
Different regimens for taking pyrantel for children. Pyrantel suspension - how to take it for children? Among them are

Helminthiases are very common in childhood, because kids can eat unwashed vegetables or fruits, drink unboiled water, or lick an object picked up from the ground. The disease is manifested by weakness, stool disorders, nausea, nervousness, frequent colds, headaches and other symptoms, and stool analysis helps identify the cause.

Release form

Liquid Pyrantel is produced by several pharmaceutical companies from Russia, Poland and India. This medicine is a light yellow liquid that has a characteristic odor. The suspension is usually homogeneous, but can be separated into a sediment and a liquid part. This is normal, and if you shake the medicine, it will immediately become homogeneous.

Depending on the manufacturer, one glass bottle can contain 5, 10, 15 or 25 ml of the drug. The bottle is often accompanied by a 5-milliliter measuring cup or scoop marked 2.5 ml so that the correct amount of the drug can be accurately measured for a specific patient.

In addition to the suspension, Pirantel is also available in tablets containing 250 mg of the active ingredient. Such tablets are sold in boxes of 3, because often this amount of medicine is enough for a course of treatment. This medication is not produced in capsules, syrup, ampoules, drops or other forms.


The active substance of the suspension has the same name as the drug, since it is represented by pyrantel pamoate. In 5 ml of the medicine it contains 250 mg, that is, each milliliter of suspension gives the patient pyrantel in a dose of 50 mg.

To ensure that the medicine is liquid, does not deteriorate during storage and has a sweet taste, glycerol, sucrose, simethicone emulsion, water, sodium benzoate, sorbitol, flavoring and other ingredients are added to it.

Such excipients differ from one manufacturer to another, so if a child is prone to allergies, the composition of the selected suspension should be clarified.

Operating principle

As a result, paralyzed worms naturally leave the body with feces. At the same time, the medication does not affect the functioning of the intestines, so taking Pirantel does not provoke spasms and intestinal obstruction.

The drug effectively affects:

The medication is almost not absorbed in the human intestine, and the part that is absorbed is partially converted in the liver, so diseases of this organ can affect treatment with Pirantel.


Pyrantel is used for such helminthic infestations:

  • Enterobiasis. This disease is diagnosed in children quite often. Its symptoms include itching in the anus and intestinal disorders.
  • Ascariasis. This common helminthiasis is manifested by lethargy, loss of appetite, slight fever, cough, nausea and other symptoms.
  • Ankylostomiasis. With this disease, the child develops a skin rash, fever, bloating, nausea, changes in stool and other symptoms of hookworm infection.
  • Nekatoroz. This helminthiasis is manifested by dyspepsia, allergic reaction and anemia.

At what age is it allowed to take it?

Treatment with Pyrantel is not recommended for children under 6 months of age. For infants in the first months of life, the drug is prescribed in exceptional cases and only under the supervision of a doctor. Patients older than 6 months and up to the age of six should also be given the suspension. only after a doctor’s prescription and with extreme caution.

If the child is over 3 years old, he is already allowed the tablet form, but many patients over three years old have difficulty swallowing tablets, so in most cases, even at 4-5 years old and older, the doctor prescribes not the solid form, but Pirantel in suspension.

Advantages of the drug

Doctors distinguish the following:

  1. the medicine acts on the most common types of worms, which are often found in childhood;
  2. pyrantel is called a low-toxic drug, and the effect of the suspension on the digestive tract is less aggressive than that of tablets;
  3. it is easier for a child to swallow liquid medicine, and thanks to its sweet taste, it can even be given to infants;
  4. the medicine affects predominantly helminths and leaves the body naturally within 24 hours, so its tolerability is good;
  5. since roundworms do not die under the influence of Pirantel, taking the medicine does not provoke intoxication due to the decomposition of killed helminths;
  6. the suspension is affordable and can be found in most pharmacies.


The medicine should not be given to children with intolerance to pyrantel or another component of the suspension. In addition, the drug is contraindicated:

  • with myasthenia gravis, if such a disease is detected simultaneously with helminthiasis;
  • in case of liver failure, since metabolic changes in absorbed pyrantel take place in liver cells.

Other contraindications are not noted in the annotation for Pirantel, but if the child has any disease, the issue of using the suspension should be decided with the doctor who is observing him.

Side effects

Digestive tract Some children react to Pirantel with diarrhea, loss of appetite, vomiting, abdominal pain and other negative symptoms. Sometimes taking the suspension may cause hives, skin rash or other allergic reaction. In addition, treatment with Pirantel may provoke rise in temperature or cause undesirable reactions from the central nervous system, for example, weakness, hallucinations, paresthesia or headaches.

If a child drinks the suspension and develops any adverse reaction, it is worth showing the baby to the doctor.

Instructions for use and dosage

The medicine is taken orally according to the following rules:

  • The medication is often prescribed once, that is, the dose prescribed by the doctor is drunk at one time. Only for some diseases the drug is taken for 2-3 days, but such use is permissible only when prescribed by a doctor.
  • Before giving the liquid to a small patient, the drug must be shaken so that the separated layers are mixed. If the suspension is prescribed for several days, shaking should be done before each dose.
  • The product can be taken at any time of the day. There is no need to take the medicine on an empty stomach, or combine it with laxatives.
  • It is recommended to give the suspension to children during meals or after meals.
  • To prevent re-infection, the medicine can be taken again with for preventive purposes 3 weeks after first use.
  • If a child has pinworms, treatment is recommended not only for the little patient, but also for all family members who live with him.
  • To make sure that Pirantel has worked, some time after taking it you need to take a control tests feces

The dosage of the suspension for enterobiasis or ascariasis for each child is determined individually, since it differs for patients of different ages, and for children with different body weights. To calculate the dose, the doctor finds out the child's weight in kilograms and multiplies it by 10 mg. In most cases, the following standard dosages are used for therapy:

  • If the baby is older than 6 months, but has not yet turned 2 years old and weighs less than 12 kg, then a single dose of the medicine will be 2.5 ml. This amount of suspension corresponds to half a measuring spoon or a glass included with the bottle.
  • If a child is from 2 to 6 years old and weighs more than 12 kg, then he is given 5 ml of the drug per dose. This means that your baby should swallow a spoonful or a full measuring cup.
  • If the patient's age is 6-12 years, then a single dosage for such a child will be 10 ml. The patient is given two measures of the drug to drink at once.
  • If the child is already 12 years old, then the single dose of suspension he needs is 15 ml (this volume of suspension is contained in three scoops).

In cases where the patient is diagnosed with hookworm, the dosage depends on the severity of the disease and whether the child is in an endemic area. If the disease began far from the endemic zone and is mild, 10 mg of pyrantel is needed per 1 kg of the patient’s weight. At severe course or staying in an endemic zone, the dose is increased to 20 mg/kg.

If necatoriasis is detected, the child is also prescribed 20 mg of pyrantel for each kilogram of his weight. In such daily dose The medication is given for 2-3 days. During the day, the drug can be taken once or divided into 2 doses.

For prevention

The use of Pyrantel, as noted above, is possible not only for treatment, but also for preventive purposes. The medicine is given:

  • a child who has been in contact with sick family members;
  • children who were in the forest or other wild environment;
  • children who have close contact with animals;
  • a child attending a large group, for example, a kindergarten;
  • a child who often plays in the sandbox and comes into contact with the soil outside.

It should be noted that the possibility of prophylactic use of Pirantel for each individual child should be consulted with a doctor. Typically, the medicine is used to prevent helminthic infestation no more than once every 6 months. The drug is given in a dosage prescribed by a specialist.

At the same time, many pediatricians believe that it is not worth taking an anthelmintic drug for prevention. In their opinion, in order to prevent infection, one should follow the standard rules for the prevention of any infections - maintain personal hygiene, wash vegetables, get tested regularly, and so on.


Until now, there have been no cases where a large dose of Pirantel had a toxic effect. However, if the child took the drug more than high dosage than is appropriate for his age, it is recommended to induce vomiting and observe the patient, and if symptoms of illness appear, immediately seek medical help.

Interaction with other drugs

Pirantel should not be used together with Piperazine, as this combination will weaken the effect of the drugs. It is not recommended to combine Pirantel and other anthelmintics so as not to increase the load on the liver.

Also, the manufacturer does not recommend combining the suspension with theophylline preparations, so as not to increase the concentration of this substance in the blood and cause side effects. Regarding other drugs, there is no information about incompatibility with Pirantel.

Terms of sale

Purchasing a suspension at a pharmacy is possible only with a prescription from a doctor, so before purchasing this form of Pirantel, you need to show your child to a pediatrician, gastroenterologist or other specialist.

The price of the drug differs from different manufacturers and also depends on the volume of the suspension in the bottle. For example, the cost of 15 ml of medicine varies in different pharmacies from 31 to 65 rubles.

Storage conditions and shelf life

At home, the medicine should be stored at a temperature of +15 to +25 degrees. To store the suspension, you should choose a place inaccessible to the child, which will be dry and protected from direct sunlight.

The shelf life of liquid Pyrantel is 3 years and marked on the packaging. If the date has passed, the suspension should be discarded. Giving expired medication to children is unacceptable.


If symptoms of helminthic infestations are detected in a child, the doctor prescribes effective medicine against worms for children Pirantel, which is available in the form of tablets and suspensions. The medicine is different high efficiency, is active against pinworms, roundworms, whipworms, which inhabit the intestines and disrupt the integrity of the mucous membrane. This conservative treatment should only be prescribed by a local pediatrician; self-medication is strictly contraindicated.

What is Pirantel

Helminthic infestations cause internal discomfort to the little patient, disrupt bowel movements and the digestive process, and make him nervous and irritable. Pyrantel is an anthelmintic drug whose action is aimed at suppressing pathogenic flora. The active component is pyrantel pamoate, a synthetic substance that provokes a neuromuscular blockade in helminths, paralyzes and promotes the productive extermination of pathogenic flora. Active against roundworms, pinworms, nematodes, hookworms, American hookworms, whipworms.

The drug is poorly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract, but remains in its original form. The metabolic process does not occur in the liver, and synthetic substances are eliminated naturally without changing their structure. Together with active ingredients The affected microorganisms leave the body and complete recovery occurs. The likelihood of relapse is minimal, and the desired effect of treatment is beyond doubt.

Indications for use

Worms are not only external symptoms, but also internal discomfort, which changes the child’s behavior, making him excessively capricious and even aggressive. If after taking a stool test or scraping for enterobiasis in biological material pathogenic flora was detected, these are the main indications for the use of Pirantel in childhood. Among the potential diagnoses, doctors identify:

  • ascariasis;
  • hookworm disease;
  • trichocephalosis;
  • necatoriasis;
  • enterobiasis.


The active component of Pyrantel is non-toxic in its properties, therefore, after penetration into the intestines, irritation of the mucous membrane is excluded. But the effect on pathogenic flora is quick and targeted, and harmful microorganisms are productively eliminated in feces after the first session. Such unique composition Pyrantela accelerates the healing process, eliminates the risk of side effects and complications in childhood and adulthood. There is no irritating effect on the intestinal walls; side effects from Pirantel occur extremely rarely.

Release form

Vigilant parents should know how to treat their child’s worms. There are two forms of release of Pyrantel, which have the same chemical composition And therapeutic effect in the body. These are tablets and suspension Pirantel yellow and homogeneous consistency, which should only be given as prescribed by a doctor; first read the instructions. The latter form of release is appropriate for young children because it tastes like ice cream and does not cause disgust. Therapeutic liquid relieves pain, provides sustainable therapeutic effect for children.

Instructions for use of Pirantel

Before giving Pyrantel to a child, you need to discuss the daily dosage and method of administration individually with your doctor. A single dose of medication depends on the weight of the small patient, regardless of the nature of helminthic infestations. Detailed instructions for use Pyrantel advises what to take medicinal product should be done during or after a meal. The dosage depends on the form of the drug and the age of the patient, which is detailed below. It is better for children to drink ice cream-flavored syrup, and for adults to take tablets after chewing them in the mouth.


Intensive care conservative methods should begin immediately after the pediatrician makes a final diagnosis and prescribes treatment. Detailed instructions for the use of Pyrantel suspension for children provide the following age limits and permissible doses of this medication:

  • patients from 6 months to 2 years - half a measuring cap at a time;
  • small patients from 2 years to 6 years - a measuring cap of the drug per day;
  • children under 12 years old - 2 measuring caps per day;
  • patients over 12 years old - 3 measuring caps once a day.

If a child has ascariasis, a single dose is enough to achieve full recovery. In case of increased activity of hookworms, the indicated treatment, according to age restrictions, should be carried out for 3 days. For necatoriasis at a complicated stage, double the dosage of the medicine and treat in this way for 3-5 days (up to a week). To prevent large-scale infection of the entire family, each family member should take a one-time measuring cup of Pirantel for the purpose of prevention. There will be a result too.


Only the attending physician can prescribe such a drug or its analogues to a child; he also stipulates the daily doses and the number of days of administration. Instructions for use of Pirantel tablets indicate that this form of release is more suitable for children school age and adults. The pill should be chewed thoroughly before swallowing and then washed down with a sufficient volume of water. When infected, daily doses of Pyrantel are determined by the weight and age of the child. Here are some valuable tips:

  • children from 3 to 6 years old – 1 tablet per day;
  • small patients under 12 years old – 2 tablets;
  • children over 12 years of age and adult patients - 3-4 tablets orally.


If the attending physician has prescribed the specified anthelmintic drug for your child, it is important to clarify how to take Pirantel for children right away. Overall, this home procedure does not cause any difficulties, since the medicine has a pleasant taste, and if necessary, it can be added to food. Instructions for use of syrup for children indicate that the morning dose is enough for complete healing from infection. A small patient needs to take a sweet suspension at a rate of 10 mg/kg body weight once, and the stomach will stop hurting, and anus itch a lot.

For prevention

The medication is prescribed as preventive measure helminthic infestations. It must be taken by the entire family where there is an infected child. Use Pyrantel tablets or suspension for prevention in a single dose, while additionally strengthening personal hygiene measures. It is necessary to treat children's underwear, and after healing, retake a series of tests to identify pathogenic flora.


It is strictly contraindicated to overestimate the recommended doses, otherwise the risk of intoxication of the baby’s body increases significantly. In this case, the effect of side effects increases, and the small patient is in dire need of immediate medical attention. An overdose of Pirantel is expressed by signs of dyspepsia, vomiting, nausea, severe pain in the stomach and broken stools. There is no specific antidote. Therefore, the baby needs to rinse the stomach, give a sorbent, and then carry out symptomatic treatment until the alarming signs disappear completely in the body.

Side effects

Medicine represents safe treatment children from worms. Before ordering and buying the medication Pirantel, you need to find out in detail what complications may arise in the child’s body during intensive care. The risk of intoxication cannot be excluded. Side effects Pyrantelas are presented below, they are temporary in nature, however, in any case, they require medical attention. For children it is:

  • migraine attacks;
  • disturbance of consciousness;
  • the appearance of hallucinations;
  • stool disorder;
  • stomach pain;
  • sharp jump temperature;
  • skin rash.


The drug has unique pharmacological properties, since it effectively acts on the site of pathology almost from the first time. In some clinical pictures Doctors strongly recommend using no less productive analogues of Pyrantel, which act quickly and according to the same principle in case of helminthic infestations. It's about about these medications:

  • Vermox;
  • Dekaris;
  • Nemozol;
  • Nemocid;
  • Helminthox.


If desired, you can order from the catalog and buy the required one in the online store medical drug. It is appropriate to purchase the medication Pirantel for children if the doctor has prescribed it. Otherwise, the effect of synthetic components on the source of pathology may be sharply negative. If we consider such a prescription, the treatment will be inexpensive. The final price of Pirantel for children varies between 30-40 rubles. The cost is affordable, and the results are quick and targeted. Prices in pharmacies are slightly more expensive - about 50 rubles.

Defeat child's body helminths are a fairly common occurrence. It is dangerous due to its consequences, including physical and mental retardation.

Composition and pharmacological properties

The active ingredient of this deworming drug for children is pyrantel pamoate. Its content in 5 ml of suspension is 250 mg.

As excipients present: sorbic acid, sucrose, xanthan gum, methyl parahydroxybenzoate, propyl parahydroxybenzoate, 70% sorbitol solution, polysorbate 80, chocolate flavor, ice cream flavor, purified water.

Important! "Pyrantel" does not affect larvae in the migration stage.

What does it help with?

The drug is prescribed mainly to children when their body is damaged roundworms. It is also effective in the treatment of ascariasis and enterobiasis.

"Pyrantel" in the form of a suspension is prescribed to children from six months of age to 12 years. To date this drug is one of the few anthelmintic drugs approved for infants under one year of age.

Dosage and duration of use

How much Pirantel to give to a child depends on the type of disease. For mixed helminthiases, enterobiasis and ascariasis, “Pyrantel” is taken once.
For hookworm, the duration of treatment is three days. For necatoriasis, it is recommended to take it for two days.

The dosage is calculated according to the age, nature and complexity of the disease. On average, the instructions for using the Pyrantel suspension for a child recommend the following doses.

From 6 months to 2 years

For children aged 6 months to 2 years, 125 mg of Pirantel is recommended, which is half a scoop of suspension (2.5 ml).

From 2 to 6 years

For children from 2 to 6 years old, a single dose of Pirantel is 250 mg, which is equivalent to 1 scoop of suspension (5 ml).

From 6 to 12 years

For ages 6-12 years, the dose is doubled and is 500 mg of Pirantel or 2 scoops (10 ml)

Over 12 years old

Children over 12 years of age take three scoops (15 ml) of the suspension, which contains 750 mg active substance. In any case, children need to drink Pirantel in suspension during meals or as soon as the meal is finished.


"Pyrantel" is not taken in parallel with "Piperazine" and "Levamisole". It is also not recommended to take it together with other anthelmintic drugs.

Important!It is imperative that you inform your doctor about existing liver pathologies.

Before or after taking the medicine, do not take a laxative or give an enema. For enterobiasis, Pirantel must be taken by all people living in the same house. After the course of treatment, you should re-test your stool to detect helminth eggs.

Contraindications and side effects

A contraindication to taking Pirantel is liver failure. As well as hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

The following adverse reactions are possible when using Pirantel:

  • headache and dizziness, drowsiness or insomnia;
  • hives and other skin rashes;
  • vomiting, gastrointestinal spasms, diarrhea, lack of appetite.

In rare cases - high temperature body and hearing impairment. These recommendations on how to take Pirantel suspension for children are for informational purposes only; to prescribe treatment, you must consult a doctor.

Did you know?Worms can cause anemia in humans. One worm can consume about 0.2 ml of blood per day - accordingly, if there are about 500 helminth representatives in the human body, it can lose about 100 ml of blood daily.


Please help, my husband really needs a boy. I have an eldest daughter from a previous marriage, then we had a daughter together. Now the husband is directly demanding a boy. I’m even ready for IVF with implantation of an embryo of the desired sex. But my gynecologist told me that IVF is definitely not for me, hormonal preparation will have a very bad effect on my blood vessels and blood pressure. Up to a stroke. I also told my husband about this. He is going to take me to the border because in our clinics (we were in two) they said gender transfer can only be done for health reasons, and my health may not be able to tolerate IVF. Sister says it's necessary traditional methods try. And I'm scared. If the first ultrasound doesn’t show the gender, then I don’t know what will happen at the second one if it’s a girl again. What if the husband will be so against the girl that... Or will he then send for a fourth? Help! There are some ways to count days, I once read about the desired day of conception! For the desired floor. If anyone has used this method and if it worked for you, please tell me!



Hello girls.
In general, I began to think about an au pair (I am alone with three children recently). In principle, I manage to do everything, but it costs me nerves and a lot of physical effort... I always look like a cornered horse.... I can’t forget about putting on makeup and styling my hair in the morning.... and so on all day.. .poke point, point point. To make life a little easier, I’m thinking about finding an assistant to do the cleaning at least once a week. My first problem in my head... is that I’m really ashamed to seek help around the house, since I’m physically healthy and, in principle, I can do everything myself (I’m doing it now too). My second problem is in my head....will I be satisfied with the cleaning? After all, a stranger is unlikely to clean as well as at home. I'm not really a neat person, but I never have a mess at home....there are no scattered toys, clothes or tumbleweeds of dust)). I resisted washing the floor with a mop for a long time, because I thought (and still do) that it was just smearing dirt from corner to corner... but physically I simply won’t be able to wash 100 square meters with my hands... and my children won’t give me that much time. cleaning. On the one hand, I think it would be great to take the kids and go for a walk while the house is getting organized. On the other hand, suddenly you’ll have to wash everything again... and that’s not a small amount of money.
In general, these are all my cockroaches, I agree. Who has au pairs and similar cockroaches... how did you choose, by what criteria, a cleaning lady? How often did you have to change it, if necessary?


Everything will pass

Below is the topic about gifts 8 year old child on New Year. There are many answers. They say let him write to Santa Claus. Do your children really still believe in Santa Claus at the age of 8 or is this a smart. cunning. children's move. marketing. I say I believe it. Let them think so, I’ll write it. And then how will their parents’ finances improve????


Nata Ser

I just don’t understand how this can be? About a year ago we moved into new apartment, finally a big one. The renovation was done before us, I can’t say that everything is perfect, but overall it’s ok. And somewhere around the month of August, the neighbors above us began renovations: the humming and drilling was terrible, the roaring noise, but everything was strictly during working hours. Now, as I understand it, finishing work is going on there, because although there is noise, it’s different: tapping, etc. But this is not the problem, a month ago, on the same Sunday, a neighbor from below came to us and said that there was a leak from the ceiling in his bathroom. At that time, no one was washing in our bathroom, but they had used it before, maybe half an hour ago... We let him in, he made sure that everything was dry under the bathtub and in the toilet too. But today the doorbell rings again, it’s leaking again. Yes, I was just in the bathroom and today everyone was there alternately. But, I took a bath yesterday and before that in different days, nothing was flowing either. And again everywhere was dry. She didn’t let her neighbor in because she was in a negligee and was talking to him through the door. He is indignant and demands that we call a plumber. But what do we need it for? Everything is dry here. Could this be due to the renovations being carried out by the neighbors above? And who should call a plumber anyway? It’s not difficult for me, but I don’t understand why?


When is Pirantel prescribed?

Release form of Pirantel and storage of the drug

"Pyrantel" is an anti-worm suspension for children of all ages, which is sold in glass bottles made of dark glass. The container, along with a measuring cap and instructions, is placed in a cardboard box. The color of the drug is yellow, the consistency is homogeneous, the volume of the bottle is 15 ml. The medicine tastes like ice cream.

The medicine should be stored out of the reach of children, in a dry place without access to light. Storage temperature - 15-25°C. The drug is suitable for use for 3 years.

Pyrantel tablets are also available, but they are only suitable for treating children over 3 years of age. The package contains 3 tablets, which must be chewed when consumed.

Indications for use and contraindications

The drug is effective against worms that are in the early phase of development and in a mature state. The medicine does not work against migratory larvae. The instructions for use of the suspension clearly explain in case of which diseases Pirantel should be given to children:

  • Ascariasis
  • Necatoriasis
  • Enterobiasis
  • Hookworm
  • Trichocephalosis

Contraindications are:

  1. Individual intolerance
  2. Myasthenia gravis
  3. Reception medicine"Piperazine"

If the child is under 6 months old or has liver failure, the medicine is prescribed with caution and used under the strict supervision of a doctor.

Dosage and overdose

Before taking the drug, the bottle must be shaken well. The medicine is given during or after breakfast. Depending on the type of worms and the age of the child, it is determined how to take the Pirantel suspension for children.

Roundworms and pinworms (enterobiasis)

"Pyrantel" in the form of a suspension is given once:

  • Children from 6 months to 2 years - 2.5 ml (half a measuring cap)
  • Children from 2 years to 6 years - 5.0 ml (measuring cap)
  • Children from 6 years to 12 years old - 10.0 ml (2 measuring caps)
  • Children over 12 years old - 15.0 ml (3 measuring caps)

If enterobiasis is detected in a child, then after 20 days the suspension is taken again. This will prevent relapse of the disease, that is, self-infection.

If both roundworms and pinworms are present at the same time, the drug is taken according to the same regimen.



At severe forms The drug is taken for 2 days in double doses.

Features of taking Pirantel

When treating children for helminths, the drug is taken by all family members to prevent re-infection. After this, stool tests are taken to confirm the effectiveness of anthelmintic therapy.

Fasting or taking laxatives after Pirantel is not carried out. Parents appreciated these positive features of the suspension, and many reviews indicate this.


In case of an overdose, nausea, diarrhea, and coordination of movements may occur. It is recommended to lavage the stomach and take activated carbon, because special drugs There are no drugs that neutralize Pyrantel. Monitoring of cardiac activity and breathing is necessary.

Side effects

Anti-worm suspension for children "Pirantel" can provide a number of side effects. This is stool upset, fever, stomach pain, nausea, headache, skin rash. In rare cases, hallucinations and impaired consciousness may occur.

Analogues of the drug

These include suspension and tablets “Helmintox” and “Nemotsid”. All medications are given with caution to children under 6 months.