
How to lower your temperature during lactation. How to reduce high body temperature in a nursing woman

Anything is possible during breastfeeding. Sometimes a new mother may feel unwell. And sometimes an unexpected illness can cause fever, body pain and discomfort, foreshadowing a viral disease. What to do in this case? How can you cure a cold or acute respiratory infection with breastfeeding without harming the baby? What can a nursing mother take for fever? What antipyretics are allowed for breastfeeding?

A logical question immediately arises: how can you lower the temperature of a nursing mother? And what antipyretic drugs are better to use - folk, pharmaceutical or none at all? Just calmly wait for the ailment to go away on its own?

As a rule, when breastfeeding, a woman carefully monitors her health, because any virus can be transmitted to the baby during feeding. Antipyretics during lactation should be taken with great caution. That's why this question requires study.

For what reason does the temperature rise during hot water?

  • Any acute respiratory infection or acute respiratory viral infection can provoke a fever, as the body begins to actively fight the cold. An increase in temperature means that the immune system is fighting off pathogens.
  • A high temperature in a nursing mother may be an indicator of breast inflammation associated with stagnation of milk - lactostasis. Corked milk duct becomes inflamed and causes fever.
  • Interior inflammatory process any organ gynecological diseases, joint pain can also cause fever.
  • Poisoning, malfunction digestive system may be accompanied by fever.

Whatever the reason for fever during breastfeeding, it is recommended to consult a doctor immediately. The specialist will determine the main source of the fever and prescribe treatment that will be effective and safe for the infant.

What should a nursing mother do if she has a fever?

  • First of all, you need to determine the cause of the fever in a nursing mother. If this is not associated with inflammation, but only the result of a cold or viral infection, there is no need to immediately lower the temperature. It may be an indicator of the body's fight against infection.
  • Drink more neat drinking water. Warm water helps remove pathogenic bacteria from the body.
  • If, while breastfeeding, it is not possible to immediately contact a specialist, and the temperature has risen above 38.5, you can bring it down by rubbing it with vinegar and vodka: by 1 tbsp. l. vodka, add 1 tbsp. l. food bite and dilute the mixture with warm boiled water. Moisten a piece of clean bandage or cotton wool and wipe the armpits, elbows and knees, neck and feet.
  • There are a number of pharmacological agents that can be used by a nursing mother as an antipyretic at high temperatures. It is only important to carefully study the instructions for the drug. It always indicates whether it can be used for breastfeeding.
  • Herbal infusions and teas can be an excellent alternative to antipyretic drugs during breastfeeding. It is only important to determine the cause of the temperature increase. The herbal mixture, properly brewed and taken according to a certain system, quite quickly relieves fever and pain.
  • A cold compress on the forehead eases the condition of the nursing mother's body during fever and gradually reduces the fever.

The effect of treatment on the body of mother and child

There are many factors that influence the baby during breastfeeding. If, while breastfeeding, the mother of the newborn becomes unwell and has a fever, before proceeding to treatment, you should check how much this remedy can harm the baby's sensitive body.

  • Toxicity of the drug. There are neutral antiseptic and antipyretic agents that cannot affect infants when used for a short time. Before using any drug, a nursing mother should carefully study the instructions.
  • Quantity . When breastfeeding, the rate of medication intake is very important. Sometimes a one-time use of the drug is enough to reduce the temperature and affect the inflammatory process.
  • Time . The daytime period, when the child is quite active, is more favorable for treating the mother while breastfeeding. At this time, the baby’s body is less susceptible to various kinds of external influences.
  • Choice . Competent parents know that sometimes simple folk antipyretic methods are more effective than pharmacological agents. You can sometimes reduce your fever and get rid of the disease by following simple rules and following a certain system of procedures.

If the disease is so serious that antibiotics cannot be avoided, only then is it recommended to stop breastfeeding. In all other cases, with the support of a specialist, continue to breastfeed your baby and do everything necessary actions to improve your well-being.

Approved drugs

Often, when the temperature rises, a nursing mother wonders what medications can be taken so as not to harm the baby, and how to bring down the temperature if it continues to rise, reaching 38 degrees.

  • Paracetamol. This is a harmless antipyretic, which is recommended by experts for colds and viral infections to reduce fever, not only for adults, but also for children.
  • Ibuprofen is an antiseptic that can be used during breastfeeding.
  • Aspirin is a popular antipyretic and pain reliever approved for use by nursing mothers. However, this remedy should not be taken for long and with great caution, since acetylsalicylic acid can have a negative effect on fragile organism baby.
  • Nurofen is another drug that doctors consider safe to take during breastfeeding.
  • TO effective drugs Those that relieve fever include suppositories, such as Tsefekon, or its analogues.

Any antipyretic taken while breastfeeding should be chosen only after consultation with a specialist.


The following circumstances are contraindications to the use of antipyretics during lactation:

  • If a child is prone to allergic reactions and is sensitive to most foods, it is necessary to refrain from taking any medications.
  • Experts advise taking medications after breastfeeding.
  • If you take medications regularly, between feedings the mother can express milk from the breast and pour it out. Before the next session, enough milk will be collected so that the baby has enough for one dose.

Taking medications during pregnancy and lactation: Dr. Komarovsky (video)

Traditional methods of getting rid of fever

What can help a nursing mother with fever? Warm drinks, vitaminization and cleansing of the body are considered very effective during epidemics viral diseases. This is an excellent prevention against infections and colds during breastfeeding. In addition, they have analgesic, antipyretic and antiseptic effects.

  • Tea with raspberries. If health problems of a nursing mother have caused an increase in temperature, you can drink a cup of raspberry tea. Fresh berries added to tea will not only provide pleasure, but will also alleviate the patient’s condition. Raspberry is a natural antipyretic, lowers body temperature and causes profuse sweating. In winter, natural raspberries can be replaced with jam or frozen berries. At the first symptoms of a nursing cold, you can take raspberry tea, and this will be an excellent preventive measure for the development of the disease.
  • Decoction of currant leaves, mint, linden blossom and rosehip berries perfectly relieve fever and will not cause any harm to the child. There is only one limitation: you need to drink this tea little by little, as it can enhance lactation. Like herbal tea- This is an excellent cure for fever, colds and flu while breastfeeding.
  • Honey and lemon. The combination of these two products gives an antipyretic effect. Enough to squeeze out a teaspoon lemon juice and mix with a teaspoon of honey. Hold in mouth for one minute and then swallow. However, this method is only good if the baby is not allergic to honey.

Freeing the intestines of a nursing mother from toxins - the right way help the body recover and start the healing process.

Prevention of colds and ARVI

A young nursing mother should take care of herself, because the health and peace of the baby depends on her. There are many ways to boost immunity and avoid fever during breastfeeding and prevent taking antipyretics:

  • Don't get too cold. In the autumn-winter period, dress warmly. It’s better to play it safe and take gloves and a scarf with you than to suffer from a runny nose and headache later.
  • visit more often fresh air . Walks with your child should be regular. This strengthens the baby and at the same time allows the young mother to regain strength.
  • Ventilate the room at least three times a day.
  • Avoid crowded places. Necessity will force you to visit a children's clinic or go to a store. But it is better to walk with a stroller in a park or square, where contact with people and transport is minimized.
  • Choose products carefully for cooking. Follow the storage rules, read the ingredients on the packaging, and pay attention to the production date.
  • Accept contrast shower , keep the room clean.

Care infant- this is constant stress for a young mother. Sleepless nights, worry about the baby's health, breastfeeding - all this requires a lot of effort, patience and time from the mother. Sometimes a nursing woman’s temperature can rise simply due to overwork and weakness of the body. That's why healthy sleep, bed rest during illness and a little time given to yourself will help you recover easily and quickly, even without the use of antipyretic drugs.

How to reduce the temperature of a nursing mother? Which method should you choose? When breastfeeding, you should always start with the methods that are safest for your baby. Try to do without medicines. Warm drinks, herbal decoctions, vinegar rubs and bed rest will help restore strength and relieve fever.

Lactostasis, poisoning. High temperature causes drowsiness, discomfort, headaches, muscle aches and others. unpleasant sensations. If there is no one to look after the baby, it is not easy for a young mother to care for her child.

Medications help to quickly reduce the temperature and return normal condition, but during lactation women are prohibited from using many medications. Getting into the mother's blood, chemicals easily penetrate into milk, and with it into the baby’s body, for whom medications can pose a huge danger not only to health, but also to life.

How to bring down the temperature of a nursing mother without harming the baby?

Before lowering the temperature, it is necessary to measure it correctly. During breastfeeding, the temperature in the armpits is usually higher, so the thermometer should be held in the crook of your elbow - in this case, the readings will be most accurate. It is necessary to reduce the temperature only when it really causes discomfort or exceeds the critical value of 38.5. In other cases, you should not interfere with the body’s ability to fight viruses and bacteria on its own.

Antipyretics during lactation

Of all available medications, nursing mothers should choose products based on paracetamol And ibuprofen. Studies have confirmed their safety for babies when the recommended dose is followed. You can take no more than 1 gram of paracetamol at one time, but no more than 3 grams of medicine per day. It is even safer to use paracetamol or ibuprofen in the form rectal suppositories. This form helps prevent chemical components from getting into the milk.

If you have a high temperature due to mastitis, pneumonia or sore throat, you should consult a doctor for treatment. Breastfeeding mothers should not take tetracycline, levomecithin and other drugs that affect hematopoiesis. However, there are antibiotics that are acceptable during lactation, for example, drugs of the penicillin group.

In desperate situations, the doctor may prescribe a single dose medicine, incompatible with feeding. In this case, it is necessary to feed the baby before taking the medicine, then take the tablet, and after the effect of the drug wears off, express and pour out the first milk. After an hour, you can feed the baby as usual.

How to reduce fever without medications

First of all, you need to give the body the opportunity to freely get rid of elevated temperature. To do this, you need to remove excess clothing, blankets and other insulating items. Exposed areas of the body should be moistened with a towel soaked in cool water. On the armpits, back of the head and groin area You can apply wet compresses.

Rubbing with a weak vinegar solution helps a lot– volatile substances quickly cool the surface of the skin. You need to wipe the elbows and knees, neck, armpits, forehead. Instead of regular vinegar During the feeding period, it is recommended to use apple juice - 1 tablespoon per half liter of water. If the temperature rises in the evening, you can wear socks soaked in a vinegar solution at night. Vodka compresses and wiping is not suitable for nursing women; alcohol can enter the body and cause poisoning in the baby.

If a woman feels chills and cold extremities, instead of exposure and cooling procedures, she should be given the opportunity to sweat well. To do this, the sick mother is given a hot drink, dressed in pajamas made from natural fabrics and wrapped in warm blankets. It is very important to change wet clothes to dry ones in a timely manner, otherwise hypothermia may occur. Tea with lemon and honey, popular in folk medicine, can cause an allergic reaction, so for hot drinking it is better to use tea with linden blossom. It needs to be brewed in a thermos and allowed to brew for 15 minutes.

Not so quickly, but surely, warm drinks help lower the temperature. You need to drink plenty of warm liquid. Plain water and various fruit drinks will do; the main thing is to choose products that the child is not allergic to. Many mothers are afraid to drink raspberry tea during a cold, but practice shows that it is advisable to avoid raspberries only in the first months of breastfeeding, and even then only if the child is prone to rashes.

If the temperature has risen due to a cold, then they will help get rid of the pathogens inhalations with eucalyptus or chamomile . The recipe that came from grandmothers - inhalation over boiled potatoes - is also not outdated. To speed up recovery, you can steam your feet by adding mustard powder to the water.

Is it possible to feed a child during illness?

Doctors do not recommend stopping feeding during treatment, since along with mother’s milk the baby receives antibodies that protect against infection. If you interrupt feeding, the baby will be left alone with the virus, and the chances of getting sick will increase sharply. In addition, expressing milk during high temperatures can be problematic, and leftover milk can cause mastitis. At purulent mastitis feeding will have to be stopped.

High temperature in no way affects the taste and physical qualities of milk. It doesn't lose its useful properties and does not harm the child. Under no circumstances should milk be boiled - heating kills the antibodies that protect the baby from the disease.

If the mother has a fever while breastfeeding, you must first find out the cause of the malaise. Contrary to popular belief, it is not always necessary to interrupt breastfeeding when you have a fever.

As you know, fever is not a disease, but a symptom. Therefore, if a nursing woman has a fever, you need to understand what caused it. Only a qualified doctor should make a diagnosis and prescribe treatment. Self-medication is a bad scenario for any person; in the case of a young mother, it is categorically unacceptable. Also, it is the specialist who must decide the issue of interrupting or continuing breastfeeding. Today, babies are weaned from the breast in extreme cases. Continuing natural feeding is extremely important for the baby's health. And despite the fact that the decision remains with the doctor, every young mother needs to know what scenarios are possible.

When to stop breastfeeding:

If the mother has fallen ill with ARVI or acute respiratory infections (this is the most common cause of elevated temperature). The fact is that during this period, extremely important antibodies will enter the baby’s body along with mother’s milk. They are necessary for the formation of the child’s immune system. Even if the baby gets infected from his mother, he will cope with the disease more easily. Of course, in this case, the woman can only take medications approved by the doctor.

If lactostasis (stagnation of milk in the glands) or mastitis (inflammation of the mammary gland) has begun. Important: mastitis should in no case be accompanied by purulent processes! Putting the baby to the breast in these cases will help alleviate the mother’s condition and avoid complications in the future. Mastitis is not always an obstacle to breastfeeding. If only a lump and limited inflammation without pus appearing in the breast, it is allowed to feed the baby. At severe pain and the emergence purulent infection Attaching the baby to the sore breast should be temporarily stopped. In this case, milk from the sore breast must be sucked out regularly. Breastfeeding from healthy breasts should continue.

When you should not breastfeed at a fever:

    If the fever rises above 39 °C. When you have a fever, milk changes taste and consistency. This may lead to the baby refusing the breast later.

    If your mother has worsened chronic diseases of the kidneys, liver, heart, respiratory tract or other internal organs.

    If the cause of the high temperature is mastitis, complicated by a purulent-inflammatory process in the chest.

  • If a woman is prescribed antibiotics for treatment.

How to measure temperature while breastfeeding?

You can measure the temperature in the armpit only 30-40 minutes after feeding (or pumping). Even when the mother is healthy, but the breasts are full, the thermometer will show 37.1-37.3 °C. Be sure to wipe off any sweat; water absorbs heat and the data may be incorrect. You can use the method usually recommended by obstetricians - measuring the temperature in the elbow.

Let us remind you that if a young mother feels unwell, she should definitely consult a doctor for diagnosis and treatment. Don't do this yourself. Perhaps the only one safe way bring down the temperature - drinking plenty of fluids. Drink more tea with lemon or jam, milk with honey, compotes and fruit drinks are healthy. Of course, when taking these drinks you need to be sure that the baby is not allergic to its components.

An increase in temperature is a surprise during breastfeeding for a young mother, and when faced with it, many women begin to panic. There can be many explanations for this phenomenon, and which of the reasons caused hyperthermia can be figured out by consulting a doctor. The mother's body is vulnerable during breastfeeding, and the temperature may rise due to lactostasis, inflammatory processes, colds or exacerbation of chronic diseases. The cause of the phenomenon should be determined, a decision should be made on continuing feeding and taking any medications (the attending doctor should decide on the medications).

Reasons for rising temperature

The reasons for a rise in temperature during breastfeeding can be different.

Temperature may increase during lactation for many reasons, the main one being bacterial infection. Get infected colds possible during a flu epidemic, the peak of which is considered to be the spring-autumn period. If a woman catches an infection during the breastfeeding period, she runs the risk of infecting her baby with it, so she must immediately consult a doctor and begin treatment.

It is not recommended to give up breastfeeding due to ARVI, since mother's milk begins to produce immune compounds that enter the child's body and increase its resistance to infections. Thanks to these antibodies, if the baby becomes infected from the mother, the pathology will proceed in mild form.

List of factors that affect temperature rise during breastfeeding:

  • phenomena of stagnation in the mammary glands and the development of inflammatory-purulent mastitis;
  • bacterial infections of the throat and nose (tonsillitis, pharyngitis, sinusitis);
  • exacerbation of pathologies in chronic form from which a woman suffers;
  • complications after cesarean section (inflammation or suture dehiscence);
  • poisoning and intestinal infections;
  • inflammation of the endometrial layer of the uterus;
  • diseases of internal organs.

Attention! Self-medication when the temperature rises is harmful to the health of the mother and baby; the question of the need to prescribe medications and the advisability of stopping breastfeeding is decided by the doctor after diagnostic procedures.

Lactostasis and mastitis

Mastitis is one of the possible reasons temperature rise

In many cases, an increase in temperature is observed during breastfeeding due to mastitis and lactostasis. Many mothers do not master breastfeeding techniques, which is why the skin of the nipples cracks and pathogenic bacteria get inside, for example Staphylococcus aureus, is developing purulent mastitis. To cure the disease, antibiotic therapy and sometimes surgery. To avoid the development of mastitis, you should learn correct technique feeding, maintain breast hygiene, avoid cracked nipples and iron bras.

Lactostasis is a less dangerous pathology in which milk stagnates in the gland. Occurs when a child sucks weakly at the breast during the feeding process, when more milk is produced than the baby needs. Seals appear in the gland, the temperature rises, and aching pain is felt.

Inflammatory processes after childbirth

If the mother has a temperature of 39 o C during breastfeeding, the doctor suspects the development of an inflammatory process. It is provoked by divergence and suppuration of sutures on the abdomen after cesarean section, or sutures placed on the cervix or perineal area (during natural childbirth and episiotomy). To avoid complications, doctors recommend carefully caring for the sutures, and if the temperature rises, seek help and not treat yourself. If inflammatory processes in postpartum period are accompanied by a sharp temperature rise, antibiotic therapy may be required; the decision to continue breastfeeding is made jointly by the doctor and the woman.

Postpartum endometritis is an inflammatory process that affects the epithelial uterine layer, which develops when an infection enters the uterine cavity. The development of endometritis is provoked by manual curettage and separation of the placenta during childbirth. At severe symptoms inflammation required urgent help– Ultrasound, antibiotics, cleaning and rinsing of the uterine cavity with antiseptics in the hospital.

After childbirth, a woman's body may experience inflammatory processes.


If the mother's temperature rises during breastfeeding, a viral infection may be to blame. A woman’s body after childbirth is weak and vulnerable, so she easily picks up infections, especially during the period of their spread. The fact of infection with ARVI is not a reason to interrupt feeding; on the contrary, at this time milk contains an increased amount of antibodies that contribute to the development of immunity in the baby. In case of a viral infection, flu, cold and temperature rise above 38.5 o C, you will have to take antipyretic drugs prescribed by your doctor.

Diseases of internal organs

Another reason sharp jumps temperatures in nursing mothers are considered to be intestinal infections that arise due to poor nutrition, entry of pathogenic bacteria into the body, when chronic diseases gastrointestinal tract. Symptoms of food poisoning:

  • nausea and vomiting;
  • loose stool;
  • weakness, loss of strength;
  • headaches and pain in the abdomen;
  • temperature rise to 38-40 o C.

Important to know! A nursing mother should immediately visit an infectious disease doctor to select sorbents and medications enveloping action and, if indicated, antibiotics, as well as for prescribing a diet, so as not to harm the baby’s health.

Severe abdominal pain, as well as vomiting and loose stools may indicate poisoning

Breastfeeding and fever are not always a reason to panic. You should observe the body’s signals and act calmly; perhaps nothing terrible is happening, but panic will aggravate the woman’s condition and will only cause harm. The algorithm for action when the temperature rises during breastfeeding is as follows:

  1. Determining the cause of hyperthermia. Qualified medical assistance, even if a nursing mother knows the symptoms of the disease that caused the temperature to rise, the specialist will notice changes that have escaped the woman’s gaze and will give the necessary recommendations.
  2. Continued feeding. You cannot interrupt feeding on your own without good reason, even if the temperature jumps, since milk is the best immunomodulator for a baby.
  3. Correct temperature measurement. A reason for panic may be the incorrect process of measuring temperature, since during the feeding period the thermometer shows more high performance in the armpit area due to the production of milk by the glands.
  4. Use of antipyretics. Your doctor will help you choose the safest ones.
  5. Compliance drinking regime. When the temperature rises during breastfeeding, a woman should drink 250 ml of water every hour to reduce the risk of developing lactostasis and remove toxins and harmful substances from the body.

Advice! Not every temperature needs to be brought down; you should consult a doctor immediately, and take medications against fever only when the thermometer is above 38.5 o C. You should give the body the opportunity to cope with the problem on its own.

If the temperature rises during breastfeeding, a mandatory consultation with a doctor is required.

How to measure temperature correctly

To measure temperature correctly while breastfeeding, a new mother needs to place the thermometer in an area away from her armpit, for example, in the crook of her elbow. Explained this fact the fact that the flow of milk to the glands contributes to the distortion of indicators in the armpit area, as a result, the marks grow, and the measurement is considered unreliable. Normal indicators for a nursing woman, the limits are considered to be from 36.4 o C to 37.3 o C; one should not panic and consider such numbers as pathology.

The influence of temperature on milk - to feed or not

What to do if a mother’s temperature rises while breastfeeding - is it advisable to deprive the baby of milk? The problem is very relevant for women, because breast milk is a source of nutrients and vitamins for the baby, and you don’t want to deprive him of valuable nutrition. List of pathologies, the development of which is better to stop breastfeeding:

  • diseases of the kidneys and genitourinary system;
  • tetanus;
  • advanced mastitis;
  • open tuberculosis;
  • syphilis;
  • severe blood diseases;
  • anthrax.

Toxins from the body can get into the milk and harm the baby's health. Infectious diseases are considered relative contraindications; for these cases there are a number of recommendations:

  1. When treated with antibiotics prescribed for influenza, tonsillitis and pneumonia, feeding should be carried out in a gauze bandage, and the rest of the time the mother should not be near the baby.
  2. In case of measles, chickenpox and scarlet fever in the mother, the baby is vaccinated and breastfeeding is not interrupted.
  3. In case of dysentery, typhus and paratyphoid, feeding should be interrupted; if the pathologies are mild, milk can be expressed and boiled before feeding.

Note! Even in case of poisoning and infectious diseases The baby needs mother's milk; it serves as a source of antibodies and antitoxins that strengthen the immune system and help the baby not get sick.

How to bring down the temperature

How can you lower your temperature while breastfeeding? Traditional method to improve the condition, get rid of pain, inflammation and fever - take a medicine from the list of antipyretic and non-steroidal drugs, which will be discussed below. The doctor may recommend additional medications, depending on the reason that caused the temperature increase. These are antibiotics various groups(tetracyclines, penicillins, cephalosporins, macrolides) - they are prescribed for bacterial infections and diseases of an inflammatory nature, such as endometritis and mastitis.

For intestinal poisoning, the use of sorbents, complexes of lacto- and bifidobacteria, antidiarrheal and enveloping agents. Therapy is selected taking into account the severity of the pathology and severe symptoms. Treatment of acute respiratory viral infections and influenza involves the simultaneous administration of antiviral and immunomodulatory drugs with antipyretic drugs.

It is worth bringing down an elevated temperature during breastfeeding only after the thermometer reaches 38.5 o C, and before that, give the body the opportunity to cope with the disease on its own. During such a fight, antibodies and antitoxic substances are produced that are beneficial for mother and baby.

What can you drink for fever while breastfeeding:

  • Paracetamol;
  • Ibuprofen.

The list consists of only two items; other medications, including antibiotics, are prescribed in extreme cases and only with the recommendation of a doctor. We need to tell you more about these two drugs approved for use during breastfeeding.

Paracetamol is one of the basic medications that nursing women can take for fever. Tests of the drug were carried out, during which it was possible to prove safety active substance for the baby's body - Paracetamol does not harm the baby either during intrauterine development or during the mother's lactation.

Ibuprofen is a drug from the group of anti-inflammatory non-steroids that reduces fever, relieves inflammation, relieves pain and fever. The product is considered compatible with breastfeeding, does not harm the baby’s body, and the duration of the anti-inflammatory effect is 8 hours.

Antipyretic medications should be taken while breastfeeding in doses recommended by your doctor. They depend on the type of disease and clinical symptoms, but the average dose for Paracetamol is 300-350 mg at a time, for Ibuprofen - 200 mg. You should take medications 3-4 times a day until positive results are achieved.

Traditional medicine

Chamomile tea has an anti-inflammatory effect

If the mother has a fever during breastfeeding, you can use recipes from the piggy bank traditional medicine, they are safe and effective:

  • use decoctions medicinal herbs with an anti-inflammatory effect - chamomile, sage, calendula, mint;
  • drink rosehip infusion – it increases the body’s resistance to infections and saturates it with vitamin C;
  • prepare fruit drinks from fresh berries (cranberries, red currants, lingonberries);
  • apply cooling compresses to the forehead;
  • rub the body with a composition prepared from water and 9% table vinegar.

Useful information! To increase sweating, you can drink tea with a slice of lemon and a spoonful of honey, only if the baby does not have allergic reactions. Treatment with folk remedies should be carried out in combination with taking medications prescribed by the doctor.

What drugs should not be taken during breastfeeding?

The list of medications for fever during breastfeeding is not so extensive, but there are also medications that should absolutely not be used. These include Aspirin, which is based on acetylsalicylic acid. Taking Aspirin during breastfeeding provokes heart problems and worsens the function of the mother's digestive system. The baby's body is exposed to toxic damage - the liver and brain suffer. For forced use acetylsalicylic acid Milk should be expressed and breastfeeding should be stopped for a while.

You should also not take combination drugs, such as Theraflu, Coldrex, Antigrippin, Rinza. They contain not only Paracetamol, which is approved for use while breastfeeding, but also additives that have not been studied regarding their effects on the baby's body and can cause dangerous side effects.

Mother’s temperature during breastfeeding, what to do, how to bring it down, and what could be the reasons for this phenomenon? These questions are very important, since a woman’s health in the first days and weeks after childbirth can be threatened by various factors. But in some ways the child’s well-being will depend on her health. So, what are the reasons why the temperature rises during breastfeeding (BF), what do doctors say?

1. Lactostasis or mastitis has occurred. Very common situations. They arise due to improper attachment of the baby to the breast, weak sucking, when the breast produces more milk than the baby needs. Or if an infection gets into the milk duct - Staphylococcus aureus.
If an increase in temperature during breastfeeding is caused by lactostasis - stagnation of milk in the mammary glands, everything is not so scary. Other symptoms of this include pain in the mammary gland and the appearance of a lump in it. Before feeding the baby, you need to lightly massage this seal. Or you can try pumping warm water, this usually makes the process a lot easier.
From folk remedies usually baked onions are used. It is applied to the seal. Gauze is placed on top and insulated with something else, for example, a woolen bandage. It helps a lot.

If mastitis is to blame for the rise in temperature during breastfeeding, then everything may be more complicated. With purulent lesions of the mammary gland, surgical intervention is sometimes required. The best prevention of mastitis is to try to avoid cracked nipples. They are formed when the baby is not attached correctly, when the feeding process lasts too long. You also need to wash and iron your bras more often. Keep your underwear clean to prevent infection from getting into the ducts.

2. Milk production begins. Very often, especially in primiparous women, in the first 3-5 days after birth, when real breast milk is produced, not colostrum, a woman begins to feel a fever. This often happens in the maternity hospital, where they explain to her that for accurate measurements, you need to place the thermometer in the wrong place. armpit, and under the knee, for example. Since the temperature can rise locally, from the mammary glands. And this phenomenon is temporary. Typically, a woman feels much better after breastfeeding or pumping.

3. The stitches are inflamed. This can happen both after a cesarean section and after natural birth, if during them there were ruptures of the perineum or an episiotomy was performed. To prevent this from happening, doctors explain how to care for sutures. If the temperature during breastfeeding is 37, 38, you don’t need to think about it yet. Seams should be handled carefully. Well, if your health worsens, consult a doctor, who will most likely prescribe antibiotics. Is it possible to breastfeed at high temperatures in this case? As a rule, this is at the discretion of the attending physician and the mother. Antibiotics are usually prescribed that are compatible with lactation, that is, safe for the child. However, you need to be prepared for the fact that the child may have a reaction to antibacterial drugs- diarrhea or constipation, regurgitation, etc.

4. Postpartum endometritis. This is inflammation inner shell uterus, its mucous membrane. It may occur as a result of infection during childbirth. It is not uncommon for a doctor to manually separate the placenta after surgery. C-section. With this pathology, especially if it is severe, the temperature rises quite significantly. In this case, there is no need to think about the topic: if a high temperature of 39 C rises during breastfeeding, what can be done to bring it down. Need to call ambulance, do an ultrasound. You may need to clean your uterus or rinse it antiseptic solutions V inpatient conditions followed by antibacterial therapy.
In addition to fever, symptoms of postpartum endometritis include: copious discharge with a foul odor, nagging pain in the uterus and lumbar region.

5. Viral infection. Colds during breastfeeding are a common occurrence, since the body of a woman who has recently become a mother is still quite weak. Often acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections are accompanied by an increase in body temperature. Only this fact is not at all a reason to refuse lactation. However, you will still have to take antipyretics during breastfeeding if the temperature rises to more than 38.5 degrees. You can use drugs containing paracetamol and ibuprofen for this purpose.
By the way, you need to know what non-drug remedies can help with fever while breastfeeding. These include wiping the body skin with water. As water evaporates, the temperature decreases. Drinking plenty of warm fluids is very beneficial. A frequently ventilated room improves well-being.

6. Poisoning, intestinal infection. With these pathologies, doctors usually prohibit lactation until recovery. To prevent milk from disappearing, a woman needs to express herself often. But pour out everything that has been expressed.

Since temperature during lactation can be caused by various problems, it is good to understand its cause. And if the condition worsens, the fever persists for more than 3 days, be sure to consult a doctor.

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How to return female hormones to balance without drugs?
Estrogens affect not only our body, but also our soul. Only when hormone levels are optimally balanced do we feel healthy and joyful. Natural hormone therapy may help bring hormones back into balance.
29.10.2019 17:12:00
How to lose weight during menopause: expert advice
What used to be difficult seems almost impossible for many women over 45: losing weight during menopause. Hormonal balance changes, the emotional world is turned upside down, and weight is very upsetting. Nutrition expert Dr. Antoni Danz specializes in this topic and is eager to share information about what is important for women in midlife.