
Salicylic acid for warts reviews. The use of salicylic acid for warts. Reviews of the use of salicylic ointment against warts.

Such growths on the skin are also called nevi. In most cases, warts are considered benign growths. But in rare cases they can degenerate into malignant ones. When the nevus is located in an area of ​​the body that is constantly subject to friction with clothing, it can become infected. Warts also cause aesthetic discomfort to people. That's why they need to be removed. For this purpose, drugs based on it, known to everyone, are used. Let's learn in detail about this method of getting rid of warts.

The resin applied to the vaginal mucosa should be dried before it comes into contact with healthy epithelium. Podophyllotoxin is a less toxic alternative that can be administered by the patient himself. Trichloroacetic acid can be applied directly to warts, but it is less effective and requires the treated area to be dusted with talcum powder or sodium bicarbonate to remove excess acid. External applications of podophyllotoxin and podophyllotoxin should be removed by washing after 1-4 hours.

The resin is easily absorbed and has local and teratogenic destructive effects. Neither podophyllotoxin nor podophyllotoxin should be applied to large areas of skin or during pregnancy. In resistant cases, favorable results have also been described with topical application of 5% fluorouracil ointment and intracentric or systemic interferon, but these are expensive. therapeutic methods. Anti-inflammatory agents: topical corticosteroids.

Features of drug treatment

Salicylic acid was first obtained from willow bark. This was back in the 19th century. Then it was one of the most popular means for the treatment of inflammatory processes. Later we got from it acetylsalicylic acid. Salicylic acid is used externally only. It suppresses the secretion of sebaceous and sweat glands and copes well with inflammation. Salicylic acid is used in the treatment of seborrhea, psoriasis, pustular rash, lichen and others dermatological diseases. In cosmetology, she successfully treats acne, calluses, and warts.

Topical corticosteroids are the most commonly used drugs in dermatology. They have wide range action, since they can be used in various dermatoses characterized by hyperproliferation and inflammatory phenomena, such as eczema and psoriasis. In addition, they act quickly, are easy to use and are accepted by the patient because there is no staining or odor. On the other hand, they very rarely cause allergic reactions and are very stable in the vehicle.

Its effectiveness is related to its effectiveness as well as its side effects. Potency of corticosteroid drugs local action depends on three factors: the characteristics of the molecule, the concentration at which vehicle and is used. In Europe they are divided into four groups: low power, medium power, high power and very high power.

How medicine it is safe to use. It can be used at home. Another advantage of removing nevi with salicylic acid is minimal painful sensations. The medicine is available to all categories of consumers, and you can buy it without a doctor’s prescription.

The medicine also has its drawbacks. This is the duration of use to achieve results, preliminary preparation before use. Salicylic acid patches are not used to remove nevi in ​​children. As for ointments based on it, almost all of them have the same composition, they only differ in price, manufacturer, and brand.

Classification of local corticosteroids by potency. The most common side effect resulting from improper use is the possibility of masking pre-existing dermatoses, an infection usually resulting in something called ringworm incognita or latent scabies.

Although rare, absorption through the skin can be observed for systemic effects such as suppression of the hypothalamic-pituitary axis, growth retardation due to premature epiphyseal closure, and iatrogenic Cushing's syndrome with diabetes and hypertension. In order to minimize side effects, one must always remember that absorption is greater when the epidermis is very thin, and in areas where the skin is saturated with blood vessels. We therefore recommend the use of steroids of low and medium strength in children, face and folds in very extensive dermatoses or in the absence of a solution to skin continuity.

Salicylic acid itself is used to remove warts in a concentration of 10% to 60%. The patches contain 30%.

How to use the product correctly

Preparations based on salicylic acid have their own rules of application. If we're talking about about the use of the solution, the skin in the nevus area requires preliminary preparation. It needs to be steamed hot water for softening. Then the salicylic acid solution will act more effectively. Dermatologists recommend treating warts in the evening, before bed. A special patch with a hole for the wart must be applied to the steamed skin. This is necessary in order not to damage healthy skin. Salicylic acid is applied to the nevus with a pipette. If you do not use a patch, you can simply lubricate the skin around the wart zinc ointment or baby cream. After a few days of such treatment, the neoplasm softens and gradually dries out. Treatment should be continued until the wart completely disappears. A red spot may remain in its place. To speed up its healing, you can use the juice of aloe, Kalanchoe, and golden mustache. Or you can apply an Aevita capsule to your skin every evening.

Those with very high potency should be reserved for the dermatoses in which they are indicated. Corticosteroids are contraindicated for bacterial, fungal and viral infections skin, their immunosuppressive ability, as well as in rosacea and although initial improvement appears to occur.

Another point to consider is the phenomena of tachyphylaxis and rebound. The first of these is the progressive loss of effect of a particular steroid when extended by saturating the cell's time receptors are used, requiring one pass of greater power to achieve the same effect. To avoid this, it is recommended not to exceed four weeks continuous treatment and in case chronic diseases without interspersing unstable periods of treatment with rest or alternating them with other medications.

Salicylic ointment is also often used to combat warts. As in the previous case, the skin must first be steamed before applying the product. Ointment must be applied thin layer only after complete drying skin. It is recommended to bandage the skin treated with the drug, so it is better to do the procedure before going to bed. In the morning, the affected area should be treated with pumice. The course of therapy with salicylic ointment is strictly individual. It lasts until the nevus completely disappears.

Secondly, intensive regrowth treatment takes several days to stop using the drug, so we must be careful when prescribing some chronic skin diseases such as psoriasis dermatoses. For all of the above, today there is respect and even fear of taking advantage of both the doctor and the patients. However, if the basic rules of use are followed, the side effects that occur are minimal.

Recommendations for correct use local corticosteroids. Before initiating treatment with corticosteroids, rule out the presence of infections and infestations. Use low potency corticosteroids in dermatoses of the face, eyelids and folds and in children. Use of moderate-strength corticosteroids in adolescents and older adults.

The salicylic acid-based patch for warts "Salipod" is more convenient than previous treatment methods. This product is available in every pharmacy. In addition to the main active ingredient it also contains sulfur. The patch produces a keratolytic effect, that is, it first softens, dissolves, and then rejects.

Do not use steroids around wounds or ulcers. Do not use highly effective corticosteroids in extensive and chronic dermatoses or in exudative or fissured dermatoses. Replace corticosteroids with moisturizers when dermatosis improves. Reserve strong corticosteroids for palm and plant dermatosis and lichenified lesions.

Limit the use of potent or very potent corticosteroids or occlusive medications during short periods time and individual cases. Regular monitoring of chronic dermatoses and intercalation of rest periods to avoid side effects and tachyphylaxis.

The Salipod patch is applied to previously steamed and dried areas. Medicine It should remain on the skin for two days. After this time, it is removed, the warts are steamed again, and the softened layers are removed using pumice.

Typically, several applications of the patch are required for the tumors to completely disappear. This product should not be used to remove warts in children, as it can lead to intoxication of the body.

Do not use steroids when treating acne or rosacea. Do not use occlusive medications in children or the elderly. Do not stop corticosteroids suddenly. Skin problems, in addition to health risks, pose a problem for our appearance. Wrinkles, blemishes or scars on the face can make us feel insecure and unattractive, so facial care is a routine we should never ignore. However, when certain problems arise, for example, to solve this problem it is necessary to use special methods treatment.

For most people, warts are disgusting, this is explained by the fact that the appearance of warts is associated with insufficient cleanliness, non-compliance with personal hygiene rules, and also with contact with something dirty.

They are called warts benign neoplasms skin that have a viral etiology and appear in the form of a papilla or nodule. Warts are caused by a variety of human papillomaviruses. The virus is transmitted directly through contact, as well as through objects that were used by the patient. Warts appear in people with reduced immunity, with mental trauma, vegetative neuroses, acrocyanosis, or increased sweating soles and hands.

Acne is the most common skin infection, especially in adolescence, but can last for years. Acne breakouts can trigger comedones, which if they persist or are not properly treated can go away forever. There are several alternatives for treating acne, one of which is salicylic acid.

How to Apply Salicylic Acid on Skin to Treat Acne

Salicylic acid is derived from certain plants such as cow willow and usually comes in the form of creams or gels for local application. It is widely used in the treatment of problems such as acne, calluses, warts and other diseases that are characterized by flaking of the feet.

Warts are divided into flat, common, senile and genital warts. Flat and common warts, as well as genital warts, are caused by one virus. The incubation period lasts from 2 to 5 months.

What causes warts?

The appearance of warts is caused by human papillomaviruses. This virus is transmitted both through contact with a patient and through the use of general subjects. The incubation period of the infection can last up to two months. This virus spreads quite intensively in human skin.

To apply salicylic acid, you must follow this procedure: First of all, one of the areas must be carried out to clean out the pores of impurities. Once absorbed, you can apply a moisturizing and soothing cream to relieve the feeling of irritation as salicylic acid exfoliates the face.

Salicylic acid should be ongoing, with effects seen over several days or weeks of starting the same, although it may initially cause symptoms to worsen until they return. Never apply to cracked or infected areas, and always consult a dermatologist.

The infection is transmitted from sick to healthy during direct contact, for example, by shaking hands. It can also be transmitted through objects that are infected (in public transport, through toys).

The effectiveness of self-medication

The use of traditional medicine methods and self-medication has never been effective and can also lead to more serious complications, therefore treatment and removal of warts must be carried out under the supervision of a specialist and in medical institution. If you notice a wart on your skin, you don’t need to immediately seek help. folk medicine. Self-medication can lead to complications.

Benign skin infections caused by the human papillomavirus are one of the most common and most irritating conditions treated in dermatological practice. This virus can cause many infections, and among them the most common are skin warts. They can be divided into common warts, plantar warts, flat warts and genital warts.

U healthy people approximately 20% of warts resolve spontaneously within 3 months and 60% of them within 2 years; Therefore, treatment is not always necessary. However, most patients still choose to visit a doctor due to appearance, discomfort, or physical interference with daily activities.

Initially, it is recommended to contact a specialist. First, the doctor will determine whether the wart can be removed at all. If the wart begins to bleed, changes, or has grown quite large, or has become painful and causes severe discomfort, you should immediately consult a specialist. You should also consult a specialist if warts spread quickly. There are several ways to get rid of warts these days. The choice of treatment depends on the type and location of the warts.

Genital warts are serious problem for doctors. First of all, there is a reluctance of patients to consult a doctor, and secondly, they have a tendency to relapse. Considering the latter, it should be noted that an effective therapeutic modality has not been proven to achieve complete remission for every patient.

Home remedies that are used in the treatment of common warts include the use of oil tea tree, garlic extract, hyperthermia therapy and the duct tape method. The duct tape method involves covering the wart with duct tape, which remains in place for six days. The site must then be soaked, sanded and opened overnight, which is a process that is repeated for eight cycles.

There are many different methods for removing warts, in most cases this is a method of surgical and medical intervention, you can also use removal laser beams and cryodestruction of warts. If we take into account that this virus can develop in conditions of immunodeficiency, then preventive measures should be actions aimed at renewing protective functions body. There are many medications strengthening immune system, but none of them can limit a person from the infections that surround him.

Salicylic acid is often preferred by patients because its use is convenient, inexpensive, and without significant discomfort. Medicines contain less than 17% salicylic acid, while medications prescribed by a doctor may contain up to 70% salicylic acid. Warts should be soaked in water for 5-10 minutes before each application, and then the dead skin should be debrided.

However, the unprimed use of this immunomodulator for nongenital warts has increased over the past decade. This drug is available as a cream in strengths of 2.5%, 3.75% and 5%. Vitamin A is widely known as a safe and effective topical approach for flat, normal and plantar warts. This vitamin and other retinoids regulate keratinization and may inhibit the replication of human papillomavirus, which is closely synchronized with keratinization and differentiation of epithelial cells.

They contain salicylic acid, in the form of lotions and liquids. Preparations with salicylic acid are more accessible. Salicylic acid is safe to use and can be used at home.

This article will discuss this type of treatment, such as removing warts with salicylic acid.

Treatment of warts is often started with medications that contain salicylic acid. This method of treatment has low pain, the drugs are available over-the-counter and at affordable prices, and the effect of use is average. The disadvantages of this method include too long treatment. On the shelves pharmacy chains There are many different ointments available. The composition of the drugs in this group is almost the same, the difference lies in the price and trademarks. Therefore, the most common ones will be considered.

Keratotic wart material can be treated with cryotherapy, usually using liquid nitrogen. The frost should be re-watered once after a 20-second thaw. Some topical chemotherapy agents such as podophyllin may then be applied.

Other destructive wart removal techniques are most often used to treat resistant, multiple lesions, or recalcitrant warts in immunocompromised patients. Among them laser therapy, photodynamic therapy and the use of acids.

Salicylic acid for warts is used in concentrations from 10% to 60%. More affordable is a salicylic patch at a concentration of 30% (Salipod).

To remove warts, salicylic acid has affordable price, and you can buy it at any pharmacy. There are several types of medicines:

  • salicylic ointment for warts;
  • patches impregnated with salicylic acid;
  • salicylic acid in solutions.

The acid was first obtained from willow bark in the 19th century. It is considered one of the first drugs used to treat inflammation. A little later, aspirin and acetylsalicylic acid were obtained from it, which had less toxicity. Treatment with salicylic acid is applied only externally.

Under the influence of acid, the secretion of sebaceous and sweat glands is suppressed, eliminating inflammatory process, which is why salicylic acid preparations are widely used in the treatment of psoriasis, seborrhea, pustular rash, chronic lichen and others skin lesions. In cosmetology practice, salicylic acid is used to treat warts, calluses and pimples.

Salicylic acid: basic rules of use

Salicylic ointment:

  • 60% salicylic ointment is also quite often used to remove tumors. For more good effect Before applying the ointment, the affected areas also need to be steamed. Allow the skin to dry thoroughly and only then can you begin to apply the ointment (apply in a thin layer).
  • The treated surface must be bandaged, which is why this type of procedure is recommended to be carried out before bedtime. In the morning, the wart must be treated with pumice. The course of treatment is strictly individual and should continue until the growths completely disappear.

Salipod - wart patch:

  • This method of treatment is more convenient than the previous ones. In almost any pharmacy you can buy a special patch to get rid of warts. It contains sulfur and salicylic acid. Thanks to the keratolytic effect of salicylic acid (softening, dissolving and sloughing off the stratum corneum of the skin).
  • Before sticking a patch against warts, you need to steam the affected areas, then wipe the skin dry and only then stick the patch itself. The patch should remain on the skin for two days. Then you need to remove it and steam the warts in warm water, the softened layers are carefully removed using pumice.
  • If it was not possible to get rid of papilloma in one go, the procedure must be repeated several times.

Please note that this patch is not used to treat children, since there is a risk of developing general intoxication of the body.

Information about the pros and cons of salicylic acid treatment

Preparations based on salicylic acid are among the first prescribed for the treatment of warts.

Benefits of salicylic acid treatment:

  • minimal pain during use;
  • affordable price;
  • Can be purchased at any pharmacy without a doctor's prescription.
  • long-term and regular use;
  • the patch is not used in children;
  • preliminary preparation before use.