
The first signs of a cold, treatment for a 1.5 year old child. Treating a child at the first sign of a cold

The fact that children from time to time suffer from colds (otherwise acute respiratory infections, and in particular ARVI) is not news to anyone. And most parents probably know the strategy of drug therapy in this case - antipyretic syrup, cough pills, nasal drops... But did you know that often treating colds in children can also be done using non-drug methods?

Sometimes the most simple methods Treatment of colds in children - sound sleep, warm drinks, adequate microclimate in the apartment - can lead to the baby's recovery much faster than the most modern pharmaceutical anti-cold medications.

So, all these symptoms, with early intervention and a prudent approach to treatment, according to progressive pediatricians, can be eliminated without the use of medications. How exactly? We'll tell you in detail!

Treatment of ARVI in children: step one - creating a “healthy” climate

There are simple household techniques and methods for treating acute respiratory viral infections in children, which are also the most effective prevention colds in a child.

As a result of these techniques, the accumulation of mucus in the child’s upper respiratory tract stops, which actually gives an impetus to recovery. The mechanism is simple: the pathogenic environment (in the case of ARVI, this is precisely clots of mucus in the child’s respiratory tract) either does not have time to accumulate, or is diluted and eliminated in a timely manner, which greatly facilitates the child’s breathing. And at the same time, it allows immune cells to do their job already on the 5-6th day of the disease - to defeat those viruses that still remain in the respiratory tract.

Similar non-drug treatments for colds in children include:

  • Creating a “healthy” climate in the children’s room where the baby lives - humid and cool;
  • Daily ventilation of the children's room (and the home in general);
  • At the first hint of an onset of a cold, introduce a regimen of heavy drinking and limited nutrition (if loss of appetite is obvious);
  • Make sure that nasal breathing is always free.

It is much healthier and more comfortable for any child (including from the point of view of preventing a number of diseases) to live in a humid and cool climate. But for a child suffering from ARVI, being in a humidified and well-ventilated room is vital.

Let us recall the parameters of the “ideal” nursery: optimal humidity - 55-70%, temperature - no higher than 20-21°C.

How to control humidity and temperature in a room? On instruments!

When treating a cold in a child, the correct climate in the nursery is extremely important! The easiest way to control humidity in your home is with a hygrometer. Such a device is usually not sold in pharmacies, but certainly in any large pet store.

Of the devices that can regulate the temperature in a room, the most “correct” one is a radiator valve, with which you can easily reduce the “warmth” in the room if necessary.

However, devices that affect air temperature, unfortunately, cannot increase its humidity. Any devices that heat the air (be it electric heaters, conventional batteries, etc.) dry the air. Any devices that cool the air - for example, air conditioners - also dry the surrounding air. By and large, any attempts to humidify the air by adjusting the temperature do not have a positive effect on humidity. On the contrary, they reduce the moisture content in the air. And thus not only do they not help, or, on the contrary, they contribute to drying out and thickening of mucus in the respiratory tract.

Only special household humidifiers, of which modern market household appliances- dozens of models for every taste and income.

Treatment of colds in children: step two - give your child something to drink!

Why is it so important to constantly water a child with ARVI?

For any respiratory infection human body loses more fluid. For example: at a body temperature of 38°C, a one and a half year old baby loses an average of 200 ml of fluid per hour.

Shortness of breath, active sweating, or larynx (when coughing, for example) - all this leads to drying out of the mucous membranes respiratory tract. Which in turn makes the mucus even more viscous and thick. In other words, nasal congestion becomes more and more dense, the cough becomes even drier and stronger (because the phlegm in the lungs also instantly becomes thick).

Meanwhile, doctors have long noticed that the viscosity of mucus directly depends on the viscosity of the blood - if you make the blood more liquid, then the viscosity of the mucus (especially that formed on the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract) will also sharply decrease.

The easiest way to make the blood more fluid is to actively and often water the body. Thus, if a child suffering from ARVI drinks a lot and often (water, tea, compotes, saline solutions, fruit drinks, etc. are suitable as liquids), the faster his runny nose and cough go away, the sooner nasal breathing is restored .

How much fluid does a child with ARVI need?

The amount of fluid depends on several factors: how high the child’s temperature is, how often he breathes and how difficult his nasal breathing is, what is the climate in the room, etc. The correct thing is simple: the more fluid the baby loses, the more he should drink.

The main task of drinking plenty of fluids when treating colds in children is to prevent blood from thickening. It is quite difficult to calculate the exact amount of fluid needed (all children are individual and everyone is sick in their own way), but there are simple guidelines that allow you to accurately determine the acute lack of fluid in the baby’s body:

  • if the child urinates less than once every three hours;
  • if a child’s tongue is dry and there is no sweat at all, it means that his body is in dire need of fluid;

What to give to a child with ARVI?

So, we found out that when treating a child for a cold, he needs to be given plenty of water. But what exactly? in fact, it’s not a matter of the composition of the liquid - you can drink water, tea, fruit drinks and other liquids, if they are non-carbonated and transparent. It is much more important what temperature the liquid is!

It will be useful for parents to know that liquid only begins to be actively absorbed into the blood from the stomach when it reaches body temperature. Too hot - it should cool down, too cool - on the contrary, it should warm up. This means that it is most reasonable to give the baby exactly the drink that corresponds to his body temperature at the moment.

If you put a thermometer on your baby and he “reported”, for example, 37.5°C, then the optimal temperature of the liquid to drink at that moment should also be about 37.5°C.

Special anti-dehydration liquid

In medicine, the best liquids that prevent lack of moisture in the body are the so-called oral dehydration products. And when treating children's colds, these remedies are indispensable... By the way, they are also used in cases where your baby is inadvertently . As a rule, these products are sold in pharmacies in the form of powders that must be diluted with water according to the instructions.

Here are the names of some similar drugs - for clarity: Gidrovit, Regidron, Orasan, Gastrolit, Glucosolan, Humana Electrolyte and others.

However, such a solution, which will preserve not only valuable water in the baby’s body, but also equally valuable salts, can be prepared independently:

Mix 2 tablespoons in one liter of clean still water. sugar, 1 tsp. salt and 1 tsp. baking soda.

If the baby categorically refuses to drink such a (to put it mildly, not the most delicious) drink, but willingly drinks plain water or berry compote, let him drink what he wants. If a child suffering from ARVI categorically does not drink anything at all, and you have to literally force him to do so, then immediately “pour in” the most useful thing, namely the above-mentioned saline solution.

The easiest way to give water to newborn babies and infants is from an ordinary syringe (without a needle, of course!): fill it with saline solution and carefully pour it into the corner of the mouth, onto the inner side surface of the cheek (to avoid choking).

What to do with the temperature?

So, if a child has a cold drinking plenty of fluids and the right climate in the nursery will help you relieve your child of symptoms such as cough and runny nose in a matter of days. In part, increased fluid turnover also contributes to a decrease in elevated temperature at the baby's.

However, if a child’s body temperature during ARVI does not exceed 38°C, then one should not try to deliberately and actively bring it down. After all, its very increase is an obvious indicator that the body is actively fighting the infection.

And only in a situation when the child’s body temperature exceeds 38°C, does it make sense to look for a way to reduce it. However, in this case, relying on non-drug methods is no longer very reasonable. Considering that in any pharmacy there will always be simple and safe antipyretic drugs.

In addition, such a high temperature when a child has a cold is a definite reason to call a doctor for a consultation.

How to help with lack of appetite

Lack of appetite during acute respiratory viral infection in children is a completely normal and understandable symptom. Usually it extremely worries and saddens not so much the child’s parents (and himself) as the grandmothers. Which, contrary to nature, are desperately trying to feed their beloved offspring. And in vain! If your baby has no appetite during an acute respiratory viral infection, you should not try to feed him in any way.

If a child with ARVI refuses to eat, don’t feed him! Even if the lack of appetite lasts for several days. To give your baby strength and provide additional support in treatment, 1-2 cups of light chicken broth per day is enough.

Children's doctor, Dr. Komarovsky: “The fact is that the liver, which is actively involved in the digestion process, is also one of the participants in the creation of immune defense. To relieve the liver of excess stress and devote all its strength to creating immunity, the body temporarily blocks the feeling of hunger. This explains the lack of appetite during illness.”

A child who does not want to eat during illness means that his body is fighting for its health. And no grandma's pie or roast is worth interfering with your recovery. Allow the baby to recover - and he will instantly “get enough” of that slight weight loss that restless relatives so often lament.

A cold in a child is the most common illness. They talk about it if the baby becomes infected with an acute respiratory disease. Children get colds equally often at 2, 3, 4 and 5 years of age. Only closer to the time they enter school - at 6-7 years old - does their immune system become more resistant to viral agents.

Children get colds more often than others

Parents should not perceive every illness of their child as a tragedy. Only by suffering from ARVI does the baby’s body learn to recognize viruses and fight them off.

Understanding the nature of the disease

Conventionally, pediatricians classify infections that affect the body of a child aged 2-7 years into three groups:

  • viral;
  • fungal;
  • bacterial.

The first ones are the most common. When they develop, the diagnosis “ARVI” is entered into the patient’s chart. If viral diseases in children are not treated correctly, serious complications may arise that are associated with bacterial damage to the body. It is also possible that a fungal infection may be associated with a childhood cold.

Realizing this, responsible parents should take their sick child to a qualified doctor and strictly follow his recommendations. If the pediatrician tells you to take tests, nasal or throat swabs, then that’s what you need to do.

Signs of a cold in children

The medicine for a cold in a child is selected taking into account the symptoms. Most often the disease manifests itself:

  • elevated body temperature (but it may not exist);
  • cough (dry or wet);
  • runny nose

If a 2 or 3 year old child gets sick, it is difficult for parents to find out what exactly is bothering him. Therefore, before contacting a pediatrician, it is advisable not to give him any medications. You can only bring down the temperature if it is raised to 38.5 degrees.

Children aged 4 to 6-7 years can already tell and show their mother what and where it hurts. In this regard, it is much easier to provide them with first aid before receiving medical advice.

Treatment of colds in children

If the child’s immunity is strong, then the cold may go away on its own. To do this, it is necessary to give the patient only a lot of warm drinks and provide him with bed rest. If the cold symptoms are severe, the baby is lethargic and persists. high risk the addition of bacterial complications, emergency measures must be taken.

When you have a cold, your body temperature may rise

High temperature with a cold - should I give an antipyretic?

If the child tolerates the temperature well, that is, does not lie pale all day, but plays, eats, drinks, does not have convulsions, and does not have pronounced symptoms of intoxication, then an antipyretic may not be given. In general, pediatricians recommend refusing to use it if the thermometer shows below 38.5 degrees.

It is important to realize that high temperature is a protective reaction of the body. He specifically increases it to the level at which viral agents begin to die and cannot reproduce. If young parents, out of inexperience, give the baby an antipyretic as soon as the thermometer shows 37-37.2 degrees, you can’t count on a quick recovery - the viruses will actively spread.

If a child has disturbances in the functioning of the central nervous system, he is prone to convulsions, then he is given medicine for fever at a temperature of 37.5-37.7 degrees.

Paracetamol and drugs based on it (Cefekon, Panadol) have the most gentle effect on the children's body. Ibuprofen is very good at reducing fever. If the temperature is very bad, parents can ask the pediatrician to write a prescription for Ibuklin. This is a combination drug containing both ibuprofen and paracetamol. It can be taken for colds by children over 3 years of age.

It would also be useful for mothers to know about one little trick: if Ibuklin is not at home, and the temperature persists, you can simultaneously give half a dose of Ibuprofen and half a dose of Paracetamol. If the arms and legs of the baby are icy (blood circulation is impaired), you should add to this antipyretic “mixture” a No-shpa tablet and an antihistamine, which is approved for use by age (for example, Suprastin).

Ibuklin is an effective antipyretic

It is necessary to observe intervals between doses of antipyretics. Medicines do not work immediately - it takes 1-2 hours. Therefore, it is unacceptable to give another dose every hour. This can lead to a critical drop in body temperature, requiring immediate medical attention.

Fighting a runny nose when a child has a cold

A runny nose is one of the most common symptoms colds in children 2-7 years old. At first, nasal discharge has a liquid consistency and is transparent. Gradually, the mucous membrane swells, breathing becomes difficult, and the mucus thickens. Here the problem arises of the inability to sleep at night due to lack of oxygen.

Some children cope with it easily - they simply begin to inhale air through their mouths. Others are capricious and cannot sleep for a long time. Then parents have to think about how to treat the nose so that the baby’s breathing is restored at least temporarily.

Firstly, for a runny nose, you need to use saline solutions, prepared yourself or purchased at a pharmacy (Aqua Maris, Salin). They need to be instilled into the nose, and then the soaked mucus should be sucked out using a special nasal aspirator. The procedure is painless, but unpleasant, so children always perceive it negatively. But by regularly rinsing the nasal passages, mothers protect their babies from developing sinusitis.

Also, if you have a runny nose during a cold, the nasal mucosa should be treated with antiviral compounds - Grippferon or Genferon. Derinat has also proven himself well.

Isofra - first aid for advanced rhinitis

In advanced cases, otolaryngologists prescribe Polydex and Isofra for children. These drugs are strong, so parents should not purchase them on their own to treat their child.

How to treat pain in grief when a child has a cold

Since the cold affects the respiratory system, it is rarely possible to avoid a sore throat when swallowing. List of drugs aimed at removing inflammatory process that children 2-3 years old can take is very limited. Most often, the pediatrician prescribes Ingalipt spray and treatment of the tonsils with Iodinol.

Older children can use Orasept, Lugol, lozenges for treatment, and gargle with solutions of Chlorophyllipt and Miramistin.

You can apply warm compresses to sore throat with honey, cottage cheese, boiled potatoes. Inhalations performed using a nebulizer have also proven themselves to be effective. Rotokan solution should be used as a medicinal composition. True, this method is only suitable for children who are already 4-5 years old.

Antiviral drugs for childhood colds

Today in pediatric practice they are actively used antiviral drugs. They are prescribed to prevent flu and colds, as well as to increase the immunity of a sick child.

The most popular in Russia are:

  • Viferon;
  • Anaferon;
  • Ergoferon;
  • Kipferon.

Even the youngest patients can use them. Also proven to be good:

  • Groprinosin;
  • Aflubin;
  • Oscillococcinum;
  • Cytovir;
  • Isoprinosine.

Parents should not treat antiviral tablets and candles as safe vitamins. Drugs in this group have a strong effect on work immune system, and it is not recommended to interfere with it unless absolutely necessary.

A pediatrician should select medications for a child.

When are antibiotics used to treat a cold in a child?

A cold is a viral disease. Antibiotics are aimed at treating bacterial infections. Therefore, it is unacceptable to replace antiviral drugs with them.

Nevertheless, there are situations when a pediatrician prescribes an antibiotic to a child with a cold. This measure is necessary when a secondary infection occurs:

  • bronchitis;
  • sinusitis;
  • otitis;
  • tonsillitis.

Also, the need to use antibacterial agents may appear if a high temperature persists for five days or more, a blood test shows a strong increase in ESR.

What antibiotics are prescribed for colds?

Methods for treating colds in a child 2-7 years old using traditional medicine recipes

At the first sign of a cold, you can use folk recipes. So, you can reduce high body temperature by wiping the body with a solution of vinegar or vodka. You can also give it to your child sauerkraut, cranberry juice.

Throughout the illness, the patient should be offered natural antibiotics - onions, garlic, lemon juice- They greatly stimulate the immune system.

If the temperature is normal, you can apply mustard plasters for coughs and steam your legs and arms. Inhalation over boiled potatoes accelerates the discharge of sputum. However, if the child is not yet 5 years old, it is unsafe to do them - a fidgety person can tip the dishes with hot contents onto themselves.

If you have a sore throat, drink plenty of warm fluids

If the baby is 2-3 years old and does not yet know how to gargle, he can be given a decoction of chamomile and sage to drink. But first you need to make sure that you are not allergic to these herbal remedies.

Before going to bed, the child should prepare warm milk with honey and butter, but, again, only if there is no allergic reaction to bee products.

How to avoid complications with a cold in a small child

To prevent a cold from becoming the cause of the development of a chronic disease, you need to:

  • follow medical recommendations;
  • adjust the child’s diet (include easily digestible dishes - soups, broths, boiled meat);
  • Regularly ventilate the room in which the patient is located and humidify the air.

A child with a cold should not spend a lot of time on his feet. You need to offer him games that do not require active movement.

Colds are one of the most common diseases. Many children get sick several times a year, often feel very bad and do not attend educational institutions. However, during illness, children develop immunity, making it easier for them to tolerate similar conditions in the future. It is important to choose the right therapy in order to get rid of the disease as quickly as possible and prevent complications.

Characteristic signs of a cold

Colds usually start abruptly. The child wakes up with a runny nose, sneezes, and sometimes has a fever. The baby may be irritable, complain of a headache, a cough develops over time, and nasal mucus becomes thicker and darker. The main signs of acute respiratory infections also include:

  • in most cases – increased body temperature;
  • weakness;
  • sore throat and painful sensations when swallowing;
  • irritability;
  • sometimes - vomiting and diarrhea.

U one year old child Other symptoms may be added:

  • significant loss of appetite;
  • tearing and redness of the eyes;
  • fatigue.

If a child has a cold, he or she will have a temperature above 38°C for about three days. Most often, unpleasant symptoms in the form of swelling of the nose, vomiting, and headache appear when the thermometer readings begin to decrease. The disease almost always begins with rare clear snot and cough.

What symptoms are most dangerous for a child?

Parents should definitely know the symptoms of a cold, which require immediate medical attention. In babies under one year of age, dangerous signs are:

  • strong cry;
  • cold sweat;
  • sudden lethargy;
  • a sharp decrease in body temperature;
  • rashes (pimples and spots that do not change color when pressed are especially dangerous).

Signs of complications in older children may include persistent loose stool and frequent vomiting. In this case, the child needs to be given a solution containing a small amount of soda, salt and sugar to restore water balance. The following manifestations are also considered dangerous:

  • fainting;
  • forgetfulness and inappropriate behavior;
  • sudden hoarseness of voice;
  • breathing problems;
  • swelling in the head and neck area;
  • sharp pain in the abdomen.

Dangerous symptoms are rare. They talk about a threat not only to the health, but also to the life of the child. Hospitalization – the only way provide the necessary assistance.

It is also important to distinguish a common cold from the flu:

  1. with a cold, a runny nose and cough, discomfort in the throat first appear, and only after 1-2 days the thermometer rises to 38°C (usually no more);
  2. the flu begins abruptly and immediately with a high temperature - the child suddenly begins to shiver, coughs, and the temperature rises to 40°C.

Treatment with medications

Nasal rinsing preparations have a good effect, they allow you to clear the nasal passages of secretions and mechanically remove pathogenic microorganisms. Products based on sea water are not addictive and do not cause harm:

  • Morenasal;
  • Fluimarin;
  • No-salt;
  • saline sodium chloride solution;
  • Aquamaris.

If, nevertheless, it was not possible to avoid the disease, and the child’s cold is actively developing, it is necessary to resort to the use of more strong drugs. It is worth following certain recommendations in treatment:

  1. For children under 3 years of age, it is better to give the medication in the form of syrup and drops; it is recommended to reduce the temperature with rectal suppositories.
  2. Children from 4-5 years old can be taught to gargle using herbal decoctions. Children can easily swallow capsules and tablets and can dissolve lozenges, so the list of medications is expanding significantly.

The following drugs are often used in therapy:

Drug nameActionFeatures of application
Genferon, DerinatAntiviral agents.Effective on early stages diseases
Nasal drops Collargol, PinosolUsed for congestion purulent discharge, have an antimicrobial effectIt is not advisable to use longer than 7 days - they are addictive
Doctor Mom, Hexoral, Herbion, Alteyka, Bo the BearReady-made pharmaceutical syrups from different types coughIt is advisable to use it in a minimal dosage. The drugs simultaneously have a mucolytic, antitussive and anti-inflammatory effect
ACC, Ambroxol, Bromhexine (we recommend reading:)Used for wet coughsThey do not suppress the cough reflex and act effectively by diluting sputum.
Efferalgan, Paracetamol, Nurofen, Ibufen, Ibuprofen, Panadol syrup (we recommend reading:)Reduce temperatureIt is recommended to lower the temperature above 38°C
Chlorophyllipt, LugolUsed to destroy bacteria, relieve inflammation and cleanse mucous membranesIt is necessary to treat the mucous membrane of the throat
Isofra, PolydexaAntibioticsVery rarely prescribed
Anaferon, ViferonStrengthening the immune systemIt is better to use after consultation with a specialist

It is worth remembering that as long as the child feels normal, there is no need to rush into pills or syrups - the body will cope with the disease itself. Some features of the use of drugs:

  1. It is better to crush tablets that have a bitter taste to powder and mix with jam and honey.
  2. When using syrups, it is not advisable to drink water or eat within 20 minutes after administration.
  3. Aspirin should not be used as an antipyretic for children under 12 years of age. Tablets can cause severe side effects.

Treatment with folk remedies

If a child has a cold, most parents treat the baby’s condition as inevitable and hope that he will recover in 7-10 days. However, the disease can be cured at the initial stage, quickly, without pills and other medications. Recipes traditional medicine can also be used at an advanced stage of the disease as an additional therapy.

At the first signs of a cold, when the body begins to be overcome by microbes, you need to use products that help quickly remove toxins. Fruit drinks made from berries are ideal for this purpose. To replenish vitamin C, children can be given sea buckthorn and rosehip teas, and also add parsley, oranges, and kiwi to their food.

Tea with raspberry jam in a strong dose can “strangle” initial manifestations colds

You can cure a cold in 1 day:

  1. At the first symptoms, take inhalation hot water with the addition of salt/soda (1 tsp per glass of water). Rinse your nose and gargle with the same solution.
  2. Make a foot bath for 10-15 minutes with mustard, gradually increase the water temperature to 40 degrees.
  3. Drink a cup of tea with raspberry jam, linden blossom infusion. Lie in bed, wrap yourself up, breathe hard and sweat for half an hour. Free your head from the blanket, wrap it in a towel and sleep until the morning.

Runny nose

What should parents do if their baby suffers from a runny nose? There are several effective ways combating nasal discharge:

  1. Make steam inhalation - add 3-4 drops of menthol or eucalyptus essential oil to boiling water. Bend over the bowl and cover with a towel, breathe for 15 minutes. Adding dry cinnamon to the water will help you sweat, and cayenne pepper will improve blood circulation and relieve nasal swelling.
  2. Steam your feet before going to bed for 10-15 minutes. Blood will flow to lower limbs, and the vessels of the head will narrow, which will lead to a decrease in swelling of the mucous membrane. Do not keep your feet in hot water for too long, otherwise the opposite effect will occur. Fever is a direct contraindication to the procedure.
  3. A runny nose in both a one-year-old baby and an older child can be treated with carrot or beet juice. Pour boiling water over fresh vegetables, grate and squeeze out the juice. Apply 2-3 drops up to 4 times a day.
  4. Prepare onion drops. Mix fresh onion juice with boiled water in a ratio of 1:20. Instill 2-3 times a day.

Given that normal temperature To get rid of a runny nose, you can steam your feet for 2-3 evenings in a row and sleep in woolen socks


The following folk recipes are suitable for treating cough:

  1. Mix licorice root, chamomile, mint, calendula, coltsfoot in equal proportions. Pour 2 dessert spoons with 0.5 liters of boiling water, let stand for an hour. Give the baby 50-100 ml three times a day after meals.
  2. For dry cough, lemon balm and chamomile (1 tsp each) are poured with half a liter of boiling water. The drink should be given warm 4-5 times a day, 2 tablespoons.
  3. An effective remedy is milk (250 ml) with honey (1 tsp) and butter (1/2 tsp). The liquid should be warm, but not hot, otherwise honey will lose its beneficial properties.
  4. A hot compress of water and apple cider vinegar in a 3:1 ratio. Apply to the throat and chest for 15-20 minutes.

Sore throat

If your baby has a cold, he will definitely have a sore throat for 2-4 days. Rinsing will help you cope with discomfort:

  • add 1 tsp to 200 ml of boiled water. propolis tinctures;
  • per glass of water – 1 tsp. salt and 3 drops of iodine;
  • pour a mixture of equal proportions of chamomile, calendula and sage into a liter of boiling water, leave for 40 minutes;
  • in a glass warm water add 3-4 drops of thyme, cypress or eucalyptus oil.

You can gargle up to 6 times a day, preferably at equal intervals. The antibacterial effect of these products will help quickly overcome the infection.

Mistakes when treating a cold in a child

Temperature increase – normal reaction immune system to the penetration of the pathogen and the onset of the disease. However, it is worth understanding that the symptoms respiratory disease can appear even when there is no trace of a cold. Snot and cough can be caused by a foreign body in the respiratory tract, irritation from dust and smoke.

If parents think that the child has an acute respiratory infection, but the disease occurs without fever, then this is either an allergy or a foreign body in the nose or throat. In this case, it is useless to treat the baby for a cold. However, the absence of fever can sometimes indicate mild form course of the disease.

When treating a cold, many parents resort to medications that are not necessary. Let's look at the main mistakes in therapy:

  1. Use of antibiotics. They can only be used if indicated, otherwise the drugs destroy the natural microflora. This will only increase the symptoms of the disease.
  2. Use of antipyretic medications. If you give them to your baby at a temperature of 37-37.5 degrees, the baby’s immunity will not develop correctly (we recommend reading:).
  3. Antitussive drugs. You should not give them just because you want to quickly eliminate this unpleasant symptom. Coughing is a natural reaction of the body, which tries to remove mucus from the bronchi.
  4. Using all medications at the same time. When combining drugs, it is worth studying the instructions and taking into account the indications. Ignoring these factors will lead to a backlash.

When treating a cold, it is important not to overdo it with medications and use potent drugs only by doctor's prescription

If your baby has a cold, then at the first signs of illness you need to create the most comfortable conditions for him:

  1. You should not place your child in a warm and stuffy room - he will get worse. The air temperature should be no more than 23 degrees.
  2. It is necessary to maintain the humidity in the room at 60-70%. If your baby is cold, you need to dress him and not turn on the heater.
  3. You should not force feed your child if he refuses to eat. Give him tea, juice, fruit drink, milk - the majority of microorganisms and toxins are removed from the body with liquid.
  4. Bed rest is required. It is highly not recommended to endure the disease “on your feet.”

If a child is ill, he needs to be bathed - during the hygiene procedure, he breathes moist air, which helps moisturize the mucous membranes of the nose and throat (we recommend reading:). The ban on bathing comes from the times when children were washed in a trough and were afraid of getting too cold. The procedure is prohibited only at high body temperature. You can also walk outside. It is important to dress your baby for the weather and minimize contact with other children.

During the period of a cold, provided there is no elevated body temperature, you can and should go for a walk. fresh air dressing for the weather

Cold prevention

It is better to prevent the development of the disease than to treat a child who has a cold. In unfavorable epidemiological conditions, it is necessary:

  • avoid handshakes;
  • try not to be in crowded places ( public transport, shops);
  • limit contact with sick people;
  • wear a gauze bandage, changing it every 2-3 hours;
  • try to spend more time outdoors, walk in the park.

In prevention colds and influenza, daily work on developing immunity and improving health will help:

  • choose healthy products(fresh fruits, vegetables, fermented milk);
  • buy clothes made from natural fabrics;
  • exercise;
  • maintain optimal temperature conditions;
  • harden a child from an early age.

It has been proven that during the day, a person’s hands come into repeated contact with discharge from the mouth, eyes, and nose. A huge amount is transmitted through hands pathogens, since a person touches door handles, handrails, money, etc. every day. It is advisable to give the child an antiseptic, wet wipes and remind you to wash your hands before eating, after going to the toilet and immediately after returning from the street.

Children develop immunity. This is a vital necessity. In the future, your child’s body will learn to quickly cope with viruses it has already encountered and is familiar with. During the period of illness, it is necessary to pay due attention to the child and choose the right therapy for him. After all, the outcome of the disease depends on it. It can be positive or negative: recovery or complication.

Parents often wonder: if a child (2 years old) has a cold, how to treat it? Today's article will tell you about different means fight infection. But it is worth remembering that any prescription must be made by a doctor. Especially when it comes to younger children.

Nature of the disease

Before treating a cold (2 year old child), it is necessary to understand the nature of its origin. All infections are divided into bacterial, fungal and viral. The latter are much more common than their predecessors. At the same time, a viral disease with improper treatment may cause bacterial complications. Therapy for this infection is fraught with the addition fungal infection. Everything in the human body is interconnected. Therefore, you should not guess from the coffee grounds what caused the baby’s discomfort. In addition, some children at this age cannot even clearly explain what hurts them.

The main signs of illness in a child: runny nose, fever, cough. If a baby has a headache and photophobia, and his parents see 39 degrees or higher on the thermometer, then most likely the baby has the flu. When after some time a child develops a dry (later wet) cough, and the temperature does not drop, this is bronchitis. A sore throat and plaque on the tonsils indicate a sore throat. Also, young children often encounter laryngitis, pharyngitis, rhinitis, otitis media and other diseases. They all have different treatment methods. Let's consider what to do if a child (2 years old) has a cold. How to treat the baby in this case?

Treatment of a runny nose

In almost all cases (with the exception of some), babies develop a runny nose. At first, the separated secretion has a transparent color and liquid consistency. Some time before this, parents may notice intense sneezing. Later, swelling occurs, breathing becomes impaired, and nasal discharge becomes thick. All these are signs of a viral infection. If after a few days the nasal discharge becomes green or yellow, then a bacterial infection has occurred. How to treat a cold (2 year old child) in such a situation? How to make breathing easier?

Without a doctor's prescription, it is completely justified that you can use saline solutions. These are products such as “Humer”, “Aquamaris”, “Rinostop”. They can be inserted into the baby’s nose up to 8-10 times a day. The drugs cleanse the mucous membrane of pathogens and eliminate swelling by drawing out excess fluid. At the earliest stages of the disease, medications such as Grippferon, Genferon, and Derinat will be effective. These are antiviral agents approved for use from the first days of life. They must be used strictly according to the instructions. Antibiotics for the nose are prescribed quite rarely. They cannot be used independently. Commonly used drugs: “Isofra”, “Protargol”, “Polydex”.

Fever: when to lower the temperature?

Almost always, children’s body temperature rises when they are sick. This symptom starts with this and how to lower the temperature correctly? It is worth saying right away that until the thermometer reaches 38.5 degrees, the mother should not take antipyretics. It is clear that all parents want to alleviate the condition of their children. But it is at this temperature that the active fight of the immune system against viruses begins. If you want your baby to acquire good body resistance in the future, then wait. The exception to the rule is children with neurological disorders. For them, the use of antipyretic compounds is necessary already at 37.7 degrees.

The most safe means Paracetamol and its structural analogues(“Panadol”, “Cefekon”). It is acceptable to use Ibuprofen or Nurofen. In exceptional cases, “Nimulid”, “Nimesulide” or “Nise” is prescribed. Remember that the dose of an antipyretic always depends on the baby’s body weight: calculate it correctly.

What to do if the temperature does not go down?

In young children, illness often begins white fever. This feature can manifest itself as a cold in a child (2 years old). How to treat? The list of medications to eliminate this condition is as follows:

  • antipyretic (metamizole sodium-based products are more often used);
  • antispasmodic (“No-Shpa”, “Drotaverine”, “Papaverine”, “Papazol”);
  • antihistamine (“Diphenhydramine”, “Tavegil”, “Suprastin”).

Each component is selected according to the age of the child. The following combination is most often used: “Analgin”, “Diphenhydramine”, “Drotaverine”. In this case, the child is 2 years old, which means that he needs 0.2 milligrams of each product. The injection is given intramuscularly.

Sore and sore throat

A cold almost always manifests itself as painful swallowing in a child (2 years old). How to treat a baby in this situation? Most lozenges and sprays are still prohibited at this age. Only according to specific indications can a doctor recommend such products as “Tantum Verde”, “Inhalipt” (provided they are sprayed not in the throat, but on the inner surface of the cheeks).

It is permissible to treat a child’s tonsils and the adjacent mucous membrane with the following compounds:

  • "Miramistin" (kills bacteria, viruses and fungi, cleanses).
  • "Chlorophyllipt" (effective for bacterial infection, copes well with staphylococci, relieves inflammation).
  • “Lugol” (cleans, disinfects, very effective against plaque and bacterial infections).

Use of antiviral agents

If a child (2 years old) often has a cold, how to treat it? Medicines with antiviral and immunomodulatory effects are now used in pediatrics left and right. Doctors prescribe them for the purpose of prevention and directly for treatment. It is known that the safest compounds are those that stimulate the synthesis of interferon. Such drugs do not interact with the virus on their own. They make the immune system work and cope with colds. Trade names these medications: “Viferon”, “Kipferon”, “Anaferon”, “Ergoferon” and so on.

The doctor can prescribe medications for the baby such as Isoprinosine, Groprinosin, Aflubin, Oscillococcinum, Cytovir and many others. But it’s better not to use them yourself.

When are antibiotics needed?

Often, a caring mother grabs antibiotics if her child (2 years old) gets a cold. How to treat? Symptoms that your baby really needs antimicrobial agents will be as follows:

  • green or yellow snot;
  • severe cough;
  • body temperature lasts more than five days;
  • the prescribed treatment does not help, and the child gets worse;
  • pain in the ears;
  • A thick white coating appeared on the tonsils.

Even if your baby has all the symptoms described, this is not a reason to immediately give him an antibiotic. Be sure to show your child to the doctor. After all, only a pediatrician can choose the right necessary drug and calculate the required dose. Most often doctors prescribe wide range actions. Preference is given to penicillin drugs and macrolides. Cephalosporins are prescribed less frequently. A specialist will indicate the trade names suitable for your baby.

Cold in a child (2 years old): how to treat it? Folk remedies)

In recent years, many parents have tried to give up chemicals and tablets, giving preference to traditional recipes. Indeed, some of them turn out to be effective. But in everything you need to know when to stop. Don't bring your child to fainting. If you see that your methods are not working, consult a doctor.

  • You can reduce body temperature by rubbing. Use plain clean water for this. It is forbidden to rub a child with vodka or vinegar. You can reduce the thermometer readings with the help of vitamin C. Brew your baby weak, warm tea with lemon or orange slices.
  • Natural antibiotics and antimicrobial agents: garlic, onions, aloe juice and so on. To increase the body's resistance, you can give your child a quarter spoon of a mixture of lemon and onion juice.
  • Soaring your feet and performing thermal inhalations is only possible if the baby does not have a fever. It is worth noting that many pediatricians do not welcome such events.
  • You can treat your throat by gargling. The solution is chosen at your discretion: soda and salt, chamomile or calendula decoction, and so on.
  • Warm milk with a spoonful of honey and butter will help you cope with a cough. Please note that honey is a strong allergen.

Create the most comfortable conditions

If it appears first (2 years) - how to treat it? Prevention of complications and treatment of the disease involves creating the most suitable conditions for the baby. If you place your child in a warm, stuffy room, it will only get worse. The ambient temperature should not exceed 23 degrees. Humidity is set at 60-70 percent. If the baby is cold, then it is better to dress him warmly rather than turn on the heating devices.

If your baby refuses to eat, this is normal. Don't force feed your baby. It is important to drink more often. Give your baby the drink he loves: juice, fruit drink, tea, milk. After all, it is with the liquid that the main part of pathogenic microorganisms is eliminated. During illness, bed rest is indicated. But two year old child It is quite difficult to comply with it. Therefore, the responsibility is shifted onto the shoulders of the parents: come up with any calm games. Even if the baby is out of bed, try to limit his activity (do not allow him to jump or run).

Is it possible to swim and walk?

How does a cold manifest in a child (2 years old), how to treat it? You already know what the treatment should be. Parents always have a question: is it possible to bathe and go for walks? We will answer them.

Bathing your baby is not only possible, but also necessary. Exclude water procedures Only necessary at high temperatures. While bathing, the child breathes moist air, drops of water enter the nose, helping to naturally thin the mucus and moisturize the membranes. The prohibition of bathing during the period of a cold came to us from the times when children were bathed in a trough and they were simply afraid of overcooling an already weakened baby.

You can walk, but only in the absence of fever. Even if the baby has a cough and runny nose, these are not contraindications for a walk. It is important to dress your child for the weather and minimize contact with other children.

The main mistakes of parents

You already know what actions to take if a 2-year-old child has a cold (how to treat it). Reviews from doctors report that in joining bacterial complication Often the parents themselves are to blame. Caring mom and dad treat the baby incorrectly, which leads to bronchitis, pneumonia, otitis media and other diseases. Such pathologies require more serious medications. So, what are the main mistakes parents make? If a child (2 years old) has a cold, what should not be treated?

  • Antibiotics. These drugs are good for certain indications. But often moms and dads give them to their children unnecessarily. Antibacterial agents destroy normal microflora, which enhances the negative effects of viruses. Let us remember that antimicrobial agents are powerless against viral infections.
  • Antipyretics. They should be taken only at high temperatures (over 38.5 degrees). Otherwise, you do not allow the baby’s immunity to develop correctly.
  • Antitussives. You should not give your child antitussives, trying to quickly eliminate this symptom. Cough is a natural reaction of the body to an irritant. In this way, sputum is removed from the bronchi. It is better to use mucolytic and expectorant drugs.
  • All medications at once. The medications described are good, but each separately and for certain indications. If you give a child several drugs at once, a reverse reaction will occur. When combining medications, be sure to read the instructions.

Let's sum it up

The article provides you with information about how a cold manifests itself in a child (2 years old). How you can treat it, what medications are best to use as prescribed by your doctor, is described earlier. Remember that neither you nor the pharmacist from the nearest pharmacy can make a correct diagnosis. If after three days the child does not feel better, you should consult a doctor. Get well soon!

What is immunity and why does it not resist infections in children?

In fact, in such a formulation of the question there is a typical mistake of parents: if a child suffers from colds, it means that he has poor immunity. No! Childhood- this is the time when the immune system becomes stronger and more active. And for this, no matter how paradoxical it may sound, we need colds, acute respiratory viral infections, acute respiratory infections.

Immunity cannot come “out of thin air.” In order for its cells to receive immune memory and recognize when they encounter a particular pathogen, they must encounter it, recognize it and remember it as “foreign.”

When the virus first enters the body, it passes through the mucous membranes and begins to multiply in the body. This causes local inflammation: sore throat, runny nose, indigestion, etc. The immune system sees that it is “foreign” and sends its cells to the sites where the viruses are introduced. The process of destroying the virus begins.

When the process of destroying the infectious agent is completed, the immune system remembers it and produces antibodies to it. At the next meeting, immunocompetent cells immediately recognize this pathogen and quickly destroy it. A person most often does not notice this, since there are now no manifestations of the disease or they are very insignificant.

But why can a child have a cold 4-5 or even 10 times a year? But because there are a lot of viruses. They have different characteristics, for the immune system they are different. Therefore, every time we encounter a new virus or variant, the immune system begins the process of fighting it and producing antibodies.

Gradually, the immune system remembers the pathogens that are typical for the child’s society - at home, garden, school, street.


Often, a sharp rise in temperature, especially at night, signals the onset of a cold. This may be evidenced by primary state baby if he has become capricious, restless, has a poor appetite, gets tired quickly, is drowsy, suddenly changes his mood and refuses to play.

  • The baby sneezes;
  • Eyes turn red;
  • Tearing;
  • Stuffy nose;
  • Enlarged submandibular, cervical and axillary lymph nodes;
  • Migraine and malaise.

A cold in a baby under 1 year of age can manifest itself as a change in skin color, difficulty breathing, sweating, a change in feeding regimen, and the appearance of a rash.

The most early sign A cold is a runny nose, which must be resisted initially, because very young children do not yet know how to blow their nose. Cough is the second sign of the disease. In this case, the baby must be shown to the doctor, since its underlying causes may be different.

If a child gets a cold, then most often the parents can roughly say what caused it. For example, he was lightly dressed for a walk, and then the wind suddenly rose, it got colder and he managed to freeze by the time he got home. Or, on the contrary, they dressed him too warmly for the weather, he sweated and this also led to the development of the disease.

During the incubation period, the first signs of infection may be hidden, but later they manifest themselves as weakness, apathy, headache, loss of appetite and sleep disturbances. Sinus congestion occurs, which quickly develops into a runny nose. The baby begins to sneeze, feel a sore throat or pain. His eyes often turn red and tears flow profusely.

Signs of a cold in children associated with rhinovirus infection include fever. Under the lower jaw, on the back of the head, neck and armpits Enlarged lymph nodes can be felt. The fever torments the baby for about 3 days, and then goes away. The mucous contents of the nose thicken and descend into the bronchi, causing a cough.

Adenovirus infection always occurs with fever, sore throat, runny nose, dry cough, which then turns into wet. Very young children often develop pneumonia.

As a rule, parents recognize the first, barely noticeable signals of an approaching illness. Many people notice that the child’s eyes have become dull, the baby plays less, eats worse, and is capricious. This may indicate a prodromal period - a period of the disease that occurs between the incubation period and the disease itself. The virus has already reached the mucous membranes and is beginning to invade the body.

After a few days or hours (depending on the type of pathogen), the active stage of the disease develops. Its typical symptoms may be:

  • Increase in temperature. It can increase slowly or immediately reach high numbers.
  • The child is worried, looks lethargic, and is shivering.
  • A runny nose in a child is one of the leading signs of a cold, sometimes it appears first.
  • Itching and redness of the eyes.
  • Nasal and ear congestion
  • Lethargy, apathy, drowsiness or vice versa, anxiety, hypermotor agitation.
  • Nausea, vomiting.
  • Headache, muscle, joint pain.

Three important “No!” in the treatment of colds in children

Interference with the immune system can delay its formation and improvement. There are three key mistakes parents make that are often encountered when treating colds and that directly or indirectly interfere with the functioning of the immune system.

  1. No, you cannot take antibiotics for ARVI without a doctor’s prescription. First, most colds are caused by viruses, and antibiotics do not work on them. Secondly, uncontrolled use of antibiotics, incorrect
    The dosage or duration of use is a gross interference in the immune system. Antibiotics, when they are not needed for treatment, are not simply eliminated from the body. They will “find” points of application of their activity and disrupt the functioning of the normal human flora. This can lead to dysbiosis (destruction of beneficial intestinal microflora); to an allergy - an incorrect reaction of the immune system. And finally, uncontrolled reception antimicrobial agents leads to resistance of microbes: they get used to the action of the antibiotic and produce resistant strains. And when there is a real need for antibiotic therapy, they may be ineffective.
  2. No, you do not need to use immunomodulators or immune stimulants. In fact, drugs that affect the immune system are very serious and difficult. And these are not the tablets or granules that are sold in pharmacies. These are drugs that are used, for example, in transplantology to prevent the body from rejecting the transplanted tissue. Or when treating HIV, oncological diseases. Those drugs that can actually be used for treatment viral diseases(in particular influenza) are not immunomodulators, have a lot of contraindications and side effects, and are not prescribed to small children.
  3. No, you don’t need to lower your temperature when it first appears. Temperature means that the immune system is working and fighting the infectious agent. Increasing temperature also helps immune system cells work faster
    cope with the virus. If you lower your temperature unnecessarily, your immune system may perceive its decrease as a signal that the fight is over. In this case, antibodies to the pathogen will not be developed, and the next time you encounter it, the acute respiratory infection will begin again.

The child is sick: symptoms of a cold

Drug treatment A child’s cough during a cold directly depends on the type of cough – wet or dry. Depending on this, expectorants or mucolytics can be used medicines.

  • For dry cough - Alteika, Gerbion, Prospan.
  • For wet cough - Lazolvan, ACC, Mucaltin, Bromhexine.

In case of inflammation, redness of the throat, as well as difficulty swallowing, sprays with anti-inflammatory or antibacterial effects, for example, Orasept or Chloraphilipt, can be used. The use of inhalations, both steam and those carried out using a special device - a nebulizer, is considered quite effective.

In order to know exactly how to treat a cold in children in order to get rid of it quickly, you must carefully monitor the child’s body temperature, since steam inhalations and other warming procedures are strictly prohibited at high temperatures.

Important! If a child has an elevated body temperature that is not controlled by antipyretic drugs for more than 2 days, further treatment is carried out in a hospital setting.

To reduce body temperature at home, it is best to use antipyretic drugs in the form of syrups - Ibuprofen, Paracetamol, Efferalgan.

If the temperature persists for more than 2 days, the child should be urgently shown to the pediatrician.

Under no circumstances should you treat colds in children, including the initial stage, on your own. Even with minimal symptoms of the disease, it is necessary to call a pediatrician, since only a doctor can choose the optimal treatment option.

A child's first cold usually occurs before the age of one year. It is very difficult to protect a child, especially for those parents who have other children who are in contact with peers at school or kindergarten. In this case, parents already have experience in treating ARVI and will not panic.

It’s another matter if there is only one child in the family. He needs help only under the supervision of a doctor, since many of the drugs we are used to are not approved for use at this age. If hospitalization is required, it is better not to refuse it, since the child is still very small, his immune defense is not able to fully resist the infection that has penetrated inside.

How dangerous is a cold? Banal hypothermia can lead to the development of pneumonia, otitis media, and laryngitis. The temperature in this case can rise to 40 ᵒC, which is fraught with convulsions and other unpleasant consequences. Laryngitis, which is characterized by a barking cough, can cause airway spasms and suffocation.

Treatment with folk remedies

Folk remedy therapy can be an effective addition to drug treatment. For this purpose you can use herbal teas, infusions and decoctions, freshly prepared juices from medicinal plants and other means.

  • At the first symptoms of a runny nose, you can use the recipe with onions - finely chop a large onion, after which the child should inhale its aroma 5-6 times a day.
  • To treat a runny nose in children, you can use freshly squeezed beet juice, which should be instilled in 3-4 drops.
  • For the same purpose, you can use aloe juice - for newborns and children 3 years of age, the juice is diluted with water in equal proportions.
  • Children can rinse their nasal passages with salted water and calendula tincture (a teaspoon per 500 ml of water).
  • To the child infancy It is recommended to instill 2 drops of slightly warmed breast milk 2-3 times a day.

To date, several thousand are known folk recipes for coughs and colds in children, which can be used at home.

Mint infusion is one of the most effective and fast-acting cough remedies. To prepare it, pour a tablespoon of peppermint into 200 ml hot water, place on low heat and simmer for 5 minutes. When the broth has cooled a little, you need to strain it, combine it with a spoon of honey and freshly squeezed lemon juice. The product should be drunk before bedtime.

Milk with butter is often used to treat colds in children, which are accompanied by a cough with sputum that is difficult to separate. Pour ½ teaspoon of natural butter and soda into a glass of boiled milk, stir and give to the child to drink.

Rowan with honey is an excellent diaphoretic, which is recommended to drink before bed.

Garlic with milk is no less useful and this healing drink. 2-3 cloves of garlic need to be peeled and passed through a press, then poured into a small saucepan with milk. The drink should be brought to a boil and given to the baby to drink. Garlic has pronounced antimicrobial properties, and in order to improve its taste, you can add lemon juice and honey.

When body temperature rises, decoctions and infusions with diaphoretic properties, for example, linden or rowan, can be prescribed. Linden decoction is an effective folk remedy for reducing fever. It is very simple to prepare - pour dry or fresh linden blossom with 2 cups of boiling water, cover tightly and let the product brew. The medicine is taken one tablespoon three times a day; for children over 3 years old, the recommended dosage increases to 2 tablespoons.

Rowan, both red and chokeberry, has diaphoretic and anti-inflammatory properties. A tablespoon of pre-chopped berries should be poured into a bowl with 200 ml of hot water and left to infuse for 2-3 hours. Before use, it is recommended to warm the berry syrup again and drink a tablespoon an hour before each meal.

Black radish is a popular folk remedy that is used to treat flu and colds in children. Extremely beneficial properties has radish juice. To obtain it, you need to make a small round depression in the root vegetable and put a spoonful of honey in it. After some time, the hole will be completely filled with juice, which should be taken by spoon 4-5 times throughout the day.

Colds in children are a common problem that worries every parent. Complex treatment disease consisting of drug therapy and the use of folk remedies, allows you to quickly get rid of the disease and prevent it further development and strengthen the body's defenses.

How to treat a child with a cold? There are general provisions cold treatment. When a child has a runny nose, Vibrocil, Nazivin, and Protargol are instilled into the child’s nose. Rinse is required sea ​​water, for example, “Aquamaris” or “Aqualor”.

If nothing else bothers you other than a runny nose and sneezing, you can stop there. You need to feed your baby soft food and drink plenty of fluids. If there is a sore throat, it is necessary to alkalize with Borjomi or Narzan mineral water, give Tonzilgon drops, Faringosept lozenges according to the instructions, and treat the throat with Tantum Verde spray.

A mandatory cold medicine for children is any antiviral drug. But here, as in the case of treating the throat, it is necessary to take into account the age of the child. Most often, doctors prescribe Viferon, Genferon or Kipferon suppositories. You can take Arbidol, Ergoferon, Ingaverin orally.

You can reduce the temperature with the help of Nurofen, Ibuprofen, Nimulid, and Tsifecon suppositories. Remember, giving aspirin to children is strictly prohibited! For a dry cough, “Sinekod”, “Erespal” are indicated, and when it turns into a wet cough, “Lazolvan”, “Mukaltin”, “ACC”, “Bromhexine” should be given. Any such treatment is accompanied by taking antihistamines– “Fenistila”, “Zodaka”, “Suprastina”.

Inhalations with saline and cough medications in liquid form are highly effective. If your baby knows how to gargle, then this should be done regularly using medications and herbal infusions. Only a doctor can prescribe antibiotics to a child based on tests and his well-being.

If the temperature does not drop for more than 5 days, then this may serve as a basis for providing antibacterial therapy. In addition, wiping with water and vinegar in equal proportions helps reduce heat. You can prepare the following solution: take 1 part vodka and vinegar to 2 parts water and use it to relieve fever symptoms.

First aid for colds

Need to limit motor activity child. There is no need to force you to bed, but at the very beginning and at the height of the illness, rest is necessary. Reading books, watching cartoons, talking with family, quiet games will help with this.

The child’s room needs to be ventilated at least 4 times a day. The duration of each ventilation depends on the weather outside the window.

The temperature in the room should be maintained no higher than 22 degrees (ideally 18, but this depends on the habits of the family and the child): at this temperature the child will breathe comfortably. Normal humidity, not lower than 40-45%, is important.

If there is no humidifier, then you need to hang wet towels in the room and wet them periodically.

Give your child to drink as much as possible. For drinking, use pure water or with the addition of juice, jam, syrup (with a minimum of sugar), juice from cranberries, sea buckthorn, lingonberries, fruit tea, mineral water. There is no need to give hot drinks (unless the child specifically asks for them). The usual room temperature or slightly warmed drinking water is quite enough.

If there is a chill, you need to warm the child with warm blankets and a heating pad to the feet. As soon as the fever subsides, the child begins to unwrap himself, you need to remove the extra blankets, remove the heating pad, and give the child something to drink. If he is sweating, then you need to quickly wipe his body with a dry towel and change into dry pajamas. There is no need to wrap up a child if he is hot, if he takes off the blanket and clothes: the thermoregulation mechanism has “turned on”, the body is actively giving off excess heat.

Traditional methods for treating colds in children

Traditional treatment colds in children can become part of a whole range of measures aimed at the baby’s recovery. That is, you can treat the child in accordance with the doctor’s instructions and additionally use traditional medicine.

As a diaphoretic, anti-inflammatory and antipyretic, prepare an infusion of raspberries, linden, chamomile, viburnum, lemon balm, and nettle. Of course, provided that the child is not allergic to medicinal herbs. Add honey and a slice of lemon to the warm infusion and give it to your baby. The same herbs can be used to prepare inhalations along with essential oils eucalyptus and fir trees.

If you don’t have saline solution or Aqualor on hand, you can prepare sea water for rinsing the nasal cavity yourself using sea salt and warm boiled water. Baking soda, salt and iodine make an excellent solution for gargling, and decoctions and infusions of chamomile and sage are also good for this purpose.

As an expectorant for coughs, you can brew pine buds at the rate of 1 tbsp. l. half a liter of boiling water. You can take 2 parts coltsfoot and chamomile and 1 part oregano to make 2 tbsp. l. collection Steam in a thermos with 1 liter of just boiled liquid and leave for 5 hours. Drink little by little throughout your waking hours.

Folk remedies for colds for children include hot potato cakes. After boiling 2 medium potatoes, mash them with a fork on a cotton towel and sprinkle with baking soda. Cover with the other half of the towel and hot, but so that you can endure it, place it on the baby’s back between the shoulder blades. Cover it with a blanket and let it lie until the potatoes cool down.

This is an excellent alternative to physiotherapy, but such treatment can be done in the absence of elevated temperature. For sore throat, a vodka compress is indicated. Soak a cotton cloth in a heated solution sunflower oil and vodka, taken in equal parts. Squeeze, wrap around the child’s neck, and wrap with a clean cloth on top. Wear without removing for a couple of hours.

In fact, there are a huge number of recipes for treating colds with traditional medicine. Among them, you can always choose what suits your child and what he can tolerate and accept most easily. However, if you have doubts about the advisability of use, it is better to consult your doctor.

Inhalations, warm foot baths, chamomile, linden, raspberry tea - these methods are quite popular.

When using them, it is important to remember:

  • Children should not inhale over steam: there is a high risk of burns.
  • Foot baths should also not be hot - this is more of a warming procedure than a therapeutic one.
  • There is no need to drip aloe, kalanchoe, or beet juices into your nose. Medicinal properties they do not have it, but chemical burns and allergies from them are quite real.
  • Many other methods, for example, hanging garlic and onions, wearing “antiviral” medallions from Kinder surprises, are more psychotherapy for parents. And if they feel safer with them, then let them be.
  • Confident, calm relatives who believe in a quick recovery are one of best medicines for a child.

Drug treatment of runny nose in children

After examination and diagnosis, the pediatrician will prescribe treatment. Medicines will be selected according to symptoms.

For fever and pain - antipyretics. You must follow the dosage regimen and the number of doses per day to avoid side effects.

For a runny nose, doctors prescribe rinsing the nose with saline solutions. These can be sprays, special devices - an otorhinolaryngological irrigator or a syringe without a needle. You cannot inject the solution under pressure and, especially, do not suck it in through your nose: the Eustachian tube in children is short, fluid from the nasopharynx will easily penetrate into the ear and can cause otitis media.

To ease nasal breathing and reduce a runny nose, vasoconstrictor medications can be prescribed.

In pediatric practice, for children from 2 years old, it is used, for example, baby remedy Xymelin Eco spray for runny nose. Dose active substance it is selected so that the drug acts effectively and safely.

Relief of runny nose symptoms occurs within 2 minutes after injection, and this effect lasts up to 12 hours. This duration makes it possible to use Xymelin Eco spray, a remedy for the common cold for children, once or twice a day: the child sleeps peacefully throughout the night. Rare use of the drug, only 1-2 times a day, also reduces the risk of side effects.

Only a doctor can prescribe cough medicine; self-medication is unacceptable here. Prescriptions depend not only on the type of cough (dry, wet), but also the age of the child, his general condition. The use of bronchodilators, which thin phlegm, can be dangerous, especially in children under 3 years of age. Moreover, if you have a cold, you should not use cough suppressants.

If there are no indications, then there is no point in giving antihistamines (antiallergic) drugs. As practice shows, they do not speed up recovery, do not reduce the formation of mucus, that is, they actually put extra stress on the liver and the body as a whole.

Antibiotics can only be prescribed by a doctor and only for a bacterial infection. It can be recognized only with sufficient clinical experience and based on the results of bacteriological cultures from the nasopharynx. Blindly taking antibiotics “just in case” is very dangerous!

How to treat a child at the first signs of a cold? It all depends on how exactly the acute respiratory disease manifests itself.

For a runny nose and difficulty nasal breathing, the following medications can be used:

  • Rinsing the nasal passages with special solutions based on sea salt - No-sol, Aqualor, Aquamaris.
  • In the presence of purulent mucus, drops with a bactericidal effect or drugs for plant based– Pinosol, Collargol. Drops with a vasodilating effect – Farmazolin, Nazol-baby, Galazolin.

If you have a cold small child, accumulated contents from the nasal passages can be removed using a special syringe.

Important! Anti-rhinitis drops should never be used for more than 7 days, as they can be addictive and cause the development of so-called medicinal rhinitis.

It is very important to monitor the child’s body temperature and promptly use antipyretic drugs if it rises above 38°

When is a cold considered cured?

The standard guideline for discharging a child from sick leave is three days without fever. Of course, all symptoms do not go away immediately, and children can go to school or kindergarten with residual effects runny nose, cough. As a rule, your well-being is not affected, but discomfort from congestion and decreased nasal breathing lead to hypoxia (decreased oxygen saturation in the body) and interfere with full inclusion in the work process. Xymelin Eco - effective remedy for children against nasal congestion: its duration of action is enough for the whole day.


To help the immune system develop faster and increase the body’s resistance, it is important:

  • Proper nutrition- vegetables, fruits, a minimum of sweets and baked goods.
  • Drinking enough: Children often forget that they are thirsty, especially if they are engrossed in play.
  • The task of parents is to regularly and often offer water, both to healthy children and during illness.
  • Age Appropriate physical activity.
  • Daily walks in the fresh air.
  • Avoiding excessive wrapping and overheating of the child.
  • During the period of ARVI epidemics, you need to stop going out.
  • Observe personal hygiene rules, regularly wash your hands and face, especially after returning home.

There are contraindications. It is necessary to consult a specialist

Preventing colds in children will help protect against all kinds of infections and illnesses. You bring your child to kindergarten and notice how a girl from his group is sneezing, in this case you need to act, otherwise tomorrow you will see how your baby has become infected and is not feeling well.

There are several rules for preventing colds:

  • Regulating room temperature and accustoming children to a temperate climate;
  • It is necessary to use a humidifier indoors and ventilate the room;
  • Strengthen your immune system with balanced nutrition foods rich in vitamins;
  • A full day and a clear daily routine;
  • Hardening the body.