
Rash on the palms and feet of a child: possible causes and treatment features. Rash on the hands of a child, the reasons for its appearance Rash on the fingers of a child

A rash on the hands of a child is quite common. It can be a consequence of the development of many diseases. If parents noticed the rash in time and consulted a doctor, negative consequences completely avoidable.


A rash on a child’s hands can occur for many reasons, which can easily be grouped into the following groups:

There are different types of rash:

  • spot – a change in the color of an area of ​​skin;
  • bubbles and bubbles;
  • pustules;
  • blisters;
  • nodules, plaques and nodes are dense convex formations of various diameters.
  • On the elbows

In addition, rashes are primary and secondary. The first indicate the development of acute or chronic diseases.

Parents' actions

Medical assistance The child needs it in any case, no matter how trivial the disease may seem to you. Only a doctor can determine the nature of the rash, and it is likely that the baby will have to undergo comprehensive examination.

The first doctor you should visit is a dermatologist. If an allergy is suspected, you will be referred for examination to an allergist. Before being examined by a doctor, it is not recommended to lubricate the rash with anything, much less use medications with coloring components. They will significantly complicate diagnosis.

In most cases, to diagnose the disease, the child is prescribed blood and urine tests, as well as skin scrapings if scabies or a fungal infection is suspected.

Treatment and prevention

Treatment of rashes on the hands of children is carried out in two ways:

The second point is secondary in nature, since the main thing in treatment is to eliminate the cause. Very important in this period take care of boosting the child’s immunity.

If the cause of the disease is an allergy, it is necessary to take antihistamines. At nervous breakdowns and stress, sedatives will be prescribed.

You should not avoid prescribing physical procedures. As practice shows, they have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, have an antibacterial effect and promote speedy healing.

To prevent rashes on the hands of children, parents should follow the following preventive measures:

  • vaccinate the child according to the vaccination schedule to protect the baby from infectious diseases;
  • strengthening the immune system by hardening, taking vitamin preparations, walks on fresh air;
  • limiting contact with allergens, choosing hypoallergenic household chemicals;
  • protecting the baby's skin from direct sunlight in the hot season and extreme cold in winter;
  • Regular hand washing before eating and after contact with other children;
  • correct balanced diet and the gradual introduction of complementary foods for infants with the exclusion of allergenic foods.

If parents follow these instructions, then they will rarely encounter such a phenomenon as a rash on the baby’s hands. It is better to prevent a disease than to treat it for a long time.

If a rash has already appeared on your hands, you shouldn’t hesitate and be negligent about your health. Be sure to consult a doctor, as you may be “overlooking” an acute or chronic disease, one of the symptoms of which is a rash. In this case, you will need not local, but complex treatment.

Be healthy and treat your baby in a timely manner!

Human skin can be called an indicator of health. This is especially true small child, whose skin is very sensitive to any changes - both in external conditions and in general condition internal organs and systems of the body.

Skin rashes may be different character. Some of them are not dangerous, others are a signal of the development of an allergic, infectious or autoimmune process. It is impossible to ignore a rash in a child or treat it yourself without finding out the root cause.

Skin rashes are very common occurrence in young children

Types of rashes in babies

In dermatology there are three large groups, into which all possible skin rashes in infants are distributed:

  1. Physiological. This type of rash occurs in newborns. Rashes appear on the body as a result of hormonal changes occurring in the body.
  2. Immunological. It is a consequence of the effect on the epidermis of various irritating factors, such as allergens, temperature or friction. Such rashes include urticaria, prickly heat, an allergic reaction, or atopic dermatitis. Violation elementary rules hygiene can also lead to undesirable manifestations.
  3. Infectious. A rash is a symptom accompanying a certain infectious (viral) disease, for example, chicken pox or scarlet fever (more details in the article:).

Causes of rashes

There are many reasons why rashes may appear on the head, face, arms, legs, sternum, back or back of the head. The most likely are:

  1. Viral diseases. These include measles, rubella, chickenpox, and mononucleosis.
  2. Diseases bacterial etiology. For example, scarlet fever.
  3. Allergy. Can cause an allergic reaction food products, hygiene products, clothing, household chemicals, perfumes and cosmetics, insect bites.
  4. Mechanical damage to the epidermis. If the wound is treated insufficiently, irritation of the skin around it may begin, manifested in the form of pimples, white spots, colorless blisters, goosebumps, red or pink spots.
  5. Problems with blood clotting. In this situation, the rash consists of small hemorrhages characteristic of meningococcal meningitis.

So, rashes happen in babies different types and has different etiologies. It is not worthwhile to independently diagnose and determine the type of rash using photos from the Internet, even with good explanations. This should be done by a specialist.

Diseases accompanied by rashes

Any type of rash on the body is a symptom of the disease. They can be very different in appearance. The rash can be papular, pinpoint or, conversely, in the form of large dots or pimples. She's dating different colors, starting with transparent or white color and until bright red. The characteristics that describe rashes directly depend on their etiology or the illness that they accompany.

Dermatological diseases

Among the diseases of dermatological etiology, the symptoms of which are a variety of rashes, the following can be noted:

  • dermatoses (for example,);
  • psoriasis;
  • eczema;
  • candidiasis and other diseases of the epidermis.

Almost always skin diseases are caused by problems with internal organs and systems in conjunction with the impact external factors. For example, neurodermatitis can be triggered by disruptions in the functioning of the nervous and endocrine systems against the background of decreased immunity. In such a situation it is required complex therapy using medications, and not just ointments or creams.

Psoriasis on the hands of a child

As for psoriasis, at the initial stage it looks like an allergic reaction, but over time the plaques acquire a characteristic appearance. Another name for the disease is lichen planus. Psoriasis and eczema are very rare in children one month old. Genetic predisposition to these diseases only after 2 years.

Allergic reaction

One of the main symptoms of allergies is a rash. Negative reaction is the result of taking medicinal drugs or eating certain foods. Possessing various shapes and size, the rash can spread throughout the body, including the face, chest, and limbs.

Basics characteristic difference allergy rash - its severity increases when exposed to an allergen and disappears after eliminating the irritant. Another feature is the presence of severe itching.

The most common manifestations of an allergic rash are:

  1. . Occurs due to foods, medications and temperature factors. Sometimes determine the real reason urticaria is impossible.
  2. . It is a papular red rash that merges and becomes crusty as it develops. It most often occurs on the face, cheeks and places where the arms and legs are bent. Accompanied by itching.

Atopic dermatitis or eczema

Infectious diseases

Quite often, a rash is a sign of an infectious disease. The most famous of them:

  1. . The child develops characteristic watery blisters, which dry out and form a crust. They are characterized by itching. The temperature may also rise, but sometimes the disease goes away without it.
  2. . The main symptoms are enlarged lymph nodes in the neck and a rash in the form of small red spots or dots that first appear on the face and then move to the neck, shoulders and then spread throughout the body.
  3. . Appears as round spots and nodules behind ears spreading throughout the body. The disease is also accompanied by peeling, pigmentation disorders, fever, conjunctivitis, cough and photophobia.
  4. . Initially, the rashes are localized on the cheeks, then move to the limbs, chest and torso. Gradually the rash becomes paler. Scarlet fever is also characterized by a bright red coloration of the palate and tongue.
  5. . It starts with an increase in temperature. The fever lasts about three days, after which a pinpoint red rash appears on the body.
  6. . It is characterized by a red rash that is very itchy.

The symptoms of chickenpox are difficult to confuse with the symptoms of another infection.
Rubella rash
Signs of measles
Roseola rash

Rashes in a newborn

The sensitive skin of newborns is most susceptible to negative external influences. Among the most common cases of rashes on the body of a baby are:

  1. . It usually appears in a child due to heat as a result of overheating and difficulty sweating. Most often, this type of rash forms on the head, in particular under the hair, on the face, in the folds of the skin, where diaper rash is present. Rashes are blisters and spots that do not cause discomfort to the child (see also:). For diaper rash, the time-tested Panthenol Spray with dexpanthenol, a precursor substance to vitamin B5, which stimulates skin regeneration processes, is also used. Unlike analogues, which are cosmetics, this is a certified medicinal product and can be used from the first day of a child’s life. It’s easy to apply – just spray it on the skin without rubbing. PanthenolSpray is produced in the European Union, in compliance with high European quality standards; you can recognize the original PanthenolSpray by the smiley face next to the name on the packaging.
  2. . Inflamed papules and pustules affect the face, scalp under the hair and neck. They are a consequence of the activation sebaceous glands through maternal hormones. Such acne usually does not need to be treated, but quality care and moisturizing of the skin should be provided. They pass without a trace, leaving no scars or pale spots.
  3. . Manifests itself in the form of papules and pustules with white-yellow color, 1 to 2 mm in diameter, surrounded by a red rim. They appear on the second day of life, then gradually go away on their own.

Heat rash on the face of a baby

How to determine the disease by the location of the rash?

One of the important characteristics of rashes on the body is their localization. It is by what part of the body the spots, dots or pimples are located that you can determine the nature of the problem and the disease that became the root cause of their appearance.

Naturally, this is not the only parameter that is necessary to establish an accurate diagnosis, but it is quite possible to reduce the number of variants of ailments. However, a dermatologist should analyze the factors that caused the appearance of a rash on a particular part of the body and how to treat it in order to avoid serious consequences of self-medication.

Rash on face

One of the parts of the body that is most susceptible to various types of dermatitis is the face.

Moreover, the appearance small pimples or spots on the face indicate pathologies in the body; such defects also become an aesthetic problem.

Reasons why the rash affects facial area, can be very diverse:

  1. Reaction to sun rays. Occurs when long stay in the sun.
  2. Allergy. She may be called cosmetics, for example, creams based on citrus oils. Food is also often the cause.
  3. Prickly heat. It is observed in infants one year of age and younger with poor quality skin care.
  4. Diathesis. It affects children who are breastfed.
  5. Puberty in adolescents.
  6. Infectious diseases. Among them are measles, rubella and scarlet fever.

Rashes all over the body

Quite often, the rash affects more than one specific area, but spreads throughout almost the entire body.

Allergic rash in a newborn

If a child is covered with various kinds of rashes, this indicates:

  1. Erythema toxic. The rash affects 90% of the body. Disappears within 3 days after toxins are removed.
  2. Newborn acne (we recommend reading:). Bathing with baby soap air baths, leave proper nutrition- solution to this problem.
  3. Allergic reaction. It can manifest itself as urticaria or contact dermatitis on any part of the body where there was contact with the allergen.
  4. Infections. If nothing has changed in the child’s diet and habits, then the possible cause of the rash is an infectious disease.

Red dots on arms and legs

As for the rash on the extremities, its main cause is usually an allergy. Especially ones like this allergic manifestations touch hands. They may remain on the skin long time if the child experiences constant stress, emotional distress and fatigue. If left untreated, the problem can develop into eczema.

Another reason why it may sprinkle hands and feet is fungal disease(such as psoriasis, scabies, or lupus). In cases where there is no rash in other places, a simple miliaria is possible.

Allergic rash on a child's foot

Rash on the stomach

The main factor that can trigger the appearance of a rash on the abdomen is infection, in particular, such well-known diseases as measles, rubella, scarlet fever and chicken pox. With timely and competent treatment, the rash begins to disappear within 3-4 days.

Usually, in addition to the abdomen, the skin is affected in other places. However, if the rash is present exclusively on the abdomen, then it is most likely contact dermatitis caused by an allergen coming into contact with the baby's tummy.

Rashes on the head and neck

A rash on the head or neck is most often a result of heat rash. In this case, it is necessary to normalize the child’s thermoregulation and ensure proper care for the skin. You can also smear the affected areas with ointments and bathe the baby in a series.

Other reasons for the appearance of a rash in these places include:

  • chicken pox;
  • scabies (we recommend reading:);
  • neonatal pustulosis;
  • atopic dermatitis.

Atopic dermatitis

Red dots on the back

Most common reasons red dots on the back and shoulders are:

  • allergy;
  • prickly heat;
  • insect bites;
  • measles;
  • rubella (we recommend reading:);
  • scarlet fever.

Two more probable diseases associated with such a location of red dots as the back are:

  1. Sepsis of bacterial origin. Red pimples quickly spread throughout the body, turning into purulent formations. The disease is accompanied by loss of appetite, vomiting and nausea, and a temperature of up to 38 degrees.
  2. . In addition to the rash, subcutaneous hemorrhages are observed on the child’s back, which instantly rises. high temperature and appears constant pain in the area where the occipital muscles are located.

Sepsis of bacterial origin

White and colorless rash

In addition to the usual pimples or spots of red and pink color, the rash may appear white or colorless. Most often, the white color of the rash is characteristic of an allergic reaction; in adults, it is characteristic of diseases of infectious etiology. Rashes of this kind on the face indicate normal blockage of the sebaceous glands.

As for the colorless color of the rash, it indicates the presence of:

  • vitamin deficiency;
  • hormonal imbalance in the body;
  • problems in the functioning of the digestive system;
  • fungal infection;
  • allergies.

Sometimes it may appear on the baby's skin small rash, which in appearance resembles goosebumps. This sign indicates an allergic reaction caused by hypersensitivity to various irritants, especially medicines. Children with a hereditary predisposition are more susceptible to it.

A rash on a baby's hands is a common problem for most mothers. Indeed, kids who are curious and eager to understand the world touch and try everything with all their might.

But, unfortunately, at this age a person is not careful. Often, getting to know something new leads to trouble for the little researcher. The result of these studies may be the appearance of a rash on the hands.

In most cases, a rash on the palms appears due to an allergy to certain irritants. The list of allergens that can cause such a reaction is huge. These include various chemical components in detergents, and biological infection by microorganisms that entered the blood through wounds. One way or another, such a rash is very itchy, which can greatly bother the baby.

A rash on a child’s hands should definitely be a reason for parents to consult a doctor. However, while waiting for an appointment or in the evening, when you can only go to the clinic in the morning, you should try to relieve the child of unpleasant itching. In addition, itching evening time his palms will not let him fall asleep.

First you need to determine the cause of the rash. If a rash on a child’s hands is a manifestation of an allergic reaction, then it will be enough to take the anti-allergy medications that you have always practiced. If you are sure that the rash is a reaction to a mechanical irritant, you can simply treat the affected area with a moisturizer. hypoallergenic cream. In this case, the child’s itching will stop almost immediately. If this does not happen, then the cause of the rash lies elsewhere.

In addition, a rash on a child's hands may be a sign that the child has contracted an infection. There are a number of diseases, at the initial stage of which a rash occurs on the palms. This includes, for example, viral oral pemphigus. Right this infection called vesicular stomatitis with eczema. After infection, rashes always affect the child’s hands, and then spots and redness appear on the legs. When the oral cavity, the child’s temperature may begin to rise, the baby will become lethargic and apathetic, and also lose appetite.

Various infectious diseases have different symptoms rashes. For example, during chickenpox, red spots appear on the child’s hands, reminiscent of insect bites. By the way, not so long ago we wrote about that and. Coxsackie infection is characterized by blisters appearing on the child’s hands. During the course of the disease, the child develops herpangina. Often the cause of a rash in a child is a common bacterial infection called impitigo. Often the rashes first appear around the nose and mouth, and it also happens that small pinkish flat bumps appear on the skin of the hands.

Most dangerous disease which causes in its initial stage is pseudotuberculosis. This disease is spread by small rodents. In most cases, infection occurs after contact with objects to which rodents have access. First, lumps appear on the palms, which turn red over time. Then gradually some of them take on a dark burgundy hue. Despite the fact that this rash on the child’s hands does not cause itching, and the baby initially does not complain of anything, he simply needs urgent hospitalization.

Fortunately, babies have a fairly low chance of encountering this infection. Much more often you can observe chronic rashes, when for unknown reasons the baby scratches his palms all the time, the skin on them is inflamed, pimples, pimples and other areas of inflammation appear regularly. Even if the child does not develop other symptoms, this does not mean that the child is healthy, but quite the opposite. If an infection is not the cause of the rash, like an allergy, it is likely that it could be initial stage any chronic disease, and the baby needs a full medical examination.

A rash on a child's hands occurs quite often. As you know, children are very curious, so they learn about the world through touching various objects. They play on the playground where there is dirty sand or pick up twigs, leaves or pebbles from the ground. Pathogenic bacteria get on your hands, causing unpleasant symptoms, including a rash. There are other causes of rashes on the hands, fingers and wrists.

The cause of a symptom such as a rash on a child’s hands depends on various factors. Rashes can be caused by pathogenic microbes, chemicals, mites, and the body’s reactions to allergens.


Allergic reaction. The baby may have eaten, touched or put on something, causing the top layer of skin to react in the form of a rash on the arms, cheeks or all over the face, neck, butt, stomach, feet and chest. Most often, parents do not immediately notice a skin reaction to an allergen, so it is sometimes difficult to determine which object or food is the culprit of the unpleasant symptoms.

The most dangerous thing is prolonged contact with the allergen, the surface of the skin itches, and the number of rashes increases.

Atopic dermatitis

This type of dermatitis is an indicator of the presence of a congenital allergy. IN similar cases A rash on a child’s hands appears with frequent contact with a certain allergen. More often allergic rash, manifested in this disease, is located on skin symmetrically. It can be detected on the legs, face, butt, both hands, elbows, cheeks, stomach, between the legs and on the fingers. The rashes themselves are represented by small blisters.

In addition, blood counts will help exclude inflammatory process in the body of a child, which is suspected elevated temperature bodies. An elevated body temperature in a young patient may prompt the doctor to send the child for PCR diagnostics.

Sometimes the doctor prescribes a test such as microscopy. This analysis will confirm the presence of scabies, which can also manifest itself in the presence of a rash on the skin of the hands, face, neck, cheeks and butt.


Various diseases may be accompanied characteristic species rash, which varies both in size and color, shape and nature of its surface. Also rashes are distinguished from each other by the presence of contents, such as fluid or pus. Common types of rash:

  • Vesicle, represented by bubbles, is usually filled with liquid and reaches 0.5 cm in diameter. Most often, when it is damaged, a wet patch of skin appears.
  • Macula, which looks like a speck, represents the part of the skin where discoloration has occurred. However, this rash does not rise above the surface of the skin. It can appear not only on the hands, but also on the face, butt, and other areas of the skin.
  • Bubble(not to be confused with a bubble) is 0.5 - 2 cm in diameter.
  • Blisters have a spherical irregular shape and look like bubbles. The size of the blisters exceeds 0.5 cm.
  • Pustule is an abscess that protrudes above the surface of the skin and is filled with pus.
  • White rash on the hands may indicate the presence allergic dermatitis. The white rash initially has small sizes and occupies small areas of the skin, then begins to spread throughout the body.


After diagnosing the rash, the specialist should prescribe treatment. Parents should not treat rashes on the arms, butt, abdomen and other areas of the skin of a small child on their own, especially if the child has a fever.

Treatment of rashes is divided into two main areas:

  • relieving symptoms such as fever and rashes and unpleasant itching;
  • treatment of the disease that led to the rash.

Treatment may be required antihistamines , means of local influence, which are presented ointments, creams, gels containing hormones. The rash sometimes has to be treated with injections of drugs or medicines taken orally.

  • Read in more detail:

Treatment may involve taking antifungal, antiviral or antibacterial agents . But don’t forget about taking vitamins that will help strengthen immune system child. Can itching be treated? sedatives, antiallergic cooling gels.

Sometimes the doctor suggests treating a rash on the hands with special ultraviolet lamps, which can be included in physiotherapy. The rays of such devices can destroy bacteria and eliminate acne.

  • No temperature
  • With temperature
  • If a child has rashes on his arms, this may be a manifestation of a wide variety of pathologies. This article will tell you how to figure out when a child experiences this symptom and what to do about it.


    Doctors identify a huge variety of different provoking factors that contribute to the appearance of various rashes. It can manifest itself in different ways. The severity and course of the disease depends on the initial cause that caused the baby to develop rashes on the skin. Such skin lesions can appear in children at very different ages.

    Infectious diseases

    kids preschool age begin to actively explore the world. They do this mainly by touching various objects. Violation of basic hygiene rules in this case contributes to the fact that various pathogens. They contribute to the appearance of characteristic rashes on the baby’s skin.

    Rash on wrists and back side palms is quite often called various types pathogenic staphylococci. These microbes are capable of having quite aggressive influence on the skin, leading to the development of severe infectious inflammation.

    At risk are children attending preschool educational institutions. In this case healthy child can become infected from a patient through direct contact.


    Prickly heat

    Miliaria can also cause various bright red rashes to appear on the delicate skin of babies. Usually this pathology occurs in children aged 1-2 years. In this case, severe overheating of the baby leads to the development of unfavorable symptoms. Overly wrapping a child and wearing a jacket or woolen blouse that is too warm can cause development on the hands or inside hands characteristic rashes.

    Symptoms of heat rash, which develops mainly in children infancy, can be not only in the area of ​​​​the palms. They also appear in children on their legs, arms and back. Localization depends on what caused the development of prickly heat in children. These manifestations are formed in places of direct contact with warm clothing.


    Allergic pathologies also quite often lead to various rashes appearing on clean and healthy children’s skin. This is caused by various allergens that enter and affect the body. Quite often development skin rashes contribute to various chemicals, household chemicals and cosmetics, as well as food products that the child consumes daily.

    Allergic rashes can occur on the hands and feet, as well as on other areas of the skin. As a rule, they are accompanied by severe itching. Its intensity may vary. In some cases, pronounced itchy skin brings severe discomfort to the child. It can occur in a child not only during the day, but also at night.

    Body temperature in this case may remain within normal limits.

    How does it manifest?

    Appearance rashes that appear on the skin of the hands can vary. It depends on what caused the appearance of such specific changes on the skin. Infectious pathologies skin lesions are manifested by the appearance of multiple bright red spots on the skin. This small rash usually itches a lot. Rashes can appear in a child both on the arms and on the stomach.

    Staphylococcal flora causes the appearance of multiple blisters on the baby’s skin, filled from the inside with serous or yellow liquid. Severe course The disease is accompanied by the appearance of pus in such rashes. These skin blisters may burst when touched.

    In this case, serous fluid or pus leaks out, and multiple bleeding ulcers remain at the site of the former rash.

    Fungal infection occurs in a child with the development of multiple white rashes. In some cases, they may also have a yellowish tint. Usually the surface of fungal rashes is uneven. On the outside, such skin elements are covered with a large amount of light exfoliated skin scales. In some cases, the rash may not be intensely colored and may be colorless.

    Allergic skin changes, occurring on the hands and cheeks, are manifested by the appearance of bright red or crimson spots. This localization is quite common in infants who are beginning to receive their first complementary foods for the first time in their lives. In this case, some food products become allergens. Quite often, various fruit or vegetable purees that are orange or yellow in color lead to the development of allergies in children.

    Large red spots on the arms and neck may be a sign of prickly heat. This symptom manifests itself especially clearly in babies in the first months of life. Such “flaming” spots appear in places of direct contact with clothing. The affected areas may also feel warm and moist to the touch.

    How to treat?

    When various rashes appear on a child’s skin, it is very important to immediately show the child to the attending physician. In many cases, carrying out differential diagnosis- quite a difficult task. A clinical examination alone is not sufficient to establish a correct diagnosis. Required mandatory implementation laboratory tests, and in some cases instrumental studies.

    After establishing the cause that contributes to the development of various rashes on the skin of the baby’s hands, doctors prescribe him the necessary diagram treatment. The duration of such therapy may vary. In some cases It may even take several weeks to achieve a positive effect. During the treatment process, the doctor must monitor the effectiveness of the prescribed therapy. A clinical examination of the sick child and laboratory tests help him with this.

    If the cause of a rash on your child’s skin is bacterial infection, then doctors resort to prescribing antibacterial drugs . Usually skin diseases flowing in mild form, are treated by prescribing local treatment. For this, various ointments and creams with antibacterial properties are used. Only in cases of pronounced and unfavorable development of the pathology are tableted or injectable forms of antibiotics prescribed.

    Skin rashes caused by allergies can only be eliminated with the help of antihistamines . Such drugs include: Claritin, Suprastin, Zyrtec and others. The frequency of use, course and daily dosages, as well as the duration of treatment are determined by the attending physician, taking into account the initial well-being of the baby, as well as his weight and age. The use of these products not only has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect, but also reduces skin itching.

    To eliminate rashes on a child’s arms caused by a fungal infection, special antifungal agents . They are usually discharged at a fairly long-term use. Compliance with personal hygiene rules when using these drugs is very important condition therapy. In most cases, antifungal agents are prescribed in conjunction with immunostimulating drugs.

    In some cases, the prescribed treatment does not lead to an improvement in the baby’s well-being. In this situation, an appointment is already required hormonal drugs. They are prescribed for use in the form of gels, ointments or creams.

    This local treatment, as a rule, does not cause many unwanted side effects. These drugs quickly lead to positive results.

    To eliminate rashes on the skin of the hands of children, various physiotherapeutic methods. Treatment with ultraviolet rays has been used quite successfully. Such techniques have a pronounced positive effect on the skin, promoting its cleansing, as well as restoration and healing. To achieve a lasting positive effect, at least 10-15 procedures may be required.