
Red formations on the skin in the form of a mole. Red moles on the body: causes and symptoms, diagnosis and the most effective treatments

Hello dear readers. Today we will talk about how to treat pharyngitis in a child. In this article, you will learn what symptoms are characterized by diseases, what provokes its development, how diagnostics is carried out. Special attention We will focus on methods of prevention and methods of treatment.

Pharyngitis and its types

It is an inflammatory disease commonly seen in childhood. It is based on the fragile immunity and structural features of the nasopharynx.

Quite often, pharyngitis develops against the background of other diseases, for example, rhinitis, or.

According to the place of localization, they distinguish:

  • superficial - characterized by damage to the pharyngeal mucosa;
  • granulosa - there is a lesion of lymphoid follicles located deep in the layers of the pharynx.

The disease can spread over the entire surface of the pharynx, or it can concentrate only in a separate area, for example, be limited to lateral ridges.

By the nature of the flow:

  • spicy;
  • subacute;
  • chronic.

By the way the mucous membrane of the pharynx looks during the period of pharyngitis, there are three types:

  • catarrhal - characterized by swelling and hyperemia of the mucosa, a gradual transition to a gray - pink hue;
  • hypertrophic - there is a thickening of the membrane due to growth epithelial tissue, most often there are hypertrophic phenomena of the lateral ridges, the palatine arches thicken, nodules develop, as well as granules on the pharyngeal wall from behind;
  • atrophic - thinning of the mucosa occurs, vessels become visible, the membrane atrophies.

Depending on what became the causative agent of the disease, pharyngitis is:

  • viral;
  • fungal;
  • bacterial.


Depending on the age, pharyngitis can be provoked by various factors. genetic predisposition dramatically increases the risk of this disease. What other factors influence its appearance.

In a toddler up to the age of two, the following causes of the development of the disease are observed:

  • infection of the child in the prenatal period;
  • infection with viruses (adenovirus or virus herpes), bacteria (streptococcus, Haemophilus influenzae, staphylococcus aureus);
  • is the result of the spread of the fungus of the genus Candida on the back of the throat, most often this is observed with stomatitis.

In children from two years to six years of age, the disease can be triggered by:

  • viruses, eg paravirus or adenovirus;
  • coccal microflora (strepto-, pneumo- and staphylococci);
  • due to prolonged exposure to allergens;
  • at pathological processes in the heart and kidneys;
  • dysfunction digestive system, which is characterized by the reflux of contents with an acidic environment into the esophagus, as well as into the pharynx;
  • poor ecology (if the child inhales polluted air);
  • may develop as a complication scarlet fever , measles or Infectious mononucleosis.

And what affects the development of pharyngitis in children from the age of seven years:

  • external irritants (dust, cold air);
  • bad ecology;
  • food of abnormal temperature;
  • passive smoking;
  • development against the background of viral infections;
  • when infected with pathogenic microorganisms, bacteria, fungi;
  • due to an allergic reaction;
  • aggravation of chronic ailments, for example, sinusitis , caries or chronic tonsillitis;
  • lack of retinol in the body;
  • severe hypothermia;
  • pathological processes of the digestive, cardiovascular, endocrine systems and in the kidneys;
  • eating icy foods, such as ice cream;
  • weakened immunity;
  • frequent breathing through the mouth with a stuffy nose, especially in the winter;
  • mechanical damage to the nasal septum;
  • chemical and thermal burns throats.

In children of this age, the incidence of this disease is much lower. This is largely due to the presence of more strong immunity. However, during this period, more children have chronic diseases, which can often provoke the development of pharyngitis.

Characteristic features

  • general weakness, capriciousness;
  • feeling of discomfort in the throat, soreness;
  • sensation of a foreign object in the throat;
  • unsuccessful attempts to cough;
  • hoarseness of voice;
  • temperature in the range from 37.5 to 38 degrees, it is possible that this limit is exceeded or the presence of a normal indicator;
  • redness and small sores are observed on the mucous membrane of the throat.

Depending on the different types may also be observed:

  • purulent follicles or red plaques on the pharyngeal mucosa;
  • accumulation of thick mucus;
  • curdled plaque;
  • crack formation;
  • swollen lymph nodes (on the back of the neck);
  • thinned mucosa of the pharynx, in which the vessels are well translucent.

In infants given state characterized by the following features:

  • constant crying, moodiness;
  • lack of appetite;
  • possible fever;
  • sleep problems;
  • dyspepsia;
  • rash on the body;
  • increased salivation;

If you want to look at what pharyngitis looks like in children, a photo of this ailment:

Pharyngitis. Herpetic form

Pharyngitis of viral etiology


  1. Personal examination of the patient, accounting for all complaints.
  2. General blood analysis.
  3. Throat swab for the determination of pathogenic microflora.
  4. Sowing of the identified microorganisms on a life-giving medium in order to detect sensitivity to groups of antibiotics.
  5. PCR - research.

If there are cases of relapse, the doctor will refer the child to a consultation with a gastroenterologist (to exclude the presence of gastroesophageal reflux disease) or an allergist (to exclude the influence of allergens). Also, in such cases, endoscopy of the nasopharynx and nasal passages is prescribed, if pharyngolaryngitis is suspected, larynx fibroscopy is prescribed.

Possible Complications

In the absence of correct and timely treatment, serious consequences of the disease can develop. First of all, the disease can go into chronic form, pathogenic microorganisms can move through the respiratory organs, infecting them. As a result, they will develop:

  • acute form;

It is also worth noting that the smallest may develop such complications:

  • purulent;
  • pharyngeal abscess;
  • labyrinthitis.

At severe course may be observed:

Features of care

  1. Compliance with a sparing diet, vegetable-milk food is preferred, always warm, it is recommended to eat food in a liquid or semi-liquid state. Exclude from the diet foods that can irritate the mucous membrane, for example, sour, spicy.
  2. You need to take care of bed rest.
  3. Particular attention should be paid to drinking plenty of water, alkaline mineral water is recommended, as well as tea with honey or milk with honey. It is important that the drink is warm.
  4. Need to provide peace vocal cords. Let the baby speak as usual, but not enough. Don't whisper or shout.
  5. Warming the neck has a positive effect on the healing process. Foot baths also have such an effect.


When a child has symptoms of pharyngitis, it is important to immediately consult a doctor, do not self-medicate.

The course of taking medications includes the following procedures:

  • gargle, for this purpose apply antiseptics, furatsilina solution, potassium permanganate, soda or saline solution;
  • antibiotics - may be prescribed in case of a bacterial nature of the disease, for example, Ampicillin;
  • antiseptic spray, for example, Ingalipt or Givalex;
  • you can treat the neck with Lugol or Propolis applied to a bandage with which my mother's finger is wrapped;
  • sucking tablets or lozenges that have a softening and analgesic effect, for example, Septolete or Pharyngosept;
  • if there is fungal infection, antimycotic drugs, such as Diflucan, will be prescribed;
  • oil inhalations, installation of drops in the nose;
  • if necessary surgical intervention, held laser therapy. It acts on pustules in a pointwise manner, while unaffected areas are not affected.

Folk methods

It is important to understand that drugs traditional medicine should only be used after consulting a doctor. The course of treatment should be fully coordinated with a specialist, and the task of parents should be to clearly follow all the recommendations.

  1. Application medicinal herbs in the form of decoctions:
  • fruit drink from berries;
  • drinking a drink from rose hips or raspberries;
  • herbal teas to relieve inflammation and alleviate dry cough. A mixture of oregano, coltsfoot, blackcurrant leaves, linden flowers, blackberry leaves.
  1. Herbal decoctions for rinsing (for example, with chamomile, plantain, succession).
  2. Propolis for local treatment of the pharynx. For the treatment of the pharynx, you will need to mix sea ​​buckthorn oil and water solution propolis (20 percent) in a ratio of two to one. Propolis can also be used for rinsing.
  3. Steam inhalation. You can use boiled garlic cloves or potato skins. As a rule, the resulting broth is poured into a small teapot, the child breathes over it.


  1. Take care of the optimal temperature and humidity level in the room where the baby is.
  2. Make sure that the little one does not overheat, and also does not overcool.
  3. Harden your child to increase immunity.
  4. Avoid places with polluted air.
  5. Treat emerging diseases promptly.
  6. Spend vitamin therapy twice a year.
  7. Avoid eating foods that irritate the mucous membranes.
  8. Avoid injury to the nasal septum.

In order to prevent the development of a chronic form of pharyngitis, it is necessary:

  • carry out sanitation of infectious foci;
  • procedure to restore breathing through the nose;
  • general health of the body.

Now you know what the treatment of pharyngitis in children is. Remember the need for timely assistance and contact with a specialist. Don't forget to comply preventive measures, because they are so important not only to prevent the occurrence of pharyngitis, but also help reduce the risk of developing other ailments based on organ damage respiratory system pathogenic microorganisms.

Sore throat in infants accompanied by a runny nose, elevated temperature, refusal of food. Unfortunately, the treatment of pharyngitis in infants is hampered by the fact that the choice of drugs is limited. You can not use most of the tools designed to eliminate sore throat in an older patient. Parents who buy medicine for babies should carefully read the annotation, familiarize themselves with the dosages and find out what is the duration of use.

The disease should be treated on early stage, the success of therapy depends on this, the risk of complications is reduced. With adequate use of drugs and a sparing feeding regimen, pharyngitis in baby passes quickly. In the absence of treatment or with improper use of medications, otitis media, trachitis, bronchitis, and pneumonia may develop.

The essence of the problem, how to treat pharyngitis in infants, is clear to every mother. Toddlers under the age of 3-5 years do not know how to dissolve tablets. To treat a sore throat in children under one year old, do not use a rinse solution, spray or aerosol.

If pharyngitis is suspected in infants, the child should be shown to the pediatrician. Can call pediatrician at home if the baby has a high fever. The patient needs rest, needs more warm drink than on other days. Some local antiseptics and anti-inflammatory drugs can be used to treat the throat. At bacterial nature pharyngitis in an infant will require antibiotic therapy.

Symptoms and treatment

Viruses are the most probable cause sore throat and runny nose in children. The main symptoms and treatment of pharyngitis in infants are due to imperfection immune system. Therefore, very quickly can join bacterial infection. In the uncomplicated catarrhal form of the disease, the body temperature is normal or slightly increased, the sore throat disappears within a few days.

Symptoms of pharyngitis in infants:

  • refusal to eat;
  • redness of the throat;
  • anxiety, crying;
  • increase in body temperature up to 38–39.5°C;
  • bright red nodules on the mucous membrane of the oropharynx (with granulosa pharyngitis);
  • runny nose (optional);
  • dry cough.

Refusal of the infant from food due to pain when swallowing. Discomfort in the throat is more felt in the evening and in the morning.

How to treat pharyngitis in infants

Drug groupTitles
Antibiotics in the form of a suspension or syrup.Amoxicillin + Clavulanic acid, Amoxiclav, Augumentin, Sumamed.
Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs to reduce fever and reduce pain (NSAIDs in the form of syrup, suspension, rectal suppositories). Paracetamol, Ibuprofen, Nurofen, Panadol, Kalpol, Efferalgan, Cefecon-D.
Antihistamine drops for oral administration.Fenistil, Zirtek, Loratadin, Zodak.
Probiotics.Rotabiotic baby, Lactobacterin.
Drops for nasal congestion and runny nose.Aquamaris, Otrivin, Isofra.
Local antiseptics for treatment oral cavity and throat.Vinilin, Aqualor, Miramistin.

The child is given drugs with ibuprofen and paracetamol in a children's dosage. If the baby is less than 7 months old, then it is preferable to use rectal suppositories. Nurofen syrup can be taken by children from 3-6 months. Ibuprofen in the composition of this drug has an antipyretic and analgesic effect. Such funds are used only to eliminate symptoms for a limited time (no more than 3 days).

Babies are fed chamomile tea. This is safe remedy improves the condition of the pharyngeal mucosa, has an anti-inflammatory effect. Besides, plentiful drink promotes the elimination of toxins.

The use of rectal suppositories does not depend on food intake. The tool begins to act within 30-40 minutes. If you give the baby syrup with food or after eating, then in the blood active substance will be in 1 hour or later. Enhance the effect of antipyretics antihistamines. Babies older than 1 month can take Fenistil drops, after 6 months - Zyrtec drops.

Local treatment

Safe sore throat spray for infants - Aqualor. Pediatricians do not recommend injecting the drug into the oral cavity of the baby if the child is less than 2-3 years old. Instead, moisten a gauze pad with liquid and wipe the inside of the cheeks and tongue. Together with saliva, the liquid enters the back of the throat and has an anti-inflammatory effect.

Shostakovsky's ointment (Vinilin) ​​is applied to the baby with pharyngitis. You can use baby painkillers dental gels used for teething.

Antibiotics for pharyngitis in infants

Inflammation of the throat under the age of 1 year in 70–90% of cases is caused by viruses, and a bacterial infection develops against the background of SARS. The cause of pharyngitis can be streptococci, pneumococci, staphylococci. In this case, the use of antibiotics is required. Antibacterial drugs stop the reproduction and development of microbes (bacteriostatic agents), or infect pathogen cells, cause their death (bactericidal drugs)

If pharyngitis in newborns occurs against the background of the development of a candidal infection, then they are treated antifungal agents. Candidiasis manifests itself in the form of white spots on the buccal mucosa, on the surface of the tonsils and soft palate.

A fungal infection often develops in a baby after treatment of himself or his mother with antibiotics. In this case, antibiotic therapy is canceled and antimycotic drugs are prescribed. It is also necessary to give vitamins, use antiseptics Miramistin, Vinylin to treat the oral cavity and throat.

some liquid medications for oral administration, can be mixed with mother's milk, adapted mixtures, add to tea, non-acidic juice. Babies older than 8 months are given tea with lime blossom, compote, if there is no allergy to fruits and berries. For a child older than 9 months, you can make clarified chicken breast broth.

In contact with

Acute pharyngitis- inflammation of the mucous membrane of the pharynx - rarely an independent disease, most often it is combined with acute inflammation of the upper respiratory tract(influenza, acute respiratory infections).

Mucosal inflammation rear wall throat is called pharyngitis (from Latin word"farings" - throat). Parents usually talk about this condition "red throat". Usually viral in origin, it may also be associated with group A B-hemolytic streptococcus, Mycoplasma pneumoniae, or other pathogens. The occurrence of the disease is facilitated by various unfavorable factors - hypothermia, spicy, hot or cold food, gas pollution and dustiness of the air (morbidity in cities is usually higher than in countryside), smoking and alcohol abuse, infectious diseases, decreased body resistance, kidney and blood diseases.

Symptoms of pharyngitis

Pharyngitis is a fairly common disease and occurs in a variety of forms. By localization, it can be superficial - the mucous membrane of the pharynx suffers - this catarrhal form. The defeat of the lymphadenoid elements, located in a deeper layer, under the mucous membrane is another form called granulosa pharyngitis.

Pharyngitis may be limited, for example, to the region of the lateral ridges and more common throughout the posterior pharyngeal wall. The nature of the inflammation can be acute, subacute and chronic. Pharyngitis can be an independent disease (with viral lesions), but much more often in children it develops a second time, that is, it is a consequence of another underlying disease. Usually such pharyngitis is a symptom of acute or subacute adenoiditis, tonsillitis, exacerbation of chronic tonsillitis.

There are complaints about discomfort in the throat ("tickle"), pains, which in most cases are insignificant, but sometimes are very sharp and are accompanied by a rise in body temperature up to 38 ° C.

Acute pharyngitis in children younger age runs hard, high temperature and pronounced general phenomena: adynamia (severe lethargy), lack of appetite, sleep disturbance, increase in ESR up to 25-30 mm/h. However, it must be considered that in these cases the disease should be regarded as acute adenoiditis with the corresponding symptoms.

The diagnosis is made on the basis of examination of the pharynx: there is hyperemia (redness), swelling and infiltration of the mucous membrane of the posterior pharyngeal wall, palatopharyngeal arches, and sometimes the soft palate. With lateral pharyngitis, hyperemia and swelling of the lateral folds of the pharynx are determined.

Viral pharyngitis is observed, as a rule, in acute viral respiratory diseases. Characterized by extensive bright red hyperemia, exciting palatine tonsils and soft sky. Sometimes red dots (pinpoint hemorrhages) or vesicles appear on the mucous membrane of the posterior pharyngeal wall.

Local sensations are presented for 2-3 days by a dry, irritating cough, which gradually subsides. General manifestations may be absent. When a secondary infection is attached, the signs of the disease change accordingly.

Acute pharyngitis is acute inflammation mucous membrane of the pharynx - a frequent manifestation of acute respiratory diseases. As a rule, with pharyngitis, children complain of pain, discomfort in the throat (burning, itching, itching), coughing, sometimes itching and pain in the ears. Children infancy cannot complain of malaise, but attentive parents pay attention to restless behavior, sleep disturbance, loss of appetite. Pharyngitis can be combined with other manifestations of acute respiratory infections such as runny nose, cough, fever, conjunctivitis.

It should be noted that acute pharyngitis is rarely an isolated disease. Usually it is combined with other diseases of the upper respiratory tract. In children under 2 years of age, the disease is more severe and often combined with inflammation of the nasopharyngeal mucosa and acute catarrhal rhinitis. In this case, symptoms of acute rhinitis will be observed - a violation of nasal breathing, abundant mucous or mucopurulent discharge from the nose.

The main factors contributing to the development of chronic pharyngitis:

Constitutional features of the structure of the mucous membrane of the pharynx and the entire gastrointestinal tract;

Prolonged exposure to exogenous factors (dust, hot dry or smoky air, chemicals);

Difficulty nasal breathing(mouth breathing, decongestant abuse);


Endocrine disorders (hypothyroidism, etc.);

Avitaminosis A;

Diabetes mellitus, heart, lung and kidney failure.

Diagnosis of pharyngitis:

examination, if necessary: ​​bacteriological or virological examination (pharyngeal swab).

Treatment of pharyngitis

Treatment is carried out by an ENT doctor at a polyclinic or a pediatrician.

Therapeutic measures for pharyngitis include the following manipulations.

In acute and exacerbation of chronic pharyngitis, not accompanied by severe disorders general condition, is enough symptomatic treatment, including a sparing diet, hot foot baths, warming compresses on the front surface of the neck, milk with honey, steam inhalation and gargle.

Exclude irritating food from the diet (hot, cold, sour, spicy, salty), it is recommended to drink plenty of warm drinks - tea with lemon, milk with mineral water and etc.

Gargling with antiseptic, herbal solutions (for example, a solution of 1% chlorophyllipt, rotokan, sea salt, eucalyptus, etc.) 3-4 times a day after meals. True, this is possible only in children older than 2-3 years. Who already know how to gargle.

For gargling, the following herbal preparations are most effective:

1. Calendula flowers, plantain leaves, sage leaf, chamomile flowers.

2. Chamomile flowers, oregano herb, sage leaves, St. John's wort herb

3. Dandelion flowers, plantain leaves, birch leaves, pine buds.

Cooking fees 1-3:

Mix the components in equal parts. 1 tbsp collection, pour 1 cup boiling water, simmer for 3 minutes over low heat, leave for 1 hour, strain.

4. Oak bark - 2 parts, linden branches - 1 part

5. Linden flowers - 2 parts, chamomile flowers - 3 parts

Cooking fees 4-5:

Brew 1 tsp of the mixture in 1 cup of boiling water, strain, cool.

Rinse with warm infusion 5-6 times a day.

For gargling, you can use a pharmacy tincture of eucalyptus - 20-30 drops per glass warm water and Eucalyptus oil- 15-20 drops per glass.

Irrigation of the pharynx with antiseptic or antibiotic-containing aerosols (listed by age below) 2-3 doses 2-4 times a day. Alternate gargling with herbal infusions and antiseptic solutions.

Gargling should be combined with inhalations. For inhalation, you can use an infusion of the following herbs: St. It is better to use a mixture of 2-3 herbs. The infusion is prepared as in collections 1-3.

1. Linden flowers, raspberries (if there is no allergy).

2. Raspberries - 2 parts, black currant leaves - 2 parts, coltsfoot leaves - 1 part, oregano grass - 1 part.

3. Plantain leaves, linden flowers, raspberries, anise hearths.

Preparation: pour 1 tablespoon of the collection with 1 cup of boiling water, boil for 3-5 minutes, leave for 30 minutes. Drink a decoction in 2 doses (1/2 cup) with an interval of 2 hours.

Resorption of tablets or lozenges with an antibacterial, analgesic, emollient (pharyngosept, falimint, strepsils, laripront, etc.), in children over 5 years old.

Bacterial pharyngitis requires systemic antibiotics. Antibacterial therapy is justified only with a known or suspected streptococcal etiology of the disease. Unreasonable antibiotic therapy contributes to the development of resistance (resistance) to antibiotics, and can also be complicated by unwanted drug reactions. Antibiotics, if necessary, will be prescribed by a doctor!

Infants and children early age they cannot gargle or dissolve tablets, so they are prescribed only abundant drinking and irrigation of the pharynx with an antiseptic. It should be noted that all aerosols should be used with caution in children under two years of age due to the possibility of spasm of the glottis.

Gargling method: take one sip of the prepared solution, clearly pronouncing the letter "O" or "E", rinse your throat, then spit out the solution. Rinsing produce 3-4 times a day after meals.

For influenza, rimantadine is prescribed, with herpetic infection- acyclovir.

For bacterial pharyngitis are prescribed antibacterial drugs local action- Bioparox (4 inhalations in the mouth every 4 hours) or Hexaspray (2 injections 3 times a day). The limitation of the use of these funds is the age of up to 2.5 years (laryngospasm may develop).

Good healing effect provides the drug Yoks - otorhinolaryngological disinfectant containing polyvidone iodine, which, upon contact with the mucous membrane, releases active iodine. Iodine, in turn, has a wide range antimicrobial action, in addition, iodine accelerates the processes of cleansing the mucous membranes from necrotic tissues (plaques). Yoks also has an anesthetic (pain-relieving) effect.

Prevention: hardening of the body, exclusion of harmful factors, restoration of disturbed nasal breathing, increase in the body's defenses (use of immunocorrector drugs)

Chronic pharyngitis is often not an independent disease, but a manifestation of the pathology of the entire gastrointestinal tract: chronic atrophic gastritis, cholecystitis, pancreatitis. The ingestion of acidic gastric contents into the pharynx during sleep with gastroesophageal reflux disease and hernias esophageal opening diaphragm is often a hidden cause of the development of chronic catarrhal pharyngitis, and in this case, without eliminating the main cause of the disease, any methods local treatment give insufficient and short-term effect. Smoking (and passive too) and tonsillectomy (removal of the tonsils) lead to the development of atrophic changes in the mucous membrane of the pharynx.

Pharyngitis often develops with constantly difficult nasal breathing. It can be caused not only by the transition to breathing through the mouth, but also by the abuse vasoconstrictor drops, which drain from the nasal cavity into the pharynx and have an unnecessary anemic effect there. Symptoms of pharyngitis may be present in the so-called postnasal drip (the English term is “postnasal drip”). In this case, discomfort in the throat is associated with the flow of pathological secretions from the nasal cavity or paranasal sinuses along the back of the pharynx. In addition to constant coughing, this condition can cause wheezing in children, which requires differential diagnosis with bronchial asthma.

Local antibacterial agents can be widely used in the treatment of pharyngitis. The choice of the optimal drug is determined by the spectrum of its antimicrobial activity, lack of allergenicity and toxic effect. Of course, the most effective local preparations will not completely replace the need for systemic administration of antibiotics for angina and pharyngitis caused by beta-hemolytic streptococcus. On the other hand, due to the non-bacterial etiology of many forms of pharyngitis, the emergence of an increasing number of resistant strains of bacteria, as well as unwanted effects general antibiotic therapy local administration of drugs with a wide spectrum of antimicrobial activity in many cases is the method of choice.

home remedies for pharyngitis

    Gargle with fresh potato juice or inhale potato steam for pharyngitis.

    Peel and finely chop fresh garlic. Put 0.5 cups of cooked garlic in an enamel pan and pour fresh buckwheat (dark) honey. The honey should completely cover the garlic. Then put the pan on a low heat and heat, stirring constantly, for about 20 minutes, until all the garlic has dissolved. Let it cool slightly under the lid, and then put it back on the fire and stir constantly so that the syrup does not burn. You can add a little distilled or melted water to this syrup. Store the filtered syrup in the refrigerator. Take for cough, laryngitis, tonsillitis and pharyngitis: children - 1 teaspoon, adults - 1 tablespoon every hour until complete recovery.

    Grind the head of garlic to the state of gruel, pour 1 liter of wine or apple cider vinegar, insist in a dark, cool place for 2 weeks, periodically shaking the contents, strain. Dissolve 0.5 teaspoon of table salt in 1 cup of infusion. Gargle with pharyngitis with infusion 2-3 times a day until complete recovery.

    Lubricate the tonsils with propolis infusion. Mix 1 part 10% alcohol extract of propolis with 2 parts glycerin or peach oil. Use to lubricate the back of the throat with chronic pharyngitis, as well as painful points with ulcerative stomatitis. It can also be instilled into the nose for chronic rhinitis.

Treatment of pharyngitis with herbs

    Rinse the mouth and throat with a decoction of a blackberry leaf for inflammation of the oral mucosa, tonsillitis, pharyngitis, bleeding gums.

Methodology of doctors L.A. Bochkova and I.G. Nepomniachtchi for the treatment of pharyngitis

The first 10 days: crush 2 healthy cloves of garlic, without green sprouts, pour 1 cup of boiled warm milk, strain. Lying on your back, carry out a deep warm (non-hot) rinse at least 4 times a day. Use at least 1 cup of milk with garlic at a time.

Next 10 days: Pour 1 tablespoon of calendula flowers with 1 cup of boiling water, leave for 20 minutes, strain. Rinse with warm (non-hot) infusion at least 4 times a day. Use at least 1 glass of infusion at a time.

The next 10 days: dry potato flowers (1 tablespoon) pour 1 cup of boiling water, boil for 3-5 minutes, leave for 20 minutes, strain. Lying to carry out a deep warm rinse 2-4 times a day. Use 1 glass of decoction at a time. Rinse for 10 days, then replace the rinse with garlic.

See also recipes in the topics Angina, Chronic tonsillitis, Colds.