
What is the temperature during teething? Temperature during teething in children: causes, how many days does it last and how to reduce it? Standard and permissible temperature

Teething is quite an exciting and trembling moment for the whole family. After all, the first tooth that appears is a kind of holiday for parents. But does this event bring joy to the child himself? The answer is obvious. Most often not. This is explained by the fact that for most children under one year of age, teething is accompanied by a significant increase in body temperature and other unpleasant symptoms. It is worth noting that in this situation, each child is individual, and accordingly, the reaction to the appearance of teeth is different. Some children can calmly play at a body temperature of 39 degrees, and some already at 37 feel, to put it mildly, unimportant. We will devote this article to answering the question of why fever occurs during teething in children, as well as how to help them in this unpleasant situation.


First, you need to figure out at what age the first teeth appear in order to roughly understand whether this really became the main reason for the rise in temperature in the child.

On average, babies develop their first tooth at 7 months. But, as mentioned above, everyone is different, so some of them delight their parents with a small white gift as early as 3 months, while others force mom and dad to look into their mouths in search of the treasured stripe on their gums up to one and a half years. It should be remembered that in both the first and second cases the children are absolutely healthy. Quite rarely there are situations when the appearance of the first tooth is more late age indicate the presence of certain diseases.

Doctors believe that the process of teething depends on the natural characteristics of the child, on which its development is based. Also, these indicators directly determine at what age the baby will begin to walk, sit, talk, etc.

All baby teeth appear around the age of two. They are replaced by permanent indigenous ones (at 6-7 years). They are practically no different from dairy ones, except for color and strength (indigenous ones have a more yellowish color and are much stronger).

Reasons for rising temperature

It is impossible to find a definite answer to the question of why the temperature rises during teething. Many pediatricians disagree on whether fever can actually be a direct consequence of the appearance of the first teeth. But everyone is definitely sure that at this moment they will activate protective functions body. The tooth begins to grow, cuts through the gum, it swells and becomes inflamed. The body immediately turns on its defense, and it is for this reason that the body temperature rises and salivation increases significantly. Occurring inflammatory processes in the mouth significantly weaken the baby’s immunity, allowing various pathogenic microorganisms to walk and spread throughout oral cavity. Against the background of weakening immunity, intestinal infections may develop, which are accompanied by dilution feces. All this causes the child a large number of problems, hence hysterics, whims, and constant crying.

How to understand that these are teeth?

In order to determine whether the child really has a fever due to teething, and not for some other reason, you should understand the symptoms that accompany this phenomenon:

Symptoms that should alert you

Sometimes fever during teething in children may be accompanied by some danger signs that require seeing a doctor:

  1. Diarrhea. Most doctors claim that fever, diarrhea and teething are in no way related to each other, so in this case we can talk about the presence intestinal infection, which the baby could bring with teethers and toys.
  2. Red throat. This indicates the addition of pharyngitis or acute respiratory infections.
  3. Severe nasal congestion. This indicates the presence of rhinitis.
  4. Cough. Sometimes the baby may choke on saliva, which causes periodic coughing, but if it repeats constantly or with sputum production, then it is necessary urgent treatment, otherwise bronchitis may develop against this background.
  5. Vomit. This is also a consequence of the addition of an intestinal infection.

With all of the above symptoms, regardless of the temperature during teething, you should urgently seek advice from a pediatrician. He will tell you what to do to alleviate the baby’s condition. Below we will tell you how long teething takes.

Temperature. How many days does it last?

Everything is purely individual. In most cases, this process is believed to last approximately two to three days. If the time period exceeds this interval, then it is more advisable to consult a doctor.

Permanent teeth

The temperature during the eruption of molars in children over the age of 6 years usually does not increase. The exception is the chewing teeth, which occupy more space on the surface of the gums, therefore, they can cause inflammatory reactions.

If in this case (when eruption is carried out permanent teeth) the temperature rises rapidly, you should consult a doctor because there is a high probability of gingivitis. The doctor will prescribe appropriate treatment depending on the child’s condition. If inflammation of the gum mucosa is left untreated, it can lead to irreversible consequences.

How to help a child?

The main thing that needs to be done in this situation is to create conditions under which the child’s body will lose as little heat as possible. It should be remembered that it evaporates for two reasons:

When the inhaled air warms up;

When the sweat evaporates.

Actions required in such cases

  1. Cool. The air in the room should be no higher than 18 ͦ C. Of course, it is difficult to listen to this recommendation, but this way the child will cope with the elevated temperature much faster.
  2. Drink plenty of fluids. This condition in mandatory should be observed so that the baby has something to sweat.

It should also be remembered that when cold contacts the body, a spasm of skin blood vessels appears. It reduces the formation of sweat, significantly slows down blood flow, and also reduces heat transfer. In this case, the skin temperature decreases, and internal organs- increases. This is very dangerous!

Therefore, under no circumstances use such a common method as self-cooling at home, in particular, the use of cold sheets, enemas and hot water bottles with ice. Yes, this method is used in hospitals, but only after the doctor has given the child a medicine that will prevent spasm of skin blood vessels.

Therefore, at home, so that the temperature during teething subsides faster, you should provide cool air in the room where the child is, but at the same time put warm clothes on him. Heat particles will leave the body when sweat evaporates, and, accordingly, body temperature will drop.

Previously, a popular method was rubbing with alcohol or vinegar. It should be remembered that under no circumstances should this method be used, especially in the case of a child. This has long been proven by pediatric doctors, who in their practice have encountered serious consequences of using such methods. This is explained by the fact that when dry skin is rubbed with alcohol or vinegar, they are quickly absorbed into the blood. And already with such a seemingly harmless problem as teething, you got a child poisoned with alcohol or acid. Therefore, never rub anything and under no circumstances place a running fan next to an undressed child.

If for some reason you cannot provide cool air in the room, and the child has a fairly high temperature when teething, provide him with regular fluids. It should be remembered that the hotter the room, the more the baby sweats and, accordingly, loses more fluid. The most the best option is a raisin decoction.

To do this, take one tablespoon of raisins and a glass of boiling water. Pour into a thermos and leave for a few minutes. Cool until desired temperature and give the baby something to drink. If the baby is over a year old, you can give dried fruit compote.

If you are planning to give your child tea with raspberries, you should be extremely careful, as this berry increases sweating.

If the baby is capricious and does not want to drink the remedy that you offer him, in this situation it is more advisable to give him what he wants, so that the liquid gets into the body.

Remember that the temperature of the drink should be approximately equal to the baby's body temperature.

In what situations should medications be used to reduce fever?

  1. If the child suffers from any illness nervous system.
  2. If the temperature during teething exceeded 38.5 degrees.
  3. If the baby does not tolerate an increase in body temperature. In some cases, this can trigger seizures.

It should be remembered that it is not worth lowering the temperature during teething if it is below 38.5. So, for example, an indicator of thirty-seven degrees is a kind of protection for the body. In this case, antibodies are produced that act against various bacteria and viruses. Therefore, parents should not interfere with the natural process of the body’s struggle.

The best option

If the temperature during teething in children is high, then it is more advisable to use oral rehydration solutions, in other words, to replenish fluid loss by drinking.

The best product is one that contains everything necessary for the body substances, in particular sodium, potassium, chlorine.

Before use, the drug is diluted in a certain amount of water, then the resulting solution is given to the child at elevated temperature body in order to replenish the loss of nutrients by the body.

Commonly used drugs:

- "Regidron";

- "Orasan";

- "Reosolan";

- "Gastrolit".

If you don’t have ready-made powder, you can prepare it yourself. To do this, take 1 liter of boiled water and dissolve in it 1 teaspoon of salt and the same amount of soda, 2 tablespoons of sugar. You can give in any quantity (minimum - one teaspoon every 15 minutes).

Antipyretics for children

There are currently two effective means, which are most often used when there is a significant increase in temperature during teething. These are Ibuprofen and Paracetamol.

To alleviate the baby’s condition, you should use syrups, solutions, drops that contain one or another remedy. Before giving liquid antipyretics, they should be heated to a certain temperature so that the medicine is absorbed into the blood as quickly as possible.

If you decide to use rectal suppositories(candles), then you should remember that these remedies begin to act after more long time than liquid ones. But their effect lasts longer. Suppositories are used if it is difficult or painful to swallow; a longer-lasting effect is needed, for example, at night.

In your first aid kit you need to have both Ibuprofen and Paracetamol, just in different forms.

Dosage of the drug "Paracetamol"

Doses for children who have a high body temperature during teething depend on their weight; a single dose is 15 mg/kg. Therefore, if a child weighs 8 kg, then he can be given 120 mg of the drug at one time. After this you should wait 4-5 hours. The maximum number of appointments should not exceed five per day.

Features of taking Ibuprofen

In this case, the optimal dose is 5-10 mg/kg. The interval between doses is 6 hours. The drug should be taken no more than four times a day, the maximum dosage is 25-30 mg/kg.

It should be remembered that it will be quite difficult for worried parents to calculate the required dosage, so save the instructions from medicines, which describe in detail in what quantities to give a child this or that medication.

In what cases is a doctor needed?

Signs of dehydration:

Dry tongue;

No urine for 6 hours;

Dry skin;

Crying without tears.

How to properly provide emergency care at home with a body temperature exceeding 39.5 degrees

  1. Actively give anything to drink, preferably oral rehydration solutions.
  2. The room temperature should not exceed 18 degrees. Optimal air humidity is 55-70%.
  3. The drink should be at a temperature similar to body temperature.
  4. Give antipyretics, for example, Ibuprofen or Paracetamol in liquid form.
  5. If the skin is disposable, undress, if pale, dress.

Let us repeat what should not be done at high temperatures:

Use physical cooling measures (wrap the child in a wet cloth, immerse the child in cold water etc.);

Rub with vinegar or alcohol.

A child’s first teeth are a joy and a disappointment at the same time. First of all, the baby is growing, which is good news for parents, but at the same time, the appearance of baby teeth causes inconvenience and pain in the child. But how does the process of eruption of molars proceed, and can body temperature increase? We will learn about this in more detail from this material.

When do molars start to grow?

In babies, their first teeth appear mainly from 5-6 months to 2-3 years. IN total number there are about 20 teeth. Milk teeth are not permanent, therefore, closer to 6-7 years, they periodically begin to fall out, and in their place new ones grow - permanent or molar. Molars in children are an even more important process than the eruption of baby teeth. It is unknown when the first molars will begin to appear, since for each child this process is individual and depends not only on physiological characteristics, but also on factors such as diet, climatic conditions and quality drinking water. When teething molars in children, the temperature rises, but whether this is a normal property, we will find out further.

If the eruption of temporary teeth took place without significant health deviations, then this will not affect the molars in any way. It is worth noting that molars take much longer to erupt than baby teeth. For dairy animals this process usually takes 2-3 years, and for permanent ones from 6 to 15 years. Until the baby tooth falls out, a permanent tooth will begin to emerge in its place. Basically, for most children, the process of the appearance of molars is a process in which the baby experiences discomfort and pain.

Important to know! The eruption of molars in a child may be accompanied by an increase in temperature, which is absolutely normal.

Symptoms of teething in children

The main sign of eruption of molars is an increase in the size of the jaw. The process of jaw enlargement indicates that the body is preparing for a change of teeth. The distance between the temporary processes is small, so more space is required for the eruption of permanent teeth.

Children's molars are larger than primary teeth, so they require more space to form. If the distance for the eruption of a molar is not enough, then some problems arise. These problems manifest themselves in the development of acute pain, as a result of which the baby’s temperature rises to febrile levels. At temperatures above 38.5 degrees, antipyretic drugs should be used.

The lack of space for the eruption of new processes leads to the fact that the teeth change the direction of growth, becoming crooked and unsightly. This phenomenon occurs due to physiological developmental disorders of the child. In such a situation, the baby should be shown to a doctor to prevent the development unforeseen complications which may be irreversible.

Important to know! Very often, children tend to have a malocclusion, which is directly due to the lack of free space for the eruption of new teeth.

When visiting the dentist, parents receive disappointing news that their baby has malocclusion and teeth need to be straightened. In order not to have to correct complications that take root from an early age, it is necessary to pay attention to the process of the appearance of permanent teeth. The main signs of such a manifestation are the presence of the following symptoms: moodiness, irritability, loss of appetite, bad dream.

Often, when molars come in, the reaction to this process is similar to that of milk appendages. It is possible that during the eruption process a viral or infectious disease. This is due to the fact that when teeth erupt, immunity decreases, as a result of which the body is attacked by pathogens.

Excessive salivation is the main symptom of the appearance of permanent teeth. If for the first time this symptom has strong signs salivation, then with molars the process proceeds much smoother. In addition, at an older age, children can wipe their mouths on their own, as well as rinse the mouth. Failure to take these steps will result in irritation on the chin and lips.

Important to know! The saliva of every person contains a huge amount of bacteria, which, when it comes into contact with skin may provoke the development of irritation.

As soon as the child's molars erupt, inflammatory processes appear. Inflammation occurs both on the gums and in the child’s mouth. If during teething there are signs of redness throughout the oral cavity, then this may indicate attachment viral infection. In this case, there will definitely be an increase in body temperature, as a result of which the baby’s well-being will significantly deteriorate. If you have such symptoms, which are complicated by a runny nose and sore throat, you should not put off going to the doctor.

Molars are being cut with signs of slight swelling of the gums. As soon as the first molar erupts, the child quickly begins to pull into his mouth everything that comes to hand. The gums begin to itch very much, so you can reduce the symptoms of itching and pain by chewing special rodents. If there is nothing at hand that can be chewed, then the baby quickly puts its hands into its mouth. Parents should not scold the child for this, but explain that this should not be done. Quantity on hand pathogens extremely high, even if they are washed with soap, so the addition of an infectious or bacterial nature is possible.

Important to know! In some situations, the symptoms of pain are so severe that parents have to resort to the use of anesthetic drugs.

Another important sign of teething in a child is disturbance and restlessness of night sleep. In this case, the baby often wakes up at night, cries, moans or tosses and turns. All these symptoms are normal, so to improve the baby’s well-being, you need to consult a doctor.

Molars and temperature in a child

The temperature during teething often rises to subfebrile and febrile levels. There is debate among doctors about whether temperature fluctuations may indicate an ongoing process. After all, in addition to this, children also experience signs of cough and runny nose. One thing is certain: if the thermometer readings exceed 38.5 degrees, then resorting to the use of antipyretics is mandatory. Many options for children's antipyretics have additional anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties.

It is important to emphasize that the temperature for teething can last up to 5 days, and if there is colds– over 7 days. To find out why your baby’s temperature is constantly rising, resulting in the need to bring it down, you need to consult a doctor.

Important to know! If a child complains of pain and discomfort in the oral cavity, which indicate the appearance of molars, you need to provide the baby with peace, or better yet, tell him to sleep.

Features of the order of appearance of teeth

As soon as the first one cuts through permanent tooth, it will be clearly visible. Permanent processes differ from temporary ones in color and shape (milk ones are much smaller and have a yellowish tint). As soon as the baby’s baby teeth begin to fall out, this is a signal that the process of the appearance of permanent teeth will soon begin. The sequence of eruption of permanent processes is determined by the following scheme:

  1. The molars appear first. The main property of molars is the fact that they are the first to emerge.
  2. The incisors or central ones appear next.
  3. Behind them, the incisors or laterals begin to cut.
  4. After the incisors, premolars or central ones emerge.
  5. Fangs are caused by one feature: when they erupt, there is excessive pain in the gums.
  6. Molars.
  7. Third molars, which may not grow in some children, depending on individual physiological characteristics.

Most often, teething occurs in this order. At the age of 20, wisdom teeth may still emerge. Parents should not panic if their children’s teeth do not come out in the same sequence as described above.

The baby's first tooth appears at 5-7 months, but this is individual, it happens a little earlier, and also later. The main signs are that the gums become swollen and salivation increases. At the same time, he becomes moody, eats and sleeps poorly.

If your child has a fever during teething, this may indicate following reasons:

  1. – it is painful and uncomfortable, because its growth begins in the bone tissue, and after which it, cutting through the gums, comes out.
  2. An inflammatory process occurs in the area of ​​the cut, which provokes an increase in temperature - a protective reaction of the immune system. Sometimes it doesn’t affect at all general condition baby, and is manifested only by redness of the face, and can be quite high and accompanied by a viral disease, with all the consequences: cough, runny nose.
  3. Molars and upper teeth are the hardest to come out; they can torment the baby before they erupt for more than a week.

What is the temperature and how long does it last?

When teething, it can rise to 37-38 degrees - this is considered normal, and last from 2 to 5 days, but in cases where several teeth are erupting at the same time, it can be longer, and falls when the tooth erupts.

If it rises to 39–40 degrees, then you should urgently consult a doctor, as this is a signal of a complication or concomitant infection.

When and how to lower the temperature (methods)

At the pharmacy you need to ask about children's antipyretics, any will do, the main thing is not to give the child analgin and aspirin


  1. You need to bring down 38.5 degrees and above, with special children's antipyretic drugs, based on paracetamol or ibuprofen, they also act as painkillers, but only after consultation with a pediatrician, since it is important to choose the right one correct dosage For of a certain age and weight.
  2. If there are seizures, this should be done immediately.
  3. Kids up to three months knocked down from 37.5 degrees, because the immature organism does not tolerate temperature changes well.

Medicines for children are produced in the form of syrups, gels, suppositories, and you must strictly adhere to the instructions for the medications, give them strictly on time: no more than once every 5 hours, so that an overdose does not occur.

You also need to monitor the general condition of the baby, as the temperature during this period can rise sharply and also fall.

You can try to knock it down without using medications:

  1. Give often and a lot to drink: compotes, water, weakly brewed tea.
  2. Regularly wipe your entire body, or at least exposed areas, with a damp towel.
  3. Reduce the amount of clothing on the baby, but so that he does not freeze, remove the diaper.
  4. Constantly ventilate the room, avoiding drafts, and also constantly humidify the air.

It is important not to force the child to eat during this period of time, so the body’s strength will not be spent on fighting inflammation, but on digesting food, and there is no need to strive for 36.6 degrees ─ reducing body temperature by 1 degree will be enough.

It is advisable to avoid sudden changes ─ this can cause vasospasm.

It is prohibited to give analgin and aspirin to children! Do not rub with vinegar and vodka, even in diluted form, as this can cause irritation, skin burns or intoxication of the entire body, especially for children under one year of age!

When should you call a doctor?

A temperature of more than 38 degrees, the child is lethargic and completely refuses to eat - this is a serious reason to consult a doctor, as due to a decrease in immunity due to teething, a viral infection may occur.

There are also a number of alarming symptoms, in the event of which it is necessary to call a pediatrician:

  1. The fever does not subside and lasts for more than 3 days.
  2. There is vomiting.
  3. Diarrhea ─ loose stool more often than 5 times a day.
  4. Severe lethargy and constant crying of the child.
  5. A runny nose and cough appeared.
  6. Rash on the skin or mucous membranes.
  7. The baby has rapid heartbeat, as well as difficulty breathing.
  8. Cramps.
  9. When, at elevated body temperature, the child’s skin is pale and cold, with a marbled pattern.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why can’t you lower the temperature below 38 degrees?

When it begins to rise, this means that a person’s blood, regardless of age, produces cells (antibodies) that independently try to destroy the source of inflammation (virus, infection). Reducing it to this limit, there is a big risk of disrupting the work immune system which will slow down the healing process.

Why is high temperature dangerous?

Its increase is the body’s protective reaction to all kinds of viruses and infections. But if small child do not knock down for a long time high temperature, then it can cause problems with the liver, heart and kidneys, and also affect the activity of the brain and central nervous system.

There are diseases that only manifest themselves in children with high fever ─ infections genitourinary system, viral diseases, pharyngitis ─ therefore, if it lasts more than three days, you need to seek advice from a specialist.

What to do if the fever does not go down?

In the nursery home medicine cabinet There must be antipyretics, both paracetamol-based and ibuprofen-based, and if one drug does not confuse it, then it must be alternated with another after a certain period of time.

If there is no result ─ urgently contact ambulance.

What is better to bring down the temperature - candles or syrup?

After taking the syrup, it drops quickly, but not for long, and when using suppositories, the opposite is true. From this we can conclude that if you need to bring down the temperature quickly, it is better to use syrup, but candles are best used before bedtime.

When does the fever just need to be brought down?

Children under 3 months of age, when a child has a defect or heart problems, the baby is suspected of having neurological problems.

High temperature, called a doctor, what next?

In most cases, an experienced specialist will suggest going to a hospital, to an inpatient department, especially for children under one year old, since all sorts of diseases can be hidden under the temperature.

Therefore, you need to quickly pack a bag with the most necessary things: change of clothes, diapers, bottles.

Many mothers refuse to visit a medical facility, arguing that the baby may become infected with something there. But usually, the babies are placed in separate rooms, where they take necessary tests, and if it is confirmed that the child is healthy, they are sent home the next day.

How can you tell if your baby has started teething?

The most common symptoms are:

  • allocation large quantity saliva, which irritates the skin on the chin and even on the neck;
  • the presence of a small white bump under the gum;
  • moodiness and restlessness, poor sleep and appetite;
  • cough, runny nose;
  • the child puts everything into his mouth ─ toys, hands, all kinds of objects.

The main rule for parents who have small children is that if you are not 100% sure that the child has a fever in the teeth, be sure to seek advice from a pediatrician and not self-medicate.

Teething in young children is a rather difficult, but very important process. Frequent crying, excessive salivation - these are all accompanying moments, however, not all parents know that this can also be accompanied by fever. I want to talk about what it is like, how long it can last, and how you can get rid of it.


First you need to decide when babies' first teeth appear. And only then begin to figure out how long the temperature lasts during teething. Doctors say that in children, the process of teething begins in the range from 4 to 8 months. No one can say more precisely, because each organism is individual and develops in its own way. However, this is not even the limit. There are babies who are already born with teeth, and some have the first long-awaited stripe on their gums by the age of one year, or even later.


So, in order to accurately determine that the moment of teething has arrived, parents can look for the following symptoms in the baby. It is worth saying that there will be several of them, and not just one.

Well, a small white stripe under the gum may indicate that the first tooth is about to appear. You can feel it lightly with an ordinary teaspoon; the appearance of the first tooth will be indicated by a characteristic light knock or grinding of a tooth on metal.

About indicators

So, what happens and how long does the temperature last during teething?

  1. The baby’s temperature may rise slightly and have virtually no effect on the baby’s condition. So, it is in the range of 37.3-37.7°C. However, at this time you need to closely monitor the indicators, not missing the moment when they change sharply.
  2. The possible temperature will be in the range from 38°C to 39°C. At this time, the mother should measure the indicators every hour, especially at night. It is also allowed to lower this temperature.
  3. Above 39°C. Such situations are not so rare. Here the mother should be very attentive to the baby and always be ready to call a doctor at home.

It is also worth mentioning that the temperature can often change during teething: it rises and falls. Mom should also remember this and carefully monitor all indicators.


How long does the temperature last during teething? Again, I would like to say that for each organism the indicators are individual. There are children who may have it for one day, while others may have it for about a week. However, pediatricians say that it is considered normal if the temperature lasts no more than three days. Otherwise, you must apply for medical assistance and consult a pediatrician.

Causes of illness

It will seem to many interesting information about why teething is accompanied by discomfort (fever, crying, sore gums). The thing is that for these processes the child’s body uses as much strength and energy as possible, paying less attention to everything else. Therefore, in this period the development of various diseases and infections is possible. In addition, inflammatory processes in the mouth significantly weaken the baby’s immunity, allowing various pathogenic bacteria to infect the throat most often. By the way, babies may also experience loose stools. The thing is that the baby puts toys and hands into his mouth, which are not always clean, which provokes the occurrence of an intestinal infection. All this negatively affects the baby’s body, causing it to fall into a certain painful condition. To briefly answer the question: “Why does the temperature rise during teething?” - then we can say that the reason for everything is some weakening of the baby’s immunity during this period.

High temperature

What temperature can a baby have when teething? It is often quite high and reaches values ​​around 38-39 degrees Celsius. However, here, first of all, it is necessary to make sure whether this is precisely related to the processes of eruption. So, you can invite a doctor to reassure yourself. Don’t be shy about disturbing the doctor, because the health of the baby should be the main thing for the mother. If it has been confirmed that the baby really has a baby, the main thing for the mother is not to panic and not become hysterical, running around the house and thinking about how to make the baby’s life easier. The first thing you need to remember is that rest is important for your baby. After all, temperature exhausts the body. Therefore, it is better not to once again excite the baby’s nervous system with games or laughter. And during this period it is necessary to carefully monitor the baby’s condition. If convulsions occur, the temperature must be brought down immediately. The child should be wrapped in a cool sheet, but under no circumstances should vinegar rubs be used, which can lead to intoxication of the body as a whole.

What temperature can you lower?

Very often mothers want to help their baby and bring down the temperature during teething. However, this does not always need to be done, but if you do it, do it skillfully. So, first of all, I would like to say that everything depends on the age of the baby. There are children whose teething processes appear quite early, even before the age of three months. In this case, parents must wait until the thermometer reads 38°C and only then begin to take action. You shouldn’t do this before, because the baby’s body at that age must learn to cope with such problems on its own. However, if the child has previously experienced convulsions when the temperature rises, it can be brought down earlier. Basically, as for older children, the indicators are mostly the same. It is important to remember that when churning, the temperature will not immediately drop to ideal values; there may be a situation where it will only change by a few notches.

When to call the doctors

There are situations when the baby’s temperature rises to 40°C. In this case, you need to call an ambulance; you don’t need to wait for everything to return to normal. Also, parents should be concerned about the lethargic state of the child, when the baby does nothing but be capricious, and possibly moan. Also a bad indicator is pale skin and feeling the child’s cold extremities.

Help for the baby: medicines

Having figured out how long the temperature lasts during teething, it is also worth talking about how the baby can be helped in such a situation. After all, it is often difficult for him to cope with these processes on his own. So, today there are a lot of auxiliary tools for this.

  1. Preparations based on a substance such as paracetamol. They are great for dealing with painful sensations. And for children, for more convenient consumption, they are available in drops, candles or syrup.
  2. Gels. An excellent option for relieving toothache. They can be with various flavoring additives and astringents. So, there are drugs such as "Kalgel" (not recommended for children who are prone to diathesis), the drug "Kamistat" (it should be used in moderation, it is more strong action), Solcoseryl paste (in addition to relieving pain, heals wounds and ulcers in the oral cavity). And for babies who have allergies, we can recommend a gel such as “Doctor Baby”. These methods of pain relief are also great if the child has a fever during teething at any age.

Simple rules for medications

It is also worth knowing that if a mother gives her child syrup for fever, it will act quickly, but the effect of reducing indicators will last much less than, for example, when using suppositories. If a child’s temperature is brought down with this form of the drug, relief will come within a few hours, but the desired effect will be much longer. As for gels, they can be used no more than 3-4 times a day, but only if necessary. Get passionate about data medications definitely not worth it.

Taboo on medicines

Knowing how long the baby’s teething temperature can last, parents can begin to bring it down. However, this must be done correctly. Thus, it is strictly forbidden to use medications such as Aspirin or Analgin. It should also not be given to children that may contain components of these medications.

Non-drug help

What else can you do if your baby has a fever when teething? Komarovsky (children's pediatrician) says: the first thing a baby needs at this time is a mother. Her warmth, tenderness, care. Parents should not be nervous at this time and lash out at the child. More skin-to-skin contact means it will be much easier for the baby. Also, many babies calm down at their mother’s breast; you can practice more frequent latching, even if the baby is not hungry. It is also good to try to entertain the baby in order to distract him from unpleasant situations. To do this, you can play with him, read books to him. You should also take as many walks as possible during this time. fresh air. However, in this case, for walking would be better suited a sling or ergo-backpack rather than a stroller. If a child has a temperature of 39 during teething, he also needs to be given as much to drink as possible, because in this case, fluid leaves the body quickly and its reserves need to be replenished. It is also important to remember that you should not wrap your child up at this time; clothing should correspond to the temperature conditions or be lighter. It is also necessary to carefully monitor the temperature in the room. The ideal option would be when the room is cool, but the temperature is not lower than 17-18°C. If it is hot, the room where the baby is located needs to be ventilated as often as possible. Also, to help your baby, you can wipe his face from time to time with a swab dipped in cool water. It is good to carry out water rubdowns every two hours. This will not only be pleasant, but also useful for the baby.

What should you not do?

There are also some tips on what parents should not do when their baby’s temperature rises due to teething.

  1. If possible, you should not interfere in the course of events.
  2. Do not let your child chew crackers or a crust of bread (grandmother’s method). Not only will this not distract your baby, but it may also scratch his gums.
  3. Do not do anything to the gum so that the tooth appears earlier (cut it, massage it with your hands). It’s so easy to introduce an infection into a baby’s body.
  4. You should not wipe your baby with alcohol or vinegar, as this can lead to intoxication of the body.

During the first year of life, both the baby and his parents expect many joys and discoveries. However, along with them, the family is also beset by current problems, one of which is high fever during teething.

This phenomenon in most infants is accompanied by unpleasant sensations itching, pain, gums become swollen, sometimes a runny nose or diarrhea appears. But the most worrying symptom is one that can last quite a long time.

How to act correctly in this situation, whether to use medications and when to start seriously worrying - you can find the answers to these questions in this article.

When do teeth appear?

Their first rudiments appear at the 7th week of pregnancy, when many body systems are not yet formed in the embryo. Teething in children can occur at individual times. In rare cases, a baby is born with 1-2 teeth; in others, the first one comes out after a year. However, the norm is the appearance of the first primary incisor at the age of 7 months.

The intensity and speed of tooth formation depends on a group of factors:

  • the course of pregnancy;
  • climatic conditions of the region of residence;
  • height and weight of the baby at birth, term/prematurity;
  • heredity;
  • past infections;
  • the time when the fontanelle closed.

Sometimes teeth can erupt one after another, and sometimes in whole groups. In some cases, the process drags on for weeks or even months. In any case, mom should be patient and not rush things. It happens that children of the same parents develop completely differently, including their teeth, which may appear earlier or later.

Main features

During teething, a child experiences fairly clear symptoms by which parents can identify the phenomenon. There are a small number of lucky people who simply do not notice the appearance of incisors, canines or molars. Some parents discover new teeth as soon as they erupt. However, most children experience this period with difficulties, whims, and pain. Temperature during teething in children is not uncommon.

What symptoms and signs should let mom and dad know that their child’s teeth are starting to appear?

  • Persistent and severe salivation. The baby has a constantly wet chin, blouse, and hands. Often a thin stream of saliva drips from the mouth. Sometimes, against this background, diarrhea even occurs - so much of this liquid is swallowed by the baby.
  • Increased excitability of the nervous system, which is expressed in sleep and behavior disorders. The child becomes capricious, worries a lot, and sometimes stops breastfeeding.
  • Swelling, redness and itching of the gums. The baby puts his hands, all the objects he comes across, and an adult’s finger into his mouth and squeezes it quite tightly with his gums. When the tooth is ready to erupt, a hard, whitish bump appears in this place.
  • Inflammation of the nasal mucosa and, as a result, a runny nose.
  • Most characteristic feature, which occurs in half of infants - temperature during teething. This symptom appears in some children every time, in others - in isolated cases.

If parents know these features and understand their reasons, they worry less. However, it should be remembered that a runny nose when teething is not severe, diarrhea should not occur more than three times a day, and the temperature does not exceed 38 degrees and lasts no more than three days. Otherwise, you should consult a doctor as it may be a viral infection.

Hyperthermia - causes and features

Erupting teeth often cause a decrease in local immunity. In the area of ​​the swelling gums, many active substances are released, and some inflammation occurs. All this causes the temperature to rise.

Of course, parents are concerned about the question of how many days the temperature lasts during teething. Normally, no more than three days. However, there are isolated cases of prolonged hyperthermia. To make sure how safe this condition is, it is better to consult a pediatrician: only a specialist can determine whether there is another reason for this phenomenon.

Another important question concerns thermometer readings. What temperature during teething is not dangerous? The range from 37.0 to 38.0 degrees is considered normal. True, another picture also happens: sometimes teething occurs with a temperature of both 38.5 and 39.

Necessary measures for hyperthermia

Today, official pediatrics is of the opinion that it is worth bringing down a high temperature during swelling of the gums, when a tooth is erupting, when its indicators exceed the mark of 38.5. This condition can be dangerous for the heart and central nervous system.

An artificial decrease in temperature to 37-38 degrees will do nothing except significantly reduce the body's protective resources and resistance. These indicators are absolutely normal for this condition. Parents should closely monitor the behavior of their child, do not forget to regularly measure the temperature and protect the baby from hypothermia and overheating.

However, each organism is individual. Some children can play at a temperature of 38 degrees, while others become lethargic and capricious already at 37. In case of symptoms such as convulsions, cold extremities, change in skin tone to gray or marbled (with veins), difficulty breathing, it is necessary to immediately call ambulance.

Ways to lower the temperature

Although modern enlightened parents know how long the temperature lasts during teething, they are still concerned about the condition of the baby. There are general recommendations to eliminate hyperthermia and improve the baby’s condition. This can be a physical method, which many people use, or a medicinal method, which is simpler, but used only when absolutely necessary. It should be remembered that being able to give medications and doing it constantly are not the same thing.

  • Physical method. Take the baby in your arms and create a calm and peaceful atmosphere. Let the room be quiet, turn off the harsh bright light. Don’t wrap your child up, a light shirt is enough, but the diaper needs to be removed so that thermoregulation, impaired during hyperthermia, returns to normal. Open the window so that it does not blow directly on the baby and there are no drafts. Gradually lowering the temperature in the room to 19-20 degrees will help improve the condition of the little person.
  • Another one of physical methods- this is rubbing. A clean cloth should be soaked in water at a temperature of 36 degrees. You can’t add vinegar, let alone vodka, to the liquid. This mixture can aggravate the child’s condition, and rubbing alcohol solution will be toxic to delicate skin and fragile organism baby.

If an increase in temperature occurs in a breastfed baby up to six months, there is no need to supplement him with anything. Artificial babies must be given specially prepared baby water. For children from six months of age who have been introduced to complementary foods, it is important to receive liquids - juice, compote, water or children's tea - portions of drinks and the frequency of their intake should be increased.

  • Medication method. Can a fever be reduced with medication? Yes, if there are no contraindications specifically for this child. Active active substance such medications are paracetamol or ibuprofen. The first is considered preferable, more gentle and effective for the baby. Ibuprofen - more strong drug, so experts advise using it only in extreme cases.
    • Preparations with paracetamol, adapted for infants: Tsifecon-D, Efferalgan, Paracetamol.
    • Medicines with ibuprofen that can help lower the temperature: Nurofen, Motrin.

Before giving it to your baby antipyretic drug, carefully read the instructions, pay attention to possible contraindications side effects and dosage - it may depend not only on the age of the baby, but also on his weight. It is best to consult your doctor first.

If the temperature persists for several days, or it is high, and the baby suffers, urgent measures need to be taken. Drugs released in the form work best rectal suppositories. They dissolve in the intestines active substances are absorbed faster and act, reducing the temperature and easing the general condition of the little person.

Rules of conduct

Teething is an inevitable and natural process that you just need to go through with patience and calm. To prevent this period from being a torment for the whole family, it is worth adhering to several principles:

  • At the time when the child is teething, he does not feel well, so his appetite will most likely decrease. Don't force your baby to eat if he doesn't want to - this can cause vomiting and worsen the condition.
  • Do not introduce any new foods during the teething period. A weakened body is unlikely to perceive them adequately.
  • Under no circumstances should you get vaccinated when your teeth are coming out. With reduced immunity, this can cause serious complications. Vaccination is possible only when the baby is completely healthy.
  • Poor health often causes a disruption in your daily routine. Take this calmly when the baby’s health improves and the routine returns to normal.
  • Buy your little one a chewing rod so that he can “scratch” his gums, thereby relieving pain and itching.
  • The most important thing that a child needs during this difficult period is the affection, care and calmness of his mother and father. Remember that your condition is passed on to your son or daughter, helping or hindering you to get through this difficult period.