
What does Bolotov say about a cancer cell? Bolotov method for cancer treatment

Boris Vasilievich Bolotov called the modern Leonardo da Vinci. Anyone who buys the book “Youth and Longevity. The method of Boris Bolotov, told by himself.” In this book, the author explains how to use acetic acid as a pain reliever, how weakly concentrated hydrochloric acid helps the stomach, how to strengthen the immune system with kvass on banana peels and much more. Bolotov’s method for cancer treatment

Psychotherapist, healer, psychic, people's academician Boris Bolotov has been tirelessly helping thousands of people for many years. His book “Going Through Pain” is accessible to the widest readership, as it is written in the form of questions and answers. Thanks to this book, everyone will be able to make an internal determination to successfully fight their illnesses almost from scratch, when it seems that there is no longer any hope of regaining health. The expanded and expanded edition of the book Acetic, Hydrochloric Acid, Aqua Regia, Celandine will become for the patient not only a short treatment guide, but a kind of talisman that helps even in the reading process itself.

Tactics for combating cancer

Hundreds of thousands of biochemists and doctors cannot defeat cancer, but this does not allow them to stop fighting it for a single day. Victory is unthinkable without struggle. First of all, you need to know that a person can have a variety of cancers. The principle of tumor growth is reminiscent of mushrooms, since they are self-governing organisms that obey their own specific laws. According to these laws, enzymes secreted by cells dissolve proteins of surrounding tissues.

The human body can be attacked by a wide variety of types of cancer, for example: adenopapillary cancer, arrhenoblastomas, basaliomas, tar cancer, hypernephroid tumors, gliomas, carcinomas, cystadenomas, Krukenberg cancer, leukemia, leio- and rhabdomyomas, lymphogranulomatosis, lipomas, mesotheliomas, melanomas, blastomas , melanomas, meningiomas, fibroids, neurogenic tumors, neuroglia, osteomas, rhabdomyoblastomas, sarcomas, seminomas, teratomas, thymomas, fibromas, sympathoblastomas, fibromyomas, folliculomas, chondromas, cytoblastomas, endotheliomas and others. That's why special meaning the patient has information about what type of cancer he is affected with, as well as the location of its spread. But, as a rule, the patient does not know the type of cancer developing in him. Bolotov’s technique is precisely designed for situations where the patient does not know anything about the nature of his tumor.

Method of gastrointestinal restoration

The beginning of self-medication can be considered the moment of identifying painful signs or the disease itself and the doctor’s permission. Self-treatment gastrointestinal tract is the first tactical technique. After all, violations in the work of this particular organ are alarm signal about most diseases, and any treatment begins with it. The restorative technique of the gastrointestinal tract is described in the “Quintessence” section, but in case of cancer, the duration of the procedures requires a significant increase - up to 2-3 months. In the morning it is necessary to carry out procedures with cakes, and throughout the day concentrate mainly on suppressing the tumor and removing pain. According to the author, the appearance pain symptoms associated with trypsins and chymotrypsins, which are produced by cancer cells. Based on this, to eliminate pain it is necessary to neutralize these enzymes. According to a number of observations, this effect can be achieved if it is injected into the tumor area fatty acids, the simplest option of which is acetic acid. To eliminate pain, you can also use peptides (acidic proteins), which can be obtained as a result of fermented lactic fermentation of medicinal plants. Of course, for each type of cancer it is necessary certain type acidic proteins and fatty acids formed during the fermentation of only specific medicinal plants.

As mentioned above, the simplest fatty acid is acetic acid (CH3COOH). In nature, there is a fatty acid that contains 26 carbon atoms, but all fatty acids can dissolve in acetic acid. It is acetic acid that is formed during lactic acid fermentation of medicinal plants; also during such fermentation, all fatty acids remain in a dissolved state. The composition of the fermentation extract, in addition to the vinegar itself, also includes amino acid residues, vitamins, peptides, proteins, enzymes, etc. Tests show that some fermentation extracts (enzymes) produce a strong analgesic effect. For example, an enzyme prepared with celandine relieves pain in all parts of the gastrointestinal tract. The enzyme in periwinkle prepared according to the same principle anesthetizes the liver area, and the enzyme in the aconite plant eliminates pain in the bones.

The fermentation of any medicinal plant begins with the process of converting the carbohydrates they contain into pyruvic acid, which, reacting with acetic acid, makes it possible to obtain all types of Krebs cycle acids. These acids also take part in tumor pain relief. Aspartic (also known as aminosuccinic) acid not only relieves pain, but can also completely resolve lymphosarcoma. Evidence from many cancer patients late stages diseases confirm that taking sour grape wine almost completely eliminated pain from liver cancer, although previously patients took narcotic substances for this effect. Since such cases are not rare, the author advises for various pains to take old barrel wine internally, since it contains vinegar, peptides, pyruvic acid, and mucopolysaccharides. At first, this wine should be consumed up to 10 times a day, 40-60 grams each, until the pain disappears, gradually the frequency of intake should be reduced to 3 times a day. In case of defeat lung cancer Taking the celandine enzyme orally must be supplemented with inhalations of the same enzyme, according to the doctor’s recommendations. Douching with celandine enzyme for uterine tumors is also successful. It is also used for enemas and various external effects.

Treatment of cancer of any kind is not complete without the use of iodized salt in combination with sulfates. When exposed to phosphoric acids, salt in the human body is converted into hydrochloric acid. Sulfates form sulfuric acid, which helps neutralize chymotrypsins and trypsins. cancer formation. Hydrochloric acid is indispensable for isolating the enzyme pepsin from pepsingen, which is produced by the walls of the stomach. The most important property of hydrochloric acid is its ability to neutralize it as a radioactive substance. free radicals.

Treatment should begin with the use of acetic acid orally. Optimal dosage: one tablespoon of grape vinegar (9%) per half glass of water. It is necessary to take up to 10-15 times a day, until pain symptoms completely disappear. After taking vinegar, you should consume one gram of salt. Good action has a combination of table salt with 3% Glauber's salt. A teaspoon of vinegar can be added to a variety of dairy products, such as yogurt, fermented baked milk, milk, yogurt, acidophilus milk and others. At the same dosage, you can add vinegar to various teas from medicinal plants, preferably sulfur-containing ones, such as violets, chamomile, linden flowers, coltsfoot flowers, raspberry fruits, birch buds, fireweed, etc. Painful areas should be lubricated with vinegar , and in some cases, vinegar compresses can be used. The result of such vinegar procedures is either a significant reduction or complete removal of pain.

Another treatment technique to eliminate pain is taking hydrochloric acid orally. If it is not available in pharmacies, it can be prepared at home from concentrated hydrochloric acid. To prepare the optimal solution, you need to dilute 1 tbsp. l. hydrochloric acid 0.5 liters drinking water. This solution is drunk 1-2 tablespoons 3-4 times a day, presumably during meals. Taking Royal vodka prepared according to the same principle is also effective. It should be noted that the use of various alcohols does not lead to the formation of tumors, but is the most in an effective way to accelerate their growth. Therefore, drinking alcohol (cognac, vodka, moonshine) greatly increases the threat of death.

Food also needs to be well salted. With the development of cancer processes, it is especially necessary to consume salty foods. lard. You can prepare it according to this recipe: grind the lard, peeled from skin and meat, with garlic in a ratio of 10:1 and add salt. You can eat it as a sandwich spread. It is useful for all kinds of tumors to eat salted herring. Milk, unlike caviar, must be excluded from the diet. Herring fills you up human body phosphorus, sulfur-containing amino acids, and proteins. Cartilage should not be excluded from food, since it contains the main building material. immune system- mucopolysaccharides.

The most effective effect of tumor resorption is exerted by pepsin, chymotrypsin and trypsin, which are contained in gastric juice. Pepsin, in cooperation with hydrochloric acid, is known to break down cells damaged by heavy metals, radionuclides, carcinogens and free radicals, as well as cells of foreign tissues. In total, an adult person secretes about 8-9 liters of gastrointestinal juices, 98% of which is absorbed into the blood. This amount of enzymes is enough to dissolve all foreign tissues in the body. The main goal of treatment is to ensure sufficient secretion of pepsinogen, hydrochloric acid, trypsinogen, chymotrypsinogen and bile acids by the stomach, liver and pancreas. To resolve the tumor, it is necessary to strengthen the work of these organs and additionally introduce these substances into the body. Improvement normal operation pancreas, stomach and liver can be promoted by enzymes prepared from medicinal plants. Since they contain vinegar, such enzymes should be consumed before meals, and teas should be consumed 10-15 minutes after meals. They promote the release of pepsin, and teas promote the formation of chymotrypsins and bile. As you can see, a home enzyme base makes it possible to protect the human body not only from a number of infectious diseases, including cholera, plague, pemphigus, AIDS, etc., but also helps to cope with any type of cancer.

So, let's draw the main conclusions:

1. Procedures with cakes

For the treatment of the gastrointestinal tract and primarily the stomach, fruit or vegetable cakes are used, which are obtained in the process of preparing juice using juicers. Procedures with cakes must be carried out in the morning. Fresh cakes have an electropotential of about 10-30 eV, thanks to which they can draw heavy metals, as well as radionuclides, from the walls of the stomach and duodenum. In addition, they can scavenge carcinogens and positively charged free radicals. Cake also prevents stagnation excess liquids in the stomach and duodenum, and they can recover normally. There is nothing complicated in the procedures with cakes. If cancer develops, you should take up to 3 tablespoons of cabbage cake before meals once a day for about a month. To make the cakes easier to swallow, you can eat them with sour cream.

When treating duodenum and stomach, it is better to completely exclude juices from the diet. However, you can add some salt to them and take them only before bed.

2. Celandine enzyme

Celandine enzyme should be taken to eliminate inflammation in gastrointestinal tract. Having finished taking celandine enzyme for 2-3 weeks, you need to start using the enzyme at that medicinal plant, which corresponds to the patient’s specific cancer disease. The principle of preparing enzymes using other medicinal plants is similar to the celandine enzyme.

To prepare, you will need 3 liters of water, 1 glass of sugar, half a glass of chopped celandine herb and 1 teaspoon of sour cream. Mix all ingredients in a 3-liter jar. The grass must first be wrapped in a gauze bag with some kind of weight so that it sinks to the bottom of the container. Infuse for 2-3 weeks at room temperature, after tying the neck of the jar with gauze in several layers. Take in a dosage of one tablespoon to one glass, half an hour before meals, 3-4 times a day.

3. Aqua regia

During meals you need to drink Royal vodka or hydrochloric acid. To prepare Royal Vodka, you need to dilute 4 tablets of nitroglycerin in a liter of water, which contains nitric acid, a tablespoon of concentrated hydrochloric acid (38%), a tablespoon of concentrated sulfuric acid (98%), half a glass of grape vinegar (9%). Mix all ingredients. Take a tablespoon 4 times a day during or right before meals.

4. Medicinal teas

Teas based on the corresponding medicinal plant are taken a quarter or half an hour after meals. To prepare, you will need two teaspoons of any dry sulfur-containing plant: raspberry fruits, linden flowers, chamomile flowers, coltsfoot flowers, violets, fireweed buds, birch, etc. Dry herbs are poured with a glass of boiled water and left for a quarter of an hour.

5. Grape vinegar

During the day, take 9% grape vinegar about 10-15 times until the pain disappears. Vinegar is consumed internally, 1 tablespoon per half glass of yogurt, sour milk, tea or water. In addition, you can apply vinegar compresses to tumor areas. Additionally, salt (1 gram each), salted herring, salted lard, and cartilage should be introduced into the diet.

6. Cabbage juice

Before going to bed, you should drink half a glass of salted cabbage juice, which remains after preparing the cakes.

Elecampane is an extremely healthy plant, as you might guess from its name. The word “elecampane” means that this herb has nine healing powers, which it happily shares with humans. Healers believed that it could cure nine ailments; later it turned out that there were many more diseases that could be overcome with the help of this herb.

Elecampane grows almost throughout the entire territory of Ukraine, except the Carpathians; its root is crushed and dried, and then used in folk medicine in the form of decoctions, infusions and powders.

What is the power of this plant?! Elecampane is a storehouse of vitamin E - a natural antioxidant, polysaccharides, which are responsible, among other things, for a properly functioning immune system, saponins, which improve the patient's condition with a debilitating cough. In addition, this herb contains gum, which has a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract, benzoic acid - improves skin condition, magnesium, potassium, calcium - substances that are beneficial for bones, joints, immunity and blood condition.

Thanks to these properties, it is used as a diuretic, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, expectorant, diaphoretic and blood purifying agent.

The list of diseases that elecampane can overcome is impressive:

  • bronchitis;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • pneumonia;
  • tuberculosis;
  • whooping cough
  • gastrointestinal diseases;
  • liver diseases;
  • skin diseases;
  • menstruation disorders;
  • anemia;
  • haemorrhoids;
  • diabetes mellitus,
  • hypertension;
  • migraine;

Methods of using elecampane

For bronchitis and enterocolitis

Leave 2 teaspoons of root in 250 ml for 10 hours cold water. Take throughout the day.

For gastritis and hepatitis

Mix the root powder with honey at the end of a knife. Take 1 tsp. 5 times a day.

Baths and rinses with skin diseases

Boil 100 g of root for 15 minutes. in 1 l. water. Leave for a day

For rheumatism

Boil elecampane root 10 g and burdock root 10 g in 250 ml of water, leave for 20 minutes. Use 15 ml. 3 times a day.

Choleretic agent

Boil 30 g of elecampane root and licorice for 30 minutes. in 0.5 ml. water. Take 15 ml. 3 times a day.

For whooping cough

Mix 2 tablespoons of elecampane and thyme, 2 tsp. Brew like tea in 250 ml. boiling water Use 1 tsp every 2 hours.

For pulmonary tuberculosis

100 g of root is infused in 1 liter. red grape wine 8 days. Drink 50 ml. 3 times a day before meals.

Balm to improve immunity

Boil 50 g of crushed root for 30 minutes. in 100 g of water. Strain the broth, add 150 g of sugar and 100 g. apple juice. Apply 3 times a day, 3 tbsp. l. before meals. The course of treatment is 1 month

Oil at trophic ulcers and wounds

100 g of dry and crushed plant root pour into 1 liter vegetable oil, then leave in the sun for 15 days. Apply oil to damaged areas of skin.

Ointment for burns and skin diseases

1 tbsp. mixed chopped root with 5 tbsp. l. lard, boil the mass for 15 minutes in 100 g of water and strain through cheesecloth. Apply ointment to the affected areas and rinse with elecampane solution.

Use in cooking

The herb has a tart and fresh taste. It is added to sauces and marinades and vegetable dishes. Also, jelly is made from elecampane, and the roots are boiled for 20 minutes. in sugar syrup and served separately as a dessert.


When treating with Devisil, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the dosage, since if it is exceeded, symptoms of poisoning may begin. This treatment is also contraindicated in case of kidney disease, pregnancy and gastritis with low acidity. Those who suffer from cardiovascular diseases should use the herb with caution.

Boris Vasilievich Bolotov is a candidate of sciences who brought to life large number own scientific developments related to nuclear physics, chemistry and medicine. This scientist in his works confidently stated that any person in our time can extend his life to 150-200 years and at the same time be active and healthy. Academician Bolotov believed that with the help of the methods he developed it would be possible to achieve immortality in the future.

Soda really finds its application in the process of healing the whole body.

Boris Vasilyevich began his scientific career in Odessa by entering the Electrical Engineering Institute, where, in addition to studying the laws of physics, he was deeply involved in research into the influence of the biofield and hypnosis on living organisms. After graduation, he had the opportunity to test his observations in the field of medicine as a psychotherapist in a psychoneurological dispensary. During this work, Dr. Bolotov had the opportunity to study the effect on patients not only medicines, but also plants, insects, fish, algae and their metabolic products. Most of the time was devoted to the study of various enzymes (trypsin, peptides, alkaloids, glycosides) and many other substances produced during the natural processes of fermentation, digestion and decomposition. During this work, scientists established the presence in every living organism of a so-called leader cell, on the work of which the performance of all body functions depends. According to Bolotov, systematic renewal of these “leader cells” is considered the path to health and immortality.

Description of the technique

The main human problem that causes aging and the development of pathologies, according to the scientist, is contamination of the body with toxins and salts heavy metals and alkaline substances. In order to maintain the health and performance of all tissues and the body as a whole, you should start with work digestive tract.

Academician Bolotov in his works defines the presence of sufficient level hydrochloric acid and pepsin produced by the stomach.

These substances dissolve damaged and old cells, preventing them from giving rise to serious illnesses. Boris Vasilyevich points out the path to immortality by rejuvenating organs and tissues by increasing the acidic reaction of the blood.

In order for digestive juices to be complete and able to do their job, a person needs to carefully monitor his diet. In the process of digesting food, the body receives not only nutrients to support life, but also essential amino acids. Different products contain from one to several amino acids. Plant foods don't have everything necessary substances, and those that exist have an alkaline reaction. The predominance of foods such as cereals, vegetables and fruits in the diet can reduce the production of digestive juices and cause alkalization of the body. In this case, the natural process of destroying damaged cells is disrupted and fertile soil develops for the development of diseases, including cancer.

Academician Bolotov created a new understanding of how to treat a variety of diseases without resorting to the help of drugs that you can find in a pharmacy, or surgical interventions

The picture is more favorable with animal products. They have almost everything necessary for the body human elements. Therefore, refusing meat and animal foods without additional intake of necessary acids is very harmful to health, causing premature aging and wear of organs. An important condition, which Dr. Bolotov points out in his works, is not a refusal of plant foods, but good nutrition. Ideally, it should be separate and supplemented by the intake of acidic foods: ascorbic acid, oxalic acid, grape, citric acid, lactic acid bacteria, wine vinegar and kvass.

Collateral healthy life and longevity is not only proper nutrition. Maintaining emotional balance and resistance to stress are also important. It is impossible for a person with mental problems to be physically healthy, because the work of the body and spirit is interconnected.

Recipes for treating diseases

In order to cure a person, you need not to look for symptoms of the disease, but to identify those points that are missing for complete health. According to Bolotov, the choice of therapy for each disease must be approached thoughtfully, because any organ has its own internal environment, which requires a special approach.

So, for the treatment of diseases digestive organs need to use different types dough, kvass, vegetable and fruit cakes, fermentation products.

For dental diseases and oral cavity rinses are used alcohol solution propolis and calamus. Propolis is crushed and dissolved in an amount of 10 grams per 60-70 ml of vodka. Half a glass of calamus roots is poured with 0.5 liters of vodka and infused for at least a week. These liquids should be stored separately and mixed only before rinsing. For 1 tablespoon of calamus tincture you need to take 10-20 drops of propolis.

A soda drink can be not only healthy, but also tasty.

To normalize the functioning of the stomach and intestines, a starter made from fermented milk products is used. To prepare it, you need to take 3 liters of whey, 1 glass of granulated sugar, 1 glass of dry or fresh celandine herb, 1 tablespoon of homemade sour cream. Sugar dissolves in the liquid, where a gauze bag with celandine and a weight is then added. In order to enrich this mixture with lactic acid bacteria, sour cream is added to it. The container with the liquid should be covered with several layers of gauze and left in a dark place at room temperature. In a couple of weeks, the resulting medicine will be ready. It is taken 100 ml before meals 15 minutes. This solution helps the body get rid of radionuclides and heavy metal salts, restore normal microflora in the intestines and female reproductive organs.

Much attention in the works of Academician Bolotov is devoted to cooking or sea ​​salt. With its help, the doctor advises to get rid of external skin diseases. To do this, make a solution of salt or a paste with water and apply it to problem areas. A slight burning sensation must be endured to obtain the effect. Salt also helps enhance the secretion of digestive enzymes. For this purpose, several grains of it are placed on the tip of the tongue 15-20 minutes after eating, which causes a reflex production of hydrochloric acid and pepsin.

Some of Dr. Bolotov's recipes contain plants that modern medicine considered potent and poisonous, for example, belladonna or celandine. You should be very careful with such drugs, as there is a risk of poisoning.

Relation to soda and peroxide

In contrast to the methods of Neumyvakin, Ogulov or Simoncini, Academician Bolotov Boris Vasilyevich speaks quite negatively about soda and hydrogen peroxide. He insists that ingesting these substances, on the contrary, contributes to the development of many diseases, as it causes a decrease in acidity gastric juice, and then blood serum.

These processes can lead not only to problems with digestion, but also cause aging of human organs, disruption of the natural dissolution of cells that have become obsolete and damaged by mutations. Ingestion of these substances contradicts all the ideas of the scientist described in his books and recommendations.

It can be concluded that treatment with soda has its fans and opponents, so when identifying any diseases, it is worth taking more into account the opinions of supporters scientific medicine, the methods of which undergo a large number of different checks and tests.

Many people get lost in such a stream of treatments that contradict each other, and waste time searching for a panacea for all diseases. You can try various homemade recipes, but first you need to go through the full medical examination and get recommendations from qualified doctors.
Many techniques traditional treatment have no scientific basis. Is it worth spending precious time on conducting experiments on own body or not, each person needs to decide only for himself.

Boris Vasilievich Bolotov is an academician who created his own system for combating illnesses and healing the entire body. His system is based on the assertion that, due to the increased production of certain substances by the body, biological youth can be achieved by replacing aging cells with new cells of the body. Thus, when replacing damaged tissue cells, internal organs are restored, which means that any disease can be eradicated.

Salt treatment according to Bolotov

Academician Bolotov proved in theory and in practice that with the help of ordinary kitchen salt you can prolong your body’s existence and become immune to diseases. Unconventional treatment salt according to Bolotov consists of two methods. The first says that immediately after eating food, put a pinch of salt on the tongue and let it dissolve. When the saliva is saturated with salt, it is swallowed. Bolotov recommends doing this 10 times a day. The essence of the second method is that you should add a little salt to everything you eat, with the exception of tea and coffee, fruits and cottage cheese. The academician advises eating fermented foods, and after eating, also eat a couple of salted mushrooms, or a small piece of salted fish. Bolotov claims that eating pickles promotes oxidation in the body, as a result of which it becomes almost invulnerable to infections and colds. Salt can even out homeostasis and strengthen the immune system.

Treatment of cancer according to Bolotov

Traditional treatment of cancer according to Bolotov is based on tactical self-medication techniques. First, it is necessary to begin treatment of the gastrointestinal tract, since, according to the healer, all diseases are caused by a violation of its functionality. Accordingly, it is necessary to treat through the gastrointestinal tract. The method of treating cancer is quite complex; Bolotov wrote a whole book about it, but it is based on two recipes that can be used to cure not only cancer, but also plague, cholera and even AIDS.

Bolotov's anti-cancer recipe: finely chopped banana peel - 2-3 cups, sugar - 1 cup and sour cream - 1 teaspoon. Everything is filled with water - 3 liters. Leave to ferment at room temperature, and after 2-3 weeks the kvass is ready. Each poured portion of kvass must be topped up with water. This recipe will help early stage diseases and is used as a prophylactic.

Treatment with celandine according to Bolotov

Treatment with celandine according to Bolotov is performed to cleanse the body of papillomas, benign tumors and condylomas. For this, kvass is prepared. Dissolve a teaspoon of low-fat sour cream and a glass of granulated sugar in three liters of spring or filtered water. Stir well until dissolved. Pour everything into a three-liter jar, then place ½ cup of celandine herb in a gauze bag and place it at the bottom of the jar. The bag must be placed with a weight. Tie the neck of the jar with three layers of gauze and let it ferment at room temperature. Stir the composition of the jar daily and remove any mold that appears. On the fifth day, sediment will appear at the bottom - you need to carefully pour the kvass into a clean jar and add water. After two weeks, the kvass is ready. Pour out a liter for consumption and top up with water again. Take a spoonful three times, half an hour before meals. Then gradually increase the single dose to ½ glass. And so on for two weeks.

Treatment of diabetes according to Bolotov

Diabetes is treated according to Bolotov by introducing enzymes into the body that stimulate the functionality of the pancreas. Prepare bitter tea: heat the water to 80 degrees and add the bitter plant to it - take a tablespoon of the plant for 2 glasses of water. Let it brew for a couple of hours in a thermos. You should take one glass orally, half an hour after meals. They also take enzymes prepared with bitters. For preparation, you can take Japanese sophora, nutmeg, celandine, etc.

Press conference of Professor Boris Bolotov (2005)

Updated 05 Feb 2015. Created 09 Dec 2014
vados2384 — 06/16/2011

Characteristics and origin:

People often call it nine-sil. According to ancient Russian belief, this plant has 9 powers ( medicinal properties) and can cure a person from 9 diseases. Its name comes from the Greek inaein - “to cleanse”. And species in translation from Greek means “sun”, and is given in honor of its golden flowers, which actually look like the sun. We know elecampane as a medicinal plant, but it is an ancient food crop.

It was used as a vegetable and spice back in ancient Rome, he was especially loved by the Roman aristocrats and considered very useful.

The roots and rhizomes have a peculiar aromatic odor; they taste bitterish and pungent.

The homeland of this plant is Central Asia. Currently widely distributed in nature. In the wild, elecampane is found in Southern and Central Europe, Asia, and is also introduced into North America.


Elecampane is unpretentious and winter-hardy. Prefers loose, moist soil rich in calcium. He needs a sunny, well-warmed place. Quite durable.

Elecampane is propagated by seeds and by dividing the bush. It is better to grow it through seedlings with mandatory picking to stimulate early rhizomes. Seeds germinate in the light, with high humidity at night. Seedlings are planted in rows every 60-70 cm, in a row the plants are ground 40-50 cm apart from each other. You can also sow directly into the ground - in early spring, in September or under winter. In the first year, the elecampane forms a rosette of leaves (5-7 pieces). The rhizomes are divided, starting from the second year of life. The leaves are cut in half and the rhizome is cut into pieces. There should be 1-2 buds on each section of the rhizome. loosening as necessary. In the spring, after overwintering, the elecampane plantation is cleared of old leaves, loosened and fed with complete fertilizer - azophoska, Kemira-lux, Rastnorin gimi. Fertilizing with ash also works well.

Grows in deciduous and pine forests and bush thickets, in mountain forests (at an altitude of up to 2000 m), in meadows, clearings, along the banks of rivers, lakes, mountain streams.

Grows in the Caucasus, Central Asia, in the Steppe and Forest-Steppe zones of the European part of the USSR and Western Siberia. In Ukraine it is found in Polesie and forest-steppe regions, rarely in the Carpathians.


The bitter rhizomes of elecampane are rich in chemical composition They have a strong pleasant aroma. Used as a spice in confectionery, canning and fish processing industries. In the liquor and vodka industry, elecampane is used (for tinctures and balms, in winemaking - in the production of vermouth. Boiled in sugar, the rhizome acquires a special aroma and can replace ginger. Jam is made from young roots.

Medical use:

Experimental studies have established that the plant has a diuretic, choleretic, expectorant and antimicrobial effect. Alantolactone essential oil Elecampane is a strong anthelmintic agent. It has a 25 times stronger effect on roundworms than santonin. In medicine around the world, elecampane is used for bronchitis, as an antitussive, astringent, for anacid gastritis, gastroenteritis, peptic ulcer stomach and duodenum, liver and gallbladder diseases, as an anthelmintic, for hemorrhoids, painful and irregular menstruation, diabetes mellitus, pulmonary tuberculosis. Preparations from fresh roots and rhizomes are used in homeopathy. In domestic and foreign folk medicine, the rhizome was used internally for malaria, edema, urolithiasis, migraines, as an expectorant, for whooping cough, bronchial asthma, epilepsy, as a hemostatic, diuretic, anti-inflammatory agent, for skin diseases, tachycardia; seeds - for some female diseases. A tincture of fresh root in wine (port and Cahors) was used for hypoacid gastritis.

Rhizomes and roots contain inulin (up to 44%) and other polysaccharides, bitter substances, up to 4.5% essential oil, saponins, resins, gum, mucus, a small amount of alkaloids, helenin. The essential oil contains alantolactone proazulene. Flavonoids, vitamins ( ascorbic acid, tocopherol), bitter substances, the seeds contain more than 20% fatty oil.