
Severe pain during teething. How to numb the pain when a child is teething

Teething is one of the most painful moments in a child's life. You can help him with the help of “improvised” means or special preparations.

At the age of 7 - 9 months, children begin to erupt milk teeth. In most cases, this process does not go unnoticed by either the baby or his parents: the child experiences discomfort, becomes capricious, and adults, in turn, think about how to help their baby without harming them. Today, there are several ways to facilitate teething; one of the most effective among them are special gels for gums. But is it always necessary to use them and how safe are they?

Signs of teething

Depending on the individual characteristics of the child, the symptoms of teething can be completely different, but a number of common, most common signs can be identified:

  1. Increased swelling and redness of the gums.
  2. Be restful sleep, loss of appetite, desire to gnaw on everything in sight.
  3. The appearance of a white stripe before the immediate appearance of the tooth.
  4. General deterioration of condition.
  5. Increased body temperature, rhinitis (runny nose), cough (mainly), diarrhea as possible accompanying teething process.

Important! If symptoms such as fever, cough occur, there is a possibility that the causes of their occurrence will be misdiagnosed. There are often cases when they are caused by various kinds of infections (diseases), and have nothing to do with teething.

During the process of tooth growth, biological release occurs. active substances, contributing to an increase in temperature. An increase in the range of 37 to 38.5 degrees is considered normal. Diarrhea in such cases is explained by stimulation of intestinal motility due to the constant ingestion of saliva. In cases where the temperature exceeds the specified limit, and diarrhea lasts for several days more than 3 times a day, It is recommended to seek advice from a specialist - a pediatrician.

READ IN DETAIL: From how many months do the first teeth cut and in what order?

How to help your child

Special rubberized semi-hard teethers will help relieve discomfort. Usually they are filled with water, they can be placed in the refrigerator for a while and cooled, then the baby will feel a pleasant cold, which, together with a massage while chewing, will reduce itching (teethers -). The child can massage his gums himself using a donut or crust. If this is enough for your baby, then use medicines not necessary.

Most children experience this period of life very painfully: they cannot sleep, constantly cry and ask to be held. This condition creates a burden on nervous system, especially vulnerable in early age. In such cases, gels developed specifically for children can be used to relieve inflammation of the gums, relieve pain and normalize sleep. They are safe and have virtually no contraindications.

Note! not all products are suitable for babies breastfeeding: when they get on the tongue, they complicate the sucking process. In particular, this applies to drugs containing lidocaine.

In addition, try to give as much attention, care, and affection as possible. Play, distract your baby, offer your breast (if you are breastfeeding), take him to bedtime, carry him in your arms as much as possible.

How to use pain relief gel

Before using the medication, you must carefully study the instructions and be sure to pay attention to age restrictions. If the requirements are violated, the result may be ineffective or short-term.

To achieve maximum effect when using gels, you should adhere to the following recommendations:

  • use for severe discomfort in a child;
  • use every 3-4 hours, but no more than 3-5 times a day;
  • do not apply large amounts of gel;
  • lubricate the gums with your finger (previously thoroughly washed!) or a cotton swab, while making circular massage movements.

Usually medical drug required when the first teeth erupt, for several days, and also after one year. The remaining teeth appear with less pronounced painful signs.

TOP – 7 gels for teething

Available in pharmacies wide range children's gels, and sometimes it is very difficult to make a choice. In accordance with the ratings and reviews of young mothers, we will highlight the most popular:

  • Dentinox

Local anesthetic gel quickly eliminates pain and discomfort during teething in children different ages, prevents the development of inflammatory processes in the oral mucosa thanks to chamomile infusion and a number of biologically active substances. Disadvantage: contains lidocaine (allergic reactions are possible; not recommended for breastfeeding). average price– 320 rubles.

  • Holisal

Eliminates inflammation, swelling of the gums, provides an analgesic effect. It is not washed off by saliva and retains its anti-inflammatory effect for up to eight hours. Prevents the penetration of bacteria and viruses, protects the microflora of the oral cavity. Advantages: does not contain lidocaine; indicated for use during breastfeeding, as it does not reduce the sensitivity of the tongue. Price – 280 rubles.

Note to moms!

Hello girls) I didn’t think that the problem of stretch marks would affect me too, and I’ll also write about it))) But there’s nowhere to go, so I’m writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method helps you too...

  • Kalgel

It has a cooling, analgesic (local anesthetic) effect due to lidocaine hydrochloride. Anti-inflammatory gel, facilitates the process of teething. Advantages: instant effect. Disadvantages: short-term effect, up to 30 minutes; contains an anesthetic. Price – 340 rubles.

A product made from plant extracts of echinacea, chamomile, plantain, calendula eliminates pain, prevents the appearance of inflammatory processes in the oral mucosa, destroys bacteria, disinfects, heals, strengthens gums and relieves irritation. Advantages: contains only natural ingredients. Disadvantage: no pronounced analgesic effect. Price – 320 rubles.

The combined drug contains medicinal chamomile, has antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, healing and regenerating properties, relieves pain. Advantages: quickly reduces pain, has a long-lasting effect. Disadvantage: Contains lidocaine. Price – 220 rubles.

Has a quick analgesic effect. Pain relief for two hours. Contains benzocaine and excipients. Disadvantage: relieves pain for a short period of time. Price – 180 rubles.

  • Pansoral

Soothes gums thanks to the plant extracts included in the composition and has a softening effect. Advantage: completely natural preparation. Disadvantage: no pronounced analgesic effect. Price – 360 rubles.

How to avoid problems?

Often, young parents neglect the information contained in the instructions and end up with a lot of unpleasant consequences. Possible complications:

  • inflammation and suppuration of the gums;
  • allergic reaction;
  • rash.

Inflammation and suppuration of the gums

Typically, such phenomena do not pose a great danger to the baby’s health. They do not require medical intervention and, with proper care, disappear after a while. It is recommended to treat the gums with tissue swabs previously soaked in herbal decoction (medicinal chamomile, sage, calendula). This helps relieve inflammatory processes and destroys pathogenic microbes.

Allergic reaction or rash

All gels for gums can be divided into three groups:

  1. painkillers - containing lidocaine.
  2. anti-inflammatory.
  3. homeopathic - plant-based.

Most often, allergic reactions occur to the anesthetic lidocaine (lidocaine hydrochloride). In this case, you should stop using the gel containing it and replace it with another, for example, based on extracts from medicinal herbs- chamomile, calendula, etc.

To avoid problems, follow these recommendations::

  1. Use the gel only in cases where teethers and other “improvised means” do not help, the child cries a lot and is irritated.
  2. To select a medication, contact your dentist, tell us about all the characteristics of your baby, individual intolerance to certain components (if any).
  3. If side effects occur, you should immediately stop using the drug and visit a doctor.


  • Associated problems with teething -
  • How to relieve your baby's pain from teething: 5 effective advice. Video consultations with specialists, plus personal experience mommies -

Gel is a last resort that should be used only in cases where other methods do not bring any effect and the baby suffers greatly. Parents must strictly comply with all the requirements of the annotation and under no circumstances allow situations where the child receives pain relief in the form of medications at the first squeak. Compliance with the most simple recommendations will help ease the teething period in your children and avoid consequences.


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12 effective ways teach your child to brush their teeth -

A child grinds his teeth a lot in his sleep: is it a disease or normal? —

Any troubles associated with teeth are very painful even for an adult, let alone children! Already at six months, the little person has to endure the first painful sensations due to the incisors starting to peck.

And this is just the beginning! New teeth will grow up to two and a half years, but still the first ones will be the most difficult. Therefore, parents often ask the question: how to treat? Of course, there is no need to treat teething, this is a natural process, but think about how relieve pain during teething, costs. Moreover, they can be accompanied by such unpleasant things as:

  • Stool disorder (diarrhea or constipation);
  • Temperature increase;
  • Runny nose and cough;
  • Vomit;
  • Diathesis;
  • Loss of appetite.

As you can see, the accompanying symptoms can be so varied that you may need to see a doctor to make sure that your baby is just teeth break through.

If the baby worries a lot, cries often, sleeps poorly, and swelling of the gums is added to this, but no other signs of the disease are observed, then there can be no doubt that your teeth are breaking through.

How to relieve teething pain: non-drug remedies

Of course, if the baby painful teething, you give him medicine. But is one enough? pain reliever for teething? After all, the possibilities of its use are strictly limited by the dosage, and the teeth ache almost constantly.

Massage the gums with your finger or silicone brush

  • Finger. Run a clean finger back and forth over your baby's gums, pressing lightly. You can wrap your finger in damp gauze.
  • Chemo swab. We fold a piece of gauze several times, moisten it in cold boiled water and make the same movements as with a finger. Advantage: cold.
  • A teaspoon wrapped in a gauze bandage. The bandage should also be soaked in cool water.
  • Silicone brush. A special brush for massaging a baby’s gums and cleaning teeth, made of silicone, fits on an adult’s finger, and is very comfortable.

Teethers for gums

Teethers for gums during teething in babies, Among other things, they are also good because the baby can work with them independently - they are produced in the form of toys. Teethers There are different types: latex, silicone, food-grade plastic, wooden. Particularly interesting are vibrating teethers and silicone ones filled with water, which can be cooled in the refrigerator. The latter are especially effective.

Cold food

For pain relief You can offer your baby chilled pieces of fruit, but be careful so that the child does not get a sore throat. It is very convenient to use a nibbler so that the baby can suck the offered fruit himself.

How to help your baby teething with medications

Action medications, used during teething, is aimed at reducing pain and inflammation, and if necessary, reducing the temperature.

Choosing what relieve baby teething pain, we also pay attention to the release form of the medicine. According to the form of release they are divided into gels, suppositories and products taken orally (tablets, suspensions, syrups).

Topical gels

Are applied directly on the gums, have a cooling, analgesic and anti-inflammatory action .

  • Kalgel- the most common remedy used during teething in children. The active ingredient here is lidocaine hydrochloride, a rather serious painkiller, and cetylpyridinium chloride is also present, which has antiseptic properties.
  • Kamistad Baby– based on chamomile extract and pain reliever polidocanol. Disinfects, relieves pain, relieves inflammation.
  • Dentinox-gel- another gel based on chamomile and polidocanol, there is also lidocaine, and this is additional pain relief.
  • Dentol baby- Here active substance benzocaine, a local anesthetic.
  • Holisal– antiseptic and anti-inflammatory agent. Not only relieves pain, but also disinfects the oral cavity.
  • Pansoral “First teeth” is a homeopathic remedy.
  • Carmolis– gel based medicinal herbs and propolis.
  • Baby Doctor "First Teeth"- gel based on medicinal herbs.
  • Gummy oil stands a little separately in this row, since it is not a gel, but an oil, or rather, a mixture of vegetable essential oils: almond, chamomile and lavender. Apply to the gums using a gauze pad.

Medicines taken orally

These include - tablets, drops, syrups, suspensions. Used in case of general pain, high fever, or in combination with gel, if there is a need to resort to To medicinal assistance more often than the instructions allow.
But in cases with infants, still anal suppositories are preferable to drugs taken orally.

  • Dantinorm Baby - homeopathic medicine, which is available in the form of a solution in ampoules and taken orally.
  • Dentokind- Available in the form of lozenges. But can you imagine a baby sucking on a pill? Therefore, the medicine has to be dissolved in water and given orally, and this is no longer very effective.
  • Nurofen– contains ibuprofen, an antipyretic, analgesic and anti-inflammatory agent. Available in the form of suspension and syrup.
  • Panadol contains paracetamol. Has the same properties as Nurofen. Available in the form of suspension and syrup.
  • Combination of diphenhydramine with valerian– a modern “folk remedy” used for teething. Crush ¼ tablet of diphenhydramine together with ½ tablet of valerian, dissolve in water and spray into the baby’s mouth from a dosing syringe (you can use an ordinary disposable one, just without a needle).


Candles(anal suppositories) are intended for insertion into the intestines. The main advantage of suppositories is that the intestines absorb medicinal substances better, they can relieve general state child, the effect occurs much faster than when taking medications orally, and besides, there is no need to force the baby to swallow anything. In order not to injure the baby, the candle should be warmed in the palm of your hand before inserting it into the anus.

  • Nurofen- essentially, these are suppositories with ibuprofen, which has an analgesic, anti-inflammatory and antipyretic effect. Nurofen is also available in the form of a suspension or syrup, but suppositories are preferable for infants.
  • Panadol contains another analgesic and antipyretic drug – paracetamol. Also available in the form of suspension and syrup.
  • Viburkol- mild homeopathic remedy.

Folk remedies for teething

Should I give medication for teething baby or remember what remedies did our grandmothers use? Some folk remedies can be quite effective.

Calming herbs will help relieve anxiety, ease your general condition, and help you sleep. They can be taken orally by brewing herbal tea.

  • Chamomile;
  • Sage;
  • Mint;
  • Valerian - a decoction or infusion of this herb can also be added when bathing before bed, and if you stuff a pillow with it, your baby's sleep will significantly improve.
  • Clove oil- an effective pain reliever that can be used when massaging the gums, but for children it is necessary to dilute it twice with olive, almond or linseed oil. Before using it on your child, test the effect of the oil on yourself.

IMPORTANT! In addition, do not forget that the use of folk remedies may entail allergic reaction The child has. Before choosing a product for use, consult your pediatrician and check the product for allergies.

Diarrhea during teething

Sometimes appearance of the first teeth accompanied by such an unpleasant phenomenon as diarrhea. In this case, first of all you need to consult a doctor to make sure that it is not intestinal infection. If these are still teeth, then the usual fixing agents are used according to age - for example, smecta. Naturally, in this case, the use of medicinal suppositories is excluded; you will have to look for other opportunities to alleviate the baby’s condition.

Useful video

Doctor Komarovsky answers the question whether it is worth giving a child medicine if the temperature rises during teething.

Can a teether help with teething, is it necessary, and which teether is better: advice from Dr. Komarovsky.


Before deciding what to give during teething, you should make sure that the reason painful condition the child is in the teeth. Most likely, you will have to see a doctor for this.

In order to help your child during this period, you will need a combination of local remedies (teethers, better cooled ones, massage, cooling gels) and general action(anti-inflammatory, sedative, antipyretic).

If teething in a child is not accompanied by such manifestations as heat and diarrhea, just use local remedies in combination with sedative herbs.

Photos and videos: free Internet sources

The appearance of the first tooth is one of the most long-awaited events for parents of a baby in the first year of life. Most often, a child begins teething at 6 months, but it is quite possible that a baby may become the owner of his first teeth several months earlier or later than the generally accepted date. This does not indicate developmental disorders, the presence birth defects or pathologies, but speaks only about physiological characteristics crumbs. For a baby's body, the time when teeth are being cut is stressful, and everyone copes with it in their own way.

A child’s first tooth is a reason for joy and pride for parents. You should not get too hung up on the timing of its appearance - they depend on the individual development of the child

Despite the fact that parents are looking forward to it, they are at the same time afraid of the appearance of the first tooth, because such a period is inextricably linked with painful sensations for the child and various associated symptoms. Many of the signs of early teeth can be attributed to infection, a cold, or even poisoning. Restless behavior at this time only confirms such fears. Precursors of a tooth that is already cutting may appear in a child 3-5 days before eruption. In order not to confuse the first teeth with anything, it is enough to remember the main symptoms. As soon as the tooth being cut passes through the mucous membrane of the gum, the baby will immediately feel relief.

Common signs of teething

The answer to the question of how to find out that a baby is cutting a tooth is directly related to his behavior. Signs that clearly promise the imminent appearance of the first teeth:

  • Red swollen gums. Since in most cases the lower central incisors are cut first, attention should first be paid to the gum below. It happens that just before eruption it turns pale or may even turn blue.
  • Constant salivation in large quantities. This sign should be attributed to the fact that a child is losing a tooth only if the baby has already reached six months of age. In newborns and children up to 5 months, increased salivation is due to the development salivary glands(we recommend reading: ).
  • Baby's constant desire to put something in his mouth, including your own pens. Thus, he simply seeks to scratch the inflamed gums.
  • Temperature increase. Reason elevated temperature is local inflammation. This temperature should not go beyond 38 degrees, and if infant She behaves normally, there is no need to knock her down with antipyretic medications. In his video lessons, Dr. Komarovsky explains that if the temperature during the period when teeth are being cut is above 38, then the child simply got sick due to a weakened immune system.
  • Rash and skin irritation. When babies are cutting their first teeth, rashes, redness of the skin and blisters may be observed around the mouth. This is a completely natural reaction of sensitive baby skin to constant contact with saliva. It is necessary to regularly wipe your face from saliva.
  • Sleep disturbance and poor appetite. During teething, when the baby is in the most pain, he may refuse the breast and wake up frequently during the night. To alleviate the condition in such cases, it is worth using special children's painkillers appropriate for the child's age.
  • Crying and restless behavior. It is not only the process of teething that can cause unabated crying; the general condition of children should always be assessed, taking into account all existing symptoms.

How to recognize symptoms caused by teething?

It is considered quite normal that the process of teething is accompanied by fever, upset stomach, cough and runny nose. However, you shouldn’t blame everything solely on your teeth, because a child in the first year of life is especially susceptible to a variety of infections. For example:

  • Cough and runny nose. Similar signs of teething occur as a result copious discharge saliva. This cough is usually wet and does not recur very often, and a runny nose is accompanied by watery discharge, while the nose remains free. Other options are more often related to infection.
  • Vomit. When a child has several teeth erupting at the same time, saliva quickly accumulates and the baby can swallow it in large quantities. If the intensity of vomiting is very high and the baby vomits more than 2 times a day, this is a clear sign poisoning or infection, not teeth.
  • Diarrhea. Diarrhea is a very common occurrence when teeth are cut, but if it is too frequent, more than 6 times a day, and its consistency is too thin, you should see a doctor to rule out poisoning or rotavirus infection.
  • Hematomas on the gums. It happens that a tooth can injure tissues in addition to swelling of the gums. As a result, blood accumulates in the area of ​​damage, and the gums look blue. In such cases, the intervention of a doctor may be necessary, who will make an incision in the gum to release the accumulated fluid.
  • Bad breath. In order to save the child from unpleasant odor from the mouth associated with bacteria that enter the mouth along with unwashed toys, it is enough to give the baby a drink clean water and wipe the entire mouth with a soft cloth or a baby brush with soft bristles.

Traditional symptoms of ARVI - high temperature, cough, runny nose may well be associated with teething in the baby, or may indicate an independent disease (we recommend reading:)

Ways to help your baby teething

Teeth cutting is most often very painful and causes significant discomfort to the baby. Infants who are not yet a year old go through this test more difficult than older children, because with the enormous load on the nervous system during this period nerve functions babies become exhausted much faster.

How can you help a child when he is teething? There are some methods that can make life easier for the baby and parents in this situation:

  1. In case of painful teething they can save chilled food, however, Dr. Komarovsky is categorically against giving vegetables or fruits to a teething child, because he may choke on pieces of food. If you decide to resort to such a remedy, you should carefully monitor your baby while he diligently gnaws on an apple or carrot.
  2. So-called teethers filled with liquid inside cope with the problem very effectively. Before offering them to the baby, they must be kept in the refrigerator. In no case should you let your child chew on ice cubes - this can easily cause injury to his gums.
  3. Regular gum massage can often help. To do this you just need to wrap a piece soft fabric around your own finger.

If the above methods are ineffective in the case of teething or can provide pain relief for only a short time, in case of severe inflammation, you should resort to the help of medications. They provide complex action during teething: relieve pain, soothe and have anti-inflammatory properties.

The table below provides a comparative overview and description of the most common medications that parents prefer if teething is very painful:

Name of medicineRelease formThe main active ingredients in the drugpharmachologic effectEfficiency
Viburkolcandleshomeopathic remedy with many componentsanalgesic anti-inflammatory soothing antispasmodic antipyretichelps strengthen the immune system and improves general condition, practically ineffective at high temperatures
Kamistadgellidocaine and chamomile infusionhas an effect quickly, but only for 15-30 minutes
Kalgelgellidocaineantimicrobial local anesthesiais a fast-acting remedy, but its effect ends after a maximum of half an hour
Dentinoxgelpolidocanol, lidocaine and chamomile infusionanti-inflammatory analgesic local anesthesiafast effectiveness, but short duration of action, about 15-30 minutes
Holisalgelanalgesic choline salicytateantibacterial anti-inflammatory local anesthesiahas the most effective anti-inflammatory effect, adheres well to the gums, is not washed off by saliva and continues to act for 2-3 hours
Nurofen (more details in the article:) suspensionibuprofenantipyretic anti-inflammatory pain relieverthe effect becomes noticeable no earlier than 30-40 minutes after using the medicine, but it lasts for at least 6 hours

Hygiene and care of baby teeth

Regardless of what age the baby’s first tooth began to erupt, from the very moment of eruption it requires proper care and compliance elementary rules personal hygiene. While the child is not yet able to care for and take care of his teeth, all responsibility for their health lies with the parents.

There is a widespread belief that there is no need to brush your teeth with toothpaste before the age of two, but keeping them clean, even if there is only one tooth, is an important hygienic duty (we recommend reading:). You should start teaching your child to take care of their teeth from a very early age, so that over time it becomes a habit and becomes an integral part of personal hygiene.

There are various special attachments for the finger, or more traditional means– a bandage soaked in boiled water to clean the baby’s baby teeth. It is worth thoroughly wiping not only the teeth themselves, but also the gums along with the tongue. It is advisable to carry out such procedures 2 times a day, after morning feeding and before bedtime.

Over time, the parent's finger is replaced by the child's finger. Toothbrush and pasta (see also:). Due to the very thin tooth enamel of baby teeth, the bristles of the brush used should be quite soft. Up to two years of age, the procedure should be carried out by adults, and very carefully so as not to damage the integrity of the child’s enamel. After a child reaches 2 years of age, he can brush his teeth himself, but still under the strict supervision of his parents.

It is important that parents do not be lazy and immediately try to teach the child to brush his teeth correctly and teach him to do it regularly. This approach will save the baby and his family from future dental problems and associated frequent trips to the dentist, and will also give you a lot of photos with a sincere smile of 32 healthy teeth!

For a child, as well as for his parents, the periods of teething and rapid growth of baby teeth can be very painful. During this period, you should redouble your attention to the baby, he desperately needs it.

Indeed, the eruption of baby teeth, which can last more than two years (from 6 months to 3 years), is a cause of great discomfort for children. This is also a discomfort for his parents, who sometimes do not know what to do to console and calm the baby and ease his suffering. This is further aggravated by the fact that the process of eruption of the first milk teeth occurs at an age when the child cannot yet speak. Therefore, we will dwell on the problem of teething and rapid growth of teeth and the accompanying pain, and also advise several ways to help the child cope with this.

Signs of rapid teething

The first stage of rapid eruption usually occurs at about 6 months of age, but in some children it occurs earlier, and in others almost at the age of 1 year. This process is accompanied by the following symptoms.

Mood. A teething baby becomes more irritable than before. He cries more often and seems to grumble.

Night sleep. Babies who used to sleep soundly through the night become restless when they start teething.

Physical symptoms. Often, when teething, the temperature rises slightly, the cheeks and buttocks turn red, and salivation increases. Children may have looser stools than usual and may have poor appetite.

Non-hazardous accompanying illnesses . Because your baby becomes somewhat more vulnerable during teething, he may develop some minor illnesses, such as a runny nose. However, according to some experts, some symptoms accompanying the process of teething have a different origin. These symptoms usually appear immediately before the next tooth begins to erupt, but swelling and redness of the gums are always observed.

How to reduce teething pain?

You can help your baby endure the discomfort of teething with a few small tricks.

Use a special teething ring. It is advisable to keep it in the refrigerator for some time before giving it to your child. When the baby chews a soft, cold object, his pain decreases.

The same result can be achieved by using a small terry towel soaked in cold water instead of the ring.

You can gently massage the painful teething area with your fingertips.

The use of homeopathy (for example, chamomile-based preparations) and naturopathy (treatment with natural remedies) can help. Sometimes, to relieve pain, it is recommended to use preparations based on hazel (hazel) fruits, but the effectiveness of this remedy has not yet been proven.

For nutrition, prefer cold foods that have a soft structure.

For medications, you can safely give a mild pain reliever such as paracetamol (acetaminophen). But it is still better to consult with your pediatrician first.

What not to do when your baby is teething

Some things should never be done when children are teething quickly.

Never try to artificially aid teething - this can cause infections.

If possible, avoid applying ice cubes to your gums. This can often cause swallowing problems in the child. However, since this method brings relief, some parents still resort to it, but this must be done with great caution and for a short time.

Sometimes they remember “grandmother’s recipe”: rub a sore spot with a piece of sugar. But it is known that sugar and healthy teeth are incompatible, and the method is absolutely ineffective (erupting teeth are especially vulnerable to caries). For the same reason, do not give your baby a bottle of sweet liquid (juice, sweet water) at this time.

Toothaches in older children

If your child's baby teeth have all erupted long ago and are correctly positioned, and he suddenly has a toothache, there may be several reasons for this.

Baby teeth may have caries that needs to be treated, despite the fact that these teeth are temporary and will later be replaced by permanent ones.

Pain may occur if the child, due to a fall or blow, damages baby tooth(it is cracked or broken).

In addition, the buds of permanent teeth located under baby teeth can also hurt and cause discomfort.

Sometimes pain can occur due to reasons not directly related to the teeth, for example, otitis media or sinusitis.

When should you consult a dentist?

You should definitely consult a dentist if your child is already one year old and has not yet erupted a single baby tooth. At the age of 3 years, all of his milk teeth (20 pieces) should have erupted.

In addition, if the child complains about toothache If you notice a strange stain or suspect a tooth is cracked or broken, be sure to take it to the pediatric dentist.

It is necessary to accustom children to visiting the dentist as early as possible, from the moment the first milk teeth appear, already at the age of 6 months. Then you need to visit a dentist twice a year in order to prevent possible dental problems in time.

Teeth are being cut, how to help your child - here main question. When a baby cries, we are ready to do anything to ease his suffering and relieve pain. What should you do if your baby is teething, has a fever, is capricious and anxious? Do I need to see a doctor and use medications, or can I get by with treatment at home? by various means traditional medicine and homeopathy? Painful eruption Children's teeth are a significant problem.

Symptoms of teething in a child

Unfortunately, no pediatrician can accurately predict the timing of your baby’s tooth growth. This process is purely individual. The average time for teething is from five months to a year.

Every Small child also reacts completely individually. For some, this period passes quickly and painlessly, while others suffer from it for a long time. discomfort. Parents should be especially careful during this period. There are several main signs by which you can suspect that a child is beginning to erupt teeth:

  1. General anxiety and behavior changes. The child does not want to play, pushes away toys and parents, and does not smile.
  2. Increased tearfulness and fatigue. If your baby constantly wants to sleep and cries, but cannot fall asleep at night due to unpleasant sensations, you should suspect that his teeth are growing.
  3. Profuse drooling. You may find streaks of saliva on children's clothing, which is associated with intense inflammatory processes.
  4. Lack of appetite. Refusal to eat is a common occurrence.
  5. Increased body temperature. This is a compensatory reaction that the body develops in response to a stimulus. If the temperature rises above 39, this may be the first sign of a purulent or infectious disease.
  6. Swelling and soreness of the gums. If you carefully feel the gums of babies, you will find that they are inflamed and increased in size several times.
  7. Itching and scratching on the body. Due to severe stress, allergies may develop.
  8. The baby constantly puts his hands and various objects into his mouth and tries to bite them. It is believed that the baby massages his gums and scratches the area where it hurts.
  9. When the first teeth grow, this may be accompanied by gastric and intestinal disorders(nausea, vomiting or diarrhea) that goes away immediately after cutting.

How to help your baby?

All parents wonder how to alleviate the suffering of a baby in this situation. Fortunately, there are a great variety of both medicinal and homeopathic and natural remedies, which will help you quickly and least painfully survive this unpleasant and protracted period, while curing the child.

Medicines to relieve the condition

The pharmaceutical industry markets are widely represented different groups drugs. All of them are created in order to remove swelling, inflammation and reduce the discomfort that occurs in the baby. When teething, pain-relieving substances can be used. The doctor will prescribe how long to take them.


Tablets help relieve gum pain during teething. They can be given no more than twice a day and strictly according to the dosage indicated in the instructions or prescribed by a doctor. List of drugs:

  • Panadol;
  • Calpol;
  • Nurofen;
  • Ibuprofen;
  • Paracetamol;
  • Baralgin.

Fever relievers

When your baby has a fever, sweats, cries and cannot sleep, you need to resort to antipyretic medications so that your child can rest while sleeping. Painful teething is a serious problem.

In children's practice, special sweet syrups or rectal suppositories, which ensure maximum absorption of the drug. Main types dosage forms to reduce chills and fever:

  • Panadol syrup. This substance has a sweet smell and pleasant taste: the child will not spit it out and will happily swallow it. Perfect for small and capricious babies.
  • Paracetamol suspension, which can be used in very young children, relieves fever well and provides the baby with a restful sleep. Unlike tablets, it does not have a bitter aftertaste.
  • Motrin syrup. This drug good for both pain relief and fever reduction. Convenient packaging makes it indispensable in a children's first aid kit for little ones.
  • Tsefekon suppositories are widely used in children's practice. Thanks to its convenient shape and small size their introduction does not cause any inconvenience. Pain relief after using these medications occurs within one and a half to two hours.
  • Efferalgan in suppositories will also help to reduce the temperature when parts of baby teeth erupt and come out. With its help, you can quickly bring down the fever and relieve children from unpleasant sensations.

Topical gels

In addition to tablets, syrups and rectal suppositories used to make life easier for newborns special drugs local action. Most often they are transparent ointments or gels that need to be applied to the baby’s gums. How to use the drug correctly:

  1. apply a little gel to the index finger of one hand;
  2. With your other hand, gently open the baby's mouth;
  3. Gently lubricate the surface of the gums, trying not to miss the areas with the most pronounced swelling in the area of ​​baby teeth;
  4. calm the child down.

Don't be afraid that your baby will eat his medicine. It is absolutely safe and begins to be absorbed instantly once it reaches the oral mucosa. In pediatric practice, the following is used in most cases for gums during teething:

  • Cholisal gel. In pediatrics it is used in small quantities. The main active ingredient in its basis is an antiseptic, which disinfects the oral cavity and makes it impenetrable to harmful bacteria. The drug also has an analgesic and cooling effect. The medicine should be used no more than twice a day.
  • Destinox gel based on lidocaine and chamomile reduces swelling of the gums and regulates increased salivation. Thanks to chamomile, it has a slightly bitter taste, which is why many children do not like it. Use no more than three times a day.
  • Kalgel is a safe pain reliever that can be used up to five times a day when children are teething. It has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect and kills harmful bacteria.

It is recommended to use gum gels during teething after the baby has eaten or drunk. Usage local anesthetics before meals impairs their absorption and reduces the amount of the drug entering the body.


Antihistamines can also relieve itching and reduce discomfort from teething. Such medications are widely used if the baby experiences a severe allergic reaction during teething. Most often used:

  • Fenistil. This is a topical gel that is applied to the skin and relieves itching in less than fifteen minutes. It is recommended to use three times a day. Fenistil will reduce irritation.
  • Tavegil in syrup. This medicine helps to quickly relieve pain and reduce inflammation. Doctors advise starting with the minimum allowable dose to alleviate the baby’s condition.
  • Claritin is a soft white granule that can be easily crushed and added to water. They do not have a bitter taste or unpleasant odor, which makes them very convenient to use.


Some people don't trust homeopathic medicine, but at the same time, scientists different countries It has long been proven that these remedies can sometimes be much more effective than pharmaceuticals. For treatment of teething use:

Folk remedies

If you are an ardent opponent traditional medicine, you can get by traditional methods. Our ancestors also turned to them to relieve children from pain. Grandmother’s methods are good because they do not require medical skills, but simply help calm the baby well and efficiently without the intervention of a specialist in the field of pediatrics.

Gum massage

Gum massage should be done every few hours. This procedure will alleviate the condition and relieve the child from pain. With clean hands, gently open the baby's mouth and slowly massage each area of ​​the gum. You can use a soft, clean cloth to catch any escaping saliva. Three or four hours after the procedure, repeat again.

Chamomile and other herbs

Chamomile decoction is good for relieving pain and inflammation. Take a handful of large and fresh flowers, brew with boiling water and cool to room temperature. Take a cotton pad, soak it in the resulting liquid and gently blot your baby’s gums. Repeat five times a day. Before choosing one or another treatment option for yourself, you need to consult a specialist.

Oil lotions

To alleviate the condition during teething, you can use oil lotions. Take cotton pads and soak them in vegetable oil, olive oil or sunflower oil. Gently pat your baby's gums four times a day. The oil will soften the gums and relieve pain. This is the most effective and reliable remedy that will stabilize the baby’s mood and calm him down.

When should you see a doctor?

Any signs of teething may not last more than three or four days. If your child already has long time Some of these symptoms are present, while teeth have already appeared, be sure to show the children to the doctor. Under the mask of the eruption of the first teeth, various diseases, untimely diagnosis of which will lead to disastrous consequences.


A child's first teeth usually begin to emerge around 4-8 months of age. Most children experience this period very restlessly and painfully. It breaks parents' hearts when their child cries.

5 ways to help significantly relieve teething pain in your baby:


It is advisable to massage your gums every day. Not only during the next baby’s cry.

Take a gauze swab and wrap it around a clean index finger. Or put a silicone brush on your finger. The baby's gums are gently massaged.

Massage helps strengthen your gums and make them healthier.


Applying cold to the swollen and painful gum significantly alleviates the baby's condition during teething.

You need to decide on an object that the child will like and apply it to the swollen gum after preliminary cooling.

This could be a silicone teether, an apple, a silicone spoon, or a plastic syringe for antipyretic syrup.

Keep these items in a clean bag in the freezer at all times, just in case. To give them to the baby during an attack.


Kalgel, cholisal, dentinox - dental gels to relieve pain during teething in children.

They have a safe composition and are approved for use in children with small age.

Squeeze a pea of ​​gel onto a clean finger and gently rub into the child’s troubled gum.

How often can gels be applied to relieve teething pain in children?

Kalgel can be reapplied at intervals of at least 20 minutes, but not more than 6 times a day.

Cholisal is used for pain relief 2-3 times a day and before bedtime.

The Dentinox procedure can be repeated 2-3 times a day and before bedtime.


If all of the above methods do not help, give your child the drug Dantinorm, which is available without a doctor's prescription.

It has a safe composition of medicinal herbs and does not have side effects and is good for relieving teething pain in children.

Dantinorm is given to the child one dose 2-3 times a day in between feedings for 3 days.


To facilitate teething with folk remedies, you can use a soda solution.

Take 1 tsp. soda per glass warm water. Moisten a swab from a sterile bandage in this solution. Wrap a swab around your finger and treat the inflamed area of ​​the gum. Carry out the procedure 2-3 times a day for 3 days.


Severe pain during teething, it can be removed by giving the child an anesthetic syrup.

This could be paracetamol or ibuprofen.

A single dose of paracetamol (Efferalgan syrup, Panadol syrup) depends on the child’s body weight and is 10-15 mg/kg body weight 3-4 times a day with an interval of 4-6 hours.

Paracetamol syrup is contraindicated in children who:

  • increased sensitivity to paracetamol or other components of the drug
  • severe dysfunction of the liver, kidneys
  • blood diseases
  • deficiency of the enzyme glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase
  • age up to 1 month.

Ibuprofen (nurofen syrup, ibufen syrup) is given in the dosage:

  • Children aged 3-6 months (child weight more than 5 kg): 2.5 ml 3 times a day
  • Children aged 6-12 months (average child weight 6-10 kg): 2.5 ml 3-4 times a day
  • Children aged 1-3 years (average child weight 10-15 kg): 5.0 ml 3 times a day

Contraindications for use:

  • hypersensitivity to ibuprofen, acetylsalicylic acid or other NSAIDs, as well as to other components of the drug
  • bronchial asthma, urticaria, rhinitis, provoked by taking acetylsalicylic acid(salicylates) or other NSAIDs
  • ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract
  • gastrointestinal bleeding
  • inflammatory diseases intestines
  • hypokalemia
  • blood diseases: hypocoagulation, leukopenia, hemophilia
  • renal and/or liver failure
  • hearing loss.

Before using medications to relieve teething pain in children, consult a specialist.

Teething and fever? How to help your baby teething (video)

Teething is not an easy task for the baby and for his parents. It is usually accompanied by a number of unpleasant symptoms and brings a lot of anxiety to the whole family. Naturally, pain in the gums before teething becomes a real test for the child; he sleeps less and cries more. This is not an easy test for young parents, especially if this is the first child in the family, because there are few ways to help the baby. We will try to consider them all and suggest how to help a child at this important stage of growing up.

How does teething occur?

Dental development begins long before the baby is born, from about the 6th week of pregnancy. First, milk teeth develop, and then permanent teeth, which are located under the milk teeth. Therefore, a child is born with all his teeth, but they are still hidden in the gums. They begin to erupt later.

It is believed that the first teeth should appear on the surface of the gums at about 6-8 months, but any deviations from this forty are possible and normal. Many parents worry if their baby’s teeth are cut at the wrong time, but this is not a problem; sooner or later they will appear anyway. And any legends that late teeth are healthier or early teeth erupt more easily are nothing more than legends and have no scientific confirmation.

If there is severe pain during teething, you can give your child a painkiller, such as paracetamol.

The body prepares for teething; gradually the gums at the site where the tooth appears become softer, which allows it to come out more painlessly. Gradually, the tooth rises closer to the surface of the gum, propping it up from the inside, this leads to severe itching. Therefore, the child begins to put everything in his mouth, trying to scratch the itchy gum. It is at this stage that parents usually notice that teeth are already “on the way.”

When does a child need help? (Video)

Teething is not always accompanied by serious changes in the child’s behavior and well-being; sometimes parents simply notice another tooth in the baby’s mouth and that’s it. But in some cases, teething can become a real problem and be accompanied by very unpleasant symptoms. To make sure that this is teething, you need to look into the child’s mouth and examine the expected place where the next tooth will grow. If the gums are swollen and painful, or even the outlines of a growing tooth are visible, then you can be sure that this is it.

The baby will need the help of parents if the gum hurts and itches so much that he cannot sleep normally and cries all the time or behaves restlessly. Also, during teething, the baby’s salivation increases greatly. Constantly flowing saliva can lead to a rash on the baby's chin and neck. In this case, the help of parents is also necessary.

If a child already has several teeth and new ones are being cut, it is important to ensure that when scratching the gums, he does not bite off a piece of a pacifier, pacifier, or even a special teething toy.

Sometimes the child's temperature may rise slightly and become more loose stools. If this is caused solely by teething, then such symptoms should not cause concern, everything will go away as soon as the tooth grows. But, if the temperature rises to levels above 38 degrees, lasts a long time, is accompanied by a runny nose, cough and other symptoms, then an infection can be suspected. In this case, you should consult a pediatrician.

Massage will relieve gum pain

Pain in the gums of a baby during teething can be quite severe and cause him a lot of anxiety. In this situation, it is important for parents not to get confused and quickly find a way to help the baby. It's better to try to do this without using medicines.

The easiest way to help your child cope with pain and itching in the gums is massage. You can simply massage your baby's gums a little with your clean finger. This must be done carefully so as not to injure or cause severe discomfort to the child. It is necessary to start the massage from an area slightly distant from the site of eruption, and then approach the future tooth and, accordingly, the epicenter of unpleasant sensations. You can massage for about 15-20 minutes.

You can also use a piece of ice for massage. Ice should be wrapped in a clean cloth and massaged into the gums. But you should massage it briefly and only in the area of ​​tooth eruption, so as not to overcool the child’s throat.

Under no circumstances should you massage with a spoon, a piece of sugar or other hard objects to avoid injury to the gums.

And, of course, we can’t forget about teethers. This is just a wonderful invention, they come different forms and sizes and, importantly, the child can use the teether independently, without the help of parents. The teethers have a pleasant uneven surface that allows you to scratch your gums, and a comfortable handle for holding. If you put them in the refrigerator for a while, the liquid or gel inside the toy cools down and allows you to cool the gums, reducing pain.

We use medicines

If massage does not help, then you have to resort to the use of medications. At any pharmacy you can buy many special means for local action in the form of ointments or gels. Parents often doubt which medicine to choose, so we will make a short review of all the remedies that can help with gum pain during teething.

Kamistad-gel is enough strong remedy based on lidocaine with tincture of chamomile flowers. In addition to painkillers this medicine It also has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects. Recommended for use from 3 months and no more than 3 times a day. The drug Dentinox also has a similar composition and effect. Kalgel is another medicine based on lidocaine, but without chamomile. He also has high efficiency and allows you to noticeably numb the gum area, but also has all side effects similar drugs. Its use is possible no earlier than 5 months.

Quite often, children are recommended Baby Doctor for their first teeth - a gel with herbal ingredients. It has a mild analgesic and more pronounced anti-inflammatory effect. Although its effectiveness in pain relief is noticeably lower, it is absolutely safe and hypoallergenic, which is a huge plus for baby medicine.

Another medicine for treating pain in the gums during teething is Cholisal. This is a gel based on the components of choline salicylate and an adhesive base. It can be used up to 3 times a day; according to reviews, the medicine is quite effective. You can also choose Solcoseryl gel. Its analgesic effect is low, but it is excellent for wounds on the gums.

Frequent use of teething gels leads to increased side effects and may negatively affect gastrointestinal tract.

In addition to the medications described, there are also homeopathic remedies to ease teething. The most famous are Dantinorm baby and Dentokind. These medications can be used in children with virtually no fear, but the need for their use raises strong doubts, since modern medicine there is no evidence of the effectiveness of homeopathy.

Helping a child with folk remedies

A variety of folk remedies, for example, special medicinal teas, can significantly relieve pain in the gums during teething. To prepare a medicinal tea that can relieve pain and itching, you need to take equal parts of chamomile, lavender, lemon balm, catnip and primrose and mix. A tablespoon of this mixture is poured into a glass of boiling water and left for half an hour. This tea can be given to a child to drink. A nursing mother can also drink it, then the child will be calmer.

Another way to make teething easier for your baby is to use an infusion of chamomile, burdock root and chickweed. This infusion should be used to lubricate the gums. You can also lubricate your gums with an oil medicine. To prepare it, you need to mix clove oil and boiled almond oil in a 1:1 ratio. The resulting mixture is applied to a sterile bandage and wiped over the child’s gums.

If, during teething, in addition to the lobe, a high fever or diarrhea appears, it is better to visit a pediatrician to rule out other possible causes.

You can also lubricate your baby's gums with concentrated chamomile infusion or valerian extract. Valerian extract must be mixed with water and applied to the gums. You can also offer your baby to chew on the roots of chicory or strawberries. This will help relieve itching and slightly reduce pain during teething.

How to ease teething in a child: medications

Doctors have not determined an exact time for the start of growth of baby teeth. The universally recognized pediatrician and doctor Evgeniy Komarovsky speaks about this. On this factor can be influenced by many reasons. On average, babies develop their first milk shoots after 6 months of birth. Sometimes this process can be delayed due to the characteristics of the body, the presence essential vitamin D, calcium or some diseases of the infant during this period of time.

Usually the first stage and the appearance of the front teeth can last several months. Dr. Komarovsky also notes the fact that there are cases when a baby after birth already has several formed milk appendages. This is due to the fact that children's teeth begin to grow in the womb. Such deviations from the norm are considered insignificant and do not lead to any severe consequences or problems with the child's health.

Komarovsky recommends that parents find out in what order their child’s teeth begin to come out. They usually appear asymmetrically, and the first front incisors can begin to grow from 6 to 12 months after the baby is born. After research and observation, a diagram of the sequence of the eruption of mammary processes in children was drawn up.

The growth of the first teeth begins from the bottom row. The lower central incisors appear first and begin to form at 6-8 months. Then larger upper central incisors develop on the upper row - 8-9 months.

From 9 to 13 months, the lateral incisors develop in two rows. They begin to cut through first on the top row, and then on the bottom. Sometimes the second pair may begin to grow even before the first pair has completed eruption.

The growth of fangs in babies is very painful. They erupt at approximately the same time, 18-21 months. During this period, symptoms may worsen, and pain medications will be essential. The last to form baby teeth are the second molars. They appear on two rows over a longer period of time, unlike other processes, from 20 months to 30 on average. If parents notice that teeth appear out of order, then this is not a cause for concern, since this is a general sequence without taking into account the individual characteristics of the body.

As a result, by the age of 2.5-3 years, children have 20 teeth. For the first stage of growth, this is a complete set.

If a child does not start teething in the first year, Komarovsky advises young parents to consult a doctor to determine the cause of the delay in their development.

A sign that children are starting to teethe is constant desire The baby pulls foreign objects and toys into his mouth. He also often puts his fingers in his mouth and starts chewing them. Since when the first teeth come out, an itching sensation occurs, the newborn wants to eliminate it by scratching the surface of the gums. Dr. Komarovsky says that the feeling of itching is often accompanied by inflammatory process and pain. This is caused by the process of tooth eruption. Initially, intact gums begin to cut through the sharp small edge of the tooth from the inside, exerting pressure, it pushes the gum tissue apart and causes injury. Before such a process, swelling appears in the gums, which can be easily noticed during a preliminary examination by a doctor.

In addition to this sign, there is also the most characteristic among all the others - profuse salivation in the child. It always accompanies teeth coming out and serves as an indicator of this process.

There are also a number of other symptoms: nervousness, anxiety, irritability, crying. In addition to moodiness, the child feels pain and itching in the gums, and the inflammation process can cause fever, cough and diarrhea. All this will give parents an idea of ​​how children cut their teeth.

Then, at the age of 6 years, permanent (molar) teeth replace the milk teeth. This process occurs with the same symptoms and sensations as in the first stage. But in this case, the milk shoots must first be loosened and ready to be replaced. Very often at this time, children are capable of harming themselves through negligence. Sometimes doctors may resort to pulling out some teeth if their loss is causing difficulty and anxiety in children. The growth of molars usually ends at the age of 12-14 years. And after their change, the child should already have 28 of them.

And the last stage is the eruption of molars. Dr. Komarovsky notes that sometimes they may not begin to grow at all. Wisdom teeth do not adhere to any time frame and can appear at the age of 18 or 25, or even 30.

Typically, the growth of wisdom teeth is affected by the size of the jaw and the free space for their eruption. Wisdom teeth got their name because they often begin to erupt in adulthood, sometimes during the period of aging (after 27 years). Doctors also call them “eights” because the wisdom teeth are the last eighth teeth, starting from the middle of the row. There are 4 of them at final formation.

For the most part, wisdom teeth are considered vestiges of the body. In some cases, they can help and serve as a support for bridge prosthetics, but to a greater extent, wisdom teeth are a definite source of problems for a person. During eruption, they cause many complications.

Video “How to make teething easier for children”

How to soothe gums

One of the available and sufficient simple ways To soothe a child's gums during the eruption of milk processes is massage. Gum massage can help with pain and itching. This method is also suitable for adults whose wisdom teeth are beginning to grow.

On initial stage if symptoms persist acute form, you can massage without using medications. Dr. Komarovsky says, for small child It will be enough for the parent to massage the gums with a finger.

If the finger is cold, it will have a better calming effect. It is better to start massaging the gums before the appearance of milk processes or wisdom teeth from a remote area. Then gradually approach the irritated area. Movements should be slow, circular and smooth so as not to injure the baby's epithelium. The procedure can last about 15 minutes.

What tools can be used

If during teething the symptoms manifest themselves in a more severe form and greatly disturb the baby, then it is necessary to use medical supplies. Dr. Komarovsky insists that parents and children visit a doctor before starting treatment. Some individual characteristics organism can lead to better perception funds from natural ingredients than chemical additives. Sometimes biologically active additives and content chemical substances in medications cause an allergic reaction, so the choice of remedy should be taken seriously.

First of all, children will need drugs with analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects. Eliminate pain with anesthetics is the most important during teething in a child. It is better to use topical preparations - gel, ointment, cream or drops. They will have a local effect. They can be used at an earlier age than oral medications. A quick effect will help eliminate pain for a long time so that the baby can fall asleep without whims.

If the newborn's body temperature has increased, then antipyretic drugs are needed. Such medications are taken orally and their choice should be more careful. It should be remembered that children should not be given Aspirin and Analgin - they can affect the liver and cause harm. It is best to use Ibuprofen or Paracetamol.

Doctors prescribe homeopathic and antihistamines, but much less frequently.

Video “Teeting in children - how to help”

In the video, an orthodontist will tell you how to relieve pain in babies when teething.