
Muscle pain - causes and treatment. Relieving muscle pain after exercise


Do your muscles hurt after training? So, as they say, you didn’t try hard! But seriously, muscle pain that appears on the 1-2 day after exercise is quite normal. The muscles worked, which means they must hurt. True, in cases where the pain causes significant discomfort, you should look for a more precise cause. How to relieve pain and protect yourself from it in the future?

Causes of muscle pain after exercise

Theories of emergence muscle pain many. We will highlight the main ones:

  • The action of lactic acid. Accumulating quite quickly in muscle cells, it is a certain by-product physiological processes. When it leaves the body, discomfort, and with repeated training, this acid becomes more and more. This substance is washed out by the blood within 24 hours, and its accumulation in the muscles during exercise is absolutely safe.
  • Delayed pain. It happens that muscle pain “covers” only on the 2-3rd day of classes. The reason is microtrauma of muscle fibers. There is nothing to be afraid of here: muscle injury provokes the body to activate its defenses and increase the secretion of hormones to quickly rid the muscles of toxins and restore damage. After 3-4 workouts, the pain begins to subside. A constant change of loads and intensity of exercise is recommended.
  • Increased muscle reactivity. This case is due to an exacerbation of the sensitivity of nerve endings due to severe muscle loads due to a change in the biological balance of fluid and salt. That is, imbalance. In addition to pain, this cause can also lead to seizures calf muscles. For prevention, stretching “before and after” is recommended, as well as replacing fluid deficiency directly during exercise.
  • Overtraining. With a constant feeling of weakness in the muscles, severe pain and loss of strength, you can safely conclude that your body is exhausted - you have overtrained. From a biochemical point of view, this is explained by a nitrogen imbalance or the loss of more protein compared to the gain. Unabated symptoms lead to decreased immunity and disruption hormonal levels And menstrual cycle, and even to infertility.
  • Injury. In this case, the pain is aching and constraining in nature, intensifying with sudden movements and with loads of any force. Often accompanied by swelling at the site of injury, as well as worsening general condition. The onset of pain is immediate, less often the next day.
  • Full range of motion training (horizontal barbell press, deadlift on absolutely straight legs and deep squats, etc.). In addition to muscle stretching, the fact of receiving a load in those areas of amplitude where it does not occur in ordinary life is also noted. Pain reduction can be achieved through partial range of motion training.

6 best quick ways to get rid of muscle pain after sports activities

What can you do to relieve pain quickly? The best express methods for your attention!

  • Water procedures

Contrary to stereotypes, it is cold water reduces muscle pain, but the most effective is alternating cold and warm. It could be contrast shower for 10 minutes or a warm bath (for 20 minutes, with sea salt), followed immediately by dousing with cold water or a cold shower.

  • Russian bath

One of the best ways eliminate pain with a combination of low/high temperatures and heavy drinking.

  • Swimming in cold water

Regardless of the muscle group being trained and the intensity of the activity, swimming (especially regular swimming) for 15-20 minutes relieves pain more effectively than other methods. Many athletes suffering from post-workout soreness become big fans of swimming. Pain reduction occurs due to improved blood circulation and dilation of blood vessels.

  • Massage

If there is no professional massage therapist nearby, then you can do it yourself. The most important thing is to warm up the muscles and knead the painful areas to allow blood to flow to them. Can be used to warm up muscles olive oil with the addition of 2-3 drops of essential oil (clary sage, lavender, marjoram). Also popular today are massage rollers (note: Pilates machines), which improve blood flow in the muscles and help reduce pain. The procedure with this video lasts about 15 minutes.

  • Ointments and creams

An option for the laziest. Ointments from the pharmacy with herbs, essential oils and bile, balms or anti-inflammatory creams. Typically, such products contain active ingredients or special substances to influence pain receptors (Voltaren, capsicam, etc.).

  • Movement

Yes, that's right. Immediately after training - warm up. Muscles must work, especially antagonist muscles. Does your back hurt? So, you need to “download” pectoral muscles. Sore biceps? Pump up your triceps. Stretching before and after exercise reduces the risk of pain by 50%. In addition, warmed muscles reduce the risk of injury.

How to avoid muscle pain after sports in your next workouts?

To prevent muscle pain from tormenting you after training, remember the main rules for their prevention:

  • Proper nutrition

The amount of protein absorbed should match the amount consumed. It is also worth remembering that to restore the body you need 2-4 g per 1 kg of weight - carbohydrates (per day), about 2 g / per 1 kg of weight - protein, as well as about 20% of total number calories as healthy fats.

  • Water

Its amount per day depends on weight. Calculation of the formula: person’s weight x 0.04 = amount of water/day. Due to the lack of water intake, the body's ability to eliminate toxins is impaired, and the muscle recovery process takes much longer and more difficult. Drink water!

  • Cardio exercises

3-4 cardio workouts per week help speed up recovery. Additional oxygen and increased blood circulation help quick deliverance from lactic acid and direct toxins.

  • After training - water procedures!

We alternate between cold and hot water in 3-5 cycles.

  • Don't forget about massage

After training - on your own (or ask someone to “stretch” your muscles), and once a month - professionally.

  • Supplements

Some of the most important - fatty acids(300 mg per 1 kg of weight), reducing inflammation in the muscles and stimulating the immune system. We are looking for them in linseed oil and fish oil.

  • Cycle your workouts

Alternate exercises with a high number of repetitions (from 10 to 15) and solid weight with classes with a small number of repetitions of exercises (from 6 to 8) and light weight.

  • Avoid workouts that last more than 1 hour

Maximum lesson time is 45 minutes. After an hour of training, testosterone levels decrease and cortisol levels increase.

  • Dream

When it is deficient, cortisol levels begin to go off scale, resulting in a disruption of the recovery process and an increased risk of injury. The optimal time for normal sleep is 8 hours.

  • Additional antioxidant intake

It is necessary to neutralize decay products in the body. We are looking for antioxidants in retinol, carotenes, ascorbic acid and tocopherol, in selenium, in succinic acid, as well as in flavonoids (blue cabbage and cherries, raisins, dark grape varieties).

  • Eating watermelon

One of the methods to quickly recover after exercise. Watermelon juice (only natural!) relieves muscle pain, thanks to the amino acid in its composition (L-citrulline), which helps remove lactic acid from the body. You should drink this juice an hour before classes and an hour after.

  • Foods that can relieve pain

In addition to watermelon juice, there are also blackcurrants, blackberries and blueberries, cranberry and grape juices. The anthocyanins contained in these foods help reduce inflammation and pain levels. Peeled potatoes, cucumbers and figs with pomegranate will also be useful for these purposes. walnuts and parsley, ginger. Do not forget about decoctions of licorice (the most effective), chamomile and linden, rose hips or currant leaves, white willow bark, bearberry or St. John's wort.

When should you contact a specialist?

Joint and muscle pain should not be confused. Joint pain, unlike muscle pain, is very serious problem which could result in critical injury. Remember also that severe muscle damage can result from chronic overexertion. Therefore, the reason to see a doctor is pain that lasts more than 72 hours.

Severe muscle pain may be different intensity. They appear in the background autoimmune diseases, after injuries, hypothermia. Muscle pain appears after physical activity. Often painful sensations in the muscles indicate serious illnesses associated with the articular and ligamentous apparatus. By their nature they can be pressing, sharp or dull. For cupping pain syndrome They use medicinal oral medications available in tablets.

Types of medicinal drugs

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, non-narcotic and narcotic analgesics, and opioids are often used to relieve muscle and joint pain.

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs

NSAIDs are used for pain relief in acute pain and inflammatory processes that are associated with severe pain and inflammation in muscles or joints. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory pills have side effects.

Taking NSAIDs has a negative effect on the mucous membrane gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, they are prescribed in combination with medications that reduce gastric secretion. NVPS include the following medicines.

  1. Diclofenac tablets, which have a long-lasting effect, are used for moderate and mild myalgia.
  2. Ibuprofen is an anti-inflammatory, pain reliever. Used to reduce inflammation and painful conditions.

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are effective not only for the treatment of pain syndromes, but also reduce inflammatory processes in muscles and joints.

  • headaches, dizziness;
  • hallucinations, sleep disturbances;
  • muscle hypotension;
  • abdominal pain, nausea;
  • low blood pressure;
  • allergic rashes.

When taking a high dose of the drug, it is necessary to rinse the stomach and take absorbents. During pregnancy and lactation, muscle relaxants are prescribed only if serious condition, under medical supervision.


Medicines intended for pain relief are of natural origin. Analgesics are classified according to certain criteria.

Non-narcotic action

Non-narcotic analgesics are simultaneously drugs that have analgesic, antipyretic, and anti-inflammatory effects on the body.

Analgesics have a wide therapeutic range. While taking the pills, they have a long-lasting effect. They are not addictive.

  1. Paracetamol is an antipyretic analgesic with non-narcotic action. The drug has an analgesic effect on moderate pain in muscle and joint pain.
  2. Acetylsalicylic acid, which not only has an antipyretic effect, but also relieves minor pain.
  3. Tablets containing metamizole (Analgin, Sulpirin) have an average effect on muscle and joint pain. The effect of taking the tablets lasts from 3 to 5 hours.
  4. Painkillers containing ketolorac (Ketanov, Ketoprofen) provide a strong analgesic effect for muscle pain.

Non-narcotic analgesics are the main drugs for relieving pain in joints and muscles. They are not addictive.

Narcotic action

Narcotic analgesics are prescribed only if the pain syndrome has not been relieved with the help of muscle relaxants or NSAIDs. Medicines in this series are available only with a doctor's prescription. They can cause physical and mental dependence. Narcotic analgesics inhibit pain impulses by acting on opioid receptors in the brain.

Non-narcotic drugs have the following side effects:

  • allergic reaction;
  • nausea, abdominal pain;
  • high probability of peptic ulcer.

The main contraindications for the use of non-narcotic analgesics are:

  • intolerance to components;
  • exacerbation of gastrointestinal tract disease.

TO absolute contraindications for use narcotic analgesics include:

  • respiratory failure;
  • traumatic brain injury;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • age up to one year.

Side effects include:

  • allergic reactions;
  • urinary retention, constipation;
  • sedative effect;
  • hypotension.

To avoid side effects, you should take analgesics strictly as recommended by your doctor.

Pain significantly impairs the quality of life. Many people start taking painkillers uncontrollably. This can lead to serious consequences. If you experience pain associated with, you should consult a doctor. Self-medication is unacceptable.

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Muscle pain can occur after training, heavy physical labor, or due to various diseases. Relieve muscle pain after physical activity You can use rest, a warm shower, a relaxing massage, rubbing with pain-relieving ointments.

Doctors of the Yusupov Hospital with the help of modern diagnostic methods determine the cause of pain. After examining the patient, they drug therapy, aimed at treating a disease that causes pain in muscles and joints. Medicine for muscle pain is selected individually for each patient. Most used effective means for muscle pain that acts quickly and has minimal side effects. Acupuncture, modern physiotherapeutic procedures, and soft techniques are used to relieve muscle pain in the cervical-neck area, back, lower back and limbs. manual therapy. If tablets for pain in joints and muscles do not help much, injectable forms of drugs are used. Rehabilitators are fluent in the technique of performing various types blockades IN pain points introduce local anesthetics, homeopathic medicines. According to indications, muscle relaxants are used to relieve muscle pain.

Analgesics for joint and muscle pain

After the patient is examined, the doctor prescribes medication for muscle pain. Non-narcotic analgesics have an analgesic effect. Medicines in this group are considered the most effective for muscle and joint pain. They provide side effect only with long-term uncontrolled use. Tablets for muscle and joint pain are recommended to be taken for a short time.

Sulpiride and analgin contain the active ingredient metamizole. These tablets can relieve moderate pain in joints and muscles. You can relieve muscle pain due to severe overexertion with the help of drug injections.

Ketalgin, Ketanov, Ketoprofen, Ketolong are tablets for muscle pain that quickly relieve pain. As active substance Metamizole is used. The period of influence on the body is 6-8 hours.

What else helps with muscle pain? Dexalgin tablets are considered an anesthetic drug that can effectively relieve muscle and joint pain. Main active substance is dexketoprofen.

Larfix and Xefocam are among the most effective non-narcotic analgesics. They contain lornoxicam. Due to the high cost of the drug, doctors prescribe it only for severe pain. The analgesic effect when using these tablets lasts about 8 hours.

How to get rid of muscle pain? Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs not only relieve pain in muscles and joints, but also have an anti-inflammatory effect. TO non-steroidal drugs The following tablets for muscle pain in the neck, back, legs and arms include:

  • ortofen;
  • diclofenac;
  • methindol;
  • indomethacin;
  • movalis.

They have significant side effects - they irritate the gastric mucosa. Therefore, doctors at the Yusupov Hospital, when prescribing these tablets for muscle pain, additionally prescribe tablets that reduce gastric secretion - famotidine and omeprazole.

How to relieve muscle pain

To relieve severe pain, doctors at the Yusupov Hospital use narcotic analgesics. These drugs target opium receptors in the pain center of the brain. Since such drugs can be addictive, doctors prescribe them only during severe muscle-joint pain that is not relieved by other drugs.

To prevent the patient from developing addiction to the drug, narcotic analgesics are taken in a short course. They are combined with painkillers and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Promedol and tramadol are used in tablet form for muscle pain.

At the Yusupov Hospital, to relieve muscle and joint pain, they use the latest medications that can act on the opioid receptors of the brain, but are not addictive and do not have a psychotropic effect on the body. The effect of their use for muscle pain is similar to the effect of narcotic analgesics. Painkillers with opioid effects include nalbuphine.

Other drugs for muscle pain

What to do if you have pain in the joints and muscles if you cannot take analgesics due to contraindications? No-spa relieves spasms for muscle pain. Myotropic antispasmodics have a pronounced analgesic effect: baralgetas, renalgan, spasmalgon. Diprospan is used in the form of tablets and injections for muscle pain. Reviews about the drug are good. It has a pronounced analgesic effect.

You can relieve muscle pain with other medications. Mydocalm, sirdalud, tizalud relieve tension and muscle spasms. Relieve muscle pain with MS ( multiple sclerosis) can be taken with glucocorticoid drugs – medrol, methylprednisolone. Neurologists perform pulse therapy with high doses of corticosteroids, after which not only muscle pain decreases, but other symptoms of the disease also reverse. Has an analgesic effect for muscle pain combination drugs, which include glucocorticoids and anti-inflammatory drugs.

You can relieve pain in the neck muscles with massage, rubbing with ointments that improve blood circulation in the affected area. pathological process muscle (Nicoflex). For pain in the piriformis muscle, neurologists prescribe complex treatment:

  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • massage;
  • therapeutic exercises;
  • physiotherapeutic procedures;
  • acupuncture.

If you have pain in your back muscles, call the Yusupov Hospital. The doctors at the clinic know how to treat muscle pain. Neurologists, therapists, and rehabilitation specialists work as one team. When prescribing treatment, they take into account the severity of pain, other symptoms of the disease, the patient’s age, and the presence of concomitant pathology.


Prices for services *

*The information on the site is for informational purposes only. All materials and prices posted on the site are not a public offer, defined by the provisions of Art. 437 Civil Code of the Russian Federation. For accurate information, please contact the clinic staff or visit our clinic. List of services provided paid services indicated in the price list of the Yusupov Hospital.

*The information on the site is for informational purposes only. All materials and prices posted on the site are not a public offer, defined by the provisions of Art. 437 Civil Code of the Russian Federation. For accurate information, please contact the clinic staff or visit our clinic.

Surely many of us have encountered muscle pain that comes from nowhere in one part or another of the body, which hinders movement and generally interferes with life. This is myalgia. The main cause of myalgia is muscle spasm, which pinches the nerve endings, causing pain.

Muscle pain itself cannot harm the body in any way; it is not fatal, and many people get used to living with such discomfort. But why get used to pain if you can get rid of it with the help safe means traditional medicine? But before you start treating muscle pain, you need to determine the cause that caused it.

Causes of muscle pain

Causes causing acute, severe or constant pain there can be a lot in the muscles, but I will list the main and often common ones:

  • Poor circulation;
  • Old or new soft tissue or joint injuries, bruises, sprains;
  • Numerous diseases such as sciatica, rheumatism, scoliosis, diseases thyroid gland, viral infections etc.;
  • Lack of vitamins and minerals in the body;
  • Sedentary and any other sedentary lifestyle and many others.

How to relieve muscle pain

Even severe pain Epsom salt, which consists of magnesium sulfate, will help relieve muscle pain. As you know, magnesium has properties that help remove excess liquid from soft tissues, swelling decreases, thereby the muscles quickly relax and the spasm goes away.

The dose of salt is selected individually; you can start with a small cup. IN warm water dilute a cup of Epsom salts and pour this solution into a warm bath, in which you lie for 15 - 20 minutes. Relief comes quite quickly, but such baths are contraindicated for patients diabetes mellitus and cardiovascular diseases.

In addition to the recipe described above, you can add foods rich in to your diet, since the lack of this element negatively affects muscle performance. The simplest products are pumpkin seeds and beans, and flax-seed, cashew nuts and almonds.

Muscle pain in the back, legs and soft tissues can be removed with a massage with essential oils. Muscle spasms are well eliminated by a mixture of lemongrass, marjoram and mint oils, and muscle tension and pain are relieved by a mixture of chamomile, mint, marjoram, immortelle and basil oils. But if some oil is not available, then it’s okay - you can massage it in an incomplete composition.

For massage, you need to pour 1 tablespoon of any base oil (for example, sunflower or olive) into a bowl and add 2 to 3 drops of different essential oils. You need to massage until muscle spasms are relieved.

Treatment of muscle pain with folk remedies

Some musculoskeletal pain can be relieved with red pepper. For this purpose in 100 ml of any vegetable oil add red pepper powder. Since this very hot remedy may not be suitable for everyone, the amount of powder is selected strictly individually - you can start with a quarter of a teaspoon per 100 ml of oil, stir and rub into the sore area. If the burning sensation is weak, increase the dose of pepper.

Based on a plant called horsetail, you can make a homemade ointment for pain in muscles and joints. To do this, 1 tablespoon of dry crushed horsetail herb is thoroughly mixed with 2 tablespoons of soft unsalted butter. A small amount of this ointment is applied to the painful area, rubbed in, wrapped in film, and then insulated.

This ointment normalizes blood circulation, relieves swelling, relieves muscle and rheumatoid pain. Can be used 2 – 3 times a day.

Clover officinalis has analgesic and anticonvulsant effect. An infusion is made from it to relieve muscle and joint pain. Pour 500 ml of boiling water over 4 tablespoons of dried sweet clover flowers, let it brew for half an hour, strain and drink a sip every 2-3 hours during the day.

Gum turpentine has a very powerful anti-inflammatory effect, which can be used for bruises, sprains and joint pain. Mix 1 tbsp turpentine, 1 tbsp and one chicken egg. Apply this mixture as a compress to the sore spot and insulate it.

If you have a head of fresh cabbage in your house, use it to relieve pain in muscle tissue. Tear off 1 sheet, wash it, roll it lightly with a rolling pin until the juice comes out, apply it to the sore spot, wrap it in cellophane and insulate it. Keep this compress for a couple of hours.

We take a fabric bag with coarse salt, heat it in a frying pan or in the microwave to an acceptable temperature and place it on the patient’s lower back, put a blanket on top - that is, we treat with dry heat. After cooling, remove the bag, apply iodine mesh, apply a pepper plaster and send the patient to sleep.

Paraffin has an excellent effect in treating pain in soft tissues. The recipe is this: melt the paraffin to a liquid state, apply 2 layers to the sore spot with a brush, cover with film, and insulate with something woolen. After half an hour, the paraffin can be removed.

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Muscle pain after exercise

How does muscle pain occur?

Pain that occurs in overworked muscles and lasts from 12 to 48 hours after exercise is called sore throat. It occurs due to microscopic breaks in muscle tissue. Previously it was believed that the cause of sore throat was the accumulation of lactic acid in tissues, but modern research do not support this theory.

Muscle pain is a signal from the body that it needs rest to recover.

How to prevent muscle pain

There are several ways, if you cannot avoid muscle pain after training, then make it less painful and lasting. So mandatory warm-up and stretching will help avoid injuries and reduce soreness. Alternating “heavy” and “light” exercises also helps to keep muscles toned, but at the same time strengthen them without unnecessary pain.

Surprisingly, coffee helps reduce muscle soreness. Athletes say that just two cups of coffee, drunk before training, reduce fatigue and pain several times.

Take vitamins, antioxidants, and sports-specific supplements. Renowned trainers recommend L-glutamine, L-arginine, betaine and taurine, which can also help restore muscle mass.

Eating a balanced diet can prevent unnecessary muscle soreness. When the body lacks nutrients, muscle fibers weaken and “tear” from the slightest exertion.

If you play sports, especially weight training, you should not go on diets, eat rationally, not forgetting protein-rich foods, vegetables and fruits


The easiest way to relieve pain, including muscle pain, is to take painkillers. Previously, analgesics (Analgin, Aspirin) were used for this purpose. Now medical workers, specializing in sports medicine, it is recommended to take non-steroidal drugs, such as Ibuprofen. For those who experience stomach problems from the above medications, Acetaminophen (Tylenol) helps, which, although not anti-inflammatory, has pain-relieving properties. You can also use various external products - creams and gels, which may contain menthol, capsaicin, methyl salicylate. However, you should not use painkillers on a regular basis, as the drugs can affect the ability of the muscles to heal themselves.

You should not take painkillers before training. By masking your symptoms, you may not feel a serious injury is coming.


Massage relieves muscle pain by increasing the action of neutrophils, which relieve inflammation. Massage also increases the number of mitochondria in the muscle, which increases its ability to extract oxygen. If you do not have the opportunity to use the services of a massage therapist, do self-massage, knead your muscles with your fingers, palms, and knuckles. Start massaging above and below the injured muscle, and then move directly to it. A special massage roller or massage mat will help you achieve good results; a hydromassage bath will be an excellent remedy for tired muscles.

Causes of muscle pain after exercise

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Cold and warm

Warm water will relax tense muscles and improve blood circulation. Normal blood flow to the muscles will allow them to receive more oxygen and nutrients for recovery. Ice, on the other hand, reduces blood flow, but it relieves pain and reduces inflammation. Both heat and cold relieve muscle spasms. For best results, you can alternate between cold and warm showers, gently massaging the sore muscle.

Put a few spoons baking soda in a warm bath that you can take to reduce muscle pain after exercise. It will help remove toxins from the body


After a training day, be sure to get some sleep. Sleep should take at least 8-10 hours. It is during sleep that the body produces hormones important for recovery, reducing night rest, you slow down the body’s “repair” work, preventing you from getting rid of toxins and building muscle mass.