
If teething, symptoms, temperature, how many days. When is it necessary to reduce the temperature during teething in children? Temperature during the eruption of permanent teeth in a child

Without any signs or problems. Parents only later notice with surprise that such a significant event was missed. In medicine, this process is not considered a disease state at all. Although pediatricians and parents know: reactions in children can be pronounced, painful and long-lasting.

Cause of fever

The appearance of a tooth is an inflammatory process in the gums. Like any inflammation, it causes an increase. Temperature - reaction immune system healthy body. Therefore, you can hear this opinion from doctors: fever during teething is better than its absence. The body protected itself in this way and prevented exposure to pathogenic microbes.

Duration and temperature readings

How long does the temperature last during teething and how much can it increase? There are no clear answers to these questions, because there are no identical children in the world. You can rely on general data, but always remember individual characteristics child's body.

  • A duration of one to five days is the norm. As a rule, when the tooth cuts through the gum and its edge can already be felt, the heat subsides. He fulfilled his protective function.
  • If the temperature is 37.2–37.7 °C, and the baby is active, good mood, then there is no reason to worry. Usually it is not reduced and the body is given the opportunity to cope on its own. In addition, the mark of 37.2–37.7 °C can stubbornly remain for several weeks if several teeth are cut at once. In such a situation, the pediatrician may prescribe additional tests to be on the safe side and rule out the presence of any infections.
  • If the temperature is 38 °C or higher for more than three days, the baby should be shown to the pediatrician. Although the safest solution is to call a doctor on the first day of fever.
  • A mark of 39 °C (and in rare cases 40 °C) is also possible. This temperature during teething infant- not a reason for panic, but a signal to action. If this is the case, you should definitely give it and call a doctor. It is also worth remembering: in children, the temperature rises quickly, it needs to be monitored every half hour.

Up to six months, the child lives with “mother’s” immunity and rarely gets sick. At about six months, the first teeth are cut, at the same time the baby’s immune system begins to form. At this same moment, he may catch a viral infection for the first time. And a high temperature during teething may be the result of an immature immune system that does not know how to react. And just in case, he plays it safe with such a leap.

Five common symptoms

A number of other common reactions can be observed when baby teeth emerge. They can be pronounced or weakly expressed.

  1. . If loose stool lasts for several days and its frequency is no more than three times a day - there is no reason for concern. You just need to ensure there is enough fluid in your diet and replenish its losses. Diarrhea during teething is explained by the increased content of saliva, which the child constantly swallows. The cause may also be the baby’s nervousness and capriciousness. Psycho-emotional states affect intestinal motility and lead to spasms of the digestive organs. Diarrhea is a serious and the first symptom of various. Therefore, you need to monitor the baby’s condition and consult a doctor in time.
  2. . There is no consensus on this symptom. Some experts attribute vomiting to the infant’s immature digestive system and a deficiency of enzymes diluted in swallowed saliva. Others associate it with a purely mechanical effect: swallowed too much - returned it. This symptom may also be a reaction to a high fever. If vomiting continues for more than three days and more than three times a day, or there is bile or blood in it, you should immediately consult a doctor.
  3. Runny nose. If the snot during teething is transparent and liquid, this is normal. During this period, the circulatory system is actively working, a lot of mucus is released, hence the runny nose. If nasal congestion is prolonged and the snot is viscous, green or yellow color- most likely, it arose against the background of reduced immunity viral infection. In this case, you need to consult a doctor.
  4. . If the cough is not associated with a virus, it does not pose any danger. The reason for this is explained by increased salivation during this period. The baby swallows saliva and coughs. The cause may also be swelling of the nasopharynx, since the entire mucous membrane swells at this time.
  5. Blue gum. A blue spot can be found at the site of eruption. It can be of various shades - from light blue to pronounced purple. It may be different sizes- from little speck until extensive bluing of the gums. There's no need to worry. Dentists call this “difficult eruption.” If there are no ulcers or fluxes, then the problem goes away on its own when it erupts. In some cases, dark veins and black spots are found on the swollen gums. As the tooth grew, it could rupture the vessel. This is not dangerous.

All of these symptoms may be accompanied by fever or occur without it. You need to monitor the baby’s condition and, if necessary, seek help. medical care.

What is important is not what the temperature may be during teething, but how the child feels. The baby’s mood is the most accurate indicator of the problematic or problem-free appearance of baby teeth.

During the first year of life, both the baby and his parents expect many joys and discoveries. However, along with them, the family is also beset by current problems, one of which is high fever during teething.

This phenomenon in most infants is accompanied by unpleasant sensations itching, pain, gums become swollen, sometimes a runny nose or diarrhea appears. But the most worrying symptom is one that can last quite a long time.

How to act correctly in this situation, whether to use medications and when to start seriously worrying - you can find the answers to these questions in this article.

When do teeth appear?

Their first rudiments appear at the 7th week of pregnancy, when many body systems are not yet formed in the embryo. Teething in children can occur at individual times. In rare cases, a baby is born with 1-2 teeth; in others, the first one comes out after a year. However, the norm is the appearance of the first primary incisor at the age of 7 months.

The intensity and speed of tooth appearance depends on a group of factors:

  • the course of pregnancy;
  • climatic conditions of the region of residence;
  • height and weight of the baby at birth, term/prematurity;
  • heredity;
  • past infections;
  • the time when the fontanelle closed.

Sometimes teeth can erupt one after another, and sometimes in whole groups. In some cases, the process drags on for weeks or even months. In any case, mom should be patient and not rush things. It happens that children of the same parents develop completely differently, including their teeth, which may appear earlier or later.

Main features

During teething, a child experiences fairly clear symptoms by which parents can identify the phenomenon. There are a small number of lucky people who simply do not notice the appearance of incisors, canines or molars. Some parents discover new teeth as soon as they erupt. However, most children experience this period with difficulties, whims, and pain. Temperature during teething in children is not uncommon.

What symptoms and signs should let mom and dad know that their child’s teeth are starting to appear?

  • Persistent and severe salivation. The baby has a constantly wet chin, blouse, and hands. Often a thin stream of saliva drips from the mouth. Sometimes, against this background, diarrhea even occurs - so much of this liquid is swallowed by the baby.
  • Increased excitability of the nervous system, which is expressed in sleep and behavior disorders. The child becomes capricious, worries a lot, and sometimes stops breastfeeding.
  • Swelling, redness and itching of the gums. The baby puts his hands, all the objects he comes across, and an adult’s finger into his mouth and squeezes it quite tightly with his gums. When the tooth is ready to erupt, a hard, whitish bump appears in this place.
  • Inflammation of the nasal mucosa and, as a result, a runny nose.
  • Most characteristic feature, which occurs in half of infants - temperature during teething. This symptom appears in some children every time, in others - in isolated cases.

If parents know these features and understand their reasons, they worry less. However, it should be remembered that a runny nose when teething is not severe, diarrhea should not occur more than three times a day, and the temperature does not exceed 38 degrees and lasts no more than three days. Otherwise, you should consult a doctor as it may be a viral infection.

Hyperthermia - causes and features

Erupting teeth often cause a decrease in local immunity. In the area of ​​the swelling gums, many active substances are released, and some inflammation occurs. All this causes the temperature to rise.

Of course, parents are concerned about the question of how many days the temperature lasts during teething. Normally, no more than three days. However, there are isolated cases of prolonged hyperthermia. To make sure how safe this condition is, it is better to consult a pediatrician: only a specialist can determine whether there is another reason for this phenomenon.

Another important question concerns thermometer readings. What temperature during teething is not dangerous? The range from 37.0 to 38.0 degrees is considered normal. True, another picture also happens: sometimes teething occurs with a temperature of both 38.5 and 39.

Necessary measures for hyperthermia

Today, official pediatrics is of the opinion that it is worth bringing down a high temperature during swelling of the gums, when a tooth is erupting, when its indicators exceed the mark of 38.5. This condition can be dangerous for the heart and central nervous system.

An artificial decrease in temperature to 37-38 degrees will do nothing except significantly reduce the body's protective resources and resistance. These indicators are absolutely normal for this condition. Parents should carefully monitor the behavior of their child, do not forget to regularly measure the temperature and protect the baby from hypothermia and overheating.

However, each organism is individual. Some children can play at a temperature of 38 degrees, while others become lethargic and capricious already at 37. In case of symptoms such as convulsions, cold extremities, change in skin tone to gray or marbled (with veins), difficulty breathing, it is necessary to immediately call ambulance.

Ways to lower the temperature

Although modern enlightened parents know how long the temperature lasts during teething, they are still concerned about the condition of the baby. Exist general recommendations to eliminate hyperthermia and improve the baby’s condition. This can be a physical method, which many people use, or a medicinal method, which is simpler, but used only when absolutely necessary. It should be remembered that being able to give medications and doing it constantly are not the same thing.

  • Physical method. Take the baby in your arms and create a calm and peaceful atmosphere. Let the room be quiet, turn off the harsh bright light. Don’t wrap your child up, a light shirt is enough, but the diaper needs to be removed so that thermoregulation, impaired during hyperthermia, returns to normal. Open the window so that it does not blow directly on the baby and there are no drafts. Gradually lowering the temperature in the room to 19-20 degrees will help improve the condition of the little person.
  • Another physical method is rubbing. A clean cloth should be soaked in water at a temperature of 36 degrees. You can’t add vinegar, let alone vodka, to the liquid. This mixture can aggravate the child’s condition, and rubbing alcohol solution will be toxic to delicate skin and fragile organism baby.

If an increase in temperature occurs in a breastfed baby up to six months, there is no need to supplement him with anything. Artificial babies must be given specially prepared baby water. For children from six months of age who have been introduced to complementary foods, it is important to receive liquids - juice, compote, water or children's tea - portions of drinks and the frequency of their intake should be increased.

  • Medication method. Can a fever be reduced with medication? Yes, if there are no contraindications specifically for this child. The active ingredient of such medications is paracetamol or ibuprofen. The first is considered preferable, more gentle and effective for the baby. Ibuprofen is a stronger drug, so experts advise using it only in extreme cases.
    • Preparations with paracetamol, adapted for infants: Tsifecon-D, Efferalgan, Paracetamol.
    • Medicines with ibuprofen that can help lower the temperature: Nurofen, Motrin.

Before giving it to your baby antipyretic drug, carefully read the instructions, pay attention to contraindications, possible side effects and dosage - it may depend not only on the baby’s age, but also on his weight. It is best to consult your doctor first.

If the temperature persists for several days, or it is high, and the baby suffers, urgent measures need to be taken. Drugs released in the form work best rectal suppositories. They dissolve in the intestines active substances are absorbed faster and act, reducing the temperature and easing the general condition of the little person.

Behavior rules

Teething is an inevitable and natural process that you just need to go through with patience and calm. To prevent this period from being a torment for the whole family, it is worth adhering to several principles:

  • At the time when the child is teething, he does not feel well, so his appetite will most likely decrease. Don't force your baby to eat if he doesn't want to - this can cause vomiting and worsen the condition.
  • Do not introduce any new foods during the teething period. A weakened body is unlikely to perceive them adequately.
  • Under no circumstances should you get vaccinated when your teeth are coming out. With reduced immunity, this can cause serious complications. Vaccination is possible only when the baby is completely healthy.
  • Poor health often causes a disruption in your daily routine. Take this calmly when the baby’s health improves and the routine returns to normal.
  • Buy a chewing rod for your little one so that he can “scratch” his gums, thereby relieving pain and itching.
  • The most important thing that a child needs during this difficult period is the affection, care and calmness of his mother and father. Remember that your condition is passed on to your son or daughter, helping or hindering you to get through this difficult period.

At the same time, it is sometimes difficult to explain the appropriateness of hyperthermia. Such cases include the so-called “temperature on the teeth” in a child. Many parents and pediatricians have encountered an increase in body temperature during teething in children. Some even believe that if the temperature of a teething child does not exceed 38 degrees, then this condition can be called normal.

Let's figure out how to explain hyperthermia during the appearance of the first teeth, what meaning it has and what dangers it carries.

Normal temperature during teething

What temperature can a teething baby have? Children's doctor Evgeniy Olegovich Komarovsky, a famous doctor and popularizer of medicine, often notes that the temperature “on the teeth” in children may increase, but this should not be considered as the norm. The temperature may, but does not necessarily have to, rise. Those. the process of teething itself does not provoke hyperthermia; Fever is usually caused by processes that accompany the appearance of the first teeth - inflammation of the mucous membrane oral cavity, destruction of gums under the influence of enzymes and tooth pressure, and so on.

The immunity of children 6-7 months old is poorly developed, and the moment of teething may well coincide with infection with a viral infection.

Even doctors are sometimes unable to distinguish the symptoms of these conditions. The latter theory is supported by the fact that when permanent molars erupt, the temperature almost never rises.

Teething process

Teething occurs in different ways in children - for some the temperature rises “to the teeth”, while for others the process does not bring noticeable discomfort to either the baby or the parents. In most cases, the period when teeth are being cut is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • body temperature is usually slightly elevated (37-37.7 C);
  • salivation is activated, since saliva is a natural antiseptic;
  • because of large quantity saliva may cause cough or runny nose;
  • the child puts hands and objects into his mouth;
  • refuses food;
  • is capricious and sleeps poorly;
  • sometimes there is a disorder digestive system- diarrhea or vomiting.

It has been noticed that unpleasant symptoms are more pronounced during teething in children. The temperature can exceed 38 degrees. In rare cases, the temperature during the eruption of fangs and molars exceeds 39 degrees - this is a reason to call a doctor.

Dr. Evgeniy Komarovsky explained why children’s body temperature rises when teething. The fact is that during growth, teeth first make their way through the bone tissue, and then through the gums. This process is accompanied by pain, swelling and redness of the mucous membrane. The destroyed tissue becomes inflamed, as histamine and other inflammatory mediators are released in response to cell death. In this regard, the temperature rises during teething.

Digestive upset is usually associated with a violation of the diet (against the background of a fever in the teeth, the child often refuses to eat for several days), changes in the microflora under the influence of enzymes, and also as a result of the fact that the child pulls into the mouth dirty hands and objects.

In what cases is it necessary to reduce the fever?

Elevated temperature during teething in infants is a valuable indicator reflecting the child’s health status.

If you knock it down uncontrollably, you may not notice the onset of infection. For example, fever during teething in children usually lasts no longer than 3 days. If it does not go away within a week, other causes can be suspected - otitis media, pneumonia, etc. Often, a baby’s temperature is the only symptom diseases, because he can neither complain of pain nor cough. If you constantly lower the temperature, you will get the impression that everything is fine with the child.

Based on the above, increased temperature during teething in children is observed quite often and does not pose a threat if it remains in the range of 37-38 degrees. But what to do if the child is teething and the temperature exceeds 38 C?

Dr. Komarovsky believes that the temperature on teething days does not have a positive effect, and it can be lowered without waiting for it to reach 39 degrees. What does Komarovsky advise you to do if you have fever on your teeth? First, call a pediatrician and give the child an antipyretic drug (syrup or suppositories). Second, consider other causes of hyperthermia. A temperature of 39 C should not be explained only by the fact that teeth are being cut. These were shown to be very high, and usually they indicate infectious processes. They are often caused by infection of a wound in the gum (especially considering that the child chews on dirty objects).

Also, the temperature from 38 C should be reduced if:

  • child's age - less than 3 months;
  • he has heart or nervous system diseases;
  • he is prone to convulsions;
  • symptoms of malignant hyperthermia are observed - there is fever, but the skin is pale, mottled, and cold; this happens as a result of spasm of skin blood vessels (this can lead to overheating internal organs).

When readings are below 38 degrees, there is no need to panic - the body can easily cope with such a temperature on its own and without loss. How many days can this “teeth fever” last? Doctors usually say that this state should not last longer than three days.

Non-drug remedies

So, the baby is teething, and the temperature is already above 38 degrees - what to do? It is usually recommended to start cooling with physical, non-drug methods. The body naturally cools due to the evaporation of sweat from the surface of the skin. You can simulate this process by wiping with a cloth soaked in warm (in no case cold or hot) water.

Do not add alcohol, vodka or vinegar to water! These substances are toxic and can be absorbed into the blood through the skin.

Symptoms of poisoning are often not noticed when the child is feeling unwell with a fever. In addition, rubbing with vinegar or alcohol can cause the skin to tremble, which will lead to an even greater increase in temperature.

Since a child with a fever breathes more often and sweats a lot, it is necessary to replenish fluid reserves in his body. Let him drink often, in small doses. Sudorific teas can help reduce fever, but they can only be given when there is something to sweat, that is, if the child drinks enough water. Herbal diaphoretic drinks include tea with raspberries or linden blossoms.

Often, to bring down a fever in an infant, it is enough to uncover it for a while and let it lie naked. A child with a fever should not be wearing a diaper! By the way, Dr. Komarovsky believes that the reason elevated temperature In infants, it is often not the fact that teeth are being cut, but ordinary overheating. There is no need to wrap the baby too tightly if the room is already warm enough. Boys should generally not be left in a diaper for more than a couple of hours.


What to do if a high temperature in a teething child does not return to normal, despite physical methods cooling? In this case, it is necessary to use pharmaceutical antipyretic drugs.

The fever needs to be brought down if the temperature has risen to 40 C. Normally, the process of teething should not be accompanied by such an increase.

It is necessary to give the child an antipyretic and urgently call an ambulance.

Popular antipyretic drugs

Not all of the popular antipyretic drugs are suitable for children, which must be taken into account when trying to relieve a fever.

We will list the most common drugs that help reduce fever, and also show their advantages and disadvantages.

Preparations based on this substance have the least amount side effects, therefore can be used by infants, as well as nursing and pregnant women.

Paracetamol for infants is produced in a convenient form - in the form of syrups and rectal suppositories. Paracetamol is also available in tablet form. Syrups act the fastest (the effect appears within half an hour), but their duration of action is no more than 3-4 hours. Candles act more slowly, but last longer. Paracetamol should not be given more than once every 4 hours. A single dose of paracetamol is no more than 15 mg per 1 kg of weight. Maximum daily dose- 60 mg per kilogram of weight. In any case, always carefully read the dosage in the instructions supplied with the drugs.

2. Ibuprofen

Ibuprofen is considered more a strong drug, and is used if the thermometer readings exceed 39 C. In addition to the antipyretic, it produces an analgesic effect. Ibuprofen is not suitable for children who have kidney and liver problems. These drugs are used starting from 3 months of age.

3. Acetylsalicylic acid

Aspirin and its analogues are prohibited for use by children under 15 years of age in most countries of the world. This is due to the fact that acetylsalicylic acid may cause serious disease liver and brain - Reye's syndrome. Unfortunately, many doctors, especially the “old school” ones, ignore this fact, prescribing aspirin even to small children.

4. Analgin

Metamizole, or analgin, is also not recommended for use by children. This is due to the negative effect of analgin on the hematopoietic system. Also common is a sharp and sustained decrease in body temperature to 33-34 degrees after consuming this substance. However, it is analgin that is one of the most powerful antipyretics. Due to its toxicity, analgin is used only as a last resort, when it is necessary to relieve a severe fever, after prior consultation with a doctor.

Local agents

What can you do to alleviate the condition of a child who is teething and whose body temperature is normal? If your child is naughty and puts everything in his mouth, you can try special gels and pastes for the gums. They usually have a local anesthetic and sedative effect. Most of them contain icecaine, as well as additional components - menthol, flavorings, antiseptics.

Examples of such gels are Dentinox, Mundizal, Kalgel, Solcoseryl. For children with a tendency to allergies, Doctor Baby gel is recommended. Apply similar drugs as needed, 3-4 times a day. Apply the gel to a clean finger and gently massage the gums, being careful not to press too hard. It is not recommended to use such drugs long time, to avoid addiction. Usually 3-4 days of treatment are sufficient. If after this period the child is still capricious, or has a fever, the reason for his poor health may not be that he is teething.

What are other causes of fever in a baby?

Very often, an infant’s temperature is attributed to “teeth.” How long can she hold on? Komarovsky replies that pain and fever during teething last 2-3 days. Otherwise, other causes of illness should be considered, such as ARVI, stomatitis, otitis media, eating disorder and many others. If you suspect that the cause is most likely not teething, contact your pediatrician. Only an in-person examination by a doctor will give the most complete picture of the child’s health status.

The appearance of baby teeth is an important event in the life of every family; it is a new stage in the child’s development.

They are called milk because during the period of their eruption the baby is still breastfed. Parents eagerly wait for the first tooth to appear.

But for the child himself, this is often not the most pleasant process, associated with great discomfort. It is quite easy to recognize the onset of teething in children - symptoms: fever, increased salivation, anxiety, cough, loose stools and even vomiting may appear.

Signs of teething in children of different ages

The most characteristic sign of teething is the urge to chew. The child puts everything in his mouth, clenches his fists, and may bite his breast during feeding. Characteristic change appearance gums They swell and turn red along the periphery, and a whitish tubercle appears in the center.

The gums become swollen, sometimes hematomas form on them due to too much pressure from inside and insufficient softness of soft tissues.

Teething in infants can be completely asymptomatic. In this case, one fine day the parents simply notice the emerging tooth.

But it happens that the child does not sleep at night, whines and snarls, and refuses to eat. The temperature rises, sometimes to subfebrile levels - above 38°C. Because of increased salivation Signs of irritation often appear around the mouth and chin.

The abundance of saliva leads to entry into Airways, so coughing and vomiting appear - the child seems to be choking on his own saliva.

Teething and a rise in temperature contribute to temporary suppression of the immune system, so they often join colds. It is important to ensure there are no drafts and regularly ventilate the nursery.

Until the age of four, children have only 20 teeth, which will completely change by the age of 10-12. Molars do not change. They appear around the age of 4-5 years and remain for life. Their appearance does not worry children much; the temperature rarely rises and their general condition worsens. As a rule, children do not attach much importance to the process of teething.

When changing dairy milk to regular milk, the temperature rarely rises. The signs are the same: swelling of the gums, redness, and the appearance of a whitish lump in the center. A high temperature is usually associated not with the appearance of new teeth, but with an additional cold or infection.

A rise in temperature is possible if eruption is delayed:

  • due to improper location - impacted tooth;
  • as a consequence of developed pericoronitis - inflammation of the hood that forms in the gum during partial eruption;
  • due to inflammation of the gums associated with insufficient oral hygiene.

From the age of 12-14 years, a child falls into the “risk group” for the eruption of a wisdom tooth. This is a purely individual process for each person. For some, all 4 wisdom teeth appear by the age of 18-20, while for others they are completely rudimentary, i.e. even the rudiments of these teeth are not formed.

It is believed that wisdom teeth (third molars) are a vestigial organ that in the near future will be evolutionarily eliminated as unnecessary. The appearance of wisdom teeth, especially in adolescence- not the most pleasant process. The temperature may rise, severe malaise develops, and a headache appears.

The first teeth appear at 6-8 months. First, the incisors upper jaw, then on the bottom. By the age of one and a half years, fangs appear. By the age of 2, according to WHO, a child should have 16 teeth - 8 on each jaw.

When children cut their first teeth and in what order, every parent should know. Follow the link you will find detailed information on this topic.

The main causes of high temperature during teething

High temperature is associated with excessive inflammatory process in the gums.

This is the body's natural response to inflammation, even if it is caused by natural causes. At the moment of teething, not only the soft fabrics gums, but also the bone tissue of the jaw.

The germs of teeth are located deep in the bone, and in order to appear in the oral cavity, they need to go through a difficult journey.

The natural mechanism of teething is very complex, and there is still no consensus on how exactly the growth and development of the tooth occurs, its movement to the “surface” of the gum. Conventionally, under the influence of hormones and other factors, the tooth germ begins to develop:

  • periodontal tissues grow - this is the future pulp (tooth bed and nerve);
  • enamel tissue increases in volume, which will become the crown.

The development of the tissues described above creates excess pressure in the bone, which leads to the movement of the tooth towards the oral cavity.

If a child has a hematoma on his gum, you need to carefully monitor its development. With normal eruption, it disappears after a few days. But there may be a complication that will cause an abscess - acute purulent inflammation. This complication is extremely rare and is typical for children with severely suppressed immunity.

In medicine of past years, the concept of “dental fever” was encountered. Now it is not used, because behind the febrile state of the child most often lies a more serious illness, and not natural physiological teething.

Most common reasons high temperature in children during teething:

  • Termination breastfeeding , which causes a decrease in immunity. Doctors do not recommend stopping breastfeeding during the period when teeth appear. This can be done before or after, but during teething the baby especially needs breast milk, which helps maintain immunity.
  • Angina– the most common reason high fever in babies. It is very important to notice throat lesions in time. Symptoms can be erased, but sore throat is dangerous disease, which can lead to rheumatoid arthritis V early age. A sore throat can mean various throat lesions:
    • pharyngitis;
    • tonsillitis;
    • adenoiditis.
  • Otitis It is very difficult to diagnose in young children. A striking symptom is a shooting pain in the ear, which the baby cannot complain about. Unfortunately, otitis media often affects infants, especially during teething.
  • Stomatitis. When teeth appear, the child puts everything into his mouth. Naturally, there are a lot of germs on these items. In the oral cavity, local immunity decreases, which leads to infection. Normally, stomatitis goes away on its own within 7-10 days from the onset of the disease, but with reduced general immunity it can acquire a severe form.
  • Colds, the occurrence of which is again associated with reduced general immunity.

Normally, when teething, the temperature should not rise above 37.5°C. If it rises to 38°C, then you should call a pediatrician.

Why is high temperature dangerous?

Normally, elevated temperature during teething lasts from 1 to 5 days.

It is very important to take measurements several times a day: this can tell a lot about the causes of its occurrence. Including whether it is connected or not with the appearance of teeth.

Normally, in the morning after waking up, the temperature should be normal or slightly elevated - up to 37.5°C. By evening the readings can reach 38-38.5°C.

Temperatures above 38.5°C can be lowered, as it poses a direct danger to the child. This temperature is called febrile and is dangerous due to complications:

  • convulsions develop;
  • breathing is impaired;
  • The heart rhythm may be disrupted.

This occurs due to the imperfection of the central nervous system of children. The child must be seen by a pediatrician, informed about the high temperature and consulted on the choice of antipyretic drug. Buying medications for a child without consulting a doctor is dangerous, because... active ingredients There are many and they have different effects.

To reduce fever non-medically, you can apply compresses to the forehead, wrists, armpits. Use cotton napkins soaked in cool water or cabbage leaves.

If the temperature cannot be brought down and it is above 39°C, then it makes sense to seek emergency medical help. Central nervous system children's first year of life is actively being formed. Hyperfebrile fever leads to heatstroke, which entails various disorders in the formation of neural reflexes. In addition, unsuccessful attempts to reduce the temperature may mean serious illnesses, up to meningitis.

Do not cover your child with a fever; warm blankets will not relieve your child from chills and may cause heatstroke. It's better to cover baby's lungs sheet or diaper.

IN folk medicine resort to wiping children with vinegar or alcohol solutions.

There is a taboo on “cooling baths” and wet sheet wraps. This leads to severe hypothermia, which the baby’s weakened body may not be able to cope with.

You can wipe your child with water at room temperature - this will increase heat transfer and reduce the temperature. It is very important to pay attention to the child’s limbs: if there is a fever, but the legs and arms are cold, then the temperature has not reached its peak and is in the process of increasing. This should be a signal of the presence of a hidden infectious disease.

Baby crying, sleepless nights - all this accompanies teething in infants. will help alleviate the baby's condition.

Let's talk about the order of teething in children. And also, what does late teething mean?

Video on the topic

The period is a time that every little one cannot ignore. This stage of life is often accompanied painful symptoms, baby anxiety, nervousness, insomnia, upset stomach. In this review, we will find out how many days a baby can survive teething, how to help a baby get through this stage, folk remedies and medical medications to relieve pain - more on this.

Types of children's reactions to teething

The symptoms of this period are approximately the same for all children - general and local signs. Namely:

  • general deterioration in the baby’s well-being;
  • anxiety;
  • swelling and excessive redness of the gums, pain on palpation;
  • increased condition (from 37° to 40°);
  • profuse drooling;
  • loss of appetite or complete refusal to eat;
  • stool disorders - or;
  • or (in rare cases).
In practice, babies may experience all of these signs (this happens less frequently) or some of them. If the child is physically healthy, then the first signs of teething will be salivation and swelling of the gums, without significant deterioration general condition. However, even with such symptoms, it decreases significantly - after all, this is a serious burden on the body.

It is impossible to accurately predict when a child will start and what symptoms he will experience - all this is very individual for a particular baby.

Did you know? The dates of appearance of teeth depend 80% on genetics - at what time teeth appeared in the baby’s parents, and even in grandparents. According to statistics, in most cases, the first teeth appear in babies under the age of 8 months and less often after a year.

Reasons for appearance

The deterioration of the physical condition and the appearance of certain symptoms occurs due to the fact that an important physiological process begins to occur in the baby’s body - the teeth coming out of the gums. This period is the stage of development of the dental system. This is a natural process that indicates normal growth and also shows his state of somatic health (a reflection of the current state of a person’s internal organs).

It is noteworthy that such a cycle occurs in everyone’s body twice - first, the appearance (they can erupt up to 2 years), then the permanent ones (usually the teeth are replaced with permanent ones until children are 13 years old).

What temperature does a baby experience when teething?

A certain restructuring of the body at the stage of teething entails a decrease in immune defense And possible appearance. Amplitude of readings on at this stage quite extensive - from 37° to 40°. Do not forget - children naturally have different thermoregulation in the morning and evening; temperature readings may increase slightly even due to the process of active digestion of food.

The thermometer bar rises during measurement and due to excessive overexcitation, emotional state baby. In the evening, temperatures can be a whole degree higher than in the morning - and this is absolutely normal condition. Therefore, when measuring thermoregulation during the appearance of the first teeth, it is important to do it correctly (best by the rectal method), based on the time of day and physical activity child, perhaps a temperature of 37° will turn out to be absolutely normal and natural.

How not to confuse it with fever from illness

The most important determining factor indicating that a child is teething is (at elevated temperatures) salivation and swelling of the gums. But if the baby has any other symptoms - for example, purulent formations in the throat and ulcers on the gums, high temperature, fever - this signals that there is an infection in the baby’s body. In this case, you should immediately consult a doctor.

To the question of how long the temperature lasts during teething in a child, statistics give the answer - from 4 days to a week. However, depending on the individual state of the body and immune system, these numbers may fluctuate.

You can find out that the temperature has increased precisely as a result of cutting teeth in this way: apply a medical cooling gel to the gums. If the thermometer readings decrease in the near future, it means that the cause is indeed the appearance of teeth.

Important! At the teething stage, due to weakened immunity, the child easily catches any disease, therefore, if there are any suspicious symptoms that are not related to tooth growth, you should immediately contact a pediatrician for examination.

Under what conditions is it necessary to reduce the temperature?

It is important to understand that teething after the age of 1 year is not a disease, but simply a certain stage in the development of the body. Of course, if a child has a very high temperature, you should not wait for the body to cope with this condition on its own - you need to help him. However, the use of antipyretic drugs (Ibuprofen) is recommended only if teething causes an upset stomach, insomnia, or refusal to eat.

In all other cases, to reduce thermoregulation, either special cooling ointments and gels are used, which are applied to the baby’s gums, or the process of optimizing the air in the room where the baby is by ventilating is carried out. It is also strictly forbidden to use any medications to bring down a temperature that is less than 38°.

How many days does the temperature last?

There is no universal answer to the question of how many days the temperature lasts during teething - everything is very relative. However, on average, indicators range from 2 to 6 days. Remember that if several teeth erupt at once (and this happens quite often at the age of 12 months and older), then painful period, and an increase in temperature can last up to 10 days.

At this stage, it is important to carefully monitor the thermometer readings - for this, measurements should be taken every 2 hours. Experts consider a temperature of 37°-37.9° not dangerous when teeth appear, so with such indicators there is no need to sound the alarm. If the mercury stays at 38° for more than 3 days, you need to call a pediatrician.

Sometimes parents have a question about how long a child’s temperature can last when teething at the age of 2 years. This situation occurs extremely rarely; most children already have their first teeth by this age. However, if for some reason the baby’s teeth appeared at 2 years old, the duration of increased thermoregulation will not differ much from the norm, namely 3-6 days.

Did you know? The hardest substance in human body- tooth enamel.

Danger of high temperature

High temperature not only worsens physical state babies, but also leads to painful sensations in the muscles of the body, sometimes in the tummy, bad sleep And . Fever often occurs, which also causes great discomfort. However, the greatest danger of prolonged elevated temperature is possible overheating of the body, and as a result - fever, which entails great complications - up to loss of consciousness and anaphylactic shock.

Therefore, you should not hesitate, if the baby’s thermometer rises above 38°, you need to smear the gums with a cooling gel, you can give him a drink with diluted chamomile tincture. If the thermometer exceeds 39.4°, call an ambulance immediately.

How to act

If you detect a high temperature in your baby and are convinced that the indicators are correct, first of all, you need not to panic, so as not to scare the baby, but act calmly and confidently. You already know how many days a fever can last on your teeth, now it’s important to know what kind of help your baby will need.

Let's keep calm

As practice shows, panic does not lead to anything good, so it is important to understand exactly what needs to be done when the baby’s temperature increases. To improve a child’s well-being, first of all, it is necessary to provide him with a calm environment. If the temperature is not very high, you can do a gentle massage of the inflamed gums with cotton wool soaked in a weak chamomile solution. Do not press too hard on the gums - this will only increase the pain. You can let the baby chew some cooled object to reduce the pain - it is important to be close to the baby while doing this.

We knock down with medications

The first thing you need to do to reduce low temperature(up to 38°), - apply locally cooling antiseptic gel to sore gums. Often, this is enough for the baby to calm down and the pain is significantly reduced. However, if the thermometer displays high performance, then gel alone is not enough, you need to give special antipyretic drugs (Ibuprofen, Panadol) and immediately consult a specialist.

You can use special suppositories, but it is better to consult your pediatrician first. When the baby has associated symptoms, for example, or a rash, you must immediately call emergency help.

We knock down with folk remedies

How many days does the temperature last during teething in children?- the question is quite individual. We have already found out that if a slight fever lasts for 3 days, there is no cause for concern yet. But if the time period increases, folk methods will help alleviate the baby’s physical condition.

Tincture of linden blossom and chamomile helps to reduce the temperature when cutting teeth. Such herbs in a 1:1 ratio should be steamed in a small amount of water and, after straining (can be sweetened), give to the baby to drink. It is still necessary to provide drinking plenty of fluids during this period (water, juices, tea). Wiping with a damp towel is used - however, provided that the room is warm enough and there are no drafts.

Important! Alcohol rubdowns to reduce fever are strictly not recommended for use on small children!

Dr. Komarovsky concludes in his articles that such events can reduce a child’s teething temperature after a year by only 1-2 degrees. Therefore, they are well suited for reducing not very high temperatures. In case of heat or fever, as well as a thermometer mark of 40°, such actions are not fully effective; the child should be given an antipyretic medicine immediately.

What to do if antipyretic drugs do not help?

High temperature during teething in children after a year may not go astray traditional drugs. This usually indicates the presence of an additional infection in the body that inhibits the action or the eruption of several teeth at once. In any case, the immune system will be very weakened, and if the child has a fever, does not eat, has diarrhea, cramps, or the thermometer readings do not go astray - these are signals for urgent medical help.

Fever and diarrhea during teething

If this period is accompanied by stool disorder, this indicates the presence of infectious bacteria in the intestines. Such an infection occurs due to the fact that the child pulls all objects into his mouth in order to bite them and thereby relieve pain during the appearance of the first teeth - hence diarrhea and indigestion. Also, the baby’s nervousness during this period can provoke intestinal spasms, which has a bad effect on food processing and provokes the appearance of loose stools.

Did you know? The latest appearance of teeth (from one to two years old) occurs in children whose mothers had a heart defect or suffered a herpetic infection.

Diarrhea often goes away on its own within 2-3 days. To speed up the normalization process, you can give your baby more liquid. It would be a good idea to consult with a pediatrician; he can prescribe medications such as Immodium or their analogues.

Fever and vomiting during teething

In babies at the stage of the appearance of their first teeth - quite common occurrence. This condition is caused by the presence pathogenic infection in the intestines or oral cavity of the baby. Also, due to excessive salivation, the baby often does not have time to swallow it - hence the accumulation of saliva in the back wall pharynx, which causes a gag reflex. Sometimes due to severe pain the baby screams and swallows a lot of air, this props up the diaphragm and stimulates the reverse eruption of saliva along with or food.

However, if vomiting also causes an increase in temperature, this indicates the baby is pregnant, the presence of infection and pathogenic flora in the body. Thus, when vomiting, the body tries to quickly get rid of toxins, which is why vomiting is a very common process in this condition.

To reduce the gag reflex, you need to provide the baby with enough fluids - a decoction of chamomile or linden will do a good job of this. You should also definitely consult a pediatrician.

When to call a doctor?

You should seek medical help in the following cases:

  • rapid increase in temperature to 39-40°;
  • vomiting, diarrhea, loose stools;
  • rash on the body, the appearance of ulcers on the cheeks or inside the mouth;
  • high fever, fever, convulsions;
  • excessive lethargy of the baby, refusal to eat and insomnia.
In any case, it would not be a bad idea to apply for medical assistance, even if the process of teeth cutting in a baby proceeds relatively smoothly - timely consultation with a specialist can facilitate the process of this period and prevent any complications from occurring.

Is it possible to walk with a child with a fever?

Low temperature in a child - not a reason to give up walks or fresh air. If the baby feels well, he does not vomit or have an upset stomach, he eats normally and is quite active, he can go forays into nature. However, it is imperative to take with you a thermometer to monitor the body’s thermoregulation, and antipyretic medications in case of a sudden increase in temperature. Also, the baby must be appropriate for the weather. Don't forget to take enough water or tea with you.

We looked at how many days a child can have a fever on his teeth, what to do to avoid rising degrees on the thermometer, and over how many days it can get worse painful condition and how to relieve the baby’s pain during this period. It is important to remember that it is impossible to avoid such a period - every child and their parents will have to go through this stage. However, thanks correct actions During teething, you can significantly relieve pain and calm your baby.