
Hygroma - what kind of disease is it and is it dangerous? Hygroma (synovial cyst, ganglion) of the wrist, hand, arm, foot, knee, etc. - causes, types and symptoms, diagnosis and treatment methods (removal), cost of surgery, reviews, photos Small hygroma

Egg and vinegar therapy

Local and drug treatment, physiotherapy can help if the formation is small (up to 2 cm), has a soft structure, not too dense walls, and is not burdened with suppuration.


  1. When articular hygroma appears conservative treatment may be required for pain and in case of inflammation in the tissues surrounding the cyst. Non-surgical methods sometimes help to slow down the growth of a tumor and reduce its size.
  2. In addition, the advantage of non-invasive therapy is the ability to use medications, including ointments, for treatment at home.
  3. Therapeutic methods possible only in the absence of symptoms of suppuration. The purulent process is treated comprehensively, combining medicinal and surgical methods.


The doctor prescribes specific medications by analyzing the nature of the pathology. Inflammation without infection is eliminated using traditional anti-inflammatory, analgesic, hormonal, and antihistamine (antiallergic) drugs. Many of the products are used both in the form of tablets and in the form of ointments and gels for topical application to the skin.

Main drugs:

  • tablets and ointment for hygroma Diclofenac (Ortofen, Voltaren, Diklak), Nimesil-gel, Ketoprofen, Ketonal with a pronounced analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect;
  • hormonal ointment Diprosalik with a disinfecting effect due to salicylic acid and high anti-inflammatory activity;
  • Traumeel is a homeopathic gel based on valuable herbal ingredients with bactericidal activity and a skin-soothing effect;
  • external ointments that eliminate itching and inflammation: Gistan, Elokom, Momat.

A proven and reliable remedy is Vishnevsky’s liniment. Vishnevsky ointment for hygroma is applied to multi-layer gauze or cotton fabric and a cutaneous application is made over the neoplasm. The top of such a compress is covered with polyethylene and secured with a bandage. The procedure is repeated 1 – 2 times a day until the hygroma is resolved.

A small formation is treated with other absorbable ointments: Heparin, Ichthyol ointment, Troxevasin.

In the process of solving the problem of how to treat hygroma on the wrist with folk remedies, it is worth considering a technique based on the use of ordinary table vinegar and eggs. The preparation consists of taking an unbroken egg and pouring 100 grams of fairly strong wine vinegar.

Pathological formation on the hand Hygroma of the wrist

The composition is stored in a cool place for at least 4 days. During this period eggshell dissolves, leaving only the egg itself in a thin film. It is necessary to make a small hole in it to allow the yolk to flow out.

The resulting composition is whipped with a fork until foamy, then vinegar and sediment from the shells that are present at the bottom of the container are added. Next, a little turpentine is added and the components are mixed until a homogeneous composition is obtained. The mixture should be stored in a regular cabinet with the lid closed very tightly.

The product must be shaken before each use to avoid sediment formation.

Treatment consists of applying the composition to the formation. The top is covered with woolen cloth and special paper for applying compresses. The composition should be left overnight. Total time therapy is 10 days. If the pathology is sufficiently advanced, after a week's break the course of treatment can be repeated.

If hygroma of the wrist, hand, fingers was found on initial stage education, the attending physician prescribes a set of physiotherapeutic procedures along with joint immobilization.

How to treat hygroma on the wrist, hand and fingers conservatively:

  1. A course of electrophoresis with iodine.
  2. Blockades with a glucocorticoid agent (Diprospan, Hydrocortisone).
  3. Applications with mud and paraffin.
  4. Soda and salt baths.
  5. UHF with deep heating of tissues and improvement of local blood circulation.
  6. Ultrasound therapy.
  7. Ultraviolet irradiation.

To ensure immobility and rest in the joint, the patient is given an immobilization bandage for a week: a plaster splint or tight bandage. If conservative therapy does not give results, shown surgical excision neoplasms.

Component Recipe
Ficus tincture Pour crushed ficus leaves with purified kerosene and leave for 10-11 days in the dark. First, apply a swab soaked in sunflower oil to the lump, and then a piece of cloth soaked in the tincture. Secure the bandage for 20 minutes.
Red clay To prepare the ointment, mix: 3 tablespoons of red clay, 1 tablespoon of salt and 100 ml of water. Apply the resulting ointment to the formation at night for 14 days.
Blue clay Soak the blue clay in water until it reaches the consistency of thick sour cream. Apply the product to the inflamed area and wrap for 2 hours.
Honey Heat the pine cone and coat it well with honey. Cover the top with parchment and wrap it with a woolen scarf. Repeat the procedure every day until the tumor completely resolves.
Calendula Make a tincture of 200 g of calendula flowers and 500 g of vodka. Make lotions from the resulting product over a course of 2-4 weeks.
Cabbage leaf Mash a fresh cabbage leaf and spread it with honey. Then tape it to the inflamed area. After 2 hours, replace the bandage with a fresh one. Repeat compresses daily.

Hygromas occur on the wrist joint and are a cyst that has arisen in the joint capsule. In terms of their composition, these are jelly-like neoplasms, which include serous, mucous fluids and fibrin. What to do at home if you are worried about wrist hygroma? Treatment without surgery, reviews of which indicate its effectiveness, must be comprehensive.

Another one of possible methods Physiotherapy may be the treatment. The following procedures are used: heating with UV rays, paraffin masks, electrophoresis using iodine. These methods are not prescribed for acute inflammation in order to avoid breakthrough of the tumor walls and leakage of pus into the arm cavity.

If a person has a hygroma of the wrist, treatment without surgery can be carried out in other ways. Reviews about the effectiveness of this treatment are mostly positive. Just keep in mind that they are used when a problem is detected early.

A rather complex disease is hygroma of the wrist. Non-surgical treatment with folk remedies, reviews of the effectiveness of which are very varied, can also be used at home. Methods home treatment tumors are different. But it is important to remember that folk remedies are suitable for small sizes of hygroma, for initial stage development.

Mud therapy can also be performed at home. For this you will need: 2 tablespoons of sea salt and 1 glass. They must be mixed with 100 ml warm water. The resulting mass is applied to the joint for a day, periodically moisturizing with warm water. After a day, you need to let the skin air for a couple of hours and apply the mixture to the joint again. This treatment lasts for 10 days.

Warming procedures include heating with medical alcohol, iodine or calendula tincture. A gauze pad is impregnated with any of these products and wrapped around the wrist.

Warming up with a blue lamp is a good analogue of UV heating in a hospital. Another correct one folk remedy- copper coin. It is dipped in vinegar and then applied to the hygroma, wrapped tightly with a bandage. This bandage is worn for at least one month. After this period, the tumor should disappear. If a person is bothered by hygroma of the wrist, treatment without surgery (photos of the procedures will help you understand how to carry them out correctly) is possible.

In order to warm up and influence the medicinal properties of plants, infusions are used to steam the wrist. To do this, make a decoction of pine needles. The raw materials are poured with water so as to just cover it. Boil for 20 minutes, cool to an acceptable temperature. And they steam their hands while the broth cools. After steaming, lotions are applied. They are made from ground wormwood grass, crushed cabbage leaves, celandine, Kalanchoe, and ficus.

Physalis fruits, honey and kombucha. The raw material is thoroughly crushed and applied to the tumor overnight. The above recipes will help eliminate such a problem as wrist hygroma. Treatment with folk remedies gives excellent results if the disease is at an early stage of development.

Copper coin

A little history. Metal therapy was very popular back in ancient India and Greece. Copper coins were used for treatment various diseases. Copper helped relieve inflammatory processes, resolve swelling, and had a bactericidal effect in local application, relieved headaches within 15–20 minutes.

Before you start treating hygroma with copper, you need to clean the coin or copper plate. To do this, dissolve 1 tbsp in a glass of water. l. salt and soak the coin in the saline solution for about 1 hour. Another cleaning method: heat the coin over a fire, cool it and rub it with sandpaper. Place the coin on your wrist and secure it with a bandage for the day.

Using healing clay

During the initial phase of hygroma suppuration, the surgeon punctures the cyst, pumping out the contents from its capsule, while simultaneously applying different groups medications, necessarily including antibiotic drugs in therapy in order to completely eliminate the colony of pathogenic bacteria.

Treatment with medications during puncture involves washing the emptied capsule of the hygroma with antiseptic solutions and subsequent administration of medicinal compounds. For intracapsular administration use:

  • hormonal agents (Prednisolone, Dexamethasone, Diprospan);
  • antibiotic solutions.

After this, for up to 4–6 weeks, a dense (not constricting the vessels) bandage is applied to the treated area, fixing a plaster splint or orthopedic orthosis so that the walls of the emptied capsule are completely fused.

Immobilization is required not only for hygromas in the area of ​​the hand and fingers, but also for large pseudotumors in any part of the body.

How to treat hygroma medications? For this, there are several generally accepted methods, the choice of which depends on the cause of the tumor, its size and general clinical picture. Let's look at them in more detail.


Used to treat hygroma of the wrist joint in the early stages of its development. In this case, mud wraps, heating, paraffin therapy, and electrophoresis are used. These options are unacceptable in case of acute inflammation, as a result of which the capsule ruptures and its contents spill into the surrounding tissues.


It makes sense for non-advanced forms of hand hygroma. The essence of the procedure is to suck out the contents of the capsule using a syringe with a long needle. In addition, puncture allows you to determine the presence of cancer cells.

IN lately Doctors are increasingly resorting to puncture, since suction of fluid is fraught with frequent relapses. The fact is that the syringe cannot destroy the capsule shell. Not only does it not disappear anywhere, but it also begins to secrete a new portion of pathological fluid.

If you are one of those patients on whom a puncture was used, be sure to use bandages or elastic bandages. It will also be necessary to limit physical activity on the affected hand as much as possible.

Removal of hand hygroma is carried out in two main ways:

  1. Tumor excision – complete excision of the tumor and suturing of healthy tissue to the subcutaneous fat. At the end of the operation, which is carried out under local anesthesia and lasts about 30 minutes, a tight bandage is applied to the wrist. The stitches can be removed on the seventh or tenth day of the operation.
  2. Laser burning of the capsule is one of the most modern and popular methods of treating hygroma. The tumor is removed using a laser beam. Healthy tissues are not damaged during the procedure. The advantages of the laser include a small percentage of relapses and quick rehabilitation.

Using special pharmaceutical clay, you can successfully eliminate hygromas, which, according to preliminary medical parameters, could only be eliminated surgical methods.

After such a sunbath, the clay is thoroughly mixed with water. It is added gradually until the mixed clay takes on the appearance of sour cream. The finished composition is laid out on previously prepared cotton natural fabric and then applied to the affected area.

The lotion should be carefully wrapped in a warm piece of cloth and kept for two to three hours. It is not recommended to do the procedure at night; clay can cause irritation. After removing the bandage, the hygroma must be lubricated with bile purchased at the pharmacy or with the most common iodine to consolidate the effect.

It is better to alternate these procedures - in daytime make a compress and lubricate with bile at night.

Alcohol compress

When deciding how to cure hygroma with folk remedies, you should give preference to special compresses made with alcohol. To force the formation to resolve, it is worth undergoing a course of treatment with special compresses, which are performed with 70% alcohol. This therapy is very simple; you just need to make the selected compress with alcohol before going to bed. To significantly enhance the effect of treatment, it is recommended to apply polyethylene and a woolen piece of clothing on top.

If you carry out 3-4 similar procedures at the stage of initial development of the disease, the hygroma goes away quite quickly.

Treatment of many diseases requires integrated approach. Joint pain and neuralgic manifestations of osteochondrosis often force the use of various compresses and rubbing.

Dimexide is considered the most effective agent for use in such procedures. It significantly removes painful sensations and has an anti-inflammatory effect. We will learn how to properly make compresses with dimexide from the article.

  • Dimexide and its properties
    • Methods of using Dimexide
  • How to make a compress with dimexide
  • Instructions for use
    • Contraindications for use

This medicine is a clear liquid with colorless crystals. It has a characteristic odor reminiscent of garlic, which quickly dissipates.

The main active ingredient in dimexide is dimethyl sulfoxide. Its concentration in the drug depends on the form of release of dimexide. In liquid form, its concentration is usually from 10 to 90% per 100 g of product.

The drug is used only topically and should be applied to problem areas of the body. Dimexide has unique properties, so it is often used at home as a compress.

Molecules of substances quickly penetrate the skin and begin to act at the site of inflammation. This property is not possible with other drugs. Dimexide also has other properties:

  • anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect;
  • antifungal effect;
  • activation of metabolic processes in articular tissues;
  • regeneration of damaged areas.

The medicine has long been used for compresses. It is usually prescribed to children and adults for the following problems:

  • Skin infectious diseases.
  • Various bruises of the joint parts of the body.
  • Fungal infections on the skin.
  • Radiculitis and ligament damage.
  • Hematomas.
  • Inflammation of the respiratory system.

All procedures should be performed only as prescribed by a doctor. The drug has its own medicinal properties, but also contraindications. It should be used correctly and then the medicine will bring health benefits.

Alcohol compress is an old homemade warming compress. To treat hygroma of the knee joint you will need:

  • alcohol 70° or vodka;
  • gauze;
  • polyethylene;
  • bandage.

Prepare soft cloth or gauze, folded several times, soak in alcohol and wring it out, placing and straightening the fabric on your knee. Cover the top with polyethylene and secure the bandage on the leg with a bandage. After this, additionally insulate the compress with a woolen scarf or blanket. If it does not occur discomfort in the form of a burning sensation, but there is a pleasant feeling of warmth, you can leave the compress on all night.

Treatment of hygroma without surgery can be carried out using folk recipes that have been preserved and are widely used at home. Salt compresses are the simplest, do not require a long time to prepare, and are also inexpensive.

In a frying pan over high heat, heat the coarse table salt well and pour it into a bag, tying it. If inflammation affects the ankle joint, then wrap warm compress foot, putting a sock on top. This dry compress provides deep warmth muscle tissue legs and promotes rapid resorption of the tumor.

How to make a salt compress correctly.

Homemade dressings can be made at home yourself using recipes traditional medicine, and you can follow medical recommendations. Modern medicine produces pharmaceutical alcohol tinctures that are very easy to use. It is enough to moisten a piece of bandage in the tincture of calendula, valerian, celandine, apply it to the formation and wrap it with a warm cloth for 20 minutes. An alcohol compress is simple and affordable. The process of its preparation includes the following steps:

  • take 70% medical alcohol and dilute it in a ratio of one to two;
  • soak a piece of gauze in the solution and place it on the hygroma;
  • cover with cling film and wrap with a woolen scarf;
  • Leave the compress on for 10 hours (preferably overnight).


Is it possible to get rid of hygroma without surgery using physiotherapy?

Physiotherapeutic methods are often used as an addition to drug treatment hygromas of the hand, popliteal fossa and other localization. The goal of physiotherapy for cystic tendon growth is to reduce its size, relieve inflammation and pain caused by compression of nearby nerve ganglia, fabrics.

It should be remembered that physiotherapy is used only in the absence of:

  • acute process of inflammation or suppuration;
  • malignant conditions;
  • elevated temperature;
  • skin rashes;
  • infectious disease, exacerbations of heart, kidney, and liver diseases.

The mechanism of therapeutic action is the development of an anti-inflammatory effect, activation of local blood flow, cellular restoration processes, relaxation of muscle fibers, and pain relief.

Many techniques are prohibited if cancer is suspected. Moreover, some experts are convinced that benign articular cysts can begin to grow under the influence of magnetic field, aggravating the patient's condition.

The most effective methods believe:

  1. UHF with deep tissue heating.
  2. Ultrasound therapy, which is especially effective in combination with medicines(Hydrocortisone, Dimexide).
  3. Electrophoresis with drugs (iodine).
  4. Magnetotherapy. Due to local heating of bone and cartilage tissue, suppression occurs inflammatory reaction.
  5. Hot salt and soda baths with a concentration of up to 20%. They soften adhesions and contractures in the area of ​​the joint and tendons where hygroma has formed, and have a significant anti-inflammatory effect.
  6. Darsonvalization or exposure of the diseased area to small pulse currents of high frequency. The procedure activates biochemical processes and stimulates nerve fiber receptors.

It is recommended to prescribe physiotherapy during the recovery period to eliminate residual effects after surgery. In addition to UHF therapy, mud and paraffin applications, shock wave method, and massages are used.

These compact physiotherapy devices are easy to use to treat hygroma of the knee joint, wrist, and metatarsal area at home.

The uniqueness of Denas, Diadens lies in the therapeutic electrical stimulation of neurons in the abnormal zone through the skin, activating the blood supply to the joint, metabolic processes, helping to quickly relieve inflammation and pain, increase motor function. Treatment methods for hygroma of the foot and hand can be different, which is determined by the severity of the process.

It is recommended to prescribe physiotherapy during the recovery period to eliminate residual effects after surgical removal of hygroma. In addition to UHF therapy, mud and paraffin applications, shock wave method, and massages are used.

Tendon ganglion crush

The ancient conservative surgical method, which consists of crushing the hygroma after local anesthesia, is an extremely painful technique, leading to serious complications in 90% of cases. When the cyst shell ruptures, the fluid permeates adjacent tissues, cartilage, and joints, leading to acute traumatic inflammation.

The same thing happens with a burst hygroma. Trauma always implies a high probability of microbial penetration and development purulent process, until pus enters the blood (sepsis). Therefore, today competent professionals never offer a patient such an outdated and dangerous method. Especially if the treatment concerns children.

The ancient conservative surgical method, which consists of crushing the hygroma after local anesthesia, is an extremely painful technique, leading to serious complications in 90% of cases. When the cyst shell ruptures, the fluid permeates adjacent tissues, cartilage, and joints, leading to acute traumatic inflammation.

The same thing happens with a burst hygroma. Trauma always implies a high probability of penetration of microbes and the development of a purulent process, up to the entry of pus into the blood (sepsis). Therefore, today, competent professionals never offer such an outdated and dangerous method to a patient. Especially if the treatment concerns children.

Treatment with pine branches

Many patients suffering from hygroma should try to cure it using ordinary pine branches with pine needles. You need to collect two buckets of fresh coniferous raw materials from the forest, put them in a container and pour clean water. The mixture must be boiled for at least 20 minutes.

The decoction obtained after such actions must be left to steep for 10-12 hours. The composition is filtered and used as a regular lotion or regular douche. To achieve a positive effect, the decoction must first be warmed up a little.

The ideal result is obtained if you wrap your wrist with natural fabric and water the area with heated pine decoction.

A wonderful folk remedy for treating hygroma and relieving inflammation can be the use of steam baths made from pine branches. For this you will need young pine branches, the lightest edges of the branches with young light green needles. 7–10 medium-sized branches are enough. Please note that any natural material should be collected outside the city limits, away from busy roads.

At home, rinse the branches with running water, place them in a ladle and fill with water until completely covered. Boil the broth over low heat for 20 minutes. Close the lid and leave to steep for 10 hours. Before starting the procedure, heat the broth to an acceptable temperature for taking a bath.

Prepare in advance a convenient dish or basin in which to place the sore joint, completely covered with pine decoction. The procedure lasts 20–30 minutes. As it cools down to maintain constant temperature add hot water.

Similar baths can be made with lilac leaves.

Traditional medicine

A large number of folk recipes that are used in the treatment of hygroma (ganglion) are associated with homeopathy. The following have worked well herbal remedies:

  1. Celandine. Freshly squeezed juice from the plant is used. First prepare a hot bath in which the affected joint is well steamed. Then it is lubricated with the prepared juice. The top is wrapped in dry woolen cloth and secured with a bandage. This compress can be done before bed and left until the morning. The course of treatment is 2 months.
  2. Chestnut fruit. The product is crushed using a meat grinder and the resulting composition is applied to the hygroma, secured with a napkin and cellophane. The use of such a compress helps to soften the tumor and its disappearance.
  3. Cabbage leaf. Effectively resolves and eliminates tumors. The leaf is separated from the head, washed and dried. Then it is lightly beaten and a small amount of honey is applied to the surface, which is evenly distributed over the entire sheet. Wrap the sore spot, bandage it and be sure to insulate it. This compress should be changed periodically and used for a long time.
  4. Ficus leaf. The plant is ground in a meat grinder and the resulting mass is mixed with kerosene. The composition is removed to infuse in a dark place for 7–10 days. Then it is filtered and used for a medicinal compress, which is kept for 3-4 hours.
  5. Calendula. Prepare an infusion of the plant and mix it with vodka in a 1:1 ratio. The napkin is moistened with the composition and placed on the affected area, wrapped in cellophane and secured with a bandage. Leave the alcohol compress overnight. Use for 3 days in a row, after which take a two-day break. Then the treatment is repeated again. The tumor gradually decreases and disappears.

Contraindications to the use of warming (including alcohol) compresses are:

  • heart failure;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • varicose veins;
  • infectious diseases in the acute stage;
  • inflammation of the skin.

Hygroma– a cyst that forms in body tissues with prolonged exposure to the same area. In this regard, hygroma is considered occupational disease, since pianists and laundresses more often suffer from this pathology. Hygroma occurs, as a rule, in the area of ​​the wrist joint and on the palms.

Types of hygroma

There are two types of hygroma- single-chamber and multi-chamber. Hygroma, like any other cyst, contains fluid with mucin inside. The egg of a unilocular hygroma is inelastic. Multichamber cysts are capable of expanding into tissues due to their lateral branches.

Clinical picture of hygroma

Clinical signs of hygroma are aching pains that intensify when pressing on it. Externally, the cyst is ovoid in shape with a diameter from several millimeters to six centimeters. To the touch, the hygroma has a fairly dense texture. Often the cyst is asymptomatic: a person may not feel its presence on the body, nor experience pain or other unpleasant sensations. In the presence of hygroma, the function of the joints is not impaired.

A complication of hygroma in the form of inflammation occurs extremely rarely. In exceptional cases, the cyst may increase in size over time.

Surgical ltreatment of hygroma

For diagnostic purposes in order to diagnose correct diagnosis, fluid is taken from the hygroma by puncture for analysis. With the help of several punctures, you can cure a hygroma by removing all the fluid from it.

Radical surgical treatment of hygroma consists of complete excision of the ganglion. This operation lasts twenty minutes and is performed under local anesthesia. If the case of hygroma is advanced with the presence of complications and active growth of the cyst, it is removed under anesthesia. The operation is performed with a laser or endoscopic equipment, but the advantages are on the side of the laser. It is more effective than traditional treatment and does not leave marks on the skin after surgery.

Traditional medicine intreatmentAndhygromas

Treatment of hygroma with a copper penny

A young student girl discovered a hygroma on her arm. When touched and exerted physically, it was very painful. Once a friend took the girl by the hand, but she screamed in pain. A friend was very surprised when a sick girl showed her a cyst. A friend decided that she would help her recover from her old age folkmethodohm She sharply pressed the hygroma, took a copper penny and tied it tightly to it. At home, the girl had to bandage the sore spot along with a nickel and not remove the bandage for three days. The girl did not take it off for five days. When she took off the bandage, there was nothing on her hand.

The point of the procedure is that copper helps with hygroma, but you cannot remove the penny for several days until the swelling completely disappears. The number of days depends on the severity of the pathology: for small hygromas, a few days are enough, but for a growing large cyst, they wear a bandage for weeks.

To enhance the effect, the penny is heated on fire before use, and then washed with saline solution.

Alcohol compresswonten-year hygroma

One woman struggled with a large double hygroma for ten years. All these years she suffered greatly and was tormented by it. But one day I read in the newspaper that you can get rid of this pathology with the help of a simple folk remedy based on alcohol. This remedy consists of compresses with seventy percent alcohol. You should sleep with this compress all night. The top is covered with polyethylene and a warm cloth. After four procedures, the hygroma completely disappeared.

But after curing the hygroma, the woman received a severe burn from alcohol in its place. To avoid this, you should dilute the alcohol a little and make the procedures themselves shorter in time.

Red clay will save you fromhygromas

The woman had an old hygroma under her knee, which constantly hurt and gave her no rest. The hospital offered to remove the hygroma surgically. But the woman did not agree and decided to try to cure her hygroma using traditional methods.

She began to use red clay, which lies in the sun in the summer, to treat hygroma. This is a fundamental question. The clay should be mixed with urine to the consistency of thick sour cream, put the product on a cloth and apply to the hygroma. A well-wrapped compress should be kept for two hours, but no more, as there is a risk of skin irritation.

After removing the compress, the hygroma is lubricated with iodine. On another day, after the compress, the sore spot is lubricated with beef bile, which is sold in pharmacies.

All these activities should be alternated in the following sequence: before bedtime - compress, after sleep - lubrication.

In addition, this woman hovered her foot in the leaves and flowers of lilac. First, lilac is brewed, and then the leg is steamed in it.

Chestnut fruits crushed in a meat grinder help against hygroma if they are applied as a compress to the sore spot. This product must be stored in the refrigerator and reheated immediately before use.

All listed methods The woman alternated using traditional medicine for a month and the hygroma went away without surgery.

How to quickly and easily get rid ofhygromas?

To treat hygroma, they use the following folk remedy: pour one hundred grams of concentrated wine vinegar into an egg. Then the drenched egg is removed to a cool place where direct contact does not occur. sun rays or bright light. After four days, the shell is completely dissolved by the wine vinegar, and the egg remains in one film. The egg should be carefully taken from the vinegar, a hole should be made in the film and the yolk should be poured into the bowl. The yolk must be thoroughly beaten into a thick foam. Then add vinegar and the remaining shells from the bottom of the glass. One hundred grams of turpentine must be added to the resulting mixture. All of the listed ingredients should be mixed into the beaten yolk in small portions.

The resulting mass must be poured into a dark bottle and tightly closed with a lid. If you don’t have one, you can take a light container and wrap it in a dark cloth or paper. It is better to store the mixture in the refrigerator or simply in a cool place.

Sea or table salt is dissolved in half a liter of hot water. A lot of salt is poured in. Allow it to completely dissolve in water. The solution is used only after it has completely cooled. A woolen cloth is soaked in a saline solution and the sore spot is wiped. After this, dry the skin with a clean towel. The medicine for hygroma is first shaken so that there is no sediment at the bottom, and then the sore joint is lubricated with it. Cover the already lubricated affected area with a dry woolen cloth, apply compress paper on top of it, and bandage it to fix all the layers. Leave this compress on all night.

This treatment for hygroma must be carried out for ten consecutive nights every day. If the disease does not go away immediately, then you can take a break and start the treatment described above again.


Plantphysalisand its fruits get rid of hygromain 15 days

Physalis fruits are crushed in a meat grinder and the resulting composition is applied to the sore spot. On top of it is cotton fabric, cellophane on top. All this is fixed with a bandage. Keep this compress until the morning. In the evening, the procedure is repeated - the hygroma is first washed with warm water and soap, and then a compress is applied. After two weeks, the disease passes, and a small mark appears at the site of the hygroma, which will soon disappear completely.

Treatment of hygroma with pine branches

There is another fairly simple method of traditional medicine that gets rid of hygroma. To do this you will need two buckets of young pine branches. Pour water over the branches and boil for twenty minutes. The resulting decoction is left for ten hours. Then the broth is drained and heated to a temperature that the skin can tolerate, but so that burns do not occur. The place where there is a hygroma is wrapped in a cloth, over which a hot decoction is poured. You need to pour it all out.

Then the bread is baked. Mix soda, yeast and rye flour, and without waiting for the dough to arrive, put the bread in the oven.

The finished bread is cut crosswise into two halves. Sprinkle plenty of salt on each of them and apply it to the hygroma on both sides. A kind of compress is wrapped on top with cellophane and a warm scarf. Keep the compress on all night. New bread must be baked every day, and the solution can be used several times. By treating this way for a month, you can get rid of hygroma.

Treatment of hygromaanalgin and iodine

Thirty analgin tablets are crushed into powder and filled with iodine. Iodine solution - twenty percent, quantity - two hundred and fifty grams. This composition is smeared on the hygroma until it disappears completely.

The occurrence of hygroma is provoked by injuries and excessive stress. The disease is often asymptomatic, but pain during movement and significant cosmetic defects may appear. Usually the cyst is easily diagnosed clinically, but in some cases an ultrasound or MRI is required. The disease can only be treated surgically.

What is hygroma?

Hygroma (aka ganglion) is a tumor formation that appears in the joint area. Statistics insist that women are mainly affected by the disease. However, many researchers believe that hygroma appears regardless of the patient’s gender.

Also controversial is the classification of hygroma as a tumor process. Considering the fact that the neoplasm occurs only around the joints and does not become malignant (not malignant), many clinicians consider hygroma a pseudotumor.

A hygroma is a dense cyst-type capsule filled with liquid (it’s not for nothing that “hygroma” is literally translated from the Greek as “liquid tumor”). The walls of the capsule are formed of dense connective tissue, and the contents are a serous fluid resembling “lemon jelly”. When palpated, the consistency is often doughy, but it can also be hard, simulating cartilage or bone tissue.

Similar pseudotumors appear around the small joints of the upper and lower extremities. This localization feature is associated with the possible cause of their occurrence. Thus, hygromas are considered to be separated periarticular bags, which are normally intended to absorb movements in the joints.

However, studies have shown that the cells of the hygroma capsule are altered (metaplastic or degenerated). One part of the cellular composition is responsible for strengthening the walls of the neoplasm, and the second is responsible for the production of contents (liquid).

Such degenerated cells (like cancer cells) can endlessly provoke the emergence of new hygromas, which causes frequent relapses of the disease. For the same reason, conservative (non-surgical) treatment is powerless.

Why does it appear?

The exact causes of hygroma are still not known. However, among the provoking factors are:

  1. Hereditary predisposition (the likelihood of a neoplasm occurring is 3 times higher in families where the disease has previously occurred);
  2. Anatomical features of the body (weak ligamentous apparatus or superficial location of tendons, which causes frequent occurrence hygroma in women);
  3. Increased stress on the joints (heavy lifting, sports activities, complex manual labor);
  4. Traumatization of the joints of the upper and lower extremities (in 30% of cases, the occurrence of pseudotumor was preceded by damage to the bones and their joints);
  5. Inflammatory diseases of articular structures (ligaments and their bed - tendovaginitis; periarticular bursae - bursitis, etc.).

Specific professional activities may contribute to its occurrence. Thus, neoplasms are often observed in pianists, office workers, writers, seamstresses, conductors, runners and cooks. Young mothers who are forced to rock their baby in their arms for a long time are also susceptible to the disease.

Occasionally, the cause of cysts on the feet is improperly selected shoes. In that case etiological factor there is constant pressure from shoes on the periarticular area.

Varieties of hygroma

Theoretically, such pseudotumors can occur on any part of the body where connective tissue is present. However, the most common location is periarticular areas. Thus, hygromas are found on the free ends of the upper and lower extremities.

The “favorite” localization of tumors is the wrist (dorsal and palmar surfaces), elbow area, finger joints or armpit. Less commonly, cysts appear on the lower extremities: the foot, as well as near the ankle and knee joints.

One of the variants of the disease is considered to be hygroma of the head. A tumor occurs under the dura mater of the brain, which is why the tumor is called subdural (from the Latin “dura” means “hard”). A similar cyst is determined in the form of a limited accumulation of cerebrospinal fluid - cerebrospinal fluid.


Hygroma manifests itself as a tightly elastic or dense tumor-like formation protruding above the surface of the skin. As a rule, these are single cysts; their multiple occurrence is rarely observed.

The size of the disease varies from 3 to 6-7 centimeters in diameter. At the same time, tumor volumes often increase with significant loads and decrease at rest. Typically, the neoplasm is clearly demarcated from the adjacent tissues: its base is tightly fused to the limb, while the skin and fat layer around it remain mobile.

The symptoms of hygroma are scanty: pain at rest rarely occurs. Sometimes pain occurs when you feel the tumor or when you move the joint. In some cases, the cyst can put pressure on the neurovascular bundles of the arm or leg, which leads to sharp pain spreading throughout the limb; as well as circulatory disorders (skin becomes pale and cold).

Sometimes the disease is localized under the ligamentous apparatus, which is why its occurrence goes unnoticed for a long time. In such cases, the only manifestations of the disease may be pain during limb movements, as well as redness or peeling of the skin over the affected area.


Tumors in the wrist area can be localized on the dorsal, palmar, and lateral surfaces. Pain with this form of hygroma rarely occurs; usually the main complaint is the aesthetic discomfort of patients. Thus, the disease manifests itself as a noticeable tumor on the back of the hand. In this case, the cyst remains visible (especially during movements), even if it is located under the ligaments.


Hygroma on the palm is often associated with the sheaths (beds) of the flexor tendons. These are usually small, firm tumors that are often confused with cartilage or bone. There is no pain syndrome: discomfort or slight pain may appear when you try to grab an object with your hand (a glass, a bottle or a handrail in public transport).


Tumors on the fingers appear more often on nail phalanges or at the level of the interphalangeal joints. Hygromas form on both the dorsal and palmar sides. However, in the latter case, the neoplasms are characterized by a large volume, which can cover one or even two phalanges. Palmar hygromas of the fingers are often accompanied by pinched nerve endings with the development of severe pain.


Cysts in the knee area are typical for professional athletes, people with an active lifestyle and patients suffering from arthritis or arthrosis. Often, hygromas are located on the back surface of the knee joint (in the popliteal fossa). The tumor is accompanied by noticeable pain, as well as difficulty bending the knee.

Ankle and foot

Similar forms appear on outer surface ankle, as well as on the back of the foot and in the toes. The disease is often caused by tight shoes that place constant pressure on the foot. Hygromas are often painful, and repeated rubbing from shoes leads to inflammation of the surrounding tissues or joint structures.


Hygroma under the dura mater is formed as a result of traumatic brain injury, after removal of intracranial hematomas, or spontaneously due to sharp decline pressure in the cranium. In children, the disease appears for no reason or due to inflammation meninges– meningitis. As a rule, subdural hygroma is accompanied by a bursting headache, fainting, as well as visual and hearing impairment. Sometimes they appear mental disorders: behavioral disorders, hallucinations, etc.


Usually, a comprehensive survey with the identification of causative factors, examination and palpation of the neoplasm is sufficient to make a preliminary diagnosis of hygroma. However, to exclude concomitant pathologies, final diagnosis and preoperative examination, the following is carried out:

  • Ultrasound examination, which allows you to visualize a cystic formation, determine the nature of the contents, the presence of vessels feeding the tumor, etc. The method is considered the “gold standard” due to its information content, simplicity and speed of implementation, as well as harmlessness and low cost.
  • Magnetic resonance imaging, which allows you to exclude malignant tumors, as well as evaluate the structure of the hygroma wall and its contents. The disadvantage of this method is its high cost.

In some cases, patients undergo a puncture (puncture) of the formation with the collection of its contents. The resulting liquid is examined to exclude inflammatory or oncological diseases.

In the course of these studies, other pathologies are “screened out”: tumors from adipose tissue (lipomas), cysts sebaceous glands(atheromas) and skin, as well as neoplasms of bones and cartilage.

How is hygroma treated?

Treatment of hygroma occurs in a surgical or trauma department.


Previously, doctors practiced conservative therapy: the tumor was kneaded and crushed. Often the contents of the cyst were pumped out, filling the resulting cavity with special sclerosing (gluing) substances. Physiotherapeutic procedures, mud therapy and compresses were often prescribed. However, these methods turned out to be ineffective, and the frequency of relapses of hygroma with similar treatment amounted to more than 90%.


Today the only way help with hygroma is surgery. Usually to surgical treatment patients resort to a significant cosmetic defect, expressed pain syndrome, limiting the range of passive and active movements in the joint, rapid enlargement of the cyst.

Rapid growth of the disease is an absolute indication for surgical intervention, because excision of a large tumor can lead to a number of difficulties. Thus, it is possible that nerves, vessels and ligaments may be displaced, which makes the surgical technique much more complicated.

Progress of the operation

The patient is given local anesthesia(the surgical field is anesthetized, and the patient remains conscious). A tourniquet is placed on the limb above the surgical site (to reduce blood flow, blood loss, and better visualization of pathological tissues).

The hygroma is isolated and excised along with the capsule. It is important to remove all altered connective tissue in order to prevent subsequent relapses of the disease. A final revision (examination) of the wound is performed to exclude small cysts. The resulting cavity is washed and sutured, strengthened with local structures (a kind of two-layer “sandwich” of fascia, called a duplicature, is created). In this case, a drainage is left in the wound cavity - a release for secretions, which is removed after two days.

A pressure bandage is applied to the postoperative wound, after which the arm is immobilized - a plaster cast or orthosis is installed.

The surgical intervention itself lasts up to half an hour, the sutures are removed after a week, and full recovery and active movements are possible already on the tenth day after treatment.

Alternative Methods

Among the alternative methods are:

  • laser heating with destruction of hygroma. It is worth noting that the laser beam does not harm healthy cells;
  • endoscopic removal, which is carried out with special equipment. The advantage of the method is low trauma and a small incision.

Prevention of hygroma

In order to prevent the appearance of hygroma, it is necessary:

  1. Pay attention to all changes in the periarticular tissues, especially their unexplained growth;
  2. Avoid increased loads on joints (heavy lifting, excessive sports activity, complex manual labor);
  3. Prevent injury to the joints of the upper and lower extremities;
  4. Diagnose and promptly treat inflammatory diseases of articular structures (ligaments and their beds - tendonitis, tendovaginitis; periarticular bursae - etc.);
  5. Choose the right shoe size, giving preference to orthopedic models.

These points are especially relevant for people at risk of developing hygroma: women; family members where the disease has previously occurred; representatives of specific professions (pianists, office workers, writers, seamstresses, conductors, runners and cooks).

Secondary prevention (when the disease has already developed) is to prevent injuries and ruptures of the hygroma, i.e. its complications. The latter often lead to inflammation and recurrence of cysts.

Hygroma is absolutely benign neoplasm, which rarely leads to severe symptoms. However, enlargement of the cyst and its possible traumatization require timely and complete excision.

Hygroma is a benign cystic formation in the form of a capsule filled with a transparent jelly-like mass. Clinically, hygroma can be classified as a round, dense tumor, which is covered on top with normal skin. The size of the hygroma ranges from 5 to 30 cm in diameter. Sometimes larger sizes are also available.

Causes of hygroma

To date, the cause of hygroma has not been fully elucidated. It is often possible to observe a close connection between the neoplasm and recent severe physical injuries, but often the disease develops for no apparent reason at all.

In some cases, cystic formation is a consequence of chronic inflammatory process in the bursae that surround the joint (bursitis) or the tendon attached to the joint (tenosynovitis).

Hygroma predominantly develops in places that are subject to constant trauma or pressure (poorly chosen shoes, professional activities, etc.). Synovial bursae located superficially, that is, on the dorsum of the foot and the dorsum of the wrist joint, are most susceptible to mechanical pressure, so the risk of developing hygroma of the hand, foot, or joint hygroma is greatest, but it happens that cysts form in other places.

According to statistics, men are more susceptible to the disease. It happens that the hygroma flows into the joint cavity and becomes visually invisible. But after some time it usually appears again.

On human body Hygroma can be present for quite a long time without causing any discomfort. It happens that a person lives with this all his life cystic formation, paying practically no attention to him. If the disease begins to cause certain inconveniences, causes pain when moving, actively increases in size or has an unaesthetic appearance, the issue of prompt removal hygromas.

Types of hygroma

The most common types of the disease are hygroma of the hand, hygroma of the foot and hygroma of the joint.

Hygroma of the hand is usually formed in the metacarpophalangeal joint area, on the finger flexor muscles or in the area of ​​the wrist joint.

Hygroma of the joint is predominantly a painless cystic formation. However, joint hygroma often prevents the patient from freely performing flexion-extension movements, leading a normal lifestyle, and it is necessary to limit the daily load on the joints.

Hygroma of the foot is predominantly localized in the ankle area or on the back of the metatarsophalangeal bones. Over time, the hygroma increases and thickens, which prevents a person from wearing shoes and walking normally. In addition, if the hygroma is located in the metatarsophalangeal bone, it must be in a uniform state, otherwise complications may develop.

Changes in tissues that occur during hygroma

Most often, hygroma looks like dropsy of the synovial bursa with a slightly pronounced inflammatory process. Sometimes blood is mixed with the fluid inside the hygroma. As a rule, the walls of the formation are thickened and fused with surrounding tissues, often having a cartilaginous density.

During an active inflammatory process, the inner surface of the formation becomes covered with cellular growths, which leads to the formation of bridges, cords and pockets that divide the area of ​​the hygroma into separate chambers. Small hygromas are usually filled with a thick mass, and large ones are filled with serous fluid interspersed with blood and cholesterol crystals.

Hygroma symptoms

With small hygroma sizes, the patient, as a rule, does not complain of inconvenience. As the formation increases in size, the hygroma can cause pain, which increases significantly with physical activity. If the tumor compresses blood vessels and nerves, sensory disturbances, stagnation of blood in the veins and pain along the nerves may develop.

If an inflammatory process does not occur in the formation, then upon palpation the hygroma looks like a soft-elastic, round and slightly painful formation that moves when palpated.

If the cyst opens as a result of injury or spontaneously, its contents begin to leak through the hole formed. When an infectious process occurs, this is accompanied by redness and swelling. Despite the fact that hygroma often does not threaten the lives of patients, they consult a doctor for treatment of hygroma, since the formation causes quite unpleasant painful sensations.

Diagnosis of hygroma

If the hygroma is located in the superficial tissues, then its diagnosis is not particularly difficult. In some cases, a differentiated diagnosis may be prescribed with an abscess, arterial aneurysm, and some benign and malignant tumors. To completely exclude these diseases, it is necessary to do an x-ray examination.

Treatment of hygroma

At the initial stage of the disease, treatment of hygroma, as a rule, comes down to the use of mud and paraffin applications, physiotherapeutic and thermal procedures (electrophoresis with iodine, ultraviolet irradiation, etc.). Punctures (punctures) with a hygrome, followed by suction of fluid and the introduction of glucocorticoid hormones into the resulting cavity, have proven themselves to be quite effective. After this, the affected area is tightly bandaged. However, such treatment of hygroma is effective only when a person can be freed from work associated with continuous damage to the synovial bursa for a long period of time. Otherwise, in most cases, the disease may return again, since, despite the fact that the cavity subsides, the shell of the hygroma itself remains in the same place.

If the hygroma has suppuration, it is punctured, followed by suction of the pus and the introduction of antibiotics into the resulting cavity. If necessary, the tumor can be opened and the synovial bursa scraped out using a sharp spoon, after which the wound is drained.

If conservative treatment does not bring lasting results, the hygroma still has an unaesthetic appearance and causes pain in the patient, continues to grow, removal of the hygroma is indicated.

Bursectomy, or removal of hygroma, is a complete excision of the synovial bursa. After removing the hygroma, a plaster cast is applied to the affected area for 2-3 weeks in order to immobilize the joint while the scar forms.

Prevention of hygroma

In order to prevent the occurrence of hygroma, it is necessary to avoid constant trauma to certain areas of the body during everyday life and work, and to wear comfortable clothes and shoes. It is also recommended to treat diseases that contribute to the formation of hygromas.

Photo: Sergejs Rahunoks/

On one of the ordinary, unremarkable days, you suddenly notice with surprise on the back of your hand, just below the base. thumb, strange formation. It’s as if a small ball is rolling under the skin, quite soft, but elastic to the touch, painful when pressed hard. Do not rush to get scared, this is not fatal, although it is quite unpleasant: with a significant degree of probability it can be assumed that you have formed a hygroma, a cyst-like tumor of a benign nature. However, only a doctor can, of course, differentiate the formation and make a final diagnosis.

Since hygromas by origin they are closely related to and tendons; theoretically, they can form in any place where the latter are present. However, they most often occur at the ends of the upper and lower extremities, such as the dorsum of the wrist joint of the hands or the ankle joint of the legs. There are also cases of occurrence gigrom on the back of the hands, on the arch of the foot and on the sole, on the fingers and toes, on knee joint, but they are much less common.

Hygroma It is a capsule with a fairly dense wall, filled from the inside with jelly-like contents of serous fluid with inclusions of mucus or fibrin. With its base, the “leg,” this cyst communicates with the articular capsule or tendon sheath. Depending on the place of origin, there are soft and elastic hygromas, however, there are also denser ones, reminiscent of cartilage or bone tissue. It is also known that soft hygromas Over time, they can become more dense due to the growth and thickening of the capsule wall. "Positive" quality of true gigrom, so to speak, they never degenerate into malignant neoplasms.

About the reasons for education hygromas Various assumptions have been made. It is noted that in most cases they occur in young women aged 20-40 years, in women hygromas are formed 3 times more often than in men. A hereditary predisposition to education has also been revealed gigrom: if one of the family members had this disease before, the chances of acquiring this neoplasm increase. Often the “trigger” for education hygromas There are various types of injuries and inflammatory processes such as bursitis(inflammation of the joint capsule) and tenosynovitis in (inflammation inner shell tendon sheath muscle).

It has long been known that often hygromas occur in people who are forced to perform repetitive monotonous movements during work. Based on this, hygroma can be considered occupational disease of musicians and packers, assembly line workers and cooks, seamstresses and laundresses.

Currently, various scientists are putting forward three main theories about the causes of hygroma :
- inflammatory;
- tumor;
- dismetabolic

From inflammatory theory it follows that as a result of the inflammatory process in the joint capsule or tendon sheath, the integrity of the epithelium lining them, which produces a specific secretion, is disrupted. First, the membrane becomes thinner, then a scar of cells forms in this place. However, the connective tissue does not have the necessary elasticity and cannot constantly withstand the increase in pressure inside the joint capsule or tendon sheath during loads. Over time, the wall in this place begins to “blow out” outward, part of the fluid from the joint capsule or tendon sheath is poured into the newly formed chamber, the bridge between the chambers contracts and forms hygroma.

Such a theory would fully explain the cause and mechanism of formation hygromas, if not for one small “but”: part of the cells of the capsule wall hygromas degeneratively changed. There is an assumption that it is metaplasia(rebirth) connective tissue at the site of the scar and causes the formation gigrom. Moreover, often hygromas occur without a previous inflammatory process, that is, the cells of the epithelium of the articular capsule or tendon sheath can also undergo metaplasia. Hence the second tumor theory of the origin of hygroma.

Tumor theory states that at some point, cells in a certain area of ​​​​the joint capsule or tendon sheath begin to quickly and uncontrollably divide, “excess” tissue can grow inward or outward, which causes the formation hygromas. This theory is supported by the fact that during surgical removal gigrom in approximately 20% of cases there is a relapse, hygroma is formed again. This happens because the degenerative tissues were not completely cleaned out and began to grow again.

Dysmetabolic theory education gigrom suggests that in certain diseases the balance between the production of synovial(intra-articular) fluid by the epithelial cells of the joint capsule and its absorption by them. As a result, there is too much fluid and the pressure inside the joint capsule constantly increases. At a certain point, like a formation, the wall protrudes outward and forms hygroma.

In approximately 35% of cases, initially hygroma occurs without significant symptoms. Patients discover a small round formation, usually single, under the skin in the area of ​​the joint or tendon sheath. varying degrees hardness Hygroma always clearly demarcated: the base of the tumor is connected to the place of growth, and the rest of the capsule is not fused with either the subcutaneous tissue or the skin, which moves freely over the tumor. When you press hard on hygroma sharp pain occurs. Other symptoms may either be completely absent or occur after intense exercise; periodic “shooting” or constant aching pain in the area is also possible. hygromas. All this depends on the size of the tumor and its location, in particular, on the compression of the nerve endings. Skin over hygroma may remain unchanged, redness, peeling and roughening of the skin are also possible. After intense exercise hygroma may increase in size due to the additional flow of part of the contents from the joint capsule or tendon sheath, then after outflow at rest it acquires its previous appearance.

More often hygroma It grows slowly, its size does not exceed 3 cm. However, sometimes rapid growth of the tumor is observed and it can reach 6 cm in diameter. Alas, hygromas do not open spontaneously and do not “resolve” .

Diagnostics hygromas is carried out on the basis of a patient interview, clinical manifestations and characteristic sites of occurrence, sometimes radiography is performed. To differentiate the diagnosis, if there is doubt, an ultrasound, MRI or puncture followed by a biopsy of the contents is prescribed hygromas (to exclude the possibility of error and to separate hygroma from lipoma, atheroma, epithelial traumatic cyst, cartilage and bone tumors).

In the relatively recent past hygroma tried to treat by crushing or kneading. In "black" medical humor there was even a joke that to treat hygroma you only need two volumes of the Big medical encyclopedia: put on one, slam the second. Also used punctures with the introduction of enzymes into the tumor cavity, physiotherapy, mud therapy, long-term application of bandages with “absorbable” ointments And. Unfortunately, as practice shows, it is really possible to get rid of hygromas can only be done surgically - the percentage of relapses with conservative treatment methods is 80-90%.

If hygroma small sizes and does not cause any unpleasant sensations to the patient; quite often the doctors themselves advise not to touch it. But the presence of pain (when moving, and especially at rest), rapid tumor growth and compression of surrounding tissues, limited joint mobility are already indications for surgical intervention.

Typically, removal hygromas It is performed under local anesthesia after premedication; general anesthesia is used for large tumors with an unfortunate location. The surgical technique includes a diagonal or circular incision of the skin at the location hygromas, careful separation of the tumor from surrounding tissues. Then on the “leg” hygromas two clamps are applied and an incision is made between them - this allows you to remove the entire capsule without contaminating the wound with its contents. The remaining “stump” is closed with several stitches using absorbable suture material. Then, after examining the surrounding tissues for the presence of accompanying small cysts, the wound is sutured, drainage is inserted for 1-2 days and a plaster splint is applied.

The most important thing during the removal operation hygromas remove it completely, otherwise the remaining tissue fragments will relapse, which is observed in approximately 20% of cases.

In recent years it has become popular endoscopic method removal of hygroma as less traumatic and requiring more short period rehabilitation.

I sincerely wish that this “joy” will pass you by. Good health to everyone!