
Who had a breast lipoma removed? Breast lipoma: a dangerous disease or a minor defect? Breast lipoma - what kind of disease?

Breast lipoma - benign education, consisting of fat cells enclosed in a capsule. Lipomatosis disease affects women from 28 to 50 years old. There are times when benign tumor this type is detected in men. It is not located in the mammary glands, but in the area of ​​subcutaneous fat. The peculiarity of lipoma is that it grows slowly. The average size of the tumor is 2.5 cm, the maximum is 15 cm. Most women are diagnosed with a tumor not exceeding 3 cm in diameter.

Neoplasm located in mammary gland, not related to skin. It is mobile and, as a rule, can be felt during palpation. Despite these features, the patient cannot independently diagnose the disease. To diagnose a breast lipoma, you need to contact a mammologist.

There are several types of benign tumors.

  1. Myxolipoma. The neoplasm consists of adipose tissue and mucus fragments that the lipoma produces.
  2. Fibrolipoma. A benign tumor includes connective fibers and adipose tissue.
  3. Angiolipoma. This type The tumor is made up of fat cells and small blood vessels.
  4. Myolipoma. The formation includes a small number of fat cells (fibers predominate).
  5. Lipofibroma. In this case, the tumor consists of fat cells, but inclusions are present connective tissue.

Depending on the location, a lipoma can be:

  • superficial;
  • intermuscular;
  • subcutaneous

Formations differ in form. Some have clear outlines, others are blurred. Tumors enclosed in a capsule are characterized by the presence of a fibrous membrane.


Experts cannot identify the exact causes, but risk factors are known. Among them:

  • illnesses endocrine system, including diabetes mellitus;
  • violation metabolic processes;
  • hereditary tendency to a benign tumor;
  • hormonal disbalance;
  • regular stress loads;
  • excess weight;
  • inactive, that is, sedentary lifestyle (women who have sedentary work and impaired lymphatic drainage are prone to lipomatosis);
  • poor nutrition (abuse of food of animal origin);
  • chest injuries.
  • smoking, overeating and alcohol abuse.

A lipoma forms when the sweat glands become blocked. As a result, a cavity filled with adipose tissue is formed. Most doctors believe that the tumor is associated with hormonal imbalance. The suspected cause of lipomatosis is metabolic syndrome. It is known to occur during menopause. Metabolic syndrome is characterized by replacement of glandular tissue. In its place, fibrous appears. Pathological process predisposes to lipomatosis.


The neoplasm can be felt through the skin. If it grows quickly, it becomes noticeable even without palpation. Lipoma has a dense consistency. It does not cause pain, but makes itself felt. A woman feels slight discomfort when wearing tight underwear. The lipoma is mobile, and therefore comes into contact with the skin and mammary glands. The peculiarity of the formation is that it is not connected to nearby tissue structures.

Some patients are diagnosed with lobular formation. It does not have smooth boundaries and protrudes above the surface of the skin. It happens that a lipoma is located in the deep layers of tissue. In this case, it cannot be felt. A deep tumor is dangerous because it penetrates into the muscle fascia. The tumor can grow between muscle fibers and cause great discomfort. Most patients have a single lipoma. If it contains many fibrous cells, then it has a denser structure.

Diagnosis of breast lumps

If a mass is detected in the breast, you should consult a doctor. Diagnostics involves:

  • palpation;
  • Ultrasound;
  • mammography;
  • biopsy.

To make a reliable diagnosis, a differential study is necessary. It will help distinguish a lipoma from other ailments accompanied by the formation of a tumor. The doctor may prescribe a mammogram and biopsy with further histological examination. Differential diagnosis allows you to distinguish a lipoma from cancer and a formation called “Liposarcoma”. Aspiration biopsy is required to confirm the diagnosis. The procedure involves histological examination with taking a biopath. Aspiration biopsy is a highly precise invasive procedure.

To confirm the disease, a needle biopsy may be prescribed. The doctor takes cellular tissue material and sends it for cytological analysis. The procedure is prescribed if mammography and ultrasound show a voluminous tumor, however, the doctor doubts the diagnosis. A puncture biopsy is a gentle examination method. It involves taking cells for detailed analysis. Manipulation has been compared to intramuscular injection. The doctor inserts a small needle attached to an instrument into the breast. Fragments of tissue and liquid get into this instrument, and then the needle is removed.

Fine needle aspiration biopsy is another testing method. It allows you to determine whether cells are benign or malignant. The procedure is carried out to identify the nature of the tumor. It is performed on an outpatient basis. Before the biopsy, the patient should not take aspirin or anticoagulant medications. If you are allergic to certain drugs, you should inform your doctor.

Therapeutic measures

Patients are interested in how to treat breast lipoma. Benign formation does not resolve. Conservative treatment effective on early stages lipomatosis, when the formation has just begun to emerge. The tumor that occurs with lipomatosis does not become malignant. However, the patient must be under the supervision of a doctor. Once the diagnosis is confirmed, an ultrasound scan is required every 3 months. It is recommended to perform mammography once every 12 months.

Blood donation for tumor marker CA-15-13 is required. This analysis helps rule out cancer. If a benign tumor grows quickly and puts pressure on the tissue, the doctor recommends surgery. Education can be traumatic nerve roots, thereby causing pain. Some women are diagnosed with a large lipoma. Such a tumor is a cosmetic defect. It not only violates aesthetics, but also deforms the mammary glands.

Surgical treatment options

For the treatment of large lipomas it is prescribed sectoral resection. The procedure involves invasive intervention. If the tumor grows rapidly, the specialist doubts that it is benign and strongly recommends surgery. Sectoral resection involves removal of the mammary gland lipoma by excision of the tumor and maintaining the integrity of the capsule. The latter must be completely removed, otherwise lipomatosis will recur.

The mammologist may prescribe enucleation of the tumor. During the invasive procedure, enucleation is performed. Alternative option enucleation - a needle biopsy in which the doctor removes the tumor using a thin needle. The instrument is inserted into the cavity of the formation. A puncture biopsy gives a good result, moreover, there are no scars left on the chest. However, manipulation does not allow removing the capsule that encloses the adipose tissue. For this reason, relapse is possible.

More about sectoral resection

During the procedure, the doctor removes part of the breast tissue. Sectoral resection is prescribed if the lipoma causes discomfort or the specialist suspects malignancy. The doctor recommends the procedure for other diseases related to the mammary glands:

  • mastitis;
  • granuloma;
  • fibroadenoma.

At malignant tumor An organ-preserving invasive procedure is prescribed (this may be a sectoral resection). Before the operation is performed, it is necessary to perform anesthesia. For this, novocaine or another anesthetic is used. The painkiller should not cause allergies. If the procedure is part of breast-conserving surgery, the surgeon recommends general anesthesia.

To perform a surgical procedure, it is necessary to mark the incision lines. The doctor uses a stick dipped in brilliant green. The breast tissue is dissected and other required incisions are made. The area in which there is a tumor is called a sector. It is completely removed. Subsequently, the bleeding is stopped and the wounds are sutured.

Cavities should not form in the mammary glands. If necessary, sutures are placed on the surface of the subcutaneous fat. The removed sector of the gland is sent for histological examination. The procedure is urgent and lasts 20 minutes. If malignant cells have been identified, the doctor expands the scope of the surgical procedure.

The procedure may cause complications. In rare cases, the wound becomes infected. If the bleeding was stopped incorrectly, a hematoma will form. A rare complication is a bleeding disorder. Sutures are removed on the eighth day after the procedure. Surgery is stressful for the body. In this regard, the doctor prescribes sedatives. If the patient experiences pain after the procedure, this should be reported.

Lipoma removal with laser

Laser lipoma removal gives good results if the tumor does not exceed 0.5 cm. The surgical procedure is performed under local anesthesia. The doctor removes the formation along with the capsule, this eliminates the possibility of relapse. The laser has a bactericidal effect and there is no risk of infection. Wounds heal quickly, the skin is restored in 10-15 days.

The laser beam does not affect the blood clotting process in any way. However, this treatment method has disadvantages. The doctor cannot take a piece of tissue and conduct a histological examination. In some cases, liposuction is prescribed, which involves excision of the capsule. It is effective if a benign lipoma grows. Laser treatment has advantages over radio wave: after this intervention there are no scars left. The main advantage is “bloodlessness”. The laser allows you to carefully apply a suture and perform rapid coagulation of blood vessels.

Popular drugs

Let us repeat that they are effective on initial stages the onset of lipoma. Ointments are used to reduce the size of the tumor. The most popular drugs.

  1. Vitaon. The ointment is based on herbal extracts. They are gentle on the skin without causing burning or inflammation. Vitaon is available in the form of a balm. The product has few contraindications. If hypersensitivity to its components is observed, use should be discontinued. Vitaon is applied thin layer and secure with a bandage. To prevent diaper rash, you should change it once every 3 days. The medicine has an anti-inflammatory effect and is also a good antiseptic. Possible side symptom- allergies.
  2. Vishnevsky ointment. The antiseptic consists of tar, xeroform and castor oil. Vishnevsky ointment is prescribed for boils and gynecological diseases accompanied by inflammation. The product is applied to the chest, fixed with a bandage, left for 2 - 3 hours, after which it is washed off. To reduce lipoma, you need to carry out the procedure 2 times every 7 days. Despite its effectiveness, the drug may have contraindications. If the patient has hypersensitivity to its components, use should be discontinued.
  3. Ichthyol ointment. The drug has an antiseptic effect. It is prescribed for pathologies accompanied by an infectious process. Ichthyol ointment can be used to treat gynecological pathology. The product helps eliminate itching. It restores the skin after ulcers and increases its turgor. Ichthyol ointment accelerates the regeneration of the dermis and also improves metabolism in cells. The effect appears 2-3 hours after application. The drug can give by-effect in the form of an allergy. It is not recommended to use it during pregnancy.

Unconventional methods of treatment

It is worth noting that these medications are not recognized official medicine. Before using them, you need to make sure there are no contraindications, including allergic reaction. Alternative therapy will not replace traditional therapy - it is important to remember this. The doctor must make a diagnosis and prescribe professional treatment.

In folk medicine, these remedies or products are used.

  1. Lard with garlic. To prepare the medicine, take 50 - 100 g of lard and grind it in a meat grinder. A head of crushed garlic is also added there. The mixture is applied to the chest three times a day.
  2. Healing plant Kalanchoe. You should rinse and cut it thoroughly, then apply it to the affected area. In order for the active components to penetrate deep into the subcutaneous structure, it should be secured with a gauze bandage. The compress is left until the morning.
  3. The mustache is golden. A fresh plant is applied to the area where there is a lipoma. To achieve maximum effect, cover the chest with polyethylene, put a fabric bandage on top and secure it. The compress is applied 1-2 times a day. The course of therapy lasts 15 days.
  4. Baked onion. Grind it in a meat grinder and add 50 g of grated laundry soap. Fans of alternative medicine recommend doing a compress 2 times a day. They claim that the lipoma is beginning to resolve.
  5. Cinnamon. Spice is added to food. It cleanses the blood and normalizes the functions of fatty structures.
  6. Product based on black currant. To prepare it, you need to take 40 g of dried (or fresh) currants and combine with 50 g of rose hips. The mixture is poured with 350 ml of boiling water. After 30 minutes it becomes ready. The medicine is filtered and 200 ml of beer is poured in (it is advisable to use light beer). The medicine is taken once a day on an empty stomach.
  7. Baths with the addition of pine needles. Fifty grams of fresh pine needles are poured into 300 ml of boiling water. The product is boiled in a water bath for 15 minutes and cooled. It is recommended to use once a day.

Preventive measures

To avoid tumors, you need to healthy image life. It is recommended to play sports, as the lack physical activity- a predisposing factor to disease. Physical inactivity leads to excess weight, and accordingly, the patient has health problems. It is necessary to pay attention to changes in the mammary glands.

If close relatives have been diagnosed with a benign formation, it is necessary to visit the doctor more often and undergo comprehensive diagnostics. Despite the fact that the formation is benign, the patient cannot distinguish it from cancer. The prognosis for lipoma is favorable. Surgery is not always prescribed. However, if the invasive procedure was performed correctly and the doctor completely removed the capsule, relapse is unlikely.

A benign breast tumor arising from adipose tissue. Usually the growth of neoplasia is not accompanied by pain or other discomfort. Lipoma is detected accidentally in the form of a round, smooth, elastic, painless mass formation. Diagnosed using methods ultrasound examination, mammography and cytological analysis material obtained using aspiration biopsy. With absence clinical symptoms Dynamic observation is shown. Large and fast-growing tumors are removed surgically by enucleation, aspiration, or sectoral resection.

General information

Treatment of breast lipoma

In the vast majority of cases, with a confirmed diagnosis of benign lipoma, patients with small tumors and no pain are recommended to undergo dynamic observation. Such women should undergo examination by a mammologist and mammography 1-2 times a year. There are no effective conservative treatments for fatty tumors. Some experts report the resorption of formations with a diameter of up to 2 cm after the administration of the glucocorticoid drug diprospan. However, this approach has not become widespread; a sufficient array of reliable data on its effectiveness has not yet been accumulated. When tumor growth accelerates, there is a gross cosmetic defect, significant pain Surgical removal of neoplasia is recommended. The method of performing the operation and the volume of intervention are determined taking into account the type of lipoma:

  • Enucleation of tumor with capsule. Indicated for nodular neoplasms. Enscaping the neoplasia with its surrounding membrane helps prevent relapse. The intervention is performed in the traditional way using a scalpel, using a laser or radio wave apparatus.
  • Aspiration of tumor contents. Adipose tissue is removed through a puncture of the skin of the mammary gland and the tumor capsule. There are no scars left after such an intervention. The disadvantage of this method is the inability to remove the lipoma membrane. Subsequently, this can lead to relapse of the tumor process.
  • Sectoral breast resection. The operation is indicated for diffuse forms of lipoma, large tumors and suspected malignancy of the neoplasm. Neoplasia is excised within healthy breast tissue along contours drawn under ultrasound guidance.

Prognosis and prevention

The prognosis is favorable. The tumor grows very slowly and usually does not cause discomfort. With proper surgical intervention, the disease is not prone to recurrence. Primary prevention of breast lipomas involves eliminating factors contributing to neogenesis, primarily traumatic and other injuries. Rational intake is recommended hormonal drugs, limited implementation of interventions that can provoke dishormonal conditions, sufficient physical activity And healthy eating. The task of secondary prevention is the timely detection of a tumor and the exclusion of the malignant nature of the neoplasm.


The appearance of any changes in the breast poses a threat to women's health. Breast lipoma is not uncommon; if its symptoms appear, you should urgently consult a doctor to rule out more serious diagnoses and begin breast treatment. You can see what a neoplasm is in the photo, for what reasons it occurs, how to identify it yourself - information useful for modern women.

What is breast lipoma

This disease is not considered dangerous and has a small chance of developing into a form of cancer. Benign neoplasm, developed from fat cells mammary gland, called lipoma or wen. The tumor can also be located in the tissue under the breast, on the sternum, and a wen on the nipple is possible. In this case, the neoplasm:

  • has a soft consistency;
  • round in shape;
  • does not cause pain upon palpation;
  • surrounded by a dense capsule of connective tissue.

The risk of degeneration of a benign lipoma into malignant neoplasm– liposarcoma – exists when there are:

  • large tumors;
  • injury to the mammary gland;
  • exposure to radiation on the body;
  • poisoning;
  • Availability somatic diseases in severe form;
  • factors of unfavorable environmental conditions;
  • hormonal imbalances.


Many mammologists believe that the main factors that result in the development of lipoma in the mammary gland are blockages sebaceous glands and hereditary predisposition (defect of one of the genes). There are other expert opinions. Name the reasons for the appearance of wen on mammary gland:

Factors contributing to the development of lipoma are:

  • breast stretch marks caused by pregnancy or breastfeeding;
  • congestion caused by an incorrectly selected bra;
  • taking hormonal medications;
  • loss of ovarian function during menopause;
  • disturbances in the functioning of the pancreas, thyroid gland, pituitary gland;
  • breast surgery;
  • pathology nervous system, gastrointestinal tract, excretory organs;
  • exposure to radiation;
  • stress;
  • smoking.

Symptoms of a wen in the mammary gland

Often the growth of a fatty tumor is asymptomatic. If there is a rapid change in tumor size, it is possible that pathological signs. These include:

  • the appearance of a round neoplasm in the subcutaneous fat;
  • deformation of the mammary gland due to tissue displacement;
  • the appearance of pain on palpation.

Symptoms of wen formation differ depending on the location of the tumor:

  • in the fatty tissue under the skin - protrudes above the surface of the chest, as in the photo, painless, inactive, diameter up to two centimeters;
  • in the depths of the mammary gland - found when instrumental study, is asymptomatic, when deposited in fibrous tissue calcium salts may cause discomfort and pain;
  • large lipomas up to 10 cm in size cause deformation of the mammary gland and pain due to compression of adjacent tissues.

Classification of fat formations

Experts distinguish by the number of neoplasms into single ones, found only in the chest, and multiple ones, found throughout the body. This is considered a hereditary predisposition. Wen on the chest is distinguished by shape and structure:

  • Diffuse lipoma - adipose tissue grows beyond the capsule, there are no clear contours. Shapeless compactions appear.
  • Nodular - a round-shaped capsule with precise boundaries.

In addition to fat cells, breast lipoma may consist of other tissues. Depending on this, a classification according to consistency is adopted:

  • lipofibroma of the mammary gland - a formation that is soft to the touch, based on adipose tissue;
  • angiolipoma – predominance of the network of blood vessels;
  • fibrolipoma of the mammary gland - contains connective tissue;
  • myolipoma – presence of fibers muscle structure;
  • myxolipoma – has a slimy fatty component.


If symptoms of lipoma appear, you should consult a mammologist. The doctor will begin the diagnosis with a survey and medical history. Next follow:

  • visual examination of the breast;
  • palpation of the mammary glands - detection of a mobile or dense neoplasm;
  • appointment biochemical analysis blood to identify metabolic disorders;
  • ultrasonography;
  • performing mammography of the mammary glands;
  • if necessary, perform a biopsy of the tumor;
  • histological examination of the obtained tissues - the nature of the lipoma is clarified.

Treatment methods

When a tumor is detected small sizes, if it does not cause concern, treatment is not carried out. The lipoma is regularly monitored and changes in size are monitored. There is evidence that the wen is excluded from the general lipid metabolism in the body, so it is not affected medicines. Treatment methods include:

  • monitoring the condition of the lipoma;
  • carrying out preventive measures;
  • when dangerous symptoms of tumor changes appear, the likelihood of developing into malignant form, – surgical method treatment.

Conservative therapy

Modern medicine does not have drugs to reduce the size of lipoma. Conservative therapy includes wait-and-see tactics if the growth of the tumor is slow or absent. The tumor is monitored if there is no tendency for it to increase, the appearance of cosmetic problems and pain. Mammologists recommend that women with lipoma, especially after 45 years:

  • undergo quarterly ultrasound;
  • do a mammogram every six months and donate blood for the CA-15-3 tumor marker.

Drug treatment

Since there are no medications that can help reduce the size of a tumor in the mammary gland, the causes that provoke the development of lipoma are treated. For this purpose, drug correction of conditions is used. Doctors recommend:

  • for hormonal imbalance - Duphaston - an analogue of progesterone, used only as prescribed by a mammologist;
  • immunostimulants – Timalin, used in injections, increases cellular immunity;
  • vitamin and mineral complexes - for general support of the body.

Treatment of breast lipoma with folk remedies

Experts believe that the use of recipes traditional medicine does not give results in the presence of a wen in the mammary gland. To prevent the growth of lipoma, metabolic processes can be restored. For this purpose, means are used medicinal herbs and plants. Prescriptions must be agreed with a doctor; self-medication is unacceptable. To normalize metabolic processes, take orally:

  • decoction of fireweed tea;
  • juice of fresh nettle leaves;
  • water infusion of knotweed, St. John's wort, hawthorn, chamomile;
  • tea with strawberry leaves and stems;
  • decoction of dandelion leaves.

Surgical removal of the tumor

It is believed that the most effective method of treating lipoma is surgery. It is prescribed for indications for surgery. These include:

  • tumor necrosis;
  • risk of degeneration into a malignant neoplasm;
  • Availability hereditary factors;
  • compression of tissues, blood vessels, nerve endings by lipoma, painful;;
  • severe deformation of the breast, nipple;
  • high growth rate;
  • severe pain.

During surgery, the capsule is removed along with its contents, which eliminates the risk of relapse. There are several ways surgical removal lipomas:

  • lipectomy using a scalpel;
  • laser removal - requires special equipment;
  • excision using a radio wave knife;
  • pumping out the contents from the capsule - puncture - there is a possibility of new filling with fat;
  • injection of a drug into the tumor that promotes the resorption of the lipoma.

Laser removal

This method surgical intervention considered low-traumatic. The operation is bloodless - the laser seals small blood vessels. The rehabilitation process takes short period. During the operation:

  • the risk of hematoma formation is reduced - there is no mechanical trauma to tissue;
  • infection is excluded;
  • none postoperative scars;
  • It is possible to control the depth of the cut, which eliminates damage to healthy tissue.

Removal of a lipoma using a laser is carried out only when the tumor is located in the subcutaneous tissue. The operation lasts several minutes. When executing it:

  • local anesthesia is administered;
  • laser beam the skin is cut;
  • the edges of the wound are moved apart to expose the capsule;
  • the tumor is grasped with forceps;
  • pulled out;
  • the edges of the wound are tightened and fixed;
  • The lipoma is sent for histological examination.

Radio wave method

The operation is carried out using a radio wave knife - a tungsten filament under electrical voltage. When using the method, tumors no larger than 6 cm in size are removed. Advantages of the radio wave method:

  • low morbidity;
  • neat incision - after the operation a small scar remains;
  • absence of blood - under the influence high temperature sealing of blood vessels occurs.

The operation has contraindications - diabetes, the presence of metal implants in the patient's body. Before the intervention, local anesthesia is performed. During surgery doctor:

  • performs breast resection with a thin tungsten thread;
  • peels out the capsule with its contents;
  • sends biomaterial for research.

Rehabilitation after removal of a benign tumor

After surgery, dressings must be done so as not to cause infection. The procedures are carried out until a crust forms at the suture site. Rehabilitation after lipoma removal includes:

  • use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs to reduce pain;
  • wound treatment antiseptics;
  • taking vitamin complexes;
  • use of immunomodulators;
  • the use of antibiotics to combat inflammation after surgery;
  • use of ointments for fast healing, reducing swelling.

Prognosis for treatment of breast wen and possible complications

Surgical removal of breast lipoma in women has a favorable prognosis in most cases. After the operation, no health problems arise, and there is no risk of relapse. It is important that several conditions are met. Among them:

  • timely diagnosis of tumor;
  • completing the rehabilitation course in full;
  • following all doctor's recommendations.

If mammary lipomatosis is diagnosed in an advanced state, there are unfavorable factors that contribute to the degeneration of the wen into a malignant neoplasm, and serious complications of the disease cannot be ruled out. The biggest danger is the development of liposarcoma. An increase in tumor size with lipofibrosis can provoke.

They can appear not only in the chest, but also in other parts of the body, but they do not pose a serious danger to the patient’s life if removed in a timely manner. Most often, lipoma in the breast occurs in women after 40 years of age for a variety of reasons.

The exact cause of lipoma is difficult to determine. Usually, with such a diagnosis, they donate blood and undergo additional tests to identify problems in the body.

With a lipoma, part of the adipose tissue is transformed and forms a capsule. In rare cases, this formation grows into other tissues, blood vessels, and muscles.In fact, all the factors that are often called the causes of lipoma are only prerequisites.

Common causes of wen in the mammary gland:

  • It is believed that women with overweight. However, there is no definite opinion on this matter. Wen can also appear in a thin woman, but with sudden weight loss, the wen does not disappear. There is fatty tissue in the breasts at any weight. However poor nutrition, an abundance of fatty foods and rapid weight gain can contribute to the development.
  • Various hormonal imbalances lead to such formations. This also applies to metabolism and other disorders. Women taking oral contraceptives are at risk.
  • Physical inactivity is also a provoking factor. With insufficient physical activity, lymph flow is disrupted.
  • Injuries can lead to the formation of lipomas.
  • Wearing the wrong underwear is also dangerous. It interferes with blood flow and can lead to lipomas. The bra must fit correctly and not squeeze or rub your breasts.
  • Alcohol abuse and smoking are known to weaken the body and lead to many troubles. Poor blood circulation and lymph flow, the formation of lipomas are among them.
  • Sometimes the cause is the accumulation of waste in the body or a blockage of the sweat gland in the chest.

Symptoms of breast lipoma are usually purely cosmetic. These formations are usually painless. But outwardly it looks like a lump or lump in the chest. It feels like plastic dough to the touch. Lipoma may cause some discomfort, for example, when wearing underwear or moving.

A lipoma can be located in any part of the chest.

Each type of lipoma can manifest itself differently. For example, fibrolipoma, the most dangerous and difficult to treat, can be quite painful.

Diagnosis and conservative treatment

Unfortunately, more effective than surgery, does not currently exist. There are many statements regarding the treatment of lipoma with conservative methods, but so far they are all ineffective.

First you need to carry out diagnostic procedures. If a woman finds a lump in her breast, she should immediately contact a mammologist. The doctor will examine her and already at the palpation stage will report the expected. Then you need to undergo an additional examination, CT scan or CT scan, to determine the size, boundaries of the lipoma, its location and types.

A woman has the right to demand that the wen be removed from the mammary gland. The fact is that it is not always possible to reliably distinguish a malignant formation from a benign one. And the procedure for removing a cancerous tumor is significantly different from removing a wen. Therefore, it is advisable to first do a biopsy and send the material for histological examination. Incorrectly operated cancer tumor quickly grows and metastasizes.

On a mamogram and on an ultrasound screen, a lipoma looks like a spot with fairly clear contours. This is on ultrasound. On palpation, the wen may shrink. However, all these examinations without a biopsy cannot guarantee 100% absence of cancer cells.

Unfortunately, it has not yet been proven that lipoma can resolve on its own under the influence of any medications.

Therefore, the only treatment method is surgical.If the doctor is unsure of the origin of the lipoma or the diagnosis, he may postpone surgery and regularly check the patient's condition. In this case, it is necessary to undergo regular examination and do it at least once every 3 months. If the lipoma suddenly becomes very painful and begins to grow, it must be removed immediately.

Despite the fact that the lipoma itself is not life-threatening, there is always a risk that it can degenerate into a malignant neoplasm. Especially if it quickly increases and deforms the breast, and is also injured by underwear.

Lipoma can be removed using the standard method or using a laser. The second method is safer in terms of, and also does not leave scars or scars.Small lipomas are not always removed immediately. Typically, a mammologist recommends regular check-ups and monitoring of tumor development. If it does not increase in size, it is not removed.However, if the tumor grows, deforms the breast and there are already traces of tissue necrosis, it is necessary to urgently remove the lipoma.

Usually the lipoma is removed under local anesthesia, unless it is too large and difficult to reach. Wen patients are prone to relapses, but when laser removal this probability is much lower. Besides laser surgery painless and eliminates bleeding.Lipomas removed by puncture most often grow again. The contents of the wen are simply sucked out, but the capsule itself remains in the chest and can be filled again.

The conventional surgical method of lipoma removal is also quite effective and the risk of recurrence is low, but scars cannot be avoided.

In some cases, they carry out medical removal lipomas, that is special drugs using a needle, it is injected directly into the wen, after which it should be destroyed from the inside and shrink. However, this treatment is very long and requires constant monitoring.

Useful video - breast lipoma.

Enough effective method removal of lipoma - radio wave. It should not be used by people with metal objects in their bodies. The good thing about this method is that it leaves no scars. Radio waves are sent directly to the lipoma, burning it from the inside. After this, instead of the wen, a small crust remains, which dissolves on its own.

Lipoma removal does not require hospitalization. After the procedure, the patient is sent home with a list of medications and recommendations. She must come at the appointed time to check and process the seams.Lipoma treatment does not stop with surgery. Postoperative procedures no less important. The woman is prescribed antibiotics to avoid infection, treatment of sutures with antiseptic drugs, as well as various vitamin complexes And homeopathic medicines to strengthen the body.

Complications and prevention

Breast lipoma - consequences and preventive actions

Modern medicine has achieved that a lipoma detected and removed in time has practically no consequences. But if the lipoma is not removed, complications cannot be avoided.

Possible complications of lipoma:

  • The worst thing and dangerous complication Wen is cancer. Any tumor can become malignant under the influence of unfavorable factors. This should be understood and not wait until the lipoma disappears on its own.
  • Of course, there is also an aesthetic aspect. Lipomas can be quite large in size and severely deform the breasts. This is not only unsightly, but also very dangerous.
  • Lipoma can also fester and become inflamed. This is a painful process that can lead to tissue necrosis.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to insure yourself against lipoma. It can appear anywhere there is adipose tissue, and this does not always depend on the lifestyle and actions of the person himself. It also plays a role environment, And hormonal background, and heredity.

However, there are some rules that will help reduce the risk of this unpleasant occurrence:

  • There is a theory that drugs called statins slow down the growth of adipose tissue and the formation of lipomas. However, this version has no scientific confirmation.
  • Everything needs to be treated on time skin diseases, and also protect the skin from the sun, hypothermia and exposure to various chemicals.
  • It is important to observe the rules of personal hygiene. Blockage of pores and sebaceous glands leads to the formation of boils, which can then transform into lipomas.
  • For women who have never had lipomas, it still wouldn’t hurt to visit a mammologist every six months. Small wen may not cause any discomfort to the woman, but the doctor will notice them and register the patient for follow-up.
  • Proper nutrition and avoidance of alcohol serve as an excellent prevention of many diseases, including the occurrence of lipomas.

Removing a lipoma does not guarantee the absence of relapses. Therefore, prevention is also important after surgery. It is recommended to get regular and sufficient rest, reduce fat intake, choose a suitable method of contraception so as not to affect the body with artificial hormones, and also do not forget about regular check-ups with a doctor.

Hello, dear readers! Today we will talk about what it is breast lipoma , is it about oncology and why is it dangerous tumor for the patient if it is dangerous!

So, lipoma - what is it? This tumor (neoplasia) belongs to the category of oncological diseases. Could it be Such a formation as a lipoma is asked by patients with a similar diagnosis. In no case and does not even become one!

Lipoma - benign connective tissue formation, originates from loose subcutaneous fiber. Sometimes neoplasia penetrates between the muscles and bundles of blood vessels up to the periosteum, but more often it quietly “sits” in the adipose tissue and does not malignize (do not transform into a malignant formation). It is extremely rare (in exceptional cases) that such neoplasia transforms into connective tissue cancer—liposarcoma.

The word "lipoma" comes from Latin word“fat”, therefore in everyday life it is often called a wen or a fatty tumor. The disease can be independent or a manifestation of lipomatosis (multifocal damage to the body by similar tumors). ICD 10 code classifies the disease as section D-17. About 10% of detected breast tumors are lipomas.

Who is diagnosed with pathology?

These neoplasms are most often diagnosed among women in the premenopausal period, at the time of onset (age 40 years and older). At this age, fibrous tissue most often predominates in the tumor.

If neoplasia is diagnosed in women of childbearing age, cytological picture more diverse (fat cells, mucus or connective tissue predominate).

The disease is diagnosed not only in women, but also in men (yes, the stronger sex also has a mammary gland, and there may be diseases of this organ).

What about the children, you ask. Unfortunately, this disease does not bypass this category of the population either. Lipomas can be diagnosed in children and adolescents . Most often these are girls under 14 years old. In this case, consultation with a mammologist is mandatory!

Signs of illness

Subjective symptoms There are no tumor appearances. Most often these are small formations up to 2 centimeters. Rarely, formations grow up to 10 centimeters in diameter.

Upon palpation examination, neoplasia appears as neoplasms:

  • elastic;
  • elastic;
  • round;
  • with clear boundaries;
  • not fused with surrounding tissues, but inactive.

The tumor is painless and is usually detected accidentally during scheduled inspection, when carrying out , in the photograph .

What does such a neoplasm look like?

Every woman should know what does lipoma look like . If this is a superficial (subcutaneous) formation, you can easily see and feel a slightly protruding “bump”, elastic and elastic. If the neoplasia is located deep in the tissue, you will not see it at all. This can be done by a doctor during examination using hardware diagnostics.

On ultrasound the doctor sees a hyperechoic (light gray) formation in the glandular tissues with clear boundaries. CT scan shows homogeneous (homogeneous) structures with clear contours. The tissue density corresponds to fat.

X-ray the picture shows the lipoma on the contrary as a lighter formation than the surrounding tissue. See comparison signs the appearance of one of the types of lipomas on Ultrasound and mammography image (picture below).

If the tumor was large (a giant wen weighing about half a kilogram and size about 5-12 centimeters) and it was removed, it looks something like this:

Classification of lipomas

The tumor is classified according to the number of formations in the breast (single and multiple), according to the shape and structure of neoplasia, forms of the disease are distinguished:

Fatty tumor in a nodular form, it is a rounded formation, clearly limited by a capsule, which, being enucleated along with the capsule, looks like a ball filled with fat.

Fatty tumor in diffuse form grows through the capsule and loses its clear rounded outline.

According to the location of the formation, it is customary to distinguish:

  • intramammary formations, defined against the background of glandular tissue (grow between the lobules of the mammary gland);
  • subcutaneous, not affecting the parenchyma of the organ;
  • deep tumors localized behind the mammary glands.

Typically, such neoplasias develop in one gland. If tissues are affected right breast , this does not mean that you will ever have problems with left breast.

According to the cytological picture , there are several types of lipomas:

  • myolipoma;
  • myxolipoma;
  • angiolipoma;
  • lipofibroma;
  • adenolipoma;
  • hemartoma ( fibroadenolipoma);
  • classic lipoma or wen, represented exclusively by adipocytes (adipose tissue cells).

In the first case, fibrous cells predominate in the tumor tissues (this type of tumor is found in older patients). In the second, the neoplasm contains a combination of adipose tissue and muscle fibers. In the third, the tumor is a combination of fat and mucus.

An angiolipoma is a tumor in which vascular network cells are found in the biopsy specimen. It is believed that such a formation is literally entangled in a network of capillaries. Lipofibromas are neoplasias composed primarily of adipose tissue with a small amount of fibrous tissue.

Adenolipoma is a formation consisting of glandular epithelial cells and adipose tissue. There are also combinations of the neoplasias described above (hemartoma).

Causes of the disease

Discussions in the medical community regarding reasons illnesses continue. The formation of tumors from adipose tissue is considered a multicausal process. There are 4 main theories put forward:

  1. Metabolic.
  2. Genetic.
  3. Hormonal.
  4. Exogenous or regulatory.

Metabolic , attributes the leading role in the development of the disease to the accumulation of low-density lipoproteins in tissues. These substances diffuse poorly through the walls of blood vessels, accumulate in the intercellular space and are covered with a connective tissue capsule.

Genetic focuses on the defect of a specific gene leading to hereditary lipomatosis.

Hormonal - highlights hormonal changes in the body (this explains the growth of tumors in teenage girls and women about 45 years old). Failure in the development or involution of the gland leads to the formation of neoplasia.

The regulatory theory states that adipocytes are distributed in tissues according to a specific program regulated by the internal mechanisms of the body. If the mechanism fails, adipocytes accumulate in one place and become overgrown with a fibrous capsule.

Factors contributing to the growth of wen and combined formations include:

  • wearing tight underwear;

Some authors even believe that neglect of hygiene requirements leads to disruption of sebum (sebum) and indirectly stimulates the formation of adipose tissue tumors. Most likely, the causes of the disease are a complex of several factors that negatively affect the mammary gland.


Since neoplasia is not accompanied characteristic symptoms, the main importance is non-invasive hardware and cytological diagnostics:

  1. Protocol Ultrasound examination describes iso- or hyperechoic formations in the bust area. Increased echogenicity is echo signs , indicating the predominance of fibrous cells.
  2. An x-ray or mammogram shows this tumor as x-ray transparent (light, light gray) formation. The capsule of the lipoma is radio-opaque (clearly visible, the outline is darker than the tumor). X-ray does not make it possible to identify diffuse proliferation, since there is no clearly visualized capsule.
  3. most often taken method aspiration. Cytology (the study of cells) provides the most reliable information about the structure of the tumor. Use this method for verification (confirmation) diagnosis.

If necessary, the doctor may prescribe a CT scan or a blood test to determine CA-15-3 glycoproteins. This . For staging diagnosis a breast oncologist is often involved. There is no need to be afraid of this. The doctor will examine you for distinguish lipoma from other breast tumors, primarily mastopathy, fibroadenoma, liposarcoma or bust involution. WITH the described neoplasms are usually not confused.


Methods treatments depend on sizes and type of tumor. If you have a small tumor 1- 5 mm , the doctor recommends dynamic observation. Unfortunately, conservative therapy, including treatment folk remedies not effective for fatty tissues. These tumors are either removed or observed.

They are removed in several cases:

  • if you are planning pregnancy;
  • the wen has formed under the skin and disfigures the appearance, causing psychological discomfort;
  • the tumor has reached a large size and compresses the gland, causing pain and causing necrosis;
  • the tumor grows rapidly (high risk of malignancy);
  • signs of liposarcoma appeared.

What to do if you are pregnant and have a tumor? Listen to your doctor's advice. Most likely, you will only be recommended observation. Removal required if the neoplasia is causing pain and growing rapidly. Outside pregnancy The tumor can be removed at the request of the patient.

Nodular neoplasms are enucleated along with the capsule. The operation is called “enucleation” and is performed for the nodular form of the tumor.

With the growth of “pure” lipomas, aspiration of fat from the neoplasm is possible. Advantages of the procedure: no scar after operation , the disadvantage is the inability to remove the fibrous capsule and the risk of relapse.

If a diffuse tumor has formed in the gland, doctors recommend resection (removal) of the affected sector with a section of healthy tissue.

For neoplasia of the small size minimally invasive procedures may be offered (cryosurgery, laser correction, radio wave therapy).

Recommendations after surgery are of a general nature: harmonious nutrition, moderate physical activity, exclusion of injuries and other factors that provoke neogenesis (growth of new formations), including rational use of OCs (contraceptives in tablets).