
Pale and pink fever in children. How to properly deal with fever in a child? Drugs for the treatment of acute respiratory viral infections

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4. If the child suffers from epilepsy, intracranial pressure or heart disease.

5. All children with “white” fever.

Stages of fever

1. Period of increased body temperature. During this period the immune system The child’s infection-fighting mechanism—hyperthermia—is activated. During this period, the child’s body produces heat, but does not give it away. The child's sweating function is reduced, chills and goose bumps may appear.

2. Period of constant temperature. At this moment, body temperature reaches its peak and will remain at this level for some time. In the event of a “failure” in thermoregulation, the development of hyperthermic reactions and the appearance of “red” and “white” fever are possible. Depending on the characteristics of the disease, body temperature can be elevated from several hours to several days.

3. Period of decrease in body temperature. During this period, the work of the thermoregulation center normalizes. The child’s body begins to actively give off heat on its own. Most characteristic feature this period is increased sweating. After the child actively “sweats,” the body temperature drops to normal indicators or low-grade fever. The decrease in body temperature can be rapid or gradual. Both processes are physiological.

First aid should be provided based on the type of fever and the stage of hyperthermia. It makes no sense to provide assistance during a period of increased body temperature. It is necessary to wait until the stage of “standing” temperature, recognize the type of fever and begin the right help.

To provide first aid to a child, it is necessary to know exactly the readings of the thermometer and the reaction of the baby’s body. It is important for parents to recognize “red” and “white” fever in their child and provide timely assistance.

"Red" fever

The child's behavior remains virtually unchanged. The baby calmly tolerates an increase in body temperature.

The baby's limbs are warm.

The skin is warm and sweating may occur.

The skin is of normal color or slightly reddish.

Breathing and pulse quicken in accordance with the increase in temperature (for every degree increase, shortness of breath increases by 4 breathing movements, and the pulse is 20 beats per minute)

The child complains of a fever!

"White" fever

The child is lethargic, lethargic, and possible confusion.

The baby's hands and feet are cold and dry.

The head and forehead are hot.

The skin is pale and acquires a “marble” tint.

Severe shortness of breath and tachycardia.

The child is cold and shivering, despite his high body temperature.

There is no effect from taking antipyretics.

Red fever has a more favorable prognosis because it is more physiological.

Everyone knows that fever performs an important protective function for the body - it helps the immune system fight the invasion of foreign bacteria and viruses. However, some types of fever can be fatal to child's body. One of these types is white fever. With it, the child has a high fever and cold extremities. If you want to know why this condition develops and how to help your baby, read this article.

What it is?

Fever itself is not considered a disease. It develops as a defensive reaction when large quantities acute infectious and inflammatory diseases. The apparatus responsible for thermoregulation reacts with heat (to special substances that penetrate from the outside - pyrogens).

Usually they are not independent substances, but components of various pathogenic microorganisms and viruses. They act at the level of the brain - shifting the point in the center of thermoregulation, which is located in the hypothalamus.

Medicine is familiar different types fevers, however, all of them (regardless of the cause) are conventionally divided into red and pale, designated according to the main color skin during illness. The second includes white fever.

The body needs high temperature because during illness it stimulates the production of interferons, proteins necessary for the processes immune defense. However, too high a heat becomes dangerous for the baby in itself.

White fever is accompanied not only by high temperature, but also by impaired blood circulation, as well as an imbalance between the body’s production of heat and its release. Spasm of peripheral vessels develops, and this is very dangerous, especially for babies from birth to one year.

Symptoms and signs

White fever is a name that reveals the essence of the child’s condition as fully as possible. At high temperatures, the child looks pale, his lips and nasolabial triangle acquire a bluish tint, and bluish circles appear under the eyes. You may notice a bluish tint on the skin vascular network, and for this feature the skin with white fever is sometimes called “marbled”. Due to impaired blood circulation, the arms and legs become cold, almost icy.

Many kids feel quite cheerful even in high heat. In the case of white fever, everything is different - the child is very lethargic, all the symptoms of intoxication are evident, he is very weak.

The baby's pulse is rapid, changes may be observed heart rate. Children who can verbally express their complaints may complain of feeling cold and have severe chills. May be elevated arterial pressure. At temperatures above 39.0 degrees, hallucinations, clouding of consciousness may occur, the child begins to delirium, and often has febrile convulsions.

The main and main symptom that allows you to distinguish white fever from any other is cold hands and feet. If parents notice this, they are obliged to provide emergency assistance to the child. If the temperature is above 39.0 degrees, you need to call ambulance.

An additional diagnostic measure can be considered the “pale test”. If you press lightly on the skin thumb hands, with white fever a light spot remains, which for a long time cannot restore the natural color of the skin.

First aid

First aid for white fever is to warm the child’s limbs, restore vascular permeability, and ensure blood flow. To do this, it is strictly forbidden to use the popular methods of relieving fever - cold rubbing and wraps. This will only lead to an even greater loss of heat, and the baby’s condition will worsen. In case of pale fever, under no circumstances should you rub the child with alcohol, vodka, alcohol-containing compounds, or wrap him in a cold and wet sheet.

You should call an ambulance, and while waiting for the arrival of a team of doctors, rub the child’s arms and legs with light massaging movements, holding them between your palms.

You can use any heat source - a heating pad, a bottle of warm water. At the same time, antipyretic drugs are given.

For children, paracetamol-based drugs are considered optimal. Can be given in age dosage anti-inflammatory non-steroidal drug "Ibuprofen". Do not give two or more antipyretics at the same time. Aspirin and drugs based on it should be avoided, since taking it in childhood can provoke the occurrence of severe and very life-threatening Reye's syndrome for the baby.

If, with a normal fever, antipyretic drugs are given to children in different dosage forms(tablets, suppositories, syrups, powders), then for white fever it is worth limiting this list to tablets or syrups. Introduction rectal suppositories may be ineffective due to vasoconstriction.

To eliminate vascular spasm, you can give your child antispasmodic drugs. After a year - "No-shpu", up to a year – "Papaverine", but in a strict age dosage. If there is any doubt about the required amount of the drug, it is better to wait for the doctors to arrive.

When the temperature is high, the ambulance doctors give the children a “lytic” injection, which includes an antispasmodic (usually Papaverine), an anesthetic and an antipyretic "Analgin". Sometimes a lytic injection is injected with antihistamines- For example, "Suprastin"(to reduce swelling of the mucous membranes and prevent the development of croup, edema and severe complications).

Before the ambulance arrives, it is imperative to provide warmth, but not to overheat the child, so that the fever does not begin to intensify. In addition, you should give your child plenty of warm drinks. This will help reduce the risk of dehydration and febrile seizures. If the child refuses to drink on his own, you need to use a syringe without a needle and infuse the drink dropwise (or give the baby something to drink using a teaspoon).

Forcing a child with white fever to eat is a parental crime. Firstly, the baby has absolutely no appetite, and secondly, the body needs strength to fight the infection that caused the fever, and not to digest food. That is why nature came up with everything so that when you are sick, appetite is one of the first to disappear and one of the last to appear.


It is usually recommended to give antipyretic drugs to children at a temperature of 38.5 to 39.0 degrees. However, in the case of white fever, assistance (including medication) cannot be delayed. Even if the thermometer has not yet approached 38.5, you still need to give an antipyretic and call an ambulance.

The most prompt response should be made to the appearance of so-called cold white fever in an infant, in a child under three years of age, in children with impaired central function. nervous system, with neurological diagnoses, in children who have previously suffered from seizures at least once, as well as in children with diseases and defects of the cardiovascular system.

It should be noted that the temperature with white fever decreases after taking medications a little slower than with the red form of fever. Sometimes you need to wait more than an hour and a half. That is why it is best to immediately call a team of doctors.

IN specific treatment white fever is not needed. When the acute stage, which is dangerous from the point of view of convulsions and dehydration, has been stopped, the doctor will prescribe treatment that corresponds to the main diagnosis.

White fever usually accompanies the following diseases: ARVI, influenza, sinusitis, otitis media, bronchiolitis, pneumonia, pharyngitis, pyelonephritis, meningitis, chickenpox, measles. It is also an inadequate response of the child’s body to the post-vaccination period.

At viral infections the doctor will prescribe symptomatic treatment, to relieve symptoms of fever - antipyretics. At bacterial diseases he will prescribe antibiotics with simultaneous administration antipyretic drugs.

It is strictly forbidden to do inhalations (especially steam inhalations), rub the child with badger fat, make warming compresses (except for dry heat on the limbs in acute stage), practice cold and cool baths. All this is resolved after the temperature drops.

In this video, Dr. Komarovsky talks about emergency care at elevated body temperature in a child.

When high body temperatures are detected in a child, many parents, especially young ones, panic, losing self-control and the ability to think clearly. However, as practice shows, such emotions are unnecessary, since they are not only unjustified, but also significantly interfere with making the right decisions, which include providing first aid. The main thing when identifying a high temperature in your child is to bring it down correctly and in a timely manner. In medicine, an increase in body temperature to high levels is called “fever”, which can become very dangerous condition for children's age category.

Definition of concepts

Quite often, “fever” is confused with “hyperthermia,” although the two concepts are completely different:

  1. Fever is the result of the acute development of diseases of infectious origin. In this case, high temperature values ​​are a protective reaction of the body, through which the immune system is stimulated, activated metabolic processes, increased leukocyte values.
  2. Hyperthermia, in turn, occurs against the background of the development of any pathological conditions, not related to infectious pathogens. These can be various neoplasms in the body, overheating and other factors.

It is important to understand and be able to distinguish between the concepts presented, since the correctness and quality of first aid depends on this.

Types of fever

There are two main types of fever:

  • "white", also called "cold";
  • "pink" or "hot".

The fundamental difference between the “white” type in children is the occurrence of spasms of blood vessels located on the periphery, which suggests the development of the process according to the adult type.

Each of the febrile conditions is characterized by its own characteristics, which are manifested through the following signs:

"Cold" feverish state

  1. The child's skin becomes pale or bluish.
  2. When you touch the skin, you feel cold and increased dryness, which is especially typical for the extremities.
  3. At very low temperature values, the child exhibits little motor activity, becomes lethargic and apathetic. Along with this, excited or delusional states, without a good reason.
  4. There is an increase in heart rate, which can cause shortness of breath.
  5. Chills occur, which are caused by strong intensity.
  6. Reception medicines with antipyretic effect does not bring a positive result.

"Hot" feverish state

  1. The child's skin becomes covered with reddish spots.
  2. The skin is warm and moist to the touch, which also applies to the limbs.
  3. In accordance with the increase in body temperature, the heart rate, pulse and respiration increase.
  4. In the presence of high temperatures, the child’s behavior remains normal.
  5. Antipyretic medications have a good effect.
  6. In case of wiping the skin with vodka or plain water, there is no symptom of “goose bumps”.

Since the types of febrile states under consideration have significant differences in symptoms, it is advisable to carry out different techniques providing emergency assistance.

"Pink" fever

Taking medications

  1. If there are temperature values ​​from 37.5 to 38.5 degrees, Paracetamol or medications based on it, the form of which does not matter, will be quite effective special significance. The effect of such drugs begins after half an hour and lasts for a couple of hours.
  2. At temperatures rapidly creeping up and exceeding 38.5 degrees, it is advisable to use more potent drugs, in the form of “Analgin”, “Aspirin” or a combination of these two components. These medications are also activated after a half-hour time period, but their duration is 6 hours. In order to obtain a greater positive effect in the absence of any contraindications to their use, Analgin and Aspirin are taken in turn every 4 hours. It is also possible to take them together, but then the period of inactivity should be at least 8 hours.

Physical type body cooling

  1. After taking medications, cooling the body will be a good help. To carry it out, you should undress and wipe your entire body with a towel previously soaked in plain water or a solution of vodka, water and vinegar. It is important to do wiping, during which drops of the composition can evaporate on their own, taking with them excess heat. After the skin has completely dried, the procedure can be repeated several times.
  2. A good alternative to wiping is a warm shower, after which the temperature may drop by a couple of degrees.
  3. It is not recommended to carry out warming-type procedures without taking medications, since after the end of the effect of such procedures, protective function the body, causing it to warm up again, resulting in even greater heat production. In the absence of taking antipyretic drugs, temperature values ​​will only increase.


  1. To all the procedures described above, it is useful to add plenty of warm drinks, which will help cleanse the body.
  2. Tea with a diuretic effect, which can cause chills, will be an excellent help. In this case, you should not wrap yourself up, as this will prevent heat transfer.

"White" fever


  1. The same “Paracetamol”, “Aspirin” and “Analgin” are suitable as antipyretics.
  2. Medicines are used with them antispasmodic action, which affect the vascular walls of the skin.


It is important to warm the child’s hands and feet using heating pads or rubbing procedures. In this case, rubbing is ineffective.

After carrying out the emergency measures described above, temperature values ​​should decline and decrease by at least a degree. With absence positive dynamics it is advisable to call a doctor, since such persistent feverish conditions indicate serious disorders occurring in the body that require immediate attention medical intervention and a thorough examination.

However, it is important to understand that you should absolutely not achieve temperature values ​​characteristic of healthy body, since such sudden changes in temperature can cause no less harm to the child. Exceptional cases include elderly people, children in the age group less than a year, as well as patients suffering from neurological and cardiological diseases. As a rule, temperature values ​​in these categories of the population do not exceed 38 degrees. As a result, the temperature drop to normal levels is barely noticeable.

Typically, white fever in a child develops as a response of the body to an infectious infection. Doctors distinguish between red and white forms of fever. With the development of the latter, a spasm of blood vessels occurs, which leads to severe chills. It is quite difficult for children to carry, so it is necessary to transfer it to the red form as quickly as possible. The second stage of fever is characterized by high heat transfer, minimizing the risks of overheating. Pink fever is easier to tolerate.

The most common cause of hyperthermia is infection, damage of a bacterial, viral, fungal or other nature. In a continental climate, these are usually acute respiratory infections, bronchitis, pneumonia, otitis media. In hot areas common cause are also intestinal infections. Pathogens enter the body with food, during breathing or during injection.

White fever can be caused by a vaccine against influenza, measles or whooping cough.

It is also possible that fever may develop for other, non-infectious reasons. Chills can be observed due to allergic reactions, rheumatic phenomena, poisoning and malignant tumors.

Symptomatic picture

The name of the fever speaks for itself: the child becomes very pale, marbling of the skin is observed. Lips turn blue, hands and feet become cold. The pulse and breathing rate increase sharply, and blood pressure rises. The child is cold and complains of chills. General state varies: the patient can be either completely lethargic or very excited. Convulsions and delirium are possible.

The course of fever occurs in three stages.

  1. Body temperature rises quickly, as heat transfer becomes much less than heat production.
  2. The temperature stabilizes, but remains elevated.
  3. Hyperthermia disappears abruptly or gradually decreases to normal levels.

White fever causes loss of appetite

As a rule, the doctor notes:

  • apathy;
  • pale skin;
  • lack of appetite;
  • uneven difficulty breathing.

Symptoms characterize the baby’s immunity with the best side: This is a typical reaction for a healthy body. Defense Mechanisms promote denaturation of foreign proteins inside the body, which speeds up recovery.

Hyperthermia prevents the proliferation of viruses, bacteria or fungi. After this, uncontrolled suppression and destruction of inflammation begins in the body.


Scarlet fever or an allergy to antipyretic drugs, in addition to the main symptoms, is manifested by a rash. Inflammation of the mucous membranes is characteristic of fever due to pharyngitis, otitis media, bronchitis or pneumonia.

Mononucleosis and tonsillitis caused by streptococci or viruses cause white fever, which occurs against the background of sore throat. Bronchitis or bronchiolitis, asthma, laryngitis cause difficulty in breathing, its rigidity, and unevenness. Disorders of the nervous system are possible with meningitis or encephalitis. IN the latter case Emergency medical care is often needed.

Scarlet fever or an allergy to antipyretic drugs causes a rash

Intestinal infections are often diagnosed through the development of white fever accompanied by diarrhea. If vomiting and abdominal pain occur, most likely we have to talk about inflammation of the appendix or organs genitourinary system. Fever due to arthritis or rheumatism occurs along with damage to large joints.

If the cause of white fever is any serious disease, the child is too irritable and sleepy, he practically does not drink and is breathing heavily, then he requires emergency hospitalization.

Parents' first actions

When the first symptoms of fever appear, the baby should not experience fear or panic. We need to distract him and calm him down. interesting story or a fairy tale.

Before being examined by a pediatrician, it is important to ensure that your child drinking plenty of fluids. It is better if it is natural juices and fruit drinks, herbal decoctions.

It is also important proper nutrition: the disease should not lead the baby’s body to exhaustion. You need food that is not only healthy, quickly digestible, but also tasty. You need to do something that will definitely make the child happy.

Drug treatment

Treatment of the main symptoms is not limited to anti-inflammatory and antipyretic drugs. Often such treatment is ineffective and even pointless. As a rule, children are prescribed phenothiazines, for example, Diprazine. With the help of these agents, blood vessels dilate, blood circulation and the functioning of the sweat glands are stabilized, and they also have a sedative effect.

Pediatricians recommend giving a child with white fever medications to dilate blood vessels. Ideal for this a nicotinic acid– 1 mg per 10 kg of weight. Vitamin PP is used in combination with Paracetamol or drugs containing it - Panadol or Calpol. Nurofen is used as an effective antipyretic in the form of suppositories or syrup. But when treating, you should not focus on lowering the temperature, using strong drugs. The more effective the antipyretic, the more harmful it is for the child’s body.

Nurofen syrup is used as an effective antipyretic agent

The spasm is relieved with the help of antispasmodics - Dibazol or Papaverine. But “No-shpa” will be of little help here, since its action is directed mainly at the internal organs. Antipyretics will not work until the body spasm subsides, so this is very important when treating a fever. Vasoconstriction - the main symptom of fever - can be reduced by rubbing the child's limbs and completely eliminating the cooling of the body.


A number of medications for fever are prohibited. So, the list of contraindications includes:

  • Aspirin, which can cause encephalopathy;
  • "Analgin" (due to the risks of anaphylactic shock);
  • "Nimesulide", which is a highly toxic agent.

Urgent Care

Children in case elevated temperature may be needed first aid. First of all, you need to block hyperthermia with the antipyretics described above. An antispasmodic that dilates blood vessels is used together with paracetamol.

Within an hour, the temperature should drop by at least a degree. Otherwise, you need to urgently call a doctor.

At the same time, you should not do everything possible to bring your body temperature closer to normal. Sudden changes are difficult to tolerate, especially for children. The exception is infants and children with heart and central nervous system problems. For them, temperatures above 38 degrees are contraindicated.


Each of us was sick in childhood and probably remembers the remedies tested by generations in the fight against high fever and chills during fever.

  1. If we talk about raspberry tea, then when you have a fever, it makes no difference what you drink. The released moisture will in any case increase the heat transfer of the body. As for jam, its effectiveness is not so great. A decoction of leaves, not berries, has the most beneficial effect on the body. It is better to add a few raspberry and strawberry leaves and some linden flowers to the teapot. This will increase the effect many times over.
  2. Another famous one folk way– milk and honey. The combination is very tasty, although not many children like it. Honey will undoubtedly be beneficial: it not only heals, but also calms and strengthens sleep. In turn, milk soothes the throat and reduces cough.

So, treatment pale fever comes down to a complex drug therapy in combination with correct mode nutrition and sleep.

If during a fever a person’s body turns pale, and his temperature goes far beyond 38 degrees, then this is the first sign of white fever. Most often it appears in young children; adults are rarely bothered by this condition. When this disease occurs, it is necessary to recover as much as possible and achieve a normal pinkish tint to the skin.

What is white fever

A normal fever is a reaction of the body in which the body temperature begins to rise sharply. This happens due to a virus or harmful bacteria entering the body. A protective reaction is activated in the body, causing the temperature to rise rapidly and severe chills and aches to appear. But such a serious condition does not arise in vain, because most infections begin to die at high temperatures. Our immunity enters the active stage of the fight against disease.

White fever also occurs as the temperature rises, simultaneously causing chills and aches. But distinctive feature is a change in the shade of the skin - the person simply turns pale. Severe lightheadedness and weakness appear, and the extremities become cold. If this condition occurs, it is necessary to reduce body temperature in the near future; this is usually done with the help of Paracetamol or Ibuprofen tablets.

White fever in a child

White fever almost always occurs in childhood; it is less common in adults. Therefore, it is worth paying close attention to studying the first symptoms of white fever and its treatment.

What a parent needs to know about childhood white fever:

How it proceeds. First, the body temperature rises sharply. High rate The temperature is fixed for some time. After taking measures, the temperature drops (sharply or gradually) to normal levels.

What are the symptoms?. Symptoms of white fever are varied, and they can also occur individually or all at once:

  • dyspnea;
  • lethargy, weakness;
  • aversion to food and water;
  • cardiopalmus;
  • dehydration;
  • narrowing/dilation of blood vessels;
  • pale skin;
  • blue lips;
  • cold extremities;
  • capricious state, crying.
Causes. The main cause of white fever in a child is the presence of a severe infection. If this state occurs in a baby under 3 months, it is necessary to call an ambulance in the next few minutes and go to the hospital.

How to treat it. First of all, the child needs to be provided with regular, plenty of fluids: warm fruit juice, dried fruit compote, green tea. Then give him antipyretic drugs: Panadol (paracetamol) or Nurofen (ibuprofen). You can wipe your baby wet wipe soaked in water at room temperature. Under no circumstances should you wrap yourself in a warm blanket. After examination by a doctor, antibiotics will most likely be prescribed.

How to calm a child. During a feverish state, parents need to stay close to the child all the time, try to distract him with interesting conversations, you can take him in your arms and hold him close - this will make the baby calmer and more comfortable.

The danger of white fever for a child according to Komarovsky

Any type of fever (including white fever) negatively affects the child's condition. If measures are not taken in time, the situation can only worsen.

Experts have found that three percent of children with white fever develop febrile seizures, which negatively affect the development of the central nervous system.

Another adverse effect of white fever is dehydration. Therefore, parents should give their child fluids to drink more often. If the child’s condition worsens, call an ambulance immediately.

During white fever, the following medications should not be taken:
  • "Aspirin" (acetylsalicylic acid);
  • "Analgin" (metamizole);
  • "Nimesulide".
Under no circumstances should the following measures be taken:
  • Wrap the child in a blanket or dress him warmly.
  • Wipe with vinegar, vodka or other alcohol-containing products.
  • Severely reduce the temperature after the onset of convulsions.
  • Force-feed the child (in this case, the body’s forces are spent on digesting food, and not on fighting the disease).

Increased body temperature in a child (video)

For more detailed study white fever and methods of combating it, we suggest you watch the video in which Dr. Komarovsky talks in detail about the increase in body temperature in a child.

White fever in an adult

In an adult, white fever is rare and usually occurs against the background infectious diseases or complications. Sometimes it occurs with a head injury or brain tumor. In very rare cases with allergies.

What an adult should know about white fever:

  • How it proceeds. One of the first signs of the disease is a rise in high temperature, and with white fever it is accompanied by severe chills, aches, pallor and weakness. Taking medications against fever is sometimes useless. After some time, the patient’s condition stabilizes, the temperature drops, and the skin color returns to normal.
  • What are the symptoms?. The main symptom of white fever in an adult is considered to be vasoconstriction, pallor and heat. Secondary symptoms include trembling, cold hands and feet, chills and weakness. Possible blue lips.
  • Causes. First of all, any fever occurs due to a special reaction of the immune system to the appearance of an infection in the body. White fever provokes vascular system for maximum blood and warmth supply internal organs, because of which the limbs begin to turn pale and cold.
  • How to treat it. There is no cure for white fever, it is not a disease, but simple reaction body for infection. The disease that causes white fever needs to be treated. If the patient’s temperature is too high (more than 39 degrees), then you should give him antipyretic drugs (Paracetamol, Ibuprofen), then invite a doctor for an examination to establish a diagnosis and prescribe more effective ones. medicines. In some cases, treatment with antibiotics will be required.

    Before the doctor arrives or the ambulance arrives, the patient can be given antispasmodics (“Drotaverine”, also known as “No-shpa”), rub the limbs and drink plenty of liquid. If after a few hours the patient does not feel better, the temperature does not subside, and the white fever does not go away, then he must be urgently hospitalized.

  • Patient care. When a patient is in a state of white fever, he must be surrounded with care and attention, offered to take medications and try to follow the rules of patient care.