
What does a child's appetite depend on? Why do uncontrollable attacks of appetite occur? Depends on your appetite.

Increased appetite is a sign that is characterized by excessive food consumption and can be a manifestation of both certain diseases and excessive physical exertion, some physiological changes in the body. Also, increased appetite cannot be ruled out due to some psychological problems - strong, fear of dying from exhaustion. Increases appetite and taking certain medications.

Only a qualified doctor can establish the root cause of increased appetite in a child or adult, using the necessary laboratory and instrumental research methods. Self-medication and ignoring symptoms are unacceptable.


Both external and internal factors can provoke the manifestation of such a symptom. To external etiological factors the following diseases should be included:

  • gastroenterological pathologies;
  • problems with the thyroid gland;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • malignant tumors;
  • – in this case, despite the excessive appetite, the person will sharply lose weight;
  • impaired metabolism.

TO external factors which can also trigger this clinical manifestation, should include:

  • during pregnancy early stages, but no exception and late dates bearing a child;
  • before menstruation and during ovulation;
  • chronic stress, depression, constant nervous tension;
  • physical or psychological fatigue is no exception;
  • taking certain medications that cause hunger.

Increased appetite in older people may be due to memory problems, decreased concentration and diseases that are characterized by mental retardation. In this case, this will be due to the fact that the person simply forgets that he recently ate and against this background he may feel hungry.

Increased appetite during the postpartum period is due to the following:

  • habit of eating more food during pregnancy;
  • breast-feeding;
  • features of the daily routine - frequent lack of sleep, constant tension, chronic fatigue.

Increased appetite in a child is often due to the following etiological factors:

  • individual characteristics of the body;
  • phase increased growth;
  • puberty;
  • recovery period after acute infectious diseases;
  • in the hypothalamic region (it is this area that is responsible for the feeling of hunger);
  • taking steroid drugs.

A qualified doctor can determine why a child or adult’s appetite increases through an appropriate examination. Based on this, it should be said that self-medication is unacceptable and can lead to the development of serious complications, including irreversible pathological processes.


There is no general clinical picture with increased appetite, since this is a clinical manifestation of a certain illness, and not a separate pathological process.

With excess hormones thyroid gland increased appetite will be accompanied by the following clinical picture:

  • visual enlargement of the thyroid gland;
  • disruption of the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • frequent, emotional instability;
  • rapid physical fatigue, reduced performance;

In addition, women may experience changes menstrual cycle, and men have problems with potency and.

Paradoxically, increased appetite can also be observed, however, in this case, we are not talking about all forms of this gastroenterological disease.

Increased appetite with gastritis may be due to uncontrolled excretion gastric juice, syndrome "". In this case, the following will be present clinical picture:

  • pain with gastritis can be localized in the pit of the stomach, which radiates to the back, but other localization is also possible unpleasant sensation;
  • hunger pains – a person will feel severe discomfort when long absence food in the stomach;
  • change in the act of defecation - prolonged or, on the contrary, severe attacks of diarrhea may be present;
  • , sometimes with . This symptom most often appears after eating fatty, heavy foods;
  • , With unpleasant smell or air, depending on the form and severity of the disease;
  • increased flatulence;
  • a feeling of fullness in the stomach, regardless of the amount of food consumed.

Increased appetite accompanied by weight loss is a clear sign helminthic infestations in the body, which will be characterized by the following clinical picture:

  • paroxysmal;
  • frequent attacks of nausea and vomiting;
  • constipation alternates with bouts of diarrhea. IN stool undigested food particles and third-party organisms may be present;
  • almost constant feeling of fatigue;
  • itching in the anus;
  • pallor skin;
  • , in some cases.

Increased and even uncontrollable appetite can be present with severe stress, bulimia. In this case, the clinical picture will be characterized as follows:

  • a person eats almost all the time, with the exception of sleep;
  • high-calorie foods begin to predominate in the patient’s diet;
  • isolation, depression;
  • against the background of excessive food consumption, nausea and vomiting may occur, however, even after such reactions of the body, the person does not stop eating;
  • the patient can swallow food without chewing;
  • there are no restrictions on taste preferences;
  • Bouts of overeating are especially intense at night.

It goes without saying that such a diet has an extremely negative effect on the condition digestive system and leads not only to, but also to other diseases cardiovascular system, pancreas, musculoskeletal system.

Increased appetite may be a manifestation cancer, in particular . In this case, the following clinic will be present:

  • despite increased appetite, a person sharply loses weight;
  • feeling of fullness and distension in the stomach;
  • lack of pleasure from satiety;
  • aversion to certain foods, which was not the case before;
  • dull, pressing pain in the stomach area;
  • change in the act of defecation - diarrhea is replaced by prolonged constipation;
  • weakness, lethargy;
  • elevated temperature bodies;
  • general malaise, irritability.

It should be noted that a similar clinical picture may be present in other gastroenterological diseases, and the nature of the pain is almost identical, therefore, you need to contact a doctor who will conduct an examination and establish an accurate diagnosis.

Appetite increases in people with a brain tumor, namely with the tumor localized in the hypothalamic region, which will be accompanied by the following clinical picture:

  • headache and dizziness;
  • frequent attacks of nausea, which are rarely accompanied by vomiting;
  • psychological disorders - decreased cognitive skills, sudden mood swings, previously unusual behavior, aggression;
  • visual and auditory hallucinations;
  • change in taste preferences.

As the tumor grows, other areas of the brain will be affected, causing the development of related symptoms.

Excessive food intake may be dictated by psychological problems(not to be confused with mental disorders). As a rule, in such cases there are no additional symptoms. In this way, a person can “seize” depression, nervous tension and personal problems, including fear. However, you need to understand that the presence of such a factor can lead to gastroenterological diseases and chronic overeating.

Increased appetite before menstruation and during early pregnancy may be a consequence of natural physiological changes in the body and does not pose a threat to life, but this does not mean that food consumption may be uncontrolled. The same applies to excessive amounts of food consumed during menopause or menopause, that is, a period of natural changes in the female body.

Every person needs sufficient and balanced diet, systematic intake of different products into the body. And a healthy appetite is in many ways an indicator of the normal functioning of all organs and systems. Lack of desire to eat something may indicate various violations requiring immediate correction. But increased appetite should not be ignored either. Let’s talk on this page about why increased appetite occurs, we’ll look at the causes and treatment of such a disorder, and we’ll also say whether there are herbs that reduce appetite and suppress hunger.

Appetite is a pleasant sensation that is associated with the body's need for food, as well as physiological mechanisms responsible for regulating the intake of various nutrients. Thus, appetite includes several aspects - both psychological and physiological.

Causes of increased appetite

Excessive appetite can be explained by a number of different factors, which include hormonal imbalance, disruptions in the normal functioning of the thyroid gland and illnesses digestive tract. Appetite may increase with depressive states and with apathy. In addition, such a violation sometimes indicates overwork, psychological shock or stress. It can be caused by insufficiently correct organization of the diet, lack of water in the body and lack of night rest.

In most cases, unhealthy increased appetite appears as a result of emotional discomfort. With this disorder, a person begins to eat not from hunger, but from anxiety, irritation, restlessness, resentment, disappointment and even boredom. Psychologists often talk about patients eating problems, sorrows and stress.

An increase in appetite usually occurs when carbohydrate metabolism processes are disrupted. At the same time, a person feels the desire to eat foods that contain a lot of carbohydrates. And such food is represented primarily by bread, pizza, pasta, pies and a variety of sweets. Their consumption leads to a sharp increase in the amount of glucose in the blood, but then the glucose level also decreases sharply, as a result of which the body receives a signal about the need to consume a new portion of food.

In some cases, women develop a voracious appetite during PMS. Also, such a nuisance can be provoked by strong physical exertion, quitting smoking and banal gluttony, which causes distension of the stomach.

How to correct increased appetite, what treatment is effective?

To get rid of unmotivated feelings of hunger, you must first correct your diet. It is extremely important to reduce the consumption of fatty foods, spicy foods and sweets. Also, you should not eat semi-finished and ready-made food from stores and fast food cafes. It has long been no secret that many manufacturers actively add various flavor enhancers to food, which can encourage consumers to purchase and eat these particular products in unlimited quantities. If consumed systematically, such food can make healthy food seem completely tasteless.

Also avoid overeating. Move the plate aside in time, because you can easily finish the dish after an hour or two. Also, there is no need to rush during the meal; do not be distracted by reading, browsing the Internet or watching television programs.

Avoid drinking food, as it will be evacuated from the stomach very quickly, which will cause hunger within a short time.

Also, do not forget to systematically rest, because the body needs full recovery. Feed your body from time to time vitamin preparations, mineral particles. Also be sure to follow drinking regime.

If you suffer from problems on the personal front, stress, etc., learn to respond adequately to difficult life situations.

Herbs that reduce appetite and suppress hunger

A variety of things can help you cope with excessive appetite. medicinal herbs. They are safer than drugs that affect the centers of hunger and satiety.

The use of flax seeds has a remarkable effect. So you can brew a tablespoon of this raw material with half a liter of boiling water and leave it overnight to infuse. Take the resulting product, without straining, one hundred grams about half an hour before meals, two or three times a day.

You can also use bearberry-based medicines. This plant will help you eliminate cravings for stressful food consumption and help cleanse the body. To prepare the medicine, you need to brew a dessert spoon of bearberry leaves with half a liter of boiling water and leave for six to seven hours. The prepared composition should be taken in a third of a glass several times a day.

For optimization metabolic processes It is worth paying attention to hawthorn. Brew a dessert spoon of the flowers of such a plant with a glass of boiling water and leave for twenty-five minutes to infuse. Take half a glass three times a day, a quarter of an hour before meals.

The use of medicine based on corn silk also produces a remarkable effect. Brew a teaspoon of dry raw materials with a glass of boiling water and leave until it cools completely. Strain the prepared medicine and take a third of a glass three times a day, about half an hour before meals.

About ideal figure Almost everyone dreams. A thin person will never understand how much effort people who tend to be overweight spend on looking good. IN modern world there are many medical supplies, diets and a lot of other things that one way or another can help those who strive to improve their figure. There are indeed a lot of means for losing weight, but the enemy of those who are losing weight is still the same as it was before. It's about about increased appetite. Because of him, achieve goals in the fight against overweight goals are very difficult. It is also worth noting that increased appetite, the causes of which we are considering here, is by no means always the norm, which means it needs to be dealt with. In some cases, it may even be a symptom of some disease or mental disorder.

Increased appetite: reasons

Some people experience hunger all their lives that cannot be relieved by anything, while others eat little, but from time to time something switches in their bodies, and they begin to eat for two, or even three. As a rule, an increase in appetite is not always observed, but only at certain hours. For example, late at night. Surely many now remember how more than once they got up after midnight and went to the refrigerator, wanting to eat everything that was there. In the morning, of course, everything that happened at night caused only confusion.

In general, it is worth noting that the satiety center, like the hunger center, is located in the hypothalamus. They receive signals from the stomach that indicate whether a person needs food. As a result of any disturbances with these signals, various kinds of problems can arise. Increased appetite is precisely one of these problems. The reasons for all this, as has already become clear from the above, are various, but the main ones include the following:

1) Many women experience increased appetite before menstruation. This can be explained by the fact that in PMS time There is a lack of a hormone called estrogen in the body. This hormone makes people cheerful and is responsible for good mood. It can also act as a pain reliever. It is also worth noting that before menstruation, as well as during it, the level of hemoglobin drops, and the woman begins to feel weak from this and tries to regain her strength with the help of food. There is nothing wrong with increased appetite during menstruation.

2) A person may constantly want to eat if he constantly experiences physical activity(sports, hard work). All this is quite natural, as it is trying to gain strength. In such cases, it is recommended to eat foods that contain a lot of protein.

3) Increased appetite may occur as a result of stress, mental disorder or serious emotional shock. The fact is that the process of eating is usually very pleasant. This means that a person always withdraws a little from reality while eating. The brain tells us that we should eat not because the body needs nutrients, but because we simply want to get away from the problems that have befallen us or forget about something very bad. In this case, it is recommended to seek help from a professional psychologist, since it is quite possible that the problem will not go away on its own.

4) The main reasons for increased appetite also include problems with carbohydrate metabolism. With this disorder, people subconsciously gravitate toward eating foods that contain a lot of carbohydrates. In this case, it is recommended to consult a doctor.

5) The cause of increased appetite may be a brain tumor.

6) An increase in appetite in children is usually associated with their growth. Many adults start to worry when their child starts eating everything, but in reality there is nothing to worry about.

Finally, I would like to say that people who cannot lose weight due to the fact that they are constantly tormented by hunger are recommended to use the most simple ways to reduce it is:

Drink a glass carrot juice;

Eat oatmeal;

Eat grapefruit.

Increased appetite, the causes of which we have discussed, can of course become a big problem. It cannot be ignored.

Appetite in the human body is regulated by two interconnected systems: peripheral and central. Peripheral regulation of appetite is the endings of sensory (gustatory, olfactory, visual) nerves that allow a person to see food, hear it, smell it, taste it - all this stimulates appetite.

Central regulation of appetite is carried out by the brain. The centers of hunger, satiety and thirst are located in the hypothalamus - the area of ​​the brain that is responsible for the regulation of autonomic nervous system and endocrine glands.

Communication between these two systems is carried out using nerve impulses, transmitted from the periphery to the center through special substances (mediators). The mediators can be different (serotonin, norepinephrine and others) and each of them is transmitted through “its own” nerve endings (receptors).

What is Lindaxa and its mechanism of action

Lindaxa (sibutramine hydrochloride monohydrate) is medicinal product central action, which can suppress appetite. Its mechanism of action is that it prevents the reuptake of neurotransmitters such as serotonin, norepinephrine and some others. As a result of the increased amount of serotonin, signals about saturation are sent from peripheral centers to the brain, and in response, a signal-order to suppress appetite comes back “to the place”.

The desired (hunger suppressing) effect of Lindaxa is associated with the reuptake of serotonin. In case of obesity with impaired taste habits, Lindaxa selectively suppresses the tendency to consume easily digestible carbohydrates and increases their absorption by tissues, and since under such circumstances there are not enough carbohydrates to obtain the necessary energy, fats from “reserves” go “into the furnace” and their intensive breakdown occurs . In addition, Lindaxa increases the process of heat formation in the body, which also promotes fat burning. Together with fats, the amount of “bad” cholesterol decreases and the amount of “good” cholesterol for the body, which is actively involved in metabolism, increases.

Basic side effects Lindaxes are associated with the fact that, in addition to the reuptake of serotonin, there is also a reuptake of norepinephrine - the stress hormone , which causes a state of increased activity in the body (respiration rate, heart rate increases, blood pressure etc.).

Sibutramine does not lead to the development of drug dependence and is well absorbed into gastrointestinal tract, after oral administration, its maximum concentration in blood plasma is reached after 1-2 hours.

Indications for taking Lindaxa

Indications for taking Lindaxa are:

Lindaxa is prescribed only taking into account all indications and contraindications, when all other methods of treatment have not given the desired result.

Who should not take Lindaxa?

Lindax should not be taken:

Regular need for food is evidence of excellent health. If you regularly lose interest in food, you need to diagnose your body. Many diseases are asymptomatic, manifesting themselves only through a lack of appetite in an adult. Reasons for refusing gastronomic pleasures may have both a psychological background and warn of the development of a dangerous disease.

Translated from Latin, this term means “desire to eat.” It appears according to the principle conditioned reflex in response to hunger or a decrease in the amount of nutrients in the blood. In the process of absorption of food, it enters the blood active substance, signaling that the body is full. The emergence of appetite is accompanied by abundant secretion of digestive juices with a high concentration of enzymes.


  1. Connection with the work of the food center located in the brain.
  2. Conditionality of data entering the brain about the consumption of food resources and the quality of nutrition.
  3. Resetting the body's reserves to zero is not a reason for the appearance of appetite. He warns about the need to replenish supplies, rather than stating the fact of their absence.

Stimuli that promote appetite change their signal value, adapting to changes in the usual eating schedule.

There are 2 types of appetite:

  • specialized. Formed as a result of the need for certain foods;
  • general. The body needs any food.

Inhibition of food desire occurs during the process of food absorption. During the processing of treats entering the stomach, modifications occur hormonal levels, and a feeling of saturation comes.

Activation of appetite depends on many factors:

  • the presence of metabolic products in the blood and the degree of their digestibility;
  • level of fat reserves;
  • presence of water in tissues;
  • body temperature;
  • contractions of the stomach not filled with food.

The environment in which you usually eat, the smell and sight of food can also stimulate your appetite.

If all body systems are functioning properly, sufficient amounts of enzymes are released to process food. During the absorption of food, the gastric walls are under tension, and copious discharge digestive juice, thanks to which a person eats with pleasure.

Features of hunger

Hunger is a physiological condition that occurs when there is a prolonged lack of food in the body. It occurs as a reaction to stimulation of certain areas of the hypothalamus.

Table 1. Manifestations of hunger

When a feeling of hunger appears, the body needs to replenish its energy reserves. However, not every person who is hungry has a good appetite.

One of the main differences between hunger and appetite is time. Hunger appears approximately 3 hours after eating. Appetite occurs earlier, when the body has not yet had time to use up the energy received from the previous meal.

In the primitive world, food was consumed only with the onset of hunger, which intensified during the process of obtaining it. IN modern society the physical need to find food atrophied, and people began to eat as soon as they had an appetite, without waiting for hunger to arise.

Consequences of impaired appetite

Loss of appetite - alarm signal, indicating negative transformations in the functioning of the body.

To understand how dangerous appetite disorders can be, you need to understand the importance of food for the body. The area of ​​responsibility of food entering the body includes many functions:

  • energy;
  • protective;
  • bioregulatory.

Thanks to this “fuel”, it is possible to produce new cells and enzymes responsible for the quality functioning of all systems. In addition, it performs a signal-motivational task, which consists in activating the desire to eat.

Prolonged refusal of products leads to dangerous disease- anorexia. It is due psychological disorders. In some cases, the body stops absorbing food. In the advanced form of the disease, muscle atrophy occurs.

Causes of decreased appetite

Despite the almost perfect mechanism that represents human body, bad habits and an unbalanced diet can destroy it.

Appetite disturbance is a defensive reaction to negative stimuli, expressed in slowing down digestive processes. The reasons may be either a consequence of the presence of the disease or not of a pathological nature.

The main features of a “painless” appetite disorder:

  • symptoms disappear within 5 days;
  • temporary refusal of food is not life-threatening;
  • there is no rapid decrease in body weight.

This category includes menstruation, premenstrual syndrome, overeating at night, syndrome chronic fatigue, workaholism. Sugary drinks, lemonade, baked goods, or candy eaten or drunk between meals can also contribute to loss of appetite.

With strong emotional turmoil or in a state of love, there is a significant decrease in the need for food. However, it should be remembered that chronic stress is harmful to human body, as it can lead to serious exhaustion.

In most cases, the lack of need for food is evidence of the presence of serious illnesses:

  • bronze disease;
  • depression;
  • histiocytosis;
  • hepatitis;
  • chronic polyarthritis;
  • infectious diseases;
  • dementia;
  • stomach or duodenal ulcer;
  • malignant tumors;
  • flu;
  • schizophrenia;
  • renal or heart failure;
  • cirrhosis;
  • pneumonia;
  • pancreatitis;
  • intestinal inflammation;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • anorexia;
  • Alzheimer's disease.

Scroll possible diseases quite extensive. During pregnancy, a slight decrease in food interest is sometimes observed.

Table 2. Possible reasons lack of appetite

Disruptions in the gastrointestinal tractGastritis and other gastrointestinal diseases besides painful sensations V abdominal cavity provoke loss of appetite.
Heart failureLeads to nausea and heaviness in the epigastric area. As a consequence of these processes - loss of appetite.
Lack of B vitaminsSince vitamins of this group are responsible for the functioning of the nervous system, their deficiency may cause deterioration. emotional state and depression. Irritation, apathy, insomnia, weight loss, lethargy, weakness and loss of appetite are frequent companions of vitamin deficiency.
Unbalanced dietWith illiterate nutrition and exhausting diets, a decrease in appetite is inevitable, fraught with strong weight loss. Irregular meals and a diet consisting of low quality products, lead to the accumulation of poisons of biological origin that negatively affect appetite.
StarvationDespite its benefits, the presence of diseases that preclude the use of this method can cause loss of appetite.
Reception medicines and bad habitsLong-term use of medications is one of the causes of appetite disorders. Drug addiction, tobacco smoking, active use drugs aimed at reducing body weight are also at risk.
Emotional statePsychological shocks provoke loss of appetite. They are fraught with both excessive overeating and refusal of food.

Antibiotics, anesthetics, drugs that contain digitalis, sympathomimetics, cold medications with phenylpropanolamine, painkillers, and diabetes medications may be responsible for the deterioration of appetite.

Video - Psychological reasons for lack of appetite

Diagnosis of the body

If you have a long-term loss of interest in food, you need to go through medical research body, which includes the following activities:

  • blood and urine tests;
  • Ultrasound of the abdominal organs;
  • X-ray of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • assessment of the functioning of the thyroid gland, liver and kidneys;
  • HIV and pregnancy test.

If the deterioration of appetite lasts more than 1 week, the body begins to experience a lack of nutrients necessary to ensure normal functioning. To prevent complete exhaustion, it is necessary to undergo timely diagnosis.

Treatment of appetite disorders

The desire to eat is quickly restored after the disease that caused its loss is eliminated.

Table 3. Treatment methods depending on the nature of the pathology

Treatment should only be carried out under the supervision of the attending physician.

Treatment at home

Self-medication is not best way improve your health. Turning to the means traditional medicine, you can relieve unpleasant symptoms, but as a result, “blur” the overall picture of the disease. This will make it difficult to make a diagnosis and slow down the healing process.

When coordinating the use of home recipes with a specialist, you can use the following tools and techniques:

  1. The nutrition plan should be drawn up taking into account the gender, age and field of activity of a person. The diet of children, for example, differs from the gastronomic preferences of an adult, and the meal schedule of an office worker does not always coincide with the schedule of housewives.
  2. Change your eating habits. If eating a certain food stops being enjoyable, you should refresh your diet with new dishes.
  3. Enrich your diet with protein-rich foods.
  4. Take vitamins every day. Zinc is especially useful, as it has a great effect on the digestive system.
  5. Drink enough water, at least 1.5 liters per day.
  6. Use yeast enriched with B vitamins.
  7. Increase your consumption of green vegetables.
  8. To create a desire to eat delicious food, a routine is very important. In addition to the 5 meals a day recommended by nutritionists fractional meals It is necessary not to get carried away with “snacks” of dry sandwiches.
  9. Drink 30 minutes before meals herbal teas. For psycho-emotional problems that contribute to loss of appetite, decoctions based on mint, chamomile, dill and lemon balm will be indispensable helpers.
  10. Reduce the degree of emotional reaction to stressful situations.

Treatment of diseases on early stage development is much more effective than fighting an advanced form of the disease. When the first signs of loss of appetite appear, you should seek qualified medical help.