
There's a black spot in my eye. What to do if dark spots appear in the eyes

Strings in the eyes, spots, flies, black dots are the result of minor or serious pathologies of the human visual organs. They may not manifest themselves at all, be practically invisible, or seriously interfere, leading to significant problems in life. If you have a black spot in your eye, find out what to do about such a defect. If discomfort occurs, do not ignore consultation with a doctor, do not risk your health in vain.

What are black spots in the eyes

Such defects are associated with the occurrence of problems in the vitreous body and indicate its destruction (process disruption). There are no clear causes of the disease. Predisposition to pathology is caused by: nervous shock, age, poor health. A common cause of blackheads is the death of cells that accumulate, reducing clarity vitreous.

Over time, too many dead cells appear in the eye, and they become clearly visible to a person. The easiest way to identify them is to look at a light, monochromatic object (preferably white). It is not the cells themselves that block the view, but they cast a distinct or blurry shadow, which a person sees as a “dark midge.” Depending on the characteristics of the patient's eyeballs, black spot in the eye may increase in size or remain very small forever. Apart from the inconvenience and the effects described above, this does not affect health in any way.


Black spots in the eyes can appear in the form of both single and multiple (filamentous) formations. In some cases, flies are not noticeable at all and do not cause discomfort, while others seriously interfere with a person’s life, turning into full-fledged lines. Dots in the eyes can be a symptom of more serious diseases. Do not ignore their occurrence, especially if their area is rapidly increasing, consult a specialist. The faster the dark spots develop, the more serious the disease that caused them.

Black dots before the eyes are divided into two types:

  1. Granular destruction. Hyalocytes (dead eye cells) enter the vitreous body, which die over time, join together and form blackheads.
  2. Filamentous destruction. Development of pathologies, violation metabolic processes leads to the death of some collagen fibers. A person begins to see strings or entire webs in front of him, which significantly interfere with object recognition.

The main feature of the disease is that when the head is sharply moved to the side, black lines or dots move in the same direction, creating a kind of trail. Pathology occurs after suffering from serious diseases affecting the eyes, when using medications with aggressive substances, or after overcoming 50 years of age. Those who are diagnosed with myopia are also at risk; over the years, changes in vision only contribute to the occurrence of defects.


The main reason for the appearance of black dots on the eye is the destruction of the vitreous body. It occurs due to problems with the lens, insufficient blood circulation, which contributes to the destruction of collagen fibers with age and in serious diseases affecting the eyeballs. Fiber fragments become concentrated at one or more points on the lens, obstructing the passage of light, creating spots. Bad habits stimulate the manifestation of this pathology. Reasons why black spots appear in the eyes:

  • crystalline formations;
  • appearance malignant tumors in the eye;
  • diabetic retinopathy;
  • exposure to aggressive substances (acids, alkalis, etc.);
  • entry of foreign substances and dirt particles into the eye;
  • occurrence of injuries;
  • migraine;
  • long exposure to bright light;
  • depletion of visual organs;
  • other damage to the eye shell.

If black lines fly before your eyes, this may be a consequence of more serious pathologies. Such problems are not always immediately noticeable, but due to the fragility of the blood vessels they progress quickly. Peripheral vision deteriorates, areas of clouding in the visual organs grow, sparks and flashes may occur. It is important to see a doctor immediately and surgery may be necessary. Such symptoms may be the result of diseases:

  • fungal or viral infections;
  • hemophthalmos (bleeding into the vitreous body);
  • vascular pathologies;
  • tumors;
  • retinal detachment or other damage;
  • vitreous detachment.

To independently identify vision problems, look at a white or light-colored surface so that it occupies 100% of the visual area. If before your eyes, except white, there are defects, stains, or the appearance of some particles flying - consult a doctor. You may not have a pathology, but it’s worth being safe. The doctor will make a diagnosis and prescribe treatment.

How to get rid of blackheads in eyes

Vision is a key resource of the body, and you should not treat it with disdain. Treatment of black spots and dots with folk remedies is impossible; the problem itself also does not go away. You are allowed to drink herbs approved by your doctor; they will help you recover faster and prevent the recurrence of vision problems. Do not self-medicate - it is dangerous.

If you suspect the presence of black spots and dots, contact an ophthalmologist who will conduct an examination and confirm or deny the symptom. Contact a public clinic or a trusted private clinic. It happens that black spots arise due to another disease (tumor, infection, etc.), and in private clinic you can be treated only for symptoms, without paying attention to the pathology itself that caused this condition.

Drug treatment

During treatment in the hospital, defects that have already arisen are eliminated and the source of the pathology is sought. In most cases, it is possible to get rid of the disease that led to the appearance of black spots and dots, but it is not possible to clear the eye of defects. Dead cells are not removed from the vitreous body on their own. If there are very few of them and they do not interfere, it is recommended to leave them as is. If the problem is serious, you will need emergency measures, up to surgical intervention.

In rare cases of floaters appearing before the eyes, for minor problems, vitamin drops are prescribed: Taufon, Quinax, ethylmorphine hydrochloride solution. Effective removal of dark spots is possible with the help of potassium iodide drops. If it is necessary to accelerate the regenerative component of the vitreous body, Wobenzym and Emoxipin are used. To generally strengthen the visual organs, procedures are prescribed: paraffin baths, electrophoresis, blood transfusion (blood transfusion). Sometimes the doctor prescribes injections of biostimulants, vitamins B, C.

If the disease is detected on initial stages, it is recommended to take multivitamin complexes. The doctor prescribes examinations and procedures that eliminate the causes of vision problems. After getting rid of them, the black spots on the eyes completely or partially disappear on their own. If the disease is advanced, serious measures may be needed. Modern technologies incredibly accurate, and after surgery vision improves. For surgical treatment of destruction, the following methods are used:

  • Vitrectomy - surgery, in which the vitreous body is partially or completely removed. It is being replaced by an artificial environment. This is extremely dangerous operation can lead to cataracts, retinal detachment, hypotension. It is used only in cases where other methods have not produced any results.
  • Vitreolysis - using a laser, the threads are broken, that is, clusters of dots are destroyed. The eye is completely reanimated. The operation is complex and is performed only by experienced doctors.

One very common complaint encountered among ophthalmologists is moving black dots before the eyes, appearing against a light, uniform background. According to statistics, about 80% of people experience similar physiological manifestations. To understand how serious this symptom is, you need to understand its causes.

The process of occurrence of floaters

More than half the mass of the eyeball is located between the retina and lens vitreous body. This gelatinous substance consists of a thick hyaluronic acid, whey fragments, amino acids, salts and other substances.

From these components, a gel-like filling is formed, enclosed in a protein shell of fibrils - thread-like fibrous formations that have an ordered arrangement in the form of a mesh and are absolutely transparent.

When these structures begin to deform, become cloudy and tear, the process of destruction of the vitreous body (VHD) occurs. In this case, the gel-like substance liquefies, dividing into liquid and thick fractions.

Collagen breakdown products adhere to broken floating fibrils and create bizarre compactions. Fragments of fibers intertwine, forming various “patterns” in the form of “worms”, “octopuses”, “chromosomes”, etc. This is the reason for the feeling that a small cobweb, thread or black spot has appeared in the eye when you look at brightly lit white background.

These protein particles are in constant motion, so it is quite difficult to focus the pupil on them to look at them.

Destruction of the vitreous body

In people over 50 years of age, the feeling that a floating cobweb has appeared in the eye does not portend any serious problems with visual organ. If this does not cause excessive strain on the eyes, then separate treatment is not required.

The main reasons not related to age that influence the occurrence of DST of the eye include:

A serious reason to immediately seek help from an ophthalmologist would be a suspicion of vitreous or retinal detachment. The following symptoms may indicate this:

  • over time, the opacities become more numerous, and they spread throughout the white of the eye;
  • the viscosity of the vitreous body has decreased significantly, which has caused the formation of optical voids in it, which are perceived by the optic nerve as “lightning flashes”;
  • white spots in the eyes, when you look around, regardless of the lighting, merge into a vague, constantly disturbing veil.

In uncomplicated DST, constantly flickering collagen compactions are visible only against a uniform, well-lit white background and do not change their shape for a long time. Their numbers will stabilize over several months.

Basic treatment methods

The main focus is on the previous destruction reasons, and treatment of black spots in the eyes should be carried out in parallel with the elimination of the underlying disease.

Symptomatic therapy involves prescribing eye drops, promoting the resorption of adhered fibrils to make these formations smaller. These drugs include the following solutions:

  • Potassium iodide 3% - prescribed one drop 3 times a day.
  • Emoxipine 1% - apply 0.5 ml of solution once a day, 15-30 days.
  • Real bee honey - dilute a teaspoon in 10 milliliters of distilled water and drop 1 drop 4 times during the day. Restriction: allergies to bee products.

It will not be superfluous to take antioxidants, for example, Triovita - 20 days, one capsule per day. There is also information about good results with subconjunctival collazin injections.

At severe forms DST special options may apply medical care.

Vitreolysis- splitting of cloudy seals using a laser. The procedure is carried out with a focused neodymium laser beam. This method is well studied and relatively safe. Its advantages:

  • performed without surgical intervention;
  • do not injure the cornea of ​​the eye;
  • well tolerated by patients;
  • does not require hospitalization;
  • has a short recovery period.

But there are also strict contraindications. This method is not used if the patient:

  • cataracts and hemorrhage in the anterior chamber of the eye;
  • various vascular pathologies of the eyeball(neovascularization, choroidal detachment);
  • retinal detachment.

When laser manipulation is impossible due to contraindications, and conservative treatment Surgical intervention remains a useless option.

Vitrectomy- partial or complete replacement of the vitreous body with a special eye fluid.

At the first stage of the operation, saline solution or gas is used to fill the vacated space, then they are replaced with eye fluid. Sometimes silicone is used if a retinal detachment has occurred and needs to be fixed. The synthetic gel is then removed.

This procedure requires the highest qualifications of an ophthalmic surgeon and is considered extremely complex.

Pathological very rarely becomes the cause surgical treatment. Such an intervention can provoke serious complications, much more serious than a floating speck on a white background before the eyes.

Medical prognosis

According to experts, this phenomenon is not hazardous to health symptom and does not affect a person’s ability to work. The following means and methods are guaranteed to help get rid of increased destructive processes in the organs of vision:

  • giving up bad habits;
  • proper nutrition and rest;
  • periodic sessions with a complex of therapeutic physical exercise, including for the eyes;
  • use of safe conservative and preventive therapy.

For relatively healthy people middle-aged and elderly people can be advised not to concentrate their attention on flying flies and white spots in the eyes, if the ophthalmologist has not identified serious specialized diseases.

Attention, TODAY only!

Naturally, with age, the risk of developing various diseases. Eyes are no exception: age-related cataracts, retinal dystrophy... Only regular examination by an ophthalmologist allows for early stages identify serious eye diseases and prevent possible vision loss.

In some cases, for example, during an acute attack of glaucoma, the count is not in days, but in hours: the earlier treatment is started, the higher the chances of restoring vision. Knowing some signs eye diseases will help you seek help from a specialist in a timely manner.

Sudden deterioration of vision in one eye

If you are over 60 years old, and especially if you are nearsighted, arterial hypertension, diabetes mellitus, systemic diseases, there is a risk that vision loss is caused by vascular disorders - occlusion of the central retinal artery or thrombosis of the central retinal vein.

In such cases, time is counted by the clock, and only timely assistance specialized assistance will help restore vision, otherwise irreversible blindness will occur in the affected eye.

The sensation of a black curtain in front of the eyes that obscures part of the field of vision

Sensation of a black or translucent curtain in front of the eyes from the periphery. This symptom is often observed with retinal detachment. The condition requires immediate hospitalization. The earlier treatment is started, the greater the likelihood of vision restoration.

Sharp pain in the eye, redness, blurred vision, possibly nausea, vomiting

These may be signs of an acute attack of angle-closure glaucoma. Intraocular pressure rises sharply, which can cause damage optic nerve. Immediate reduction shown intraocular pressure– up to surgical treatment. Don't wait for the pain to go away. See your doctor immediately.

Gradual or sudden narrowing of the field of view

A gradual or sudden narrowing of the field of vision, ultimately leading to the ability to see only what is located directly in front of you - the so-called “tubular” vision. You may have glaucoma, one of the main symptoms of which is a narrowing of the field of vision as a result of damage to the optic nerve.

Without appropriate conservative or surgical treatment, vision will deteriorate. End-stage glaucoma is complete loss of vision. Possible severe pain, which do not stop even after surgery and ultimately require removal of the eye.

Gradual deterioration of central vision, blurred, distorted images (straight lines appear wavy, curved)

These may be symptoms of macular degeneration - dystrophic disease the central region of the retina - the macula, which plays the most important role in providing vision. The incidence increases sharply with age.

Without supportive treatment, vision gradually deteriorates; glasses do not help. Currently, there are various treatment options that are used depending on the form of macular degeneration.

Also, a sudden decrease in vision may be caused by a macular hole in the retina, i.e. retinal rupture in the central zone. It is necessary to immediately contact an ophthalmologist to clarify the diagnosis, since a retinal tear in the macular area, if treatment is not started in time, leads to irreversible loss of vision.

Fog before the eyes, decreased brightness and contrast

These symptoms may be caused by developing cataracts - clouding of the lens. Vision deteriorates gradually, eventually reducing to the ability to distinguish only light. In most cases, urgent medical care is not required; at a certain stage, planned surgical treatment is carried out - cataract removal with implantation of an artificial lens.

However, periodic observation by an ophthalmologist is recommended, since in some cases cataracts may be accompanied by increased intraocular pressure, which requires urgent surgical treatment. In addition, as cataracts develop, the lens becomes harder and larger in size, which can complicate the operation to remove it, so you need to visit a specialist regularly to determine the optimal time for surgical treatment.

Dark spots, floaters, fog or blurred vision

If you have diabetes, these may be signs of diabetic retinopathy - damage to the retina caused by diabetes mellitus. As diabetes progresses or becomes decompensated, the risk of eye complications increases dramatically.

It is necessary to visit an ophthalmologist regularly for examination fundus, since changes in blood vessels and the retina itself, hemorrhages in the retina and vitreous body can cause irreversible loss of vision.

The ophthalmologist will prescribe you the therapy necessary specifically for your eyes, which may not only involve taking certain medications, but is often required laser treatment, other treatment methods may also be used. Conducted on time laser coagulation retina is the only way preservation of vision in diabetes mellitus.

A burning sensation, sand in the eyes, a sensation of a foreign body, lacrimation or, conversely, a feeling of dryness

Such complaints occur with dry eye syndrome, the frequency and severity of which increases with age. Usually we're talking about primarily about discomfort and deterioration in quality of life, rather than about any danger to the eyes.

However, severe dry eye syndrome can cause some serious pathological conditions. Your ophthalmologist will tell you more about dry eye syndrome and conduct necessary examination, will recommend which moisturizing drops are best for you to use.


Double vision when looking with one or both eyes can be caused by many reasons, both from the eyes and other organs: intoxication, vascular disorders, diseases of the nervous system, endocrine pathology. If double vision suddenly appears, immediately contact a therapist, ophthalmologist, neurologist and endocrinologist.

Floaters before the eyes

Usually floating spots, threads, “spiders” before the eyes are explained by the destruction of the vitreous body. This is a harmless condition associated with age-related changes in the structure of the vitreous humor - the transparent gel-like content that fills the eyeball. With age, the vitreous body becomes less dense, liquefies, and is not as tightly adjacent to the retina as before; its fibers stick together, lose transparency, casting a shadow on the retina and are perceived as defects in our field of vision.

Such floating opacities are clearly visible on a white background: snow, a sheet of paper. The destruction of the vitreous body can lead to: arterial hypertension, cervical osteochondrosis, diabetes mellitus, head injuries, eye and nose injuries, etc.

However, an unexpected spot before the eyes, a “curtain”, can be caused by a serious pathology that requires emergency treatment– for example, hemorrhages in the retina or vitreous body. If symptoms occur suddenly, on one day, immediately consult an ophthalmologist.

If you have any previously absent visual symptoms, it is better to immediately consult a specialist. If your vision has deteriorated sharply over several hours or days, or pain bothers you, do not waste time. Even if you cannot see your ophthalmologist, you can go to the emergency room eye care, which are available in every city in multidisciplinary hospitals or eye hospitals.

As a last resort, many opticians have experienced ophthalmologists who will conduct the minimum necessary examination and give recommendations for further action.

Dark spots may appear and disappear before the eyes at the end of the working day, especially if work activity associated with prolonged sitting at the computer. As a rule, this happens in middle-aged people, but it also occurs in very young people - especially in the era of the widespread spread of gadgets, when a person even goes to bed with a smartphone or tablet. Even if nothing else bothers you, the very presence of such spots is a reason to consult a doctor.

Should I worry?

There is no need to worry about this, but it is worth visiting an ophthalmologist for a preventive examination. Especially if dark spots appear systematically and are not associated, for example, with eye fatigue at the computer. Such signs can mean either a slight deterioration in vision or the development of a serious pathology of the vitreous body.

The latter is the natural lens of the eye that directs light onto yellow spot to the area with the nerves. They are the ones who capture the picture. Any kind of spots, opacities, flashes, or other interference in this picture are nothing more than a sign that something is wrong with the vitreous body. Clumped fibers prevent a ray of light from passing through a natural lens normally. Hence the appearance of dark spots of various configurations.

What could this mean?

So, absolutely dark spots before the eyes are not normal and indicate problems with:

  • vision - this is probably just eye fatigue, but may indicate developing myopia;

  • hormonal levels;
  • endocrine glands (this is especially true for the pancreas. Persistent black spots can act as one of the signs of diabetes, so it is better not to delay signing up for an examination);
  • nerves (innervation of the eye);
  • spine (dark spots often indicate chondrosis, as it can cause spasm in the blood vessels of the eye).

Most often, women experience such eye problems during periods of rapid hormonal activity - during pregnancy or before menopause.

The most common causes of dark spots before the eyes

The main cause of dark spots is changes in the structure of the vitreous body. Under the influence of unfavorable factors, it becomes more liquid or, conversely, thickens and loses transparency. Dark spots can disappear when blinking, then appear again, or float when a person looks in different directions. Sometimes they are accompanied by other “floating” objects - flashes, “hairs”, translucent shadows. These interferences are especially noticeable in sufficient light against a light background.

The following obstacles lead to:

  • high blood pressure;

  • destructive changes in blood vessels;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • injuries to the skull, eyes, nose;
  • hormonal outbreaks;
  • infection in the eye;
  • constant stress;
  • severe eye fatigue;
  • intoxication.

Thus, diabetes mellitus and problems with cholesterol metabolism are indicated by crystal-like dark formations in front of the eyes. They are not necessarily black; more often they are brown or golden in color. This is especially true for older people.

Sometimes the alarm may turn out to be false and there is no threat to vision. Specks and shadows in a visible picture can appear as side effect in people who have undergone eye surgery. If shadows are accompanied by flashes similar to lightning, you should definitely take a pregnancy test - this is one of the characteristic features. But it can also act simply as a symptom of a serious stage of myopia.

Head injuries, systematic carrying of heavy objects, pressure surges - all this affects nervous system and, as a result, on the quality of vision. In that case, this temporary defect, which will go away on its own when the root cause is eliminated. But in any case, you should not guess for yourself about the harmlessness of the causes of the spots, but make an appointment with an ophthalmologist. Most likely, then you have to go through full examination. Very often the cause of stains is serious pathology, which has not yet announced itself.

Attention: If you consult a doctor at this stage, when apart from the spots, nothing else is bothering you, then getting rid of the problem is easier and less expensive. In the future, when the retina detaches, conservative treatment may no longer be useless and you will have to sit in the ophthalmic surgeon’s chair. If treatment is ignored altogether, it can lead to complete blindness.

Floating dark objects

The configuration, color and mobility of the spots matter. Brown spots, which are almost invisible and do not interfere with vision, often indicate the presence of protein particles that got into the eyes while the person was still developing in the womb. Darker ones indicate pathological changes in the structure of the vitreous body - liquefaction or excessive compaction of fibers. If such objects are not constantly before your eyes, but sometimes appear and then disappear, appearing again after a while, then this most likely indicates age-related changes.

Floating spots and rings are more serious and indicate displacement of the retina or vitreous body. In particularly severe cases, part of the retina detaches and blood enters the vitreous. This is indicated by conglomerates of small black dots, like flies. This sign indicates that you need to see a doctor immediately, otherwise there is high risk lose the ability to see.

At-risk groups

IN modern world Vision problems have become widespread even among young people. This is due to improper viewing of TV and illiterate use of gadgets. Thus, even very young people often complain about dark spots. According to experts, the greatest risk of this problem occurs in:

  • those suffering from diabetes mellitus (the retina peels off very quickly and the eye loses the ability to adequately perceive the world around it);

  • people with metabolic disorders;
  • experiencing acute vitamin deficiency;
  • those who have suffered a severe viral illness that affected the retina;
  • patients with pathologies of the cardiovascular system;
  • those who have suffered an eye or skull injury;
  • operated on before the eyes.

If a woman suffering from myopia becomes pregnant or enters the menopause phase, spots before her eyes, alas, are a natural phenomenon. To get rid of them, it is important not to relieve the symptom itself, but to improve hormonal background and correct myopia - without this, treatment will be useless.

When should you go to the clinic?

You should consult a doctor if such dark spots and shadows before the eyes are not a one-time event, but occur systematically. Especially during nervous tension, or physical activity. You should absolutely not delay it if the visible picture becomes very cloudy and distorted, or something similar to a translucent curtain appears before your eyes, due to which it is impossible to see objects. This usually happens in one eye.

Thus, it is clear that the situation requires qualified assistance from a specialist in any case, whether these spots cause concern or not. This is especially important if the clouding and darkening occurred suddenly and sharply, if it is accompanied by a headache.


To determine the cause of vision disturbances, the ophthalmologist uses a number of methods:

  • ophthalmic;
  • biomicroscopy;
  • visometry.

Be sure to check the patient's fundus and visual fields. All these procedures are not associated with pain or unpleasant sensations and do not require the use of anesthetics.

Ways to solve the problem

In order to get rid of floating and “hanging” dark spots before the eyes, the cause that caused the undesirable phenomenon should be eliminated. There are several treatment options for this:

  • drug treatment to accelerate metabolic processes inside the vitreous body (Emoxipin solution, Wobenzym tablets);

  • physiotherapy;
  • vitamin complexes;
  • biostimulants;
  • electrophoresis;
  • ultrasound treatment;
  • dietary supplements.

If the defect in the perception of surrounding objects is associated with the background somatic diseases, you must first get rid of it, and then proceed directly to the treatment of the eye defect. If the cause is increased blood pressure, it must be brought back to normal and subsequently constantly maintained at a given level.

Important: When choosing medications, the doctor should definitely choose only those medications that do not provoke pressure surges.

For cardiovascular problems, as well as retinal destruction, hospitalization is usually recommended. If everything conservative methods turned out to be useless, surgical intervention is prescribed. As an additional measure, eye exercises are prescribed.


As with any other illness, best method To get rid of health problems is to prevent them altogether. To do this, it is necessary to take a number of steps, and they will be useful for any person, no matter whether dark spots are floating before his eyes or not:

  • give up nicotine and alcohol;
  • systematically engage in physical education;
  • monitor your weight and blood sugar levels;
  • Check your cholesterol levels periodically.

The appearance of dark spots of any shade or configuration is a reason for immediate appeal see a doctor. Only he can correctly identify the problem and prescribe an adequate way to get rid of it. Following all the specialist’s recommendations guarantees a quick achievement of a positive result.

Video - “Floaters” in the eyes. Vitreous detachment

The person's eyes reflect general condition body. With the development of any disease, you can observe the appearance of spots on the eyeballs. Their color, shape, time of appearance serve diagnostic signs, on the basis of which the doctor suspects a disease.

In humans, spots on the cornea of ​​the eye can be detected immediately after birth. Their appearance is associated with a congenital disorder in the production of melanin pigment. The spots are called, they are black or brown, are located on the sclera.

If there is formation in the eye birthmark, you should consult an ophthalmologist. The spots tend to grow, causing vision impairment. Pigment formations can degenerate into malignant ones. This happens quite rarely, but pathology must be excluded.

A child sometimes develops darkening of the iris. This is how iris tumors manifest themselves - benign or malignant. Recommended urgent consultation ophthalmologist.

Spots on the retina of the eye can only be detected when examined with a special device - a slit lamp. They develop due to impaired blood supply - with hypertension, diabetes.

Acquired spots

If dots appear in the eyes throughout life, the reasons for this may be different conditions. These are not necessarily diseases - spots are the result of overwork or the use of medications.


Usually associated with a blood vessel reaction:

  • eye injury with capillary damage;
  • a sharp increase in pressure leading to rupture of the vessel;
  • an inflammatory process accompanied by capillary swelling.

They appear suddenly and disappear within a few days. On long time remain very rarely.

Video: Why blood vessels burst in the eyes


Associated with the accumulation of cholesterol in the eyes. called xanthomas and xanthelasmas. Often observed in older people and patients with diabetes.


They represent a clouding of the cornea, called a cataract or leukoma. Formed due to damage to the cornea of ​​the eye:

  • keratitis of various origins - viral, bacterial. traumatic;
  • postoperative or post-traumatic scar;
  • chemical burn.

They have different sizes, and when they spread to the pupil area, they lead to deterioration of vision. They appear in one eye but can spread to the other.


Such spots are not associated with pigmentation of the cornea or sclera:

  • - is an overgrown area of ​​the conjunctiva, creeping onto cornea, contains blood vessels, impairs vision;
  • - speck or small pimple in the area of ​​junction of the conjunctiva and sclera, occurs with excessive exposure to ultraviolet radiation.

These pathologies tend to progress rapidly, so urgent consultation with a doctor is recommended.

Video: Pinguecula

Dark or black spots

A dark spot on the cornea of ​​the eyeball appears due to. It is associated with impaired blood supply to the vitreous body. The reasons are usually bad habits, age-related changes in the body.

The disease is accompanied by decreased vision, painful sensations. Dark areas gradually increase in size, indicating the progression of the disease. Lack of treatment leads to irreversible blindness.

Brown and black spots on the whites of the eyes occur against the background of impaired pigment metabolism. Melanocytes begin to intensively secrete melanin, which forms black spots on the eyes. Observed when hereditary diseases, oncological pathologies.

A dark spot on a child's eye is usually not a disease. This is a physiological process associated with a change in the color of the iris. The condition goes away with age.

If a black dot appears in the eye near the pupil, the person may have had an eye injury with damage to the iris. Its pupillary edge is torn, causing the pupil to lose its round shape.

Video: Removing a brown spot from the conjunctiva of the eye

Gray spots on the whites of the eyes appear for the same reasons as dark ones. This change in the color of the sclera may be due to a low-pigment nevus. Less often, protein acquires this color if a person works with coal. Dust eats into all areas of the skin and mucous membranes.


To prescribe treatment, the doctor needs to determine why colored or black dots appeared near the pupil, on the sclera.

  1. For injuries, surgery is used. After this, healing drugs are prescribed - “Korneregel”, “Solcoseryl”.
  2. Infectious diseases are treated with drops or ointments. Antibacterial - “Normax”, “Uniflox”. Antiviral - “Ophthalmoferon”.
  3. In case of pigmented formations, pterygium, pinguecula, the issue of their removal is decided. To prevent relapse it is prescribed vitamin preparations- “Taufon”, “Pro-visio”.

Children are first placed under observation. In most babies, the spots disappear on their own.

Self-treatment, use folk remedies not recommended. Without consulting a doctor, you may miss serious illness and permanently lose sight.

Specks on eyeball- a sign of a malfunction of the body. It is recommended to consult a doctor to identify the cause of the pathology. After this, appropriate treatment is prescribed.