effect affects only in dosed treatment, which is applied for a certain time.

Interesting. After a grueling operation, for example, a person does not take food for a day in order to save the body from energy consumption for digestion and direct forces to regeneration processes.

Daily fasting helps cleanse the body of toxins and toxins that accumulate in the body.

It must be carried out regularly, after a well-defined period. This is a wellness event that helps cleanse the body and does not have any special consequences. With very sharp negative sensations, lemon juice or a little honey is added to the water consumed.

But, dear readers, if you come across advice to use distilled water, do not try to do it. Water should be purified, but not distilled, the use of the latter is very harmful to the liver and kidneys.

How to endure fasting

How to endure fasting

Recommendations of this kind are given depending on the duration of the period and the methodology used. The main requirement is your own determination and psychological attitude. The application of the Nikolaev method provides for a circle of like-minded people who support the patient with their own example.

This makes it possible to share responsibility. But hunger is easier to endure than a partial refusal of food, especially if such a refusal of food is carried out on water, and if you know how to start fasting correctly.

Dry is more painful, and can cause mass negative consequences. Dehydration of the body, which occurs after a rather short period, sometimes leads to irreparable changes in the state of internal organs, and doctors sometimes fail to eliminate the consequences.

How to get out of fasting

The process of getting out of fasting is also determined by the chosen method and the duration of the course. For example, after a daily procedure, the exit begins with the use of fiber (grated apple or finely chopped lettuce). It is believed that in this way the digestion process, suspended for a short time, is better launched.

Vegetables or fruits are not only useful in vitamins and microelements, but also bind the remaining toxins, finally removing them from the body. The way out of daily fasting also continues for a day and is based on the use of vegetables - stewed, steamed, or boiled.

It is very useful at this time to eat greens and pumpkin. Meat, fish, nuts and cheese can be introduced gradually and in small portions.

If you still have questions after reading this publication, we will be happy to answer them. If you like it, please share it with your friends on social networks. Cleansing and fasting are controversial topics, and you may have arguments against (or for) using them. Share your thoughts with us and we will be happy to hear them too.

During severe stress or illness, a person loses his appetite. Automatically, he even develops an aversion to food. This is the manifestation of the natural processes of restoration of the body. This, of course, is not a panacea for any disease. However, fasting is one of powerful ways impact on the human body. Moreover, this method is very stressful, but allows you to achieve amazing results. This method should not be regarded as simple. When fasting, you need to remember many nuances. Currently, it has received many supporters. Among them, one can single out Paul Bragg, who believes that when fasting, one should not go to extremes, for example, lead a long time without movement.

Paul Chappius Bragg is a famous American figure in the field of alternative medicine. He is a naturopath and propagandist healthy lifestyle life, showman and businessman.

The advantages of fasting include the fact that with this method, internal metabolic processes. In this case, the human body can switch to its own internal energy reserves. Thus, with this procedure body fat decrease, and this contributes to an enhanced fight against cellulite and overweight.

Therapeutic starvation also promotes purification at the cellular and molecular levels. In this case, you can achieve the effect of rejuvenation of tissues and cells of the body. Researchers have found that fasting can help fight cancer and inflammatory cells in the body. Practice has shown that fasting is especially productive in cases where complications may arise when using medications or if the patient is overweight.

With the help of therapeutic fasting, you can cure allergies, skin diseases, bronchial asthma, atherosclerosis, obesity, metabolic disorders, liver cirrhosis, pancreatitis, hypertension, coronary heart disease, nervousness and depression, and much more.

However, one-day fasting can be dangerous. However, it can only bring harm to those who cannot control nutrition after a fasting day. Of course, it will affect the general well-being if a person unexpectedly and abruptly makes such a load. With caution, such fasting should be treated by people with intestinal and stomach ailments.

One-day fasting is one of the most gentle methods for weight loss and recovery. human body.

The disadvantages of fasting include the very complexity of this procedure. It is especially painful at first, when the feeling of hunger is exacerbated. This may aggravate chronic diseases, sleep disturbances, irritability. In addition, a disease such as acidosis may appear. It manifests itself in the fact that a plaque forms on the tongue of a person. white color, while the smell from the mouth begins to resemble acetone.

Therapeutic starvation refers to methods of stimulating the body's defenses. How did scientists come up with the benefits of fasting? When the animal starts to get sick, it immediately stops eating. During severe stress, a person also loses his appetite, and even an aversion to food can automatically appear. This is how natural recovery processes are manifested. This is not a panacea for all diseases, but just one of the ways to have a powerful effect on the body. And quite stressful, but allowing you to achieve amazing results.

Before you start fasting, you should weigh the pros and cons, properly prepare the digestive system, the ability to use complex therapy to achieve your goal.

Thus it is possible to cure a large number of diseases of internal organs. However, this method should not be considered as too simple, it is necessary to take into account a lot of nuances. There are a lot of supporters of curative fasting. The most famous of them, Paul Bregg, believes that it is undesirable to use the most extreme forms - prolonged dry fasting without water or without movement. Be sure to carry out a complex cleaning procedures.

The main stages of fasting

Unloading and dietary therapy consists of preparation and two main stages. To prepare for fasting, a complex of cleansing procedures is carried out. At the first stage, fasting is carried out for three to five weeks. No food is used, no medicines are used. In abundance should be only pure drinking water. Mandatory daily routine, bathing and cleansing procedures.

At the second stage, the main goal is to restore in a special way. First, vegetable and fruit juices are consumed, then the vegetables are rubbed on a fine grater. Next, boiled vegetables are prepared and served in the form of a special vinaigrette with herbs, nuts, cereals, kefir or fermented milk products. Recovery should last as long as the fast itself lasted, or even more.

Psychological safety in therapeutic fasting - a supporting factor

Complete and incomplete fasting have a fundamental difference. If food is still consumed, even the smallest amount, the body switches to internal nutrition. Due to the distortion of normal metabolism in the body, it can provoke dystrophy phenomena. Therapeutic starvation is fundamentally different. For most people, the feeling of hunger disappears completely, and fasting is easily tolerated.

A person is not threatened with exhaustion, in contrast to forced starvation in extreme conditions in which people fell. This is explained by the fact that additional procedures help to cope with the elimination of toxins - baths, massages, walks on fresh air. Of great supporting importance is a psychologically safe attitude, the presence of control by doctors who will exclude complications. If a man knows when he will start good nutrition virtually eliminates the fear of starvation.

Who is fasting?

In practice, it has been proven that this method productive in cases where patients have a risk of complications in the treatment of medications, as well as overweight.

There may be indications for therapeutic fasting in patients with overweight and the following diseases:
- Allergies (food and drug);
- skin diseases (eczema, psoriasis, urticaria);
- bronchial asthma;
- the initial stages of atherosclerosis;
- obesity, and associated endocrine infertility;
- metabolic disorders (osteochondrosis, osteoarthritis, Bechterew's disease);
- cirrhosis of the liver and chronic hepatitis;
- pancreatitis, acalculous cholecystitis;
hypertension I - II degree;
coronary disease hearts and initial stages atherosclerosis;
— chronic enteritis, colitis, organ diseases digestive system;
- neurosis and depression.

The effect of fasting on the body

The first procedure is cleansing. You can draw up a real scheme by which the body is cleansed. Slags are understood as substances that accumulate in the body, but are not needed at all. For example, waste products of cellular processes, toxins. First, they enter the blood, which is the main channel for their transfer in the body. The increase in toxins causes weakness, health worsens. The blood is cleansed by the excretory system, which includes the kidneys, intestines, and skin. The blood is cleansed, the state of health improves.

Daily routine and additional procedures

To do this, you can use walks in the fresh air, physical education, sea procedures. The more oxygen the blood carries, the feel better person. Contribute to the improvement of well-being and massage, steam room and sauna. In this case, excretory processes through the skin are activated. Massage and bath should be used carefully, observing general condition. You can also use an enema to prepare for fasting. You just need to be careful not to move the contents of the intestine inward. Among other ways to cleanse the intestines, laxatives are used - magnesia, special herbal infusions.

If the procedures do not give a tangible result, then for better cleansing of the body, you can enter into the diet mineral water Borjomi, which will slow down the flow of toxins into the blood. But even one bottle (500 ml) can stretch the duration of fasting. The effect can also be slowed down in cases where spring water contains many mineral components, for example, in the mountains. Some of the water for the enema also remains in the body, so you need to choose it carefully. But if you use rainwater or distilled water, the cleansing effect appears much faster.

But in this case, you need to help the body exercise and procedures that promote excretory processes (massage, sauna, walks, sports exercises).

Fasting Methods

Our article mainly describes the methods of A. Nikolaev. Classical and author's methods of fasting practically do not differ from each other in the early stages. All of them require preliminary cleansing and the participation of additional procedures - massage, self-massage, smoking cessation and alcohol consumption, sufficient motor activity.

Fasting method P. Bragg

The well-known developer of the method, Paul Bragg, practices one-day fasts followed by an increase in the number of days. One of the differences in his method is the denial of the benefits of enemas. The use of an enema, he considers an unjustified waste of bowel strength. He himself used his methodology according to this principle: during the year he starved three times - one day, once every three months for a week and three weeks once a year. In addition, he was a vegetarian.

Fasting method A. Brusnev

A. Brusnev believes that fasting can only be done in combination with the laws of Breathing - this is the main difference between his methodology. Breathing, water, nutrition are the basis, the foundation of human life. Cleansing techniques must run in parallel with these laws. The first stage is two days. After two nights with an empty stomach, Brusnev recommends a regular dinner (no more than 300 ml).

Fasting method G. Voitovich (cascade)

G.A. Voitovich believes that the treatment of seriously ill patients by fasting should be carried out in several stages (cascades), in total it will turn out to be a fairly long period. Cascading starvation is interspersed with restorative nutrition cycles.

Fasting Contraindications

Patients who are shown therapeutic fasting should be under vigilant medical supervision. Contraindications to fasting may be revealed during a preliminary medical examination. For fasting, there are relative and absolute contraindications.

Among the absolute ones, the following can be noted:
- tuberculosis (active stage), pulmonary and extrapulmonary tuberculosis in the active stage;
- rheumatism;
- insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (and diabetes insipidus);
- adrenal insufficiency;
cholelithiasis II-III stages;
- gastric and duodenal ulcer;
- chronic hepatitis, and cirrhosis of the liver;
inflammatory processes associated with purulent formations, infections;
- heart failure, disorders heart rate;
- thrombosis and thrombophlebitis.

Relative contraindications are determined upon examination by a doctor based on the current state of the patient. Particular caution should be exercised if there have been tissue implantation surgeries in the past, or other surgical interventions. Do not start fasting in a state of depression and psychomotor agitation, and others mental disorders, as well as with severe dystrophic manifestations.

Pros and cons of fasting

The leading developers of this method indicate that all processes are carried out only under the strict supervision of physicians. The disadvantage of fasting can be called the complexity of its implementation, especially at first, when the feeling of hunger torments. Irritability, sleep disturbances, exacerbation of chronic diseases may appear. Acidosis develops - it forms on the tongue white coating, man exhales air with acetone.

Body weight ceases to decrease too much - only 200-300 grams per day. Prolonged fasting is fraught with exacerbation of the work of the kidneys and the formation of edema, the condition of the hair worsens. After 7-10 days, these phenomena disappear. Pluses — classical and individual author's techniques treat the most various diseases. Fasting effectively cleanses the body and is a prevention for the emergence of new diseases.

Paradoxically, therapeutic fasting is also useful for stimulating appetite in people with low body weight. This may be a condition after an illness with violations eating behavior. This is explained by the fact that during fasting the food centers are normalized, and after the end of the fast, the food begins to assimilate much better than before the fast. During fasting, body weight may decrease slightly, but this is not considered a negative factor. It is necessary to carry out 2-3 unloading and dietary courses, approximately 10 days. The gaps should not be
less than 3-4 weeks.

Here are some tips given to the starving and their environment, another author of the fasting technique, G. Shelton:
Use water procedures during fasting in a limited amount, keep cleanliness and hygiene. Bathing should not require a lot of energy, so it should be brief. The water should be warm or cool, but not hot or cold. If the starving person feels weak, you can simply help him - wipe with a damp sponge. Do not neglect sunbathing, but you can not constantly be in the sun. It is not a cure, but an integral part of the treatment.

With complete starvation, along with fat, muscle protein is also consumed, which affects the elasticity of the skin, leading to the appearance of muscle weakness.

In addition, the lack of a protein involved in the formation of protein molecules - antibodies, leads to the development, which means it increases the likelihood of developing infectious and colds. When fasting, along with muscle mass water is also lost, which leads to dehydration of the body, flabbiness of the skin, and a decrease in the intensity of metabolic processes.

Among other problems of a starving organism is a sharp reduction in the amount of all vitamins. Their content is restored not earlier than after 2-3 months, or even after six months. During fasting, the intestinal microflora is instantly disturbed.

Pros of fasting:

weight loss is very intensive, and the effect is visible already at the end of the first week (but this is perhaps the only plus of this diet).

Cons of fasting:

muscle protein is consumed;
✓ weakened immunity;
lost weight quickly returns.

Therapeutic and preventive fasting (Paul Bragg diet)

The essence of this diet is a significant restriction of the calorie content of food and the use of proteins and fats (about 60% of the diet should be natural vegetables and fruits), the maximum abstinence from the consumption of industrially processed products with the addition of chemicals (dyes, preservatives, stabilizers, etc.) .

According to Bragg, in order to cleanse the body of decay products and all kinds of poisons accumulating in it, it is necessary to fast periodically (1–2 days weekly and 10 days once every 3 months), which makes it possible to prevent self-poisoning of the body due to malnutrition, pollution environment, medications, etc.

Paul Bragg believed that fasting is necessary to cleanse the body of all kinds of chemistry.

Contraindications for Paul Bragg's diet

However, it is important to know and remember that any modes fasting is allowed only under the supervision of an experienced doctor.

In addition, fasting is contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation, children, women over 40, anyone over 60 years old.

It is not recommended to starve in case of exacerbation of any serious illness, acute coronary heart disease, organic heart and kidney diseases, acute tuberculosis, diabetes, Graves' disease (thyrotoxicosis), blood diseases, infectious polyarthritis.

Fasting - Tradition or Religious Diet?

A few years ago, adherents of proper nutrition who observed fasting were equated with religious fanatics and rejected in society. Today, much has changed, and more and more people observe Christian traditions.

But at the same time, fasting is perceived not as a rejection of worldly joys, contributing to spiritual purification, but only as a nutrition system that includes diet, fasting, vegetarianism and other methods of losing weight and improving the body. However doctors say: fast food is defective, it cannot provide a person with all essential substances primarily amino acids.

Adhering to such a diet throughout Lent, a person risks getting all sorts of metabolic disorders, protein degeneration, dysbacteriosis, sexual weakness, and even aggravate atherosclerosis, which means. Fasting can only be useful if it is incomplete. You can limit the consumption of certain products - exclude alcohol, meat, milk, limit eggs. But nutrition during this period should remain varied, rich not only in vitamins, but also. Eat plenty of fish, grains, vegetables and fruits.

A fasting person should not have a pronounced. It is not recommended to refuse fermented milk products either - a glass of kefir at night is necessary for normal operation cardiovascular system and gastrointestinal tract.
As for Orthodox doctors, they believe that any disease has a spiritual origin. Sickness, in their opinion, is a consequence of sin. And the cleansing of the soul helps to heal the physical body.

Post is not fasting days, and moral renewal

Lenten menu is not a diet and not fasting days, but moral cleansing and renewal. The Church does not force absolutely everyone to observe the strict rules of fasting. They are difficult for modern man and his rhythm of life. Therefore, today a number of indulgences are provided, sometimes it is even allowed not to adhere to the restrictions on the menu at all, if health does not allow.

Priest Mikhail Zazvonov on Great Lent:

“The main task of Great Lent is not to deprive yourself of certain food, but to cleanse the heart and soul from sins and negative thoughts. At this time, we encourage people to think about their actions, way of thinking, reconsider their behavior and attitude towards others. Jesus Christ said: "Love your neighbor." It is the emphasis on love that is the main purpose of the post. All this together helps believers prepare for the bright feast of the Resurrection of Christ and become at least a little closer to God. It is allowed to skip the fast for pregnant and lactating women, as well as sick people and children.

Many men, even knowing about high risks cardiovascular disease in case of abuse of tobacco, alcoholic products and fast food, they are unable to deny themselves “little weaknesses”. While information about like potency and starvation connected, is of interest to everyone. After all, powerful potency is pride strong half humanity and a platform for high self-esteem. To prevent erectile dysfunction, it is enough to follow the rules balanced nutrition and principles of healthy fasting.

Fasting classification

Numerous studies of the capabilities of the human body have allowed experts to identify several main options for fasting - so that they bring benefits and do not harm health. So, according to the terms it is customary to distinguish:

  • ultrashort - one-day;
  • short - three days;
  • medium - 7-10 days of fasting;
  • long-term - up to 25-30 days of food refusal.

Of course, only short experiments with fasting and libido. Other healing methods male organs should be carried out under the strict supervision and supervision of a physician.

By the number of acceptable products on fasting days, options can be distinguished:

  • absolute - any products are completely excluded, including water, which is very dangerous for unprepared people, the risk of death is high;
  • complete - it is required to refrain from eating, but pure water consumed in sufficient quantity;
  • partial - certain foods are present in the diet, but in a minimal amount.

Question potency and starvation has been discussed for a long time. There are many supporters of this correction of male sexual capabilities. There are also opponents of such experiments with the body. As a result, everyone decides for himself whether he can raise fasting potency, or resort to the help of traditional options.

Causes of erection problems

Before you start fasting impotence treatment, it is necessary to understand what caused the sexual disorder. For many modern men, sexual impotence is the result of psycho-emotional overload and stress. It is enough for them to take a short vacation and stop all contacts with the outside world - go to the country or to a country recreation center, where they devote time to their health. Quality sleep and the absence of negative information will contribute to the return of a powerful erection.

Will be powerless fasting for potency if it is based on genital infection. On the contrary, the weakening of the body due to the lack of vitamins from food will lead to an increase in infectious activity. As well as in the situation with atherosclerosis of vessels in the small pelvis. In both cases, without complex therapy not enough. Proper nutrition, and not starvation, will be only one of the points in the struggle for the return of a man to sexual well-being.

Whereas the lack of craving for the opposite sex due to the high weight that was formed during the combination of physical inactivity with passion for fast food, hunger potency treatment it will be successful. The amount of estrogen will increase simultaneously with a quality erection.

The basics of therapeutic fasting

O effect of fasting on potency It has been known to specialists since ancient times - it was practiced in Greece and Egypt. The technique is based on the body's transition to a qualitatively different level of energy metabolism in tissues. Cells receive all the substances they need for functioning not from the outside - with food, but from the inside - from their own reserves of fats. At the same time, energy consumption is much less, and the quality of the “food” is higher.

The body cleanses itself - from toxins, toxins, dead cells. The course of biochemical processes improves - tissue rejuvenation occurs. However, benefit fasting for potency achievable only if the basics of healthy fasting are observed:

  • pre-pass medical examination- exclude possible contraindications;
  • for the first time to practice exclusively ultra-short periods of fasting - a stepwise version of the methodology;
  • at the slightest deterioration in well-being, consult a doctor;
  • refrain from sexual intercourse directly on the days of refusing food - to save energy;
  • drink purified water - to prevent dehydration and acidotic crises;
  • after the weakening of the body due to past infections or exacerbation of chronic diseases, fasting is contraindicated.

To analyze the results - fasting and potency, diaries will be informative. Experts recommend to conduct them without fail.

Contraindications to fasting

A separate category of men hunger for potency absolutely contraindicated. You should ask your doctor about them in advance. Yes, improve hungered potency invalid under the following conditions:

  • huge deficiency of body weight - cachexia;
  • tumor formations - benign / malignant;
  • tuberculosis in the active phase;
  • bronchiectasis;
  • type 1 diabetes;
  • severe form of arrhythmia;
  • decompensation of cardiac activity;
  • thyrotoxicosis;
  • functional disorders in the activity of the renal glomeruli and hepatocytes;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • rehabilitation after a massive heart attack - impotence and starvation absolutely incompatible.

A relative limitation can be called the age of a man - in older people, metabolic processes are slowed down by themselves, it is not advisable to spur them on by restricting food. It is better to adjust the diet - the predominance of fresh vegetables and fruits, cereals and dairy products, which contain trace elements and vitamins for sexual exploits.

Pros of Fasting

Choose the optimal therapeutic fasting - potency to always be “excellent”, a difficult task even for an experienced specialist. Therefore, it is not worth doing such experiments on your own. After all, it is necessary to weigh and evaluate all the advantages and disadvantages of the methodology.

pros hunger and erection:

  • stimulation of the production of male hormones;
  • increased local defenses in the pelvis;
  • acceleration of the removal of accumulated toxins and toxins;
  • weight loss;
  • improvement of blood flow to the genital structures;
  • disclosure of hidden energy reserves.

To obtain the desired result - a powerful erection, it is considered optimal to short-term refusal of food. The body mobilizes all its forces, including in the intimate sphere. The probability of harming tissues and organs in this case is less.

Estimate, how fasting affects male potency it is possible already after the first, trial refusal of food. He feels a surge of strength and energy, libido rises. If this did not happen, then the cause of male insolvency should be sought in the presence of pathological foci in the small pelvis, genital infections, and prolonged stress.

Negative side of fasting

  • tissue dehydration;
  • increase in intoxication;
  • hair loss, weakening of nails;
  • decreased immunity;
  • failure in the digestive system;
  • hypotrophy of muscle structures;
  • flabbiness of the skin;
  • anemia - a decrease in hemoglobin and red blood cells.

With frequent fasting potency Not only is it not getting better, it's actually getting worse. After all, the human body cannot long time to exist without the input of nutrients from outside.

For high-quality sexual intercourse, a huge amount of energy is required. If you can’t get it from anywhere - your own stocks are over, and the products are either not delivered at all, or do not contain the required components, then erectile failures appear. And fasting impotence men will not cure, but, on the contrary, will only aggravate.

Three day fasting regimen

Productive for an erection is a three-day abstinence from food. With periodic use, potency becomes better if you adhere to the following rules:

  • prepare the body for the upcoming fasting - include complex carbohydrates in the diet, for example, whole grain cereals, pasta, vegetables and fruits, while minimizing easily digestible foods - marshmallows, chocolate, honey;
  • stock up on pre-purified water - drink it in the required volume throughout all days, but not less than 3-4 liters;
  • the exit from a three-day fast should be slow - gradually add the usual dishes, for example, light cereals, vegetable soups, omelettes.

If at some point a man felt an unbearable desire to eat, he should drink 2-3 cups of purified water with a drop of honey.

At sharp deterioration well-being - hypertensive crisis, pain in the region of the heart, fainting - it is recommended to immediately contact your doctor for medical care and stop fasting.

Watch a video about the effect of fasting on male potency:

Weekly fasting regimen

It is not easy to refuse food for 5-7 days. The body of a man is not prepared for this and will demand his portion of "energy". The optimal scheme is:

  • two weeks of preliminary preparation;
  • observance of fasting periods;
  • weekly exit from shrinkage.

The preparatory stage is the observance of a certain diet. The diet should contain foods with a complex chemical structure. These include turkey meat and vegetable salads, fermented milk drinks and cereals - cereals, side dishes. The water diet is juices, herbal tea and mineral water.

A weekly fasting regimen is a huge stress for every body. Not everyone is able to withstand it. It's not worth the risk - at the slightest doubt, it is better to resort to shorter methods or completely abandon this method of potency correction.

The final stage is a gradual transition to normal diet. The first 2-3 days the basis of the diet should be liquid dishes - juices, compotes, mashed potatoes. Then 3-5 days - lean meat dishes, casseroles, cottage cheese, omelettes. And only then it is permissible to eat the usual products, but in smaller volumes.

Fasting scheme according to Malovichko

For those men who are not able to show willpower and completely refuse food, a fasting option according to the Malovichko scheme is possible. Its features are the permissibility of eating with very strong stomach urges. However, the weight of any portion should not exceed 150 g.

At the same time, it is necessary to drink liquid - water with the addition of freshly squeezed lemon juice. Contraindication - hyperacidity digestive juice or exacerbation of gastritis.

From the diet should be excluded:

  • pastries and chocolate;
  • spices and milk;
  • canned food and marinades;
  • products with starch, protein.

The method has a number of contraindications - hepatitis, diabetes, and tuberculosis. However, it is in demand and popular.

It is allowed to resort to fasting to correct erection no more than 2-3 times a year. Frequent abstinence will contribute to a general weakening of the body, against which sexual activity will simply become impossible.