
Small rashes on the body of a child. Rash on the body of a child: we treat it from the outside and from the inside.

In this article we will talk about a rash in children, about what it can be and when it comes to allergies, and when it comes to infectious diseases.

a symptom in the form of a rash in a baby is a sign not only of a possible allergic reaction, but also of the development of more dangerous diseases. It is not difficult for an experienced dermatologist or infectious disease specialist to determine the nature of the rashes and make the correct diagnosis.

  • But what should parents do who cannot understand the origin of these spots and dots. We will try to talk about the possible symptoms of a rash and about the disease that it can correspond
  • To begin with, let's figure out what a rash is and what types it can be.
  • The rash itself is the primary manifestation of various pathological reactions of the body to a change in the state in the body.
  • It is of the following types:

    • The nodule or papule looks like a bump and does not have a depression or hole, its size is on average from 1 mm to 3 cm in diameter and it can be felt
    • Blisters are a formation without a cavity that rises above the surface of the skin, hyperemic and itchy
    • Vesicles have a cavity with a lid, their size is up to 0.5 cm in diameter, their cavity is filled with a clear liquid (serous effusion). If these dimensions exceed 0.5 cm, then the formation is called a bubble
    • A pustule or abscess looks like a vesicle, but the contents of the formation are purulent
    • The spot is manifested by a change in skin color in a certain place and its size can be different
    • Roseola is a speck up to 5 mm in diameter, which can have a color from pale pink to red
    • Hemorrhages are bruising or bleeding under the skin and look like spots or small dots.

    After curing the rash, various traces may remain, which are called secondary elements of the rash in the form of scars, pigmentation, scales, erosions, abrasions, ulcers or cracks. widespread reaction - allergic rash.

    Symptoms of an allergic rash in children

    The main symptom, of course, is the presence of the rashes themselves. With the manifestation of a contact allergic reaction, rashes occur in places contact with an allergen (cream, diapers, things washed with a certain powder, etc.).
    If rashes are associated with manifestations of a food or drug allergic reaction, then rashes can occur throughout the body, or on the shins, buttocks and cheeks.

    Symptoms :
    • Hyperemia of certain areas of the skin
    • Puffiness
    • The appearance of various elements of the rash (blisters, vesicles, roseola, spots, etc.)
    • Annoying itching, often unbearable
    • If the elements of the rash are damaged, wounds or erosion may occur
    • The child is very restless, appetite is poor, sleep is disturbed

    The time of appearance of rashes depends on the form of pathology, which can be acute or chronic.

    1 . In acute manifestation, the rash occurs almost immediately after contact with the allergen and often legalizes in the cheeks and upper body ( in folds)

    2. If the rash does not go away for 6 weeks, then we should talk about the chronic form of pathology. The symptoms of the rash are no different from those of an acute reaction, but the general well-being suffers much more. In addition to reduced appetite, poor sleep and irritability the child begins to lose weight, his appearance becomes pale, exhausted and tired

    In infancy, an allergic rash is called atypical dermatitis and often has a chronic course. Periods of exacerbation of such an allergic reaction are replaced by long periods of remission. In infancy, food allergies are most common.

    Why does the child have a rash with spots on the body?

    • Of course, there can be many reasons for rashes, we will analyze only some of them. However, while reading, do not try to make a diagnosis on your own, since for this you need to undergo an examination and pass certain tests.
    • And so, let's start with the most common cause of rashes in the form of spots becomes an allergic reaction. With an allergic rash, scarlet heels may occur as a result of contact with the allergen. Also, allergies can manifest as red dots on certain parts of the body or everywhere.
    • It can also manifest itself in the form of urticaria - these are reddenings that look like burns. Those who are often prone to allergic reactions usually know how to treat such rashes. However, if you first notice such a rash, you should immediately consult a doctor.

    Psoriatic rashes they also look like red spots on the body. Such rashes can be distinguished by characteristic peeling and the presence of scales. This is a genetically determined disease that is not completely curable and is only subject to therapy to bring it into remission.

    Vitiligo also has as symptoms the appearance of red spots on the skin. The general well-being of the patient does not suffer. These rashes can be temporarily removed with medical therapy.

    scleroderma- another disease that appears on the skin with red spots. This disease is congenital and has an autoimmune origin. Connective tissue suffers as a result of exposure to its own immune system. In this case, the work of the smallest vessels of the blood supply is disrupted and characteristic spots appear.

    These are just some of the diseases that are manifested by red spots. Any manifestation of symptoms requires diagnosis and proper treatment.

    Why does the child have a rash on the face and head?

    The appearance of a rash on the face of a baby is quite common.

    Often this is just a manifestation of adaptation to environmental conditions. And it can occur both on the face and on the head and on the whole body.

    Depending on the symptoms that accompany these rashes, you need to determine the cause of this phenomenon.

    Is there a fever, sore throat in the baby and other manifestations of the disease. Since the rash can have not only benign flow and pass independently, but also be infectious.

    The most common diseases that are manifested by rashes can be:
    • Chickenpox (rash in the form of blisters all over the body and head)
    • Erythema infectious (large spots with a light center)
    • (initially, the rash affects the face, and then distributed by for the whole body)

    • Roseola (pink rash that doesn't go away for about 5 days)
    • (common rashes all over the body that disappear after 5 days)

    So the diagnosis of the disease and differentiation allergies from infection is very important and requires special attention in children.

    Causes of a rash on the abdomen and legs in a child

    Let's take a closer look at how the rashes manifest themselves with each of the lesions and get acquainted with the photo:

    1 . is an infectious disease. In this case, the rash appears several days later, after the rise in temperature was noted. There is sore throat when swallowing, cough and runny nose. The rash initially appears on the face and head, and then covers the entire body. The spots are quite large and rise above the skin.

    2. Chickenpox is manifested by a rash, which also at the beginning of the disease begins with the face, followed by spread for the whole body. First, reddish spots appear, which then become vesicles filled with serous fluid. Then the bubbles dry up and form an itchy crust. Body temperature may rise.

    3 . characterized rashes, which at the beginning of the disease are formed on the face and in the folds of the joints. Usually child at this feverish, present signs poisoning, occipital lymph nodes increased. Rash similar on small points, which sharp disappear later some days.

    4 . appears symptoms sore throats at child, rash at this arises on 3 th day after start diseases. Spots Not too much large And spread By everything body. local temperature skin V area rashes rises. After disappearance rashes leather peels off

    5 . arises sharp after contact With irritant. At this rash on touch embossed And Maybe be accompanied others signs allergic reactions. arise rash Maybe Where whatever, at this at small children she Not painted And Not Very noticeable

    6 . shows myself V form soft, filled liquid blisters. At this rashes strongly itchy. Located rashes in pairs on distance several millimeters Friend from friend. Most first rashes Always arise between fingers hands

    7 . Footprints after bites insects often confused With symptoms various infections. Leather V place bite inflamed And itchy, at combing covered crust. Such rashes pass on one's own

    Causes rashes after antibiotics at child

    If rash arose V result treatment baby antibacterial drugs, That reasons this may serve:

    allergic reaction
    Dysbacteriosis V result reception drug

    If This allergic reaction, That arise she practically straightaway after reception first doses facilities. At this need to immediately stop reception antibiotic And apply To doctor behind consultation And For therapy consequences reception medication.

    IN cases dysbacteriosis V result reception antibiotic And occurrence rashes on this background, your path must lie through gastroenterologist And dietary nutrition. At this appointed therapy For recovery normal microflora intestines child. Exactly By this reasons on row With therapy antibacterial drugs appointed reception bifidumbacterin And probiotics.

    Why at child shallow rash With temperature?

    Cause high temperature more often Total is infectious disease, Although And allergic reaction Not exception And Maybe provoke hyperthermia.

    All depends from external kind rashes, possible options which We described higher. Each rash And character her occurrence will tell O disease, to whom she belongs.

    Why at child shallow rash without temperature?

    1 . Practically All infectious diseases accompanies climb temperature. Without hyperthermia rash Maybe arise at defeat skin scabies. Rash Maybe hit pens, legs And tummy baby, So same buttocks And crotch, internal surface hips.

    Cause these rashes is scabious mite, which settles V superficial layers skin. IN result his penetration And vital activity arises strong itching And many children combing these rashes before blood. Itching more intense Total V nocturnal time days.

    2 . So same without hyperthermia Maybe leak pyoderma. rashes at this Not itchy And scattered chaotically By everything body. This bubbles With purulent filling.

    Subsequently bubbles burst And dry up, after falling away grayish crusts traces Not remains. General state child enough cheerful. This view rash So same requires adequate therapy

    3 . Hivesview allergic reactions, which externally similar With burn And being treated respectively allergic reactions. He So same Not gives raise temperature body

    4 . More one view rashes without temperature is erythema. This chronic disease, which originally appears on face, then on folds joints And wrists. Often rash appears on rear sides brushes And stop. Child becomes nervous And whiny. Rash looks How flushed bubbles, which inflamed And swollen, leather cracking, A from cracks leaking out serous liquid.

    At child itches shallow rashWhat do?

    IN any case Not Let's to kid comb rashes, So How This damages skin And Maybe lead To additional infection combing.

    Htoby decide With tactics treatment necessary apply To doctor For inspection And productions correct diagnosis. So How from correct diagnostics depends correct treatment.

    Treatment rashes at child on body: drugs And facilities

    If You discovered rash at his child necessary conduct the following Events:

    • The doctors should call home. This need to And For productions faithful diagnosis And in avoid infections others children V moment visits polyclinics, If This infection
      At high temperature Maybe be suspected meningococcal infection. IN this case necessary urgently call ambulance help
      Doctors Not recommended on one's own smear rashes neither ointments, neither brilliant green. Doctor must adequately estimate all picture diseases. Independent therapy prohibited categorically
    • What concerns medicines, That For everyone diseases exists row ointments And funds, which appointed exactly For therapy diseases, which was discovered V everyone specific case.
    • Be attentive To his health And To their kids!! We same wish to you And your kids health.

    Rash - all kinds of pathological elements of the skin and mucous membranes. Blisters, blisters, pustules, roseola - all such changes are called a rash. They can be different in color, in distribution, in depth, some, others do not bother in any way, the elements of the rash can be small or large.

    Varieties of rashes, for what reasons they appear

    There are dozens of diseases in which it always manifests itself, and hundreds more in which it can manifest itself. Only a small part of these diseases are dangerous, if the rash is not accompanied by other symptoms, is not extended to large area body, it is not dangerous.

    All rashes are divided into two groups:

    1. Primary - appear on healthy skin as a result of a pathological process
    2. Secondary - appear on the background of primary

    Let us consider in more detail the primary rashes that occur most often.

    According to the shape, size, nature of the content, contours, they can be classified into the following types:

    • Tubercle - an element, without a cavity, a hard bump, lies deep in the skin.
    • - a dense raised area of ​​the skin, pink, there is a short time. Occurs with a nettle burn, from insect bites
    • Papule, or nodule - a cavityless element, with a changed color of the skin, rising above the rest of the skin, resolving without a trace.
    • A bubble is an element that has a bottom, a tire and a cavity, up to 0.5 cm in diameter, with liquid contents.
    • A vesicle is a vesicle larger than 0.5 cm in diameter
    • An abscess is an element with purulent contents.
    • Spot - discoloration of the skin
    • Roseola - a small spot of pinkish or red color up to 5 mm in size, does not protrude above the level of the skin, disappears when pressed

    The skin is the largest human organ in terms of area, skin diseases are called dermatoses. A rash can be the result of one or more diseases. The causes of the rash are divided into several groups, depending on the nature of the disease.

    In newborns, some types of rash are considered a common occurrence.

    Hormonal rash

    It is located more often on the face and scalp in the form of small reddish pimples with a yellowish or white dot in the center, disappearing in one place, they appear in another, not dangerous, disappears by three months or earlier.

    Toxic erythema of the newborn

    In this case, it manifests itself in the first days of life in the form of red spots of various sizes, in the center of the spots appear gray-yellow tubercles, most often located around the joints of the arms and legs. Not dangerous, usually disappears in 1-2 weeks.

    The appearance of a rash on the face of a child does not always indicate dangerous disease. When parents understand why this rash appeared, it becomes calmer.

    If a child has a small rash on his face a month, what measures should parents take?

    1. Determine the nature of the rash - strong or not, with or without itching, the child is worried or not.
    2. Check the temperature and assess the general condition of the child - if everything is normal, then the rash can be observed for a while
    3. If the rash is caused improper care, then eliminate all adverse effects
    4. If the general condition of the child is disturbed and the rash is accompanied by fever, call a doctor immediately.

    Treatment of prickly heat and diaper dermatitis boils down to the fact that the child must be bathed every day, the water temperature should be 34-36 degrees. You can add a decoction of a string or to water, but this is not necessary. Bathing soap is used once a week, this is enough. Leave the child without clothes more often, use high-quality soft diapers, and change them in a timely manner. Talcum powder, powder or cream is applied to the rash if the skin dries. The most important thing is not to overheat the child, the temperature in the room should be within 20-22 degrees, all pediatricians advise this.

    Rash treatment

    First of all, in order to cure a rash, it is necessary to understand the cause of its appearance; this question is usually addressed to a dermatologist. Treating a rash involves removing its root cause, because a rash is always only a consequence of some disease or exposure.

    With infectious viral rashes symptomatic treatment, with bacterial - prescribed. The cause is removed and the rash goes away.

    At allergic rash the main task- identify and eliminate the allergen.

    With allergic dermatitis in children, there are a number of recommendations to reduce or even eliminate allergy symptoms:

    • do not overfeed
    • do not overheat
    • use intestinal sorbents, such as Enterosgel
    • eat less sugar
    • remove chlorine from bathing water
    • wear clothes made from natural materials
    • avoid overdose D

    Most effective drug for elimination skin manifestations allergies - corticosteroid ointments. Modern drugs practically do not have a negative effect on the body. To eliminate the symptoms of allergies, use the same antihistamines.

    Everything in the human body is interconnected, so healthy lifestyle life that includes proper nutrition and sport is a guarantee wellness. The state of immunity always matters, our immunity is a warrior, the more it is tempered, the better it resists infections.

    More about the rash in children and the reasons for its appearance - in the video:

    A rare mother will not be upset at the sight of various tubercles, pustules or pimples on the baby's delicate skin. What could it be, is it dangerous for the child, what to do with it - these are the most topical issues in these cases.

    What is a rash

    Rash in a child - elements that appear on the skin or mucous membranes due to any pathological changes in the state of the body. They differ in texture, appearance, color.

    Primary elements include:

    Papule (nodule) - tubercle, has no cavity, diameter is from 1-3 mm to 1-3 cm, is palpable;

    A blister is a cavityless element, pink, itchy;

    Bubble - has a cavity and a lid, size - up to 0.5 cm, filled with serous contents, and with a size of more than 0.5 cm is called a bubble;

    Pustule (pustule) - the cavity of the element is filled with purulent contents;

    Spot - local discoloration of the upper layer of the epidermis;

    Roseola - a spot with a diameter of 1-5 mm, pale pink or red;

    Hemorrhage - is a hemorrhage into the skin in the form of spots or dots;

    Secondary elements of the rash - atrophy, scar, fissure, abrasion, erosion, scales, ulcer, etc.

    Rash in a child with and without fever

    There are several groups of causes of rashes on the skin and mucous membranes:

    Violation of the rules of personal hygiene;

    Allergic reaction to various factors provocateurs;

    Diseases of the blood, blood vessels;

    infectious diseases;

    As the temperature rises, infectious diseases. Possible accompanying signs are chills, nausea, cough, chills, lack of appetite, vomiting, etc.

    Without signs of fever, pathological elements usually appear in various situations:

    Insect bites;

    Hemorrhagic rash;

    Prickly heat, diaper dermatitis;


    Allergic reaction (to sunlight, food, medicines), etc.

    Rash on the body (all over the body) in a child

    A rash in a baby indicates a malfunction in the body, a decrease in immunity, the development of some kind of disease. Localization of elements on any one part of the body is rare, more often it spills over the whole body.

    Possible causes of a rash on the body of a child

    Knowing the root causes of the trouble allows parents to remain calm, without falling into an empty panic, until the doctor clarifies the situation and prescribes treatment.

    1. Skin diseases. Infants often develop sweating due to excess heat or poor hygiene. It appears as small reddish pimples with possible pustules in the middle.

    Here you can also name insect bites, from fleas to mosquitoes. These are most often pink or reddish spots.

    2. Allergic reaction. It occurs when there are violations in the organization of nutrition of the baby, contact with provocateurs - dust, fluff, plant pollen, detergents, linen. The rashes are reddish spots irregular shape accompanied by itching, lethargy or agitation.

    3. Infectious diseases:

    Chickenpox (chicken pox) - small spots turn into bubbles with liquid, after 2 days crusts form on them;

    Rubella - tiny specks of pale Pink colour, fit snugly side by side;

    Roseola - a pale pink rash appears after a two-day heat;

    Scarlet fever is a small-dotted rash that disappears after 1-1.5 weeks, the disease is accompanied by high temperature, angina;

    Measles - elements appear bright and large, other symptoms - cough, fever, runny nose and pain in the eyes.

    Methods for treating a rash on the body of a child

    The general rule: before the doctor's examination, you should not lubricate the elements with brilliant green and other coloring agents - this will make it difficult to make a diagnosis.

    1. Against prickly heat, there is nothing better than cleanliness and following the rules of hygiene. To prevent bites, the child should not be allowed into places where contact with an insect can occur. To relieve itching, the doctor may recommend special ointments.

    2. To eliminate allergic rashes, it is necessary to monitor nutrition and eliminate provoking factors. You can give smect Activated carbon. To reduce itching, the doctor recommends fenistil-gel, moisturizing creams.

    3. A variety of diseases correspond to many prescriptions, so you should definitely consult a doctor. Chickenpox is treated by lubricating the bubbles with brilliant green. It is impossible to remove dried crusts, they must fall off on their own so that there are no scars left.

    Against rubella, the child is vaccinated before the age of one.

    Roseola treatment does not particularly require, eliminate the symptom - fever.

    Scarlet fever is enough serious illness, the child is hospitalized for treatment.

    With measles, the child also goes to the hospital, as complications are possible, up to meningoencephalitis.

    Rash on the face of a child

    The appearance of a rash on the face will most often mean possible problems with kidneys, intestines, pancreas, kidneys. In any case, consultation with at least a pediatrician is necessary, and he will give, if necessary, a referral to a specialized specialist.

    Possible causes of a rash on the face of a child

    In newborn babies, rashes on the face can occur due to an unbalanced diet of the mother during pregnancy. In infancy, a scattering of red spots on the cheeks appears for the same reason: the nurse includes foods that cause such a reaction in the diet.

    Also, a rash on the face can occur due to large fluctuations in air temperature, an infectious disease. Allergies, pathologies of the autonomic nervous system often become the cause.

    Ways to treat a rash on the face of a child

    1. Toxic erythema (in infants in the neonatal period) - dense reddish pimples with vesicles in the center. Passes without a trace after 3-4 days.

    2. Allergy - manifests itself on the cheeks with red spots, peeling and slight induration. If you exclude forbidden foods from the menu, then the cheeks return to normal.

    3. Newborn acne looks like bright red pimples with pustules in the middle. The rash resolves within 2 months after birth.

    4. Insect bites look like pink spots, if there is no allergy, they are safe.

    Rash on child's back

    A rash sometimes appears on the back of a child - red spots, papules, vesicles, sometimes accompanied by severe itching. You can’t self-medicate, you should visit a pediatrician and get advice from him.

    Possible causes of a rash on the back of a child

    A common cause is prickly heat, in which small pimples pink or reddish color.

    Allergies are provoked not only by food, but also by drugs, clothing or bedding material, washing powders and other detergents.

    Another group of causes that cause a profuse rash on the back and body are infectious diseases. Some of the ailments are dangerous—scarlet fever, measles, and so on.

    Ways to treat a rash on the back of a child

    Prickly heat is treated by elementary hygiene of the child. You can use special talc.

    In case of an allergic reaction, the doctor prescribes antihistamines and hypoallergenic life (all possible provocative factors are excluded).

    When purulent bubbles burst, they need to be treated with brilliant green. To prevent re-infection healthy skin around acne is treated with alcohol. Self-treatment infectious diseases cannot be carried out. You should definitely visit a doctor, get an appointment and scrupulously carry it out.

    Rash on baby's stomach

    All the variety of types of rashes on the stomach, parents, perhaps, will not remember. At the first appearance of even single elements, it is worth contacting a pediatrician for a professional to make a diagnosis.

    Possible causes of a rash on the abdomen in a child

    One of common causes rashes on the abdomen in crumbs is an allergy.

    In an excessively heated room, a warmly dressed child sweats, causing prickly heat. These pinkish formations can appear in different places on the baby's body, but quite often it is the tummy that is affected.

    Rashes can also be caused by a blood disease, an infectious disease. If small red spots turn into bubbles with liquid, then this is most likely chicken pox. And the concentration of a bright red rash in the lower abdomen may indicate scarlet fever. The appearance of double rashes around the navel indicates scabies.

    There are many reasons correct diagnosis can only be installed by a specialist. After talking with a pediatrician, you should also consult a pediatric dermatologist.

    Ways to treat a rash on the abdomen in a child

    Allergic rash treated antihistamines prescribed by the pediatrician.

    When sweating, careful personal hygiene, compliance with clothing requirements (compliance with ambient temperature and season, cleanliness, type of fabric) helps. Helps get rid of rashes air baths and timely washing, bathing.

    Treatment for infectious diseases only a doctor should prescribe, it is aimed at eliminating the cause of the disease, after its elimination, the rash goes away as a symptom.

    Rash on child's legs

    A rash on the legs is a very unpleasant condition for the baby, because it is often accompanied by severe itching. The baby behaves restlessly, itches, is nervous. This is fraught with an expansion of the area of ​​​​the rash, secondary infection, infection.

    It is worth distracting the baby before the pediatrician arrives - read a fairy tale, craft, watch a cartoon.

    Possible causes of a rash on the legs of a child

    If the rash on the legs is accompanied by fever, cough, lethargy, headache, sore throat and loss of appetite, then we are talking about an infectious disease.

    With rashes on the feet, the inner surface of the thigh, especially if the pimples go in pairs and are interconnected, a scabies mite lesion will be diagnosed.

    After contact with allergens, their inhalation or absorption with food, an allergic rash may occur. The same reaction can be caused by mosquito bites or other insect bites.

    Due to very sensitive skin babies have prickly heat, diaper dermatitis.

    Ways to treat a rash on the legs of a child

    Rashes due to prickly heat are easily eliminated with strict adherence to the rules of hygiene. You need to go for a walk with the baby, dressing him according to the weather. Need a timely change of diapers, diapers.

    When the causes of infectious and viral diseases are eliminated, the rash also disappears, so you should not self-medicate, but strictly follow the doctor's prescription. Important: you can not open the bubbles, and if they burst on their own, then they are treated with an antiseptic (alcohol solution).

    Rash on the hands of a child

    Most often, it is the palms and elbows of the baby that are open to the eye, so parents can notice the first danger signals on them.

    Possible causes of a rash on the hands of a child

    Rashes are possible due to allergic reactions, atopic dermatitis. Usually these are small bubbles, they burst and form crusts. Sometimes these are very itchy dry rashes.

    If the child rarely washes his hands, then pollution causes pimples to appear on them. A specific case is problems due to stress. A very nervous baby may develop a rash on his hands, which is very itchy.

    Ways to treat a rash on the hands of a child

    Treatment of a rash on the hands is aimed at alleviating or eliminating the symptoms provoked by the rash itself - itching, local inflammation of the skin. The second aspect is the treatment of the disease, due to which the rash appeared.

    The list of the most frequent appointments- antihistamines, various creams or gels with ointments (with antibiotics, hormonal, etc.), tablets, injections. Among them are antifungal, antibacterial, antiviral, drugs to maintain children's immunity.

    Rash on baby's bottom

    A rash on the baby's pope is both frequent and dense. This is not necessarily a sign of a serious illness. This is probably just a lack of hygiene and the principles of good nutrition.

    Possible causes of a rash on the pope in a child

    Among the reasons that cause rashes on the baby's pope, there are often:

    Wet diapers;

    Overheating due to excess heat (prickly heat);

    diaper dermatitis;

    Lack of hygiene;

    Allergic reaction or diathesis;

    Hemorrhagic rash (with hemorrhagic vasculitis).

    Methods for treating a rash on the pope in a child

    By adjusting the child's nutrition, providing him with clean clothes and diapers, strict adherence to the rules of hygiene, you can get rid of a rash on the baby's pope in most cases.

    For other reasons, the doctor should, after clarifying the diagnosis, prescribe treatment. The task of parents is to provide the child with maximum comfort and follow all the recommendations of the doctor.

    In children in the process of life very often there are various rashes on the skin and mucous membranes. Such rashes are called exanthema. They can be different nature, located on any part of the skin, appearing simultaneously or over a period of time. A rash on the skin can be a manifestation of a very a large number diseases ranging from infections to allergies. Sometimes it is difficult to make a diagnosis, even for an experienced pediatrician, since the classic rash, which is described in textbooks, appears very rarely. Most often, this is either a mixed (a mixture of several types of rash) or a blurry picture (when the manifestations of the rash are not pronounced and can be attributed simultaneously to several diseases).

    Therefore, when a rash appears, it is imperative to show the child to the doctor, even if you are completely sure of the cause of its appearance, so as not to miss the onset of a serious illness.

    To begin with, in order to better understand the issue of rashes, let's clarify what kind of rashes occur in our children.

    Types of rash:

    1) Spot. This is redness of a skin area that does not rise above the level of the surrounding skin (smooth). The appearance of a spot is associated with an increase in blood supply in a limited area of ​​​​the skin due to the expansion of blood vessels in this area. The stain may be small size(from 2 to 25 mm), then it is called roseola, and large sizes (more than 3 cm), which is called erythema. Spots can be separate, when the line between each of them is visible, or merge together, forming one continuous field in which it is not possible to determine each individual element. Since the spot is an area with rich blood circulation, when pressed on it, its color changes to the normal color of the skin, as there is an outflow of blood, which stains the spot. If the finger pressing on the stain is removed, the stain will return to its original color. After healing, a spot of depigmentation (an area that does not have color) may form at the site of the stain, but most often nothing remains at the site of the stain after treatment.

    2) Nodule or papule. This is an area of ​​skin thickening that slightly rises above the level of the skin. They can be different in shape: cone-shaped, flat, elongated, multifaceted, with an impression in the center. When pressed on the knot, it loses its color. After treatment, no skin changes remain at the site of the papule.

    3) Bubble or vesicle. The bubble is a cavity filled with liquid, rises above the level of the skin, has a rounded shape and dimensions of 1.5-5 mm. Resolution (healing) of the bubble can occur in two ways: it can simply “deflate” or the vesicle opens, its contents pour into environment and in place of the bubble an ulcer is formed, which is then covered with a crust, after it disappears, no changes are observed on the skin.

    4) Hemorrhages. This is one of the types of spots, however, in this case, staining does not occur due to the fact that the blood supply to the vessels increases, but due to damage to the blood vessels and the release of blood cells into the surrounding tissues. In this case, when pressing on the spot, no color change is observed, since shaped elements the blood responsible for staining hemorrhages does not go anywhere. The process of resolving hemorrhages is similar to curing bruises: they change their color, turn pale and disappear completely without leaving any traces.

    5) Pustule or abscess. This is a cavity filled with purulent contents. Its dimensions are 1.5-5 mm. The shape can be spherical, cone-shaped or flat. Since the contents of the pustule are purulent, the only way to resolve this element is to open it and let the pus out. In this case, an ulcer is formed, which heals under the crust. After treatment, no traces remain.

    In addition to the form of the rash, special meaning has its localization (location on the body), their location relative to one another, the time of appearance, comorbidity.

    Localization of the rash

    The localization of the rash can be in the form of separate elements (1-2 elements), in the form of a group (several elements collected in one place), the elements of the rash can be located on one anatomical unit (on the arms, on the legs, on the body, on face or buttocks) or cover the entire body.

    The so-called leading element of the rash is distinguished - this is the type of rash that is dominant among other variants of the rash in this disease. The elements of the rash can be located both separately from each other and form groups, and sometimes even merge, forming large conglomerates.

    The staging of the appearance of a rash is very important: it can appear simultaneously on all areas of the skin or first on the upper parts of the body (head, neck), and then go down below or in the opposite direction, the so-called drain rash.
    A rash can appear immediately from the first hours of the disease or rashes are preceded by a period of prodrome: general weakness, fever, sore throat, cough, and the rash itself appears for 2-6 days.

    Causes of a rash in a child

    A rash may appear when:

    1) Infectious diseases: measles, rubella, scarlet fever, chicken pox, meningitis, herpes, sepsis, etc.;
    2) Allergic reactions: allergic dermatitis, urticaria;
    3) Systemic diseases associated with autoimmune diseases: systemic lupus erythematosus, hemorrhagic vasculitis;
    4) venereal diseases: congenital syphilis;
    5) Metabolic diseases: hemosiderosis, psoriasis, impaired fat metabolism.

    Diseases accompanied by a rash

    Consider some options for a rash with various diseases.

    1) Chicken pox. In this disease, the leading element is the vesicle. The onset of the disease may have a period of prodrome: the appearance of weakness, fever. This condition can persist for 1-2 days, then a rash appears. First, a spot appears, then a bubble forms in its place, which, after a few days, opens and then becomes covered with a crust, after the crust falls off, a healthy area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin forms in its place. If you try to tear off the crust ahead of schedule, then a small scar (pockmark) may subsequently form in its place. The rash can be located on any part of the skin, however distinctive feature chickenpox is the location of the rash on the scalp, in contrast to other diseases, manifested by a vesicular rash. New elements of the rash appear during the first 3-5 days of illness. During this time, the first elements of the rash already have time to go through the vesicle stage and are in the crust stage. Such a condition, when several stages of rash development (spot, vesicle, sore, crust) can be found simultaneously on the body of one child is called a polymorphic rash.

    2) Rubella. This disease most often does not have a prodrome, and begins immediately with the appearance of a rash, and the deterioration in the general condition of the child occurs somewhat later. The moment the rash appears is the moment the disease begins. The rash with rubella is spotted, located on the skin of the face, arms, legs and torso. It has a confluent character: it starts with lower extremities, then move up. The rash within 3-5 days gradually turns pale and disappears, leaving no changes on the skin.

    3) Scarlet fever . The rash in this disease has a maculopapular character. Located on the flexor surfaces of the arms armpit, in the inguinal folds, buttocks. Appears from the first days of the disease. The rash continues for about three days. hallmark scarlet fever is the presence of a scarlet mask: the child's cheeks are brightly colored, hyperemic, and the nasolabial triangle, on the contrary, is pale. In the process of recovery, a slight peeling may appear at the site of the rash, which disappears after 2-3 weeks. At the site of the rash, no changes are observed after treatment.

    4) Measles. This disease is characterized by a rather long prodromal period: 4-5 days. At this time, the general condition worsens, the body temperature rises. On the oral mucosa, opposite the small molars, a specific rash appears in the form of whitish dots. By the end of the prodromal period, they disappear. Skin rashes are staged: on the first day, the rash appears on the head, ears, on the second day it descends and affects the trunk and skin of the arms and legs, directly adjacent to the trunk, and on the third day the rash captures the entire skin of the arms and legs. The rash is papular in nature. The elements tend to merge, sometimes the rash rises above the level of the skin and takes on the character of maculopapular. After recovery, areas of depigmentation may remain at the site of the rash.

    5) herpetic infection. This disease is characterized by the presence of a vesicular rash on the mucosa of the lips and oral cavity. Soreness and hyperemia of the injury site is noted. After the bubble bursts, an ulcer is formed, after the healing of which, changes in the mucosa are not observed. Rashes can be either single or multiple. With multiple rashes, the general condition of the child worsens, the body temperature rises.

    6) Shingles. This disease is caused by the herpes virus. The elements of the rash are vesicles that are located on the skin along the intercostal nerves. These rashes are quite painful, since this disease damages the nerve endings.

    7) Enteroviral infection. This disease can manifest as a vesicular rash on the palms and feet of children. Children get sick more often preschool age. The rash appears against the background of the full health of the child, does not cause any inconvenience (no itching). In some cases, a slight increase in body temperature for the first 2 days is possible. In place of the bubble, which is gradually “blown away”, a small dot of hyperpigmentation is formed (staining in Brown color), which passes within 5-6 days. Changes in the skin after recovery are not observed.

    8) Meningococcemia. This disease is very dangerous for the life of the child. It begins with weakness, an increase in body temperature to high numbers, the appearance of rashes in the form of hemorrhages on the skin of the buttocks, the flexor surface of the arms and legs. The rash can appear very quickly (10-15 minutes). This state more typical for children under two years old, but even adults can be exposed to this disease. With a sharp increase in body temperature in small child, it is imperative to completely undress him and carefully examine the skin of the buttocks, arms and legs. Upon detection small rash in the form of pinpoint hemorrhages, urgent hospitalization of the child in the nearest intensive care unit is necessary.

    9) Sepsis. This condition is characterized by the circulation of bacteria in the blood. Most often, this condition develops against the background of an infectious disease in the absence of proper treatment. It is also possible to develop umbilical sepsis in newborns, with improper hygiene care behind umbilical wound. Sepsis is characterized by the presence of a patchy or hemorrhagic rash that can be localized on any part of the skin, more often on the abdomen and back.

    10) Allergic dermatitis (diathesis). This condition is characterized by hyperemia of the skin. A localized form is distinguished when a small area of ​​the skin is captured (for example, the skin of the face), and widespread dermatitis, when the disease captures 2 or more anatomical units (for example, the skin of the face and trunk). In addition to hyperemia, peeling and itching can also be observed. General state does not suffer (no rise in body temperature, general weakness).

    11) Systemic lupus erythematosus. This disease is characterized by the formation of autoimmune complexes in the child's body, which destroy the body's own cells, in particular, the cells of the wall of blood vessels. With this disease, a rash of the "butterfly" type occurs: hyperemia of the nose (the back of the "butterfly") and the skin of the cheekbones (the wings of the "butterfly"). The rash can be aggravated by exposure to sunlight, stress.

    12) hemorrhagic vasculitis. autoimmune disease characterized by damage to the walls of blood vessels and the formation of a hemorrhagic rash. The rash is localized on the elbows and knees. Can cause a rash exercise stress, emotional outburst, stress.

    13) Syphilis. This disease has various manifestations depending on the stage. One of the manifestations is a rash in the form of an annular erythema. This rash is characterized by the appearance of an area of ​​redness in the form of a ring. Also very characteristic manifestation rash is the so-called "necklace of Venus" - rashes on the upper chest in the form of areas of depigmentation of a rounded shape.

    14) Lyme borreliosis (tick-borne borreliosis). This disease develops in children who are bitten by a tick that is a carrier of Lyme borreliosis. A "migratory" annular erythema develops around the bite site. This erythema gradually expands its boundaries - "migrates".

    15) Prickly heat. This condition often develops in small (baby) children, especially plump ones, and is associated with the structure of the skin - it is very thin, easily subject to swelling. When a child overheats, a point, nodular or pustular rash appears on his skin. Most often it is localized on the neck, chest, back. If the child is undressed and allowed to cool slightly, the rash resolves fairly quickly without additional medical treatment.

    16) Hemosiderosis. This disease is associated with a violation of the utilization of iron in the body and its deposition in tissues and organs. It manifests itself in the form of spots on the skin, most often the legs. When pressing on such a spot, it does not change its color.

    In addition to skin lesions in the form of a rash with various diseases, other manifestations are also possible, such as itching (chicken pox, allergic dermatitis), peeling (allergic dermatitis, measles), enlargement of peripheral lymph nodes (all infectious diseases, especially rubella and chickenpox), possible damage to the heart (sepsis), kidneys (systemic lupus erythematosus), brain (meningococcemia).

    As you can see, the manifestations of the rash are different and can be almost the same for various diseases. Here I gave you classic examples of a rash in diseases, so to speak, a "book" version. But each child may have its own characteristics of the course of the disease, so it is always necessary to seek the advice of a doctor.

    Treatment of a rash in a child

    The rash is not an independent disease, but only a symptom, so the underlying disease must be treated. Folk remedies designed mainly to relieve itching from rashes.

    Pediatrician Litashov M.V.

    Almost every one of us has experienced the problem of the appearance of a rash. It appears unexpectedly and brings a lot of inconvenience. In order to get rid of skin rashes, you need to establish the exact cause of their appearance.

    Colorless rash in a child

    Caring for a child brings a lot of excitement and trouble. If a rash appears on the body or face of the baby, many parents often panic, although the first thing to do is to take the child to the doctor. Before that, you need to protect his contact with a pregnant woman and other young children.

    A colorless rash in a baby may indicate an allergy. Mom should review the baby's diet and exclude those foods that could cause a reaction. But allergies are not always caused by a food reaction. This may also be medications, plant pollen, dust and some types of tissues. Parents need to take into account all these factors.

    A colorless rash on the forehead of a baby may be due to lactose deficiency. The color of the stool at the same time acquires a greenish tint, and the child does not gain weight well. In this case, the nursing mother needs to give up sweets. Breast-feeding must be correct in order for the necessary enzyme to be produced in sufficient quantities.

    Colorless rash on the body

    If colorless rashes appear on the body, then these may be comedones. They occur due to increased activity sebaceous glands and follicular hyperkeratosis (impaired skin cell renewal).

    Thanks to renewal, our skin can recover from negative environmental influences. These are chemical damage, solar activity and other factors. With follicular hyperkeratosis, there are much more dead cells. They stick together and form a cork or rock. If the formation becomes inflamed, then a pimple is formed. This is facilitated by bacteria and fungi that live on our skin and feed on secretions from the sebaceous glands.

    Colorless rash on the face

    A colorless rash on the face may be allergic reaction on Sun rays. This is a manifestation of solar keratosis.

    In some cases, rashes signal molluscum contagiosum. This viral disease, the causative agent of which is a mollusk, which can be transmitted from another person through the sharing of household items and through sexual contact. Used in treatment surgical removal rashes and the use of medicinal creams. Both adults and children can get sick. Skin rashes consist of small and dense transparent bubbles with a diameter of up to three millimeters. At first they can be solitary, then the nodules merge and form larger ones.

    Pimples and acne on the face appear spontaneously. Everything was fine in the evening, and in the morning you notice small nodules on your cheeks, chin and forehead. Causes of rashes can be:

    1. Problems in the work of the stomach, as a reaction to low-quality food or an excess of sweet, salty or fatty foods.
    2. Hormonal disorders in the body.
    3. Diseases of the internal organs.

    Colorless rash on hands

    If a colorless rash appears on the hands, then it can be assumed that this is an allergy, skin disease or infection. In order for the rash to spread throughout the body, consult a dermatologist. If this contact dermatitis, then you need to find out what substance caused it. On initial stage it is enough to wash the inflamed area, and then treat it with an antiseptic. Then apply a cortisteroid hormonal ointment. If itching starts, apply ice. It is necessary to use antihistamines.

    To avoid skin infections, wash your hands frequently, do not share clothing, and use only personal hygiene items.

    The reasons for the appearance of small colorless rash there may be several:

    1. Allergic reactions of various nature: food, due to external exposure, or as a result of natural factors.
    2. Metabolic disease.
    3. Hormonal disruptions.
    4. Avitominosis.
    5. Dermatological inflammation or fungal infection.

    In women in adulthood, milia is formed when the sebaceous glands are blocked. These are small white pimples that are most often located around the eyes. Their appearance is associated with disorders in the liver.