
Allergy tablets: antihistamines that are safe during pregnancy. How to treat allergies during pregnancy so as not to damage the fetus? Can a pregnant woman have allergies?

Pregnancy affects all processes in a woman’s body. The changes also affect the immune system, which can lead to malfunctions and immunosuppression. Against this background, the risk of developing new and relapse of existing allergies increases in expectant mother. Allergies during pregnancy occur in 30% of women.

Features of allergies during pregnancy

Allergic diseases rarely appear in women who are in interesting position, for the first time. By this time, many expectant mothers are already aware of “their” intolerance to certain allergens and the symptoms that the disease causes, but there are exceptions. Pregnancy can be a specific catalyst that may worsen the problem.

The expectant mother's immunity works with renewed vigor, so it can react unpredictably to any allergen. So, what allergens should you be wary of during pregnancy?

The main allergens include:

  • dust;
  • plant pollen and ragweed;
  • pet hair;
  • medications;
  • separate food products, often chemical additives;
  • ingredients of some cosmetics;
  • cold;
  • sunlight.

There are also predisposing factors that increase the risk of an allergic reaction:

  • chronic stress;
  • weakened immune defense;
  • uncontrolled treatment with various medications;
  • frequent contact with household chemicals;
  • wearing synthetic clothing;
  • abuse of cosmetics;
  • non-compliance with recommendations for proper nutrition;
  • excessive consumption of foods that are potential allergens;

Types of allergies during pregnancy

Allergies during pregnancy are of the following types:

  • Allergic rhinitis. Occurs with copious nasal discharge, constant sneezing and itching, nasal congestion. A runny nose can be caused by seasonal flowering plants, particles of pet hair, and house dust. Also, the cause of such rhinitis is sometimes toxicosis of pregnant women.
  • Allergic conjunctivitis. Manifested by profuse lacrimation, photophobia, and corneal hyperemia. Rhinitis and conjunctivitis are usually combined with each other, that is, they are diagnosed at the same time. The causes will generally be the same as for allergic rhinitis.
  • Urticaria, dermatitis. The disease is characterized by rashes on the skin, redness and swelling of the skin, painful itching. The external picture of the pathology resembles a nettle burn. Typically, the reaction occurs locally, at the site of contact with a potential allergen. For example, an allergy to the face during pregnancy is often the result of intolerance to one or another cosmetic.

  • Quincke's edema. The pathology affects the eyelids, lips, tongue and upper respiratory tract. The disease develops rapidly and suddenly. The greatest risk is swelling of the larynx and trachea, which may result in injury respiratory function. Sometimes Quincke's edema affects the tissues of the joints, causing them painful sensations and impaired mobility and digestive organs, as a result of which a woman may complain of abdominal pain and signs of intestinal obstruction.
  • Anaphylactic shock. The most severe form of allergy, which occurs with a change in consciousness and falling blood pressure. In the absence of appropriate help, a woman may die. Anaphylactic shock develops within an hour after encountering an allergen. Provocateurs this state may be plant pollen, medicinal and cosmetics.

Effect of allergies on the fetus

Any changes in well-being worry the expectant mother. Especially if we're talking about about the first pregnancy. If before pregnancy, a woman could purchase any drug at the pharmacy to treat allergy symptoms, now she has to think about the health of the fetus and how this or that drug will affect its development. This means that allergy pills during pregnancy must be prescribed by a specialist.

The allergic disease itself cannot affect the fetus. Irritating agents cannot penetrate the placental barrier to the unborn baby. They may have an effect in the future, when the newborn child sooner or later develops intolerance to the same allergens as the mother.

It turns out that allergies are dangerous because they can be inherited. However, this does not happen in all cases. Sometimes the father's genes gain an advantage.

You can take a more detailed look at the situation and what effect allergies during pregnancy have on the fetus by trimester in the table.

Trimester of pregnancyEffect on the fetus
First trimesterThe placenta is not formed, so it cannot protect the unborn child. At this stage, the fetus begins to lay down and active development all organs and systems. There is a high probability of developmental anomalies due to the pathogenetic effects of medications taken by the expectant mother.
Second trimesterThe placental barrier is already fully formed, so the unborn baby is well protected from irritating factors and most medications. The only dangers are those antiallergic drugs that are contraindicated during pregnancy.
Third trimesterAllergens do not penetrate to the fetus; it is still reliably protected by the placenta until birth. But the poor health of the mother against the background of allergy complications can have a negative impact on the unborn child.

It is most dangerous to treat allergies during pregnancy on your own. Most medications sold in pharmacies can adversely affect a non-developing fetus with the risk of developing abnormalities in the nervous and cardiovascular systems, as well as a negative effect on the pregnant body. When using medications that are not recommended for the expectant mother, normal blood flow in the placenta is often disrupted. And this already threatens the life of the fetus due to a lack of oxygen and nutrition.

Also, allergies during pregnancy can cause health complications for a woman. Banal allergic rhinitis can cause attacks of bronchial asthma and anaphylactic shock that interfere with normal breathing. Oxygen deficiency can trigger the development of fetal hypoxia. The same thing happens when a woman has a runny nose, weakness, or cough - the unborn baby feels all the changes in her body and they affect its development.

What to do if allergy symptoms appear?

It is important to consider that an allergic reaction in pregnant women is sometimes a completely normal response of the immune system, as a sign of intolerance to a new product or chemical substance. For example, a woman bought a face cream that she had not used before. In this case, the body may react inadequately to a component included in the cream that was unfamiliar to it before. The result is a minor allergy that goes away quite quickly without any intervention.

The situation is more complicated with symptoms that have arisen before and appear during pregnancy in a woman’s body. This case requires the following actions:

  1. Contact an allergist. If allergy symptoms appear, first of all, you need to find out their original source and diagnose the problem. The specialist prescribes diagnostic measures for the woman - usually skin tests or blood tests for allergies.
  2. Start treatment on time. Allergies that arise while carrying a baby are complicated by the fact that you can not take all medications that are sold in pharmacies. Only a specialist can prescribe treatment for allergies during pregnancy, who decides which medications will be safe for the expectant mother and her child.

  1. Avoid contact with known allergens.
  2. Avoid eating potentially allergenic foods such as chocolate, citrus fruits, etc.
  3. For face and body care, choose only natural cosmetics.
  4. Limit contact with household chemicals as much as possible.


Diagnostic measures include:

  • blood test to determine the total titer of immunoglobulin E and antibodies to allergens;
  • skin allergy tests;

  • studying the medical history;
  • recording data in a food diary if a food allergy is suspected during pregnancy.

How to treat allergies?

Helps reduce the risk of developing the disease preventive measures. It is not advisable for the expectant mother to come into contact with synthetic detergents, potentially edible allergenic products, use cosmetics to a minimum. Also, to prevent the development of allergies, a woman should avoid stress factors, both mental and physical.

Often it is nervousness and emotional distress that affect pregnancy, causing skin rashes.

If you fail to protect yourself from an allergy, you should seek medical attention at its primary manifestations. medical assistance. Only doctor based comprehensive survey can accurately determine the causes of the disease, the specific irritant and tell you how to treat allergies.

Allergy to early stages pregnancy develops most often, but the use of medications at this stage is extremely undesirable. If a woman experiences allergic reactions to pollen, she should stay at home if possible and wear sunglasses and a medical mask, thoroughly wash your wardrobe items and wash your shoes after a walk.

Treatment allergic rhinitis. Nasal sprays and drops prescribed for the treatment of common rhinitis improve well-being and allergic rhinitis. The best drugs against allergies for expectant mothers - natural remedies, based on sea ​​water. These can be Aqua Maris drops, Dolphin spray, Aqualor, etc. The listed drugs cleanse the nasal cavity, washing out allergens from the mucous membrane, and normalize nasal breathing without causing harm to the unborn child.

In addition to the medications listed, pregnant women can use the following allergy medications for allergic rhinitis:

  • Pinosol drops of natural origin, which contain eucalyptus and mint oils: the drug softens the nasal mucosa, helps relieve swelling, which improves the health of allergies;
  • Prevalin spray - this medicine forms an invisible film on the nasal mucosa, neutralizing the effect of allergens;
  • Salin drops - the drug is based on sodium chloride, its main effect is to safely cleanse the nasal cavity of potential irritants.

Treatment of allergic conjunctivitis. Innox drops, which contain only natural ingredients, are suitable for instillation into the eyes.

Treatment of itching, skin rashes, peeling. Allergy ointment during pregnancy helps get rid of skin reactions - rashes, dermatitis. It will be safest for expectant mothers zinc ointment, which dries the skin, successfully relieving inflammation and external manifestations allergies. An alternative to zinc ointment can be Tsindol, which is based on zinc oxide.

Ointments and creams with extracts are also effective against skin allergic reactions medicinal plants. For example, ointment containing calendula, chamomile, celandine, etc. You can buy them at the pharmacy.

If we are talking about atopic dermatitis, then Physiogel has proven itself well. It is applied to areas of skin damaged by inflammation and scratching. thin layer. The product moisturizes the skin well, promoting its regeneration. It can be used on the face as an allergy cream during pregnancy.

Treatment of food and drug allergies. The main treatment for these conditions, which has a positive effect on the well-being of the expectant mother, is to cleanse the body. Typically this type of allergy occurs with clinical signs hives and other rashes. Therefore, the first thing to do is to eliminate the potential irritant from consumption, and then cleanse the body with the help of drugs such as Enterosgel and Laktofiltrum.

In case of a severe allergic reaction, if the skin allergy is accompanied by severe itching and discomfort, you can drink a double dosage of any sorbent ( Activated carbon etc.). The amount of the drug depends on the weight of the expectant mother: 1 tablet is designed for 5 kg of body weight.

Antihistamines during pregnancy

This point needs to be considered separately, since taking medications In case of allergies during pregnancy, it is important to use great caution and with the permission of the attending physician. The allergist studies the patient’s medical history, conducts appropriate diagnostics and examination, and, if necessary (if preventive measures and the above methods of treating allergic diseases do not help), prescribes antihistamines provided that potential risk complications for the developing fetus are not higher than the expected benefit from treatment.

It is highly undesirable to use all drops and tablets that have an antihistamine effect to treat allergies in the first 12 weeks of gestation. As for the second and third trimester, there are no such serious restrictions; antiallergic drugs are prescribed much more often.

It is important to take into account that not a single antihistamine used during pregnancy can provide 100% guarantees of safety in relation to the unborn child, even if it is taken under the supervision of a doctor. There is still a risk.

The following table will discuss the problem of choosing drugs for the treatment of allergies by trimester.

TrimesterChoice of treatment
First trimester

Any antihistamines are prohibited, as there is a high risk of developing pregnancy complications and abnormal development of organs and systems in the fetus.

What to do if allergies during pregnancy occur in the first trimester? It is necessary to limit ourselves to preventive measures and carry out treatment using safe means:

  • nasal drops (Aqua Maris, Salin) and Pinosol for rhinorrhea; - zinc ointment or paste, Physiogel - for skin rashes;
  • homeopathic medicines - Rinitol EDAS 131, Euphorbium compositum - have a positive effect on the immune system, combat the manifestations of allergic rhinitis;

Second trimesterTreatment in the second trimester has more expanded boundaries, since the placental barrier, which protects the fetus from the negative effects of medications, has already been formed. How to treat if an allergy occurs during pregnancy at this stage:
  • antihistamines - Diazolin, Pheniramine;
  • hormonal drugs - Dexamethasone, Prednisolone;

  • vitamins - vitamin C and vitamin B12 are natural antihistamines that reduce the signs of allergies, eliminate dermatoses, and bronchial asthma.
Third trimesterA problem such as allergies can be solved much easier in the third trimester than in other stages of pregnancy. The woman is prescribed a new generation of antihistamines, characterized by an increased level of safety. These may be Fenistil, Zyrtec, Fexadin and other drugs.

Prohibited during pregnancy

Not all antihistamines can be taken for allergies, since many of them can harm the mother and the unborn child. Let's list them:

  • Diphenhydramine - provokes increased excitability, the myometrium can cause tone and premature contractions uterus, resulting in spontaneous abortion or premature birth;
  • Pipolfen - has a poisonous effect, destroying the fetus with toxic substances;
  • Astemizole - like Pipolfen, kills the unborn child in the womb with toxins;

  • Terfenadine - may cause fetal weight loss;
  • Suprastin is prescribed in exceptional cases when it comes to saving the woman herself.

Allergy prevention

To prevent allergies from taking you by surprise during pregnancy, the expectant mother should adhere to the following prevention tips (this is especially true for women who are already familiar with allergies).

1. Proper nutrition. It is important to eat exclusively high-quality and natural products. It is advisable to exclude all potential allergens from your diet, for example: strawberries, chocolate, citrus and much more. You shouldn't try new cuisine and change your taste habits. Pregnancy is not the time for experiments.

2. Healthy image life. Adequate sleep, walks in the fresh air, exclusion bad habits, including passive smoking, are mandatory aspects of the healthy development of the unborn baby.

3. Self-care. Cosmetics and body care products during pregnancy must be selected especially carefully, as they can cause an intolerance reaction in the expectant mother. Preference should be given to hypoallergenic products. The same goes for fabrics. The materials that surround the expectant mother, for example, from which her clothes are made, must be natural.

When planning a pregnancy or when it occurs, you should visit an allergist to find out what medications he recommends. Every expectant mother's medicine cabinet should contain medications that have minimal side effects on the fetus. This option is much better than not knowing what medication is available for an allergy if it occurs suddenly. An antihistamine taken in time can save the life of the expectant mother and fetus.

At the end of the article, I would like to note that allergies and pregnancy can be dangerous combination, if treatment is ineffective and untimely. But you should not self-medicate, as this can be dangerous for the unborn child. Any medications must be prescribed by a specialist.

Allergies during pregnancy develop in approximately 35% of women who have not previously experienced hypersensitive reactions to any substances.

Usually this disease does not have a negative impact on the development of the child, but can lead to a serious deterioration in the condition of the expectant mother.

Therefore, pregnant women with allergies must be under the supervision of a doctor.

Dangers depending on trimester

Of course, allergies cannot have a beneficial effect on the course of pregnancy.

However, this does not mean that the presence of such a disease will lead to problems in the development of the fetus.

Many people mistakenly believe that if a mother has a reaction, the child also suffers.

In fact, the baby is reliably protected by the placenta, which plays the role of a natural filter. Thanks to this, allergens and antibodies that are formed in the woman’s body do not reach the child.

Immune complexes can negatively affect the expectant mother, but the baby will not feel anything.

In this case, the child’s body can feel the influence of negative factors in another way:

  1. a woman suffering from allergies gets nervous a lot and may also be bothered by an itching sensation. Quite often, pregnant women with this disease suffer from loss of appetite and sleep disturbances. All these conditions negatively affect the development of the baby.
  2. A decrease in pressure in the female body provokes circulatory problems. As a result, the fetus receives few nutrients. Certain antihistamines can also cause blood supply problems.
  3. swelling of the larynx causes a decrease in the volume of oxygen in the body. As a result, fetal hypoxia develops.
  4. If a woman chooses a drug without consulting a doctor, there is a risk that it will cross the placenta and negatively affect the fetus.

The main danger lies in the unreasonable use of antiallergic drugs in the first trimester, because it is in the early stages that all organs and systems of the fetus are formed.

Therefore, its sensitivity to any damaging factors is extremely high.

4 types

There are several types of allergic reactions that can develop during pregnancy:

  1. the appearance of the first allergic reactions. In such a situation, you should immediately consult a doctor to conduct a diagnosis and exclude contact with the allergen.
  2. Pregnancy has no effect on the development of allergies. IN similar cases A consultation with an allergist is also required, who will prescribe medicines.
  3. leads to worsening of the symptoms of the disease. This happens extremely rarely, but requires urgent medical attention.
  4. provokes improvement clinical picture pathology. The fact is that during the period of bearing a child, the production of the hormone cortisol, which has an anti-allergic effect, increases in the female body. Thanks to this, allergies during pregnancy can disappear.


Allergies during pregnancy can be mild or severe.

Each of these conditions has specific symptoms.

Light form

The manifestation of the disease in expectant mothers is no different from the symptoms of this disease in other people:

  1. allergic rhinitis– the most common sign of allergies during pregnancy. The discharge of fluid from the nose does not always occur - in some cases, the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity swells, which leads to breathing problems. In this case, the discharge may be thick or watery.

Patients often complain of a burning sensation in the nose and upper respiratory tract.

  1. allergic conjunctivitis– also a common phenomenon in women with allergies. This condition manifests itself in the form of redness of the eyelids and the appearance of blood vessels on the whites of the eyes. There is also constant lacrimation and itching, the patient cannot look at bright light. In the morning crusts appear on the eyes.
  2. local urticaria– in this case, many blisters appear on the skin. They can cover individual areas of the body and merge with each other. A woman complains of severe itching.

Severe form

In more difficult cases may be accompanied by the development of the following conditions:

  1. total urticaria- This dangerous manifestation allergies, which requires urgent medical attention. Blisters cover the woman's entire body, in addition, swelling often appears.
  2. Quincke's edema– appears when there is an extensive release of the liquid component of the blood into the intercellular space. The most severe swelling appears in those places where the skin has no adhesions with subcutaneous tissue - on the eyelids, in the genital area.

A dangerous consequence of this condition is a narrowing of the larynx. As a result, the bodies of the woman and baby may experience a lack of oxygen, which leads to serious consequences.

  1. nausea and vomiting– these symptoms often accompany food allergies and swelling of the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract.
  2. anaphylactic shock– the most dangerous manifestation of an allergic reaction. Clinical symptoms in such situations increase extremely rapidly - swelling appears, pressure drops almost to zero, and loss of consciousness is often observed.

Typically, this condition is the result of an insect bite or drug injection.

Much less often it develops after eating certain foods.

Video: Secrets of proper nutrition

What you need to know about exacerbation:

Food form

If a woman already had a food form before conception, then she knows which foods she should not eat.

However, in some cases, the expectant mother does not even realize that her allergic background is elevated.

Moreover, the reaction may appear for the first time during pregnancy.

The danger of this condition is that it can provoke the development of the disease in a child.

Symptoms of latent manifestations include a set overweight and gestosis, which manifests itself in the form of edema and increased blood pressure.


Exacerbation of the seasonal form when carrying a child requires careful medical supervision.

If a woman had allergic reactions before conception, there is a possibility that the penetration of the allergen into the body will also trigger the disease.

Knowing which factor leads to seasonal manifestations, you can prevent the occurrence of reactions.

If we exclude negative impact does not succeed, then you need to contact an allergist who will select safe drug to eliminate allergy symptoms.

The effect of allergies on the fetus during pregnancy

The disease itself, which manifests itself in the form of skin itching, rhinitis or urticaria, is not dangerous for the child.

However, medications used to alleviate the condition can negatively affect the child's development.

The deterioration of the fetal condition usually occurs in the 2-3 trimester and intensifies towards the end of pregnancy.

Since it is undesirable to take medications, it is necessary to take tests for allergens at the planning stage and try to exclude contact with them.

The main danger is that the baby may inherit a tendency to this disease from the mother.


If there is a tendency to allergic reactions, a woman should visit an allergist and immunologist.

To identify a substance, disease-causing, the specialist will conduct a detailed diagnosis.

To prevent exacerbation of the disease, it is important to adhere to a hypoallergenic diet.

To do this, you need to exclude all dangerous products from the menu:

  1. eggs;
  2. chocolate;
  3. milk;
  4. nuts;
  5. strawberries;
  6. citrus fruit.

Also, pregnant women should limit the consumption of spicy, salty and pickled foods.

The diet should contain:

  • porridge;
  • dull fruits and vegetables;
  • poultry and rabbit meat.

By following these rules, you can minimize the likelihood of allergic reactions during pregnancy.

What to do during an exacerbation

If a woman is allergic to pollen from certain plants, in addition to using special drugs, doctors advise limiting exposure to allergens on the body.

To do this you need to follow these rules:

  1. Avoid visiting places where there is a high concentration of pollen in the air. Most often this is observed in summer cottages, parks and gardens;
  2. try not to come into contact with substances that contain allergens;
  3. frequently carry out wet cleaning;
  4. prevent allergens from entering your home;
  5. get rid of carpets, curtains, soft toys.

If the disease appears within 1-2 months, it is recommended not to plan a pregnancy during this period.

During seasonal form special meaning has observance of personal hygiene rules.

To reduce the severity of symptoms, it is worth rinsing your nose and eyes.

If you have a reaction to food, you should avoid eating it.

The most powerful allergens include the following:

  • chicken eggs;
  • mutton;
  • legumes;
  • caviar;
  • chocolate;
  • citrus fruit.

Also, if food allergies worsen, you should exclude smoked, spicy and salty dishes from the menu.

You should not eat foods that contain preservatives and dyes.

Safe diagnostic methods

This study is considered the safest and most reliable.

To identify a specific allergen, skin tests are used.

In a laboratory setting, special substances are applied to the skin, after which small scratches are made.

If after a certain time a reaction appears in the form of itching and redness, this indicates the presence of an allergy.

Prohibited Research

Should be used with great caution diagnostic test, which involves applying the allergen to disease-prone organ.

This technique is considered shock.

For example, with allergic rhinitis irritant instilled into the nose, and for conjunctivitis - into the eyes.

The main danger of such research is the appearance of a strong reaction.

If there is a real need for such an analysis, it should be performed only under the supervision of the attending physician.

How to treat

To cope with the disease, you need to avoid any contact with allergenic substances.

Choice specific means for treatment depends on the form of pathology.

At easy course you can choose ointments and solutions for topical use.

In more complex cases, systemic treatment is indicated.


An excellent remedy for the disease are ointments and creams with extracts medicinal plants.

Zinc will help dry the skin and reduce inflammation.

If allergic rhinitis develops, sprays and drops can be used.

All kinds of saline solutions are considered safe.

For use system tools should be treated very carefully, as they can negatively affect the development of the child:

  1. Diphenhydramine– can lead to high excitability of the uterus and provoke premature birth.
  2. Astemizole– has a toxic effect on the child.
  3. Terfenadine– with constant use, it negatively affects the weight of the fetus.
  4. Allertek– can be taken without fear in 2-3 trimesters.
  5. Tavegil, suprastin, claritin– can be used according to strict indications.

Folk recipes

All kinds of drugs are considered safe for treating reactions during pregnancy:

  • decoctions;
  • ointments;
  • chatterers based on medicinal plants.

To prepare the mash:

  1. you can use water, glycerin and white clay;
  2. all components must be mixed and applied to the skin;
  3. You can use oil as a base instead of water.

Thanks to this, the product will have a softening and calming effect.

Suitable for topical use are decoctions prepared from:

  • chamomile;
  • calendula;
  • celandine.

It will also help to cure:

  • nettle;
  • elder;
  • series.

To prevent a reaction or reduce its symptoms, you should:

  1. limit contact with allergens as much as possible;
  2. exclude the use of household chemicals;
  3. do wet cleaning often;
  4. limit contact with pets;
  5. Use medications only as prescribed by a doctor.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can the development of a reaction negatively affect a child's development?

Answer: As a rule, the presence of allergies in an expectant mother does not have a negative effect on the fetus. However, especially severe cases of the disease can provoke the appearance of hypoxia. In addition, this disease in the mother increases the likelihood of its development in the child.

Can I take antihistamines?

Such products can be used during pregnancy.

However, only the attending physician should prescribe them.

It is important to consider that some drugs can pass through the placenta to the child, having a negative impact on its development.

It is especially important to be careful during the first trimester of pregnancy.

Is it possible to prevent the occurrence of the disease?

To prevent the development of allergic reactions during this period, it is important to exclude contact with potential allergens and adhere to correct mode nutrition.

In addition, it is necessary to systematically do wet cleaning and refuse to use household chemicals.

Allergies during pregnancy can cause quite a lot of trouble for the expectant mother.

However, in order to minimize the negative impact of the disease on the development of the fetus, it is very important to promptly consult a doctor who will select effective and at the same time safe drugs for treatment.

During pregnancy, every woman encounters surprises that are related either to health conditions or to activities. internal organs. Some of these surprises are pleasant, such as stronger hair and nails. And some not so much. One of the unpleasant surprises that an expectant mother may encounter is an allergy. For the first time it may occur during pregnancy, even if you have not previously noticed such an illness.

An allergy is a non-standard reaction of the immune system to external factors. Immune system It works completely differently for a pregnant woman than for a woman who is not carrying a baby. As a result, the body’s reaction to the usual tangerines or pollen cannot be predicted. Allergies during pregnancy can occur in both girls aged 18 to 25 and older women. Of course, the likelihood of allergic reactions increases after 35 years.

In the first 12-14 weeks of pregnancy, allergies may be a reaction to the fetus, like toxicosis, for example. It goes away on its own when the body gets used to its condition. Also, the immune system can react negatively to animals, dust, food, cigarette smoke, cosmetics, chemicals. Because of this hypersensitivity body, you should be more attentive to what you eat and what is around you.

Also, allergies can worsen in experienced allergy sufferers. If you have previously suffered from allergic reactions, then when planning a pregnancy you should consult a specialist. You will be prescribed a course of treatment that will reduce the exacerbation of the disease to a minimum during pregnancy. The good news is that during pregnancy, a woman's body produces more cortisol. This is an anti-allergenic hormone that reduces the severity of the disease or even eliminates it.

Allergy symptoms

The symptoms of allergies when carrying a baby are not much different from those of a non-pregnant woman. This may be sudden swelling of the throat or nasal mucosa. A woman's eyes may suddenly begin to water, she begins to sneeze frequently and without stopping. A common manifestation is severe cough. Often, allergies cause a rash.

Depending on the symptoms, the severity of this disease can be divided into 2 groups:

  • mild (runny nose, conjunctivitis, local urticaria);
  • severe (general urticaria, Quincke's edema, anaphylactic shock).

The body's reactions, which are classified as severe manifestations of allergies, are dangerous because they occur completely suddenly and are difficult for the pregnant woman's body. This situation requires resuscitation measures.

The most dangerous manifestation of all of the above is anaphylactic shock . A reaction occurs instantly to any drug or manipulation of a pregnant woman’s body; even an insect bite can be fatal. It takes from 2 to 30 minutes to save the life of a mother and baby. But fortunately such cases occur one in a million.

Quincke's edema characterized by swelling of the mucous membranes, skin and subcutaneous tissue. The areas that are most at risk are the forehead, lips, eyelids, cheeks. Swelling in the area of ​​the feet and hands often occurs. If there is swelling of the mucous membrane digestive tract, then there may be severe pain in the stomach, nausea and vomiting.

Any of the cases requires consultation with an allergist. Only a specialist can assess the severity of your disease and prescribe treatment depending on the symptoms, your general condition and drug tolerance.

How does the disease affect pregnancy and baby?

A pregnant woman experiences any change in her body with caution and a lot of questions. Especially if this is your first pregnancy. If earlier, if an allergy occurred, we could simply go to the pharmacy and buy any medicine, now, first of all, we should think about how it will affect the fetus. Remember, allergy medications during pregnancy should only be prescribed by a doctor.

The allergy itself has no effect on the fetus. Allergens (pathogens) are not able to penetrate the placenta. Their influence is manifested only by the fact that the child may in the future, after birth, begin to have a negative reaction to those substances from which the mother suffered during pregnancy. That is, an allergy is a disease that can be inherited. But this is not a 100% guarantee that the baby will be allergic. His dad's genes may take over.

But the results of our self-medication can be disastrous. Many drugs can cause birth defects nervous system, hearts. Also, taking the wrong medications can interfere with the blood flow between mother and baby. And this is the baby’s main source of life. There may be a lack of nutrients or oxygen.

Also, negative consequences from allergies during pregnancy can occur if it leads to complications in the general health of the mother. If it leads to the development of bronchial asthma, anaphylactic shock, then this makes breathing difficult. And a lack of oxygen can lead to fetal hypoxia. And, of course, discomfort with a runny nose, cough, watery eyes, and fatigue also negatively affect the baby. If the mother is unwell, the baby feels it.

How are allergies diagnosed and treated in pregnant women?

According to experts, allergies are a disease of civilization. About 25% of the population today suffers from this disease. And if we talk about pregnant women, then 45% of women in an interesting position complain of allergic reactions. When registering at the antenatal clinic, you are always interviewed to identify the level of risk and likelihood of allergies occurring during the entire 9 months of bearing a child.

In most cases, allergies are determined after examination and if characteristic symptoms. If symptoms are present, the doctor will usually ask questions to help identify the irritant. Next, tests and treatment are prescribed.

If it is necessary to determine a reaction to a substance without the presence obvious signs, then they can carry out skin test. To do this, a small amount of an allergenic substance is placed under the skin. If there is no reaction to it within half an hour, then the body will not react negatively to it.

It is almost impossible to cure allergies; the main thing is to cope with its symptoms. Most cases of eliminating the irritant from the pregnant woman’s environment result in the disappearance of the allergic reaction. Thus, during pregnancy, the first thing to do if you have allergies is to avoid contact with allergens.

The choice of allergy medications during pregnancy is carried out especially carefully. Their main goal is to quickly, but harmlessly for the fetus, relieve the expectant mother of symptoms. There are a number of medications known that can alleviate the symptoms of the disease and not have a negative effect on the fetus, but only a doctor should prescribe them.

A fairly common reaction to any substance can be skin rash. In pregnant women, it often appears on the stomach. It is dangerous because the rashes can itch, swell and burst. And this is already a risk of infection. In this case, the doctor may prescribe an ointment to relieve itching and other symptoms. However, products for external use can have a negative effect on the baby no less than tablets and syrups, so you should not select them yourself.

Factors causing allergies

Pregnancy is new life your body. He completely rearranges his work to suit the needs of the baby, who is growing and developing inside. His reaction even to your favorite sweater can be the most incredible.

During pregnancy, you should be careful with food, clothing, cosmetics, and chemicals used to clean the room. Even the environment can cause allergies.

From food Allergies during pregnancy can be caused by citrus fruits, chocolate, exotic fruits and vegetables that you try for the first time, and some types of fish. It is better not to tempt fate and not include anything new in your diet while you are carrying and feeding your baby.

Speaking of animals , then the hair of cats and dogs, bird fluff can also become causative agents of the disease. If you have a pet, it is better to give it to friends or relatives during pregnancy.

Severe stress , experiences, the chemical industry and metallurgy in your area are the first sources of the development of allergies to harmful manifestations environment. And small but dangerous insects can lead to allergies. Often, a bee sting that was previously harmless to you can cause severe swelling at the site of the sting, fever, and even anaphylactic shock.

During pregnancy, many women (especially those with chronic diseases) take several medications . Sometimes this is a necessity, and sometimes it is a simple desire of the pregnant woman. Plus, vitamins and other supplements that the body needs are mandatory. Often these medications cause the development of allergies.


It is always possible to avoid any disease. Of course, no one can give you a complete guarantee that if you take certain precautions, you will never get sick. But it is possible to reduce the likelihood. To do this you should:

  1. Refuse everyone bad habits. This is especially true for smoking. In addition to allergies, it negatively affects the development of the child’s lungs and can lead to intrauterine growth retardation. Children of smoking mothers often suffer from bronchial asthma and pneumonia;
  2. Carry out wet cleaning of the premises every day. Once a week, beat out rugs, pillows, blankets. You can even, like animals, remove curtains and carpets from the house for a while. They collect a lot of dust, and mites living in it are the first source of allergies;
  3. Minimize contact with all animals. This applies to both domestic and wild ones;
  4. Don't experiment with nutrition. Eat what you already know your body's reaction to. Less citrus fruits. Choose something that will be healthy, but not allergenic. For example, choose kiwi over lemon or orange. Kiwi has more vitamin C, but is less likely to cause an allergic reaction.

As for prevention of allergies in newborns, That the best remedy, how breast milk can't be found. Mother's milk is a source of substances that help cope with allergens. Even if you had an allergy during pregnancy, you now have antibodies to it and can pass them on to your baby.

Allergies during pregnancy are quite unpleasant in themselves. However, it is often accompanied specific symptoms and gives complications. A woman may develop symptoms of rhinitis, asthma, bronchitis, allergic reactions to food, dust and wool, plants, etc. Moreover, some doctors argue that this is far from a disease, but simply the body’s reaction to various environmental factors, foods or medications .


According to statistics, allergies during pregnancy can vary in severity and occur in most pregnant women. Since at this moment the body is weakened, solving other pressing problems - preserving the fetus. Women often have a question: if an allergy appears during pregnancy, how to treat it?

Anything can cause an allergic reaction, and, unfortunately, the body’s predisposition to it cannot be cured. You can try to prevent it by taking preventative measures. But the symptoms that characterize this or that type of allergy may not always indicate its occurrence. That is, a woman may feel some discomfort, but its cause may not be an allergy.

A runny nose, sneezing, and nasal congestion are called acute rhinitis. These symptoms often occur in many pregnant women. Are allergies during pregnancy always accompanied by these symptoms? It is not at all necessary, if at this time the trees are not blooming, the poplar fluff is not flying, the apartment is clean, free of dust, and there are no pets in the house, then most likely it is a simple cold. But it is still necessary to inform the doctor about this in order to prevent the development of the disease during this difficult period.

How can an allergy affect an unborn baby?

When an allergy develops during pregnancy, the mother has a reaction to it. But the fetus will not have it, since the antibodies cannot penetrate the protective placenta. But still, the baby also experiences some complications. How does he feel:

  • changed maternal health status;
  • the effect of drugs that affect its blood supply;
  • harmful, even dangerous effects of drugs.

Development of allergies

There are basically three main stages. In the first stage, the allergen initially enters the body. This can be pollen, food products, animal hair, cosmetics and other substances. Immune cells“recognize” foreign substances and begin producing antibodies.

At the second stage, the allergen that has entered the body binds antibodies. In this case, cells open, releasing active biological substances. They are the ones that cause the main symptoms of allergies. Most often they are called mediators.

At the third stage, active substances promote vasodilation, increasing tissue permeability. Inflammation and swelling occur. If the allergen enters the blood, a sharp drop in blood pressure is possible.


And yet, how often do allergies occur during pregnancy? What to do to prevent its occurrence? First, you need to take an allergy test, which is used to determine the substances that can presumably cause this disease. And based on the evidence, an appropriate “line of behavior” is developed.

In the summer, women predisposed to allergies are not recommended to visit parks where poplars grow, various flower beds and greenhouses, and it is also undesirable to relax on the river and other bodies of water. If you want to swim, it is better to do it in the pool. In the winter season, it is useful to often walk outside, breathe fresh air. However, you should dress very warmly and forget about fashion for a while - health is more valuable.

If formerly a woman She never wore hats in winter, but now she needs to deviate from her principles and not go outside without a hat, because during this period the body is weakened and you can easily catch a cold, which is extremely undesirable. It is also better to avoid walking at temperatures ranging from minus fifteen to twenty degrees. And if you need to go somewhere urgently, for example to a clinic, then it is better to ask your husband to take you there by car or call a taxi.

If an allergy occurs during pregnancy, what should you take for it? If a woman knows what exactly caused such a reaction in her body, then it is necessary to protect herself from this, at least for a certain period, until the baby is born. Also, do not use food products that may cause a reaction.

The most common cause of allergies is food. Therefore, it is necessary to exclude nuts, citrus fruits, smoked meats, seafood, chocolate, honey, red berries, fish and marinades from the diet. And fermented milk, butter, dietary meat, fruits and vegetables can be consumed without much concern. The main thing is that their color is not bright.

Nicotine is another negative for the fetus, so pregnant women not only should not smoke themselves, but also be in a room where there is “smoke”, it is not recommended. The house must be carried out daily wet cleaning, it is advisable to get rid of dust collectors - carpets, soft toys. If you had a reaction to fur before pregnancy, then it is better to “get rid” of your four-legged friend for a while, simply giving it to friends or relatives. If you take good care of your health, allergies will not affect your pregnancy.

How to reduce risks

In order to reduce the risk of an allergic reaction in a child, the mother needs to limit foods that stimulate it during illness. Absolute exclusion of any allergens is necessary only in case of acute exacerbation of illness in a pregnant woman. Otherwise, just eat less foods that can cause such a reaction.

A very high threat of allergenic activity is posed by:

Medium threats include:

  • rabbit;
  • pork;
  • peaches;
  • peas;
  • Green pepper;
  • turkey;
  • potato;
  • corn;
  • cabbage;
  • cranberries

To low:

  • squash;
  • turnip;
  • zucchini;
  • horse meat;
  • plum;
  • cucumber;
  • lamb;
  • bananas and apples.

To prevent allergies in a child, it is necessary to adjust to long-term breastfeeding. If you stop earlier, the threat increases several times.

How allergies can affect pregnancy

And yet, if such a problem befalls you - an allergy during pregnancy, how to treat it? The diagnosis itself is difficult, since the cause of the disease can be anything. Treatment is also difficult, because during it hormonal changes in the body occur, and this is quite dangerous for pregnant women.

If asthma is not treated, the fetus will begin to lack oxygen and will starve. As a result, the child lags behind in development, and premature birth may even begin. Allergies can also be inherited. The risk of developing it in a child will be 80% if both parents have it frequently. And if it happens to only one spouse, then 50%. But even if the parents are healthy, there is still a 20% chance that the child will often react to allergens.

Treatment Goals

The main goal is the safe and effective management of any symptoms of OAD in pregnant women without the risk of adverse effects on the intrauterine fetus. A person’s reaction largely depends on the prescribed medications for the pathology, the therapy used and physiological state body.

Treatment of allergies during pregnancy involves the use of medications prescribed by a doctor, as well as biological active additives, vitamins and minerals. Hospitalization is prescribed only in acute cases, and the pregnant woman stays at home and regularly visits the doctor.

Allergy pills during pregnancy. Are they harmful or beneficial?

It is important for a pregnant woman to remember that if she has a tendency to allergies, then it is necessary to warn her and prevent the development of the disease. If a woman still feels symptoms, then she should consult a doctor, but she should not self-prescribe allergy medications during pregnancy.

Tablets are prescribed only when there is confidence that they will not cause even the slightest harm to either the fetus or the mother. In addition, many medications are contraindicated during pregnancy, despite the fact that they are anti-allergenic. There are some drugs that are allowed during pregnancy and do not harm the fetus. For example, "Diphenhydramine" is contraindicated, and "Suprastin" can be prescribed as a remedy for allergies during pregnancy. For treatment, it is necessary to consult a doctor, since each woman’s body is individual and needs a special approach.

Folk remedies

No allergy medications have been used during pregnancy before. For example, to treat rhinitis, they took dry mustard, which was either poured into felt boots or glued to the heels. Ordinary kerosene also helped; before going to bed, they coated their feet with it and wrapped it in footcloths or rags on top.

If you have not escaped the fate of allergies during pregnancy, what else can you do to treat it? Fasting is also one of the ancient methods, but here you need the help of a doctor in selecting an individual diet. Very good medicines for allergies during pregnancy are herbal remedies. Both safe and effective. To treat rhinitis, you can also use ordinary wood chaga. The crushed mushroom is mixed with wormwood, yarrow and rose hips. Fill with three liters warm water. After two hours, the infusion is boiled, covered with a lid. Then filter and add honey, cognac and aloe. Store in the refrigerator, and drink the broth 3 times a day for a week and a half - a tablespoon.

The most common diseases in pregnant women with the development of allergies

These are rhinitis, swelling, urticaria and reactions to foods. Often there is a manifestation of pseudo-allergies. The symptoms may be the same, but in fact it turns out that the woman has had intolerance to certain foods before. For example, some people cannot consume dairy products, and allergies have absolutely nothing to do with it - these are the characteristics of the body. Therefore, doctors diagnose pregnant women especially carefully to determine the exact cause of the ailment.

Allergies during pregnancy can cause other diseases, for example, severe obstruction, anaphylactic shock, vasculitis. May even stimulate chronic diseases or cause them to relapse. Harmful effect on the kidneys gastrointestinal tract, nervous and cardiovascular system and to ENT organs.

Antiallergic drugs

Allergy tablets during pregnancy: Diphenhydramine, Pipolfen, Astemizole. The first is prescribed rarely and in small doses, as it can often cause complications. If a pregnant woman’s well-being may worsen without the use of medications, then Cetirizine, Claretin and Fexadin are prescribed. They can only be assigned in the 2nd or 3rd semester. And since we are discussing the topic “Allergies during pregnancy, how to treat them,” it is worth mentioning that the safest drug of all existing ones is the familiar Suprastin. And "Tavegil" can be prescribed only in some cases, since it is not suitable for everyone.

Select the section Allergic diseases Symptoms and manifestations of allergies Diagnosis of allergies Treatment of allergies Pregnant and lactating Children and allergies Hypoallergenic life Allergy calendar

Pregnancy affects all processes and systems in the body of the expectant mother. The immune system also undergoes serious changes: the number, percentage and activity of leukocytes change, hormonal background, immunosuppression occurs. This can lead to malfunctions of the immune system, including the emergence of new or increased old allergies in pregnant women.

Nowadays, up to 30% of pregnant women suffer from allergies; most often the disease develops between the ages of 18 and 24 years.

Thus, sometimes allergies can be regarded as one of the first signs of pregnancy.

However, during pregnancy, the production of cortisol increases, a hormone with an antiallergic effect that suppresses the development of an allergic reaction, so that in some cases the disease, on the contrary, may disappear or become milder.

Allergies during pregnancy - a double threat

As a rule, allergies do not often appear for the first time during pregnancy. Most women have a clear idea of ​​“their” allergens and the manifestations of the disease, but there may be exceptions. Pregnancy acts as a catalyst that aggravates the problem. Therefore, it is important to think about the possibility of allergies and its treatment.

Diagram: Where allergens can lie in wait for a pregnant woman

During this period, a woman’s immune system works, as they say, “for wear and tear,” so the reaction to a particular cosmetic product or food product can be unpredictable.

Allergies in pregnant women can occur with varying degrees gravity. For convenience, they are divided into 2 groups. The first includes mild symptoms:

  • Allergic rhinitis accompanied by serous discharge from the nasal cavity, a feeling of nasal congestion, and sneezing.
  • Conjunctivitis Due to allergies, it manifests itself as increased lacrimation, fear of light, and redness of the cornea. Allergic conjunctivitis and rhinitis often occur simultaneously.
  • Hives, allergic dermatitis . Manifestations contact dermatitis is the appearance of a rash on the stomach, back or chest area. Dermatitis is manifested by swelling of the skin, itching, and redness. Urticaria in appearance resembles a “burn” from stinging cells nettles

The second group includes systemic reactions (reactions affecting the entire body) with a severe course:

  • Quincke's edema(swelling of the eyelids, lips, tongue, trachea), called “giant urticaria,” is manifested by sudden swelling of the mucous membranes and subcutaneous fat in the face and neck. Of particular danger is swelling of the trachea and larynx, which can lead to serious problems with breathing.
  • Anaphylactic shock manifested by impaired consciousness, a sharp drop in blood pressure. If the woman is not helped, she may die.

These are immediate type allergic reactions. With delayed-type allergies, the allergen accumulates in the body (often a delayed-action allergy develops against the background of several allergens).

An immunocomplex reaction may be one of the causes of glomerulonephritis, rheumatoid arthritis and other diseases.

Allergies during pregnancy - impact on the fetus

Photo: Baby in the womb. Remember, everything you do affects your baby. You should be careful when treating allergies during pregnancy and not precipitate the disease.

Allergies are particularly dangerous in first trimester of pregnancy, since the organs, systems and tissues of the fetus are in their infancy, and the placenta with its protective functions not yet fully formed.

In second And third trimesters the allergy does not have a negative effect on the fetus, since the fully formed placenta does not allow antigens to pass through. But a pregnant woman’s poor health and depressed morale can negatively affect the child’s health.

A predisposition to allergies can be inherited: if the mother is sick, the probability of transmission to the child is 40%, if the father is sick, then 20%, if both parents are 70%.

In addition, allergic reactions can threaten the life of the expectant mother, and uncontrolled reception antihistamines can cause fetal malformations and premature termination of pregnancy. When taken independently medicines It is impossible to accurately answer the question “Will the baby suffer?” Therefore, you should consult an allergist and gynecologist about what and in what doses should be taken to treat allergies.

Diagnosis of allergies during pregnancy

Photo: Allergy during pregnancy on the stomach, accompanied by itching

Diagnosis includes a blood test for allergies, namely:

  • total level of lgE antibodies,
  • blood screening for allergens, determining specific antibodies,
  • skin tests,
  • anamnesis collection,
  • Keeping a food diary if you suspect a food allergy.

The doctor should know about the patient’s situation in order to prescribe the optimal diagnostic methods for her.

How to treat allergies during pregnancy

Treatment of allergies in pregnant women is quite varied. Below we will describe what you can take to get rid of the main symptoms of allergies.

Remember that the main task of drugs during this exciting period is to safely and effectively eliminate allergic symptoms without risk negative impact for the fruit Medicines should be used with extreme caution and only as prescribed by a doctor.

Treatment of allergies during pregnancy in the 1st trimester

It is not advisable to use any medications during this period.

If you are allergic to flowers, it is advisable to wash your clothes and shoes after each walk. If it is impossible to avoid contact with the allergen, you should wear a medical mask.

For allergic rhinitis

Nasal drops, which are used for a common runny nose, help well with allergic rhinitis.

Products containing sea salt are considered the best for pregnant women.

Among them:

  • Drops Marimer And Aqua Maris;
  • Complex "Dolphin" with sea salt and herbs;
  • Spray Dr. Theiss Allergol sea ​​water

In addition to the above, you can use:

  • Pinosol— contains extracts of mint and eucalyptus, which improve well-being in case of allergic rhinitis.
  • Spray Prevalin— forms a thin foam on the mucous membrane, blocking allergens.
  • Drops Salin- basic active substance- sodium chloride. Helps cleanse the nasal cavity.

Conjunctivitis, lacrimation

Suitable for washing eyes blue drops Innoxa, which contain only natural substances

Itching, rash, peeling

Photo: Zinc ointment (photo enlarges by clicking)

A good remedy are ointments, they will help get rid of skin allergies during pregnancy - rashes, skin dermatitis. For example, zinc ointment has a pronounced drying effect.

A suspension can be used in the same way. Tsindol containing zinc oxide.

A good option is creams that contain extracts of medicinal plants. For atopic dermatitis, applying a thin layer to the affected areas helps a lot. Physiogel A.I.

Before use, be sure to perform an allergy test on a small area of ​​skin. If redness does not appear, the drug can be used

Food and drug allergies - body cleansing

This type of allergy is most often characterized by urticaria and other skin rashes. The first step is to eliminate the allergen from consumption, and then cleanse the body. This will help:

  • Lactofiltrum;
  • Enterosgel.

At severe allergies accompanied by itching or peeling, in the first days you should take a double dose of any sorbent, for example, activated carbon.

The dose is calculated as follows:

1 tablet per 5 kg of person’s weight.

Use 2-3 times a day for 1-2 days. Then the usual dose returns - 1 tablet per 10 kg of body weight.

Can I take allergy pills during pregnancy?

What allergy pills can pregnant women take? — The answer to the question can only be given by the attending physician

As for antihistamines, unfortunately, there are no drugs that are completely safe for a pregnant woman. Let's consider how to treat allergies during pregnancy, what antihistamines can on the recommendation of the attending physician be used during this period, and which are completely prohibited.

Indications and contraindications should be taken into account antihistamines, in order to choose the right way to treat allergies in pregnant women, especially in severe cases.


You should only take medications prescribed by a doctor, since many medications can negatively affect the course of pregnancy and the process of fetal development, and a specialist is able, based on all the data collected during the diagnostic process, to prescribe a safe and effective course of treatment.

H1-histamine blockers

They block histamine receptors, thus eliminating the symptoms of an allergic reaction. There are 4 generations of these drugs, where each subsequent one has a smaller amount side effects and the strength of their manifestation, longer action. Listed below are the main tablet products of category H1 and the possibility of their use in different trimesters pregnancy.

1st generation
  • Diphenhydramine. Strictly contraindicated throughout pregnancy, since it affects the contractility of the uterus when taken in a dose of more than 50 mg. In extreme cases, it can only be used in the 2nd trimester.
  • Suprastin. This drug is contraindicated during pregnancy, although there is no reliable information about its effect on the fetus. The drug is not prescribed in the first trimester of pregnancy and in later stages.
  • Tavegil. The drug is used only in cases of emergency, when it is not possible to use another remedy. The drug is not used in the first trimester. Experiments on animals have shown the presence of malformations in the fetus.
  • Pipolfen(piperacillin, diprazine). Clinical data on use this drug no, therefore its use is contraindicated. If it is necessary to take drugs during lactation, it should be discontinued.
2nd generation
  • Claritin. No negative effects on the fetus and the maternal body have been identified, but at the same time, the reaction of a pregnant woman to the drug can be unpredictable. It is for this reason that Claritin is prescribed to a pregnant woman. only as a last resort.
  • Terfenadine. Undesirable during pregnancy, can lead to weight loss in the newborn. Used if the effect of use outweighs the risk to the fetus.
3rd generation
  • Fexadine. These allergy pills during pregnancy contraindicated.
  • Zyrtec(the second name is cetirizine). A teratogenic effect from the use of the drug has not been identified, but it can pass into breast milk.
  • Allertek— can be used in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters as prescribed by a doctor


Available in the form of tablets, injections, as well as ointments and creams. The mechanism of action of corticosteroids is based on the inhibition of Th-2 cytokines, “responsible” for the occurrence of an allergic reaction.

It has been established that the use of drugs such as Dexamethasone, Metypred significantly reduces resistance female body various infections, therefore also negatively affect the fetus. That is why corticosteroids are prescribed to a pregnant woman if traditional antiallergic drugs do not give the desired effect.

Treatment of allergies in pregnant women with folk remedies

Folk remedies are mainly used in the treatment skin manifestations allergies in pregnant women.


When coughing, inhalation of mineral water, from which all the gas is first released, helps well. You can use Borjomi, Essentuki (No. 4, No. 17) or Narzan. An hour after this procedure, additional inhalations are carried out with oils - eucalyptus, peach or olive.

Please note that allergic reactions may intensify when using herbal infusions.

Urticaria during pregnancy

Solutions will relieve skin itching salicylic acid or menthol. Using a disk or cotton swab, wipe the affected areas. Unpleasant sensations disappear literally in a matter of minutes.

It will help with severe skin itching infusion of plantain leaves and dill seeds. The mixture (a tablespoon of dill seeds and the same amount of crushed plantain leaves) is poured with boiling water (0.22 l), left for about two hours and used to wipe the affected areas.

Allergic dermatitis

Photo: Oak bark

Used to wipe the skin decoction of chamomile, calendula, St. John's wort and sage. Mix a tablespoon of each component. Then brew one tablespoon of the mixture with a glass of boiling water. The infusion can also be taken orally (1/3 cup, three times a day).

Shredded helps a lot plantain leaf, mixed in equal proportions with calendula and chamomile flowers. Four tablespoons of the mixture are brewed with 0.5 liters of boiling water. Used for wiping the skin and compresses. A good option for lotions is a decoction of oak bark.

Oak bark decoction and rosehip oil extract Allergic dermatitis is also treated.

  • 100 grams of oak bark are boiled for 30 minutes in 1 liter of water; It is used in the form of rubbing and compresses.
  • The oil is extracted from rosehip seeds; apply externally and internally, 1 tsp. per day.

Allergic eczema

Helps to cope with such manifestations of this disease fresh cabbage leaf, which is tied to the affected area. The sheet is changed once a day until the symptoms disappear. You can also use compresses with chopped cabbage and egg white (3 tablespoons per 1 white).

It will also help herbal tea : mix buckthorn, fennel (2 parts each) with dandelion roots, chicory and watch leaf (1 part). Pour a tablespoon of the mixture into a glass of boiling water and boil for half an hour. Take ¾ cup twice a day.

Alternatively, you can use i block vinegar or birch sap:

  • Apple cider vinegar, water and raw egg are mixed in a 1:1:1 ratio and used as a compress.
  • Rub the skin with birch sap.

A series of allergies during pregnancy

A decoction of the string relieves itching and redness and has a calming effect. The course can last up to several years, but after 20 weeks of use you should take a 10-week break.

One way to use: 1 tsp. herbs per glass of boiling water, use instead of tea/coffee. Also a solution with 3 tsp. per glass of boiling water you can treat the skin.

Before using any folk remedies and vitamins should be consulted with an allergist.

Natural antihistamines for pregnant women

Can natural substances help prevent allergies or reduce their symptoms? Below we will talk about the possibility of reducing allergies without the help of antihistamines.

Vitamin C or ascorbic acid

Minimizes such allergic manifestations as bronchospasm or runny nose.

It should be taken gradually, starting with 500 mg/day and then gradually increasing the dose to 3-4 g.

Fish oil and linoleic acid

Prevents symptoms such as rashes, itchy skin, redness of the eyes and profuse lacrimation. Taking these drugs depends on the characteristics of the body.

Vitamin B12

It is a universal natural antihistamine. It will help you reduce your symptoms allergic asthma or dermatitis. Take 500 mcg for 3-4 weeks.

Zinc preparations

Zinc helps reduce allergies to various chemical compounds. Should be taken orally only when complex form as part of drugs.

Olive oil

Oleic acid, which is part of the oil, is an excellent antiallergic agent. Therefore, it is useful to use this type of vegetable oil for cooking.

Allergy prevention

To prevent the development of allergies in pregnant women, they resort tofollowing preventive measures:

  • Avoid contact with all animals;
  • In the house Wet cleaning is carried out regularly, dust is removed with a vacuum cleaner with a water filter, rooms are ventilated, and carpets, curtains and pillows are cleaned of dust at least once a week to prevent the development of allergies to dust mites;
  • From the menu you need exclude products to which an allergic reaction has been identified; the consumption of highly allergenic foods (citrus fruits, chocolate, peanuts) is limited; you should also avoid eating new, exotic foods;
  • It is worth giving up bad habits, since they can provoke allergies in the child. For example, maternal smoking can lead to pneumonia or bronchial asthma at the child.

When treated under the supervision of a specialist, allergies in pregnant women do not pose a danger to the fetus, and the use preventive measures and refusal of self-medication help to avoid complications during pregnancy.