
Which is good for thrush. Fast and effective treatment for thrush

Thrush is one of the most common gynecological diseases. In most cases, it is not dangerous, but without treatment the disease can become advanced and even chronic. Considering that the symptoms of thrush are extremely unpleasant (including burning and itching of the genitals, copious discharge white, genital irritation, etc.), it is better to treat the disease immediately after detection. It is also worth considering that thrush is a contagious disease. It is caused by the fungus Candida, which takes root well on any mucous membranes - for example, in the oral cavity.

Thrush is treated mainly with antifungal drugs. Typically, such drugs have a fairly wide spectrum of action, and therefore they need to be selected with special attention - it is important that the medicine is both effective and safe. A specific drug should be prescribed by a doctor after examination and consultation. We can only list the most popular and effective means from thrush.

The list below is compiled based on customer reviews, as well as recommendations from doctors. Nevertheless, Let us note once again that a physician must prescribe a specific medicine- taking into account how the disease progresses, as well as what individual characteristics the patient has.


Polygynax is a complex antifungal and antibacterial drug, which is available in the form of intravaginal capsules. Polygynax is very effective in treating thrush, and most importantly, this remedy has a mild effect and is relatively safe. To the number side effects Polygynax apply only allergic reactions on the components of the drug. They occur very rarely, and if they occur, use of the drug is discontinued.

Polygynax does not have many contraindications. The main one among them is the first trimester of pregnancy. In the second and third trimesters, as well as during breastfeeding, Polygynax is prescribed by a doctor individually. As a rule, in such cases, the drug is allowed if the potential benefits of treatment outweigh the risks associated with it.

Polygynax is available in packages of 6 and 12 capsules. As a rule, a package of 6 capsules is enough for full course treatment. The cost of such a package of Polygynax is about 270 rubles.


Diflucan is a broad-spectrum antifungal agent. The drug is available in tablets for oral administration. The main advantage of Diflucan is the ease of treatment: to get rid of thrush, it is enough to take one tablet of the drug orally. The active ingredient in Diflucan is fluconazole, which inhibits the growth of fungi. Fluconazole “works” not only against thrush-causing Candida fungus, but also against many other fungi.

It is important to note that Diflucan is very strong drug. Contraindications include pregnancy and lactation, diseases and disorders of the liver and kidneys. Diflucan is also incompatible with some medications.

The medicine is generally well tolerated, side effects are very rare. The cost of the drug is about 400 rubles. for 1 pack of tablets.


MICOMax is another drug based on fluconazole. The medicine is available in several forms, including capsules, syrup, and solution. For thrush, a single dose of 150 mg capsules is sufficient.

MIKOmax should not be used during pregnancy or breastfeeding. The most common side effect is an individual allergic reaction to the components of the drug. However, even cases of allergies occur very rarely - MICOMax is comparatively safe drug. The cost of MIKOmax in capsules is from 200 rubles.

Festive video recipe:


Pimafucin is available in the form vaginal suppositories, creams and tablets. The main active ingredient of the drug is the broad-spectrum antifungal antibiotic natamycin. It is very effective and well tolerated - so much so that Pimafucin is prescribed even to pregnant and lactating women.

The drug has almost no contraindications (except for individual tolerance of its components). In addition, it has virtually no side effects: these include, in very rare cases, nausea and stomach pain when taking pills, as well as burning and irritation when using local medications. In general, Pimafucin is one of the safest and at the same time effective drugs for the treatment of thrush. The cost of tablets for oral administration is about 370 rubles, vaginal suppositories - about 150 rubles, creams for local application- about 250 rub.


Terzhinan is quite old, but at the same time very effective drug. It has a combined antimicrobial and antifungal effect, providing effective treatment thrush. Terzhinan is available in vaginal tablets, the main active ingredient is ternidazole. Terzhinan is used 1 tablet 1 time per day before bedtime. The average course of treatment is 10 days.

The drug is not prescribed in the first trimester of pregnancy. In the second and third trimesters, as well as during breastfeeding, the medicine is prescribed by a doctor. Otherwise, Terzhinan has no contraindications, and local reactions (burning, redness) are very rarely observed as side effects. The cost of Terzhinan is from 220 rubles. per package.


This drug is available in the form of tablets, cream, ointment, and powder. To treat thrush, the cream is most often used, which is recommended to be applied 2-3 times a day throughout the course of treatment. On average, the duration of treatment is about 4 weeks. In practice, it is recommended to continue using the cream for 1-2 weeks after the symptoms of thrush have disappeared. Clotrimazole is a very well-known antifungal drug that has wide range actions.

This drug is relatively safe, but it is not prescribed in the first trimester of pregnancy. For more later, and also during lactation, it is recommended to use clotrimazole with caution - the decision on prescribing the drug should be made by a doctor. The drug has no other contraindications, and the only side effects are very rare individual allergic reactions to the cream, which can manifest as itching, burning and redness. The cost of Clotrimazole in the form of cream is about 50-70 rubles.


Epigen-Intim belongs to the group antiviral drugs and is a solution for topical use. The medicine has an anti-inflammatory, immunostimulating, antiviral effect, and effectively fights fungal diseases. Epigen-Intim is prescribed during pregnancy and lactation; the drug has no contraindications. The solution does not produce side effects with the exception of very rare allergic reactions, which manifest themselves in the form of burning, redness, etc. The cost of the Epigen-Intim solution is about 600 rubles.


Livarol - vaginal suppositories that provide effective and safe treatment thrush. The great advantage of Livarol is the fact that the drug gives good treatment results, including chronic thrush. Livarol can be used during pregnancy with the exception of the first trimester. The drug can also be prescribed during breastfeeding.

The duration of treatment for thrush with Livarol is 5 days. In the chronic form of the disease, the treatment course is doubled and is 10 days. The cost of Livarol is about 300 rubles. for a pack of 5 candles.


MIKOsist is another drug based on fluconazole. It is available in capsule form for oral administration and has a pronounced antifungal effect. MIKOsist is not prescribed to pregnant and lactating women, as well as children under 6 months. Also, the drug is not recommended for those who have kidney problems. In very rare cases, Mikosist may cause side effects from the gastrointestinal tract (nausea, stomach pain, upset digestive system), central nervous system (headaches, dizziness), allergic reactions. However, in general, MIKOsist is a relatively safe and at the same time effective drug. The cost of MIKOsist is about 300-350 rubles.


Hexicon belongs to the group of disinfectants and antiseptics. It is completely safe and can be used to treat thrush, including in pregnant and lactating women. Hexicon has a pronounced healing effect, helping to quickly cope with thrush, as well as preventing re-development diseases. Hexicon is a vaginal suppository, which can also be used in preparation for childbirth for sanitation. Hexicon does not cause side effects with the exception of very rare individual allergic reactions to the components of the drug. The cost of Hexicon candles is about 250 rubles.

Most women have encountered the phenomenon of thrush at least once in their lives. A mild form of the disease does not cause significant harm to health, it can be easily cured antifungal agents. However, candidiasis in chronic form can cause significant damage in the form of weakening immune system and even violations of the reproductive function of women.

In this article we will talk about how to quickly get rid of thrush, what medications exist for this, and how long it takes to recover from this disease.

In what shortest possible time can thrush be cured? Today, pharmacology offers a large selection of drugs that can overcome candidiasis in 3 days. However, this does not mean that you should go to the pharmacy and buy a “miracle” pill. In fact, at the first signs of candidiasis, you should contact a gynecologist who, based on the general picture of the disease, will make a choice in favor of a specific medication.

The chronic form of the disease indicates incorrect treatment of women at the very beginning of the disease.

The doctor will take a swab from the vagina, which will help determine which bacteria and fungi are multiplying in the body. Based on the results of the analysis, he will determine the method of treating thrush. At the moment, there are means that help restore female microflora over a period of 1 to 5 days. Quick and effective treatment of thrush is possible with initial stage diseases.

What medications and recipes should I use?

Medicine identifies 2 types of medicines that help overcome thrush.

Important! To quickly and permanently cure thrush, you need to use both types; using one method cannot help effectively get rid of the disease.

To quickly cope with thrush, you need to take a comprehensive approach to this issue - use local remedies, oral medications and folk recipes.

Local agents

For quick treatment candidiasis in women requires the use of the following local funds, which give an immediate effect, quickly relieve itching and burning in the genitals. They have minimal side effects. If thrush has not become chronic, has appeared for the first time, or appears no more than once a year, then it can be cured using the following medications:

Systemic treatment of thrush

Topical products have proven themselves high efficiency, but it will be difficult to maintain the achieved result without oral medications that provide complex action. Tablets used to treat thrush are highly effective; they cure in 90% of cases, as they transfer the active substance in the blood directly to the lesion fungal infection. Many systemic drugs are based on fluconazole. If thrush in women is mild, then he prescribes a one-time dose of medication.

The most widely used means:

Important! You cannot self-medicate, because instead of getting rid of thrush, there is a risk of acquiring a chronic form of the disease, which is much more difficult to cure.

Anti-thrush medications are necessary for a woman who develops vaginal candidiasis. Suppositories, tablets or ointments help effectively eliminate unpleasant symptoms.

The cause of the disease is a fungus of the genus Candida. He is always present even in healthy body, however in small quantities, without causing painful manifestations. Under unfavorable factors, the fungus multiplies and becomes harmful.

Causes and symptoms in women

Before looking for inexpensive and effective medicine from thrush for women, you need to find out. There are many factors causing problems in this area.

Main reasons:

  • Decreased immune strength of the body. This is facilitated by an unhealthy lifestyle, poor nutrition, frequent stressful situations, colds, ARVI. The body loses its ability to resist harmful microorganisms.
  • Treatment with antibacterial agents. Antibiotics destroy not only pathogenic microflora, but also healthy. As a result, they develop favorable conditions for the development of Candida fungus.
  • Metabolic disorders in the body.
  • Endocrine diseases, such as diabetes.
  • Pregnancy. During this period, the body is weakened, immune strength is reduced, and candidiasis often develops as a result.

If thrush appears in women, the following:

  • curds from the vagina;
  • itching, burning;
  • redness of the external genitalia;
  • pain during sexual intercourse, as well as during urination.

It is not enough to go to the pharmacy and ask for the most effective drugs from thrush in women. First of all, you should consult a doctor for examination. Tests will be prescribed, as a result of which the gynecologist will determine the type of fungus and its sensitivity to certain groups medicinal substances.

Treatment must be prescribed to the sexual partner to avoid re-infection after a course of therapy.

Preparations for thrush

A drug with antifungal action. Helps well in the treatment of candidiasis.

Contraindications include the first trimester of pregnancy. In other trimesters and during lactation, the drug can be used only as prescribed by a doctor. From side effects– only a possible individual allergic reaction.

Release form: vaginal capsules. Pack of 6 or 12 pieces. Price – from 270 rub.

The active ingredient of the drug is Natamycin. This is a broad-spectrum antibiotic that is completely safe.

A well-known antifungal drug with a wide spectrum of action. Contraindications include the first trimester in pregnant women. At breastfeeding Use with caution, only as prescribed by a doctor.

Among side effects– only individual intolerance and possible allergy in the form local reactions– itching, burning, hyperemia of the mucous membranes.

Release form: anti-thrush tablets for women, powder, ointment, cream. Most often prescribed. Application: Apply to affected areas two or three times a day. The average course of therapy is 4 weeks. It is not recommended to stop treatment after the symptoms of candidiasis disappear. The cost of packaging is from 100 rubles.


This drug is effective for chronic candidiasis. Allowed for pregnant and lactating women, but except for the first trimester.

Release form: vaginal suppositories. The course of treatment is 5 days and 10 days for chronic candidiasis. The price of Livarol candles is from 300 rubles. per pack of 5 candles.


An antiseptic drug with disinfectant properties. It is characterized by safety, as well as the possibility of use in pregnant women and nursing mothers.

The only side effects are individual allergic reactions. It is prescribed not only for the treatment of thrush, but also as a prophylactic against a number of sexually transmitted infections.

Release form: vaginal suppositories. Price – from 250 rub. per package.

The above list of drugs is compiled based on reviews from doctors and cured women. It is worth recalling that medication should only be prescribed by the attending physician based on examination, the course of the disease and individual characteristics the patient's body.

Video about the disease

Thrush or in other words “candidiasis” is inflammatory disease vaginal mucosa, caused by excessive growth of fungi of the genus Candida. This fungus is normally present in almost 90% of women and is part of normal microflora However, there are a number of reasons why this microorganism begins to multiply intensively, causing discomfort.

Treatment of thrush in women

Forms of drug treatment for candidiasis

Pay attention! Thrush is not venereal disease However, it can be transmitted to a partner, therefore, if symptoms appear, you should consult a gynecologist as soon as possible and use anti-thrush medications in women according to the prescribed treatment.

Main forms of drugs, which are used to treat the disease :

1. Tablets

The tablets are good because their active substance remains in the blood for up to 30 hours and destroys the fungus throughout the body, and not just at the main location.

Drugs in tablet (capsule) form have a long-term effect

If thrush has light form, then only 1 capsule will be enough. For acute or chronic forms, local remedies alone are not enough; they will need to be combined with tablets.

Capsules against thrush in women contain substances such as: nystatin, natamycin, fluconazole, ketoconazole, miconazole. Preparations containing these components differ only in the single dosage and duration of the course of use.

2. Candles

Candles help quickly neutralize discomfort from candidiasis, because they penetrate deeply in the vagina and relieve inflammation with affected mucous membrane.

Recovery from candidiasis, unfortunately, with the help of suppositories alone will be possible with mild degree diseases

IN difficult cases necessary complex treatment. The undoubted advantage of suppositories is that they have virtually no side effects, unlike tablets, so some types of suppositories can be used by pregnant women.

3. Ointments

The use of this form of medication is advisable if you need to quickly eliminate itching and burning. The cream is absorbed into the mucous membrane, but unlike tablets, the active substance minimally enters the bloodstream and does not harm the body, which means it is suitable for breastfeeding women.

The use of anti-thrush drugs in the form of ointments has a disadvantage - the results will only be obtained if mild form diseases, and the fungus is destroyed locally. To completely eradicate the causative agent of candidiasis in the body, it is necessary to combine ointment with tablets.

4. Traditional medicine

There are a number of home recipes against thrush in women. Pharmacy drugs it is not necessary to use it, because on the most early stage, You can destroy the fungus with improvised means:

Important to remember! The use of traditional methods, especially douching with solutions of soda and vinegar, is not recommended for longer than 3 days, because the pH balance can be upset.

some methods traditional medicine absolutely cannot be used for certain diseases

Top 10 popular medications for thrush

Thrush is such a common disease in women that the pharmaceutical industry is constantly releasing more and more new drugs against this unpleasant disease.

Therefore, it will be discussed below top 10 effective and most popular products:

  1. Diflucan Available in capsules, solution for infusion, powder for suspension.
    The 150 mg capsule should be taken orally without chewing; dilute the powder for suspension with two tablespoons of boiled water and consume internally; the rate of intravenous administration of the solution should be no more than 10 ml/min.
    Special instructions: People with kidney, liver and heart diseases should always consult a specialist before use. Dizziness is possible.
    The approximate price for a package with 1 capsule at a dosage of 150 mg is 400 rubles; powder for preparing the suspension – 520 rubles; solution for infusion – 700 rub.
  2. Available in tablets, cream, suppositories.
    Tablets should be taken 1 piece at a time. 4 times a day for 7 days; use 1 candle each. per day, 3–4 days; the cream must be applied several times a day until the symptoms disappear.
    Pimafucin is a drug available in three pharmacological forms

    Special instructions: Patients with galactose, fructose, and sucrose intolerance should consult a specialist. Treatment with this medicine should not be combined with alcohol, since ethanol only aggravates candidiasis.
    The approximate price for a package of 20 tablets is 500 rubles; vaginal suppositories – 290 rubles; cream 2% – 270 rub.

  3. Clotrimazole Available in the form of: vaginal cream, vaginal tablets, cream, ointment, powder and solution for external use.
    A solution, ointment or cream for external use should be applied to the mucous membrane thin layer 3 times a day for 2-4 weeks; vaginal cream is administered 5 mg once a day for 3–4 days; vaginal tablets are used in a dosage of 100 mg once a day for 5–7 days, or in a dosage of 200 mg for 3 days, or in a dosage of 500 mg once.
    Special instructions: There is no need to apply bandages after applying the cream, ointment or solution. Patients with liver failure Before using the drug, you should consult your doctor.
    Approximate price for a package of vaginal tablets 6 pcs. – 25 rubles; vaginal cream 1% – 60 rub.; ointment 1% – 40 rubles; solution for external use – 170 rub.
  4. Available in vaginal suppositories.
    It is necessary to use 1 candle per day for 3-4 days.
    Special instructions: To prevent relapse of the disease, parallel treatment of the partner is necessary.
    Approximate price for a package of suppositories 5 pcs. – 480 rub.
  5. Hexicon Available in suppositories and solution for external use.
    Suppositories must be used 2 times a day for 8–10 days; the solution is used for irrigation and application, 5–10 ml is applied to the mucous membrane of the genital organs.
    Special instructions: hexicon is not an antimycotic drug, it has a bactericidal effect and helps normalize the vaginal microflora.
    Approximate price for a package of candles 10 pcs. – 270 rub.; solution – 80 rub.
  6. Mikosist Available in capsules with dosages of 50, 100 and 150 mg and solution for infusion.
    It is necessary to select the desired dosage depending on the course of the disease and take the capsule orally with water; the solution should be administered intravenously at a rate of 10 ml per minute.
    Special instructions: If signs of kidney and liver damage appear, stop taking the drug. Drive with caution vehicles, because dizziness is possible.
    Approximate price for a package of capsules 7 pcs. with a dosage of 50 mg – 550 rubles; solution 100 ml – 430 rub.
  7. Epigen-intim Available in spray and gel for intimate hygiene.
    The spray should be used intravaginally 2–3 times a day for 5–7 days; The gel is recommended to be used daily for washing in order to maintain the correct microflora of the genital organs.
    Special instructions: If signs of intolerance appear, you must immediately stop using the drug.
    Average price for spray 0.1% 15 ml – 950 rub.; gel 250 ml – 780 rub.
  8. Terzhinan Available in vaginal tablets.
    It is necessary to administer 1 tablet per day for 10–15 days.
    Special instructions: It is advisable to treat the sexual partner to prevent relapse.
    Approximate price for a package of vaginal tablets 6 pcs. – 320 rub.
  9. Mycomax Available in capsules with a dosage of 100 and 150 mg, syrup, solution for infusion.
    Capsule with the right dosage must be taken once; syrup should be consumed 50 mg once a day for 5–7 days; administer the solution intravenously at a rate of no more than 10 ml per minute.
    Special instructions: Use cautiously in case of liver and kidney disease.
    The approximate price for a package of 150 mg capsules is 230 rubles; syrup – 450 rub.; solution for infusion – 130 rub.
  10. Available in the form of vaginal suppositories.
    It is necessary to use 1 capsule-suppository per day for 6–10 days.
    Special instructions: When using the drug, use barrier contraceptives. During menstrual cycle there is no need to interrupt treatment.
    Approximate price for a package of candles 6 pcs. – 300 rub.

Complex therapy of the disease

For treatment to be successful, it is necessary not only accept special drugs against thrush in women, but also carry out a set of the following measures:

1. Use immunocorrective agents

Since candidiasis most often occurs when weak immunity. Such drugs are divided into several categories:

2. Restore the acidity of the environment

After treatment for thrush, in intimate area it is necessary to balance the pH balance, as well as normalize the microflora. Usually, suppositories with lactobacilli, for example “Acilact” or “Bifidumbacterin”, are prescribed for these purposes.

3. It is necessary to adjust your diet

It is advisable to exclude sweet and flour products from the diet, because the fungus actively multiplies thanks to glucose, in addition, you need to give up alcohol, as well as any food that causes fermentation (mushrooms, black bread, cabbage). You should eat more vegetables and unsweetened fruits, foods rich in protein (meat, seafood, cottage cheese), garlic and onions.

4. Hygiene

No matter what anti-thrush medications are used, women will constantly experience relapses if basic hygiene rules are not followed. During treatment you need to stop intimacy with a partner so as not to infect him. It is necessary to wash your face twice a day and change your underwear on time, and also avoid using sanitary pads.

Carefully! You should not use any antibacterial soap for washing, either during the treatment of candidiasis or afterwards, because it washes away all microflora, including beneficial ones. It is better to use intimate hygiene gels containing lactic acid.

To maintain normal hygiene, it is better to use an intimate gel with lactic acid.

5. Eliminate factors that provoke the disease

To successfully combat thrush, as well as to prevent it, you need to follow simple rules. It is best to avoid hypothermia and infectious diseases so that immunity is normal.

It is advisable to conduct an examination of the body and if there are problems at work genitourinary system, kidneys, liver, intestines, it is recommended to start treatment.

Besides, if you are prone to recurrent thrush, you must immediately exclude flour and sweet foods from the menu to prevent fungi from multiplying. Of course, it wouldn’t be out of place to talk about properly selected underwear.

If you wear synthetic and tight underwear, the main conditions for candidiasis will most likely be created - a warm and humid environment

New generation medicines

In conclusion, it should be noted that there are now available the most modern drugs new generation against thrush in women:

  • Polyenes– these are 4th generation antimycotics, they are less toxic, but at the same time retain a high therapeutic effect thanks to amphotericin B.
    Currently, the development and registration of new drugs from this group is still underway, but several drugs can already be found on the pharmaceutical market - Ambizome, Amphocil and Abelset.
  • Echinocandins– used for fluconazole-resistant candidiasis, are low toxic and have no contraindications for renal failure.
    Echinocandins inhibit the synthesis of an important component cell wall mushrooms, which is why they are so effective. This group of drugs is represented the following drugs– caspofungin, micafungin and anidulafungin.

Today there are a great many ways to get rid of thrush, the main thing is not to forget that necessary methods and only a specialist can select the drugs.

From this video you will learn how to properly treat thrush by watching the episode of the TV show “Live Healthy!” with Elena Malysheva:

In this video I will share with you the correct and in effective ways treatment of thrush by a qualified gynecologist:

You can find out what medications to use to treat Candidiasis not only in women, but in children and men in this video:

Thrush or vaginal candidiasis is a type of fungal infection caused by microscopic yeast-like fungi from the genus Candida. The most common type Candida albicans. One should take into account the fact that all representatives of this genus are opportunistic microorganisms, which is not due to the presence of natural inhabitants of the mucous membrane itself, but to their mass reproduction or colonization of pathogenic strains.

One of the main causes of thrush is a decrease in immunological status. Depending on the degree of Candida activity and the stage of the disease, may be used various shapes medications. In this article we will try to figure out which medications are best to choose for the treatment of thrush.

Effective tablets for thrush for women

Treatment of thrush with drugs in the form of tablets has an undeniable advantage, which is determined by the systemic nature of the action, and the average treatment period does not exceed three days. In addition, the use of tablets helps eliminate the fungus throughout the body and is not local in nature.

Basic active ingredients included in antifungal drugs are:

  • fluconazole, which is part of Diflucan, Flucostat, Difluzol and Mikomax. Tablets and capsules must be taken once at a dose of 150 mg;
  • ketoconazole, on the basis of which they are produced Ketoconazole and Nizoral. The course of treatment with the drug does not exceed five days, and the dosage depends on the severity of the disease and can be 1 or 2 tablets daily;
  • nystatin, which gave the name to the drug of the same name Nystatin. The active substance is 500 thousand units per tablet. The duration of treatment can be two weeks, during which you should take one tablet three times a day;
  • natamycin, which is used to produce a modern medicine. The medicine is used in a dosage of 100 mg for five days;
  • miconazole, as part of drugs Funginazole and Micatin. One tablet is taken daily for three days.

Which suppositories are best for thrush?

belong to the category of the most convenient means for local therapy vaginal candidiasis. Deep penetration of the active active substance antifungal nature into the layers of the vaginal mucosa contribute to the effective destruction of the pathogen and the elimination inflammatory process, which has a beneficial effect on reducing the feeling of discomfort.

The intensity of symptoms, as well as the presence of an acute or chronic stage, influence the choice of course of therapy. Quite often, a single use of suppositories against thrush is sufficient, but if there is chronic form disease or deeply rooted process, treatment requires a longer course of using vaginal suppositories.

To the most effective candles from thrush include:

  • Zalain or Lomexin- many consider them the best suppositories for thrush, since the standard course of treatment is only one suppository;
  • Livarol, Pimafucin or Gino-pevaril- the standard course of treatment is three suppositories;
  • Macmiror, Ginesol, Clotrimazole, Iodoxide, Polyzhmnax, Nystatin, Terzhinan and Irunin- The standard course of treatment varies from five to fourteen suppositories.

Vaginal suppositories are not indicated for use during menstruation. The exception is suppositories based on Povidone-Iodine, which is part of Iodoxide and Betadine, as well as Sertaconazole, represented by the drug Zalain.

Read also: for menstrual irregularities.

Ointments and sprays for thrush

The modern pharmaceutical industry represents a fairly limited number antifungal drugs, produced in the form of ointments and sprays. Special attention the following deserve medicines in the form of ointments and creams for thrush:

  • Ginofort;
  • Nystatin;
  • Miconazole;
  • Pimafucin;
  • Clotrimazole;
  • Nizoral;
  • Fluconazole;
  • Candide.

It should be remembered that such drugs are extremely rarely prescribed as primary ones. More often antifungal creams, ointments and sprays are involved in complex therapy, which is due to their low activity in case of massive infection by yeast-like fungi of the genus Candida.

Diet for thrush in women

If vaginal candidiasis occurs or worsens, you should pay attention to the use of certain food products, which are characterized by the presence of antifungal and antibacterial properties. In addition, an excellent addition to drug treatment is the use of foods that enhance immunity.

One of the most powerful antibacterial agents garlic is of natural origin.

It is especially important to include daily diet the following products:

  • natural yoghurts and kefir;
  • fresh or stewed vegetables;
  • green spicy herbs in the form of dill and parsley;
  • steamed lean meat;
  • meat by-products and seafood;
  • vegetable fats;
  • some types of berries and fruits;
  • cereals in the form of porridges.

Treatment of thrush with folk remedies

Natural natural ingredients, including herbal teas, berries and minerals are quite often used as a supplement to pharmacological drugs. From traditional drugs traditional methods treatments for thrush are favorably characterized by a milder effect, good tolerability, practically complete absence side effects and safety. By method of influence folk remedies from thrush are divided into the following categories:

  1. anti-inflammatory drugs, represented by chamomile, calendula, St. John's wort, celandine, yarrow, string and oak bark. Decoctions of these herbs are used not only for douching and bathing, but also internally;
  2. antipruritics, which include chamomile and string;
  3. bactericidal and fungicidal agents, in the form of celandine and garlic, which are used for vaginal douching;
  4. wound healing agents, having regenerative properties. Such qualities are inherent in yarrow, calendula, chamomile and St. John's wort;
  5. general strengthening and immunostimulating agents, This category includes some berries and plant adaptogens.

Let's summarize:

  • In the treatment of vaginal candidiasis, many various means, which include tablets, capsules, suppositories, ointments, sprays, creams and folk remedies. The main task of all these agents is to provide antifungal and anti-inflammatory effects. When choosing a method of treating thrush, it should be taken into account that folk remedies can only complement medicines, but do not replace them.
  • The full course of treatment must be completed by two sexual partners, even in the absence clinical manifestations. In addition, prescribing the correct treatment regimen that promotes the fastest and most full recovery, should be entrusted to doctors. Self-medication of candidiasis provokes the transition acute form diseases into chronic ones.