
Heart medications. A list that should be in the home of every core

Today, cardiovascular diseases remain main reason mortality among older people in the most developed countries. It is for this reason that every person needs to pay due attention to their health and especially the cardiovascular system. Below we will look at medications and medications for the heart that help strengthen, restore and in some cases even cure serious diseases associated with the cardiovascular system. At the same time, do not forget about vitamins for the treatment and prevention of cardiovascular diseases.

Reflex drugs

Shown when: acute pain in the cardiac region, irritability, neuroses.

Name of medicine:"Corvalol", "Validol", "Nitroglycerin".

Impact: drugs for the heart and blood vessels"Validol" and "Corvalol" relieve pain in the heart, which is provoked by vegetative-vascular dystonia and nervousness, and also have a beneficial effect on nervous system. Corvalol is best used in cases of nervousness, insomnia or increased irritability. These medications for cardiac arrhythmia are absolutely harmless to the body.


Shown for: cardiac pain in the heart area, in case of heart failure, angina attacks, prevention of myocardial infarction.

Name of medicine:“Nitroglycerin”, “Isoket-spray”, “Nitrosorbide”, “Mononit”, “Olicard retard”.

Impact: Such drugs for cardiac tachycardia help to dilate the coronary vessels, as a result of which myocardial contraction and nutrition of the heart muscle improves. Doctors advise taking “nitroglycerin” in cases of angina pectoris. It is also worth noting that patients should take nitrates as prescribed by the doctor, as they can provoke various ailments such as vomiting, headaches, etc.

Antiplatelet agents

Shown for: tachycardia, inflammation, as well as poor blood flow, in case of acute heart failure, venous thrombosis.

Name of medicine: "Cardiomagnyl", "Clopidogrel".

Impact: medications for cardiac tachycardia have a beneficial effect on the heart vessels. Medicines this group:

  1. relieve inflammation;
  2. improve blood flow;
  3. antipyretic effect;
  4. prevent the formation of acute ulcers 12 duodenum and stomach.

Calcium antagonists for hypertension.

Name of medicine:"Lacidipine", "Nifecard", "Amlodipine".

Impact: drugs for cardiac arrhythmia and hypertension effectively reduce blood pressure and also have a hypotensive effect.

Beta blockers

Shown for: arrhythmias, low blood pressure, coronary heart disease.

Name of medicine:“Metoprolol”, “Atenolol”, “Anaprilin”, “Nebilet”.

Impact: beta blockers reduce myocardial oxygen demand by reducing the contractile function of the heart muscle. Thanks to this, the amount of oxygen increases due to improved diastole function. Drugs are used to strengthen blood vessels and vessel walls.

Statins and fibrates

Shown for: increased cholesterol levels in the blood,

Name of medicine:“Atorvastatin”, “Lovastatin”, “Traykor”, “Atorvastatin”.

Impact: preparations for cleaning blood vessels from cholesterol have the ability to increase the amount of healthy fats. Thus, cholesterol is processed much better and does not accumulate in the blood vessels.

Preparations containing microelements

Shown for: angina pectoris, after myocardial infarction, heart failure.

Name of medicine:“Panangin”, “Potassium-magnesium-aspartate”, “Asparkam”.

Impact: drugs in this group reduce the risk of myocardial infarction and stroke by 2 times. By strengthening the myocardium, metabolic processes improve and prevent the development of atherosclerotic lesions. Improves the functioning of the heart muscle and prevents the development of hypertension.

For cerebral vessels preparations and medicines It is best to use: Mefacor, Mevacos, as well as the following fibrates: Atromide, Clofibrate, Zocor, Simvastatin, Atromidine.

What vitamins do the heart and blood vessels need?

All the substances mentioned below simultaneously affect the functioning of the heart and blood vessels. The action of vitamins C, A, E, P, F is aimed at improving blood biochemistry and strengthening the walls of blood vessels. And this, in turn, has a positive effect on the functioning of the heart muscle.

Thus, reducing thrombus formation in blood vessels reduces the risk of developing myocardial infarction. Vitamins of group B, coenzyme Q10, trace elements K, Mg directly affect the heart, but at the same time normalize the overall blood flow and blood composition.

Vitamins for blood vessels

  • Vitamin C (ascorbic acid). Ascorbic acid is necessary to strengthen vascular walls. It actively participates in the synthesis of collagen and restores the elasticity of blood vessels, reduces the permeability and fragility of capillaries, accelerates metabolic processes, normalizes blood clotting, and accelerates tissue regeneration.
  • Vitamin A (retinol). As an antioxidant, it neutralizes the effects of free radicals and protects the walls of blood vessels from the development of atherosclerotic changes.

  • Vitamin E (tocopherol). Reduces blood clotting and prevents thrombus formation, normalizes microcirculation in the bloodstream, prevents the accumulation of cholesterol deposits, and helps lower blood pressure. Supplies organs and tissues with oxygen, “launches” the processes of cell rejuvenation.
  • Vitamin P (rutin). It has a beneficial effect on the elasticity of vascular walls, reduces the permeability and fragility of capillaries.
  • Vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin). Activates cell division processes and reduces the number of large red blood cells, i.e. normalizes the biochemical composition of the blood.
  • Vitamins of group F (polyunsaturated fatty acid). Linolenic, linoleic and arachidonic acids prevent the formation of cholesterol plaques on the walls of blood vessels and reduce the risk of developing atherosclerosis.
  • Calcium. Strengthens and restores the structure of vascular walls.

Vitamins for the heart

Drugs for coronary heart disease

According to the World Health Organization, coronary heart disease is an acute or chronic dysfunction of the heart resulting from a relative or absolute decrease in myocardial supply arterial blood. In more than 90% of cases, there is atherosclerosis of the coronary arteries.

Physical or emotional stress that requires increased heart function causes spasm of the arteries and the appearance of attacks of pain in the chest.

Drugs for coronary heart disease are prescribed depending on the manifestations of the disease. So, for angina pectoris, during attacks or in situations where they may occur, nitrates are used (cause vasodilation). Nitroglycerin is used in tablets (under the tongue), in the form of inhalations. For frequent attacks, long-acting forms of drugs are prescribed. However, over time, addiction to nitrate drugs occurs, so breaks in treatment are taken for 10-12 hours.

Other groups of drugs are calcium antagonists and beta blockers. They are prescribed if available concomitant diseases. In general, beta-blockers are prescribed in the presence of arrhythmias, tachycardia or arterial hypertension, calcium antagonists in case of normal heart rate and suspected vasospastic mechanism of angina (vasospasm).

It is calcium antagonists that prevent and relieve sudden and severe spasm of the arteries caused by the entry of excess calcium into the smooth muscles of the vascular walls. The choice of drug also depends on the expected mechanism of ischemia (stenosis or vasospasm).

Adjustment of therapy, the prescription of various combinations of drugs may be required if the condition changes (for example, with the progression of damage to peripheral arteries, beta-blockers are replaced with calcium antagonists).

Another drug for coronary artery disease is aspirin. This medicine, prescribed in small doses, acts on blood platelets - platelets, which release a special substance into the blood that causes vasospasm.

In addition, small doses of aspirin prevent thrombus formation, which often occurs in atherosclerotic vessels of the heart (due to changes in the eddy flow of blood). In any case, the prescription of drugs is carried out by a doctor after assessing the results of an objective and physical (ECG, echocardiography, myocardial scintigraphy, etc.) examination of the patient.

Heart medications

Heart disease occupies the leading position among all diseases of the 21st century. They are one of the main causes of mortality in economically developed countries and require special treatment. Every year, out of 100 thousand people, 204 men and 151 women die from stroke, and 330 men and 154 women die from myocardial infarction. The prevalence and severity of pathologies of this vital organ can be assessed using the example of Russia, where cardiovascular diseases account for 57% of the total number of deaths. More than 1 million 300 thousand people die from them every year (population of 1 large regional center). Therefore, it is very important that heart diseases are under special control, both by medical workers and scientists, and by ordinary people.

Massive commitment to smoking and consumption alcoholic drinks, unhealthy lifestyle, obesity, overeating, lack of physical activity - all these factors contribute to the development of pathology of the cardiovascular system, which can lead to disability and even death. In order to avoid serious and sometimes life-threatening consequences, it is important to be attentive to your health, at the slightest pain in the heart, consult a doctor and, if necessary, take heart medications prescribed by a doctor.

What medications help with heart disease?

Any disease of the cardiovascular system requires timely and effective treatment, which, of course, includes cardiac medications. But before you start, you should understand the causes of the disease. We list the most common factors that cause heart problems:

  • congenital pathologies of internal organs;
  • bacterial or viral infection;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • syphilis;
  • functional lesions caused by depression, consumption of coffee and alcoholic beverages.

All drugs for the heart can be divided into several main groups:

1. Medicines that regulate cerebral circulation. Vasodilator medications that affect the regulation of vascular tone are necessary to normalize blood supply to the brain. They not only saturate the brain tissue with oxygen, but also improve blood supply to the ischemic area. The most popular and well-known cardiovascular drugs are Picamilon, Eufilin, Cinnarizine, Aminocaproic and Acetylsalicylic acid, Streptokinase and Heparin.

2. Cardiac medications that reduce the myocardial oxygen demand and improve its blood supply. Such drugs include Nitrates, Nitroglycerin and medications derived from it.

3. Cardiovascular drugs for myocardial infarction. They have a pathogenetic and symptomatic effect, eliminating pain syndrome and improving the patient's well-being. Tramadol, Promedol, Analgin in combination with antihistamines and neuroleptics are the most prominent representatives of such medications.

4. Antianginal drugs for the treatment of people suffering from coronary heart disease. Medicines used for angina pectoris are classified into the following groups:

  • medications that improve oxygen supply to the myocardium (Amiodarone, Verapamil and Nitroglycerin);
  • drugs whose main effect is to increase the supply of oxygen to the myocardium (No-spa, Validol and Ticlopidine);
  • medications that help reduce the need for oxygen supply to the myocardium (Anaprilin);
  • drugs that increase myocardial resistance to hypoxia and ischemia (Lipin, Nerobol, Trimetazidine, Riboxin and Riboflavin).

5. Means that improve the process of oxygen transport to the myocardium. These drugs include adenosine deaminase inhibitors: Eufillin, Persantine and others.

6. Medicines used to increase myocardial resistance to hypoxia. Among them are anabolic and energy-providing drugs, as well as electron acceptors and antioxidants.

It is important to remember that for heart diseases, other pharmacological agents can be used that are not heart drugs, but at the same time have a positive effect on the dynamics of cardiac diseases. They are prescribed by a medical specialist depending on functional state heart and the degree of its damage.

IN Lately Anti-sclerotic and lipid-lowering medications have become widespread. They cannot have a direct effect on the heart muscle. And, nevertheless, such drugs reduce triglycerides and cholesterol, the high concentration of which negatively affects the condition of blood vessels and the heart. In addition, such drugs combine well with angioprotectors - agents that improve microcirculation, reduce swelling of the vascular wall and normalize its permeability.

It is believed that drugs for heart failure may have a more effective therapeutic effect if they are taken in combination with the use of calcium channel blockers. Calcium ions cause an acceleration of cellular metabolism, causing an increase in the oxygen demand of a vital organ. And when using calcium antagonists, the opposite effect is observed: coronary blood flow improves, blood vessels dilate, and blood pressure decreases.

It is extremely important not to forget that the doctor plays a key role in drug therapy for heart disease. Unfortunately, you cannot treat your heart on your own - medications for diseases of the cardiovascular system are selected exclusively individually based on a preliminary medical analysis and examination.

Below is a list of popular heart medications, instructions for which are presented on our website. Simply follow the link in the list to receive instructions and recommendations for the use of this drug.

Heart medications: list


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MEDICINE Sidnopharm

Sidnopharm is a medicine for heart diseases. Heart disease - angina pectoris, acute myocardial infarction; pulmonary hypertension, chronic pulmonary heart disease, heart failure. Sydnopharm from exclusive Bulgarian manufacturer Sopharma JSC is a guarantee of quality and reliability.

General information about the drug Sidnopharm. Latin name: Sydnopharm. Pharmacological groups: Nitrates and nitrate-like agents. Nosological classification (ICD-10): I20 Angina pectoris [angina pectoris]. I20.0 Unstable angina. I21 Acute myocardial infarction. I50 Heart failure. I50.0 Congestive heart failure. I50.1 Left ventricular failure. R07.2 Pain in the heart area. Application of Sydnopharm: coronary heart disease, prevention and relief of angina attacks (in case of intolerance or insufficient effectiveness of nitrates), acute myocardial infarction (after stabilization of hemodynamic parameters); pulmonary hypertension, chronic cor pulmonale, chronic congestive heart failure (combination therapy). >>> application of Sydnopharm: treatment of heart diseases - more details

Description and composition of the drug Sidnopharm. Composition and release form of the drug Sidnopharm: table. 0.002 g, No. 10, tab. 0.002 g, No. 30. Main active substance Molsidomine 0.002 g. The maximum concentration in the blood serum is 4.4 μg/ml, the time to reach the maximum concentration is on average 1 hour. Metabolism is intense (metabolized into CIN-1/3-morpholinosidnonimine, which, through spontaneous biotransformation, turns into the pharmacologically active CIN-1A); half-life - 3.5 hours; eliminated in the form of metabolites (almost the entire amount of CIN-1A is excreted in the urine throughout the day). >>> Sidnopharm, composition and description of the drug in more detail

Pharmacological action of the drug Sidnopharm. Pharmacological properties of the drug Sidnopharm. Sidnopharm has an antianginal effect. It has a beneficial effect on preload and myocardial metabolism, as a result of which the need for oxygen is sharply reduced. In the body it is spontaneously biotransformed into the active metabolite CIN-1A, which has a pronounced vasodilating effect, primarily on capacitive venous vessels. Increases the diameter of subendocardial vessels, improves coronary circulation and oxygen supply to the myocardium. >>> more details

Instructions - use of the drug Sidnopharm. Indications for use of the drug are for the prevention of angina attacks. In the combined treatment of chronic heart failure. Use of the drug - the drug is taken orally, during or after meals, with a sufficient amount of liquid. To prevent angina attacks, 1–2 mg (1/2–1 tablet) 4–6 times a day are prescribed on the first and second days of therapy. The dosage regimen of the drug is individual and depends on the type, stage of the disease, and the severity of clinical symptoms. >>> instructions for Sidnopharm, download instructions for the drug Sidnopharm in more detail

In order to study the effect of therapy with Cardiquet-retard and Sidnopharm on the development of cardiovascular complications in patients with coronary heart disease and chronic heart failure, an analysis of episodes of myocardial ischemia and indicators of its electrical remodeling in prospective observation was carried out. Keywords. cardiket-retard, sydnopharm, cardiovascular complications ( Scientific research"Treatment of possible cardiovascular complications in patients with coronary artery disease and heart failure", State Healthcare Institution "Regional Clinical Cardiological Dispensary", State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Tver State Medical Academy" of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation, Tver). Despite advances in conservative and surgical strategies for the treatment of coronary heart disease (CHD) and chronic heart failure (CHF), the prevention of possible cardiovascular complications as the diseases progress remains an urgent task. Read the study on the effect of sydnopharm therapy on the risk of developing cardiovascular complications.

Sydnopharm from the exclusive Bulgarian manufacturer Sopharma JSC is a guarantee of quality and reliability. Sopharma is one of the main manufacturers medicines and substances in Bulgaria. The company's goal is to produce products whose quality is not inferior to world standards. The history of the Sopharma company dates back to the last century - 1933. Having passed various stages development, since September 2000 Sopharma became private. Today JSC Sopharma is one of the main manufacturers of medicines and substances in Bulgaria. She owns 28 patents, more than 300 proprietary technologies, 170 registered trademarks. Sopharma's production range includes drugs from almost all pharmacotherapeutic groups, with painkillers, cardiovascular and gastroenterological drugs occupying a significant share. The company's products are well known in Europe, Asia, North America and Australia. The company's main export markets are in Russia - 71%, Poland - 13%, Ukraine - 5% and the USA - 6%. Today, more than thirty medicines from the Bulgarian manufacturer Sopharma JSC are presented on the Russian market. Among them are drugs such as Nivalin (galantamine), Naniprus (sodium nitroprusside), Tabex (cytirizine), Tribestan, Troxerutin, Bronholitin, Karsil, Tempalgin, Sedal-M, Ambroxol, etc. Karsil remains the leader in terms of sales , Bronholitin and Tempalgin. >>> more about Sopharma

Today, more than thirty medicines from the Bulgarian manufacturer Sopharma JSC are presented on the Russian market. Among them are such drugs as Nivalin (galantamine), Naniprus (sodium nitroprusside), Tabex (cytisine), Tribestan, Troxerutin, Bronholitin, Karsil, Sedal-M, Tempalgin, Ambroxol, etc. Karsil remains the leader in terms of sales , Bronholitin and Tempalgin. Other medicines from Sopharma. A unique medicinal phyto-preparation Tribestan. Effective treatment of male and female infertility, impotence, menopause, frigidity, prostatitis, reduces cholesterol levels. More details at

Treatment of heart diseases with Sidnopharm. Heart diseases. Symptoms of heart failure. Chronic heart failure is one of the most common complications of cardiovascular diseases. Any heart disease leads to a decrease in the heart's ability to provide the body with sufficient blood flow. Those. to a decrease in its pumping function. Increasing heart failure over time exceeds the danger to the patient's life of the disease that caused this heart failure. Chronic heart failure is most often caused by coronary heart disease, myocardial infarction, arterial hypertension, cardiomyopathies, and heart valve defects. >>> more details

Treatment of heart diseases with Sidnopharm. Heart diseases. Symptoms of heart disease. A patient with heart disease may practically not notice his disease, since the reserve capacity of the heart is truly enormous, and compensates for the work of the affected part due to the increased work of other parts of the heart. In these cases, which are called compensated heart disease, signs of the disease can only be identified by a cardiologist: these are characteristic heart murmurs, changes in heart sounds and its size. But the capabilities of the human heart are not limitless, and the progression of the disease leads to depletion of reserves and the development of heart failure. >>> more details

Indications for use of the drug Sidnopharm. Diseases for which the drug Sydnopharm is used

Manufacturer Sopharma

SIDNOPHARM is produced in Bulgaria at the plant of the Sopharma group of companies

The production process of the drug "Wobenzym" (Germany)

What patients have a right to know

Principles modern therapy require individual selection of the most suitable and effective drug. To do this, doctors should inquire about the evidence base for a specific drug. It shows the results clinical application in a fairly large group of patients, effectiveness in%, long-term examination indicators, comparative duration of treatment courses, possible identified side effects.

This is especially true for the treatment of older people, new drugs with promising advertising. Unfortunately, in pharmacy chain Many “cardiovascular drugs” have accumulated without sufficient clinical trials.

Therefore, it is not recommended to prescribe such drugs for treatment; results cannot be expected from them. Apparently overproduction is based more on the financial profits of companies, rather than on the desire for public health.

Scroll similar drugs is constantly updated and is available to doctors of all specialties. Patients may feel better because they convince themselves that they are.

Such drugs, for example, include: Cavinton and Vinpocetine (in the USA it is listed not as a medicine, but as a biological food additive; in Japan, sales in pharmacies have been discontinued), Actovegin, Cerebrolysin, Validol (a tablet for breath freshening).

How does the patient influence the effect of the medicine?

When using cardiac medications, the patient must strictly follow the instructions for use. If it is written that you should drink before meals, it means that the intake should be organized 15 minutes before food enters the stomach, since the chemical composition of the drug may react with substances from foods and not exhibit its expected effect.

Compliance drinking regime important to ensure normal drug concentrations in the blood. After taking diuretics, some of the liquid leaves, which means the concentration increases. In this case, an overdose is possible, and in children and elderly patients symptoms of poisoning appear.

You cannot voluntarily change one drug to another. Some chemical compounds accumulate their therapeutic dose in the human blood over several days and are also gradually eliminated from the body. The use of another medicine can sharply increase the concentration active substance, lead to toxic manifestations.

Types of Heart Medicines

The pharmacological properties of a chemical substance and the clinical need do not always correspond; they differ in their objectives and goals. There is an international classification of drugs that affect the heart and blood vessels. It is used in medicinal reference books and pharmacological documents.

Let's try to distribute the known information by type of pathology of the heart and blood vessels.

Anti-inflammatory and antiarrhythmic effect

To treat inflammatory diseases (myocarditis, endocarditis, pericarditis), large doses of antibiotics and special agents against pathogens are used. Steroid hormones enhance the anti-inflammatory effect.

Modern antiarrhythmics are divided according to the Vogen-Williams classification into 4 types:

  • quinidine derivatives, stabilizing the process of conduction through the cell membrane;
  • β-blockers;
  • causing a slowdown in repolarization (Amiodarone);
  • calcium antagonists.

To meet the need for potassium and magnesium, Panangin and Asparkam are recommended.

How is angina and heart attack treated?

Coronary heart disease must be treated with drugs that dilate the coronary vessels (vasodilators). Medicines from the nitrate group are widely used. New forms of medicines have been developed in the form of ointments and patches for application to the skin.

An extensive group of calcium antagonists allows you to select a drug, taking into account that with a decrease in the penetration of calcium into myocytes, a pronounced dilation of the coronary vessels occurs. In clinical practice, drugs from the Verapamil, Nifedipine, and Diltiazem groups are successfully used.

Emergency and long-acting options are available. β-blockers can reduce the oxygen demand of the heart muscle and give time for scarring of the infarct area and the development of collateral vessels.

During the recovery period, agents are used that improve metabolism within cells, vitamins, and anabolic hormones.

Means for reducing blood pressure

In the treatment of hypertension and atherosclerosis, drugs that act on the vascular wall of the arteries are required. Removal increased tone helps reduce blood pressure. Long-term use of statins helps maintain the level of low-density lipoproteins and prevents the deposition of cholesterol plaques in the most important vessels.

Medicine does not abandon such old drugs as Papaverine and Magnesia sulfate. They have limited use only in hypertensive crises. They act on blood vessels through a decrease in the contractility of muscle tissue.

The standards for the treatment of hypertension and circulatory failure include drugs from the leading group of angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) blockers. These include Captopril, Amlodipine. These compounds can reduce the load on the myocardium, help with arrhythmias, and reduce blood pressure.

How to strengthen the myocardium?

The occurrence of heart failure due to heart defects and the complicated course of other diseases requires support for the strength of heart contractions. For this purpose, drugs from the digitalis group (cardiac glycosides) are used.

Diuretics unload big circle blood circulation, ease the work of the heart, relieve shortness of breath and tachycardia.

What to do with vascular thrombosis?

Almost any heart pathology is accompanied by increased platelet aggregation and congestion in the peripheral veins. To prevent thrombosis, anticoagulant drugs are prescribed. In the acute period it is Heparin, in the subacute period they switch to indirect anticoagulants and derivatives acetylsalicylic acid. Modern drugs (Cardiomagnyl, Thrombo Ass) do not have a negative effect on the stomach, like their predecessor Aspirin.

Cardioneurosis and pills

In the treatment of cardioneurosis, greater importance is attached to the correct regimen. But if necessary, sedatives are used (Validol is suitable here). B vitamins are often used.

Any appointments for suspected heart disease are made only after examination. Unauthorized taking of medications is unacceptable. You should be careful when using popular recommendations. You can’t “joke” with your heart. Correcting the harm done to yourself will be difficult and long.

The high rhythm of modern life sometimes leads to nervous and physical overstrain, and stress, combined with bad habits and poor nutrition can provoke the development of cardiovascular pathologies - today these diseases are the main cause of deteriorating public health and shortening life expectancy.

The function of the cardiovascular system is the most important in the human body: oxygen, elements of cellular nutrition and metabolism are delivered to tissues and organs through a branched channel of blood vessels, and the heart performs the function of a continuous pump.

What vitamins do the heart and blood vessels need?

All the substances mentioned below simultaneously affect the functioning of the heart and blood vessels. The action of vitamins C, A, E, P, F is aimed at improving blood biochemistry and strengthening the walls of blood vessels. And this, in turn, has a positive effect on the functioning of the heart muscle.

Thus, reducing thrombus formation in blood vessels reduces the risk of developing myocardial infarction. Vitamins of group B, coenzyme Q10, trace elements K, Mg directly affect the heart, but at the same time normalize the overall blood flow and blood composition.

Vitamins for blood vessels

  • Vitamin C (ascorbic acid). Ascorbic acid is necessary to strengthen vascular walls. It actively participates in the synthesis of collagen and restores the elasticity of blood vessels, reduces the permeability and fragility of capillaries, accelerates metabolic processes, normalizes blood clotting, and accelerates tissue regeneration.
  • Vitamin A (retinol). As an antioxidant, it neutralizes the effects of free radicals and protects the walls of blood vessels from the development of atherosclerotic changes.
  • Vitamin E (tocopherol). Reduces blood clotting and prevents thrombus formation, normalizes microcirculation in the bloodstream, prevents the accumulation of cholesterol deposits, and helps lower blood pressure. Supplies organs and tissues with oxygen, “launches” the processes of cell rejuvenation.

  • Vitamin P (rutin). It has a beneficial effect on the elasticity of vascular walls, reduces the permeability and fragility of capillaries.
  • Vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin). Activates cell division processes and reduces the number of large red blood cells, i.e. normalizes the biochemical composition of the blood.
  • Vitamins of group F (polyunsaturated fatty acids). Linolenic, linoleic and arachidonic acids prevent the formation of cholesterol plaques on the walls of blood vessels and reduce the risk of developing atherosclerosis.
  • Calcium. Strengthens and restores the structure of vascular walls.

Vitamins for the heart

Medicines to strengthen the heart and blood vessels

Medicines to strengthen the heart and blood vessels are prescribed by a cardiologist.

The doctor examines the patient before taking medications, prescribes a list of tablets that must be systematically used in order to:

In order for a sick patient to feel significantly better, it is necessary to use medications to maintain the heart and blood vessels for a long time.

The doctor selects medications that will most effectively help the patient and improve the patient’s general condition. Without first consulting a doctor, you should not take medications on your own, as this can only cause harm.

The pharmacy has special medications to support the heart and blood vessels, which are available exclusively by prescription, so in any case you should go to the clinic for examination and tests on the recommendation of a cardiologist, and undergo a cardiogram to rule out the presence of chronic disease or acute form heart attack.

An electrocardiogram allows you to identify the cause of the disease and exclude heart pain. To finally get rid of heart disease, you must take medications only as prescribed by your doctor. If the patient wants to recover faster, then it is necessary to approach this issue correctly.

There are medications whose effect is similar to validol. This is valocordin, which promotes a reflex effect on the walls of blood vessels and relieves tension in the chest area. For angina pectoris, nitroglycerin is used, which has a vasodilating effect on blood vessels.

The use of Corvalol in emergency cases allows you to normalize a rapid heartbeat, reduce blood pressure, calm the patient, normalize the general condition, reduce dizziness, and instantly affect pain. Before using Valocordin, you should be examined by a cardiologist. The drug has practically no contraindications, so it is used in the treatment of the heart and blood vessels after a doctor’s prescription.

Medicines called nitrates are mainly used to dilate blood vessels. The analgesic effect occurs when taking nitroglycerin, nitrospray, nitromint. The list of medications with similar effects has expanded significantly, but the use of medications should be coordinated with a cardiologist.

In case of pain, the tablet is placed under the tongue for a stronger effect on the walls of blood vessels, promoting their expansion. Thanks to the effect of nitrates on the human body, it is possible to provide first emergency aid in case of acute pain or heart attack.

There are long-term medications. These are cardiket, monochinke, nitrosorbide, which dilate arteries and promote venous outflow of blood from vital internal organs responsible for the functioning of the heart.

In case of acute pain, nitrates help nourish the heart, ensure blood flow to the myocardium, and reduce painful sensations, help relieve stress, prevent myocardial infarction, angina pectoris, help with the development of chronic and acute heart failure, and have a beneficial effect on the aorta.

Some side effects of nitrates may occur. These are headache, tinnitus, dizziness, redness of the facial skin, nausea. Side effects are temporary. There are some contraindications in the form of collapse, that is, a decrease in pressure or stroke, fundus glaucoma, in which the drug is prescribed with caution or replaced by another.

For heart diseases, antiplatelet agents are mandatory. Among them, the most common ones stand out: cardiomagnyl, clopidogrel, which help relieve fever and soothe pain. In case of heart failure, the medicine helps relieve fever, relieve pain and improve the general condition of the patient.

If you are intolerant to aspirin, it is better to refrain from taking cardiomagnyl. Clopidogrel is used as an analogue of cardiomagnyl, which is used in practice for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases. Also, these medications are used in case of blood clots or their prevention during pregnancy, in order to prevent heart attacks and myocardial infarction.

The classification of drugs that belong to calcium antagonists for hypertension is as follows:

  • dihydropyridine derivatives;
  • phenylalkylamine derivatives;
  • benzothiazepine derivatives.

These medications to strengthen the heart and blood vessels help lower the patient’s blood pressure, improve sleep, calm the nervous system, lead to a decrease in pressure in the walls of blood vessels, and have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart muscle. Taking these medications leads to normalization of blood pressure in older people.

The above points are achieved by dihydropyridine calcium antagonist derivatives. There are first and second generations, which increase the frequency of the heart muscle. The drugs help influence circulatory system generally. Verapamil reduces heart rate in chronic hypertension.

Care should be taken when using the drug nizolidipine, which can relax the blood vessels too much and cause an increase in adrenaline. Calcium antagonists are increasingly used for patients with cardiovascular diseases in order to dilate blood vessels and reduce the force of heartbeats. Side effects may occur as a result of the use of calcium antagonists.

These are dizziness, headaches, redness of the facial skin.

The main property of beta blockers is to protect the heart. They have the property of blunting the production of stimulating hormones such as adrenaline. It increases contraction of the heart muscles, which can be fatal.

Due to the fact that adrenaline activates the myocardium, the frequency and strength of contractions increases, and this in turn leads to an increase in vascular tone.

This leads to rapid heartbeat and increased blood pressure. All this has a detrimental effect on human health. First of all, the heart suffers, since the rapid heartbeat requires oxygen. The onset of pathophysiological ischemia is a lack of myocardial oxygen. If the patient suffers from coronary disease, then the heart works hard.

A real salvation for people with this disease is a beta blocker, which can reduce a rapid heart rate and reduce blood pressure. Which in turn leads to a reduced risk of developing heart disease. Extends the life of people with ischemic disease. At the moment, the drug is prescribed to people with ischemia, but this is not correct, since people suffering from hypertension are also at risk. Hypertension can also be fatal if left uncontrolled.

  • Carvedilol.
  • Metoprolol.
  • Bisoprolol.
  • Nebivalol.

Beta blockers are prescribed for ischemic diseases, after a heart attack, cardiac dysfunction, with high degree work of the heart muscles (tachyarrhythmias), post-infarction cardiosclerosis, development of chronic heart failure, stroke.

There are no special contraindications to taking beta blockers. There may be individual intolerance or allergic reactions to individual components of the drug. If you have bronchial asthma, then it is better to take this drug only after consultation with your doctor. The same for people with vulnerable sinus syndrome - conduction.

Diseases for which this drug is prescribed:

  • bronchial asthma (with chronic destructive bronchitis they are prescribed very carefully, as an allergic reaction may be caused);
  • atrioventricular block - sick sinus node disease;
  • bradycardia (rare heart rate less than 55 per minute);
  • with cardiogenic shock;
  • low blood pressure (below 100/60 mm Hg).

Indirect actions:

  1. Conduction damage bradycardia.
  2. Increased fatigue, unusual weakness, inability to exercise.

  3. The appearance of nausea, dizziness.
  4. When using older generation drugs, young people may experience potency disorders, and medicinal drugs new production, have no effect on male potency.
  5. The medicine propranolol (anaprilin) ​​and atenolol should not be used, but there are many accompanying effects, especially increased insulin resistance of body tissues.

The newest medications do not affect the body's metabolic process and in case of diabetes, it can be used for a long time without fear.

Statins are medications that reduce cholesterol in the body. They are prescribed only by prescription, as there should be no contraindications for use. In the current world of pharmacology, there are several types of this drug.

It not only reduces cholesterol in the body’s blood, but also has a number of advantages:

  • The effectiveness of taking this drug is visible within 3 weeks.
  • Statins can be used continuously without consequences.
  • Reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease.

But there are also disadvantages that you need to pay attention to:

  • deterioration of liver cells;
  • urge to vomit;
  • sharp colic in the stomach;
  • joint pain.

Fibrates, like the previous drug, help reduce cholesterol in the blood. But, unlike statins, this medicine has different mechanisms of action: it changes cholesterol at the genetic level.

There are several drugs based on it:

  • Clofibrate.
  • Gemfibrozil.
  • Bezofibrate.
  • Ciprofibrate.
  • Fenofibrate.

In our country, only Trikor from the fenofibrate subgroup is used everywhere. Doctors prescribe this drug when triglyceride levels are very high.

Their main advantage is the reduction of triglycerides. Among the advantages of fibrates, it is worth paying attention to increased efficiency in lowering triglycerides, as well as a decrease in the development of cardiovascular diseases. When comparing statins and fibrates, fibrates are said to not reduce mortality. You cannot take these drugs together, as this will cause destruction of the body’s bones.

Medicines for the prevention of heart and blood vessels

Medicines for the prevention of the heart and blood vessels are needed in order to prevent heart attacks and myocardial infarction. Precautions required:

For the purpose of prevention, it is necessary to use medications to prevent the heart and blood vessels to thin the blood. This is cardiomagnyl, aspecard, spirin cardio every day for a long time. To improve the functioning of the heart muscle, you should drink Riboxin along with compatible drug cocarboxylase.

For patients who have heart problems, doctors prescribe medications that prevent deterioration in health, stabilize the nervous system, and help normalize blood pressure.

These are diuretics, calcium antagonists, the well-known aspirin, antiarrhythmics in the form of verapamil, propafenone. Before using any drug, you should visit your family doctor for a correct diagnosis and selected treatment.

What symptoms indicate problems?

The presence of initial stages of violations can be signaled by:

  • increased fatigue;
  • ringing in the ears, darkening of the eyes;
  • attacks of rapid heartbeat;
  • the appearance of shortness of breath;
  • heaviness and pain in the chest;
  • numbness of the limbs, constant feeling of cold in the palms and feet.

What substances help strengthen the heart and blood vessels?

Taking the usual Corvalol or nitroglycerin only stimulates heart contractions and, ultimately, only worsens the condition of the heart. To really strengthen the cardiovascular system and stop pathological processes, it makes sense to comprehensively accept:

  • beta blockers;
  • essential vitamins and microelements;
  • biologically active substances of natural origin.

Drugs that reduce heart rate

An increase in heart rate caused by strength training, the use of fat burners and steroids, or other factors, is one of the most important causes of heart pathologies.

Beta blockers help lower blood pressure and return the heart rate to normal levels. The most effective drugs can be recommended:

  • metoprolol;
  • biprol (bisoprolol);
  • trimetazidine.

A more affordable drug with similar action– Riboxin. The tablets have antiarrhythmic and antihypoxic effects and improve blood circulation, but not all cardiologists recognize their effectiveness.

Vitamins and minerals

Vitamin-mineral complexes containing the following substances have a positive effect on the condition of the heart muscle and blood vessels.

  • Ascorbic acid: helps strengthen the walls of blood vessels and improve the functioning of the immune system.
  • B vitamins. Thiamine (vitamin B1) increases the elasticity of the heart muscle, helps normalize heart rate. Pyridoxine (B6) helps speed up the elimination of excess cholesterol.
  • Vitamins A and E: prevent the formation of blood clots and also reduce the load on the heart.
  • Vitamin P (rutin) helps strengthen the walls of blood vessels and capillaries.
  • Vitamin-like substance Q10 helps in the treatment of arrhythmia and the prevention of heart attack.
  • Polyunsaturated fatty acids (vitamin F) are responsible for strengthening heart tissue and preventing the formation of blood clots.
  • Omega-3 fatty acid: Helps get rid of excess cholesterol and prevent blood clots, lower blood pressure, prevent strokes and heart attacks.

Microelements for normal heart function

  • Potassium: This is a mineral that allows you to return blood pressure to normal, prevent heart rhythm disturbances, and the development of heart attack and stroke.
  • Magnesium: “works” in the body simultaneously with potassium, helping to normalize heart rate, reduce the formation of blood clots, and lower blood pressure.
  • Selenium: a mineral essential for the absorption of many other substances, the intake of which reduces the likelihood of developing heart disease by 70%.
  • Chromium: participates in metabolic processes for the absorption of insulin, thereby helping to optimize the functioning of the heart muscle.

Amino acids

  • Lecithin: helps convert cholesterol into dissolved form, ensure the supply of nutrients and vitamins to the heart, and also prevent serious heart disease (heart failure, coronary disease, etc.).
  • L-carnitine: helps reduce cholesterol and triglycerides, reduces blood pressure.

Accordingly, the more of the substances listed above a vitamin complex contains, the greater the cardioprotective effect it can provide.

Available drugs to strengthen the heart muscle

  • Medicines based on potassium compounds: asparkam or potassium orotate (Safinor) can reduce arrhythmia. Taking such medications is necessary if rapid weight gain occurs, steroid medications are actively taken, or significant cardiac dysfunction occurs.
  • Adaptogens of plant origin (Rhodiola rosea, hawthorn) significantly improve coronary blood flow.
  • Succinic acid has a similar effect on the body to coenzyme Q10, but is many times more affordable. The drug normalizes heart function and blood pressure, helps get rid of shortness of breath and swelling. IN for preventive purposes You can take dietary supplements containing succinic acid (mitomin, yantavit, etc.).

Beekeeping products for the cardiovascular system

The following can help your heart cope with high loads:

  • pollen and bee bread (contain unsaturated fatty acids and have the ability to regulate cholesterol levels, are a source of potassium, and strengthen the walls of blood vessels);
  • royal jelly (dilates coronary vessels and improves blood supply to the heart muscle);
  • propolis (helps in recovery after a heart attack and treatment of vein thrombosis);
  • natural honey (ideal source of magnesium and potassium);
  • bee venom (dilates blood vessels, normalizes heart rate, prevents the formation of blood clots).

Problems with the heart and blood vessels are easier to prevent than to cure later. Regardless of your lifestyle, it makes sense to start taking cardioprotectors from the age of 35. However, if additional stress is created on the heart and blood vessels (including due to sports activities), it is advisable to think about the preventive use of cardiac medications as early as possible.

Read also: how to properly train your heart - cardio training and what you need to eat to maintain your heart muscle.

Vitamins to support the health of our heart and blood vessels

The lifestyle of a modern person often negatively affects his health. Poor diet, regular stress, little exercise, Full time job with a computer. A significant portion of people would prefer to sit in front of the TV in the evening rather than take a walk in the fresh air, exercise and calm their heart. Many people are haunted by the fact that their careers are stagnant and they are paid little - this forces a person to work overtime.

But few people think that additional stress with lack of sleep can cause serious illnesses of cardio-vascular system. Yes, the heart does not last forever, but there is no need to stop it prematurely. Statistics show that the most common cause The leading cause of human death is cardiovascular disease.

So how to deal with this? Everyone, of course, needs to lead a healthy lifestyle, follow at least its minimum rules: 8 hours of sleep, healthy food, moderate physical activity, a minimum of serious stress and... sometimes taking vitamins to support the body.

But what vitamins does the heart need, you ask? Let's figure this out.

What vitamins does our heart need?

Each of us is used to hearing that vitamin C(ascorbic acid) strengthens the immune system, is indispensable for colds and flu. It turns out that it also has enormous benefits for the cardiovascular system: it normalizes blood circulation and strengthens the walls of blood vessels. Of course, it is not at all necessary that the main component in preparations for the cardiovascular system is vitamin C, because it does not accumulate, and the excess is safely eliminated from the body. But the presence of this vitamin in the preparation is important.

B vitamins also important for the heart. Taking them allows you to normalize the condition of blood vessels, improve blood circulation, and the functioning of nerve tissues. Vitamin E fights thrombosis, reduces the risk of atherosclerosis, and reduces the load on the heart. For normal heart function it is also necessary coenzyme Q10. This is a vitamin-like substance necessary to obtain energy in the heart, which is needed around the clock: not only during intense human work, but also during sleep and rest.

Now let's look at what multivitamin preparations for the heart and blood vessels the medical industry offers today.

Drug for the heart and blood vessels Vitrum Cardio Omega-3

Vitrum Cardio Omega-3 is a lipid-lowering agent, the main purpose of which is to reduce the level of triglycerides, lipoproteins and cholesterol in the blood.

The most important components of Vitrum Cardio Omega-3 are polyunsaturated fatty acids, or PUFAs, which have a positive effect on the cells of most tissues of the body. If we talk about food, unsaturated fatty acids are found in mustard oil, flax seeds, fish oil and some seafood. However, not every person is able to provide their body with these products in sufficient quantities and regularly.

Vitrum Cardio Omega-3 is a very effective drug that supplies the body with PUFAs that support the cardiovascular system by reducing the risk of disturbances in its functioning.

However, you should not use it if the patient is individually intolerant to at least one component: this usually appears in the form of an allergic reaction. Vitrum Cardio Omega-3 is also contraindicated for pregnant women and breastfeeding. In this case, taking the drug is permissible if an individual schedule for its administration is drawn up with constant systematic examinations of the patient.

Multivitamin preparation for the heart and blood vessels Antiox

Antiox contains the most important antioxidants:

  • Selenium (trace element)
  • Vitamin A
  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin E.

Antiox is a fairly strong drug with a high zinc content, which is why it is especially recommended for men.

In addition to the above components, Antiox also includes grape pomace extract(prevents the development of cardiovascular diseases, improves blood microcirculation, inhibits platelet aggregation) and one of the oldest medicinal plants - gingko biloba. The range of beneficial effects on the body is very wide. The main benefit of these components is protection against blockage of blood vessels and clumping of platelets.

It is worth noting that the high content of vitamin A in the drug does not encourage long-term use: vitamin A is fat-soluble, which allows it to easily accumulate in fat cells, and this often becomes the cause of hypervitaminosis. May escalate chronic pancreatitis and cholelithiasis. People with nephritis, as well as pregnant women, should be extremely careful when taking this drug.

Thus, Antiox can be considered as a vitamin preparation to support the heart, subject to short-term use.

Vitamins for the heart

Direct for the heart - this is a complex of vitamins and minerals with the addition of beneficial plant components. The drug is designed specifically to reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases, and is an excellent supplement for their complex treatment. Compound:

  • vitamins B1, B2, B6;
  • active ingredients: rose hips, ginkgo biloba extract, hawthorn flowers;
  • potassium and magnesium aspartate.

The active components of the drug Direct perform the following functions:

  • minimize the risk of heart attacks, including heart attacks and their consequences;
  • strengthen the walls of blood vessels;
  • improve myocardial contractile function and blood circulation;
  • contribute to the restoration of tissue structures of the heart muscle;
  • significantly slow down the development of coronary atherosclerosis.

Drug for improving heart function CoQ10 (coenzyme Q10)

CoQ10 also contains vitamin E and rice bran oil (to improve absorption in the intestines).

Vitamins for the heart and blood vessels: how to increase elasticity and strengthen a vital organ?

The heart muscle works tirelessly day after day, but in modern conditions It's very difficult for her. The human body is constantly negatively affected by the deteriorating environment and poor quality of life.

It is not surprising that by the age of forty people begin to experience aching pain in the chest. Vitamins for the heart and blood vessels will improve their functioning and help them successfully fight negative influences from the outside.

Often people do not pay enough attention to their heart, preferring to simply relieve painful spasms by taking painkillers. Few people know that in this way the heart muscle is doubled in load. It is better to take a complex of vitamins for the heart and prevent in advance the development of health problems, as well as possible complications.

Good heart vitamins that suit your body can be found after consulting a therapist or cardiologist. He will help you choose them individually in accordance with age, weight and body characteristics .

Vitamins and minerals for the heart and blood vessels

People are starting to accept vitamin complexes only when they feel certain signals from the body, be it fatigue, pain, irritability. However, heart problems for a long time may not manifest itself at all, and some diseases in the initial stages are asymptomatic.

What vitamins are good for the heart and who should take them?

  • Adults over 35 years of age It is better to start prevention in advance, give the heart muscle the necessary vitamins in order to avoid strokes and heart attacks later.
  • For athletes heart vitamins are indicated if they experience heavy loads in training. In addition, they can sometimes be taken to improve vascular nutrition, which allows you to gain muscle mass faster.
  • Children's vitamins for the heart are usually prescribed only after consultation with a doctor. They are harmless to their body and help the heart develop and function properly, and also support the child’s overall health.
  • People with problems with blood vessels in the legs or head. Thanks to dietary supplements and vitamin supplements for the heart, the capillaries expand, which promotes better blood flow. The possibility of blocking blood vessels and the formation of blood clots is eliminated, and, consequently, the risk of arthrosis, varicose veins, stroke and some other diseases is reduced.
  • Vitamins and minerals to support the heart are prescribed to those those who have suffered serious heart disease, as well as the elderly .

Vitamins for blood vessels help increase their elasticity and prevent clogging.

What vitamins strengthen blood vessels?

If you want to understand which vitamins are more suitable for strengthening blood vessels, you need to pay attention to what components each tablet has. What minerals will help make blood vessels resistant to the effects of negative factors?

  1. Ascorbic acid. Vitamins that strengthen blood vessels and are good for the heart must include this component. In addition to this effect, it allows you to rid the body of cholesterol;
  2. Pyridoxine. Health improvement is impossible without this vitamin to strengthen the heart. It is able to normalize, together with the previous component, the optimal process of breakdown of cholesterol and fats.
  3. Vitamin F. like the minerals presented above, it helps strengthen the heart, reduces the development of thrombosis and ischemia.

Vitamins for vascular elasticity

Those who want to find remedies for vascular elasticity should pay attention to those medicines that contain the following microelements:

  1. Silicon. Medicines for the heart and blood vessels of the brain must necessarily have this component. It dilates blood vessels, preventing the development of cholesterol plaques. If there is a deficiency of this element, it is replaced by calcium, which cannot fully cope with the prevention of cracks in blood vessels;
  2. Rutin. It is necessary to strengthen the walls of blood vessels and increase their elasticity, as it prevents their damage;
  3. Thiamine. It normalizes the functioning of capillaries and helps restore optimal heart rhythm.

In addition to those listed above, the best vitamins for the heart should include coenzyme Q10. Tablets rich in this enzyme are simply irreplaceable for the heart. Its deficiency leads to arrhythmia.

Dietary supplements for other groups of blood vessels

Vitamins for the vessels of the eyes and head are no less necessary than for the vessels of the heart. It is known that the retina of the eyeball contains fragile but important capillaries. Thanks to them, the eye is nourished, thereby maintaining visual acuity, as well as prevents the development of retinal detachment, cataracts and other diseases .

If it is important to find out which vitamins are suitable for strengthening the veins and blood vessels of the legs, you need to pay attention to the effect that certain components have on the body.

  1. Vitamin P helps reduce capillary fragility;
  2. B vitamins restore elasticity, prevent the development of pain, strengthen veins, tones. In addition, they are necessary to restore hematopoietic function. These components interact most effectively with the body in the form of vitamin injections;
  3. Vitamin C indicated if bruises or wounds on the legs do not heal well. This occurs due to severe fragility of the joints;
  4. Vitamin A normalizes metabolism, prevents disturbances in color perception, as well as loss of vision in the dark.

Vitamins C, A, PP and selenium have the greatest effect on strengthening blood vessels in the nose and brain.

These vitamins help dilate blood vessels. Thanks to this effect constant drowsiness and headaches will disappear, and the risk of stroke will decrease. For those who suffered from frequent nosebleeds, microelements will help get rid of this problem.

Heart-healthy vitamins must contain the list of elements listed above, otherwise they simply will not be effective. It is not recommended to drink each component separately, since it is very difficult to maintain the daily dose on your own. Heart medications with vitamins are available in a wide range of pharmacies.

What else should you pay attention to when purchasing vitamins to support your heart?

  • Firstly, on the individualism of each organism. Some people may be intolerant to one or another component;
  • Secondly, concomitant diseases. Vitamins for the heart for tachycardia, for example, will be very useful, but before that you should visit your doctor. It is possible that some tablets cannot be combined with vitamins.
  • Dietary supplements will benefit athletes provided that various steroids are not taken.

Is your hair too thin and getting thinner every day? Find out how vitamins can help against hair loss.

Vitamins for the heart and blood vessels: which drugs are best to buy?

Some remedies are different from each other. Before taking the drug orally, you should consult your doctor.

What is the difference? For example, Panangin heart vitamins are more suitable for people over 45 years of age. And the drug for the heart from the Evalar company - Napravit tablets - contains natural ingredients: hawthorn, rose hips, ginkgo biloba.

Quite popular and effective vitamins for the heart under the following names:

  • Riboxin. It has beneficial processes on the liver, accelerates metabolic metabolism;
  • Asparkam. It contains a large number of potassium Doctors consider it not just a vitamin supplement, but a complete medicine that can prevent a fairly large number of heart problems;
  • Vitamins for the heart Doppelhertz contain extremely useful acids Omega-3, as well as a lot of potassium;
  • Pills Sophora- an excellent means of preventing heart attack or stroke;
  • Askorutin It is usually prescribed to patients who, in addition to heart problems, have increased vascular permeability.

Seasonal manifestations of vitamin deficiency spoil mood, immunity and appearance. What vitamins are best to take in winter?

Find out where to find vitamins and minerals to replenish their levels in the body in the spring here.

Worried about your men's health? Find out what vitamins will help support it in men after 40 -

You can learn about foods that contain vitamins that are beneficial for the heart and blood vessels in this video :

Drugs for cardiac tachycardia: indications and contraindications

It's not always easy to find the necessary medicinal preparations with cardiac tachycardia. This is primarily due to the variety of causes of this heart disease. Let's first define the medical term for this disease.

The medical term tachycardia means any increase in heart rate above 100 beats per minute. The exciting source for such an arrhythmia can be in a typical place (sinus node) or move to the atrium and ventricle. The manifestation of tachycardia can be a feeling of pulsation, tremors in the chest, interruptions and general weakness, dizziness. Physiological tachycardia manifests itself during physiological stress or can be caused by a strong surge of emotions.

This disease occurs in people of any age, both healthy and sick with one or another disease. For effective treatment, it is necessary to first remove the factors that provoke the disease and support healthy processes:

  • eliminate drinks containing caffeine, alcoholic beverages, quit smoking;
  • do not overwork physically and emotionally;
  • take medications for heart tachycardia such as vitamins and microelements (magnesium, potassium, calcium)

Traditional methods of treatment can successfully cure the disease. Here is an example of recipes for the treatment of physiological tachycardia.

  • Infuse lemon balm leaves in vodka for ten days. Take ¼ teaspoon four times a day with water.
  • Pour fresh boiling water over valerian root and marigold flowers (calendula). Take ½ cup four times a day;
  • Mix one part hawthorn + one part motherwort + one part rose hips. Brew tea with the resulting mixture, 1 teaspoon per glass.

The patient's diet must contain foods high in microelements and vitamins that are good for the heart. Fruits, vegetables, fresh herbs, nuts, honey, etc.

Instructions for medications for cardiac tachycardia

Before using medications for cardiac tachycardia and folk recipes Be sure to consult your doctor. Also, with a disease such as left ventricular hypertrophy, symptoms develop gradually. A sick person may not feel any signs of illness or symptoms, this applies especially in the early stages of the disease. Main symptoms:

  • the appearance of shortness of breath;
  • sharp chest pain;
  • the heart beats faster;
  • the appearance of dizziness;
  • fainting;
  • at physical activity, rapid onset of fatigue.

In medicine there are the following drugs from cardiac tachycardia:

Burning in the heart area

The abundance and availability of cardiac medications have not improved the statistics on cardiovascular diseases at all. Heart pathologies are steadily becoming younger and continue to be the main cause of death worldwide.

What is the reason for such a high incidence of heart disease? Perhaps it is the inability or unwillingness to promptly notice dangerous changes in health and consult a doctor. Or maybe patients underestimate the medications that the doctor prescribes and which should be constantly carried with them. yourself, - tablets from pain in the heart. Let us consider the types of heart pain and the types of these medications in detail.

The heart and vascular system is a complex mechanism with a continuous cycle of action and a close relationship with all other systems of the body. Any doctor, when choosing pills for a patient for heart pain, first of all looks for the cause of these pains.

They may arise due to:

  • various forms (), including angina of all types and physiological classes;
  • (the most severe form of ischemic heart disease - the death of a section of the heart muscle);
  • inflammatory processes in the layers of the heart (pericarditis, myocarditis, endocarditis);
  • metabolic pathologies in the myocardium caused by a deficiency of proteins, microelements or vitamins, diseases of the endocrine system, alcohol addiction;
  • hypertrophic changes in various parts of the heart;
  • panic attacks, vegetative-vascular (neurocirculatory) dystonia.

The causes of heart pain are varied and it is impossible to determine them on your own, which means you need to visit a doctor as soon as possible if your heart hurts. Only an experienced specialist can tell you what pills to take and how else to support your heart.

Groups of drugs for heart pain

Due to the variety of causes of heart pain, its elimination also requires different approaches and the use of certain drug classes. What pharmacological groups are used in treatment, which tablets for heart pain should be chosen?


The cluster of organic nitrates and nitrate-like drugs is a large pharmacological group used as antianginal (anti-ischemic). The influence of nitrate vasodilators causes a restructuring of hemodynamic processes due to a general effect on the vessels:

  1. They help relax the smooth muscles of peripheral blood vessels and have a venodilating (vein dilating) effect.
  2. The result is a rush to the heart venous blood decreases, the pressure in the right atrium, associated with pulmonary artery, TPVR (general peripheral vascular resistance) also decreases.
  3. The cardiac muscle is unloaded, its tension that occurs when overcoming the resistance of cardiac output is reduced, energy costs and, as a result, the need for oxygen are reduced.
  4. At the same time, blood flow is restored in the small vessels of the heart muscle, and blood circulation in the epicardial arteries improves.

As ischemia decreases, pain impulses decrease and the pain syndrome ceases.

Vasodilating agents

In case of ischemia, accompanied by high blood pressure, tablets for heart pain must also have a vasodilating (vasodilating) property. A large group of vasodilators consists of main subgroups that differ in their mechanism of action:

  • alpha-blockers with alpha1-adrenolytic effect;
  • angiotensin I receptor blockers;
  • (APF);
  • sympatholytics (sympatholytic agents);
  • ganglioblockers (H-anticholinergics with a ganglioblocking effect);
  • leukotrienes, thromboxanes, prostaglandins with prostacyclin-like effects;
  • myotropic vasodilators with antispasmodic effects.

The organic nitrates discussed in the previous paragraph also have vasodilating properties.

Coronarodilating agents of reflex action

This group of medications includes the well-known heart tablets under the tongue. Medicines of this pharmacological group have a sedative effect. They exhibit a moderate reflex vasodilator property due to their irritating effect on sensitive nerve endings.

Promote the production and release of endorphins and some other peptides, kinins and histamine, which provide regulation of vascular permeability and the formation of pain.

The group is so well known that when asked in everyday life what good pills you can take for heart pain without fear, you will certainly be told one of the medicines from this group.

Medicines from the pharmaceutical group of beta-blockers affect the activity of the sympathoadrenal system by blocking cardiac beta1-adrenergic receptors. A one-time use of these medications for ischemia without symptomatic manifestations of CHF leads to a decrease in:

  • heart rate;
  • stroke volume of blood;
  • cardiac ejection fraction;
  • myocardial demand for O2.

Long-term treatment with drugs from this pharmaceutical group can significantly reduce the total vascular resistance. The hypotensive effect occurs due to a decrease in plasma renin concentration.

Blockers of "slow" calcium channels

To understand why it is necessary to block the so-called slow calcium channels, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the importance of Ca ions in the body's activities. In particular:

  • their increased concentration (observed in ischemic heart disease) contributes to an excessive increase in cellular metabolic processes, which leads to an increase in tissue demand for oxygen;
  • the task of tablets for heart pain, the names of which will be presented a little later, is precisely to reduce the need of tissues (as well as the myocardium) for oxygen;
  • because of this, there is a need to block the channels through which the process of transmembrane transport of Ca2 + ions occurs.

Calcium tubules are complex and diverse, the main areas of their location are:

  • skeletal muscles;
  • smooth muscle vascular cells;
  • myofibrils (cellular organelles that promote contraction) of the heart muscle;
  • atrioventricular and sinoatrial pathways.

The very first drug from the class of calcium antagonists - Verapamil - was first used as an antianginal agent in the 60s of the 20th century, and to this day, when the heart hurts, these tablets are successfully used to relieve anginal exacerbations.

Possible causes of pain in the heart area

List of Heart Pill Names

It's time to find out the names of pills for heart pain, most often used in the treatment of coronary artery disease and other heart pathologies.

Beta blockersAntago-
calcium nists
NitroglycerineOrganic nitratesValidolBetamaxAmlodipine
Nitrong forteCalcium channel blockersCormentholBetacardAmlovas
NitrocorACE blockers:

Enap L Combi
Captopril and others

MexidolBetalmik EUAdalat
NitrosorbideAngiotensin II blockers:

Vamloset et al;
Nitric oxide donors:
Reasans Corvaton

CardiketLeukotrienes and prostaglandins:

VAP, Edex, Vazaprostan and others

Erinith Amiodarone BelupoBetakTirez
Corvaton RiboxinLogimaxEquacard
Efox (long) Group
organic nitrates (also has corona-rhodilating properties)
Olicard (retard) CorvitolFenigindin
Monocinque (retard) MetocardCorinfar
Monosan Metokor-AdifarmCordaflex
Mono Mac EgilokCordipin
Monizol SerdolOsmo-Adalat
Isosorbide mononitrate (retard) Diumankal

The list of names of tablets for heart pain listed in the table is an incomplete reflection of the large number of heart medications, which it is not possible to understand on your own.

How do you know which pills to take?

To have at least the slightest idea about the differences between tablets for heart pain, the names of which are presented above, let’s get acquainted with therapeutic effect each group of the drugs under consideration.

  1. Nitrates. Pharmacological group nitrates and nitrate-like substances are used to prevent exacerbation of angina pectoris, as part of complex therapy for heart failure, as well as during the recovery period after myocardial infarction (MI). Contraindicated in severe cases (SBP less than 100, DBP less than 60 mm Hg), acute myocardial infarction due to severe hypotension, constrictive pericarditis, cardiac tamponade, cerebral hemorrhages, severe anemia, collapse, shock.
  2. Vasodilating agents. An extensive group of drugs prescribed for any form of heart failure against the background of arterial hypertension in order to inhibit the progression of heart failure. Contraindicated in case of angioedema or a tendency to it, under the age of 18 years, during pregnancy and lactation, as well as while taking certain medications.
  3. Coronarodilating agents. Prescribed for neuroses, mental attacks, functional cardialgia. Contraindicated in acute myocardial infarction, under the age of 18 years, in severe hypotension, and acute cerebrovascular accidents.
  4. Beta blockers. Medicines in this group are intended for the treatment of hypertension and the prevention of exacerbations of angina pectoris. Contraindicated in severe CHF, cardiogenic shock, cardiomegaly, arterial hypotension, bradycardia, Prinzmetal's angina, 2nd and 3rd degree atrioventricular block.
  5. Blockers of "slow" calcium channels. Most of the medications in this pharmaceutical group are used in the treatment of arrhythmia and post-infarction conditions, Prinzmetal's angina, tension, unstable and chronic stable angina. Contraindicated in AV blockade, bradycardia, cardiogenic shock, CHF, sinus node weakness.

Any heart pills, the list of which is indicated in the table, cannot be used if you are hypersensitive to the components of the drug, pregnant, lactating women, adolescents, or taking medications that are incompatible with them.

To avoid unwanted reactions or worsening your condition, you should discuss taking medications with your doctor in advance. Features of the use of heart medications require a preliminary examination of the patient and careful selection of heart pills. The names of the drugs should be suggested by the treating specialist.

Are there any pills for heart pain that can be used in emergency conditions before the doctor arrives? After all, a person can become ill with his heart completely unexpectedly and without any special prerequisites.

In such cases, you can use the following emergency aid algorithm.

  1. The person must be seated or laid down in a position convenient for him, freed from tight clothing, and the room ventilated.
  2. Give one 500-milligram tablet of Aspirin to drink with a sufficient amount of water, under the tongue - one tablet of Nitroglycerin, Nitrosorbide or a similar product from the group of organic nitrates.
  3. Measure the patient’s blood pressure, if it is not too low (at least 110 mm Hg systolic), and the pain continues to increase, put another Nitroglycerin tablet under the tongue, call an ambulance.
  4. Double doses of nitrates or other tablets for heart pain, the names of which are indicated in this guide to action, should not be taken. The vasodilating effect of nitrate can lead to a sharp drop in blood pressure and a hypotensive crisis, the consequences of which can threaten the patient’s life.

The heart, like any other organ, does not like unprofessional treatment of it and reacts sharply to the illiterate actions of the patient himself or the people around him. To avoid being helpless during a heart attack, heart pain pills should always be carried with you, especially if attacks have already occurred.

Useful video

From the following video you can learn useful information about the consequences of cardiovascular diseases:


  1. The causes of heart pain can have various reasons, which only a doctor can understand.
  2. Modern tablets for heart pain are distinguished by their variety and wide spectrum of action on the heart muscle and blood vessels.
  3. You can find out which pills are right for you only in your doctor's office.

Currently, in the arsenal of cardiologists there is a fairly large volume of medications that can eliminate a life-threatening situation in patients with cardiovascular pathology, as well as reduce unpleasant symptoms, improve the quality of life and significantly prolong the patient’s life. The following is an overview of the most commonly prescribed medications in cardiology.

Attention! The material is provided for informational purposes only. Self-prescription of most drugs can be life-threatening!


Indications: in persons with acute myocardial infarction, with stable angina, progressive angina pectoris, with acute coronary syndrome, during a hypertensive crisis, pulmonary edema, with the development of acute and chronic heart failure.

Contraindications: collapse (a sharp decrease in blood pressure with loss of consciousness), shock, hemorrhagic stroke in the acute period, glaucoma with high intraocular pressure.

Of the side effects special attention deserves intense headache caused by dilation of intracranial vessels. Sometimes the pain is so severe that it forces patients to stop using nitroglycerin. Such pain is not relieved by conventional analgesics, but relief can occur if the patient immediately after taking nitrates dissolves a mint candy or a validol tablet.

Other side effects include increased heart rate, dizziness, nausea, a sharp decrease in blood pressure, and redness of the facial skin.

Antioxidants and antihypoxants

This is perhaps the most frequently prescribed group of drugs for the heart and blood vessels in individuals young(up to 50 years) and in patients at the initial stage. At the same time, good effectiveness of the drugs is also observed in elderly patients with severe myocardial ischemia, as well as after heart attacks.

This group includes a large number of drugs that differ in their mechanism of action, but the effect is the same for all - this is the elimination of the processes of lipid peroxidation (LPO), which is the basis of cell damage during hypoxia, as well as increasing the resistance of cells to hypoxia (acute lack of oxygen) and strengthening the heart.

In cardiology, various vitamins are most often prescribed, as well as Preductal, Mexidol, Actovegin and Mildronate, Moreover, intramuscular and intravenous routes of drug administration are preferable, although tablet forms are also quite effective.


  • Long-term therapy of coronary disease, for the prevention of acute myocardial infarction, strengthening of the myocardium during - for all drugs in this group,
  • Consequences of acute in the subacute period (for preductal and mildronate),
  • Ischemic stroke in the acute period (for Actovegin),
  • Microcirculation disorders in pathologies of arteries and veins, as well as in diabetic neuropathy(for Actovegin),
  • Dyshormonal cardiomyopathy (for mildronate).


  1. Pulmonary edema,
  2. Acute renal or liver failure,
  3. Children's age, pregnancy and lactation (for Mildronate, Preductal and Mexidol).

From side effects Allergic reactions are rare.

Potassium and magnesium supplements

Of the drugs in this group, the most commonly prescribed panangin And asparkam recognized by doctors the best drugs affecting cell metabolism. Doctors often call them “vitamins” for the heart. In fact, this is true - potassium in combination with magnesium are microelements, the normal content of which inside cells, including myocardial cells, contributes to good intracellular metabolism. Thus, being involved in intracellular metabolism, potassium and magnesium play important role in the regulation of contractions of the heart muscle. In addition, when intravenous administration Potassium can slow down the heart rate during tachycardia or restore it during arrhythmia.


  • Chronic heart failure,
  • Treatment ,
  • Taking (digoxin)
  • At low intake levels and with food to strengthen the heart muscle.

Contraindications: acute and chronic renal failure, increased potassium levels in the blood (hyperkalemia), atrioventricular block II-III degree, Addison's disease (adrenal insufficiency accompanied by hyperkalemia), cardiogenic shock.

Side effects: allergic reactions, nausea, epigastric burning, fatigue, muscle weakness, atrioventricular block.

ACE inhibitors

This is a group of cardiac drugs that have an inhibitory effect (preventing the performance of functions) on. This enzyme is one of the most important links in the chain that regulates vascular tone and the associated level of blood pressure in the body. Thus, by inhibiting the enzyme, these drugs contribute.

In addition, ACE inhibitors have proven organoprotective properties, that is, they have a protective effect on the inner lining of blood vessels, the heart, kidneys and brain, eliminating the damaging effects of high blood pressure in hypertension.

Most often prescribed enalapril, lisinopril, captopril and perindopril. Captopril is used only as an emergency drug for high blood pressure.

Indications for use are also chronic heart failure, especially if they are observed in persons with the following diseases:

  • Diabetes,
  • Systolic or diastolic asymptomatic left ventricular dysfunction (according to echocardioscopy),
  • Post-infarction (PIX),
  • Atherosclerosis of the aorta and carotid arteries,
  • Kidney damage due to hypertension (nephropathy), manifested by the presence of protein in the urine - proteinuria.

Of the contraindications You can note the presence of allergic reactions to drugs of this group in the past (rash, swelling, anaphylactic shock). The drugs are contraindicated in pregnant and lactating women.

Drugs in this group are usually well tolerated by patients, but a small group of patients (less than 20%) experience such side effects, such as a dry cough, hoarseness, as well as allergic reactions (extremely rare), manifested by a rash, swelling and redness of the facial skin.

With daily, long-term use of drugs of this group, as required by the therapy of many cardiovascular diseases, there is no danger from taking the tablets, since they do not have a negative effect on the liver, do not increase blood sugar and cholesterol levels, and do not remove potassium from the body. But refusal of such therapy is fraught with a high risk of developing chronic heart failure and even sudden cardiac death.

Angiotensin II receptor antagonists (ARA II)

Heart medications in this group are called sartans. The mechanism of their action is similar to the action of the previous group, only it is not the enzyme that converts angiotensin I into angiotensin II that is blocked, but the receptors for angiotensin II. As a result, angiotensin does not influence vascular tone - the latter remains normal or decreases, as a result of which blood pressure normalizes.

Indications and contraindications for use are the same as for ACE inhibitors.

Just like the previous group, sartans are well tolerated. Their undoubted advantage is the lack of quality side effect dry cough, so they can be taken by patients intolerant to ACE inhibitors. Other side effects rarely include allergic reactions, swelling, weakness, muscle aches and pain, nausea, abdominal pain, etc.

Beta blockers

Functional activity is due to their blocking effect on adrenaline receptors located in the heart muscle and in the vascular wall. Adrenaline stimulates the myocardium, increasing the frequency and strength of contractions, and increases vascular tone.

All of these effects of adrenaline on the cardiovascular system contribute to increased heart rate and increased blood pressure. This action has an adverse effect on the heart, especially if the patient has coronary artery disease, since rapid heartbeat leads to an increase in myocardial oxygen demand, and the lack of oxygen in the heart muscle is the pathophysiological basis of ischemia.

Thanks to beta blockers, it has become possible to slow down the heart rate and lower blood pressure, which significantly reduces the risk of developing myocardial infarction and improves the prognosis in people with coronary heart disease. At the same time, the isolated prescription of beta blockers to persons with only hypertension, without ischemia, is unjustified, since they have more side effects than the first two groups of drugs.

Thus, the main indications for prescribing beta blockers are myocardial ischemia, previous infarction, abnormal heart rhythm with increased heart rate (), post-infarction cardiosclerosis, development of chronic heart failure, hypertension in persons who have suffered a stroke.

Beta blockers are contraindicated with individual intolerance and allergic reactions on the drug in the past, patients with bronchial asthma(prescribed with caution with chronic obstructive bronchitis), as well as for conduction disorders (atrioventricular block, sick sinus syndrome), bradycardia (rare pulse less than 55 per minute), cardiogenic shock and low blood pressure (below 100/60 mm rtst).

Side effects include:

  1. Conduction disturbances (blockades) and bradycardia,
  2. Poor tolerance physical activity– general weakness, fatigue,
  3. Nausea, dizziness,
  4. The use of outdated drugs (propranolol (anaprilin), atenolol) in young and middle-aged men leads to the development of erectile dysfunction (impaired potency), medications last generations do not affect potency,
  5. Drugs such as propranolol (Anaprilin) ​​and atenolol are not recommended due to the presence of side effects, in particular, increased insulin resistance of body tissues - a condition in which the receptors of internal organs are not sensitive to insulin, which causes an increase in blood glucose levels , which is unfavorable for patients with concomitant diabetes mellitus.

More modern drugs latest generations do not affect carbohydrate metabolism and can be used for a long time, especially in patients with diabetes.

Calcium channel antagonists

The effect of the following cardiovascular drugs is due to a block of channels through which calcium ions enter the cells - the main substance that stimulates muscle cells to contract, which causes a decrease in vascular tone and normalizes blood pressure. Calcium antagonists also have an effect on the heart muscle, but what effect depends on the type of drug. So, nifedipine and felodipine cause tachycardia, while verapamil and diltiazem, on the contrary, slow down the heart rate.

Main indications are hypertension, angina pectoris and rhythm disturbances by type in persons for whom the use of beta blockers is contraindicated. For other patients, it is preferable to prescribe the previous groups of drugs.

To contraindications include low blood pressure, left ventricular systolic dysfunction (according to echocardioscopy), bradycardia and conduction disturbances (atrioventricular block), sick sinus syndrome.

Side effects develop infrequently and include reflex tachycardia and facial flushing associated with vasodilation (for nifedipine), bradycardia (for other drugs), and constipation (for verapamil).


Act on the renal tubules, promoting excretion excess liquid from the body. This helps not only to lower blood pressure levels, but also to “unload” blood vessels in the lungs, liver and blood vessels lower limbs, which is important for eliminating symptoms of chronic heart failure such as shortness of breath and swelling.

There are three groups of drugs - thiazide (chlorothiazide, indapamide), loopback (torasemide (Trigrim, Diuver) and furosemide (Lasix) and potassium-sparing diuretics (veroshpiron (spironolactone).

Indications arterial hypertension, initial (for thiazide) and severe (for loop and potassium-sparing) stages of chronic heart failure, emergency relief (furosemide intravenously or intramuscularly).

Contraindications severe renal failure, high blood potassium level (for veroshpiron), low blood potassium level (for furosemide), acute glomerulonephritis, severe liver failure, pregnancy and lactation.

Side effect increased blood glucose levels and increased risk of developing diabetes mellitus with long-term use. Drugs that do not have this effect are dichlorothiazide and indapamide, which can be used long-term, including in patients with diabetes.

In addition, loop diuretics remove potassium from the body, which has an adverse effect on the heart, so loop diuretics are prescribed together with potassium-sparing ones. The latter, in turn, also have an antiandrogenic effect, which causes a decrease in potency and growth of the mammary glands in men.

Combination drugs

Due to the fact that diseases of the cardiovascular system are becoming younger and occur in people of working age, working patients cannot always remember that they need to take several tablets, and even at different time days. The same applies to older people - often such patients do not remember whether they took the medicine. Therefore, to improve compliance, or adherence to treatment, combination drugs were created that combine active ingredients different groups. They not only make it possible to take one tablet per day instead of two or three, but also help to enhance the effects of the active ingredients, which often makes it possible to reduce the dosage of the drug.

In addition, the advantage of such drugs is that they are not prescribed by prescription, and they you can buy it yourself but only on the recommendation of the attending physician.

Below are the names of well-proven drug combinations:

  1. Valz N– valsartan + hydrochlorothiazide (80 mg+12.5 mg, 160 mg+12.5 mg, 160 mg+25 mg).
  2. Noliprel– perindopril 2.5 mg + indapamide 0.625 mg.
  3. Noliprel A Bi-forte– perindopril 10 mg + indapamide 2.5 mg.
  4. Duplecore– amlodipine 5 mg + atorvastatin 10 mg.
  5. Lorista N– losartan 50 mg + hydrochlorothiazide 12.5 mg.
  6. Exforge – amlodipine 5 or 10 mg, valsartan 160 mg.
  7. Co-Exforge– amlodipine 5 mg or 10 mg + valsartan 40, 80 or 160 mg + hydrochlorothiazide 12.5 mg.
  8. Nebilong AM– nebivalol 5 mg + amlodipine 5 mg.
  9. Prestance– perindopril + amlodipine (5 mg + 5 mg, 10 mg + 10 mg, 5 mg + 10 mg, 10 mg + 5 mg).

Examples of treatment regimens

We remind you: self-prescription of any medicines from this review is unacceptable!

Long-term, continuous, lifelong therapy, dose adjustment and drug replacement possible:

  • Treatment of chronic heart failure – Concor 5 mg in the morning, Prestarium 5 mg in the morning, indapamide 2.5 mg in the morning, ThromboAss 100 mg lunch (a blood thinner), atorvastatin 20 mg at night (a drug that lowers cholesterol in the blood).
  • Treatment of angina pectoris, ischemic heart disease, after myocardial infarction – nitrospray under the tongue situationally (for pain in the heart), monocinque 40 mg x 2 times a day, indapamide 2.5 mg in the morning, Perineva 4 mg in the morning, ThromboAss 100 mg lunch, Nebilet 5 mg in the evening, atorvastatin 20 mg at night.
  • Therapy of arterial hypertension – Lorista 25 mg in the morning, amlodipine 5 mg in the evening or exforge 1 tablet in the morning.

If you see the same or an approximate treatment regimen in your doctor’s prescriptions, do not doubt that the choice and combination of drugs was carried out in the most successful and safest way for your heart.

Summary table of major cardiac drugs

Active substanceTrade name, content of active substanceManufacturer countryPrice, rubles, depending on dosage and quantity per package
ACE inhibitors
Enam 2.5, 5, 10 and 20 mg

Enap 2.5, 10 and 20 mg



LisinoprilDiroton 2.5, 5, 10 and 20 mg

Lisinotone 5, 10 and 20 mg



PerindoprilPrestarium 5 and 10 mg

Perineva 4 and 8 mg



Beta blockers
NebivalolNebilet 5 mg

Nebilong 2.5 and 5 mg





MetoprololBetaloc ZOK 25, 50 and 100 mg

Egilok 25, 50 and 100 mg

Sweden, Hungary, Türkiye

Russia, Hungary

BisoprololConcor 5 and 10 mg

Coronal 5 and 10 mg

Russia, Germany

The Slovak Republic

Calcium channel antagonists

Cordaflex 10, 20 and 40 mg

Corinfar 10, 20 and

Nifedipine 10 mg

Germany, Hungary


Russia, Bulgaria, Croatia

AmlodipineAmlodipine 5, 10 mg

Normodipine 5, 10 mg



VerapamilIsoptin 40 and 80 mg

Verapamil 40 mg

Germany, Hungary, Slovenia

Russia, Macedonia

Cardil 60 and 120 mg

Diltiazem 60 and 90 mg


Russia, Macedonia, Croatia

FurosemideLasix 40 mg

Furosemide 20 and 40 mg

India, Türkiye, USA, Germany


TorasemideDiuver 5 and 10 mgCroatia283-410


Arifon 1.5 and 2.5 mg

Ravel 1.5 mg

Indapamide 1.5 and 2.5 mg

Hypothiazide 25 and 100 mg


Russia, Canada

Hungary, Russia

SpironolactoneVeroshpiron 25, 50 and 100 mg

Spironolactone 25, 50 and 100 mg




Isosorbide mononitrate

Isosorbide dinitrate

Nitroglycerin tablets 0.5 mg

Nitrospray 0.4 mg in one dose

Monocinque 40 and 50 mg

Pectrol 40 and 60 mg

Cardiket 20 and 40 mg

Nitrosorbide 10 mg


Germany, Italy




Antioxidants and antihypoxants
Hemoderative of calf blood

Meldonium dihydrate


Pyridine succinate

Trimetazidine dihydrochloride

Actovegin 40 mg/ml ampoules of 5 ml No. 5

200 mg in tablet No. 50

Mildronate 100 mg/ml 5 ml in ampoule No. 10

250 and 500 mg in tablet No. 60

Mexidol 50 mg/ml 5 ml in ampoule No. 20

50 mg/ml 2 ml in ampoule No. 10

Preductal 35 mg tablet No. 60

Slovenia, Austria, India

Latvia, Republic of Lithuania

Potassium and magnesium supplements
Potassium aspartate + magnesium aspartatePanangin 158 mg + 140 mg in tablet No. 50

45.2 mg/ml + 40 mg/ml 10 ml in ampoule No. 5

Asparkam 175 mg + 175 mg No. 56

10 ml in ampoule No. 10



Magnesium orotate dihydrateMagnerot 500 mg No. 50

500 mg No. 20


Currently, in the arsenal of cardiologists there is a fairly large volume of medications that can eliminate a life-threatening situation in patients with cardiovascular pathology, as well as reduce unpleasant symptoms, improve the quality of life and significantly prolong the patient’s life. The following is an overview of the most commonly prescribed medications in cardiology.

Attention! The material is provided for informational purposes only. Self-prescription of most drugs can be life-threatening!


Nitroglycerin preparations, or nitrates, are drugs whose main property is to provide a vasodilating, that is, vasodilating, effect. These medications are taken ( nitroglycerin tablets, nitromint, nitrospray), usually sublingually (under the tongue), which is especially important when quickly providing assistance to a patient with an attack of angina. Long-acting drugs are also used - monocinque, pectrol, cardiquet and nitrosorbide.

Nitrates dilate not only peripheral arteries and veins, but also arteries supplying the heart, thus providing blood flow to the myocardium, which is in a state of ischemia. Thanks to this, the use of nitrates during attacks of angina pain helps prevent the development of myocardial infarction.

Indications: in persons with acute myocardial infarction, with stable angina, progressive angina, with acute coronary syndrome, during a hypertensive crisis, pulmonary edema, with the development of acute and chronic heart failure.

Contraindications: collapse (sharp decrease in blood pressure with loss of consciousness), shock, hemorrhagic stroke in the acute period, glaucoma with high intraocular pressure.

Of the side effects, intense headache caused by dilation of intracranial vessels deserves special attention. Sometimes the pain is so severe that it forces patients to stop using nitroglycerin. Such pain is not relieved by conventional analgesics, but relief can occur if the patient immediately after taking nitrates dissolves a mint candy or a validol tablet.

Other side effects include increased heart rate, dizziness, nausea, a sharp decrease in blood pressure, and redness of the facial skin.

Antioxidants and antihypoxants

This is perhaps the most frequently prescribed group of drugs for the heart and blood vessels in young people (under 50 years of age) and in patients at the initial stage of coronary heart disease. At the same time, good effectiveness of the drugs is also observed in elderly patients with severe myocardial ischemia, as well as after heart attacks.

This group includes a large number of drugs that differ in their mechanism of action, but the effect is the same for all - this is the elimination of the processes of lipid peroxidation (LPO), which is the basis of cell damage during hypoxia, as well as increasing the resistance of cells to hypoxia (acute lack of oxygen) and strengthening the heart.

In cardiology, various vitamins are most often prescribed, as well as Preductal, Mexidol, Actovegin and Mildronate, Moreover, intramuscular and intravenous routes of drug administration are preferable, although tablet forms are also quite effective.


  • Long-term therapy of coronary disease, for the prevention of acute myocardial infarction, strengthening of the myocardium in chronic heart failure - for all drugs in this group,
  • Consequences acute strokes in the subacute period (for preductal and mildronate),
  • Ischemic stroke in the acute period (for Actovegin),
  • Microcirculation disorders in pathology of arteries and veins, as well as in diabetic neuropathy (for Actovegin),
  • Dyshormonal cardiomyopathy (for mildronate).


  1. Pulmonary edema,
  2. Acute renal or liver failure,
  3. Children's age, pregnancy and lactation (for Mildronate, Preductal and Mexidol).

From side effects Allergic reactions are rare.

Potassium and magnesium supplements

Of the drugs in this group, the most commonly prescribed panangin And asparkam, recognized by doctors as the best drugs affecting cell metabolism. Doctors often call them a “vitamin” for the heart. In fact, this is true - potassium in combination with magnesium are microelements, the normal content of which inside cells, including myocardial cells, contributes to good intracellular metabolism. Thus, being involved in intracellular metabolism, Potassium and magnesium play an important role in regulating contractions of the heart muscle. In addition, when administered intravenously, potassium can slow down the heart rate during tachycardia or restore it during arrhythmia.


  • Chronic heart failure,
  • Atrial fibrillation,
  • Treatment of tachycardia,
  • Taking cardiac glycosides (digoxin),
  • With low levels of potassium and magnesium intake from food in order to strengthen the heart muscle.

Contraindications: acute and chronic renal failure, increased potassium levels in the blood (hyperkalemia), atrioventricular block II-III degree, Addison's disease (adrenal insufficiency accompanied by hyperkalemia), cardiogenic shock.

Side effects: allergic reactions, nausea, epigastric burning, fatigue, muscle weakness, atrioventricular block.

Video: coronary heart disease and drugs for its treatment in the “Tablet” program

ACE inhibitors

This is a group of heart medications that have an inhibitory effect (preventing the function) of the angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE). This enzyme is one of the most important links in the chain that regulates vascular tone and the associated level of blood pressure in the body. Thus, by inhibiting the enzyme, these drugs help lower blood pressure.

In addition, ACE inhibitors have proven organoprotective properties, that is, they have a protective effect on the inner lining of blood vessels, the heart, kidneys and brain, eliminating the damaging effects of high blood pressure in hypertension.

Most often prescribed enalapril, lisinopril, captopril and perindopril. Captopril is used only as an emergency drug for high blood pressure.

Indications for use are arterial hypertension and chronic heart failure, especially if they are observed in persons with the following diseases:

  • Diabetes,
  • Left ventricular myocardial hypertrophy,
  • Systolic or diastolic asymptomatic left ventricular dysfunction (according to echocardioscopy),
  • Post-infarction cardiosclerosis (PICS),
  • Atherosclerosis of the aorta and carotid arteries,
  • Kidney damage due to hypertension (nephropathy), manifested by the presence of protein in the urine - proteinuria.

Contraindications include the presence of allergic reactions to drugs of this group in the past (rash, swelling, anaphylactic shock). The drugs are contraindicated in pregnant and lactating women.

Drugs in this group are usually well tolerated by patients, but a small group of patients (less than 20%) experience such side effects, such as a dry cough, hoarseness, as well as allergic reactions (extremely rare), manifested by a rash, swelling and redness of the facial skin.

With daily, long-term use of drugs of this group, as required by the therapy of many cardiovascular diseases, there is no danger from taking the tablets, since they do not have a negative effect on the liver, do not increase blood sugar and cholesterol levels, and do not remove potassium from the body. But refusal of such therapy is fraught with a high risk of developing chronic heart failure and even sudden cardiac death.

Angiotensin II receptor antagonists (ARA II)

Heart medications in this group are called sartans. The mechanism of their action is similar to the action of the previous group, only it is not the enzyme that converts angiotensin I into angiotensin II that is blocked, but the receptors for angiotensin II. As a result, angiotensin does not influence vascular tone - the latter remains normal or decreases, as a result of which blood pressure normalizes.

Indications and contraindications for use are the same as for ACE inhibitors.

Just like the previous group, sartans are well tolerated. Their undoubted advantage is the lack of quality side effect dry cough, so they can be taken by patients intolerant to ACE inhibitors. Other side effects rarely include allergic reactions, swelling, weakness, muscle aches and pain, nausea, abdominal pain, etc.

Beta blockers

The functional activity of beta blockers is due to their blocking effect on adrenaline receptors located in the heart muscle and in the vascular wall. Adrenaline stimulates the myocardium, increasing the frequency and strength of contractions, and increases vascular tone.

All of these effects of adrenaline on the cardiovascular system contribute to increased heart rate and increased blood pressure. This action has an adverse effect on the heart, especially if the patient has coronary artery disease, since rapid heartbeat leads to an increase in myocardial oxygen demand, and the lack of oxygen in the heart muscle is the pathophysiological basis of ischemia.

Thanks to beta blockers, it has become possible to slow down the heart rate and lower blood pressure, which significantly reduces the risk of developing myocardial infarction and improves the prognosis in people with coronary heart disease. At the same time, the isolated prescription of beta blockers to persons with only hypertension, without ischemia, is unjustified, since they have more side effects than the first two groups of drugs.

Thus, the main indications for prescribing beta blockers are myocardial ischemia, previous infarction, abnormal heart rhythm with increased heart rate (tachyarrhythmias), post-infarction cardiosclerosis, the development of chronic heart failure, hypertension in persons who have suffered a stroke.

Beta blockers are contraindicated in case of individual intolerance and allergic reactions to the drug in the past, in patients with bronchial asthma (with chronic obstructive bronchitis prescribed with caution), as well as in case of conduction disorders (atrioventricular block, sick sinus syndrome), with bradycardia (rare pulse less than 55 per minute), with cardiogenic shock and low blood pressure (below 100/60 mm Hg).

Side effects include:

  1. Conduction disturbances (blockades) and bradycardia,
  2. Poor exercise tolerance - general weakness, fatigue,
  3. Nausea, dizziness,
  4. The use of outdated drugs (propranolol (Anaprilin), atenolol) in young and middle-aged men leads to the development of erectile dysfunction (impaired potency), drugs of the latest generations do not affect potency,
  5. Drugs such as propranolol (Anaprilin) ​​and atenolol are not recommended due to the presence of side effects, in particular, increased insulin resistance of body tissues - a condition in which the receptors of internal organs are not sensitive to insulin, which causes an increase in blood glucose levels , which is unfavorable for patients with concomitant diabetes mellitus.

More modern drugs of the latest generations do not affect carbohydrate metabolism and can be used for a long time, especially in patients with diabetes.

Calcium channel antagonists

The effect of the following cardiovascular drugs - calcium antagonists is due to a block of channels through which calcium ions enter the cells - the main substance that stimulates muscle cells to contract, which causes a decrease in vascular tone and normalizes blood pressure. Calcium antagonists also have an effect on the heart muscle, but the effect depends on the type of drug. So, nifedipine and felodipine cause tachycardia, while verapamil and diltiazem, on the contrary, slow down the heart rate.

The main indications are hypertension, angina pectoris and rhythm disturbances such as tachycardia in persons for whom the use of beta blockers is contraindicated. For other patients, it is preferable to prescribe the previous groups of drugs.

Contraindications include low blood pressure, left ventricular systolic dysfunction (according to echocardioscopy), bradycardia and conduction disorders (atrioventricular block), sick sinus syndrome.

Side effects develop infrequently and include reflex tachycardia and facial flushing associated with vasodilation (for nifedipine), bradycardia (for other drugs), and constipation (for verapamil).


Diuretics, or diuretics, act on the kidney tubules, helping to remove excess fluid from the body. This helps not only to lower blood pressure levels, but also to “unload” blood vessels in the lungs, liver and lower extremity vessels, which is important for eliminating symptoms of chronic heart failure such as shortness of breath and edema.

There are three groups of drugs - thiazide (chlorothiazide, indapamide), loopback (torasemide (Trigrim, Diuver) and furosemide (Lasix) and potassium-sparing diuretics (veroshpiron (spironolactone).

Indications arterial hypertension, initial (for thiazide) and severe (for loop and potassium-sparing) stages of chronic heart failure, emergency relief of a hypertensive crisis (furosemide intravenously or intramuscularly).

Contraindications severe renal failure, high blood potassium level (for veroshpiron), low blood potassium level (for furosemide), acute glomerulonephritis, severe liver failure, pregnancy and lactation.

Side effect increased blood glucose levels and increased risk of developing diabetes mellitus with long-term use. Drugs that do not have this effect are dichlorothiazide and indapamide, which can be used long-term, including in patients with diabetes.

In addition, loop diuretics remove potassium from the body, which has an adverse effect on the heart, so loop diuretics are prescribed together with potassium-sparing ones. The latter, in turn, also have an antiandrogenic effect, which causes a decrease in potency and growth of the mammary glands in men.

Combination drugs

Due to the fact that diseases of the cardiovascular system are becoming younger and occur in people of working age, working patients cannot always remember that they need to take several tablets, and even at different times of the day. The same applies to older people - often such patients do not remember whether they took the medicine. Therefore, to improve compliance, or adherence to treatment, combination drugs were created that combine active substances from different groups. They not only make it possible to take one tablet per day instead of two or three, but also help to enhance the effects of the active ingredients, which often makes it possible to reduce the dosage of the drug.

In addition, the advantage of such drugs is that they do not require a prescription, and you can buy them yourself, but only on the recommendation of your doctor.

Below are titles the best combinations of drugs:

  1. Valz N- valsartan + hydrochlorothiazide (80 mg+12.5 mg, 160 mg+12.5 mg, 160 mg+25 mg).
  2. Noliprel— perindopril 2.5 mg + indapamide 0.625 mg.
  3. Noliprel A Bi-forte— perindopril 10 mg + indapamide 2.5 mg.
  4. Duplecore— amlodipine 5 mg + atorvastatin 10 mg.
  5. Lorista N— losartan 50 mg + hydrochlorothiazide 12.5 mg.
  6. Exforge – amlodipine 5 or 10 mg, valsartan 160 mg.
  7. Co-Exforge- amlodipine 5 mg or 10 mg + valsartan 40, 80 or 160 mg + hydrochlorothiazide 12.5 mg.
  8. Nebilong AM— nebivalol 5 mg + amlodipine 5 mg.
  9. Prestance- perindopril + amlodipine (5 mg + 5 mg, 10 mg + 10 mg, 5 mg + 10 mg, 10 mg + 5 mg).

Examples of treatment regimens

We remind you: self-prescription of any medicines from this review is unacceptable!

Long-term, continuous, lifelong therapy, dose adjustment and drug replacement possible:

  • Therapy of chronic heart failure - Concor 5 mg in the morning, Prestarium 5 mg in the morning, indapamide 2.5 mg in the morning, ThromboAss 100 mg lunch (a blood thinner), atorvastatin 20 mg at night (a drug that lowers cholesterol in the blood).
  • Therapy of angina pectoris, ischemic heart disease, after myocardial infarction - nitrospray under the tongue situationally (for pain in the heart), monocinque 40 mg x 2 times a day, indapamide 2.5 mg in the morning, Perineva 4 mg in the morning, ThromboAss 100 mg lunch, Nebilet 5 mg in the evening, atorvastatin 20 mg at night.
  • Therapy of arterial hypertension - Lorista 25 mg in the morning, amlodipine 5 mg in the evening or exforge 1 tablet in the morning.

If you see the same or an approximate treatment regimen in your doctor’s prescriptions, do not doubt that the choice and combination of drugs was carried out in the most successful and safest way for your heart.

1. Antiplatelet agents

Antiplatelet agents are medications that prevent platelets from joining together (aggregation), preventing the formation of blood clots.


The most popular and well-known antiplatelet agent is acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin). In large doses, this remedy is used for antipyretic, anti-inflammatory and analgesic purposes. At a dose of 75–100 mg, aspirin inhibits platelet aggregation (sticking together), which leads to the prevention of stroke and myocardial infarction. It is for this purpose that doctors prescribe it to patients with cardiovascular diseases and an increased risk of their development. Aspirin is not recommended for patients who have:

These contraindications are due to the fact that aspirin negatively affects the gastric mucosa and increases the risk of bleeding.

The most famous commercial drugs containing aspirin are Cardiomagnyl, Aspirin Cardio, Magnicor.


Another commonly prescribed antiplatelet drug is clopidogrel. It, like aspirin, inhibits platelet aggregation, preventing the formation of blood clots. Its effect is more pronounced than that of aspirin. Prescribe clopidogrel to patients with aspirin intolerance. The combined use of these two aggregates is prescribed to patients after stenting or coronary artery bypass surgery. Taking clopidogrel can reduce the risk of stroke and myocardial infarction.

The main danger of clopidogrel, like aspirin, is the increased risk of bleeding. It is because of this that doctors try to avoid dual antiplatelet therapy with a combination of these drugs.

The most popular drug containing clopidogrel is Plavix.

2. Statins

Statins are drugs that reduce the level of bad cholesterol in the blood, which can lead to atherosclerosis and cardiovascular diseases. Therefore, statins are prescribed for:

Statins cannot cure these diseases, but they help prevent their development and progression.

The main danger in using these drugs is damage to the muscles and liver.

The most popular statins are atorvastatin, rosuvastatin and simvastatin.

3. Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors (ACEIs)

These drugs interfere with the production of angiotensin, a hormone that helps narrow arteries. Due to the dilation of blood vessels, pressure decreases and the load on the heart decreases. ACEIs reduce the risk of stroke and myocardial infarction.

Doctors prescribe these heart medications to patients with:

These drugs have few side effects, the main one being a dry cough.

The most popular ACEIs are captopril, enalapril, ramipril and perindopril.

4. Beta blockers

Beta blockers reduce blood pressure, the strength and frequency of heart contractions, thereby reducing the heart muscle's need for oxygen.

The main indications for these drugs include:

  • arterial hypertension;
  • angina pectoris;
  • myocardial infarction;
  • heart rhythm disturbances with high pulse;
  • heart failure.

The use of beta blockers in cardiac patients reduces morbidity and mortality.

The negative qualities of these drugs include:

In addition, there is evidence that taking beta blockers may increase the risk of developing diabetes.

The most popular beta blockers are bisoprolol (Concor), carvedilol (Coriol), nebivolol (Nebilet).

5. Angiotensin receptor antagonists

These drugs interfere with the effects of angiotensin on the cardiovascular system. Doctors prescribe angiotensin receptor antagonists if ACE inhibitors are poorly tolerated, as they have fewer side effects.

The most well-known angiotensin receptor antagonists are losartan (Lozap, Lorista) and telmisartan (Micardis).

6. Calcium channel blockers

These drugs dilate blood vessels, thereby improving blood supply to the heart and lowering blood pressure. Calcium channel blockers are used to treat hypertension, angina, and some types of heart rhythm disorders.

Because these drugs dilate blood vessels, they can cause headaches, flushing of the skin, and swelling in the lower extremities.

Examples of calcium channel blockers are amlodipine, felodipine and verapamil.

7. Nitrates

Nitrates dilate blood vessels, which is used to treat angina. Examples of these drugs are nitroglycerin and isosorbide dinitrate (nitrosorbide). Nitroglycerin tablets or aerosol quickly relieve an attack of angina, so almost every patient with this disease carries it with him.

The main side effects of nitrates are headaches, swelling in the legs and flushing of the face.

8. Diuretics

Diuretics (diuretics) help remove excess fluid from the body, thereby reducing blood pressure, swelling and shortness of breath. Therefore, they are used for hypertension and heart failure.

Side effects of diuretics include:

Examples of diuretics often used for heart disease are veroshpirone, indapamide, furosemide, hydrochlorothiazide, torsemide.

9. Cardiac glycosides

Glycosides increase the force of heart contractions and slow their rate, which may be useful in heart failure and arrhythmias.

These drugs have a toxic effect, so you should carefully follow your doctor's recommendations for taking them. Symptoms of side effects of glycosides include nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, visual disturbances, hallucinations, confusion, and unusual thoughts and behavior.

10. Anticoagulants

Anticoagulants are drugs that affect blood clotting factors in plasma, thereby preventing the formation of blood clots. They are used after operations to implant artificial valves in the heart and for atrial fibrillation, this helps prevent the formation of blood clots in the heart cavity.

The main side effects of anticoagulants are an increased risk of bleeding of various locations, therefore, when using them, it is necessary to monitor laboratory indicators of blood clotting.

The main representatives of this group of drugs are warfarin and rivaroxaban (Xarelto).

In emergency situations (myocardial infarction, unstable angina), injectable anticoagulants are used - heparin, enoxaparin (Clexan), fondaparinux (Arixtra).

11. Antiarrhythmic drugs

Antiarrhythmic drugs include drugs from various groups. For example, these include beta blockers, calcium channel blockers, digoxin.

Other antiarrhythmic drugs include:

  • amiodarone;
  • flecainide;
  • procainamide;
  • propafenone;
  • sotalol.

The purpose of using these funds is to restore normal rhythm heart contractions or normalization of pulse rate.

12. Preparations containing potassium and magnesium

Potassium and magnesium are microelements necessary for the heart and the entire body. With their deficiency, the risk of developing heart rhythm disturbances and atherosclerosis of the coronary arteries increases. Very often, a lack of potassium and magnesium is observed when using diuretics, which stimulate their excretion in the urine.

Preparations containing a combination of potassium and magnesium - panangin, asparkam - are very popular.

13. Metabolic agents

These drugs are designed to improve metabolism in heart cells and protect them from the negative effects of lack of oxygen. They are often prescribed for coronary heart disease, heart failure, cardiomyopathies, angina pectoris, and myocardial infarction. However, most of these drugs do not have a scientifically proven positive effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system, prognosis and life expectancy in cardiac patients. Most clinical guidelines in Europe and the USA do not recommend their use for heart disease.

The most popular metabolic drugs are trimetazidine (Preductal), meldonium (Mildronate), thiotriazoline and riboxin.

It should be noted that the European Medicines Agency allows the use of trimetazidine to treat angina if other drugs cannot control the symptoms of this disease.

Chest pain


First, let's say a few words about how to distinguish heart pain. People often mistake any chest pain for a heart attack.. However, often this condition is purely neurological in nature.

Neuralgia can be caused by psycho-emotional or physical stress, fatigue, muscle spasm, and inflammation. It often appears with sudden movement, coughing, or working in an uncomfortable position. It feels like an aching, encircling or stabbing pain in the chest, shoulder or side.

In parallel there may be:

  • Sweating;
  • Lack of air, shortness of breath;
  • Panic.

A sure sign that this is “not the heart” is the ability to relieve such a condition with the help of “sedative” drugs, antispasmodics:

  • Validola;
  • Corvalola;
  • Valerian;
  • No-Shpy.

If you periodically experience chest pain, you definitely need to find out the cause. In this case, you will be able to distinguish neuralgia from a heart attack with maximum confidence and will be able to respond promptly and competently.

Types of Heart Attacks

The most common heart pathologies are: angina pectoris and arrhythmia. In the first case, pain occurs due to lack of blood supply to the heart muscle. In the second, the heartbeat rhythm is disrupted:

  • acceleration - tachycardia;
  • slowdown - bradycardia;
  • extraordinary beats - extrasystole.

Pain is felt behind the sternum (in the center of the chest with a shift to the left). They can radiate to the left shoulder or arm. The nature of the pain is pressing, aching, burning.

A heart attack is usually accompanied by:

  • Shortness of breath;
  • Increased or decreased blood pressure;
  • Sudden weakness;
  • Panic.

Moreover, it is important to understand that the fear of death, which a person may acutely experience during a heart attack, is not a sign of his “cowardice,” “effeminacy,” or “ignorance.” This is a completely objective symptom that occurs when there is a lack of blood supply to vital organs: the heart and/or brain.

After a brief (and very incomplete) review of the types of heart attacks, it becomes obvious that the first priority is to restore blood supply to the heart and normalize its rhythm. This is easiest to do with the help of medications. This is true for both angina and arrhythmia.

Tablets for angina pectoris


A drug from the nitrate group that dilates blood vessels (mainly veins). It was discovered in the 19th century and is used for angina attacks to this day. Nitroglycerin is the most effective drug that quickly relieves heart pain and allows the patient to wait for more thorough and targeted medical care.

This medicine relaxes the vascular wall, which leads to the expansion of the lumen of the veins. Less blood enters the heart and flows out more easily. A larger volume of blood enters the muscle itself. All this reduces the myocardium’s need for oxygen, improves its nutrition, and reduces the number of heart contractions.

Nitroglycerin is well absorbed through the oral mucosa, so it is produced in the form of sublingual (sublingual) tablets, capsules that need to be bitten in the mouth, or a spray.

How to take Nitroglycerin

If a heart attack occurs, you must lie down and loosen tight clothing (especially your collar). Dissolve a single dose of Nitroglycerin (1 tablet 500 mg or one dose of spray) in the mouth. At the same time, a person’s blood pressure may drop significantly, they may feel dizzy or have a headache, dark vision, or a ringing in their ears. You need to be prepared for these conditions - lie quietly, placing your legs above the level of your head (for example, move a pillow or folded clothing from under your head to your feet).

If the pain does not go away, after 10 - 15 minutes you can take another dose of Nitroglycerin. However, if the symptoms of a drop in blood pressure (darkness in the eyes, weakness), headache are clearly manifested, then it makes sense to wait another 10 minutes. Perhaps the pain in the heart will gradually begin to subside with one dose.

Important: call as soon as possible Ambulance! Before her arrival, even if the pain has subsided, you need to remain calm and move minimally.

Nitroglycerin is contraindicated for:

  • High intracranial and intraocular pressure (for example, with closed-angle glaucoma);
  • Low blood pressure(less than 100/60), collapse, shock;
  • Heart block, heart attack, stroke;
  • Traumatic brain injury.

It is clear that it would be better to “test” the effect of the drug on yourself in advance. This test is done in the presence of a doctor who is able to assess how your body reacts to Nitroglycerin. A specialist can tell you exactly how and in what doses you can take this medicine, or prescribe another “emergency” drug.


Together with Nitroglycerin, you can and should take 250 mg of Aspirin (or acetylsalicylic acid). The tablet is chewed and swallowed. If you only have a soluble form (for example, Aspirin C), hold the solution in your mouth and swallow.

Aspirin thins the blood, facilitating blood flow. This measure will help prevent the formation of blood clots that can block the lumen of blood vessels.

Other drugs


Many people believe that Validol can be effective for a heart attack. This is a dangerous misconception!

This drug has only a calming, distracting effect. Its effect is rather psychological. Therefore, if Validol helps you with chest pain, the attacks are associated with emotional and mental stress and are of a neurological nature.

In case of a true heart attack (angina or arrhythmia), you can take this remedy together with Nitroglycerin, which will ensure a milder effect of the latter.


To improve your general condition you can take:

  • Peony tincture;
  • Motherwort tincture;
  • Hawthorn tincture;
  • Corvalol.

These drugs do not affect the functioning of the heart, but will help reduce anxiety.

Tablets for arrhythmia

You may feel palpitations or irregular heartbeats. The pain may be severe or less pronounced. In this case, the person needs to ensure peace and air flow (unbutton clothes). Holding your breath and coughing can normalize the rhythm. You can also immerse your face in cold water.

If this is your first time experiencing such an attack, you can only take sedatives:

  • Validol;
  • Valocordin;

Tinctures of valerian, peony, motherwort, hawthorn.

Attention: Call an ambulance immediately, specifying that you are having a heart attack! Any effective antiarrhythmic drugs are administered only under ECG control!

You can also take Aspirin (see above).

Important Takeaways

In case of a heart attack, it is always necessary to call an ambulance. Even if the condition passes quickly and does not recur for a long time, it is necessary to find out its causes and learn how to maintain health. It is especially important to find out from a specialist what medications you should have with you and how to take them if the attack recurs.

Anyone, even a completely healthy person, should have home medicine cabinet and carry Nitroglycerin, Validol, Aspirin with you. These medications may be needed if you or anyone else around you has heart pain.

Medicines for the heart

The list of drugs used to treat the heart includes drugs from the following groups:

  • beta blockers;
  • ACE inhibitors (angiotensin converting enzyme);
  • aldosterone antagonists;
  • Ca++ channel blockers (calcium antagonists);
  • diuretics;
  • cardiac glycosides.

ACE inhibitors

ACE inhibitors are vital drugs for the heart, used in combination with diuretics or calcium antagonists.

The list of ACE inhibitors, which are prescribed to strengthen blood vessels and maintain the heart muscle, and treat heart pain, includes tablets, injections (injections), and heart drops:

  • with the active ingredient captopril - drugs with the names Capoten, Angiopril;
  • with enalapril - Enap, Renitek, Renipril tablets;
  • with ramipril - Pyramil, Amprilan;
  • with lisinopril - Diroton, Lysigamma.

Drugs for the treatment of heart failure:

  • Monopril, Fosinap, based on the active ingredient fosinopril;
  • Quadropril - based on spirapril;
  • heart medicine Stoppress or Peristar - based on perindopril.

The strengthening effect of ACE inhibitors on the myocardium has been proven by increasing blood flow and improving glucose absorption. Combination medications with ACE inhibitors and diuretics or potassium antagonists help normalize blood pressure in hypertension and reduce the risk of death.

The list of complex ACE inhibitors includes drugs:

  • ACE inhibitors + diuretic:
    • Capozide;
    • Enalapril N, Enap N;
    • Co-diroton;
    • Noliprel A;
    • Fozzicard N;
  • ACE inhibitors with calcium antagonists;
    • Enap L combi;
    • Equacard;
    • Triapin.

Ca++ channel blockers

Drugs from the group of Ca ++ channel blockers are prescribed for the treatment of ischemia, heart failure, and used for cardiac arrhythmia.

Ca++ channel blockers include:

  • 1st generation drugs (Nifedipine, Verapamil) - half-life 3-12 hours, take tablets 4 times a day;
  • 2nd generation medications (Nimodipine, Felodipine, Gallopamil, Tiapamil, Diltiazem) – a long period half-life allows you to prescribe drugs 2 times a day;
  • Almodipine, Lercarnidipine, Lacidipine, which belong to the 3rd generation, can be taken once a day.

Beta blockers

Drugs from the group of beta blockers are prescribed to treat heart failure due to hypertension.

To treat the heart, beta blockers are used:

  • non-selective (Propranolol) - act on beta 1, beta 2 adrenergic receptors;
  • selective (Metoprolol, Atenolol) - block beta1 - adrenergic receptors, selectively act on myocardial receptors.

Beta1 blockers are predominantly used. They are used to treat chronic heart failure, improve the condition of the myocardium, and increase the survival rate of patients.

Metoprolol and Bisopolol are proven to be effective. These names and their analogues, which include the drugs Betalok, Corvitol, Vazocardin, Egilok, are most often prescribed for heart pain due to ischemia, tachycardia, and myocardial infarction.

Thrombolytic agents

For heart disease, medications are prescribed to reduce the risk of blood clots. To reduce blood viscosity and reduce the risk of blood clots, patients are advised to take the anti-inflammatory drug aspirin daily.

Cardiomagnyl is a fairly safe product for daily use containing aspirin. In addition to aspirin, it contains magnesium hydroxide, which protects the gastric mucosa from the effects of aspirin.

Cardio-Magnyl tablets in the shape of a heart are prescribed for the treatment of the heart in the 2nd trimester of pregnancy, for the elderly, used for diabetes, obesity, and to prevent a recurrent heart attack.


For ischemia, drugs from the nitrate group that improve heart function are used. Taking Nitroglycerin tablets under the tongue successfully relieves angina within 5 minutes, relieving heart pain.

But these tablets will be useless for treating the heart if the pain is caused by a non-cardiac cause, for example, intercostal neuralgia, for which Baralgin, Nice, Melox Forte, and other drugs from the list of drugs for neuralgia will be required.

Nitrates dilate peripheral veins, reduce blood flow to the myocardium, and reduce its need for oxygen. The medications have antiplatelet activity, which reduces the risk of a blood clot blocking the bloodstream.

Antiplatelet activity and rapid action make it possible to use drugs in this group for the treatment and maintenance of the heart in older people.

For pain in the heart, they resort to using:

  • Nitroglycerin;
  • Nitrocor;
  • Sustaka;
  • Cardiketa;
  • Pentacard;
  • Pentrola;
  • Monosana.

Metabolic agents

To maintain the heart, drugs with a cardioprotective effect are taken, without specifying the mechanism of action, a list of tablets in alphabetical order:

  • Inosine (Riboxin);
  • Cocarboxylase;
  • Coenzyme Q10;
  • L-carnitine;
  • Meldonium;
  • Perhexiline;
  • Ranolazine;
  • Trimetazidine;
  • Phosphocreatine;
  • Etomoxir.

Not all drugs from this list are approved for heart treatment in the USA and Europe; some of the names are not found in the prescriptions of foreign cardiologists, either in tablets or in injections. Drugs with unproven effectiveness in the treatment of heart disease include carnitine, taurine, coenzyme Q10, and mildronate.

Cardioprotectors are actively used as sports supplements. But you need to realize that when purchasing cardioprotectors L-carnitine, taurine, focusing on the price and colorful packaging, a person interferes with the work of the heart.

If you really need heart support, it is better to choose not those drugs that look prettier in the window, but to buy pills prescribed by a doctor for the treatment of heart pain or the prevention of disease.

Drugs that are used to support the functioning of the heart have side effects that, if used for a long time without medical supervision, can, for example, upset the functioning of the stomach and intestines (levocarnitine).

Trimetazidine has been successfully used to treat ischemia, acute infarction, and heart failure. The product is registered in Russia and is used in the USA and Europe, but must be prescribed by a cardiologist.

Based on the drug trimetazidine, many drugs are produced that are prescribed to maintain the contractile activity of the heart and nourish the heart muscle, and prevent angina pectoris:

  • Vero Trimetazidine;
  • Carditrim;
  • Preductal;
  • Trimectal;
  • Trimetazidine Teva.

Heart drops

For heart pain, drops are used:

  • Tricardin;
  • Cardomed;
  • Gerbion;
  • Corvalol;
  • Heart drops;
  • Valocordin.

Drops should not be used uncontrollably and should not be prescribed to yourself. With prolonged use, addiction develops to them, which forces you to increase the dose of the drug. This creates a risk of overdose.

Drugs for the treatment of the elderly

In addition to correcting cardiovascular disorders, older people are prescribed medications to support the heart:

  • statins
    • Atorvastin;
    • Rosuvastin;
  • antithrombins
    • Aspirin;
    • Clopidogrel;
    • Ticagrelol;
  • Ivabradine – tablets Coraxan, Bravadin;
  • ACE inhibitors;
    • Bisoprolol;
    • Metaprolol;
    • Cardevilol

To reduce the pulse rate during tachycardia, beta blockers and ivabradine, a blocker of f channels of the sinus node, are prescribed. Ivabradine (Coraxan) affects the functioning of the sinus node, having a selective effect on the cells that generate impulses that set the sinus heart rate.

Compared with beta blockers, prescribing ivabradine in older adults reduces the risk of bradycardia—a heart rate below 55 beats/minute. To strengthen the heart, drugs in tablets are used - Riboxin, Trimetazidine, Asparkam, Panangin.

Elderly people are prescribed extended-release nitrates:

  • isosorbide dinitrate – Coronex, Karvazin, Nitrosorbide;
  • isosorbide mononitrate – Monoket, Pentacard, Medokor.

To support the functioning of the heart, the elderly are prescribed the drug Trimetazidine. Of the AFP inhibitors, Captopril and Enalapril are mainly used.

In old age, antianginal drugs Amlodipine and Felodipine are used to improve blood flow and reduce oxygen demand. They are recommended for the prevention of angina attacks, strengthening the myocardium in chronic failure, combined with the prescription of nitrates and statins.