
What is considered normal heart pressure in an adult? Normal human blood pressure: basic indicators by age

Blood pressure serves as a sign indicating the state of the body, and changes in pressure parameters provide information about possible diseases. Therefore, a person needs to be able to determine his blood pressure and know what his norm should be. blood pressure.

What is human blood pressure?

As you know, blood in the body flows through vessels - veins, capillaries, arteries. Blood pressure is the pressure exerted by the blood on the walls of blood vessels. It can be of several types:

  • Intracardiac
  • Capillary
  • Venous
  • Arterial

The most important diagnostic factor is blood pressure. Therefore, from now on, when we talk about pressure, we will mean blood pressure.

Pressure is created in the large arteries as a result of the contractile activity of the heart. It is thanks to arterial pressure that blood flows in the vessels, and nutrients and oxygen flow to the tissues.

The pressure value is determined by two parameters - the values ​​of systolic and diastolic pressure.

Photo: Igor Podgorny/

Systolic (or upper) blood pressure is created in the arteries during the greatest contraction of the heart (systole). Diastolic (lower) pressure is observed during the greatest relaxation of the heart (diastole). Pressure has historically been measured in millimeters of mercury. From a physics point of view, it shows how many millimeters the pressure in the vessels exceeds atmospheric pressure.

The parameter is written as two numbers. For example, a blood pressure of 134/70 means that systolic pressure equal to 134 mmHg, and diastolic - 70 mm.

The difference between systolic and diastolic blood pressure is called pulse pressure.

What blood pressure is considered normal?

This parameter is not constant in different situations. On blood pressure may be influenced by various circumstances. During physical activity and stress, blood pressure rises, and during moments of rest and sleep it decreases. The value measured at rest is considered normal.

Also, a person’s normal blood pressure does not remain constant throughout his life. The lowest blood pressure in a person is observed in childhood, and with age it tends to increase. During hormonal surges - during adolescence, during pregnancy, blood pressure can also change. The norm of pressure also depends on the individual characteristics of the body of individual people, but these variations are small.

Blood pressure norm and changes in ideas about it

Ideas about what normal blood pressure should be at what age have changed over time. If three decades ago it was believed that normal blood pressure had a linear relationship with age and should gradually increase, now doctors believe that there is a certain value above which blood pressure is considered dangerous at any age, even in old age. Although no one denies a certain connection between normal blood pressure and age. And in practice, finding an elderly person whose blood pressure is normal is very difficult. Therefore, high blood pressure, for example, 150/90 for old age can only be called the norm.

High blood pressure, which is clearly related to the manifestations of pathology, is considered to be a value above 135/85. A blood pressure greater than 145/90 is a symptom hypertension.

Abnormally low blood pressure, requiring identification of its causes and treatment, for adults is considered pressure below 100/60. Optimal blood pressure levels for adults are in the range of 110/65 – 120/75. Pulse pressure greater than 55 mm and less than 30 mm is also, as a rule, a sign of pathology.

It should be noted that parameters such as pressure and pulse do not have a direct relationship. A rapid pulse (tachycardia) may not always indicate hypertension, and a rare pulse (bradycardia) may not always indicate low blood pressure. Moreover, sometimes when blood pressure drops, the pulse may increase - due to the fact that the body will strive to compensate for the lack of blood circulation, and vice versa. In order to determine the pressure, it is necessary to measure it.

How is blood pressure measured?

IN medical practice Most commonly used is blood pressure in the arteries of the arm. Today, special devices – tonometers – are used to determine blood pressure. As a rule, they are inexpensive and accessible to the general population.

There are three main types of blood pressure monitors:

  • Manual
  • Semi-automatic
  • Automatic

Tonometers can also be analogue or digital. Most modern semi-automatic and automatic pressure gauges are digital. Manual blood pressure monitors are somewhat cheaper, but require certain skills to operate them, so they are not suitable for the average person.

What is the principle of operation of a tonometer? The procedure for measuring pressure looks like this. A cuff is wrapped around the shoulder and air is inflated into it. Then it is gradually released. The Korotkoff method is used to determine pressure values. It consists of recording the noise that occurs in the arteries when the pressure changes. The pressure in the cuff that coincides with the beginning of the murmur corresponds to arterial systolic pressure, and the pressure that coincides with the end of the murmur corresponds to diastolic pressure.

In hand-held pressure gauges, a stethoscope is used to determine the beginning and end of noises, the headphones of which are inserted into the ears of the person measuring. Air is pumped into the cuff manually using a bulb.

In automatic and semi-automatic pressure gauges, pulse and pressure are recorded automatically. The difference between semi-automatic and automatic devices, however, is that in automatic devices, air is pumped into the cuff by a motor, while in semi-automatic devices, a bulb is used for this.

There are also blood pressure monitors that measure pressure on the wrist. They are more compact and convenient, but less accurate and are not suitable for all patients (for example, the elderly).

Pressure measurements on digital blood pressure monitors are usually displayed as three numbers, for example, 120 - 70 - 58. This means that the systolic pressure is 120 mm, the diastolic pressure is 70, and the pulse is 58 beats per minute.

Measurement technique

Pressure is measured using a pressure gauge in a sitting position. Before taking the measurement, you need to sit quietly for a few minutes. It is also not recommended to drink coffee, alcohol, or exercise before the procedure. physical exercise. The room should not be too warm or cold.

The middle of the shoulder on which the cuff is applied should be approximately at the same level as the chest. It is best to place your hand on the table. It is not recommended to place the cuff on the sleeve of clothing or move your hand during measurement.

When using a semi-automatic or manual pressure gauge, the bulb must be inflated evenly, not too slowly and not too quickly. For automatic pressure gauges, one measurement is usually not enough, since the automation can make mistakes and show an incorrect result. It is recommended to take three measurements on different hands and take the average value. Between two measurements on one arm, it is necessary to pause for several minutes so that the vessels return to their normal state.

Usually the pressure on right hand slightly higher due to the more developed muscles on it. But if this difference is significant - more than 10 mm, then this may indicate pathology.

The so-called “effect” should also be taken into account white coat" It is expressed in the fact that many people, especially nervous and suspicious ones, experience severe stress in the doctor’s office. In such a situation, a person’s blood pressure increases when measured on an outpatient basis. Therefore, it is preferable to measure blood pressure at home, in a familiar and pleasant environment.

For elderly people and people suffering from cardiovascular diseases, hypertension, vegetative-vascular dystonia, diabetes, pressure should be measured twice a day - morning and evening. This makes it possible to avoid increases in blood pressure that are critically dangerous to health.

There are also devices that can measure pressure over a long period of time, for example, during the day. They are attached to the patient's body. Monitoring carried out with their help provides more full information about the dynamics of pressure and how it changes depending on the time of day and the nature of human activity.

What are the dangers of high and low blood pressure?

During physical activity and stress, blood pressure may rise for a while. This phenomenon is considered normal and is caused by the release of a vasoconstrictor hormone, adrenaline, into the blood. However, at rest the pressure should return to normal. If this does not happen, then this is a reason to sound the alarm.

Constantly high blood pressure - main symptom hypertension. High blood pressure leads to decreased performance, fatigue, shortness of breath, pain in the heart, poor sleep, and an increased likelihood of bleeding. But the worst thing is that it significantly increases the risk of such serious illnesses like heart attack and stroke.

Often the opposite phenomenon can be observed - constantly low blood pressure (hypotension). This condition is not as dangerous as hypertension, but also does not bode well. With hypotension, blood supply to tissues deteriorates, which can lead to weakened immunity and other diseases, and the risk of fainting and central nervous system disorders increases.

Human blood pressure: normal by age

Normal pressure a person is a relative indicator, since in children and adolescents the pressure is usually somewhat lower than in adults, but at the age of 12 it approaches adult values.

In children

Normal blood pressure in adults

If you find that your or your child’s blood pressure is constantly outside the limits specified for the age group (no matter whether it is systolic pressure, diastolic pressure, or both parameters at once), then this is a reason to consult a doctor. It is also worth considering that some accompanying illnesses, for example, diabetes or ischemia, make even moderately high blood pressure dangerous.

Blood pressure may be higher than normal for various reasons:

  • cardiovascular diseases
  • elevated blood cholesterol levels
  • kidney diseases
  • neuroses
  • stress
  • osteochondrosis
  • sedentary lifestyle
  • excess weight
  • bad habits – smoking, alcohol
  • pregnancy
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia

Low blood pressure can also have various causes:

  • bleeding
  • heart failure
  • dehydration
  • lack of vitamins
  • diseases endocrine system
  • overwork
  • hypoglycemia
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia

A person's normal blood pressure differs by age. Hypertension or hypotension leads to deterioration of health and complications. Common cause diseases of the internal systems of the body become significant changes in the results obtained from the norm. Changing the minimum and maximum permissible pressure limits depends on many unfavorable factors.

The level of two arterial indicators allows you to evaluate the work of the heart and vascular system, as well as the entire organism as a whole.

Upper or systolic pressure determines the strength of blood flow during contraction of the heart muscle. The lower or diastolic pressure indicates the strength of blood flow when the heart muscle relaxes.

Normal blood pressure in adults under 45 years of age is 119/79 mm Hg. But a person can feel great with other indicators. Therefore, the ideal systolic indicator is numbers from 89 to 131, normal diastolic pressure numbers are in the range from 61 to 91 mm Hg.

Measurement indicators are influenced by external unfavorable factors: stress, anxiety, anxiety, excessive physical activity, improper diet.

In the table you can clearly determine the rate of blood pressure on blood vessels in adults.

Patient ageMinimum, mm Hg.Maximum, mm Hg.
Top levelLower levelTop levelLower level
11-20 105 72 120 80
21-30 108 74 131 82
31-40 109 77 133 85
41-49 114 80 139 87
50-59 117 89 143 90
60-70 121 83 148 91
Over 70120 78 147 86

Any shifts from the normal indicators given in the table indicate pathological process. The normal heart rate of an adult is between 61 and 99 beats per minute.

In men

Blood pressure varies more among the male population high performance than women. This is due to physiological structure bodies. A developed skeleton and muscles need more blood supply, and as a result, blood flow increases.

The normal blood pressure in men is shown in the table.

Patient ageNorm for men, mm Hg.Heart rate
21-31 125 by 7551-91
32-41 128 by 7861-91
42-51 131 to 8062-82
52-61 135 to 8364-84
62-67 137 by 8472-91
Over 67135 to 8975-90

Among women

Blood pressure in women is largely determined by the state of the hormonal system. During the active reproductive phase, the body produces special hormone, which prevents the accumulation of cholesterol. Normal values ​​are considered to be 118/78 mm Hg.

Normally, the blood pressure level in women is in the range of the numbers indicated in the table.

Patient ageNormal for women, mm Hg.Heart rate
21-30 123 by 7560-70
31-40 127 by 7970-75
41-50 130 to 8174-82
51-60 134 by 8279-83
61-67 137 to 8581-85
Over 67135 to 8782-86

How to measure blood pressure

Systolic and diastolic pressure is the force of blood movement through the vessels at the moment of contraction and relaxation of the heart muscle. To get reliable results, follow some recommendations when taking blood pressure measurements:

  • 40 minutes before the measurement, avoid eating salty, spicy and fried foods, strong tea and coffee, and also do not smoke;
  • the results are affected by excessive physical activity, so an hour before measurements you need to engage in quiet activities;
  • take a comfortable sitting or semi-sitting position;
  • the hand involved in the measurement is moved to the side and placed on a hard surface;
  • To establish an accurate result, two measurements are taken with an interval of 2-3 minutes.

The measurement is carried out mechanically or electronic tonometer. The cuff is installed 6 cm above the elbow. The stethoscope is placed on the bend and the pulse is listened to at the moment of deflation. The first knock determines the upper limits. Gradually the intensity of the tones decreases, and the last sonorous blow marks the lower boundaries.

Increased blood pressure

Blood pressure increases due to many unfavorable factors, the symptoms are unpleasant and cause serious consequences.

Degree of hypertensionMinimum valuesMaximum performance
Borderline condition with hypertension129/87 139/88
First degree hypertension139/91 160/100
Second degree hypertension161/101 179/110
Hypertension of the third degree180/111 210/121
Stage 4 hypertensionAbove 210/121

Causes and symptoms

The measurement results may increase as a result of the following unfavorable factors:

  • excess body weight;
  • lack of rest, stress, anxiety;
  • unhealthy diet containing harmful foods;
  • smoking, excessive alcohol consumption;
  • diseases of internal organs.

Hypertension develops in patients with a family history and diabetes mellitus.

In addition to the tonometer readings, an increase in pressure is indicated by a deterioration in the condition. May cause dizziness, headache, rapid heart rate, facial flushing, sweating, nausea, tinnitus, weakness.

How to downgrade

If the tonometer readings increase, take horizontal position, several pillows are placed under the head and access is provided fresh air. Warm foot baths will help dilate blood vessels and improve blood flow from the head. If the condition allows, take it cold and hot shower or lie in a bathtub with warm water for 12 minutes.

Among folk recipes compositions based on lemon juice, nettle and dill, cloves, and hawthorn are known. Taking medications without a doctor's prescription is not recommended.

For chronic hypertension, the doctor prescribes medications that can prevent a hypertensive crisis in time. Effective drugs With quick action considered: “Captopril”, “Verapamil”, “Bisoporolol”, “Valsartan”.

Low blood pressure

A decrease in measurement results is considered less dangerous. In case if low performance are accompanied by a deterioration in health, you should definitely consult a doctor to determine the cause and receive recommendations.

What diseases can we talk about?

As a result of the decrease in pressure, blood flow slows down. Internal organs receive oxygen and nutrients in limited quantities. The brain and heart suffer the most from this condition.

Hypotension can develop against the background of:

  • cardiac pathologies: arrhythmia, cardiomyopathy, myocarditis;
  • lesions of the endocrine system: hypothyroidism, hypocortisolism;
  • vascular tone disorders: vegetative-vascular dystonia, stroke, tumors;
  • allergic exacerbations;
  • poisoning of the body.

A patient whose blood pressure has dropped may feel dizzy, weak, drowsy, headache, nausea. Skin turn pale, pulse quickens or weakens. If hypotension is a consequence of illness, then others join characteristic features.

How to raise blood pressure

A patient with low pressure is placed on a flat surface, with his legs elevated, and a window in the room must be opened. Among the drugs that increase blood pressure, we can highlight Citramon and Cordiamin. Eleutherococcus, Tonginal, and Pantocrine have a tonic effect.

When to see a doctor

If you have hypertension or hypotension, you should consult a therapist, cardiologist, neurologist, and you may need help from other specialists.

If the tonometer readings have significantly increased or decreased, dizziness, nausea, repeated vomiting have appeared, severe headache and heart pain are bothering you, and a pre-fainting state is observed, you should urgently call an ambulance.


The basis for the prevention of hypotension and hypertension are the rules healthy image life:

  • Excessive consumption of salt, fatty, salty, spicy foods should be excluded from the diet;
  • moderate physical activity, which must alternate with rest;
  • It’s worth getting rid of bad habits.

In case of any changes in your health, you should definitely consult a specialist; you should not allow any disease to become chronic.

Blood pressure (BP) is not constant for each person and can change under the influence of various factors. Moreover, in the same person, blood pressure changes throughout the day - in the morning it is lower, and in the evening it rises. In children, blood pressure is low, in older people it is high. To understand exactly what blood pressure indicates health of cardio-vascular system, you should familiarize yourself with the table “normal human blood pressure by age.”

Blood pressure and pulse are variable values ​​that change throughout life and under the influence of certain factors. The norms of pressure and pulse by age in the table allow you to determine possible deviations and diagnose the problem in a timely manner.

Blood pressure describes the amount of pressure of blood against the walls of blood vessels. When measuring blood pressure, two numbers are taken into account - the value at the moment of cardiac tension (systole), and the value at the moment of relaxation of the heart muscle (diastole).

The normal blood pressure and pulse rate depend primarily on age. However, the pressure may change against the background:

Changes in blood pressure throughout life are due to a person’s maturation, and then the aging of the body. In children, the vessels are very soft and elastic, which is why the pressure is significantly reduced. In older people, blood vessels become stiff and lose flexibility, which results in increased blood pressure.

Indicators of 120 to 80 are not ideal for everyone

In addition, when taking into account blood pressure and norms by age, you should pay attention to the person’s well-being. If, with minor deviations from the values ​​​​given in the table of pressure norms, the patient feels well, and any discomfort completely absent, which means there is no cause for concern. This is explained by the fact that the average value is taken as the absolute norm (120 to 80) for an adult.

Due to the peculiarities of the structure and functioning of the cardiovascular system, a particular patient may experience a deviation from the norm of 10-15 mmHg, which does not indicate pathology, but is an individual feature.

Normal blood pressure for adults

The table describes the normal blood pressure in adults as 120 to 80. However, this is not entirely correct, since the value indicated is approximate.

An adult is considered a person between 20 and 50 years of age. This is a fairly large age range, so blood pressure tables simply do not cover all the changes that occur in the body during this period.

Thus, at the age of up to 35 years, a person’s blood pressure corresponds to the norm for age and is approximately 120 over 80. After 35-40 years, a gradual increase in blood pressure occurs, which is an absolutely normal and natural process. In this age range, normal blood pressure in an adult can increase to 130 per 90 mmHg.

Pressure and pulse are connected, the heart rate in adults increases in proportion to the permissible blood pressure values. So, after sleep, the pulse is slightly lower and is about 50 beats per minute, but during the day it can increase to 80.

Heartbeat and pulse above 80 beats per minute or below 60 at rest in the afternoon indicate a violation of the heart, and are not normal for healthy person middle aged.

Normal indicators are an average value; often a healthy person has higher or lower blood pressure

Blood pressure in women and men

Any table of blood pressure standards by age indicates acceptable values ​​for women and men. The normal blood pressure in women is approximately 5-7 mmHg. lower than normal blood pressure in men. This is due to hormonal characteristics, due to which women are less likely to suffer from hypertension in older age than men.

Women's blood pressure changes due to hormonal changes:

  • during menstruation;
  • during pregnancy;
  • upon the onset of menopause.

On the first day of menstruation, blood pressure is on average 10 mmHg lower than usual. This is accompanied by a loss of strength and drowsiness and is caused by two factors - a decrease in hormone levels and large blood loss. A few days before menstruation, blood pressure rises slightly due to increased testosterone levels in women.

During pregnancy, changes in blood pressure depend on the trimester. In the first trimester, many experience toxicosis, which is accompanied by a decrease in blood pressure. A normal pregnancy in the second trimester is characterized by normal and stable blood pressure. In the third trimester, the load on bottom part back and legs, blood circulation in this area is disrupted and swelling may appear. All this is accompanied by an increase in blood pressure.

Fluctuations and jumps in blood pressure develop during the period of adaptation of the body to the cessation of hormone production during menopause. At the same time, the pressure either increases or decreases. In most cases, blood pressure returns to normal after hormonal background will come back to normal.

Heart rate also changes with age

Cardiovascular system in old age

Normal blood pressure in older people over 65 years of age is about 140 mmHg. This is due to changes in the walls of blood vessels and arteries. With age, they lose elasticity, become stiff and cannot quickly respond to changes in blood pressure. Increased blood pressure is aggravated by the presence of chronic age-related diseases, among which:

At the same time, an increase in blood pressure over 140 does not always indicate diseases of a hypertensive nature, since the norm of blood pressure by age allows for an increase in blood pressure after 65 years.

Blood pressure in childhood and adolescence

There is a separate table of human blood pressure norms by age, covering the period from birth to 12 years. In infants, blood pressure is always between 80/40 or 90/50, but can rise to 100/60.

As the child gets older, the pressure increases. In the first months the increase occurs very rapidly and by the first year of life blood pressure is within 100 to 60.

TO adolescence In most children, blood pressure is slightly lower than in adults, usually in the range of 107-110 per 65-70 mmHg. At the same time, girls and boys have the same blood pressure up to 6 years of age.

During puberty, due to hormonal instability, blood pressure fluctuations are observed, both down and up. This is also due to the peculiarities of the nervous system of a growing organism. Due to the rapid growth during this period, the autonomic part of the nervous system, which is responsible for ensuring the vital functions of the body, cannot always adequately control vascular tone, so it can develop autonomic dysfunction teenagers This is accompanied by periods of decreased and high blood pressure, which replace each other.

Quite often, teenagers are faced with the negative influence of atmospheric pressure on a person. This condition is called meteodependence and is largely related to the functioning of the nervous system. When atmospheric pressure increases, a person's blood pressure jumps, and when atmospheric pressure decreases, human blood pressure decreases.

It is incorrect to compare blood pressure in adolescents with standards for adults, since unstable hormonal levels affect the child’s blood pressure. At the same time, it can be either low, below 100 per 60, or increased to 130 per 90. In most cases, pressure surges in adolescents are not treated, since this indicator returns to normal by about 16-17 years.

Normal blood pressure in children

Pulse pressure norms

Another important indicator cardiovascular health is pulse pressure. It is calculated as the difference between the upper and lower blood pressure.

The normal pulse pressure for adolescents and children is about 30. For middle-aged people, the norm is 40 mmHg; in old age, the permissible value increases to 50.

At the same time, fluctuations in pulse pressure are within 30-40 mmHg. are considered normal for a person of any age.

Blood pressure deviations

Blood pressure in a person by age also depends on a number of factors that the table of pressure norms does not take into account. For example, during stressful situation Blood pressure always rises, regardless of a person's age. Blood pressure returns to normal without the use of medications after a few hours, so this condition is not considered pathological. Increased blood pressure after intense exercise sports training- This is a variant of the norm.

There are two pathological abnormalities pressure from the norm for adults - hypertension and hypotension. Hypertension is diagnosed when the pressure is over 140 over 100, hypotension - when the readings are below 100 over 60. In the first case, the cause is age-related changes in arteries and blood vessels, atherosclerosis or diabetes mellitus. Hypotension develops against the background of endocrine disorders and vegetative-vascular dysfunction.

Hypertension is dangerous with the risk of developing heart failure and coronary heart disease. A strong increase in pressure to critical levels can lead to the development of a heart attack or stroke.

With hypotension, vascular tone decreases, blood circulation and oxygen transport to vital fluids deteriorate. important bodies. This can cause the development of hypoxia and, in especially severe cases, leads to cerebral hemorrhage or coma.

A cardiologist treats abnormal blood pressure. To normalize blood pressure, medications are used and non-drug methods treatment.

Changes in blood pressure can be caused by many things. This is probably why this reason is explained bad dream, and the inability to work fully, and increased irritability, and hot temper. Very often you hear the phrases: “In a semi-fainting state in the morning - these are pressure surges” or “Your head is pounding, your blood pressure has probably risen.” But at the same time, few can answer the question, what is this notorious pressure, and where does it come from?

So, in a nutshell, it is the pressure exerted by blood flow on the walls of blood vessels. It is more correct to call blood pressure (BP) blood pressure, since blood acts on both arteries and veins. This indicator is determined by two quantities: the volume of a portion of blood pushed out by the heart within a minute, and the resistance exerted on the blood flow by the blood vessels. If we consider this issue in detail, then everything looks like this:

  • As a result of contraction of the heart muscle (systole), a certain volume of blood is released into the arterial vessels leaving the heart under pressure, which is called systolic, or upper.
  • Lower, or diastolic, pressure is observed when the heart relaxes (diastole). This indicator is due solely to the resistance of blood vessels.
  • The so-called pulse pressure is also determined, for which the value of the lower pressure should be subtracted from the upper pressure value.

The force of ejection of a portion of blood into the arterial vessels, and the lower indicates the tone of the muscles of the vascular walls. The degree of their tension is largely determined by the content of renin, an active compound that is produced in kidney cells.

What does blood pressure depend on?

Blood pressure primarily depends on:

  • The frequency of contractions of the heart muscle and their strength - this determines the ability of blood to circulate through arterial and venous vessels.
  • Vascular lumen - in some diseases, nervous tension, stress causes a sharp (sometimes spastic) narrowing of blood vessels or, conversely, their dilation.
  • Blood composition indicators - a number of indicators (for example, coagulability) cause changes that impede the movement of blood through the vessels and increase its pressure on the vascular walls.
  • Elasticity of vascular walls - for a number of reasons, the walls of blood vessels wear out and lose their elasticity. At the same time, increased physical exercise cause difficulty in blood flow.
  • Atherosclerotic changes - the load on the vascular walls increases significantly with the formation of specific plaques on them, which is observed with increased cholesterol levels.
  • The functioning of the endocrine glands - blood pressure can change under the influence of increased concentrations of hormones. So, in case of malfunctions thyroid gland In particular, in hyperthyroidism, the upper pressure is usually increased, while the lower pressure, on the contrary, decreases.

Blood pressure can vary depending on the person’s age, time of measurement, psycho-emotional state and much more. In addition, more high level metabolism, the need for a significant amount of oxygen, and, consequently, a large volume of blood, explains why blood pressure levels are higher in men than in women.

What is the blood pressure of a healthy person?

Despite the fact that, as mentioned above, blood pressure indicators are individual, WHO accepted 130/80 mmHg as the norm. We are accustomed to the fact that the ideal blood pressure is 120/70, but such numbers are something out of fantasy. Based on the general condition of the body, experts came to the conclusion that, regardless of age, a person’s normal blood pressure values ​​should not go beyond 140/90.

At higher blood pressure, the patient is diagnosed arterial hypertension, the causes that caused it are determined and treatment is carried out using medicines. also in mandatory necessary:

  • Set up a daily routine.
  • Eat properly.
  • Lead a measured life, if possible without stress and nervous shocks.
  • Drink alcohol very moderately and completely forget about cigarettes.
  • Make sure you get enough physical activity.

For the lower blood pressure in healthy condition accepted 110/65 mmHg. At values ​​below this figure, a person begins to feel dizzy, feels weak, and gets tired quickly. This occurs as a result of the fact that in this condition internal organs are insufficiently supplied with blood, there is a deficiency of oxygen.

Normally, they differ by a maximum of 5 mmHg. A difference of 10 in the values ​​indicates the possible development of vascular atherosclerosis, and if the difference is more than 15, it indicates a serious disruption of the functioning of the great vessels.

Does blood pressure change depending on age?

Previously, the following norm of pressure by age was adopted:

  • From 20 to 40 years - 120/80 mmHg.
  • From 40 to 60 years - 140/90 mmHg.
  • People over 60 years old - 150/90 mmHg.

But subsequently these standards were revised. Clinical researches have proven that as a person ages, there is no noticeable increase in blood pressure. Today for all adults age groups The following indicators are considered normal:

  • Men - 130/80 mmHg.
  • Women - 110/70 mmHg.

Still, some is noted, while in young people aged 16 to 20 years, a decrease in pressure to 110/70 mmHg is allowed.

Table for determining what pressure is normal for a person

What a person’s blood pressure should be can be seen from the following table:

Age Men Women
20 years 123/76 116/72
from 20 to 30 years 126/79 120/75
from 30 to 40 years 129/81 127/80
from 40 to 50 years 135/83 137/84
from 50 to 60 years 142/85 144/85
over 70 years old 142/80 159/85

Rules for measuring pressure

Blood pressure is measured using a device called a tonometer. Automatic devices that do not require specific skills, on which indicators are displayed on a display, are widely used. To get the maximum, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • Before the measurement, the person must sit on a chair, lean on the back of it and place his hand at the same level as his heart.
  • A person should be as calm as possible and not experience any physical activity beforehand.
  • You should not measure the meal area, because at this time the indicators may be overestimated.
  • When blood pressure is measured, the person should not talk or move.


The cardiovascular system plays a significant role in the functioning of the body. Deviation of blood pressure (BP) and heart rate from the norm signals the development of serious illnesses. You need to regularly monitor your health. Heart attack, stroke, coronary disease, heart failure, and angina pectoris claim the lives of millions of people every year. The norms of pressure and pulse by age have been determined, which will help monitor the health of the heart and blood vessels, including at home.

What is blood pressure in humans?

State human body characterized by physiological indicators. The main ones include temperature, blood pressure, pulse (heart rate). In a healthy person, the indicators do not go beyond the established limits. Deviation of values ​​from the norm indicates the development of stress or pathological conditions.

Blood pressure is the pressure of blood flow on the walls of blood vessels. Its value depends on the type of blood vessel, thickness, and position relative to the heart. The following types are distinguished:

  • cardiac - occurs in the ventricles, atria of the heart during rhythmic work. Differs in meaning in different departments, due to the contraction phase;
  • venous central - blood pressure in the right atrium, where it enters deoxygenated blood;
  • arterial, venous, capillary - blood pressure in vessels of the corresponding caliber.

To determine the condition of the body, heart, and blood vessels, blood pressure is often used. Deviation of its values ​​from the norm serves as the first signal of a problem. They are used to judge the volume of blood that the heart pumps per unit of time and the resistance of blood vessels. The following components are taken into account:

  • the upper (systolic) pressure with which blood is pushed from the ventricles into the aorta during contraction (systole) of the heart;
  • lower (diastolic) – recorded during complete relaxation (diastole) of the heart;
  • pulse - determined by subtracting the value lower pressure from the top.

Blood pressure is determined by the resistance of the vascular wall, frequency, and strength of heart contractions. The cardiovascular system is influenced by numerous factors. These include:

  • age;
  • psycho-emotional state;
  • health status;
  • taking medications, food, drinks;
  • time of day, season of year;
  • atmospheric phenomena, weather conditions.

For a person, based on individual characteristics, the “working” standard pressure is set. Deviation from the norm to a greater extent indicates the development of hypertension (hypertension), to a lesser extent – ​​to hypotension (hypotension). High and low blood pressure requires attention, and with severe changes, drug correction. The reasons for deviations from the norm are the following factors:

Causes of hypotension

Causes of hypertension

stressful state

stress, neuroses

some conditions environment(heat, stuffiness)

sudden changes in weather conditions, weather dependence

fatigue, chronic lack of sleep

smoking, drinking alcohol

application of some medicines

excess weight, junk food, sedentary lifestyle

concomitant diseases (osteochondrosis, VSD)

concomitant diseases (atherosclerosis, diabetes mellitus)

Age-related features of blood pressure

For people, norms for blood pressure and pulse are established by age. This is due to the developmental characteristics of the organism, physiological changes as you grow older and older. With age, there are differences in the performance of the heart muscle, tone, thickness of blood vessels, the presence of deposits of various compounds on them, plaques, and blood viscosity. The functioning of the heart is influenced by the kidneys, endocrine, nervous system, the functioning of which is undergoing changes in different periods time.

Normal blood pressure and pulse

Normal pressure is the average value of blood pressure at rest, derived for people of different ages, floor. Lower and upper limit values ​​characterizing the optimal state of the body. The ideal pressure is taken to be 120/80 millimeters of mercury. This value fluctuates under the influence of individual characteristics. Normal human blood pressure (deviation from the indicated data by 5-10 mm Hg does not indicate pathology):

Age, years

Minimum normal blood pressure, mm Hg. Art.

Maximum normal blood pressure, mm Hg. Art.

Pulse is a rhythmic pulse of blood flow felt on the walls of blood vessels. Characterizes the heart rate (HR). This indicator also differs among people of different age categories. So a child’s heartbeat is faster than an adult’s. Presented normal indicators pulse:

Age, years

Pulse is normal, beats/min

In children

In a child, from birth to 10 years, a significant increase in blood pressure is observed as the heart and vascular bed develop. Children's heart rate decreases. Normal blood pressure by age:

Age scale

Blood pressure is normal, mm Hg. Art.

Pulse is normal, beats/min

up to 2 weeks

2-4 weeks

79/41 – 113/75

2-5 months

89/48 – 113/75

5-12 months

89/48 – 113/75

98/59 – 113/75

98/59 – 117/77

98/59 – 123/79

A high heart rate in newborns and infants is due to the growing body’s great need for energy. The minute volume of blood during this period is lower than required. To compensate for the insufficient delivery of oxygen and nutrients to the tissues, the heart needs to contract more often. As minute blood volume increases with age, the pulse decreases. In infants, vascular tone and resistance are also reduced.

As the body develops, the walls of the arteries thicken and become stiffer. The muscle cells of the heart and blood vessels function more intensively. Blood pressure gradually increases as you get older. Indicators in schoolchildren and preschool age are close in value, but the maximum permissible limits are expanding. Big influence The body is affected by entering school and the associated psychological and physical stress.

In teenagers

During adolescence there are significant changes blood circulation Indicators for this age:

For high school students, they come first puberty, hormonal changes. Heart mass and volume increase rapidly. During puberty, sex differences in cardiac function appear. In young men, the myocardium is able to contract more strongly and powerfully. In girls, with the onset of menstruation, systolic pressure rises and heart rate decreases.

In adults

The norms of pressure and pulse by age for people over 18 years of age are presented in the following table:

Age, years

Normal blood pressure, mm Hg. Art.

Pulse is normal, beats/min

80 and older

By the age of 25, the cardiovascular system matures. Further changes in function are associated with aging. With age, heart rate and minute blood volume decrease. The formation of cholesterol plaques narrows the lumen of blood vessels. The contractility of the heart decreases. Atherosclerotic changes cause an increase in blood pressure and the risk of developing hypertension. Women during pregnancy and menopause may develop tachycardia. When carrying a child, menopause, hormonal changes occur. Estrogen and progesterone affect the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

With age, blood pressure increases until old age, then decreases. In older people, the heart muscle weakens and cannot contract with sufficient force. The blood becomes more viscous, flows more slowly through the vessels, and stagnation occurs. The elasticity of the walls of arteries and veins decreases. Vessels become fragile and brittle. The development of hypertension at this age causes heart attacks and strokes.


Attention! The information presented in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials of the article do not call for self-treatment. Only a qualified doctor can make a diagnosis and give treatment recommendations based on the individual characteristics of a particular patient.

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Normal blood pressure and heart rate by age in the table

Anonymous 330

What, in people over 70 years old, the pulse does not matter? He's the one I'm interested in

3 days